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  1. Feb 2025
    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      Tutak et al provide intriguing findings demonstrating that insufficiency of RPS26 and related proteins, such as TSR2 and RPS25, downregulates RAN translation from CGG repeat RNA in fragile X-associated conditions. Using RNA-tagging system and mass spectrometry-based screening, the authors identified RPS26 as a potential regulator of RAN translation. They further confirmed its regulatory effects on RAN translation by siRNA-based knockdown experiments in multiple cellular disease models. Quantitative mass spectrometry analysis revealed that the expression of some ribosomal proteins is sensitive to RPS26 depletion, while approximately 80% of proteins, including FMRP, were not influenced. Given the limited understanding of the roles of ribosomal proteins in RAN translation regulation, this study provides novel insights into this research field. However, certain data do not fully support the authors' critical conclusions.

      (1) While the authors substituted the ACG near-cognate initiation codon with other near-cognate codons, such as GTG and CTG, in the luciferase assay (Figure 4F), substitution of the ACG codon with an ATG codon should also be performed. Although they evaluated RPS26 knockdown effect on AUG-dependent FMRP translation in Figure 3C, investigating its effect on AUG-dependent repeat-associated translation (e.g., AUG-CGG-repeat) is necessary to substantiate their claim that ACG codon selection is important for RAN translation downregulation by RPS26 knockdown.

      (2) The results of the ASO-based ACG codon-blocking experiment in Figure 4G are difficult to interpret. While RPS knockdown reduces FMRpolyG expression, the effect appears attenuated by the ASO-ACG treatment compared to the control. However, this does not conclusively demonstrate that the regulatory effect is directly due to ACG codon selection during translation initiation for some reasons. For example, ASO-ACG treatment possibly interferes with ribosomal scanning rather than ACG-codon selection, or alters the expression of template CGG repeat RNA. To validate the effect of RPS26 knockdown on ACG codon selection, experiments using the ACG-to-ATG substituted CGG repeat reporter are recommended, as suggested in comment 1.

      (3) The regulatory effects of RPS26 and other molecules on RAN translation have been investigated as effects on the expression levels of FMRpolyG proteins upon knockdown of these molecules in disease model cells expressing CGG repeat sequences (Figures 1C, 1D, 3B, 3C, 3E, 4F, 4G, 5A, 5C, 6A, 6D). However, FMRpolyG expression levels can be influenced by factors other than RAN translation in these cellular experiments, such as template RNA level, template RNA localization, and FMRpolyG protein degradation. Although the authors evaluated the effect on the expression levels of template CGG repeat RNA, it would be better to confirm the direct effect of these regulators on RAN translation by other experiments. In vitro translation assay that can directly evaluate RAN translation is preferable, but experiments using the ACG-to-ATG substituted CGG repeat reporter, as suggested in comment 1, would also provide valuable insights.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors use a tree biodiversity experiment to evaluate the effects of tree community and canopy cover on communities of cavity-nesting Hymenoptera and their parasitoids and the interactions between these two guilds. They find that multiple measures of tree diversity influence the hosts, parasitoids, and their interactions. In addition, host-parasitoid interactions show a phylogenetic signal.


      The authors use a massive, long-term data set, meaningful community descriptors, and a solid set of analyses to explore the impacts of tree communities on host-parasitoid networks. It is rare to have such detailed data from multiple different trophic levels.


      Even though the data expands over several seasons, this is not considered in the analyses, but communities sampled at different years are pooled at the plot level. A more detailed analysis of the variations between years could reveal underlaying patterns as currently the differences in the communities and their structure between the years are ignored (e.g., when estimating the phylogenetic compositions not all the species pooled together actually coexist in time).<br /> Also, the precision of the writing should be improved as it was not always easy to follow the text and the thoughts.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this work, Noorman and colleagues test the predictions of the "four-stage model" of consciousness by combining psychophysics and scalp EEG in humans. The study relies on an elegant experimental design to investigate the respective impact of attentional and perceptual blindness on visual processing.

      The study is very well summarised, the text is clear and the methods seem sound. Overall, a very solid piece of work. I haven't identified any major weaknesses. Below I raise a few questions of interpretation that may possibly be the subject of a revision of the text.

      (1) The perceptual performance on Fig1D appears to show huge variation across participants, with some participants at chance levels and others with performance > 90% in the attentional blink and/or masked conditions. This seems to reveal that the procedure to match performance across participants was not very successful. Could this impact the results? The authors highlight the fact that they did not resort to post-selection or exclusion of participants, but at the same time do not discuss this equally important point.

      (2) In the analysis on collinearity and illusion-specific processing, the authors conclude that the absence of a significant effect of training set demonstrates collinearity-only processing. I don't think that this conclusion is warranted: as the illusory and non-illusory share the same shape, so more elaborate object processing could also be occuring. Please discuss.

      (3) Discussion, lines 426-429: It is stated that the results align with the notion that processes of perceptual segmentation and organization represent the mechanism of conscious experience. My interpretation of the results is that they show the contrary: for the same visibility level in the attentional blind or masking conditions, these processes can be implicated or not, which suggests a role during unconscious processing instead.

      (4) The two paradigms developed here could be used jointly to highlight non-idiosyncratic NCCs, i.e. EEG markers of visibility or confidence that generalise regardless of the method used. Have the authors attempted to train the classifier on one method and apply it to another (e.g. AB to masking and vice versa)? What perceptual level is assumed to transfer?

      (4) How can the results be integrated with the attentional literature showing that attentional filters can be applied early in the processing hierarchy?

      Comments on revisions:

      I'm very pleased with the responses to my previous comments, and congratulate the authors on this excellent piece of work.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This is a very elegant and important EEG study that unifies within a single set of behaviorally equated experimental conditions conscious access (and therefore also conscious access failures) during visual masking and attentional blink (AB) paradigms in humans. By a systematic and clever use of multivariate pattern classifiers across conditions, they could dissect, confirm, and extend a key distinction (initially framed within the GNWT framework) between 'subliminal' and 'pre-conscious' unconscious levels of processing. In particular, the authors could provide strong evidence to distinguish here within the same paradigm these two levels of unconscious processing that precede conscious access : (i) an early (< 80ms) bottom-up and local (in brain) stage of perceptual processing ('local contrast processing') that was preserved in both unconscious conditions, (ii) a later stage and more integrated processing (200-250ms) that was impaired by masking but preserved during AB. On the basis of preexisting studies and theoretical arguments, they suggest that this later stage could correspond to lateral and local recurrent feedback processes. Then, the late conscious access stage appeared as a P3b-like event.


      The methodology and analyses are strong and valid. This work adds an important piece in the current scientific debate about levels of unconscious processing and specificities of conscious access in relation to feed-forward, lateral, and late brain-scale top-down recurrent processing.

      Comments on revisions:

      I congratulate the authors for the quality of their revised ms. They convincingly addressed each of the issues raised in my previous review.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This work aims to investigate how perceptual and attentional processes affect conscious access in humans. By using multivariate decoding analysis of electroencephalography (EEG) data, the authors explored the neural temporal dynamics of visual processing across different levels of complexity (local contrast, collinearity, and illusory perception). This is achieved by comparing the decidability of an illusory percept in matched conditions of perceptual (i.e., degrading the strength of sensory input using visual masking) and attentional impairment (i.e., impairing top-down attention using attentional blink, AB). The decoding results reveal three distinct temporal responses associated with the three levels of visual processing. Interestingly, the early stage of local contrast processing remains unaffected by both masking and AB. However, the later stage of collinearity and illusory percept processing are impaired by the perceptual manipulation but remained unaffected by the attentional manipulation. These findings contribute to the understanding of the unique neural dynamics of perceptual and attentional functions and how they interact with the different stages of conscious access.


      The study investigates perceptual and attentional impairments across multiple levels of visual processing in a single experiment. Local contrast, collinearity, and illusory perception were manipulated using different configurations of the same visual stimuli. This clever design allows for the investigation of different levels of visual processing under similar low-level conditions.

      Moreover, behavioural performance was matched between perceptual and attentional manipulations. One of the main problems when comparing perceptual and attentional manipulations on conscious access is that they tend to impact performance at different levels, with perceptual manipulations like masking producing larger effects. The study utilizes a staircasing procedure to find the optimal contrast of the mask stimuli to produce a performance impairment to the illusory perception comparable to the attentional condition, both in terms of perceptual performance (i.e., indicating whether the target contained the Kanizsa illusion) and metacognition (i.e., confidence in the response).

      The results show a clear dissociation between the three levels of visual processing in terms of temporal dynamics. Local contrast was represented at an early stage (~80 ms), while collinearity and illusory perception were associated with later stages (~200-250 ms). Furthermore, the results provide clear evidence in support of a dissociation between the effects of perceptual and attentional processes on conscious access: while the former affected both neuronal correlates of collinearity and illusory perception, the latter did not have any effect on the processing of the more complex visual features involved in the illusion perception.


      The design of the study and the results presented are very similar to those in Fahrenfort et al. (2017), reducing its novelty. Similar to the current study, Fahrenfort et al. (2017) tested the idea that if both masking and AB impact perceptual integration, they should affect the neural markers of perceptual integration in a similar way. They found that behavioural performance (hit/false alarm rate) was affected by both masking and AB, even though only the latter was significant in the unmasked condition. In contrast, an early classification peak was exclusively affected by masking. A later classification peak mirrored the behavioural findings, with classification performance impacted by both masking and AB.

      The interpretation of the results primarily relies on the recurrent processing theory of consciousness (Lamme, 2020), which lead to the assumption that local contrast and illusory perception reflect feedforward and (lateral and feedback) recurrent connections, respectively. It should be mentioned, however, that this theoretical prediction is not directly tested in the study. Moreover, the evidence for the dissociation between illusion and collinearity in terms of lateral and feedback connections seems at least limited. For instance, Kok et al. (2016) found that, whereas bottom-up stimulation activated all cortical layers, feedback activity induced by illusory figures led to a selective activation of the deep layers. Lee & Nguyen (2001), instead, found that V1 neurons respond to illusory contours of the Kanizsa figures, particularly in the superficial layers. Although both studies reference feedback connections, neither provides clear evidence for the involvement of lateral connections.

      The evidence in favour of primarily lateral connections driving collinearity seems mixed as well. On one hand, Liang et al. (2017) showed that feedback and lateral connections closely interact to mediate image grouping and segmentation. On the other hand, Stettler et al. (2002) showed that, whereas the intrinsic connections link similarly oriented domains in V1, V2 to V1 feedback displays no such specificity. Additionally, the other studies cited in the manuscript focused solely on lateral connections without examining feedback pathways, making it challenging to draw definitive conclusions.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have thoroughly addressed all my comments and provided comprehensive responses to each point raised.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this study, Kroll et al. conduct an in-depth behavioral analysis of F0 knockouts of 4 genes associated with late-onset Alzheimer's Disease (AD), together with 3 genes associated with early-onset AD. Kroll and colleagues developed a web application (ZOLTAR) to compare sleep-associated traits between genetic mutants with those obtained from a panel of small molecules to promote identification of affected pathways and potential therapeutic interventions. The authors make a set of potentially important findings vis-à-vis the relationship between AD-associated genes and sleep. First, they find that loss-of-function in late-onset AD genes universally result in nighttime sleep loss, consistent with the well-supported hypothesis that sleep disruption contributes to Alzheimer's-related pathologies. psen-1, an early-onset associated AD gene, which the authors find is principally responsible for the generation of AB40 and AB42 in zebrafish, also shows a slight increase in activity at night and slight decreases in nighttime sleep. Conversely, psen-2 mutations increase daytime sleep, while appa/appb mutations have no impact on sleep. Finally, using ZOLTAR, the authors identify serotonin receptor activity as potentially disrupted in sorl1 mutants, while betamethasone is identified as a potential therapeutic to promote reversal of psen2 knockout-associated phenotypes.

      This is a highly innovative and thorough study, yet a handful of key questions remain. First, are the nighttime sleep loss phenotypes observed in all knockouts for late-onset AD genes in the larval zebrafish a valid proxy for AD risk? Can 5-HT reuptake inhibitors reverse other AD-related pathologies in zebrafish? Can compounds be identified which have a common behavioral fingerprint across all or multiple AD risk genes? Do these modify sleep phenotypes? Finally, the authors propose but do not test the hypothesis that sorl1 might regulate localization/surface expression of 5-HT2 receptors. This could provide exciting / more convincing mechanistic support for the assertion that serotonin signaling is disrupted upon loss of AD-associated genes. Despite these important considerations, this study provides a valuable platform for high-throughput analysis of sleep phenotypes and correlation with small-molecule induced sleep phenotypes. The platform could also be expanded to facilitate comparison of other behavioral phenotypes, including stimulus-evoked behaviors. Moreover, the new analyses looking for pathways that might be co-regulated by AD risk genes and discussion of cholinergic signaling as a potentially meaningful target downstream of 5/7 knockouts are valuable.

      Strengths:<br /> - Provides a useful platform for comparison of sleep phenotypes across genotypes/drug manipulations.<br /> - Presents convincing evidence that nighttime sleep is disrupted in mutants for multiple late-onset AD-related genes.<br /> - Provides potential mechanistic insights for how AD-related genes might impact sleep and identifies a few drugs that modify their identified phenotypes.

      Weaknesses:<br /> - Exploration of potential mechanisms for serotonin disruption in sorl1 mutants is limited<br /> - The pipeline developed is only used to examine sleep-related / spontaneous movement phenotypes. Stimulus-evoked behaviors are not examined.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work delineates the larval zebrafish behavioral phenotypes caused by F0 knockout of several important genes that increase risk for Alzheimer's disease. Using behavioral pharmacology, comparing the behavioral fingerprint of previously assayed molecules to the newly generated knockout data, compounds were discovered that impacted larval movement in ways that suggest interaction with or recovery of disrupted mechanisms.


      This is a well-written manuscript that uses newly developed analysis methods to present the findings in a clear, high-quality way. The addition of an extensive behavioral analysis pipeline is of value to the field of zebrafish neuroscience and will be particularly helpful for researchers who prefer the R programming language. Even the behavioral profiling of these AD risk genes, regardless of the pharmacology aspect, is an important contribution. The recovery of most behavioral parameters in the psen2 knockout with betamethasone, predicted by comparing fingerprints, is an exciting demonstration of the approach. The hypotheses generated by this work are important stepping stones to future studies uncovering the molecular basis of the proposed gene-drug interactions and discovering novel therapeutics to treat AD or co-occurring conditions such as sleep disturbance. Most concerns are sufficiently addressed in the revised manuscript or response to reviewers.


      - The overarching concept of the work is that comparing behavioral fingerprints can align genes and molecules with similarly disrupted molecular pathways. While the recovery of the psen2 phenotypes by one molecule with the opposite phenotype is interesting, as are previous studies that show similar behaviorally-based recoveries, the underlying assumption that normalizing the larval movement normalizes the mechanism still lacks substantial support. While I agree with the authors detailed response that rescuing most behavioral parameters is a good indication that the underlying mechanism is normalized, I disagree that high-throughput larval behavior kinematics is a sufficient enough representation of most behavioral parameters to be indicative of molecular mechanism normalization. There are many instances of mutants with completely normal kinetics at baseline, but a behavioral difference that emerges during stimulation or in a new paradigm such as hunting. Without testing far more behavioral paradigms than are possible in the multi-well plate format, as well as possibly multiple life stages, I remain unconvinced that this approach will yield valuable therapeutic insights. I do agree that it can yield insight for future investigation, such as in the case of cntnap2a/cntnap2b and GABA receptor agonists, but even in that instance is it not clear that such an agonist would rescue abnormalities in a meaningful way. In the case of a disorder such as autism, the early locomotor phenotypes may be disconnected from the molecular mechanisms underlying later social deficits, and it is far more challenging to screen on juvenile behaviors that would be a more appropriate target for a behavior-first approach. The added experiment of testing fluvoxamine, a second SSRI, yielded very different behavioral responses to the SSRI citalopram, supporting my assertion that this approach and the disrupted underlying mechanisms are more complicated than suggested by the authors. I disagree that the connection between sorl1 and serotonin is strengthened by this experiment. The authors suggest that since the knockout larvae react differently than control siblings to both SSRIs, it indicates that serotonin is disrupted. There is no negative control included, where a pathway that is clearly not indicated to be important is pharmacologically manipulated. It is possible that the mutants would also behave differently compared to siblings when other pathways are perturbed. The authors acknowledge in the reviewers that they may not have identified the underlying molecular disruption in this mutant, but they did not substantially alter the Discussion section on this point. I agree with the authors that using a different wild-type strain in a different lab could lead to discrepancies, but these issues could have been experimentally mitigated or more clearly highlighted in the manuscript itself.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study aims to investigate the links between social behaviors observed in free-moving situations and behavioral performances measured in well-controlled, laboratory settings. The authors assessed general social tendencies and dyadic relationships among four monkeys in a group by scoring agonistic (aggression) and affiliative (grooming and proximity) behaviors in each pair. By measuring the saccadic reaction time in a classic social interference task, the authors reported that the monkeys with higher SEIs (i.e., more social individuals) were less distracted by the faces of other monkeys. These effects were enhanced when the distractors were out-group monkey faces rather than in-group ones. Lastly, oxytocin administration increased the impact of the out-group monkey faces in the social interference task, while reducing the magnitude of general social tendencies measured with SEI.


      (1) The combination of behavioral data obtained in a colony room and in a laboratory environment is rare and important.<br /> (2) The evaluation of social interactions were successfully performed based on an automated target detection algorithm. The resulting multi-dimensional, complicated social interactions were summarized into simple indices (SEI and IEI). These indices provide a good measure for the social tendencies of each monkey.<br /> (3) Well-designed and robust experiments in the laboratory environment that are linked nicely with the general social tendencies observed in spontaneous behaviors.


      (1) While the overall results are interesting, I am somewhat left confused about how to interpret the difference in the scores derived from different conditions. For example, the authors stated "Comparing the weights for in-group and out-group distractors, the effect of proximity was larger than that of aggression and grooming" in p.8. Does this mean that the proximity is indeed the type of behavior most affected in the out-group condition compared to the in-group condition? The out-group effects are difficult to examine with actual behavioral data, but some in-group effects such as those involving OT can be tested, which possibly provides good insights into interpreting the differences of the weights observed across the experimental conditions.

      (2) I think it is important to provide how variable spontaneous social interactions were across sessions and how impactful the variability of the interactions is on the SEI and IEI, as it helps to understand how meaningful the differences of weights are across the conditions, but such data are missing. In line with this point, although the conclusions still hold as those data were obtained during the same experimental periods, shouldn't the weights in Fig. 3f and Figs. 4g and 4h (saline) be expected to be similar, if not the same?

      Comments on revisions: I do not have further comments.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The study presents significant findings that elucidate the relationship between multi-dimensional social relationships and social attention in rhesus macaques. By integrating advanced computational methods, behavioral analyses, and neuroendocrine manipulation, the authors provide strong evidence for how oxytocin modulates attention within social networks. The results are robust and address critical gaps in understanding the dynamics of social attention in primates.


      (1) The use of YOLOv5 for automatic behavioral detection is an exceptional methodological advance. The combination of automated analyses with manual validation enhances confidence in the data.<br /> (2) The study's focus on three distinct dimensions of social interaction (aggression, grooming, and proximity) is comprehensive and provides nuanced insights into the complexity of primate social networks.<br /> (3) The investigation of oxytocin's role adds a compelling neuroendocrine dimension to the findings, providing a bridge between behavioral and neural mechanisms.


      (1) The study's conclusions are based on observations of only four monkeys, which limits the generalizability of the findings. Larger sample sizes could strengthen the validity of the results.<br /> (2) The limited set of stimulus images (in-group and out-group faces) may introduce unintended biases. This could be addressed by increasing the diversity of stimuli or incorporating a broader range of out-group members.

      Comments on revisions: I have no further comments!

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors performed experimental evolution of MreB mutants that have a slow growing round phenotype and studied the subsequent evolutionary trajectory using analysis tool from molecular biology. It was remarkable and interesting that they found that the original phenotype was not restored (most common in these studies) but that the round phenotype was maintained.


      The finding that the round phenotype was maintained during evolution rather than that the original phenotype, rod shape cells, was recovered is interesting. The paper extensively investigates what happens during adaptation with various different techniques. Also the extensive discussion of the findings at the end of the paper is well thought through and insightful.

    2. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      This paper addresses a long-standing problem in microbiology: the evolution of bacterial cell shape. Bacterial cells can take a range of forms, among the most common being rods and spheres. The consensus view is that rods are the ancestral form and spheres the derived form. The molecular machinery governing these different shapes is fairly well understood but the evolutionary drivers responsible for the transition between rods and spheres is not. Enter Yulo et al.'s work. The authors start by noting that deletion of a highly conserved gene called MreB in the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens reduces fitness but does not kill the cell (as happens in other species like E. coli and B. subtilis) and causes cells to become spherical rather than their normal rod shape. They then ask whether evolution for 1000 generations restores the rod shape of these cells when propagated in a rich, benign medium.

      The answer is no. The evolved lineages recovered fitness by the end of the experiment, growing just as well as the unevolved rod-shaped ancestor, but remained spherical. The authors provide an impressively detailed investigation of the genetic and molecular changes that evolved. Their leading results are:

      (1) The loss of fitness associated with MreB deletion causes high variation in cell volume among sibling cells after cell division;<br /> (2) Fitness recovery is largely driven by a single, loss-of-function point mutation that evolves within the first ~250 generations that reduces the variability in cell volume among siblings;<br /> (3) The main route to restoring fitness and reducing variability involves loss of function mutations causing a reduction of TPase and peptidoglycan cross-linking, leading to a disorganized cell wall architecture characteristic of spherical cells.

      The inferences made in this paper are on the whole well supported by the data. The authors provide a uniquely comprehensive account of how a key genetic change leads to gains in fitness and the spectrum of phenotypes that are impacted and provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying models of cell shape.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Shows a new mechanism of GS regulation in the archaean Methanosarcina maze and clarifies the direct activation of GS activity by 2-oxoglutarate, thus featuring an other way, how 2-oxoglutarate acts as a central status reporter of C/N sensing.


      mass photometry reveals a a dynamic mode the effect of 2-OG on the oligomerization state of GS. Single particle Cryo-EM reveals the mechanism of 2-OG mediated dodecamer formation.


      Not entirely clear, how very high 2-OG concentrations activate GS beyond dodecamer formation.

      In the revised version, most of my concerns were adequately addressed. In the summary it is stated that glutamine acts as allosteric inhibitor of dodecameric GS. This is not correct: glutamine binds to the active site and is therefore not allosteric. This way of feedback inhibition is a type of product inhibition

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Herdering et al. introduced research on an archaeal glutamine synthetase (GS) from Methanosarcina mazei, which exhibits sensitivity to the environmental presence of 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG). While previous studies have indicated 2-OG's ability to enhance GS activity, the precise underlying mechanism remains unclear. Initially, the authors utilized biophysical characterization, primarily employing a nanomolar-scale detection method called mass photometry, to explore the molecular assembly of Methanosarcina mazei GS (M. mazei GS) in the absence or presence of 2-OG. Similar to other GS enzymes, the target M. mazei GS forms a stable dodecamer, with two hexameric rings stacked in tail-to-tail interactions. Despite approximately 40% of M. mazei GS existing as monomeric or dimeric entities in the detectable solution, the majority spontaneously assemble into a dodecameric state. Upon mixing 2-OG with M. mazei GS, the population of the dodecameric form increases proportionally with the concentration of 2-OG, indicating that 2-OG either promotes or stabilizes the assembly process. The cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure reveals that 2-OG is positioned near the interface of two hexameric rings. At a resolution of 2.39 Å, the cryo-EM map vividly illustrates 2-OG forming hydrogen bonds with two individual GS subunits as well as with solvent water molecules. Moreover, local sidechain reorientation and conformational changes of loops in response to 2-OG further delineate the 2-OG-stabilized assembly of M. mazei GS.

      Strengths & Weaknesses:

      The investigation studies into the impact of 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG) on the assembly of Methanosarcina mazei glutamine synthetase (M mazei GS). Utilizing cutting-edge mass photometry, the authors scrutinized the population dynamics of GS assembly in response to varying concentrations of 2-OG. Notably, the findings demonstrate a promising and straightforward correlation, revealing that dodecamer formation can be stimulated by 2-OG concentrations of up to 10 mM, although GS assembly never reaches 100% dodecamerization in this study. Furthermore, catalytic activities showed a remarkable enhancement, escalating from 0.0 U/mg to 7.8 U/mg with increasing concentrations of 2-OG, peaking at 12.5 mM. However, an intriguing gap arises between the incomplete dodecameric formation observed at 10 mM 2-OG, as revealed by mass photometry, and the continued increase in activity from 5 mM to 10 mM 2-OG for M mazei GS. This prompts questions regarding the inability of M mazei GS to achieve complete dodecamer formation and the underlying factors that further enhance GS activity within this concentration range of 2-OG.

      Moreover, the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) analysis provides additional support for the biophysical and biochemical characterization, elucidating the precise localization of 2-OG at the interface of two GS subunits within two hexameric rings. The observed correlation between GS assembly facilitated by 2-OG and its catalytic activity is substantiated by structural reorientations at the GS-GS interface, confirming the previously reported phenomenon of "funnel activation" in GS. However, the authors did not present the cryo-EM structure of M. mazei GS in complex with ATP and glutamate in the presence of 2-OG, which could have shed light on the differences in glutamine biosynthesis between previously reported GS enzymes and the 2-OG-bound M. mazei GS.

      Furthermore, besides revealing the cryo-EM structure of 2-OG-bound GS, the study also observed the filamentous form of GS, suggesting that filament formation may be a universal stacking mechanism across archaeal and bacterial species. However, efforts to enhance resolution to investigate whether the stacked polymer is induced by 2-OG or other factors such as ions or metabolites were not undertaken by the authors, leaving room for further exploration into the mechanisms underlying filament formation in GS.

      Comments on revisions:

      My comments have been addressed adequately.

      I recognize that determining the structure of the GS complex bound to ATP and/or other ligands would enhance this study by offering a more comprehensive understanding of 2-oxoglutarate-mediated dodecameric assembly and activation. However, I accept the authors' explanation for not including this aspect in the current work.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      The current manuscript investigates the effect of 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) as modulator of glutamine synthetase (GS). To do this, the authors rely of mass photometry, specific activity measurements and single particle cryo-EM data.<br /> From the results, the authors conclude that the GS from Methanosarcina mazei shifts from a dimeric, non-active state under low concentrations of 2OG, to a dodecameric and fully active complex at saturating concentrations of 2OG.

      GS is a crucial enzyme in all domains of life. The dodecameric fold of GS is recurrent amongst prokaryotic and archaea organisms but the enzyme activity can be regulated in distinct ways. This is a very interesting work combining protein biochemistry with structural biology.

      A novel role for 2OG is presented for this mesophilic methanoarchaeon, as a crucial effector for the enzyme oligomerization and full reactivity.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but some aspects of this GS regulation and interaction with known partners like Glnk1 and sp26 need to be clarified and extended.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In their manuscript entitled 'The domesticated transposon protein L1TD1 associates with its ancestor L1 ORF1p to promote LINE-1 retrotransposition', Kavaklıoğlu and colleagues delve into the role of L1TD1, an RNA binding protein (RBP) derived from a LINE1 transposon. L1TD1 proves crucial for maintaining pluripotency in embryonic stem cells and is linked to cancer progression in germ cell tumors, yet its precise molecular function remains elusive. Here, the authors uncover an intriguing interaction between L1TD1 and its ancestral LINE-1 retrotransposon.

      The authors delete the DNA methyltransferase DNMT1 in a haploid human cell line (HAP1), inducing widespread DNA hypo-methylation. This hypomethylation prompts abnormal expression of L1TD1. To scrutinize L1TD1's function in a DNMT1 knock-out setting, the authors create DNMT1/L1TD1 double knock-out cell lines (DKO). Curiously, while the loss of global DNA methylation doesn't impede proliferation, additional depletion of L1TD1 leads to DNA damage and apoptosis.

      To unravel the molecular mechanism underpinning L1TD1's protective role in the absence of DNA methylation, the authors dissect L1TD1 complexes in terms of protein and RNA composition. They unveil an association with the LINE-1 transposon protein L1-ORF1 and LINE-1 transcripts, among others.

      Surprisingly, the authors note fewer LINE-1 retro-transposition events in DKO cells compared to DNMT1 KO alone.


      The authors present compelling data suggesting the interplay of a transposon-derived human RNA binding protein with its ancestral transposable element. Their findings spur interesting questions for cancer types, where LINE1 and L1TD1 are aberrantly expressed.


      The finding that L1TD1/DNMT1 DKO cells exhibit increased apoptosis and DNA damage but decreased L1 retro-transposition is unexpected. Considering the DNA damage associated with retro-transposition and the DNA damage and apoptosis observed in L1TD1/DNMT1 DKO cells, one would anticipate the opposite outcome. Could it be that the observation of fewer transposition-positive colonies stems from the demise of the most transposition-positive colonies? Future studies are bound to further explore this intriguing phenomenon.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, Kavaklıoğlu et al. investigated and presented evidence for a role for domesticated transposon protein L1TD1 in enabling its ancestral relative, L1 ORF1p, to retrotranspose in HAP1 human tumor cells. The authors provided insight into the molecular function of L1TD1 and shed some clarifying light on previous studies that showed somewhat contradictory outcomes surrounding L1TD1 expression. Here, L1TD1 expression was correlated with L1 activation in a hypomethylation dependent manner, due to DNMT1 deletion in HAP1 cell line. The authors then identified L1TD1 associated RNAs using RIP-Seq, which display a disconnect between transcript and protein abundance (via Tandem Mass Tag multiplex mass spectrometry analysis). The one exception was for L1TD1 itself, is consistent with a model in which the RNA transcripts associated with L1TD1 are not directly regulated at the translation level. Instead, the authors found L1TD1 protein associated with L1-RNPs and this interaction is associated with increased L1 retrotransposition, at least in the contexts of HAP1 cells. Overall, these results support a model in which L1TD1 is restrained by DNA methylation, but in the absence of this repressive mark, L1TD1 is expression, and collaborates with L1 ORF1p (either directly or through interaction with L1 RNA, which remains unclear based on current results), leads to enhances L1 retrotransposition. These results establish feasibility of this relationship existing in vivo in either development or disease, or both.

      Comments on revised version:

      Thank you for this revised manuscript and for addressing our concerns and suggestions. These improvements have significantly enhanced the quality and reliability of the results presented and have addressed all our questions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Wang et al., recorded concurrent EEG-fMRI in 107 participants during nocturnal NREM sleep to investigate brain activity and connectivity related to slow oscillations (SO), sleep spindles, and in particular their co-occurrence. The authors found SO-spindle coupling to be correlated with increased thalamic and hippocampal activity, and with increased functional connectivity from the hippocampus to the thalamus and from the thalamus to the neocortex, especially the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). They concluded the brain-wide activation pattern to resemble episodic memory processing, but to be dissociated from task-related processing and suggest that the thalamus plays a crucial role in coordinating the hippocampal-cortical dialogue during sleep.

      The paper offers an impressively large and highly valuable dataset that provides the opportunity for gaining important new insights into the network substrate involved in SOs, spindles, and their coupling. However, the paper does unfortunately not exploit the full potential of this dataset with the analyses currently provided, and the interpretation of the results is often not backed up by the results presented.

      I have the following specific comments.

      (1) The introduction is lacking sufficient review of the already existing literature on EEG-fMRI during sleep and the BOLD-correlates of slow oscillations and spindles in particular (Laufs et al., 2007; Schabus et al., 2007; Horovitz et al., 2008; Laufs, 2008; Czisch et al., 2009; Picchioni et al., 2010; Spoormaker et al., 2010; Caporro et al., 2011; Bergmann et al., 2012; Hale et al., 2016; Fogel et al., 2017; Moehlman et al., 2018; Ilhan-Bayrakci et al., 2022). The few studies mentioned are not discussed in terms of the methods used or insights gained.

      (2) The paper falls short in discussing the specific insights gained into the neurobiological substrate of the investigated slow oscillations, spindles, and their interactions. The validity of the inverse inference approach ("Open ended cognitive state decoding"), assuming certain cognitive functions to be related to these oscillations because of the brain regions/networks activated in temporal association with these events, is debatable at best. It is also unclear why eventually only episodic memory processing-like brain-wide activation is discussed further, despite the activity of 16 of 50 feature terms from the NeuroSynth v3 dataset were significant (episodic memory, declarative memory, working memory, task representation, language, learning, faces, visuospatial processing, category recognition, cognitive control, reading, cued attention, inhibition, and action).

      (3) Hippocampal activation during SO-spindles is stated as a main hypothesis of the paper - for good reasons - however, other regions (e.g., several cortical as well as thalamic) would be equally expected given the known origin of both oscillations and the existing sleep-EEG-fMRI literature. However, this focus on the hippocampus contrasts with the focus on investigating the key role of the thalamus instead in the Results section.

      (4) The study included an impressive number of 107 subjects. It is surprising though that only 31 subjects had to be excluded under these difficult recording conditions, especially since no adaptation night was performed. Since only subjects were excluded who slept less than 10 min (or had excessive head movements) there are likely several datasets included with comparably short durations and only a small number of SOs and spindles and even less combined SO-spindle events. A comprehensive table should be provided (supplement) including for each subject (included and excluded) the duration of included NREM sleep, number of SOs, spindles, and SO+spindle events. Also, some descriptive statistics (mean/SD/range) would be helpful.

      (5) Was the 20-channel head coil dedicated for EEG-fMRI measurements? How were the electrode cables guided through/out of the head coil? Usually, the 64-channel head coil is used for EEG-fMRI measurements in a Siemens PRISMA 3T scanner, which has a cable duct at the back that allows to guide the cables straight out of the head coil (to minimize MR-related artifacts). The choice for the 20-channel head coil should be motivated. Photos of the recording setup would also be helpful.

      (6) Was the EEG sampling synchronized to the MR scanner (gradient system) clock (the 10 MHz signal; not referring to the volume TTL triggers here)? This is a requirement for stable gradient artifact shape over time and thus accurate gradient noise removal.

      (7) The TR is quite long and the voxel size is quite large in comparison to state-of-the-art EPI sequences. What was the rationale behind choosing a sequence with relatively low temporal and spatial resolution?

      (8) The anatomically defined ROIs are quite large. It should be elaborated on how this might reduce sensitivity to sleep rhythm-specific activity within sub-regions, especially for the thalamus, which has distinct nuclei involved in sleep functions.

      (9) The study reports SO & spindle amplitudes & densities, as well as SO+spindle coupling, to be larger during N2/3 sleep compared to N1 and REM sleep, which is trivial but can be seen as a sanity check of the data. However, the amount of SOs and spindles reported for N1 and REM sleep is concerning, as per definition there should be hardly any (if SOs or spindles occur in N1 it becomes by definition N2, and the interval between spindles has to be considerably large in REM to still be scored as such). Thus, on the one hand, the report of these comparisons takes too much space in the main manuscript as it is trivial, but on the other hand, it raises concerns about the validity of the scoring.

      (10) Why was electrode F3 used to quantify the occurrence of SOs and spindles? Why not a midline frontal electrode like Fz (or a number of frontal electrodes for SOs) and Cz (or a number of centroparietal electrodes) for spindles to be closer to their maximum topography?

      (11) Functional connectivity (hippocampus -> thalamus -> cortex (mPFC)) is reported to be increased during SO-spindle coupling and interpreted as evidence for coordination of hippocampo-neocortical communication likely by thalamic spindles. However, functional connectivity was only analysed during coupled SO+spindle events, not during isolated SOs or isolated spindles. Without the direct comparison of the connectivity patterns between these three events, it remains unclear whether this is specific for coupled SO+spindle events or rather associated with one or both of the other isolated events. The PPIs need to be conducted for those isolated events as well and compared statistically to the coupled events.

      (12) The limited temporal resolution of fMRI does indeed not allow for easily distinguishing between fMRI activation patterns related to SO-up- vs. SO-down-states. For this, one could try to extract the amplitudes of SO-up- and SO-down-states separately for each SO event and model them as two separate parametric modulators (with the risk of collinearity as they are likely correlated).

      (13) L327: "It is likely that our findings of diminished DMN activity reflect brain activity during the SO DOWN-state, as this state consistently shows higher amplitude compared to the UP-state within subjects, which is why we modelled the SO trough as its onset in the fMRI analysis." This conclusion is not justified as the fact that SO down-states are larger in amplitude does not mean their impact on the BOLD response is larger.

      (14) Line 77: "In the current study, while directly capturing hippocampal ripples with scalp EEG or fMRI is difficult, we expect to observe hippocampal activation in fMRI whenever SOs-spindles coupling is detected by EEG, if SOs- spindles-ripples triple coupling occurs during human NREM sleep". Not all SO-spindle events are associated with ripples (Staresina et al., 2015), but hippocampal activation may also be expected based on the occurrence of spindles alone (Bergmann et al., 2012).


      Bergmann TO, Molle M, Diedrichs J, Born J, Siebner HR (2012) Sleep spindle-related reactivation of category-specific cortical regions after learning face-scene associations. Neuroimage 59:2733-2742.<br /> Caporro M, Haneef Z, Yeh HJ, Lenartowicz A, Buttinelli C, Parvizi J, Stern JM (2011) Functional MRI of sleep spindles and K-complexes. Clin Neurophysiol.<br /> Czisch M, Wehrle R, Stiegler A, Peters H, Andrade K, Holsboer F, Samann PG (2009) Acoustic oddball during NREM sleep: a combined EEG/fMRI study. PLoS One 4:e6749.<br /> Fogel S, Albouy G, King BR, Lungu O, Vien C, Bore A, Pinsard B, Benali H, Carrier J, Doyon J (2017) Reactivation or transformation? Motor memory consolidation associated with cerebral activation time-locked to sleep spindles. PLoS One 12:e0174755.<br /> Hale JR, White TP, Mayhew SD, Wilson RS, Rollings DT, Khalsa S, Arvanitis TN, Bagshaw AP (2016) Altered thalamocortical and intra-thalamic functional connectivity during light sleep compared with wake. Neuroimage 125:657-667.<br /> Horovitz SG, Fukunaga M, de Zwart JA, van Gelderen P, Fulton SC, Balkin TJ, Duyn JH (2008) Low frequency BOLD fluctuations during resting wakefulness and light sleep: a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp 29:671-682.<br /> Ilhan-Bayrakci M, Cabral-Calderin Y, Bergmann TO, Tuscher O, Stroh A (2022) Individual slow wave events give rise to macroscopic fMRI signatures and drive the strength of the BOLD signal in human resting-state EEG-fMRI recordings. Cereb Cortex 32:4782-4796.<br /> Laufs H (2008) Endogenous brain oscillations and related networks detected by surface EEG-combined fMRI. Hum Brain Mapp 29:762-769.<br /> Laufs H, Walker MC, Lund TE (2007) 'Brain activation and hypothalamic functional connectivity during human non-rapid eye movement sleep: an EEG/fMRI study'--its limitations and an alternative approach. Brain 130:e75; author reply e76.<br /> Moehlman TM, de Zwart JA, Chappel-Farley MG, Liu X, McClain IB, Chang C, Mandelkow H, Ozbay PS, Johnson NL, Bieber RE, Fernandez KA, King KA, Zalewski CK, Brewer CC, van Gelderen P, Duyn JH, Picchioni D (2018) All-Night Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sleep Studies. J Neurosci Methods.<br /> Picchioni D, Horovitz SG, Fukunaga M, Carr WS, Meltzer JA, Balkin TJ, Duyn JH, Braun AR (2010) Infraslow EEG oscillations organize large-scale cortical-subcortical interactions during sleep: A combined EEG/fMRI study. Brain Res.<br /> Schabus M, Dang-Vu TT, Albouy G, Balteau E, Boly M, Carrier J, Darsaud A, Degueldre C, Desseilles M, Gais S, Phillips C, Rauchs G, Schnakers C, Sterpenich V, Vandewalle G, Luxen A, Maquet P (2007) Hemodynamic cerebral correlates of sleep spindles during human non-rapid eye movement sleep. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104:13164-13169.<br /> Spoormaker VI, Schroter MS, Gleiser PM, Andrade KC, Dresler M, Wehrle R, Samann PG, Czisch M (2010) Development of a large-scale functional brain network during human non-rapid eye movement sleep. J Neurosci 30:11379-11387.<br /> Staresina BP, Bergmann TO, Bonnefond M, van der Meij R, Jensen O, Deuker L, Elger CE, Axmacher N, Fell J (2015) Hierarchical nesting of slow oscillations, spindles and ripples in the human hippocampus during sleep. Nat Neurosci 18:1679-1686.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, Wang and colleagues aimed to explore brain-wide activation patterns associated with NREM sleep oscillations, including slow oscillations (SOs), spindles, and SO-spindle coupling events. Their findings reveal that SO-spindle events corresponded with increased activation in both the thalamus and hippocampus. Additionally, they observed that SO-spindle coupling was linked to heightened functional connectivity from the hippocampus to the thalamus, and from the thalamus to the medial prefrontal cortex-three key regions involved in memory consolidation and episodic memory processes.

      This study's findings are timely and highly relevant to the field. The authors' extensive data collection, involving 107 participants sleeping in an fMRI while undergoing simultaneous EEG recording, deserves special recognition. If shared, this unique dataset could lead to further valuable insights. While the conclusions of the data seem overall well supported by the data, some aspects with regard to the detection of sleep oscillations need clarification.

      The authors report that coupled SO-spindle events were most frequent during NREM sleep (2.46 {plus minus} 0.06 events/min), but they also observed a surprisingly high occurrence of these events during N1 and REM sleep (2.23 {plus minus} 0.09 and 2.32 {plus minus} 0.09 events/min, respectively), where SO-spindle coupling would not typically be expected. Combined with the relatively modest SO amplitudes reported (~25 µV, whereas >75 µV would be expected when using mastoids as reference electrodes), this raises the possibility that the parameters used for event detection may not have been conservative enough - or that sleep staging was inaccurately performed. This issue could present a significant challenge, as the fMRI findings are largely dependent on the reliability of these detected events.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Wang et al., examined the brain activity patterns during sleep, especially when locked to those canonical sleep rhythms such as SO, spindle, and their coupling. Analyzing data from a large sample, the authors found significant coupling between spindles and SOs, particularly during the upstate of the SO. Moreover, the authors examined the patterns of whole-brain activity locked to these sleep rhythms. To understand the functional significance of these brain activities, the authors further conducted open-ended cognitive state decoding and found a variety of cognitive processing may be involved during SO-spindle coupling and during other sleep events. The authors next investigated the functional connectivity analyses and found enhanced connectivity between the hippocampus, the thalamus, and the medial PFC. These results reinforced the theoretical model of sleep-dependent memory consolidation, such that SO-spindle coupling is conducive to systems-level memory reactivation and consolidation.


      There are obvious strengths in this work, including the large sample size, state-of-the-art neuroimaging and neural oscillation analyses, and the richness of results.


      Despite these strengths and the insights gained, there are weaknesses in the design, the analyses, and inferences.

      A repeating statement in the manuscript is that brain activity could indicate memory reactivation and thus consolidation. This is indeed a highly relevant question that could be informed by the current data/results. However, an inherent weakness of the design is that there is no memory task before and after sleep. Thus, it is difficult (if not impossible) to make a strong argument linking SO/spindle/coupling-locked brain activity with memory reactivation or consolidation.

      Relatedly, to understand the functional implications of the sleep rhythm-locked brain activity, the authors employed the "open-ended cognitive state decoding" method. While this method is interesting, it is rather indirect given that there were no behavioral indices in the manuscript. Thus, discussions based on these analyses are speculative at best. Please either tone down the language or find additional evidence to support these claims.

      Moreover, the results from this method are difficult to understand. Figure 3e showed that for all three types of sleep events (SO, spindle, SO-spindle), the same mental states (e.g., working memory, episodic memory, declarative memory) showed opposite directions of activation (left and right panels showed negative and positive activation, respectively). How to interpret these conflicting results? This ambiguity is also reflected by the term used: declarative memory and episodic memories are both indexed in the results. Yet these two processes can be largely overlapped. So which specific memory processes do these brain activity patterns reflect? The Discussion shall discuss these results and the limitations of this method.

      The coupling strength is somehow inconsistent with prior results (Hahn et al., 2020, eLife, Helfrich et al., 2018, Neuron). Specifically, Helfrich et al. showed that among young adults, the spindle is coupled to the peak of the SO. Here, the authors reported that the spindles were coupled to down-to-up transitions of SO and before the SO peak. It is possible that participants' age may influence the coupling (see Helfrich et al., 2018). Please discuss the findings in the context of previous research on SO-spindle coupling.

      The discussion is rather superficial with only two pages, without delving into many important arguments regarding the possible functional significance of these results. For example, the author wrote, "This internal processing contrasts with the brain patterns associated with external tasks, such as working memory." Without any references to working memory, and without delineating why WM is considered as an external task even working memory operations can be internal. Similarly, for the interesting results on SO and reduced DMN activity, the authors wrote "The DMN is typically active during wakeful rest and is associated with self-referential processes like mind-wandering, daydreaming, and task representation (Yeshurun, Nguyen, & Hasson, 2021). Its reduced activity during SOs may signal a shift towards endogenous processes such as memory consolidation." This argument is flawed. DMN is active during self-referential processing and mind-wandering, i.e., when the brain shifts from external stimuli processing to internal mental processing. During sleep, endogenous memory reactivation and consolidation are also part of the internal mental processing given the lack of external environmental stimulation. So why during SO or during memory consolidation, the DMN activity would be reduced? Were there differences in DMN activity between SO and SO-spindle coupling events?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Howard et al. performed deep mutational scanning on the MC4R gene, using a reporter assay to investigate two distinct downstream pathways across multiple experimental conditions. They validated their findings with ClinVar data and previous studies. Additionally, they provided insights into the application of DMS results for personalized drug therapy and differential ligand responses across variant types.


      They captured over 99% of variants with robust signals and investigated subtle functionalities, such as pathway-specific activities and interactions with different ligands, by refining both the experimental design and analytical methods.

      They provided additional details regarding the quality of the library, including the even composition of variants, sufficient readout from tested cells, and adequate sequencing depth. Additionally, they clarified the underlying assay mechanisms, effectively demonstrating the robustness of their results.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript the authors use deep mutational scanning to assess the effect of ~6,600 protein-coding variants in MC4R, a G protein-coupled receptor associated with obesity. Reasoning that current deep mutational scanning approaches are insufficiently precise for some drug development applications, they focus on articulating new, more precise approaches. These approaches, which include a new statistical model and innovative reporter assay, enable them to probe molecular phenotypes directly relevant to the development of drugs that target this receptor with high precision and statistical rigor.

      They use the resulting data for a variety of purposes, including probing the relationship between MC4R's sequence and structure, analyzing the effect of clinically important variants, identifying variants that disrupt downstream MC4R signaling via one but not both pathways, identifying loss of function variants are amenable to a corrector drug and exploring how deep mutational scanning data could guide small molecule drug optimization.


      The analysis and statistical framework developed by the authors represent a significant advance. In particular, it makes use of barcode-level internally replicated measurements to more accurately estimate measurement noise.<br /> The framework allows variant effects to be compared across experimental conditions, a task which is currently hard to do with rigor. Thus, this framework will be applicable to a large number of existing and future deep mutational scanning experiments.

      The authors refine their existing barcode transcription-based assay for GPCR signaling, and develop a clever "relay" new reporter system to boost signaling in a particular pathway. They show that these reporters can be used to measure both gain of function and loss of function effects, which many deep mutational scanning approaches cannot do.

      The use of systematic approaches to integrate and then interrogate high-dimensional deep mutational scanning data is a big strength. For example, the authors applied PCA to the variant effect results from reporters for two different MC4R signaling pathways and were able to discover variants that biased signaling through one or the other pathway. This approach paves the way for analyses of higher dimensional deep mutational scans.

      The authors use the deep mutational scanning data they collect to map how different variants impact small molecule agonists activate MC4R signaling. This is an exciting idea because developing small-molecule protein-targeting therapeutics is difficult, and this manuscript suggests a new way to map small molecule-protein interactions.


      The authors derive insights into the relationship between MC4R signaling through different pathways and its structure. While these make sense based on what is already known, the manuscript would be stronger if some of these insights were validated using methods other than deep mutational scanning.

      Likewise, the authors use their data to identify positions where variants disrupt MC4R activation by one small molecule agonist but not another. They hypothesize these effects point to positions that are more or less important for the binding of different small molecule agonists. The manuscript would be stronger if some of these insights were explored further.


      In this manuscript the authors present new methods, including a statistical framework for analyzing deep mutational scanning data that will have a broad impact. They also generate MC4R variant effect data that is of interest to the GPCR community.

      Comments on revisions:

      I do not have additional comments, and feel that the authors addressed most of my concerns!

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      This study presents Jyvaskylavirus, a new member of the Marseilleviridae family, infecting Acanthamoeba castellanii. The study provides a detailed and comprehensive genomic and structural analysis of Jyvaskylavirus. The authors identified ORF142 as the capsid penton protein and additional structural proteins that comprise the virion. Using a combination of imaging techniques the authors provide new insights into the giant virus architecture and lifecycle. The study could be improved by providing atomic coordinates and refinement statistics, comparisons with available giant virus structures could be expanded, and the novelty in terms of the first isolated example of a giant virus from Finland could be expounded upon.

      The study contributes new structural and genomic diversity to the Marseilleviridae family, hinting at a broader distribution and ecological significance of giant viruses than previously thought.

      Comments on revisions: I'm satisfied with the authors' responses to the review, and request no further changes.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This paper describes the molecular characterisation of a new isolate of the giant virus Jyvaskylavirus, a member of the Marseilleviridae family infecting Acanthamoeba castellanii. The isolate comes from a boreal environment in Finland, showcasing that giant viruses can thrive in this ecological niche. The authors came up with a non-trivial isolation procedure that can be applied to characterise other members of the family and will be beneficial for the virology field. The genome shows typical Marseilleviridae features and phylogenetically belongs to their clade B. The structural characterisation was performed on the level of isolated virion morphology by negative stain EM, virions associated with cells either during the attachment or release by helium microscopy, the visualisation of the virus assembly inside cells using stained thin sections, and lastly on the protein secondary structure level by reconstructing ~6 A icosahedral map of the massive virion using cryoEM. The cryoEM density combined with gene product structure prediction enabled the identification and functional assessment of various virion proteins. The visualisation of ongoing virus assembly inside virus factories brings interesting hypotheses about the process that; however, needs to be verified in the next studies.


      The detailed description of the virus isolation protocol is the largest strength of the paper and I believe it can be modified for isolating various viruses infecting small eukaryotes. The cryoEM map allows us to understand how exceptionally large virions of these viruses are stabilised by minor capsid proteins and nicely demonstrates the integration of medium-resolution cryoEM with protein structure prediction in deciphering virion protein function.


      No mass spectrometry data are presented to supplement and confirm the identity of virion proteins which predicted models were fitted into the cryoEM density.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors provide strong evidence that the cell surface E3 ubiquitin ligases RNF43 and ZNRF3, which are well known for their role in regulating cell surface levels of WNT receptors encoded by FZD genes, also target EGFR for degradation. This is newly identified function for these ubiquitin ligases beyond their role in regulating WNT signaling. Loss of RNF43/ZNRF3 expression leads to elevated EGFR levels and signaling, suggesting a potential new axis to drive tumorigenesis, whereas overexpression of RNF43 or ZNRF3 decreases EGFR levels and signaling. Furthermore, RNF43 and ZNRF3 directly interact with EGFR through their extracellular domains.


      The data showing that RNF43 and ZNRF3 interact with EGFR and regulate its levels and activity are thorough and convincing, and the conclusions are largely supported.


      Prior work established a clear role for RNF43 and ZNRF3 in regulating cell surface levels of FZD, a class of WNT receptors. These new findings that these E3 ubiquitin ligases also target EGFR add a new layer of complexity, and it remains unclear to what extent WNT signaling versus EGFR signaling are impacted in cancer settings. The authors acknowledge this gap in our understanding, which will likely be the topic of follow-up studies.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors addressed my main concerns in this revised version and in their rebuttal comments. I have no further critiques to add.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      1st Public review:<br /> Using proteogenomic analysis of human cancer datasets, Yu et al, found that EGFR protein levels negatively correlate with ZNFR3/RNF43 expression across multiple cancers. Interestingly, they found that CRC harbouring the frequent RNF43 G659Vfs*41 mutation exhibit higher levels of EGFR when compared to RNF43 wild-type tumors. This is highly interesting since this mutation is generally not thought to influence Frizzled levels and Wnt-bcatenin pathway activity. Using CRISPR knockouts and overexpression experiments, the authors show that EGFR levels are modulated by ZNRF3/RNF43. Supporting these findings modulation of ZNRF3/RNF43 activity using Rspondin also leads to increased EGFR levels. Mechanistically, the authors, show that ZNRF3/RNF43 ubiquitinate EGFR and lead to degradation. Finally, the authors present functional evidence that loss of ZNRF3/RNF43 unleashes EGFR-mediated cell growth in 2D culture and organoids and promote tumor growth in vivo.

      Overall, the conclusions of the manuscript are well supported by the data presented, but some aspects of the mechanism presented need to be re-enforced to fully support the claims made by the authors. Additionally, the title of the paper suggests that ZNRF3 and RNF43 loss leads to hyperactivity of EGFR and that its signalling activity contribute to cancer initiation/progression. I don't think the authors convincingly showed this in their study.

      Major points:

      (1) EGFR ubiquitination. All of the experiments supporting that ZNFR3/RNF43 mediate EGFR ubiquitination are performed under overexpression conditions. A major caveat is also that none of the ubiquitination experiments are performed under denaturing conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to claim that the ubiquitin immunoreactivity observed on the western blots presented in Fig.4 corresponds to ubiquitinated-EGFR species.

      Another issue is that in Figure 4A, the experiments suggest that the RNF43-dependent ubiquitination of EGFR is promoted by EGF. However, there is no control showing the ubiquitination of EGFR in the absence of EGF but under RNF43 overexpression. According to the other experiments presented in Figures 4B, 4C and 4F, there seems to be a constitutive ubiquitination of EGFR upon overexpression. How do the authors reconcile the role of ZNRF3/RNF43 vs c-cbl?

      (2) EGFR degradation vs internalization. In Figure 3C, the authors show experiments that demonstrate that RNF43 KO increases steady state levels of EGFR and prevents its EGF-dependent proteolysis. Using flow cytometry they then present evidence that the reduction in cell surface levels of EGFR mediated by EGF is inhibited in the absence of RNF43. The authors conclude that this is due to inhibition of EGF-induced internalization of surface EGF. However, the experiments are not designed to study internalization and rather merely examine steady state levels of surface EGFR pre and post treatment. These changes are an integration of many things (retrograde and anterograde transport mechanisms presumable modulated by EGF). What process(es) is/are specifically affected by ZNFR3/RNF43? Are these processes differently regulated by c-cbl? If the authors are specifically interested in internalization/recycling, the use of cell surface biotinylation experiments and time courses are needed to examine the effect of EGF in the presence or absence of the E3 ligases.

      (3) RNF43 G659fs*41. The authors make a point in Figure 1D that this mutant leads to elevated EGFR in cancers but do not present evidence that this mutant is ineffective in mediated ubiquitination and degradation of EGFR. As this mutant maintains its ability to promote Frizzled ubiquitination and degradation, it would be important to show side by side that it does not affect EGFR. This would perhaps imply differential mechanisms for these two substrates.

      (4) "Unleashing EGFR activity". The title of the paper implies that ZNRF3/RNF43 loss leads to increased EGFR expression and hence increased activity that underlies cancer. However, I could find only one direct evidence showing that increased proliferation of the HT29 cell line mutant for RNF43 could be inhibited by the EGFR inhibitor Erlotinib. All the other evidence presented that I could find is correlative or indirect (e.g. RPPA showing increased phosphorylation of pathway members upon RNF43 KO, increased proliferation of a cell line upon ZNRF3/ RNF43 KO, decreased proliferation of a cell line upon ZNRF3/RNF43 OE in vitro or in xeno...). Importantly, the authors claim that cancer initiation/ progression in ZNRF3/RNF43 mutant may in some contexts be independent of their regulation of Wnt-bcatenin signaling and relying on EGFR activity upregulation. However, this has not been tested directly. Could the authors leverage their znrf3/RNF43 prostate cancer model to test whether EGFR inhibition could lead to reduced cancer burden whereas a Frizzled or Wnt inhibitor does not?

      More broadly, if EGFR signaling were to be unleashed in cancer, then one prediction would be that these cells would be more sensitive to EGFR pathway inhibition. Could the authors provide evidence that this is the case? Perhaps using isogenic cell lines or a panel of patient derived organoids (with known genotypes).

