- Nov 2023
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Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, Vöröslakos and colleagues describe a new behavioural testing apparatus called ThermoMaze, which should facilitate controlling when a mouse is exploring the environment vs. remaining immobile. The floor of the apparatus is tiled with 25 plates, which can be individually heated, whereas the rest of the environment is cooled. The mouse avoids cooled areas and stays immobile on a heated tile. The authors systematically changed the location of the heated tile to trigger the mouse's exploratory behaviours. The authors showed that if the same plate stays heated longer, the mouse falls into an NREM sleep state. The authors conclude their apparatus allows easy control of triggering behaviours such as running/exploration, immobility and NREM sleep. The authors also carried out single-unit recordings of CA1 hippocampal cells using various silicone probes. They show that the location of a mouse can be decoded with above-chance accuracy from cell activity during sharp wave ripples, which tend to occur when the mouse is immobile or asleep. The authors suggest that consistent with some previous results, SPW-Rs encode the mouse's current location and any other information they may encode (such as past and future locations, usually associated with them).
Strengths:<br /> Overall, the apparatus may open fruitful avenues for future research to uncover the physiology of transitions from different behavioural states such as locomotion, immobility, and sleep. The setup is compatible with neural recordings. No training is required.
Weaknesses:<br /> I have a few concerns related to the authors' methodology and some limitations of the apparatus's current form. Although the authors suggest that switching between the plates forces animal behaviour into an exploratory mode, leading to a better sampling of the enclosure, their example position heat maps and trajectories suggest that the behaviour is still very stereotypical, restricted mostly to the trajectories along the walls or the diagonal ones (between two opposite corners). This may not be ideal for studying spatial responses known to be affected by the stereotypicity of the animal's trajectories. Moreover, given such stereotypicity of the trajectories mice take before and after reaching a specific plate, it may be that the stable activity of SWR-P ripples used for decoding different quadrants may be representing future and/or past trajectories rather than the current locations suggested by the authors. If this is the case, it may be confusing/misleading to call such activity ' place-selective firing', since they don't necessarily encode a given place per se (line 281).
Another main study limitation is the reported instability of the location cells in the Thermomaze. This may be related to the heating procedure, differences in stereotypical sampling of the enclosure, or the enclosure size (too small to properly reveal the place code). It would be helpful if the authors separate pyramidal cells into place and non-place cells to better understand how stable place cell activity is. This information may also help to disambiguate the SPW-R-related limitations outlined above and may help to solve the poor decoding problem reported by the authors (lines 218-221).
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary: The study introduces and validates the Cyclic Homogeneous Oscillation (CHO) detection method to precisely determine the duration, location, and fundamental frequency of non-sinusoidal neural oscillations. Traditional spectral analysis methods face challenges in distinguishing the fundamental frequency of non-sinusoidal oscillations from their harmonics, leading to potential inaccuracies. The authors implement an underexplored approach, using the auto-correlation structure to identify the characteristic frequency of an oscillation. By combining this strategy with existing time-frequency tools to identify when oscillations occur, the authors strive to solve outstanding challenges involving spurious harmonic peaks detected in time-frequency representations. Empirical tests using electrocorticographic (ECoG) and electroencephalographic (EEG) signals further support the efficacy of CHO in detecting neural oscillations.
1. The paper puts an important emphasis on the 'identity' question of oscillatory identification. The field primarily identifies oscillations through frequency, space (brain region), and time (length, and relative to task or rest). However, more tools that claim to further characterize oscillations by their defining/identifying traits are needed, in addition to data-driven studies about what the identifiable traits of neural oscillations are beyond frequency, location, and time. Such tools are useful for potentially distinguishing between circuit mechanistic generators underlying signals that may not otherwise be distinguished. This paper states this problem well and puts forth a new type of objective for neural signal processing methods.
2. The paper uses synthetic data and multimodal recordings at multiple scales to validate the tool, suggesting CHO's robustness and applicability in various real-data scenarios. The figures illustratively demonstrate how CHO works on such synthetic and real examples, depicting in both time and frequency domains. The synthetic data are well-designed, and capable of producing transient oscillatory bursts with non-sinusoidal characteristics within 1/f noise. Using both non-invasive and invasive signals exposes CHO to conditions which may differ in extent and quality of the harmonic signal structure. An interesting followup question is whether the utility demonstrated here holds for MEG signals, as well as source-reconstructed signals from non-invasive recordings.
3. This study is accompanied by open-source code and data for use by the community.
1. Due to the proliferation of neural signal processing techniques that have been designed to tackle issues such as harmonic activity, transient and event-like oscillations, and non-sinusoidal waveforms, it is naturally difficult for every introduction of a new tool to include exhaustive comparisons of all others. Here, some additional comparisons may be considered for the sake of context, a selection of which follows, biased by the previous exposure of this reviewer. One emerging approach that may be considered is known as state-space models with oscillatory and autoregressive components (Matsuda 2017, Beck 2022). State-space models such as autoregressive models have long been used to estimate the auto-correlation structure of a signal. State-space oscillators have recently been applied to transient oscillations such as sleep spindles (He 2023). Therefore, state-space oscillators extended with auto-regressive components may be able to perform the functions of the present tool through different means by circumventing the need to identify them in time-frequency. Another tool that should be mentioned is called PAPTO (Brady 2022). Although PAPTO does not address harmonics, it detects oscillatory events in the presence of 1/f background activity. Lastly, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) approaches have been studied in the context of neural harmonics and non-sinusoidal activity (Quinn 2021, Fabus 2022). EMD has an intrinsic relationship with extrema finding, in contrast with the present technique. In summary, the existence of methods such as PAPTO shows that researchers are converging on similar approaches to tackle similar problems. The existence of time-domain approaches such as state-space oscillators and EMD indicates that the field of time-series analysis may yield even more approaches that are conceptually distinct and may theoretically circumvent the methodology of this tool.
2. The criteria that the authors use for neural oscillations embody some operating assumptions underlying their characteristics, perhaps informed by immediate use cases intended by the authors (e.g., hippocampal bursts). The extent to which these assumptions hold in all circumstances should be investigated. For instance, the notion of consistent auto-correlation breaks down in scenarios where instantaneous frequency fluctuates significantly at the scale of a few cycles. Imagine an alpha-beta complex without harmonics (Jones 2009). If oscillations change phase position within a timeframe of a few cycles, it would be difficult for a single peak in the auto-correlation structure to elucidate the complex time-varying peak frequency in a dynamic fashion. Likewise, it is unclear whether bounding boxes with a pre-specified overlap can capture complexes that maneuver across peak frequencies.
3. Related to the last item, this method appears to lack implementation of statistical inferential techniques for estimating and interpreting auto-correlation and spectral structure. In standard practice, auto-correlation functions and spectral measures can be subjected to statistical inference to establish confidence intervals, often helping to determine the significance of the estimates. Doing so would be useful for expressing the likelihood that an oscillation and its harmonic has the same auto-correlation structure and fundamental frequency, or more robustly identifying harmonic peaks in the presence of spectral noise. Here, the authors appear to use auto-correlation and time-frequency decomposition more as a deterministic tool rather than an inferential one. Overall, an inferential approach would help differentiate between true effects and those that might spuriously occur due to the nature of the data. Ultimately, a more statistically principled approach might estimate harmonic structure in the presence of noise in a unified manner transmitted throughout the methodological steps.
4. As with any signal processing method, hyperparameters and their ability to be tuned by the user need to be clearly acknowledged, as they impact the robustness and reproducibility of the method. Here, some of the hyperparameters appear to be: a) number of cycles around which to construct bounding boxes and b) overlap percentage of bounding boxes for grouping. Any others should be highlighted by the authors and clearly explained during the course of tool dissemination to the community, ideally in tutorial format through the Github repository.
5. Most of the validation demonstrations in this paper depict the detection capabilities of CHO. For example, the authors demonstrate how to use this tool to reduce false detection of oscillations made up of harmonic activity and show in simulated examples how CHO performs compared to other methods in detection specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy. However, the detection problem is not the same as the 'identity' problem that the paper originally introduced CHO to solve. That is, detecting a non-sinusoidal oscillation well does not help define or characterize its non-sinusoidal 'fingerprint'. An example problem to set up this question is: if there are multiple oscillations at the same base frequency in a dataset, how can their differing harmonic structure be used to distinguish them from each other? To address this at a minimum, Figure 4 (or a followup to it) should simulate signals at similar levels of detectability with different 'identities' (i.e. different levels and/or manifestations of harmonic structure), and evaluate CHO's potential ability to distinguish or cluster them from each other. Then, does a real-world dataset or neuroscientific problem exist in which a similar sort of exercise can be conducted and validated in some way? If the "what" question is to be sufficiently addressed by this tool, then this type of task should be within the scope of its capabilities, and validation within this scenario should be demonstrated in the paper. This is the most fundamental limitation at the paper's current state.
Beck AM, He M, Gutierrez R, Purdon PL. An iterative search algorithm to identify oscillatory dynamics in neurophysiological time series. bioRxiv. 2022. p. 2022.10.30.514422. doi:10.1101/2022.10.30.514422
Brady B, Bardouille T. Periodic/Aperiodic parameterization of transient oscillations (PAPTO)-Implications for healthy ageing. Neuroimage. 2022;251: 118974.
Fabus MS, Woolrich MW, Warnaby CW, Quinn AJ. Understanding Harmonic Structures Through Instantaneous Frequency. IEEE Open J Signal Process. 2022;3: 320-334.
Jones SR, Pritchett DL, Sikora MA, Stufflebeam SM, Hämäläinen M, Moore CI. Quantitative analysis and biophysically realistic neural modeling of the MEG mu rhythm: rhythmogenesis and modulation of sensory-evoked responses. J Neurophysiol. 2009;102: 3554-3572.
He M, Das P, Hotan G, Purdon PL. Switching state-space modeling of neural signal dynamics. PLoS Comput Biol. 2023;19: e1011395.
Matsuda T, Komaki F. Time Series Decomposition into Oscillation Components and Phase Estimation. Neural Comput. 2017;29: 332-367.
Quinn AJ, Lopes-Dos-Santos V, Huang N, Liang W-K, Juan C-H, Yeh J-R, et al. Within-cycle instantaneous frequency profiles report oscillatory waveform dynamics. J Neurophysiol. 2021;126: 1190-1208.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary: A new toolbox is presented that builds on previous toolboxes to distinguish between real and spurious oscillatory activity, which can be induced by non-sinusoidal waveshapes. Whilst there are many toolboxes that help to distinguish between 1/f noise and oscillations, not many tools are available that help to distinguish true oscillatory activity from spurious oscillatory activity induced in harmonics of the fundamental frequency by non-sinusoidal waveshapes. The authors present a new algorithm which is based on autocorrelation to separate real from spurious oscillatory activity. The algorithm is extensively validated using synthetic (simulated) data, and various empirical datasets from EEG, intracranial EEG in various locations and domains (i.e. auditory cortex, hippocampus, etc.).
Strengths: Distinguishing real from spurious oscillatory activity due to non-sinusoidal waveshapes is an issue that has plagued the field for quite a long time. The presented toolbox addresses this fundamental problem which will be of great use for the community. The paper is written in a very accessible and clear way so that readers less familiar with the intricacies of Fourier transform and signal processing will also be able to follow it. A particular strength is the broad validation of the toolbox, using synthetic, scalp EEG, EcoG, and stereotactic EEG in various locations and paradigms.
Weaknesses: At many parts in the results section critical statistical comparisons are missing (e.g. FOOOF vs CHO). Another weakness concerns the methods part which only superficially describes the algorithm. Finally, a weakness is that the algorithm seems to be quite conservative in identifying oscillatory activity which may render it only useful for analysing very strong oscillatory signals (i.e. alpha), but less suitable for weaker oscillatory signals (i.e. gamma).
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This paper further investigates the role of self-assembly of ice-binding bacterial proteins in promoting ice-nucleation. For the P. borealis Ice Nucleating Protein (PbINP) studied here, earlier work had already determined clearly distinct roles for different subdomains of the protein in determining activity. Key players are the water-organizing loops (WO-loops) of the central beta-solenoid structure and a set of non-water-organizing C-terminal loops, called the R-loops in view of characteristically located arginines. Previous mutation studies (using nucleation activity as a read-out) had already suggested the R-loops interact with the WO loops, to cause self-assembly of PbINP, which in turn was thought to lead to enhanced ice-nucleating activity. In this paper, the activities of additional mutants are studied, and a bioinformatics analysis on the statistics of the number of WO- and R-loops is presented for a wide range of bacterial ice-nucleating proteins, and additional electron-microscopy results are presented on fibrils formed by the non-mutated PbINP in E coli lysates.
Strengths:<br /> -A very complete set of additional mutants is investigated to further strengthen the earlier hypothesis.<br /> -A nice bioinformatics analysis that underscores that the hypothesis should apply not only to PbINP but to a wide range of (related) bacterial ice-nucleating proteins.<br /> -Convincing data that PbINP overexpressed in E coli forms fibrils (electron microscopy on E coli lysates).
Weaknesses:<br /> -The new data is interesting and further strengthens the hypotheses put forward in the earlier work. However, just as in the earlier work, the proof for the link between self-assembly and ice-nucleation remains indirect. Assembly into fibrils is shown for E coli lysates expressing non-mutated pbINP, hence it is indeed clear that pbINP self-associates. It is not shown however that the mutations that lead to loss of ice-nucleating activity also lead to loss of self-assembly. A more quantitative or additional self-assembly assay could shine light on this, either in the present or in future studies.
-Also the "working model" for the self-assembly of the fibers remains not more than that, just as in the earlier papers, since the mutation-activity relationship does not contain enough information to build a good structural model. Again, a better model would require different kinds of experiments, that yield more detailed structural data on the fibrils.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary: Hansen et al. dissect the molecular mechanisms of bacterial ice nucleating proteins mutating the protein systematically. They assay the ice nucleating ability for variants changing the R-coils as well as the coil capping motifs. The ice nucleation mechanism depends on the integrity of the R-coils, without which the multimerization and formation of fibrils are disrupted.
Strengths: The effects of mutations are really dramatic, so there is no doubt about the effect. The variants tested are logical and progressively advance the story. The authors identify an underlying mechanism involving multimerization, which is plausible and compatible with EM data. The model is further shown to work in cells by tomography.
Weaknesses: The theoretical model presented for how the proteins assemble into fibrils is simple, but not supported by much data.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary: in this manuscript, Hansen and co-authors investigated the role of R-coils in the multimerization and ice nucleation activity of PbINP, an ice nucleation protein identified in Pseudomonas borealis. The results of this work suggest that the length, localization, and amino acid composition of R-coils are crucial for the formation of PbINP multimers.
Strengths: The authors use a rational mutagenesis approach to identify the role of the length, localisation, and amino acid composition of R-coils in ice nucleation activity. Based on these results, the authors hypothesize a multimerization model. Overall, this is a multidisciplinary work that provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying ice nucleation activity.
Weaknesses: Several parts of the work appear cryptic and unsuitable for non-expert readers. The results of this work should be better described and presented.
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Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The strengths of this paper begin with the topic. Specifically, this approaches the question of how GPCR signals are directed to different outcomes under different conditions. There is rich complexity within this question; there are potentially billions of molecules that could interact with >800 human GPCRs and thousands of molecular effectors that may be activated. However, these outcomes are filtered through a small number of GPCR-interacting proteins that direct the signal.
Experimentally, strengths include the initial experimental controls employed in characterizing their ever-important antisera, on which their conclusions hinge. In showing strong agonist-dependent and phosphosite-dependent recognition, as well as the addition of GRK inhibitors and eventually an antagonist and phosphatase treatment, the authors substantiate the role of the antiserum in recognizing their intended motifs. When employed, those antisera overall give clear indications of differences across variables in immunoblots, and while the immunocytochemical studies are qualitative and at times not visually significantly different across all variables, they are in large part congruent with the results of the immunoblots and provide secondary supporting evidence for the author's major claims. One confounding aspect of the immunocytochemical images is the presence of background pThr306/pThr310, like in Figures 4C and 6A and B. In 4A and C, while the immunoblot shows a complete absence of pThr306/pThr310, Figure 4C's immuno image does not. In 6A and B, a similar presence of pThr306/pThr310 is seen in the vehicle image, which is not strikingly over-shown by the MOMBA-treated image. In addition, only Ser/Thr residues of the C-terminus were investigated, while residues of ICL3 have long been known to direct signaling in many GPCRs. Because of the presentations of sequences, it was not clear whether there were residues of ICL3 that have the possibility of being involved.
It may be possible and further testable to show whether the residues that maintain basal phosphorylation could also be tissue-specific, especially considering the presence of pThr306/pThr310 detection in both the Figure 6A immunoblot's vehicle lane (but not MOMBA lane). The aforementioned detection in the immunocytochemical vehicle image could support differential basal phosphorylation in the enteroendocrine cells. Should this be the case, it could have confounded the initial mass-spec screen wherein the Ser residues were basally active in that cell type, while in a distinct cell type that may not be the case. Lastly, should normalized quantification of these images be possible, it may help in clearing up these hard-to-compare visual images.
It is noted that aspects of the writing and presentation may lead to confusion for some readers, but this does not affect the overall significance of the work.
Nevertheless, in terms of the global goal of the authors, the indication of differences in phosphorylation states between tissues is still evident across the experiments. Accordingly, the paper is overall strongly well-researched, well-controlled, and the conclusions made by the authors are data-grounded and not overly extrapolated. Providing direct evidence for the tissue-based branch of the barcode hypothesis is both novel and significant for the field, and the paper leaves room for much more exciting research to be done in the area, opening the door for new questions and hypotheses.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Very systematic generation of phosphosite-specific antisera to monitor FFA2 phosphorylation in native cells and tissues. Provides evidence that FFA2 phosphorylation is tissue-specific.
Technical tour de force, rigorous experimental approaches taking advantage of wt and DREADD versions of FFA2 to make sure that ligand-and receptor-dependent phosphorylations are indeed specific to FFA2.
In this reviewer's opinion, the only shortcoming is that the implications of tissue-selective phosphorylation barcoding remain unexplored. However, I understand that tool development is required before tools are used to provide insight into the functional outcomes of receptor regulation by phosphorylation. The study is a technical tour de force to generate highly valuable tools. I have no major criticisms but suggest adding an additional aspect to the discussion as specified below.
Arrestins are highly flexible and dynamic phosphate sensors. If two arrestins have to recognize 800 different phosphorylated GPCRs, is it possible that any barcode serves the same purpose: arrestin recognition followed by signal arrest and internalization? Because phosphorylation barcoding is linked to G protein-independent signaling, which is claimed by some but is experimentally unsupported, and because arrestins don't transduce receptor signals on their own (they only scaffold signaling components and shuttle receptors within cellular compartments), I would also include this option in the discussion, i.e. that the different barcodes are a way nature may have chosen to regulate the location of 800 GPCRs by only 2 arrestins.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The authors generate and characterize two phosphospecific antisera for FFA2 receptor and claim a "bar code" difference between white fat and Peyers patches.
The question is interesting and the antibody characterization is convincing.
The mass spectrometry analysis is not convincing because the method is not quantitative (no SILAC, TMT, internal standards etc). Figure 1 shows single tryptic peptides with one and two phosphorylation fragmentations as claimed, but there is no data testing the abundance of these so the differences claimed between cell treatment conditions are not established.
The blot analysis cannot distinguish 296/7 but it does convincingly show an agonist increase. Can the authors clarify why the amount of constitutive phosphorylation is much higher in the example blot in Figure 2 than in Figure 3? It would be helpful to quantify this across more than one example, like in Figures 4 and 5 for tissue.
Compound 101 is shown in Figure 2 to block barrestin recruitment. I agree this suggests phosphorylation mediated by GRK2/3 but this is not tested. The new antibodies should be good for this so I don't understand why the indirect approach.
The conditions used to inhibit dephosphorylation are not specified, the method only says "phosphatase inhibitors". How do the authors know that low P at 306/7 in white fat is not a result of dephosphorylation during sample preparation? If these sites are GRK2/3 dependent (see above) then does adipose tissue lack this GRK?
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This important study from Godneeva et al. establishes a Drosophila model system for understanding how the activity of Tif1 proteins is modified by SUMO. The authors convincingly show that Bonus, like homologous mammalian Tif1 proteins, is a repressor, and that it interacts with other co-repressors Mi-2/NuRD and SetDB1 in Drosophia ovaries and S2 cells. They also show that Bonus is SUMOylated by Su(var)2-10 on one lysine at its N-terminus to promote its interaction with SetDB1. By combining biochemistry with an elegant reporter gene approach, they show that SUMOylation is important for Bonus interaction with SetDB1, and that this SUMO-dependent interaction triggers high levels of H3K9me3 deposition and gene silencing. While there are still major questions of how SUMO molecularly promotes this process, the authors conducted several experiments that will guide future work. For example, they showed that SUMOylation likely indirectly promotes Bon interaction with SetDB1 because mostly unSUMOylated Bon copurifies with SetDB1. They also show that SUMOylated and unSUMOylated Bon differentially localize within the cell, and preventing Bon SUMOylation alters its subcellular localization. These important experiments disfavor a simple model where SUMO bridges the Bon/SetDB1 interaction and hint at a more complex multi-step assembly process that regulates Bon-dependent transcriptional silencing.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors analyze the functions and regulation of Bon, the sole Drosophila ortholog of the TIF1 family of mammalian transcriptional regulators. Bon has been implicated in several developmental programs, however the molecular details of its regulation have not been well understood. Here, the authors reveal the requirement of Bon in oogenesis, thus establishing a previously unknown biological function for this protein. Furthermore, careful molecular analysis convincingly established the role of Bon in transcriptional repression. This repressor function requires interactions with the NuRD complex and histone methyltransferase SetDB1, as well as sumoylation of Bon by the E3 SUMO ligase Su(var)2-10. Overall, this work represents a significant advance in our understanding of the functions and regulation of Bon and, more generally, the TIF1 family. Since Bon is the only TIF1 family member in Drosophila, the regulatory mechanisms delineated in this study may represent the prototypical and important modes of regulation of this protein family. The presented data are rigorous and convincing. As discussed below, this study can be strengthened by a demonstration of a direct association of Bon with its target genes, and by analysis of the biological consequences of the K20R mutation.
Strengths:<br /> 1. This study identified the requirement for Bon in oogenesis, a previously unknown function for this protein.<br /> 2. Identified Bon target genes that are normally repressed in the ovary, and showed that the repression mechanism involves the repressive histone modification mark H3K9me3 deposition on at least some targets.<br /> 3. Showed that Bon physically interacts with the components of the NuRD complex and SetDB1. These protein complexes are likely mediating Bon-dependent repression.<br /> 4. Identified Bon sumoylation site (K20) that is conserved in insects. This site is required for repression in a tethering transcriptional reporter assay, and SUMO itself is required for repression and interaction with SetDB1. Interestingly, the K20-mutant Bon is mislocalized in the nucleus in distinct puncta.<br /> 5. Showed that Su(var)2-10 is a SUMO E3 ligase for Bon and that Su(var)2-10 is required for Bon-mediated repression.
Weaknesses:<br /> The study would be strengthened by demonstrating a direct recruitment of Bon to the target genes identified by RNA-seq. - It appears that the authors have attempted such an experiment, but it was not successful due to the current technical limitations, as the authors describe in their rebuttal.
The second area where the manuscript can be improved is to analyze the biological function of the K20R mutant Bonus protein. The molecular data suggest that this residue is important for function, and it would be important to confirm this in vivo. - Fig. 5G indeed shows that the 3KR mutant is deficient in inducing repression, which partially addresses this concern. In the future, it would be interesting to test if the single K20R is similarly deficient, and to analyze any resulting phenotypes.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In their study, Zhou et al. unveil the pivotal role of ULK4 in conjunction with STK36, shedding light on their collective impact on GLI2 phosphorylation and the subsequent activation of the SHH pathway. The research delves deep into the intricate interactions between ULK4 and various components of the SHH pathway within the primary cilium.
The main strength of the study lies in the careful and systematic sequence of logical methods. The authors apply the expression of a range of different deletion and mutation constructs and carry out a comprehensive biochemical study of the consequences of depletion and reintroduction of various components in the context of STK36 and ULK4.
Their findings reveal that ULK4 forms dynamic interactions with a complex composed of STK36 and GLI2. It is proposed that ULK4 acts as a scaffold, facilitating the essential interaction between STK36 and GLI2, thereby driving GLI2 phosphorylation by STK36. Notably, the research reveals that the N-terminal pseudokinase domain of ULK4 binds to Stk36, while the C-terminal regulatory domain of ULK4 interacts with Gli2. Moreover, the study presents compelling evidence for co-localization of ULK4 and STK36 with GLI2 at the ciliary tip within NIH 3T3 cells. Importantly, ULK4 and STK36 mutually rely on each other for their accumulation at this ciliary tip.
This intricate mechanism, orchestrated by ULK4, brings to light the nuanced modulation of the SHH pathway. The research is substantiated by rigorous Co-IP experiments, kinase assays, and confocal imaging localization studies. To unravel the fine details of GLI2 phosphorylation at the primary cilium tip, the authors meticulously employ a diverse array of mutated and wild-type constructs of STK36 and ULK4.
In summary, the studiy provide compelling insights into the intricate regulation of signaling pathways. Zhou et al.'s work on ULK4 and STK36 in the SHH pathway deepen our understanding of these complex processes, offering potential avenues for drug development, particularly in the context of cancer therapeutics.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors provide solid molecular and cellular evidence that ULK4 and STK36 not only interact, but that STK36 is targeted (transported?) to the cilium by ULK4. Their data helps generate a model for ULK4 acting as a scaffold for both STK36 and its substrate, Gli2, which appear to co-localise through mutual binding to ULK4. This makes sense, given the proposed role of most pseuodkinases as non-catalytic signaling hubs. There is also an important mechanistic analysis performed, in which ULK4 phosphorylation in an acidic consensus by STK36 is demonstrated using IP'd STK36 or an inactive 'AA' mutant, which suggests this phosphorylation is direct.
The major strength of the study is the well-executed combination of logical approaches taken, including expression of various deletion and mutation constructs and the careful (but not always quantified in immunoblot) effects of depleting and adding back various components in the context of both STK36 and ULK3, which broadens the potential impact of the work. The biochemical analysis of ULK4 phosphorylation appears to be solid, and the mutational study at a particular pair of phosphorylation sites upstream of an acidic residue (notably T2023) is further strong evidence of a functional interaction between ULK4/STK36. The possibility that ULK4 requires ATP binding for these mechanisms is not approached, though would provide significant insight: for example it would be useful to ask if Lys39 in ULK4 is involved in any of these processes, because this residue is likely important for shaping the ULK4 substrate-binding site as a consequence of ATP binding; this was originally shown in PMID 24107129 and discussed more recently in PMID: 33147475 in the context of the large amount of ULK4 proteomics data released.
The discussion is excellent, and raises numerous important future work in terms of potential transportation mechanisms of this complex. It also explains why the ULK4 pseudokinase domain is linked to an extended C-terminal region. Does AF2 predict any structural motifs in this region that might support binding to Gli2?
A weakness in the study, which is most evident in Figure 1, where Ulk4 siRNA is performed in the NIH3T3 model (and effects on Shh targets and Gli2 phosphorylation assessed), is that we do not know if ULK4 protein is originally present in these cells in order to actually be depleted. Also, we are not informed if the ULK4 siRNA has an effect on the 'rescue' by HA-ULK4; perhaps the HA-ULK4 plasmid is RNAi resistant, or if not, this explains why phosphorylation of Gli2 never reaches zero? Given the important findings of this study, it would be useful for the authors to comment on this, and perhaps discuss if they have tried to evaluate endogenous levels of ULK4 (and Stk36) in these cells using antibody-based approaches, ideally in the presence and absence of Shh. The authors note early on the large number of binding partners identified for ULK4, and siRNA may unwittingly deplete some other proteins that could also be involved in ULK4 transport/stability in their cellular model.
The sequence of ULK4 siRNAs is not included in the materials and methods as far as I can see, though this is corrected in the next version of the manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, Zhou et al. demonstrate that the pseudokinase ULK4 has an important role in Hedgehog signaling by scaffolding the active kinase Stk36 and the transcription factor Gli2, enabling Gli2 to be phosphorylated and activated.<br /> Through nice biochemistry experiments, they show convincingly that the N-terminal pseudokinase domain of ULK4 binds Stk36 and the C-terminal Heat repeats bind Gli2.
Lastly, they show that upon Sonic Hedgehog signaling, ULK4 localizes to the cilia and is needed to localize Stk36 and Gli2 for proper activation.
This manuscript is very solid and methodically shows the role of ULK4 and STK36 throughout the whole paper, with well controlled experiments. The phosphomimetic and incapable mutations are very convincing as well.<br /> I think this manuscript is strong and stands as is, and there is no need for additional experiments.
Overall, the strengths are the rigor of the methods, and the convincing case they bring for the formation of the ULK4-Gli2-Stk36 complex. There are no weaknesses noted. I think a little additional context for what is being observed in the immunofluorescence might benefit readers who are not familiar with these cell types and structures.
The revised manuscript has improved some of the unclear areas.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This work provides a new dataset of 71,688 images of different ape species across a variety of environmental and behavioral conditions, along with pose annotations per image. The authors demonstrate the value of their dataset by training pose estimation networks (HRNet-W48) on both their own dataset and other primate datasets (OpenMonkeyPose for monkeys, COCO for humans), ultimately showing that the model trained on their dataset had the best performance (performance measured by PCK and AUC). In addition to their ablation studies where they train pose estimation models with either specific species removed or a certain percentage of the images removed, they provide solid evidence that their large, specialized dataset is uniquely positioned to aid in the task of pose estimation for ape species.
The diversity and size of the dataset make it particularly useful, as it covers a wide range of ape species and poses, making it particularly suitable for training off the shelf pose estimation networks or for contributing to the training of a large foundational pose estimation model. In conjunction with new tools focused on extracting behavioral dynamics from pose, this dataset can be especially useful in understanding the basis of ape behaviors using pose.
Overall this work is a terrific contribution to the field, and is likely to have a significant impact on both computer vision and animal behavior.
Strengths:<br /> - Open source dataset with excellent annotations on the format, as well as example code provided for working with it<br /> - Properties of the dataset are mostly well described<br /> - Comparison to pose estimation models trained on humans vs monkeys, finding that models trained on human data generalized better to apes than the ones trained on monkeys, in accordance with phylogenetic similarity. This provides evidence for an important consideration in the field: how well can we expect pose estimation models to generalize to new species when using data from closely or distantly related ones.<br /> - Sample efficiency experiments reflect an important property of pose estimation systems, which indicates how much data would be necessary to generate similar datasets in other species, as well as how much data may be required for fine tuning these types of models (also characterized via ablation experiments where some species are left out)<br /> - The sample efficiency experiments also reveal important insights about scaling properties of different model architectures, finding that HRNet saturates in performance improvements as a function of dataset size sooner than other architectures like CPMs (even though HRNets still perform better overall).
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors have used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and TMS-electroencephalography (EEG) evoked potentials (TEPs) to determine how experimental heat pain could induce alterations these metrics. In Experiment 1 thermal stimuli were administered over the forearm, with the first, second and third block of stimuli consisting of warm but non painful (pre-pain block), painful heat (pain block) and warm but non-painful (post-pain block) temperatures respectively. Painful stimuli led to an increase in the amplitude of the fronto-central N45, with a larger increase associated with higher pain ratings. Experiments 2 and 3 studied the correlation between the increase in the N45 in pain and the effects of a sham stimulation protocol/higher stimulation intensity. They found that the centro-frontal N45 TEP was decreased in acute pain. While their results are in line with reductions seen in motor evoked responses during pain and effort was made to address possible confounding factors (study 2 and 3). This study opens the way for the use exploration of cortical excitability outside M1 in acute pain, and potentially in chronic pain instances. While there is still open discussion on the best strategy to handle auditory and mechanical tactile noise, technological and methodological improvements seen in the last years have greatly improved the signal to noise ratio of TMS-EEG.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary: The study provides valuable insights into the role of PfMORC in Plasmodium's epigenetic regulation, backed by a comprehensive methodological approach. The overarching goal was to understand the role of PfMORC in epigenetic regulation during asexual blood stage development, particularly its interactions with ApiAP2 TFs and its potential involvement in the regulation of genes vital for Plasmodium virulence. To achieve this, they conducted various analyses. These include a proteomic analysis to identify nuclear proteins interacting with PfMORC, a study to determine the genome-wide localization of PfMORC at multiple developmental stages, and a transcriptomic analysis in PfMORCHA-glmS knockdown parasites. Taken together, this study suggests that PfMORC is involved in chromatin assemblies that contribute to the epigenetic modulation of transcription during the asexual blood stage development.
Strengths: The study employed a multi-faceted approach, combining proteomic, genomic, and transcriptomic analyses, providing a holistic view of PfMORC's role. The proteomic analysis successfully identified several nuclear proteins that may interact with PfMORC. The genome-wide localization offered valuable insights into PfMORC's function, especially its predominant recruitment to subtelomeric regions. The results align with previous findings on PfMORC's interaction with ApiAP2 TFs. Notably, the authors meticulously contextualized their findings with prior research, including pre-prints, adding credibility to their work.
Weaknesses: While the study identifies potential interacting partners and loci of binding, direct functional outcomes of these interactions remain an inference. The authors heavily rely on past research for some of their claims. While it strengthens some assertions, it might indicate a lack of direct evidence in the current study for particular aspects. The declaration that PfMORC may serve as an attractive drug target is substantial. While the data suggests its involvement in essential processes, further studies are required to validate its feasibility as a drug target.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This is a paper entitled "Plasmodium falciparum MORC protein modulates gene expression through interaction with heterochromatin" describes the role of PfMORC during the intra-erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium falciparum. Garcia et al. investigated the PfMORC-interacting proteins and PfMORC genomic distribution in trophozoites and schizonts. They also examined the transcriptome of the parasites after partial knockdown of the transcript.
Strengths:<br /> This study is a significant advance in the knowledge of the role of PfMORC in heterochromatin assembly. It provides an in-depth analysis of the PfMORC genomic localisation and its correlation with other chromatin marks and ApiAP2 transcription factor binding.
Weaknesses:<br /> However, most of the conclusions are based on the function of interacting proteins and the genomic localisation of the protein. The authors did not investigate the direct effects of PfMORC depletion on heterochromatin marks. Furthermore, the results of the transcriptomic analysis are puzzling as 50% of the transcripts are downregulated, a phenotype not expected for a heterochromatin marker.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This is an interesting, informative, and well-designed study that combines theoretical and experimental methodologies to tackle the phenomenon of higher-resolution structures/substructures in model biomolecular condensates. The results should be published. However, there is significant room for improvement in the presentation and interpretation of the results. As it stands, the precise definition of "frustration," which is a main theme of this manuscript (as emphasized in the title), is not sufficiently well articulated. This situation should be rectified to avoid "frustration" becoming a "catch-all" term without a clear perimeter of applicability rather than a precise, informative description of the physical state of affairs. There are also a few other concerns, e.g., regarding interpretation of correlation of phase-separation critical temperature and transfer free energy of amino acid residues as well as the difference between critical temperature and onset temperature, and the way the simulated configurations are similar to that of gyroids. Accordingly, the manuscript should be revised to address the following:
1. It is accurately pointed out on p.4 that elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs) undergo heat-induced phase separation and therefore exhibit lower critical solution temperatures (LCSTs). But it is not entirely clear how this feature is reproduced by the authors' simulation. A relationship between simulated surface tension and "transition temperature" is provided in Fig.1C; but is the "transition temperature" (authors cited ref.41 by Urry) the same as critical temperature? Apparently, Urry's Tt is "critical onset temperature", the temperature when phase separation happens at a given polymer concentration. This is different from the (global) critical temperature LCST - though the two may be correlated-or not-depending on the shape of the phase boundary. Moreover, is the MOFF coarse-grained forcefield (first step in the multi-scale simulation), by itself, capable of reproducing heat-induced phase separation in a way similar to the forcefield of Dignon et al., ACS Cent Sci 5, 821-230 (2019)? Or is this temperature-dependent effect appearing only subsequently, after the implementation of the MARTINI and/or all-atom steps? Clarification is needed. To afford a more informative context for the authors' introductory discussion, the aforementioned Dignon et al. work and the review by Cinar et al. [Chem Eur J 25, 13049-13069 (2019)], both touching upon the physical underpinning of the LCST feature of elastin, should also be cited along with refs.41-43.
2. "Frustration" and "frustrated" are used prominently in the manuscript to characterize certain observed molecular configurations (11 times total, in both the title and in the abstract). Apparently, it is the most significant conceptual pronouncement of this work, hence its precise meaning is of central importance to the authors' thesis. Whereas one should recognize that the theoretical and experimental observations are striking without invocation of the "frustration" terminology, usage of the term can be useful if it offers a unifying conceptual framework. However, as it stands, a clear definition of the term "frustration" is lacking, leaving readers to wonder what molecular configurations are considered "frustrated" and what are not (i.e., is the claim of observation of frustration falsifiable?). For instance, "frustrated microphase separation" appears in both the title and abstract. A logical question one may ask is: "Are all microphase separations frustrated"? If the answer is in the affirmative, does invocation of the term "frustration" add anything to our physical insight? If the answer is not in the affirmative, then how does one distinguish between microphase separations that are frustrated from those that are not frustrated? Presumably all simulated and experimental molecular configurations in the present study are those of lowest free energy for the given temperature. In other words, they are what they are. In the discussion about frustrated phase separation on p.13, for example, the authors appear to refer to the fact that chain connectivity is preventing hydrophobic residues to come together in a way to achieve the most favorable interactions as if there were no chain connectivity (one may imagine in that case all the hydrophobic residues will form a large cluster without microphase separation). Is this what the authors mean by "frustration"? If that's true, isn't that merely stating the obvious, at least for the observed microphase separation? In general, does "frustration" always mean deviation of actual, physical molecular configurations from certain imagined/hypothetical/reference molecular configurations, and therefore dependent upon the choice of the imagined reference configuration? If this is how the authors apply the term "frustration" in the present work, what is the zero-frustration reference state/configuration for microphase separation? And, similarly, what is the zero-frustration reference state/configuration when frustrated EPS-water interactions are discussed (~p.14-p.15, Fig.5)? How do non-frustrated water-protein interactions look like? Is the classic clathrate-like organization of water hydrogen bonds around small nonpolar solute "frustrated"?
3. In the discussion about the correlation of various transfer free energy scales for amino acids and Urry's critical onset temperature (ref.41) on p.11 and Fig.4, is there any theoretical relationship to be expected between the interactions among amino acids of ELPs and their critical onset temperatures? While a certain correlation may be intuitively expected if the free energy scale "is working", is there any theoretical insight into the mathematical form of this relationship? A clarifying discussion is needed because it bears logically on whether the observed correlation or lack thereof for different transfer energy scales is a good indication of the adequacy of the energy scales in describing the actual physical interactions at play. This question requires some prior knowledge of the expected mathematical relationship between interaction parameters and onset temperature.
4. To provide a more comprehensive context for the present study, it is useful to compare the microphase separation seen in the authors' simulation with the micelle-like structures observed in recent simulated condensed/aggregated states of hydrophobic-polar (HP) model sequences in Statt et al., J Chem Phys 152, 075101 (2020) [see esp. Fig.6] and Wessén et al., J Phys Chem B 126, 9222-9245 (2022) [see, e.g., Fig.10].
5. "Gyroid-like morphology" is mentioned several times in the manuscript (p.4, p.8, p.17, Fig.S3). This is apparently an interesting observation, but a clear explanation is lacking. A more detailed and specific discussion, perhaps with additional graphical presentations, should be provided to demonstrate why the simulated condensed-phase ELP configurations are similar to the classical description of gyroid as in, e.g., Terrones & Mackay, Chem Phys Lett 207, 45-50 (1993) and Lambert et al., Phil Trans R Soc A 354, 2009-2023 (1996).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Latham A.P. et al. apply simulations and FLIM to analyse several di-block elastin-like polypetides and connect their sequence to the micro-structure of coacervates resulting from their phase-separation.
Strengths:<br /> Understanding the molecular grammar of phase separating proteins and the connection with mesoscale properties of the coacervates is highly relevant. This work provides insights into micro-structures of coacervates resulting from di-block polypetides.
Weaknesses:<br /> The results apply to a very specific architecture (di-block polypetides) with specific sequences.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This remarkable and creative study from the Asbury lab examines the extent to which mechanical coupling can coordinate the growth of two microtubules attached to isolated kinetochores. The concept of mechanical coupling in kinetochores was proposed in the mid-1990s and makes sense intuitively (as shown in Fig. 1B). But intuitive concepts still need experimental validation, which this study at long last provides. The experiments described in this paper will serve as a foundation for the transition of an intuitive concept into a robust, quantitative, and validated model.
