- Nov 2018
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
The latest technology and the most popular pedagogy of the day cannot be effective unless individual learner needs drive the educative process. When considering styles of teaching and learning, the central question for all educators is what should drive the process of learning – the preferences of the teacher or the needs of individual learners.
Rating: 8/10
From a pedagogical standpoint, the Internet is an interactive communications medium that can be used to encourage active, meaningful, and authentic learning (Romig, 1998). In the face of this unlimited resource, traditional, teacher-centered instruction has become pedagogically limiting in comparison to any variety of technology-based classroom activities, because active learning tools promoting active learning are built into technology-based instruction.
This article explores the technology use in learning contexts that favor teacher-centered & student-centered approaches, it also presents the evidence supporting a move towards technology-based, student-centered learning environments.
Rating: 8/10
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com35871511
Guiding adults is not easy and requires leaders to adopt a positive strengths-based approach in the way they interact with others. Biech (2007) states that a good leadercan take staff on their ownpersonal journey by establishing relationships with them, having a vision for the changes that need to be made, trusting others, and being trusted as a leader. When people feel they are making a difference in the classroom, they becomemoreinvolved in their workand their job performance improves.
It's a useful article presents the tips for coaching adults in an workplace environment.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com04Huang1
Technologies are cognitive tools help learners to elaborate on what they are thinkingand to engage in meaningful learning (Jonassen, 2000).
Using technology as a learning tool, not just new cool thing for students. Technology must be relevant and interactive to the coursework.
Technology-rich instructional approaches encourage teachers and students to become partners in the learning process, working together to make incremental technology changes to classroom lessons and activities. An important first step in crafting technology-rich lessons and activities is assessment. Informal opportunities for assessing student technology skills and comfort level exist in the adult education classroom, but for more formal, systematic assessments, the internet is a great tool.
Adult Education Teacher Handbook (Indiana Department of Workforce Development) is a good resource for a teacher who are new to the adult education with the basic information on teaching adults. This handbook presents the knowledge of adult learning theory, learning disabilities, policies, and how to prepare technology-rich instruction for multi-level classrooms.
Rating: 8/10
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
One the foundational book of critical pedagogy.
Rating: 7/10
ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu
learning is influenced more by the content and instructional strategy in the learning materials than by the type of technology used to deliver instruction.
Foundations of educational theory for online learning. Instruction strategies need to build into the learning materials.
Rating: 7/10
touroscholar.touro.edu touroscholar.touro.edu
A technology-enhanced transformative learning environment in support of de-veloping reflective practitioners can be a situated learning environment just by dint of integrating it into clinical learning settings where students are developing the skilled know-how and practices of the profession. The tasks, discussions and other learning activities afforded by the technology learning system will be in support of the hands-on learning taking place in the health setting and should be incorporated into the clinical training to create the perception of a single learning environment. A situated learning environment will afford students the ability to practice and ap-ply knowledge and skilled know-how and also participate in social learning such as discussions, group activities and individualized work that will encourage the reflection that leads to transformative learning.
The education for the professions and clinic education requires a unique perspective and approach, this chapter presents the critical elements of transformative learning environment design: context, critical discourse, and critical reflection, and the health science education need to have a context supportive of critical discourse and reflection for transformative learning by using a technology-enabled learning environment.
Rating: 8/10
www.ethz.ch www.ethz.ch
in the technology-centred approach, the focus is on using technology in education through providing access to cutting-edge technology. The main problem with the technology-centred approach is that during the 20th century it has produced several major cycles of big promises, some implementation in schools... and failure.
This chapter (Learning with technology) explores the two approaches to learning with technology - technology-centered & learner-centered. In technology-centered approach, the focus is on providing the access to technology, but learner-centered is focused on how people learn and view technology as an aid to human learning.
Rating: 7/10
sites.google.com sites.google.com
there appears to be a theoretical shift more often than not from Behaviorist learning practices to Constructivist learning practices because of the increased use of educational technologies, and stemming from the fact that many available technologies support Constructivist learning platforms. However, there are still many learning practices that focus on more Behaviorist learning techniques, and there are arguments in support of their validity as well. That with the most support currently is more of a blending of the two theories, for they can be used in conjunction as well while utilizing educational technology.
Two educational theories that form the basis of many of today's educational technology: behaviorism, and constructivism. This article explores the foundations of behaviorism and constructivism in education, and brings the current trends and future implications for these two theories in the educational technology.
Rating: 7/10
www.pewinternet.org www.pewinternet.org
tech access shapes how heavily adults use the internet for professional learning. More than one-third of professional learners with lots of tech assets say they did all or most of their learning online
Technology facilitates learning among all ages, from the data it shows that adults with access with internet were significantly more likely to engage in personal learning., especially for the adults who wanted to participate in professional learning opportunities.
Rating: 7/10
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
And finally, because low-skilled adults are adults, we tend to think that they can take the ball and run with it. But many low-skilled learners have had negative experiences with learning in the past, and haven’t developed some of the skills needed to direct their own learning. And, many may lack confidence in their ability to take charge of their own learning. Providing support, feedback, guidance, and coaching along the way is key to their success.
It's a good argument about learning experience for low-skilled adults, and I think it will be sort of challenges for them to get success through a technology-enabled learning environment, also with lack of confidence in their ability, they may not want to try out the learning opportunity.