      Comments on revisions:

      The most important criticism of this manuscript that I raised in my original review has not been addressed. Indeed, the authors claim that EGFR is a direct substrate of the RNF43/ZNFR3 E3 ligase. This has not been directly demonstrated. Indeed, showing increased detection of ubiquitinated species in an immunoprecipitate could mean that a protein is directly modified. However, an alternative explanation is that a protein that is co-immunoprecipitated with the target protein is ubiquitinated (such as several EGFR adapters and interacting partners). Performing these experiments under denaturing conditions is one way to determine that EGFR is the substrate. Alternatively, a quantitative MS approach to quantify an increase in ubiquitinated peptides would also enable the authors to conclude that EGFR is indeed a substrate.

      In addition, one of the main conclusions of the authors is that EGFR activity is unleashed in cancer following ZNRF3 and/or RNF43 loss (as the title suggests). There is still no direct evidence in the manuscript that this is the case. I appreciate the new data showing that MEF with knockout of RNF43/ZNRF3 are sensitive to EGFR inhibitor (and not porcupine inhibitor) but what is the data supporting that EGFR activity is "unleashed" in cancer? The authors still claim that ZNRF3 and RNF43 loss could impact cancer initiation/development in a Wnt-independent fashion (see lines 341-343). I believe this conclusion is based on correlative staining of nuclear bcatenin (which is in itself not a reliable readout of active sginaling) and not on functional data.... I suggested in my original review that the authors should test the efficacy of EGFR inhibitor and Wnt inhibitor in the prostate cancer model that they present in Figure 7 that would have enabled them to firmly conclude about their relative contribution. This was largely handwaved in their rebuttal letter... Doing experiment in WT cells is not the same as addressing this question in the context of cancer.

      Finally, the authors use CRISPR KO experiments, without assessing editing or KO efficiencies throughout the manuscript and simply assume that the gRNA work. In my opinion this is an unacceptable practice.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Prior research indicates that NaV1.2 and NaV1.6 have different compartmental distributions, expression timelines in development, and roles in neuron function. The lack of subtype-specific tools to control Nav1.2 and Nav1.6 activity however has hampered efforts to define the role of each channel in neuronal behavior. The authors attempt to address the problem of subtype specificity here by using aryl sulfonamides (ASCs) to stabilize channels in the inactivated state in combination with mice carrying a mutation that renders NaV1.2 and/or NaV1.6 genetically resistant to the drug. Using this innovative approach, the authors find that action potential initiation is controlled by NaV1.6 while both NaV1.2 and NaV1.6 are involved in backpropagation of the action potential to the soma, corroborating previous findings. Additionally, NaV1.2 inhibition paradoxically increases the firing rate, as has also been observed in genetic knockout models. Finally, the potential anticonvulsant properties of ASCs were tested. NaV1.6 inhibition but not NaV1.2 inhibition was found to decrease action potential firing in prefrontal cortex layer 5b pyramidal neurons in response to current injections designed to mimic inputs during seizure. This result is consistent with studies of loss-of-function Nav1.6 models and knockdown studies showing that these animals are resistant to certain seizure types. These results lend further support for the therapeutic promise of activity-dependent, NaV1.6-selective, inhibitors for epilepsy.


      (1) The chemogenetic approaches used to achieve selective inhibition of NaV1.2 and NaV1.6 are innovative and help resolve long-standing questions regarding the role of Nav1.2 and Nav1.6 in neuronal electrogenesis.

      (2) The experimental design is overall rigorous, with appropriate controls included.

      (3) The assays to elucidate the effects of channel inactivation on typical and seizure-like activity were well selected.


      (1) The potential impact of the YW->SR mutation in the voltage sensor does not appear to have been sufficiently assessed. The activation/inactivation curves in Figure 1E show differences in both activation and inactivation at physiologically relevant membrane voltages, which may be significant even though the V1/2 and slope factors are roughly similar.

      (2) Additional discussion of the fact that channels are only partially blocked by the ASC and that ASCs act in a use-dependent manner would improve the manuscript and help readers interpret these results.

      (3) NaV1.6 was described as being exclusively responsible for the change in action potential threshold, but when NaV1.6 alone was inactivated, the effect was significantly reduced from the condition in which both channels were inactivated (Figure 4E). Similarly, Figure 6C shows that blockade of both channels causes threshold depolarization prior to the seizure-like event, but selective inactivation of NaV1.6 does not. As NaV1.2 does not appear to be involved in action potential initiation and threshold change, what is the mechanism of this dissimilarity between the NaV1.6 inactivation and combined NaV1.6/ NaV1.2 inactivation?

      (4) The idea that use-dependent VGSC-acting drugs may be effective antiseizure medications is well established. Additional discussion or at least acknowledgement of the existing, widely used, use-dependent VGSC drugs should be included (e.g. Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine, Phenytoin). Also, the idea that targeting NaV1.6 may be effective for seizures is established by studies using genetic models, knockdown, and partially selective pharmacology (e.g. NBI-921352). Additional discussion of how the results reported here are consistent with or differ from studies using these alternative approaches would improve the discussion

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors used a clever and powerful approach to explore how Nav1.2 and Nav1.6 channels, which are both present in neocortical pyramidal neurons, differentially control firing properties of the neurons. Overall, the approach worked very well, and the results show very interesting differences when one or the other channel is partially inhibited. The experimental data is solid and the experimental data is very nicely complemented by a computational model incorporating the different localization of the two types of sodium channels.

      In my opinion the presentation and interpretation of the results could be improved by a more thorough discussion of the fact that only incomplete inhibition of the channels can be achieved by the inhibitor under physiological recording conditions and I thought the paper could be easier to digest if the figures were re-organized. However, the key results are well-documented.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The authors used powerful and novel reagents to carefully assess the roles of the voltage gated sodium channel (NaV) isoforms in regulating the neural excitability of principal neurons of the cerebral cortex. Using this approach, they were able to confirm that two different isoforms, NaV1.2 and NaV1.6 have distinct roles in electrogenesis of neocortical pyramidal neurons.


      Development of very powerful transgenic mice in which NaV1.2 and/or NaV1.6 were modified to be insensitive to ASCs, a particular class of NaV blocker. This allowed them to test for roles of the two isoforms in an acute setting, without concerns of genetic or functional compensation that might result from a NaV channel knockout.

      Careful biophysical analysis of ASC effects on different NaV isoforms.

      Extensive and rigorous analysis of electrogenesis - action potential production - under conditions of blockade of either NaV1.2 or NaV1 or both.


      Some results are overstated in that the representative example records provided do not directly support the conclusions.

      Results from a computational model are provided to make predictions of outcomes, but the computational approach is highly underdeveloped.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Howard-Spink et al. investigated how older chimpanzees changed their behavior regarding stone tool use for nutcracking over a period of 17 years, from late adulthood to old age. This behavior is cognitively demanding, and it is a good target for understanding aging in wild primates. They used several factors to follow the aging process of five individuals, from attendance at the nut-cracking outdoor laboratory site to time to select tools and efficiency in nut-cracking to check if older chimpanzee changed their behavior.

      Indeed, older chimpanzees reduced their visits to the outdoor lab, which was not observed in the younger adults. The authors discuss several reasons for that; the main ones being physiological changes, cognitive and physical constraints, and changes in social associations. Much of the discussion is hypothetical, but a good starting point, as there is not much information about senescence in wild chimpanzees.

      The efficiency for nut-cracking was variable, with some individuals taking a long time to crack nuts while others showed little variance. As this is not compared with the younger individuals and the sample is small (only five individuals), it is difficult to be sure if this is also partly a normal variance caused by other factors (ecology) or is only related to senescence.


      (1) 17 years of longitudinal data in the same setting, following the same individuals.

      (2) Using stone tool use, a cognitively demanding behavior, to understand the aging process.


      A lack of comparison of the stone tool use behavior with younger individuals in the same period, to check if the changes observed are only related to age or if it is an overall variance. The comparison with younger chimpanzees was only done for one of the variables (attendance).

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Primates are a particularly important and oft-applied model for understanding the evolution of, e.g., life history and senescence in humans. Although there is a growing body of work on aging in primates, there are three components of primate senescence research that have been underutilized or understudied: (1) longitudinal datasets, (2) wild populations, and (3) (stone) tool-use behaviors. Therefore, the goal of this study was to (1) use a 17-year longitudinal dataset (2) of wild chimpanzees in the Bossou forest, (3) visiting a site for field experiments on nut-cracking. They sampled and analyzed data from five field seasons for five chimpanzees of old age. From this sample, Howard-Spink and colleagues noted a decline in tool-use and tool-use efficiency in some individuals, but not in others. The authors then conclude that there is a measurable effect of senescence on chimpanzee behavior, but that it varies individually. The study has major intellectual value as a building block for future research, but there are several major caveats.


      With this study, Howard-Spink and colleagues make a foray into a neglected topic of research: the impact of the physiological and cognitive changes due to senescence on stone tool use in chimpanzees. Based on novelty alone, this is a valuable study. The authors cleverly make use of a longitudinal record covering 17 years of field data, which provides a window into long-term changes in the behavior of wild chimpanzees, which I agree cannot be understood through cross-sectional comparisons.

      The metrics of 'efficiency' (see caveats below) are suitable for measuring changes in technological behavior over time, as specifically tailored to the nut-cracking (e.g., time, number of actions, number of strikes, tool changes). The ethogram and the coding protocol are also suitable for studying the target questions and objectives. I would recommend, however, the inclusion of further variables that will assist in improving the amount of valid data that can be extrapolated (see also below).

      With this pilot, Howard-Spink and colleagues have established a foundation upon which future research can be designed, including further investigation with the Bossou dataset and other existing video archives, but especially future targeted data collection, which can be designed to overcome some of the limits and confounds that can be identified in the current study.


      Although I agree with the reasoning behind conducting this research and understand that, as the authors state, there are logistical considerations that have to be made when planning and executing such a study, there are a number of methodological and theoretical shortcomings that either need to be more explicitly stated by the authors or would require additional data collection and analysis.

      One of the main limitations of this study is the small sample size. There are only 5 of the old-aged individuals, which is not enough to draw any inferences about aging for chimpanzees more generally. Howard-Spink and colleagues also study data from only five of the 17 years of recorded data at Bossou. The selection of this subset of data requires clarification: why were these intervals chosen, why this number of data points, and how do we know that it provides a representative picture of the age-related changes of the full 17 years?

      With measuring and interpreting the 'efficiency' of behaviors, there are in-built assumptions about the goals of the agents and how we can define efficiency. First, it may be that efficiency is not an intentional goal for nut-cracking at all, but rather, e.g., productivity as far as the number of uncrushed kernels (cf. Putt 2015). Second, what is 'efficient' for the human observer might not be efficient for the chimpanzee who is performing the behavior. More instances of tool-switching may be considered inefficient, but it might also be a valid strategy for extracting more from the nuts, etc. Understanding the goals of chimpanzees may be a difficult proposition, but these are uncertainties that must be kept in mind when interpreting and discussing 'decline' or any change in technological behaviors over time.

      For the study of the physiological impact of senescence of tool use (i.e., on strength and coordination), the study would benefit from the inclusion of variables like grip type and (approximate) stone size (Neufuss et al., 2016). The size and shape of stones for nut-cracking have been shown to influence the efficacy and 'efficiency' of tool use (i.e., the same metrics of 'efficiency' implemented by Howard-Spink et al. in the current study), meaning raw material properties are a potential confound that the authors have not evaluated.

      Similarly, inter- and intraspecific variation in the properties of nuts being processed is another confound (Falótico et al., 2022; Proffitt et al., 2022). If oil palm nuts were varying year-to-year, for example, this would theoretically have an effect on the behavioral forms and strategies employed by the chimpanzees, and thus, any metric of efficiency being collected and analyzed. Further, it is perplexing that the authors analyze only one year where the coula nuts were provided at the test site, but these were provided during multiple field seasons. It would be more useful to compare data from a similar number of field seasons with both species if we are to study age-related changes in nut processing over time (one season of coula nut-cracking certainly does not achieve this).

      Both individual personality (especially neophilia versus neophobia; e.g., Forss & Willems, 2022) and motivation factors (Tennie & Call, 2023) are further confounds that can contribute to a more valid interpretation of the patterns found. To draw any conclusions about age-related changes in diet and food preferences, we would need to have data on the overall food intake/preferences of the individuals and the food availability in the home range. The authors refer briefly to this limitation, but the implications for the interpretation of the data are not sufficiently underlined (e.g., for the relevance of age-related decline in stone tool-use ability for individual survival).

      Generally speaking, there is a lack of consideration for temporal variation in ecological factors. As a control for these, Howard-Spink and colleagues have examined behavioral data for younger individuals from Bossou in the same years, to ostensibly show that patterns in older adults are different from patterns in younger adults, which is fair given the available data. Nonetheless, they seem to focus mostly on the start and end points and not patterns that occur in between. For example, there is a curious drop in attendance rate for all individuals in the 2008 season, the implications of which are not discussed by the authors.

      As far as attendance, Howard-Spink and colleagues also discuss how this might be explained by changes in social standing in later life (i.e., chimpanzees move to the fringes of the social network and become less likely to visit gathering sites). This is not senescence in the sense of physiological and cognitive decline with older age. Instead, the reduced attendance due to changes in social standing seems rather to exacerbate signs of aging rather than be an indicator of it itself. The authors also mention a flu-like epidemic that caused the death of 5 individuals; the subsequent population decline and related changes in demography also warrant more discussion and characterization in the manuscript.

      Understandably, some of these issues cannot be evaluated or corrected with the presented dataset. Nonetheless, these undermine how certain and/or deterministic their conclusions can really be considered. Howard-Spink et al. have not strongly 'demonstrated' the validity of relationships between the variables of the study. If anything, their cursory observations provide us with methods to apply and hypotheses to test in future studies. It is likely that with higher-resolution datasets, the individual variability in age-related decline in tool-use abilities will be replicated. For now, this can be considered a starting point, which will hopefully inspire future attempts to research these questions.

      Falótico, T., Valença, T., Verderane, M. & Fogaça, M. D. Stone tools differences across three capuchin monkey populations: food's physical properties, ecology, and culture. Sci. Rep. 12, 14365 (2022).<br /> Forss, S. & Willems, E. The curious case of great ape curiosity and how it is shaped by sociality. Ethology 128, 552-563 (2022).<br /> Neufuss, J., Humle, T., Cremaschi, A. & Kivell, T. L. Nut-cracking behaviour in wild-born, rehabilitated bonobos (Pan paniscus): a comprehensive study of hand-preference, hand grips and efficiency. Am. J. Primatol. 79, e22589 (2016).<br /> Proffitt, T., Reeves, J. S., Pacome, S. S. & Luncz, L. V. Identifying functional and regional differences in chimpanzee stone tool technology. R. Soc. Open Sci. 9, 220826 (2022).<br /> Putt, S. S. The origins of stone tool reduction and the transition to knapping: An experimental approach. J. Archaeol. Sci.: Rep. 2, 51-60 (2015).<br /> Tennie, C. & Call, J. Unmotivated subjects cannot provide interpretable data and tasks with sensitive learning periods require appropriately aged subjects: A Commentary on Koops et al. (2022) "Field experiments find no evidence that chimpanzee nut cracking can be independently innovated". ABC 10, 89-94 (2023).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Ejdrup, Gether, and colleagues present a sophisticated simulation of dopamine (DA) dynamics based on a substantial volume of striatum with many DA release sites. The key observation is that a reduced DA uptake rate in the ventral striatum (VS) compared to the dorsal striatum (DS) can produce an appreciable "tonic" level of DA in VS and not DS. In both areas they find that a large proportion of D2 receptors are occupied at "baseline"; this proportion increases with simulated DA cell phasic bursts but has little sensitivity to simulated DA cell pauses. They also examine, in a separate model, the effects of clustering dopamine transporters (DAT) into nanoclusters and say this may be a way of regulating tonic DA levels in VS. I found this work of interest and I think it will be useful to the community. At the same time, there are a number of weaknesses that should be addressed, and the authors need to more carefully explain how their conclusions are distinct from those based on prior models.

      (1) The conclusion that even an unrealistically long (1s) and complete pause in DA firing has little effect on DA receptor occupancy is potentially important. The ability to respond to DA pauses has been thought to be a key reason why D2 receptors (may) have high affinity. This simulation instead finds evidence that DA pauses may be useless. This result should be highlighted in the abstract and discussed more.

      (2) The claim of "DAT nanoclustering as a way to shape tonic levels of DA" is not very well supported at present. None of the panels in Figure 4 simply show mean steady-state extracellular DA as a function of clustering. Perhaps mean DA is not the relevant measure, but then the authors need to better define what is and why. This issue may be linked to the fact that DAT clustering is modeled separately (Figure 4) to the main model of DA dynamics (Figures 1-3) which per the Methods assumes even distribution of uptake. Presumably, this is because the spatial resolution of the main model is too coarse to incorporate DAT nanoclusters, but it is still a limitation. As it stands it is convincing (but too obvious) that DAT clustering will increase DA away from clusters, while decreasing it near clusters. I.e. clustering increases heterogeneity, but how this could be relevant to striatal function is not made clear, especially given the different spatial scales of the models.

      (3) I question how reasonable the "12/40" simulated burst firing condition is, since to my knowledge this is well outside the range of firing patterns actually observed for dopamine cells. It would be better to base key results on more realistic values (in particular, fewer action potentials than 12).

      (4) There is a need to better explain why "focality" is important, and justify the measure used.

      (5) Line 191: " D1 receptors (-Rs) were assumed to have a half maximal effective concentration (EC50) of 1000 nM"<br /> The assumptions about receptor EC50s are critical to this work and need to be better justified. It would also be good to show what happens if these EC50 numbers are changed by an order of magnitude up or down.

      (6) Line 459: "we based our receptor kinetics on newer pharmacological experiments in live cells (Agren et al., 2021) and properties of the recently developed DA receptor-based biosensors (Labouesse & Patriarchi, 2021). Indeed, these sensors are mutated receptors but only on the intracellular domains with no changes of the binding site (Labouesse & Patriarchi, 2021)"<br /> This argument is diminished by the observation that different sensors based on the same binding site have different affinities (e.g. in Patriarchi et al. 2018, dLight1.1 has Kd of 330nM while dlight1.3b has Kd of 1600nM).

      (7) Estimates of Vmax for DA uptake are entirely based on prior fast-scan voltammetry studies (Table S2). But FSCV likely produces distorted measures of uptake rate due to the kinetics of DA adsorption and release on the carbon fiber surface.

      (8) It is assumed that tortuosity is the same in DS and VS - is this a safe assumption?

      (9) More discussion is needed about how the conclusions derived from this more elaborate model of DA dynamics are the same, and different, to conclusions drawn from prior relevant models (including those cited, e.g. from Hunger et al. 2020, etc).

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The work presents a model of dopamine release, diffusion, and reuptake in a small (100 micrometer^2 maximum) volume of striatum. This extends previous work by this group and others by comparing dopamine dynamics in the dorsal and ventral striatum and by using a model of immediate dopamine-receptor activation inferred from recent dopamine sensor data. From their simulations, the authors report two main conclusions. The first is that the dorsal striatum does not appear to have a sustained, relatively uniform concentration of dopamine driven by the constant 4Hz firing of dopamine neurons; rather that constant firing appears to create hotspots of dopamine. By contrast, the lower density of release sites and lower rate of reuptake in the ventral striatum creates a sustained concentration of dopamine. The second main conclusion is that D1 receptor (D1R) activation is able to track dopamine concentration changes at short delays but D2 receptor activation cannot.

      The simulations of the dorsal striatum will be of interest to dopamine aficionados as they throw some doubt on the classic model of "tonic" and "phasic" dopamine actions, further show the disconnect between dopamine neuron firing and consequent release, and thus raise issues for the reward-prediction error theory of dopamine.

      There is some careful work here checking the dependence of results on the spatial volume and its discretisation. The simulations of dopamine concentration are checked over a range of values for key parameters. The model is good, the simulations are well done, and the evidence for robust differences between dorsal and ventral striatum dopamine concentration is good.

      However, the main weakness here is that neither of the main conclusions is strongly evidenced as yet. The claim that the dorsal striatum has no "tonic" dopamine concentration is based on the single example simulation of Figure 1 not the extensive simulations over a range of parameters. Some of those later simulations seem to show that the dorsal striatum can have a "tonic" dopamine concentration, though the measurement of this is indirect. It is not clear why the reader should believe the example simulation over those in the robustness checks, for example by identifying which range of parameter values is more realistic.

      The claim that D1Rs can track rapid changes in dopamine is not well supported. It is based on a single simulation in Figure 1 (DS) and 2 (VS) by visual inspection of simulated dopamine concentration traces - and even then it is unclear that D1Rs actually track dynamics because they clearly do not track rapid changes in dopamine that are almost as large as those driven by bursts (cf Figure 1i). The claim also depends on two things that are poorly explained. First, the model of binding here is missing from the text. It seems to be a simple bound-fraction model, simulating a single D1 or D2 receptor. It is unclear whether more complex models would show the same thing. Second, crucial to the receptor model here is the inference that D1 receptor unbinding is rapid; but this inference is made based on the kinetics of dopamine sensors and is superficially explained - it is unclear why sensor kinetics should let us extrapolate to receptor kinetics, and unclear how safe is the extrapolation of the linear regression by an order of magnitude to get the D1 unbinding rate.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study by Xu et al. focuses on the impact of clathrin-independent endocytosis in cancer cells on T cell activation. In particular, by using a combination of biochemical approaches and imaging, the authors identify ICAM1, the ligand for T cell-expressed integrin LFA-1, as a novel cargo for EndoA3-mediated endocytosis. Subsequently, the authors aim to identify functional implications for T cell activation, using a combination of cytokine assays and imaging experiments.

      They find that the absence of EndoA3 leads to a reduction in T cell-produced cytokine levels. Additionally, they observe slightly reduced levels of ICAM1 at the immunological synapse and an enlarged contact area between T cells and cancer cells. Taken together, the authors propose a mechanism where EndoA3-mediated endocytosis of ICAM1, followed by retrograde transport, supplies the immunological synapse with ICAM1. In the absence of EndoA3, T cells attempt to compensate for suboptimal ICAM1 levels at the synapse by enlarging their contact area, which proves insufficient and leads to lower levels of T cell activation.


      The authors utilize a rigorous and innovative experimental approach that convincingly identifies ICAM1 as a novel cargo for Endo3A-mediated endocytosis.


      The characterization of the effects of Endo3A absence on T cell activation appears incomplete. Key aspects, such as surface marker upregulation, T cell proliferation, integrin signalling and most importantly, the killing of cancer cells, are not comprehensively investigated.

      As Endo- and exocytosis are intricately linked with the biophysical properties of the cellular membrane (e.g. membrane tension), which can significantly impact T-cell activation and cytotoxicity, the authors should address this possibility and ideally address it experimentally to some degree.

      Crucially, key literature relevant to this research, addressing the role of ICAM1 endocytosis in antigen-presenting cells, has not been taken into consideration.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Xu et al. studies the relevance of endophilin A3-dependent endocytosis and retrograde transport of immune synapse components and in the activation of cytotoxic CD8 T cells. First, the authors show that ICAM1 and ALCAM, known components of immune synapses, are endocytosed via endoA3-dependent endocytosis and retrogradely transported to the Golgi. The authors then show that blocking internalization or retrograde trafficking reduces the activation of CD8 T cells. Moreover, this diminished CD8 T cell activation resulted in the formation of an enlarged immune synapse with reduced ICAM1 recruitment.


      The authors show a novel EndoA3-dependent endocytic cargo and provide strong evidence linking EndoA3 endocytosis to the retrograde transport of ALCAM and ICAM1.


      The role of EndoA3 in the process of T cell activation is shown in a cell that requires exogenous expression of this gene. Moreover, the authors claim that their findings are important for polarized redistribution of cargoes, but failed to show convincingly that the cargoes they are studying are polarized in their experimental system. The statistics of the manuscript also require some refinement.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Shiqiang Xu and colleagues have examined the importance of ICAM-1 and ALCAM internalization and retrograde transport in cancer cells on the formation of a polarized immunological synapse with cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. They find that internalization is mediated by Endophilin A3 (EndoA3) while retrograde transport to the Golgi apparatus is mediated by the retromer complex. The paper is building on previous findings from corresponding author Henri-François Renard showing that ALCAM is an EndoA3-dependent cargo in clathrin-independent endocytosis.


      The work is interesting as it describes a novel mechanism by which cancer cells might influence CD8+ T cell activation and immunological synapse formation, and the authors have used a variety of cell biology and immunology methods to study this. However, there are some aspects of the paper that should be addressed more thoroughly to substantiate the conclusions made by the authors.


      In Figure 2A-B, the authors show micrographs from live TIRF movies of HeLa and LB33-MEL cells stably expressing EndoA3-GFP and transiently expressing ICAM-1-mScarlet. The ICAM-1 signal appears diffuse across the plasma membrane while the EndoA3 signal is partially punctate and partially lining the edge of membrane patches. Previous studies of EndoA3-mediated endocytosis have indicated that this can be observed as transient cargo-enriched puncta on the cell surface. In the present study, there is only one example of such an ICAM-1 and EndoA3 positive punctate event. Other examples of overlapping signals between ICAM-1 and EndoA3 are shown, but these either show retracting ICAM-1 positive membrane protrusions or large membrane patches encircled by EndoA3. While these might represent different modes of EndoA3-mediated ICAM-1 internalization, any conclusion on this would require further investigation.

      Moreover, in Figure 2C-E, uptake of the previously established EndoA3 endocytic cargo ALCAM is analyzed by quantifying total internal fluorescence in LB33-MEL cells of antibody labelled ALCAM following both overexpression and siRNA-mediated knockdown of EndoA3, showing increased and decreased uptake respectively. Why has not the same quantification been done for the proposed novel EndoA3 endocytic cargo ICAM-1? Furthermore, if endocytosis of ICAM-1 and ALCAM is diminished following EndoA3 knockdown, the expression level on the cell surface would presumably increase accordingly. This has been shown for ALCAM previously and should also be quantified for ICAM-1.

      In Figure 4A the authors show micrographs from a live-cell Airyscan movie (Movie S6) of a CD8+ T cell incubated with HeLa cells stably expressing HLA-A*68012 and transiently expressing ICAM1-EGFP. From the movie, it seems that some ICAM-1 positive vesicles in one of the HeLa cells are moving towards the T cell. However, it does not appear like the T cell has formed a stable immunological synapse but rather perhaps a motile kinapse. Furthermore, to conclude that the ICAM-1 positive vesicles are transported toward the T cell in a polarized manner, vesicles from multiple cells should be tracked and their overall directionality should be analyzed. It would also strengthen the paper if the authors could show additional evidence for polarization of the cancer cells in response to T-cell interaction.

      Finally, in Figures 4D-G, the authors show that the contact area between CD8+ T cells and LB33-MEL cells is increased in response to siRNA-mediated knockdown of EndoA3 and VPS26A. While this could be caused by reduced polarized delivery of ICAM-1 and ALCAM to the interface between the cells, it could also be caused by other factors such as increased cell surface expression of these proteins due to diminished endocytosis, and/or morphological changes in the cancer cells resulting from disrupted membrane traffic. More experimental evidence is needed to support the working model in Figure 4H.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this study, Ana Lapao et al. investigated the roles of Rab27 effector SYTL5 in cellular membrane trafficking pathways. The authors found that SYTL5 localizes to mitochondria in a Rab27A-dependent manner. They demonstrated that SYTL5-Rab27A positive vesicles containing mitochondrial material are formed under hypoxic conditions, thus they speculate that SYTL5 and Rab27A play roles in mitophagy. They also found that both SYTL5 and Rab27A are important for normal mitochondrial respiration. Cells lacking SYTL5 undergo a shift from mitochondrial oxygen consumption to glycolysis which is a common process known as the Warburg effect in cancer cells. Based on the cancer patient database, the author noticed that low SYTL5 expression is related to reduced survival for adrenocortical carcinoma patients, indicating SYTL5 could be a negative regulator of the Warburg effect and potentially tumorigenesis.


      The authors take advantage of multiple techniques and novel methods to perform the experiments.

      (1) Live-cell imaging revealed that stably inducible expression of SYTL5 co-localized with filamentous structures positive for mitochondria. This result was further confirmed by using correlative light and EM (CLEM) analysis and western blotting from purified mitochondrial fraction.

      (2) In order to investigate whether SYTL5 and RAB27A are required for mitophagy in hypoxic conditions, two established mitophagy reporter U2OS cell lines were used to analyze the autophagic flux.


      This study revealed a potential function of SYTL5 in mitophagy and mitochondrial metabolism. However, the mechanistic evidence that establishes the relationship between SYTL5/Rab27A and mitophagy is insufficient. The involvement of SYTL5 in ACC needs more investigation. Furthermore, images and results supporting the major conclusions need to be improved.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors provide convincing evidence that Rab27 and STYL5 work together to regulate mitochondrial activity and homeostasis.


      The development of models that allow the function to be dissected, and the rigorous approach and testing of mitochondrial activity


      There may be unknown redundancies in both pathways in which Rab27 and SYTL5 are working which could confound the interpretation of the results.

      Suggestions for revision:

      Given that Rab27A and SYTL5 are members of protein families it would be important to exclude any possible functional redundancies coming from Rab27B expression or one of the other SYTL family members. For Rab27 this would be straightforward to test in the assays shown in Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure 5. For SYTL5 it might be sufficient to include some discussion about this possibility.

      Suggestions for Discussion:

      Both Rab27A and STYL5 localize to other membranes, including the endolysosomal compartments. How do the authors envisage the mechanism or cellular modifications that allow these proteins, either individually or in complex to function also to regulate mitochondrial function? It would be interesting to have some views.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      In the manuscript by Lapao et al., the authors uncover a role for the RAB27A effector protein SYTL5 in regulating mitochondrial function and turnover. The authors find that SYTL5 localizes to mitochondria in a RAB27A-dependent way and that loss of SYTL5 (or RAB27A) impairs lysosomal turnover of an inner mitochondrial membrane mitophagy reporter but not a matrix-based one. As the authors see no co-localization of GFP/mScarlet tagged versions of SYTL5 or RAB27A with LC3 or p62, they propose that lysosomal turnover is independent of the conventional autophagy machinery. Finally, the authors go on to show that loss of SYTL5 impacts mitochondrial respiration and ECAR and as such may influence the Warburg effect and tumorigenesis. Of relevance here, the authors go on to show that SYTL5 expression is reduced in adrenocortical carcinomas and this correlates with reduced survival rates.


      There are clearly interesting and new findings here that will be relevant to those following mitochondrial function, the endocytic pathway, and cancer metabolism.


      The data feel somewhat preliminary in that the conclusions rely on exogenously expressed proteins and reporters, which do not always align.

      As the authors note there are no commercially available antibodies that recognize endogenous SYTL5, hence they have had to stably express GFP-tagged versions. However, it appears that the level of expression dictates co-localization from the examples the authors give (though it is hard to tell as there is a lack of any kind of quantitation for all the fluorescent figures). Therefore, the authors may wish to generate an antibody themselves or tag the endogenous protein using CRISPR.

      In relation to quantitation, the authors found that SYTL5 localizes to multiple compartments or potentially a few compartments that are positive for multiple markers. Some quantitation here would be very useful as it might inform on function.

      The authors find that upon hypoxia/hypoxia-like conditions that punctate structures of SYTL5 and RAB27A form that are positive for Mitotracker, and that a very specific mitophagy assay based on pSu9-Halo system is impaired by siRNA of SYTL5/RAB27A, but another, distinct mitophagy assay (Matrix EGFP-mCherry) shows no change. I think this work would strongly benefit from some measurements with endogenous mitochondrial proteins, both via immunofluorescence and western blot-based flux assays.

      A really interesting aspect is the apparent independence of this mitophagy pathway on the conventional autophagy machinery. However, this is only based on a lack of co-localization between p62 or LC3 with LAMP1 and GFP/mScarlet tagged SYTL5/RAB27A. However, I would not expect them to greatly colocalize in lysosomes as both the p62 and LC3 will become rapidly degraded, while the eGFP and mScarlet tags are relatively resistant to lysosomal hydrolysis. -/+ a lysosome inhibitor might help here and ideally, the functional mitophagy assays should be repeated in autophagy KOs.

      The link to tumorigenesis and cancer survival is very interesting but it is not clear if this is due to the mitochondrially-related aspects of SYTL5 and RAB27A. For example, increased ECAR is seen in the SYTL5 KO cells but not in the RAB27A KO cells (Fig.5D), implying that mitochondrial localization of SYTL5 is not required for the ECAR effect. More work to strengthen the link between the two sections in the paper would help with future directions and impact with respect to future cancer treatment avenues to explore.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Amaral et al. presents a study investigating the mesoscale modelling and dynamics of bolalipids.


      The figures in this paper are exceptional. Both those to outline and introduce the lipid types, but also the quality and resolution of the plots. The data held within also appears to be outstanding and of significant (hopefully) general interest.


      In the introduction, I would like to have read more specifics on the biological role of bolalipids. Archaea are mentioned, but this kingdom is huge - there must be specific species that can be discussed where bolalipids are integral to archaeal life. The authors should go beyond 'extremophiles'. In short, they should unpack why the general audience should be interested in these lipids, within a subset of organisms that are often forgotten about.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors aimed to understand the biophysical properties of archeal membranes made of bolalipids. Bacterial and eukaryotic membranes are made of lipids that self-assemble into bilayers. Archea, instead, use bolalipids, lipids that have two headgroups and can span the entire bilayer. The authors wanted to determine if the unique characteristics of archaea, which are often extremophiles, are in part due to the fact that their membranes contain bolalipids.

      The authors develop a minimal computational model to compare the biophysics of bilayers made of lipids, bolalipids, and mixtures of the two. Their model enables them to determine essential parameters such as bilayer phase diagrams, mechanical moduli, and the bilayer behavior upon cargo inclusion and remodeling.

      The author demonstrates that bolalipid bilayers behave as binary mixtures, containing bolalipids organized either in a straight conformation, spanning the entire bilayer, or in a u-shaped one, confined to a single leaflet. This dynamic mixture allows bolalipid bilayers to be very sturdy but also provides remodeling. However, remodeling is energetically more expensive than with standard lipids. The authors speculate that this might be why lipids were more abundant in the evolutionary process.


      This is a wonderful paper, a very fine piece of scholarship. It is interesting from the point of view of biology, biophysics, and material science. The authors mastered the modeling and analysis of these complex systems. The evidence for their findings is really strong and complete. The paper is written superbly, the language is precise and the reading experience is very pleasant. The plots are very well-thought-out.


      I would not talk about weaknesses, because this is really a nice paper. If I really had to find one, I would have liked to see some clear predictions of the model expressed in such a way that experimentalists could design validation experiments.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The authors have studied the mechanics of bolalipid and archaeal mixed-lipid membranes via comprehensive molecular dynamics simulations. The Cooke-Deserno 3-bead-per-lipid model is extended to bolalipids with 6 beads. Phase diagrams, bending rigidity, mechanical stability of curved membranes, and cargo uptake are studied. Effects such as the formation of U-shaped bolalipids, pore formation in highly curved regions, and changes in membrane rigidity are studied and discussed. The main aim has been to show how the mixture of bolalipids and regular bilayer lipids in archaeal membrane models enhances the fluidity and stability of these membranes.


      The authors have presented a wide range of simulation results for different membrane conditions and conformations. For the most part, the analyses and their results are presented clearly and concisely. Figures, supplementary information, and movies very well present what has been studied. The manuscript is well-written and is easy to follow.

      Major issues:

      The Cooke-Deserno model, while very powerful for biophysical analysis of membranes at the mesoscale, is very much void of chemical information. It is parameterized such that it is good in producing fluid membranes and predicting values for bending rigidity, compressibility, and even thermal expansion coefficient falling in the accepted range of values for bilayer membranes. But it still represents a generic membrane. Now, the authors have suggested a similar model for the archaeal bolalipids, which have chemically different lipids (the presence of cyclopentane rings for one), and there is no good justification for using the same pairwise interactions between their representative beads in the coarse-grained model. This does not necessarily diminish the worth of all the authors' analyses. What is at risk here is the confusion between "what we observe this model of bolalipid- or mixed-membranes do" and "how real bolalipid-containing archaeal membranes behave at these mechanical and thermal conditions.".

      Another more specific, major issue has to do with using the Hamm-Kozlov model for fitting the power spectrum of thermal undulations. The 1/q^2 term can very well be attributed to membrane tension. While a barostat is indeed used, have the authors made absolutely sure that the deviation from 1/q^4 behavior does not correspond to lateral tension? I got more worried when I noticed in the SI that the simulations had been done with combined "fix langevin" and "fix nph" LAMMPS commands. This combination does not result in a proper isothermal-isobaric ensemble. The importance of tilt terms for bolalipids is indeed very interesting, but I believe more care is needed to establish that.

      This issue is reinforced when considering Figure 3B. These results suggest that increasing the fraction of regular lipids increases the tilt modulus, with the maximum value achieved for a normal Cooke-Deserno bilayer void of bolalipids. But this is contradictory. For these bilayers, we don't need the tilt modulus in the first place.

      Also, from the SI, I gathered that the authors have neglected the longest wavelength mode because it is not equilibrated. If this is indeed the case, it is a dangerous thing to do, because with a small membrane patch, this mode can very well change the general trend of the power spectrum. As a lot of other analyses in the manuscript rely on these measurements, I believe more elaboration is in order.

      The authors have found that "there is a strong dependency of the bending rigidity on the membrane mean curvature of stiffer bolalipids." The effect is negative, with the membrane becoming less stiff at higher mean curvatures. Why is that? I would assume that with more flexible bolalipids, the possibility of reorganization into U-shaped chains should affect the bending rigidity more (as Figure 2E suggests). While for a stiff bolalipid, not much would change if you increase the mean curvature. This should be either a tilt effect, or have to do with asymmetry between the leaflets. But on the other hand, the tilt modulus is shown to decrease with increasing bolalipid rigidity. The authors get back to this issue only on page 10, when they consider U-shaped lipids in the inner and outer leaflets and write, "this suggested that an additional membrane-curving mechanism must be involved." But then again, in the Discussion, the authors write, "It is striking that membranes made from stiffer bolalipids showed a curvature-dependent bending modulus, which is a clear signature that bolalipid membranes exhibit plastic behavior during membrane reshaping," adding to the confusion.

      This issue is repeated when the authors study nanoparticle uptake. They write: "to reconcile these seemingly conflicting observations we reason that the bending rigidity, similar to Figure 2F, is not constant but softens upon increasing membrane curvature, due to dynamic change in the ratio between bolalipids in straight and U-shaped conformation. Hence, bolalipid membranes show stroking plastic behavior as they soften during reshaping." But the softening effect that they refer to, as shown in Figure 4B, occurs for very stiff bolalipids, for which not much switching to U-shaped conformation should occur.

      Another major issue is with what the authors refer to as the "effective temperature". While plotting phase diagrams for kT/eps value is absolutely valid, I'm not a fan of calling this effective temperature. It is a dimensionless quantity that scales linearly with temperature, but is not a temperature. It is usually called a "reduced temperature". Then the authors refer to their findings as studying the stability of archaeal membranes at high temperatures. I have to disagree because eps is not the only potential parameter in the simulations (there are at least space exclusion and angle-bending stiffnesses) so one cannot identify changing eps with changing the global simulation temperature. This only works when you have one potential parameter, like an LJ gas.

      Minor issues:

      As the authors have noted, the fact that the membrane curvature can change the ratio of U-shaped to straight bolalipids would render the curvature elasticity non-linear (though the term "plastic" should not be used, as this is still structurally reversible when the stress is removed. Technically, it is hypoelastic behavior, possibly with hysteresis.) With this in mind, when the authors use essentially linear elastic models for fluctuation analysis, they should make a comparison of maximum curvatures occurring in simulations with a range that causes significant changes in bolalipid conformational ratios.

      The Introduction section of the manuscript is written with a biochemical approach, with very minor attention to the simulation works on this system. Some molecular dynamics works are only cited as existing previous work, without mentioning what has already been studied in archaeal membranes. While some information, like the binding of ESCRT proteins to archaeal membranes, though interesting, helps little to place the study within the discipline. The Introduction should be revised to show what has already been studied with simulations (as the authors mention in the Discussion) and how the presented research complements it.

      The authors have been a bit loose with using the term "stability". I'd like to see the distinction in each case, as in "chemical/thermal/mechanical/conformational stability".

      In the original Cooke-Deserno model, a so-called "poorman's angle-bending term" is used, which is essentially a bond-stretching term between the first and third particle. However, I notice the authors using the full harmonic angle-bending potential. This should be mentioned.

      The analysis of energy of U-shaped lipids with the linear model E=c_0 + c_1 * k_bola is indeed very interesting. I am curious, can this also be corroborated with mean energy measurements? The minor issue is calling the source of the favorability of U-shaped lipids "entropic", while clearly an energetic contribution is found. The two conformations, for example, might differ in the interactions with the neighboring lipids.

      The authors write in the Discussion, "In any case, our results indicate that membrane remodelling, such as membrane fission during membrane traffic, is much more difficult in bolalipid membranes [34]." Firstly, I'm not sure if studying the dependence of budding behavior on adhesion energy with nanoparticles is enough to make claims about membrane fission. Secondly, why is the 2015 paper by Markus Deserno cited here?

      In the SI, where the measurement of the diffusion coefficient is discussed, the expression for D is missing the power 2 of displacement.

      Where cargo uptake is discussed, the term "adsorption energy" is used. I think the more appropriate term would be "adhesion energy".

      Typos:<br /> Page 1, paragraph 2: Adaption → Adaptation.<br /> Page 10, paragraph 1: Stroking → Striking.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      G. Squiers et al. analyzed a previously reported CRISPR genetic screening dataset of engineered GLUT4 cell-surface presentation and identified the Commander complex subunit COMMD3 as being required for endosomal recycling of specific cargo proteins, such as transferrin receptor (TfR), to the cell surface. Through comparison of COMMD3-KO and other Commander subunit-KO cells, they demonstrated that the role of COMMD3 in mediating TfR recycling is independent of the Commander complex. Structural analysis and co-immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry revealed that TfR recycling by COMMD3 relies on ARF1. COMMD3 interacts with ARF1 through its N-terminal domain (NTD) to stabilize ARF1. A mutation in the NTD of COMMD3, which disrupts the NTD-ARF1 interaction, failed to rescue cell surface TfR in COMMD3-KO cells. In conclusion, the authors assert that COMMD3 stabilizes ARF1 in a Commander complex-independent manner, which is essential for recycling specific cargo proteins from endosomes to the plasma membrane.

      The conclusions of this paper are generally supported by data, but some validation experiments and control conditions should be included to strengthen the study.

      (1) Commander-Independent Role of COMMD3:<br /> While the authors provided evidence to support the Commander-independent role of COMMD3-such as the absence of other Commander subunits in the CRISPR screen and not decreased COMMD3 levels in other subunit-KO cells-direct evidence is lacking. The mutation that specifically disrupts the COMMD3-ARF1 interaction could serve as a valuable tool to directly address this question.

      (2) Role of ARF1 in Cargo Selection:<br /> The Commander-independent function of COMMD3 appears cargo-dependent and relies on ARF1's role in cargo selection. The authors should investigate whether KO/KD of ARF1 reduces cell surface levels of ITGA6 and TfR.

      (3) Impact on TfR Stability:<br /> Figure 7D suggests that TfR protein levels are reduced in COMMD3-KO cells, potentially due to degradation caused by disrupted recycling. This raises the question of whether the observed reduction in cell surface TfR is due to impaired endosomal recycling or decreased total protein levels. The authors should quantify the ratio of cell surface protein to total protein for TfR, GLUT-SPR, and ITGA6 in COMMD3-KO cells.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The Commander complex is a key player in endosomal recycling which recruits cargo proteins and facilitates the formation of tubulo-vesicular carriers. Squiers et al found COMMD3, a subunit of the Commander complex, could interact directly with ARF1 and regulate endosomal recycling.


      Overall, this is a nice study that provides some interesting knowledge on the function of the Commander complex.


      Several issues should be addressed.

      (1) All existing data suggest that COMMD3 is a subunit of the Commander complex. Is there any evidence that COMMD3 can exist as a monomer?

      (2) In Figure 9, the author emphasizes COMMD3-dependent cargo and Commander-dependent cargo. Can the authors speculate what distinguishes these two types of cargo? Do they contain sequence-specific motifs?

      (3) What could be the possible mechanism underlying the observation that the knockout of COMMD3 results in larger early endosomes? How is the disruption of cargo retrieval related to the increase in endosome size?

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Squiers and colleagues uncovers a Commander-independent function for COMMD3 in endosomal recycling. The authors identified COMMD3 as a regulator of endosomal recycling for GLUT4-SPR through unbiased genetic screens. Subsequently, the authors performed COMMD3 knockout experiments to assess endosomal morphology and trafficking, demonstrating that COMMD3 regulates endosomal trafficking in a Commander-independent manner. Furthermore, the authors identified and confirmed that the N-terminal domain (NTD) of COMMD3 interacts with the GTPase Arf1. Using structure-guided mutations, they demonstrated that the COMMD3-Arf1 interaction is critical for the Commander-independent function of COMMD3.

      Overall, the manuscript presents compelling evidence for a Commander-independent role of COMMD3, and I agree with the author's interpretations. The manuscript uses a combination of genetic screening, microscopy, and structural and biochemical approaches to examine and support the conclusions. This is an excellent and intriguing study and I have only a few comments and suggestions to improve the manuscript further.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In this study, Marocco and colleagues perform a deep characterization of the complex molecular mechanism guiding the recognition of a particular CELLmotif previously identified in hepatocytes in another publication. Having miR-155-3p with or without this CELLmotif as the initial focus, the authors identify 21 proteins differentially binding to these two miRNA versions. From there, they decided to focus on PCBP2. They elegantly demonstrate PCBP2 binding to the miR-155-3p WT version but not to the CELLmotif-mutated version. miR-155-3p contains a hEXOmotif identified in a different report, whose recognition is largely mediated by another RNA-binding protein called SYNCRIP. Interestingly, mutation of the hEXOmotif contained in miR-155-3p did not only blunt SYNCRIP binding but also PCBP2 binding despite the maintenance of the CELLmotif. This indicates that somehow SYNCRIP binding is a pre-requisite for PCBP2 binding. EMSA assay confirms that SYNCRIP is necessary for PCBP2 binding to miR-155-3p, while PCBP2 is not needed for SYNCRIP binding. The authors aim to extend these findings to other miRNAs containing both motifs. For that, they perform a small-RNA-Seq of EVs released from cells knockdown for PCBP2 versus control cells, identifying a subset of miRNAs whose expression either increases or decreases. The assumption is that those miRNAs containing PCBP2-binding CELLmotif should now be less retained in the cell and go more to extracellular vesicles, thus reflecting a higher EV expression. The specific subset of miRNAs having both the CELLmotif and hEXOmotif (9 miRNAs) whose expressions increase in EVs due to PCBP2 reduction is also affected by knocking-down SYNCRIP in the sense that reduction of SYNCRIP leads to lower EV sorting. Further experiments confirm that PCBP2 and SYNCRIP bind to these 9 miRNAs and that knocking down SYNCRIP impairs their EV sorting.

      While the process studied in this work is novel and interesting, there are several aspects of this manuscript that should be improved:

      (1) First of all, the nature of the CELLmotif and the hEXOmotif they are studying is extremely confusing. For the CELLmotif, the authors seem to focus on the Core CELLmotif AUU A/G in some experiments and the extended 7-nucleotide version in others. The fact that these CELLmotif and hEXOmotif are not shown anywhere in the figures (I mean with the full nucleotide variability described in the original publications) but only referred to in the text further complicates the identification of the motifs and the understanding of the experiments. Moreover, I am not convinced that the sequences they highlight in grey correspond to the original CELLmotif in all cases. For instance, in the miR-155-3p sequence, GCAUU is highlighted in grey. However, the original CELLmotif is basically 7-nucleotide long: C, A/U, G/A/C, U, U/A, C/G/A, A/U/C or CAGUUCA in its more abundant version. I can only see clearly the presence of the Core CELLmotif AUUA in miR-155-3p; however, the last A is not highlighted in grey. It is true that there is some nucleotide variability in each position in the originally reported CELLmotif by the authors in ref. 5 and the hEXOmotifs in ref. 7; however, not all nucleotides are equally likely to be found in each position. This fact seems to be not to be taken into account by the authors as they took basically any sequence with any length and almost sequence combination as valid CELLmotif. This means that I cannot identify the CELLmotif in many cases among the ones they highlight in grey. Instead, they should really focus on the most predominant CELLmotif sequence or, instead, take a reduced subset of "more abundant" CELLmotif versions from the ones that could fit in the originally described CELLmotif. Altogether, the authors need to explain much better what they have considered as the CELLmotif, what is the Core CELLmotif and what is hEXOmotif in each case and restrict to the most likely versions of the CELLmotif and hEXOmotif.

      (2) Validation of EV isolation method: first, a large part of Supplementary Figure 2 is not readable. EV markers seem to be enriched in EV isolates; however, more EV and cell markers should be assayed to fulfill MISEV guidelines.

      (3) A key variable is missing in Supplementary Figure 2, which is whether PCBP2 or SYNCRIP knockdowns impair EV secretion rates. A quantification of the nr vesicles released per cell upon knocking down each of these factors would be essential to rule out that any of the effects seen throughout the paper are not due to reduced or enhanced EV production rather than miRNA sorting/retention.

      (4) The EMSA experiment is important to support their claims. Given the weak bands that are shown, the authors need to show all their replicates to convince the readers that it is reproducible.

      (5) Although the bindings of SYNCRIP and PCBP2 to miR-155-3p and other miRNAs having both hEXOmotif and CELLmotif seem clear, the need for SYNCRIP binding to allow for PCBP2-mediated cellular retention is counterintuitive. What happens to those miRNAs that only contain a CELLmotif in terms of cellular retention and SYNCRIP dependence for cellular retention? In this regard, a representative miRNA (miR-31-3p) is analyzed in several experiments, showing that PCBP2 does not bind to it unless a hEXOmotif is introduced (Figure 3). However, this type of experiment should definitely be extended to other miRNAs containing only CELLmotif without hEXOmotif.

      (6) Along the same line, I am missing another important experiment: the artificial incorporation of CELLmotif. For example, miR-365-2-5p lacks a CELLmotif but has a hEXOmotif. Does PCBP2 bind to this miRNA upon incorporation of CELLmotif? Does this lead now to enhanced cellular retention of this miRNA?

      (7) What would be the net effect of knocking down both SYNCRIP and PCBP2 at the same time? Would this neutralize each other's effect or would the lack of one impose on the other? That could help in understanding the complex interplay between these two factors for mediating cellular retention and EV sorting.

      (8) The authors have here a great opportunity to shed some light on an unclear aspect of miRNA EV sorting and cellular retention: whether the RBPs go together with the miRNA to the EVs or not. While the original paper describing hEXOmotif found SYNCRIP in EVs, another publication (Jeppesen et al, Cell 2019; PMID: 30951670) later found this RBP being very scarce in small EVs compared to cellular bodies or large EVs (Supplementary Tables 3 and 4 in that publication). Can the authors find SYNCRIP and PCBP2 in the EVs? Another important question would be the colocalization of these RBPs in the place where the miRNA selection is supposed to take place: in multivesicular bodies (MVB). Is there a colocalization of these RBPs with MVBs in the cell?

      (9) In Figure 4C, the authors state in the text that CELLmotif and hEXOmotif are present in extra-seed region; however, for miR-181d-5p and miR-122-3p this is not true as their CELLmotifs fall within the seed sequence.

      (10) The authors need to describe how they calculate the EV/cell ratio in gene expression in some experiments (for instance, Figures 1H, 4D, etc). Did they use any housekeeping gene for EV RNA content, the same RNA load, or some other alternative method to normalize EV vs cell RNA content?

      (11) I would suggest that the authors speculate a bit in the discussion section on how the interaction between PCBP2 and SYNCRIP takes place. Do they contain any potential interacting domain? The binding of one to the miRNA would impose a topological interference on the binding of the other?

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The author of this manuscript aimed to uncover the mechanisms behind miRNA retention within cells. They identified PCBP2 as a crucial factor in this process, revealing a novel role for RNA-binding proteins. Additionally, the study discovered that SYNCRIP is essential for PCBP2's function, demonstrating the cooperative interaction between these two proteins. This research not only sheds light on the intricate dynamics of miRNA retention but also emphasizes the importance of protein interactions in regulating miRNA behavior within cells.


      This paper makes important progress in understanding how miRNAs are kept inside cells. It identifies PCBP2 as a key player in this process, showing a new role for proteins that bind RNA. The study also finds that SYNCRIP is needed for PCBP2 to work, highlighting how these proteins work together. These discoveries not only improve our knowledge of miRNA behavior but also suggest new ways to develop treatments by controlling miRNA locations to influence cell communication in diseases. The use of liver cell models and thorough experiments ensures the results are reliable and show their potential for RNA-based therapies


      Despite its strengths, the manuscript has several notable limitations. The study's exclusive focus on hepatocytes limits the applicability of the findings to other cell types and physiological contexts. While the interaction between PCBP2 and SYNCRIP is well-characterized, the manuscript lacks detailed insights into the structural basis of this interaction and the dynamic regulation of their binding. The generalization of the findings to a broader spectrum of miRNAs and RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) remains underexplored, leaving gaps in understanding the full scope of miRNA compartmentalization.

      Furthermore, the therapeutic implications of these findings, though promising, are not directly connected to specific disease models or clinical scenarios, reducing their immediate translational impact. The manuscript would also benefit from a deeper discussion of potential upstream regulators of PCBP2 and SYNCRIP and the influence of cellular or environmental factors on their activity. Additionally, it is important to note that SYNCRIP has already been recognized as a major regulator of miRNA loading in extracellular vesicles (EVs). However, the purity of EVs is a concern, as the author only performed crude extraction methods without further purification using an iodixanol density gradient. The study also lacks in vivo evidence of PCBP2's role in exosomal miRNA export.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      In this manuscript, Weiguang Kong et al. investigate the role of immunoglobulin M (IgM) in antiviral defense in the teleost largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). The study employs an IgM depletion model, viral infection experiments, and complementary in vitro assays to explore the role of IgM in systemic and mucosal immunity. The authors conclude that IgM is crucial for both systemic and mucosal antiviral defense, highlighting its role in viral neutralization through direct interactions with viral particles. The study's findings have theoretical implications for understanding immunoglobulin function across vertebrates and practical relevance for aquaculture immunology.


      The manuscript applies multiple complementary approaches, including IgM depletion, viral infection models, and histological and gene expression analyses, to address an important immunological question. The study challenges established views that IgT is primarily responsible for mucosal immunity, presenting evidence for a dual role of IgM at both systemic and mucosal levels. If validated, the findings have evolutionary significance, suggesting the conserved role of IgM as an antiviral effector across jawed vertebrates for over 500 million years. The practical implications for vaccine strategies targeting mucosal immunity in fish are noteworthy, addressing a key challenge in aquaculture.


      Several conceptual and technical issues undermine the strength of the evidence:

      Monoclonal Antibody (MoAb) Validation: The study relies heavily on a monoclonal antibody to deplete IgM, but its specificity and functionality are not adequately validated. The epitope recognized by the antibody is not identified, and there is no evidence excluding cross-reactivity with other isotypes. Mass spectrometry, immunoprecipitation, or Western blot analysis using tissue lysates with varying immunoglobulin expression levels would strengthen the claim of IgM-specific depletion.

      IgM Depletion Kinetics: The rapid depletion of IgM from serum and mucus (within one day) is unexpected and inconsistent with prior literature. Additional evidence, such as Western blot analyses comparing treated and control fish, is necessary to confirm this finding.

      Novelty of Claims: The manuscript claims a novel role for IgM in viral neutralization, despite extensive prior literature demonstrating this role in fish. This overstatement detracts from the contribution of the study and requires a more accurate contextualization of the findings.

      Support for IgM's Crucial Role: The mortality data following IgM depletion do not fully support the claim that IgM is indispensable for antiviral defense. The survival of IgM-depleted fish remains high (75%) compared to non-primed controls (~50%), suggesting that other immune components may compensate for IgM loss.

      Presentation of IgM Depletion Model: The study describes the IgM depletion model as novel, although similar models have been previously published (e.g., Ding et al., 2023). This should be clarified to avoid overstating its novelty.

      While the manuscript attempts to address an important question in teleost immunology, the current evidence is insufficient to fully support the authors' conclusions. Addressing the validation of the monoclonal antibody, re-evaluating depletion kinetics, and tempering claims of novelty would strengthen the study's impact. The findings, if rigorously validated, have important implications for understanding the evolution of vertebrate immunity and practical applications in fish health management.