The introduction cites at least 5 papers that proposed mechanical coupling in kinetochores, as well as 5 theoretical studies on mechanical coupling within microtubule bundles, so it's clear that this manuscript will be of considerable interest to the field. The intro is very well written (as is the manuscript in general), but I recommend that the authors include a brief review of the variable size of k-fibers across species, to help the reader contextualize the problem. For example, budding yeast kinetochores are built around a single microtubule (Winey 1995), so mechanical coupling is not relevant for this species.
Indeed, the use of yeast kinetochores to study mechanical coupling is an odd fit, because these structures did not evolve to support such coupling. There is no doubt that yeast kinetochores are useful for demonstrating mechanical coupling and for measuring the stiffnesses necessary to achieve coupling, but I recommend that the authors include a caveat somewhere in the manuscript, perhaps in the place where they discuss their use of simple elastic coupling as compared to viscoelastic coupling or strain-stiffening. It's easy to imagine that kinetochores with large k-fibers might require complex coupling mechanisms, for example. And is mechanical coupling relevant for holocentric kinetochores like those found in C. elegans?
The paper shows considerable rigour in terms of experimental design, statistical analysis, and presentation of results. My only comment on this topic relates to the bandwidth of the dual-trap assay, which I recommend describing in the main text in addition to the methods. For example, the authors note that the stage position is updated at 50 Hz. The authors should clearly explain that this bandwidth is sufficiently fast relative to microtubule growth speeds.
After describing their measurements, the authors use Monte Carlo simulations to show that pauses are essential to a quantitative explanation of their coupling data. Apparently, there is a history of theoretical approaches to coupling, as the introduction cites 5 theoretical studies.
Overall, this paper is rigorous, creative, and thought-provoking. The unique experimental approach developed by the Asbury lab shows great promise, and I very much look forward to future iterations.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Leeds et al. employ elegant in vitro experiments and sophisticated numerical modeling to investigate the ability of mechanical coupling to coordinate the growth of individual microtubules within microtubule bundles, specifically k-fibers. While individual microtubules naturally polymerize at varying rates, their growth must be tightly regulated to function as a cohesive unit during chromosome segregation. Although this coordination could potentially be achieved biochemically through selective binding of polymerases and depolymerases, the authors demonstrate, using a novel dual laser trap assay, that mechanical coupling alone can also coordinate the growth of in vitro microtubule pairs.
By reanalyzing recordings of single microtubules growing under constant force (data from their own previous work), the authors investigate the stochastic kinetics of pausing and show that pausing is suppressed by tension. Using a constant shared load, the authors then show that filament growth is tightly coordinated when pairs of microtubules are mechanically coupled by a material with sufficient stiffness. In addition, the authors develop a theoretical model to describe both the natural variability and force dependence of growth, using no freely adjustable parameters. Simulations based on this model, which accounts for stochastic force-dependent pausing and intrinsic variability in microtubule growth rate, fit the dual-trap data well.
Overall, this study illuminates the potential of mechanical coupling in coordinating microtubule growth and offers a framework for modeling k-fibers under shared loads. The research exhibits meticulous technical rigor and is presented with exceptional clarity. It provides compelling evidence that a minimal, reconstituted biological system can exhibit complex behavior. As it currently stands, the paper is highly informative and valuable to the field.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The paper offers interesting insight into the allosteric communication pathways of the CTFR protein. A mutation to this protein can cause cystic fibrosis and both synthetic and endogenous ligands exert allosteric control of the function of this pivotal enzyme. The current study utilizes Gaussian Network Models (GNMs) of various substrate and mutational states of CFTR to quantify and characterize the role of individual residues in contributing to two main quantities that the authors deem important for allostery: transfer entropy (TE) and cross correlation. I found the TE of the Apo system and the corresponding statistical analysis particularly compelling. The authors updated the manuscript nicely to include the limitations of the chosen model (GNM) and thus allow the reader to assess the limitations of the results. I appreciated the comprehensive discussion of a proposed mechanism by which allostery is achieved in the protein (though I would have put that in the introduction and had it motivate the choice of methods). This discussion allows the reader to place the allosteric mechanism of this protein in the broader context of protein allostery.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this study, the authors used ANM-LD and GNM-based Transfer Entropy to investigate the allosteric communications network of CFTR. The modeling results are validated with experimental observations. Key residues were identified as pivotal allosteric sources and transducers and may account for disease mutations.
The paper is well written and the results are significant for understanding CFTR biology.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors have previously employed micrococcal nuclease tethered to various Mcm subunits to the cut DNA to which the Mcm2-7 double hexamers (DH) bind. Using this assay, they found that Mcm2-7 DH are located on many more sites in the S. cerevisiae genome than previously shown. They then demonstrated that these sites have characteristics consistent with origins of DNA replication, including the presence of ARS consensus sequences, the location of very inefficient sites of initiation of DNA replication in vivo, and for the most part are free of nucleosomes. They contain a G-C skew and they locate to intergenic regions of the genome. The authors suggest, consistent with published single molecule results, that there are many more potential origins in the S. cerevisiae genome than previously annotated, but also conclude that many of the newly discovered Mcm2-7 DH are very infrequently used as active origins of DNA replication.
The results are convincing and are consistent with prior observations. The analysis of the origin associated features is informative.
Specific Comments:
1. Page 8. The addition of an estimate of the most active origins using Southern blotting is fine for highly active origins, but how was Southern blotting used to calculate that 1-2% of cells in the eight cohort have an Mcm complex loaded.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
By mapping the sites of the Mcm2-7 replicative helicase loading across the budding yeast genome using high-resolution chromatin endogenous cleavage or ChEC, Bedalov and colleagues find that these markers for origins of DNA replication are much more broadly distributed than previously appreciated. Interestingly, this is consistent with early reconstituted biochemical studies that showed that the ACS was not essential for helicase loading in vitro (e.g. Remus et al., 2009, PMID: 19896182). To accomplish this, they combined the results of 12 independent assays to gain exceptionally deep coverage of Mcm2-7 binding sites. By comparing these sites to previous studies mapping ssDNA generated during replication initiation, they provide evidence that at least a fraction of the 1600 most robustly Mcm2-7-bound sequences act as origins. A weakness of the paper is that the group-based (as opposed to analyzing individual Mcm2-7 binding sites) nature of the analysis prevents the authors from concluding that all of the 1,600 sites mentioned in the title act as origins. The authors also show that the location of Mcm2-7 location after loading are highly similar in the top 500 binding sites, although the mobile nature of loaded Mcm2-7 double hexamers prevents any conclusions about the location of initial loading. Interestingly, by comparing subsets of the Mcm2-7 binding sites, they find that there is a propensity of at least a subset of these sites to be nucleosome depleted, to overlap with at least a partial match to the ACS sequence (found at all of the most well-characterized budding yeast origins), and a GC-skew centered around the site of Mcm loading. Each of these characteristics is related to previously characterized S. cerevisiae origins of replication.
Overall, this manuscript greatly broadens the number of sites that are capable of loading Mcm2-7 in budding yeast cells and shows that a subset of these additional sites act as replication origins. Although these studies show that the sequence specificity of S. cerevisiae replication origins still sets it apart from metazoan origins, the ability to license and initiate replication from sites with increasing sequence divergence suggests a previously unappreciated versatility.
Specific points:
1. The authors need to come up with a consistent name for loaded Mcms at an origin. In the manuscript they variously use 'MCM'(page 3), 'Mcm complexes' (page 4), 'MCM double hexamer' (page 6), and 'double-helicase' (page 8) to describe the Mcm2-7 complexes detected in their ChEC experiments. They should pick one name (Mcm2-7 double hexamer or MCM double hexamer would be the most accurate and clear) and stick with it throughout the manuscript.
2. The authors state that "It is notable that, when Mcm is present, it is present predominantly as a single double-hexamer (right panel of Figure 3A), and that this remains true across the entire range of abundance shown in Figure 3A." This statement would be improved by prefacing it with "Based on the size of the protected regions" or some other clarifying statement that lets the reader know what they should be looking for in the data in 3A.
3. The revised statements that "We have previously used Southern blotting to demonstrate that approximately 90% of the DNA at one of the most acive known origins (ARS1103) is cut by Mcm-MNase (Foss et al., 2021), and to thereby infer that 90% of cells have a double- helicase loaded at this origin. Using this as a benchmark, we estimate that ~1-2 % cells have an Mcm complex loaded at the Mcm binding sites in the eighth cohort (ranks 1401- 1600)." partially clarifies how the authors came to the 1-2% number, however, the calculation is still unclear. Based on Figure 1A, there are at least three logs (1,00 fold) difference in the number of CBMSs between the best origins (which is what they state the 90% comes from) to anywhere close to the 1400-1600 rank. Seems like the number should be at best 0.1% and probably less. Either way, the authors need to explain this calculation either in the text or in the text. This sort of number tends to get thrown around later and without a clear explanation readers cannot evaluate its credibility.
4. The authors make the point in the introduction and discussion that recent single-molecule studies of replication origins indicate that as many as 20% of the origins identified are outside of known origins. This is very interesting but there seems to be a missed opportunity of comparing the location of these origins with the CBMSs. It would improve the manuscript to include some sort of comparison rather than using only the much older and less accurate ssDNA analysis.
5. The authors state at the end of the first paragraph on page 6 that the ChEC data is "very reproducible" which does seem to be the case but it is a little confusing for the knowledgeable reader since one would expect quite different results for an HU arrested strain versus a asynchronous or G1 arrested strain. This is hidden in the analysis in Figure S1 since 13 experiments are compared against one in each plot, however, if one x one comparisons were done there would certainly be substantial differences (or if there are not, there is a problem with the data - e.g. HU arrested cells should lack licensing at early firing origins).
6. On page 8 the authors state, "First, clear peaks of ssDNA extend down to the eighth cohort..." This seems to be stretching the data. There are clear peaks for the first five cohorts and then there is a notable change with any peak being much broader, extending over at least 10,000 bp. The authors should reconsider their statement here as it is not well supported by the data.
7. There is one last missing reference. Wherever Eaton et al, 2010 is referenced Berbenetz, et al, 2010 (full ref below) should also be referenced as they come to very similar conclusions.
Berbenetz, N. M., Nislow, C. & Brown, G. W. Diversity of eukaryotic DNA replication origins revealed by genome-wide analysis of chromatin structure. PLoS Genet 6, (2010).
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This paper describes the discovery, functional analysis and structure of TcaP, a protein encoded by the Vibrio phage satellite PLE, that forms a size-determining scaffold around PLE procapsids made from helper phage ICP1 structural proteins.
The system displays a fascinating similarity to the P2/P4 system, which had previously been unique in its use of a dominant, size-determining external scaffolding protein (Sid). An interesting observation is that PLE appears to be dependent on small capsids for efficient transduction, a phenomenon not previously seen in headful packaging phage/satellite pairs. It is not clear why this is the case.
The work is interesting, comprehensive and of high quality. The reconstruction and modeling statistics are good; unfortunately, although the map has clear alpha-helical density around the threefold axes, the TcaP model does not include this critical region. The comparison to Sid provides an illustration of probable convergent evolution.
The paper constitutes an important contribution to the field of phage and virus structure and assembly, with implications for understanding the evolution of phage satellites and for macromolecular assembly processes in general.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Phage satellites are fascinating elements that have evolved to hijack phages for induction, packaging, and transfer, promoting their widespread dissemination in nature. It is remarkable how different satellites use conserved strategies of parasitism, utilising unrelated proteins that perform similar roles in their cognate elements. In the current manuscript, Dr. Seed and coworkers elucidated the mechanism used by one family of satellites, the PLEs, to produce small capsids, a process that inhibits phage reproduction while increasing PLE transmission. The work is presented beautifully, and the results are astonishing. The authors identified the gene responsible for generating the small capsids, characterised its role in the PLE transfer and phage inhibition, and determined the structure of the PLE-sized small capsids. It is a truly impressive piece of work.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Boyd and co-authors "A Vibrio cholerae viral satellite maximizes its spread and inhibits phage by remodelling hijacked phage coat proteins into small capsids" reports important results related to self-defending mechanisms that bacteria are used against phages that infect them. It has been shown previously that bacteria produce phage-inducible chromosomal island-like elements (PLE) that encode proteins that are integrated into bacterial genome. These proteins are used by bacteria to amend the phage capsids and to create phage-like particles (satellites) that move between cells and transfer the genetic material of PLE to another bacteria. That study highlights the interactions between a PLE-encoded protein, TcaP, and capsid proteins of the phage ICP1.
The manuscript is well written, provides a lot of new information and the results are supported by biochemical analysis.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Joint Public Review:
In this study, Wang et al extend on their previous finding of a novel quality control pathway, the MAGIC pathway. This pathway allows misfolded cytosolic proteins to become imported into mitochondria and there they are degraded by the LON protease. Using a screen, they identify Snf1 as a player that regulates MAGIC. Snf1 inhibits mitochondrial protein import via the transcription factor Hap4 via an unknown pathway. This allows cells to adapt to metabolic changes, upon high glucose levels, misfolded proteins become imported and degraded, while during low glucose growth conditions, import of these proteins is prevented, and instead import of mitochondrial proteins is preferred.
This is a nice and well-structured manuscript reporting on important findings about a regulatory mechanism of a quality control pathway. The findings are obtained by a combination of mostly fluorescent protein-based assays. Findings from these assays support the claims well.
While this study convincingly describes the mechanisms of a mitochondria-associated import pathway using mainly model substrates, my major concern is that the physiological relevance of this pathway remains unclear: what are endogenous substrates of the pathway, to which extent are they imported and degraded, i.e. how much does MAGIC contribute to overall misfolded protein removal (none of the experiments reports quantitative "flux" information). Lastly, it remains unclear by which mechanism Snf1 impacts on MAGIC or whether it is "only" about being outcompeted by mitochondrial precursors.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Sumarac et al investigate differences in globus pallidus internus (GPi) spike activity and short- and long-term plasticity of direct pathway projections in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and dystonia. Their main claims are that GPi neurons exhibit distinct characteristics in these two disorders, with PD associated with specific power-frequency oscillations and dystonia showing lower firing rates, increased burstiness, and less regular activity. Additionally, long-term plasticity and synaptic depression appear to differ between the two conditions. The authors suggest that these findings support the concept of hyperfunctional GPi output in PD and hypofunctional output in dystonia, possibly driven by variations in the plasticity of striato-pallidal synapses. Overall enthusiasm is relatively high, but I think the discussion omits discussing findings that don't align well with standard models.
Strengths:<br /> These types of studies are valuable as the data arise from patients who have dystonia or PD. This could provide unique insights into disease pathophysiology that might not be recapitulated in animal systems work.
Weaknesses:<br /> - The rate model and indirect/direct pathway ideas lack explanatory power; too much of the hypothesis generation and discussion in this manuscript is set in the context of these old ideas. Their data in my view emphasize this somewhat emphatically. Most patients with the 'hypokinetic' movement disorder PD have dystonia as a part of their motor features. Dystonia is a form of excessive muscle activation that on the one hand is 'hyperkinetic' but on the other usually decreases the speed of motor tasks, even in patients with primary dystonia. Similarly, PD patients display a bewildering variety of hyperkinetic manifestations as well (rest tremor, dystonia, dyskinesia). If these are truly independent classifications, i.e. hyper- versus hypo-kinetic, the authors must acknowledge that there is considerable overlap in the spike activity across groups - numerous dystonia patients display higher discharge rates than the majority of the PD sample. Based on the firing rate alone, it would not be possible to distinguish these groups.
- If beta power is pathognomonic of parkinsonism, the authors found no differences in beta-related spike discharges across the groups. One would have predicted greater beta power in PD than in primary dystonia. This should be discussed explicitly and an interpretation should be provided.
- The study lacks a healthy control group, making it challenging to differentiate disease-specific findings from normal variations in GPi activity and plasticity. Although this is acknowledged in the discussion, this complicates the interpretation of the results. The sample sizes for PD and dystonia patients are relatively small, and the study combines various forms of dystonia, potentially masking subtype-specific differences. A larger and more homogenous sample could enhance the study's reliability.
- While they mention that data are available on request, sharing data openly would increase transparency and allow for independent validation of the results. It is unclear how sharing deidentified data would compromise patient privacy or present ethical issues of any kind, as claimed by the authors.
- They appropriately acknowledge several limitations, such as the inability to use pharmacological interventions and the need for further research in the chronic setting.
- The manuscript highlights differences in GPi activity and plasticity between PD and dystonia but could provide more context on the clinical implications of these findings, particularly regarding what the implications would be novel paradigms for deep brain stimulation.
- While statistical tests are mentioned, the manuscript could benefit from a more detailed presentation of statistical methods, including correction for multiple comparisons and effect sizes. Did the authors consider different recording sites within each patient as independent observations? I think this is not appropriate if that was the case.
- The manuscript could elaborate on the potential mechanisms underlying the observed differences in GPi activity and plasticity and their relevance to the pathophysiology of PD and dystonia.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors investigated how neuronal activity and metrics of plasticity using local electrical stimulation in the GPi were different between Parkinson's disease and dystonia patients.
Strengths:<br /> The introduction highlights the importance of the work and the fundamental background needed to understand the rest of the paper. It also clearly lays out the novelty (i.e., that the dynamics of plastic effects in GPi between dystonia and PD have not been directly compared).
The methods are clearly described and the results are well organized in the figures.
The results are strong with measurements from a large population of patients for each disease group and with distinct findings for each group.
Weaknesses:<br /> The discussion was hard to follow in several places, making it difficult to fully appreciate how well the authors' claims and conclusions are justified by their data, mostly in relation to the plasticity results. It may help to summarize the relevant findings for each section first and then further expand on the interpretation, comparison with prior work, and broader significance. Currently, it is hard to follow each section without knowing which results are being discussed until the very end of the section. With the current wording in the "Neuronal correlates.." section, it is not always clear which results are from the current manuscript, and where the authors are referring to past work.
Also, I felt that more discussion could be used to highlight the significance of the current results by comparing and/or contrasting them to prior relevant work and mechanisms. The novelty or impact is not very clear as written. Could this be further substantiated in the Discussion?
Some specific comments and questions about the Discussion:<br /> Lines 209-211 - This sentence was hard to understand, could it be clarified?<br /> Lines 211-213 - What do phasic and tonic components mean exactly? Could this be specifically defined? Are there specific timescales (as referred to in Intro)?<br /> Lines 215-217 - It's not clear what was delayed in dystonia, and how the authors are trying to contrast this with the faster time course in PD. I think some of this is explained in the introduction, but could also be re-summarized here as relevant to the results discussed.<br /> Lines 223-224 - I'm not sure I follow the implication that network reorganization leads to delayed functional benefits. Could this be further elaborated?
Could the absence of a relationship between FR and disease in PD be discussed?
It wasn't very clear how the direct pathway can be attributed to plasticity changes if the GPi makes up both the direct and indirect pathways. Could this be further clarified?
The mechanism of short- and long-term plasticity as applied in the protocols used in this work are outlined in reference to previous citations [15, 16, 18]. Because this is a central aspect of the current work and interpreting the results, it was difficult to appreciate how these protocols provide distinct metrics of short and long-term plasticity in GPi without some explanation of how it applies to the current work and the specific mechanisms. It would also help to be able to better link how the results fit with the broader conclusions.
In the Conclusion, it was difficult to understand the sentence about microcircuit interaction (line 232) and how it selectively modulates the efficacy of target synapses. Some further explanation here would be helpful. Also, it was not clear how these investigations (line 237) provide cellular-level support for closed-loop targeting. Could the reference to closed-loop targeting also be further explained?
How is the burst index calculated (Methods)?
Figures and figure captions are missing some details:
Fig. 1 - What does shading represent?
Fig. 2 - Can the stimulation artifact be labeled so as not to be confused with the physiological signal? Is A representing the average of all patients or just one example? Are there confidence intervals for this data as it's not clear if the curves are significantly different or not (may not be important to show if just one example)? Same for D. What is being plotted in E? Is this the exponential fitted on data? Can this be stated in the figure citation directly so readers don't have to find it in the text, where it may not be directly obvious which figure the analyses are being applied towards?
What does shading here represent?
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Rigor in the design and application of scientific experiments is an ongoing concern in preclinical (animal) research. Because findings from these studies are often used in the design of clinical (human) studies, it is critical that the results of the preclinical studies are valid and replicable. However, several recent peer-reviewed published papers have shown that some of the research results in cardiovascular research literature may not be valid because their use of key design elements is unacceptably low. The current study is designed to expand on and replicate previous preclinical studies in nine leading scientific research journals. Cardiovascular research articles that were used for examination were obtained from a PubMed Search. These articles were carefully examined for four elements that are important in the design of animal experiments: use of both biological sexes, randomization of subjects for experimental groups, blinding of the experimenters, and estimating the proper size of samples for the experimental groups. The findings of the current study indicate that the use of these four design elements in the reported research in preclinical research is unacceptably low. Therefore, the results replicate previous studies and demonstrate once again that there is an ongoing problem in the experimental design of preclinical cardiovascular research.
Strengths:<br /> This study selected four important design elements for study. The descriptions in the text and figures of this paper clearly demonstrate that the rate of use of all four design elements in the examined research articles was unacceptably low. The current study is important because it replicates previous studies and continues to call attention once again to serious problems in the design of preclinical studies, and the problem does not seem to lessen over time.
Weaknesses:<br /> The current study uses both descriptive and inferential statistics extensively in describing the results. The descriptive statistics are clear and strong, demonstrating the main point of the study, that the use of these design elements is quite low, which may invalidate many of the reported studies. In addition, inferential statistical tests were used to compare the use of the four design elements against each other and to compare some of the journals. The use of inferential statistical tests appears weak because the wrong tests may have been used in some cases. However, the overall descriptive findings are very strong and make the major points of the study.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary<br /> This study replicates a 2017 study in which the authors reviewed papers for four key elements of rigor: inclusion of sex as a biological variable, randomization of subjects, blinding outcomes, and pre-specified sample size estimation. Here they screened 298 published papers for the four elements. Over a 10 year period, rigor (defined as including any of the 4 elements) failed to improve. They could not detect any differences across the journals they surveyed, nor across models. They focused primarily on cardiovascular disease, which both helps focus the research but limits the potential generalizability to a broader range of scientific investigation. There is no reason, however, to believe rigor is any better or worse in other fields, and hence this study is a good 'snapshot' of the progress of improving rigor over time.
Strengths<br /> The authors randomly selected papers from leading journals, e.g., PNAS). Each paper was reviewed by 2 investigators. They pulled papers over a 10-year period, 2011 to 2021, and have a good sample of time over which to look for changes. The analysis followed generally accepted guidelines for a structured review.
Weaknesses<br /> The authors did not use the exact same journals as they did in the 2017 study. This makes comparing the results complicated. Also, they pulled papers from 2011 to 2021, and hence cannot assess the impact of their own prior paper.<br /> The authors write "the proportion of studies including animals of both biological sexes generally increased between 2011 and 2021, though not significantly (R2= 0.0762, F(1,9)= 0.742, p= 0.411 (corrected p=8.2". This statement is not rigorous because the regression result is not statistically significant. Their data supports neither a claim of an increase nor a decrease over time. A similar problem repeats several times in the remainder of their results presentation.<br /> I think the Introduction and the Discussion are somewhat repetitive and the wording could be reduced.
Impact and Context<br /> Lack of reproducibility remains an enormous problem in science, plaguing both basic and translational investigations. With the increased scrutiny on rigor, and requirements at NIH and other funding agencies for more rigor and transparency, one would expect to find increasing rigor, as evidenced by authors including more study design elements (SDEs) that are recommended. This review found no such change, and this is quite disheartening. The data implies that journals-editors and reviewers-will have to increase their scrutiny and standards applied to preclinical and basic studies. This work could also serve as a call to action to investigators outside of cardiovascular science to reflect on their own experiences and when planning future projects.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This work successfully identified and validated TRLs in hepatic metastatic uveal melanoma, providing new horizons for enhanced immunotherapy. Uveal melanoma is a highly metastatic cancer that, unlike cutaneous melanoma, has a limited effect on immune checkpoint responses, and thus there is a lack of formal clinical treatment for metastatic UM. In this manuscript, the authors described the immune microenvironmental profile of hepatic metastatic uveal melanoma by sc-RNAseq, TCR-seq, and PDX models. Firstly, they identified and defined the phenotypes of tumor-reactive T lymphocytes (TRLs). Moreover, they validated the activity of TILs by in vivo PDX modeling as well as in vitro co-culture of 3D tumorsphere cultures and autologous TILs. Additionally, the authors found that TRLs are mainly derived from depleted and late-activated T cells, which recognize melanoma antigens and tumor-specific antigens. Most importantly, they identified TRLs-associated phenotypes, which provide new avenues for targeting expanded T cells to improve cellular and immune checkpoint immunotherapy.
Strengths:<br /> Jonas A. Nilsson, et al. has been working on new therapies for melanoma. The team has also previously performed the most comprehensive genome-wide analysis of uveal melanoma available, presenting the latest insights into metastatic disease. In this work, the authors performed paired sc-RNAseq and TCR-seq on 14 patients with metastatic UM, which is the largest single-cell map of metastatic UM available. This provides huge data support for other studies of metastatic UM.
Weaknesses:<br /> Although the paper does have strengths in principle, the weaknesses of the paper are that these strengths are not directly demonstrated. That is, insufficient analyses are performed to fully support the key claims in the manuscript by the data presented. In particular:
The author's description of the overall results of the article should be logical, not just a description of the observed phenomena. For example, the presentation related to the results of TRLs lacked logic. In addition, the title of the article emphasizes the three subtypes of hepatic metastatic UM TRLs, but these three subtypes are not specifically discussed in the results as well as the discussion section. The title of the article is not a very comprehensive generalization and should be carefully considered by the authors.
The authors' claim that they are the first to use autologous TILs and sc-RNAseq to study immunotherapy needs to be supported by the corresponding literature to be more convincing. This can help the reader to understand the innovation and importance of the methodology. In addition, the authors argue that TILs from metastatic UM can kill tumor cells. This is the key and bridging point to the main conclusion of the article. Therefore, the credibility of this conclusion should be considered. Metastatic UM1 and UM9 remain responsive to autologous tumors under in vitro conditions with their autologous TILs. In contrast, UM22, also as a metastatic UM, did not respond to TIL treatment. In particular, the presence of MART1-responsive TILs. The reliability of the results obtained by the authors in the model of only one case of UM22 liver metastasis should be considered. The authors should likewise consider whether such a specific cellular taxon might also exist in other patients with metastatic UM, producing an immune response to tumor cells. The results would be more comprehensive if supported by relevant data.
In addition, the authors in that study used previously frozen biopsy samples for TCR-seq, which may be associated with low-quality sequencing data, high risk of outcome indicators, and unfriendly access to immune cell information. The existence of these problems and the reliability of the results should be considered. If special processing of TCR-seq data from frozen samples was performed, this should also be accounted for.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The study's goal is to characterize and validate tumor-reactive T cells in liver metastases of uveal melanoma (UM), which could contribute to enhancing immunotherapy for these patients. The authors used single-cell RNA and TCR sequencing to find potential tumor-reactive T cells and then used patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models and tumor sphere cultures for functional analysis. They discovered that tumor-reactive T cells exist in activated/exhausted T cell subsets and in cytotoxic effector cells. Functional experiments with isolated TILs show that they are capable of killing UM cells in vivo and ex vivo.
Strengths:<br /> The study highlights the potential of using single-cell sequencing and functional analysis to identify T cells that can be useful for cell therapy and marker selection in UM treatment. This is important and novel as conventional immune checkpoint therapies are not highly effective in treating UM. Additionally, the study's strength lies in its validation of findings through functional assays, which underscores the clinical relevance of the research.
Weaknesses:<br /> The manuscript may pose challenges for individuals with limited knowledge of single-cell analysis and immunology markers, making it less accessible to a broader audience.
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Joint Public Review:
Murphy, Fancy and Skene performed a reanalysis of snRNA-seq data from Alzheimer Disease (AD) patients and healthy controls published previously by Mathys et al. (2019), arriving at the conclusion that many of the transcriptional differences described in the original publication were false positives. This was achieved by revising the strategy for both quality control and differential expression analysis. With this re-analysis, the authors aim to raise awareness of the impact of data analysis choices for scRNA-seq data and to caution focus on putatively wrongly identified genes in the AD research community. The revised manuscript has been improved by separating QC and DE analysis, which makes interpretation of both steps more straightforward.
The authors demonstrate that the choice of data analysis strategy can have a vast impact on the results of a study, which in itself may not be obvious to many researchers.
The authors apply a pseudobulk-based differential expression analysis strategy (essentially, adding up counts from all cells per individual and comparing those counts with standard RNA-seq differential expression tests), which is (a) in line with latest community recommendations, (b) different from the "default options" in most popular scRNA-seq analysis suites, and (c) explains the vastly different number of DEGs identified by the authors and the original publication. The recommendation of this approach together with a detailed assessment of the DEGs found by both methodologies could potentially be a useful finding for the research community. Unfortunately, it is currently not sufficiently substantiated.
All code and data used in this study are publicly available to the readers.
The authors interpret the fact that they found fewer DEGs with their method than the original paper as a good thing by making the assumption that all genes that were not found were false positives. However, they do not prove this, and it is likely that at least some genes were not found due to a lack of statistical power and not because they were actually "incorrect". The original paper also had performed independent validations of some genes that were not found here. I had raised this weakness in my first review, but it was not explicitly addressed and still pertains to the revised manuscript. The authors have added an analysis that shows that "pseudoreplication" is prone to false positive (FP) discoveries for high cell numbers (Fig. 1f), but this does not prove that all of Mathys' DEGs were wrong.
I am concerned that almost all DEGs found by the authors are in the rare cell types, foremost the rare microglia (see Fig. 1e). Indeed, there is a weak negative correlation between cell counts and numbers of DEGs (Fig. 1e), if the correlation analysis is to be believed (see next point). It is unclear to me how many cells the pseudo-bulk counts were based on for these cell types, but it seems that (a) there were few and (b) there were quite few reads per cells. If both are the case, the pseudobulk counts for these cell populations might be rather noisy and the DEG results liable to outliers with extreme fold changes. Supp. Fig. 3b now shows three examples of DEGs, of which one (EGR1) looks like the DE call is indeed largely driven by four outliers, while Supp. Fig 3a shows at least one gene (BEX1) that could be FP of the pseudobulk approach due to insufficient statistical power. The authors go on to cite two papers (one is their own, published in a journal with suspected lack of appropriate quality assurance measures https://predatoryreports.org/the-predatory-journals-1), to support that the finding of DEGs in microglia "makes more sense" (l. 127). In summary, neither the presented examples nor the supporting literature are convincing. Lastly, the authors even show themselves that their approach is liable to FPs if applied with very low cell numbers in the range of those for microglia and OPCs (Fig. 1g).
The correlation analysis between cell counts and number of DEGs found is weak. In all three cases (Fig. 1c, d, e) the correlation is largely driven by a single outlier data point.
The authors claim they improved the quality control of the dataset but offer no objective metric to assess this putative improvement. The authors' QC procedure removes some 20k cells that had not been filtered out by Mathys' et al. As the authors state themselves, this difference is mostly due to the removal of cells with a high mitochondrial read content. Murphy et al use a fixed threshold for the mitochondrial percentage of reads, while the original paper had removed cell clusters with an "abnormally high" mitochondrial read fraction. That also seems reasonable, given that some cells might have a higher mitochondrial read content for reasons other than being "low quality". Simply stating that Mathys' approach was ineffective at removing cells with high mitochondrial read content is a self-fulfilling prophecy given the difference in approach, and itself not proof that the original QC procedure was inferior.
Batch correction: "Dataset integration has become a common step in single-cell RNA-Seq protocols and is recommended to remove confounding sources of variation" (l. 38). While it is true that many authors now choose to perform an integration step as part of their analysis workflow, this is by no means uncontroversial as there is a risk of "over-integration" and loss of true biological differences. I had raised this point previously, but the authors chose not to address it (quoted text and line numbers updated). Given that there is controversy in the literature and "community opinion" on the topic of data integration, this is another example of the authors claiming superiority in analysis without showing proof.
Due to a lack of comparison with other methods and due to the fact that the author's methodology was only applied to a single dataset, the paper presents merely a case study, which could be useful but falls short of providing a general recommendation for a best practice workflow.
The manuscript could help to increase awareness of data analysis choices in the community, but only if the superiority of the methodology was clearly demonstrated. However, the authors only show that there are differences but have no convincing (orthogonal) evidence that their methodology was indeed better. This applies to both QC and DE analysis.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This paper presents a highly compelling and novel hypothesis for how the brain could generate signals to guide navigation toward remembered goals. Under this hypothesis, which the authors call "Endotaxis", the brain co-opts its ancient ability to navigate up odor gradients (chemotaxis) by generating a "virtual odor" that grows stronger the closer the animal is to a goal location. This idea is compelling from an evolutionary perspective and a mechanistic perspective. The paper is well-written and delightful to read.
The authors develop a detailed model of how the brain may perform "Endotaxis", using a variety of interconnected cell types (point, map, and goal cells) to inform the chemotaxis system. They tested the ability of this model to navigate in several state spaces, representing both physical mazes and abstract cognitive tasks. The Endotaxis model performed reasonably well across different environments and different types of goals.
The authors further tested the model using parameter sweeps and discovered a critical level of network gain, beyond which task performance drops. This critical level approximately matched analytical derivations.
Overall, this paper provides a very compelling model for how neural circuits may have evolved the ability to navigate towards remembered goals, using ancient chemotaxis circuits.
This framework will likely be very important for understanding how the hippocampus (and other memory/navigation-related circuits) interfaces with other processes in the brain, giving rise to memory-guided behavior.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The manuscript presents a computational model of how an organism might learn a map of the structure of its environment and the location of valuable resources through synaptic plasticity, and how this map could subsequently be used for goal-directed navigation.
The model is composed of 'map cells', which learn the structure of the environment in their recurrent connections, and 'goal-cell' which store the location of valued resources with respect to the map cell population. Each map cell corresponds to a particular location in the environment due to receiving external excitatory input at this location. The synaptic plasticity rule between map cells potentiates synapses when activity above a specified threshold at the pre-synaptic neuron is followed by above-threshold activity at the post-synaptic neuron. The threshold is set such that map neurons are only driven above this plasticity threshold by the external excitatory input, causing synapses to only be potentiated between a pair of map neurons when the organism moves directly between the locations they represent. This causes the weight matrix between the map neurons to learn the adjacency for the graph of locations in the environment, i.e. after learning the synaptic weight matrix matches the environment's adjacency matrix. Recurrent activity in the map neuron population then causes a bump of activity centred on the current location, which drops off exponentially with the diffusion distance on the graph. Each goal cell receives input from the map cells, and also from a 'resource cell' whose activity indicates the presence or absence of a given values resource at the current location. Synaptic plasticity potentiates map-cell to goal-cell synapses in proportion to the activity of the map cells at time-points when the resource cell is active. This causes goal cell activity to increase when the activity of the map cell population is similar to the activity where the resource was obtained. The upshot of all this is that after learning the activity of goal cells decreases exponentially with the diffusion distance from the corresponding goal location. The organism can therefore navigate to a given goal by doing gradient ascent on the activity of the corresponding goal cell. The process of evaluating these gradients and using them to select actions is not modelled explicitly, but the authors point to the similarity of this mechanism to chemotaxis (ascending a gradient of odour concentration to reach the odour source), and the widespread capacity for chemotaxis in the animal kingdom, to argue for its biological plausibility. The ideas are interesting and the presentation of the results in the manuscript is generally clear.
Closely related ideas have been explored in previous work, and there are some aspects of how the work relates to previous literature that it would be useful to clarify. Several lines of work have proposed learning long-range relationships between states in the environment, to enable navigation to rewarding goals by effectively descending distance gradients. The most well-known of these in the neuroscience literature is the Successor Representation (SR) (Dayan 1993), which is defined as the expected discounted future occupancy of each state given the current state. As noted in the discussion, this is closely related to the representation learnt by the map cells in the current model. The key difference is that the successor representation uses state-state transitions under a given policy (a mapping from states to actions), whereas the current model uses the adjacency matrix between states, which depends only on the environment and hence is independent of the policy followed while the representation is learnt (given sufficient exploration). This policy independence is useful, as the SR can fail to generate good routes to goals when these are very different from the policy under which it was learned (see Russek et al. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005768). However, there are several prior proposals for policy-independent SR-like mechanisms that it would be useful to discuss. Baram et al. (https://doi.org/10.1101/421461) propose navigating to goals by doing gradient descent on diffusion distances, computed as powers of the adjacency matrix as in the current work. One limitation of using the adjacency matrix is that it does not handle situations where transitions between states are probabilistic, which is not a big issue for navigation in physical space but is for applying the mechanism to cognitive tasks more broadly. There are prior ideas for learning policy-independent representations similar to the SR that do not have this limitation. Kaelbling (Learning to achieve goals, IJCAI, 1993) proposed using an off-policy learning rule similar to Q-learning, to learn shortest path distances between states. Piray and Daw https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25123-3) consider a default representation, which is a successor-like representation under a generic default policy, building on the Linear Markov Decision Process (LMDP) framework of Todorov (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0710743106). Also relevant to the current study is the work of Fang et al. (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.80680) who, as in the current work, propose using recurrent network dynamics to compute a long-range representation (the SR) from synaptic weights that store local transition information.
One other area where I felt the work could be better integrated with the existing literature was the discussion of mapping the model onto brain circuits. An interesting and attractive aspect of the work is the idea that the relatively high-level operation of goal-directed navigation could be built on top of evolutionarily older mechanisms for ascending odour gradients. Given this framing, I was expecting the discussion of brain circuits to consider interactions between spatial mapping systems and regions involved in olfactory processing. However the discussion of mammalian brains focussed exclusively on the hippocampus without any link to olfaction, which feels like a missed opportunity. I am not an expert on olfaction, but one region that seems particularly interesting in this context is the olfactory tubercle (see Wesson & Wilson https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2010.08.004 for a review). This region is contiguous with the ventral striatum and has similar local circuitry, receives strong input from olfactory regions, but also input from the hippocampal formation, and a strong dopaminergic innervation from VTA. This suggests a mapping of the model to brain circuits in which map cells in the hippocampal formation project to goal cells in the olfactory tubercle, with the dopaminergic input acting as resource cells (note that different dopamine neuron populations appear to respond to different reward types, see e.g. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04954-0, https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.09.540067). I was also surprised not to see any discussion of internally generated sequential activity in the hippocampus as a possible mechanism for the look-ahead needed to evaluate the goal distance gradient, particularly given the authors suggest that vicarious trial and error (VTE) is a behavioural signature of this gradient sampling, and it is known that during VTE hippocampus plays out internally generated sequences of possible future locations (see Redish https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn.2015.30).
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This paper describes an algorithm that provides a general mechanism for goal-directed behaviour in a biologically plausible neural form.
The method depends on substantial simplifying assumptions. The simulated animal effectively moves through an environment consisting of discrete locations and can reliably detect when it is in each location. Whenever it moves from one location to an adjacent location, it perfectly learns the connectivity between these two locations (changes the value in an adjacency matrix to 1). This creates a graph of connections that reflects the explored environment. In this graph, the current location gets input activation and this spreads to all connected nodes multiplied by a constant decay (adjusted to the branching number of the graph) so that as the number of connection steps increases the activation decreases. Some locations will be marked as goals through experiencing a resource of a specific identity there and subsequently will be activated by an amount proportional to their distance in the graph from the current location, i.e., their activation will increase if the agent moves a step closer and decrease if it moves a step further away. Hence by making such exploratory movements, the animal can decide which way to move to obtain a specified goal.
Although the algorithm is presented within a conceptual framework of chemotaxis, I.e., making movements to sample a local gradient and move up it, the approach relates closely to previous models of exploration, learning, and navigation that similarly establish (through experience) a graph structure to represent how locations are connected and use some form of activity-propagation from the current node or goal node to identify a (shortest) route between them. Many of these similarly claim to be plausible neural circuits. The current authors argue that the current algorithm has several desirable features with respect to such previous work: for example, the 'readout' of the path does not require explicit 'look-up' and activation of the goal node (although it does require a choice of which goal node is currently connected to behavior); and does not require any separate control or rules for learning vs. navigation phases. By comparison to the successor representation method used in RL, which also appears related, they note that the gain (decay) factor is not equivalent to a temporal discount and that their method learns only state-state transitions, allowing the value of actions to be externalised, I.e., calculated by trying alternative actions to see which increases the activation at the goal node the most. On the other hand, it should be noted that some issues addressed in previous models, such as uncertainty over the current state or probabilistic state(-action) transitions are not addressed in this work.
