3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. Emandate

      Can you also add links to these please? In the mobile view, the left nav wont be visible so it is best to hyperlink these words as well

    1. Ban

      while the additional column issue is fixed. there is an additional row that is overlapping.

      this code will fix the issue:

      <table> Supported Issuers | Supported Card Networks --- <br>• Kotak Mahindra Bank <br>• SBI <br>• HDFC <br>• Axis <br>• Standard Chartered Bank | Visa </table>
  2. Mar 2021
    1. AFA is mandatory

      AFA is mandatory for registering mandates on cards. The maximum limit for registering mandates has been capped at Rs. 5,000. You can refer to the relevant RBI circular.

    2. an OTP wi

      or card PIN. check google and change

    1. However, embedding the badge on your website may need some small changes at your end.


    2. or use on the webs

      Will be soon available on website and app

    3. use.

      However, you will be notified and taken explicit approval from before moving to a paid plan.

    4. and your website and app


    5. ns.

      Join the Waitlist Maintain low level disputes Get enrolled into the program and build trust and boost conversions

    6. Enable the Trusted Badge option on the Razorpay Dashboard.


    7. You can embed it on your website or app.

      to remove

    1. credits, Amount Credits and Fee Credits

      You can view information on the Amount Credits and Fee Credits available to you.

    1. ording to your settlement cycle.

      We can add a point that in both modes, entries cannot be deleted. That is payment links, payment pages once created cannot be deleted. They can be cancelled or deactivated only?

    1. board

      Transfer funds to linked accounts

      Reverse and refund funds

    2. Page


    3. offers

      Offers. Since it is a feature

    4. d on Hold

      Settlement placed on hold to be made small case

    5. Use the Razorpay Dashboard to perform various actions. A many of these actions you can also perform using the APIs. The Razorpay Dashboard also offers a number of reports and analytics to understand your business and customer behavior. It displays the recent activities and useful information about recent payments, settlements and refunds. Know more about the Razorpay Dashboard Home Page.

      The Razorpay Dashboard displays useful information about recent payments, settlements and refunds. It offers a number of reports to understand your business and analytics to study customer behaviour. Also, you can use the Razorpay products listed on the Dashboard to accept and route payments. Know more about the Razorpay Dashboard Home Page.

    1. ign up

      Sign up for a Razorpay account to get started with a Razorpay payment solution. Need to add a link to sign up instructions

    2. owerful APIs.

      Route is available on Dashboard as well. We can probably add a link to the Route Dashboard doc

    3. Early Settlements

      This is not for accepting payments. Maybe add under a different heading?

    4. Instant Refund

      This is not for accepting payments

    5. Razorpay Payments provides a number of solutions to help you accept payments.

      Razorpay provides a number of solutions to help you accept payments.

    1. Server integrations

      Server Integrations

      The links are throwing 404 errors as the word index is present in the hyperlink. Please remove the word to fix

    2. Razorpay Dashboard.

      We have linked the dashboard already in the second point. We can skip linking here

    3. Select an integration method.

      spacing issue

    1. clicking the PAY WITH RAZORPAY

      clicking the PAY WITH RAZORPAY button.

    2. heckout form works.

      This is showing the old Checkout screen. We need to retake the GIF to display the latest version of Checkout.

    1. rce Plugins#

      List is missing Gravity Forms

    2. Standard Checkout Integration

      We should add a line about it. And mention that for website developed using platforms such as WordPress, Magento, etc., you can use our plugins and add a link to the plugin list

    3. t getting started

      link leads to 404. should remove the word index from the link to make it work

    4. If you are unsure about integrating with Razorpay Gateway, you can check our Payment Buttons where you can embed a Razorpay Payment Button by adding a couple of lines of code.

      If you are unsure about integrating with Razorpay Gateway, you can use Payment Buttons. Using this you can embed a Payment Button on your website by adding a couple of lines of code.

    5. Payment Buttons.

      The product is Payment Button. This link has payment-buttons, which is leading to a 404

    1. With a RazorpayX Current Account you can do the following with ease:- Manage receivables and payables in one place- Get instant loans without collaterals- Automate your vendor & tax payments- Get in-depth reporting into cash flow tr

      need to fix the bullets

    2. analyzes


    3. providing creating offers

      by creating offers

    4. Early Settlements.
  3. Feb 2021
    1. 24/7 email and chat-based support to help you in your every step.

      this seems odd under a heading on pricing

    2. ore about Working Capital Loans.
    3. t Cash Advance.

      we do have Capital docs. Link https://razorpay.com/docs/capital/

    4. PT

      should we expand PT? to professional tax?

    5. TDS.

      TDS payment would be handled by Tax Payments right? I might be wrong

    6. Payment Links.

      this should be payout links

    7. - Manage receivables and payables in one place- Get instant loans without collaterals- Automate your vendor & tax payments- Get in-depth reporting into cash flow trends.

      this is to be a bulleted list?