      This work is of interest to immunologists, evolutionary biologists, and aquaculture researchers. The methodological framework, once validated, could be valuable for studying immunoglobulin function in other non-model organisms and for developing targeted vaccine strategies. However, the current weaknesses limit its broader applicability and impact.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      PRMT1 overexpression is linked to poor survival in cancers, including acute megakaryocytic leukemia (AMKL). This manuscript describes the important role of PRMT1 in the metabolic reprograming in AMKL. In a PRMT1-driven AMKL model, only cells with high PRMT1 expression induced leukemia, which was effectively treated with the PRMT1 inhibitor MS023. PRMT1 increased glycolysis, leading to elevated glucose consumption, lactic acid accumulation, and lipid buildup while downregulating CPT1A, a key regulator of fatty acid oxidation. Treatment with 2-deoxy-glucose (2-DG) delayed leukemia progression and induced cell differentiation, while CPT1A overexpression rescued cell proliferation under glucose deprivation. Thus, PRMT1 enhances AMKL cell proliferation by promoting glycolysis and suppressing fatty acid oxidation.


      This study highlights the clinical relevance of PRMT1 overexpression with AMKL, identifying it as a promising therapeutic target. A key novel finding is the discovery that only AMKL cells with high PRMT1 expression drive leukemogenesis, and this PRMT1-driven leukemia can be effectively treated with the PRMT1 inhibitor MS023. The work provides significant metabolic insights, showing that PRMT1 enhances glycolysis, suppresses fatty acid oxidation, downregulates CPT1A, and promotes lipid accumulation, which collectively drive leukemia cell proliferation. The successful use of the glucose analogue 2-deoxy-glucose (2-DG) to delay AMKL progression and induce cell differentiation underscores the therapeutic potential of targeting PRMT1-related metabolic pathways. Furthermore, the rescue experiment with ectopic Cpt1a expression strengthens the mechanistic link between PRMT1 and metabolic reprogramming. The study employs robust methodologies, including Seahorse analysis, metabolomics, FACS analysis, and in vivo transplantation models, providing comprehensive and well-supported findings. Overall, this work not only deepens our understanding of PRMT1's role in leukemia progression but also opens new avenues for targeting metabolic pathways in cancer therapy.


      This study, while significant, has some limitations.

      (1) The findings rely heavily on a single AMKL cell line, with no validation in patient-derived samples to confirm clinical relevance or even another type of leukemia line. Adding the discussion of PRMT1's role in other leukemia types will increase the impact of this work.

      (2) The observed heterogeneity in Prmt1 expression is noted but not further investigated, leaving gaps in understanding its broader implications.

      (3) Some figures and figure legends didn't include important details or had not matching information. For example,<br /> • Figure 2D, E, F, I (wrong label with D), p-value was not shown. Panel I figure legend is missing.<br /> • Figure 6E, F, p value was not shown.<br /> • Line 272-278, figures should be Figures 7 D-F.

      (4) Some wording is not accurate, such as line 80 "the elevated level of PRMT1 maintains the leukemic stem cells", the study is using the cell line, not leukemia stem cells.

      (5) In the disease model, histopathology of blood, spleen, and BM should be shown.

      (6) Can MS023 treatment reverse the metabolic changes in PRMT1 overexpression AMKL cells?

      (7) It would be helpful if a summary graph is provided at the end of the manuscript.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript explores the role of PRMT1 in AMKL, highlighting its overexpression as a driver of metabolic reprogramming. PRMT1 overexpression enhances the glycolytic phenotype and extracellular acidification by increasing lactate production in AMKL cells. Treatment with the PRMT1 inhibitor MS023 significantly reduces AMKL cell viability and improves survival in tumor-bearing mice. Intriguingly, PRMT1 overexpression also increases mitochondrial number and mtDNA content. High PRMT1-expressing cells demonstrate the ability to utilize alternative energy sources dependent on mitochondrial energetics, in contrast to parental cells with lower PRMT1 levels.


      This is a conceptually novel and important finding as PRMT1 has never been shown to enhance glycolysis in AMKL, and provides a novel point of therapeutic intervention for AMKL.


      (1) The manuscript lacks detailed molecular mechanisms underlying PRMT1 overexpression, particularly its role in enhancing survival and metabolic reprogramming via upregulated glycolysis and diminished oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos). The findings primarily report phenomena without exploring the reasons behind these changes.

      (2) The article shows that PRMT1 overexpression leads to augmented glycolysis and low reliance on the OxPhos. However, the manuscript also shows that PMRT1 overexpression leads to increased mitochondrial number and mitochondrial DNA content and has an elevated NADPH/NAD+ ratio. Further, these overexpressing cells have the ability to better survive on alternative energy sources in the absence of glucose compared to low PMRT1-expressing parental cells. Surprisingly, the seashores assay in PRMT1 overexpressing cells showed no further enhancement in the ECAR after adding mitochondrial decoupler FCCP, indicating the truncated mitochondrial energetics. These results are contradicting and need a more detailed explanation in the discussion.

      (3) How was disease penetrance established following the 6133/PRMT1 transplant before MS023 treatment?

      (4) The 6133/PRMT1 cells show elevated glycolysis compared to parental 6133; why did the author choose the 6133 cells for treatment with the MS023 and ECAR assay (Fig.3 b)? The same is confusing with OCR after inhibitor treatment in 6133 cells; the figure legend and results section description are inconsistent.

      (5) The discussion is too brief and incoherent and does not adequately address key findings. A comprehensive rewrite is necessary to improve coherence and depth.

      (6) The materials and methods section lacks a description of statistical analysis, and significance is not indicated in several figures (e.g., Figures 1C, D, F; Figures 2D, E, F, I). Statistical significance must be consistently indicated. The methods section requires more detailed descriptions to enable replication of the study's findings.

      (7) Figures are hazy and unclear. They should be replaced with high-resolution images, ensuring legible text and data.

      (8) Correct the labeling in Figure 2I by removing the redundant "D."

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors used high-density probe recordings in the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus during a rodent spatial memory task to examine functional sub-populations of PFC neurons that are modulated vs. unmodulated by hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs), an important physiological biomarker that is thought to have a role in mediating information transfer across hippocampal-cortical networks for memory processes. SWRs are associated with the reactivation of representations of previous experiences, and associated reactivation in hippocampal and cortical regions has been proposed to have a role in memory formation, retrieval, planning, and memory-guided behavior. This study focuses on awake SWRs that are prevalent during immobility periods during pauses in behavior. Previous studies have reported strong modulation of a subset of prefrontal neurons during hippocampal SWRs, with some studies reporting prefrontal reactivation during SWRs that have a role in spatial memory processes. The study seeks to extend these findings by examining the activity of SWR-modulated vs. unmodulated neurons across PFC sub-regions, and whether there is a functional distinction between these two kinds of neuronal populations with respect to representing spatial information and supporting memory-guided decision-making.


      The major strength of the study is the use of Neuropixels 1.0 probes to monitor activity throughout the dorsal-ventral extent of the rodent medial prefrontal cortex, permitting an investigation of functional distinction in neuronal populations across PFC sub-regions. They are able to show that SWR-unmodulated neurons, in addition to having stronger spatial tuning than SWR-modulated neurons as previously reported, also show stronger directional selectivity and theta-cycle skipping properties.


      (1) While the study is able to extend previous findings that SWR-modulated PFC neurons have significantly lower spatial tuning that SWR-unmodulated neurons, the evidence presented does not support the main conclusion of the paper that only the unmodulated neurons are involved in spatial tuning and signaling upcoming choice, implying that SWR-modulated neurons are not involved in predicting upcoming choice, as stated in the abstract. This conclusion makes a categorical distinction between two neuronal populations, that SWR-modulated neurons are involved and SWR-unmodulated are not involved in predicting upcoming choice, which requires evidence that clearly shows this absolute distinction. However, in the analyses showing non-local population decoding in PFC for predicting upcoming choice, the results show that SWR-unmodulated neurons have higher firing rates than SWR-modulated neurons, which is not a categorical distinction. Higher firing rates do not imply that only SWR-unmodulated neurons are contributing to the non-local decoding. They may contribute more than SWR-modulated neurons, but there are no follow-up analyses to assess the contribution of the two sub-populations to non-local decoding.

      (2) Further, the results show that during non-local representations of the hippocampus of the upcoming options, SWR-excited PFC neurons were more active during hippocampal representations of the upcoming choice, and SWR-inhibited PFC neurons were less active during hippocampal representations of the alternative choice. This clearly suggests that SWR-modulated neurons are involved in signaling upcoming choice, at least during hippocampal non-local representations, which contradicts the main conclusion of the paper.

      (3) Similarly, one of the analyses shows that PFC nonlocal representations show no preference for hippocampal SWRs or hippocampal theta phase. However, the examples shown for non-local representations clearly show that these decodes occur prior to the start of the trajectory, or during running on the central zone or start arm. The time period of immobility prior to the start arm running will have a higher prevalence of SWRs and that during running will have a higher prevalence of theta oscillations and theta sequences, so non-local decoded representations have to sub-divided according to these known local-field potential phenomena for this analysis, which is not followed.

      (4) The primary phenomenon that the manuscript relies on is the modulation of PFC neurons by hippocampal SWRs, so it is necessary to perform the PFC population decoding analyses during SWRs (or examine non-local decoding that occurs specifically during SWRs), as reported in previous studies of PFC reactivation during SWRs, to see if there is any distinction between modulated and unmodulated neurons in this reactivation. Even in the case of independent PFC reactivation as reported by one study, this PFC reactivation was still reported to occur during hippocampal SWRs, therefore decoding during SWRs has to be examined. Similarly, the phenomenon of theta cycle skipping is related to theta sequence representations, so decoding during PFC and hippocampal theta sequences has to be examined before coming to any conclusions.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work by den Bakker and Kloosterman contributes to the vast body of research exploring the dynamics governing the communication between the hippocampus (HPC) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) during spatial learning and navigation. Previous research showed that population activity of mPFC neurons is replayed during HPC sharp-wave ripple events (SWRs), which may therefore correspond to privileged windows for the transfer of learned navigation information from the HPC, where initial learning occurs, to the mPFC, which is thought to store this information long term. Indeed, it was also previously shown that the activity of mPFC neurons contains task-related information that can inform about the location of an animal in a maze, which can predict the animals' navigational choices. Here, the authors aim to show that the mPFC neurons that are modulated by HPC activity (SWRs and theta rhythms) are distinct from those "encoding" spatial information. This result could suggest that the integration of spatial information originating from the HPC within the mPFC may require the cooperation of separate sets of neurons.

      This observation may be useful to further extend our understanding of the dynamics regulating the exchange of information between the HPC and mPFC during learning. However, my understanding is that this finding is mainly based upon a negative result, which cannot be statistically proven by the failure to reject the null hypothesis. Moreover, in my reading, the rest of the paper mainly replicates phenomena that have already been described, with the original reports not correctly cited. My opinion is that the novel elements should be precisely identified and discussed, while the current phrasing in the manuscript, in most cases, leads readers to think that these results are new. Detailed comments are provided below.

      Major concerns:

      (1) The main claim of the manuscript is that the neurons involved in predicting upcoming choices are not the neurons modulated by the HPC. This is based upon the evidence provided in Figure 5, which is a negative result that the authors employ to claim that predictive non-local representations in the mPFC are not linked to hippocampal SWRs and theta phase. However, it is important to remember that in a statistical test, the failure to reject the null hypothesis does not prove that the null hypothesis is true. Since this claim is so central in this work, the authors should use appropriate statistics to demonstrate that the null hypothesis is true. This can be accomplished by showing that there is no effect above some size that is so small that it would make the effect meaningless (see https://doi.org/10.1177/070674370304801108).

      (2) The main claim of the work is also based on Figure 3, where the authors show that SWRs-unmodulated mPFC neurons have higher spatial tuning, and higher directional selectivity scores, and a higher percentage of these neurons show theta skipping. This is used to support the claim that SWRs-unmodulated cells encode spatial information. However, it must be noted that in this kind of task, it is not possible to disentangle space and specific task variables involving separate cognitive processes from processing spatial information such as decision-making, attention, motor control, etc., which always happen at specific locations of the maze. Therefore, the results shown in Figure 3 may relate to other specific processes rather than encoding of space and it cannot be unequivocally claimed that mPFC neurons "encode spatial information". This limitation is presented by Mashoori et al (2018), an article that appears to be a major inspiration for this work. Can the authors provide a control analysis/experiment that supports their claim? Otherwise, this claim should be tempered. Also, the authors say that Jadhav et al. (2016) showed that mPFC neurons unmodulated by SWRs are less tuned to space. How do they reconcile it with their results?

      (3) My reading is that the rest of the paper mainly consists of replications or incremental observations of already known phenomena with some not necessarily surprising new observations:<br /> a) Figure 2 shows that a subset of mPFC neurons is modulated by HPC SWRs and theta (already known), that vmPFC neurons are more strongly modulated by SWRs (not surprising given anatomy), and that theta phase preference is different between vmPFC and dmPFC (not surprising given the fact that theta is a travelling wave).<br /> b) Figure 4 shows that non-local representations in mPFC are predictive of the animal's choice. This is mostly an increment to the work of Mashoori et al (2018). My understanding is that in addition to what had already been shown by Mashoori et al here it is shown how the upcoming choice can be predicted. The author may want to emphasize this novel aspect.<br /> c) Figure 6 shows that prospective activity in the HPC is linked to SWRs and theta oscillations. This has been described in various forms since at least the works of Johnson and Redish in 2007, Pastalkova et al 2008, and Dragoi and Tonegawa (2011 and 2013), as well as in earlier literature on splitter cells. These foundational papers on this topic are not even cited in the current manuscript.<br /> Although some previous work is cited, the current narrative of the results section may lead the reader to think that these results are new, which I think is unfair. Previous evidence of the same phenomena should be cited all along the results and what is new and/or different from previous results should be clearly stated and discussed. Pure replications of previous works may actually just be supplementary figures. It is not fair that the titles of paragraphs and main figures correspond to notions that are well established in the literature (e.g., Figure 2, 2nd paragraph of results, etc.).<br /> d) My opinion is that, overall, the paper gives the impression of being somewhat rushed and lacking attention to detail. Many figure panels are difficult to understand due to incomplete legends and visualizations with tiny, indistinguishable details. Moreover, some previous works are not correctly cited. I tried to make a list of everything I spotted below.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      This study presents evidence that a special group of place cells, those tuned to fast-gamma oscillations, play a key role in theta sequence development. How theta sequences are formed and developed during experience is an important question, because these sequences have been implicated in several cognitive functions of place cells, including memory-guided spatial navigation. The revised version of this paper has been significantly improved. Major concerns in the previous round of review on technical and conceptual aspects of the relationship between gamma oscillations and theta sequences are addressed. The main conclusion is supported by the data presented.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript addresses an important question which has not yet been solved in the field, what is the contribution of different gamma oscillatory inputs to the development of "theta sequences" in the hippocampal CA1 region. Theta sequences have received much attention due to their proposed roles in encoding short-term behavioral predictions, mediating synaptic plasticity, and guiding flexible decision making. Gamma oscillations in CA1 offer a readout of different inputs to this region and have been proposed to synchronize neuronal assemblies and modulate spike timing and temporal coding. However, the interactions between these two important phenomena have not been sufficiently investigated. The authors conducted place cell and local field potential (LFP) recordings in the CA1 region of rats running on a circular track. They then analyzed the phase locking of place cell spikes to slow and fast gamma rhythms, the evolution of theta sequences during behavior and the interaction between these two phenomena. They found that place cell with the strongest modulation by fast gamma oscillations were the most important contributors to the early development of theta sequences and that they also displayed a faster form of phase precession within slow gamma cycles nested with theta. The results reported are interesting and support the main conclusions of the authors. However, the manuscript needs significant improvement in several aspects regarding data analysis, description of both experimental and analytical methods and alternative interpretations, as I detail below.

      • The experimental paradigm and recordings should be explained at the beginning of the Results section. Right now, there is no description whatsoever which makes it harder to understand the design of the study.<br /> • An important issue that needs to be addressed is the very small fraction of CA1 cells phased-locked to slow gamma rhythms (3.7%). This fraction is much lower than in many previous studies, that typically report it in the range of 20-50 %. However, this discrepancy is not discussed by the authors. This needs to be explained and additional analysis considered. One analysis that I would suggest, although there are also other valid approaches, is to, instead of just analyze the phase locking in two discrete frequency bands, to compute the phase locking will all LFP frequencies from 25-100 Hz. This will offer a more comprehensive and unbiased view of the gamma modulation of place cell firing. Alternative metrics to mean vector length that are less sensitive to firing rates, such as pairwise phase consistency index (Vinck et a., Neuroimage, 2010), could be implemented. This may reveal whether the low fraction of phase locked cells could be due to a low number of spikes entering the analysis.<br /> • From the methods, it is not clear to me whether the reference LFP channel was consistently selected to be a different one that where the spikes analyzed were taken. This is the better practice to reduce the contribution of spike leakage that could substantially inflate the coupling with faster gamma frequencies. These analyses need to be described in more detail.<br /> • The initial framework of the authors of classifying cells into fast gamma and not fast gamma modulated implies a bimodality that may be artificial. The authors should discuss the nuances and limitations of this framework. For example, several previous work has shown that the same place cell can couple to different gamma oscillations (e.g., Lastoczni et al., Neuron, 2016; Fernandez-Ruiz et al., Neuron, 2017; Sharif et al., Neuron,2021).<br /> • It would be useful to provide a more through characterization of the physiological properties of FG and NFG cells, as this distinction is the basis of the paper. Only very little characterization of some place cell properties is provided in Figure 5. Important characteristics that should be very feasible to compare include average firing rate, burstiness, estimated location within the layer (i.e., deep vs superficial sublayers) and along the transverse axis (i.e., proximal vs distal), theta oscillation frequency, phase precession metrics (given their fundamental relationship with theta sequences), etc.<br /> • It is not clear to me how the analysis in Figure 6 was performed. In Fig. 6B I would think that the grey line should connect with the bottom white dot in the third panel, which would the interpretation of the results.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have conducted new analysis to address the issues I and the other reviewers raised in our original revision. As a result, the revised manuscript has been substantially improved.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Hall et al reports a genome-wide map of supercoiling in yeast using psoralen as a probe that intercalates more effectively into underwound DNA and can then be fixed in place by UV-cross-linking. Sites of cross-linking are revealed by exonuclease digestion and sequencing. Cross-linking is compared with samples that are first fixed with formaldehyde, permeabilized, digested with Dpn II to release unrestrained torsion, and then crosslinked. The authors promote this "zero-torsion" approach as an improvement that corrects for nucleosomes (or binding by other macromolecules) that mask psoralen binding. The investigators then examine patterns of psoralen binding (and hence supercoiling) that are associated with promoter strength, promoter type (sequence-specific transcription factor dependent, insulator associated, or general TFs only) and gene length.


      This is an interesting paper that reports an approach that reveals some new information about the relationship between torsional stress and gene activity in the yeast genome. The method is logical and interesting and provides evidence that spread of torsional stress through the genome is regulated.


      The analysis is not entirely novel, and I believe that more valuable information can be culled from these datasets than is reported here.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study describes a novel method for mapping torsional stress in the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using trimethylpsoralen (TMP). It introduces a procedure to establish a zero-torsion baseline while preserving the chromatin state by treating cells with formaldehyde before releasing torsion with restriction enzyme digestion.

      This approach allows foer more accurate differentiation between torsional stress effects and accessibility effects in the psoralen signal. The results confirm that psoralen crosslinking is strongly affected by accessibility of the DNA and to a much more limited extent by the torsional stress of the DNA. Subtracting the baseline signal (no torsion) from the total signal allows detecting torsional stress, although TMP accessibility is still affecting the read out. The authors confirm the validity of the method by studying torsional stress in dependence of transcription levels, gene length and relative gene orientation. They propose that torsional stress may play a role in recruiting topoisomerases and regulating 3D genome architecture via cohesin. They also suggest that transcription factor binding might insulate negative supercoiling originated form transcription of neighboring divergent genes.


      This paper offers a potentially interesting tool for future work.


      The signal-to-background ratio, which represents the torsional fraction, appears to be quite limited relative to the overall signal (roughly 20x less, according to the scales in figs 2a and 2b, raising concerns about the robustness of the conclusions. It is clear from these figures, for instance, that a non-negligible fraction of the remaining signal is still dependent on DNA accessibility, revealing the nucleosomes footprints in spite of the fact that subtracting the zero-torsion signal should theoretically hinder the accessibility component. Because of this, some of the conclusions might be flawed, in that what is attributed to torsional stress might in reality be due, partially or fully, to accessibility issues.

      Specific points:

      Lines 226-227: "rotation may be more restricted with a lengthening in the RNA transcript, which is known to be associated with large machinery, such as spliceosomes". This argument is not appropriate to correlate torsional stress with gene length. Spliced genes are rare and generally short in yeast, generally in ribosomal proteins genes.

      Lines 256-257 In discussing that torsional stress must hinder Pol II progression, the authors write: "Pol II has a minimal presence in the intergenic region between divergent genes and is enriched in the intergenic region between convergent genes, consistent with a previous finding that after termination, Pol II tends to remain on the DNA downstream of the terminator". The connection between Pol II distribution and torsional stress is unclear. Pol ii is depleted at promoters and is enriched at at 3'-end of convergent genes most likely because this ChIP signal is the sum of signals from the two convergent genes. The fact that positive torsional stress is observed in these region does not mean that polymerases accumulate because the torsional stress hinder Pol II progression. To claim elongation defects the authors should repeat the same analysis with stranded data (e.g. NET-seq or CRAC) and assess if polymerases transcribing these regions accumulate more when facing convergent genes compared to tandem genes. The claim that after termination the Pol II tends to remain on the DNA appears to be meaningless - the authors probably mean after RNA processing.

      Lines 275-277: "These data provide evidence that the (+) supercoiling generated by transcription may facilitate genome folding in coordination with other participating proteins". This is an overstatement. It is known that cohesins accumulate between convergent genes. The fact that there is torsional stress in the same position does not imply that supercoiling participates in genome folding. These could be independent events, or even, supercoiling might depend on cohesins

      Lines 289-290 "torsion generated from one gene can impact the expression of its neighboring gene, consistent with previous findings that the expression of these genes is coupled" the existence of negative torsional stress in a common intergenic region for two genes does not imply that torsion is causally associated to gene expression coupling

      Lines 291-292: "Another large class of S. cerevisiae promoters (termed "TFO") are regulated by insulator ssTFs, such as Reb1 and Abf1, which decouple interactions between neighbouring genes" In these cases and others that depend on an activator binding the authors detect a region of accessibility interrupted by a valley, which they interpret as a topological insulator. However, the valley might be generated because of decreased TMP accessibility due to of TF binding.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The authors describe a new method for measuring DNA torsion in cells using the photoactivatable intrastrand cross-linker trimethyl psoralen (TMP). However, their method differs from previous TMP-based torsion mapping methods by comparing formaldehyde cross-linked and torsionally trapped chromatin to torsion-relieved (zero-torsion) chromatin in parallel. Comparison between the two datasets reveals a very slight difference, but enough to provide extremely high resolution genome-wide maps of torsion in the yeast genome. This direct comparison of the two maps confirms that blockage of TMP binding by nucleosomes and some DNA-binding proteins from TMP intercalation is a major complication of previous methods, and analysis of the data provides a glimpse of chromatin-based processes from within the DNA gyre.


      In addition to providing direct evidence for the twin-supercoiled domain model and for torsional effects at transcription start (TSS) and end (TES) sites, the authors' analyses reveal some novel features of yeast higher-order structure. These include the cohesin-dependent anchoring of DNA loops at sites of positive supercoiling and the insulation of torsion between closely spaced divergent genes by general transcription factors, which implies that these factors resist free rotation. The fact that method should be generalizable to complex eukaryotic cells with large genomes, and the implications for understanding how torsion impacts transcription and gene regulation will be of substantial interest to a broad community.


      No serious weaknesses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper concerns mechanisms of foraging behavior in C. elegans. Upon removal from food, C. elegans first executes a stereotypical local search behavior in which it explores a small area by executing many random, undirected reversals and turns called "reorientations." If the worm fails to find food, it transitions to a global search in which it explores larger areas by suppressing reorientations and executing long forward runs (Hills et al., 2004). At the population level, the reorientation rate declines gradually. Nevertheless, about 50% of individual worms appear to exhibit an abrupt transition between local and global search, which is evident as a discrete transition from high to low reorientation rate (Lopez-Cruz et al., 2019). This observation has given rise to the hypothesis that local and global search correspond to separate internal states with the possibility of sudden transitions between them (Calhoun et al., 2014). The main conclusion of the paper is that it is not necessary to posit distinct internal states to account for discrete transitions from high to low reorientation rates. On the contrary, discrete transitions can occur simply because of the stochastic nature of the reorientation behavior itself.


      The strength of the paper is the demonstration that a more parsimonious model explains abrupt transitions in the reorientation rate.


      (1) Use of the Gillespie algorithm is not well justified. A conventional model with a fixed dt and an exponentially decaying reorientation rate would be adequate and far easier to explain. It would also be sufficiently accurate - given the appropriate choice of dt - to support the main claims of the paper, which are merely qualitative. In some respects, the whole point of the paper - that discrete transitions are an epiphenomenon of stochastic behavior - can be made with the authors' version of the model having a constant reorientation rate (Figure 2f).

      (2) In the manuscript, the Gillespie algorithm is very poorly explained, even for readers who already understand the algorithm; for those who do not it will be essentially impossible to comprehend. To take just a few examples: in Equation (1), omega is defined as reorientations instead of cumulative reorientations; it is unclear how (4) follows from (2) and (3); notation in (5), line 133, and (7) is idiosyncratic. Figure 1a does not help, partly because the notation is unexplained. For example, what do the arrows mean, what does "*" mean?

      (3) In the model, the reorientation rate dΩ⁄dt declines to zero but the empirical rate clearly does not. This is a major flaw. It would have been easy to fix by adding a constant to the exponentially declining rate in (1). Perhaps fixing this obvious problem would mitigate the discrepancies between the data and the model in Figure 2d.

      (4) Evidence that the model fits the data (Figure 2d) is unconvincing. I would like to have seen the proportion of runs in which the model generated one as opposed to multiple or no transitions in reorientation rate; in the real data, the proportion is 50% (Lopez). It is claimed that the "model demonstrated a continuum of switching to non-switching behavior" as seen in the experimental data but no evidence is provided.

      (5) The explanation for the poor fit between the model and data (lines 166-174) is unclear. Why would externally triggered collisions cause a shift in the transition distribution?

      (6) The discussion of Levy walks and the accompanying figure are off-topic and should be deleted.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors build a statistical model that stochastically samples from a time-interval distribution of reorientation rates. The form of the distribution is extracted from a large array of behavioral data, and is then used to describe not only the dynamics of individual worms (including the inter-individual variability in behavior), but also the aggregate population behavior. The authors note that the model does not require assumptions about behavioral state transitions, or evidence accumulation, as has been done previously, but rather that the stochastic nature of behavior is "simply the product of stochastic sampling from an exponential function".


      This model provides a strong juxtaposition to other foraging models in the worm. Rather than evoking a behavioral transition function (that might arise from a change in internal state or the activity of a cell type in the network), or evidence accumulation (which again maps onto a cell type, or the activity of a network) - this model explains behavior via the stochastic sampling of a function of an exponential decay. The underlying model and the dynamics being simulated, as well as the process of stochastic sampling, are well described and the model fits the exponential function (Equation 1) to data on a large array of worms exhibiting diverse behaviors (1600+ worms from Lopez-Cruz et al). The work of this study is able to explain or describe the inter-individual diversity of worm behavior across a large population. The model is also able to capture two aspects of the reorientations, including the dynamics (to switch or not to switch) and the kinetics (slow vs fast reorientations). The authors also work to compare their model to a few others including the Levy walk (whose construction arises from a Markov process) to a simple exponential distribution, all of which have been used to study foraging and search behaviors.


      This manuscript has two weaknesses that dampen the enthusiasm for the results. First, in all of the examples the authors cite where a Gillespie algorithm is used to sample from a distribution, be it the kinetics associated with chemical dynamics, or a Lotka-Volterra Competition Model, there are underlying processes that govern the evolution of the dynamics, and thus the sampling from distributions. In one of their references, for instance, the stochasticity arises from the birth and death rates, thereby influencing the genetic drift in the model. In these examples, the process governing the dynamics (and thus generating the distributions from which one samples) is distinct from the behavior being studied. In this manuscript, the distribution being sampled is the exponential decay function of the reorientation rate (lines 100-102). This appears to be tautological - a decay function fitted to the reorientation data is then sampled to generate the distributions of the reorientation data. That the model performs well and matches the data is commendable, but it is unclear how that could not be the case if the underlying function generating the distribution was fit to the data.

      The second weakness is somewhat related to the first, in that absent an underlying mechanism or framework, one is left wondering what insight the model provides. Stochastic sampling a function generated by fitting the data to produce stochastic behavior is where one ends up in this framework, and the authors indeed point this out: "simple stochastic models should be sufficient to explain observably stochastic behaviors." (Line 233-234). But if that is the case, what do we learn about how the foraging is happening? The authors suggest that the decay parameter M can be considered a memory timescale; which offers some suggestion, but then go on to say that the "physical basis of M can come from multiple sources". Here is where one is left for want: The mechanisms suggested, including loss of sensory stimuli, alternations in motor integration, ionotropic glutamate signaling, dopamine, and neuropeptides are all suggested: these are basically all of the possible biological sources that can govern behavior, and one is left not knowing what insight the model provides. The array of biological processes listed is so variable in dynamics and meaning, that their explanation of what governs M is at best unsatisfying. Molecular dynamics models that generate distributions can point to certain properties of the model, such as the binding kinetics (on and off rates, etc.) as explanations for the mechanisms generating the distributions, and therefore point to how a change in the biology affects the stochasticity of the process. It is unclear how this model provides such a connection, especially taken in aggregate with the previous weakness.

      Providing a roadmap of how to think about the processes generating M, the meaning of those processes in search, and potential frameworks that are more constrained and with more precise biological underpinning (beyond the array of possibilities described) would go a long way to assuaging the weaknesses.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This intriguing paper addresses a special case of a fundamental statistical question: how to distinguish between stochastic point processes that derive from a single "state" (or single process) and more than one state/process. In the language of the paper, a "state" (perhaps more intuitively called a strategy/process) refers to a set of rules that determine the temporal statistics of the system. The rules give rise to probability distributions (here, the probability for turning events). The difficulty arises when the sampling time is finite, and hence, the empirical data is finite, and affected by the sampling of the underlying distribution(s). The specific problem being tackled is the foraging behavior of C. elegans nematodes, removed from food. Such foraging has been studied for decades, and described by a transition over time from 'local'/'area-restricted' search'(roughly in the initial 10-30 minutes of the experiments, in which animals execute frequent turns) to 'dispersion', or 'global search' (characterized by a low frequency of turns). The authors propose an alternative to this two-state description - a potentially more parsimonious single 'state' with time-changing parameters, which they claim can account for the full-time course of these observations.

      Figure 1a shows the mean rate of turning events as a function of time (averaged across the population). Here, we see a rapid transient, followed by a gradual 4-5 fold decay in the rate, and then levels off. This picture seems consistent with the two-state description. However, the authors demonstrate that individual animals exhibit different "transition" statistics (Figure 1e) and wish to explain this. They do so by fitting this mean with a single function (Equations 1-3).


      As a qualitative exercise, the paper might have some merit. It demonstrates that apparently discrete states can sometimes be artifacts of sampling from smoothly time-changing dynamics. However, as a generic point, this is not novel, and so without the grounding in C. elegans data, is less interesting.


      (1) The authors claim that only about half the animals tested exhibit discontinuity in turning rates. Can they automatically separate the empirical and model population into these two subpopulations (with the same method), and compare the results?

      (2) The equations consider an exponentially decaying rate of turning events. If so, Figure 2b should be shown on a semi-logarithmic scale.

      (3) The variables in Equations 1-3 and the methods for simulating them are not well defined, making the method difficult to follow. Assuming my reading is correct, Omega should be defined as the cumulative number of turning events over time (Omega(t)), not as a "turn" or "reorientation", which has no derivative. The relevant entity in Figure 1a is apparently , i.e. the mean number of events across a population which can be modelled by an expectation value. The time derivative would then give the expected rate of turning events as a function of time.

      (4) Equations 1-3 are cryptic. The authors need to spell out up front that they are using a pair of coupled stochastic processes, sampling a hidden state M (to model the dynamic turning rate) and the actual turn events, Omega(t), separately, as described in Figure 2a. In this case, the model no longer appears more parsimonious than the original 2-state model. What then is its benefit or explanatory power (especially since the process involving M is not observable experimentally)?

      (5) Further, as currently stated in the paper, Equations 1-3 are only for the mean rate of events. However, the expectation value is not a complete description of a stochastic system. Instead, the authors need to formulate the equations for the probability of events, from which they can extract any moment (they write something in Figure 2a, but the notation there is unclear, and this needs to be incorporated here).

      (6) Equations 1-3 have three constants (alpha and gamma which were fit to the data, and M0 which was presumably set to 1000). How does the choice of M0 affect the results?

      (7) M decays to near 0 over 40 minutes, abolishing omega turns by the end of the simulations. Are omega turns entirely abolished in worms after 30-40 minutes off food? How do the authors reconcile this decay with the leveling of the turning rate in Figure 1a?

      (8) The fit given in Figure 2b does not look convincing. No statistical test was used to compare the two functions (empirical and fit). No error bars were given (to either). These should be added. In the discussion, the authors explain the discrepancy away as experimental limitations. This is not unreasonable, but on the flip side, makes the argument inconclusive. If the authors could model and simulate these limitations, and show that they account for the discrepancies with the data, the model would be much more compelling. To do this, I would imagine that the authors would need to take the output of their model (lists of turning times) and convert them into simulated trajectories over time. These trajectories could be used to detect boundary events (for a given size of arena), collisions between individuals, etc. in their simulations and to see their effects on the turn statistics.

      (9) The other figures similarly lack any statistical tests and by eye, they do not look convincing. The exception is the 6 anecdotal examples in Figure 2e. Those anecdotal examples match remarkably closely, almost suspiciously so. I'm not sure I understood this though - the caption refers to "different" models of M decay (and at least one of the 6 examples clearly shows a much shallower exponential). If different M models are allowed for each animal, this is no longer parsimonious. Are the results in Figure 2d for a single M model? Can Figure 2e explain the data with a single (stochastic) M model?

      (10) The left axes of Figure 2e should be reverted to cumulative counts (without the normalization).

      (11) The authors give an alternative model of a Levy flight, but do not give the obvious alternative models:<br /> a) the 1-state model in which P(t) = alpha exp (-gamma t) dt (i.e. a single stochastic process, without a hidden M, collapsing equations 1-3 into a single equation).<br /> b) the originally proposed 2-state model (with 3 parameters, a high turn rate, a low turn rate, and the local-to-global search transition time, which can be taken from the data, or sampled from the empirical probability distributions). Why not? The former seems necessary to justify the more complicated 2-process model, and the latter seems necessary since it's the model they are trying to replace. Including these two controls would allow them to compare the number of free parameters as well as the model results. I am also surprised by the Levy model since Levy is a family of models. How were the parameters of the Levy walk chosen?

      (12) One point that is entirely missing in the discussion is the individuality of worms. It is by now well known that individual animals have individual behaviors. Some are slow/fast, and similarly, their turn rates vary. This makes this problem even harder. Combined with the tiny number of events concerned (typically 20-40 per experiment), it seems daunting to determine the underlying model from behavioral statistics alone.

      (13) That said, it's well-known which neurons underpin the suppression of turning events (starting already with Gray et al 2005, which, strangely, was not cited here). Some discussion of the neuronal predictions for each of the two (or more) models would be appropriate.

      (14) An additional point is the reliance entirely on simulations. A rigorous formulation (of the probability distribution rather than just the mean) should be analytically tractable (at least for the first moment, and possibly higher moments). If higher moments are not obtainable analytically, then the equations should be numerically integrable. It seems strange not to do this.

      In summary, while sample simulations do nicely match the examples in the data (of discontinuous vs continuous turning rates), this is not sufficient to demonstrate that the transition from ARS to dispersion in C. elegans is, in fact, likely to be a single 'state', or this (eq 1-3) single state. Of course, the model can be made more complicated to better match the data, but the approach of the authors, seeking an elegant and parsimonious model, is in principle valid, i.e. avoiding a many-parameter model-fitting exercise.

      As a qualitative exercise, the paper might have some merit. It demonstrates that apparently discrete states can sometimes be artifacts of sampling from smoothly time-changing dynamics. However, as a generic point, this is not novel, and so without the grounding in C. elegans data, is less interesting.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors identified new target elements for prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) through which insulin release can be regulated in pancreatic beta cells under physiological conditions. In vitro extracellular exposure to PGE2 could directly and dose-dependently inhibit the potassium channel Kv2.2. In vitro pharmacology revealed that this inhibition occurs through the EP2/4 receptors, which activate protein kinase A (PKA). By screening specific sites of the Kv2.2 channel, the target phosphorylation site (S448) for PKA regulation was found. The physiological relevance of the described signaling cascade was investigated and confirmed in vivo, using a Kv2.2 knockdown mouse model.

      The strength of this manuscript is the novelty of the (EP2/4-PKA-Kv2.2 channel) molecular pathway described and the comprehensive methodological toolkit the authors have relied upon.

      The introduction is detailed and contains all the information necessary to place the claims in context. Although the dataset is comprehensive and a logical lead is consistently built, there is one important point to consider: to clarify that the described signaling pathway is characteristic of normal physiological conditions and thus differs from pathological changes. It would be useful to carry out basic experiments in a diabetes model (regardless of in mouse or rat even).

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors addressed my comments sufficiently. I have no additional questions to clarify.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      O'Neill et al. have developed a software analysis application, miniML, that enables the quantification of electrophysiological events. They utilize a supervised deep learned-based method to optimize the software. miniML is able to quantify and standardize the analyses of miniature events, using both voltage and current clamp electrophysiology, as well as optically driven events using iGluSnFR3, in a variety of preparations, including in the cerebellum, calyx of held, golgi cell, human iPSC cultures, zebrafish, and Drosophila. The software appears to be flexible, in that users are able to hone and adapt the software to new preparations and events. Importantly, miniML is an open source software free for researchers to use and enables users to adapt new features using Python.

      Overall this new software has the potential to become widely used in the field and an asset to researchers. Importantly, a new graphical user interface has been generated that enables more user control and a more user-friendly experience. Further, the authors demonstrate how miniML performs relative to other platforms that have been developed, and highlight areas where miniML works optimally. With these revisions, miniML should now be of considerable benefit and utility to a variety of researchers.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper presents miniML as a supervised method for detection of spontaneous synaptic events. Recordings of such events are typically of low SNR, where state-of-the-art methods are prone to high false favourable rates. Unlike current methods, training miniML requires neither prior knowledge of the kinetics of events nor the tuning of parameters/thresholds.

      The proposed method comprises four convolutional networks, followed by a bi-directional LSTM and a final fully connected layer, which outputs a decision event/no event per time window. A sliding window is used when applying miniML to a temporal signal, followed by an additional estimation of events' time stamps. miniML outperforms current methods for simulated events superimposed on real data (with no events) and presents compelling results for real data across experimental paradigms and species.


      The authors present a pipeline for benchmarking based on simulated events superimposed on real data (with no events). Compared to five other state-of-the-art methods, miniML leads to the highest detection rates and is most robust to specific choices of threshold values for fast or slow kinetics. A major strength of miniML is the ability to use it for different datasets. For this purpose, the CNN part of the model is held fixed and the subsequent networks are trained to adapt to the new data. This Transfer Learning (TL) strategy reduces computation time significantly and more importantly, it allows for using a substantially smaller data set (compared to training a full model) which is crucial as training is supervised (i.e. uses labeled examples).

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors do not indicate how the specific configuration of miniML was set, i.e. number of CNNs, units, LSTM, etc. Please provide further information regarding these design choices, whether they were based on similar models or if chosen based on performance.

      The data for the benchmark system was augmented with equal amounts of segments with/without events. Data augmentation was undoubtedly crucial for successful training.<br /> (1) Does a balanced dataset reflect the natural occurrence of events in real data? Could the authors provide more information regarding this matter?<br /> (2) Please provide a more detailed description of this process as it would serve users aiming to use this method for other sub-fields.

      The benchmarking pipeline is indeed valuable and the results are compelling. However, the authors do not provide comparative results for miniML for real data (figures 4-8). TL does not apply to the other methods. In my opinion, presenting the performance of other methods, trained using the smaller dataset would be convincing of the modularity and applicability of the proposed approach.


      Accurate detection of synaptic events is crucial for the study of neural function. miniML has a great potential to become a valuable tool for this purpose as it yields highly accurate detection rates, it is robust, and is relatively easily adaptable to different experimental setups.

      Comments on revisions:

      The revised manuscript presents a compelling framework. The performance of mini ML is thouroughly explored and compared to several benchmarks. The training process along with other technical issues are now described in a satisfactory level of detail.<br /> I think the authors did a great job. They answered all claims and concerns raised by me and the other reviewers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This is a new and important system that can efficiently train mice to perform a variety of cognitive tasks in a flexible manner. It is innovative and opens the door to important experiments in the neurobiology of learning and memory.


      Strengths include: high n's, a robust system, task flexibility, comparison of manual-like training vs constant training, circadian analysis, comparison of varying cue types, long-term measurement, and machine teaching.


      I find no major problems with this report.

      Minor weaknesses:

      (1) Line 219: Water consumption per day remained the same, but number of trails triggered was more as training continued. First, is this related to manual-type training? Also, I'm trying to understand this result quantitatively, since it seems counter-intuitive: I would assume that with more trials, more water would be consumed since accuracy should go up over training (so more water per average trial). Am I understanding this right? Can the authors give more detail or understanding to how more trials can be triggered but no more water is consumed despite training?

      (2) Figure 2J: The X-axis should have some label: at least "training type". Ideally, a legend with colors can be included, although I see the colors elsewhere in the figure. If a legend cannot be added, then the color scheme should be explained in the caption.

      (3) Figure 2K: What is the purple line? I encourage a legend here. The same legend could apply to 2J.

      (4) Supplementary Figure S2 D: I do not think the phrase "relying on" is correct. Instead, I think "predicted by" or "correlating with" might be better.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Yu et al. describes a novel approach for collecting complex and different cognitive phenotypes in individually housed mice in their home cage. The authors report a simple yet elegant design that they developed for assessing a variety of complex and novel behavioral paradigms autonomously in mice.


      The data are strong, the arguments are convincing, and I think the manuscript will be highly cited given the complexity of behavioral phenotypes one can collect using this relatively inexpensive ($100/box) and high throughput procedure (without the need for human interaction). Additionally, the authors include a machine learning algorithm to correct for erroneous strategies that mice develop which is incredibly elegant and important for this approach as mice will develop odd strategies when given complete freedom.


      (1) A limitation of this approach is that it requires mice to be individually housed for days to months. This should be discussed in depth.

      (2) A major issue with continuous self-paced tasks such as the autonomous d2AFC used by the authors is that the inter-trial intervals can vary significantly. Mice may do a few trials, lose interest, and disengage from the task for several hours. This is problematic for data analysis that relies on trial duration to be similar between trials (e.g., reinforcement learning algorithms). It would be useful to see the task engagement of the mice across a 24-hour cycle (e.g., trials started, trials finished across a 24-hour period) and approaches for overcoming this issue of varying inter-trial intervals.

      (3) Movies - it would be beneficial for the authors to add commentary to the video (hit, miss trials). It was interesting watching the mice but not clear whether they were doing the task correctly or not.

      (4) The strength of this paper (from my perspective) is the potential utility it has for other investigators trying to get mice to do behavioral tasks. However, not enough information was provided about the construction of the boxes, interface, and code for running the boxes. If the authors are not willing to provide this information through eLife, GitHub, or their own website then my evaluation of the impact and significance of this paper would go down significantly.

      Minor concerns:

      Learning rate is confusing for Figure 3 results as it actually refers to trials to reach the criterion, and not the actual rate of learning (e.g., slope).

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      In this set of experiments, the authors describe a novel research tool for studying complex cognitive tasks in mice, the HABITS automated training apparatus, and a novel "machine teaching" approach they use to accelerate training by algorithmically providing trials to animals that provide the most information about the current rule state for a given task.


      There is much to be celebrated in an inexpensively constructed, replicable training environment that can be used with mice, which have rapidly become the model species of choice for understanding the roles of distinct circuits and genetic factors in cognition. Lingering challenges in developing and testing cognitive tasks in mice remain, however, and these are often chalked up to cognitive limitations in the species. The authors' findings, however, suggest that instead, we may need to work creatively to meet mice where they live. In some cases, it may be that mice may require durations of training far longer than laboratories are able to invest with manual training (up to over 100k trials, over months of daily testing) but the tasks are achievable. The "machine teaching" approach further suggests that this duration could be substantially reduced by algorithmically optimizing each trial presented during training to maximize learning.


      Cognitive training and testing in rodent models fill a number of roles. Sometimes, investigators are interested in within-subjects questions - querying a specific circuit, genetically defined neuron population, or molecule/drug candidate, by interrogating or manipulating its function in a highly trained animal. In this scenario, a cohort of highly trained animals that have been trained via a method that aims to make their behavior as similar as possible is a strength.

      However, often investigators are interested in between-subjects questions - querying a source of individual differences that can have long-term and/or developmental impacts, such as sex differences or gene variants. This is likely to often be the case in mouse models especially, because of their genetic tractability. In scenarios where investigators have examined cognitive processes between subjects in mice who vary across these sources of individual difference, the process of learning a task has been repeatedly shown to be different. The authors do not appear to have considered individual differences except perhaps as an obstacle to be overcome.

      The authors have perhaps shown that their main focus is highly-controlled within-subjects questions, as their dataset is almost exclusively made up of several hundred young adult male mice, with the exception of 6 females in a supplemental figure. It is notable that these female mice do appear to learn the two-alternative forced-choice task somewhat more rapidly than the males in their cohort.

      Considering the implications for mice modeling relevant genetic variants, it is unclear to what extent the training protocols and especially the algorithmic machine teaching approach would be able to inform investigators about the differences between their groups during training. For investigators examining genetic models, it is unclear whether this extensive training experience would mitigate the ability to observe cognitive differences, or select the animals best able to overcome them - eliminating the animals of interest. Likewise, the algorithmic approach aims to mitigate features of training such as side biases, but it is worth noting that the strategic uses of side biases in mice, as in primates, can benefit learning, rather than side biases solely being a problem. However, the investigators may be able to highlight variables selected by the algorithm that are associated with individual strategies in performing their tasks, and this would be a significant contribution.

      A final, intriguing finding in this manuscript is that animal self-paced training led to much slower learning than "manual" training, by having the experimenter introduce the animal to the apparatus for a few hours each day. Manual training resulted in significantly faster learning, in almost half the number of trials on average, and with significantly fewer omitted trials. This finding does not necessarily argue that manual training is universally a better choice because it leads to more limited water consumption. However, it suggests that there is a distinct contribution of experimenter interactions and/or switching contexts in cognitive training, for example by activating an "occasion setting" process to accelerate learning for a distinct period of time. Limiting experimenter interactions with mice may be a labor-saving intervention, but may not necessarily improve performance. This could be an interesting topic of future investigation, of relevance to understanding how animals of all species learn.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors aim to predict ecological suitability for the transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) using ecological niche models. This class of models identify correlations between the locations of species or disease detections and the environment. These correlations are then used to predict habitat suitability (in this work, ecological suitability for disease transmission) in locations where surveillance of the species or disease has not been conducted. The authors fit separate models for HPAI detections in wild birds and farmed birds, for two strains of HPAI (H5N1 and H5Nx) and for two time periods, pre- and post-2020. The authors also validate models fitted to disease occurrence data from pre-2020 using post-2020 occurrence data.


      The authors follow the established methods of Dhingra et al., 2016 to provide an updated spatial assessment of HPAI transmission suitability for two time periods, pre- and post-2020. They explore further methods of model cross-validation and consider the diversity of the bird species that HPAI has been detected in.


      The precise ecological niche that the authors are modelling here is ambiguous: if we treat the transmission of HPAI in the wild bird population and in poultry populations as separate transmission cycles, linked by spillover events, then these transmission cycles are likely to have fundamentally different ecological niches. While an "index case" in farmed poultry is relevant to the wildlife transmission cycle, further within-farm and farm-to-farm transmission is likely to be contingent on anthropogenic factors, rather than the environment. Similarly, we would expect "index cases" in outbreaks of HPAI in mammals to be relevant to transmission risk in wild birds - this data is not included in this manuscript. Such "index cases" in farmed poultry occur under separate ecological conditions to subsequent transmission in farmed poultry, so should be separated if possible. Some careful editing of the language used in the manuscript may elucidate some of my questions related to model conceptualisation.

      The authors' handling of sampling bias in disease detection data in poultry is possibly inappropriate: one would expect the true spatial distribution of disease surveillance in poultry to be more closely correlated with poultry farming density, in contrast to human population density. This shortcoming in the modelling workflow possibly dilutes a key finding of the Results, that the transmission risk of HPAI in poultry is greatest in areas where poultry farming density is high.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study aimed to determine which spatial factors (conceived broadly as environmental, agronomic and socio-economic) explain greater avian influenza case numbers reported since 2020 (2020--2022) by comparing similar models built with data from the period 2015--2020. The authors have chosen an environmental niche modelling approach, where detected infections are modelled as a function of spatial covariates extracted at the location of each case. These covariates are available over the entire world so that the predictions can be projected back to space in the form of a continuous map.


      The authors use boosted regression trees as the main analytical tool, which always feature among the best-performing models for environmental niche models (also known as habitat suitability models). They run replicate sets of the analysis for each of their model targets (wild/domestic x pathogen variant), which can help produce stable predictions. The authors take steps to ameliorate some forms of expected bias in the detection of cases, such as geographic variation in surveillance efforts, and in general more detections near areas of higher human population density.


      The study is not altogether coherent with respect to time. Data sets for the response (N5H1 or N5Hx case data in domestic or wild birds ) are divided into two periods; 2015--2020, and 2020--2022. Each set is modelled using a common suite of covariates that are not time-varying. That suggests that causation is inferred by virtue of cases being in different geographic areas in those two time periods. Furthermore, important predictors such as chicken density appear to be informed (in the areas of high risk) from census data from before 2010. The possibility for increased surveillance effort *through time* is overlooked, as is the possibility that previously high-burden locations may implement practice changes to reduce vulnerability.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Wang et al. investigated how sexual failure influences sweet taste perception in male Drosophila. The study revealed that courtship failure leads to decreased sweet sensitivity and feeding behavior via dopaminergic signaling. Specifically, the authors identified a group of dopaminergic neurons projecting to the subesophageal zone that interacts with sweet-sensing Gr5a+ neurons. These dopaminergic neurons positively regulate the sweet sensitivity of Gr5a+ neurons via DopR1 and Dop2R receptors. Sexual failure diminishes the activity of these dopaminergic neurons, leading to reduced sweet-taste sensitivity and sugar-feeding behavior in male flies. These findings highlight the role of dopaminergic neurons in integrating reproductive experiences to modulate appetitive sensory responses.

      Previous studies have explored the dopaminergic-to-Gr5a+ neuronal pathways in regulating sugar feeding under hunger conditions. Starvation has been shown to increase dopamine release from a subset of TH-GAL4 labeled neurons, known as TH-VUM, in the subesophageal zone. This enhanced dopamine release activates dopamine receptors in Gr5a+ neurons, heightening their sensitivity to sugar and promoting sucrose acceptance in flies. Since the function of the dopaminergic-to-Gr5a+ circuit motif has been well established, the primary contribution of Wang et al. is to show that mating failure in male flies can also engage this circuit to modulate sugar-feeding behavior. This contribution is valuable because it highlights the role of dopaminergic neurons in integrating diverse internal state signals to inform behavioral decisions.

      An intriguing discrepancy between Wang et al. and earlier studies lies in the involvement of dopamine receptors in Gr5a+ neurons. Prior research has shown that Dop2R and DopEcR, but not DopR1, mediate starvation-induced enhancement of sugar sensitivity in Gr5a+ neurons. In contrast, Wang et al. found that DopR1 and Dop2R, but not DopEcR, are involved in the sexual failure-induced decrease in sugar sensitivity in these neurons. I wish the authors had further explored or discussed this discrepancy, as it is unclear how dopamine release selectively engages different receptors to modulate neuronal sensitivity in a context-dependent manner.

      The data presented by Wang et al. are solid and effectively support their conclusions. However, certain aspects of their experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation warrant further review, as outlined below.

      (1) The authors did not explicitly indicate the feeding status of the flies, but it appears they were not starved. However, the naive and satisfied flies in this study displayed high feeding and PER baselines, similar to those observed in starved flies in other studies. This raises the concern that sexually failed flies may have consumed additional food during the 4.5-hour conditioning period, potentially lowering their baseline hunger levels and subsequently reducing PER responses. This alternative explanation is worth considering, as an earlier study demonstrated that sexually deprived males consumed more alcohol, and both alcohol and food are known rewards for flies. To address this concern, the authors could remove food during the conditioning phase to rule out its influence on the results.

      (2) Figure 1B reveals that approximately half of the males in the Failed group did not consume sucrose, yet Figure 1-S1A suggests that the total volume consumed remained unchanged. Were the flies that did not consume sucrose omitted from the dataset presented in Figure 1-S1A? If so, does this imply that only half of the male flies experience sexual failure, or that sexual failure affects only half of males while the others remain unaffected? The authors should clarify this point.

      (3) The evidence linking TH-GAL4 labeled dopaminergic neurons to reduced sugar sensitivity in Gr5a+ neurons in sexually failed males could be further strengthened. Ideally, the authors would have activated TH-GAL4 neurons and observed whether this restored GCaMP responses in Gr5a+ neurons in sexually failed males. Instead, the authors performed a less direct experiment, shown in Figures 3-S1C and D. The manuscript does not describe the condition of the flies used in this experiment, but it appears that they were not sexually conditioned. I have two concerns with this experiment. First, no statistical analysis was provided to support the enhancement of sucrose responses following activation of TH-GAL4 neurons. Second, without performing this experiment in sexually failed males, the authors lack direct evidence to confirm that the dampened response of Gr5a+ neurons to sucrose results from decreased activity in TH-GAL4 neurons.

      (4) The statistical methods used in this study are poorly described, making it unclear which method was used for each experiment. I suggest that the authors include a clear description of the statistical methods used for each experiment in the figure legends. Furthermore, as I have pointed out, there is a lack of statistical comparisons in Figures 3-S1C and D, a similar problem exists for Figures 6E and F.

      (5) The experiments in Figure 5 lack specificity. The target neurons in this study are Gr5a+ neurons, which are directly involved in sugar sensing. However, the authors used the less specific Dop1R1- and Dop2R-GAL4 lines for their manipulations. Using Gr5a-GAL4 to specifically target Gr5a+ neurons would provide greater precision and ensure that the observed effects are directly attributable to the modulation of Gr5a+ neurons, rather than being influenced by potential off-target effects from other neuronal populations expressing these dopamine receptors.

      (6) I found the results presented in Fig. 6F puzzling. The knockdown of Dop2R in Gr5a+ neurons would be expected to decrease sucrose responses in naive and satisfied flies, given the role of Dop2R in enhancing sweet sensitivity. However, the figure shows an apparent increase in responses across all three groups, which contradicts this expectation. The authors may want to provide an explanation for this unexpected result.

      (7) In several instances in the manuscript, the authors described the effects of silencing dopamine signaling pathways or knocking down dopamine receptors in Gr5a neurons with phrases such as 'no longer exhibited reduced sweet sensitivity' (e.g., L269 and L288), 'prevent the reduction of sweet sensitivity' (e.g., L292), or 'this suppression was reversed' (e.g. L299). I found these descriptions misleading, as they suggest that sweet sensitivity in naive and satisfied groups remains normal while the reduction in failed flies is specifically prevented or reversed. However, this is not the case. The data indicate that these manipulations result in an overall decrease in sweet sensitivity across all groups, such that a further reduction in failed flies is not observed. I recommend revising these descriptions to accurately reflect the observed phenotypes and avoid any confusion regarding the effects of these manipulations.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors exposed naïve male flies to different groups of females, either mated or virgin. Male flies can successfully copulate with virgin females; however, they are rejected by mated females. This rejection reduces sugar preference and sensitivity in males. Investigating the underlying neural circuits, the authors show that dopamine signaling onto GR5a sensory neurons is required for reduced sugar preference. GR5a sensory neurons respond less to sugar exposure when they lack dopamine receptors.