The algorithm presents some elegant features with respect to previous work such as conceptually separating the 'goal' nodes from the state (location) graph (I.e. 'goals' are not just special target states within the graph) so that a small number of goals can become associated to (potentially) multiple regions of the state graph where they are satisfied, or near to being satisfied. This architecture is suggested, in the discussion, to resemble the insect mushroom body (MB), where it is known that a small number of output neurons (MBONs, putative goal neurons) are activated by plastic connections from Kenyon cells (KCs, putative state neurons). However, it goes substantially beyond any available evidence to claim that KC connectivity could support the acquisition of a graph (in the form of an adjacency matrix) representing the structure of the environment: KCs show sparse distributed activity (not one active node per state); it seems unlikely that any two arbitrary KCs can (rapidly) become connected; and as yet has not been demonstrated that KC connectivity is plastic at all.
The results presented are fairly straightforward given the simplification of the tasks, as described above. They show 1) in practical terms, the spreading signal travels further for a larger decay but becomes erratic as the decay parameter (map neuron gain) approaches its theoretical upper bound and decreases below noise levels beyond a certain distance. Both follow the theory but it is perhaps helpful to see that there is a viable range of values of the gain for which the mechanism works, that is, it is not highly dependent on precise tuning. 2) That different graph structures can be acquired and used to approach goal locations (not surprising). 3) That simultaneous learning and exploitation of the graph only minimally affects the performance over starting with perfect knowledge of the graph. 4) That the parameters interact in expected ways. 5) That the separation of goals from states can be used flexibly e.g. the homing behaviour (a goal state is learned before any of the map is learned) and the patrolling behaviour (a goal cell that monitors all states for how recently they were visited). It is also interesting to link the mechanism of exploration of neighbouring states to observed scanning behaviours in navigating animals. It would have been interesting to explore whether the parameters could be dynamically tuned, based on the overall graph activity.
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Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, Lewis et al. investigate the role of tetraspanins in the formation of discs- the key structure of vertebrate photoreceptors essential for light reception. Two tetraspanin proteins play a role in this process: PRPH2 and ROM1. The critical contribution of PRPH2 has been well established and loss of its function is not tolerated and result in gross anatomical pathology and degeneration in both mice and humans. However, the role of ROM1 is much less understood and has been considered somewhat redundant. This paper provides a definitive answer about the long-standing uncertainty regarding the contribution of ROM1 firmly establishing its role in outer segment morphogenesis. First, using ingenious quantitative proteomic technique the authors show PRPH2 compensatory increase in ROM1 knockout explaining the redundancy of its function. Second, they uncover that despite this compensation, ROM1 is still needed and its loss delays disc enclosure and result in the failure to form incisures. Third, the authors used a transgenic mouse model and show that deficits seen in ROM1 KO could be completely compensated by the overexpression of PRPH2. Finally, they analyzed yet another mouse model based on double manipulation with both ROM1 loss and expression of PRPH2 mutant unable to form dimerizing disulfide bonds further arguing that PRPH2-ROM1 interactions are not required for disc enclosure. To top it off the authors complement their in vivo studies by series of biochemical assays done upon reconstitution of tetraspanins in transfected cultured cell as well as fractionations of native retinas. This report is timely, addresses significant questions in cell biology of photoreceptors and pushes the field forward in a classical area of photoreceptor biology and mechanics of membrane structure as well. The manuscript is executed at the top level of technical standard, exceptionally well written and does not leave much more to desire. It also pushes standards of the field- one such domain is quantitative approach to analysis of the EM images which is notoriously open to alternative interpretations - yet this study does an exceptional job unbiasing this approach.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this study, Lewis et al seek to further define the role of ROM1. ROM1 is a tetraspanin protein that oligomerizes with another tetraspanin, PRPH2, to shape the rims of the membrane discs that comprise the light sensitive outer segment of vertebrate photoreceptors. ROM1 knockout mice and several PRPH2 mutant mice are reexamined. The conclusion reached is that ROM1 is redundant to PRPH2 in regulating the size of newly forming discs, although excess PRPH2 is required to compensate for the loss of ROM1.
This replicates earlier findings, while adding rigor using a mass spectrometry-based approach to quantitate the ratio of ROM1 and PRPH2 to rhodopsin (the protein packed in the body of the disc membranes) and careful analysis of tannic acid labeled newly forming discs using transmission electron microscopy.
In ROM1 knockout mice PRPH2 expression was found to be increased so that the level of PRPH2 in those mice matches the combined amount of PRPH2 and ROM1 in wildtype mice. Despite this, there are defects in disc formation that are resolved when the ROM1 knockout is crossed to a PRPH2 overexpressing line. A weakness of the study is that the molar ratios between ROM1, PRPH2 and rhodopsin were not measured in the PRPH2 overexpressing mice. This would have allowed the authors to be more precise in their conclusion that a sufficient excess of PRPH2 can compensate for defects in ROM1.
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Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Here the authors address the idea that postural and movement control are differentially impacted with stroke. Specifically, they examined whether resting postural forces influenced several metrics of sensorimotor control (e.g., initial reach angle, maximum lateral hand deviation following a perturbation, etc.) during movement or posture. The authors found that resting postural forces influenced control only following the posture perturbation for the paretic arm of stroke patients, but not during movement. They also found that resting postural forces were greater when the arm was unsupported, which correlated with abnormal synergies (as assessed by the Fugl-Meyer). The authors suggest that these findings can be explained by the idea that the neural circuitry associated with posture is relatively more impacted by stroke than the neural circuitry associated with movement. They also propose a conceptual model that differentially weights the reticulospinal tract (RST) and corticospinal tract (CST) to explain greater relative impairments with posture control relative to movement control, due to abnormal synergies, in those with stroke.
Strengths:<br /> The strength of the paper is that they clearly demonstrate with the posture task (i.e., active holding against a load) that the resting postural forces influence subsequent control (i.e., the path to stabilize, time to stabilize, max. deviation) following a sudden perturbation (i.e., suddenly removal of the load). Further, they can explain their findings with a conceptual model, which is depicted in Figure 9.
Weaknesses:<br /> Current weaknesses and potential concerns relate to i) not displaying or reporting the results of healthy controls and non-paretic arm in Experiment 2 and ii) large differences in force perturbation waveforms between movement (sudden onset) and posture (sudden release), which could potentially influence the results and or interpretation.
Larger concerns<br /> 1. Additional analyses to further support the interpretation. In Experiment 1 the authors present the results for the paretic arm, non-paretic arm, and controls. However, in Experiment 2 for several key analyses, they only report summary statistics for the paretic arm (Figure 5D-I; Figure 6D-E; Figure 7F). It is understood that the controls have much smaller resting postural force biases, but they are still present (Figure 3B). It would strengthen the position of the paper to show that controls and the non-paretic arm are not influenced by resting postural force biases during movement and particularly during posture, while acknowledging the caveat that the resting positional forces are smaller in these groups. It is recommended that the authors report and display the results shown in Figure 5D-I; Figure 6D-E; Figure 7F for the controls and non-paretic arm. If these results are all null, the authors could alternatively place these results in an additional supplementary.
Further, the results could be further boosted by reporting/displaying additional analyses. In Figure 6D the authors performed a correlation analysis. Can they also display the same analysis for initial deviation and endpoint deviation for the data shown in Figure 5D-F & 5G-I, as well for 7F for the path to stabilization, time to stabilization, and max deviation? This will also create consistency in the analyses performed for each dependent variable across the paper.
2. Inconsistency in perturbations that would differentially impact muscle and limb states during movement and posture. It is well known that differences in muscle state (activation / preloaded, muscle fiber length and velocity) and limb state (position and velocity) impact sensorimotor control (Pruszynski, J. A., & Scott, S. H. (2012). Experimental brain research, 218, 341-359.). Of course, it is appreciated that it is not possible to completely control all states when comparing movement and posture (i.e., muscle and limb velocity). However, using different perturbations differentially impacts muscle and limb states. Within this paper, the authors used very different force waveforms for movement perturbations (i.e., 12 N peak, bell-shaped, 0.7ms duration -> sudden force onset to push the limb; Figure 6A) and posture perturbations (i.e., 6N, 2s ramp up -> 3s hold -> sudden force release that resulted in limb movement; Figure 4) that would differentially impact muscle (and limb) states. Preloaded muscle (as in the posture perturbation) has a very different response compared to muscle that has little preload (as in the movement perturbations, where muscles that would resist a sudden lateral perturbation would likely be less activated since they are not contributing to the forward movement). Would the results hold if the same perturbation had been used for both posture and movement (e.g., 12 N pulse for both experiments)? It is recommended that the authors comment and discuss in the paper why they chose different perturbations and how that might impact the results.
Relatedly, an alternative interpretation of the results is that preloading muscle for stroke patients, whether by supporting the weight of one's arm (experiment 1) or statically resisting a load prior to force release (experiment 2), leads to a greater postural force bias that can subsequently influence control. It is recommended that the authors comment on this.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This study extends the previous interesting work of this group to address the potentially differential control of movement and posture. Their earlier work explored a broad range of data to make the case for a downstream neural integrator hypothesized to convert descending velocity movement commands into postural holding commands. Included in that data were observations from people with hemiparesis due to stroke. The current study uses similar data but pushes into a different, but closely related direction, suggesting that these data may address the independence of these two fundamental components of motor control. I find the logic laid out in the second sentence of the abstract ("The paretic arm after stroke is notable for abnormalities both at rest and during movement, thus it provides an opportunity to address the relationships between control of reaching, stopping, and stabilizing") less than compelling, but the study does make some interesting observations. Foremost among them, is the relation between the resting force postural bias and the effect of force perturbations during the target hold periods, but not during movement. While this interesting observation is consistent with the central mechanism the authors suggest, it seems hard to me to rule out other mechanisms, including peripheral ones.
On the other hand, the relation between force bias and the well-recognized flexor synergy seems rather self-evident, and I don't see that these results add much to that story. I am also struck by what seems to be a contradiction between the conclusions of the current and former studies: "These findings in stroke suggest that moving and holding still are functionally separable modes of control" and "the commands that hold the arm and finger at a target location depend on the mathematical integration of the commands that moved the limb to that location." The former study is mentioned here only in passing, in a single phrase in the discussion, with no consideration of the relation between the two studies. This is odd and should be addressed.
A minor wording concern I had is that the term "holding still" is frequently hard to parse. A couple of examples: "These findings in stroke suggest that moving and holding still are functionally separable modes of control." This example is easily read, "moving and holding [continue to be] functionally separable". Another: "...active reaching and holding still in the same workspace, " could be "...active reaching and holding [are] still in the same workspace." Simply "holding", "posture" or "posture maintenance" would all be better options.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The authors attempt to dissociate differences in resting vs active vs perturbed movement biases in people with motor deficits resulting from stroke. The analysis of movement utilizes techniques that are similar to previous motor control in both humans and non-human primates, to assess impairments related to sensorimotor injuries. In this regard, the authors provide additional support to the extensive literature describing movement abnormalities in patients with hemiparesis both at rest and during active movement. The authors describe their intention to separate out the contribution of holding still at a position vs active movement as a demonstration that these two aspects of motor control are controlled by two separate control regimes.
Strengths:<br /> 1. The authors utilize a device that is the same or similar to devices previously used to investigate motor control of movement in normal and impaired conditions in humans and non-human primates. This allows comparisons to existing motor control studies.<br /> 2. Experiment 1 demonstrates resting flexion biases both in supported and unsupported forelimb conditions. These biases show a correlated relationship with FM-UE scores, suggesting that the degree of motor impairment and the degree of resting bias are related.<br /> 3. The stroke patient participant population had a wide range of both levels of impairment and time since stroke, including both sub-acute and chronic cases allowing the results to be compared across impairment levels.
The authors describe several results from their study: 1. Postural biases were systematically toward the body (flexion) and increased with distance from the body (when the arm was more extended) and were stronger when the arm was unsupported. 2. These postural biases were correlated with FM-UE score. 3. They found no evidence of postural biases impacting movement, even when that movement was perturbed. 4. When holding a position at the end of a movement, if the position was perturbed opposite of the direction of bias, movement back to the target was improved compared to the perturbation in the direction of bias. Taken together, the authors suggest that there are at least two separate motor controls for tasks at rest versus with motion. Further, the authors propose that these results indicate that there is an imbalance between cortical control of movement (through the corticospinal tracts) and postural control (through the reticulospinal tract). There are several weaknesses related to the interpretation of the results:
In Experiment 1, the participants are instructed to keep their limbs in a passive position after being moved. The authors show that, in the impaired limb, these resting biases are significantly higher when the limb is unsupported and increase when the arm is moved to a more extended position.
When supported by the air sled, the arm is in a purely passive position, not requiring the same anti-gravity response so will have less RST but also less CST involvement. While the unsupported task invokes more involvement of the reticulospinal tract (RST), it likely also has significantly higher CST involvement due to the increased difficulty and novelty of the task.
If there were an imbalance in CST regulating RST as proposed by the authors, the bias should be higher in the supported condition as there should be relatively less CST activation/involvement/modulation leading to less moderating input onto the RST and introducing postural biases. In the unsupported condition, there is likely more CST involvement, potentially leading to an increased modulatory effect on RST. If the proportion of CST involvement significantly outweighs the RST activation in the unsupported task, then it isn't obvious that there is a clear differentiation of motor control. As the degree of resting force bias and FM-UE score are correlated, an argument could be made that they are both measuring the impairment of the CST unrelated to any RST output. If it is purely the balance of CST integrity compared to RST, then the degree of bias should have been the same in both conditions. In this idea of controller vs modulator, it is unclear when this switch occurs or how to weigh individual contributions of CST vs. extrapyramidal tracts. Further, it isn't clear why less modulation on the RST would lead only to abnormal flexion.
This resting bias could be explained by an imbalance in the activation of flexors vs extensors which follows the results that this bias is larger as the arm is extended further, and/or in a disconnect in sensory integration that is overcome during active movement. Neither would necessitate separate motor control for holding vs active movement.
In Experiment 2, the participants are actively moving to and holding at targets for all trials while being supported by the air sled. Even with the support, the paretic participants all showed start- and end-point force biases around the movement despite not showing systematic deviations in force direction during active movement start or stop. There could be several factors that limit systematic deviations in force direction. The most obvious is that the measured biases are significantly higher when the limb is unsupported and by testing with a supported limb the authors are artificially limiting any effect of the bias. It is also possible that significant adaptation or plasticity with the CST or rubrospinal tracts could give rise to motor output that already accounts for any intrinsic resting bias. In any case, the results from the reaching phase of Experiment 2 do not definitively show that directional biases are not present during active reaching, just that the authors were unable to detect them with their design. The authors do acknowledge the limitations in this design (a 2D constrained task) in explaining motor impairment in 3D unconstrained tasks.
It would have been useful, in Experiment 2, to use FM-UE scores (and time from injury) as a factor to determine the relationship between movement and rest biases. Using a GLMM would have allowed a similar comparison to Experiment 1 of how impairment level is related to static perturbation responses. While not a surrogate for imaging tractography data showing a degree of CST involvement in stroke, FM-UE may serve as an appropriate proxy so that this perturbation at hold responses may be put into context relative to impairment.
It is not clear that even in the static perturbation trials that the hold (and subsequent move from perturbation) is being driven by reticulospinal projections. Given a task where ~20% of the trials are going to be perturbed, there is likely a significant amount of anticipatory or preparatory signaling from the CST. How does this balance with any proposed contribution that the RST may have with increased grip?
In general, the weakness of the interpretation of the results with respect to the CST/RST framework is that it is necessary to ascribe relative contributions of different tracts to different phases of movement and hold using limited or indirect measures. Barring any quantification of this data during these tasks, different investigators are likely to assess these contributions in different ways and proportions limiting the framework's utility.
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Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Ishii et al used molecular genetics and behavioral analyses in mice to study the functional role of a subset of MPOA neurons in the regulation of female sexual drive. They first employed a self-paced mating assay during which a female could control the amount of interaction time with a male to assess female sexual drive after completion of mating. The authors observed that after mating completion females spent significantly less time interacting with the mated males, indicating that their sexual drive was reduced. Next, the authors performed a brain-wide analysis of neurons activated during the completion of mating and identified the MPOA as a strong candidate region. However, their activity labeling was not exclusive to neurons activated during mating completion but included all neurons activated before, during, and after the mating encounter. This makes it difficult to interpret these data. Importantly, the authors do provide in vivo calcium imaging data showing that a subset of MPOA neurons responds significantly and specifically to mating completion and not other behaviors during the social encounter. The authors performed these studies in both excitatory and inhibitory populations of the MPOA. Their analysis identified a subpopulation of inhibitory neurons that exhibit sustained increased activity for 90 sec following mating completion. Finally, the authors used chemogenetics to activate MPOA neurons during home cage mating, condition place preference, pup retrieval, and the self-paced mating assay. They found that activation of these neurons significantly reduced mating behaviors and time spent interacting with a male during the self-paced mating assay. The authors suggest that their chemogenetic activation is restricted to neurons activated during mating completion, but their activity-dependent labeling strategy resulted in chemogenetic activation of all MPOA neurons activated either before, during, or after mating.
The authors' experimental execution is rigorous and well-performed. Their data identify inhibitory neurons in the female MPOA as a neural locus that is activated following the completion of mating and potentially a key neural population in the regulation of female sexual motivation. However, the conclusions and interpretation of the data extend beyond what is reasonable given the limitations of the activity-dependent labeling strategy employed.
Strengths:<br /> 1) The use of the self-paced mating assay in combination with neural imaging and manipulation to assess female sexual drive is innovative. The authors correctly assert that relatively little is known about how mating completion affects sexual motivation in females as compared to males. Therefore, the data collected from these studies is important and valuable.
2) The authors provide convincing histological data and analyses to verify and validate their brain-wide activity labeling, neural imaging, and chemogenetic studies.
3) The single-cell in vivo calcium imaging data are well performed and analyzed. They provide key insights into the activity profiles of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the female MPOA during mating encounters. The authors' identification of an inhibitory subpopulation of female MPOA neurons that are selectively activated following the completion of mating is fundamental for future experiments which could potentially find a molecular marker for this population and specifically manipulate these neurons to understand their role in female sexual motivation in greater detail.
Weaknesses:<br /> 1) Their activity-dependent labeling strategy is not exclusive to mating completion but instead includes all neurons active before, during, and after the social encounter. In the manuscript, the authors did not discuss the time course of Fos activation or the timeframe of the FosTRAP labeling strategy. Fos continues to be expressed and is detectable for hours following neural activation. Therefore, the FosTRAP strategy also labels neurons that were activated 3 hours before the injection of 4-OHT. The original FosTRAP2 paper which is cited in this manuscript (DeNardo et al, 2019) performed a detailed analysis of the labeling window in Supplementary Figure 2 of that paper. Here is quoted text from that paper: "Resultant patterns of tdTomato expression revealed that the majority of TRAPing occurred within a 6-hour window centered around the 4-OHT injection." Thus, the FosTRAP "mating completion" groups throughout this manuscript also include neurons activated 3 hours before mating completion, which includes neurons activated during appetitive and consummatory mating behaviors.
This makes all of the FosTRAP data very difficult to interpret. Compounding this is the issue that the two groups the authors compare in their experiments are females administered 4-OHT following appetitive investigation behaviors (with the male removed before mating behaviors occurred) and females administered 4-OHT following mating completion. The "appetitive" group labeled neurons activated only during appetitive investigation, but the "completion" group labeled neurons activated during appetitive investigations, consummatory mating bouts, and mating completion. Therefore, in the brain-wide analysis of Figure 2, it is impossible to identify brain regions that were activated exclusively by mating completion and not by consummatory mating behaviors. This could have been achieved if the "completion" group was compared to a group of females that had commenced consummatory mating behaviors but were separated from the male before mating was completed. Then, any neurons labeled by the "completion" FosTRAP but not the "consummatory" FosTRAP would be neurons specifically activated by mating completion. In the current brain-wide analysis experiments, neurons activated by consummatory behaviors and mating completion can not be disassociated.
This same issue is present in the interpretation of the chemogenetic activation data in Figure 6. In the experiments of Figure 6, the authors are activating neurons naturally activated during consummatory mating behaviors as well as those activated during mating completion.
2) This study does not definitively show that the female mice used in this study display decreased sexual motivation after the completion of mating. The females exhibit reduced interaction with males that had also just completed mating, but it is unclear if the females would continue to show reduced interaction time if given the choice to interact with a male that was not in the post-ejaculatory refractory period. Perhaps, these females have a natural preference to interact more with sexually motivated males compared to recently mated (not sexually motivated) males. To definitively show that these females exhibit decreased sexual motivation the authors should perform two control experiments: 1) provide the females with access to a fully sexually motivated male after the females have completed mating with a different male to see if interaction time changes, and 2) compare interaction time toward mated and non-mated males using the self-paced mating assay. These controls would show that the reduction in the interaction time is because the females have reduced sexual motivation and not because these females just naturally interact with sexually motivated males more than males in the post-ejaculatory refractory period.
3) It is unclear how the transient 90-second response of these MPOA neurons following the completion of mating causes the prolonged reduction in female sexual motivation that is at the minutes to hours timeframe. No molecular or cellular mechanism is discussed.
4) The authors discuss potential cell types and neural population markers within the MPOA and go into some detail in Figure S3. However, their experiments are performed with only the larger excitatory and inhibitory MPOA neural populations.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This manuscript by Ishii et al utilizes a classical, but extremely understudied, female self-paced assay to directly address aspects of female sexual motivation independent from the male's behavior. This allowed for a clear separation of appetitive and consummatory events, of which whole brain unbiased activity was mapped. Mating completion in females was then focused on the medial preoptic nucleus where the authors performed a rigorous set of single-cell GCaMP recordings in populations marked by Vglut2 and Vgat, finding the latter display stronger and prolonged activity after the onset of mating completion. Finally, they demonstrate function to these Fos-TRAPPED completion cells demonstrating their capacity to suppress female sexual behavior.
Strengths:<br /> This manuscript sought to explicitly explore the female mating drive as dictated by the female, a very rare angle for those studying mating behavior which almost always is controlled by the male's behavior. To achieve this, the authors went back to old literature and modified a classical paradigm in which a measurable approach and avoidance of male conspecifics can be measured in female mice using a self-paced mating assay. Strengths include a detailed quantification of female behaviors demonstrating a robust attenuated sexual motivation in females after mating completion. To determine the neural basis behind this, a brain-wide analysis of cells responding to mating completion in the female brain was conducted which revealed numerous anatomical regions displaying increased Fos activity, including the MPOA, of which the authors concentrated the remaining of their study. Employing microendoscopic imaging, the authors discovered that this mating completion signal was strongly represented in the MPOA. The single cell data analyses are of very high quality as is the number of individual cells resolved. While they identified both excitatory and inhibitory cell types that were activated by mating completion, they found the latter exhibited stronger and more persistent activity. Segmentation into individual mating behaviors reinforced the importance of GABAergic completion cells, which display prolonged activity late after the onset of mating completion. This information provides a potential mechanism for how female mice suppress further mating activity following completion. The authors then definitively demonstrate this function by TRAP'ping completion cells with chemogenetic actuators and show that CNO-induced activation of these cells specifically and strongly suppresses female sexual behavior. All experiments were extremely well-designed and performed carefully and expertly with the necessary controls solidifying the conclusions.
Weaknesses:<br /> While there are no glaring weaknesses in this study, it should be noted that a great deal of literature has pinpointed the MPOA (and specifically inhibitory cells in this area) as being critical to sexual behavior, including female mating. However, no study to my knowledge has explored self-paced female mating with such fine control over manipulating and monitoring cellular activity in this region. In addition, this study may act to inspire others to further explore the additional brain regions found to show upregulation of neural activity (Fos) during mating completion in the female using the data sets generated here.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this set of studies, the authors identify cFos activation in neurons in female mice that mated with males, and after experiencing male sexual behavior that is either restricted to appetitive behavior or including ejaculation. The medial preoptic nucleus was identified as an area with high cFos induction following ejaculation. Characterization of neurochemical phenotypes of cfos-expressing neurons showed a heterogenous distribution of activated neurons in the MPOA, including both inhibitory and excitatory cell types. Next, in vivo calcium imaging was used to show activation of Vgat and Vglut neurons in female mice MPOA after displaying sniffing of the male, experiencing male appetitive, or male consummatory sexual behavior, demonstrating significantly higher activation and of a greater subpopulation of Vgat neurons than Vglut neurons. Moreover, the greatest activation of Vgat neurons was detected following experiencing ejaculation, and ejaculation activated different subpopulations of MPOA cells than consummatory or appetitive sexual behaviors experienced by the female. Finally, pharmaco-genetic activation of the subpopulation of MPOA neurons that were previously activated following ejaculation resulted in a significant reduction of approach behavior by the female mice towards the male, interpreted as suppression of female sexual motivation. In conclusion, a subpopulation of inhibitory cells in the MPOA is activated in female mice after experiencing ejaculation, in turn contributing to the suppression of sexual approach behavior.
Strengths:<br /> The current set of studies replicates previous findings that ejaculation causes longer latencies to initiate interactions with a male after receiving an ejaculation in a paced mating paradigm, which is widely validated and extensively used to investigate sexual behavior in female rodents. Studies also confirm that ejaculation increases cFos expression in the MPOA while extending prior findings with a careful analysis of the neurochemical phenotype of activated neurons. A major strength of the studies is the use of cell-specific in vivo imaging and pharmaco-genetic activation to reveal a functional role of specific neuronal ensemble within the MPOA for post-ejaculatory female sexual behavior.
Weaknesses:<br /> The authors include an elegant manipulation of ejaculation-activated neurons in the MPOA using DREADD. However, this study was limited to show that activation of previously activated cells was sufficient to reduce approach behavior in a paced mating paradigm and receiving intromissions in a home cage mating paradigm. An inhibition approach using DREADD would have been a great complement to this study as it would have examined if activation of the cells was required. Moreover, additional tests for sexual motivation would have greatly strengthened the overall conclusions.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Cell death plays a critical role on regulating organogenesis. During tooth morphogenesis, apoptosis of embryonic dental tissue plays critical roles on regulating tooth germ development. The current study focused on ferroptosis, another way of cell death which has rarely been investigated in tooth development, and showed it may also play an important role on regulating the tooth dimension. The topic is novel and interesting, but the experimental design has some flaws which compromised the study.
The entire study was based on ex vivo tooth germ explant culture. I hope the authors can continue working on this direction with more convincing transgenic models.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The present study by Ye et al. characterizes some of the major effects of ferroptotic stress on tooth morphogenesis.
The strengths of this study are its innovative nature and the beautiful histology. Mechanistic data are convincing Overall, the study is well done.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This is an interesting work reporting ferroptosis that is involved in the tooth morphogenesis. The authors showed that Gpx4, the core anti-lipid peroxidation enzyme in ferroptosis, is upregulated in tooth development using ex vivo culture system.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In the present manuscript, the authors present the results of a well-designed, thoughtful, and well-motivated study, targeting the role of angular gyrus in insight-based memory gains. The study is well conducted, timely, and presents clear-cut behavioral results. However, the analysis of the EEG-data lacks clarity and leaves many open questions - especially with regard to the representational similarity analyses. (Nevertheless, analogous concerns with regard to the focus on the three-way interaction and the comparison of linked vs. non-linked events pertain similarly to the connectivity analyses.)
Strengths:<br /> - Well-conducted study with a proper sham-controlled TMS design.<br /> - Clever insight-based memory task.<br /> - Interesting behavioral findings.
Weaknesses:<br /> - "We then calculated Pearson's correlations to compare the power patterns across theta frequency between the time points of linked events (A with B), as well as between the time points of non-linked events (A with X) for the pre- and the post-phase separately, separately for stories linked via imagination and via observation." (p.34)
The RSA basically asks on the lowest level, whether neural activation patterns (as measured by EEG) are more similar between linked events compared to non-linked events. At least this is the first question that should be asked. However, on page 11 the authors state: "We examined insight-induced effects on neural representations for linked events [...]". Hence, the critical analysis reported in the manuscript fully ignores the non-linked events and their neural activation patterns. However, the non-linked events are a critical control. If the reported effects do not differ between linked and non-linked events, there is no way to claim that the effects are due to experimental manipulation - neither imagination nor observation. Hence, instead of immediately reporting on group differences (sham vs. control) in a two-way interaction (pre vs. post X imagination vs. observation), the authors should check (and report) first, whether the critical experimental manipulation had any effect on the similarity of neural activation patterns in the first place.
Overall, the focus on the targeted three-way interaction is poorly motivated. Also, a functional interpretation is largely missing.
- "Interestingly, we observed a different pattern of insight-related representational pattern changes for non-linked events."
It is not sufficient to demonstrate that a given effect is present in one condition (linked events) but not the other (non-linked events). To claim that there are actually different patterns, the authors would need to compare the critical conditions directly (Nieuwenhuis et al., 2011).
- "This analysis yielded a negative cluster (p = 0.032, ci-range = 0.00, SD = 0.00) in the parieto-temporal region (electrodes: T7, Tp7, P7; Fig. 3B)." (p. 11)
The authors report results with specificity for certain topographical locations. However, this is in stark contrast to the fact that the authors derived time X time RSA maps.
"These theta power values were then combined to create representational feature vectors, which consisted of the power values for four frequencies (4-7 Hz) × 41 time points (0-2 seconds) × 64 electrodes. We then calculated Pearson's correlations to compare the power patterns across theta frequency between the time points of linked events (A with B), as well as between the time points of non-linked events (A with X) for the pre- and the post-phase separately, separately for stories linked via imagination and via observation. To ensure unbiased results, we took precautions not to correlate the same combination of stories twice, which prevented potential inflation of the data. To facilitate statistical comparisons, we applied a Fisher z-transform to the Pearson's rho values at each time point. This yielded a global measure of similarity on each electrode site. We, thus, obtained time × time similarity maps for the linked events (A and B) and the non-linked events (A and X) in the pre- and post-phases, separately for the insight gained through imagination and observation." (p. 34+35)
If RSA values were calculated at each time point and electrode, the Pearson correlations would have been computed effectively between four samples only, which is by far not enough to derive reliable estimates (Schönbrodt & Perugini, 2013). The problem is aggravated by the fact that due to the time and frequency smoothing inherent in the time-frequency decomposition of the EEG data, nearby power values across neighboring theta frequencies are highly similar to start with. (e.g., Schönauer et al., 2017; Sommer et al., 2022)
Alternative approaches would be to run the correlations across time for each electrode (resulting in the elimination of the time dimension) or to run the correlations at each time point across electrodes (resulting in the elimination of topographic specificity).
At least, the authors should show raw RSA maps for linked and non-linked events in the pre- and post-phases separately for the insight gained through imagination and observation in each group, to allow for assessing the suitability of the input data (in the supplements?) before progressing to reporting the results of three-way interactions.
References:<br /> Nieuwenhuis, S., Forstmann, B. U., & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2011). Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: A problem of significance. Nature Neuroscience, 14(9), 1105-1107. https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.2886<br /> Schönauer, M., Alizadeh, S., Jamalabadi, H., Abraham, A., Pawlizki, A., & Gais, S. (2017). Decoding material-specific memory reprocessing during sleep in humans. Nature Communications, 8(1), 15404. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms15404<br /> Schönbrodt, F. D., & Perugini, M. (2013). At what sample size do correlations stabilize? Journal of Research in Personality, 47(5), 609-612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2013.05.009<br /> Sommer, V. R., Mount, L., Weigelt, S., Werkle-Bergner, M., & Sander, M. C. (2022). Spectral pattern similarity analysis: Tutorial and application in developmental cognitive neuroscience. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 54, 101071. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2022.101071
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The formation of long-term memory representations requires the continuous updating of ongoing representations. Various studies have shown that the left angular gyrus (AG) may support this cognitive operation. However, this study demonstrates that this brain region plays a causal role in the formation of long-term memory representations, affecting both the neural and behavioural measures of information binding.
A significant strength of this work is that it is the first one to test the hypothesis that the left angular gyrus has a causal role in the reconfiguration and binding of long-term memory representations by comparing when insights are primarily derived from direct observation versus imagination. Consequently, the results from this manuscript have the potential to be informative for all areas of cognitive research, including basic perception, language cognition, and memory.
Furthermore, this study presents a comprehensive set of measurements on the same individuals, encompassing various task-related behavioural measures, EEG data, and questionnaire responses.
There are, however, some weaknesses. One of them pertains to the link between the observed results and the conclusions. While the observed memory reconfiguration/changes are attributed to the angular gyrus in this study, it remains unclear whether these effects are solely a result of the AG's role in reconfiguration processes or to what extent the hippocampus might also mediate these memory effects (e.g., Tambini et al., 2018; Hermiller et al., 2019).
Another weakness in this manuscript is the use of different groups of participants for the key TMS intervention, along with underspecified or incomplete hypotheses/predictions. Furthermore, in some instances, the types of analyses used do not appear to be suitable for addressing the questions posed by the current study, and there is limited explanation provided for the choice of analyses and questionnaires.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Grob and colleagues investigated the causal role of the angular gyrus in insight-driven memory reconfiguration. Participants watched unrelated movie scenes while EEG was recorded prior to receiving either active or sham continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) over the left angular gyrus. Following stimulation, participants either observed or imagined links or non-links between scenes watched before stimulation. Next, participants rated their comprehension of the links. Following this part, participants completed questionnaires for 30 minutes, followed by a free recall test of details from the videos. Subjects then watched the videos again while EEG was recorded and engaged in a recognition test to determine whether they retained information about the linking events. Participants showed strong evidence of insight-driven linking between videos. The results indicate that overall memory of video details was stronger for the Sham group compared to the cTBS group, but only for the linked videos. An RSA analysis using pre- and post-video observation indicated that similarity increased for imagined and linked videos for the sham group, but not for the cTBS group, in sensors in parieto-temporal regions. Similarity for imagined, non-linked videos increased for the cTBS group, but not for the sham group, in frontal sensors. Coherence between fronto-parietal sensors decreased during the viewing of videos linked by imagination for the cTBS group, but not the sham group. Coherence between the same sensors increased while watching videos that were linked by observation in the cTBS group, but decreased for the sham group. The authors conclude that the angular gyrus is causally related to memory-insight reconfiguration.
Strengths:<br /> The paper is nicely written, and the rigor of the experimental design is strong. The paper is pre-registered, and the authors used a double-blind sham-controlled design to eliminate the possibility of bias and non-specific effects of rTMS on their results. The behavioral results are striking and provide strong evidence that their intervention significantly decreased memory for details of linked events. The authors also took care to leave time between stimulation and recall to reduce the influence of carry-over rTMS effects on memory. There are also strong behaviorally-relevant neural changes.
Weaknesses:<br /> My major criticism relates to the main claim of the paper regarding causality between the angular gyrus and the authors' behavior of interest. Specifically, I am not convinced by the evidence that the effects of stimulation noted in the paper are attributable specifically to the angular gyrus, and not other regions/networks.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Microglia are increasingly recognized as playing an important role in shaping the synaptic circuit and regulating neural dynamics in response to changes in their surrounding environment and in brain states. While numerous studies have suggested that microglia contribute to sleep regulation and are modulated by sleep, there has been little direct evidence that the morphological dynamics of microglia are modulated by the sleep/wake cycle. In this work, Gu et al. applied a recently developed miniature two-photon microscope in conjunction with EEG and EMG recording to monitor microglia surveillance in freely-moving mice over extended period of time. They found that microglia surveillance depends on the brain state in the sleep/wake cycle (wake, non-REM, or REM sleep). Furthermore, they subjected the mouse to acute sleep deprivation, and found that microglia gradually assume an active state in response. Finally, they showed that the state-dependent morphological changes depend on norepinephrine (NE), as chemically ablating noradrenergic inputs from locus coeruleus abolished such changes; this is in agreement with previous publications. The authors also showed that the effect of NE is partially mediated by β2-adrenergic receptors, as shown with β2-adrenergic receptor knock-out mice. Overall, this study is a technical tour de force, and its data add valuable direct evidence to the ongoing investigations of microglial morphological dynamics and its relationship with sleep. Nevertheless, microglial morphodynamics likely reflect the integrated influence of neighboring neuronal activities and neuromodulatory factors; the pan-tissue β2AR knockout mouse model may also broadly affect the animal's physiology and sleep behavior. Therefore, future studies are needed to address the specific role of microglial β2AR on its morphodynamics in sleep.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The MS describes an approach to monitor microglial structural dynamics and correlate it to ongoing changes in brain state during sleep-wake cycles. The main novelty here is the use of miniaturized 2p microscopy, which allows tracking microglia surveillance over long periods of hours, while the mice are allowed to freely behave. Accordingly, this experimental setup would permit to explore long-lasting changes in microglia in more naturalistic environment, which were previously not possible to identify otherwise. The findings provide key advances to the research of microglia during natural sleep and wakefulness, as opposed to anesthesia. The main findings of the paper are that microglia increase their process motility and surveillance during REM and NREM sleep as compared to the awake state. The authors further show that sleep deprivation induces opposite changes in microglia dynamics- limiting their surveillance and size. The authors then demonstrate potential causal role for norepinephrine secretion from the locus coeruleus (LC) which is driven by beta 2 adrenergic receptors (b2AR) on microglia. '
The authors have nicely demonstrated and technically validated their main conclusions. In particular, they demonstrate the utility of miniaturized 2p imaging for long lasting imaging of microglia structural changes according to sleep state over the time course of hours. The authors have done a good job in addressing all my previous concerns and provide sound evidence for sleep state induced dynamics of microglia, which is modulated by NE and depends on b2AR.
One impressive point is the ability to longitudinally track the same microglial cells in the field of view for many hours, which is highly valuable and was impossible to achieve with head fixed imaging.
The authors support their observation by using a global b2AR KO mice, which ravel impaired microglial dynamics during sleep states.
While previous evidence supports high expression and function of b2AR in microglia, these receptors are expressed throughout the brain and periphery. Therefore, the authors correctly state that the current data they show, using global b2AR KO mice, cannot be used to state a direct effect on microglia dynamics and this would warrant future experiments with cell-specific genomic manipulation.
To summarize, the main conclusions of the paper are well validated and supported with the experimental layout and analysis.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors performed an RNAi screen to identify epigenetic regulators involved in oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD)-induced neuronal injury using immortalized mouse hippocampal neuronal cell line HT-22. They identified PRMT5 as a novel negative regulator of neuronal cell survival after OGD. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments were then performed to evaluate the roles of PRMT5 in OGD and ischemic stroke-induced injury. The authors found that genetic and pharmacological inhibition of PRMT5 protected against neuronal cell death in both in vitro and in vivo models. Furthermore, they found that in response to OGD and ischemia, PRMT5 was translocated from the cytosol to the nucleus, where PRMT5 bound to the chromatin and promoter regions of targeted genes to repress the expression of downstream genes. Further, they showed that silencing PRMT5 significantly altered the OGD-induced changes for a large-scale of genes. In a mouse model of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), PRMT5 inhibitor EPZ015666 protected against neuronal death in vivo. This study reveals a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of ischemic stroke. Overall, the authors have done elegant work showing the role of PRMT5 in neuronal cell survival. However, the essential mechanisms underlying PRMT5 nuclear translocation have not been investigated, and the in vivo animal studies should be further strengthened.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Haoyang Wu et al. have shown that the symmetric arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 binds to the promoter region of several essential genes and represses their expression, leading to neuronal cell death. Knocking down PRMT5 in HT-22 cells by shRNA leads to pertinent improvement in cell survival after oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) conditions. In another set of experiments, inhibition of the catalytic activity of PRMT5 by a specific inhibitor, EPZ015666, in a middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) mice model also showed protective effects against neuronal cell death. In this manuscript, the authors have established the negative role of PRMT5 in cerebral ischemia both in vitro and in vivo.
However, my primary concern is the novelty of the manuscript. It has already been reported that inhibition of PRMT5 attenuates cerebral ischemia/reperfusion condition (Inhibition of PRMT5 attenuates cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced inflammation and pyroptosis through suppression of NF-κB/NLRP3 axis. Xiang Wu et al. Neuroscience Letters, Volume 776, 2022, 136576, ISSN 0304-3940, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2022.136576.). Even these authors have also shown that treatment of PRMT5 specific catalytic inhibitor, LLY-283, could rescue ischemia-induced over-expression of inflammation-related factors.
