3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. ans that each field in your form should have 250 characters or less character limit. Additionally, the titles for each field should be 20 characters or less, and the values for each field should be

      bullet this

    2. eld 1: Title - "Order ID", Value - "12345" Field 2: Title - "Customer Name", Value - "Gaurav" Field 3: Title - "Product", Value - "Red T-Shirt" Field 4: Title - "Price", Value - "$19.99" Field 5

      tabulate this

    3. Let's

      Let us

    4. HDFC Org Busine

      HDFC Org Business Limitations

    5. This means that each field and disclaimer in your form should have a character limit of 250 characters or less. Additionally, the titles for each field should be 20 characters or less, and the values for e

      bullet these

    6. Field 1: Title - "Name", Value - "Gaurav" Field 2: Title - "Email", Value - "gaurav@example.com" Field 3: Title - "Message", Value - "Match items received" Field 4: Dis

      can you put this in a table

    7. you're

      you are

    8. doesn't

      no contractions as per TW guidelines. Use does not

    9. }

      In the screenshots, can you use the red highlight box to differentiate the custom fields. currently it is not immediately understandable

    10. rzp_live_ILgsfZCZoFIKMb

      Replace this key with <YOUR_KEY_ID> across the sample codes

    11. virtual accoun

      we cannot use the term virtual account. check with PM and see if we can replace it with customer identifier. that is the term we are using across smart collect docs

    12. Plain


    13. }

      add a screenshot for each customisation section so that users can relate better

    14. no


    15. e.g.,

      replace e.g. with for example. As per TW guidelines.

    16. Adding additional Notes/Fields Customising Default Notes/Fields Adding New Disclaimers Customising Virtual Account Expiry

      make this an ordered list

    17. The following fields can be customised on the challan using checkout's config options:

      You can add the following custom fields and disclaimers to your challan using Checkout parameters.

    18. h Razorpay Custom Checkout.

      Integrate with Razorpay Standard Checkout

    19. You can now accept customer payments via offline bank transfers using the challan on Razorpay Custom Checkout.

      You can customise the challan generated for bank transfers and add custom fields and disclaimers. You can do this by passing specific parameters to the Razorpay Checkout code.

    20. Integrate challan bank transfer as a payment method on Razorpay Custom Checkout.

      Customise the Challan created for bank transfer payments. Add custom fields and disclaimers as per your business needs.

    1. e bank will request Razorpay

      The bank requests Razorpay to...

    2. pdf


    3. The customers would use Razorpay checkout to download challan copy and walk into the nearest bank branch to make the payment.

      Customers can select Bank Transfer as the payment method on Razorpay Checkout and generate a challan containing your bank account details. They can then go to their bank branch and make the payment by depositing the challan.

    4. challan

      challan generated

    5. Offer Challan on Bank Transfer as a payment method to customers on Razorpay Checkout.

      Let customers make offline bank payments using challans generated on Razorpay Checkout.

  2. Apr 2023
  3. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. 2.1 Customer has an existing VPA with Partner Bank 2.2 Customer does not have an existing VPA with Partner Bank 2.3 Customer has neither set UPI PIN nor set the VPA

      these bookmarks are not working

    2. ispute resolution and refund handling.

      I think this we need to explain better - give an example.

      In case of payment failure or refunds, the customer need not reach out to third-party apps seeking clarifications. They can get all the information from your app.

    3. ent.

      This helps increase payments success rates and improves customer experience. << Add these lines.

    4. ers. With UPI, customers ca

      we need to bring out the TPV angle. that is currently missing

    5. They offer UPI as a payment option.

      I think we can remove this use case. not very detailed. let us have only 4

    6. With every innovation, go live on Turbo,

      this needs to be rewritten

    7. o the UPI application,

      give example such as Credit Card on UPI

    1. flow

      mode parameter is missing

    2. ayment method used by the customer on Checko

      the method will be upi only here. Please remove the others

    3. This function can be called from anywhere in the application, providing multiple entry points for customers to link their UPI account with your app.

      this sentence is present in one of the previous points. looks repetitive.

    4. "currency":"INR", "amount":"700", "email":"gaurav.kumar@example.com", "contact":"9999999999", "method":"upi", "upi": [ "mode":"in_app", "flow":"intent" ], "order_id":"order_L2MUBUOeFItcpU",//optional "customer_id":"cust_KQlMczYKcDIqmB"//optio

      we should add a request parameters table describing all these parameters. otherwise right now developer does not know where to get order_id or customer_id from

  4. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. (UPI as

      (UPI) , the ending bracket is missing.

      Do we need to add this?

    2. dd SBI (Netbanking) as a paym

      ICICI ?

    3. You can add banks as payment providers on the Razorpay Dashboard. Each bank has its own unique set of requirements. To add banks as payment providers, you only need to provide those details on the Razorpay Dashboard. Given below are banks that are supported by Razorpay Optimizer and the steps to add them as a payment provider.