      The findings add another strong phenotype to the existing dataset about brain-wide neuromodulatory effects of mating. The authors use several state-of-the-art methods, such as activity-dependent GRASP to decipher the underlying neural circuitry. They further perform rigorous behavioral tests and provide convincing evidence for the local labellar circuit.


      The authors focus on the circuit connection between dopamine and gustatory sensory neurons in the male SEZ. Therefore, it is still unknown how mating modulates dopamine signaling and what possible implications on other behaviors might result from a reduced sugar preference.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      In this work, the authors asked how mating experience impacts reward perception and processing. For this, they employ fruit flies as a model, with a combination of behavioral, immunostaining, and live calcium imaging approaches.

      Their study allowed them to demonstrate that courtship failure decreases the fraction of flies motivated to eat sweet compounds, revealing a link between reproductive stress and reward-related behaviors. This effect is mediated by a small group of dopaminergic neurons projecting to the SEZ. After courtship failure, these dopaminergic neurons exhibit reduced activity, leading to decreased Gr5a+ neuron activity via Dop1R1 and Dop2R signaling, and leading to reduced sweet sensitivity. The authors therefore showed how mating failure influences broader behavioral outputs through suppression of the dopamine-mediated reward system and underscores the interactions between reproductive and reward pathways.


      My main concern regarding this study lies in the way the authors chose to present their results. If I understood correctly, they provided evidence that mating failure induces a decrease in the fraction of flies exhibiting PER. However, they also showed that food consumption was not affected (Fig. 1, supplement), suggesting that individuals who did eat consumed more. This raises questions about the analysis and interpretation of the results. Should we consider the group as a whole, with a reduced sensitivity to sweetness, or should we focus on individuals, with each one eating more? I am also concerned about how this could influence the results obtained using live imaging approaches, as the flies being imaged might or might not have been motivated to eat during the feeding assays. I would like the authors to clarify their choice of analysis and discuss this critical point, as the interpretation of the results could potentially be the opposite of what is presented in the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The authors set out to develop a contextual fear learning (CFC) paradigm in head-fixed mice that would produce freezing as the conditioned response. Typically, lick suppression is the conditioned response in such designs, but this (1) introduces a potential confounding influence of reward learning on neural assessments of aversion learning and (2) does not easily allow comparison of head-fixed studies with extensive previous work in freely moving animals, which use freezing as the primary conditioned response.

      The first part of this study is a report on the development and outcomes of 3 variations of the CFC paradigm in a virtual reality environment. The fundamental design is strong, with head-fixed mice required to run down a linear virtual track to obtain a water reward. Once trained, the water reward is no longer necessary and mice will navigate virtual reality environments. There are rigorous performance criteria to ensure that mice that make it to the experimental stage show very low levels of inactivity prior to fear conditioning. These criteria do result in only 40% of the mice making it to the experimental stage, but high rates of activity in the VR environment are crucial for detecting learning-related freezing. It is possible that further adjustments to the procedure could improve attrition rates.

      Paradigm versions 1 and 2 vary the familiarity of the control context while paradigm versions 2 and 3 vary the inter-shock interval. Paradigm version 1 is the most promising, showing the greatest increase in conditioned freezing (~40%) and good discrimination between contexts (delta ~15-20%). Paradigm version 2 showed no clear evidence of learning - average freezing at recall day 1 was not different than pre-shock freezing. First-lap freezing showed a difference, but this single-lap effect is not useful for many of the neural circuit questions for which this paradigm is meant to facilitate. Also, the claim that mice extinguished first-lap freezing after 1 day is weak. Extinction is determined here by the loss of context discrimination, but this was not strong to begin with. First-lap freezing does not appear to be different between Recall Day 1 and 2, but this analysis was not done. Paradigm version 3 has some promise, but the magnitude of the context discrimination is modest (~10% difference in freezing). Thus, further optimization of the VR CFC will be needed to achieve robust learning and extinction. This could include factors not thoroughly tested in this study, including context pre-exposure timing and duration and shock intensity and frequency.

      The second part of the study is a validation of the head-fixed CFC VR protocol through the demonstration that fear conditioning leads to the remapping of dorsal CA1 place fields, similar to that observed in freely moving subjects. The results support this aim and largely replicate previous findings in freely moving subjects. One difference from previous work of note is that VR CFC led to the remapping of the control environment, not just the conditioning context. The authors present several possible explanations for this lack of specificity to the shock context, further underscoring the need for further refinement of the CFC protocol before it can be widely applied. While this experiment examined place cell remapping after fear conditioning, it did not attempt to link neural activity to the learned association or freezing behavior.

      In summary, this is an important study that sets the initial parameters and neuronal validation needed to establish a head-fixed CFC paradigm that produces freezing behaviors. In the discussion, the authors note the limitations of this study, suggest the next steps in refinement, and point to several future directions using this protocol to significantly advance our understanding of the neural circuits of threat-related learning and behavior.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, Krishnan et al devised three paradigms to perform contextual fear conditioning in head-fixed mice. Each of the paradigms relied on head-fixed mice running on a treadmill through virtual reality arenas. The authors tested the validity of three versions of the paradigms by using various parameters. As described below, I think there are several issues with the way the paradigms are designed and how the data are interpreted. Moreover, as Paradigm 3 was published previously in a study by the same group, it is unclear to me what this manuscript offers beyond the validations of parameters used for the previous publication. Below, I list my concerns point-by-point, which I believe need to be addressed to strengthen the manuscript.

      Major comments

      (1) In the analysis using the LME model (Tables 1 and 2), I am left wondering why the mice had increased freezing across recall days as well as increased generalization (increased freezing to the familiar context, where shock was never delivered). Would the authors expect freezing to decrease across recall days, since repeated exposure to the shock context should drive some extinction? This is complicated by the analysis showing that freeing was increased only on retrieval day 1 when analyzing data from the first lap only. Since reward (e.g., motivation to run) is removed during the conditioning and retrieval tests, I wonder if what the authors are observing is related to decreased motivation to perform the task (mice will just sit, immobile, not necessarily freezing per se). I think that these aspects need to be teased out.

      (2) Related to point 1, the authors actually point out that these changes could be due to the loss of the water reward. So, in line 304, is it appropriate to call this freezing? I think it will be very important for the authors to exactly define and delineate what they consider as freezing in this task, versus mice just simply sitting around, immobile, and taking a break from performing the task when they realize there is no reward at the end.

      (3) In the second paradigm, mice are exposed to both novel and (at the time before conditioning) neutral environments just before fear conditioning. There is a big chance that the mice are 'linking' the memories (Cai et al 2016) of the two contexts such that there is no difference in freezing in the shock context compared to the neutral context, which is what the authors observe (Lines 333-335). The experiment should be repeated such that exposure to the contexts does not occur on the conditioning day.

      (4) On lines 360-361, the authors conclude that extinction happens rapidly, within the first lap of the VR trial. To my understanding, that would mean that extinction would happen within the first 5-10 seconds of the test (according to Figure S1E). That seems far too fast for extinction to occur, as this never occurs in freely behaving mice this quickly.

      (5) Throughout the different paradigms, the authors are using different shock intensities. This can lead to differences in fear memory encoding as well as in levels of fear memory generalization. I don't think that comparisons can be made across the different paradigms as too many variables (including shock intensity - 0.5/0.6mA can be very different from 1.0 mA) are different. How can the authors pinpoint which works best? Indeed, they find Paradigm 3 'works' better than Paradigm 2 because mice discriminate better between the neutral and shock contexts. This can definitely be driven by decreased generalization from using a 0.6mA shock in Paradigm 3 compared to 1.0 mA shock in Paradigm 2.

      (6) There are some differences in the calcium imaging dataset compared to other studies, and the authors should perform additional testing to determine why. This will be integral to validating their head-fixed paradigm(s) and showing they are useful for modeling circuit dynamics/behaviors observed in freely behaving mice. Moreover, the sample size (number of mice) seems low.

      (7) It appears that the authors have already published a paper using Paradigm 3 (Ratigan et al 2023). If they already found a paradigm that is published and works, it is unclear to me what the current manuscript offers beyond that initial manuscript.

      (8) As written, the manuscript is really difficult to follow with the averages and standard error reported throughout the text. This reporting in the text occurred heterogeneously throughout the text, as sometimes it was reported and other times it was not. Cleaning this reporting up throughout the paper would greatly improve the flow of the text and qualitative description of the results.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Krishnan et al. present a novel contextual fear conditioning (CFC) paradigm using a virtual reality (VR) apparatus to evaluate whether conditioned context-induced freezing can be elicited in head-fixed mice. By combining this approach with two-photon imaging, the authors aim to provide high-resolution insights into the neural mechanisms underlying learning, memory, and fear. Their experiments demonstrate that head-fixed mice can discriminate between threat and non-threat contexts, exhibit fear-related behavior in VR, and show context-dependent variability during extinction. Supplemental analyses further explore alternative behaviors and the influence of experimental parameters, while hippocampal neuron remapping is tracked throughout the experiments, showcasing the paradigm's potential for studying memory formation and extinction processes.


      Methodological Innovation: The integration of a VR-based CFC paradigm with real-time two-photon imaging offers a powerful, high-resolution tool for investigating the neural circuits underlying fear, learning, and memory.

      Versatility and Utility: The paradigm provides a controlled and reproducible environment for studying contextual fear learning, addressing challenges associated with freely moving paradigms.

      Potential for Broader Applications: By demonstrating hippocampal neuron remapping during fear learning and extinction, the study highlights the paradigm's utility for exploring memory dynamics, providing a strong foundation for future studies in behavioral neuroscience.

      Comprehensive Data Presentation: The inclusion of supplemental figures and behavioral analyses (e.g., licking behaviors and variability in extinction) strengthens the manuscript by addressing additional dimensions of the experimental outcomes.


      Characterization of Freezing Behavior: The evidence supporting freezing behavior as the primary defensive response in VR is unclear. Supplementary videos suggest the observed behaviors may include avoidance-like actions (e.g., backing away or stopping locomotion) rather than true freezing. Additional physiological measurements, such as EMG or heart rate, are necessary to substantiate the claim that freezing is elicited in the paradigm.

      Analysis of Extinction: Extinction dynamics are only analyzed through between-group comparisons within each Recall day, without addressing within-group changes in behavior across days. Statistical comparisons within groups would provide a more robust demonstration of extinction processes.

      Low Sample Sizes: Paradigm 1 includes conditions with very low sample sizes (N=1-3), limiting the reliability of statistical comparisons regarding the effects of shock number and intensity. Increasing sample sizes or excluding data from mice that do not match the conditions used in Paradigms 2 and 3 would improve the rigor of the analysis.

      Potential Confound of Water Reward: The authors critique the use of reward in conjunction with fear conditioning in prior studies but do not fully address the potential confound introduced by using water reward during the training phase in their own paradigm.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this remarkable study, the authors use some of their recently-developed oxytocin receptor knockout voles (Oxtr1-/- KOs) to re-examine how oxytocin might influence partner preference. They show that shorter cohabitation times lead to decreased huddling time and partner preference in the KO voles, but with longer periods preference is still established, i.e., the KO animals have a slower rate of forming preference or are less sensitive to whatever cues or experiences lead to the formation of the pair bond as measured by this assay. This helps relate the authors' recent study to the rest of the literature on oxytocin and partner preference in prairie voles. To better understand what might lead to slower partner preference, they quantified changes to the durations and frequency of huddling. In separate assays, they also found that Oxtr1-/- KOs interacted more with stranger males than wild-type females. In a partner choice assay, they found that wild-type males prefer wild-type females more than Oxtr1-/- KO females. They then performed bulk RNA-Seq profiling of nucleus accumbens of both wild-type and Oxtr1-/- KO males and females, either housed with animals of the same sex or paired with a wild-type of the opposite sex. 13 differentially expressed genes were identified, mostly due to downregulation in wild-type females. These genes were also identified in a module lost in the Oxtr1-/- voles by correlated expression profiling. They also compared results of transcriptional profiling in female and male wild-type vs Oxtr1-/- voles (independently of bonding state) and found hundreds of differentially expressed genes in nucleus accumbens, mostly in females and often with some relation to neural development and/or autism. Some of the reduction in the transcript was confirmed with in-situs, as well as compared to changes in transcription in the lateral septum and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus. Finally, they find fewer oxytocin+ and AVP+ neurons in the anterior PVN.


      This is an important study helping to reveal the effects of oxytocin receptor knockout on behavior and gene expression. The experiments are thorough and reveal a surprising number of genetic and anatomical differences, with some sexual dimorphism as well, and the authors have more carefully examined the behavioral changes after shorter and longer periods of partner preference formation.


      It is surprising that given all the genetic changes identified by the authors, the behavioral phenotypes are fairly mild. The extent of gene changes also might be under-reported given the variability in the behavior and relatively low number of animals profiled.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript uses a recently published oxytocin receptor null prairie vole line to examine the effects of this mutation on pair bonding behavior and PVN gene expression. Results reveal that Oxtr sex specifically influences early courtship behavior and partner preference formation as well as suppressing promiscuity toward novel potential mates. PVN gene expression varies between Oxtr null and WT prairie voles.


      Behavioral analyses extend beyond the typical reporting of frequency and duration. The gene expression models and analyses are well-done and convincing. The experimental designs and approaches are strong.


      More details and background literature explaining the role of the Oxt system in pair bonding behaviors is necessary, particularly for the Introduction. The authors overstate several times that Oxtr expression is not necessary for partner preference formation, based on their previous findings. However, it does appear, particularly, in the short cohabitation that it is necessary. Thus, the nuanced answer may be that Oxt may accelerate partner preference formation. Improving the presentation of the statistics and figures will make the manuscript more reader-friendly.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors attempted to identify whether a new deep-learning model could be applied to both resting and task state fMRI data to predict cognition and dopaminergic signaling. They found that resting state and moving watching conditions best predict episodic memory, but only movie watching predicts both episodic and working memory. A negative 'brain gap' (where the model trained on brain connectivity predicts worse performance than what is actually observed) was associated with less physical activity, poorer cardiovascular function, and lower D1R availability.


      The paper should be of broad interest to the journal's readership, with implications for cognitive neuroscience, psychiatry, and psychology fields. The paper is very well-written and clear. The authors use two independent datasets to validate their findings, including two of the largest databases of dopamine receptor availability to link brain functional connectivity/activity with neurochemical signaling.


      The deep learning findings represent a relatively small extension/enhancement of knowledge in a very crowded field.

      It's unclear from these results how much utility the brain gaps provide above and beyond observed performance. It would be helpful to take a median split of the dataset on observed performance and plot aside the current Figure 3 results to see how the cardiovascular and physical activity measures differ based on actual performance. Could the authors perform additional analyses describing how much additional variance is explained in these measures by including brain gaps?

      Some of the imaging findings require deeper analysis. For Figure 1f - Which default mode regions have high salience? DMN is a huge network with subregions having differing functions.

      Along the same lines, were the striatal D1R findings regionally specific at all? It would be informative to test whether the three nuclei (Accumbens, Caudate, Putamen) and/or voxelwise models would show something above and beyond what is achieved from averaging D1R across the striatum. What about cortical D1R, which is highly abundant, strongly associated with cognitive (especially WM) performance, and has much unique variance beyond striatal D1R? https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciadv.1501672. The PET findings are one of the unique strengths of this paper and are underexplored. It's also unclear if the measure of brain entropy should simply be averaged across all regions.

      It is not clear from the text that the authors met the preconditions for mediation analysis (that is, demonstrating significant correlations between D1R and entropy, in addition to the correlation with brain gap. The authors should report this as well.

      Was age controlled for in the mediation analysis? I would not consider this result valid unless that is the case.

      The discussion section is long, but the authors would do better to replace some less helpful sections (e.g., the paragraph on methodological tweaks to parcellations and model alignment) with a couple of other important points, including:

      (1) Discuss the 'sweet-spot' of movie watching for behavior prediction in the context of studies showing that task states 'quench' neural variability: https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007983. This may not be mutually exclusive of the discussion on dopamine and signal-to-noise ratio, but it would be helpful for the authors to discuss their potential overlap vs. unique contributions to the observed findings.

      (2) The argument that dopamine signaling increases signal-to-noise ratio is based on some preclinical data as well as correlational data using fMRI with pharmacological challenges. It is less clear how PET-derived estimates of D1R and D2R availability equate to 'dopamine signaling' as it is thought of in this context. Presumably, based on these data, higher D1R or D2R availability would be related to greater levels of tonic dopaminergic signaling. However, in the case of the COBRA dataset with D2R estimates, those are based on raclopride -- which competes with endogenous dopamine for the D2 receptor. Therefore, someone with higher levels of endogenous dopamine signaling should theoretically have lower raclopride binding and lower D2R estimates. I'm not arguing that the authors' logic is flawed or that D1R and D2R are not good measures of dopamine signaling, but I'd ask the authors to dig into the literature and describe more direct potential links for how greater receptor availability might be associated with greater dopamine signaling (and hence lower entropy). Adding this to the discussion would be very valuable for PET research.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors developed a deep learning model based on a DenseNet CNN architecture to predict two cognitive functions: working memory and episodic memory, from functional connectivity matrices. These matrices were recorded under three conditions: during rest, a working memory task, and a movie, and were treated as images for the CNN algorithm. They tested their model's performance across different conditions and a separate dataset with a different age distribution (using the same MRI scanner, scanning configurations, and cognitive tests). They also calculated the "brain cognition gap" based on the model trained on resting functional connectivity to predict working memory. Extending from the commonly used index "brain age," the brain cognition gap was defined as the difference between the working memory score predicted by their model (predicted working memory) and the working memory score based on the working memory test itself (observed working memory). This brain cognition gap was found to be associated with physical activity, education, and cardiovascular risk. The authors also conducted additional mediation tests to examine whether regional functional variability mediated the relationship between PET-derived measures of dopamine and the brain cognition gap.


      The major strength of this manuscript is the extensive effort the authors have put into creating a new 'biomarker' that links deep learning with fMRI, PET, physical activity, education, and cardiovascular risk across two studies. This effort is impressive.


      There are several weaknesses in the current methods and results, making many of the claims unconvincing. These weaknesses include:

      (1) The lack of baseline models to benchmark the predictive performance of their DenseNet models.

      (2) The inappropriate calculation of the brain cognition gap due to the lack of control for regression-toward-the-mean and the influence of the working memory itself (a common practice in brain age studies).

      (3) The lack of benchmarking of the brain cognition gap against the 'corrected' brain age gap and the direct prediction of physical activity, education, and cardiovascular risk.

      (4) Minimal justification for their PET mediation analysis.

      Regarding the impact of the work on the field and the utility of the methods and data to the community, I see its potential. However, addressing all the weaknesses listed above is crucial and likely to change the conclusions of the results.

      It is important to note that many statements in the manuscript are overstated, making the contribution of the manuscript seem exaggerated.

      For instance, the abstract claims "there is a lack of objective biomarkers to accurately predict cognitive function," and the discussion states, "across various studies, the correlation between predicted and actual fluid intelligence typically hovers around 0.25 (98-100)." However, a meta-analysis by Vieira and colleagues (2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2022.101654) found over 37 studies up to 2020 predicting cognitive abilities from fMRI with machine learning, with 24 studies published in 2019-20 alone. Since 2020, with the rise of machine learning and AI, even more studies have likely been published on this topic, all claiming to show objective biomarkers to accurately predict cognitive function. Vieira and colleagues also found an average performance of these objective biomarkers in predicting general cognition at r = .42, similar to what was found in this manuscript. Based on this alone, it is unclear how novel or superior their method is without a proper systematic benchmark.

      Similarly, the authors claim superior performance of deep learning and mischaracterize machine learning algorithms: "In particular, deep neural networks (DNN) methods have been successfully applied to behavioral and disease prediction (24-26), and have been found to outperform other machine learning approaches (27-29)," and "Deep learning approaches overcome the limitation of predictive techniques that solely rely on linear associations between connectivity and behavioral phenotypes (17)." However, the superiority of deep learning is debatable. Studies show comparable performance between machine learning (such as kernel regression) and deep learning (such as fully-connected neural networks, BrainNetCNN, Graph CNN (GCNN), and temporal CNN), e.g., He and colleagues (2019) and Vieira and colleagues (2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116276 and Vieira and colleagues' https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.07.583858.

      Moreover, many non-deep learning predictive techniques are non-linear, e.g., XGBoost, CatBoost, random forest, kernel ridge, and support vector regression with non-linear kernels (such as RBF and polynomial). Thus, stating that machine learning can only model linear relationships is incorrect. Moreover, for the small amount of data the authors had, some might argue that a linear algorithm might be more appropriate to balance the bias-variance trade-off in prediction. Again, without a proper systematic benchmark, it is unclear how well their DenseNet algorithm performs compared to other algorithms.

      Regarding the Brain Age literature, the authors also misinterpreted recent findings: "However, a recent study suggests that brain age predictions contribute minimally compared to chronological age for explaining cognitive decline (65), implying that cognitive predictions are more reliable." In this study, Tetereva and colleagues (2024) (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.87297.4) showed that non-deep-learning machine learning can make good predictions from MRI on both chronological age (with r up to .88) and fluid cognition (with r up to .627). Using the combination of functional connectivity matrices across rest and tasks to predict fluid cognition, they found performance at r = .565, comparable to what was found in the current manuscript with deep learning. Nonetheless, while brain age predicted chronological age well (and brain cognition predicted fluid cognition well), it was problematic to predict fluid cognition from brain age. They showed that, because brain age, by design, shared so much common variance with chronological age, brain age and chronological age captured the same variance of fluid cognition. When chronological age was controlled for in the prediction of fluid cognition, brain age no longer had high predictive ability. In the case of the current manuscript, the brain cognition gap is not appropriately controlled for cognition (to be more precise, a working memory score). I expect the performance in predicting physical activity, education, and cardiovascular risk will drop dramatically once cognition is controlled for. There are at least two ways to control cognition according to Tetereva and colleagues' study (see more in the recommendations).

      The authors mentioned, "The third aim of the current study is to uncover the contribution of dopamine (DA) integrity to brain-cognition gaps." However, I fail to see how mediation analysis would test this. The authors also mentioned, "Insufficient DA modulation can affect neurocognitive functions detrimentally (69, 74, 76-78)." They should test if DA levels are related to working memory scores in their study, and if so, whether the relationship is mediated by the "corrected" brain-cognition gaps. Note see more on the recommendation for the calculation of the "corrected" brain-cognition gaps.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This paper by Esmaeili and co-authors presents a connectome prediction study to predict episodic memory and relate prediction errors to other phonotypic variables.


      (1) A primary and external validation dataset.

      (2) Novel use of prediction errors (i.e., brain-cognitive gap).

      (3) A wide range of data was investigated.


      (1) Lack of comparisons to other methods for prediction.

      (2) Several different points are being investigated that don't allow any particular one to shine through.

      (3) Some choices of analysis are not well-motivated.

      (4) How do the n-back connectomes perform for prediction if the authors do not regress task activations from the n-back task?

      (5) I am a little concerned about overfitting with the convolutional neural net. For example, the drop-off in prediction performance in the external sample is stark. How does the deep learning approach used here compare to something simpler, like a connectome-based predictive model or ridge regression?

      (6) It may be nice to try the other models in the validation dataset. This would also provide a sense of the overfitting that may be going on with overfitting.

      (7) While predictive models increase the power over association studies, they still require large samples to prevent overfitting. Do the authors have a sense of the power their main and external validation sample sizes provide?

      (8) I am not sure that the Mann-Whitney is the correct test for comparing the distributions of prediction performances. The distributions are dependent on each other as they are each predicting the same outcomes. Using the typical degrees of freedom formula would overestimate the degrees of freedom.

      (9) The brain cognition gap is interesting. It is very similar conceptually to the brain age gap. When associating the brain age gap with other phenotypes, typically age is regressed from the brain age gap and the other phenotype. In other words, age is typically associated with a brain age gap as individuals at the tail ages often show the largest gaps. Is the brain cognition gap correlated with episodic memory and do the group differences hold if episodic memory is controlled for?

      (10) I have the same question for the dopamine results. Particularly, in the correlations that are divided by brain cognition gap sign. I could see these types of patterns arise due to a correlation with a third variable.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This is a very well-written paper presenting interesting findings related to the recovery following the end-Permian event in continental settings, from N China. The finding is timely as the topic is actively discussed in the scientific community. The data provides additional insights into the faunal, and partly, floral global recovery following the EPE, adding to the global picture.


      The conclusions are supported by an impressive amount of sedimentological and paleontological data (mainly trace fossils) and illustrations.


      The occurrence of MISS (Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures) could be discussed more in detail as these provide interesting information directly linked to the delayed recovery of the biota.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      A rapid recovery of the ecosystems during the late Early Triassic, in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction, is discussed based on different types of fossils.


      The combined study of invertebrate trace fossils, tetrapod bones, and plant remains together with their stratigraphic distribution in different sections provides a convincing case to support a rapid recovery as the authors hypothesize.


      The study is based on three regions with Triassic successions from the North China block. While a first-hand study of other localities of similar age would be ideal, this is of course a difficult task. Instead, the authors provide comparisons with other worldwide regions to build their case and support the initial hypothesis.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This manuscript by Guo and colleagues features the documentation and interpretation of three successions of continental to marginal marine deposits spanning the P/T transition and their respective ichnofaunas. Based on these new data inferences concerning end-Permian mass extinction and Triassic recovery in the tropical realm are discussed.


      The manuscript is well-written and organized and includes a large amount of new lithological and ichnological data that illuminate ecosystem evolution in a time of large-scale transition. The lithological documentations, facies interpretations, and ichnotaxonomic assignments look okay (with a few exceptions).


      Some interpretations in Table 1 could be questioned: For facies association FA2 the interpretation as „terrestrial facies with periodical flooding" should be put into the right column and, given the fossil content, other interpretations, such as "marine facies" or "lagoonal environment" with some plant debris and (terrestrial) animal remains washed in, could also be possible. For FA3 the statement "bioturbation is absent" is in conflict with the next statement "strata are moderately reworked". For FA5 the observation of a "monospecific ichnoassemblage" contradicts the listing of several ichnotaxa.

      Concerning the structure of the manuscript, certain hypotheses related to the end-Permian mass extinction and the process of the P/T extinction and recovery, namely the existence of a long-persisting "tropic dead zone" are introduced as a foregone conclusion to which the new data seemingly shall be fit as corroborating evidence. Some of the data - e.g. the presence of a supposedly Smithian-age ichnofauna are interpreted as a fast recovery shortening the duration of the "tropic dead zone" episode - but these interpretations could also be interpreted as contradicting the idea of a "dead zone" sensu stricto in favour of a "normal" post-extinction environment with low diversity and occurrence of typical disaster taxa. Due to their large error bars the early Triassic radiometric ages did not put much of a constraint on the age determination of the earliest post-extinction ichnofaunas discussed here.

      Considering the somewhat equivocal evidence and controversial ideas about the P/T transition, the introduction could be improved by describing how the idea of a "tropic dead zone" arose against the background of earlier ideas, alternative views, and conflicting data. In the discussion section, alternative interpretations of the extensive data presented here - e.g. proximal-distal shifts in lithofacies with respect to the sediment source, sea level changes, preservation bias, the local occurrence of hostile environments instead of a regional scale, etc. should be discussed, also to avoid the impression that the author's conclusion was driven by confirmation bias.

      Contrary to the authors' claim, Figures S7 and S8 suggest that burrow size does not vary much within the studied sections. Size decreases and increases in the Shichuanhe and Liulin sections do not contemporaneously, are usually within the error-bar range, and might be driven by ichnotaxa composition, i.e. the presence or absence of larger ichnotaxa, rather than by size changes in the same ichnotaxon (and producer group). Here the measurement data would be needed as well to check the basis of the authors' interpretations.

      Some arthropod tracks assigned here to Kouphichnium might not represent limulid traces but other (non-marine) arthropod taxa in accordance with their occurrence in terrestrial facies/non-marine units of the succession. More generally, the ichnotaxonomy of arthropod trackways is not yet well reserved - beyond Kouphichnium and Diplichnites various similar-looking types may occur that can have a variety of distinct insect, crustacean, millipede, etc. producers (including larval stages).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors investigate the relationship between 3D chromatin architecture and innate immune gene regulation in monocytes from patients with alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH). Using Hi-C technology, they attempt to identify structural changes in the genome that correlate with altered gene expression. Their central claim is that genome restructuring contributes to the hyper-inflammatory phenotype associated with AH.


      (1) The manuscript employs Hi-C technology, which, in principle, is a powerful approach for studying genome organization.

      (2) The focus on disease-relevant genes, particularly innate immune loci, provides a contextually important angle for understanding AH.


      (1) Sample Size: The study relies on an exceptionally small cohort (4 AH patients and 4 healthy controls), rendering the results statistically underpowered and highly susceptible to variability.

      (2) Hi-C Resolution unpaired to RNA seq: The data are presented at a resolution of 100kb, which is insufficient to uncover meaningful chromatin interactions at the level of individual genes. This data is unpaired.

      (3) Functional Validation: The manuscript lacks experiments to directly link changes in chromatin architecture with gene expression or monocyte function, leaving the claims speculative.

      (4) Data Integration: The lack of Hi-C with ATAC and RNA-seq data handicaps the analysis and really makes it superficial. In short, it does not convincingly demonstrate a functional relationship.

      (5) Confounding Factors: The manuscript neglects critical confounding variables such as comorbidities, medications, and lifestyle factors, which could influence chromatin structure and gene expression independently of AH.

      Appraisal of the Aims and Results:

      The manuscript sets out to establish a connection between chromatin architecture and AH pathology. However, the study fails to achieve its stated aims due to inadequate methods and insufficient data. The conclusions drawn from the Hi-C analyses alone are poorly supported, and the lack of functional validation undermines the credibility of the proposed mechanisms. Overall, the results do not provide compelling evidence to substantiate the authors' claims.

      Impact on the Field and Utility to the Community:

      The work, in its current form, is unlikely to have a meaningful impact on the field. The limited scope, methodological shortcomings, and lack of robust data significantly diminish its potential utility. Without addressing these critical gaps, the study does not offer new insights into the role of genome architecture in AH or provide useful methodologies or datasets for the community.

      Additional Context:

      The manuscript would benefit from a more comprehensive analysis of potential mechanisms underlying the observed changes, including the interplay between chromatin architecture and epigenetic modifications. Furthermore, longitudinal studies or therapeutic interventions could provide insights into the dynamic aspects of genome restructuring in AH. These considerations are entirely absent from the current study.


      The manuscript does not achieve its stated goals and does not present sufficient evidence to support its conclusions. The limitations in sample size, resolution, and experimental rigor severely hinder its contribution to the field. Addressing these fundamental flaws will be essential for the work to be considered a meaningful addition to the literature.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Dr. Adam Kim and collaborators study the changes in chromatin structure in monocytes obtained from alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH) when compared to healthy controls (HC). Through the usage of high throughput chromatin conformation capture technology (Hi-C), they collected data on contact frequencies between both contiguous and distal DNA windows (100 kB each); mainly within the same chromosome. From the analyses of those data in the two cohorts under analysis, authors describe frequent pairs of regions subject to significant changes in contact frequency across cohorts. Their accumulation onto specific regions of the genome -referred to as hotspots- motivated authors to narrow down their analyses to these disease-associated regions, in many of which, authors claim, a number of key innate immune genes can be found. Ultimately, the authors try to draw a link between the changes observed in chromatin architecture in some of these hotspots and the differential co-expression of the genes lying within those regions, as ascertained in previous single-cell transcriptomic analyses.


      The main strength of this paper lies in the generation of Hi-C data from patients, a valuable asset that, as the authors emphasize, offers critical insights into the role of chromatin architecture dysregulation in the pathogenesis of alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH). If confirmed, the reported findings have the potential to highlight an important, yet overlooked, aspect of cellular dysregulation-chromatin conformation changes - not only in AH but potentially in other immune-related conditions with a component of pathological inflammation.


      In what I regard as the two most important weaknesses of the work, I feel that they are more methodological than conceptual. The first of these issues concerns the perhaps insufficient level of description provided on the definition of some key types of genomic regions, such as topologically associated domains, DNA hotspots, or even DNA loci showing significant changes in contact frequency between AH and HC. In spite of the importance of these concepts in the paper, no operational, explicit description of how are they defined, from a statistical point of view, is provided in the current version of the manuscript.

      Without these definitions, some of the claims that authors make in their work become hard to sustain. Some examples are the claim that randomizing samples does not lead to significant differences between cohorts; the claim that most of the changes in contact frequency happen locally; or the claim that most changes do not alter the structure of TADs, but appear either within, or between TADs. In my viewpoint, specific descriptions and implementation of proper tests to check these hypotheses and back up the mentioned specific claims, along with the inclusion of explicit results on these matters, would contribute very significantly to strengthening the overall message of the paper.

      The second notable weakness of the study pertains to the characterization of the changes observed around immune genes in relation to genome-wide expectations. Although the authors suggest that certain hotspots contain a high number of immune-related genes, no enrichment analysis is provided to verify whether these regions indeed harbor a higher concentration of such genes compared to other genomic areas. It would be important for readers to be promptly informed if no such enrichment is observed, for in that case, the presence of some immune genes within these hotspots would carry more limited implications.

      Additionally, the criteria used to define a hotspot are not clearly outlined, making it difficult to assess whether the changes in contact frequencies around the immune genes highlighted in figures 5-8 are truly more pronounced than what would be expected genome-wide.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      In this manuscript, the authors use HiC to study the 3D genome of CD14+ CD16+ monocytes from the blood of healthy and those from patients with Alcohol-associated Hepatitis.

      Overall, the authors perform a cursory analysis of the HiC data and conclude that there are a large number of changes in 3D genome architecture between healthy and AH patient monocytes. They highlight some specific examples that are linked to changes in gene expression. The analysis is of such a preliminary nature that I would usually expect to see the data from all figures in just one or two figures.

      In addition, I have a number of concerns regarding the experimental design and the depth of the analyses performed that I think must be addressed.

      (1) There is a myriad of literature that describes the existence of cell type-specific 3D genome architecture. In this manuscript, there is an assumption by the authors that the CD14+ CD16+ monocytes represent the same population from both healthy and diseased patients. Therefore, the authors conclude that the differences they see in the HiC data are due to disease-related changes in the equivalent cell types. However, I am concerned that the AH patient monocytes may have differentiated due to their environment so that they are in fact akin to a different cell type and the 3D genome changes they describe reflect this. This is supported by published articles for example: Dhanda et al., Intermediate Monocytes in Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis Are Functionally Activated and Induce IL-17 Expression in CD4+ T Cells. J Immunol (2019) 203 (12): 3190-3198, in which they show an increased frequency of CD14+ CD16+ intermediate monocytes in AH patients that are functionally distinct.

      I suggest that if the authors would like to study the specific effects of AH on 3D genome architecture then they should carefully FACsort the equivalent monocyte populations from the healthy and AH patients.

      (2) The analysis of the HiC data is quite preliminary. In the 3D genome field, it is usual to report the different scales of genome architecture, for example, compartments, topologically associated domains (TADs), and loops. I think that reporting this information and how it changes in AH patients in the appropriate cell types would be of great interest to the field.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Winkler et al. present brain activity patterns related to complex motor behaviour by combining whole-head magnetoencephalography (MEG) with subthalamic local field potential (LFP) recordings from people with Parkinson's disease. The motor task involved repetitive circular movements with stops or reversals associated with either predictable or unpredictable cues. Beta and gamma frequency oscillations are described, and the authors found complex interactions between recording sites and task conditions. For example, they observed stronger modulation of connectivity in unpredictable conditions. Moreover, STN power varied across patients during reversals, which differed from stopping movements. The authors conclude that cortex-STN beta modulation is sensitive to movement context, with potential relevance for movement redirection.


      This study employs a unique methodology, leveraging the rare opportunity to simultaneously record both invasive and non-invasive brain activity to explore oscillatory networks.


      It is difficult to interpret the role of the STN in context of reversals, because no consistent activity pattern emerged.

      Comments on revisions: The authors have adequately addressed my comments.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study examines the role of beta oscillations in motor control, particularly during rapid changes in movement direction among patients with Parkinson's disease. The researchers utilized magnetoencephalography (MEG) and local field potential (LFP) recordings from the subthalamic nucleus to investigate variations in beta band activity within the cortex and STN during the initiation, cessation, and reversal of movements, as well as the impact of external cue predictability on these dynamics. The primary finding indicates that beta oscillations more effectively signify the start and end of motor sequences than transitions within those sequences. The article is well-written, clear, and concise.


      The use of a continuous motion paradigm with rapid reversals extends the understanding of beta oscillations in motor control beyond simple tasks. It offers a comprehensive perspective on subthalamo-cortical interactions by combining MEG and LFP.

      Comments on revisions: I am satisfied with the revisions. I do not have further comments on the revised manuscript.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The study highlights how the initiation, reversal, and cessation of movements are linked to changes in beta synchronization within the basal ganglia-cortex loops. It was observed that different movement phases, such as starting, stopping briefly, and stopping completely, affect beta oscillations in the motor system.

      It was found that unpredictable cues lead to stronger changes in STN-cortex beta coherence. Additionally, specific patterns of beta and gamma oscillations related to different movement actions and contexts were observed. Stopping movements was associated with a lack of the expected beta rebound during brief pauses within a movement sequence.

      Overall, the results underline the complex and context-dependent nature of motor control and emphasize the role of beta oscillations in managing movement according to changing external cues.


      The paper is very well written, clear and appears methodologically sound.

      Although the use of continuous movement (turning) with reversals is more naturalistic than many previous button push paradigms.


      The generalizability of the findings are somewhat curtailed by the fact that this was performed peri-operatively during the period of the microlesion effect. Given the availability of sensing enabled DBS devices now and HD-EEG, does MEG offer a significant enough gain in spatial localizability to offset the fact that it has to be done shortly postoperatively with externalized leads, with attendant stun effect? Specifically, for paradigms that are not asking very spatially localized questions as a primary hypothesis?

      Further investigation of the gamma signal seems warranted, even though it has a slightly lower proportional change in amplitude in beta. Given that the changes in gamma here are relatively wide band, this could represent a marker of neural firing that could be interestingly contrasted against the rhythm account presented.

      Comments on revisions: I congratulate the authors on their paper and their revisions and I have no further comments. I look forward to seeing the continuous analyses in the future. Good luck!

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study is an important follow-up to their prior work - Wong et al. (2019), starting with clear questions and hypotheses, followed by a series of thoughtful and organized experiments. The method and results are convincing. Experiment 1 demonstrated the sensory preconditioned fear with few (8) or many (32) sound-light pairings. Experiments 2A and 2B showed the role of PRh NMDA receptors during conditioning for online integration, revealing that this contribution is present only after few sound-light pairings, not after many sound-light pairings. Experiments 3A and 3B showed the contribution of PRh-BLA communication to online integration, again only after few but not after many. Contrary to Experiments 3A and 3B, Experiments 4A and 4B showed the contribution of PRh-BLA communication to integration at test only after many but not few sound-light pairings.


      Throughout the manuscript, the methods and results are clearly organized and described, and the use of statistics is solid, all contributing to the overall clarity of the research. The discussion section was also well written, effectively comparing the current research with the prior work and offering insightful interpretations and potential future directions for this line of research.

      All my previous concerns have been well addressed in this revised version. I do not have further concerns about the current version of this manuscript.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript builds on the authors' earlier work, most recently Wong et al. 2019, in which they showed the importance of the perirhinal cortex (PRh) during the first-order conditioning stage of sensory preconditioning. Sensory preconditioning requires learning between two neutral stimuli (S2-S1) and subsequent development of a conditioned response to one of the neutral stimuli after pairing of the other stimulus with a motivationally relevant unconditioned stimulus (S1-US). One highly debated question regarding the mechanisms of learning of sensory preconditioning has been whether conditioned responses evoked by the indirectly trained stimulus (S2) occur through a mediated representation at the time of the first-order US training, or whether the conditioned responses develop through a chained evoked representation (S2--> S1 --> US) at the time of test. The authors' prior findings provided strong evidence for PRh being involved in mediated learning during the first-order training. They showed that protein synthesis was required during the first-order S1-US learning to support the conditioned response to the indirectly trained stimulus (S2) at test.

      One question remaining following the previous paper was whether certain conditions may promote a chaining mechanism over mediated learning, as there is some evidence for chained representations at the time of test. In this paper, the authors directly address this important question and find unambiguous results that the extent of training during the preconditioning stage impacts the involvement of PRh during the first-order conditioning or stage 2. They show that putative blockade of synaptic changes in PRh, using an NMDA antagonist, disrupts responding to the preconditioned cue at test during shorter duration preconditioning training (8 trials), but not during extended training (32 trials). They also show that this is the case for communication between the PRh and BLA during the same stage of training using a contralateral inactivation approach. This confirms their previous findings in 2019 of connectivity between these regions for the short duration training, while they observe here for the first time that this is not the case for extended training. Finally, they show that with extended training, communication between BLA and the PRh is required at the final test of the preconditioned stimulus, but not for the short duration training.


      The results are clear and extremely consistent across experiments within this paper as well as with earlier work. The experiments here are thorough, well-conceived, and address an important and highly debated question in the field regarding the neural and psychological mechanisms underlying sensory preconditioning. This work is highly impactful for the field as the debate over mediated versus chaining mechanisms has been an important topic for more than 70 years.

      Comments on revisions:

      Thank you for addressing all of my concerns in considerable detail. I have no more suggestions for the authors. This is a fantastic paper both in the experimental design and the execution as well as in the high quality of writing.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      The authors tested whether: 1. The number of stimulus-stimulus pairings alters whether preconditioned fear depends on online integration during formation of the stimulus-outcome memory or during the probe test/mobilization phase, when the original stimulus, which was never paired with aversive events, elicits fear via chaining of stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-outcome memories. They found that sensory preconditioning was successful with either 8 or 32 stimulus-stimulus pairings. Perirhinal cortex NMDA receptor blockade during stimulus-outcome learning impaired preconditioning following 8 but not 32 pairings during preconditioning. Therefore, perirhinal cortex NMDA activity is required for online integration or mediated learning. Perirhinal-basolateral amygdala had nearly identical effects with the same interpretation: these areas communicate during stimulus-outcome learning, and this online communication is required for later expressing preconditioned fear. Disconnection prior to the probe test, when chaining might occur, had different effects: it impaired the expression of preconditioned fear in rats that received 32, but not 8, pairings during preconditioning. The study has several strengths and provides a thoughtful discussion of future experiments. The study is highly impactful and significant; the authors were successful in describing the behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms of mediated learning versus chaining in sensory preconditioning, which is often debated in the learning field. Therefore this study will have a significant impact on the behavioral neurobiology and learning fields.


      Careful, rigorous experimental design and statistics

      The discussion leaves open questions that are very much worth exploring. For example - why did perirhinal-amygdala disconnection prior to the probe have no effect in the 8-pairing group, when bilateral perirhinal inactivation did (in Wong et al, 2019)? The authors propose that perirhinal cortex outputs bypass the amygdala during the probe test, which is an excellent hypothesis to test.

      The experiments are very explicitly hypothesis-driven, and the authors provide evidence of how and why mediated learning and chaining occur during sensory-sensory learning.

    1. Joint Public Review:


      The behavioral switch between foraging and mating is important for resource allocation in insects. This study characterizes the role of sulfakinin and the sulfakinin receptor 1 in changes in olfactory responses associated with foraging versus mating behavior in the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis), a significant agricultural pest. This pathway regulates food consumption and mating receptivity in other species; here the authors use genetic disruption of sulfakinin and sulfakinin receptor 1 to provide strong evidence that changes in sulfakinin signaling modulate antennal responses to food versus pheromonal cues and alter the expression of ORs that detect relevant stimuli.


      The authors utilize multiple complementary approaches including CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis, behavioral characterization, electroantennograms, RNA sequencing and heterologous expression to convincingly demonstrate the involvement of the sulfakinin pathway in the switch between foraging and mating behaviors. The use of both sulfakinin peptide and receptor mutants is a strength of the study and implicates specific signaling actors.


      The authors demonstrate that SKR is expressed in olfactory neurons, however there are additional potential sites of action that may contribute to these results.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The study investigates light chains (LCs) using three distinct approaches, with a focus on identifying a conformational fingerprint to differentiate amyloidogenic light chains from multiple myeloma light chains. The study's major contribution is the identification of a low-populated "H state," which the authors propose as a unique marker for AL-LCs. While this finding is promising, the review highlights several strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include the valuable contribution of identifying the H state and the use of multiple approaches, which provide a comprehensive understanding of LC structural dynamics. Weaknesses include a lack of physical insights explaining the changes.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This well-written manuscript addresses an important but recalcitrant problem - molecular mechanism of protein misfolding in Ig light chain (LC) amyloidosis (AL), a major life-threatening form of systemic human amyloidosis. The authors use expertly recorded and analyzed small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data as a restraint for molecular dynamics simulations (called M&M). Six patient-based LC proteins are explored, including four AL and two non-AL. The authors report a partially populated "H-state" determined computationally, wherein the two domains in an LC molecule acquire a straight rather than bent conformation, with an extended interdomain linker; this H-state distinguishes AL from non-AL LCs. H-D exchange mass spectrometry is used to support this conclusion. This is a novel and interesting finding with potentially important translational implications.


      Expertly recorded and analyzed SAXS data combined with clever M&M simulations lead to a novel and interesting conclusion, which is supported by limited H-D exchange data.<br /> Stabilization of the CL-CL interface is a good idea that may help protect a subset of AL LCs from misfolding in amyloid.

      Computational M&M evidence is convincing and is supported by SAXS data, which are used as restraints for simulations. Although Kratky plots reported in the main MS Fig. 1 show significant differences between the data and the structural model for only one AL protein, AL-55, H-state is also inferred for other AL proteins.

      Apparent limitations:

      HDX MS results show that residues 35-50 from VL-VL and VL-CL dimerization interface are less protected in AL vs. non-AL proteins, which is consistent with the H-state. However, the small number of proteins yielding useful HDX data (three AL and one non-AL) suggests that this conclusion should be treated with caution. It is unclear whether the conformational heterogeneity depicted in M&M simulations is consistent with HDX results, and whether prior HDX studies of AL and MM LCs are consistent with the conclusions that a particular domain-domain interface is weakened in AL vs. non-AL LCs. The butterfly plots in Fig. 5 could benefit from the X-axis labeling with the peptide fragments.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This study identifies confirmational fingerprints of amylodogenic light chains, that set them apart from the non-amylodogenic ones.


      The research employs a comprehensive combination of structural and dynamic analysis techniques, providing evidence that conformational dynamics at VL-CL interface and structural expansion are distinguished features of amylodogenic LCs.


      The sample size is limited, which may affect the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the study could benefit from deeper analysis of specific mutations driving this unique conformation to further strengthen therapeutic relevance.

      Furthermore. p-value (statistical significance) of Rg difference should be computer. Finally, significance of mutations (SHM?) at the interface, such as A40G should be compared with previous observations. (Garofalo et al., 2021)

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This manuscript by Ishii et al utilize a classical, but extremely understudied, female self-paced assay to directly address aspects of female sxual motivation independent from the male's behavior. This allowed for clear separation of appetitive and consummatory events, of which whole brain unbiased activity was mapped. Mating completion in females was then focused to the medial preoptic nucleus where the authors performed a rigorous set of single-cell GCaMP recordings in populations marked by Vglut2 and Vgat, finding the latter display stronger and prolonged activity after the onset of mating completion. Finally, they demonstrate function to these Fos-TRAPPED completion cells demonstrating their capacity to suppress female sexual behavior.


      This manuscript sought to explicitly explore female mating drive as dictated by the female, a very rare angle for those studying mating behavior which almost always is controlled by the male's behavior. To achieve this, the authors went back to old literature and modified a classical paradigm in which measurable approach and avoidance of male conspecifics can be measured in female mice using a self-paced mating assay. Strengths include a detailed quantification of female behaviors demonstrating a robust attenuated sexual motivation in females after mating completion. To determine the neural basis behind this, a brain wide analysis of cells responding to mating completion in the female brain was conducted which revealed numerous anatomical regions displaying increased Fos activity, including the MPOA, of which the authors concentrated the remaining of their study. Employing microendoscopic imaging, the authors discovered that this mating completion signal was strongly represented in the MPOA. The single cell data analyses are of very high quality as is the number of individual cells resolved. While they identified both excitatory and inhibitory cell types that were activated by mating completion, they found the latter exhibited stronger and more persistent activity. Segmentation into individual mating behaviors reinforced the importance of GABAergic completion cells, which display prolonged activity late after the onset of mating completion. This information provides a potential mechanism for how female mice suppress further mating activity following completion. The authors then definitively demonstrate this function by TRAP'ping completion cells with chemogenetic actuators and show that CNO-induced activation of these cells specifically and strongly suppresses female sexul behavior. All experiments were extremely well-designed and performed carefully and expertly with the necessary controls solidifying the conclusions.


      While there are no glaring weaknesses in this study, it should be noted that a great deal of literature has pinpointed the MPOA (and specifically inhibitory cells in this area) as being critical to sexual behavior, including female mating. However, no study to my knowledge has explored self-paced female mating with such fine control over manipulating and monitoring cellular activity in this region. In addition, this study may act to inspire others to further explore the additional brain regions found to show upregulation of neural activity (Fos) during mating completion in the female using the data sets generated here.

      Comments on revisions: The data has been provided in a public database.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this set of studies, authors identify cFos activation in neurons in female mice that mated with males, and after experiencing male sexual behavior that is either restricted to appetitive behavior or including ejaculation. The medial preoptic nucleus was identified as an area with high cFos induction following ejaculation. Characterization of neurochemical phenotypes of cfos-expressing neurons showed a heterogenous distribution of activated neurons in the MPOA, including both inhibitory and excitatory cell types. Next, in vivo calcium imaging was used to show activation of Vgat and Vglut neurons in female mice MPOA after displaying sniffing of the male, experiencing male appetitive, or male consummatory sexual behavior, demonstrating significantly higher activation and of a greater subpopulation of Vgat neurons than Vglut neurons. Moreover, greatest activation of Vgat neurons was detected following experiencing ejaculation, and ejaculation activated different subpopulations of MPOA cells than consummatory or appetitive sexual behaviors experienced by the female. Finally, pharmaco-genetic activation of the subpopulation of MPOA neurons that were previously activated following ejaculation resulted in a significant reduction of approach behavior by the female mice towards the male, interpreted as suppression of female sexual motivation. In conclusion, a subpopulation of inhibitory cells in the MPOA is activated in female mice after experiencing ejaculation, in turn contributing to suppression of sexual approach behavior.


      The current set of studies replicates previous findings that ejaculation causes longer latencies to initiate interactions with a male after receiving an ejaculation in a paced mating paradigm, which is widely validated and extensively used to investigate sexual behavior in female rodents. Studies also confirm that ejaculation increases cFos expression in the MPOA, while extending prior findings with a careful analysis of the neurochemical phenotype of activated neurons. A major strength of the studies is the use of cell-specific in vivo imaging and pharmaco-genetic activation to reveal a functional role of specific neuronal ensemble within the MPOA for post ejaculatory female sexual behavior.


      The authors include an elegant manipulation of ejaculation-activated neurons in the MPOA using DREADD. However, this study was limited to show that activation of previously activated cells was sufficient to reduce approach behavior in a paced mating paradigm and receiving intromissions in a home cage mating paradigm. An inhibition approach using DREADD would have been a great complement to this study as it would have examined if activation of the cells was required. Moreover, additional tests for sexual motivation would have greatly strengthened the overall conclusions.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Ishii et al used molecular genetics, behavioral analyses, in vivo neural activity imaging, and neural activity manipulations in mice to study the functional role of a subset of medial preoptic area (MPOA) neurons in the regulation of female sexual drive. They first employed a self-paced mating assay during which a female could control the amount of interaction time with a male to assess female sexual drive after completion of mating. The authors observed that after mating completion (i.e., male ejaculation) females spend significantly less time interacting with males, indicating that their sexual drive is reduced. Next, the authors performed a brain-wide analysis of neurons activated following male ejaculation and identified the MPOA as a strong candidate region. One caveat is that the activity labeling was not exclusive to neurons activated following male ejaculation but included all neurons activated before, during, and after the mating encounter. However, in this revised version of the manuscript, the authors have included a key control group that labels all neurons activated up to but not including male ejaculation. Comparison of the number of activated neurons in these two groups revealed a significant additional set of neurons in the female MPOA following ejaculation. Importantly, the authors also provided in vivo calcium imaging data showing that a subset of MPOA neurons responds significantly and specifically to male ejaculation and not other behaviors during the social encounter. The authors performed these studies in both excitatory and inhibitory populations of the MPOA. Their analysis identified a subpopulation of inhibitory neurons that exhibit sustained increased activity for 90 sec following male ejaculation. Finally, the authors used chemogenetics to activate MPOA neurons during home cage mating, condition place preference, pup retrieval, and the self-paced mating assay. They found that activation of female MPOA neurons that were previously activated following male ejaculation significantly reduces mating behaviors and time spent interacting with a male during the self-paced mating assay. Whereas, activation of female MPOA neurons that were previously activated during consummatory behaviors but not male ejaculation does not alter mating behaviors and time spent interacting with a male. Therefore, MPOA neurons activated following ejaculation are sufficient to suppress female sexual motivation.

      The authors' experimental execution is rigorous and well performed. Their data identify inhibitory neurons in the female MPOA as a neural locus that is activated following male ejaculation and whose prolonged activity plays a key role in the regulation of female sexual motivation. The addition of some key control groups to this revised version of the manuscript greatly strengthens the interpretation of the authors' findings.


      (1) The use of the self-paced mating assay in combination with neural imaging and manipulation to assess female sexual drive is innovative. The authors correctly assert that relatively little is known about how male ejaculation affects sexual motivation in females as compared to males. Therefore, the data collected from these studies is important and valuable.

      (2) The authors provide convincing histological data and analyses to verify and validate their brain-wide activity labeling, neural imaging, and chemogenetic studies.

      (3) The single cell in vivo calcium imaging data are well performed and analyzed. They provide key insights into the activity profiles of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the female MPOA during mating encounters. The authors identification of an inhibitory subpopulation of female MPOA neurons that is selectively activated following completion of mating is fundamental for future experiments which could potentially find a molecular marker for this population and specifically manipulate these neurons to understand their role in female sexual motivation in greater detail.

      (4) The authors provide convincing evidence that activation of female MPOA neurons activated following male ejaculation is sufficient to suppress female sexual motivation. Importantly, the authors addition of the consummatory-hM3Dq group demonstrates that activation of female MPOA neurons activated during mating behaviors prior to male ejaculation is not sufficient to suppress female sexual motivation.


      In this revised version of the manuscript, the authors have added important controls as well as additional clarifying text that adequately address the weaknesses that were present in the original version of the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      Human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV, respectively) evolved numerous mechanisms to compromise effective immune responses but the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Here, Yamamoto and Matano examined the humoral immune response in a large number of rhesus macaques infected with the difficult-to-neutralize SIVmac239 strain and identified a subgroup of animals showing significant neutralizing Ab responses. Sequence analyses revealed that in most of these animals (7/9) but only a minority in the control group (2/19) SIVmac variants containing a CD8+ T-cell escape mutation of G63E/R in the viral Nef gene emerged. Functional analyses revealed that this change attenuates the ability of Nef to stimulate PI3K/Akt/mTORC2 signalling. The authors propose that this improved induction of SIVmac239 nAb is reciprocal to antibody dysregulation caused by a previously identified human PI3K gain-of-function mutation associated with impaired anti-viral B-cell responses. Altogether, the results suggest that PI3K signalling plays a role in B-cell maturation and generation of effective nAb responses. Preliminary data indicate that Nef might be transferred from infected T cells to B cells by direct contact. However, the exact mechanism and the relevance for vaccine development requires further studies

      The strengths of the study are that the authors analyzed a large number of SIVmac-infected macaques to unravel the biological significance of the known effect of the interaction of Nef with PI3K/Akt/mTORC2 signaling. This is interesting and may provide a novel means to improve humoral immune responses to HIV. In the revised version the authors made an effort to address previous concerns. Especially, they provide data supporting that Nef might be transferred to B cells by direct cell-cell contact. In addition, they provide some evidence that G63R that also emerged in most animals does not share the disruptive effect of G63G although experimental examination and discussion why G63R might emerge remains poor. A weakness that remains is that some effects of the G63E mutation are modest and effects were not compared to SIVmac constructs lacking Nef entirely. The evidence for a role of Nef G63E mutation on PI3K and the association with improved nAb responses is convincing and it is appreciated that the authors provide additional evidence for a potential impact of "soluble" Nef on neighboring B cells. The presentation of the experimental set-up and the results has been improved but is in part still challenging to comprehend. It seems that direct cell-cell contact is required and membranes are exchanged. Since Nef is associated with cellular membranes this might lead to some transfer of Nef to B cells. However, the immunological and functional consequences of this largely remain to be determined. Alternatively, Nef-mediated manipulation of helper CD4 T cells might also impact B cell function and effective humoral immune responses. Additional editing of the manuscript has been performed to make the results accessible to a broad readership.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Wang et al. generate XAP5 and XAP5L knockout mice and find that they are male infertile due to spermatogonial/meiotic arrest and reduced sperm motility, respectively. CUT & Tag data were added in this revision in order to support that XAP5 and XAP5L are antagonistic transcription factors of cilliogenesis.