However, it would be better to verify the specificity of the inhibitor, EPZ015666, using other methyltransferases to be sure that the rescue is indeed mediated by PRMT5 catalytic inhibition.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The present work establishes 14-3-3 proteins as binding partners of spastin and suggests that this binding is positively regulated by phosphorylation of spastin. The authors show evidence that 14-3-3 - spastin binding prevents spastin ubiquitination and final proteasomal degradation, thus increasing the availability of spastin. The authors measured microtubule severing activity in cell lines and axon regeneration and outgrowth as a prompt to spastin activity. By using drugs and peptides that separately inhibit 14-3-3 binding or spastin activity, they show that both proteins are necessary for axon regeneration in cell culture and in vivo models in rats.<br /> The following is an account of the major strengths and weaknesses of the methods and results.
Major strengths<br /> -The authors performed pulldown assays on spinal cord lysates using GST-spastin, then analyzed pulldowns via mass spectrometry and found 3 peptides common to various forms of 14-3-3 proteins. In co-expression experiments in cell lines, recombinant spastin co-precipitated with all 6 forms of 14-3-3 tested. The authors could also co-immunoprecipitate spastin-14-3-3 complexes from spinal cord samples and from primary neuronal cultures.<br /> -By protein truncation experiments they found that the Microtubule Binding Domain of spastin contained the binding capability to 14-3-3. This domain contained a putative phosphorylation site, and substitutions that cannot be phosphorylated cannot bind to 14-3-3.<br /> -Overexpression of GFP-spastin shows a turn-over of about 12 hours when protein synthesis is inhibited by cycloheximide. When 14-3-3 is co-overexpressed, GFP-spastin does not show a decrease by 12 hours. When S233A is expressed, a turn-over of 9 hours is observed, suggesting that phosphorylation increases the stability of the protein. In support of that notion, the phospho-mimetic S233D makes it more stable, lasting as much as the over-expression of 14-3-3.<br /> -By combining FCA with Spastazoline, authors claim that FCA increased regeneration is due to increased spastin activity in various models of neurite outgrowth and regeneration in cell culture and in vivo, the authors show impressive results on the positive effect of FCA in regeneration, and that this is abolished when spastin is inhibited.
Major weaknesses<br /> 1- The present manuscript suggests that 14-3-3 and spastin work in the same pathway to promote regeneration. Although the manuscript contains valuable evidence in support for a role of 14-3-3 and spasting in regeneration, the conclusive evidence is difficult to generate, and is missing in the present manuscript. For example, there are simpler explanations for the combined effect of FC-A and spastazoline. The FC-A mechanism of action can be very broad, since it will increase the binding of all 14-3-3 proteins with presumably all their substrates, hence the pathways affected can rise to the hundreds. The fact that spastazoline abolishes FC-A effect, may not be because of their direct interaction, but because spastin is a necessary component of the execution of the regeneration machinery further downstream, in line with the fact that spastazoline alone prevented outgrowth and regeneration, and in agreement with previous work showing that normal spastin activity is necessary for regeneration.<br /> With this in mind, I consider the title and most major conclusions of the manuscript related to these two proteins acting together for the observed effects are overstated.
2- Authors show that S233D increases MT severing activity, and explain that it is related to increased binding to 14-3-3. An alternative explanation is that phosphorylation at S233 by itself could increase MT severing activity. The authors could test if purified spastin S233D alone could have more potent enzymatic activity.
3- The interpretation of the authors cannot explain how Spastin can engage in MT severing while bound to 14-3-3 using its Microtubule Binding Domain.
4- Also, the term "microtubule dynamics", which is present in the title and in other major conclusions, is overstated. Although authors show, in cell lines, changes in microtubule content, it is far from evidence for changes in "MT dynamics" in the settings of interest (i.e. injured axons).
5- In the same lines, the manuscript lacks evidence for the changes of MT content and/dynamics as a function of the proposed 14-3-3 - Spastin pathway.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary: The idea of harnessing small molecules that may affect protein-protein interactions to promote axon regeneration is interesting and worthy of study. In this manuscript Liu et al. explore a 14-3-3-Spastin complex and its role in axon regeneration.
Strengths: Some of the effects of FC-A on locomotor recovery after spinal cord contusion look interesting
Weaknesses: The manuscript falls short of establishing that a 14-3-3-Spastin complex is important for any FC-A-dependent effects and there are several issues with data quality that make it difficult to interpret the results. Importantly, the effects of the spastin inhibitor has a major impact on neurite outgrowth suggesting that cells simply cannot grow in the presence of the inhibitor and raising serious questions about any selectivity for FC-A - dependent growth. Aspects of the histology following spinal cord injury were not convincing.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The current manuscript shows that 14-3-3 are binding partners of spastin, preventing its degradation. It is additionally shown, using complementary methods, that both 14-3-3 and spastin are necessary for axon regeneration in vitro and in vivo. While interesting in vitro and vivo data is provided, some of the claims of the authors are not convincingly supported.
Major strengths:<br /> Very interesting effect of FC-A in functional recovery after spinal cord injury.
Major Weaknesses:<br /> Some of the in vitro data, including colocalizations, and analysis of microtubule severing fall short to support the claims of the authors.<br /> The in vivo selectivity of FC-A towards spastin is not adequately supported by the data presented.<br /> There are aspects of the spinal cord injury site histology that are unclear.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Walsh and colleagues investigated how cued probabilistic expectations about future stimuli may influence different stages of decision-making as implemented in the human brain. In their study, participants were provided with cues that could correctly (or incorrectly) cue which visual stimulus would be presented. These cues also predicted the motor action that would likely produce a correct judgment for that trial. In addition, a 'neutral' cue was included that did not predict any particular stimulus. They report that measures of steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs, proposed to index the magnitude of visual neural activity in favour of the correct response) were smaller when the cue incorrectly predicted the upcoming image, compared to when an accurate cue or a neutral cue was presented. Their primary finding adds to an ongoing debate in the field of decision-making research about how cued expectations may influence how we make decisions.
This study uses a carefully constructed experiment design and decision-making task that allows separation of multiple electroencephalographic (EEG) signals thought to track different stages of decision-making. For example, the steady-state visual evoked potential measures can be cleanly dissociated from more anterior beta-band activity over the motor cortex. They also allow evaluation of how cued expectancy effects may unfold over a number of testing sessions. This is important because the most consistent evidence of expectation-related modulations of electrophysiological measures (using EEG, local field potentials, or single neuron firing rates) is from studies of non-human primates that involved many days of cue-stimulus contingency learning, and there is a lack of similar work using several testing sessions in humans. Although there were several experimental conditions included in the study, careful trial-balancing was conducted to minimise biases due to incidental differences in the number of trials included for analyses across each condition. Performance for each individual was also carefully calibrated to maximise the possibility of identifying subtle changes in task performance by expectation and avoid floor or ceiling effects.
Although the experiment and analysis methods are cohesive and well-designed, there are some shortcomings that limit the inferences that can be drawn from the presented findings.
The first relates to the measures of SSVEPs and their relevance for decision-making in the task. In order to eliminate the influence of sporadic pulses of contrast changes that occurred during stimulus presentation, a time window of 680-975 ms post-stimulus onset was used to measure the SSVEPs. The mean response times for the valid and neutral cues were around 850-900 ms for correct responses, and within the same time window for errors in the invalid cue condition. In addition, a large portion of response times in perceptual decision-making tasks are substantially faster than the mean due to right-skewed response time distributions that are typically observed. As it has also been estimated to require 70-100 ms to execute a motor action (e.g., a keypress response) following the commitment to a decision. This raises some concerns about the proportion of trials in which the contrast-dependent visual responses (indexed by the SSVEPs) indexed visual input that was actually used to make the decision in a given trial. Additional analyses of SSVEPs that take the trial-varying pulses into account could be run to determine whether expectations influenced visual responses earlier in the trial. Presenting response time quantile plots may also help to determine the proportions of motor responses (used to report a decision) that occurred during or after the SSVEP measurement window.
In addition, an argument is made for changes in the evidence accumulation rate (called the drift rate) by stimulus expectancy, corresponding to the observed changes in SSVEP measures and differences in the sensory encoding of the stimulus. This inference is limited by the fact that evidence accumulation models (such as the Diffusion Decision Model) were not used to test for drift rate changes as could be determined from the behavioural data (by modelling response time distributions). There appear to be ample numbers of trials per participant to test for drift rate changes in addition to the starting point bias captured in earlier models. Due to the very high number of trials, models could potentially be evaluated for each single participant. This would provide more direct evidence for drift rate changes than the findings based on the SSVEPs, particularly due to the issues with the measurement window relating to the response times as mentioned above.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
We often have prior expectations about how the sensory world will change, but it remains an open question as to how these expectations are integrated into perceptual decisions. In particular, scientists have debated whether prior knowledge principally changes the decisions we make about the perceptual world, or directly alters our perceptual encoding of incoming sensory evidence.
The authors aimed to shed light on this conundrum by using a novel psychophysical task while measuring EEG signals that have previously been linked to either the sensory encoding or response selection phase of perceptual choice. The results convincingly demonstrate that both features of perceptual decision-making are modulated by prior expectations - but that these biases in neural process emerge over different time courses (i.e., decisional signals are shaped early in learning, but biases in sensory processing are slower to emerge).
Another interesting observation unearthed in the study - though not strictly linked to this perceptual/decisional puzzle - is that neural signatures of focused attention are exaggerated on trials where participants are given neutral (i.e. uninformative) cues. This is consistent with the idea that observers are more attentive to incoming sensory evidence when they cannot rely on their expectations.
In general, I think the study makes a strong contribution to the literature and does an excellent job of separating 'perceiving' from 'responding'. More perhaps could have been done though to separate 'perceiving' and 'responding' from 'deciding' (see below).
The work is executed expertly and focuses cleverly on two features of the EEG signals that can be closely connected to specific loci of the perceptual decision-making process - the SSVEP which connects closely to sensory (visual) encoding, and Mu-Beta lateralisation which connects closely to movement preparation. This is a very appropriate design choice given the authors' research question.
Another advantage of the design is the use of an unusually long training regime (i.e., for humans) - which makes it possible to probe the emergence of different expectation biases in the brain over different timecourses, and in a way that may be more comparable to work with nonhuman animals (who are routinely trained for much longer than humans).
In my view, the principal shortcoming of this study is that the experimental task confounds expectations about stimulus identity with expectations about to-be-performed responses. That is, cues in the task don't just tell participants what they will (probably) see, but what they (probably) should do.
In many respects, this feature of the paradigm might seem inevitable, as if specific stimuli are not connected to specific responses, it is not possible to observe motor preparation of this kind (e.g., de Lange, Rahnev, Donner & Lau, 2013 - JoN).
However, the theoretical models that the authors focus on (e.g., drift-diffusion models) are models of decision (i.e., commitment to a proposition about the world) as much as they are models of choice (i.e., commitment to action). Expectation researchers interested in these models are often interested in asking whether predictions influence perceptual processing, perceptual decision, and/or response selection stages (e.g., Feuerriegel, Blom & Hoogendorn, 2021 - Cortex), and other researchers have shown that parameters like drift bias and start point bias can be shifted in paradigms where observers cannot possibly prepare a response (e.g., Thomas, Yon, de Lange & Press, 2020 - Psych Sci).
The present paradigm used by Walsh et al makes it possible to disentangle sensory processing from later decisional processes, but it blurs together the processes of deciding about the stimulus and choosing/initiating the response. This ultimately limits the insights we can draw from this study - as it remains unclear whether rapid changes in motor preparation we see reflect rapid acquisition of new decision criterion or simple cue-action learning. I think this would be important for comprehensively testing the models the authors target - and a good avenue for future work.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Observers make judgements about expected stimuli faster and more accurately. How expectations facilitate such perceptual decisions remains an ongoing area of investigation, however, as expectations may exert their effects in multiple ways. Expectations may directly influence the encoding of sensory signals. Alternatively (or additionally), expectations may influence later stages of decision-making, such as motor preparation, when they bear on the appropriate behavioral response.
In the present study, Walsh and colleagues directly measured the effect of expectations on sensory and motor signals by making clever use of the encephalogram (EEG) recorded from human observers performing a contrast discrimination task. On each trial, a predictive cue indicated which of two superimposed stimuli would likely be higher contrast and, therefore, whether a left or right button press was likely to yield a correct response. Deft design choices allowed the authors to extract both contrast-dependent sensory signals and motor preparation signals from the EEG. The authors provide compelling evidence that, when predictive cues provide information about both a forthcoming stimulus and the appropriate behavioral response, expectation effects are immediately manifest in motor preparation signals and only emerge in sensory signals after extensive training.
Future work should attempt to reconcile these results with related investigations in the field. As the authors note, several groups have reported expectation-induced modulation of sensory signals (using both fMRI and EEG/MEG) on shorter timescales (e.g. just one or two sessions of a few hundred trials, versus the intensive multi-session study reported here). One interesting possibility is that perceptual expectations are not automatic but demand the deployment of feature-based attention, while motor preparation is comparatively less effortful and so dominates when both sources of information are available, as in the present study. This hypothesis is consistent with the authors' thoughtful analysis showing decreased neural signatures of attention over posterior electrodes following predictive cues. Therefore, observing the timescale of sensory effects using the same design and methods (facilitating direct comparison with the present work), but altering task demands slightly such that cues are no longer predictive of the appropriate behavioral response, could be illuminating.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The results in this manuscript show that after the same injury, axon regeneration of three types of sensory neurons and motor neurons differs. In addition, they analyzed their transcriptomic profiles with or without injury. Finally, they also pinpoint a molecular candidate that might regulate axon regeneration in PNS.
With four different transgenic lines to label different populations of PNS axons, the authors show that nociceptors have the greatest regeneration, followed by motoneurons, and then cutaneous mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors.
These transgenic tools were further used in RNA profiling analysis. They identified signatures of these different populations in intact and injured states, implicating that differentially activated regenerative programs might be a contributing factor to different regenerative outcomes.
They showed that Med12 is induced in proprioceptors and down-regulated in mechanoreceptors and nociceptors. Further, knockout down Med12 with shRNA increased neurite growth.
While in vivo injury was used to assess regeneration from subsets of PNS neurons, different in vitro neurite growth or explant assays were used for further assessments. However, the authors did not assess whether the differential "regenerative" responses in vivo could be recapitulated in vitro. Such results will be important in interpreting the results.
Intriguingly, even in individual groups of PNS neurons, not all neurons regenerate to the same extent. It is known that the distance between the cell body and the lesion site affects neuronal injury responses. It would be interesting to test this in the observed regeneration.
Fig 1: The authors quantified the number of regenerating axons at two different time points. However, the total numbers of neurons/axons in each subset are different. The authors should use these numbers to normalize their regenerative axons.
Fig 2-5: In explaining differential regeneration of individual groups of neurons, there are at least two possibilities: (1). Each group of neurons has different injury/regenerative responses; (2). The same set of injury/regenerative responses are differentially activated. Some data in this manuscript suggested the latter possibility. But some other data point in the opposite direction. It would be informative for the authors to analyze/discuss this further.
Fig 6: Is it possible to assess the regenerative effects of knockdown Med12 after in vivo injury?
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this study, the researchers utilized ribotag-based RNA sequencing to examine the gene expression response, presumably involving actively translated RNAs, in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) after an injury. They generated multiple lines of mice capable of expressing a fluorescent protein (FP) reporter, tdTomato, along with a ribotag marked by a modified Rpl22 allele (Rpl22-HA). These genetic constructs were controlled by specific promoters that selectively labeled four distinct cell types associated with axons in the peripheral nerve. Hence, the fluorescent protein (FP) will function to label the axons for the purpose of studying their regrowth potential, while the ribotag will be used for the selective isolation of ribosomes associated with the bound mRNAs. The experiments used four transgenic lines, each utilizing distinct gene promoters to target specific cell types: ChAT for motor neurons, Parvalbumin for proprioceptors, Npy2r for cutaneous mechanoreceptors, and TRPV1 for nociceptors.
The authors effectively demonstrate the selectivity of their transgenic lines towards distinct subtypes of DRG neurons. Their utilization of Ribotag, primarily designed for investigating translational activity (translator) within specific cell types, offers a unique perspective on alterations in gene expression.
The results can be categorized into two main types: firstly, a description of axon growth observed at 7 and 9 days following a sciatic nerve crush, and secondly, the RNA sequencing data obtained at 7 days post-crush, particularly concerning axon growth in specific cell types, followed by bioinformatic analysis. Finally, some in vitro experiments were conducted to explore potential causal relationships.
It seems that the most intriguing outcome of this paper revolves around the role of Med12 in nerve regeneration. The authors should prioritize this finding. Drawing a conclusion regarding Med12's role in proprioceptor regeneration based solely on this in vitro model may be insufficient. This noteworthy result requires further investigation using more animal models of nerve regeneration.
One critique revolves around the authors' examination of only a single time point within the dynamic and continuously evolving process of regeneration/reinnervation. Given that this process is characterized by dynamic changes, some of which may not be directly associated with active axon growth during regeneration, and encompasses a wide range of molecular alterations throughout reinnervation, concentrating solely on a single time point could result in the omission of critical molecular events.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In their study, Bolivar et al. set out to explore whether four distinct neuronal subtypes within the peripheral nervous system exhibit varying potentials for axon regeneration following nerve injury. To investigate this question, they harnessed the power of four distinct reporter mouse models featuring fluorescent labeling of these neuronal subtypes. Their findings reveal that axons of nociceptor neurons exhibit faster regeneration than those of motor neurons, with mechanoreceptors, and proprioceptors displaying the slowest regeneration rate.
To delve into the molecular mechanisms underlying this divergence in regeneration potential, the authors employed the Ribotag technique in mice. This approach enabled them to dissect the differential translatomes of these four neuronal populations after nerve injury, comparing them to uninjured neurons. Their comprehensive expression profiling data uncovers a remarkably heterogeneous response among these neuron subtypes to axon injury.
To focus on one identified target with a mechanistic experiment as a proof of concept, their analysis highlights a striking upregulation of MED12 in proprioceptors, leading to the hypothesis that this molecule may play an inhibitory role, contributing to the comparatively slower regeneration of proprioceptor axons when compared to other neuronal subtypes. This hypothesis gains support from their in vitro model, where siRNA-mediated downregulation of MED12 results in a significant increase in neurite outgrowth in proprioceptive neurons after plating in cell culture dishes.
Overall, this is an interesting study, and in conjunction with similar work from others will be highly valuable for neurobiologists studying how to modulate the regeneration of axons from distinct neuronal subtypes. The quality of data presentation appears to be very good in general, and the manuscript is appropriately written.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this paper, Weber et al. investigate the role of 4 dopaminergic neurons of the Drosophila larva in mediating the association between an aversive high-salt stimulus and a neutral odor. The 4 DANs belong to the DL1 cluster and innervate non-overlapping compartments of the mushroom body, distinct from those involved in appetitive associative learning. Using specific driver lines, they show that activation of the DAN-g1 is sufficient to mimic an aversive memory and it is also necessary to form a high-salt memory of full strength, although optogenetic silencing of this neuron only partially affects the performance index. The authors use calcium imaging to show that the DAN-g1 is not the only one that responds to salt. DAN-c1 and d1 also respond to salt, but they seem to play no role in the assays tested. DAN-f1, which does not respond to salt, is able to lead to the formation of memory (if optogenetically activated), but it is not necessary for the salt-odor memory formation in normal conditions. However, silencing of DAN-f1 together with DAN-g1, enhances the memory deficit of DAN-g1.
Strengths:<br /> The paper therefore reveals that also in the Drosophila larva as in the adult, rewards and punishments are processed by exclusive sets of DANs and that a complex interaction between a subset of DANs mediates salt-odor association.<br /> Overall, the manuscript contributes valuable results that are useful for understanding the organization and function of the dopaminergic system. The behavioral role of the specific DANs is accessed using specific driver lines which allow for testing of their function individually and in pairs. Moreover, the authors perform calcium imaging to test whether DANs are activated by salt, a prerequisite for inducing a negative association with it. Proper genetic controls are carried across the manuscript.
Weaknesses:<br /> The authors use two different approaches to silence dopaminergic neurons: optogenetics and induction of apoptosis. The results are not always consistent, and the authors could improve the presentation and interpretation of the data. Specifically, optogenetics seems a better approach than apoptosis, which can affect the overall development of the system, but apoptosis experiments are used to set the grounds of the paper.
The physiological data would suggest the role of a certain subset of DANs in salt-odor association, but a different partially overlapping set seems to be necessary. This should be better discussed and integrated into the author's conclusion. The EM data analysis reveals a non-trivial organization of sensory inputs into DANs and it is hard to extrapolate a link to the functional data presented in the paper.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this work, the authors show that dopaminergic neurons (DANs) from the DL1 cluster in Drosophila larvae are required for the formation of aversive memories. DL1 DANs complement pPAM cluster neurons which are required for the formation of attractive memories. This shows the compartmentalized network organization of how an insect learning center (the mushroom body) encodes memory by integrating olfactory stimuli with aversive or attractive teaching signals. Interestingly, the authors found that the 4 main dopaminergic DL1 neurons act redundantly, and that single-cell ablation did not result in aversive memory defects. However, ablation or silencing of a specific DL1 subset (DAN-f1,g1) resulted in reduced salt aversion learning, which was specific to salt but no other aversive teaching stimuli were tested. Importantly, activation of these DANs using an optogenetic approach was also sufficient to induce aversive learning in the presence of high salt. Together with the functional imaging of salt and fructose responses of the individual DANs and the implemented connectome analysis of sensory (and other) inputs to DL1/pPAM DANs, this represents a very comprehensive study linking the structural, functional, and behavioral role of DL1 DANs. This provides fundamental insight into the function of a simple yet efficiently organized learning center which displays highly conserved features of integrating teaching signals with other sensory cues via dopaminergic signaling.
Strengths:<br /> This is a very careful, precise, and meticulous study identifying the main larval DANs involved in aversive learning using high salt as a teaching signal. This is highly interesting because it allows us to define the cellular substrates and pathways of aversive learning down to the single-cell level in a system without much redundancy. It therefore sets the basis to conduct even more sophisticated experiments and together with the neat connectome analysis opens the possibility of unraveling different sensory processing pathways within the DL1 cluster and integration with the higher-order circuit elements (Kenyon cells and MBONs). The authors' claims are well substantiated by the data and clearly discussed in the appropriate context. The authors also implement neat pathway analyses using the larval connectome data to its full advantage, thus providing network pathways that contribute towards explaining the obtained results.
Weaknesses:<br /> While there is certainly room for further analysis in the future, the study is very complete as it stands. Suggestions for clarification are minor in nature.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The study of Weber et al. provides a thorough investigation of the roles of four individual dopamine neurons for aversive associative learning in the Drosophila larva. They focus on the neurons of the DL-1 cluster which already have been shown to signal aversive teaching signals. However, the authors go far beyond the previous publications and test whether each of these dopamine neurons responds to salt or sugar, is necessary for learning about salt, bitter, or sugar, and is sufficient to induce a memory when optogenetically activated. In addition, previously published connectomic data is used to analyze the synaptic input to each of these dopamine neurons. The authors conclude that the aversive teaching signal induced by salt is distributed across the four DL-1 dopamine neurons, with two of them, DAN-f1 and DAN-g1, being particularly important. Overall, the experiments are well designed and performed, support the authors' conclusions, and deepen our understanding of the dopaminergic punishment system.
Strengths:<br /> 1. This study provides, at least to my knowledge, the first in vivo imaging of larval dopamine neurons in response to tastants. Although the selection of tastants is limited, the results close an important gap in our understanding of the function of these neurons.
2. The authors performed a large number of experiments to probe for the necessity of each individual dopamine neuron, as well as combinations of neurons, for associative learning. This includes two different training regimens (1 or 3 trials), three different tastants (salt, quinine, and fructose) and two different effectors, one ablating the neuron, the other one acutely silencing it. This thorough work is highly commendable, and the results prove that it was worth it. The authors find that only one neuron, DAN-g1, is partially necessary for salt learning when acutely silenced, whereas a combination of two neurons, DAN-f1 and DAN-g1, are necessary for salt learning when either being ablated or silenced.
3. In addition, the authors probe whether any of the DL-1 neurons is sufficient for inducing an aversive memory. They found this to be the case for three of the neurons, largely confirming previous results obtained by a different learning paradigm, parameters, and effector.
4. This study also takes into account connectomic data to analyze the sensory input that each of the dopamine neurons receives. This analysis provides a welcome addition to previous studies and helps to gain a more complete understanding. The authors find large differences in inputs that each neuron receives, and little overlap in input that the dopamine neurons of the "aversive" DL-1 cluster and the "appetitive" pPAM cluster seem to receive.
5. Finally, the authors try to link all the gathered information in order to describe an updated working model of how aversive teaching signals are carried by dopamine neurons to the larva's memory center. This includes important comparisons both between two different aversive stimuli (salt and nociception) and between the larval and adult stages.
Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The authors repeatedly claim that they found/proved salt-specific memories. I think this is problematic to some extent.
1a. With respect to the necessity of the DL-1 neurons for aversive memories, the authors' notion of salt-specificity relies on a significant reduction in salt memory after ablating DAN-f1 and g1, and the lack of such a reduction in quinine memory. However, Fig. 5K shows a quite suspicious trend of an impaired quinine memory which might have been significant with a higher sample size. I therefore think it is not fully clear yet whether DAN-f1 and DAN-g1 are really specifically necessary for salt learning, and the conclusions should be phrased carefully.
1b. With respect to the results of the optogenetic activation of DL-1 neurons, the authors conclude that specific salt memories were established because the aversive memories were observed in the presence of salt. However, this does not prove that the established memory is specific to salt - it could be an unspecific aversive memory that potentially could be observed in the presence of any other aversive stimuli. In the case of DAN-f1, the authors show that the neuron does not even get activated by salt, but is inhibited by sugar. Why should activation of such a neuron establish a specific salt memory? At the current state, the authors clearly showed that optogenetic activation of the neurons does induce aversive memories - the "content" of those memories, however, remains unknown.
2. In many figures (e.g. figures 4, 5, 6, supplementary figures S2, S3, S5), the same behavioural data of the effector control is plotted in several sub-figures. Were these experiments done in parallel? If not, the data should not be presented together with results not gathered in parallel. If yes, this should be clearly stated in the figure legends.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors evaluated a novel eIF2B activator, DNL343, in two mouse models representing different forms of the integrated stress response (ISR). They first assessed the pharmacokinetics of DNL343, demonstrating its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and exhibit good bioavailability. In an acute ISR model induced by optic nerve crush (ONC) injury, DNL343 treatment reduced ISR-induced transcriptional changes and neuronal loss, demonstrating neuroprotective effects. Next, the authors generated an eIF2B loss-of-function mice model by knocking in disease-causing Eif2b5 variants. The model presents a chronic ISR and mimics vanishing white matter disease (VWMD). DNL343 treatment from the pre-symptomatic stage improved body weight and motor functions corrected transcriptional changes, and reversed proteomic and metabolomic alterations in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. DNL343 treatment initiated at an advanced disease stage also showed positive effects, restoring body weight gain, suppressing ISR, reducing neurodegeneration biomarkers, and extending lifespan. These findings highlight DNL343 as an effective ISR inhibitor with potential applications in treating VWMD and other neurodegenerative disorders involving ISR.
Strengths:<br /> The study's findings regarding the novel compound DNL343 offer significant promise in addressing VWMD, a condition currently lacking disease-modifying treatment. DNL343 directly targets eIF2B, the disease-causing complex in VWMD, and demonstrates notable efficacy in reversing the integrated stress response (ISR) and mitigating neurodegeneration in a VWMD mouse model. These results raise hope for the potential application of DNL343 in VWMD treatment, a development eagerly anticipated by patients and the VWMD research community. Moreover, the study hints at the broader potential of DNL343 in treating other ISR-related neurodegenerative disorders, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a prospect that holds broader interest. Additionally, the study's identification of potential biomarkers for VWMD represents a notable strength, potentially leading to improved disease progression assessment pending further confirmation in future research.
Weaknesses:<br /> There are a couple of notable concerns in this study. Firstly, while the in vivo evidence strongly supports the efficacy of DNL343 in mitigating ISR and neurodegeneration, there is a lack of direct biochemical evidence to confirm its activity in eIF2B activation. Secondly, the potential for cardiovascular toxicity, which has been reported for a related eIF2B activator in a canine model (as mentioned in the manuscript), has not been evaluated for DNL343 in this study. This data gap regarding toxicity could be crucial for informing the future development of DNL343 for potential human use. Further investigation into these areas would be valuable for a comprehensive understanding of the compound's mechanisms and safety profile.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors developed DNL343, a CNS-penetrant small molecule integrated stress response (ISR) inhibitor, to treat neurodegenerative diseases caused by ISR.
Strengths:<br /> DNL343 is an investigational CNS-penetrant small molecule integrated stress response (ISR) inhibitor designed to activate the eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF2B) and suppress aberrant ISR activation. The therapeutic efficacy of DNL343 has been extensively characterized in two animal models. Importantly, plasma biomarkers of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration can be reversed with DNL343 treatment. Remarkably, several of these biomarkers show differential levels in CSF and plasma from patients with vanishing white matter disease (VWMD) upon DNL343 treatment. Overall, this is a very exciting study to target ISR for therapeutic interventions.
Weaknesses:<br /> My main questions center around the characterization of DNL343.
1. Is there any biochemical evidence showing DNL343 activates eIF2B, such as binding assays or in vitro biochemical activity assays? A conference presentation was cited - "Osipov, M. (2022). Discovery of DNL343: a Potent Selective and Brain-penetrant eIF2B Activator Designed for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Medicinal Chemistry Gordon Research Conference. New London, NH." However, there needs to be public information about this presentation.
2. How was the selectivity of DNL343 demonstrated? What are the off-targets of DNL343, in particular when DNL343 is administered at a high dose? Thermal-proteasome profiling or photoaffinity labeling experiments could be considered.
3. What are the total drug concentrations in the brain and plasma? What are the unbound ratios?
4. If DNL343 is given intravenously, what are the concentrations in the brain and plasma after 5 minutes and 1 hour or longer time points? In other words, does DNL343 cross BBB through passive diffusion or an active process?
5. What is the complete PK profile of DNL343 for intravenous and oral dosing?
6. Are there any major drug metabolites that could be of concern?
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> ISR contributes to the pathogenesis of multiple neurodegenerative diseases, such as ALS, FTD, VWMD, etc. Targeting ISR is a promising avenue for potential therapeutics. However, previously identified ways to target ISR present some challenges. PERK inhibitors suppress ISR by inhibiting eIF2alpha phosphorylation and cause pancreatic toxicity in mice. In order to bypass eIF2alpha, previous studies have identified ISR suppressors that target eIF2B, such as ISRIB and 2BAct. These molecules suppress neurodegeneration but do not cause detrimental effects in mouse models. However, ISRIB is water-insoluble, and 2BAct causes cardiovascular complications in dogs, preventing their use in clinics. Here, the authors showed that DNL343, a new ISR inhibitor targeting eIF2B, suppresses neurodegeneration in mouse models. Combined with their previous results of a clinical phase I trial showing the safety of DNL343, these findings suggest the promise of DNL343 as a potential drug for neurodegenerative diseases in which ISR contributes to pathogenesis.
Strengths:<br /> The finding is important and has disease implications, and the conclusion is not surprising.
Weaknesses:<br /> The experimental design and data are hard to comprehend for an audience with a basic research background. This reviewer suggests that the authors use the same way that previous studies on ISRIB and 2BAct (e.g., Wong et al; eLife, 2019) designed experiments and interpret data.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this work, the authors use an OT setup to measure the DNA gripping and DNA slipping dynamics of phage lambda terminase motor interaction with DNA. They discover major differences in the dynamics of these two events, in comparison to the phage T4 motor, which they previously investigated. They attribute these differences to the presence of the TerS (small terminase) subunit of the motor complex of phage lambda in addition to the TerL (large terminase) subunit in phage, while in T4 only the TerL subunit is present. By exposing the stalled phage lambda procapsid-DNA complex (stalled with ATP-gammaS) to solutions containing 1) no nucleotide, 2) poorly hydrolyzed ATP*, and 3) ADP, they found that the gripping persistence is strongest with ATP*, weaker with ADP, and weakest with no nucleotide. This demonstrates nucleotide-dependent DNA gripping and friction of the motor. However, both persistence of gripping and friction are dramatically stronger than in the T4 TerL motor, due to the presence of the TerS subunit. While TerS was believed to be essential for the initiation of packaging in vivo, its role during DNA translocation was unclear. This study reveals the key role played by TerS in DNA gripping and DNA-motor friction, highlighting its role in DNA translocation where TerS acts as a "sliding clamp".
The study also provides a method to investigate factors affecting the stability of the initiation complex in viral packaging motors.
Strengths:<br /> The experiments are well carried out and the conclusions are justified. These findings are of great significance and advance our understanding of viral motor function in the DNA packaging process and packaging dynamics.
Weaknesses:<br /> While the collected OT data is quantitative, therefore is no further quantitative analysis of the motor packaging dynamics with regard to different motor subunit functions and the presence of nucleotides.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In their paper Rawson et al investigate the nanomechanical properties of the lambda bacteriophage packaging motor in terms of its ability to allow either the slippage of DNA out of the capsid or exerting a grip on the DNA, thereby preventing the slipping. They use a fascinatingly elegant single-molecule biophysics approach, in which gentle forces, generated and controlled by optical tweezers, are used to pull on the DNA molecule about to be packaged by the virus. A microfluidic device is then used to change the nucleotide environment of the reaction, so that the packaging motor can be investigated in its nucleotide-free (apo), ADP-, and non-hydrolyzable ATP-analog-bound states. The authors show that the apo state is dominated by DNA slippage which is impeded by friction. The slippage is stochastically halted by gripping stages. In ADP the DNA-gripped state becomes overwhelming, resulting in a much slowed DNA slippage. In non-hydrolyzable ATP analogs, the DNA slippage is essentially halted and the gripped state becomes exclusive. The authors also show that the slipping and gripping states are controlled not only by nucleotides but also by the force exerted on DNA. Altogether, DNA transport through/by the lambda-phage packaging motor is regulated by nucleotides and mechanical force. Furthermore, the authors document an intriguingly interesting DNA end-clamping mechanism that prevents the DNA from slipping entirely out of the capsid, which would make the packaging process inefficient even on the statistical level. The authors claim that their findings are likely related to the function of a small terminase subunit (TerS) in the lambda-phage motor, which may act as a sliding clamp.
Strengths:<br /> Altogether this is a very elegantly executed, thought-provoking, and interesting work with numerous significant practical implications. The paper is well-written and nicely documented.
Weaknesses:<br /> There are really no major weaknesses, apart from a few minor issues detailed below in my recommendations.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this study, Pan DY et al. discovered that the clearance of senescent osteoclasts can lead to a reduction in sensory nerve innervation. This reduction is achieved through the attenuation of Netrin-1 and NGF levels, as well as the regulation of H-type vessels, resulting in a decrease in pain-related behavior. The experiments are well-designed. The results are clearly presented, and the legends are also clear and informative. Their findings represent a potential treatment for spine pain utilizing senolytic drugs.
Strengths:<br /> Rigorous data, well-designed experiments as well as significant innovation make this manuscript stand out.
Weaknesses:<br /> Quantification of histology and detailed statistical analysis will further strengthen this manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This manuscript examined the underlying mechanisms between senescent osteoclasts (SnOCs) and lumbar spine instability (LSI) or aging. They first showed that greater numbers of SnOCs are observed in mouse models of LSI or aging, and these SnOCs are associated with induced sensory nerve innervation, as well as the growth of H-type vessels, in the porous endplate. Then, the deletion of senescent cells by administration of the senolytic drug Navitoclax (ABT263) results in significantly less spinal hypersensitivity, spinal degeneration, porosity of the endplate, sensory nerve innervation, and H-type vessel growth in the endplate. Finally, they also found that there is greater SnOC-mediated secretion of Netrin-1 and NGF, two well-established sensory nerve growth factors, compared to non-senescent OCs. The study is well conducted and data strongly support the idea. However, some minor issues need to be addressed.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This research article reports that a greater number of senescent osteoclasts (SnOCs), which produce Netrin-1 and NGF, are responsible for innervation in the LSI and aging animal models.
Strengths:<br /> The research is based on previous findings in the authors' lab and the fact that the IVD structure was restored by treatment with ABT263. The logic is clear and clarifies the pathological role of SnOCs, suggesting the potential utilization of senolytic drugs for the treatment of LBP. Generally, the study is of good quality and the data is convincing.
Weaknesses:<br /> There are some points that can be improved:<br /> 1. Since this work primarily focuses on ABT263, it resembles a pharmacological study for this drug. It is preferable to provide references for the ABT263 concentration and explain how the administration was determined.<br /> 2. It would strengthen the study to include at least 6 mice per group for each experiment and analysis, which would provide a more robust foundation.<br /> 3. In Figure 4, either use "adult" or "young" consistently, but not both. Additionally, it's important to define "sham," "young," and "adult" explicitly in the methods section.<br /> 4. Assess the protein expression of Netrin 1 and NGF.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this article, the authors found a distinct fibroblast subpopulation named AG fibroblasts, which are capable of regulating myeloid cells, T cells and ILCs, and proposed that AG fibroblasts function as a previously unrecognized surveillant to orchestrate chronic gingival inflammation in periodontitis. Generally speaking, this article is innovative and interesting.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This study proposed the AG fibroblast-neutrophil-ILC3 axis as a mechanism contributing to pathological inflammation in periodontitis. In this study single-cell transcriptomic analysis was performed. But the signal mechanism behind them was not evaluated.
The authors achieved their aims, and the results partially support their conclusions.
The mouse ligatured periodontitis models differ from clinical periodontitis in human, this study supplies the basis for future research in human.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Lolicato and colleagues characterizes the role of FGF2 dimerization in unconventional secretion of this signaling molecule using a combination of cell-based and in vitro assays. FGF2 is a signaling molecule secreted from the cell via an unconventional mechanism because it lacks a signal sequence. Previous studies by the same group have established a compelling model in which FGF2 forms an oligomer in a PIP2 dependent manner at the plasma member, which drives its translocation to the cell exterior. The same group also reports two cysteine residues that are critical for FGF2 oligomerization and secretion.
In this study, the authors analyzed the impact of single Cysteine to Alanine substitution on oligomerization and secretion of FGF2. They found that C95 but not C77 is required for PIP2 dependent membrane binding, FGF2 oligomerization and secretion. On the other hand, C77 is required for the interaction of FGF2 with the plasma membrane Na, K-ATPase, which is thought to enhance the FGF2-PIP2 interaction. Using a set of bi-functional crosslinkers, the authors were able to capture a fraction of the FGF2 homo-dimer, which is dependent on C95. They propose that FGF2 forms a disulfide-bridged dimer via C95, which serves as the building block for FGF2 oligomerization in the plasma membrane.
The revised manuscript has carefully addressed my concerns. I should clarify that when I inquired about evidence for a disulfide-linked FGF2 dimer, I referred to in vivo evidence. I was aware of the authors' previous in vitro study, which demonstrated that FGF2 indeed can form a disulfide dimer under an in vitro condition. Although the new manuscript still contains no in vivo data on this issue, the authors have added numerous controls. In particular, the fact that the FGF2 C95S mutant is severely defective in secretion does provide strong support for the involvement of the thiol group of C95 in FGF2 secretion. The additional discussions on other examples of cytosolically-localized disulfide proteins and those in proximity to membranes further alleviates my concern.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Unconventional secretion refers to the release of cargoes without a signal peptide and is performed independent of ER-Golgi trafficking. One essential type of unconventional secretion is type I, in which a cargo can translocate directly across the plasma membrane. FGF2 is one excellent mode to study type I translocation and the authors have focused on FGF2 secretion for decades. Many beautiful works have been performed to reveal the mechanism of FGF2 translocation step by step. And the picture is getting clearer which time a new work from the lab is published. In the current work, the authors characterized the importance of disulfate bond formation on C95 of FGF2 in lipid binding and translocation. In addition, they clearified the role of another C77 which is require for binding to the Na/K -ATPase that regulates the early step of FGF2 binding to the membrane. The authors also employed structural approaches and MD to provide mechanistic insights into the translocation process. In general it is an important advance regarding the translocation of FGF2 and data provided are brief, clear and convincing.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In addition to ER-Golgi-dependent conventional protein secretion, a wide range of substrates lacking N-terminal signal peptides are secreted through diverse pathways collectively known as unconventional protein secretion (UPS). The translocation mechanism of these different substrates across the membrane remains a fascinating question in this field. In this manuscript, the authors employ a comprehensive combination of biochemistry, cell biology, and structural biology techniques to investigate the mechanism by which two crucial cystine residues, C77 and C95, facilitate the secretion of FGF2. The key finding is that the C95-C95 disulfide bond mediates the formation of an FGF2 dimer, which is essential for pore formation and translocation. Additionally, it is revealed that C77 promotes FGF2 secretion by interacting with a cell surface factor called Na-K ATPase. This observation provides valuable mechanistic insights into a critical step of FGF2 secretion. Overall, the experimental results presented in this study are both clear and convincing.