    8. merchants to

      can't use merchants. SHK has told us to avoid using the term merchants in documents. Needs to be you

    9. RazorpayX is another Razorpay product that you can use to make payouts.

      Should we add X here since it is part of the banking hub?

    1. ved. You will receive a notification

      account ticket is created. you can track the ticket.

    2. sfer: Netbanking#

      New page called Source Account Validation for Virtual Accounts

    3. as soon as you sign up and start making payouts immediately.

      only from the verified KYC account. You can add upto 5 accounts for fund loading on the Razorpay X Dashboard.

  4. Jan 2021
    1. }

      there is an extra curly bracket. also the last curly bracket needs to be closed with a single quote

    2. Request Parameters#

      The sample code is breaking when checked in jsonformatter. there is an extra { bracket.

      also, after the final bracket, a single quote is to be added.

    3. The type of operating system.

      Android app details?

    4. The type of operating system.

      iOS app details?

    5. ect: O

      colon to be removed

    6. name

      legal_business_name? Code has this parameter mentioned

    7. name

      legal_business_name? Code has this parameter mentioned

    8. object: Op

      this is breaing here. Colon should not appear

    1. curl -u <YOUR

      needs formatting fixes

    2. chars


    3. curl -u <YOUR_KEY_ID>:<YOUR_KEY_SECRET> \ - X POST https://api.razorpay.com/v1/accounts/acc_GP4lfNA0iIMn5B/documents \ { "business_proof_of_identification": [ { "type": "shop_establishment_certificate", "file_id": "file_GMh9oIJuoCcjdT" }, { "type": "aadhar_back", "file_id": "file_GMh9oIJuoCcjdT" } ] }

      some formatting fixes needed:

      curl -u <KEY_ID>:<KEY_SECRET> \ -X POST https://api.razorpay.com/v1/accounts/acc_GP4lfNA0iIMn5B/documents \ -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "business_proof_of_identification": [ { "type": "shop_establishment_certificate", "file_id": "file_GMh9oIJuoCcjdT" }, { "type": "aadhar_back", "file_id": "file_GMh9oIJuoCcjdT" } ] }'


      should show these in the sample code too

    5. AZORPAY-ACCOUNT VALUE: The account id for which yo

      should show these in the sample code too


      we should mention these in the request sample code too

    7. { "purpose": "trademark_logo", "file": "<uploaded file>" }

      sample code is not formatted correctly:

      curl -u <YOUR_KEY_ID>:<YOUR_KEY_SECRET> \

    8. object


    9. 1997-03-13.

      is the hyphen necessary? Then the format is YYYY-MM-DD and not YYYYMMDD

    10. Vo

      small case v

    11. :

      sample code is breaking here

    12. You can use the Upload Documents APIs to upload valid documents as a part of the KYC verification process to activate one or more products.


    1. Path Parame

      There is an extra curl bracket at the beginning of the code

    2. percentage. The maximum value is 100.

      how is this handled in case the percentage is something like 34.52?

      integer type will support?

    3. rs# name mandatory

      the sample code is missing the single quote that is used to close a curl request

    4. The default to false.

      The default value is false or This defaults to false?

    5. : This attribute is set to true if the stakeholder is an executi

      this is breaking

    6. : This attribute is set to true if the stakeholder is a director of the account's legal entity.

      this is breaking

    7. The default to

      The default is false?

    8. maximum length i

      is there a min length? In customers API, the min length of a customer's name is 3 characters. does the same apply here as well?

    1. by providing the account id

      we can remove this? we are not mentioning this in the other API tables.

    2. by providing the account id

      we can remove this? we are not mentioning this in the other API tables.

  5. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. } }

      missing ' to close

    2. he percent owned by the stakeholder of the account’s legal entity.

      suppose the percent is 33.33, then how will it be shown in the request? 3333?

    3. curl -u <K

      The sample code should appear along side the path parameter. need to move it up.

    4. } }

      the closing ' is missing

    5. This is required if residential

      we have not mentioned the residential parameter in the table.

    6. stakeholder's

      establish the...

    7. relationship to the a

      relationship with

    8. This ID is used to fetch or update a stakeholder.

      this should be removed

    9. Contains user-defined fields, stored by the partner for reference purposes.

      Key-value pair used to store additional information about the entity. It can hold a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”

    10. relationship to the account’s

      relationship with the...

    11. The maximum value is 255 characters.

      Is there a minimum? For customers API, the min length is 3 characters. Is there any such min length for stakeholder name?

    12. ``stakeholder_id`

      remove the extra quotation mark

    13. ing APIs

      full stop

    14. account_id

      account_id within quotes

  6. Nov 2020
    1. Business Errors#

      we can remove the source columns in both. i guess it will still look bad.

    1. The point of failure in the specific operation. For example, beneficiary_bank.

      business or internal?

    1. The point of failure in the specific operation. For example, beneficiary_bank.

      business or internal?

    1. The point of failure in the specific operation. For example, beneficiary_bank.

      Is source not business or internal?