      Knockout mouse models provided strong evidence to indicate that XAP5 and XAP5L are critical for spermatogenesis. RNA-seq and CUT & Tag are valuable sources to further explore their molecular mechanisms.


      The authors claim that XAP5 and XAP5L transcriptionally regulate sperm flagella development; however, expression, physiological role, and molecular evidence do not well support this concept. This reviewer still thinks the physiological roles of XAP5 and XAP5l are different. (i) XAP5 is expressed at spermatogonia within testes while XAP5l is localized at round/elongating spermatids (their expressions are different). (ii) Spermatogenesis was arrested at spermatogonia/early spermatocyte stage in Xap5-KO mice while sperm abnormalities were observed in Xap5l-KO mice (their roles are different). This reviewer still can't get the authors' viewpoint that XAP5 and XAP5l are 'antagonistic relationship' to regulate sperm flagella development. RNA-seq and CUT & Tag data are valuable source; however, this reviewer suggests exploring how XAP5 regulates spermatogonia differentiation and how XAP5l regulates sperm flagella motility.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, Wang et al., report the significance of XAP5L and XAP5 in spermatogenesis which are involved in transcriptional regulation of the ciliary gene in testes. In a previous study, the authors demonstrated that XAP5 is a transcription factor required for flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas. Continuing from their previous study, the authors examined conserved role of the XAP5 and XAP5L, which are the orthologue pair in mammals.

      XAP5 and XAP5L express ubiquitously and testis specifically, respectively, and their absence in testes causes male infertility with defective spermatogenesis. Interestingly, XAP5 deficiency arrest germ cell development at pachytene stage, whereas XAP5L absence causes impaired flagellar formation. RNA-seq analyses demonstrated that XAP5 deficiency suppresses ciliary gene expression including Foxj1 and Rfx family genes in early testis. By contrast, XAP5L deficiency abnormally remains Foxj1 and Rfx genes in mature sperm. From the results, the authors conclude that XAP5 and XAP5L are the antagonistic transcription factor to function at the upstream of Foxj1 and Rfx family genes.

      The current version of the manuscript well represents this reviewer's initial concerns and supports author's claim. Key transcription factors for ciliogenesis, Foxj1 and Rfx2, are direct downstream targets for XAP5 and XAP5L and their common motifs well explain their antagonistic function in sperm flagellar development. All the results well demonstrate that ancient transcription factors, XAP5 and XAP5L, are upstream transcription factors to modulate flagellar development in male mammalian germ line.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, Corso-Diaz et al, focus on the NRL transcription factor (TF), which is critical for retinal rod photoreceptor development and function. The authors profile NRL's protein interactome, revealing several RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) among its components. Notably, many of these RBPs are associated with R-loop biology, including DHX9 helicase, which is the primary focus of this study. R-loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures that frequently form during transcription. The authors demonstrate that R-loop levels increase during photoreceptor maturation and establish an interaction between NRL TF and DHX9 helicase. The association between NRL and RBPs like DHX9 suggests a cooperative regulation of gene expression in a cell-type-specific manner, an intriguing discovery relevant to photoreceptor health. Since DHX9 is a key regulator of R-loop homeostasis, the study proposes a potential mechanism where a cell-type-specific TF controls the expression of certain genes by modulating R-loop homeostasis. The authors also identify another R-loop resolvase, DDX5 as having weaker interaction with NRL, perhaps due to indirect mechanism.

      This is a very interesting study providing genome-wide mapping of R-loops in mammalian retina, which shows an enrichment of R-loops over intergenic regions as well as genes encoding neuronal function factors. The R-loop-enriched genes are longer than genes without R-loops, which supports previous findings from studies in neuronal cells. This is a very relevant study highlighting the possible mechanism of gene expression regulation via interactions between TFs, RNA binding proteins, and R-loops. In that regard, it would be very interesting to uncover the biological relevance of such gene regulation. The authors provide adequate evidence of interaction between R-loops and NRL TF via in vitro IP assay and genomic co-localization, however, this interaction can be mediated via multiple R-loop or RNA-binding proteins. Thus, follow-up studies would be appropriate to characterize this interaction in more detail.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The Authors utilize biochemical approaches to determine and validate NRL protein-protein interactions to further understand the mechanisms by which the NRL transcription factor controls rod photoreceptor gene regulatory networks. Observations that NRL displays numerous protein-protein interactions with RNA-binding proteins, many of which are involved in R-loop biology, led the authors to investigate the role of RNA and R-loops in mediating protein-protein interactions and profile the co-localization of R-loops with NRL genomic occupancy.


      Overall, the manuscript is well-written, providing succinct explanations of the observed results and potential implications. Additionally, the Authors use multiple orthogonal techniques and tissue samples to reproduce and validate that NRL interacts with DHX9 and DDX5. Experiments also utilize specific assays to understand the influence of RNA and R-loops on protein-protein interactions. The Authors also use state-of-the-art techniques to profile R-loop localization within the retina and integrate multiple previously established datasets to correlate R-loop presence with transcription factor binding and chromatin marks an attempt to understand the significance of R-loops in the retina.


      In general, the Authors provide interpretations of the data that fit a narrative about NRL and the perceived significance of interactions with RNA binding proteins. Large-scale screens for NRL protein interactions were conducted but all of the data is not reported. For example, NRL IP-Mass Spec was performed, but the authors only provide interaction/detection data for identified interactions with known RNA binding proteins. We cannot assess the enrichment of interactions or specificity of interactions with RNA binding proteins based on the reported results. Additionally, the lack of experiments testing the functional significance of Nrl interactions with R-loops within the developing retina fails to provide novel biological insights into the regulation of gene regulatory networks. While this provides additional avenues for research in the future, it is unclear that NRL interaction with R-loops have physiological relevance for photoreceptor health or function.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The work by Kim et al. shows that a parameter generator for biophysical HH-like models can be trained through a GAN-based approach, to reproduce experimentally measured voltage responses and IV curves.<br /> A particularly interesting aspects of this generator is that, once it has been learned, it can be applied to new recordings to generate appropriate parameter sets at a low computational cost, a feature missing from more commonplace evolutionary approaches.

      I appreciate the changes the authors have made to the manuscript. The authors have clarified their inverse gradient method. They also provide a better validation and a rich set of ablations. However, I still have major concerns that should be addressed.

      Major concerns:

      (1) The bad equilibria of the model still remain a concern, as well as other features like the transient overshoots that do not match with the data. I think they could achieve more accuracy here by assigning more weight to such specific features, through adding these as separate objectives for the generator explicitly. The traces contain a five-second current steps, and one second before and one second after the training step. This means that in the RMSE, the current step amplitude will dominate as a feature, as this is simply the state for which the data trace contains most time-points. Note that this is further exacerbated by using the IV curve as an auxiliary objective. I believe a better exploration of specific response features, incorporated as independently weighted loss terms for the generator, could improve the fit. E.g. an auxiliary term could be the equilibrium before and after the current step, another term could penalise response traces that do not converge back to their initial equilibrium, etc.

      (2) The explanation of what the authors mean with 'inverse gradient operation' is clear now. However, this term is mathematically imprecise, as the inverse gradient does not exist because the gradient operator is not injective. The method is simply forward integration under the assumption that the derivate of the voltage is known at the grid time-points, and should be described as such.

      (3) I appreciate that the authors' method provides parameters of models at a minimal computational cost compared to running an evolutionary optimization for every new recording. I also believe that with some tweaking of the objective, the method could improve in accuracy. However, I share reviewer 2's concerns that the evolutionary baseline methods are not sufficiently explored, as these methods have been used to successfully fit considerably more complex response patterns. One way out of the dilemma is to show that the EP-GAN estimated parameters provide an initial guess that considerably narrows the search space for the evolutionary algorithm. In this context, the authors should also discuss the recent gradient based methods such as Deistler et al. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.21.608979) or Jones et al (https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2407.04025).

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Generating biophysically detailed computational models that capture the characteristic physiological properties of biological neurons for diverse cell types is an important and difficult problem in computational neuroscience. One major challenge lies in determining the large number of parameters of such models, which are notoriously difficult to fit to experimental data. Thereby, the computational and energy costs can be significant. The study 'ElectroPhysiomeGAN: Generation of Biophysical Neuron Model Parameters from Recorded Electrophysiological Responses' by Kim et al. describes a computationally efficient approach for predicting model parameters of Hodgkin-Huxley neuron models using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) trained on simulation data. The method is applied to generate models for 9 non-spiking neurons in C. elegans based on electrophysiological recordings. While the generated models capture the responses of these neurons to some degree, they generally show significant deviations from the empirically observed responses in important features. Although EP-GAN shows clear benefits under limited compute, the results do not yet demonstrate the quality needed to match other state-of-the-art methods. Future work examining extended training, larger datasets, or hybrid approaches would help clarify whether EP-GAN can generate models of high quality. If so, this would indeed be a major step forward; if not, the computationally more expensive methods will remain essential.


      The authors work on an important and difficult problem. A noteworthy strength of their approach is that once trained, the GANs can generate models from new empirical data with very little computational effort. The generated models reproduce the response to current injections reasonably well.


      Major 1: Models do not faithfully capture empirical responses. While the models generated with EP-GAN reproduce the average voltage during current injections reasonably well, the dynamics of the response are generally not well captured. For example, for the neuron labeled RIM (Figure 2), the most depolarized voltage traces show an initial 'overshoot' of depolarization, i.e. they depolarize strongly within the first few hundred milliseconds but then fall back to a less depolarized membrane potential. In contrast, the empirical recording shows no such overshoot. Similarly, for the neuron labeled AFD, all empirically recorded traces slowly ramp up over time. In contrast, the simulated traces are mostly flat. Furthermore, all empirical traces return to the pre-stimulus membrane potential, but many of the simulated voltage traces remain significantly depolarized, far outside of the ranges of empirically observed membrane potentials. The authors trained an additional GAN (EP-GAN Extended) to improve the fit to the resting membrane potential. Interestingly, for one neuron (AWB), this improved the response during stimulation, which now reproduced the slowly raising membrane potentials observed empirically, however, the neuron still does not reliably return to its resting membrane potential. For the other two neurons, the authors report a decrease in accuracy in comparison to EP-GAN. While such deviations may appear small in the Root mean Square Error (RMSE), they likely indicate a large mismatch between the model and the electrophysiological properties of the biological neuron. The authors added a second metric during the revision - percentages of predicted membrane potential trajectories within empirical range. I appreciate this additional analysis. As the empirical ranges across neurons are far larger than the magnitude of dynamical properties of the response ('slow ramps', etc.), this metric doesn't seem to be well suited to quantify to which degree these dynamical properties are captured by the models.

      Major 2: Comparison with other approaches is potentially misleading. Throughout the manuscript, the authors claim that their approach outperforms the other approaches tested. But compare the responses of the models in the present manuscript (neurons RIM, AFD, AIY) to the ones provided for the same neurons in Naudin et al. 2022 (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0268380). Naudin et al. present models that seem to match empirical data far more accurately than any model presented in the current study. Naudin et al. achieved this using DEMO, an algorithm that in the present manuscript is consistently shown to be among the worst of all algorithms tested. I therefore strongly disagree with the authors claim that a "Comparison of EP-GAN with existing estimation methods shows EP-GAN advantage in the accuracy of estimated parameters". This may be true in the context of the benchmark performed in the study (i.e., a condition of very limited compute resources - 18 generations with a population size of 600, compare that to 2000 generations recommended in Naudin et al.), but while EP-GAN wins under these specific conditions (and yes, here the authors convincingly show that their EP-GAN produces by far the best results!), other approaches seem to win with respect to the quality of the models they can ultimately generate.

      Major 3: As long as the quality of the models generated by the EP-GAN cannot be significantly improved, I am doubtful that it indeed can contribute to the 'ElectroPhysiome', as it seems likely that dynamics that are currently poorly captured, like slow ramps, or the ability of the neuron to return to its resting membrane potential, will critically affect network computations. If the authors want to motivate their study based on this very ambitious goal, they should illustrate that single neuron model generation with their approach is robust enough to warrant well-constrained network dynamics. Based on the currently presented results, I find the framing of the manuscript far too bold.

      Major 4: The conclusion of the ablation study 'In addition the architecture of EP-GAN permits inference of parameters even when partial membrane potential and steady-state currents profile are given as inputs' does not seem to be justified given the voltage traces shown in Figure 3. For example, for RIM, the resting membrane potential stays around 0 mV, but all empirical traces are around -40mV. For AFD, all simulated traces have a negative slope during the depolarizing stimuli, but a positive slope in all empirically observed traces. For AIY, the shape of hyperpolarized traces is off. While it may be that by their metric neurons in the 25% category are classified as 'preserving baseline accuracy', this doesn't seem justified given the voltage traces presented in the manuscript. It appears the metric is not strict enough.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Koesters and colleagues investigated the role of the small GTPase Rab3A in homeostatic scaling of miniature synaptic transmission in primary mouse cortical cultures using electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry. The major finding is that TTX incubation for 48 hours does not induce an increase in the amplitude of excitatory synaptic miniature events in neuronal cortical cultures derived from Rab3A KO and Rab3A Earlybird mutant mice. NASPM application had comparable effects on mEPSC amplitude in control and after TTX, implying that Ca2+-permeable glutamate receptors are unlikely modulated during synaptic scaling. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed no significant changes in GluA2 puncta size, intensity, and integral after TTX treatment in control and Rab3A KO cultures. Finally, they provide evidence that loss of Rab3A in neurons, but not astrocytes, blocks homeostatic scaling. Based on these data, the authors propose a model in which neuronal Rab3A is required for homeostatic scaling of synaptic transmission, potentially through GluA2-independent mechanisms.

      The major finding - impaired homeostatic up-scaling after TTX treatment in Rab3A KO and Rab3 earlybird mutant neurons - is supported by data of high quality. However, the paper falls short of providing any evidence or direction regarding potential mechanisms. The data on GluA2 modulation after TTX incubation are likely statistically underpowered, and do not allow drawing solid conclusions, such as GluA2-independent mechanisms of up-scaling.

      The study should be of interest to the field because it implicates a presynaptic molecule in homeostatic scaling, which is generally thought to involve postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor modulation. However, it remains unclear how Rab3A participates in homeostatic plasticity.

      Major (remaining) point:

      (1) Direct quantitative comparison between electrophysiology and GluA2 imaging data is complicated by many factors, such as different signal-to-noise ratios. Hence, comparing the variability of the increase in mini amplitude vs. GluA2 fluorescence area is not valid. Thus, I recommend removing the sentence "We found that the increase in postsynaptic AMPAR levels was more variable than that of mEPSC amplitudes, suggesting other factors may contribute to the homeostatic increase in synaptic strength." from the abstract.<br /> Similarly, the data do not directly support the conclusion of GluA2-independent mechanisms of homeostatic scaling. Statements like "We conclude that these data support the idea that there is another contributor to the TTX- induced increase in quantal size." should be thus revised or removed.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      I thank the authors for their efforts in the revision. In general, I believe the main conclusion that Rab3A is required for TTX-induced homeostatic synaptic plasticity is well-supported by the data presented, and this is an important addition to the repertoire of molecular players involved in homeostatic compensations. I also acknowledge that the authors are more cautious in making conclusions based on the current evidence, and the structure and logic have been much improved.

      The only major concern I have still falls on the interpretation of the mismatch between GluA2 cluster size and mEPSC amplitude. The authors argue that they are only trying to say that changes in the cluster size are more variable than those in the mEPSC amplitude, and they provide multiple explanations for this mismatch. It seems incongruous to state that the simplest explanation is a presynaptic factor when you have all these alternative factors that very likely have contributed to the results. Further, the authors speculate in the discussion that Rab3A does not regulate postsynaptic GluA2 but instead regulates a presynaptic contributor. Do the authors mean that, in their model, the mEPSC amplitude increases can be attributed to two factors- postsynaptic GluA2 regulation and a presynaptic contribution (which is regulated by Rab3A)? If so, and Rab3A does not affect GluA2 whatsoever, shouldn't we see GluA2 increase even in the absence of Rab3A? The data in Table 1 seems to indicate otherwise.

      I also question the way the data are presented in Figure 5. The authors first compare 3 cultures and then 5 cultures altogether, if these experiments are all aimed to answer the same research question, then they should be pooled together. Interestingly, the additional two cultures both show increases in GluA2 clusters, which makes the decrease in culture #3 even more perplexing, for which the authors comment in line 261 that this is due to other factors. Shouldn't this be an indicator that something unusual has happened in this culture? Data in this figure is sufficient to support that GluA2 increases are variable across cultures, which hardly adds anything new to the paper or to the field. The authors further cite a study with comparable sample sizes, which shows a similar mismatch based on p values (Xu and Pozzo-Miller 2007), yet the effect sizes in this study actually match quite well (both ~160%). P values cannot be used to show whether two effects match, but effect sizes can. Therefore, the statement in lines 411-413 "... consistently leads to an increase in mEPSC amplitudes, and sometimes leads to an increase in synaptic GluA2 receptor cluster size" is not very convincing, and can hardly be used to support "the idea that there are additional sources contributing to the homeostatic increase in quantal size".

      I would suggest simply showing mEPSC and immunostaining data from all cultures in this experiment as additional evidence for homeostatic synaptic plasticity in WT cultures, and leave out the argument for "mismatch". The presynaptic location of Rab3A is sufficient to speculate a presynaptic regulation of this form of homeostatic compensation.

      Minor concerns:

      (1) Line 214, I see the authors cite literature to argue that GluA2 can form homomers and can conduct currents. While GluA2 subunits edited at the Q/R site (they are in nature) can form homomers with very low efficiency in exogenous systems such as HEK293 cells (as done in the cited studies), it's unlikely for this to happen in neurons (they can hardly traffick to synapses if possible at all).

      (2) Lines 221-222, the authors may have misinterpreted the results in Turrigiano 1998. This study does not show that the increase in receptors is most dramatic in the apical dendrite, in fact, this is the only region they have tested. The results in Figures 3b-c show that the effect size is independent of the distance from soma.

      (3) Lines 309-310 (and other places mentioning TNFa), the addition of TNFa to this experiment seems out of place. The authors have not performed any experiment to validate the presence/absence of TNFa in their system (citing only 1 study from another lab is insufficient). Although it's convincing that glia Rab3A is not required for homeostatic plasticity here, the data does not suggest Rab3A's role (or the lack of) for TNFa in this process.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      This manuscript presents a number of interesting findings that have the potential to increase our understanding of the mechanism underlying homeostatic synaptic plasticity (HSP). The data broadly support that Rab3A plays a role in HSP, although the site and mechanism of action remain uncertain.

      The authors clearly demonstrate that Rab3A plays a role in HSP at excitatory synapses, with substantially less plasticity occurring in the Rab3A KO neurons. There is also no apparent HSP in the Earlybird Rab3A mutation, although baseline synaptic strength is already elevated. In this context, it is unclear if the plasticity is absent, already induced by this mutation, or just occluded by a ceiling effect due to the synapses already being strengthened. Occlusion may also occur in the mixed cultures when Rab3A is missing from neurons but not astrocytes. The authors do appropriately discuss these options. The authors have solid data showing that Rab3A is unlikely to be active in astrocytes, Finally, they attempt to study the linkage between changes in synaptic strength and AMPA receptor trafficking during HSP, and conclude that trafficking may not be solely responsible for the changes in synaptic strength during HSP.


      This work adds another player into the mechanisms underlying an important form of synaptic plasticity. The plasticity is likely only reduced, suggesting Rab3A is only partially required and perhaps multiple mechanisms contribute. The authors speculate about some possible novel mechanisms, including whether Rab3A is active pre-synaptically to regulate quantal amplitude.

      As Rab3A is primarily known as a pre-synaptic molecule, this possibility is intriguing. However, it is based on the partial dissociation of AMPAR trafficking and synaptic response and lacks strong support. On average, they saw a similar magnitude of change in mEPSC amplitude and GluA2 cluster area and integral, but the GluA2 data was not significant due to higher variability. It is difficult to determine if this is due to biology or methodology - the imaging method involves assessing puncta pairs (GluA2/VGlut1) clearly associated with a MAP2 labeled dendrite. This is a small subset of synapses, with usually less than 20 synapses per neuron analyzed, which would be expected to be more variable than mEPSC recordings averaged across several hundred events. However, when they reduce the mEPSC number of events to similar numbers as the imaging, the mESPC amplitudes are still less variable than the imaging data. The reason for this remains unclear. The pool of sampled synapses is still different between the methods and recent data has shown that synapses have variable responses during HSP. Further, there could be variability in the subunit composition of newly inserted AMPARs, and only assessing GluA2 could mask this (see below). It is intriguing that pre-synaptic changes might contribute to HSP, especially given the likely localization of Rab3A. But it remains difficult to distinguish if the apparent difference in imaging and electrophysiology is a methodological issue rather than a biological one. Stronger data, especially positive data on changes in release, will be necessary to conclude that pre-synaptic factors are required for HSP, beyond the established changes in post-synaptic receptor trafficking.

      Other questions arise from the NASPM experiments, used to justify looking at GluA2 (and not GluA1) in the immunostaining. First, there is a strong frequency effect that is unclear in origin. One would expect NASPM to merely block some fraction of the post-synaptic current, and not affect pre-synaptic release or block whole synapses. But the change in frequency seems to argue (as the authors do) that some synapses only have CP-AMPARs, while the rest of the synapses have few or none. Another possibility is that there are pre-synaptic NASPM-sensitive receptors that influence release probability. Further, the amplitude data show a strong trend towards smaller amplitude following NASPM treatment (Fig 3B). The p value for both control and TTX neurons was 0.08 - it is very difficult to argue that there is no effect. The decrease on average is larger in the TTX neurons, and some cells show a strong effect. It is possible there is some heterogeneity between neurons on whether GluA1/A2 heteromers or GluA1 homomers are added during HSP. This would impact the conclusions about the GluA2 imaging as compared to the mEPSC amplitude data.

      To understand the role of Rab3A in HSP will require addressing two main issues:

      (1) Is Rab3A acting pre-synaptically, post-synaptically or both? The authors provide good evidence that Rab3A is acting within neurons and not astrocytes. But where it is acting (pre or post) would aid substantially in understanding its role. The general view in the field has been that HSP is regulated post-synaptically via regulation of AMPAR trafficking, and considerable evidence supports this view. More concrete support for the authors' suggestion of a pre-synaptic site of control would be helpful.

      (2) Rab3A is also found at inhibitory synapses. It would be very informative to know if HSP at inhibitory synapses is similarly affected. This is particularly relevant as at inhibitory synapses, one expects a removal of GABARs or a decrease in GABA release (ie the opposite of whatever is happening at excitatory synapses). If both processes are regulated by Rab3A, this might suggest a role for this protein more upstream in the signaling; an effect only at excitatory synapses would argue for a more specific role just at those synapses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors investigate the role of BEND2, a novel regulator of meiosis, in both male and female fertility. Huang et al have created a mouse model where the full-length BEND2 transcript is depleted but the truncated BEND2 version remains. This mouse model is fertile, and the authors used it to study the role of BEND2 on both male and female meiosis. Overall, the full-length BEND2 appears dispensable for male meiosis. The more interesting phenotype was observed in females. Females exhibit a lower ovarian reserve suggesting that full-length BEND2 is involved in the establishment of the primordial follicle pool.


      The authors generated a mouse model that enabled them to study the role of BEND2 in meiosis. The role of BEND2 in female fertility is novel and enhances our knowledge of genes involved in the establishment of the primordial follicle pool.


      The manuscript extensively explores the role of BEND2 in male meiosis; however, a more interesting result was obtained from the study of female mice.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In their manuscript entitled "BEND2 is a crucial player in oogenesis and reproductive aging", the authors present their findings that full-length BEND2 is important for repair of meiotic double strand break repair in spermatocytes, regulation of LINE-1 elements in spermatocytes, and proper oocyte meiosis and folliculogenesis in females. The manuscript utilizes an elegant system to specifically ablate the full-length form of BEND2 which has been historically difficult to study due to its location on the X chromosome and male sterility of global knockout animals.

      The authors have been extremely responsive to reviewer critiques and have presented strong data and appropriate conclusions, making it an excellent addition to the field.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      Huang et al. investigated the phenotype of Bend2 mutant mice which expressed truncated isoform. Bend2 deletion in male showed fertility and this enabled them to analyze the BEND2 function in females. They showed that Bend2 deletion in females showed decreasing follicle number which may lead to loss of ovarian reserve.


      They found the truncated isoform of Bend2 and the depletion of this isoform showed decreasing follicle number at birth.


      The authors showed novel factors that impact ovarian reserve. Although the number of follicles and conception rate are reduced in mutant mice, the in vitro fertilization rate is normal and follicles remain at 40 weeks of age. It is difficult to know how critical this is when applied to the human case.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      A central function of glial cells is the ensheathment of axons. Wrapping of larger-diameter axons involves myelin-forming glial classes (such as oligodendrocytes), whereas smaller axons are covered by non-myelin-forming glial processes (such as olfactory ensheathing glia). While we have some insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms orchestrating myelination, our understanding of the signaling pathways at work in non-myelinating glia remains limited. As non-myelinating glial ensheathment of axons is highly conserved in both vertebrates and invertebrates, the nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster, and in particular the larval peripheral nerves, have emerged as a powerful model to elucidate the regulation of axon ensheathment by a class of glia called wrapping glia. Using this model, this study seeks to specifically address the question, as to which molecular mechanisms contribute to the regulation of the extent of glial ensheathment focusing on the interaction of wrapping glia with axons.

      Strengths and Weaknesses:

      For this purpose, the study combines state-of-the-art genetic approaches with high-resolution imaging, including classic electron microscopy. The genetic methods involve RNAi-mediated knockdown, acute Crispr-Cas9 knock-outs, and genetic epistasis approaches to manipulate gene function with the help of cell-type specific drivers. The successful use of acute Crispr-Cas9 mediated knockout tools (which required the generation of new genetic reagents for this study) will be of general interest to the Drosophila community.

      The authors set out to identify new molecular determinants mediating the extent of axon wrapping in the peripheral nerves of third-instar wandering Drosophila larvae. They could show that over-expressing a constitutive-active version of the Fibroblast growth factor receptor Heartless (Htl) causes an increase in wrapping glial branching, leading to the formation of swellings in nerves close to the cell body (named bulges). To identify new determinants involved in axon wrapping acting downstream of Htl, the authors next conducted an impressive large-scale genetic interaction screen (which has become rare, but remains a very powerful approach), and identified Uninflatable (Uif) in this way. Uif is a large single-pass transmembrane protein that contains a whole series of extracellular domains, including Epidermal growth factor-like domains. Linking this protein to glial branch formation is novel, as it has so far been mostly studied in the context of tracheal maturation and growth. Intriguingly, a knock-down or knock-out of uif reduces branch complexity and also suppresses htl over-expression defects. Importantly, uif over-expression causes the formation of excessive membrane stacks. Together these observations are in in line with the notion that htl may act upstream of uif.

      Further epistasis experiments using this model implicated also the Notch signaling pathway as a crucial regulator of glial wrapping: reduction in Notch signaling reduces wrapping, whereas over-activation of the pathway increases axonal wrapping (but does not cause the formation of bulges). Importantly, defects caused by the over-expression of uif can be suppressed by activated Notch signaling. Knock-down experiments in neurons suggest further that neither Delta nor Serrate act as neuronal ligands to activate Notch signaling in wrapping glia, whereas knock-down of Contactin, a GPI anchored Immunoglobulin domain-containing protein led to reduced axon wrapping by glia, and thus could act as an activating ligand in this context.

      Based on these results the authors put forward a model proposing that Uif normally suppresses Notch signaling, and that activation of Notch by Contactin leads to suppression of Htl, to trigger the ensheathment of axons. While these are intriguing propositions, future experiments would need to conclusively address whether and how Uif could "stabilize" a specific membrane domain capable of interacting with specific axons. Moreover, to obtain evidence for Uif suppression by Notch to inhibit "precocious" axon wrapping and for a "gradual increase" of Notch signaling that silences uif and htl, (1) reporters for N and Htl signaling in larvae, (2) monitoring of different stages at a time point when branch extension begins, and (3) a reagent enabling to visualize Uif expression could be important next tools/approaches. Considering the qualitatively different phenotypes of reduced branching, compared to excessive membrane stacks close to cell bodies, it would perhaps be worthwhile to explore more deeply how membrane formation in wrapping glia is orchestrated at the subcellular level by Uif.

      Finally, in light of the importance of correct ensheathment of axons by glia for neuronal function, this study will be of general interest to the glial biology community.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The FGF receptor Heartless has previously been implicated in Drosophila peripheral glial growth and axonal wrapping. Here, the authors perform a large-scale screen of over 2600 RNAi lines to find factors that control the downstream signaling in this process. They identify a transmembrane protein Uninflatable to be necessary for the formation of plasma membrane domains. They further find that a Uif regulatory target, Notch, is necessary for glial wrapping. Interestingly, additional evidence suggests Notch itself regulates uif and htl, suggesting a feedback system. Together, they propose that Uif functions as a "switch" to regulate the balance between glial growl and wrapping of axons.

      Little is known about how glial cell properties are coordinated with axons, and the identification of Uif is a promising link to shed light on this orchestration. The manuscript is well-written, and the experiments are generally well-controlled. The EM studies in particular are of outstanding quality and really help to mechanistically dissect the consequences of Uif and Notch signaling in the regulation of glial processes. Together, this valuable study provides convincing evidence of a new player coordinating the interactions controlling the glial wrapping of axons.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Previously, the authors developed a zebrafish model for cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) via CRISPR/Cas9-based mosaic inactivation of the ccm2 gene. This model yields CCM-like lesions in the caudal venous plexus of 2 days post-fertilization embryos and classical CNS cavernomas in 8-week fish that depend, like the mouse model, on the upregulation of the KLF2 transcription factor. Remarkably, the morpholino-based knockdown of the gene encoding the Beta1 adrenergic receptor or B1AR (adrb1; a hemodynamic regulator) in fish and treatment with the anti-adrenergic S enantiomer of propranolol in both fish and mice reduce the frequency and size of CMM lesions.

      In the present study, the authors aim to test the model that adrb1 is required for CCM lesion development using adrb1 mutant fish (rather than morpholino-mediated knockdown and pharmacological treatments with the anti-adrenergic S enantiomer of propranolol or a racemic mix of metoprolol (a selective B1AR antagonist).


      The goal of the work is important, and the findings are potentially highly relevant to cardiovascular medicine.

      Comments on latest version:

      This reviewer is largely satisfied and congratulates the authors on their updated work. However, the comments regarding the caveats of morpholino use and lack of validation that the morphants phenocopy the mutants using the readouts that they employ still stand (for instance, the tnnt2a MO has been extensively validated for phenocopying lack of cardiac contractility, not for the phenotypes under study). Finally, while using the cytosolic red line to mask a nuclear green readout is suboptimal (not for FRET reasons), this is now a minor issue given that all comparisons are made using this method and the increase in sample size.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This impressive study presents a comprehensive scRNAseq atlas of the cranial region during neural induction, patterning, and morphogenesis. The authors collected a robust scRNAseq dataset covering six distinct developmental stages. The analysis focused on the neural tissue, resulting in a highly detailed temporal map of neural plate development. The findings demonstrate how different cell fates are organized in specific spatial patterns along the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral axes within the developing neural tissue. Additionally, the research utilized high-density single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) to reveal intricate spatial and temporal patterns independent of traditional spatial techniques.

      The investigation utilized diffusion component analysis to spatially order cells based on their positioning along the anterior-posterior axis, corresponding to the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and medial-lateral axis. By cross-referencing with MGI expression data, the identification of cell types was validated, affirming the expression patterns of numerous known genes and implicating others as differentially expressed along these axes. These findings significantly advance our understanding of the spatially regulated genes in neural tissues during early developmental stages. The emphasis on transcription factors, cell surface, and secreted proteins provides valuable insights into the intricate gene regulatory networks underpinning neural tissue patterning. Analysis of a second scRNAseq dataset where Shh signaling was inhibited by culturing embryos in SAG identified known and previously unknown transcripts regulated by Shh, including the Wnt pathway.

      The data includes the neural plate and captures all major cell types in the head, including the mesoderm, endoderm, non-neural ectoderm, neural crest, notochord, and blood. With further analyses, this high-quality data promises to significantly advance our understanding of how these tissues develop in conjunction with the neural tissue, paving the way for future breakthroughs in developmental biology and genomics.


      The data is well presented in the figures and thoroughly described in the text. The quality of the scRNAseq data and bioinformatic analysis is exceptional.



    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Brooks et al. generate a compelling gene expression atlas of the early embryonic cranial neural plate. They generate single-cell transcriptome data from early cranial neural plate cells at 6 consecutive stages between E7.5 to E9. Utilizing computational analysis they infer temporal gene expression dynamics and spatial gene expression patterns along the anterior-posterior and mediolateral axis of the neural plate. Subsequent comparison with known gene expression patterns revealed a good agreement with their inferred patterns, thus validating their approach. They then focus on Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signalling, a key morphogen signal, whose activities partition the neural plate into distinct gene expression domains along the mediolateral axis. Single-cell transcriptome analysis of embryos in which the Shh pathway was pharmacologically activated throughout the neural plate revealed characteristic changes in gene expression along the mediolateral axis and the induction of distinct Shh regulated gene expression programs in the developing fore-, mid- and hindbrain.


      This manuscript provides a comprehensive transcriptomic characterisation of the developing cranial neural plate, a part of the embryo that to my knowledge has not been extensively analysed by single-cell transcriptomic approaches. The single-cell sequencing data appears to be of high quality and will be a great resource for the wider scientific community. Moreover, the computational analysis is well executed and the validation of the sequencing data using published gene expression patterns is convincing. In my opinion the authors completely achieved their aim of generating a reliable sequencing atlas of the early cranial neural plate. Conceptually, the findings that gene expression patterns differ along the rostrocaudal, mediolateral and temporal axes of the neural plate and that Shh signalling induces distinct target genes along the anterior-posterior axis of the nervous system are not completely unexpected. However, the comprehensive characterization of the spatiotemporal gene expression patterns and how they change upon ectopic activation of the Shh pathway will definitely contribute to a better understanding of neural plate patterning. Taken together, this is a well-executed study that describes a relevant scientific resource that will likely be of great use for the wider scientific community .


      No weaknesses were identified.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The authors performed a detailed single-cell analysis of the early embryonic cranial neural plate with unprecedented temporal resolution between embryonic days 7.5 and 8.75. They employed diffusion analysis to identify genes that correspond to different temporal and spatial locations within the embryo. Finally, they also examined the global response of cranial tissue to a Smoothened agonist.


      Overall, this is an impressive resource, well-validated against sets of genes with known temporal and spatial patterns of expression. It will be of great value to investigators examining early stages of neural plate patterning, neural progenitor diversity, and the roles of signaling molecules and gene regulatory networks controlling regionalization and diversification of the neural plate.


      The manuscript should be considered a resource. Experimental manipulation is limited to analysis of neural plate cells that were cultured in vitro for 12 hours with SAG. They have identified a significant set of previously unreported genes that are differentially expressed in the cranial neural plate. Some additional analyses might help to highlight novel hypotheses arising from this remarkable resource.

      Comments on revisions: I am satisfied with the responses of the authors and do not have any further concerns.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper derives the first three functional gradients in the left and right hippocampus across two datasets. These gradient maps are then compared to dopamine receptor maps obtained with PET, associated with age, and linked to memory. Results reveal links between dopamine maps and gradient 2, age with gradients 1 and 2, and memory performance.


      This paper investigates how hippocampal gradients relate to aging, memory, and dopamine receptors, which are interesting and important questions. A strength of the paper is that some of the findings were replicated in a separate sample.

      Assessment after revision:

      The authors addressed concerns about unclear multiple comparison correction in the revision. The replication sample was primarily used to replicate the topographic organization of functional hippocampal-neocortical connectivity within the hippocampus across the adult lifespan, which was the central goal of this paper. Not all other analyses replicated, which the authors nicely clarified in the revised manuscript. Overall, this work is a thorough and valuable contribution to the literature.

    2. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors analyzed the complex functional organization of the hippocampus using two separate adult lifespan datasets. They investigated how individual variations in the detailed connectivity patterns within the hippocampus relate to behavioral and molecular traits. The findings confirm three overlapping hippocampal gradients and reveal that each is linked to established functional patterns in the cortex, the arrangement of dopamine receptors within the hippocampus, and differences in memory abilities among individuals. By employing multivariate data analysis techniques, they identified older adults who display a hippocampal gradient pattern resembling that of younger individuals and exhibit better memory performance compared to their age-matched peers. This underscores the behavioral importance of maintaining a specific functional organization within the hippocampus as people age.


      The evidence supporting the conclusions is compelling, based on a unique dataset, a rich set of carefully unpacked results, and a rigorous data analysis that is clearly explained and motivated. Possible confounds are carefully considered and ruled out.

      Assessment after revision:

      The authors improved the transparency of the statistical analyses by stating explicitly what tests and corrections were performed and clearly justifying the elected statistical approaches. They now also acknowledge and discuss the potential limitations of the presented PET analyses. Overall this is a rigorous and important contribution to the literature that will likely be of broad interest to basic and clinical neuroscience.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Based on the reviewers' comments, the authors conducted additional analyses to enhance their study. By utilizing publicly available datasets (Guo et al., 2017) capable of distinguishing the sex of embryos, they examined DNA methylation in male embryos and identified minor de novo DNA methylation events initiating at the 8-cell stage, predominantly on the X chromosome. However, this finding introduces confusion, as the authors had previously suggested that such minor de novo DNA methylation regulates imprinted X chromosome inactivation, a process specific to female embryos.

      The key unresolved issue is whether minor de novo DNA methylation in female embryos occurs exclusively on the "inactive" X chromosome or on both the active and inactive X chromosomes. The authors did not provide direct evidence supporting de novo DNA methylation specifically at the inactive X chromosome. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether this methylation influences embryonic development independent of sex or is specific to female embryos undergoing imprinted X chromosome inactivation. While the authors present data on decreased live birth rates in Figure 2F, they did not address whether there is a sex bias among the live pups, such as male-biased survival. Clarifying this point would strengthen their conclusions.<br /> In summary, the critical issue with the revised manuscript is that it does not adequately resolve whether minor de novo DNA methylation regulates embryonic development irrespective of sex or specifically impacts female embryos where imprinted X chromosome inactivation occurs. This distinction is essential for understanding the broader implications of their findings.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Yue et al. set out to determine if the low but measurable level of DNMT3B expression that is observed prior to the major wave of de novo DNA methylation has a function (ie before the epiblast stage) . Re-analyzing existing DNA methylation data from Smith et al. (2012) they find a very modest DNA methylation gain over a subset of promoters, on the order of 1%, occurring between the 8-cell and blastocyst stages, and refer to this as "minor de novo DNA methylation". They attempt to assess the relevance/functionality of this minor DNA methylation gain, and intriguingly report reduced H3K27me3 in Dnmt3b knockdown (KD) trophoblast cells that normally undergo imprinted X-chromosome inactivation (iXCI) before the blastocyst stage. In addition, they assess proliferation, differentiation, metabolic function, implantation rate and live birth rate of Dnmt3b KD blastocysts, and assign specific phenotypes to the loss of DNA methylation at this early stage..


      Working with early embryos is technically demanding and as such the relevance of disrupting epigenetic factors specifically at this stage in development is less well studied. The detailed analyses of published data as well as DNMT3B depletion experiments presented in this manuscript provides food for thought for the epigenetics community.


      - Throughout the manuscript, please represent DNA methylation changes as delta DNA methylation instead of fold change. In many figures, it is not clear what the unit of DNA methylation presented actually is. Readers should be made aware that the changes in DNA methylation observed are very modest and the threshold applied to the delta in DNA methylation is just 1% "( Δ DNA methylation > 0.01)").<br /> - The minimum coverage threshold and threshold applied For DNA methylation should be presented in each relevant figure. Currently for example, the latter is only mentioned not in the methods section but rather once in "Figure 2, figure supplement 1"<br /> - Indirect effects of disrupting DNMT3B at the earlier stages in development, when de novo DNAme levels are very low in the promoter regions of interest, should be considered. For example, de novo DNA methylation in repetitive regions/pericentric heterochromatin at this stage (not studied here) could be much higher than 1%. Disruption of such methylation, could result in a "sink effect", with loss of H3K27me3 at promoter regions (including on the inactive X-chromosome), due to aberrant repositioning of Polycomb complexes/PRC2 to such ectopic sites from which they are normally excluded, rather than a direct positive effect of the very low DNA methylation gain observed on Polycomb recruitment.<br /> The impact of depletion of DNMT3B on the major wave of de novo DNA methylation that takes place at the peri-implantion stage of embryonic development may also play a role in some of the later phenotypes observed. In other words when the failure of de novo methylation is more profound as levels of DNA methylation are much higher at these later stages as a consequence of DNMT3B activity.

    1. Joint Public Review:


      This interesting study applies the PSMC model to a set of new genome sequences for migratory and nonmigratory thrushes and seeks to describe differences in the population size history among these groups. The authors create a set of summary statistics describing the PSMC traces - mean and standard deviation of Ne, plus a set of metrics describing the shape of the oldest Ne peak - and use these to compare across migratory and resident species (taking single samples sequenced here as representative of the species). The analyses are framed as supporting or refuting aspects of a biogeographic model describing colonization dynamics from tropical to temperate North and South America.


      * This is a creative use of PSMC to test explicit a priori hypotheses about season migration and Ne. The PSMC analyses seem well done and the authors acknowledge much of the complexity of interpretation in the discussion.

      * We appreciate the test-of-hypothesis design of the study and the explicit formulation of three main expectations to test. The data analysis has been done with appropriate available tools.

      Key weaknesses from the original round of review:

      * Short of developing some novel theory deep in the PSMC model, I think readers would need to see simulations showing that the analyses employed in this paper are capable of supporting or refuting their biogeographic hypothesis before viewing them as strongly supporting a specific biogeographic model. Tools like msprime and stdpopsim can be used to simulate genome-scale data with fairly complex biogeographic models. Running simulations of a thrush-like population under different biogeographic scenarios and then using PSMC to differentiate those patterns would be a more convincing argument for the biogeographic aspects of this paper. The other benefit of this approach would be to nail down a specific quantitative version of the taxon cycles model referenced in the abstract, and it would allow the authors to better study and explain the motivation behind the specific summary statistics they develop for PSMC posthoc analysis.

      * The authors hypothesized that the wider realized breeding and ecological range characterising migrants versus resident lineages could be a major drive for increased effective population size and population expansion in migrants versus residents. I understand that this pattern (wider range in migrants) is a common characteristic across bird lineages and that it is viewed as a result of adapting to migration. A problem that I see in their dataset is that the breeding grounds range of the two groups are located in very different geographic areas (mainly South versus North America). The authors could have expanded their dataset to include species whose breeding grounds are from the two areas, regardless of their migratory behaviour, as a comparison to disentangle whether ecological differences of these two areas can affect the population sizes or growth rates.

      * As I understand from previous literature, the time-scale to population growth and estimates of effective population sizes considered in the present paper for the resident versus migratory clades seem to widely predate the times to speciation for the same lineages, which were reported in previous work of the same authors (Everson et al 2019) and others (Termignoni-Garcia et al 2022). This piece of information makes the calculation of species-specific population size changes difficult to interpret in the light of lineages' comparison. It is unclear what the authors consider to be lineage-specific in these estimates, as the clades were likely undergoing substantial admixture during the time predating full isolation.

      * Regarding the methodological difficulties in interpreting the impact of population structure on the estimates of effective population sizes with the PSMC approach, I would think that performing simulations to compare different scenarios of different degrees of structured populations would have helped substantially understand some of the outcomes.

      * The authors use an average generation time for all taxa, but the citations imply generation time is known for at least some of them. Are there differences in generation time associated with migration? I am not a bird biologist, but quick googling suggests maybe this is the case? (https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13983). I think it important the authors address this, as differences in generation time I believe should affect estimates of Ne and growth.

      [Editors' note: the original reviews in full are here: https://elifesciences.org/reviewed-preprints/90848/reviews. The reviewers were not available to comment on the latest version of the submission.]

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Even though this is not the first report that the mutation in the DNAH12 gene causes asthenoteratozoospermia, the current study explores the sperm phenotype in-depth. The authors show experimentally that the said mutation disrupts the proper axonemal arrangement and recruitment of DNALI1 and DNAH1 - proteins of inner dynein arms. Based on these results, the authors propose a functional model of DNAH12 in proper axonemal development. Lastly, the authors demonstrate that the male infertility caused by the studies mutation can be rescued by ICSI treatment at least in the mouse. This study furthers our understanding of male infertility caused by a mutation of axonemal protein DNAH12, and how this type of infertility can be overcome using assisted reproductive therapy.


      This is an in-depth functional study, employing multiple, complementary methodologies to support the proposed working model.


      The structure and interaction model between DNAH12, DNALI1, and DNAH1 relies on in silico methodologies, and further studies are required to validate these predictions.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors first conducted whole exome sequencing for infertile male patients and families where they co-segregated the biallelic mutations in the Dynein Axonemal Heavy Chain 12 (DNAH12) gene. Sperm from patients with biallelic DNAH12 mutations exhibited a wide range of morphological abnormalities in both tails and heads, reminiscing a prevalent cause of male infertility, asthenoteratozoospermia. To deepen the mechanistic understanding of DNAH12 in axonemal assembly, the authors generated two distinct DNAH12 knockout mouse lines via CRISPR/Cas9, both of which showed more severe phenotypes than observed in patients. Ultrastructural observations and biochemical studies revealed the requirement of DNAH12 in recruiting other axonemal proteins and that the lack of DNAH12 leads to the aberrant stretching in the manchette structure as early as stage XI-XII. At last, the authors proposed intracytoplasmic sperm injection as a potential measure to rescue patients with DNAH12 mutations, where the knockout sperm culminated in the blastocyst formation with a comparable ratio to that in WT.


      The authors convincingly showed the importance of DNAH12 in assembling cilia and flagella in both human and mouse sperm. This study is not a mere enumeration of the phenotypes, but a strong substantiation of DNAH12's essentiality in spermiogenesis, especially in axonemal assembly.

      The analyses conducted include basic sperm characterizations (concentration, motility), detailed morphological observations in both testes and sperm (electron microscopy, immunostaining, histology), and biochemical studies (co-immunoprecipitation, mass-spec, computational prediction). Molecular characterizations employing knockout animals and recombinant proteins beautifully proved the interactions with other axonemal proteins.

      Many proteins participate in properly organizing flagella, but the exact understanding of the coordination is still far from conclusive. The present study gives the starting point to untangle the direct relationships and order of manifestation of those players underpinning spermatogenesis. Furthermore, comparing flagella and trachea provides a unique perspective that attracts evolutional perspectives.


      Seemingly minor, but the discrepancies found in patients and genetically modified animals were not fully explained. For example, both knockout mice vastly reduced the count of sperm in the epididymis and the motility, while phenotypes in patients were rather milder. Addressing the differences in the roles that the orthologs play in spermatogenesis would deepen the comprehensive understanding of axonemal assembly.

      Comments on revisions:

      The reviewer is satisfied with the authors' response.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors claim that they can use a combination of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (intermittent theta burst-iTBS) and transcranial alternating current stimulation (gamma tACS) to cause slight improvements in memory in a face/name/profession task.


      The idea of stimulating the human brain non-invasively is very attractive because, if it worked, it could lead to a host of interesting applications. The current study aims to evaluate one such exciting application.


      (1) It is highly unclear what, if anything, transpires in the brain with non-invasive stimulation. To cite one example of many, a rigorous study in rats and human cadavers, compellingly showed that traditional parameters of transcranial electrical stimulation lead to no change in brain activity due to the attenuation by the soft tissue and skull (Mihály Vöröslakos et al Nature Communications 2018): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-02928-3. It would be very useful to demonstrate via invasive neurophysiological recordings that the parameters used in the current study do indeed lead to any kind of change in brain activity. Of course, this particular study uses a different non-invasive stimulation protocol.

      (2) If there is any brain activity triggered by the current stimulation parameters, then it is extremely difficult to understand how this activity can lead to enhancing memory. The brain is complex. There are hundreds of neuronal types. Each neuron receives precise input from about 10,000 other neurons with highly tuned synaptic strengths. Let us assume that the current protocol does lead to enhancing (or inhibiting) simultaneously the activity of millions of neurons. It is unclear whether there is any activity at all in the brain triggered by this protocol, it is also unclear whether such activity would be excitatory, or inhibitory. It is also unclear how many neurons, let alone what types of neurons would change their activity. How is it possible that this can lead to memory enhancement? This seems like using a hammer to knock on my laptop and hope that the laptop will output a new Mozart-like sonata.

      (3) Even if there is any kind of brain activation, it is unclear why the authors seem to be so sure that the precuneus is responsible. Are there neurophysiological data demonstrating that the current protocol only activates neurons in the precuneus? Of note, the non-invasive measurements shown in Figure 3 are very weak (Figure 3A top and bottom look very similar, and Figure 3C left and right look almost identical). Even if one were to accept the weak alleged differences in Figure 3, there is no indication in this figure that there is anything specific to the precuneus, rather a whole brain pattern. This would be the kind of minimally rigorous type of evidence required to make such claims. In a less convincing fashion, one could look at different positions of the stimulation apparatus. This would not be particularly compelling in terms of making a statement about the precuneus. But at least it would show that the position does matter, and over what range of distances it matters, if it matters.

      (4) In the absence of any neurophysiological documentation of a direct impact on the brain, an argument in this type of study is that the behavioral results show that there must be some kind of effect. I agree with this argument. This is also the argument for placebo effects, which can be extremely powerful and useful even if the mechanism is unrelated to what is studied. Then let us dig into the behavioral results.<br /> 4a. There does not seem to be any effect on the STMB task, therefore we can ignore this.<br /> 4b. The FNAT task is minimally described in the supplementary material. There are no experimental details to understand what was done. What was the size of the images? How long were the images presented for? Were there any repetitions of the images? For how long did the participants study the images? Presumably, all the names and occupations are different? What were the genders of the faces? What is chance level performance? Presumably, the same participant saw different faces across the different stimulation conditions. If not, then there can be memory effects across different conditions that are even more complex to study. If yes, then it would be useful to show that the difficulty is the same across the different stimuli.<br /> 4c. Although not stated clearly, if I understand FNAT correctly, the task is based on just 12 presentations. Each point in Figure 2A represents a different participant. Unfortunately, there is no way of linking the performance of individual participants across the conditions with the information provided. Lines joining performance for each participant would be useful in this regard. Because there are only 12 faces, the results are quantized in multiples of 100/12 % in Figure 3A. While I do not doubt that the authors did their homework in terms of the statistical analyses, it is difficult to get too excited about these 12 measurements. For example, take Figure 3A immediate condition TOTAL, arguably the largest effect in the whole paper. It seems that on average, the participants may remember one more face/name/occupation.<br /> 4d. Block effects. If I understand correctly, the experiments were conducted in blocks. This is always problematic. Here is one example study that articulated the big problems in block designs (Li et al TPAMI 2021):<br /> https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9264220<br /> 4e. Even if we ignore the lack of experimental descriptions, problems with lack of evidence of brain activity, the minimalistic study of 12 faces, problems with the block design, etc. at the end of the day, the results are extremely weak. In FNAT, some results are statistically significant, some are not. The interpretation of all of this is extremely complex. Continuing with Figure 3A, it seems that the author claims that iTBS+gtACS > iTBS+sham-tACS, but iTBS+gtACS ~ sham+sham. I am struggling to interpret such a result. When separating results by name and occupation, the results are even more perplexing. There is only one condition that is statistically significant in Figure 3A NAME and none in the occupation condition.

      (5) In sum, it would be amazing to be able to use non-invasive stimulation for any kind of therapeutic purpose as the authors imagine. More work needs to be done to convince ourselves that this kind of approach is viable. The evidence provided in this study is weak.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript "Dual transcranial electromagnetic stimulation of the precuneus-hippocampus network boosts human long-term memory" by Borghi and colleagues provides evidence that the combination of intermittent theta burst TMS stimulation and gamma transcranial alternating current stimulation (γtACS) targeting the precuneus increases long-term associative memory in healthy subjects compared to iTBS alone and sham conditions. Using a rich dataset of TMS-EEG and resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) maps and structural MRI data, the authors also provide evidence that dual stimulation increased gamma oscillations and functional connectivity between the precuneus and hippocampus. Enhanced memory performance was linked to increased gamma oscillatory activity and connectivity through white matter tracts.


      The combination of personalized repetitive TMS (iTBS) and gamma tACS is a novel approach to targeting the precuneus, and thereby, connected memory-related regions to enhance long-term associative memory. The authors leverage an existing neural mechanism engaged in memory binding, theta-gamma coupling, by applying TMS at theta burst patterns and tACS at gamma frequencies to enhance gamma oscillations. The authors conducted a thorough study that suggests that simultaneous iTBS and gamma tACS could be a powerful approach for enhancing long-term associative memory. The paper was well-written, clear, and concise.


      (1) The study did not include a condition where γtACS was applied alone. This was likely because a previous work indicated that a single 3-minute γtACS did not produce significant effects, but this limits the ability to isolate the specific contribution of γtACS in the context of this target and memory function

      (2) The authors applied stimulation for 3 minutes, which seems to be based on prior tACS protocols. It would be helpful to present some rationale for both the duration and timing relative to the learning phase of the memory task. Would you expect additional stimulation prior to recall to benefit long-term associative memory?

      (3) How was the burst frequency of theta iTBS and gamma frequency of tACS chosen? Were these also personalized to subjects' endogenous theta and gamma oscillations? If not, were increases in gamma oscillations specific to patients' endogenous gamma oscillation frequencies or the tACS frequency?

      (4) The authors do a thorough job of analyzing the increase in gamma oscillations in the precuneus through TMS-EEG; however, the authors may also analyze whether theta oscillations were also enhanced through this protocol due to the iTBS potentially targeting theta oscillations. This may also be more robust than gamma oscillations increases since gamma oscillations detected on the scalp are very low amplitude and susceptible to noise and may reflect activity from multiple overlapping sources, making precise localization difficult without advanced techniques.

      (5) Figure 4: Why are connectivity values pre-stimulation for the iTBS and sham tACS stimulation condition so much higher than the dual stimulation? We would expect baseline values to be more similar.

      (6) Figure 2: How are total association scores significantly different between stimulation conditions, but individual name and occupation associations are not? Further clarification of how the total FNAT score is calculated would be helpful.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Borghi and colleagues present results from 4 experiments aimed at investigating the effects of dual γtACS and iTBS stimulation of the precuneus on behavioral and neural markers of memory formation. In their first experiment (n = 20), they found that a 3-minute offline (i.e., prior to task completion) stimulation that combines both techniques leads to superior memory recall performance in an associative memory task immediately after learning associations between pictures of faces, names, and occupation, as well as after a 15-minute delay, compared to iTBS alone (+ tACS sham) or no stimulation (sham for both iTBS and tACS). Performance in a second task probing short-term memory was unaffected by the stimulation condition. In a second experiment (n = 10), they show that these effects persist over 24 hours and up to a full week after initial stimulation. A third (n = 14) and fourth (n = 16) experiment were conducted to investigate the neural effects of the stimulation protocol. The authors report that, once again, only combined iTBS and γtACS increase gamma oscillatory activity and neural excitability (as measured by concurrent TMS-EEG) specific to the stimulated area at the precuneus compared to a control region, as well as precuneus-hippocampus functional connectivity (measured by resting-state MRI), which seemed to be associated with structural white matter integrity of the bilateral middle longitudinal fasciculus (measured by DTI).


      Combining non-invasive brain stimulation techniques is a novel, potentially very powerful method to maximize the effects of these kinds of interventions that are usually well-tolerated and thus accepted by patients and healthy participants. It is also very impressive that the stimulation-induced improvements in memory performance resulted from a short (3 min) intervention protocol. If the effects reported here turn out to be as clinically meaningful and generalizable across populations as implied, this approach could represent a promising avenue for the treatment of impaired memory functions in many conditions.