The authors have well addressed my concern about the formation of disulfide bond in the revision. In addition, the cross-linking mass spectrometry identified an additional dimerization interface, which would be of interest for future studies on its role in regulating high-order FGF2 oligomer formation and secretion.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Terzioglu and co-workers tested the provocative hypothesis that mitochondria maintain an internal temperature considerably higher than cytosolic/external environmental temperature due to the inherent thermodynamic inefficiency of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. As a follow-up to a prior paper from some of the same authors, the goal of this study was to conduct additional experiments to assess mitochondrial temperature in cultured cells. Consistent with the prior work, the authors provide consistent evidence that the temperature of mitochondria in four different types of cultured mammalian cells, as well as cells from Drosophila (poikilotherms), is 15oC or more above the external temperature at which cells are maintained (e.g., 37oC). Additional evidence shows that mitochondria maintain higher temperatures under several different types of cellular metabolic stresses predicted to decrease the dependence on OxPhos, adding to the notion that natural thermodynamic inefficiency and heat generation may be an important, and potentially regulated, characteristic of mitochondrial metabolism.
Demonstration that both a fluorescent (Mito Thermo Yellow) and a genetic-based (mito-gTEMP) mitochondrial targeted temperature probe elicit similar quantitative changes in mitochondrial temperature under different experimental conditions is a strength. The addition of the genetic probe to the current study supports prior findings using the fluorescent probe and thus achieves a primary objective of the study.
The experiments are well designed and executed. Specific attention given to potential artifacts affecting probe signal and/or non-specific effects from the different experimental interventions is a strength.
The use of different cultured cell lines from different organisms provides additional evidence of elevated temperature as a general property of functioning mitochondria, representing additional validation.
While the findings and potential interpretations put forward by the authors are intriguing, the severity of the interventions (e.g., mitochondrial complex-specific inhibitors, inhibition of protein synthesis) and the absence of simultaneous or parallel measurements of other key bioenergetic parameters (i.e., membrane potential, oxygen consumption rate, etc.) limits the ability to interpret potential cause and effect - whether the thermogenesis aspect of OxPhos is being sensed and regulated, or whether temperature changes are more of a biproduct of adjustments in OxPhos flux under the experimental circumstances. In other words, the physiological relevance of the findings remains unclear.
Related, several of the interventions are employed to either increase or decrease dependence on OxPhos flux, but no outcome measures are reported to document whether the intended objective was achieved (e.g., increased OxPhos flux in low glucose plus galactose, decreased ATP demand-OxPhos flux with anisomycin, etc.).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
An important paper that confirms the validity of the initial findings of Chretien et al regarding the hot temperatures at which the mitochondrion is operating. The authors responded adequately to the reviewers' concerns.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The goal of this study was to use a combination of fluorescent dyes and genetically encoded reporters to estimate the temperature of mitochondria. The authors provide additional evidence that they claim to support "hot" mitochondria.
Strengths:<br /> 1. The authors use several methods, including a mitochondrial fluorescent reporter dye, as well as a genetically encoded gTEMP temperature probe, to estimate mitochondrial temperature.<br /> 2. The authors couple these measurements with other perturbation of mitochondria, such as OXPHOS inhibitors, to show consistency
Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The methodology for inferring mitochondrial temperature is not well-established to begin with and requires additional controls for interpretation.<br /> a. Very little benchmarking is done of the "basal" fluorescence ratio, and whether that fluorescence ratio actually reflects true organelle temperature. For instance, the authors should in parallel compare between different organelles to see if only mitochondria appear "hot" or whether this is some calibration error. Another control is to use different incubator temperatures and see how mitochondrial (vs other organelle) temperature varies as a function of external temperature.<br /> b. The authors do not rigorously control for other factors that may also be changing fluorescence and may be confounders to the delta fluorescence (eg, delta calcium in response to mito inhibitors, membrane potential, redox status, ROS, etc.). There should be additional calibration for all potential confounders.<br /> c. Can these probes be used in isolated mitochondria and other isolated organelles. Such data would also help to clarify whether the high temperature is specific to mitochondria.<br /> 2. The authors should try to calibrate their fluorescence inference of temperature with an alternative method and benchmark to others in the field. For instance, Okabe et al Nat Comm 2012 used a polymeric thermometer to measure temperature and reported 33degC cytoplasm and 35degC nucleus. Can the authors also show a ~2degC difference in their hands between those two compartments, and under those conditions are mitochondria still 10degC hotter?
Based on the aforementioned weaknesses, in my opinion, the authors did not achieve their Aims to accurately determine the temperature of mitochondria. The results, while interesting, are preliminary and require additional controls before conclusions can be drawn. Previous studies have indicated intra-organelle temperature variations within cells; typically, previous reports have estimated that the variation is within a few degrees (Okabe et al Nat Comm 2012). Only one report has previously suggested that mitochondria are at 50degC (Cretien, Plos biology 2018). The study does not substantially clarify the true temperature of mitochondria or resolve potential discrepancies in previous estimates of mitochondrial temperature.
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Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Tuller et al. first made the curious observation, that the first ∼30-50 codons in most organisms are encoded by scarce tRNAs and appear to be translated slower than the rest of the coding sequences (CDS). They speculated that this has evolved to pace ribosomes on CDS and prevent ribosome collisions during elongation - the "Ramp" hypothesis. Various aspects of this hypothesis, both factual and in terms of interpreting the results, have been challenged ever since. Sejour et al. present compelling results confirming the slower translation of the first ~40 codons in S. cerevisiae but providing an alternative explanation for this phenomenon. Specifically, they show that the higher amino acid sequence divergence of N-terminal ends of proteins and accompanying lower purifying selection (perhaps the result of de novo evolution) is sufficient to explain the prevalence of rare slow codons in these regions. These results are an important contribution in understanding how aspects of the evolution of protein coding regions can affect translation efficiency on these sequences and directly challenge the "Ramp" hypothesis proposed by Tuller et al.
I believe the data is presented clearly and the results generally justify the conclusions.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Sejour et al. is testing "translational ramp" model described previously by Tuller et al. in S. cerevisiae. Authors are using bioinformatics and reporter based experimental approaches to test whether "rare codons" in the first 40 codons of the gene coding sequences increase translation efficiency and regulate abundance of translation products in yeast cells. Authors conclude that "translation ramp" model does not have support using a new set of reporters and bioinformatics analyses. The strength of bioinformatic evidence and experimental analyses (even very limited) of the rare codons insertion in the reporter make a compelling case for the authors claims. However the major weakness of the manuscript is that authors do not take into account other models that previously disputed "rare or slow codon" model of Tuller et al. and overstate their own results that are rather limited. This maintains to be the weak part of the manuscript even in the revised form.
The studies that authors do not mention argue with "translation ramp" model and show more thorough analyses of translation initiation to elongation transition as well as early elongation "slow down" in ribosome profiling data. Moreover several studies have used bioinformatical analyses to point out the evolution of N-terminal sequences in multiple model organisms including yeast, focusing on either upstream ORFs (uORFs) or already annotated ORFs. The authors did not mention multiple of these studies in their revised manuscript and did not comment on their own results in the context of these previous studies. As such the authors approach to data presentation, writing and data discussion makes the manuscript rather biased, focused on criticizing Tuller et al. study and short on discussing multiple other possible reasons for slow translation elongation at the beginning of the protein synthesis. This all together makes the manuscript at the end very limited.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This manuscript by Xu and colleagues addresses the important question of how multi-modal associations are encoded in the rodent brain. They use behavioral protocols to link stimuli to whisker movement and discover that the barrel cortex can be a hub for associations. Based on anatomical correlations, they suggest that structural plasticity between different areas can be linked to training. Moreover, they provide electrophysiological correlates that link to behavior and structure. Knock-down of nlg3 abolishes plasticity and learning.
This study provides an important contribution as to how multi-modal associations can be formed across cortical regions.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This manuscript by Xu et al. explores the potential joint storage/retrieval of associated signals in learning/memory and how that is encoded by some associative memory neurons using a mouse model. The authors examined mouse associative learning by pairing multimodal mouse learning including olfactory, tactile, gustatory, and pain/tail heating signals. The key finding is that after associative learning, barrel neurons respond to other multi-model stimulations. They found these barrel cortical neurons interconnect with other structures including piriform cortex, S1-Tr and gustatory cortical neurons. Further studies showed that Neuroligin 3 mediated the recruitment of associative memory neurons during paired stimulation group. The authors found that knockdown Neuroligin 3 in the barrel cortex suppressed the associative memory cell recruitment in the paired stimulation learning. Overall, this is an interesting study that reveals novel modalities associative learning involving multiple functionally connective cortical regions. Data presented are in general supporting their conclusions after revision.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Soudi, Jahani et al. provide a valuable comparative study of local adaptation in four species of sunflowers, and investigate the repeatability of observed genomic signals of adaptation and their link to haploblocks, known to be numerous and important in this system. The study builds on previous work in sunflowers that have investigated haploblocks in those species and on methodologies developed to look at repeated signals of local adaptations. The authors provide solid evidence of both genotype-environment associations (GEA) and genome-wide association study (GWAS), as well as phenotypic correlations with the environment, to show that part of the local adaptation signal is repeatable and significantly co-occur in regions harboring haploblocks. Results also show that part of the signal is species specific and points to high genetic redundancy. This work will be of interest to evolutionary biologists in general and population geneticists in particular, and constitutes a good example of comparative local adaptation. Importantly, this study helps in advancing our understanding of the genetic architecture implicated in the adaptation process.
Strenghts: The authors take great care in acknowledging and investigating the multiple biases inherent to the used methods (GEA and GWAS) and use conservative and well thought statistical approaches to draw their conclusions. Additionally, I appreciated the nuanced discussion and can only agree with the authors that the adaptation process is complex and does not fully fit the classic simplified genetics models of either few large effect genes or only infinitesimal quantitative traits. I find the added Summary figure of this revised version (S1) extremely helpful in better understanding the different analysis steps and how they relate to the different questions.
Weaknesses: After those revisions, I did not find any major weakness and am satisfied with the authors responses.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this study the authors sought to understand the extent of similarity among species in intraspecific adaptation to environmental heterogeneity at the phenotypic and genetic levels. A particular focus was to evaluate if regions that were associated with adaptation within putative inversions in one species were also candidates for adaptation in another species that lacked those inversions. This study is timely for the field of evolutionary genomics, due to recent interest surrounding how inversions arise and become established in adaptation.
Major strengths-
Their study system was well suited to addressing the aims, given that the different species of sunflower all had GWAS data on the same phenotypes from common garden experiments as well as landscape genomic data, and orthologous SNPs could be identified. Organizing a dataset of this magnitude is no small feat. The authors integrate many state-of-the-art statistical methods that they have developed in previous research into a framework for correlating genomic Windows of Repeated Association (WRA, also amalgamated into Clusters of Repeated Association based on LD among windows) with Similarity In Phenotype-Environment Correlation (SIPEC). The WRA/CRA methods are very useful and the authors do an excellent job at outlining the rationale for these methods.
The authors did an excellent job responding to the first set of reviews and overall I found the manuscript more streamlined and easier to read. The main weakness in the manuscript is that correlations among environmental variables were not controlled for in their results, and is a source of potential pseudoreplication. The authors are clear about the results that are affected by pseudoreplication.
The manuscript shows how to integrate many recent methods to study the repeatability of adaptation, and the methods and data are likely to be used in similar studies.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The manuscript of Davidsen and Sullivan describes an improved tRNA-seq protocol to determine aminoacyl-tRNA levels. The improvements include: (i) optimizing the Whitfeld or oxidation reaction to select aminoacyl-tRNAs from oxidation-sensitive non-acylated tRNAs; (ii) using a splint-assisted ligation to modify the tRNAs' ends for the following RT-PCR reaction; (iii) using an error-tolerating mapping algorithm to map the tRNA sequencing reads that contain mismatches at modified nucleotides.
Strengths:<br /> The two steps, the oxidation, and the splint-assisted ligation are yield-diminishing steps, thus the protocol of Davidsen and Sullivan is an important improvement of the current protocols to enhance the quantification of aminocyl-tRNAs.
Weaknesses:<br /> The oxidation and the selection of aminoacyl-tRNA is the first step in all protocols. Thereafter they differ on whether blunt ligation, hairpin (DM-tRNA-seq, YAMAT-seq, QuantM-seq, mim tRNA-seq, LOTTE tRNA-seq), or splint ligation is used and finally what detection method is applied (i-tRAP, tRNA microarrays). What is the correlation to those alternative approaches (e.g. i-tRAP (PMID 36283829), tRNA microarrays (PMID: 31263264) etc.)? What is the correlation with other approaches with which this improved protocol shares some steps (DM-tRNA-seq, mim-tRNA-seq)?
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Davidsen and Sullivan present an improved method for quantifying tRNA aminoacylation levels by deep sequencing. By combining recent advances in tRNA sequencing with lysine-based chemistry that is more gentle on RNA, splint oligo-based adapter ligation, and full alignment of tRNA reads, they generate an interesting new protocol. The lab protocol is complemented by a software tool that is openly available on Github. Many of the points highlighted in this protocol are not new but have been used in recent protocols such as Behrens et al. (2021) or McGlincy and Ingolia (2017). Nevertheless, a strength of this study is that the authors carefully test different conditions to optimize their protocol using a set of well-designed controls.
The conclusions of the manuscript appear to be well supported by the data presented. However, there are a few points that need to be clarified.
1) One point that remains unsatisfactory is a better benchmarking against the state of the art. It is currently impossible to estimate how much the results of this new protocol differ from alternative methods and in particular from Behrens et al. (2021). Here it will be helpful to perform experiments with samples similar to those used in the mim-tRNAseq study and not with H1299 cells.
2) While the protocol aims to implement an improved method for quantification of tRNA aminoacylation, it can also be used for tRNA quantification and analysis of tRNA modifications. It will increase the impact of this study if the authors benchmark the outcomes of their protocol with other tRNA sequencing protocols with samples similar to these papers, which will be important for certain research teams that are unlikely to implement two different tRNA sequencing methods. Are there any possible adaptations that would allow the analysis of tRNA fragments?
3) Like Behrens et al. (2021), Davidsen and Sullivan use TGIRT-III RT for their analyses. The enzyme is not currently available in a form suitable for tRNA-seq. It would be very helpful to test different new RT enzymes that are commercially available. The example of Maxima RT - Figure 2 Supp 6 - shows significantly lower performance than the presented TGIRT-III RT data. In lines 296-298, the authors mention improvements to the protocol by using ornithine. Why are these improvements not included?
4) A technical concern: The samples are purified multiple times using a specific RNA purification kit. Did the authors test different methods to purify the RNA and does this influence the result of the method?
5) The study would benefit from an explicit step-by-step protocol, including the choice of adapters that are shown to work best in the protocol.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors present a neural network (NN)-based approach to computationally cheaper emulation of simulations of biophysically relatively detailed cardiac cell models based on systems of ordinary differential equations. Relevant case studies are used to demonstrate the performance in the prediction of standard action potentials, as well as action potentials manifesting early depolarizations. Application to the "reverse problem" (inferring the effect of pharmacological compounds on ion channels based on action potential data before and after drug treatment) is also explored, which is a task of generally high interest.
Strengths:<br /> This is a well-designed study, which explores an area that many in the cardiac simulation community will be interested in. The article is well written and I particularly commend the authors on transparency of methods description, code sharing, etc. - it feels rather exemplary in this regard and I only wish more authors of cardiac simulation studies took such an approach. The training speed of the network is encouraging and the technique is accessible to anyone with a reasonably strong GPU, not needing specialized equipment.
Weaknesses:<br /> Below are several points that I consider to be weaknesses and/or uncertainties of the work:
1. I am not convinced by the authors' premise that there is a great need for further acceleration of cellular cardiac simulations - it is easy to simulate tens of thousands of cells per day on a workstation computer, using simulation conditions similar to those of the authors. I do not really see an unsolved task in the field that would require further speedup of single-cell simulations.
At the same time, simulations offer multiple advantages, such as the possibility to dissect mechanisms of the model behaviour, and the capability to test its behaviour in a wide array of protocols - whereas a NN is trained for a single purpose/protocol, and does not enable a deep investigation of mechanisms. Therefore, I am not sure the cost/benefit ratio is that strong for single-cell emulation currently.
An area that is definitely in need of acceleration is simulations of whole ventricles or hearts, but it is not clear how much potential for speedup the presented technology would bring there. I can imagine interesting applications of rapid emulation in such a setting, some of which could be hybrid in nature (e.g. using simulation for the region around the wavefront of propagating electrical waves, while emulating the rest of the tissue, which is behaving more regularly/predictable, and is likely to be emulated well), but this is definitely beyond of the scope of this article.
2. The authors run a cell simulation for 1000 beats, training the NN emulator to mimic the last beat. It is reported that the simulation of a single cell takes 293 seconds, while emulation takes only milliseconds, implying a massive speedup. However, I consider the claimed speedup achieved by emulation to be highly context-dependent, and somewhat too flattering to the presented method of emulation. Two specific points below:
First, it appears that a not overly efficient (fixed-step) numerical solver scheme is used for the simulation. On my (comparable, also a Threadripper) CPU, using the same model ("ToR-ORd-dyncl"), but a variable step solver ode15s in Matlab, a simulation of a cell for 1000 beats takes ca. 50 seconds, rather than 293 of the authors. This can be further sped up by parallelization when more cells than available cores are simulated: on 32 cores, this translates into ca. 2 seconds amortized time per cell simulation (I suspect that the NN-based approach cannot be parallelized in a similar way?). By amortization, I mean that if 32 models can be simulated at once, a simulation of X cells will not take X*50 seconds, but (X/32)*50. (with only minor overhead, as this task scales well across cores).
Second, and this is perhaps more important - the reported speed-up critically depends on the number of beats in the simulation - if I am reading the article correctly, the runtime compares a simulation of 1000 beats versus the emulation of a single beat. If I run a simulation of a single beat across multiple simulated cells (on a 32-core machine), the amortized runtime is around 20 ms per cell, which is only marginally slower than the NN emulation. On the other hand, if the model was simulated for aeons, comparing this to a fixed runtime of the NN, one can get an arbitrarily high speedup.
Therefore, I'd probably emphasize the concrete speedup less in an abstract and I'd provide some background on the speedup calculation such as above, so that the readers understand the context-dependence. That said, I do think that a simulation for anywhere between 250 and 1000 beats is among the most reasonable points of comparison (long enough for reasonable stability, but not too long to beat an already stable horse; pun with stables was actually completely unintended, but here it is...). I.e., the speedup observed is still valuable and valid, albeit in (I believe) a somewhat limited sense.
3. It appears that the accuracy of emulation drops off relatively sharply with increasing real-world applicability/relevance of the tasks it is applied to. That said, the authors are to be commended on declaring this transparently, rather than withholding such analyses. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of the not-always-amazing results of the inverse problem on the experimental data. The point on low parameter identifiability is an important one and serves as a warning against overconfidence in our ability to infer cellular parameters from action potentials alone. On the other hand, I'm not that sure the difference between small tissue preps and single cells which authors propose as another source of the discrepancy will be that vast beyond the AP peak potential (probably much of the tissue prep is affected by the pacing electrode?), but that is a subjective view only. The influence of coupling could be checked if the simulated data were generated from 2D tissue samples/fibres, e.g. using the Myokit software.
Given the points above (particularly the uncertain need for further speedup compared to running single-cell simulations), I am not sure that the technology generated will be that broadly adopted in the near future. However, this does not make the study uninteresting in the slightest - on the contrary, it explores something that many of us are thinking about, and it is likely to stimulate further development in the direction of computationally efficient emulation of relatively complex simulations.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This study provided a neural network emulator of the human ventricular cardiomyocyte action potential. The inputs are the corresponding maximum conductances and the output is the action potential (AP). It used the forward and inverse problems to evaluate the model. The forward problem was solved for synthetic data, while the inverse problem was solved for both synthetic and experimental data. The NN emulator tool enables the acceleration of simulations, maintains high accuracy in modeling APs, effectively handles experimental data, and enhances the overall efficiency of pharmacological studies. This, in turn, has the potential to advance drug development and safety assessment in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.
Strengths:<br /> (1) Low computational cost: The NN emulator demonstrated a massive speed-up of more than 10,000 times compared to the simulator. This substantial increase in computational speed has the potential to expedite research and drug development processes
(2) High accuracy in the forward problem: The NN emulator exhibited high accuracy in solving the forward problem when tested with synthetic data. It accurately predicted normal APs and, to a large extent, abnormal APs with early afterdepolarizations (EADs). High accuracy is a notable advantage over existing emulation methods, as it ensures reliable modeling and prediction of AP behavior
Weaknesses:<br /> (1) Input space constraints: The emulator relies on maximum conductances as inputs, which explain a significant portion of the AP variability between cardiomyocytes. Expanding the input space to include channel kinetics parameters might be challenging when solving the inverse problem with only AP data available.
(2) Simplified drug-target interaction: In reality, drug interactions can be time-, voltage-, and channel state-dependent, requiring more complex models with multiple parameters compared to the oversimplified model that represents the drug-target interactions by scaling the maximum conductance at control. The complex model could also pose challenges when solving the inverse problem using only AP data.
(3) Limited data variety: The inverse problem was solved using AP data obtained from a single stimulation protocol, potentially limiting the accuracy of parameter estimates. Including AP data from various stimulation protocols and incorporating pacing cycle length as an additional input could improve parameter identifiability and the accuracy of predictions.
(4) Larger inaccuracies in the inverse problem using experimental data: The reasons for this result are not quite clear. Hypotheses suggest that it may be attributed to the low parameter identifiability or the training data set were collected in small tissue preparation.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Grandits and colleagues were trying to develop a new tool to accelerate pharmacological studies by using neural networks to emulate the human ventricular cardiomyocyte action potential (AP). The AP is a complex electrical signal that governs the heartbeat, and it is important to accurately model the effects of drugs on the AP to assess their safety and efficacy. Traditional biophysical simulations of the AP are computationally expensive and time-consuming. The authors hypothesized that neural network emulators could be trained to predict the AP with high accuracy and that these emulators could also be used to quickly and accurately predict the effects of drugs on the AP.
Strengths:<br /> One of the study's major strengths is that the authors use a large and high-quality dataset to train their neural network emulator. The dataset includes a wide range of APs, including normal and abnormal APs exhibiting EADs. This ensures that the emulator is robust and can be used to predict the AP for a variety of different conditions.
Another major strength of the study is that the authors demonstrate that their neural network emulator can be used to accelerate pharmacological studies. For example, they use the emulator to predict the effects of a set of known arrhythmogenic drugs on the AP. The emulator is able to predict the effects of these drugs, even though it had not been trained on these drugs specifically.
Weaknesses:<br /> One weakness of the study is that it is important to validate neural network emulators against experimental data to ensure that they are accurate and reliable. The authors do this to some extent, but further validation would be beneficial. In particular for the inverse problem, where the estimation of pharmacological parameters was very challenging and led to particularly large inaccuracies.
Additional context:<br /> The work by Grandits et al. has the potential to revolutionize the way that pharmacological studies are conducted. Neural network emulation has the promise to reduce the time and cost of drug development and to improve the safety and efficacy of new drugs. The methods and data presented in the paper are useful to the community because they provide a starting point for other researchers to develop and improve neural network emulators for the human ventricular cardiomyocyte AP. The authors have made their code and data publicly available, which will facilitate further research in this area.
It is important to note that neural network emulation is still a relatively new approach, and there are some challenges that need to be addressed before it can be widely adopted in the pharmaceutical industry. For example, neural network emulators need to be trained on large and high-quality datasets. Additionally, it is important to validate neural network emulators against experimental data to ensure that they are accurate and reliable. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of neural network emulation for pharmacological studies are significant. As neural network emulation technology continues to develop, it is likely to become a valuable tool for drug discovery and development.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this study, the authors demonstrated a new model that B cell contraction after antigen encountering was dependent on N-WASP-branched actin polymerization. This statement is achieved by a systemic comparison of genetic modified mice vs wild type mice or inhibitor treated cells vs control cells. By imaging how B cells interact with antigen-coated planar lipid bilayer, the authors further suggested that the contraction event may provide B cells a channel to dismiss downstream kinase for a purpose to attenuate B cell activation signaling.
In this revised version, the authors have fully addressed my concerns raised against the initial submission of their studies.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Bhanja et al have examined how actin polymerization switch B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling from amplification to attenuation. The authors have examined B cell spreading and contraction using lipid bilayers to assess the molecular regulation of BCR signalling during the contraction phase. Their data provide evidence for that N-WASP activated Arp2/3 generates centripetally moving actin foci and contractile actomyosin from lamellipodia actin networks. This generates BCR dense foci that pushes out both stimulatory kinases and inhibitory phosphatases. The study provides novel insight into how B cells upon activation attenuate BCR signalling by contraction of the actin cytoskeleton and clustering of BCR foci and this dynamic response is mediated by N-WASP and Arp2/3.
Strengths: The manuscript is well written and results, methods, figures and legends described in detail making it easy to follow the experimental setup, analysis, and conclusions. The authors achieved their aims, and the results support their conclusions.
Weaknesses: Minor. The working hypothesis of molecular crowding as a way to push out signalling molecules from the BCR dense foci is interesting. The authors provide evidence for that this is an active process mediated by N-WASP - Arp2/3 induced actin foci. Another possibility discussed in the revised version is that BCR dense foci formation is an indirect consequence of lamellipodia retraction. Future works should define the specific role of N-WASP, Arp2/3 and actin in the process to form BCR dense foci, especially as the BCR continue to signal in the cytoplasm.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This work shows how, in the formation of the immune synapse, the B cell controls the contraction phase, the formation and retraction of actin structures concentrating the antigen (actin foci), and, ultimately, global signal attenuation. The authors use a combination of TIRF microscopy and original image quantification to show that Arp2/3 activated by N-WASP controls a pool of actin concentrated in foci (situated in the synapse), formed and transported centripetally towards the center of the synapse through myosin II mediated contractions. These contractions concentrate the B cell receptors (BCR) in the center, promote disassembly of the stimulatory kinase Syk as well as the the disassociation from the BCR of the inhibitory phosphatase SHIP, process which entails the attenuation of the BCR signal.
The author prove their claims by mean of thorough image analysis, mainly observing and quantifying the fluorescence and the dynamics of single clusters of antigen and actin foci and analyzing two-colors dynamical images. They perform their observation in control cells, on pharmacologically perturbed cells where the action of Arp2/3 or N-WASP is inhibited, and on modified primary cells (primary derived from genetically engineered mice) to silence N-WASP or WASP. The work is sound and complete, the experiments technically excellent and well explained.
In the reviewed manuscript the authors answer to all referees' suggestions and add new data and comments to the manuscript. In particular by suppressing NMII activation (with Blebbistatin), they show that NMII contraction plays a role (in coordination with N-WASP mediated actin polymerization) in the generation of actin foci ring-like structures.
This work adds an important information to the current view of B cell activation, in particular it links the contraction phase to the actin foci that have been recently characterized. Moreover, the late phase of the immune synapse formation is poorly investigated, but it is crucial for the fate of the cell: this work provides an explanation for the attenuation of the signal that might lead to the termination of the synapse.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The investigators sought to determine whether Marco regulates the levels of aldosterone by limiting uptake of its parent molecule cholesterol in the adrenal gland. Instead, they identify an unexpected role for Marco on alveolar macrophages in lowering the levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme in the lung. This suggests an unexpected role of alveolar macrophages and lung ACE in the production of aldosterone.
The investigators suggest an unexpected role for ACE in the lung in the regulation of systemic aldosterone levels.<br /> The investigators suggest important sex-related differences in the regulation of aldosterone by alveolar macrophages and ACE in the lung.<br /> Studies to exclude a role for Marco in the adrenal gland are strong, suggesting an extra-adrenal source for the excess Marco observed in male Marco knockout mice.
While the investigators have identified important sex differences in the regulation of extrapulmonary ACE in the regulation of aldosterone levels, the mechanisms underlying these differences are not explored.<br /> The physiologic impact of the increased aldosterone levels observed in Marco -/- male mice on blood pressure or response to injury is not clear.<br /> The intracellular signaling mechanism linking lung macrophage levels with the expression of ACE in the lung is not supported by direct evidence.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Tissue-resident macrophages are more and more thought to exert key homeostatic functions and contribute to physiological responses. In the report of O'Brien and Colleagues, the idea that the macrophage-expressed scavenger receptor MARCO could regulate adrenal corticosteroid output at steady-state was explored. The authors found that male MARCO-deficient mice exhibited higher plasma aldosterone levels and higher lung ACE expression as compared to wild-type mice, while the availability of cholesterol and the machinery required to produce aldosterone in the adrenal gland were not affected by MARCO deficiency. The authors take these data to conclude that MARCO in alveolar macrophages can negatively regulate ACE expression and aldosterone production at steady-state and that MARCO-deficient mice suffer from secondary hyperaldosteronism.
If properly demonstrated and validated, the fact that tissue-resident macrophages can exert physiological functions and influence endocrine systems would be highly significant and could be amenable to novel therapies.
The data provided by the authors currently do not support the major claim of the authors that alveolar macrophages, via MARCO, are involved in the regulation of a hormonal output in vivo at steady-state. At this point, there are two interesting but descriptive observations in male, but not female, MARCO-deficient animals, and overall, the study lacks key controls and validation experiments, as detailed below.
Major weaknesses:
1) According to the reviewer's own experience, the comparison between C57BL/6J wild-type mice and knock-out mice for which precise information about the genetic background and the history of breedings and crossings is lacking, can lead to misinterpretations of the results obtained. Hence, MARCO-deficient mice should be compared with true littermate controls.
2) The use of mice globally deficient for MARCO combined with the fact that alveolar macrophages produce high levels of MARCO is not sufficient to prove that the phenotype observed is linked to alveolar macrophage-expressed MARCO (see below for suggestions of experiments).
3) If the hypothesis of the authors is correct, then additional read-outs could be performed to reinforce their claims: levels of Angiotensin I would be lower in MARCO-deficient mice, levels of Antiotensin II would be higher in MARCO-deficient mice, Arterial blood pressure would be higher in MARCO-deficient mice, natremia would be higher in MARCO-deficient mice, while kaliemia would be lower in MARCO-deficient mice. In addition, co-culture experiments between MARCO-sufficient or deficient alveolar macrophages and lung endothelial cells, combined with the assessment of ACE expression, would allow the authors to evaluate whether the AM-expressed MARCO can directly regulate ACE expression.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Joint Public Review:
This paper aimed to assess the link between genetic and environmental factors on psychotic-like experiences and the potential mediation through cognitive ability. This study was based on data from the ABCD cohort, including 6,602 children aged 9-10 years. The authors report a mediating effect, suggesting that cognitive ability is a key mediating pathway in linking several genetic and environmental (risk and protective) factors to psychotic-like experiences.
Strengths of the methods: The authors use a wide range of validated (genetic, self- and parent-reported, and cognitive) measures in a large dataset with a 2-year follow-up period. The statistical methods have the potential to address key limitations of previous research.
Weaknesses of the methods: Not the largest or most recent GWASes were used to generate PGSes.
Strengths of the results: The authors included a comprehensive array of analyses.
Weaknesses of the results: Results are only sometimes clearly described and presented.
Appraisal: The authors suggest that their findings provide evidence for policy reforms (e.g., targeting residential environments, family SES, parenting, and schooling).
Impact: Immediate impact is limited given the short follow-up period (2 years), possibly concerns for selection bias and attrition in the data, and some methodological concerns. The authors are transparent about most of these limitations.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The study conducted on mice establishes a noteworthy connection between dietary protein intake and resistance exercise impact on metabolic health and muscle development. In sedentary mice, a diet rich in protein resulted in excessive fat accumulation and compromised blood sugar regulation in comparison to a diet low in protein. Intriguingly, when mice followed the high protein diet alongside progressive resistance training, they exhibited protection against surplus fat gain, though blood glucose regulation remained impaired. The research also revealed that resistance training notably enhanced muscle hypertrophy induced by exercise, particularly in mice on the high protein diet. Although the maximum strength achieved was similar across diets, this highlights the potential synergy between high protein consumption and resistance exercise in promoting skeletal muscle growth.
The study possesses several significant strengths. Firstly, it combines controlled dietary manipulations with resistance exercise, providing a comprehensive understanding of their combined effects on metabolic health and muscle growth. The use of mouse models, while not directly translatable to humans, offers a controlled experimental environment, enabling precise measurements and observations. Moreover, the study reveals nuanced outcomes such as the differential impact of high protein intake on adiposity and muscle hypertrophy. The emphasis on both positive and negative findings lends balance to the conclusions, enhancing the overall credibility of the study. Additionally, the clear delineation of diet-exercise interactions contributes to the broader understanding of dietary and exercise recommendations for metabolic health and muscle development.
Certain limitations warrant consideration. Firstly, the study's exclusive reliance on mice might limit the generalizability of the findings to humans due to inherent physiological differences. Additionally, the absence of direct investigation into the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for the observed outcomes leaves room for speculation. Moreover, the research's concentration on male and young mice raises questions about the applicability of these findings to female and older subjects. Lastly, the study's duration and the specific resistance exercise protocol utilized might not fully reflect long-term human scenarios, underscoring the need for further research in more diverse populations and over extended timeframes.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, Trautman et al. set out to test the hypothesis that increased intake of dietary protein is deleterious to health when uncoupled from resistance training.
The experimental design is well crafted and the experiments provide useful information supporting the hypothesis. The authors take into account the limitations of their study in the discussion, and guide the reader through their results and the interpretation in a fair and measured way, without overstating claims.
As acknowledged by the authors in the discussion section, this study only features a small sample of male mice from a single strain. Thus the results may not hold when female mice and diverse genetic backgrounds are analyzed. The lack of repeated measures of physiological parameters is also a limitation of the study. Measurements of body weight, body composition, food (calorie) consumption, and locomotor/strength assays could have been provided throughout the study and compared to a baseline value for each animal.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The paper from Hsu and co-workers describes a new automated method for analyzing the cell wall peptidoglycan composition of bacteria using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) combined with newly developed analysis software. The work has great potential for determining the composition of bacterial cell walls from diverse bacteria in high-throughput, allowing new connections between cell wall structure and other important biological functions like cell morphology or host-microbe interactions to be discovered. A downside to the method is that it does require some prior knowledge of an organisms peptidoglycan composition to generate the database for automated analysis. Nevertheless, the automation will allow rapid analysis of peptidoglycan composition under a variety of conditions and/or between closely related organisms once the general peptidoglycan structure is known. The methodology described will therefore be useful for the field.
The potential connection between the structure of different cell walls from bifidobacteria and cell stiffness proposed in the report is weak. The cells analyzed are from different strains such that there are many possible reasons for the change in physical measurements made by AFM. Conclusions relating cell wall composition to stiffness would be best drawn from a single strain of bacteria genetically modified to have an altered content of 3-3 crosslinks.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors introduce "HAMA", a new automated pipeline for architectural analysis of the bacterial cell wall. Using MS/MS fragmentation and a computational pipeline, they validate the approach using well-characterized model organisms and then apply the platform to elucidate the PG architecture of several members of the human gut microbiota. They discover differences in the length of peptide crossbridges between two species of the genus Bifidobacterium and then show that these species also differ in cell envelope stiffness, resulting in the conclusion that PG "compactness" determines stiffness.
The pipeline is solid and revealing the poorly characterized PG architecture of the human gut microbiota is worthwhile and significant. However, it is unclear if or how their pipeline is superior to other existing techniques - PG architecture analysis is routinely done by many other labs; the only difference here seems to be that the authors chose gut microbes to interrogate.
I do not agree with their conclusions about the correlation between compactness and cell envelope stiffness. These experiments are done on two different species of bacteria and their experimental setup therefore does not allow them to isolate crossbridge length (which they propose indicates more or less compact PG) as the only differential property that can influence stiffness. These two species likely also differ in other ways that could modulate stiffness, e.g. turgor pressure, overall PG architecture (not just crossbridge length), membrane properties, teichoic acid composition etc.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The manuscript describes that cultured mammalian cells adapt to chronic stress by increasing their size and protein translation through Hsp90. The authors extensively use Hsp90 knockout cells and mass spectrometry to provide solid evidence that chronic heat shock response is accompanied by cell size changes and stress resistance in large cells. The major strength of the work is the authors ability to document the heat shock response in detail. The increased stress resistance of large cells is conceptually important and provides one potential explanation why cells need to control their size. This work adds to our understanding of how cellular stress is managed, and while stress responses have been observed previously in relation to cell size, this work provides evidence for increased stress resistance in larger cells.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors have done a number of additional experiments and textual changes to address referee comments from the first round of review that have improved some aspects of the manuscript. However, they did not fully address two major issues brought up in my previous public review, reiterated below.
1) What is the specific role for HSP90a/b in regulating protein translation during chronic stress through the ISR or related pathways? The authors indicate that the induction of the eIF2a phosphatase GADD34 is not impacted in HSP90-deficient cells, so what role does HSP90 have in this process. Is HSP90 required for proper folding of GADD34? Would you see similar effects in protein translation recovery if other ISR activators are used in HSP90-deficient cells?
2) Are similar effects observed in non-dividing cells?' Does chronic stress lead to increases of size and regulation of protein translation in primary cell models that are not undergoing division.
This leaves the study as an interesting observational study that correlates increases in cell size and protein translation. However, it doesn't really answer some of the most important questions related to mechanisms defining this correlation. Regardless, this remains an interesting jumping off point to continue exploring this interesting finding correlating cell size and stress signaling that will be further pursued in subsequent manuscripts, which will likely continue to reveal the importance and mechanistic basis of this 'rewiring stress response' during stress and in disease.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Zhang et al. investigate the hypothesis that tRNA methyl transferase 1 (TRMT1) is cleaved by NSP5 (nonstructural protein 5 or MPro), the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, during SARS-CoV-2 infection. They provide solid evidence that TRMT1 is a substrate of Nsp5, revealing an Nsp5 target consensus sequence and evidence of TRMT1 cleavage in cells. Their conclusions are exceptionally strong given the co-submission by D'Oliveira et al showing cleavage of TRMT1 in vitro by Nsp5. Separately, the authors convincingly demonstrate widespread downregulation of RNA modifications during CoV-2 infection, including a requirement for TRMT1 in efficient viral replication. This finding is congruent with the authors' previous work defining the impact of TRMT1 and m2,2g on global translation, which is most likely necessary to support infection and virion production. What still remains unclear is the functional relevance of TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5 during infection. Based on the data provided here, TRMT1 cleavage may be an act by CoV-2 to self-limit replication, as the expression of a non-cleavable TRMT1 (versus wild-type TRMT1) supports enhanced viral RNA expression at certain MOIs. Theoretically, TRMT1 cleavage should inactivate the modification activity of TRMT1, which the authors thoroughly and elegantly investigate with rigorous biochemical assays. However, only a minority of TRMT1 undergoes cleavage during infection in this study and thus whether TRMT1 cleavage serves an important functional role during CoV-2 replication will be an important topic for future work. The authors fairly assess their work in this regard. This study pushes forward the idea that control of tRNA expression and functionality is an important and understudied area of host-pathogen interaction.
Weaknesses noted:<br /> The detection of the N-terminal TRMT1 fragment by western blot is not robust. The polyclonal antibody used to detect TRMT1 in this work cross-reacts with a non-specific protein product. Unfortunately, this obstructs the visualization of the predicted N-terminal TRMT1 fragment. It is unclear how the authors were able to perform densitometry, given the interference of the non-specific band. Additionally, the replicates in the source data make it clear that the appearance of the N-terminal fragment "wisp" under the non-specific band is not seen in every replicate. Though the disappearance of this wisp with mutant Nsp5 and uncleavable TRMT1 is reassuring, the detection of the N-terminal fragment with the TRMT1 antibody should be assessed critically. Considering this group has strong research interests in TRMT1, I assume that attempts to make other antibodies have proved unfruitful. Additionally, N-terminal tagging of TRMT1 is predicted to disrupt the mitochondrial targeting signal, eliminating the potential for using alternative antibodies to see the N-terminal fragment. These technical issues reiterate the fact that the functional significance of TRMT1 cleavage during CoV-2 infection remains unclear. However, this study demonstrates an important finding that the tRNA modification landscape is altered during CoV-2 infection and that TRMT1 is an important host factor supporting CoV-2 replication.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The manuscript titled 'Proteolytic cleavage and inactivation of the TRMT1 tRNA modification enzyme by SARS-CoV-2 main protease' from K. Zhang et al. demonstrates that several RNA modifications are downregulated during SARS-CoV-2 infection including the widespread m2,2G methylation, which potentially contributes to changes in host translation. To understand the molecular basis behind this global hypomodification of RNA during infection, the authors focused on the human methyltransferase TRMT1 that catalyzes the m2,2G modification. They reveal that TRMT1 not only interacts with the main SARS-CoV-2 protease (Nsp5) in human cells but is also cleaved by Nsp5. To establish if TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5 contributes to the reduction in m2,2G levels, the authors show compelling evidence that the TRMT1 fragments are incapable of methylating the RNA substrates due to loss of RNA binding by the catalytic domain. They further determine that expression of full-length TRMT1 is required for optimal SARS-CoV-2 replication in 293T cells. Nevertheless, the cleavage of TRMT1 was dispensable for SARS-CoV-2 replication hinting at the possibility that TRMT1 could be an off-target or fortuitous substrate of Nsp5. Overall, this study will be of interest to virologists and biologists studying the role of RNA modification and RNA modifying enzymes in viral infection.
