3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
  2. Feb 2023
    1. Razorpay has introduced a new feature that eliminates the need for customers to provide their card's CVV, resulting in a hassle-free payment experience.

      With Razorpay's CVV-less card payments feature, your customers no longer need to provide their card CVV, thus resulting in a hassle-free payment experience.

    2. CVV Les


    3. VV le


    4. tokenized


    5. tokenize


    6. Tokenization


    7. enization?


    8. tokenized


    9. CVV less


    10. tokenized


    11. will need CVV-

      will need to send? something missing here

    12. tokenized


    13. This will reduce the risk of failed payments and ensuring higher success rates.

      This reduces the risk of failed payments and ensures higher success rates.

    14. tokenized


    15. don't ha

      do not

    1. ow to edit the review workflow conditions.

      link not working

    2. S


    3. ou will be redirected to the COD Review Workflow field in the Settings section.

      This redirects you to the COD Review Workflow field in the Settings section.

    4. You can automate the actions; approve, hold or cancel the COD orders based on the RTO risk level. This will reduce the time needed to review each COD order and take appropriate actions.

      Same suggestion as in the previous links

    1. to edit the review workflow conditions.

      link is not working.

    2. Sett


    3. You will be redirected to the COD Review Workflow field in the Settings section.

      This redirects you to the COD Review Workflow field in the Settings section.

    4. Enter your Store ID in the Store ID field and

      Enter your Store ID and click Next.

    5. You can automate the actions; approve, hold or cancel the COD orders based on the RTO risk level. This will reduce the time needed to review each COD order and take appropriate actions.

      Same suggestion as on the main page

    1. You will be redirected to the COD Review Workflow field in the Settings section.

      This redirects you to the COD Review Workflow field in the Settings section.

    2. on the

      click the cancel icon

    3. Remove COD Review Workflow

      Remove a Workflow?

      Just to bring in uniformity in section headings.

    4. Click Edit. You can edit the conditions based on your requirement.

      Click Edit to modify the conditions based on your requirement.

    5. How it Works

      Should we call it Add a Workflow? or Create a Workflow?

    6. Se


    7. Log

      Add an intro sentence

    8. You can automate the actions; approve, hold or cancel the COD orders based on the RTO risk level. This will reduce the time needed to review each COD order and take appropriate actions.


      Reviewing and acting upon COD orders manually can be time consuming. With the automation feature, you can configure workflows to approve, hold or cancel COD orders based on the RTO risk levels.

    1. &


    2. f 8 top banks

      list of banks not to be added?

    3. ,


    4. Delink: Remove a selected UpiAccount from the application.

      instead of handy tips, we can add this to the main line itself.

      Let your customers delink, that is, remove a selected UPI account from your application.

    5. test@razorpay.com",

      change this to gaurav.kumar@example.com

    6. sims


    7. sim


    8. sims


    9. sim


    10. Users’s

      In some places we have used customers and in some users. we should use a uniform term throughout...except for the code part,

    11. Conditions for SELECT_SIM

      Conditions for SELECT_SIM action

    12. - pay - collect

      replace hyphens with bullets

    13. - debit - credit

      replace hyphens with bullets

    14. Unique


    15. riggers when

      Triggered when

    16. Triggers

      Triggered when

    17. popularBanks - allBanks

      replace hyphens with bullets

    18. This can be used by merchants to show a dialog directing users to navigate & enable it from app settings.

      You can use this to show a dialog directing users to navigate and enable it from app settings.

    19. i.e, User

      That is, the user has not registered. You should start user registration.

    20. ubmit details
      1. Pass the vpa and payload objects as shown in the code below:
    21. tomer.

      error code is incorrect

    22. n status.

      error message is incorrect. please check

    23. TurboUPI


    24. the cur

      link not working

    25. K(dep

      SDK (depending...)

    1. If Approval Workflow is enabled, then to create a Payout Link:

      Given below is the Payout Link creation flow when Approval Workflow is enabled.

    2. easily

      filter out the Payout Links and transactions based on their status.

    3. over the Payout Link row and access the copy, resend and cancel Payout Link options.

      this should be indented to appear as part of the cancel, resend point

    4. ut Link.

      pls reduce the width of this image.

    5. dd more details.

      we can mention what these additional details are - internal notes and reference id...

    6. The account from which the money must be debited. The Contact to whom you

      Can we please add a couple of screenshots here?

    1. e dashboard o


    2. Create a QR Codes Search a QR Codes Close a QR Codes

      Create a QR Code Search a QR Code Close a QR Code

    1. yload in J

      same, goes to orders

    2. ent occurs.

      give a X link. the current link directs to orders

    3. pay Webhooks to con

      link directs to Payments steps. should take us to X steps

    4. analyze


    5. fetch payout API

      Fetch Payout API

    1. use the below API request for initiating a payment using the network token.

      use the below API request for initiating a payment using the network token.

    2. Razorpay has introduced an end-to-end RBI-compliant solution,

      rewrite this.

    3. Request

      we need to add request and response parameter table

    4. ment to route via a net

      If you want the payment to route...