      You can add banks as payment providers on the Razorpay Dashboard. You need to provide specific details as each bank has its own unique set of requirements. Below are the banks supported by Razorpay Optimizer and the steps to add them as payment providers.

    1. "currency":"INR", "amount":"700", "email":"gaurav.kumar@example.com", "contact":"9999999999", "method":"upi", "upi": [ "mode":"in_app", "flow":"intent" ], "order_id":"order_L2MUBUOeFItcpU",//optional "customer_id":"cust_KQlMczYKcDIqmB"//optiona

      need to add a request parameter table, as mentioned on the headless page

    1. Giropay is available on Standard Checkout. This feature will soon be available on Custom and S2S Integrations.

      Please update this section with the links to the custom and s2s pages. Also here you can mention that for Standard checkout no additional integration is needed

    1. Rs. 2100 (350/month)

      for all three amounts please use INR or rupee symbol instead of Rs. For standardisation.

    1. Currently, this would not be applicable in India for domestic payments as RBI mandates OTP-based authentication. For international payments, this flow is viable.

      we should hide this for Malaysia

    2. Challenged

      Challenge flow.

    3. Integrating SDK and routing them as app-based payments will help you provide a better customer experience and higher success rates for international/cross-border payments.

      Integrating the SDK and routing them as app-based payments helps you provide a better customer experience and higher success rates for international/cross-border payments.

    4. ation Flow: This flow
    5. Challenged


  5. Mar 2023
    1. My Account

      Account & Settings

    2. Manage fee bearer model. Enable international payments.


    3. Enable flash checkout.


    4. d Badge Add Trusted Badge to Checkout.


    5. Update limit per international transaction.


    1. on

      Click Pre-close withdrawal

    2. into

      in to

    3. erest.

      can we add a line saying you can prevent this by setting a reminder or something? or does x send auto-reminders for this?

    4. as

      why is the withdrawal already having partially repaid state already?

    5. k See complete EMI sched

      the option is not visible in the screenshot

    6. op-up:

      pop-up page

    7. into

      in to

    1. status

      what happens when the merchant does not make the payment at all?

    2. partially repaid

      is it hyphenated?

    3. ith ⓘ

      can we add a screenshot?

    4. talment outstanding as of due date) x (Delayed interest%)

      can we add an example calculation with say 50,000 as the loan amount and the resulting interest charges?

    5. e EMI due on t

      when repaying the EMI on the due date?

    6. e Date. Pre-EMI. Delayed Interest.

      we do not need full stops here

    7. can

      and show the sanctioned limit

    8. f your bank account statement. Upload bank account stat

      bank account statements need to be uploaded twice or one of these two approaches should be taken?

    9. En

      this should be numbered as well

    10. the OTP to sent t

      Enter your mobile number and complete the OTP verification process.

    11. ck for the sufficient bal

      this is not sitting right.

      can we try rewriting this?

    12. You

      on the 5th of every month

    1. Response

      separate code block

    2. arameters


    3. ameters


    4. Response

      separate code block

    5. Response

      separate code block

    6. Response

      separate code block

    7. Response

      separate code block

    8. Respons

      separate code block

    9. Error Resp

      add failure code sample

    10. &status

      please add failure response sample code as well. success and failure responses should be in separate code blocks

    11. Response

      separate block

    12. Error Response Parameters Given bel

      this should appear before the idempotency section?

    13. Response

      need a separate code block

    14. dd funds to t

      link for adding funds?

    15. ues

      need a separate block for response - success and failure

    16. notes

      add code formatting

    17. linked_account_notes

      this can be in code formatting

    18. ess than the

      less than or equal to?

    19. You can also add funds

      is there a link we can give here on how to add funds?

    20. rders

      Please create a separate block for responses - both success and failure should appear in that block

    1. Error Response Parameters

      these seem to be error parameters for the Orders API and not the Subsequent Payments API. Please check once.

    1. Manual Checkout with Handler Functions (JavaScript)

      Handler Function (JS) Checkout Code

    2. Callback URL (JavaScript)

      Callback URL (JS) Checkout Code

    3. Create a file, for ex

      Create a copy and use the currency MYR

    1. Manual Checkout with Handl

      Change to

      Handler Function (JS) Checkout Code

    2. Callback URL (JavaScript)

      change the title to

      Callback URL (JavaScript) Checkout Code

    3. INR

      create a copy and change the currency to MYR

    1. Manual Checkout with Callback URL (JavaScript)

      Callback URL (JS) Checkout Code

    2. Manual Checkout with Handler Functions (JavaScript)

      Handler Function (JS) Checkout Code

    1. payment link

      Payment Link

    2. payment link

      Payment Link

    3. payment link.

      Payment Link

    4. payment link details

      Payment Link

    5. Fetch Specific Payment Links by ID


    6. ID.


    7. payment link

      Payment Link

    8. payment links.

      Payment Links

    9. Create a payment link by providing basic details such as amount, expiry date, reference id, description, customer details and so on. Retrieve information about payment links. Send or resend notifications to your customers. Edit the existing payment link details. Cancel a payment link.

      Payment Link