Strengths:<br /> • The authors use a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry approach to quantify RNA modifications in human cells infected with SARS-CoV-2.<br /> • The authors go to great length to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 main protease, Nsp5, interacts, and cleaves TRMT1 in cells and perform important controls when needed. They use a series of overexpression with strategically placed tags on both TRMT1 and Nsp5 to strengthen their observations.<br /> • The use of an inactive Nsp5 mutant (C145A) strongly supports the claim of the authors that Nsp5 is solely responsible for TRMT1 cleavage in cells.<br /> • Although the direct cleavage was not experimentally determined, the authors convincingly show that TRMT1 Q530N is not cleaved by Nsp5 suggesting that the predicted cleavage site at this position is most likely the bona fide region processed by Nsp5 in cells.<br /> • To understand the impact of TRMT1 cleavage on its RNA methylation activity, the authors rigorously test four protein constructs for their capacity not only to bind RNA but also to introduce the m2,2G modification. They demonstrate that the fragments resulting from TRMT1 cleavage are inactive and cannot methylate RNA. They further establish that the C-terminal region of TRMT1 (containing a zinc-finger domain) is the main binding site for RNA.<br /> • While 293T cells are unlikely an ideal model system to study SARS-CoV-2 infection, the authors use two cell lines and well-designed rescue experiments to uncover that TRMT1 is required for optimal SARS-CoV-2 replication.
Weaknesses:<br /> • Immunoblotting is extensively used to probe for TRMT1 degradation by Nsp5 in this study. Regretfully, the polyclonal antibody used by the authors shows strong non-specific binding to other epitopes. This complicates the data interpretation and quantification since the cleaved TRMT1 band migrates very closely to a main non-specific band detected by the antibody (for instance Fig 3A). While this reviewer is concerned about the cross-contamination during quantification of the N-TRMT1, the loss of this faint cleaved band with the TRMT1 Q530N mutant is reassuring. Nevertheless, the poor behavior of this antibody for TRMT1 detection was already reported and the authors should have taken better precautions or designed a different strategy to circumvent the limitation of this antibody by relying on additional tags.
• While 293T cells are convenient to use, it is not a well-suited model system to study SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication. Therefore, some of the conclusions from this study might not apply to better-suited cell systems such as Vero E6 cells or might not be observed in patient-infected cells.
• The reduction of bulk TRMT1 levels is minor during infection of MRC5 cells with SARS-CoV-2 (Fig 1). This does not seem to agree with the more dramatic reduction in m2,2G modification levels. Cellular Localization experiments of TRMT1 would help clarify this. While TRMT1 is found in the cytoplasm and nucleus, it is possible that TRMT1 is more dramatically degraded in the cytoplasm due to easier access by Nsp5.
• In Fig 6, the authors show that TRMT1 is required for optimal SARS-CoV-2 replication. This can be rescued by expressing TRMT1 (Fig 7). Nevertheless, it is unknown if the methylation activity of TRMT1 is required. The authors could have expressed an inactive TRMT1 mutant (by disrupting the SAM binding site) to establish if the RNA modification by TRMT1 is important for SARS-CoV-2 replication or if it is the protein backbone that might contribute to other processes.
• Fig 7, the authors used the Q530N variant to rescue SARS-CoV-2 replication in TRMT1 KO cells. This is an important experiment and unexpectedly reveals that TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5 is not required for viral replication. To strengthen the claim of the authors that TRMT1 is required to promote viral replication and that its cleavage inhibits RNA methylation, the authors could express the TRMT1 N-terminal construct in the TRMT1 KO cells to assess if viral replication is restored or not to similar levels as WT TRMT1. This will further validate the potential biological importance of TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5.
• Fig 7 shows that the TRMT1 Q530N variant rescues SARS-CoV-2 replication to greater levels then WT TRMT1. The authors should discuss this in greater detail and its possible implications with their proposed statement. For instance, are m2,2G levels higher in Q530N compared to WT? Does Q530N co-elute with Nsp5 or is the interaction disrupted in cells?
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, the authors have used biochemical approaches to provide compelling evidence for the cleavage of TRMT1 by SARS-CoV-2 Nsp5 protease. This work is of wide interest to biochemists, cell biologists, and structural biologists in the coronavirus (CoV) field. Furthermore, it substantially advances the understanding of how CoV's interact with host factors during infection and modify cellular metabolism.
Strengths:<br /> The authors provide multiple lines of biochemical evidence to report a TRMT1-Nsp5 interaction during SARS-CoV-2 infection. They show that the host enzyme TRMT1 is cleaved at a specific site and that it generates fragments that are incapable of functioning properly. This is an important result because TRMT1 is a critical player in host protein synthesis. This also advances our understanding of virus-host interactions during SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Weaknesses:<br /> The major weakness is the lack of mechanistic insights into TRMT1-Nsp5 interactions. The authors have provided commendable biochemical data on proving the TRMT1-Nsp5 interaction but without clear mechanistic insights into when this interaction takes place in the context of SARS-CoV-2 propagation, what are the functional consequences of this interaction on host biology, and does this somehow benefit the infecting virus? I feel that the authors played it a bit safe despite having access to several reagents and an extremely promising research direction.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this study, the structural characteristics of plant AlaDC and SerDC were analyzed to understand the mechanism of functional differentiation, deepen the understanding of substrate specificity and catalytic activity evolution, and explore effective ways to improve the initial efficiency of theanine synthesis.
On the basis of previous solid work, the authors successfully obtained the X-ray crystal structures of the precursors of theanine synthesis-CsAlaDC and AtSerDC, which are key proteins related to ethylamine synthesis, and found a unique zinc finger structure on these two crystal structures that are not found in other Group II PLP- dependent amino acid decarboxylases. Through a series of experiments, it is pointed out that this characteristic zinc finger motif may be the key to the folding of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC proteins, and this discovery is novel and prospective in the study of theine synthesis.
In addition, the authors identified Phe106 of CsAlaDC and Tyr111 of AtSerDC as key sites of substrate specificity by comparing substrate binding regions and identified amino acids that inhibit catalytic activity through mutation screening based on protein structure. It was found that the catalytic activity of CsAlaDCL110F/P114A was 2.3 times higher than that of CsAlaDC. At the same time, CsAlaDC and AtSerDC substrate recognition key motifs were used to carry out evolutionary analysis of the protein sequences that are highly homologous to CsAlaDC in embryos, and 13 potential alanine decarboxylases were found, which laid a solid foundation for subsequent studies related to theanine synthesis.
In general, this study has a solid foundation, the whole research idea is clear, the experimental design is reasonable, and the experimental results provide strong evidence for the author's point of view. Through a large number of experiments, the key links in the theanine synthesis pathway are deeply studied, and an effective way to improve the initial efficiency of theanine synthesis is found, and the molecular mechanism of this way is expounded. The whole study has good novelty and prospectivity, and sheds light on a new direction for the efficient industrial synthesis of theanine.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The manuscript focuses on the comparison of two PLP-dependent enzyme classes that perform amino acyl decarboxylations. The goal of the work is to understand the substrate specificity and factors that influence the catalytic rate in an enzyme linked to theanine production in tea plants.
Strengths:<br /> The work includes x-ray crystal structures of modest resolution of the enzymes of interest. These structures provide the basis for the design of mutagenesis experiments to test hypotheses about substrate specificity and the factors that control catalytic rate. These ideas are tested via mutagenesis and activity assays, in some cases both in vitro and in plants.
Weaknesses:<br /> The manuscript could be more clear in explaining the contents of the x-ray structures and how the complexes studied relate to the reactant and product complexes. The structure and mechanism section would also be strengthened by including a diagram of the reaction mechanism and including context about reactivity. As it stands, much of the structural results section consists of lists of amino acids interacting with certain ligands without any explanation of why these interactions are important or the role they play in catalysis. The experiments testing the function of a novel Zn(II)-binding domain also have serious flaws. I don't think anything can be said at this point about the function of the Zn(II) due to a lack of key controls and problems with experimental design.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In the manuscript titled "Structure and Evolution of Alanine/Serine Decarboxylases and the Engineering of Theanine Production," Wang et al. solved and compared the crystal structures of Alanine Decarboxylase (AlaDC) from Camellia sinensis and Serine Decarboxylase (SerDC) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Based on this structural information, the authors conducted both in vitro and in vivo functional studies to compare enzyme activities using site-directed mutagenesis and subsequent evolutionary analyses. This research has the potential to enhance our understanding of amino acid decarboxylase evolution and the biosynthetic pathway of the plant-specialized metabolite theanine, as well as to further its potential applications in the tea industry.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
D'Oliviera et al. have demonstrated cleavage of human TRMT1 by the SARS-CoV-2 main protease in vitro. Following this, they solved the structure of Mpro-C145A bound to TRMT1 substrate peptide, revealing binding conformation distinct from most viral substrates. Overall, this work enhances our understanding of substrate specificity for a key drug target of CoV2. The paper is well-written and the data is clearly presented. It complements the companion article by demonstrating the interaction between Mpro and TRMT1 and TRMT1 cleavage under isolated conditions in vitro. Importantly, the revelation of flexible substrate binding of Nsp5 is fundamental for understanding Nsp5 as a drug target. Trmt1 cleavage assays revealed similar kinetics for TRMT1 cleavage as compared to the nsp8/9 viral polyprotein cleavage site, however, it would have been more rigorous for the authors to independently reproduce the kinetics reported for nsp8/9 using their specific experimental conditions. The finding that murine TRMT1 lacks a conserved consensus sequence is interesting, but is not experimentally tested here and is reported elsewhere. I am unable to comment critically on the structural analyses as it is outside of my expertise. Overall, I think that these findings are important for confirming TRMT1 as a substrate of Mpro and defining substrate binding and cleavage parameters for an important drug target of SARS-CoV-2.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The manuscript 'Recognition and Cleavage of Human tRNA Methyltransferase TRMT1 by the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease' from Angel D'Oliviera et al., uncovers that TRMT1 can be cleaved by SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) and defines the structural basis of TRMT1 recognition by Mpro. They use both recombinant TRMT1 and Mpro as well as endogenous TRMT1 from HEK293T cell lysates to convincingly show cleavage of TRMT1 by the SARS-CoV-2 protease. To understand how Mpro recognizes TRMT1, they solved a co-crystal structure of Mpro bound to a peptide derived from the predicted cleavage site of TRMT1. This structure revealed important protein-protein interfaces and highlights the importance of the conserved Q530 for cleavage by Mpro. They then compared their structure with previous X-ray crystal structures of Mpro bound to substrate peptides derived from the viral polyprotein and proposed the concept of two distinct binding conformations to Mpro: P3´-out and P3´-in conformations (here P3´ stands for the third residue downstream of the cleavage site). It remains unknown what is the physiological role of these two binding conformations on Mpro function, but the authors established that Mpro has dramatically different cleavage efficiencies for three distinct substrates. In an effort to rationalize this observation, a series of mutations in Mpro's active site and the substrate peptide were tested but unexpectedly had no significant impact on cleavage efficiency. While molecular dynamic simulations further confirmed the propensity of certain substrates to adopt the P3´-out or P3´-in conformation, they did not provide additional insights into the dramatic differences in cleavage efficiencies between substrates. This led the authors to propose that the discrimination of Mpro for preferred substrates might occur at a later stage of catalysis after binding of the peptide. Overall, this work will be of interest to biologists studying proteases and substrate recognition by enzymes as well as help efforts to target Mpro with peptide-like drugs.
Strengths:<br /> • The authors' statements are well supported by their data, and they used relevant controls when needed. Indeed, they used the Mpro C145A inactive variant to unambiguously show that the TRMT1 cleavage detected in vitro is solely due to Mpro's activity. Moreover, they used two distinct polyclonal antibodies to probe TRMT1 cleavage.
• Their 1.9 Å crystal structure is of high quality and increases the confidence in the reported protein-protein contacts seen between TRMT1-derived peptide and Mpro.
• Their extensive in vitro kinetic assay was performed in ideal conditions although it is unclear how many replicates were performed.
• The authors test multiple hypotheses to rationalize the preference of Mpro for certain substrates.
• While this reviewer is not able to comment on the rigor of the MD simulations, the interpretations made by the authors seem reasonable and convincing.
• The concept of two binding conformations (P3´-out or P3´-in) for the substrate in the active site of Mpro is significant and can guide drug design.
Weaknesses:<br /> • While the authors convincingly show that TRMT1 is cleaved by Mpro, the exact cleavage site was never confirmed experimentally. It is most likely that the predicted site is the main cleavage site as proposed by the authors (region 527-534). Nevertheless, in Fig 1C (first lane from the right) there are two bands clearly observed for the cleavage product containing the MT Domain. If the predicted site was the only cleavage site recognized by Mpro, then a single band for the MT domain would be expected. This observation suggests that there might be two cleavage sites for Mpro in TRMT1. Indeed, residues RFQANP (550-555) in TRMT1 might be a secondary weaker cleavage site for Mpro, which would explain the two observed bands in Fig 1C. A mass spectrometry analysis of the cleaved products would clarify this.
• A control is missing in Fig 1D. Since the authors use western blots to show the gradual degradation of endogenous TRMT1, a control with a protein that does not change in abundance over the course of the measurement is important. This is required to show that the differences in intensity of TRMT1 by western blotting are not due to loading differences etc.
• The two polyclonal antibodies used by the authors seem to have strong non-specific binding to proteins other than TRMT1 but did not impact the author's conclusions. This is a limitation of the commercially available antibodies for TRMT1, and unless the authors select a new monoclonal antibody specific to TRMT1 (costly and lengthy process), this limitation seems out of their control.
• The recombinantly purified TRMT1 seems to have some non-negligible impurities (extra bands in Fig 1C). This does not impact the conclusions of the authors but might be relevant to readers interested in working with TRMT1 for biochemical, structural, or other purposes.
• Despite the reasonable efforts of the authors, it remains unknown why Mpro shows higher cleavage efficiency for the nsp4/5 sequence compared to TRMT1 or nsp8/9 sequences.
• The peptide cleavage kinetic assay used by the authors relies on a peptide labelled with a fluorophore (MCA) on the N-terminus and a quencher (Dpn) on the C-terminus. This design allows high-throughput measurements compatible with plate readers and is a robust and convenient tool. Nevertheless, the authors did not control for the impact of the labels (MCA and Dpn) on the activity of Mpro. It is possible that the differences in cleavage efficiencies between peptides are due to unexpected conformational changes in the peptide upon labelling. Moreover, the TRMT1 peptide has an E at the N-terminus and an R at the C-terminus (while the nsp4/5 peptide has an S and M, respectively). It is possible that these two terminal residues form a salt bridge in the TRMT1 peptide that might constrain the conformation of the peptide and thus reduce its accessibility and cleavage by Mpro. Enzymatic assays in the absence of labels and MD simulations with the bona fide peptides (including the labels) used in the kinetic measurements are needed to prove that the cleavage efficiencies are not biased by the fluorescence assay.
• The authors used A431S variant in TRMT1-derived peptide to disrupt the P3´-in conformation. While this reviewer agrees with the rationale behind A431S design, it is important to confirm experimentally that the mutation disrupted the P3´-in conformation in favor of the P3´-out conformer. The authors could use their MD simulations to determine if the TRMT1 A431S variant favors the P3´-out conformation.
• An unanswered question not addressed by the authors is if the peptides undergo conformational changes upon Mpro binding or if they are pre-organized to adopt the P3´-out and P3´-in conformations.
• While the authors describe at great length the hydrogen bonds involved in the substrate recognition by Mpro, they occluded to highlight important stacking interactions in this interface. For instance, Phe533 from TRMT1 stacks with Met49 while L529 from TRMT1 packs against His41 of Mpro. Both hydrogen bonding and stacking interactions seem important for TRMT1-derived peptide recognition by Mpro.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, the authors have used a combination of enzymatic, crystallographic, and in silico approaches to provide compelling evidence for substrate selectivity of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro for human TRMT1.
Strengths:<br /> In my opinion, the authors came close to achieving their intended aim of demonstrating the structural and biochemical basis of Mpro catalysis and cleavage of human TRMT1 protein. The combination of orthogonal approaches is highly commendable.
Weaknesses:<br /> It would have been of high scientific impact if the consequences of TRMT1 cleavage by Mpro on cellular metabolism were provided. Furthermore, assays to investigate the effect of inhibition of this Mpro activity on SARS-CoV-2 propagation and infection would have been extremely useful in providing insights into host- SARS-CoV-2 interactions.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Joint Public Review:
This study investigates the role of Ikaros, a zinc finger family transcription factor related to Helios and Eos, in T-regulatory (Treg) cell functionality in mice. Through genome-wide association studies and chromatin accessibility studies, the authors find that Ikaros shares similar binding sites to Foxp3. Ikaros cooperates with Foxp3 to establish a major portion of the Treg epigenome and transcriptome. Ikaros-deficient Treg exhibits Th1-like gene expression with abnormal expression of IL-2, IFNg, TNFa, and factors involved in Wnt and Notch signalling. Further, two models of inflammatory/ autoimmune diseases - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and organ transplantation - are employed to examine the functional role of Ikaros in Treg-mediated immune suppression. The authors provide a detailed analysis of the epigenome and transcriptome of Ikaros-deficient Treg cells.
These studies establish Ikaros as a factor required in Treg for tolerance and the control of inflammatory immune responses. The data are of high quality. Overall, the study is well organized, and reports new data consolidating mechanistic aspects of Foxp3 mediated gene expression program in Treg cells.
Strengths:<br /> The authors have performed biochemical studies focusing on mechanistic aspects of molecular functions of the Foxp3-mediated gene expression program and complemented these with functional experiments using two models of autoimmune diseases, thereby strengthening the study. The studies are comprehensive at both the cellular and molecular levels. The manuscript is well organized and presents a plethora of data regarding the transcriptomic landscape of these cells.
Weakness:<br /> The authors claim that the mice have no pathologic signs of autoimmune disease even at a relatively old age, yet mice have an increased number of activated CD4+ T cells and T-follicular helper cells (even at the age of 6 weeks) as well as reduced naïve T-cells. Thus, immune homeostasis is perturbed in these mice even at a young age and the effect of inflammatory microenvironments on cellular functions cannot be ruled out. Further, clear conclusions from the genome-wide studies are lacking.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The Notch signaling pathway plays an important role in many developmental and disease processes. Although well-studied there remain many puzzling aspects. One is the fact that as well as activating the receptor through trans-activation, the transmembrane ligands can interact with receptors present in the same cell. These cis-interactions are usually inhibitory, but in some cases, as in the assays used here, they may also be activating. With a total of 6 ligands and 4 receptors, there is potentially a wide array of possible outcomes when different combinations are co-expressed in vivo. Here the authors set out to make a systematic analysis of the qualitative and quantitative differences in the signaling output from different receptor-ligand combinations, generating sets of "signaling" (ligand expressing) and "receiving" (receptor +/- ligand expressing cells).
The readout of pathway activity is transcriptional, relying on the fusion of GAL4 in the intracellular part of the receptor. Positive ligand interactions result in the proteolytic release of Gal4 that turns on the expression of H2B-citrine. As an indicator of ligand and receptor expression levels, they are linked via TA to H2B mCherry and H2B mTurq expression respectively. The authors also manipulate the expression of the glycosyltransferase Lunatic-Fringe (LFng) that modifies the EGF repeats in the extracellular domains impacting their interactions. The testing of multiple ligand-receptor combinations at varying expression levels is a tour de force, with over 50 stable cell lines generated, and yields valuable insights although as a whole, the results are quite complex.
Strengths:<br /> Taking a reductionist approach to testing systematically differences in the signaling strength, binding strength, and cis-interactions from the different ligands in the context of the Notch1 and Notch 2 receptors (they justify well the choice of players to test via this approach) produces a baseline understanding of the different properties and leads to some unexpected and interesting findings. Notably:
- Jag1 ligand expressing cells failed to activate Notch1 receptor although were capable of activating Notch2. Conversely, Jag2 cells elicited the strongest activation of both receptors. The results with Jag1 are surprising also because it exhibits some of the strongest binding to plate-bound ligands. The failure to activate Notch1 has major functional significance and it will be important in the future to understand the mechanistic basis.
- Jagged ligands have the strongest ciis-inhibitory effects and the receptors differ in their sensitivity to cis-inhibition by Dll ligands. These observations are in keeping with earlier in vivo and cell culture studies. More referencing of those would better place the work in context but it nicely supports and extends previous studies that were conducted in different ways.
- Responses to most trans-activating ligands showed a degree of ultrasensitivity but this was not the case for cis-interactions where effects were more linear. This has implications for the way the two mechanisms operate and for how the signaling levels will be impacted by ligand expression levels.
- Qualitatively similar results are obtained in a second cell line, suggesting they reflect fundamental properties of the ligands/receptors.
Weaknesses:<br /> One weakness is that the methods used to quantify the expression of ligands and receptors rely on the co-translation of tagged nuclear H2B proteins. These may not accurately capture surface levels/correctly modified transmembrane proteins. In general, the multiple conditions tested partly compensate for the concerns - for example, as Jag1 cells do activate Notch2 even if they do not activate Notch1 some Jag1 must be getting to the surface. But even with Notch2, Jag1 activities are on the lower side, making it important to clarify, especially given the different outcomes with the plated ligands. Similarly, is the fact that all ligands "signalled strongest to Notch2" an inherent property or due to differences in surface levels of Notch 2 compared to Notch1? The results would be considerably strengthened by calibration of the ligand/receptor levels (and ideally their sub-cellular localizations). Assessing the membrane protein levels would be relatively straightforward to perform on some of the basic conditions because their ligand constructs contain Flag tags, making it plausible to relate surface protein to H2B, and there are antibodies available for Notch1 and Notch2.
Cis-activation as a mode of signaling has only emerged from these synthetic cell culture assays raising questions about its physiological relevance. Cis-activation is only seen at the higher ligand (Dll1, Dll4) levels, how physiological are the expression levels of the ligands/receptors in these assays? Is it likely that this would make a major contribution in vivo? Is it possible that the cells convert themselves into "signaling" and "receiving" sub-populations within the culture by post-translational mechanism? Again some analysis of the ligand/receptors in the cultures would be a valuable addition to show whether or not there are major heterogeneities.
It is hard to appreciate how much cell-to-cell variability in the "output" there is. For example, low "outputs" could arise from fewer cells becoming activated or from all cells being activated less. As presented, only the latter is considered. That may be already evident in their data, but not easy for the reader to distinguish from the way they are presented. For example, in many of the graphs, data have been processed through multiple steps of normalization. Some discussion/consideration of this point is needed.
Impact:<br /> Overall, cataloguing the outcomes from the different ligand-receptor combinations, both in cis and trans, yields a valuable baseline for those investigating their functional roles in different contexts. There is still a long way to go before it will be possible to make a predictive model for outcomes based on expression levels, but this work gives an idea about the landscape and the complexities. This is especially important now that signaling relationships are frequently hypothesised based on single-cell transcriptomic data. The results presented here demonstrate that the relationships are not straightforward when multiple players are involved.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, the authors extend their previous studies on trans-activation, cis-inhibition (PMID: 25255098), and cis-activation (PMID: 30628888) of the Notch pathway. Here they create a large number of cell lines using CHO-K1 and C2C12 cells expressing either Notch1-Gal4 or Notch2-Gal4 receptors which express a fluorescent protein upon receptor activation (receiver cells). For cis-inhibition and cis-activation assays, these cells were engineered to express one of the four canonical Notch ligands (Dll1, Dll4, Jag1, Jag2) under tetracycline control. Some of the receiver cells were also transfected with a Lunatic fringe (Lfng) plasmid to produce cells with a range of Lfng expression levels. Sender cells expressing all of the canonical ligands were also produced. Cells were mixed in a variety of co-culture assays to highlight trans-activation, cis-activation, and cis-inhibition. All four ligands were able to trans-activate Notch1 and Notch 2, except Jag1 did not transactivate Notch1. Lfng enhanced trans-activation of both Notch receptors by Dll1 and Dll2, and inhibited Notch1 activation by Jag2 and Notch2 activation by both Jag 1 and Jag2. Cis-expression of all four ligands was predominantly inhibitory, but Dll1 and Dll4 showed strong cis-activation of Notch2. Interestingly, cis-ligands preferentially inhibited trans-activation by the same ligand, with varying effects on other trans-ligands.
Strengths:<br /> This represents the most comprehensive and rigorous analysis of the effects of canonical ligands on cis- and trans-activation, and cis-inhibition, of Notch1 and Notch2 in the presence or absence of Lfng so far. Studying cis-inhibition and cis-activation is difficult in vivo due to the presence of multiple Notch ligands and receptors (and Fringes) that often occur in single cells. The methods described here are a step towards generating cells expressing more complex arrays of ligands, receptors, and Fringes to better mimic in vivo effects on Notch function.
In addition, the fact that their transactivation results with most ligands on Notch1 and 2 in the presence or absence of Lfng were largely consistent with previous publications provides confidence that the author's assays are working properly.
Weaknesses:<br /> It was unusual that the engineered CHO cells expressing Notch1-Gal4 were not activated at all by co-culture with Jag1-expressing CHO cells. Many previous reports have shown that Jag1 can activate Notch1 in co-culture assays, including when Notch1 was expressed in CHO cells. Interestingly, when the authors used Jag1-Fc in a plate coating assay, it did activate Notch1 and could be inhibited by the expression of Lfng.
The cell surface level of the ligands was determined by flow cytometry of a co-translated fluorescent protein. Some calibration of the actual cell surface levels with the fluorescent protein would strengthen the results.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This manuscript reports a comprehensive analysis of Notch-Delta/Jagged signaling inclusive of the human Notch1 and Notch2 receptors and DLL1, DLL4, JAG1, and JAG2 ligands. Measurements encompassed signaling activity for ligand trans-activation, cis-activation, cis-inhibition, and activity modulation by Lfng. The most striking observations of the study are that JAG1 has no detectable activity as a Notch1 ligand when presented on a cell (though it does have activity when immobilized on a surface), even though it is an effective cis-inhibitor of Notch1 signaling by other ligands, and that DLL1 and DLL4 exhibit cis-activating activity for Notch1 and especially for Notch2. Notwithstanding the artificiality of the system and some of its shortcomings, the results should nevertheless be a valuable resource for the Notch signaling community.
Strengths:<br /> 1) The work is systematic and comprehensive, addressing questions that are of importance to the community of researchers investigating mammalian Notch proteins, their activation by ligands, and the modulation of ligand activity by LFng.<br /> 2) A quantitative and thorough analysis of the data is presented.
Weaknesses:<br /> 1) The manuscript is primarily descriptive and does not delve into the underlying, mechanistic origin or source of the different ligand activities.
2) The amount of ligand or receptor expressed is inferred from the flow cytometry signal of a co-translated fluorescent protein-histone fusion, and is not directly measured. The work would be more compelling if the amount of ligand present on the cell surface were directly measured with anti-ligand antibodies, rather than inferred from measurements of the fluorescent protein-histone fusion.
3) It would be helpful to see plots of the raw activity data before transformation and normalization, because the plots present data after several processing steps, and it is not clear how the processed data relate to the original values determined in each measurement.
4) The authors use sparse plating of engineered cells with parental (no ligand or receptor-expressing cell to measure cis activation). However, the cells divide within the cultured period of 22-24 h and can potentially trans-activate each other.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this work the authors propose a new regulatory role for one the most abundant circRNAs, circHIPK3, by showing that it interacts with an RNA binding protein (IGF2BP2) and, by sequestering it, it regulates the expression of hundreds of genes containing a sequence (11-mer motif) in their untranslated regions (3'-UTR). This sequence is also present in circHIPK3, precisely where IGF2BP2 binds. The study further focuses on one specific case, the STAT3 gene, whose mRNA product is downregulated upon circHIPK3 depletion apparently through sequestering IGF2BP2, which otherwise binds to and stabilizes STAT3 mRNA. The study presents mechanistic insight into the interactions, sequence motifs, and stoichiometries of the molecules involved in this new mode of regulation. Altogether, this new mechanism seems to underlie the effects of circHIPK3 in cancer progression.
Strengths:<br /> The authors show mechanistic insight into a proposed novel "sponging" function of circHIPK3 which is not mediated by sequestering miRNAs but rather by a specific RNA binding protein (IGF2BP2). They address the stoichiometry of the molecules involved in the interaction, which is a critical aspect that is frequently overlooked in this type of study. They provide both genome-wide analysis and a specific case (STAT3) that is relevant for cancer progression.
Weaknesses:<br /> One of the central conclusions of the manuscript, namely that circHIPK3 sequesters IGF2BP2 and thereby regulates target mRNAs, lacks more direct experimental evidence such as rescue experiments where both species are simultaneously knocked down. CircRNA overexpression lacks a demonstration of circularization efficiencies. There seem to be contradictory effects of circHIPK3 and STAT3 depletion in cancer progression, namely that while circHIPK3 is frequently downregulated in cancer, circHIPK3 downregulation in this study leads to downregulation of STAT3. This does not seem to fit the fact that STAT3 is normally activated in a wide diversity of cancers and is positively associated with cell proliferation. The result is neither consistent with the fact that circHIPK3 expression positively correlates with good clinical outcomes. Overall, the authors have achieved some of their aims but additional controls would be advisable to fully support their conclusions.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Okholm and colleagues identified an interesting new instance of ceRNA involving a circular RNA. The data are clearly presented and support the conclusions. Quantification of the copy number of circRNA and quantification of the protein were performed, and this is important to support the ceRNA mechanism.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In Okholm et al., the authors evaluate the functional impact of circHIPK3 in bladder cancer cells. By knocking it down and performing an RNA-seq analysis, the authors found thousands of deregulated genes that look unaffected by miRNAs sponging function and that are, instead, enriched for an 11-mer motif. Further investigations showed that the 11-mer motif is shared with the circHIPK3 and able to bind the IGF2BP2 protein. The authors validated the binding of IGF2BP2 and demonstrated that IGF2BP2 KD antagonizes the effect of circHIPK3 KD and leads to the upregulation of genes containing the 11-mer. Among the genes affected by circHIPK3 KD and IGF2BP2 KD (resulting in downregulation and upregulation, respectively) the authors found the STAT3 gene. This was accompanied by consistent concomitant upregulation of one of its targets, TP53. The authors propose a mechanism of competition between circHIPK3 and IGF2BP2 triggered by IGF2BP2 nucleation, potentially via phase separation.
Strengths:<br /> The number of circRNAs continues to drastically grow; however, the field lacks detailed molecular investigations. The presented work critically addresses some of the major pitfalls in the field of circRNAs and there has been a careful analysis of aspects frequently poorly investigated. The time-point KD followed by RNA-seq, investigation of the miRNAs-sponge function of circHIPK3, identification of 11-mer motif, identification, and validation of IGF2BP2, and the analysis of copy number ratio between circHIPK3 and IGF2BP2 in assessing the potential ceRNA mode of action have been extensively explored and, comprehensively are convincing.
Weaknesses:<br /> In some parts, the manuscript lacks appropriate internal controls (eg: comparison with normal bladder cells, linear transcript measurements upon the KD, RIP internal controls/ WB analysis, etc), statistical analysis and significance (in some qPCRs), exhaustive description in the methods of microscopy and image analysis, western blot, and a separate section of cell lines used. The use of certain cell lines bladder cancer cells vs non-bladder cells in some experiments for the purpose of the study is also unclear.
Overall, the presented study adds new knowledge in describing circHIPK3 function, its capability to regulate some downstream genes and its interaction and competition for IGF2BP2. However, whereas the experimental part appears technically logical, it remains unclear the overall goal of this study and the final conclusions. The mechanism of condensation proposed, although interesting and encouraging, would need further experimental support and information, especially in the context of cancer.
In summary, this study is a promising step forward in the comprehension of the functional role of circHIPK3. These data could possibly help to better understand the circHIPK3 role in cancer.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors describe the dynamic distribution of laminin in the olfactory system and forebrain. Using immunohistochemistry and transgenic lines, they found that the olfactory system and adjacent brain tissues are enveloped by BMs from the earliest stages of olfactory system assembly. They also found that laminin deposits follow the axonal trajectory of axons. They performed a functional analysis of the sly mutant to analyse the function of laminin γ1 in the development of the zebrafish olfactory system. Their study revealed that laminin enables the shape and position of placodes to be maintained late in the face of major morphogenetic movements in the brain, and its absence promotes the local entry of sensory axons into the brain and their navigation towards the olfactory bulb.
Strengths:<br /> -They showed that in the sly mutants, no BM staining of laminin and Nidogen could be detected around the OP and the brain. The authors then elegantly used electron microscopy to analyse the ultrastructure of the border between the OP and the brain in control and sly mutant conditions.<br /> -To analyse the role of laminin γ1-dependent BMs in OP coalescence, the authors used the cluster size of Tg(neurog1:GFP)+ OP cells at 22 hpf as a marker. They found that the mediolateral dimension increased specifically in the mutants. However, proliferation did not seem to be affected, although apoptosis appeared to increase slightly at a later stage. This increase could therefore be due to a dispersal of cells in the OP. To test this hypothesis, the authors then analysed the cell trajectories and extracted 3D mean square displacements (MSD), a measure of the volume explored by a cell in a given period of time. Their conclusion indicates that although brain cell movements are increased in the absence of BM during coalescence phases, overall OP cell movements occur within normal parameters and allow OPs to condense into compact neuronal clusters in sly mutants. The authors also analysed the dimensions of the clusters composed of OMP+ neurons. Their results show an increase in cluster size along the dorso-ventral axis. These results were to be expected since, compared with BM, early neurog1+ neurons should compact along the medio-lateral axis, and those that are OMP+ essentially along the dorso-ventral axis. In addition to the DV elongation of OP tissue, the authors show the existence of isolated and ectopic (misplaced) YFP+ cells in sly mutants.<br /> -To understand the origin of these phenotypes, the authors analysed the dynamic behaviour of brain cells and OPs during forebrain flexion. The authors then quantitatively measured brain versus OPs in the sly mutant and found that the OP-brain boundary was poorly defined in the sly mutant compared with the control. Once again, the methods (cell tracks, brain size, and proliferation/apoptosis, and the shape of the brain/OP boundary) are elegant but the results were expected.<br /> -They then analysed the dynamic behaviour of the axon using live imaging. Thus, olfactory axon migration is drastically impaired in sly mutants, demonstrating that Laminin γ1-dependent BMs are essential for the growth and navigation of axons from the OP to the olfactory bulb.<br /> -The authors therefore performed a quantitative analysis of the loss of function of Laminin γ1. They propose that the BM of the OP prevents its deformation in response to mechanical forces generated by morphogenetic movements of the neighbouring brain.
Weaknesses:<br /> - The authors did not analyse neurog1 + axonal migration at the level of the single cell and instead made a global analysis. An analysis at the cell level would strengthen their hypotheses.<br /> - Rescue experiments by locally inducing Laminin expression would have strengthened the paper.<br /> -The paper lacks clarity between the two neuronal populations described (early EONs and late OSNs).<br /> -The authors quantitatively measured brain versus OPs in the sly mutant and found that the OP-brain boundary was poorly defined in the sly mutant compared with the control. Once again, the methods (cell tracks, brain size, proliferation/apoptosis, and the shape of the brain/OP boundary) are elegant but the results were expected.<br /> - A missing point in the paper is the effect of Laminin γ1 on the migration of cranial NCCs that interact with OP cells. The authors could have analysed the dynamic distribution of neural crest cells in the sly mutant.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This manuscript addresses the role of the extracellular matrix in olfactory development. Despite the importance of these extracellular structures, the specific roles and activities of matrix molecules are still poorly understood. Here, the authors combine live imaging and genetics to examine the role of laminin gamma 1 in multiple steps of olfactory development. The work comprises a descriptive but carefully executed, quantitative assessment of the olfactory phenotypes resulting from loss of laminin gamma. Overall, this is a constructive advance in our understanding of extracellular matrix contributions to olfactory development, with a well-written Discussion with relevance to many other systems.
Strengths:<br /> The strengths of the manuscript are in the approaches: the authors have combined live imaging, careful quantitative analyses, and molecular genetics. The work presented takes advantage of many zebrafish tools including mutants and transgenics to directly visualize the laminin extracellular matrix in living embryos during the developmental process.
Weaknesses:<br /> The weaknesses are primarily in the presentation of some of the imaging data. In certain cases, it was not straightforward to evaluate the authors' interpretations and conclusions based on the single confocal sections included in the manuscript. For example, it was difficult to assess the authors' interpretation of when and how laminin openings arise around the olfactory placode and brain during olfactory axon guidance.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This is a beautifully presented paper combining live imaging and analysis of mutant phenotypes to elucidate the role of laminin γ1-dependent basement membranes in the development of the zebrafish olfactory placode. The work is clearly illustrated and carefully quantified throughout. There are some very interesting observations based on the analysis of wild-type, laminin γ1, and foxd3 mutant embryos. The authors demonstrate the importance of a Laminin γ1-dependent basement membrane in olfactory placode morphogenesis, and in establishing and maintaining both boundaries and neuronal connections between the brain and the olfactory system. There are some very interesting observations, including the identification of different mechanisms for axons to cross basement membranes, either by taking advantage of incompletely formed membranes at early stages, or by actively perforating the membrane at later ones.
This is a valuable and important study but remains quite descriptive. In some cases, hypotheses for mechanisms are stated but are not tested further. For example, the authors propose that olfactory axons must actively disrupt a basement membrane to enter the brain and suggest alternative putative mechanisms for this, but these are not tested experimentally. In addition, the authors propose that the basement membrane of the olfactory placode acts to resist mechanical forces generated by the morphogenetic movement of the developing brain, and thus to prevent passive deformation of the placode, but this is not tested anywhere, for example by preventing or altering the brain movements in the laminin γ1 mutant.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Most amino acids are stereoisomers in the L-enantiomer, but natural D-serine has also been detected in mammals and its levels shown to be connected to a number of different pathologies. Here, the authors convincingly show that D-serine is transported in the kidney by the neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2 and as a non-canonical substrate for the sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter SMCTs. Although both transport D-serine, this important study further shows in a mouse model for acute kidney injury that ASCT2 has the dominant role.
Strengths:<br /> The paper combines proteomics, animal models, ex vivo transport analyses, and in vitro transport assays using purified components. The exhaustive methods employed provide compelling evidence that both transporters can translocate D-serine in the kidney.
Weakness:<br /> In the model for acute kidney injury, the SMCTs proteins were not showing a significant change in expression levels and were rather analysed based on other, circumstantial evidence. Although its clear SMCTs can transport D-serine its physiological role is less obvious compared to ASCT2.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The manuscript "A multi-hierarchical approach reveals D-1 serine as a hidden substrate of sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporters" by Wiriyasermkul et al. is a resubmission of a manuscript, which focused first on the proteomic analysis of apical membrane isolated from mouse kidney with early Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury (IRI), a well-known acute kidney injury (AKI) model. In the second part, the transport of D-serine by Asct2, Smct1, and Smct2 has been characterized in detail in different model systems, such as transfected cells and proteoliposomes.
Strengths:<br /> A major problem with the first submission was the explanation of the link between the two parts of the manuscript: it was not very clear why the focus on Asct2, Smct1, and Smct2 was a consequence of the proteomic analysis. In the present version of the manuscript, the authors have focused on the expression of membrane transporters in the proteome analysis, thus making the reason for studying Asct2, Smct1, and Smct2 transporters more clear. In addition, the authors used 2D-HPLC to measure plasma and urinary enantiomers of 20 amino acids in plasma and urine samples from sham and Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury (IRI) mice. The results of this analysis demonstrated the value of D-serine as a potential marker of renal injury. These changes have greatly improved the manuscript and made it more convincing.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The main objective of this work has been to delve into the mechanisms underlying the increment of D-serine in serum, as a marker of renal injury.
