3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2021
    1. Issuer Bank can decline the card due to multiple checks at their end. The exact reason in this case is not shared with Razorpay. Customer needs to reach out to the issuing bank.

      Issuer Banks can decline the card due to multiple checks at their end. The exact reason, in this case, is not shared with Razorpay. The customer needs to reach out to the issuing bank.

    2. The UPI collect request time period has expired. For example, in most collect requests the expiry period is 5-10 minutes within the payment has to be completed by the customer on the UPI app. If a customer fails to complete the payment during this time, the collect request is marked as expired and the payment fails.

      The UPI collect request time has expired. For example, in most collect requests, the expiry period is 5-10 minutes, within which the payment has to be completed by the customer on the UPI app. If a customer fails to complete the payment during this time, the collect request expires and the payment fails.

    3. which the authentication failed to comp

      which the authentication failed.

    4. Customer Drop-offs is a scenario where the payment has failed because of the customer. This can happen due to various reasons such as customer cancellations, incorrect CVV, insufficient funds and so on.

      This can happen due to various reasons such as customer cancellations, incorrect CVV, insufficient funds, and so on.

    5. Let's look at so

      Payments can fail for a variety of reasons. Failure analysis gives you a brief understanding of the various reasons a payment can fail. Let us look at some of the common reasons why a payment can fail.

      There are 4 main reasons for payment failure:

    1. .6.8 5 May 2021 Feature: Added events for checkout rendered at SDK for alerting purpose Feature: Passing more data in analytics to make to align it with checkout web

      we can remove this one from the table

    2. 5 Oct 202

      05 Oct 2021

  2. Sep 2021
    1. chargeback.

      dispute vs chargeback...

    2. prover


    3. a payment gateway and o

      a payment solution provider?

    4. Raise a Chargeback

      In the video, we call it dispute. should we call it dispute throughout for consistency?

      Why I used the word dispute was that customers might relate to this better than chargeback.

    5. The refund details a

      this wont be a step since there is no action, I guess..

    6. dissatisf

      or are dissatisfied..

    7. is a payment gateway

      should we say payment solution provider instead of payment gateway?

  3. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. RTGS is the continuous process of settling payments on an individual order basis without netting debits with credits across the books of a central bank.

      we can remove this line

    1. displayed here:

      Need to change the screenshot. Now more search filters are present

    2. Log into the Razorpay Dashboard.

      hyperlink only Razorpay Dashboard

    3. Note:

      Handy Tips

    4. Note:

      Handy Tips

    5. to learn more:

      know more

    6. You

      Set a closure date for the virtual account using the Close By option.

    7. ew customer on-the-fly.

      create a new customer while creating the virtual account.

    8. ote:

      Handy Tips

    9. Note:

      Handy Tips

    1. Card expiry date will

      The card expiry date

    2. The timestamp

      missing data type

    3. d used mak

      Payment method used to make the registration transaction. Possible value is card. If no value is passed, by default, card will be assumed.

    4. Frequency":"

      it should be frequency

    1. ts: payment.authorized',

      The commas should not have the code formatting applied on them. Use this code:

      payment.authorized', 'payment.failed', 'refund.created' and 'virtual_account.credited.

    1. Learn about the RazorpayX Vendor Payment app. Learn about the RazorpayX Vendor Payment Life Cycle. Learn about the Generating Invoice Reports.

      Can remove Learn about the

    2. Step 1 - You receive an invoice with a due date against it. You wish to pay the invoice exactly on the due date. Step 2 - You wish to pay all the invoices of a particular vendor in a time range at the end of the fortnight/month or payment cycles. Step 3 - You receive an invoice based on some payment terms agreed with the vendor, which mandates payment to be made exactly after x days post the invoice date.

      numbering breaking

    1. The Create Payout window is displayed.

      We can remove this.

    2. Learn about the RazorpayX Vendor Payment app. Learn about the RazorpayX Vendor Payment Life Cycle. Learn about the Generating Invoice Reports

      I think you can remove Learn about the?

    1. he unique identifier of the vitual account from which allowed_payer account details has to be deleted.

      The unique identifier of the virtual account from which the allowed_payer account details should be deleted.

    2. hat has to be deleted.

      there are two path parameters, one is the VA ID and the other is the Allowed Payer ID. Both need to be mentioned in the table.

    3. /allowed_payers/{:id}

      this should be: /virtual_accounts/{:va_id}/allowed_payers/{:id}

    4. Delete a TPV account using this API. You can delete one account at a time. Use the below endpoint to delete the required TPV account.

      Suggested change:

      Use this API to delete a TPV account. You can delete one account at a time.