      Methodologically, this study is expertly done! I don't see any serious issues with the technical setup in any of the experiments (with the only caveat that I am not an expert in fMRI functional connectivity measures and DTI). It is also very commendable that the authors conceptually replicated the behavioral effects of experiment 1 in experiment 2 and then conducted two additional experiments to probe the neural mechanisms associated with these effects. This certainly increases the value of the study and the confidence in the results considerably.

      The authors used a within-subject approach in their experiments, which increases statistical power and allows for stronger inferences about the tested effects. They are also used to individualize stimulation locations and intensities, which should further optimize the signal-to-noise ratio.


      I want to state clearly that I think the strengths of this study far outweigh the concerns I have. I still list some points that I think should be clarified by the authors or taken into account by readers when interpreting the presented findings.

      I think one of the major weaknesses of this study is the overall low sample size in all of the experiments (between n = 10 and n = 20). This is, as I mentioned when discussing the strengths of the study, partly mitigated by the within-subject design and individualized stimulation parameters. The authors mention that they performed a power analysis but this analysis seemed to be based on electrophysiological readouts similar to those obtained in experiment 3. It is thus unclear whether the other experiments were sufficiently powered to reliably detect the behavioral effects of interest. That being said, the authors do report significant effects, so they were per definition powered to find those. However, the effect sizes reported for their main findings are all relatively large and it is known that significant findings from small samples may represent inflated effect sizes, which may hamper the generalizability of the current results. Ideally, the authors would replicate their main findings in a larger sample. Alternatively, I think running a sensitivity analysis to estimate the smallest effect the authors could have detected with a power of 80% could be very informative for readers to contextualize the findings. At the very least, however, I think it would be necessary to address this point as a potential limitation in the discussion of the paper.

      It seems that the statistical analysis approach differed slightly between studies. In experiment 1, the authors followed up significant effects of their ANOVAs by Bonferroni-adjusted post-hoc tests whereas it seems that in experiment 2, those post-hoc tests where "exploratory", which may suggest those were uncorrected. In experiment 3, the authors use one-tailed t-tests to follow up their ANOVAs. Given some of the reported p-values, these choices suggest that some of the comparisons might have failed to reach significance if properly corrected. This is not a critical issue per se, as the important test in all these cases is the initial ANOVA but non-significant (corrected) post-hoc tests might be another indicator of an underpowered experiment. My assumptions here might be wrong, but even then, I would ask the authors to be more transparent about the reasons for their choices or provide additional justification. Finally, the authors sometimes report exact p-values whereas other times they simply say p < .05. I would ask them to be consistent and recommend using exact p-values for every result where p >= .001.

      While the authors went to great lengths trying to probe the neural changes likely associated with the memory improvement after stimulation, it is impossible from their data to causally relate the findings from experiments 3 and 4 to the behavioral effects in experiments 1 and 2. This is acknowledged by the authors and there are good methodological reasons for why TMS-EEG and fMRI had to be collected in sperate experiments, but it is still worth pointing out to readers that this limits inferences about how exactly dual iTBS and γtACS of the precuneus modulate learning and memory.

      There were no stimulation-related performance differences in the short-term memory task used in experiments 1 and 2. The authors argue that this demonstrates that the intervention specifically targeted long-term associative memory formation. While this is certainly possible, the STM task was a spatial memory task, whereas the LTM task relied (primarily) on verbal material. It is thus also possible that the stimulation effects were specific to a stimulus domain instead of memory type. In other words, could it be possible that the stimulation might have affected STM performance if the task taxed verbal STM instead? This is of course impossible to know without an additional experiment, but the authors could mention this possibility when discussing their findings regarding the lack of change in the STM task.

      While the authors discuss the potential neural mechanisms by which the combined stimulation conditions might have helped memory formation, the psychological processes are somewhat neglected. For example, do the authors think the stimulation primarily improves the encoding of new information or does it also improve consolidation processes? Interestingly, the beneficial effect of dual iTBS and γtACS on recall performance was very stable across all time points tested in experiments 1 and 2, as was the performance in the other conditions. Do the authors have any explanation as to why there seems to be no further forgetting of information over time in either condition when even at immediate recall, accuracy is below 50%? Further, participants started learning the associations of the FNAT immediately after the stimulation protocol was administered. What would happen if learning started with a delay? In other words, do the authors think there is an ideal time window post-stimulation in which memory formation is enhanced? If so, this might limit the usability of this procedure in real-life applications.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The paper demonstrated through a comprehensive multi-omics study of the oviduct that the transcriptomic and proteomic landscape of the oviduct at 4 different preimplantation periods was dynamic during natural fertilization, pseudopregnancy, and superovulation using three independent cell/tissue isolation and analytical techniques. This work is very important for understanding oviductal biology and physiology. In addition, the authors have made all the results available in a web search format, which will maximize the public's access and foster and accelerate research in the field.


      (1) The manuscript addresses an important and interesting question in the field of reproduction: how does the oviduct at different regions adapt to the sperm and embryos for facilitating fertilization and preimplantation embryo development and transport?<br /> (2) Authors used cutting-edge techniques: Integrated multi-modal datasets followed with in vivo confirmation and machine learning prediction.<br /> (3) RNA-seq, scRNA-seq and proteomic results are immediately available to the scientific community in a web search format<br /> (4) Substantiated results indicate the source of inflammatory responses was the secretory cell population in the IU region when compared to other cell types; sperm modulate inflammatory responses in the oviduct; the oviduct displays immuno-dynamism.

      In addition, the revised version has addressed weaknesses adequately.<br /> (1) The revised version provided a clear explanation and the rationale for using the superovulation model.<br /> (2) The revised version generated a graphic abstract/summary of their major findings.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The manuscript investigates oviductal responses to the presence of gametes and embryos using a multi-omics and machine learning-based approach. By applying RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), single-cell RNA sequencing (sc-RNA-seq), and proteomics, the authors identified distinct molecular signatures in different regions of the oviduct, proximal versus distal. The study revealed that sperm presence triggers an inflammatory response in the proximal oviduct, while embryo presence activates metabolic genes that provide nutrients to the developing embryos. Overall, this study offers valuable insights and will likely be of great interest to reproductive biologists and researchers in oviduct biology.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors showed that enalapril was able to reduce cellular senescence and improve health status in aged mice. The authors further showed that phosphorylated Smad1/5/9 was significantly elevated and blocking this pathway attenuated the protection of cells from senescence. When middle-aged mice were treated with enalapril, the physiological performance in several tissues, including memory capacity, renal function, and muscle strength, exhibited significant improvement.


      The strength of the study lies in the identification of the pSMAD1/5/9 pathway as the underlying mechanism mediating the anti-senescence effects of enalapril with comprehensive evaluation both in vitro and in vivo.


      The major weakness of the study is the in vivo data. Despite the evidence shown in the in vitro study, there is no data to show that blocking the pSmad1/5/9 pathway is able to attenuate the anti-aging effects of enalapril in the mice. In addition, the aging phenotypes mitigation by enalapril is not evidenced by the extension of lifespan. If it is necessary to show that NAC is able to attenuate enalapril effects in the aging mice. In addition, it would be beneficial to test if enalapril is able to achieve similar rescue in a premature aging mouse model.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript presents an interesting study of enalapril for its potential impact on senescence through the activation of Smad1/5/9 signaling with a focus on antioxidative gene expression. Repurposing enalapril in this context provides a fresh perspective on its effects beyond blood pressure regulation. The authors make a strong case for the importance of Smad1/5/9 in this process, and the inclusion of both in vitro and in vivo models adds value to the findings. Below, I have a few comments and suggestions which may help improve the manuscript.

      A major finding in the study is that phosphorylated Smad1/5/9 mediates the effects of enalapril. However, the manuscript focused on the Smad pathway relatively abruptly, and the rationale behind targeting this specific pathway is not fully explained. What makes Smad1/5/9 particularly relevant to the context of this study?

      Furthermore, their finding that activation of Smad1/5/9 leads to a reduction of senescence appears somewhat contradictory to the established literature on Smad1/5/9 in senescence. For instance, studies have shown that BMP4-induced senescence involves the activation of Smad1/5/8 (Smad1/5/9), leading to the upregulation of senescence markers like p16 and p21 (JBC, 2009, 284, 12153). Similarly, phosphorylated Smad1/5/8 has been shown to promote and maintain senescence in Ras-activated cells (PLOS Genetics, 2011, 7, e1002359). Could the authors provide more detailed mechanistic insights into why enalapril seems to reverse the typical pro-senescent role of Smad1/5/9 in their study?

      While the authors showed that enalapril increases pSmad1/5/9 phosphorylation, what are the expression levels of other key and related factors like Smad4, pSmad2, pSmad3, BMP2, and BMP4 in both senescent and non-senescent cells? These data will help clarify the broader signaling effects.

      They used BMP receptor inhibitor LDN193189 to pharmacologically inhibit BMP signaling, but it would be more convincing to also include genetic validation (e.g., knockdown or knockout of BMP2 or BMP4). This will help confirm that the observed effects are truly due to BMP-Smad signaling and not off-target effects of the pharmacological inhibitor LDN.

      I don't see the results on the changes in senescence markers p16 and p21 in the mouse models treated with enalapril. Similarly, the effects of enalapril treatment on some key SASP factors, such as TNF-α, MCP-1, IL-1β, and IL-1α, are missing, particularly in serum and tissues. These are important data to evaluate the effect of enalapril on senescence.

      Given that enalapril is primarily known as an antihypertensive, it would be helpful to include data on how it affects blood pressure in the aged mouse models, such as systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This will clarify whether the observed effects are independent of or influenced by changes in blood pressure.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The manuscript by Lucie Oriol et al. revisits the understanding of interneurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The study challenges the traditional notion that VTA interneurons exclusively form local synapses within the VTA. Key findings of the study indicate that VTA GABA and glutamate projection neurons also make local synapses within the VTA. This evidence suggests that functions previously attributed to VTA interneurons could be mediated by these projection neurons.

      The study tested four genetic markers-Parvalbumin (PV), Somatostatin (SST), Mu-opioid receptor (MOR), and Neurotensin (NTS)-to determine if they selectively label VTA interneurons. The findings indicate that these markers label VTA projection neurons rather than selectively identifying interneurons. Using a combination of anatomical tracing and brain slice physiological recordings, the study demonstrates that VTA projection neurons make functional inhibitory or excitatory synapses locally within the VTA. These data challenge the conventional view that VTA GABA neurons are purely interneurons and suggests that inhibitory projection neurons can serve functions previously attributed to VTA interneurons. Thus, some functions traditionally ascribed to interneurons may be carried out by projection neurons with local synapses. This has significant implications for understanding the neural circuits underlying reward, motivation, and addiction.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, authors use a combination of transgenic animals, intersectional viruses, retrograde tracing, and ex-vivo slice electrophysiology to show that VTA projections neurons synapse locally. First, the authors injected a cre-dependent channelrhodopsin into the VTA of PV, SST, MOR, and NTS-Cre mice. Importantly, PV, SST, MOR, and NTS are molecular markers previously used to describe VTA interneurons. Imaging of known VTA target regions identified that these neurons are not localized to the VTA and instead project to the PFC, NAc, VP, and LHb. Next, the authors used an intersectional viral strategy to label projections neurons with both GFP (membrane localized) and Syn:Ruby (release sites). These experiments identified that VTA projection neurons also make intra-VTA synapses. Finally, the authors use a combination of optogenetics and ex-vivo slice electrophysiology to show that neurons projecting from the VTA to the NAc/VP/PFC also synapse locally. Overall, the conclusions are well supported by the data.


      Previous literature has described Pvalb, Sst, Oprm1, and Nts as selective markers of VTA interneurons. Here, the authors make use of cre driver lines to show that neurons defined by these genes are not classically-defined interneurons and project to known VTA target regions. Additionally, the authors convincingly use intersectional viral approaches and slice electrophysiology to show that projection neurons synapse onto neighboring cells within the VTA

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This study from Oriol et al. first uses transgenic animals to examine projection targets of specific subtypes of VTA GABA neurons (expressing PV, SST, MOR, or NTS). They follow this with a set of optogenetic experiments showing that VTA projection neurons (regardless of genetic subtype) make local functional connections within the VTA itself. Both of these findings are important advances in the field. Notably, both GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons in the VTA likely exhibit these combined long/short-range projections.


      The main strength of this study is the series of optogenetic/electrophysiological experiments that provide detailed circuit connectivity of VTA neurons. The long-range projections to the VP (but not other targets) are also verified to have functional excitatory and inhibitory components. Overall, the experiments are well executed and the results are very relevant in light of the rapidly growing knowledge about the complexity and heterogeneity of VTA circuitry.

      Another strength of this study is the well-written and thoughtful discussion regarding the current findings in the context of the long-standing question of whether the VTA does or does not have true interneurons.

      Comments on revisions:

      The authors have addressed all of my questions admirably, and the final result is considerably improved and remains a valuable contribution to the field.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors used weighted ensemble enhanced sampling molecular dynamics (MD) to test the hypothesis that a double mutant of Abl favors the DFG-in state relative to the WT and therefore causes the drug resistance to imatinib.


      The authors employed the state-of-the-art weighted ensemble MD simulations with three novel progress coordinates to explore the conformational changes the DFG motif of Abl kinase. The hypothesis regarding the double mutant's drug resistance is novel.


      The study contains many uncertain aspects. A major revision is needed to strengthen the support for the conclusions.

      (1) Specifically, the authors need to define the DFG conformation using criteria accepted in the field, for example, see https://klifs.net/index.php.

      (2) Convergence needs to be demonstrated for estimating the population difference between different conformational states.

      (3) The DFG flip needs to be sampled several times to establish free energy difference.

      (4) The free energy plots do not appear to show an intermediate state as claimed.

      (5) The trajectory length of 7 ns in both Figure 2 and Figure 4 needs to be verified, as it is extremely short for a DFG flip that has a high free energy barrier.

      (6) The free energy scale (100 kT) appears to be one order of magnitude too large.

      (7) Setting the DFG-Asp to the protonated state is not justified, because in the DFG-in state, the DFG-Asp is clearly deprotonated.

      (8) Finally, the authors should discuss their work in the context of the enormous progress made in theoretical studies and mechanistic understanding of the conformational landscape of protein kinases in the last two decades, particularly with regard to the DFG flip.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This is a well-written manuscript on the mechanism of the DFG flip in kinases. This conformational change is important for the toggling of kinases between active (DFG-in) and inactive (DFG-out) states. The relative probabilities of these two states are also an important determinant of the affinity of inhibitors for a kinase. However, it is an extremely slow/rare conformational change, making it difficult to capture in simulations. The authors show that weighted ensemble simulations can capture the DFG flip and then delve into the mechanism of this conformational change and the effects of mutations.


      The DFG flip is very hard to capture in simulations. Showing that this can be done with relatively little simulation by using enhanced sampling is a valuable contribution. The manuscript gives a nice description of the background for non-experts.


      I was disappointed by the anecdotal approach to presenting the results. Molecular processes are stochastic and the authors have expertise in describing such processes. However, they chose to put most statistical analysis in the SI. The main text instead describes the order of events in single "representative" trajectories. The main text makes it sound like these were most selected as they were continuous trajectories from the weighted ensemble simulations. I would much rather hear a description of the highest probability pathway(s) with some quantification of how probable they are. That would give the reader a clear sense of how representative the events described are.

      I appreciated the discussion of the strengths/weaknesses of weighted ensemble simulations. Am I correct that this method doesn't do anything to explicitly enhance sampling along orthogonal degrees of freedom? Maybe a point worth mentioning if so.

      I don't understand Figure 3C. Could the authors instead show structures corresponding to each of the states in 3B, and maybe also a representative structure for pathways 1 and 2?

      Why introduce S1 and DFG-inter? And why suppose that DFG-inter is what corresponds to the excited state seen by NMR?

      It would be nice to have error bars on the populations reported in Figure 3.

      I'm confused by the attempt to relate the relative probabilities of states to the 32 kca/mol barrier previously reported between the states. The barrier height should be related to the probability of a transition. The DFG-out state could be equiprobable with the DFG-in state and still have a 32 kcal/mol barrier separating them.

      How do the relative probabilities of the DFG-in/out states compare to experiments, like NMR?

      Do the staggered and concerted DFG flip pathways mentioned correspond to pathways 1 and 2 in Figure 3B, or is that a concept from previous literature?

    1. Joint Public Review:


      This study used a simulation approach with a large-scale compilation of published meta-analytic data sets to address the generalizability of meta-analyses. The authors used prediction interval/distribution as a central tool to evaluate whether future meta-analysis is likely to generate a non-zero effect.


      Although the concept of prediction intervals is commonly taught in statistics courses, its application in meta-analysis remains relatively rare. The authors' creative use of this concept, combined with the decomposition of heterogeneity, provides a new perspective for meta-analysts to evaluate the generalizability of their findings. As such, I consider this to be a timely and practically valuable development.


      First, in their re-analysis of the compiled meta-analytic data to assess generalizability, the authors used a hierarchical model with only the intercept as a fixed effect. In practice, many meta-analyses include moderators in their models. Ignoring these moderators could result in attributing heterogeneity to unexplained variation at the study or paper level, depending on whether the moderators vary across studies or papers. As a consequence, the prediction interval may be inaccurately wide or narrow, leading to an erroneous assessment of the generalizability of results derived from large meta-analytic data sets. A more accurate approach would be to include the same moderators as in the original meta-analyses and generate prediction intervals that reflect the effects of these moderators.

      Second, the authors used a t-distribution to generate the prediction intervals and distributions for the hierarchical meta-analysis model. While the t-distribution is exact for prediction intervals in linear models, it is not strictly appropriate for models with random effects. This discrepancy arises because the variances of random effects must be estimated from the data, and using a t-distribution for prediction intervals does not account for the uncertainty in estimating these variance components. Unless the data is perfectly balanced (i.e., all random effects are nested and sample sizes within each level of the random factor are equal), it is well established that t-distribution (or equivalently, F-distribution) based hypothesis testing and confidence/prediction intervals are typically anti-conservative. As recommended in the linear mixed models literature, bootstrapping methods or some form of degrees-of-freedom correction would be more appropriate for generating prediction intervals in this context.

      Finally, the authors define generalizability as the likelihood that a future study will yield a significantly non-zero effect. While this is certainly useful information, it is not necessarily the primary concern for many meta-analyses or individual studies. In fact, many studies aim to understand the mean response or effect within a specific context, rather than focusing on whether a future study will produce a significant result. For many research questions, the concern is not whether a future study will generate a significant finding, but whether the true mean response is different from zero. In this regard, the authors may have overstated the importance of knowing the outcome of a single future study, and framing this as the sole goal of research seems somewhat misguided.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Senn and colleagues presents a comprehensive study on the developing synthetic gene circuits targeting mutant RAS-expressing cells. This study aims to exploit these RAS-targeting circuits as cancer cell classifiers, enabling the selective expression of an output protein in correlation with RAS activity. The system is based on the bacterial two-component system NarX/NarL. A RAS-binding domain, the RBDCRD domain of the RAS effector protein CRAF, is fused to the histidine kinase domain, which carries an inactivating amino acid exchange either in its ATP-binding site (N509A) or in its phosphorylation site (H399Q). Dimerization or nanocluster formation of RAS-GTP reconstitutes an active histidine kinase sensor dimer that phosphorylates the response regulator NarL. The phosphorylated DNA-binding protein NarL, fused to the transcription activator domain VP48, binds its responsive element and induces the expression of the output protein. In comparison to mutated RAS, the effect of the RAS activator SOS-1 and the RAS inhibitor NF1 on the sensing ability as well as the tunability of the RAS sensor were examined. A RAS targeting circuit with an AND gate was designed by expressing the RAS sensor proteins under the control of defined MAPK response elements, resulting in a large increase in the dynamic range between mutant and wild-type RAS. Finally, the RAS targeting circuits were evaluated in detail in a set of twelve cancer cell lines expressing endogenous levels of mutant or wild-type RAS or oncogenes affecting RAS signaling upstream or downstream.


      This proof-of-concept study convincingly demonstrates the potential of synthetic gene circuits to target oncogenic RAS in tumor cell lines and to function, at least in part, as an RAS mutant cell classifier.


      The use of an appropriate "therapeutic gene" might revert the oncogenic properties of RAS mutant cell lines. However, a therapeutic strategy based on this four-plasmid-based system might be difficult to implement in RAS-driven solid cancers.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The manuscript describes an interesting approach towards designing genetic circuits to sense different RAS mutants in the context of cancer therapeutics. The authors created sensors for mutant RAS and incorporated feed-forward control that leverages endogenous RAS/MAPK signaling pathways in order to dramatically increase the circuits' dynamic range. The modularity of the system is explored through the individual screening of several RAS binding domains, transmembrane domains, and MAPK response elements, and the author further extensively screened different combinations of circuit components. This is an impressive synthetic biology demonstration that took it all the way to cancer cell lines. However, given the sole demonstrated output in the form of fluorescent proteins, the authors' claims related to therapeutic implications require additional empirical evidence or, otherwise, expository revision.

      Major comments:

      "These therapies are limited to cancers with KRASG12C mutations" is technically accurate. However, in this fast-moving field, there are examples such as MRTX1133 which holds the promise to target the very G12D mutation that is the focus of this paper. There are broader efforts too. It would help the readers better appreciate the background if the authors could update the intro to reflect the most recent landscape of RAS-targeting drugs.

      Only KRASG12D was used as a model in the design and optimization work of the genetic circuits. Other mutations should be quite experimentally feasible and comparisons of the circuits' performances across different KRAS mutations would allow for stronger claims on the circuits' generalizability. Particularly, the cancer cell line used for circuit validation harbored a KRASG13D mutation. While the data presented do indeed support the circuit's "generalizability," the model systems would not have been consistent in the current set of data presented.

      In Figure 2a, the text claims that "inactivation of endogenous RAS with NF1 resulted in a lower YFP/RBDCRD-NarX expression," but Figure 2a does not show a statistically significant reduction in expression of SYFP (measured by "membrane-to-total signal ratio [RU]).

      The therapeutic index of the authors' systems would be better characterized by a functional payload, other than florescent proteins, that for example induce cell death, immune responses, etc.

      Regarding data presented in "Mechanism of action" (Figure 2), the observations are interesting and consistent across different fluorescent reporters. However, with regard to interpretations of the underlying molecular mechanisms, it is not clear whether the different output levels in 2b, 2c, and 2d are due to the pathway as described by the authors or simply from varied expression levels of RBDCRD-NarX itself (2a) that is nonlinearly amplified by the rest of the circuit. From a practical standpoint, this caveat is not critical with respect to the signal-to-noise ratios in later parts of the paper. From a mechanistic interpretation standpoint, claims made forth in this section are not clearly substantiated. Some additional controls would be nice. For example, if the authors express NarXs that constitutively dimerize on the membrane, what would the RasG12D-responsiveness look like? Does RasG12D alter the input-output curve of NarL-RE? How would Figure 4f compare to a NaxR constitutively dimerized control that only relies on transcriptional amplification of the Ras-dependent promoters? It's also possible that these Ras could affect protein production at the post-transcriptional or even post-translational levels, which were not adequately considered.

      The text claims that "in contrast to what we saw in HEK293 overexpressing RAS (Figure 5d), the "AND-gate" RAS-targeting circuits do not generate higher output than the EF1a-driven, binding-triggered RAS sensor in HCT-116. Instead, the improved dynamic range results from decreased leakiness in HCT- 116k.o." Comparing the experiment from Figure 5d, which looks at activation in KRASG12D and KRASWT, to the experiments in Figure 6b-d, which looks at activation in HCT-116WT and HCT-116KO is misleading. In Fig 5d., cells are transfected with KRASG12D and KRASWT to emulate high levels of mutant RAS and high levels of wild-type RAS. In Figures 6b-d, HCT-116WT has endogenous levels of mutant RAS, while the KCT-116KO is a knock-out cell line, and does not have mutant or WT RAS. Therefore, the improved dynamic range or "decreased leakiness in HCT-116KO" in comparison to Figure 5d. is more comparable to the NF1 condition from Figure 2, which deactivates endogenous RAS. While this may not be feasible, the most accurate comparison would have been an HCT-116KO line with KRASWT stably integrated.

      We couldn't locate the citation or discussion of Figure 4d in the text. Conversely, based on the text description, Figure 6g would contain exciting results. But we couldn't find Figure 6g anywhere ... unless it was a typo and the authors meant Figure 6f, in which case the cool results in Figure S8 could use more elaboration in the main text.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Mutations that result in consistent RAS activation constitute a major driver of cancer. Therefore, RAS is a favorable target for cancer therapy. However, since normal RAS activity is essential for the function of normal cells, a mechanism that differentiates aberrant RAS activity from normal one is required to avoid severe adverse effects. To this end, the authors designed and optimized a synthetic gene circuit that is induced by active RAS-GTP. The circuit components, such as RAS-GTP sensors, dimerization domains, and linkers. To enhance the circuit selectivity and dynamic range, the authors designed a synthetic promoter comprised of MAPK-responsive elements to regulate the expression of the RAS sensors, thus generating a feed-forward loop regulating the circuit components. Circuit outputs with respect to circuit design modification were characterized in standard model cell lines using basal RAS activity, active RAS mutants, and RAS inactivation.

      This approach is interesting. The design is novel and could be implemented for other RAS-mediated applications. The data support the claims, and while this circuit may require further optimization for clinical application, it is an interesting proof of concept for targeting aberrant RAS activity.


      Novel circuit design, through optimization and characterization of the circuit components, solid data.


      This manuscript could significantly benefit from testing the circuit performance in more realistic cell lines, such as patient-derived cells driven by RAS mutations, as well as in corresponding non-cancer cell lines with normal RAS activity. Furthermore, testing with therapeutic output proteins in vitro, and especially in vivo, would significantly strengthen the findings and claims.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The manuscript presents a novel nonlinear mathematical model that addresses a critical gap in our understanding of how cell shape transitions in response to ECM stiffness. The focus on the interplay between actomyosin contractility and ECM stiffening is highly relevant, especially in the context of cancer invasion and tissue morphogenesis. The originality of the proposed trizonal model is commendable, as it offers a comprehensive framework that could significantly advance the field.

      More specifically, the paper makes a significant contribution by providing a model that can predict multimodal cell shapes based on motility levels, which is a substantial improvement over current constitutive models. The potential to calibrate the model against experimental cell shape data is a strong point, as it ensures that the model's predictions are grounded in empirical evidence. The methodology appears to be rigorous and should provide reliable results when applied. This advancement could lead to a better understanding of the complex dynamics involved in cell-matrix interactions, particularly at intermediate ranges of collagen density. The potential applications of this research are vast and span across various medical and biological fields. The ability to predict cancer-induced tissue impairment, cachexia, and muscle injury, as well as to assess therapeutic methods, is particularly noteworthy. The mention of specific treatments like Blebbistatin and HAPLN1 treatments further adds depth to the discussion and highlights the practical relevance of the model.

      I'm curious if the authors could further elaborate on the use of this model to examine cellular unjamming transition or the cell shape changes during cancer invasion in various scenarios. Some discussions on that aspect will be helpful. It will also be useful to provide some perspectives on how this model could be integrated with others in a multi-scale modeling framework for understanding cell shape transitions during collective cell migration in various physiologically relevant scenarios.

      I recommend some minor revisions but overall, this is a very nice paper.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this work the authors develop a mathematical model that incorporates three contributions to cellular force generation in 3D matrices: (1) actively generated contractile forces via myosin motors and consumption of ATP; (2) the energy stored in the extracellular matrix as it is deformed by the contractile cell; and (3), the energy associated with the interactions at the interface between the matrix and the cell, e.g. at focal adhesions. The authors make predictions about the dependence of cell shape on these three contributions.

      The authors succeed in making a number of predictions of how cell shapes will depend on these contributions to force generation. However, these predictions seem to be largely buried in the supplemental material and come in a form that will be accessible to a certain type of physicist and modeler but will likely not be accessible to many experimentalists who may want to test the predictions of the model. The authors show a comparison between their expected cell shape distributions and those predicted by the model, under multiple regimes: cells in two different concentrations of collagen (Figure 4c), cells with inhibited myosin and therefore reduced contractility (Figure 4d), cells with impaired interactions with the ECM (Figure 4e), and for cells with both contractility and ECM interactions impaired. They find a strong agreement between the experiments and their predictions. However, it should be noted that there are multiple "tuning parameters" in their model, so the ability to match experiment and theory may not be ultimately so surprising.

      While the authors do achieve their aim of building this modeling and testing it in comparison to experimental data, the text is frequently unclear and doesn't seem to have the right information at the right place and time to allow the reader to most clearly understand the motivation, the approach, or the results. A number of elements of this manuscript were confusing to this reviewer, and I discuss these below in the hopes that raising these points here can bring more clarity in future revisions, and/or that readers will be able to provide additional insight or attention to these questions.

      There are certain elements of the writing that obscure, rather than clarify, the model and the results. For example, the authors frequently refer to "matrix stiffening" and "strain stiffening", which are typically used in the literature to describe the phenomenon whereby an applied force changes the mechanical properties of the substrate; here, for example in regard to the discussion of Figure 4C, these terms instead seem to be simply referring to the experimental intervention of exposing different cells to different concentrations of the collagen matrix. While there may be some element of classically understood strain stiffening, incorporated into the model as the function f(λ_i), this doesn't seem to match the experimental validation - which, as described above, is not about strain stiffening but instead simply uses softer vs. stiffer gels. Therefore, it is unclear what exactly is meant throughout the manuscript by strain stiffening - does it mean "difference in stiffness between two conditions" or does it mean "change in substrate stiffness upon application of force"?

      Furthermore, while the introductory text emphasizes collective migration, the model itself focuses on the interactions between single cells and their environments. The emphasis on collective migration and cell shape in the introduction invokes previous literature focusing on collective phase transitions, but that is misleading. This paper is all about individual cell mechanics, not about collective migration or unjamming.

      The experimental validation seems to have a significant flaw. The mechanics and interactions of the cellular extensions seem to be completely ignored. We see, in Figure 4, that cell bodies are outlined to determine cell shape, but that the extremely long extensions are simply ignored. We know from previous studies that these extensions are generating quite a bit of traction and are contractile, and yet they've been excluded from the analysis. This doesn't make physical sense or fit with previous literature, and would seem to indicate that the regimes predicted by the model are missing an essential component of force generation and cell-matrix interaction.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This manuscript by Kremer et al. characterizes the tissue-specific responses to changes in TFAM levels and mtDNA copy number in prematurely aging mice (polg mutator model). The authors find that overexpression of TFAM can have beneficial or detrimental effects depending on the tissue type. For instance, increased TFAM levels increase mtDNA copy number in the spleen and improve spleen homeostasis but do not elevate mtDNA copy number in the liver and impair mtDNA expression. Similarly, the consequences of reduced TFAM expression are tissue-specific. Reduced TFAM levels improve brown adipocyte tissue function while other tissues are unaffected. The authors conclude that these tissue-specific responses to altered TFAM levels demonstrate that there are tissue-specific endogenous compensatory mechanisms in response to the continuous mutagenesis produced in the prematurely aging mice model, including upregulation of TFAM expression, elevated mtDNA copy number, and altered mtDNA gene expression. Thus, the impact of genetically manipulating global TFAM expression is limited and there must be other determinants of mtDNA copy number under pathological conditions beyond TFAM.


      Overall, this is an interesting study. It does a good job of demonstrating that given the multi-functional role of TFAM, the outcome of manipulating its activity is complex.


      No major weaknesses were noted. We have minor suggestions for improving the clarity of the manuscript that are detailed in the "recommendations for the authors" section.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study by Kremer et al. investigates the impact of modulation of expression of TFAM, a key protein involved in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) packaging and expression, in mtDNA mutator mice, which carry random mtDNA mutations. While previous research suggested that increasing TFAM could counteract the pathological effects of mtDNA mutations, this study reveals that the effects of TFAM modulation are tissue-specific. These findings highlight the complexity of mtDNA copy number regulation and gene expression, emphasizing that TFAM alone is not the sole determinant of mtDNA levels in contexts where oxidative phosphorylation is impaired. Other factors likely play a significant role, underscoring the need for nuanced approaches when targeting TFAM for therapeutic interventions.


      The data presented in the manuscript is of high quality and supports major conclusions.


      The statistical methods used are not clearly described, and some marked non-significant results appear visually significant, which raises concerns about data analysis.

      Data presentation requires improvement.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this manuscript submitted by Qi et al., the authors study the RNA methylation mechanism by the METTL3-METTL14 complex. This complex catalyzes the major epitranscriptome methylation mark of nuclear RNA, including mRNA and lncRNAs. They catalyze the transfer of methyl group from SAM to convert the N6 of adenosine in RNA to m6A. Mutations in this complex have been associated with several diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and several types of cancer. The primary focus of this study was to understand the post-catalytic state of the METTL3-14 bound to a structural mimic of a reaction product known as N6-methyladenosine monophosphate (m6A) using X-ray crystallography. The authors show that the m6A occupies a novel pocket at the interface of the METTL3-14 complex and identified that residues interacting with m6A are mutated in several cancers. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that the mutations lead to a significant loss in catalytic activity, alter RNA binding, and hinder the proper positioning of the substrate adenine in the active site. Lastly, the authors perform supervised molecular dynamics simulations to understand the effect of the mutations on the interaction network with m6A. The evidence for this study is good, with the combination of X-ray, functional assays, and molecular dynamics justifying their overall conclusions. This structure is significant as it provides new insights into the structural determinants of known cancer-associated mutations of this important class of enzymes. However, some issues need to be addressed.


      (1) The X-ray structure is well determined, and the density map has the quality to observe all the interactions of the METTL3-14 complex with m6A.

      (2) The structure reveals a novel 'cryptic pocket' in the complex that is 16 Å away from the SAM binding site. It is a functional m6A-sensor, illustrating a mechanism where the complex switches its functionality from an m6A writer to a reader.

      (3) The structure illustrates that the residues forming cryptic pockets are found in multiple Cancer-associated mutations and are well conserved across several organisms.

      (4) The functional assays (methyl transferase, RNA binding, kinetic, and SPR assays) provide a complete picture of the effect of the mutations on the activity of the METTL3-14 complex.

      (5) Molecular dynamics simulations were done to understand the impact of the mutations on the pocket structure and its dynamics and support the X-ray structure findings.


      (1) Although the X-ray structure is well determined, the statistics are a bit troubling, particularly the Ramachandran, Sidechain and RSRZ outliers. It is well above the average for structures at that resolution. Maybe the use of alternative software such as ISOLDE may be adequate to improve those parameters.

      (2) The authors should expand their discussion as to why the affinity for the product is higher than the substrate and the implications on the mechanism.

      (3) The SPR profiles of the association kinetics look to have several minor association-dissociation events occurring. Multiple binding sites? Authors should provide an explanation for such behavior. Also, what is the structural explanation of the difference in binding modes between the wt vs. mutant (one vs. two-state binding modes)?

      (4) In materials and methods, it shows the data in Figure 2a was fitted to a Michaelis-Menten equation, however, the Y axis shows Normalized methylation and not initial rates. The authors should elaborate on their approach. In addition, more than three initial velocity rate points per protein are needed to fit a Michaelis-Menten curve confidently. Additionally, where can the Michaelis-Menten parameters be found?

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Qi et al. determined the X-ray crystallographic structure of the methyltransferase core of the obligate heterodimeric complex METTL3-METTL14 in complex with methyladenosine monophosphate (m6A), a product mimic for the methylation of adenosine, to a resolution of 2.5 Å. Their structure appears to reveal a cryptic binding pocket for m6A that had not previously been identified. Using full-length protein produced in insect cells, Qi et al. determined the methyltransferase activity of wildtype METTL3-METTL14 and compared it to that of mutant forms of the protein that have been implicated in cancer. In addition to methyltransferase activity, the authors used both fluorescence polarization assays and surface plasmon resonance to investigate the affinities and kinetics of RNA binding to wildtype and mutant forms of the full-length complex. The results indicate that mutations in the methyltransferase core of two separate arginine residues alter the dynamics of RNA binding and enzyme specificity of METTL3-METTL14. The authors go on to use a combination of supervised molecular dynamics simulations and comparisons to recently published structures to propose a "swivelling" mechanism for the transfer of the methylated substrate from the catalytic site of the complex to the novel cryptic pocket.


      I appreciated the inclusion of supplementary data showing the purity and monodispersity of the protein used for crystallization as well as the omit map and other electron density maps to support the placement of the product mimic in the cryptic site. The authors use a combination of complementary biophysical techniques to test the effects of mutations that were identified in the literature as being clinically important and to develop a hypothesis for the large-scale translocation required for the enzymatic product to move from the catalytic site to the cryptic pocket. The use of molecular dynamics simulations to attempt to indirectly visualize how this translocation might occur in vivo was well done.


      Even taking into account the 2.5 Å resolution of the structure, the model is not refined to the point that it could be. Some waters seem to be built into blobs of density that aren't particularly convincing, and other seemingly obvious waters aren't built at all. The structure validation report supports this and shows that overall, and in the context of 2.5 Å resolution, this is not a great model. A good many parts of the structural analysis don't seem consistent with what I see when I look at the model and density in terms of proposed interactions in the cryptic pocket. Much of the language used in the manuscript is too strong when the model is quite speculative.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Li and colleagues describes the impact of deficiency on the DKGα and ζ on Treg cells and follicular responses. The experimental approach is based on the characterization of double KO mice that show the emergence of autoimmune manifestations that include the production of autoantibodies. Additionally, there is an increase in Tfh cells, but also Tfr cells in these mice deficient in both DKGα and ζ. Although the observations are interesting, the interpretation of the observations is difficult in the absence of data related to single mutations. While a supplementary figure shows that the autoimmune manifestations are more severe in the DKGα and ζ deficient mice, prior observations show that a single DKGα deficiency has an impact on Treg homeostasis. As such, the contribution of the two chains to the overall phenotype is hard to establish.


      Well-conducted experiments with informative mouse models with defined genetic defects.


      The major weakness is the lack of clarity concerning what can be attributed to simultaneous DKGα and ζ deficiency versus deficiency on DKGα or ζ alone.

      Some interpretations are also not conclusively supported by data.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, Li et al investigate the combined role of diacylglycerol (DAG) kinases (DGK) a and z in Foxp3+ Treg cells function that prevent autoimmunity. The authors generated DGK a and z Treg-specific double knockout mice (DKO) by crossing Dgkalpha-/- mice to DgKzf and Foxp3YFPCre/+ mice. The resulting "DKO" mice thus lack DGK a in all cells and DGK z in Foxp3+Treg cells. The authors show that the DKO mice spontaneously develop autoimmunity, characterized by multiorgan inflammatory infiltration and elevated anti-double-strand DNA (dsDNA), -single-strand DNA (ssDNA), and -nuclear autoantibodies. The authors attribute the DKO mice phenotype to Foxp3+Treg dysfunction, including accelerated conversion into "exTreg" cells with pathogenic activity. Interestingly, the combined deficiency of DGK a and z seems to release Treg cell dependence on CD28-mediated costimulatory signals, which the authors show by crossing their DKO mice to CD28-/- mice (TKO mice), which also develop autoimmunity.


      The phenotypes of the mutant mice described in the manuscript are striking, and the authors provide a comprehensive analysis of the functional processes altered by the lack of DGKs.


      One aspect that could be better explored is the direct role of "ex-Tregs" in causing pathogenesis in the models utilized.

      However, overall, this is an important report that makes a significant addition to the understanding of DAG kinases in Treg cell biology.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors present a new protocol to assess social dominance in pairs and triads of C57BL/6j mice, based on a competition to access a hidden food pellet. Using this new protocol, the authors have been able to identify stable ranking among male and female pairs, while reporting more fluctuant hierarchies among triads of males. Ranking readouts identified with this new apparatus were compared to the outcomes obtained with the same animals competing in the tube and in the warm spot tests, which have been both commonly used during the last decade to identify social ranks in rodents under laboratory conditions.


      FPCT allows for easy and fast identification of a winner and a loser in the context of food competition. The apparatus and the protocol are relatively easy and quick to implement in the lab and free from any complex post-processing/analysis, which qualifies it for wide distribution, particularly within laboratories that do not have the resources to implement more sophisticated protocols. Hierarchical readouts identified through the FPCT correlate with social ranks identified with the tube and the warm spot tests, which have been widely adopted during the last decade and allow for study comparison.


      While the FPCT is validated by the tube and the warm spot test, this paper would have gained strength by providing a more ethologically based validation. Tube and warm spot tests have been shown to provide conflicting results and might not been a sufficient measurement for social ranking (see Varholik et al, Scientific reports, 2019; Battivelli et al, Biological psychiatry, 2024). Instead, a general consensus pushing toward more ethological approaches for neuroscience studies is emerging.<br /> Other papers already successfully identified social ranks dyadic food competition, using relatively simple scoring protocol (see for example Merlot et al., 2006), within a more naturalistic set-up, allowing the 2 opponents to directly interact while competing for the food. A potential issue with the FPCT, is that the opponents being isolated from each other, the normal inhibition expected to appear in subordinates in the presence of a dominant to access food, could be diminished, and usually avoiding subordinates could be more motivated to push for the access to the food pellet.

      There are issues with use of the English language throughout the text. Some sentences are difficult to understand and should be clarified and/or synthesized.

      Open question:<br /> Is food restriction mandatory? Palatable food pellet is not sufficient to trigger competition? Food restriction has numerous behavioral and physiological consequences that would be better to prevent to be able to clearly interpret behavioral outcomes in FPCT (see for example Tucci et al., 2006).

      Conclusive remarks:<br /> Although this protocol attempts to provide a novel approach to evaluate social ranks in mice, it is not clear how it really brings a significant advance in neuroscience research. The FPCT dynamic is very similar to the one observed in the tube test, where mice compete to navigate forward in a narrow space, constraining the opponent to go backward. The main difference between the FPCT and the tube test is the presence of food between the opponents. In the tube test, a food reward was initially used to increase motivation to cross the tube and push the opponent upon the testing day. This component has been progressively abandoned, precisely because it was not necessary for the mice to compete in the tube.

      This paper would really bring a significant contribution to the field by providing a neuronal imaging or manipulation correlate to the behavioral outcome obtained by the application of the FPCT.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors have devised a novel assay to measure relative social rank in mice that is aimed at incorporating multiple aspects of social competition while minimizing direct contact between animals. Forming a hierarchy often involves complex social dynamics related to competitive drives for different fundamental resources including access to food, water, territory, and sexual mates. This makes the study of social dominance and its neural underpinnings hard, warranting the development of new tools and methods that can help understand both social functions as well as dysfunction.


      This study showcases an assay called the Food Pellet Competition Test where cagemate mice compete for food, without direct contact, by pushing a block in a tube from opposite directions. The authors have attempted to quantify motivation to obtain the food independent of other factors such as age, weight, sex, etc. by running the assay under two conditions: one where the food is accessible and one where it isn't. This assay results in an impressive outcome consistency across days for females and males paired housed and for male groups of three. Further, the determined social ranks correlate strongly with two common assays: the tube test and the warm spot test.


      This new assay has limited ethological validity since mice do not compete for food without touching each other with a block in the middle. In addition, the assay may only be valid for a single trial per day making its utility for recording neural recordings and manipulations limited to a single sample per mouse. Although the authors attempt to measure motivation as a factor driving who wins the social competition, the data is limited. This novel assay requires training across days with some mice reaching criteria before others. From the data reported, it is unclear what effects training can have on the outcome of social competition. Beyond the data shown, the language used throughout the manuscript and the rationale for the design of this novel assay is difficult to understand.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The laboratory mouse is an ideal animal to study the neural and psychological underpinnings of social dominance behavior because of its economic cost and the animals' readiness to display dominant and subordinate behaviors in simple and testable environments. Here, a new and novel method for measuring dominance and the individual social status of mice is presented using a food competition assay. Historically, food competition assays have been avoided because they occur in an open arena or the home cage, and it can be difficult to assess who gets priority access to the resource and to avoid aggressive interactions such as bite wounding. Now, the authors have designed a narrow rectangular arena separated in half by a sliding floor-to-ceiling obstacle, where the mice placed at opposite sides of the obstacle compete by pushing the obstacle to gain priority access to a food pellet resting on the arena floor under the obstacle. One can also place the food pellet within the obstacle to restrict priority access to the food and measure the time or effort spent pushing the obstacle back and forth. As hypothesized, the outcomes in the food competition test were significantly consistent with those of the more common tube test (space competition) and warm spot competition test. This suggests that these animals have a stereotypic dominance organization that exists across multiple resource domains (i.e., food, space, and temperature). Only male and female C57 mice in same-sex pairs or triads were tested.


      The design of the apparatus and the inclusion of females are significant strengths within the study.


      There are at least two major weaknesses of the study: neglecting the value of test inconsistency and not providing the mice time to recognize who they are competing with.

      Several studies have demonstrated that although inbred mice in laboratory housing share similar genetics and environment, they can form diverse types of hierarchical organizations (e.g., loose, stable, despotic, linear, etc.) and there are multiple resource domains in the home cage that mice compete over (e.g., space, food, water, temperature, etc.). The advantage of using multiple dominance assays is to understand the nuances of hierarchical organizations better. For example, some groups may have clear dominant and subordinate individuals when competing for food, but the individuals may "change or switch" social status when competing for space. Indeed, social relationships are dynamic, not static. Here, the authors have provided another test to measure another dimension of dominance: food competition. Rather than highlight this advantage, the authors highlight that the test is in agreement with the standard tube test and warm spot test and that C57 mice have stereotypic dominance across multiple domains. While some may find this great, it will leave many to continue using the tube test only (which measures the dimension of space competition) and avoid measuring food competition. If the reader looks at Figures 6E, F, and G they will see examples of inconsistency across the food competition test, tube test, and warm spot test in triads of mice. These groups are quite interesting and demonstrate the diversity of social dynamics in groups of inbred mice in highly standardized environmental conditions. Scientists interested in dominance should study groups that are consistent and inconsistent across multiple dimensions of dominance (e.g., space, food, mates, etc.).

      Unlike the tube test and warm spot test, the food competition test presented here provides no opportunity for the animals to identify their opponent. That is, they cannot sniff their opponent's fur or anogenital region, which would allow them an opportunity to identify them individually. Thus, as the authors state, the test only measures psychological motivation to get a food reward. Notably, the outcome in the direct and indirect testing of food competition is in agreement, leaving many to wonder whether they are measuring the social relationship or the effort an individual puts forth in attaining a food reward regardless of the social opponent. Specifically, in the direct test, an individual can retrieve the food reward by pushing the obstacle out of the way first. In the indirect test, the animals cannot retrieve the reward and can only push the obstacle back and forth, which contains the reward inside. In Figure 4E, you can see that winners spent more time pushing the block in the indirect test. Thus, whether the test measures a social relationship or just the likelihood of gaining priority access to food is unclear. To rectify this issue, the authors could provide an opportunity for the animals to interact before lowering the obstacle and raising(?) a food reward. They may also create a very long one-sided apparatus to measure the amount of effort an individual mouse puts forth in the indirect test with only one individual - or any situation with just one mouse where the moving obstacle is not pushed back, and the animal can just keep pushing until they stop. This would require another experiment. It also may not tell us much more since it remains unclear whether inbred mice can individually identify one another (see https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2000.1057 for more details).

      A minor issue is that the write-up of the history of food competition assays and female dominance research is inaccurate. Food competition assays have a long history since at least the 1950s and many people study female dominance now.

      Food competition: https://doi.org/10.1080/00223980.1950.9712776, https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/1953-03267-001.pdf, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2003.11.007, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04507-5

      Female dominance: https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9384(87)90269-1, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.03.020, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0031-9384(01)00494-2, https://doi.org/10.1037/0735-7036.99.4.411

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors of the study are trying to show that RNAseq can be used for neoantigen prediction and the machine learning approach to the prediction can reveal very useful information for the selection of neoantigens for personalized antitumor vaccination.


      The authors demonstrated that RNA expression of a neoantigen is very important factor in the selection of peptides for the creation of personalized vaccines. They proved in vivo that in silico-predicted neoantigens can trigger antitumor response in mice.


      The authors replied to my previous comment about the selection of the peptides for vaccination in the responses to reviewers, but didn't include that in the revised manuscript. I think all that information should be in the manuscript.<br /> Here is the original comment: "The selection of the peptides for vaccination is not clear. Some peptides were selected before and some after processing. What processing is also not clear. The authors didn't provide the full list of peptides before and after processing, please add those. And it wasn't clear that these peptides were previously published. Looking at the previously published table with peptide from B16 F10 (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-89927-5/tables/3), there are other genes with high expression, e.g. Tab2, Tm9sf3 that have higher expression than Herc6, please clarify the choice."

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Hearing and balance rely on specialized ribbon synapses that transmit sensory stimuli between hair cells and afferent neurons. Synaptic adhesion molecules that form and regulate transsynaptic interactions between inner hair cells (IHCs) and spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are crucial for maintaining auditory synaptic integrity and, consequently, for auditory signaling. Synaptic adhesion molecules such as neurexin-3 and neuroligin-1 and -3 have recently been shown to play vital roles in establishing and maintaining these synaptic connections ( doi: 10.1242/dev.202723 and DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104803). However, the full set of molecules required for synapse assembly remains unclear.

      Karagulan et al. highlight the critical role of the synaptic adhesion molecule RTN4RL2 in the development and function of auditory afferent synapses between IHCs and SGNs, particularly regarding how RTN4RL2 may influence synaptic integrity and receptor localization. Their study shows that deletion of RTN4RL2 in mice leads to enlarged presynaptic ribbons and smaller postsynaptic densities (PSDs) in SGNs, indicating that RTN4RL2 is vital for synaptic structure. Additionally, the presence of "orphan" PSDs-those not directly associated with IHCs-in RTN4RL2 knockout mice suggests a developmental defect in which some SGN neurites fail to form appropriate synaptic contacts, highlighting potential issues in synaptic pruning or guidance. The study also observed a depolarized shift in the activation of CaV1.3 calcium channels in IHCs, indicating altered presynaptic functionality that may lead to impaired neurotransmitter release. Furthermore, postsynaptic SGNs exhibited a deficiency in GluA2/3 AMPA receptor subunits, despite normal Gria2 mRNA levels, pointing to a disruption in receptor localization that could compromise synaptic transmission. Auditory brainstem responses showed increased sound thresholds in RTN4RL2 knockout mice, indicating impaired hearing related to these synaptic dysfunctions.

      The findings reported here significantly enhance our understanding of synaptic organization in the auditory system, particularly concerning the molecular mechanisms underlying IHC-SGN connectivity. The implications are far-reaching, as they not only inform auditory neuroscience but also provide insights into potential therapeutic targets for hearing loss related to synaptic dysfunction.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Kargulyan et al. investigate the function of the transsynaptic adhesion molecule RTN4RL2 in the formation and function of ribbon synapses between type I spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) and inner hair cells. For this purpose, they study constitutive RTN4RL2 knock-out mice. Using immunohistochemistry, they reveal defects in the recruitment of protein to ribbon synapses in the knockouts. Serial block phase EM reveals defects in SGN projections in mutants. Electrophysiological recordings suggest a small but statistically significant depolarized shift in the activation of Cav1.3 Ca2+ channels. Auditory thresholds are also elevated in the mutant mice. The authors conclude that RTN4RL2 contributes to the formation and function of auditory afferent synapses to regulate auditory function.


      The authors have excellent tools to analyze ribbon synapses.


      However, there are several concerns that substantially reduce my enthusiasm for the study.

      (1) The analysis of the expression pattern of RTN4RL2 in Figure 1 is incomplete. The authors should show a developmental time course of expression up into maturity to correlate gene expression with major developmental milestones such as axon outgrowth, innervation, and refinement. This would allow the development of models supporting roles in axon outgrowth versus innervation or both.

      (2) It would be important to improve the RNAscope data. Controls should be provided for Figure 1B to show that no signal is observed in hair cells from knockouts. The authors apparently already have the sections because they analyzed gene expression in SGNs of the knock-outs (Figure 1C).

      (3) It is unclear from the immunolocalization data in Figure 1D if all type I SGNs express RTN4RL2. Quantification would be important to properly document the presence of RTN4RL2 in all or a subset of type I SGNs. If only a subset of SGNs express RTN4RL2, it could significantly affect the interpretation of the data. For example, SGNs selectively projecting to the pillar or modiolar side of hair cells could be affected. These synapses significantly differ in their properties.

      (4) It is important to show proper controls for the RTN4RL2 immunolocalization data to show that no staining is observed in knockouts.

      (5) The authors state in the discussion that no staining for RTN4RL2 was observed at synaptic sites. This is surprising. Did the authors stain multiple ages? Was there perhaps transient expression during development? Or in axons indicative of a role in outgrowth, not synapse formation?

      (6) In Figure 2 it seems that images in mutants are brighter compared to wildtypes. Are exposure times equivalent? Is this a consistent result?

      (7) The number of synaptic ribbons for wildtype in Figure 2 is at 10/IHCs, and in Figure 2 Supplementary Figure 2 at 20/IHCs (20 is more like what is normally reported in the literature). The value for mutant similarly drastically varies between the two figures. This is a significant concern, especially because most differences that are reported in synaptic parameters between wild-type and mutants are far below a 2-fold difference.

      (8) The authors report differences in ribbon volume between wild-type and mutant. Was there a difference between the modiolar/pillar region of hair cells? It is known that synaptic size varies across the modiolar-pillar axis. Maybe smaller synapses are preferentially lost?

      (9) The authors show in Figure 2 - Supplement 3 that GluA2/3 staining is absent in the mutants. Are GluA4 receptors upregulated? Otherwise, synaptic transmission should be abolished, which would be a dramatic phenotype. Antibodies are available to analyze GluA4 expression, the experiment is thus feasible. Did the authors carry out recordings from SGNs?

      (10) The authors use SBEM to analyze SGN projections and synapses. The data suggest that a significant number of SGNs are not connected to IHCs. A reconstruction in Figure 3 shows hair cells and axons. It is not clear how the outline of hair cells was derived, but this should be indicated. Also, is this a defect in the formation of synapses and subsequent retraction of SGN projections? Or could RTN4RL2 mutants have a defect in axonal outgrowth and guidance that secondarily affects synapses? To address this question, it would be useful to sparsely label SGNs in mutants, for example with AAV vectors expression GFP, and to trace the axons during development. This would allow us to distinguish between models of RTN4RL2 function. As it stands, it is not clear that RTN4RL2 acts directly at synapses.

      (11) The authors observe a tiny shift in the operation range of Ca2+ channels that has no effect on synaptic vesicle exocytosis. It seems very unlikely that this difference can explain the auditory phenotype of the mutant mice.

      (12) ABR recordings were conducted in whole-body knockouts. Effects on auditory thresholds could be a secondary consequence of perturbation along the auditory pathway. Conditional knockouts or precisely designed rescue experiments would go a long way to support the authors' hypothesis. I realize that this is a big ask and floxed mice might not be available to conduct the study.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      In this study, the authors used RNAscope and immunostaining to confirm the expression of RTN4RL2 RNA and protein in hair cells and spiral ganglia. Through RTN4RL2 gene knockout mice, they demonstrated that the absence of RTN4RL2 leads to an increase in the size of presynaptic ribbons and a depolarized shift in the activation of calcium channels in inner hair cells. Additionally, they observed a reduction in GluA2/3 AMPA receptors in postsynaptic neurons and identified additional "orphan PSDs" not paired with presynaptic ribbons. These synaptic alterations ultimately resulted in an increased hearing threshold in mice, confirming that the RTN4RL2 gene is essential for normal hearing. These data are intriguing as they suggest that RTN4RL2 contributes to the proper formation and function of auditory afferent synapses and is critical for normal hearing. However, a thorough understanding of the known or postulated roles of RTN4Rl2 is lacking.

      While the conclusions of this paper are generally well supported by the data, several aspects of the data analysis warrant further clarification and expansion.

      (1) A quantitative assessment is necessary in Figure 1 when discussing RNA and protein expression. It would be beneficial to show that expression levels are quantitatively reduced in KO mice compared to wild-type mice. This suggestion also applies to Figure 2-supplement 3.D, which examines expression levels.

      (2) In Figure 2, the authors present a morphological analysis of synapses and discuss the presence of "orphan PSDs." I agree that Homer1 not juxtaposed with Ctbp2 is increased in KO mice compared to the control group. However, in quantifying this, they opted to measure the number of Homer1 juxtaposed with Ctbp2 rather than directly quantifying the number of Homer1 not juxtaposed with Ctbp2. Quantifying the number of Homer1 not juxtaposed with Ctbp2 would more clearly represent "orphan PSDs" and provide stronger support for the discussion surrounding their presence.

      (3) In Figure 2, Supplementary 3, the authors discuss GluA2/3 puncta reduction and note that Gria2 RNA expression remains unchanged. However, there is an issue with the lack of quantification for Gria2 RNA expression. Additionally, it is noted that RNA expression was measured at P4. While the timing for GluA2/3 puncta assessment is not specified, if it was assessed at 3 weeks old as in Figure 2's synaptic puncta analysis, it would be inappropriate to link Gria2 RNA expression with GluA2/3 protein expression at P4. If RNA and protein expression were assessed at P4, please indicate this timing for clarity.