Strengths:<br /> With a multi-hierarchical approach, the work shows that Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in the kidney causes a specific increment in renal reabsorption of D-serine that, at least in part, is due to the increased expression of the apical transporter ASCT2. In this way, the authors revealed that SMCT1 also transports D-serine.
The manuscript also supports that increased expression of ASCT2, even together with the parallel decreased expression of SMCT1, in renal proximal tubules underlies the increased reabsorption of D-serine responsible for the increment of this enantiomer in serum in a murine model of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury.
Weaknesses:<br /> Remains to be clarified whether ASCT2 has substantial stereospecificity in favor of D- versus L-serine to sustain a ~10-fold decrease in the ratio D-serine/L-serine in the urine of mice under Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury (IRI).<br /> It is not clear how the increment in the expression of ASCT2, in parallel with the decreased expression of SMCT1, results in increased renal reabsorption of D-serine in IRI.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary. The authors goal was to map the neural circuitry underlying cold sensitive contraction in Drosophila. The circuitry underlying most sensory modalities has been characterized but noxious cold sensory circuitry has not been well studied. The authors achieve their goal and map out sensory and post-sensory neurons involved in this behavior.
Strengths. The manuscript provides convincing evidence for sensory and post sensory neurons involved in noxious cold sensitive behavior. They use both connectivity data and functional data to identify these neurons. This work is a clear advance in our understanding of noxious cold behavior. The experiments are done with a high degree of experimental rigor.
Positive comments
-Campari is nicely done to map cold responsive neurons, although it doesn't give data on individual neurons.
-Chrimson and TNT experiments are nicely done.
-Cold temperature activates basin neurons, it's a solid and convincing result.
Weaknesses. Among the few weaknesses in this manuscript is the failure to trace the circuit from sensory neuron to motor neuron; and to ignore analysis of the muscles driving, cold induced contraction. Authors also need to elaborate more on the novel aspects of their work in the introduction or abstract.
Major comments.
-Class three sensory neuron connectivity is known, and role in cold response is known (turner 16, 18). Need to make it clearer what the novelty of the experiments are.
-Why focus on premotor neurons in mechano nociceptive pathways? Why not focus on PMNs innervating longitudinal muscles, likely involved in longitudinal larval contraction? Especially since chosen premotor neurons have only weak effects on cold induced contraction?
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Patel et al perform the analysis of neurons in a somatosensory network involved in responses to noxious cold in Drosophila larvae. Using a combination of behavioral experiments, Calcium imaging, optogenetics, and synaptic connectivity analysis in the Drosophila larval they assess the function of circuit elements in the somatosensory network downstream of multimodal somatosensory neurons involved in innocuous and noxious stimuli sensing and probe their function in noxious cold processing, Consistent with their previous findings they find the multidendritic class III neurons, to be the key cold sensing neurons that are both required and sufficient for the CT behaviors response (shown to evoked by noxious cold). They further investigate the downstream neurons identified based on literature and connectivity from EM at different stages of sensory processing characterize the different phenotypes upon activating/silencing those neurons and monitor their responses to noxious cold. The work reveals diverse phenotypes for the different neurons studied and provides the groundwork for understanding how information is processed in the nervous system from sensory input to motor output and how information from different modalities is processed by neuronal networks. However, at times the writing could be clearer and some results interpretations more rigorous.
Specific comments
1) In Figure 1 -supplement 6D-F (Cho co-activation)
The authors find that Ch neurons are cold sensitive and required for cold nociceptive behavior but do not facilitate behavioral responses induced but CIII neurons
The authors show that coactivating mdIII and cho inhibits the CT (a typically observed cold-induced behavioral response) in the second part of the stimulation period, while Cho was required for cold-induced CT. Different levels of activation of md III and Cho (different light intensities) could bring some insights into the observed phenotypes upon Cho manipulation as different levels activate different downstream networks that could correspond to different stimuli. Also, it would be interesting to activate chordotonal during exposure to cold to determine how a behavioral response to cold is affected by the activation of chordotonal sensory neurons.
2) Throughout the paper the co-activation experiments investigate whether co-activating the different candidate neurons and md III neurons facilitates the md III-induced CT response. However, the cold noxious stimuli will presumably activate different neurons downstream than optogenetic activation of MdIII and thus can reveal more accurately the role of the different candidate neurons in facilitating cold nociception.
3) Use of blue lights in behavioral and imaging experiments
Strong Blue and UV have been shown to activate MDIV neurons (Xiang, Y., Yuan, Q., Vogt, N. et al. Light-avoidance-mediating photoreceptors tile the Drosophila larval body wall. Nature 468, 921-926 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature09576) and some of the neurons tested receive input from MdIV. In their experiments, the authors used blue light to optogenetically activate CDIII neurons and then monitored Calcium responses in Basin neurons, premotor neurons, and ascending neurons and UV light is necessary for photoconversion in Campari Experiments. Therefore, some of the neurons monitored could be activated by blue light and not cdIII activation. Indeed, responses of Basin-4 neurons can be observed in the no ATR condition (Fig 3HI) and quite strong responses of DnB neurons. (Figure 6E) How do authors discern that the effects they see on the different neurons are indeed due to cold nociception and not the synergy of cold and blue light responses could especially be the case for DNB that could have in facilitating the response to cold in a multisensory context (where mdIV are activated by light). In addition, the silencing of DNB neurons during cold stimulation does not seem to give very robust phenotypes (no significant CT decrease compared to empty GAL4 control).
It would be important to for example show that even in the absence of blue light the DNB facilitates the mdIII activation or cold-induced CT by using red light and Chrimson for example or TrpA activation (for coactivation with md III)
Alternatively, in some other cases, the phenotype upon co-activation could be inhibited by blue light (e.g. chair-1 (Figure 5 H-I))
More generally, given the multimodal nature of stimuli activating mdIV , MdIII (and Cho) and their shared downstream circuitry it is important to either control for using the blue light in these stimuli or take into account the presence of the stimulus in interpreting the results as the coactivation of for example Cho and mdIII using blue lights also could activate mdIV (and downstream neurons, alter the state of the network that could inhibit the md III induced CT responses
Assessing the differences in behavioral phenotypes in the different conditions could give an idea of the influence of combining different modalities in these assays. For example, did the authors observe any other behaviors upon co-activation of MDIII and Cho (at the expense of CT in the second part of the stimulation) or did the larvae resume crawling? Blue light typically induces reorientation behavior. What about when co-activating mdIII and Basin-4?
Using Chrimson and red light or TrpA in some key experiments e.g. with Cho, Basin-4, and DNB would clarify the implication of these neurons in cold nociception
4) Basins<br /> - Page 17 line 442-3 "Neural silencing of all Basin (1-4) neurons, using two independent driver lines (R72F11GAL4 and R57F07GAL4)<br /> Did the authors check the expression profile of the R57F07 line that they use to probe "all basins"? The expression profile published previously (Ohyama et al, 2015, extended data) shows one basin neuron (identified as basin-4 ) and some neurons in the brain lobes. Also, the split GAL4 that labels Basin-4 (SS00740) is the intersection between R72F11 and R57F07 neurons. Thus the R57F07 likely labels Basin-4 and if that is the case the data in Figure 2 9 and supplement) and Figure 3 related to this driver line, should be annotated as Basin-4, and the results and their interpretation modified to take into account the different phenotypes for all basins and Basin-4 neurons
Page 19 l. 521-525 I am confused by these sentences as the authors claim that Basin-4 showed reduced Calcium responses upon repetitive activation of CDIII md neurons but then they say they exhibit sensitization. Looking at the plots in FIG 3 F-I the Basin-4 responses upon repeated activation seem indeed to decrease on the second repetition compared to the first. What is the sensitization the authors refer to?
On Page 47-In this section of the discussion, the authors emit an interesting hypothesis that the Basin-1 neuron could modulate the gain of behavioral responses. While this is an interesting idea, I wonder what would be the explanation for the finding that co-activation of Cho and MDIII does not facilitate cold nociceptive responses. Would activation of Basin-1 facilitate the cold response in different contexts (in addition to CH0-mediated stimuli?
Page 48 Thus the implication of the inhibitory network in cold processing should be better contextualized
The authors explain the difference in the lower basin-2 Ca- response to Cold/ mdIII activation (compared to Basin-4) despite stronger connectivity, due a stronger inputs from inhibitory neurons to Basin-2 (compared to Basin-4). The previously described inhibitory neurons that synapse onto Basin-2 receive rather a small fraction of inputs from the class III sensory neurons. The differences in response to cold could be potentially assigned to the activation of the inhibitory neurons by the cold-sensing cho- neurons. However, that cannot explain the differences in responses induced by class III neurons. Do the authors refer to additional inhibitory neurons that would receive significant input from MdIII?
Alternative explanations could exist for this difference in activation: electrical synapses from mdII I onto Basin-4, and by stronger inputs from mdIV (compared to Basin-2 in the case of responses to Cold stimulus (Cold induces responses in md IV sensory neurons). Different subtypes of CD III may differentially respond to cold and the cold-sensing ones could synapse preferentially on basin-4 etc.
5) A00c<br /> Page 26 Figure 4F-I line While Goro may not be involved in cold nociception the A00c (and A05q) seems to be.<br /> A00c could convey information to other neurons other than Goro and thus be part of a pathway for cold-induced CT.
6) Page 31 766-768 the conclusion that "premotor function is required for and can facilitate cold nociception" seems odd to stress as one would assume that some premotor neurons would be involved in controlling the behavioral responses to a stimulus. It would be more pertinent in the summary to specify which premotor neurons are involved and what is their function
7) There are several Split GAL4 used in the study (with transgenes inserted in attP40 et attP2 site). A recent study points to a mutation related toattP40 that can have an effect on muscle function: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9750024/. The controls used in behavioral experiments do not contain the attP40 site. It would be important to check a control genotype bearing an attP40 site and characterize the different parameters of the CT behavior to cold and take this into account in interpreting the results of the experiments using the Split-GAL4 lines
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors follow up on prior studies where they have argued for the existence of cold nociception in Drosophila larvae. In the proposed pathway, mechanosensitive Class III multidendritic neurons are the noxious cold responding sensory cells. The current study attempts to explore the potential roles of second and third order neurons, based on information of the Class III neuron synaptic outputs that have been obtained from the larval connectome.
The major strength of the manuscript is the detailed discussion of the second and third order neurons that are downstream of the mechanosensory Class III multidendritic neurons. These will be useful in further studies of gentle touch mechanosensation and mechanonociception both of which rely on sensory input from these cells. Calcium imaging experiments on Class III activation with optogenetics support the wiring diagram.
The scientific premise is that a full body contraction in larvae that are exposed to noxious cold is a sensorimotor behavioral pathway. This premise is, to start with, questionable. A common definition of behavior is a set of "orderly movements with recognizable and repeatable patterns of activity produced by members of a species (Baker et al., 2001)." In the case of nociception behaviors, the patterns of movement are typically thought to play a protective role and to protect from potential tissue damage.
Does noxious cold elicit a set of orderly movements with a recognizable and repeatable pattern in larvae? Can the patterns of movement that are stimulated by noxious cold allow the larvae to escape harm? Based on the available evidence, the answer to both questions is seemingly no. In response to noxious cold stimulation many, if not all, of the muscles in the larva, simultaneously contract (Turner et al., 2016), and as a result the larva becomes stationary. In response to cold, the larva is literally "frozen" in place and it is incapable of moving away. This incapacitation by cold is the antithesis of what one might expect from a behavior that protects the animals from harm.
Extensive literature has investigated the physiological responses of insects to cold (reviewed in Overgaard and MacMillan, 2017). In numerous studies of insects across many genera (excluding cold adapted insects such as snow flies), exposure to very cold temperatures quickly incapacitates the animal and induces a state that is known as a chill coma. During a chill coma, the insect becomes immobilized by the cold exposure, but if the exposure to cold is very brief the insect can often be revived without apparent damage. Indeed, it is common practice for many laboratories that use adult Drosophila for studies of behavior to use a brief chilling on ice as a form of anesthesia because chilling is less disruptive to subsequent behaviors than the more commonly used carbon dioxide anesthesia. If flies were to perceive cold as a noxious nociceptive stimulus, then this "chill coma" procedure would likely be disruptive to behavioral studies but is not. Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that larval sensation of "noxious cold" is aversive.
The insect chill coma literature has investigated the effects of extreme cold on the physiology of nerves and muscles and the consensus view of the field is that the paralysis that results from cold is due to complex and combined action of direct effects of cold on muscle and on nerves (Overgaard and MacMillan, 2017). Electrophysiological measurements of muscles and neurons find that they are initially depolarized by cold, and after prolonged cold exposure they are unable to maintain potassium homeostasis and this eventually inhibits the firing of action potentials (Overgaard and MacMillan, 2017). The very small thermal capacitance of a Drosophila larva means that its entire neuromuscular system will be quickly exposed to the effect of cold in the behavioral assays under consideration here. It would seem impossible to disentangle the emergent properties of a complex combination of effects on physiology (including neuronal, glial, and muscle homeostasis) on any proposed sensorimotor transformation pathway.
Nevertheless, the manuscript before us makes a courageous attempt at attempting this. A number of GAL4 drivers tested in the paper are found to affect parameters of contraction behavior (CT) in cold exposed larvae in silencing experiments. However, notably absent from all of the silencing experiments are measurements of larval mobility following cold exposure. Thus, it is not known from the study if these manipulations are truly protecting the larvae from paralysis following cold exposure, or if they are simply reducing the magnitude of the initial muscle contraction that occurs immediately following cold (ie reducing CT). The strongest effect of silencing occurs with the 19-12-GAL4 driver which targets Class III neurons (but is not completely specific to these cells).
Optogenetic experiments for Class III neurons relying on the 19-12-GAL4 driver combined with a very strong optogenetic acuator (ChETA) show the CT behavior that was reported in prior studies. It should be noted that this actuator drives very strong activation, and other studies with milder optogenetic stimulation of Class III neurons have shown that these cells produce behavioral responses that resemble gentle touch responses (Tsubouchi et al 2012 and Yan et al 2013). As well, these neurons express mechanoreceptor ion channels such as NompC and Rpk that are required for gentle touch responses. The latter makes the reported Calcium responses to cold difficult to interpret in light of the fact that the strong muscle contractions driven by cold may actually be driving mechanosensory responses in these cells (ie through deformation of the mechanosensitive dendrites). Are the cIII calcium signals still observed in a preparation where cold induced muscle contractions are prevented?
A major weakness of the study is that none of the second or third order neurons (that are downstream of CIII neurons) are found to trigger the CT behavioral responses even when strongly activated with the ChETA actuator (Figure 2 Supplement 2). These findings raise major concerns for this and prior studies and it does not support the hypothesis that the CIII neurons drive the CT behaviors.
Later experiments in the paper that investigate strong CIII activation (with ChETA) in combination with other second and third order neurons does support the idea activating those neurons can facilitate body-wide muscle contractions. But many of the co-activated cells in question are either repeated in each abdominal neuromere or they project to cells that are found all along the ventral nerve cord, so it is therefore unsurprising that their activation would contribute to what appears to be a non-specific body-wide activation of muscles along the AP axis. Also, if these neurons are already downstream of the CIII neurons the logic of this co-activation approach is not particularly clear. A more convincing experiment would be to silence the different classes of cells in the context of the optogenetic activation of CIII neurons to test for a block of the effects, a set of experiments that is notably absent from the study.
The authors argument that the co-activation studies support "a population code" for cold nociception is a very optimistic interpretation of a brute force optogenetics approach that ultimately results in an enhancement of a relatively non-specific body-wide muscle convulsion.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Rai1 encodes the transcription factor retinoic acid-induced 1 (RAI1), which regulates expression of factors involved in neuronal development and synaptic transmission. Rai1 haploinsufficiency leads to the monogenic disorder Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS), which is associated with excessive feeding, obesity and intellectual disability. Consistent with findings in human subjects, Rai1+/- mice and mice with conditional deletion of Rai1 in Sim+ neurons, which are abundant in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), exhibit hyperphagia, obesity and increased adiposity. Furthermore, RAI1-deficient mice exhibit reduced expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a satiety factor essential for the central control of energy balance. Notably, overexpression of BDNF in PVN of RAI1-deficient mice mitigated their obesity, implicating this neurotrophin in the metabolic dysfunction these animals exhibit. In this follow up study, Javed et al. interrogated the necessity of RAI1 in BDNF+ neurons promoting metabolic health.
Consistent with previous reports, the authors observed reduced BDNF expression in hypothalamus of Rai1+/- mice. Moreover, proteomics analysis indicated impairment in neurotrophin signaling in the mutants. Selective deletion of Rai1 in BDNF+ neurons in the brain during development resulted in increased body weight, fat mass and reduced locomotor activity and energy expenditure without changes in food intake. There was also a robust effect on glycemic control, with mutants exhibiting glucose intolerance. Selective depletion of RAI1 in BDNF+ neurons in PVN in adult mice also resulted in increased body weight, reduced locomotor activity and glucose intolerance without affecting food intake. Blunting RAI1 activity also leads to increases and decreases the inhibitory tone and intrinsic excitability, respectively, of BDNF+ neurons in the PVN.
Overall, the experiments are well designed and multidisciplinary approaches are employed to demonstrate that RAI1 deficits in BDNF+ neurons diminish hypothalamic BDNF signaling and produce metabolic dysfunction. The most significant advance relative to previous reports is the finding from electrophysiological studies showing that blunting RAI1 activity leads to increases and decreases the inhibitory tone and intrinsic excitability, respectively, of BDNF+ neurons in the PVN. Furthermore, that intact RAI1 function is required in BDNF+ neurons for the regulation of glucose homeostasis.
Depleting RAI1 in BDNF+ neurons had a robust effect compromising glycemic control while playing a lesser part driving deficits in energy balance regulation. Accordingly, both global central depletion of Rai1 in BDNF+ neurons during development and deletion of Rai1 in BDNF+ neurons in the adult PVN elicited modest effects on body weight (less than 18% increase) and did not affect food intake. This contrasts with mice with selective Bdnf deletion in the adult PVN, which are hyperphagic and dramatically obese (90% heavier than controls). Therefore, the results suggest that deficits in RAI1 in PVN or the whole brain only moderately affect BDNF actions influencing energy homeostasis and that other signaling cascades and neuronal populations play a more prominent role driving the phenotypes observed in Rai1+/- mice, which are hyperphagic and 95% heavier than controls. The results from the proteomic analysis of hypothalamic tissue of Rai1 mutant mice and controls could be useful in generating alternative hypotheses.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The paper by Majeed et al has a valuable and worthwhile aim: to provide a set of tools to standardize the quantification of synapses using fluorescent markers in the nematode C. elegans. Using current approaches, the identification of synapses using fluorescent markers is tedious and subject to significant inter-experimenter variability. Majeed et al successfully developed and validated a computational pipeline called "WormPsyQi" that overcomes some of these obstacles and will be a powerful resource for many C. elegans neurobiologists.
The computational pipeline is rigorously validated and shown to accurately quantitate fluorescent puncta, at least as well as human experimenters. The inclusion of a mask - a region of interest defined by a cytoplasmic marker - is a powerful and useful approach. Users can take advantage of one of four pre-trained neural networks, or train their own. The software is freely available and appears to be user-friendly. A series of rigorous experiments demonstrate the utility of the pipeline for measuring differences in the number of synaptic puncta between sexes and across developmental stages. Neuron-to-neuron heterogeneity in patterns of synaptic growth during development is convincingly demonstrated. Weaknesses and caveats are realistically discussed.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This paper nicely introduces WormPsyQi, an imaging analysis pipeline that effectively quantifies synaptically localized fluorescent signals in C. elegans through high-throughput automation. This toolkit is particularly valuable for the analysis of densely packed regions in 3D space, such as the nerve ring. The authors applied WormPsyQi to various aspects, including the examination of sexually dimorphic synaptic connectivity, presynaptic markers in eight head neurons, five GRASP reporters, electrical synapses, the enteric nervous system, and developmental synapse comparisons. Furthermore, they validated WormPsyQi's accuracy by comparing its results to manual analysis.
Overall, the experiments are well done, and their toolkit demonstrates significant potential and offers a valuable resource to the C. elegans community. This will expand the range of possibilities for studying synapses in the central nervous system in C. elegans.
1. The authors effectively validated sexually dimorphic synaptic connectivity by comparing the synapse puncta numbers of PHB>AVA, PHA>AVG, PHB>AVG, and ADL>AVA. However, these differences appear to be quite robust. Knowing how well WormPsyQi can detect more subtle changes at the synapses, such as 10-20% changes in puncta number and fluorescence intensity, will require further study.
2. The authors mentioned that having a cytoplasmic reporter in the background of the synaptic reporter enhanced performance. However, comparative results with and without cytoplasmic reporters, particularly for scenarios involving dim signals or densely distributed signals, are not provided, making it difficult to rigorously assess the importance of this step.
3. In some cases, the authors note discrepancies between WormPsyQi and human quantification. While they provide some potential explanations for these, the areas of discrepancy are not always highlighted in the images. This may make it difficult for users to know which types of signals are or are not well-suited for analysis by WormPsyQi.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, the authors present a new automated image analysis pipeline named WormPsyQi which allows researchers to quantify various parameters of synapses in C. elegans. Using a collection of newly generated transgenic strains in which synaptic proteins are tagged with fluorescent proteins, the authors showed that WormPsyQi can reliably detect puncta of synaptic proteins, and measure several parameters, including puncta number, location, and size.
The image analysis of fluorescently-labeled synaptic (or other types of) puncta pattern requires extensive experience such that one can tell which puncta likely represent bona fide synapse or background noise. The authors showed that WormPsyQi nicely reproduced the quantifications done manually for most of the marker strains they tested. Many researchers conducting such types of quantifications would receive significant benefits in saving their time by utilizing the pipeline developed by the authors. The collections of new markers would also help researchers examine synapse patterning in different neuron types which may have a unique mechanism in synapse assembly and specificity.
As the authors note, the limitations that the use of fluorescently-tagged proteins expressed from the concatemeric transgenes directly apply to WormPsyQi. While I appreciate that WormPsyQi could help researchers in doing repetitive, time-consuming tedious quantifications, it remains unclear whether there are particular kinds of quantifications that WormPsyQi handles better than human experimenters.
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Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This paper presents novel and innovative force measurements of the biophysics of gliding cyanobacteria filaments. These measurements allow for estimates of the resistive force between the cell and substrate and provide potential insight into the motility mechanism of these cells, which remains unknown.
The authors used well-designed microfabricated devices to measure the bending modulus of these cells and to determine the critical length at which the cells buckle. I especially appreciated the way the authors constructed an array of pillars and used it to do 3-point bending measurements and the arrangement the authors used to direct cells into a V-shaped corner in order to examine at what length the cells buckled at. By examining the gliding speed of the cells before buckling events, the authors were able to determine how strongly the buckling length depends on the gliding speed, which could be an indicator of how the force exerted by the cells depends on cell length; however, the authors did not comment on this directly.
There were two minor weaknesses in the paper.
First, the authors investigate the buckling of these gliding cells using an Euler beam model. A similar mathematical analysis was used to estimate the bending modulus and gliding force for Myxobacteria (C.W. Wolgemuth, Biophys. J. 89: 945-950 (2005)). A similar mathematical model was also examined in G. De Canio, E. Lauga, and R.E Goldstein, J. Roy. Soc. Interface, 14: 20170491 (2017). The authors should have cited these previous works and pointed out any differences between what they did and what was done before.
The second weakness is that the authors claim that their results favor a focal adhesion-based mechanism for cyanobacterial gliding motility. This is based on their result that friction and adhesion forces correlate strongly. They then conjecture that this is due to more intimate contact with the surface, with more contacts producing more force and pulling the filaments closer to the substrate, which produces more friction. They then claim that a slime-extrusion mechanism would necessarily involve more force and lower friction. Is it necessarily true that this latter statement is correct? (I admit that it could be, but is it a requirement?)
Related to this, the authors use a model with isotropic friction. They claim that this is justified because they are able to fit the cell shapes well with this assumption. How would assuming a non-isotropic drag coefficient affect the shapes? It may be that it does equally well, in which case, the quality of the fits would not be informative about whether or not the drag was isotropic or not.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The paper "Quantifying gliding forces of filamentous cyanobacteria by self-buckling" combines experiments on freely gliding cyanobacteria, buckling experiments using two-dimensional V-shaped corners, and micropipette force measurements with theoretical models to study gliding forces in these organisms. The aim is to quantify these forces and use the results to perhaps discriminate between competing mechanisms by which these cells move. A large data set of possible collision events are analyzed, bucking events evaluated, and critical buckling lengths estimated. A line elasticity model is used to analyze the onset of buckling and estimate the effective (viscous type) friction/drag that controls the dynamics of the rotation that ensues post-buckling. This value of the friction/drag is compared to a second estimate obtained by consideration of the active forces and speeds in freely gliding filaments. The authors find that these two independent estimates of friction/drag correlate with each other and are comparable in magnitude. The experiments are conducted carefully, the device fabrication is novel, the data set is interesting, and the analysis is solid. The authors conclude that the experiments are consistent with the propulsion being generated by adhesion forces rather than slime extrusion. While consistent with the data, this conclusion is inferred.
The paper addresses important questions on the mechanisms driving the gliding motility of filamentous cyanobacteria. The authors aim to understand these by estimating the elastic properties of the filaments, and by comparing the resistance to gliding under a) freely gliding conditions, and b) in post-buckled rotational states. Experiments are used to estimate the propulsion force density on freely gliding filaments (assuming over-damped conditions). Experiments are combined with a theoretical model based on Euler beam theory to extract friction (viscous) coefficients for filaments that buckle and begin to rotate about the pinned end. The main results are estimates for the bending stiffness of the bacteria, the propulsive tangential force density, the buckling threshold in terms of the length, and estimates of the resistive friction (viscous drag) providing the dissipation in the system and balancing the active force. It is found that experiments on the two bacterial species yield nearly identical values of 𝑓 (albeit with rather large variations). The authors conclude that the experiments are consistent with the propulsion being generated by adhesion forces rather than slime extrusion.
Strengths of the paper:
The strengths of the paper lie in the novel experimental setup and measurements that allow for the estimation of the propulsive force density, critical buckling length, and effective viscous drag forces for movement of the filament along its contour - the axial (parallel) drag coefficient, and the normal (perpendicular) drag coefficient (I assume this is the case, since the post-buckling analysis assumes the bent filament rotates at a constant frequency). These direct measurements are important for serious analysis and discrimination between motility mechanisms.
There are aspects of the analysis and discussion that may be improved. I suggest that the authors take the following comments into consideration while revising their manuscript.
The conclusion that adhesion via focal adhesions is the cause for propulsion rather than slime protrusion is consistent with the experimental results that the frictional drag correlates with propulsion force. At the same time, it is hard to rule out other factors that may result in this (friction) viscous drag - (active) force relationship while still being consistent with slime production. More detailed analysis aiming to discriminate between adhesion vs slime protrusion may be outside the scope of the study, but the authors may still want to elaborate on their inference. It would help if there was a detailed discussion on the differences in terms of the active force term for the focal adhesion-based motility vs the slime motility.
Can the authors comment on possible mechanisms (perhaps from the literature) that indicate how isotropic friction may be generated in settings where focal adhesions drive motility? A key aspect here would probably be estimating the extent of this adhesion patch and comparing it to a characteristic contact area. Can lubrication theory be used to estimate characteristic areas of contact (knowing the radius of the filament, and assuming a height above the substrate)? If the focal adhesions typically cover areas smaller than this lubrication area, it may suggest the possibility that bacteria essentially present a flat surface insofar as adhesion is concerned, leading to a transversely isotropic response in terms of the drag. Of course, we will still require the effective propulsive force to act along the tangent.
I am not sure why the authors mention that the power of the gliding apparatus is not rate-limiting. The only way to verify this would be to put these in highly viscous fluids where the drag of the external fluid comes into the picture as well (if focal adhesions are on the substrate-facing side, and the upper side is subject to ambient fluid drag). Also, the friction referred to here has the form of a viscous drag (no memory effect, and thus not viscoelastic or gel-like), and it is not clear if forces generated by adhesion involve other forms of drag such as chemical friction via temporary bonds forming and breaking. In quasi-static settings and under certain conditions such as the separation of chemical and elastic time scales, bond friction may yield overall force proportional to local sliding velocities.
For readers from a non-fluids background, some additional discussion of the drag forces, and the forms of friction would help. For a freely gliding filament if 𝑓 is the force density (per unit length), then steady gliding with a viscous frictional drag would suggest (as mentioned in the paper) 𝑓 ∼ 𝑣! 𝐿 𝜂∥. The critical buckling length is then dependent on 𝑓 and on 𝐵 the bending modulus. Here the effective drag is defined per length. I can see from this that if the active force is fixed, and the viscous component resulting from the frictional mechanism is fixed, the critical buckling length will not depend on the velocity (unless I am missing something in their argument), since the velocity is not a primitive variable, and is itself an emergent quantity.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In the presented manuscript, the authors first use structured microfluidic devices with gliding filamentous cyanobacteria inside in combination with micropipette force measurements to measure the bending rigidity of the filaments.
Next, they use triangular structures to trap the bacteria with the front against an obstacle. Depending on the length and rigidity, the filaments buckle under the propulsive force of the cells. The authors use theoretical expressions for the buckling threshold to infer propulsive force, given the measured length and stiffnesses. They find nearly identical values for both species, 𝑓 ∼ (1.0 {plus minus} 0.6) nN∕µm, nearly independent of the velocity.
Finally, they measure the shape of the filament dynamically to infer friction coefficients via Kirchhoff theory. This last part seems a bit inconsistent with the previous inference of propulsive force. Before, they assumed the same propulsive force for all bacteria and showed only a very weak correlation between buckling and propulsive velocity. In this section, they report a strong correlation with velocity, and report propulsive forces that vary over two orders of magnitude. I might be misunderstanding something, but I think this discrepancy should have been discussed or explained.
From a theoretical perspective, not many new results are presented. The authors repeat the well-known calculation for filaments buckling under propulsive load and arrive at the literature result of buckling when the dimensionless number (f L^3/B) is larger than 30.6 as previously derived by Sekimoto et al in 1995 [1] (see [2] for a clamped boundary condition and simulations). Other theoretical predictions for pushed semi-flexible filaments [1-4] are not discussed or compared with the experiments.<br /> Finally, the Authors use molecular dynamics type simulations similar to [2-4] to reproduce the buckling dynamics from the experiments. Unfortunately, no systematic comparison is performed.
[1] K. Sekimoto, N. Mori, K. Tawada and Y. Toyoshima, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1995, 75, 172-175<br /> [2] R. Chelakkot, A. Gopinath, L. Mahadevan and M. F. Hagan, J. R. Soc., Interface, 2014, 11, 20130884.<br /> [3] R. E. Isele-Holder, J. Elgeti and G. Gompper, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 7181-7190.<br /> [4] R. E. Isele-Holder, J. Jager, G. Saggiorato, J. Elgeti and G. Gompper, Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 8495
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors have made a novel and important effort to distinguish and include different sources of active deformations for fitting C elegans embryo development: cyclic muscle contractions and actomyosion circumferential stresses. The combination and synchronisation of both contributions are, according to the model, responsible for different elongation rates, and can induce bending and torsion deformations, which are a priori not expected from purely contractile forces. The model can be applied to other growth processes in initially cylindrical shapes.
Strengths:<br /> The model allows us to fit and deduce specific growth patterns, frequencies, and locations of contractions that yield the observed axial elongation during the 240 min of the studied process.
The deformation gradient is decomposed according to muscle and actomyosin activity, which can be distinguished and quantified. An energy-transferring process allows for the retrieval of the necessary permanent deformations that embryo development requires.
Weaknesses:<br /> Despite the completeness of the model, the explanation of the methodology needs to be improved. Parameters and quantities are not always explained in the main text and are introduced on some occasions in an ordered manner. This makes the comprehension and deduction of methodology difficult. There are some minor comments that are listed below. The most important points are:
-How are the authors sure that there is a torsional deformation? Without tracking the muscle fibers, bending with respect to different angles for different Zs may yield a shape similar to the one in Figure 6E. Furthermore, it is unclear why the model yields torsion deformation. If material points of actomyosin rings do not change in reference configuration, no helicoidal growth should be happening.
-The triple decomposition F=F_e*G_i*G_0 seems to complicate the expressions of growth and requires the use of angles alpha and beta due to the initial deformation G_0. Why not use a simpler decomposition F=F_e*G, where G contains all contributions from actomyosin and muscle contractions in a material frame? This would avoid considering angles alpha and beta.
The section "Energy transformation and Elongation" is unclear. Indeed, stresses need to relax, otherwise, the removal of muscle and actin activity would send the embryo back to its initial state. However, the rationale behind the energy transfer is not explained. Authors seem to impose W_c=W_r, and from this deduce the necessary actin contraction after muscle relaxation. Why should energy be maintained when muscle relaxes? Which mechanism physically imposes this energy transfer? Muscle contraction could indeed induce elongation if traction forces at the opposite side of the contracting muscle relax. In fact, an alternative approach for obtaining stress relaxation and axial elongation would be converting part of the elastic deformation F_e to a permanent deformation F_p.
-Self contact is ignored. This may well be a shape generator and responsible for bending deformations. The convoluted shape of the embryo in the confined space deserves at least commenting on this limitation of the model.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> During C. elegans development, embryos undergo elongation of their body axis in the absence of cell proliferation or growth. This process relies in an essential way on periodic contractions of two pairs of muscles that extend along the embryo's main axis. How contraction can lead to extension along the same direction is unknown.
To address this question, the authors use a continuum description of a multicomponent elastic solid. The various components are the interior of the animal, the muscles, and the epidermis. The different components form separate compartments and are described as hyperelastic solids with different shear moduli. For simplicity, a cylindrical geometry is adopted. The authors consider first the early elongation phase, which is driven by contraction of the epidermis, and then late elongation, where contraction of the muscles injects elastic energy into the system, which is then released by elongation. The authors get elongation that can be successfully fitted to the elongation dynamics of wild-type worms and two mutant strains.
Strengths:<br /> The work proposes a physical mechanism underlying a puzzling biological phenomenon. The framework developed by the authors could be used to explain phenomena in other organisms and could be exploited in the design of soft robots.
Weaknesses:<br /> 1) This reviewer considers that the quality of the writing is poor. Because of this the main result of this work, how elongation is achieved by contraction, remains unclear to me. In the opinion of this reviewer, the work is not accessible to a biologist. This is a real pity because the findings are potentially of great interest to developmental biologists and engineers alike.
2) The authors assume that the embryo is elastic throughout all stages of development. Is this assumption appropriate? In my opinion, the authors need to critically discuss this assumption and provide justification. Would this still be true for the adult? If so could the adult relax back to the state prior to elongation? The embryo should be able to do that, if the contractility of the epidermis were sufficiently reduced, right?
3) The authors impose strains rather than stress. Since they want to understand the final deformation, I find this surprising. Maybe imposing strain or stress is equivalent, but then you should discuss this.
4) Does your mechanism need 4 muscle strands or would 2 be sufficient?
5) It is sometimes hard to understand, whether the authors are talking about the model or the worm.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This work continues a series of recent publications from the Grigorieff lab (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.25648, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.68946, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.79272, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2301852120) showcasing the development of high-resolution 2D template matching (2DTM) for detection and reconstruction of macromolecules in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) images of crowded cellular environments. It is well known in the field of cryo-EM that searching noisy images with a template can result in retrieval of the template itself when averaging the candidate particles detected, an effect known as "Einstein-from-noise" (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1314449110). Briefly, this occurs because it is statistically likely to find a match to an arbitrary motif over a large noisy dataset just by chance. The effect can be mitigated for example by limiting the resolution of the template, but this prevents the accurate detection of macromolecules in a crowded environment, as their "fingerprint" lies in the high-resolution range (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.25648). Here, the authors show through several experiments on in vitro and in situ data that features as small as drug compounds and water molecules can be reliably retrieved by 2DTM if they are searched by a template (the "bait") that contains expected neighboring features but not the targets themselves.
The ideas are generally clearly presented with appropriate references to related work, and claims are well supported by the data. In particular, the experiments for verifying the density of the ribosomal protein L7A as well as the systematic removal of residuals from the template model to assess bias are particularly clever.
The revised version of the manuscript addresses essentially all of the concerns raised previously by this reviewer, with the addition of figures and extended discussion of the key concepts.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This paper by Lucas et al follows on from earlier work by the same group. They use high-resolution 2D template matching (2DTM) to find particles of a given target structure in 2D cryo-EM images, either of in vitro single-particle samples or of more complicated samples, such as FIB-milled cells (which would otherwise perhaps be used for 3D electron tomography). One major concern for high-resolution template matching has been the amount of model bias that gets introduced into a reconstruction that is calculated straight from the orientations and positions identified by the projection matching algorithm. This paper assesses the amount of model bias that gets introduced in high-resolution features of such maps.
For a high-signal-to-noise in vitro single-particle cryo-EM data set, the authors show that their approach does not yield much model bias. This is probably not very surprising, as their method is basically a low false-positive particle picker, which works very well on such data. Still, I guess that is the whole point of it, and it is good to see that they can reconstruct density for a small-molecule compound that was not present in the original template.
For FIB-milled lamella of yeast cells with stalled ribosomes, the SNR is much lower and the dangers of model bias will be higher. This is also evidenced by the observation that further refinement of initial 2DTM identified orientations and positions worsens the map. This is obviously a more relevant SNR regime to assess their method. Still, they show convincing density for the GHX compound that was not present in the template, but was there in the reconstruction from the identified particles.
Quantification of the amount of model bias is then performed using omit maps, where every 20th residue in removed from the template and corresponding reconstructions are compared (for those residues) with the full-template reconstructions. As expected, model bias increases with lower thresholds for the picking. Some model bias (Omega=8%) remains even for very high thresholds. The authors state this may be due to overfitting of noise when template-matching true particles, instead of introducing false positive. Probably, that still represents some sort of problem. Especially because the authors then go on to show that their expectations of number of false positives do not always match the correct number of false positive, probably due to inaccuracies in the noise model for more complicated images, this may warrant further in-depth discussion in a revised manuscript.
Overall, I think this paper is well written and it has made me think differently (again) about the 2DTM technique and its usefulness in various applications, as outlined in the Discussion. Therefore, it will be a constructive contribution to the field.
After the first round of review, the authors addressed most points raised in a satisfying manner, which has led to a further (relatively minor) improvement of the manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The authors evaluate the effect of high-resolution 2D template matching on template bias in reconstructions and provide a quantitative metric for overfitting. It is an interesting manuscript that made me reevaluate and correct some mistakes in my understanding of overfitting and template bias, and I'm sure it will be of great use to others in the field.
The revised version of this manuscript addresses all of my concerns. The newly added Figure 4 supplement 1 provides a sobering outlook for the fraction of the proteome we can hope to identify in situ.
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Joint Public Review:
In this paper, the authors point out that the standard approach of estimating LD is inefficient for datasets with large numbers of SNPs, with a computational cost of O(nm^2), where n is the number of individuals and m is the number of SNPs. Using the known relationship between the LD matrix and the genomic-relatedness matrix, they can calculate the mean level of LD within the genome or across genomic segments with a computational cost of O(n^2m). Since in most datasets, n<<br /> Strengths:
Generally, for computational papers like this, the proof is in the pudding, and the authors have been successful at their aim of producing an efficient computational tool. The most compelling evidence of this in the paper are Figure 2 and Supplementary Figure S2. In Figure 2, they report how well their X-LD estimates of LD compare to estimates based on the standard approach using PLINK. They appear to have very good agreement. In Figure S2, they report the computational runtime of X-LD vs PLINK, and as expected X-LD is faster than PLINK as long as it is evaluating LD for more than 8000 SNPs.
This method seems to be limited to calculating average levels of LD in broad regions of the genome. While it would be possible to make the regions more fine-grained, doing so appears to make this approach much less efficient. As such, applications of this method may be limited to those proposed in the paper, for questions where average LD of large chromosomal segments is informative.
This approach seems to produce real gains for settings where broad average levels of LD are useful to know, but it will likely have less of an impact in settings where fine-grained levels are LD are necessary (e.g., accounting for LD in GWAS summary statistics).
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The manuscript by Hariani et al. presents experiments designed to improve our understanding of the connectivity and computational role of Unipolar Brush Cells (UBCs) within the cerebellar cortex, primarily lobes IX and X. The authors develop and cross several genetic lines of mice that express distinct fluorophores in subsets of UBCs, combined with immunocytochemistry that also distinguishes subtypes of UBCs, and they use confocal microscopy and electrophysiology to characterize the electrical and synaptic properties of subsets of so-labelled cells, and their synaptic connectivity within the cerebellar cortex. The authors then generate a computer model to test possible computational functions of such interconnected UBCs.