Rating: 8/10
newprairiepress.org newprairiepress.org
The Adult Learning Model of Faculty Development draws from the research, theory andpractice of adult learning and adult education program planning. This new model recognizes facultyas adult learners and faculty development as adult education.
This article presents a model for faculty development that views faculty as adult learners and the faculty development initiatives as adult education.
Rating: 8/10
www.shiftelearning.com www.shiftelearning.com
Adult learning theories are not just a collection of jargons, concepts, and ideas about how adults learn. These theories help you plan your course during conception, development, and execution, in a way that will facilitate the learning process. Here’re four reasons why instructional designers MUST get acquainted with these theories: To create relevance by mapping courses with perceived learner needs To devise instructional strategies in alignment with real learning contexts To choose the technology that best supports the instructional strategy To plan instructional strategies relevant for digital-age and on-the-go learners
Adult learners' needs and goals are all vary progressively throughout life, and this article presents the creation and implementation of strategies to the adult education instructional design.
Rating: 7/10
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
To improve the training and education of the largely unskilled workers, China must introduce Western teaching/learning theories to training academies throughout China and tie training and education directly to the seven viewpoints of lifelong learning instead of to politics, nationalism, or political agenda. “Politics takes command” should be a thing of the past.
It is interest topic that presents the current adult training in China. It points that adult training has been promoted in China by methods such as politics, and the influence of few leaders, but not the theories of teaching and learning.
Rating: 6/10
www2.hu-berlin.de www2.hu-berlin.de
Approaches in the use of assistive technology in inclusive education focus on using technologyto train or rehearse, and to assist and enable learning
This chapter presents a list of assistive technology applications that supports the students with disabilities in classroom learning in several categories such as reading, writing, math, and computer access.
Rating: 8/10
www.emeraldinsight.com www.emeraldinsight.com
One of my students wrote in a recent online class, “Students learn from their teachers, not from electronic gadgets.” Do we understand how students learn in a technology-based environment, one-on-one with the laptop or mobile phone? Can we estimate possible changes in the students’ cognition, learning style, behavior, attitudes, values, and social relationships under the influence of electronic devices?
Using technology only enhances the hands-on learning experience, but it does not, and can not replace the human interaction.
Rating: 6/10
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Every language teaching method has technologies to support it (Warschauer & Meskill, 2000). From early grammar-translation and audio-lingualism to the later communicative language teaching, all of these meth-ods have implications for how to best integrate technology into the class-room (Warschauer & Meskill, 2000). The use of technology in a language classroom involves teacher-technology interaction, students-technology in-teraction, teacher-students interaction, and interaction among students.
This paper presents the technology integration in ESL instruction, and it's promises and challenges associated with ESL teachers' use of technology. The research results shows the use of technology is significantly beneficial to language teaching and learning, however, technology is not being used to its full potential in the ESL instruction in US (for K-12 education).
Rating: 7/10
nsuworks.nova.edu nsuworks.nova.edu
Adult learning theorists have served to confirm the importance of adults creating knowledgefrom self-directed, learner-centered activities that draw from life experiences (Gorham, 1985; Knowles, 1978). According to Kemp et al.(2014), teacher-student communication is going through a significant shift that reflects “the culture of a new generation of students, as well as the rapid spread and advancement of communication technology.” (p. 19)
The use of technology will increase interaction and improve adult student learning.
Rating: 7/10
mospace.umsystem.edu mospace.umsystem.edu
Whether or not technology should be used in the classroom is no longer debated; instead, the emphasis is ensuring that technology is integrated into instruction to promote student achievement and future success. This requires educators who are able to learn and apply their knowledge about technology consistently in the classroom.
As an educator, integrating technology into the curriculum is key. We don't just add the piece of technology tool to a class just because we can, we have to understand how to use the technology, and the benefits of technology for the class, also we need to training students on using the technology.
Rating: 7/10
dangerouslyirrelevant.org dangerouslyirrelevant.org
In addition to utilization of internal technology integration expertise, principals often bring in outside experts to train teachers how to use specific technology tools. These may be provided by vendors or may be independent national-level trainers or consultants. Regardless of the provider, technology training experiences always should comply with best practices regarding adult learning. Like for non-technology related training, technology professional development should occur within learning communities, be differentiated by learning needs, facilitate active engagement by participants, be recurrent and build upon past learning rather than only occurring once, be aligned with desired curriculum standards, and be rooted in learning and teaching needs rather than the technical aspects of a particular tool (Learning Forward, 2011).
This article explores how to support effective technology integration and implementation in education settings. The findings point to the critical need for professional development programs to assist teachers in the transition to digital teaching and learning.
Rating: 8/10
biblioteca.ucv.cl biblioteca.ucv.cl
In designing the area we were keen to avoid a technology-driven approach; wewanted to promote interactive and feedback-driven learning experiences. To thisend our focus was on interactive content and assessment.
The "e-learning - an Introduction" chapter presents a case study of using VLE tools to promote feedback-driven learning experiences. Meaningful feedback is really important for any learning environment, it's valuable tool for educator to assess the effectiveness of learning materials and improve teaching and learning process.
Rating: 7/10