405 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2014
    1. Confusion often arises over the term “legal brief.” There are at least two different senses in which the term is used.

      Two different sense of the term legal brief are described here: appellate brief and student brief.

    1. The criminal investigation and today’s indictment of Mr. Swartz has been directed by the United States Attorney’s Office. It was the government’s decision whether to prosecute, not JSTOR’s. As noted previously, our interest was in securing the content. Once this was achieved, we had no interest in this becoming an ongoing legal matter.

      How was this initiated?

  2. Oct 2013
    1. There are three kinds of rhetoric: A. political (deliberative), B. forensic (legal), and C. epideictic (the ceremonial oratory of display). Their (1) divisions, (2) times, and (3) ends are as follows: A. Political (1) exhortation and dehortation, (2) future, (3) expediency and inexpediency; B. Forensic (1) accusation and defence, (2) past, (3) justice and injustice; C. Epideictic (1) praise and censure, (2) present, (3) honour and dishonour.

      This is an interesting paragraph.

  3. Aug 2013
    1. the end of the first trimester

      There's much recent discussion about the start of pregnancy biologically, and as commonly recognized by a physician.