    1. nt at a time.

      The <post> </post> tags are missing

    2. meters🔗

      please check it on json formatter once. I have formatted and shared the code below:

      { "type": "bank_account", "bank_account": { "ifsc": "UTIB0000013", "account_number": "914010012345679" } }

    3. "type": "bank_account", "bank_account": { "ifsc": "UTIB0000013", "account_number": "914010012345679", }

      there seems to be extra space. there should be no comma after the account number since that is the last parameter

    4. For Exampl

      For example,

    1. wordpress.

      As in the database? Or as in the platform? Slightly confusing

    2. Privileges.

      It is not clear from the previous screenshot, as to how one can reach Privileges. Do they need to select the database first?

  4. Aug 2021
    1. an Update🔗

      change this to request and response

    2. an Add-on🔗

      Change Request to Curl and make it the first tab

    3. n add-on by its un

      Change Example Response to Response

    4. Add-on by ID🔗
    5. l Add-ons🔗

      Change Example Response to Response

    6. low endpo

      Change Example Request to Request and Example Response to Response

    7. e an add-on.

      For ruby change fake_plan to test_plan and fake_desc to test_desc

    8. ices for a subscri

      Change Example Response to Response

    9. ription🔗

      Change Example Request to Request

    10. subscription.

      Change Request to Curl

    11. ing the sub_id.

      Change Request to Curl

    12. bscriptions.

      Change Example Response to Response

    13. Fetch All Subsc

      Please rename Example Request to Curl and make it the first tab.

    14. Use the below endpoint to create a new subscription link.

      Change Example Request to Curl

    15. eate a subscription.

      Change Request to Curl

    16. Parameters

      Change Request to Curl.

    17. unique identifier.

      Change Example Request and Example Response to Curl and Response

    18. fetch all plans.

      Change example response to response

    19. /pl

      For ruby, can you change the values fake_plan and fake_desc to test_plan and test_desc

    20. Create a Plan🔗

      Codes missing for other languages. Please add

    1. Yes, once this feature is enabled, it will appear in all instances of Razorpay Checkout, be it Invoices, Payment Pages or the Checkout integrated on y

      Numbering breaking here

    1. Request Para

      This Request Parameters heading should appear above the parameters table. Can you please check once?

    2. Refund🔗

      Can you change this to just Request, instead of Request for Instant Refund?

    3. Refund Payments made to a Virtual Account🔗

      You will find the sample codes for the Refund API in the GitHub repos. Please add those as well

    1. can: 1. Send them a payment receipt 2. Show them a custom message 3. Redirect them to another page

      numbering breaking

    2. nd Create🔗

      check the heading levels. in the other pages they are at h3 I think

    3. omer Details🔗

      check the heading levels. in the other pages they are at h3 I think

    4. unt Details🔗

      check the heading levels. in the other pages they are at h3 I think

    5. tton Details🔗

      check the heading levels. in the other pages they are at h3 I think

    6. nizing a ba

      change to UK spelling

  5. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. arameters🔗

      Change Request to Curl

    2. Fetch Card Det

      Change Request to Curl. Remove the Java sample code. it is incorrect. the sample code is for fetching a card details by giving card id and not payment id.

    3. endpoint retrieves payments

      Change JSON to Response

    4. Fetch Payments B

      Change Request to Curl. Ensure that all language names are in Sentence case and not caps. To maintain uniformity

    5. Fetch Multiple Pa

      Change Request to Curl

    6. Payment🔗

      Change Request to Curl

    7. Capture a Pay

      Please change Request to Curl

  6. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. etrieves the refund using the

      For ruby, I think Razorpay::Refund.fetch(refund.id) should suffice

    2. Fetch Refund

      For python it should be client.refund.fetch("<refund_id>")

    3. efunds🔗

      For the python one, use client.refund.all().

      as given here https://github.com/razorpay/razorpay-python#refunds

    4. YOUR_KE

      Change Request for Instant Refund to just Request

    5. "notes": []

      plase add a comma after the notes parameter, or the formatting breaks.

      "notes": [],

  7. Jul 2021
    1. Learn how to setup webhooks.

      Know more about... Make it open in a new tab

    2. ustomize the bu

      customise. Please check if there are any other instances of customize and replace it

    3. an embed the payment button on your website. Thi

      this is opening in a new tab

    4. Click Add

      Numbering is breaking

    5. g into th

      Add an intro line

    6. your the Dashboard to

      your Dashboard

    1. put a hyperlink button on your website. T

      This link is broken. Please check

    2. GO, learn h


    3. ent. Learn how

      Know how

    4. l name length

      Label length

    5. Add the label for the field we want to create.

      Add a label for the field.