  7. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. How do I track the payments made by customers? When will the amount be settled to my account? You can view the payments as and when they are made in the Transactions Details View of the Subscription Button. You will receive the payments in your bank account as per the settlement cycle. By default, this is T+2 for domestic payments and T+7 for international payments.

      Numbering is broken in this section. please check

    2. subscription button


    3. Payment

      Subscription Button

    4. reports


    5. feature

      To access Subscriptions Buttons feature, you must:

      • Ensure the Subscriptions product is available for your account.
      • Raise a request with support team to enable Subscriptions Button.
    1. Scroll down to view the Recurring

      Need a leading line before the steps

    2. Click the subscription button. The button details view appears.

      Need a leading line before the steps

    1. View Subscriptions and One-time Payments.

      lowercase and Camel Case please

    2. Customer Interaction#

      please capture gifs without your personal information

    3. Step 5: Review and C

      this will become step 4

    4. attendee


    5. Step 3: One-Time Payments

      merchant can either add recurring or one-time payment plan right? so both are sub-steps of step 2. step 3 is customer details

    6. You can add a maximum of 5 Plans.

      one subscription button can contain 5 plans?

    7. Billing Frequency Billing Amount

      we should add explanation for these

    8. Step 2: Recurring Plans#

      Create Recurring or One-Time Payment Plan

    9. Complete the below Creation steps.

      Configure the following to create the button:

      • button details
      • recurring or one-time payment plans
      • customer details
      • review and create
    10. on

      in live mode

    11. Suppose you are an Internet Service Provider who wants to increase subscriptions with various Recurring Plans. You can embed the Subscription Button on your site for increasing subscriptions.

      Suppose you are an Internet Service Provider who wants to provide subscription plans to your customers. You can use the Subscription Button on your site to accept recurring payments based on plans.

    1. Small News websites and content streaming websites are adopting a B2C monetization model. They can collect recurring transactions.

      Small news websites and content streaming websites can use this to accept recurring payments from their patrons.

    2. etc

      Freelancers, consultants and so on. They can use this to accept recurring payments.

    3. Support or Contribute

      Different heading?

    4. ccept recur

      and accepts

    5. Supports an alternative one-time payments.

      do we need this point?

    6. Attracts more customers. Decreases late or missed payments. Increases customer retention.

      not clear on how these benefits are availed.

  8. Oct 2020
    1. t any UPI apps, when you

      The short animation below shows how the UPI Payment Link works when customer attempts payment using a device which does not have UPI apps installed on it.

    2. The short animation below shows how the UPI Payment Link works when you attempt a payment.

      The short animation below shows how the UPI Payment Link works when customer attempts payment using a device which has UPI apps installed on it.

    3. Customer-side Interaction#

      The customer-side interaction differs when:

      • UPI Apps are present on the customer's device
      • UPI Apps are not present on the customer's device
    4. ormation, such as card details, netbanking login details, etc.

      Your customer does not require to remember sensitive information, such as card details, netbanking login details, and so on.

    1. nvoice Report Field section for details.

      there is no invoice report field section on the linked page

    2. All your team members are listed here.

      Listed where?This is not clear

    3. Fill out the Activ

      Need to add screenshots

    1. ur Knowledgebase.

      Is the product name Vendor Payments or Vendor Payouts? The knowledge base heading is Vendor Payouts, while this doc is titled Vendor Payments.

    2. find a list a Frequently Asked Question

      find a list of frequently asked questions

    3. let's say you

      avoid contractions

    4. id.

      There is a blank row below this one.

    5. Select the Include Invoice Files option to include uploaded the invoice file in the report.

      This sentence is not clear

    6. a Fund ac

      Select a fund account...

    7. Upload an invoice

      Upload the invoice

    8. Your vendors send you an invoice that you have to pay.

      Your vendor sends you an invoice that is pending payment.

    9. The Vendor Payments App allows you to automate the process of making payments to your vendors. All you have to do is upload an invoice on the RazorpayX Dashboard, add the vendor details and create the payout as per your business requirements.


      The Vendor Payments App allows you to automate the process of making payments to your vendors in three simple steps:

      1. Upload an invoice on the RazorpayX Dashboard.
      2. Add the vendor details.
      3. Create the payout as per your business requirements.
    1. Standard Payment Links UPI Payment Links

      These links do not work at present. Where should these take me?

    1. contracts

      API contracts? This is the first instance of the word contact. We need to explain it to merchants? Developers might understand contract. But merchants?

    2. Payment Links - Legacy:

      missing < br >

    3. Payment Links:

      missing < br >

    4. App Version

      When we say App it is not entirely clear what we are refering to. Because, in the intro we have not mentioned an app anywhere. I am assuming we mean the Payment Link product by the app.

    5. There is no need to integration our checkout.

      There is no need to integrate our checkout. - Also, is this line needed?

    1. he following columns:

      As per the new TW guidelines, we should also be showing a screenshot of the report.