      (4) In Figure 3, the authors indicate that RTN4RL2 deficiency reduces the number of type 1 SGNs connected to ribbons. Given that the number of ribbons remains unchanged (Figure 2), it is important to clearly explain the implications of this finding. It is already known that each type I SGN forms a single synaptic contact with a single IHC. The fact that the number of ribbons remains constant while additional "orphan PSDs" are present suggests that the overall number of SGNs might need to increase to account for these findings. An explanation addressing this would be helpful.

      (5) In Figure 4F and 5Cii, could you clarify how voltage sensitivity (k) was calculated? Additionally, please provide an explanation for the values presented in millivolts (mV).

      (6) In Figure 6, the author measured the threshold of ABR at 2-4 months old. Since previous figures confirming synaptic morphology and function were all conducted on 3-week-old mice, it would be better to measure ABR at 3 weeks of age if possible.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors present the results of molecular phylogenetic analysis with very comprehensive samplings including 471 specimens belonging to 250 species, trying to give a holistic reconstruction of the evolutionary history of freshwater fishes (Nemacheilidae) across Eurasia since the early Eocene.


      They provide very vast data and conduct comprehensive analysis. They suggested that Nemacheilidae contain 6 major clades, and the earliest differentiation can be dated to early Eocene.


      They did not discuss the systematic problems widely existing, did not use the conventional way to discuss the evolutionary process of branches or clades, but just chronically describe the overall history.

      Comments on revisions:

      As the authors are aware that there are some taxonomic problems, which can not be solved at present. And they have mentioned this in the revised manuscript. I can not provide other suggestions at the moment.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study shows that the pro-inflammatory S1P signaling regulates the responses of muller glial cells to damage. The authors describe the expression of S1P signaling components. Using agonist and antagonist of the pathways they also investigate their effect on the de-differentiation and proliferation of Muller glial cells in damaged retina of postnatal chicks. They show that S1PR1 is highly expressed in resting MG and non-neurogenic MGPCs. This receptor suppresses the proliferation and neuronal activity promotes MGPC cell cycle re-entry and enhanced the number of regenerated amacrine-like cells after retinal damage. The formation of MGPCs in damaged retinas is impaired in the absence of microglial cells. This study further shows that ablation of microglial cells from the retina increases the expression of S1P-related genes in MG, whereas inhibition of S1PR1 and SPHK1 partially rescues the formation of MGPCs in damaged retinas depleted of microglia. The studies also show that expression of S1P-related genes is conserved in fish and human retinas.


      This is well-conducted study, with convincing images and statistically relevant data


      In a previous study, the authors have shown that S1P is upstream of NF-κB signaling (Palazzo et al. 2020; 2022, 2023). Although S1P and NF-κB signaling have overlapping effects, the authors here provide evidence for S1P specific effects, adding some new information to the field.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) metabolic and signaling genes are expressed highly in retinal Müller glia (MG) cells. This study tested how S1P signaling regulates glial phenotype, dedifferentiation of, reprogramming into proliferating MG-derived progenitor cells (MGPCs), and neuronal differentiation of the progeny of MGPCs using in vivo chick retina. Major techniques used are Sc-RNASeq and immunohistochemistry to determine the gene expression and proliferation of MG cells that co-label with signaling antibodies or mRNA FISH following treating the in vivo eyes with various S1P signaling antagonists, agonists, and signal modulators. The major conclusions drawn are supported by the results presented. However, the methodology they have used to modulate the S1P pathway using various chemical drugs raises questions about the outcomes and whether those are the real effects of S1P receptor modulation or S1P synthesis inhibition.


      - Use of elaborated single-cell RNAseq expression data.<br /> - Use of FISH for S1P receptors and kinase as a good quality antibody is not available.<br /> - Use of EdU assay in combination with IHC<br /> - Comparison with human and Zebrafish Sc-RNA data

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Anbarcia et al. re-evaluates the function of the enigmatic Rete Ovarii (RO), a structure that forms in close association with the mammalian ovary. The RO has generally been considered a functionless structure in the adult ovary. This manuscript follows up on a previous study from the lab) that analyzed ovarian morphogenesis using high-resolution microscopy (McKey et al., 2022). The present study adds finer details to RO development and possible function by 1) identifying new markers for OR sub-regions (e.g. GFR1a labels the connecting rete) suggesting that the sub-regions are functionally distinct, 2) showing that the OR sub-regions are connected by a luminal system that allows transport of material from the extra-ovarian rete (EOR) to the inter-ovarian rete (IOG), 3) identifies proteins that are secreted into the OR lumen and that may regulate ovarian homeostasis, and finally, 4) better defines how the vasculature, nervous, and immune system integrates with the OR.


      The data is beautifully present and convincing. They show that the RO is composed of three distinct domains that have unique gene expression signatures and thus likely are functionally distinct.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      A large number of ovarian experiments have been conducted - especially in morphological and molecular biology studies - specifically removing the ovarian membrane. This experiment is a good supplement to existing knowledge and plays an important role in early ovarian development and the regulation of ovarian homeostasis during the estrous cycle. There are also innovations in research ideas and methods, which will meet the requirements of experimental design and provide inspiration for other researchers.

      Comments on revisions: I don't have any further opinions and suggest to accept.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The rete ovarii (RO) has long been disregarded as a non-functional structure within the ovary. In their study, Anbarci and colleagues have delineated the markers and developmental dynamics of three distinct regions of the RO - the intraovarian rete (IOR), the extraovarian rete (EOR), and the connecting rete (CR). Notably focusing on the EOR, the authors presented evidence illustrating that the EOR forms a convoluted tubular structure culminating in a dilated tip. Intriguingly, microinjections into this tip revealed luminal flow towards the ovary containing potentially secreted functional proteins. Additionally, the EOR cells exhibit associations with vasculature, macrophages, and neuronal projections, proposing the notion that the RO may play a functional role in ovarian development during critical ovariogenesis stages. By identifying marker genes within the RO, the authors have also suggested that the RO could serve as a potential structure linking the ovary with the neuronal system.


      Overall, the reviewer commends the authors for their systematic research on the RO, shedding light on this overlooked structure in developing ovaries. Furthermore, the authors have proposed a series of hypotheses that are both captivating and scientifically significant, with the potential to reshape our understanding of ovarian development through future investigations.


      Although the manuscript lacks conclusive data to support many of its conclusions, the authors provide highly constructive discussions that offer valuable insights for future research on the rete ovarii in the field.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This work by Al-Jezani et al. focused on characterizing clonally derived MSC populations from the synovium of normal and osteoarthritis (OA) patients. This included characterizing the cell surface marker expression in situ (at time of isolation), as well as after in vitro expansion. The group also tried to correlate marker expression with trilineage differential potential. They also tested the ability of the different sub-populations for their efficacy in repairing cartilage in a rat model of OA. The main finding of the study is that CD47hi MSCs may have a greater capacity to repair cartilage than CD47lo MSCs, suggesting that CD47 may be a novel marker of human MSCs that have enhanced chondrogenic potential.


      Studies on cell characterization of the different clonal populations isolated indicate that the MSC are heterogenous and traditional cell surface markers for MSCs do not accurately predict the differentiation potential of MSCs. While this has been previously established in the field of MSC therapy, the authors did attempt to characterize clones derived from single cells, as well as evaluate the marker profile at the time of isolation. While the outcome of heterogeneity is not surprising, the methods used to isolate and characterize the cells were well developed. The interesting finding of the study is the identification of CD47 as a potential MSC marker that could be related to chondrogenic potential. The authors suggest that MSCs with high CD47 repaired cartilage more effectively than MSC with low CD47 in a rat OA model.


      While the identification of CD47 as a novel MSC marker could be important to the field of cell therapy and cartilage regeneration, there was a lack of robust data to support the correlation of CD47 expression to chondrogenesis. The authors indicated that the proteomics suggested that the MSC subtype expressed significantly more CD47 than the non-MSC subtype. However, it was difficult to appreciate where this was shown. It would be helpful to clearly identify where in the figure this is shown, especially since it is the key result of the study. The authors were able to isolate CD47hi and CD47 low cells. While this is exciting, it was unclear how many cells could be isolated and whether they needed to be expanded before being used in vivo. Additional details for the CD47 studies would have strengthened the paper. Furthermore, the CD47hi cells were not thoroughly characterized in vitro, particularly for in vitro chondrogenesis. More importantly, the in vivo study where the CD47hi and CD47lo MSCs were injected into a rat model of OA lacked experimental details regarding how many cells were injected and how they were labeled. No representative histology was presented and there did not seem to be a statistically significant difference between the OARSI score of the saline injected and MSC injected groups. The repair tissue was stained for Sox9 expression, which is an important marker of chondrogenesis but does not show production of cartilage. Expression of Collagen Type II would be needed to more robustly claim that CD47 is a marker of MSCs with enhanced repair potential.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This is a compelling study that systematically characterized and identified clonal MSC populations derived from normal and osteoarthritis human synovium. There is immense growth in the focus on synovial-derived progenitors in the context of both disease mechanisms and potential treatment approaches, and the authors sought to understand the regenerative potential of synovial-derived MSCs.


      This study has multiple strengths. MSC cultures were established from an impressive number of human subjects, and rigorous cell surface protein analyses were conducted, at both pre-culture and post-culture timepoints. In vivo experiments using a rat DMM model showed beneficial therapeutic effects of MSCs vs non-MSCs, with compelling data demonstrating that only "real" MSC clones incorporate into cartilage repair tissue and express Prg4. Proteomics analysis was performed to characterize non-MSC vs MSC cultures, and high CD47 expression was identified as a marker for MSC. Injection of CD47-Hi vs CD47-Low cells in the same rat DMM model also demonstrated beneficial effects, albeit only based on histology. A major strength of these studies is the direct translational opportunity for novel MSC-based therapeutic interventions, with high potential for a "personalized medicine" approach.


      Weaknesses of this study include the rather cursory assessment of the OA phenotype in the rat model, confined entirely to histology (i.e. no microCT, no pain/behavioral assessments, no molecular readouts). It is somewhat unclear how the authors converged on CD47 vs the other factors identified in the proteomics screen, and additional information is needed to understand whether true MSCs only engraft in articular cartilage or also in ectopic cartilage (in the context of osteophyte/chondrophyte formation). Some additional discussion and potential follow-up analyses focused on other cell surface markers recently described to identify synovial progenitors is also warranted. A conceptual weakness is the lack of discussion or consideration of the multiple recent studies demonstrating that DPP4+ PI16+ CD34+ stromal cells (i.e. the "universal fibroblasts") act as progenitors in all mesenchymal tissues, and their involvement in the joint is actively being investigated. Thus, it seems important to understand how the MSCs of the present study are related to these DPP4+ progenitors. Despite these areas for improvement, this is a strong paper with a high degree of rigor, and the results are compelling, timely, and important.

      Overall, the authors achieved their aims, and the results support not just the therapeutic value of clonally-isolated synovial MSCs but also the immense heterogeneity in stromal cell populations (containing true MSCs and non-MSCs) that must be investigated further. Of note, the authors employed the ISCT criteria to characterize MSCs, with mixed results in pre-culture and post-culture assessments. This work is likely to have a long-term impact on methodologies used to culture and study MSCs, in addition to advancing the field's knowledge about how synovial-derived progenitors contribute to cartilage repair in vivo.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors describe a method for gastruloid formation using mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) to study YS and AGM-like hematopoietic differentiation. They characterise the gastruloids during nine days of differentiation using a number of techniques including flow cytometry and single-cell RNA sequencing. They compare their findings to a published data set derived from E10-11.5 mouse AGM. At d9, gastruloids were transplanted under the adrenal gland capsule of immunocompromised mice to look for the development of cells capable of engrafting the mouse bone marrow. The authors then applied the gastruloid protocol to study overexpression of Mnx1 which causes infant AML in humans.

      In the introduction, the authors define their interpretation of the different waves of hematopoiesis that occur during development. 'The subsequent wave, known as definitive, produces: first, oligopotent erythro-myeloid progenitors (EMPs) in the YS (E8-E8.5); and later myelo-lymphoid progenitors (MLPs - E9.5-E10), multipotent progenitors (MPPs - E10-E11.5), and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs - E10.5-E11.5), in the aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region of the embryo proper.' Herein they designate the yolk sac-derived wave of EMP hematopoiesis as definitive, according to convention, although paradoxically it does not develop from intra-embryonic mesoderm or give rise to HSCs.

      General comments

      The authors make the following claims in the paper:

      (1) The development of a protocol for hemogenic gastruloids (hGx) that recapitulates YS and AGM-like waves of blood from HE.

      (2) The protocol recapitulates both YS and EMP-MPP embryonic blood development 'with spatial and temporal accuracy'.

      (3) The protocol generates HSC precursors capable of short-term engraftment in an adrenal niche.

      (4) Overexpression of MNX1 in hGx transforms YS EMP to 'recapitulate patient transcriptional signatures'.

      (5) hGx is a model to study normal and leukaemic embryonic hematopoiesis.

      There are major concerns with the manuscript. The statements and claims made by the authors are not supported by the data presented, data is overinterpreted, and the conclusions cannot be justified. Furthermore, the data is presented in a way that makes it difficult for the reader to follow the narrative, causing confusion. The authors have not discussed how their hGx compares to the previously published mouse embryoid body protocols used to model early development and hematopoiesis.

      Specific points

      (1) It is claimed that HGxs capture cellularity and topography of developmental blood formation. The hGx protocol described in the manuscript is a modification of a previously published gastruloid protocol (Rossi et al 2022). The rationale for the protocol modifications is not fully explained or justified. There is a lack of novelty in the presented protocol as the only modifications appear to be the inclusion of Activin A and an extension of the differentiation period from 7 to 9 days of culture. No direct comparison has been made between the two versions of gastruloid differentiation to justify the changes.

      The inclusion of Activin A at high concentration at the beginning of differentiation would be expected to pattern endoderm rather than mesoderm. BMP signaling is required to induce Flk1+ mesoderm, even in the presence of Wnt. FACS analysis of the hGx during differentiation is needed to demonstrate the co-expression of Flk1-GFP and lineage markers such as CD34 to indicate patterning of endothelium from Flk1+ mesoderm. The FACS plots in Figure 1 show c-Kit expression but very little VE-cadherin which suggests that CD34 is not induced. Early endoderm expresses c-Kit, CXCR4, and Epcam but not CD34 which could account for the lack of vascular structures within the hGx as shown in Figure 1E.

      (2) The protocol has been incompletely characterised, and the authors have not shown how they can distinguish between either wave of Yolk Sac (YS) hematopoiesis (primitive erythroid/macrophage and erythro-myeloid EMP) or between YS and intraembryonic Aorta-Gonad-Mesonephros (AGM) hematopoiesis. No evidence of germ layer specification has been presented to confirm gastruloid formation, organisation, and functional ability to mimic early development. Furthermore, differentiation of YS primitive and YS EMP stages of development in vitro should result in the efficient generation of CD34+ endothelial and hematopoietic cells. There is no flow cytometry analysis showing the kinetics of CD34 cell generation during differentiation. Benchmarking the hGx against developing mouse YS and embryo data sets would be an important verification.

      Single-cell RNA sequencing was used to compare hGx with mouse AGM. The authors incorrectly conclude that ' ..specification of endothelial and HE cells in hGx follows with time-dependent developmental progression into putative AGM-like HE..' And, '...HE-projected hGx cells.......expressed Gata2 but not Runx1, Myb, or Gfi1b..' Hemogenic endothelium is defined by the expression of Runx1 and Gfli1b is downstream of Runx1.

      (3) The hGx protocol 'generates hematopoietic SC precursors capable of short-term engraftment' is not supported by the data presented. Short-term engraftment would be confirmed by flow cytometric detection of hematopoietic cells within the recipient bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and peripheral blood that expressed the BFP transgene. This analysis was not provided. PCR detection of transcripts, following an unspecified number of amplification cycles, as shown in Figure 3G (incorrectly referred to as Figure 3F in the legend) is not acceptable evidence for engraftment. Transplanted hGx formed teratoma-like structures, with hematopoietic cells present at the site of transplant only analysed histologically. Indeed, the quality of the images provided does not provide convincing validation that donor-derived hematopoietic cells were present in the grafts.

      There is no justification for the authors' conclusion that '... the data suggest that 216h hGx generate AGM-like pre-HSC capable of at least short-term multilineage engraftment upon maturation...'. Indeed, this statement is in conflict with previous studies demonstrating that pre-HSCs in the dorsal aorta of the mouse embryo are immature and actually incapable of engraftment.

      The statement '...low-level production of engrafting cells recapitulates their rarity in vivo, in agreement with the embryo-like qualities of the gastruloid system....' is incorrect. Firstly, no evidence has been provided to show the hGx has formed a dorsal aorta facsimile capable of generating cells with engrafting capacity. Secondly, although engrafting cells are rare in the AGM, approximately one per embryo, they are capable of robust and extensive engraftment upon transplantation.

      (4) Expression MNX1 transcript and protein in hematopoietic cells in MNX1 rearranged acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is one cause of AML in infants. In the hGX model of this disease, Mnx1 is overexpressed in the mESCs that are used to form gastruloids. Mnx1 overexpression seems to confer an overall growth advantage on the hGx and increase the serial replating capacity of the small number of hematopoietic cells that are generated. The inefficiency with which the hGx model generates hematopoietic cells makes it difficult to model this disease. The poor quality of the cytospin images prevents accurate identification of cells. The statement that the kit-expressing cells represent leukemic blast cells is not sufficiently validated to support this conclusion. What other stem cell genes are expressed? Surface kit expression also marks mast cells, frequently seen in clonogenic assays of blood cells. Flow cytometric and gene expression analyses using known markers would be required.

      (5) In human infant MNX1 AML, the mutation is thought to arise at the fetal liver stage of development. There is no evidence that this developmental stage is mimicked in the hGx model.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors develop an exciting new hemogenic gastruloid (hGX) system, which they claim reproduces the sequential generation of various blood cell types. The key advantage of this cellular system would be its potential to more accurately recapitulate the spatiotemporal emergence of hematopoietic progenitors within their physiological niche compared to other available in vitro systems. The authors present a large set of data and also validate their new system in the context of investigating infant leukemia.


      The development of this new in vitro system for generating hematopoietic cells is innovative and addresses a significant drawback of current in vitro models. The authors present a substantial dataset to characterize this system, and they also validate its application in the context of investigating infant leukemia.


      The thorough characterization and full demonstration that the cells produced truly represent distinct waves of hematopoietic progenitors are incomplete. The data presented to support the generation of late yolk sac (YS) progenitors, such as lymphoid cells, and aortic-gonad-mesonephros (AGM)-like progenitors, including pre-hematopoietic stem cells (pre-HSCs), by this system are not entirely convincing. Given that this is likely the manuscript's most crucial claim, it warrants further scrutiny and direct experimental validation. Ideally, the identity of these progenitors should be further demonstrated by directly assessing their ability to differentiate into lymphoid cells or fully functional HSCs. Instead, the authors primarily rely on scRNA-seq data and a very limited set of markers (e.g., Ikzf1 and Mllt3) to infer the identity and functionality of these cells. Many of these markers are shared among various types of blood progenitors, and only a well-defined combination of markers could offer some assurance of the lymphoid and pre-HSC nature of these cells, although this would still be limited in the absence of functional assays.

      The identification of a pre-HSC-like CD45⁺CD41⁻/lo c-Kit⁺VE-Cadherin⁺ cell population is presented as evidence supporting the generation of pre-HSCs by this system, but this claim is questionable. This FACS profile may also be present in progenitors generated in the yolk sac such as early erythro-myeloid progenitors (EMPs). It is only within the AGM context, and in conjunction with further functional assays demonstrating the ability of these cells to differentiate into HSCs and contribute to long-term repopulation, that this profile could be strongly associated with pre-HSCs. In the absence of such data, the cells exhibiting this profile in the current system cannot be conclusively identified as true pre-HSCs.

      The engraftment data presented are also not fully convincing, as the observed repopulation is very limited and evaluated only at 4 weeks post-transplantation. The cells detected after 4 weeks could represent the progeny of EMPs that have been shown to provide transient repopulation rather than true HSCs.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      In this study, the authors employ a mouse ES-derived "hemogenic gastruloid" model which they generated and which they claim to be able to deconvolute YS and AGM stages of blood production in vitro. This work could represent a valuable resource for the field. However, in general, I find the conclusions in this manuscript poorly supported by the data presented. Importantly, it isn't clear what exactly are the "YS" and the "AGM"-like stages identified in the culture and where is the data that backs up this claim. In my opinion, the data in this manuscript lack convincing evidence that can enable us to identify what kind of hematopoietic progenitor cells are generated in this system. Therefore, the statement that "our study has positioned the MNX1-OE target cell within the YS-EMP stage (line 540)" is not supported by the evidence presented in this study. Overall, the system seems to be very preliminary and requires further optimization before those claims can be made.

      Specific comments below:

      (1) The flow cytometric analysis of gastruloids presented in Figure 1 C-D is puzzling. There is a large % of c-Kit+ cells generated, but few VE-Cad+ Kit+ double positive cells. Similarly, there are many CD41+ cells, but very few CD45+ cells, which one would expect to appear toward the end of the differentiation process if blood cells are actually generated. It would be useful to present this analysis as consecutive gating (i.e. evaluating CD41 and CD45 within VE-Cad+ Kit+ cells, especially if the authors think that the presence of VE-Cad+ Kit+ cells is suggestive of EHT). The quantification presented in D is misleading as the scale of each graph is different.

      (2) The imaging presented in Figure 1E is very unconvincing. C-Kit and CD45 signals appear as speckles and not as membrane/cell surfaces as they should. This experiment should be repeated and nuclear stain (i.e. DAPI) should be included.

      (3) Overall, I am not convinced that hematopoietic cells are consistently generated in these organoids. The authors should sort hematopoietic cells and perform May-Grunwald Giemsa stainings as they did in Figure 6 to confirm the nature of the blood cells generated.

      (4) The scRNAseq in Figure 2 is very difficult to interpret. Specific points related to this:<br /> - Cluster annotation in Figure 2a is missing and should be included.<br /> - Why do the heatmaps show the expression of genes within sorted cells? Couldn't the authors show expression within clusters of hematopoietic cells as identified transcriptionally (which ones are they? See previous point)? Gene names are illegible.<br /> - I see no expression of Hlf or Myb in CD45+ cells (Figure 2G). Hlf is not expressed by any of the populations examined (panels E, F, G). This suggests no MPP or pre-HSC are generated in the culture, contrary to what is stated in lines 242-245. (PMID 31076455 and 34589491).<br /> Later on, it is again stated that "hGx cells... lacked detection of HSC genes like Hlf, Gfi1, or Hoxa9" (lines 281-283). To me, this is proof of the absence of AGM-like hematopoiesis generated in those gastruloids.

      (5) Mapping of scRNA-Seq data onto the dataset by Thambyrajah et al. is not proof of the generation of AGM HE. The dataset they are mapping to only contains AGM cells, therefore cells do not have the option to map onto something that is not AGM. The authors should try mapping to other publicly available datasets also including YS cells.

      (6) Conclusions in Figure 3, named "hGx specify cells with preHSC characteristics" are not supported by the data presented here. Again, I am not convinced that hematopoietic cells can be efficiently generated in this system, and certainly not HSCs or pre-HSCs.<br /> - FACS analysis in 3A is again very unconvincing. I do not think the population identified as c-Kit+ CD144+ is real. Also, why not try gating the other way around, as commonly done (e.g. VE-Cad+ Kit+ and then CD41/CD45)?<br /> - The authors must have tried really hard, but the lack of short- or long-engraftment in a number of immunodeficient mouse models (lines 305-313) really suggests that no blood progenitors are generated in their system. I am not familiar with the adrenal gland transplant system, but it seems like a very non-physiological system for trying to assess the maturation of putative pre-HSCs. The data supporting the engraftment of these mice, essentially seen only by PCR and in some cases with a very low threshold for detection, are very weak, and again unconvincing. It is stated that "BFP engraftment of the Spl and BM by flow cytometry was very low level albeit consistently above control (Fig. S4E)" (lines 337-338). I do not think that two dots in a dot plot can be presented as evidence of engraftment.

      (7) Given the above, I find that the foundations needed for extracting meaningful data from the system when perturbed are very shaky at best. Nevertheless, the authors proceed to overexpress MNX1 by LV transduction, a system previously shown to transform fetal liver cells, mimicking the effect of the t(7;12) AML-associated translocation. Comments on this section:<br /> - The increase in the size of the organoid when MNX1 is expressed is a very unspecific finding and not necessarily an indication of any hematopoietic effect of MNX1 OE.<br /> - The mild increase of cKit+ cells (Figure 4E) at the 144hr timepoint and the lack of any changes in CD41+ or CD45+ cells suggests that the increase in Kit+ cells % is not due to any hematopoietic effect of MNX1 OE. No hematopoietic GO categories are seen in RNA seq analysis, which supports this interpretation. Could it be that just endothelial cells are being generated?

      (8) There seems to be a relatively convincing increase in replating potential upon MNX1-OE, but this experiment has been poorly characterized. What type of colonies are generated? What exactly is the "proportion of colony forming cells" in Figures 5B-D? The colony increase is accompanied by an increase in Kit+ cells; however, the flow cytometry analysis has not been quantified.

      (9) Do hGx cells engraft upon MNX1-OE? This experiment, which appears not to have been performed, is essential to conclude that leukemic transformation has occurred.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      While CRISPR/Cas technology has greatly facilitated the ability to perform precise genome edits in Leishmania spp., the lack of a non-homologous DNA end-joining (NHEJ) pathway in Leishmania has prevented researchers from performing large-scale Cas-based perturbation screens. With the introduction of base editing technology to the Leishmania field, the Beneke lab has begun to address this challenge (Engstler and Beneke, 2023). In this study, the authors build on their previously published protocols and develop a strategy that:

      a) allows for very high editing efficiency. The cell editing frequency of 1 edit per 70 cells reported in this study represents a 400-fold improvement over the previously published protocol,<br /> b) reduces the negative effects of high sgRNA levels on parasite growth by using a weaker T7 promoter to drive sgRNA transcription.

      The combination of these two improvements should open the door to exciting large-scale screens and thus be of great interest to researchers working with Leishmania and beyond.

      The authors did a great job responding to our concerns and we have no doubt that the technology established here, will be very useful for the Leishmania research community and beyond.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Previously, the authors published a Leishmania cytosine base editor (CBE) genetic tool that enables the generation of functionally null mutants. This works by utilising a CAS9-cytidine deaminase variant that is targeted to a genetic locus by a small guide RNA (sgRNA) and causes a cytosine to thymine conversion. This has the potential to generate a premature stop codon and therefore a loss of function mutant.

      CBE has advantages over existing CAS-based knockout tools because it allows the targeting of multicopy gene families and, potentially, the easier generation of pooled loss of function mutants in complex population experiments. Although successful, the first generation of this genetic tool had several limitations that may have prevented its wider adoption, especially in complex genome-wide screens. These include nonspecific toxicity of the sgRNAs, low transfection efficiencies, low editing efficiencies, a proportion of transfectants that express multiple different sgRNAs, and insufficient effectivity in some Leishmania species.

      Here, the authors set out to systematically solve each of these limitations. By trialling different transfection conditions and different CAS12a cut sites to promote sgRNA expression cassette integration, they increase the transfection efficiency 400-fold and ensure that only a single sgRNA expression cassette integrates that edits with high efficiencies. By trialling different T7 promoters, they significantly reduce the non-specific toxicity of sgRNA expression whilst retaining high editing efficiencies in several Leishmania species (Leishmania major, L. mexicana and L. donovani). By improving the sgRNA design, the authors predict that null mutants will be more efficiently produced after editing. They validate this tool in a small-scale loss of function screen incorporating essential and non-essential genes, identifying the expected growth phenotypes.

      This tool will find adoption for producing null mutants of single-copy genes, multicopy gene families, and genome-wide mutational analyses.

      This is an impressive and thorough study that significantly improves the previous iteration of the CBE. The approach is careful and systematic and reflects the authors excellent experience developing CRISPR tools. The quality of data and analysis is high and data are clearly presented.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      Genetic manipulation of Leishmania has some challenges, including some limitations in the DNA repair strategies that are present in the organism and the absence of RNA interference in many species. The senior author has contributed significantly to expanding the available routes towards Leishmania genetic manipulation by developing and adapting CRISPR-Cas9 tools to allow gene manipulation via DNA double strand break repair and, more recently, base modification. This work seeks to improve on some limitations in the tools previously described for the latter approach of base modification leading to base change.

      The work in the paper is meticulously described, with solid evidence for the improvements that are claimed: Fig.1 clearly describes reduced impairment in growth of parasites expressing sgRNAs via changes in promoters; Figs.2 and 3 compellingly document the usefulness of using AsCas12a for integration after transformation; Figs.1 and 4 demonstrate the capacity of the combined modifications to efficiently edit a gene in three different Leishmania species; and Fig. 5 shows that this approach can be conducted at scale, providing a means of assessing the fitness of mutant pools. There is little doubt these new tools will be adopted by the Leishmania community, adding to the growing arsenal of approaches for genetic manipulation.

      Two weaknesses suggested in the initial submission have been completely addressed.

    1. Joint Public Reviews:


      This work used a comprehensive dataset to compare the effects of species diversity and genetic diversity on multiple ecosystem functions within each trophic level and across three trophic levels. The authors found that species diversity had negative effects on ecosystem functions, while genetic diversity had positive effects. These effects were only observed within each trophic level and not across the three trophic levels studied. Although the effects of biodiversity, especially genetic diversity across multi-trophic levels, have been shown to be important, there are still very few empirical studies on this topic due to the complex relationships and difficulties in obtaining data. This study collected an excellent dataset to address this question and improve our understanding of the effects of genetic diversity effects in aquatic ecosystems.


      The study collected a large, good and rare observational dataset covering different facets of diversity (species vs. genetic, multi-trophic levels) and multiple ecosystem functions (biomass of focal species and overall communities, and decomposition rates). The authors used appropriate statistical analyses to provide a comprehensive analysis about how different facets of diversity affect different ecosystem functions.


      The nature of this observational study makes it difficult to get compelling evidence of the causal relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functions. As the ecosystem functions were measured at both species and community levels in natural ecosystems, particular care needs to be taken when interpreting comparisons between these ecosystem functions measured at different levels.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors examined whether aberrantly-projecting retinal ganglion cell in albino mice innervate a separate population of thalamocortical neurons, as would be predicted for Hebbian learning rules. The authors find support for this hypothesis in CLEM reconstructions of retinal ganglion cell axons and thalamocortical neurons. In a second line of investigation, the authors ask the same question about retinal ganglion cell innervation of local inhibitory neurons of the mouse LGN. The authors conclude that these connections are less specific.


      Good use of CLEM to test a circuit-level hypothesis

      Interesting difference between TC and LIN neurons found


      The authors have addressed all concerns in the last round to my satisfaction.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this article, the authors examined the organization of misplaced retinal inputs in the visual thalamus of albino mice at electron-microscopic (EM) resolution to determine whether these synaptic inputs are segregated from the rest of the retinogeniculate circuitry.

      The study's major strengths include its high resolution, achieved through serial EM and confocal microscopy, which enabled the identification of all synaptic inputs onto neurons in the dorsolateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN).<br /> The experiments are very precise and demanding thus, only the synaptic inputs of a few neurons were fully reconstructed in one animal.

      Despite this, the authors clearly demonstrate the synaptic segregation of misrouted retinal axons onto dLGN neurons, separate from the rest of the retinogeniculate circuitry.

      This finding is impactful because retinal inputs typically do not segregate within the mouse dLGN, and it was previously thought that this was due to the nucleus's small size, which might prevent proper segregation. The study shows that in cases where axons are misrouted and exhibit a different activity pattern than surrounding retinal inputs, segregation of inputs can indeed occur. This suggests that the normal system has the capacity to segregate inputs, despite the limited volume of the mouse dLGN.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper is an incremental follow-up to the authors' recent paper which showed that Purkinje cells make inhibitory synapses onto brainstem neurons in the parabrachial nucleus which project directly to the forebrain. In that precedent paper, the authors used a mouse line which expresses the presynaptic marker synaptophysin in Purkinje cells to identify Purkinje cell terminals in the brainstem and they observed labeled puncta not only in the vestibular and parabrachial nuclei, as expected, but also in neighboring dorsal brainstem nuclei, prominently the central pontine grey. The present study, motivated by the lack of thorough characterization of PC projections to brainstem, uses the same mouse line to anatomically map the density and a PC-specific channelrhodopsin mouse line to electrophysiologically assess the strength of Purkinje cell synapses in dorsal brainstem nuclei. The main findings are (1) the density of Purkinje cell synapses is highest in vestibular and parabrachial nuclei and correlates with the magnitude of evoked inhibitory synaptic currents, and (2) Purkinje cells also synapse in the central pontine grey nucleus but not in the locus coeruleus or mesencephalic nucleus.


      The complementary use of anatomical and electrophysiological methods to survey the distribution and efficacy of Purkinje cell synapses on brainstem neurons in mouse lines that express markers and light-sensitive opsins specifically in Purkinje cells is the major strength of this study. By systematically mapping presynaptic terminals and light-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents in dorsal brainstem, the authors provide convincing evidence that Purkinje cells do synapse directly onto pontine central grey and nearby neurons but do not synapse onto trigeminal motor or locus coeruleus neurons. Their results also confirm previously documented heterogeneity of Purkinje cell inputs to vestibular nucleus and parabrachial neurons.


      Although the study provides strong evidence that Purkinje cells do not make extensive synapses onto LC neurons, which is a helpful caveat given previous reports to the contrary, it falls short of providing the comprehensive characterization of Purkinje cell brainstem synapses which seemed to be the primary motivation of the study. The main information provided is a regional assessment of PC density and efficacy, which seems of limited utility given that we are not informed about the different sources of PC inputs, variations in the sizes of PC terminals, the subcellular location of synaptic terminals, or the anatomical and physiological heterogeneity of postsynaptic cell types. The title of this paper would be more accurate if "characterization" were replaced by "survey".

      Several of the study's conclusions are quite general and have already been made for vestibular nuclei, including the suggestions in Abstract, Results, and Discussion that PCs selectively influence brainstem subregions and that PCs target cell types with specific behavioral roles.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      While it is often assumed that the cerebellar cortex connects, via its sole output neuron, Purkinje cell, exclusively to the cerebellar nuclei, axonal projections of the Purkinje cells to dorsal brainstem regions have been well documented. This paper provides comprehensive mapping and quantification of such extracerebellar projections of the Purkinje cells, most of which are confirmed with electrophysiology in slice preparation. A notable methodological strength of this work is the use of highly Purkinje cell-specific transgenic strategies, enabling selective and unbiased visualization of Purkinje terminals in the brainstem. By utilizing these selective mouse lines, the study offers compelling evidence challenging the general assumption that Purkinje cell targets are limited to the cerebellar nuclei. While the individual connections presented are not entirely novel, this paper provides a thorough and unambiguous demonstration of their collective significance. Regarding another major claim of this paper, "characterization of direct Purkinje cell outputs (Title)", however, the depth of electrophysiological analysis is limited to presence/absence of physiological Purkinje input to postsynaptic brainstem neurons whose known cell types are mostly blinded. Overall, conceptual advance is largely limited to confirmatory or incremental, although it would be useful for the field to have the comprehensive landscape presented.


      Unsupervised comprehensive mapping and quantification of the Purkinje terminals in the dorsal brainstem are enabled, for the first time, by using the current state-of-the-art mouse lines, BAC-Pcp2-Cre and synaptophysin-tdTomato reporter (Ai34).

      Combinatorial quantification with vGAT puncta and synaptophysin-tdTomato labeled Purkinje terminals clarifies the anatomical significance of the Purkinje terminals as an inhibitory source in each dorsal brainstem region.

      Electrophysiological confirmation of the presence of physiological Purkinje synaptic input to 7 out of 9 dorsal brainstem regions identified.

      Pan-Purkinje ChR2 reporter provides solid electrophysiological evidence to help understand the possible influence of the Purkinje cells onto LC.


      The present paper is largely confirmatory to what is presented in a previous paper published by the author's group (Chen et al., 2023, Nat Neurosci). In this preceding paper, the author's group used AAV1-mediated anterograde transsynaptic strategy to identify postsynaptic neurons of the Purkinje cells. The experiments performed in the present paper is, by nature, complementary to the AAV1 tracing which can also infect retrogradely and thus is not able to demonstrate the direction of synaptic connections between reciprocally connected regions. Anatomical findings are all consistent with the preceding paper.

      While the authors appear to assume uniform cell type and postsynaptic response in each of the dorsal brainstem nuclei (as noted in the Discussion, "PCs likely function similarly to their inputs to the cerebellar nuclei, where a very brief pause in firing can lead to large and rapid elevations in target cell firing"), we know that the responses to the Purkinje cell input are cell type dependent, which vary in neurotransmitter, output targets, somata size, and distribution, in the cerebellar and vestibular nuclei (Shin et al., 2011, J Neurosci; Najac and Raman, 2015, J Neurosci; Özcan et al., 2020, J Neurosci). Also, whether 23 % (for PCG), for example, is "a small fraction" would be subjective: it might represent a numerically small but functionally important cell type population. From a functional perspective, the cell type-blind physiological characterization in this manuscript remains superficial compared to existing cell type-specific analyses, although the authors commented on these issues in the manuscript.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Chen and colleagues explores the connections from cerebellar purkinje cells to various brainstem nuclei. They combine two methods - presynaptic puncta labeling as putative presynaptic markers, and optogenetics, to test the anatomical projections and functional connectivity from purkinje cells onto a variety of brainstem nuclei. Overall, their study provides an atlas of sorts of purkinje cell connectivity to the brainstem, which includes a critical analysis of some of their own data from another publication. Overall, the value of this work is to both provide neural substrates by which purkinje cells may influence the brainstem and subsequent brain regions independent of the deep cerebellar nuclei, and also, to provide a critical analysis of viral-based methods to explore neuronal connectivity.


      The strengths lie in the simplicity of the study, the number of cells patched, and the relationship between the presence of putative presynaptic puncta and electrophysiological results. This type of study is important and should provide a foundation for future work exploring cerebellar inputs and outputs. Overall, I think that the critique of viral-based methods to define connectivity, and a more holistic assessment of what connectivity is and how it should be defined is timely and warranted, as I think this is under-appreciated by many groups and overall, there is a good deal of research being published that do not properly consider the issues that this manuscript raises about what viral-based connectivity maps do and do not tell us.


      While I overall liked the manuscript, I do have a few concerns which relate to interpretation of results, and discussion of technological limitations. The main concerns I have relate to the techniques that the authors use, and an insufficient discussion of their limitations. The authors use a Cre-dependent mouse line that expresses a synaptophysin-tdtomato marker, which the authors confidently state is a marker of synapses. This is misleading. Synaptophysin is a vesicle marker, and as such, labels axons, where vesicles are present in transit, and likely cell bodies where the protein is being produced. As such, the presence of tdtomato should not be interpreted definitively as the presence of a synapse. The use of vGAT as a marker, while this helps to constrain the selection of putative pre-synaptic sites, is also a vesicle marker and will likely suffer the same limitations (though in this case the expression is endogenous and not driven by the ROSA locus). A more conservative interpretation of the data would be that the authors are assessing putative pre-synaptic sites with their analysis. This interpretation is wholly consistent with their findings showing the presence of tdtomato in some regions but only sparse connectivity - this would be expected in the event that axons are passing through. If the authors wish to strongly assert that they are specifically assessing synapses, a marker better restricted to synapses and not vesicles may be more appropriate.

      Similarly, while optogenetics/slice electrophysiology remains the state of the art for assessing connectivity between cell populations, it is not without limitations. For example, connections that are not contained within the thickness of the slice (here, 200 um, which is not particularly thick for slice ephys preps) will not be detected. As such, the absence of connections are harder to interpret than the presence of connections. Slices were only made in the coronal plane, which means if that if there is a particular topology to certain connections that is orthogonal to that plane, those connections may be under-represented. As such, all connectivity analyses likely are under-representations of the actual connectivity that exists in the intact brain. Therefore, perhaps the authors should consider revising their assessments of connections, or lack thereof, of purkinje cells to e.g., LC cells. While their data do make a compelling case that the connections between purkinje cells and LC cells are not particularly strong or numerous, especially compared to other nearby brainstem nuclei, their analyses do indicate that at least some such connections do exist. Thus, rather than saying that the viral methods such as rabies virus are not accurate reflections of connectivity - perhaps a more circumspect argument would be that the quantitative connectivity maps reported by other groups using rabies virus do not always reflect connectivity defined by other means e.g., functional connections with optogenetics. In some cases the authors do suggest this (e.g., "Together, these findings indicate that reliance on anatomical tracing experiments alone is insufficient to establish the presence and important of a synaptic connection"), but in other cases they are more dismissive of viral tracing results (e.g., "it further suggests that these neurons project to the cerebellum and were not retrogradely labeled"). Furthermore, some statements are a bit misleading e.g., mentioning that rabies methods are critically dependent on starter cell identity immediately following the citation of studies mapping inputs onto LC cells. While in general this claim has merit, the studies cited (19-21) use Dbh-Cre to define LC-NE cells which does have good fidelity to the cells of interest in the LC. Therefore, rewording this section in order to raise these issues generally without proximity to the citations in the previous sentence may maintain the authors' intention without suggesting that perhaps the rabies studies from LC-NE cells that identified inputs from purkinje cells were inaccurate due to poor fidelity of the Cre line. Overall, this manuscript would certainly not be the first report indicating that rabies virus does not provide a quantitative map of input connections. In my opinion this is still under-appreciated by the broad community and should be explicitly discussed. Thus, an acknowledgement of previous literature on this topic and how their work contributes to that argument is warranted.

      Comments on revisions:

      The responses the authors offer in theory are good, but they still use terms such as synapses and putative presynaptic boutons relatively interchangeably - if the authors make the correction to the more conservative terminology, which I think better reflects the data, this should be more consistent throughout the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Insulin is crucial for maintaining metabolic homeostasis, and its release is regulated by various pathways, including blood glucose levels and neuromodulatory systems. The authors investigated the role of neuromodulators in regulating the dynamics of the adult Drosophila IPC population. They showed that IPCs express various receptors for monoaminergic and peptidergic neuromodulators, as well as synaptic neurotransmitters with highly heterogeneous profiles across the IPC population. Activating specific modulatory inputs, e.g. dopaminergic, octopaminergic or peptidergic (Leucokinin) using an optogenetic approach coupled with in vivo electrophysiology unveiled heterogeneous responses of individual IPCs resulting in excitatory, inhibitory or no responses. Interestingly, calcium imaging of the entire IPC population with or without simultaneous electrophysiological recording of individual cells showed highly specific and stable responses of individual IPCs suggesting their intrinsic properties are determined by the expressed receptor repertoire. Using the adult fly connectome they further corroborate the synaptic input of excitatory and inhibitory neuronal subsets of IPCs. The authors conclude that the heterogeneous modulation of individual IPC activity is more likely to allow for flexible control of insulin release to adapt to changes in metabolic demand and environmental cues.


      This study provides a comprehensive, multi-level analysis of IPC properties utilizing single-nucleus RNA sequencing, anatomical receptor expression mapping, connectomics, electrophysiological recordings, calcium-imaging and an optogenetics-based 'intrinsic pharmacology' approach. It highlights the heterogeneous receptor profiles of IPCs, demonstrating complex and differential modulation within the IPC population. The authors convincingly showed that different neuromodulatory inputs exhibit varied effects on IPC activity and simultaneous occurrence of heterogeneous responses in IPCs with some populations exciting a subset of IPCs while inhibiting others, showcasing the intricate nature of IPC modulation and diverse roles of IPC subgroups. The temporal dynamic of IPC modulation showed that polysynaptic and neuromodulatory connections play a major role in IPC response. The authors demonstrated that certain neuromodulatory inputs, e.g. dopamine, can shift the overall IPC population activity towards either an excited or inhibited state. The study thus provides a fundamental entry point to understanding the complex influence of neuromodulatory inputs on the insulinergic system of Drosophila.


      GPCRs are typically expressed at low levels and while the transcriptomic and reporter expression analysis by the authors was comprehensive, challenges remain to fully validate receptor expression and function. It will thus require future studies to elucidate how these modulatory inputs affect insulin release and transcriptional long-term changes using receptor-specific manipulation and readouts for insulin release. Similarly, optogenetically driven excitation of modulatory neuronal subsets limits the interpretation of the results due to the possibly confounding direct or indirect effect of fast synaptic transmission on IPC excitation/inhibition, and the broad expression of some neuromodulatory lines used in this analysis.

      Despite these limitations that are beyond the scope of this study, the conclusions made by the authors are balanced and well supported by the data provided. Moreover, their detailed and thorough analysis of IPC modulation will have a significant impact on the field of metabolic regulation to understand the complex regulatory mechanism of insulin release, which can now be studied further to provide insight about metabolic homeostasis and neural control of metabolic processes.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Held et al. investigated the distinct activities of Insulin-Producing Cells (IPCs) by electrophysiological recordings and calcium imaging. In the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, there are approximately 16 IPCs that are analogous to mammalian pancreatic beta cells and provide a good model system for monitoring their activities in vivo. The authors performed single-nucleus RNA sequencing analysis to examine what types of neuromodulatory inputs are received by IPCs. A variety of neuromodulatory receptors are expressed heterogeneously in IPCs, which would explain the distinct activities of IPCs in response to the activations of neuromodulatory neurons. The authors also conducted the connectome analysis and G-protein prediction analysis to strengthen their hypothesis that the heterogeneity of IPCs may underlie the flexible insulin release in response to various environmental conditions.


      The authors succeeded patch-clamp recordings and calcium imaging of individual IPCs in living animals at a single-cell resolution, which allows them to show the heterogeneity of IPCs precisely. They measured IPC activities in response to 9 types of neurons in patch-clamp recordings and 5 types of neurons in calcium imaging, comparing the similarities and differences in activities between two methods. These results support the idea that the neuromodulatory system affects individual IPC activities differently in a receptor-dependent manner. This work explores the fundamental properties of IPCs that may contribute to the neuroendocrine regulation of insulin-like peptides in maintaining metabolic homeostasis.


      It remains unknown how much extent the heterogeneity of IPC activities in a short time scale is relevant to the net output, a release of insulin-like peptides in response to metabolic demands in a relatively longer time scale. The authors can test their hypothesis by manipulating the heterogenous expressions of receptor genes in IPCs and examine IPC activities in the future. Moreover, while the authors focus on IPC activities, they did not show the activation of the neuromodulatory inputs and the net output of insulin levels in the data. The readers might want to know which neurons are indeed activated to send signals to IPCs and how IPC activities result in the secretion of insulin peptides.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The work by Fisher et al describes the role of novel RSPO mimetics in the activation of WNT signaling and hepatocyte regeneration. However, the results of the experiments and weaknesses of the methods used do not support the conclusions of the authors that the new therapy can promote liver regeneration in alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis.


      Similarly to its precursor, aASGR1-RSPO2-RA-IgG, SZN-043 can upregulate Wnt target genes and promote hepatocyte proliferation in the liver.


      (1) The authors rely on the expression of a single gene, CYP1A1, as a readout of Wnt/ß-catenin target gene expression. A more systemic evaluation of Wnt/ß-catenin activity should be performed.

      (2) The lack of the mRNA upregulation of cell cycle genes is not sufficient to draw a conclusion of the impaired regeneration in cirrhotic livers.

      (3) The authors present single-dose pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of SZN-04. It is not clear how that compares to its precursor, to justify better pharmacokinetic properties.

      (4) The specificity of Wnt/ß-catenin activation should be evaluated in ß-catenin KO mice to show no target gene induction in the absence of ß-catenin.

      (5) The authors demonstrated that the drug promoted hepatocyte proliferation. How it affects liver functional parameters in alcohol-fed mice, hepatocyte differentiation markers, albumin production, and coagulation factor synthesis is not clear.

      (6) Female mice only were used for alcohol studies; the effect on the male mice needs to be evaluated as well.

      (7) Alcohol feeding did not reduce Wnt/ß-catenin target gene expression in mice suggesting that it is a bad model to study the efficacy of the SZN-043 in alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis.

      (8) The authors used CCl4-induced fibrosis as a model of ALD fibrosis. However, this is not a suitable fibrosis model for ALD studies. Adding alcohol to CCl4 treatment could potentially address this issue. Alternatively, the authors should use an ALD model that produces significant fibrosis.

      (9) Sex for the CCl4-treated mice is not indicated.

      (10) Histology and fibrosis assessment data for alcohol-fed mice should be presented.

      (11) The rationale for using 13.5-month-old aging mice for alcohol studies and immunodeficient mice only for CCl4 studies is not clear.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The study by Fisher et al investigates a therapeutic role for SZN-043, a hepatocyte-targeted R-spondin mimetic, for its potential role in restoring Wnt signaling and promoting liver regeneration in alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD). Using multiple preclinical models, the compound was shown to promote hepatocyte proliferation and reduce fibrosis. This study highlights the efficacy of promoting liver regeneration while maintaining controlled signaling. Limitations include a need for further exploration of off-target effects and fibrosis mechanisms. The findings support SZN-043 as a promising candidate for ALD therapy, warranting further clinical evaluation. This is a well-designed study with thorough investigation using multiple disease models.


      (1) Well-written manuscript with clear design, robust methods, and discussion.

      (2) Using multiple models strengthens the findings and expands beyond ALD.

      (3) Identification of SZN-043 as a novel potent drug for liver regeneration.


      (1) The introduction needs to be re-structured with an emphasis on liver regeneration. It seems that the entire manuscript is focused on liver regeneration, however, only the last two sentences or so describe liver regeneration. The frequency of liver transplants owing to a reduced ability for liver regeneration in AH patients needs to be highlighted.

      (2) In Figure 4, it appears that the humanized mice liver was injected with the SZN-043. Is it possible that using a partial hepatectomy model will be beneficial for assessing the effects of SZN-043 rather than using them in mice without any hepatocyte damage?

      (3) Figure 4B. Panel 3 has 10mpk merged inside the figure. Please correct this.

      (4) Figure 4B. DAPI staining will be vital to show the Ki67 staining specific to hepatocytes (at least visually we can do co-localization with a double nucleus in each cell). The current image shows some cells show Ki67 staining which shows some cells which are not binuclear.

      (5) The alcohol feeding was performed for 8 weeks and is described as NIAAA model in the methods section. NIAAA model is 11 days of alcohol+ one binge. Please correct this or clarify it in the methods section, as this is not reflected. ASGR1 may be also expressed by macrophages so it's important to show the specificity.

      (6) Is it possible that the SZN-043 also has effect on macrophages promoting an anti-inflammatory state? This should be discussed.

      (7) Potential off-target effects of SZN-043, particularly in stellate cell activation in the context of fibrosis should be discussed.

      (8) Discuss the limitations of current models and how they might influence the interpretation of the results.

      (9) Clearly explain how SZN-043 overcomes limitations of prior RSPO-based therapies.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Participants in this study completed three visits. In the first, participants received experimental thermal stimulations which were calibrated to elicit three specific pain responses (30, 50, 70) on a 0-100 visual analogue scale (VAS). Experimental pressure stimulations were also calibrated at an intensity to the same three pain intensity responses. In the subsequent two visits, participants completed another pre-calibration check (Visit 2 of 3 only). Then, prior to the exercise NALOXONE or a SALINE placebo-control was administered intravenously. Participants then completed 1 of 4 blocks of HIGH (100%) or LOW (55%) intensity cycling which was tailored according to a functional threshold power (FTP) test completed in Visit 1. After each block of cycling lasting 10 minutes, participants entered an MRI scanner and were stimulated with the same thermal and pressure stimulations that corresponded to 30, 50, and 70 pain intensity ratings from the calibration stage. Therefore, this study ultimately sought to investigate whether aerobic exercise does indeed incur a hypoalgesia effect. More specifically, researchers tested the validity of the proposed endogenous pain modulation mechanism. Further investigation into whether the intensity of exercise had an effect on pain and the neurological activation of pain-related brain centres were also explored.

      Results show that in the experimental visits (Visit 2 and 3), when participants exercised at two distinct intensities as intended. Power output, heart rate, and perceived effort ratings were higher during the HIGH versus LOW-intensity cycling. In particular. HIGH intensity exercise was perceived as "hard" / ~15 on the Borg (1974, 1998) scale, whereas LOW intensity exercise was perceived as "very light" / ~9 on the same scale.

      The fMRI data from Figure 1 indicates that the anterior insula, dorsal posterior insula, and middle cingulate cortex show pronounced activation as stimulation intensity and subsequent pain responses increased, thus linking these brain regions with pain intensity and corroborating what many studies have shown before.

      Results also showed that participants rated a higher pain intensity in the NALOXONE condition at all three stimulation intensities compared to the SALINE condition. Therefore, the expected effect of NALOXONE in this study seemed to occur whereby opioid receptors were "blocked" and thus resulted in higher pain ratings compared to a SALINE condition where opioid receptors were "not blocked". When accounting for participant sex, NALOXONE had negligible effects at lower experimental nociceptive stimulations for females compared to males who showed a hyperalgesia effect to NALOXONE at all stimulation intensities (peak effect at 50 VAS). Females did show a hyperalgesia effect at stimulation intensities corresponding to 50 and 70 VAS pain ratings. The fMRI data showed that the periaqueductal gray (PAG) showed increased activation in the NALOXONE versus SALINE condition at higher thermal stimulation intensities. The PAG is well-linked to endogenous pain modulation.

      When assessing the effects of NALOXONE and SALINE after exercise, results showed no significant differences in subsequent pain intensity ratings.

      When assessing the effect of aerobic exercise intensity on subsequent pain intensity ratings, authors suggested that aerobic exercise in the form of a continuous cycling exercise tailored to an individual's FTP is not effective at eliciting an exercise-induced hypoalgesia response -irrespective of exercise intensity. This is because results showed that pain responses did not differ significantly between HIGH and LOW intensity exercise with (NALOXONE) and without (SALINE) an opioid antagonist. Therefore, authors have also questioned the mechanisms (endogenous opioids) behind this effect.


      Altogether, the paper is a great piece of work that has provided some truly useful insight into the neurological and perceptual mechanisms associated with pain and exercise-induced hypoalgesia. The authors have gone to great lengths to delve into their research question(s) and their methodological approach is relatively sound. The study has incorporated effective pseudo-randomisation and conducted a rigorous set of statistical analyses to account for as many confounds as possible. I will particularly credit the authors on their analysis which explores the impact of sex and female participants' stage of menses on the study outcomes. It would be particularly interesting for future work to pursue some of these lines of research which investigate the differences in the endogenous opioid mechanism between sexes and the added interaction of stage of menses or training status.

      There are certainly many other areas that this article contributes to the literature due to the depth of methods the research team has used. For example, the authors provide much insight into: the impact of exercise intensity on the exercise-induced hypoalgesia effect; the impact of sex on the endogenous opioid modulation mechanism; and the impact of exercise intensity on the neurological indices associated with endogenous pain modulation and pain processing. All of which, the researchers should be credited for due to the time and effort they have spent completing this study. Indeed, their in-depth analysis of many of these areas provides ample support for the claims they make in relation to these specific questions. As such, I consider their evidence concerning the fMRI data to be very convincing (and interesting).


      Although the authors have their own view of their results, I do however, have a slightly different take on what the post-exercise pain ratings seem to show and its implications for judging whether an exercise-induced hypoalgesia effect is present or not. From what I have read, I cannot seem to find whether the authors have compared the post-exercise pain ratings against any data that was collected pre-exercise/at rest or as part of the calibration. Instead, I believe the authors have only compared post-exercise pain ratings against one another (i.e., HIGH versus LOW, NALOXONE versus SALINE). In doing so, I think the authors cannot fully assume that there is no exercise-induced hypoalgesia effect as there is no true control comparison (a no-exercise condition).

      In more detail, Figure 6A appears to show an average of all pain ratings combined per participant (is this correct?). As participants were exposed to stimulations expected to elicit a 30, 50, or 70 VAS rating based on pre-calibration values, therefore the average rating would be expected to be around 50. What Figure 6A shows is that in the SALINE condition, average pain ratings are in fact ~10-15 units lower (~35) and then in the NALOXONE condition, average pain ratings are ~5 units lower (~45) for both exercise intensities. From this, I would surmise the following:

      It appears there is an exercise-induced hypoalgesia effect as average pain ratings are ~30% lower than pre-calibrated/resting pain ratings within the SALINE condition at the same temperature of stimulation (it would also be interesting to see if this effect occurred for the pressure pain).