    5. for ex:

      For example,

    6. Use this API to make the payment when a customer initiates a subsequent payment using the saved card.

      Add a section heading

    7. ncase you want th

      can you add a section heading for this

    8. Error

      Need an error response section

    9. response

      Move Success and Error Response sample codes below the Request sample code

    10. Reques

      move sample code above the parameter table

    11. optional

      pls remove

    12. - The token is not activated for any one of the token service providers. -

      we should use sub-bullets...

    13. -

      replace - with :

    14. service_provider_tokens

      use code highlighting

    1. Click Next.

      Missing numbering. please check

    2. Once you create an offer, you cannot edit the offer. To make changes, disable the previous offer and create a new one.

      You cannot edit an offer. To make changes, disable the previous offer and create a new one.

    3. You can create offers from the Razorpay Dashboard to promote your business. You can control offers at a granular level by configuring the payment methods permitted for the Offer, limiting the number of times the Offer can be availed and so on.

      You can create offers from the Razorpay Dashboard to promote your business. Some of the ways you can control offers at a granular level are: - Configuring the payment methods permitted for the offer. - Limiting the number of times the offer can be availed.

    1. t Shopify Payments Report in th

      these are 3 instructions in one point. can we further break them down into sub-points perhaps?

    2. rt to export the da

      Please highlight Export in the screenshot

    1. . Account number Account type IFSC Beneficiary name

      these should be not sub-numbers right?

    2. 1. Linked Account name Contact number

      something going wrong here

    3. After added, the Linked Account gets activated immediately and funds can be transferred right away. However, it takes 2 working days for Linked Account settlements, irrespective of your settlement schedule.

      After being added, the Linked Account gets activated immediately and funds can be transferred right away. However, it takes 2 working days for Linked Account settlements, irrespective of your settlement schedule.

    1. How Smart Collect Works | Customer Identifier States | Auto Third Party Validation (TPV) on Smart Collect | Smart Collect APIs | Subscribe to Webhooks

      lets have as bulleted list?

    2. With Smart Collect, generate on-demand customer identifiers and UPI IDs to receive NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, and UPI payments. Linked to registered bank account. Easil

      something is off here

  3. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. ut the supported payment methods.

      I think we can remove the link from here and maybe add in the related info section?

    1. Payment Errors

      We should perhaps change this to Payment Method-wise errors?

    1. provided is invalid.

      there can be one more error where the downtime id provided by merchant is incorrect. can you please check with the integrations team member once?

  4. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. .

      lets try to work around this. the full stop should not appear in the next line like this. maybe rewrite the solution?

    2. .

      can we do something about this full stop?

    3. authorized


    4. authorized


  5. Jan 2023
    1. customer's

      Fetch VPA List

    2. methods

      remove methods.

    3. , creating seamless payment flows.


    4. deregister


    5. method


    6. Provide your customers a seamless, 2-step UPI payment experience by integ

      Change to Steps to integrate UPI Turbo with your app.

    7. merchants


    8. current state parameters values.

      please check link.

      remove s from parameters

    9. paymentError

      should be in code highlighting

    10. paymentSuccess

      should be in code highlighting

    11. Fetch Balance

      make h4

    12. Non-Transactio

      make h3

    13. Pin


    14. to the

      full stop. Also, next function missing

    15. Sim


      add full stop

    16. & enable it from app settings

      and enable it from app settings.

    17. n

      full stop

    18. i.e,

      replace i.e. with that is

    19. ters Values

      Parameter Values

    20. Turbo Headless Integration and Payment

      make this h2

    21. azorpay's UPI Turbo-in-app SDK

      Razorpay UPI Turbo

    22. Custom Checkout Integration

      Integration Steps

    1. ntegration

      You need to add a prerequisites section and mention that the merchant needs to import these frameworks for Turbo UPI support: * Razorpay Turbo Framework: UI / Headless * Bank (Axis/ AxisOlive) Framework * NPCI Common Framework

    2. Turbo Plugin SDK

      Rename this to UPI Turbo

      Give a gist of what UPI turbo is. Create a separate page for UPI Turbo under Payment Methods and link it here.

      Under the headless and UI integration sections, add an intro paragraph.

      in the code samples, change the mobile number to 9900099000

    1. the fun

      The funds

    2. of tangible products, the Import/Expo

      above we are mentioning only digital goods and services. therefore this point is incorrect. please recheck

    3. quired.

      Remove full stop

    4. Enter the 10-digit Importer Exporter Code(IEC) and cl

      Add screenshots

    5. e Code

      full stop missing

    6. foreign businesses with goods and services that can accept payments using these solutions are:

      You should be selling either of these to customers:

    7. EUr

      please recheck this

    8. XYZJDH

      we need to replace this with the correct value

    9. INR

      not sure if INR should be here. can you please recheck?

    10. International


    11. Advantages for the Customers

      For Customers

    12. This significantly improves the customer experience by allowing Indian buyers to pay directly to International Businesses.

      we can remove this line

    13. bank accounts of International businesses

      your bank accounts in your local currency.