    6. eld.


    7. n this section are optional.

      I think now contact information is a mandatory field. Please check once

    8. Dashboard

      add dashboard link

    1. Updating Stock.● Updating Expiry Date.● Clicking the Reactivate button.

      Update Stock Update Expiry Date Click the Reactivate button

    1. Publish the page and share the URL with your customer

      This explanation needs to change. We need to mention that they have to add the hyperlink button on their website. When customers click on that button, they will be redirected to the Razorpay Payment Page where they can enter the details and complete the payment.

    2. Step 5: Embed pay button on website

      This will change because UI calls it Hyperlink Pay button and not Embed Pay Button. Can you please check this once?

  8. Jun 2021
  9. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. invoice

      Payment Page here

    2. t on the premises of a shop or warehouse

      this is the general term. we should provide the Razorpay-context

  10. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Raise a request with Razorpay Support to enable international payments for your account.

      Follow these steps to enable international payments for your account.

      Add this link to the words these steps - /docs/payment-gateway/payments/international-payments/

    2. n Checkou

      on the checkout,

    3. bsite code, paste this code on the page where you want the payment button to appear.

      This image should appear before the 5th point

    4. Click Create against the embed payment button option

      Click Create next to the .... option

    5. mbed the payment but

      have to modify this with the new term

    6. embed the payment button on my we

      hyperlink button thing. we will have to modify this line

    7. One of the price fields (items) in my Payment Page is out of stock. How do I update the stock level?

      How do I update the stock level of a price field (item) in my Payment Page?

    8. I want to create a price field wherein customers can enter an amount of their choice. How do I do this?

      How do I create a price field where customers can enter an amount of their choice?

    9. I want to add a quantity counter for the price field created on the Payment Page. How do I add it?

      How do I add a quantity counter for the price field created on the Payment Page?

    10. I want a custom URL for my Payment Page. How do I go about it?

      How do I create a custom URL for my Payment Page?

    11. select

      select the

    12. with

      with the

    13. pop up

      pop-up page

    14. dropdown

      drop-down button

    15. 1MB.

      should also add the supported file types

    1. ot have to create multiple Payment Pages. You can fix and pre-populate the amount you want each customer to pay.

      this should not have code formatting. check once

    2. ird, Gaurav Kumar pays SGD 199 - Saurav Kumar pays SGD 299 - Last minute registrant, Bhairav Kumar pays SGD 399

      this is breaking. check the tab space once

    3. Razorpay

      remove Razorpay

    4. Let's a

      Let us

    5. Let's

      Let us

    1. rm the act

      In the screenshot, the wrong field is being highlighted. need to either edit this screenshot or capture a new one

    2. -

      try to use round bullet symbols.

    1. Authorized Signatory

      Signature of the Authorised Signatory

    2. Payment Receipt.

      I think this issue is throughout the page. Can we please change this to lower case, payment receipt, throughout this page

    3. modal

      pop-up page

    4. Issue 80-G Receipts opti

      Show 80G Details

    5. Payment Page receipt.

      payment receipt

    6. dropdown


    7. ou can show an input field such as Name, Address and its associated value on the Receipt. To do th

      To show an input field such as Name, Address and its associated value on the receipt:

    1. The unique identifier of the webhook details of which are to be deleted.

      The unique identifier of the webhook whose details should be deleted.

    2. Web

      small case

    3. https://www.linkedin.com
    4. Web

      small case

    5. ebhook in a deactiv

      webhook has been deactivated

    6. ook in an activa

      webhook is in active state

    7. webhook_url mandatory

      is it url or webhook_url?

    8. disabled_at": 0,

      parameter not documented

    9. "context": [],

      this parameter has not been documented

    10. ok Entity🔗

      the entity should also contain these parameters:

      { "wk_id": "HK890egfiItP3H", "created_at": 1623060358, "updated_at": 1623060358, "service": "beta-api-test", "owner_id": "H3kYHQ635sBwXG", "owner_type": "merchant", "context": [], "disabled_at": 0, "url": "https://en1mwkqo5ioct.x.pipedream.net", "alert_email": "gaurav.kumar@example.com", "secret_exists": true, "entity": "webhook", "active": true, "events": [ "payment.authorized", "payment.failed", "payment.captured", "payment.dispute.created", "refund.failed", "refund.created" ] }

    11. than t

      then the

    12. arameters🔗

      remove the mandatory and optional tags from the response parameters

    13. mandatory

      remove the mandatory and optional tags from the response parameters

    14. "wk

      this should appear alongside the path parameter.

    15. url

      id parameter is missing in the sample code