      It appears there is evidence for the endogenous opioid mechanism as the NALOXONE condition demonstrates a minimal hypoalgesia effect after exercise. I.e., NALOXONE indeed blocked the opioid receptors, and such inhibition prevented the endogenous opioid system from taking effect.

      It appears there is no effect of exercise intensity on the exercise-induced hypoalgesia effect. That is, participants can cycle at a moderate intensity (55% FTP) and incur the same hypoalgesia benefits as cycling at an intensity that demarcates the boundary between heavy and severe intensity exercise (100%FTP). This is a great finding in my mind as anyone wishing to reduce pain can do so without having to engage in exercise that is too effortful/intense and therefore aversive - great news! This likely has many applications within the field of public health.

      I will very slightly caveat my summaries with the fact that a more ideal comparison here would be a control condition whereby participants did the same experimental visit but without any exercise prior to entering the MRI scanner. I consider the overall strength of the evidence to be solid, with the answer to the primary research question still a little ambiguous.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This interesting study compared two different intensities of aerobic exercise (low-intensity, high-intensity) and their efficacy in inducing a hypoalgesic reaction (i.e. exercise-induced hypoalgesia; EIH). fMRI was used to identify signal changes in the brain, with the infusion of naloxone used to identify hypoalgesia mechanisms. No differences were found in post-exercise pain perception between the high-intensity and low-intensity conditions, with naloxone infusion causing increased pain perception across both conditions which was mirrored by activation in the medial frontal cortex (identified by fMRI). However, the primary conclusion made in this manuscript (i.e. that aerobic exercise has no overall effect on pain in a mixed population sample) cannot be supported by this study design, because the methodology did not include a baseline (i.e. pain perception following no exercise) to compare high/low-intensity exercise against. Therefore, some of the statements/implications of the findings made in this manuscript need to be very carefully assessed.


      (1) The use of fMRI and naloxone provides a strong approach by which to identify possible mechanisms of EIH.

      (2) The infusion of naloxone to maintain a stable concentration helps to ensure a consistent effect and that the time course of the protocol won't affect the consistency of changes in pain perception.

      (3) The manipulation checks (differences in intensity of exercise, appropriate pain induction) are approached in a systematic way.

      (4) Whilst the exploratory analyses relating to the interactions for fitness level and sex were not reported in the study pre-registation, they do provide some interesting findings which should be explored further.


      (1) Given that there is no baseline/control condition, it cannot be concluded that aerobic exercise has no effect on pain modulation because that comparison has not been made (i.e. pain perception at 'baseline' has not been compared with pain perception after high/low-intensity exercise). Some of the primary findings/conclusions throughout the manuscript state that there is 'No overall effect of aerobic exercise on pain modulation', but this cannot be concluded.

      (2) Across the manuscript, a number of terms are used interchangeably (and applied, it seems, incorrectly) which makes the interpretation of the manuscript difficult (e.g. how the author's use the term 'exercise-induced pain').

      (3) There is a lack of clarity on the interventions used in the methods, for example, it is not exactly clear the time and order in which the exercise tasks were implemented.

      (4) The exercise test (functional threshold power) used to set the intensity of the low/high exercise bouts is not an accurate means of demarcating steady state and non-steady state exercise. As a result, at the intensity selected for the high-intensity exercise in this study, it is likely that the challenge presented for the high-intensity exercise would have been very different between participants (e.g. some would have been in the 'heavy' domain, whereas others would be in the 'severe' domain).

      (5) It is likely that participants did not properly understand how to use the 6-20 Borg scale to rate their perceived effort, and so caution must be taken in how this RPE data is used/interpreted.

      (6) Although interesting, the secondary analyses (relating to the interaction effects of fitness level and sex) were not included in the study pre-registration, and so the study was not designed to undertake this analysis. These findings should be taken with caution.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Lloyd et al employ an evolutionary comparative approach to study how sleep deprivation affects DNA damage repair in Astyanax mexicanus, using the cave vs surface species evolution as a playground. The work shows, convincingly, that the cavefish population has evolved an impaired DNA damage response both following sleep deprivation or a classical paradigm of DNA damage (UV).


      The study employs a thorough multidisciplinary approach. The experiments are well conducted and generally well presented.


      Having a second experimental mean to induce DNA damage would strengthen and generalise the findings.

      Overall, the study represents a very important addition to the field. The model employed underlines once more the importance of using an evolutionary approach to study sleep and provides context and caveats to statements that perhaps were taken a bit too much for granted before. At the same time, the paper manages to have an extremely constructive approach, presenting the platform as a clear useful tool to explore the molecular aspects behind sleep and cellular damage in general. The discussion is fair, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the work and its implications.

      Comments on revisions:

      I was pretty happy with the previous version of the manuscript already and the authors have made all the minor corrections I had suggested so I don't have much to add. The main "weakness", if at all, is that the story would benefit from a secondary stressor (other than UV) but I understand the authors see this more as a long term development than just an addition to this particular paper, which is fair enough.

      I don't have any further recommendations. I think this model system is really important for the sleep field and offers a completely new and important perspective to its evolution and function.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The manuscript investigates the relationship between sleep, DNA damage, and aging in the Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus), a species that exhibits significant differences in sleep patterns between surface-dwelling and cave-dwelling populations. The authors aim to understand whether these evolved sleep differences influence the DNA damage response (DDR) and oxidative stress levels in the brain and gut of the fish.

      Summary of the Study:

      The primary objective of the study is to determine if the reduced sleep observed in cave-dwelling populations is associated with increased DNA damage and altered DDR. The authors compared levels of DNA damage markers and oxidative stress in the brains and guts of surface and cavefish. They also analyzed the transcriptional response to UV-induced DNA damage and evaluated the DDR in embryonic fibroblast cell lines derived from both populations.

      Strengths of the Study:

      Comparative Approach: The study leverages the unique evolutionary divergence between surface and cave populations of A. mexicanus to explore fundamental biological questions about sleep and DNA repair.

      Multifaceted Methodology: The authors employ a variety of methods, including immunohistochemistry, RNA sequencing, and in vitro cell line experiments, providing a comprehensive examination of DDR and oxidative stress.<br /> Interesting Findings: The study presents intriguing results showing elevated DNA damage markers in cavefish brains and increased oxidative stress in cavefish guts, alongside a reduced transcriptional response to UV-induced DNA damage.

      Weaknesses of the Study:

      Link to Sleep Physiology: The evidence connecting the observed differences in DNA damage and DDR directly to sleep physiology is not convincingly established. While the study shows distinct DDR patterns, it does not robustly demonstrate that these are a direct result of sleep differences.

      Causal Directionality: The study fails to establish a clear causal relationship between sleep and DNA damage. It is possible that both sleep patterns and DDR responses are downstream effects of a common cause or independent adaptations to the cave environment.

      Environmental Considerations: The lab conditions may not fully replicate the natural environments of the cavefish, potentially influencing the results. The impact of these conditions on the study's findings needs further consideration.

      Photoreactivity in Albino Fish: The use of UV-induced DNA damage as a primary stressor may not be entirely appropriate for albino, blind cavefish. Alternative sources of genotoxic stress should be explored to validate the findings.

      Assessment of the Study's Achievements:

      The authors partially achieve their aims by demonstrating differences in DNA damage and DDR between surface and cavefish. However, the results do not conclusively support the claim that these differences are driven by or directly related to the evolved sleep patterns in cavefish. The study's primary claims are only partially supported by the data.

      Impact and Utility:

      The findings contribute valuable insights into the relationship between sleep and DNA repair mechanisms, highlighting potential areas of resilience to DNA damage in cavefish. While the direct link to sleep physiology remains unsubstantiated, the study's data and methods will be useful to researchers investigating evolutionary biology, stress resilience, and the molecular basis of sleep.

      Comments on revisions:

      The manuscript should tone down claims of a direct causal relationship between sleep differences and DDR outcomes, acknowledging the possibility that both are independent or downstream adaptations to the cave environment. To strengthen the study, the authors should adopt additional genotoxic stressors, such as chemical agents (e.g., cisplatin or hydrogen peroxide) or physical stress (e.g., ionizing radiation), to validate findings beyond UV-induced DNA damage, which may not be ideal for albino cavefish. Explicitly discussing the influence of laboratory conditions, such as water quality, lighting, and diet, on oxidative stress and DDR phenotypes, and comparing lab-reared and wild-caught fish if feasible, would bolster ecological relevance. The study should clarify that the current data do not establish a causal link between sleep and DNA damage, instead proposing this as a hypothesis for future research. Expanding the evolutionary context by linking DDR differences to other cavefish traits, such as metabolic efficiency or hypoxia tolerance, could provide a more integrative perspective. Additionally, proposing future experiments involving pharmacological or behavioral manipulation of sleep, as well as incorporating comparative genomics or transcriptomics to identify DDR-related genetic adaptations, would enhance the study's depth.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      Lloyd, Xia et al. utilised the existence of surface-dwelling and cave-dwelling morphs of Astyanax mexicanus to explore a proposed link between DNA damage, aging, and the evolution of sleep. Key to this exploration is the behavioural and physiological differences between cavefish and surface fish, with cavefish having been previously shown to have low levels of sleep behaviour, along with metabolic alterations (for example chronically elevated blood glucose levels) in comparison to fish from surface populations. Sleep deprivation, metabolic dysfunction and DNA damage are thought to be linked, and to all contribute to aging processes. Given that cavefish seem to show no apparent health consequences of low sleep levels, the authors suggest that they have evolved resilience to sleep loss. Furthermore, as extended wake and loss of sleep is associated with increased rates of damage to DNA (mainly double-strand breaks) and sleep is linked to repair of damaged DNA, the authors propose that changes in DNA damage and repair might underlie the reduced need for sleep in the cavefish morphs relative to their surface-dwelling conspecifics.

      To fulfil their aim of exploring links between DNA damage, aging, and the evolution of sleep, the authors employ methods that are largely appropriate, and comparison of cavefish and surface fish morphs from the same species certainly provides a lens by which cellular, physiological and behavioural adaptations can be interrogated. Fluorescence and immunofluorescence are used to measure gut reactive oxygen species and markers of DNA damage and repair processes in the different fish morphs, and measurements of gene expression and protein levels are appropriately used. However, although the sleep tracking and quantification employed is quite well established, issues with the experimental design relating to attempts to link induced DNA damage to sleep regulation (outlined below). Moreover, although the methods used are appropriate for the study of the questions at hand, there are issues with the interpretation of the data and with these results being over-interpreted as evidence to support the paper's conclusions.

      This study shows that a marker of DNA repair molecular machinery that is recruited to DNA double-strand breaks (γH2AX) is elevated in brain cells of the cavefish relative to the surface fish, and that reactive oxygen species are higher in most areas of the digestive tract of the cavefish than in that of the surface fish. As sleep deprivation has been previously linked to increases in both these parameters in other organisms (both vertebrates and invertebrates), their elevation in the cavefish morph is taken to indicated that the cavefish show signs of the physiological effects of chronic sleep deprivation.

      It has been suggested that induction of DNA damage can directly drive sleep behaviour, with a notable study describing both the induction of DNA damage and an increase in sleep/immobility in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae by exposure to UV radiation (Zada et al. 2021 doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2021.10.026). In the present study, an increase in sleep/immobility is induced in surface fish larvae by exposure to UV light, but there is no effect on behaviour in cavefish larvae. This finding is interpreted as representing a loss of a sleep-promoting response to DNA damage in the cavefish morph. However, induction of DNA damage is not measured in this experiment, so it is not certain if similar levels of DNA damage are induced in each group of intact larvae, nor how the amount of damage induced compares to the pre-existing levels of DNA damage in the cavefish versus the surface fish larvae. In both this study with A. mexicanus surface morphs and the previous experiments from Zada et al. in zebrafish, observed increases in immobility following UV radiation exposure are interpreted as following from UV-induced DNA damage. However, in interpreting these experiments it is important to note that the cavefish morphs are eyeless and blind. Intense UV radiation is aversive to fish, and it has previously been shown in zebrafish larvae that (at least some) behavioural responses to UV exposure depend on the presence of an intact retina and UV-sensitive cone photoreceptors (Guggiana-Nilo and Engert, 2016, doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00160). It is premature to conclude that the lack of behavioural response to UV exposure is in the cavefish is due to a difference response to DNA damage, as their lack of eyes will likely inhibit a response to the UV stimulus. Indeed, were the equivalent zebrafish experiment from Zada et al. to be repeated with mutant larvae fish lacking the retinal basis for UV detection it might be found that, in this case too, the effects of UV on behaviour are dependent on visual function. Such a finding should prompt a reappraisal of the interpretation that UV exposure's effects on fish sleep/locomotor behaviour are mediated by DNA damage. An additional note, relating to both Lloyd, Xia et al. and Zada et al., is that though increases in immobility are induced following UV exposure, in neither study have assays of sensory responsiveness been performed during this period. As a decrease in sensory responsiveness is a key behavioural criterion for defining sleep, it is therefore unclear that this post-UV behaviour is genuinely increased sleep as opposed to a stress-linked suppression of locomotion due to the intensely aversive UV stimulus. While it is true that behavioural immobility is used by many studies as a criterion to identify sleep in non-mammalian species, this is only fully appropriate when other elements of the behavioural criteria of sleep (e.g. reduced responsiveness to sensory stimuli, rapid reversibility, homeostatic regulation, circadian regulation) have been shown to be associated with these periods of behavioural quiescence. In both Lloyd, Xia et al. and Zada et al., only an increased immobility has been demonstrated, occurring at a period where the circadian clock would be promoting wake and natural homeostatic sleep drive would be expected to be at the low end of its normal range. At a minimum, testing sensory threshold would be advisable to ensure that the classification of this behaviour as sleep is accurate and to avoid the risk of being misled in the interpretation of these experiments.

      The effects of UV exposure, in terms of causing damage to DNA, inducing DNA damage response and repair mechanisms, and in causing broader changes in gene expression are assessed in both surface and cavefish larvae, as well as in cell lines derived from these different morphs. Differences in the suite of DNA damage response mechanisms that are upregulated are shown to exist between surface fish and cavefish larvae, though at least some of this difference is likely to be due to differences gene expression that may exist even without UV exposure (this is discussed further below).

      UV exposure induced DNA damage (as measured by levels of cyclobutene pyrimidine dimers) to a similar degree in cell lines derived from both surface fish and cave fish. However, γH2AX shows increased expression only in cells from the surface fish, suggesting an induction of an increased DNA repair response in these surface morphs, corroborated by their cells' increased ability to repair damaged DNA constructs experimentally introduced to the cells in a subsequent experiment. This "host cell reactivation assay" is a very interesting assay for measuring DNA repair in cell lines, but the power of this approach might be enhanced by introducing these DNA constructs into larval neurons in vivo (perhaps by electroporation) and by tracking DNA repair in living animals. Indeed, in such a preparation, the relationship between DNA repair and sleep/wake state could be assayed.

      Comparing gene expression in tissues from young (here 1 year) and older (here 7-8 years) fish from both cavefish and surface fish morphs, the authors found that there are significant differences in the transcriptional profiles in brain and gut between young and old surface fish, but that for cavefish being 1 year old versus being 7-8 years old did not have a major effect on transcriptional profile. The authors take this as suggesting that there is a reduced transcriptional change occurring during aging and that the transcriptome of the cavefish is resistant to age-linked changes. This seems to be only one of the equally plausible interpretations of the results; it could also be the case that alterations in metabolic cellular and molecular mechanisms, and particularly in responses to DNA damage, in the cavefish mean that these fish adopt their "aged" transcriptome within the first year of life. This would mean that rather than the findings revealing that "the transcriptome of the cavefish is resilient to age-associated changes despite sleep loss, elevated ROS and elevated DNA damage", it would suggest that the cavefish transcriptome is sensitive to age-associated changes, potentially being driven by this low level of sleep, elevated reactive oxygen species, and elevated DNA damage. This alternative interpretation greatly changes the understanding of the present findings. One way in which the more correct interpretation could be determined would be by adding a further, younger group of fish to the comparison (perhaps a group in the age range of 1-3 months, relatively shortly after metamorphosis).

      A major weakness of the study in its current form is the absence of sleep deprivation experiments to assay the effects of sleep loss on the cellular and molecular parameters in question. Without such experiments, the supposed link of sleep to the molecular, cellular and "aging" phenotypes remains tenuous. Although the argument might be made that the cavefish represent a naturally "sleep deprived" population, the cavefish in this study are not sleep deprived, rather they are adapted to a condition of reduced sleep relative to fish from surface populations. Comparing the effects of depriving fish from each morph on markers of DNA damage and repair, on gut reactive oxygen species, and on gene expression will be necessary to solidify any proposed link of these phenotypes to sleep.

      A second important aspect that limits the interpretability and impact of this study is the absence of information about circadian variations in the parameters measured. A relationship between circadian phase, light exposure and DNA damage/repair mechanisms is known to exist in A. mexicanus and other teleosts, and for differences to exist between the cave and surface morphs in there phenomena (Beale et al. 2013, doi: 10.1038/ncomms3769). Although the present study mentions that their experiments do not align with these previous findings, they do not perform the appropriate experiments to determine if this such a misalignment is genuine. Specifically, Beale et al. 2013 showed that white light exposure drove enhanced expression of DNA repair genes (including cpdp which is prominent in the current study) in both surface fish and cavefish morphs, but that the magnitude of this change was less in the cave fish because they maintained an elevated expression of these genes in the dark, whereas darkness supressed the expression of these genes in the surface fish. If such a phenomenon is present in the setting of the current study, this would likely be a significant confound for the UV-induced gene expression experiments in intact larvae, and undermine the interpretation of the results derived from these experiments: as samples are collected 90 minutes after the dark-light transition (ZT 1.5) it would be expected that both cavefish and surface fish larvae should have a clear induction of DNA repair genes (including cpdp) regardless of 90s of UV exposure. The data in supplementary figure 3 is not sufficient to discount this potentially serious confound, as for larvae there is only gene expression data for timepoints from ZT2 to ZT 14, with all of these timepoints being in the light phase and not capturing any dynamics that would occur at the most important timepoints from ZT0-ZT1.5, in the relevant period after dark-light transition. Indeed, an appropriate control for this experiment would involve frequent sampling at least across 48 hours to assess light-linked and developmentally-related changes in gene expression that would occur in 5-6dpf larvae of each morph independently of the exposure to UV.<br /> On a broader point, given the effects of both circadian rhythm and lighting conditions that are thought to exist in A. mexicanus (e.g. Beale et al. 2013) experiments involving measurements of DNA damage and repair, gene expression, and reactive oxygen species etc. at multiple times across >1 24 hour cycle, in both light-dark and constant illumination conditions (e.g. constant dark) would be needed to substantiate the authors' interpretation that their findings indicate consistently altered levels of these parameters in the cave fish relative to the surface fish. Most of the data in this study is taken at only single timepoints.

      In summary, the authors show that there are differences in gene expression, activity of DNA damage response and repair pathways, response to UV radiation, and gut reactive oxygen species between the Pachón cavefish morph and the surface morph of Astyanax mexicanus. However, the data presented does not make the precise nature of these differences very clear, and the interpretation of the results appears to be overly strong. Furthermore, the evidence of a link between these morph specific differences and sleep is unconvincing.

      Comments on revisions:

      I thank the authors for their engagement with the notes and recommendations I made in my original comments. I have no further recommendations to make here.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      For many years, there has been extensive electrophysiological research investigating the relationship between local field potential patterns and individual cell spike patterns in the hippocampus. In this study, using state-of-the-art imaging techniques, they examined spike synchrony of hippocampal cells during locomotion and immobility states. In contrast to conventional understanding of the hippocampus, the authors demonstrated that hippocampal place cells exhibit prominent synchronous spikes locked to theta oscillations.


      The voltage imaging used in this study is a highly novel method that allows recording not only suprathreshold-level spikes but also subthreshold-level activity. With its high frame rate, it offers time resolution comparable to electrophysiological recordings.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study employed voltage imaging in the CA1 region of the mouse hippocampus during the exploration of a novel environment. The authors report synchronous activity, involving almost half of the imaged neurons, occurred during periods of immobility. These events did not correlate with SWRs, but instead, occurred during theta oscillations and were phased locked to the trough of theta. Moreover, pairs of neurons with high synchronization tended to display non-overlapping place fields, leading the authors to suggest these events may play a role in binding a distributed representation of the context.


      Technically this is an impressive study, using an emerging approach that allow single-cell resolution voltage imaging in animals, that while head-fixed, can move through a real environment. The paper is written clearly and suggests novel observations about population-level activity in CA1.


      The evidence provided is weak, with the authors making surprising population-level claims based on a very sparse data set (5 data sets, each with less than 20 neurons simultaneously recorded) acquired with exciting, but less tested technology. Further, while the authors link these observations to the novelty of the context, both in the title and text, they do not include data from subsequent visits to support this. Detailed comments are below:

      (1) My first question for the authors, which is not addressed in the discussion, is why these events have not been observed in the countless extracellular recording experiments conducted in rodent CA1 during exploration of novel environments. Those data sets often have 10x the neurons simultaneously recording compared to these present data, thus the highly synchronous firing should be very hard to miss. Ideally, the authors could confirm their claims via the analysis of publicly available electrophysiology data sets. Further, the claim of high extra-SWR synchrony is complicated by the observation that their recorded neurons fail to spike during the limited number of SWRs recorded during behavior- again, not agreeing with much of the previous electrophysiological recordings.<br /> (2) The authors posit that these events are linked to the novelty of the context, both in the text, as well as in the title and abstract. However they do not include any imaging data from subsequent days to demonstrate the failure to see this synchrony in a familiar environment. If these data are available it would strengthen the proposed link to novelty is they were included.<br /> (3) In the discussion the authors begin by speculating the theta present during these synchronous events may be slower type II or attentional theta. This can be supported by demonstrating a frequency shift in the theta recording during these events/immobility versus the theta recording during movement.<br /> (4) The authors mention in the discussion that they image deep layer PCs in CA1, however this is not mentioned in the text or methods. They should include data, such as imaging of a slice of a brain post-recording with immunohistochemistry for a layer specific gene to support this.

      Comments on revisions:

      I have no further major requests and thank the authors for the additional data and analyses.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      In the present manuscript, the authors use a few minutes of voltage imaging of CA1 pyramidal cells in head-fixed mice running on a track while local field potentials (LFPs) are recorded. The authors suggest that synchronous ensembles of neurons are differentially associated with different types of LFP patterns, theta and ripples. The experiments are flawed in that the LFP is not "local" but rather collected the other side of the brain.


      The authors use a cutting-edge technique.


      The two main messages of the manuscript indicated in the title are not supported by the data. The title gives two messages that relate to CA1 pyramidal neurons in behaving head-fixed mice: (1) synchronous ensembles are associated with theta (2) synchronous ensembles are not associated with ripples. The main problem with the work is that the theta and ripple signals were recorded using electrophysiology from the opposite hemisphere to the one in which the spiking was monitored. However, both rhythms exhibit profound differences as a function of location.

      Theta phase changes with the precise location along the proximo-distal and dorso-ventral axes, and importantly, even reverses with depth. Because the LFP was recorded using a single-contact tungsten electrode, there is no way to know whether the electrode was exactly in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer, or in the CA1 oriens, CA1 radiatum, or perhaps even CA3 - which exhibits ripples and theta which are weakly correlated and in anti-phase with the CA1 rhythms, respectively. Thus, there is no way to know whether the theta phase used in the analysis is the phase of the local CA1 theta.

      Although the occurrence of CA1 ripples is often correlated across parts of the hippocampus, ripples are inherently a locally-generated rhythm. Independent ripples occur within a fraction of a millimeter within the same hemisphere. Ripples are also very sensitive to the precise depth - 100 micrometers up or down, and only a positive deflection/sharp wave is evident. Thus, even if the LFP was recorded from the center of the CA1 pyramidal layer in the contralateral hemisphere, it would not suffice for the claim made in the title.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study reveals that short-term social isolation increases social behavior at a reunion, and a population of hypothalamic preoptic area neurons become active after social interaction following short-term isolation (POAsocial neurons). Effectively utilizing a TRAP activity-dependent labeling method, the authors inhibit or activate the POAsocial neurons and find that these neurons are involved in controlling various social behaviors, including ultrasonic vocalization, investigation, and mounting in both male and female mice. This work suggests a complex role for the POA in regulating multiple aspects of social behavior, beyond solely controlling male sexual behaviors.


      While a few studies have shown that optogenetic activation of the POA in females promotes vocalization and mounting behavior similar to the effects observed in males, these were results of artificially stimulating POA neurons, and whether POA neurons play a role in naturally occurring female social behaviors was unknown. This paper clearly demonstrates that a population of POA neurons is necessary for naturally evoked female social vocalizations and mounting behaviors.


      The authors used various gain-of-function and loss-of-function methods to identify the function of POAsocial neurons. However, there were inconsistent results among the different methodologies. As the authors describe in the manuscript, these inconsistencies are potentially due to limitations of the TRAP activity-dependent labeling method; however, different approaches will be necessary to clarify these issues.

      Overall, this paper is well-written and provides valuable new data on the neural circuit for female social behaviors and the potentially complex role of POA in social behavior control.

    2. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The mechanisms by which short-term isolation influences the brain to promote social behavior remain poorly understood. The authors observed that acute isolation enhanced social behaviors, including increased investigation, mounting, and ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs). These effects were evident in same-sex interactions among females and in male-female interactions. Concurrently, cFos expression in the preoptic area (POA) of the hypothalamus was selectively elevated in single-housed females. To further investigate, the authors used an innovative tagging strategy (TRAP2) to manipulate these neurons. Overall, the study identifies a population of hypothalamic neurons that promote various aspects of social behavior after short-term isolation, with effects that are sex- and context-dependent.


      Understanding the neural circuit mechanisms underlying acute social isolation is an important and timely topic. By employing state-of-the-art techniques to tag neurons active during specific behavioral epochs, the authors identified the preoptic area (POA) as a key locus mediating the effects of social isolation. The experimental design is sound, and the data are of high quality. Notably, the control experiments, which show that chemogenetic inactivation of other hypothalamic regions (AH and VMH) does not affect social behavior, strongly support the specificity of the POA's role within the hypothalamus. Through a combination of behavioral assays, activity-dependent neural tagging, and circuit manipulation techniques, the authors provide compelling evidence for the POA's involvement in behaviors following social isolation. These findings represent a valuable contribution to understanding how hypothalamic circuits adapt to the challenges of social isolation.


      The authors conducted several circuit perturbation experiments, including chemogenetics, ablation, and optogenetics, to investigate the effects of POA-social neurons. They observed that the outcomes of these manipulations varied depending on whether the intervention was chronic (e.g., ablations) or acute (e.g., DREADDs), potentially due to compensatory mechanisms in other brain regions. Furthermore, their additional experiments revealed that the robustness of the manipulations was influenced by the heterozygosity or homozygosity of TRAP2 animals. While these findings suggest that POA neurons contribute to multiple behavioral responses to social isolation, further experiments are needed to clarify their precise roles.

    3. Reviewer #4 (Public review):


      Using immunostaining for the immediate early gene Fos, and employing TRAP2-mediated chemogenetic and optogenetic perturbations, the authors provide evidence that neurons in the preoptic hypothalamus, identified as 'POA-social neurons,' promote social behaviors in mice - particularly in socially isolated (or deprived) mice, who exhibit an increased motivation for social investigations.


      The focus on female-female social interactions is a valuable contribution to the field, as these interactions are less studied and the underlying neural mechanisms are less understood. The authors should be commended for their comprehensive approach in performing and reporting multiple perturbation experiments, including optogenetics, chemogenetics, and ablation. The authors also deserve recognition for their thoughtful discussion of the nuances in the phenotypes observed across these various perturbation experiments.


      A limitation of the paper, however, is the insufficient clarification of the specific functions of these POA-social neurons. In my interpretation of the results, the neurons may be crucial for motivated social behaviors in females and motivated mounting of females in males, regardless of whether the test mice are housed singly or in groups. For group-housed mice, the motivation to interact with stimulus mice was likely low in their behavioral paradigm, which may explain the reduced interactions observed in the resident-intruder assay and why these neurons were not tagged (TRAPed) in that setting. Tagging these neurons in singly housed mice following a social interaction, followed by imaging in a group setting where motivated social behaviors do occur, could elucidate whether these neurons are specifically activated during social interactions in socially deprived mice or are generally crucial for motivated social behaviors in any setting. I understand that such calcium imaging may be beyond the scope of this version of the paper, but incorporating these results in a future version would significantly enhance the paper's impact. Depending on the outcomes of such experiments, the title 'Short-term social isolation acts on hypothalamic neurons to promote social behaviors in a sex- and context-dependent manner' may need to be revised to more accurately reflect the findings.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The authors report on a thorough investigation of the interaction of megakaryocytes (MK) with their associated ECM during maturation. They report convincing evidence to support the existence of a dense cage-like pericellular structure containing laminin γ1 and α4 and collagen IV, which interacts with integrins β1 and β3 on MK and serves to fix the perisinusoidal localization of MK and prevent their premature intravasation. As with everything in nature, the authors support a Goldilocks range of MK-ECM interactions - inability to digest the ECM via inhibition of MMPs leads to insufficient MK maturation and development of smaller MK. This important work sheds light on the role of cell-matrix interactions in MK maturation, and suggests that higher-dimensional analyses are necessary to capture the full scope of cellular biology in the context of their microenvironment.

      There are several outstanding questions that this work does not address.


      The authors postulate a synergistic role for Itgb1 and Itgb3 in the intravasation phenotype, because the single KOs did not replicate the phenotype of the DKO. However, this is not a correct interpretation in the opinion of this reviewer. The roles appear rather to be redundant. Synergistic roles would rather demonstrate a modest effect in the single KO with potentiation in the DKO.

      Furthermore, the experiment does not explain how these integrins influence the interaction of the MK with their microenvironment. It is not surprising that attachment will be impacted by the presence or absence of integrins. However, it is unclear how activation of integrins allows the MK to become "architects for their ECM microenvironment" as the authors posit. A transcriptomic analysis of control and DKO MKs may help elucidate these effects.

      Integrin DKO have a 50% reduction in platelets counts as reported previously, however laminin α4 deficiency only leads to 20% reduction in counts. This suggests a more nuanced and subtle role of the ECM in platelet growth. To this end, functional assays of the platelets in the KO and wildtype mice may provide more information.

      There is insufficient information in the Methods Section to understand the BM isolation approach. Did the authors flush the bone marrow and then image residual bone, or the extruded bone marrow itself as described in PMID: 29104956?

      The references in the Methods section were very frustrating. The authors reference Eckly et al 2020 (PMID: 32702204) which provides no more detail but references a previous publication (PMID: 24152908), which also offers no information and references a further paper (PMID: 22008103), which, as far as this reviewer can tell, did not describe the methodology of in situ bone marrow imaging.

      Therefore, this reviewer cannot tell how the preparation was performed and, importantly, how can we be sure that the microarchitecture of the tissue did not get distorted in the process?

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study makes a significant contribution to understanding the microenvironment of megakaryocytes (MKs) in the bone marrow, identifying an extracellular matrix (ECM) cage structure that influences MK localization and maturation. The authors provide compelling evidence for the presence of this ECM cage and its role in MK homeostasis, employing an array of sophisticated imaging techniques and molecular analyses. While the work is innovative and impactful, there are several points that require clarification or further data to fully support the conclusions.

      Major Strengths:

      Novelty: The identification of an ECM cage as a regulator of MK localization and maturation in the bone marrow is a novel and exciting finding.

      Imaging Techniques: The use of advanced microscopy to visualize the 3D structure of the ECM cage and its role in MK homeostasis provides a strong visual foundation for the study's claims.

      Comprehensive Analysis: The integration of in vivo and ex vivo approaches enhances the significance of the findings, offering valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in ECM cage formation.

      Areas for Improvement and Clarifications:

      (1) ECM cage imaging:<br /> a) The value or additional information provided by the staining on nano-sections (A) is not clear, especially considering that the thick vibratome sections already display the entirety of the laminin γ1 cage structure effectively. Further clarification on the unique insights gained from each approach would help justify its inclusion.<br /> b) The sMK shown in Supplementary Figure 1C appears to be linked to two sinusoids, releasing proplatelets to the more distant vessels. Is this observation representative, and if so, can further discussion be provided?<br /> c) Freshly isolated BM-derived MKs are reported to maintain their laminin γ1 cage. Are the proportions of MKs with/without cages consistent with those observed in microscopy?

      (2) ECM cage formation:<br /> a) The statement "the full assembly of the 3D ECM cage required megakaryocyte interaction with the sinusoidal basement membrane" on page 7 is too strong given the data presented at this stage of the study. Supplemental Figure 1C shows that approximately 10% of pMKs form cages without direct vessel contact, indicating that other factors may also play a role in cage formation.<br /> b) The data supporting the statement that "pMK represent a small fraction of the total MK population" (cell number or density) could be shown to help contextualize the 10% of them with a cage.<br /> c) How "the full assembly of the 3D ECM cage" is defined at this stage of the study should be clarified, specifically regarding the ECM components and structural features that characterize its completion.

      (3) Data on MK Circulation and Cage Integrity: Does the cage require full component integrity to prevent MK release in circulation? Are circulating MKs found in Lama4-/- mice? Is the intravasation affected in these mice? Are the ~50% sinusoid associated MK functional?

      (4) Methodology:<br /> a) Details on fixation time are not provided, which is critical as it can impact antibody binding and staining. Including this information would improve reproducibility and feasibility for other researchers.<br /> b) The description of 'random length measuring' is unclear, and the rationale behind choosing random quantification should be explained. Additionally, in the shown image, it appears that only the branching ends were measured, which makes it difficult to discern the randomness in the measurements.

      (5) Figures:<br /> a) Overall, the figures and their corresponding legends would benefit from greater clarity if some panels were split, such as separating images from graph quantifications.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      In this manuscript, Masson, Scandola, et al investigate how interactions between megakaryocytes and the extracellular matrix contribute to the regulation of thrombopoiesis using primary murine bone marrow MK cultures, integrin B1/B3 knock-out mice, and high-resolution 2D and 3D imaging. They find that laminin and collagen iv create a 3D "cage" of ECM surrounding MKs and anchor them at the sinusoidal basement membrane, which contributes to MK maturation and proplatelet intravasation into circulation. Deletion of laminin a4 disrupts the localization of MKs and the endothelial basement membrane, reducing the number of MKs associated with the sinusoid while having no effect on MK-associated collagen IV. Deletion of B1/B3 integrin reduces the quantity, localization, and structural organization of multiple ECM components surrounding MKs, and reduces MK adhesion when subject to conditions of sinusoidal flow.

      Further, using intravital microscopy of calvarial bone marrow and the pulmonary vasculature, they provide data suggesting that the stabilization of ECM around MKs (either in the BM or lung) prevents MKs from entering circulation as intact cells. Interestingly, deletion of B1 integrin reduces MK coverage in laminin y1, but deletion of both B1 and B3 independently results in increased MK intravasation into the sinusoidal space. Comparison of integrin KO MKs with GPVI KO MKs suggests that ECM cage formation, vessel adhesion, and intravasation are likely dependent on integrin activation/signaling rather than GPVI signals.

      Further, they provide data that the balance of ECM synthesis and degradation is essential for MK maturation and also provide data showing that inhibition of ECM turnover (in vivo inhibition of MMPs) results in increased ECM cage components that correspond with reduced MK maturation, and reduced demarcation membrane development.

      The conclusions of the paper are supported by the data, but there are some areas that would benefit from clarification or expansion.

      (1) The data linking ECM cage formation to MK maturation raises several interesting questions. As the authors mention, MKs have been suggested to mature rapidly at the sinusoids, and both integrin KO and laminin KO MKs appear mislocalized away from the sinusoids. Additionally, average MK distances from the sinusoid may also help separate whether the maturation defects could be in part due to impaired migration towards CXCL12 at the sinusoid. Presumably, MKs could appear mislocalized away from the sinusoid given the data presented suggesting they leaving the BM and entering circulation. Additional data or commentary on intrinsic (ex-vivo) MK maturation phenotypes may help strengthen the author's conclusions and shed light on whether an essential function of the ECM cage is integrin activation at the sinusoid.

      (2) The data demonstrating intact MKs inter circulation is intriguing - can the authors comment or provide evidence as to whether MKs are detectable in blood? A quantitative metric may strengthen these observations.

      (3) Supplementary Figure 6 - shows no effect on in vitro MK maturation and proplt, or MK area - But Figures 6B/6C demonstrate an increase in total MK number in MMP-inhibitor treated mice compared to control. Some additional clarification in the text may substantiate the author's conclusions as to either the source of the MMPs or the in vitro environment not fully reflecting the complex and dynamic niche of the BM ECM in vivo.

      (4) Similarly, one function of the ECM discussed relates to MK maturation but in the B1/3 integrin KO mice, the presence of the ECM cage is reduced but there appears to be no significant impact upon maturation (Supplementary Figure 4). By contrast, MMP inhibition in vivo (but not in vitro) reduces MK maturation. These data could be better clarified in the text, or by the addition of experiments addressing whether the composition and quantity of ECM cage components directly inhibit maturation versus whether effects of MMP-inhibitors perhaps lead to over-activation of the integrins (as with the B4galt KO in the discussion) are responsible for the differences in maturation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper contains what could be described as a "classic" approach towards evaluating a novel taste stimuli in an animal model, including standard behavioral tests (some with nerve transections), taste nerve physiology, and immunocytochemistry of taste cells of the tongue. The stimulus being tested is ornithine, from a class of stimuli called "kokumi" (in terms of human taste); these kokumi stimuli appear to enhance other canonical tastes, increasing what are essentially hedonic attributes of other stimuli. The mechanism for ornithine detection is thought to be GPRC6A receptors expressed in taste cells. The authors showed evidence for this in an earlier paper with mice; this paper evaluates ornithine taste in a rat model, and comes to a similar conclusion, albeit with some small differences between the two rodent species.


      The data show effects of ornithine on taste/intake in laboratory rats: In two-bottle and briefer intake tests, adding ornithine results in higher intake of most, but all not all stimuli tested. Bilateral chorda tympani (CT) nerve cuts or the addition of GPRC6A antagonists decreased or eliminated these effects. Ornithine also evoked responses by itself in the CT nerve, but mainly at higher concentrations; at lower concentrations it potentiated the response to monosodium glutamate. Finally, immunocytochemistry of taste cell expression indicated that GPRC6A was expressed predominantly in the anterior tongue, and co-localized (to a small extent) with only IP3R3, indicative of expression in a subset of type II taste receptor cells.


      As the authors are aware, it is difficult to assess a complex human taste with complex attributes, such as kokumi, in an animal model. In these experiments they attempt to uncover mechanistic insights about how ornithine potentiates other stimuli by using a variety of established experimental approaches in rats. They partially succeed by finding evidence that GPRC6A may mediate effects of ornithine when it is used at lower concentrations. In the revision they have scaled back their interpretations accordingly. A supplementary experiment measuring certain aspects of the effects of ornithine added to Miso soup in human subjects is included for the express purpose of establishing that the kokumi sensation of a complex solution is enhanced by ornithine; however, they do not use any such complex solutions in the rat studies. Moreover, the sample size of the human experiment is (still) small - it really doesn't belong in the same manuscript with the rat studies.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors used rats to determine the receptor for a food-related perception (kokumi) that has been characterized in humans. They employ a combination of behavioral, electrophysiological, and immunohistochemical results to support their conclusion that ornithine-mediated kokumi effects are mediated by the GPRC6A receptor. They complemented the rat data with some human psychophysical data. I find the results intriguing, but believe that the authors overinterpret their data.


      The authors provide compelling evidence that ornithine enhances the palatability of several chemical stimuli (i.e., IMP, MSG, MPG, Intralipos, sucrose, NaCl, quinine). Ornithine also increases CT nerve responses to MSG. Additionally, the authors provide evidence that the effects of ornithine are mediated by GPRC6A, a G-protein-coupled receptor family C group 6 subtype A, and that this receptor is expressed primarily in fungiform taste buds. Taken together, these results indicate that ornithine enhances the palatability of multiple taste stimuli in rats and that the enhancement is mediated, at least in part, within fungiform taste buds. This is an important finding that could stand on its own. The question of whether ornithine produces these effects by eliciting kokumi-like perceptions (see below) should be presented as speculation in the Discussion section.


      I am still unconvinced that the measurements in rats reflect the "kokumi" taste percept described in humans. The authors conducted long-term preference tests, 10-min avidity tests and whole chorda tympani (CT) nerve recordings. None of these procedures specifically model features of "kokumi" perception in humans, which (according to the authors) include increasing "intensity of whole complex tastes (rich flavor with complex tastes), mouthfulness (spread of taste and flavor throughout the oral cavity), and persistence of taste (lingering flavor)." While it may be possible to develop behavioral assays in rats (or mice) that effectively model kokumi taste perception in humans, the authors have not made any effort to do so. As a result, I do not think that the rat data provide support for the main conclusion of the study--that "ornithine is a kokumi substance and GPRC6A is a novel kokumi receptor."

      Why are the authors hypothesizing that the primary impacts of ornithine are on the peripheral taste system? While the CT recordings provide support for peripheral taste enhancement, they do not rule out the possibility of additional central enhancement. Indeed, based on the definition of human kokumi described above, it is likely that the effects of kokumi stimuli in humans are mediated at least in part by the central flavor system.

      The authors include (in the supplemental data section) a pilot study that examined the impact of ornithine on variety of subjective measures of flavor perception in humans. The presence of this pilot study within the larger rat study does not really mice sense. While I agree with the authors that there is value in conducting parallel tests in both humans and rodents, I think that this can only be done effectively when the measurements in both species are the same. For this reason, I recommend that the human data be published in a separate article.

      The authors indicated on several occasions (e.g., see Abstract) that ornithine produced "synergistic" effects on the CT nerve response to chemical stimuli. "Synergy" is used to describe a situation where two stimuli produce an effect that is greater than the sum of the response to each stimulus alone (i.e., 2 + 2 = 5). As far as I can tell, the CT recordings in Fig. 3 do not reflect a synergism.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      In this study the authors set out to investigate whether GPRC6A mediates kokumi taste initiated by the amino acid L-ornithine. They used Wistar rats, a standard laboratory strain, as the primary model and also performed an informative taste test in humans, in which miso soup was supplemented with various concentrations of L-ornithine. The findings are valuable and overall the evidence is solid. L-Ornithine should be considered to be a useful test substance in future studies of kokumi taste and the class C G protein coupled receptor known as GPRC6A (C6A) along with its homolog, the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) should be considered candidate mediators of kokumi taste. The researchers confirmed in rats their previous work on Ornithine and C6A in mice (Mizuta et al Nutrients 2021).


      The overall experimental design is solid based on two bottle preference tests in rats. After determining the optimal concentration for L-Ornithine (1 mM) in the presence of MSG, it was added to various tastants including: inosine 5'-monophosphate; monosodium glutamate (MSG); mono-potassium glutamate (MPG); intralipos (a soybean oil emulsion); sucrose; sodium chloride (NaCl; salt); citric acid (sour) and quinine hydrochloride (bitter). Robust effects of ornithine were observed in the cases of IMP, MSG, MPG and sucrose; and little or no effects were observed in the cases of sodium chloride, citric acid; quinine HCl. The researchers then focused on the preference for Ornithine-containing MSG solutions. Inclusion of the C6A inhibitors Calindol (0.3 mM but not 0.06 mM) or the gallate derivative EGCG (0.1 mM but not 0.03 mM) eliminated the preference for solutions that contained Ornithine in addition to MSG. The researchers next performed transections of the chord tympani nerves (with sham operation controls) in anesthetized rats to identify a role of the chorda tympani branches of the facial nerves (cranial nerve VII) in the preference for Ornithine-containing MSG solutions. This finding implicates the anterior half-two thirds of the tongue in ornithine-induced kokumi taste. They then used electrical recordings from intact chorda tympani nerves in anesthetized rats to demonstrate that ornithine enhanced MSG-induced responses following the application of tastants to the anterior surface of the tongue. They went on to show that this enhanced response was insensitive to amiloride, selected to inhibit 'salt tastant' responses mediated by the epithelial Na+ channel, but eliminated by Calindol. Finally they performed immunohistochemistry on sections of rat tongue demonstrating C6A positive spindle-shaped cells in fungiform papillae that partially overlapped in its distribution with the IP3 type-3 receptor, used as a marker of Type-II cells, but not with (i) gustducin, the G protein partner of Tas1 receptors (T1Rs), used as a marker of a subset of type-II cells; or (ii) 5-HT (serotonin) and Synaptosome-associated protein 25 kDa (SNAP-25) used as markers of Type-III cells.

      At least two other receptors in addition to C6A might mediate taste responses to ornithine: (i) the CaSR, which binds and responds to multiple L-amino acids (Conigrave et al, PNAS 2000), and which has been previously reported to mediate kokumi taste (Ohsu et al., JBC 2010) as well as responses to Ornithine (Shin et al., Cell Signaling 2020); and (ii) T1R1/T1R3 heterodimers which also respond to L-amino acids and exhibit enhanced responses to IMP (Nelson et al., Nature 2001). These alternatives are appropriately discussed and, taken together, the experimental results favor the authors' interpretation that C6A mediates the Ornithine responses. The authors provide preliminary data in Suppl. 3 for the possibility of co-expression of C6A with the CaSR.


      The authors point out that animal models pose some difficulties of interpretation in studies of taste and raise the possibility in the Discussion that umami substances may enhance the taste response to ornithine (Line 271, Page 9).

      One issue that is not addressed, and could be usefully addressed in the Discussion, relates to the potential effects of kokumi substances on the threshold concentrations of key tastants such as glutamate. Thus, an extension of taste distribution to additional areas of the mouth (previously referred to as 'mouthfulness') and persistence of taste/flavor responses (previously referred to as 'continuity') could arise from a reduction in the threshold concentrations of umami and other substances that evoke taste responses.

      The status of one of the compounds used as an inhibitor of C6A, the gallate derivative EGCG, as a potential inhibitor of the CaSR or T1R1/T1R3 is unknown. It would have been helpful to show that a specific inhibitor of the CaSR failed to block the ornithine response.

      It would have been helpful to include a positive control kokumi substance in the two bottle preference experiment (e.g., one of the known gamma glutamyl peptides such as gamma-glu-Val-Gly or glutathione), to compare the relative potencies of the control kokumi compound and Ornithine, and to compare the sensitivities of the two responses to C6A and CaSR inhibitors.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The Bagnat and Rawls groups' previous published work (Park et al., 2019) described the kinetics and genetic basis of protein absorption in a specialized cell population of young vertebrates termed lysosome-rich enterocytes (LREs). In this study they seek to understand how the presence and composition of the microbiota impacts the protein absorption function of these cells and reciprocally, how diet and intestinal protein absorption function impact the microbiome.

      Strengths of the study include the functional assays for protein absorption performed in live larval zebrafish, which provides detailed kinetics on protein uptake and degradation with anatomic precision, and the gnotobiotic manipulations. The authors clearly show that the presence of the microbiota or of certain individual bacterial members slows the uptake and degradation of multiple different tester fluorescent proteins.

      To understand the mechanistic basis for these differences, the authors also provide detailed single-cell transcriptomic analyses of cells isolated based on both an intestinal epithelial cell identity (based on a transgenic marker) and their protein uptake activity. The data generated from these analyses, presented in Figures 3-5, are valuable for expanding knowledge about zebrafish intestinal epithelial cell identities, but of more limited interest to a broader readership. Some of the descriptive analysis in this section is circular because the authors define subsets of LREs (termed anterior and posterior) based on their fabp2 expression levels, but then go on to note transcriptional differences between these cells (for example in fabp2) that are a consequence of this initial subsetting.

      Inspired by their single-cell profiling and by previous characterization of the genes required for protein uptake and degradation in the LREs, the authors use quantitative hybridization chain reaction RNA-fluorescent in situ hybridization to examine transcript levels of several of these genes along the length of the LRE intestinal region of germ-free versus mono-associated larvae. They provide good evidence for reduced transcript levels of these genes that correlate with the reduced protein uptake in the mono-associated larval groups.

      The final part of the study (shown in Figure 7) characterized the microbiomes of 30-day-old zebrafish reared from 6-30 days on defined diets of low and high protein and with or without homozygous loss of the cubn gene required for protein uptake. The analysis of these microbiomes notes some significant differences between fish genotypes by diet treatments, but the discussion of these data does not provide strong support for the hypothesis that "LRE activity has reciprocal effects on the gut microbiome". The most striking feature of the MDS plot of Bray Curtis distance between zebrafish samples shown in Figure 7B is the separation by diet independent of host genotype, which is not discussed in the associated text. Additionally, the high protein diet microbiomes have a greater spread than those of the low protein treatment groups, with the high protein diet cubn mutant samples being the most dispersed. This pattern is consistent with the intestinal microbiota under a high protein diet regimen and in the absence of protein absorption machinery being most perturbed in stochastic ways than in hosts competent for protein uptake, consistent with greater beta dispersal associated with more dysbiotic microbiomes (described as the Anna Karenina principle here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28836573/). It would be useful for the authors to provide statistics on the beta dispersal of each treatment group.

      Overall, this study provides strong evidence that specific members of the microbiota differentially impact gene expression and cellular activities of enterocyte protein uptake and degradation, findings that have a significant impact on the field of gastrointestinal physiology. The work refines our understanding of intestinal cell types that contribute to protein uptake and their respective transcriptomes. The work also provides some evidence that microbiomes are modulated by enterocyte protein uptake capacity in a diet-dependent manner. These latter findings provide valuable datasets for future related studies.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors set out to determine how the microbiome and host genotype impact host protein-based nutrition.


      The quantification of protein uptake dynamics is a major strength of this work and the sensitivity of this assay shows that the microbiome and even mono-associated bacterial strains dampen protein uptake in the host by causing down-regulation of genes involved in this process rather than a change in cell type.

      The use of fluorescent proteins in combination with transcript clustering in the single cell seq analysis deepens our understanding of the cells that participate in protein uptake along the intestine. In addition to the lysozome-rich enterocytes (LRE), subsets of enteroendocrine cells, acinar, and goblet cells also take up protein. Intriguingly, these non-LRE cells did not show lysosomal-based protein degradation; but importantly analysis of the transcripts upregulated in these cells include dab2 and cubn, genes shown previously as being essential to protein uptake.

      The derivation of zebrafish mono-associated with single strains of microbes paired with HCR to localize and quantify the expression of host protein absorption genes shows that different bacterial strains suppress these genes to variable extents.

      The analysis of microbiome composition, when host protein absorption is compromised in cubn-/- larvae or by reducing protein in the food, demonstrates that changes to host uptake can alter the abundance of specific microbial taxa like Aeramonas.


      The finding that neurons are positive for protein uptake in the single-cell data set is not adequately discussed. It is curious because the cldn:GFP line used for sorting does not mark neurons and if the neurons are taking up mCherry via trans-synaptic uptake from EECs, those neurons should be mCherry+/GFP-; yet methods indicate GFP+ and GFP+/mCherry+ cells were the ones collected and analyzed.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      Childers et al. address a fundamental question about the complex relationship within the gut: the link between nutrient absorption, microbial presence, and intestinal physiology. They focus on the role of lysosome-rich enterocytes (LREs) and the microbiota in protein absorption within the intestinal epithelium. By using germ-free and conventional zebrafishes, they demonstrate that microbial association leads to a reduction in protein uptake by LREs. Through impressive in vivo imaging of gavaged fluorescent proteins, they detail the degradation rate within the LRE region, positioning these cells as key players in the process. Additionally, the authors map protein absorption in the gut using single-cell sequencing analysis, extensively describing LRE subpopulations in terms of clustering and transcriptomic patterns. They further explore the monoassociation of ex-germ-free animals with specific bacterial strains, revealing that the reduction in protein absorption in the LRE region is strain-specific.


      The authors employ state-of-the-art imaging to provide clear evidence of the protein absorption rate phenotype, focusing on a specific intestinal region. This innovative method of fluorescent protein tracing expands the field of in vivo gut physiology.

      Using both conventional and germ-free animals for single-cell sequencing analysis, they offer valuable epithelial datasets for researchers studying host-microbe interactions. By capitalizing on fluorescently labelled proteins in vivo, they create a new and specific atlas of cells involved in protein absorption, along with a detailed LRE single-cell transcriptomic dataset.


      While the authors present tangible hypotheses, the data are primarily correlative, and the statistical methods are inadequate. They examine protein absorption in a specific, normalized intestinal region but do not address confounding factors between germ-free and conventional animals, such as size differences, transit time, and oral gavage, which may impact their in vivo observations. This oversight can lead to bold conclusions, where the data appear valuable but require more nuance.

      The sections of the study describing the microbiota or attempting functional analysis are elusive, with related data being overinterpreted. The microbiome field has long used 16S sequencing to characterize the microbiota, but its variability due to experimental parameters limits the ability to draw causative conclusions about the link between LRE activity, dietary protein, and microbial composition. Additionally, the complex networks involved in dopamine synthesis and signalling cannot be fully represented by RNA levels alone. The authors' conclusions on this biological phenomenon based on single-cell data need support from functional and in vivo experiments.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      IKK is the key signaling node for inflammatory signaling. Despite the availability of molecular structures, how the kinase achieves its specificity remains unclear. This paper describes a dynamic sequence of events in which autophosphorylation of a tyrosine near the activate site facilitates phosphorylation of the serine on the substrate via a phosphor-transfer reaction. The proposed mechanism is conceptually novel in several ways, suggesting that the kinase is dual specificity (tyrosine and serine) and that it mediates a phospho-transfer reaction. While bacteria contain phosphorylation-transfer enzymes, this is unheard of for mammalian kinases. However, what the functional significance of this enzymatic activity might remain unaddressed.

      The revised manuscript adequately addresses all the points I suggested in the review of the first submission.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors investigate the phosphotransfer capacity of Ser/Thr kinase IκB kinase (IKK), a mediator of cellular inflammation signaling. Canonically, IKK activity is promoted by activation loop phosphorylation at Ser177/Ser181. Active IKK can then unleash NF-κB signaling by phosphorylating repressor IκBα at residues Ser32/Ser26. Noting the reports of other IKK phosphorylation sites, the authors explore the extent of autophosphorylation.

      Semi-phosphorylated IKK purified from Sf9 cells, exhibits the capacity for further autophosphorylation. Anti-phosphotyrosine immunoblotting indicated unexpected tyrosine phosphorylation. Contaminating kinase activity was tested by generating a kinase-dead K44M variant, supporting the notion that the unexpected phosphorylation was IKK-dependent. In addition, the observed phosphotyrosine signal required phosphorylated IKK activation loop serines.

      Two candidate IKK tyrosines were examined as the source of the phosphotyrosine immunoblotting signal. Activation loop residues Tyr169 and Tyr188 were each rendered non-phosphorylatable by mutation to Phe. The Tyr variants decreased both autophosphorylation and phosphotransfer to IκBα. Likewise, Y169F and Y188F IKK2 variants immunoprecipitated from TNFa-stimulated cells also exhibited reduced activity in vitro.

      The authors further focus on Tyr169 phosphorylation, proposing a role as a phospho-sink capable of phosphotransfer to IκBα substrate. This model is reminiscent of the bacterial two-component signaling phosphotransfer from phosphohistidine to aspartate. Efforts are made to phosphorylate IKK2 and remove ATP to assess the capacity for phosphotransfer. Phosphorylation of IκBα is observed after ATP removal, although there are ambiguous requirements for ADP.


      Ultimately, the authors draw together the lines of evidence for IKK2 phosphotyrosine and ATP-independent phosphotransfer to develop a novel model for IKK2-mediated phosphorylation of IκBα. The model suggests that IKK activation loop Ser phosphorylation primes the kinase for tyrosine autophosphorylation. With the assumption that IKK retains the bound ADP, the phosphotyrosine is conformationally available to relay the phosphate to IκBα substrate. The authors are clearly aware of the high burden of evidence required for this unusual proposed mechanism. Indeed, many possible artifacts (e.g., contaminating kinases or ATP) are anticipated and control experiments are included to address many of these concerns. The analysis hinges on the fidelity of pan-specific phosphotyrosine antibodies, and the authors have probed with two different anti-phosphotyrosine antibody clones. Taken together, the observations are thought-provoking, and I look forward to seeing this model tested in a cellular system.


      Multiple phosphorylated tyrosines in IKK2 were apparently identified by mass spectrometric analyses. LC-MS/MS spectra are presented, but fragments supporting phospho-Y188 and Y325 are difficult to distinguish from noise. It is common to find non-physiological post-translational modifications in over-expressed proteins from recombinant sources. Are these IKK2 phosphotyrosines evident by MS in IKK2 immunoprecipitated from TNFa-stimulated cells? Identifying IKK2 phosphotyrosine sites from cells would be especially helpful in supporting the proposed model.