Using these approaches, the authors report that:<br /> 1) GRP-driven TDtomato is expressed exclusively in a subset (20%) of ON-UBCs, defined electrophysiologically (excited by mossy fiber afferent stimulation via activation of UBC AMPA and mGluR1 receptors) and immunocytochemically by their expression of mGluR1.
2) UBCs ID'd/tagged by mCitrine expression in Brainbow mouse line P079 is expressed in a similar minority subset of OFF-UBCs defined electrophysiologically (inhibited by mossy fiber afferent stimulation via activation of UBC mGluR2 receptors) and immunocytochemically by their expression of Calretinin. However, such mCitrine expression was also detected in some mGluR1 positive UBCs, which may not have shown up electrophysiologically because of the weaker fluorophore expression without antibody amplification.
3) Confocal analysis of crossed lines of mice (GRP X P079) stained with antibodies to mGluR1 and calretinin documented the existence of all possible permutations of interconnectivity between cells (ON-ON, ON-OFF, OFF-OFF, OFF-ON), but their overall abundance was low, and neither their absolute or relative abundance was quantified.
4) A computational model (NEURON ) indicated that the presence of an intermediary UBC (in a polysynaptic circuit from MF to UBC to UBC) could prolong bursts (MF-ON-ON), prolong pauses (MF-ON-OFF), cause a delayed burst (MF-OFF-OFF), cause a delayed pause (MF-OFF-ON) relative to solely MF to UBC synapses which would simply exhibit long bursts (MF-ON) or long pauses (MF-OFF).
The authors thus conclude that the pattern of interconnected UBCs provides an extended and more nuanced pattern of firing within the cerebellar cortex that could mediate longer lasting sensorimotor responses.
The cerebellum's long known role in motor skills and reflexes, and associated disorders, combined with our nascent understanding of its role in cognitive, emotional, and appetitive processing, makes understanding its circuitry and processing functions of broad interest to the neuroscience and biomedical community. The focus on UBCs, which are largely restricted to vestibular lobes of the cerebellum reduces the breadth of likely interest somewhat. The overall design of specific experiments is rigorous and the use of fluorophore expressing mouse lines is creative. The data that is presented and the writing are clear. However, despite some additional analysis in response to the initial review, the overall experimental design still has issues that reduce overall interpretation (please see specific issues for details), which combined with a lack of thorough analysis of the experimental outcomes undermines the value of the NEURON model results and the advance in our understanding of cerebellar processing in situ (again, please see specific issues for details).
Specific issues:<br /> 1) All data gathered with inhibition blocked. All of the UBC response data (Fig. 1) was gathered in the presence of GABAAR and Glycine R blockers. While such an approach is appropriate generally for isolating glutamatergic synaptic currents, and specifically for examining and characterizing monosynaptic responses to single stimuli, it becomes problematic in the context of assaying synaptic and action potential response durations for long lasting responses, and in particular for trains of stimuli, when feed-forward and feed-back inhibition modulates responses to afferent stimulation. I.e. even for single MF stimuli, given the >500ms duration of UBC synaptic currents, there is plenty of time for feedback inhibition from Golgi cells (or feedforward, from MF to Golgi cell excitation) to interrupt AP firing driven by the direct glutamatergic synaptic excitation. This issue is compounded further for all of the experiments examining trains of MF stimuli. Beyond the impact of feedback inhibition on the AP firing of any given UBC, it would also obviously reduce/alter/interrupt that UBC's synaptic drive of downstream UBCs. This issue fundamentally undermines our ability to interpret the simulation data of Vm and AP firing of both the modeled intermediate and downstream UBC, in terms of applying it to possible cerebellar cortical processing in situ.
The authors' response to the initial concern is (to paraphrase), "its not possible to do and its not important", neither of which are soundly justified.
As stated in the original review, it is fully understandable and appropriate to use GABAAR/GlycineR antagonists to isolate glutamatergic currents, to characterize their conductance kinetics. That was not the issue raised. The issue raised was that then using only such information to generate a model of in situ behavior becomes problematic, given that feedback and lateral inhibition will sculpt action potential output, which of course will then fundamentally shape their synaptic drive of secondary UBCs, which will be further sculpted by their own inhibitory inputs. This issue undermines interpretation of the NEURON model.
The argument that taking inhibition into account is not possible because of assumed or possible direct electrical excitation of Golgi cells is confusing for two interacting reasons. First, one can certainly stimulate the mossy fiber bundle to get afferent excitation of UBCs (and polysynaptic feedback/lateral inhibitory inputs) without directly stimulating the Golgi cells that innervate any recorded UBC. Yes, one might be stimulating some Golgi cells near the stimulating electrode, but one can position the stimulating electrode far enough down the white matter track (away from the recorded UBC), such that mossy fiber inputs to the recorded UBC can be stimulated without affecting Golgi cells near or synaptically connected to the recorded UBC. Moreover, if the argument were true, then presumably the stimulation protocol would be just as likely to directly stimulate neighboring UBCs, which then drove the recorded UBC's responses. Thus, it is both doable and should be ensured that stimulation of the white matter is distant enough to not be directly activating relevant, connected neurons within the granule cell layer.
Finally, the authors present three examples of UBC recordings with and without inhibitory inputs blocked, and state "Thus, these large conductances are unlikely to be significantly shaped by 1-10 ms IPSCs from feedforward and feedback GABA/glycine inhibition" and "GABA/glycinergic inhibition...has little to no effect on the slow inward current that develops after the end of stimulation". This response reflects on original concerns about lack of quantification or consideration of important parameters. In particular, while the traces with and without inhibition are qualitatively similar, quantitative considerations indicate otherwise. First, unquantified examples are not adequate to drive conclusions. Regardless, the main issue (how inhibition affects actual responses in situ) is actually highlighted by the authors current clamp recordings of UBC responses, before and after blocking inhibition. The output response is dramatically different, both at early and late time points, when inhibition is blocked. Again, a lack of quantification (of adequate n's) makes it hard to know exactly how important, but quick "eye ball" estimates of impact include: 1) a switch from only low frequency APs initially (without inhibition blocked) to immediate burst of high frequency APs (high enough to not discern individual APs with given figure resolution) when inhibition is blocked, 2) Slow rising to a peak EPSP, followed by symmetrical return to baseline (without inhibition blocked) versus immediate rise to peak, followed by prolonged decay to baseline (with inhibition blocked), 3) substantially shorter duration (~34% shorter) secondary high frequency burst (individual APs not discernible) of APs (with inhibition blocked versus without inhibition blocked), and 4) substantial reduction in number of long delayed APs (with inhibition blocked versus without inhibition blocked). Thus, clearly, feedback/lateral inhibition is actually sculpting AP output at all phases of the UBC response to trains of afferent stimulations. Importantly, the single voltage clamp trace showing little impact of transient IPSCs on the slow EPSC do not take into account likely IPSC influences on voltage-activated conductances that would not occur in voltage-clamp recordings but would be free to manifest in current clamp, and thereby influence AP output, as observed.
So again, our ability to understand how interconnected UBCs behave in the intact system is undermined by the lack of consideration and quantification of the impact of inhibition, and it not being incorporated into the model. At the very least a strong proviso about lack of inclusion of such information, given the authors' data showing its importance in the few examples shown, should be added to the discussion.
2) No consideration for involvement of polysynaptic UBCs driving UBC responses to MF stimulation in electrophysiology experiments. Given the established existence (in this manuscript and Dino et al. 2000 Neurosci, Dino et al. 2000 ProgBrainRes, Nunzi and Mugnaini 2000 JCompNeurol, Nunzi et al. 2001 JCompNeurol) of polysynaptic connections from MFs to UBCs to UBCs, the MF evoked UBC responses established in this manuscript, especially responses to trains of stimuli could be mediated by direct MF inputs, or to polysynaptic UBC inputs, or possibly both (to my awareness not established either way). Thus the response durations could already include extension of duration by polysynaptic inputs, and so would overestimate the duration of monosynaptic inputs, and thus polysynaptic amplification/modulation, observed in the NEURON model.
Author response: "UBCs receive a single mossy fiber input on their dendritic brush, and thus if our stimulation produces a reliable, short-latency response consistent with a monosynaptic input, then there is not likely to be a disynaptic input."
This statement is not congruent with the literature, with early work by Mugnaini and colleagues (Mugnaini et al. 1994 Synapse; Mugnaini and Flores 1994 J. Comp. Neurol.) indicating that UBCs are innervated by 1-2 mossy fibers, which are as likely other UBC terminals as MFs. This leaves open the possibility that so called monosynaptic responses do, as originally suggested, already include polysynaptic feedforward amplification of duration. While the authors also indicate that isolated disynaptic currents can be observed when they occur in isolation, a careful examination and objective documentation of "monosynaptic" responses would address this issue. Presumably, if potential disynaptic UBC inputs occur during a monosynaptic MF response, it would be detected as an abrupt biphasic inward/outward current, due to additional AMPA receptor activation but further desensitization of those already active (as observed by Kinney et al. 1997 J. Neurophysiol: "The delivery of a second MF stimulus at the peak of the slow EPSC evoked a fast EPSC of reduced amplitude followed by an undershoot of the subsequent slow current"). If such polysynaptic inputs are truly absent and are "rare" in isolation, some estimation of how common or not such synaptic amplification is, would improve our understanding of the overall significance of these inputs.
3) Lack of quantification of subtypes of UBC interconnectivity. Given that it is already established that UBCs synapse onto other UBCs (see refs above), the main potential advance of this manuscript in terms of connectivity is the establishment and quantification of ON-ON, ON-OFF, OFF-ON, and OFF-OFF subtypes of UBC interconnections. But, the authors only establish that each type exists, showing specific examples, but no quantification of the absolute or relative density was provided, and the authors' unquantified wording explicitly or implicitly states that they are not common. This lack of quantification and likely small number makes it difficult to know how important or what impact such synapses have on cerebellar processing, in the model and in situ.
To address this issue, the authors added the following text to the discussion section: "We did not estimate the density of these UBC to UBC connections, because the sparseness of labeling using these approaches made an accurate calculation impossible. Previous work using organotypic slice cultures from P8 mice estimated that 2/3 of the UBC population receives input from other UBCs (Nunzi & Mugnaini, 2000), although it is unclear whether this is the case in older mice."
While accurate, the addition doesn't really address the situation, which is that apparently the reported connections are rare. Adding the information about 2/3 of UBCs having UBC inputs in culture, implies the opposite might be true (i.e. that they might be quite common), which is in contrast to the authors' data, so should be reworded for clarity, which should also incorporate the considerations covered in point #2 above. I.e. if the authors do establish that none of their recordings have polysynaptic inputs, and if they determine that the number of cells that showed isolated di-synaptic inputs is indeed rare, then it suggests that these specific polysynaptic connections are in fact rare.
4) Lack of critical parameters in NEURON model.<br /> A) The model uses # of molecules of glutamate released as the presumed quantal content, and this factor is constant. However, no consideration of changes in # of vesicles released from single versus trains of APs from MFs or UBCs is included. At most simple synapses, two sequential APs alters release probability, either up or down, and release probability changes dynamically with trains of APs. It is therefore reasonable to imagine UBC axon release probability is at least as complicated, and given the large surface area of contact between two UBCs, the number of vesicles released for any given AP is also likely more complex.
B) the model does not include desensitization of AMPA receptors, which in the case of UBCs can paradoxically reduce response magnitude as vesicle release and consequent glutamate concentration in the cleft increases (Linney et al. 1997 JNeurophysiol, Lu et al. 2017 Neuron, Balmer et al. 2021 eLIFE), as would occur with trains of stimuli at MF to ON-UBCs.
While the authors have not added the suggested additional parameters, their clarifications regarding the implications of existing parameters, and demonstration of reasonable fits to experimental data, and lack of substantial effect of simulating reduced vesicle release probability, provided by the authors, adequately addresses this concern.
5) Lack of quantification of various electrophysiological responses. UBCs are defined (ON or OFF) based on inward or outward synaptic response, but no information is provided about the range of the key parameter of duration across cells, which seems most critical to the current considerations. There is a similar lack of quantification across cells of AP duration in response to stimulation or current injections, or during baseline. The latter lack is particularly problematic because in agreement with previous publications, the raw data in Fig. 1 shows ON UBCs as quiescent until MF stimulation and OFF UBCs firing spontaneously until MF stimulation, but, for example, at least one ON UBC in the NEURON model is firing spontaneously until synaptically activated by an OFF UBC (Fig. 11A), and an OFF UBC is silent until stimulated by a presynaptic OFF UBC (Fig. 11C). This may be expected/explainable theoretically, but then such cells should be observed in the raw data.
The authors have added additional analysis and discussion, which adequately addresses this concern.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this paper, the authors presented a compelling rationale for investigating the role of UBCs in prolonging and diversifying signals. Based on the two types of UBCs known as ON and OFF UBC subtypes, they have highlighted the existing gaps in understanding UBCs connectivity and the need to investigate whether UBCs target UBCs of the same subtype, different subtypes, or both. The importance of this knowledge is for understanding how sensory signals are extended and diversified in the granule cell layer.
The authors designed very interesting approaches to study UBCs connectivity by utilizing transgenic mice expressing GFP and RFP in UBCs, Brainbow approach, immunohistochemical and electrophysiological analysis, and computational models to understand how the feed-forward circuits of interconnected UBCs transform their inputs.
This study provided evidence for the existence of distinct ON and OFF UBC subtypes based on their electrophysiological properties, anatomical characteristics, and expression patterns of mGluR1 and calretinin in the cerebellum. The findings support the classification of GRP UBCs as ON UBCs and P079 UBCs as OFF UBCs and suggest the presence of synaptic connections between the ON and OFF UBC subtypes. In addition, they found that GRP and P079 UBCs form parallel and convergent pathways and have different membrane capacitance and excitability. Furthermore, they showed that UBCs of the same subtype provide input to one another and modify the input to granule cells, which could provide a circuit mechanism to diversify and extend the pattern of spiking produced by mossy fiber input. Accordingly, they suggested that these transformations could provide a circuit mechanism for maintaining a sensory representation of movement for seconds.
Overall, the article is well written in a sound detailed format, very interesting with excellent discovery and suggested model.
I believe the authors have provided appropriate responses and have consequently revised the manuscript in a convincing manner. Although I am not an expert in physiology, I find the explanations and clarifications to be acceptable.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> ECM components are prominent constituents of the pericellular environment of CNS cells and form complex and dynamic interactomes in the pericellular spaces. Based on bioinformatic analysis, more than 300 genes have been attributed to the so-called matrisome, many of which are detectable in the CNS. Yet, not much is known about their functions while increasing evidence suggests important contributions to developmental processes, neural plasticity, and inhibition of regeneration in the CNS. In this respect, the present work offers new insights and adds interesting aspects to the facets of ECM contributions to neural development. This is even more relevant in view of the fact that neurocan has recently been identified as a potential risk gene for neuropsychiatric diseases. Because ECM components occur in the interstitial space and are linked in interactomes their study is very difficult. A strength of the manuscript is that the authors used several approaches to shed light on ECM function, including proteome studies, the generation of knockout mouse lines, and the analysis of in vivo labeled neural progenitors. This multi-perspective approach permitted to reveal hitherto unknown properties of the ECM and highlighted its importance for the overall organization of the CNS.
Strengths:<br /> Systematic analysis of the ternary complex between neurone, TNC, and hyaluronic acid; establishment of KO mouse lines to study the function of the complex, use of in utero electroporation to investigate the impact on neuronal migration;
Weaknesses:<br /> The analysis is focused on neuronal progenitors, however, the potential impact of the molecules of interest, in particular, their removal on differentiation and /or survival of neural stem/progenitor cells is not addressed. The potential receptors involved are not considered. It also seems that rather the passage to the outer areas of the forming cortex is compromised, which is not the same as the migration process. The movement of the cells is not included in the analysis.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In the present study, authors found the ternary complex formed by NCAN, TNC, and HA as an important factor facilitating the multipolar to bipolar transition in the intermediate zone (IZ) of the developing cortex. NCAM binds HA via the N-terminal Link modules, meanwhile, TNC cross-links NCAN through the CDL domain at the C-terminal. The expression and right localization of these three factors facilitate the multipolar-bipolar transition necessary for immature neurons to migrate radially. TNC and NCAM are also involved in neuronal morphology. The authors used a wide range of techniques to study the interaction between these three molecules in the developing cortex. In addition, single and double KO mice for NCAN and TNC were analyzed to decipher the role of these molecules in neuronal migration and morphology.
Strengths:<br /> The study of the formation of the cerebral cortex is crucial to understanding the pathophysiology of many neurodevelopmental disorders associated with malformation of the cerebral cortex. In this study, the authors showed, for the first time, that the ternary complex formed by NCAN, TNC, and HA promotes neuronal migration. The results regarding the interaction between the three factors forming the ternary complex are convincing.
Weaknesses:<br /> However, regarding the in vivo experiments, the authors should consider some points for the interpretation of the results:<br /> -The authors did not use the proper controls in their experiments. For embryonic analysis, such as cortical migration, neuronal morphology, and protein distribution (Fig. 6, 7, and 9), mutant mice should be compared with control littermates, since differences in the results could be due to differences in embryonic stages. For example, in Fig. 6 the dKO is more developed than the WT embryo.<br /> -The authors claim that NCAM and TNC are involved in neuronal migration from experiments using single KO embryos. This is a strong statement considering the mild results, with no significant difference in the case of TNC KO embryos, and once again, using embryos from different litters.<br /> -The measurement of immunofluorescence intensity is not the right method to compare the relative amount of protein between control and mutant embryos unless there is a right normalization.
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Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors sought to determine, at the level of individual presubiculum pyramidal cells, how allocentric spatial information from the retrosplenial cortex was integrated with egocentric information from the anterior thalamic nuclei. Employing a dual opsin optogenetic approach with patch clamp electrophysiology, Richevaux, and colleagues found that around three-quarters of layer 3 pyramidal cells in the presubiculum receive monosynaptic input from both brain regions. While some interesting questions remain (e.g. the role of inhibitory interneurons in gating the information flow and through different layers of presubiculum, this paper provides valuable insights into the microcircuitry of this brain region and the role that it may play in spatial navigation).
Strengths:<br /> One of the main strengths of this manuscript was that the dual opsin approach allowed the direct comparison of different inputs within an individual neuron, helping to control for what might otherwise have been an important source of variation. The experiments were well-executed and the data was rigorously analysed. The conclusions were appropriate to the experimental questions and were well-supported by the results. These data will help to inform in vivo experiments aimed at understanding the contribution of different brain regions in spatial navigation and could be valuable for computational modelling.
Weaknesses:<br /> Some attempts were made to gain mechanistic insights into how inhibitory neurotransmission may affect processing in the presubiculum (e.g. Figure 5) but these experiments were a little underpowered and the analysis carried out could have been more comprehensively undertaken, as was done for other experiments in the manuscript.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, the authors use anatomical tracing and slice physiology to investigate the integration of thalamic (ATN) and retrosplenial cortical (RSC) signals in the dorsal presubiculum (PrS). This work will be of interest to the field, as the postsubiculum is thought to be a key region for integrating internal head direction representations with external landmarks. The main result is that ATN and RSC inputs drive the same L3 PrS neurons, which exhibit superlinear summation to near-coincident inputs. Moreover, this activity can induce bursting in L4 PrS neurons, which can pass the signals LMN (perhaps gated by cholinergic input).
Strengths:<br /> The slice physiology experiments are carefully done. The analyses are clear and convincing, and the figures and results are well-composed. Overall, these results will be a welcome addition to the field.
Weaknesses:<br /> The conclusions about the circuit-level function of L3 PrS neurons sometimes outstrip the data, and their model of the integration of these inputs is unclear. I would recommend some revision of the introduction and discussion. I also had some minor comments about the experimental details and analysis.
Specific major comments:<br /> 1) I found that the authors' claims sometimes outstrip their data, given that there were no in vivo recordings during behavior. For example, in the abstract, their results indicate "that layer 3 neurons can transmit a visually matched HD signal to medial entorhinal cortex", and in the conclusion they state "[...] cortical RSC projections that carry visual landmark information converge on layer 3 pyramidal cells of the dorsal presubiculum". However, they never measured the nature of the signals coming from ATN and RSC to L3 PrS (or signals sent to downstream regions). Their claim is somewhat reasonable with respect to ATN, where the majority of neurons encode HD, but neurons in RSC encode a vast array of spatial and non-spatial variables other than landmark information (e.g., head direction, egocentric boundaries, allocentric position, spatial context, task history to name a few), so making strong claims about the nature of the incoming signals is unwarranted.
2) Related to the first point, the authors hint at, but never explain, how coincident firing of ATN and RSC inputs would help anchor HD signals to visual landmarks. Although the lesion data (Yoder et al. 2011 and 2015) support their claims, it would be helpful if the proposed circuit mechanism was stated explicitly (a schematic of their model would be helpful in understanding the logic). For example, how do neurons integrate the "right" sets of landmarks and HD signals to ensure stable anchoring? Moreover, it would be helpful to discuss alternative models of HD-to-landmark anchoring, including several studies that have proposed that the integration may (also?) occur in RSC (Page & Jeffrey, 2018; Yan, Burgess, Bicanski, 2021; Sit & Goard, 2023). Currently, much of the Discussion simply summarizes the results of the study, this space could be better used in mapping the findings to the existing literature on the overarching question of how HD signals are anchored to landmarks.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Richevaux et al investigate how anterior thalamic (AD) and retrosplenial (RSC) inputs are integrated by single presubicular (PrS) layer 3 neurons. They show that these two inputs converge onto single PrS layer 3 principal cells. By performing dual-wavelength photostimulation of these two inputs in horizontal slices, the authors show that in most layer 3 cells, these inputs summate supra-linearly. They extend the experiments by focusing on putative layer 4 PrS neurons, and show that they do not receive direct anterior thalamic nor retrosplenial inputs; rather, they are (indirectly) driven to burst firing in response to strong activation of the PrS network.
This is a valuable study, that investigates an important question - how visual landmark information (possibly mediated by retrosplenial inputs) converges and integrates with HD information (conveyed by the AD nucleus of the thalamus) within PrS circuitry. The data indicate that near-coincident activation of retrosplenial and thalamic inputs leads to non-linear integration in target layer 3 neurons, thereby offering a potential biological basis for landmark + HD binding.
The main limitations relate to the anatomical annotation of 'putative' PrS L4 neurons, and to the presentation of retrosplenial/thalamic input modularity. Specifically, more evidence should be provided to convincingly demonstrate that the 'putative L4 neurons' of the PrS are not distal subicular neurons (as the authors' anatomy and physiology experiments seem to indicate). The modularity of thalamic and retrosplenial inputs could be better clarified in relation to the known PrS modularity.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary: The authors apply a new approach to monitor widespread changes in sensory evoked hemodynamic activity after focal stroke in fully conscious rats. Using functional ultrasound (fUS), they report immediate and lasting (up to 5 days) depression of sensory evoked responses in somatosensory thalamic and cortical regions.
Strengths: This a technically challenging study that employs new methods to study more distributed changes in sensory evoked neural activity, inferred from changes in cerebral blood flow. The authors provide compelling images and rigorous analysis to support their conclusions.
The primary weakness of this paper was the small sample size used for drawing conclusions. The authors have added additional references that help support their preliminary findings.
Ultimately, it is a proof of concept paper showing the potential of this imaging approach for examining brain wide changes in activity before and after stroke in awake animals. In that sense, I think this paper will be well appreciated by researchers trying to understand how stroke leads to distributed changes in brain function.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Brunner et al. present a new and promising application of functional ultrasound (fUS) imaging to follow the evolution of perfusion and haemodynamics upon thrombotic stroke in awake rats. The authors leveraged a chemically induced occlusion of the rat Medial Cerebral Artery (MCA) with ferric chloride in awake rats, while imaging with fUS cerebral perfusion with high spatial and temporal resolution (100µm x 110µm x 300µm x 0.8s). The authors also measured evoked haemodynamic responses at different timepoints following whisker stimulation.
As the fUS setup of the authors is limited to 2D imaging, Brunner and colleagues focused on a single coronal slice where they identified the primary Somatosensory Barrel Field of the Cortex (S1BF), directly perfused by the MCA and relay nuclei of the Thalamus: the Posterior (Po) and the Ventroposterior Medial (VPM) nuclei of the Thalamus. All these regions are involved in the sensory processing of whisker stimulation. By investigating these regions the authors present the hyper-acute effect of the stroke with these main results:
- MCA occlusion results in a fast and important loss of perfusion in the ipsilesional cortex.<br /> - Thrombolysis is followed by Spreading Depolarisation measured in the Retrosplenial cortex.<br /> - Stroke-induced hypo-perfusion is associated with a significant drop in ipsilesional cortical response to whisker stimulation, and a milder one in ipsilesional subcortical relays.<br /> - Contralesional hemisphere is almost not affected by stroke with the exception of the cortex which presents a mildly reduced response to the stimulation.
In addition, the authors demonstrate that their protocol allows to follow up stroke evolution up to five days postinduction. They further show that fUS can estimate the size of the infarcted volume with brilliance mode (Bmode), confirming the presence of the identified lesional tissue with post-mortem cresyl violet staining.
Upon measuring functional response to whisker stimulation 5 days after stroke induction, the authors report that:
- The ipsilesional cortex presents no response to the stimulation<br /> - The ipsilesional thalamic relays are less activated than hyper acutely
These observations mainly validate a new method to chronically image the longitudinal sequelae of stroke in awake animals. However, the potentially more intriguing results the authors describe in terms of functional reorganization of functional activity following stroke will require additional data to be validated. While highly preliminary, the research model proposed by the author (where the loss of the infarcted cortex induces reduces activity in connected regions, whether by cortico-thalamic or cortico-cortical loss of excitatory drive), is interesting. This hypothesis would require a greatly expanded, sufficiently powered study to be validated (or disproven)."
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The authors set out to demonstrate the utility of functional ultrasound for evaluating changes in brain hemodynamics elicited acutely and subacutely by middle cerebral artery occlusion model of ischemic stroke in awake rats.<br /> Functional ultrasound affords a distinct set of tradeoffs relative to competing imaging modalities. Acclimatization of rats for awake imaging has proven difficult with most, and the high quality of presented data in awake rats is a major achievement. The major weakness of the approach is in its being restricted to single slice acquisitions, which also complicates registration of acquisition across multiple imaging sessions within the same animal. Establishing that awake imaging represents an advancement in relation to studies under anesthesia hinges upon establishment of the level of stress experienced by the animals in the course of imaging, i.e., requires providing data on the assessment of stress over the course of these long imaging sessions, which was not undertaken. This is particularly significant given that physical restraint has been established to be a particularly potent stressor in experimental models of stress. Assessment of the robustness of these measurements in a larger cohort of animals under varying conditions is of particular significance for supporting its wide applicability.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors were attempting to determine the extent that CIH altered swallowing motor function; specifically, the timing and probability of the activation of the larygneal and submental motor pools. The paper describes a variety of different motor patterns elicited by optogenetic activation of individual neuronal phenotypes within PiCo in a group of mice exposed to CIH. They show that there are a variety of motor patterns that emerge in CIH mice; this is apparently different than the more consistent motor patterns elicited by PiCo activation in normoxic mice (previously published).
Strengths:<br /> The preparation is technically challenging and gives valuable information related to the role of PiCo in the pattern of motor activation involved in swallowing and its timing with phrenic activity. Genetic manipulations allow for the independent activation of the individual neuronal phenotypes of PiCo (glutamatergic, cholinergic) which is a strength.
Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The data presented are largely descriptive in terms of the effect of PiCo activation on the probability of swallowing and the pattern of motor activation changes following CIH. Comparisons made between experimental data acquired currently and those obtained in a previous cohort of animals (possibly years before) are extremely problematic, with the potential confounding influence of changing environments, genetics, and litter effects. The statistical analyses (i.e. comparing CIH with normoxic) appear insufficiently robust. Exactly how the data were compared is not described.
2. There is limited mechanistic insight into how PiCo manipulation alters the pattern and probability of motor activation. For example, does CIH alter PiCo directly, or some other component of the circuit (NTS)? Techniques that silence or activation projections to/from PiCo should be interrogated. This is required to further delineate and define the swallowing circuit, which remains enigmatic.
3. The functional significance of the altered (non-classic) patterns is unclear.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors investigated the role of a medullary region, named Postinspiratory Complex (PiCo), in the mediation of swallow/laryngeal behaviours, their coordination with breathing, and the possible impact on the reflex exerted by chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH). This region is characterized by the presence of glutamatergic/cholinergic interneurons. Thus, experiments have been performed in single allelic and intersectional allelic recombinase transgenic mice to specifically excite cholinergic/glutamatergic neurons using optogenetic techniques, while recording from relevant muscles involved in swallowing and laryngeal activation. The data indicate that in anaesthetized transgenic mice exposed to CIH, the optogenetic activation of PiCo neurons triggers swallow activity characterized by variable motor patterns. In addition, these animals show an increased probability of triggering a swallow when stimulation is applied during the first part of the respiratory cycle.
They conclude that the PiCo region may be involved in the occurrence of swallow and other laryngeal behaviours. These data interestingly improve the ongoing discussion on neural pathways involved in swallow-breathing coordination, with specific attention to factors leading to disruption that may contribute to dysphagia under some pathological conditions.
The Authors' conclusions are partially justified by their data. However, it should be acknowledged that the impact of the study is to a certain extent limited by the lack of knowledge on the source of excitatory inputs to PiCo during swallowing under physiological conditions, i.e. during water-evoked swallowing. Also the connectivity between this region and the swallowing CPG, a structure not well defined, or other brain regions involved in the reflex is not known.
Strengths:<br /> Major strengths of the manuscript:
- The methodological approach is refined and well-suited for the experimental question. The in vivo mouse preparation developed for this study takes advantage of selective optogenetic stimulation of specific cell types with the simultaneous EMG recordings from upper airway muscles involved in respiration and swallowing to assess their motor patterns. The animal model and the chronic intermittent hypoxia protocol have already been published in previous papers (Huff et al. 2022, 2023).
- The choice of the topic. Swallow disruption may contribute to the dysphagia under some pathological conditions, such as obstructive sleep apnea. Investigations aimed at exploring and clarifying neural structures involved in this behaviour as well as the connectivity underpinning muscle coordination are needed.
- This study fits in with previous works. This work is a logical extension of previous studies from this group on swallowing-breathing coordination with further advances using a mouse model for obstructive sleep apnea.
Weaknesses:<br /> Major weaknesses of the manuscript:
- The Authors should be more cautious in concluding that the PiCo is critical for the generation of swallowing itself. It remains to demonstrate that PiCo is necessary for swallowing and laryngeal function in a more physiological situation, i.e. swallow of a bolus of water or food. It should be interesting to investigate the effects of silencing PiCo cholinergic/glutamatergic neurons on normal swallowing. In this perspective, the title should be slightly modified to avoid "swallow pattern generation" (e.g. Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia reveals the role of the Postinspiratory Complex in the mediation of normal swallow production).
- The duration of swallows evoked by optogenetic stimulation of PiCo is considerably shorter in comparison with the duration of swallows evoked by a physiological stimulus (water). This makes it hard to compare the timing and the pattern of motor response in CIH-exposed mice. In Figure 1, the trace time scale should be the same for water-triggered and PiCo-triggered swallows. In addition, it is not clear if exposure to CIH alters the ongoing respiratory activity. Is the respiratory rhythm altered by hypoxia? If a disturbed or irregular pattern of breathing is already present in CIH-exposed mice, could this alteration interfere with the swallowing behaviour?
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In the present study, the authors investigated the effects of CIH on the swallowing and breathing responses to PICO stimulation. Their conclusion is that glutamatergic-cholinergic neurons from PICO are not only critical for the gating of post-inspiratory and swallow activity, but also play important roles in the generation of swallow motor patterns. There are several aspects that deserve the authors' attention and comments, mainly related to the study´s conclusions.
- The authors refer to PICO as the generator of post-inspiratory rhythm. However, evidence points to this region as a modulator of post-inspiratory activity rather than a rhythmogenic site (Toor et al., 2019 - 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0502-19.2019; Oliveira et al., 2021 - 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2021.09.015). For example, sustained activation of PICO for 10 s barely affected the vagus or laryngeal post-inspiratory activity (Huff et al., 2023 - 10.7554/eLife.86103).
- The optogenetic activation of glutamatergic and cholinergic neurons from PICO evoked submental and laryngeal responses, and CIH changed these motor responses. Therefore, the authors proposed that PICO is directly involved in swallow pattern generation and that CIH disrupts the connection between PICO and SPG (swallow pattern generator). However, the experiments of the present study did not provide evidence about connections between these two regions nor their possible disruption after CIH, or even whether PICO is part of SPG.
- CIH affects several brainstem regions which might contribute to generating abnormal motor responses to PICO stimulation. For example, Bautista et al. (1995 - 10.1152/japplphysiol.01356.2011) documented that intermittent hypoxia induces changes in the activity of laryngeal motoneurons by neural plasticity mechanisms involving serotonin.
- To support the hypothesis that PICO is directly involved in swallow pattern generation the authors should perform the inhibition of Vglut2-ChAT neurons from PICO and then evoke swallow motor responses. If swallow is abolished when the neurons from this region are inhibited, it would indicate that PICO is crucial to generate this behavior.
- In almost all the data presented, the authors observed different patterns of changes in the motor submental and laryngeal responses to PICO activation, including that animals submitted to CIH (6%) presented a "normal" motor response. However, the authors did not discuss the possible explanations and functional implications of this variability.
- In Figure 4, the authors need to present low magnification sections showing the PICO transfected neurons as well as the absence of transfection in the ventral respiratory column. The authors could also check the scale since the cAmb seems very small.
- Finally, the title does not reflect the study. The present study did not demonstrate that PICO is a swallow pattern generator.
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Joint Public Review:
The authors aimed to contrast the effects of pharmacologically enhanced catecholamine and acetylcholine levels versus the effects of voluntary spatial attention on decision making in a standard spatial cuing paradigm. Meticulously reported, the authors show that atomoxetine, a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, and cue validity both enhance model-based evidence accumulation rate, but have several distinct effects on EEG signatures of pre-stimulus cortical excitability, evoked sensory EEG potentials and perceptual evidence accumulation. The results are based on a reasonable sample size (N=28) and state-of-the art modeling and EEG methods.
The authors' EEG findings provide solid evidence for the overall conclusion that selective attention and neuromodulatory systems shape perception in "similar, unique, and interactive" ways. This is an important conclusion because neuromodulatory systems and selective spatial attention are both known to regulate the neural gain of task-relevant single neurons and neural networks. Apparently, these effects on neural gain affect decision making in partly overlapping and partly dissociable ways.
The effects of donepezil, a cholinesterase inhibitor, were generally less strong than those of atomoxetine, and in various analyses went in the opposite direction. The authors fairly conclude that more work is necessary to determine the effects of cholinergic neuromodulation on perceptual decision making.
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Joint Public Review:
Cook, Watt, and colleagues previously reported that a mouse model of Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) displayed defects in BDNF and TrkB levels at an early disease stage. Moreover, they have shown that one month of exercise elevated cerebellar BDNF expression and improved ataxia and cerebellar Purkinje cell firing rate deficits. In the current work, they attempt to define the mechanism underlying the pathophysiological changes occurring in SCA6. For this, they carried out RNA sequencing of cerebellar vermis tissue in 12-month-old SCA6 mice, a time when the disease is already at an advanced stage, and identified widespread dysregulation of many genes involved in the endo-lysosomal system. Focusing on BDNF/TrkB expression, localization, and signaling they found that, in 7-8 month-old SCA6 mice early endosomes are enlarged and accumulate BDNF and TrkB in Purkinje cells. Curiously, TrkB appears to be reduced in the recycling endosomes compartment, despite the fact that recycling endosomes are morphologically normal in SCA6. In addition, the authors describe a reduction in the Late endosomes in SCA6 Purkinje cells associated with reduced BDNF levels and a probable deficit in late endosome maturation.
Strengths:<br /> The article is well written, and the findings are relevant for the neuropathology of different neurodegenerative diseases where dysfunction of early endosomes is observed. The authors have provided a detailed analysis of the endo-lysosomal system in SCA6 mice. They have shown that TrkB recycling to the cell membrane in recycling endosomes is reduced, and the late endosome transport of BDNF for degradation is impaired. The findings will be crucial in understanding underlying pathology. Lastly, the deficits in early endosomes are rescued by chronic administration of 7,8-DHF.
Weaknesses:<br /> The specificity of BDNF and TrkB immunostaining requires additional controls, as it has been very difficult to detect immunostaining of BDNF.<br /> The revised manuscript has included additional analysis using epitope retrieval and a negative liver control with the Abcam antibody against BDNF. An alternative antibody that may be considered for BDNF detection is from Icosagen AS. This antibody has been found to be effective for immunofluorescence and immunoblot purposes.
Two other issues were brought up in the initial review process--
1) One important concern about the conclusions is that the RNAseq experiment was conducted in 12-month-old SCA6 mice suggesting that the defects in the endo-lysosomal system may be caused by other pathophysiological events and, likewise, the impairment in BDNF signaling may also be indirect, as also noted by the authors. Indeed, Purkinje cells in SCA6 mice have an impaired ability to degrade other endocytosed cargo beyond BDNF and TrkB, most likely because of trafficking deficits that result in a disruption in the transport of cargo to the lysosomes and lysosomal dysfunction.<br /> This concern was acknowledged in the revision and will require further analysis.
2) Moreover, the beneficial effects of 7,8-DHF treatment on motor coordination may be caused by 7,8-DHF properties other than the putative agonist role on TrkB. Indeed, many reservations have been raised about using 7,8-DHF as an agonist of TrkB activity. Several studies have now debunked (Todd et al. PlosONE 2014, PMID: 24503862; Boltaev et al. Sci Signal 2017, PMID: 28831019) or at the very least questioned (Lowe D, Science 2017: see Discussion: https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/those-compounds-aren-t-what-you-think-they-are Wang et al. Cell 2022 PMID: 34963057). Another interpretation is that 7,8-DHF possesses antioxidant activity and neuroprotection against cytotoxicity in HT-22 and PC12 cells, both of which do not express TrkB (Chen et al. Neurosci Lett 201, PMID: 21651962; Han et al. Neurochem Int. 2014, PMID: 24220540). Thus, while this flavonoid may have a beneficial effect on the pathophysiology of SCA6, it is most unlikely that mechanistically this occurs through a TrkB agonistic effect considering the potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory roles of flavonoids in neurodegenerative diseases (Jones et al. Trends Pharmacol Sci 2012, PMID: 22980637).<br /> The authors have acknowledged alternative explanations for the action of 7,8-DHF and have qualified the discussion of this issue.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Cullinan et al. explore the hypothesis that the cytoplasmic N- and C-termini of ASIC1a, not resolved in x-ray or cryo-EM structures, form a dynamic complex that breaks apart at low pH, exposing a C-terminal binding site for RIPK1, a regulator of necrotic cell death. They expressed channels tagged at their N- and C-termini with the fluorescent, non-canonical amino acid ANAP in CHO cells using amber stop-codon suppression. Interaction between the termini was assessed by FRET between ANAP and colored transition metal ions bound either to a cysteine reactive chelator attached to the channel (TETAC) or metal-chelating lipids (C18-NTA). A key advantage to using metal ions is that they are very poor FRET acceptors, i.e. they must be very close to the donor for FRET to occur. This is ideal for measuring small distances/changes in distance on the scales expected from the initial hypothesis. In order to apply chelated metal ions, CHO cells were mechanically unroofed, providing access to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. At high pH, the N- and C- termini are close enough for FRET to be measured, but apparently too far apart to be explained by a direct binding interaction. At low pH, there was an apparent increase in FRET between the termini. FRET between ANAP on the N-and C-termini and metal ions bound to the plasma membrane suggests that both termini move away from the plasma membrane at low pH. The authors propose an alternative hypothesis whereby close association with the plasma membrane precludes RIPK1 biding to the C-terminus of ASIC1a.
The findings presented here are certainly valuable for the ion channel/signaling field and the technical approach only increases the significance of the work. The choice of techniques is appropriate for this study and the results are clear and high quality. Sufficient evidence is presented against the starting hypothesis. I have a few questions about certain controls and assumptions that I would like to see discussed more explicitly in the manuscript.
--As discussed by the authors, the C-terminal citrine could potentially disrupt the hypothesized interaction between the N- and C-termini.
--There is apparent read-through of some of the stop codons in the absence of ANAP, which could complicate interpretation of the experiments. The largest amount of read-through is for the E6TAG, L18TAG, and H515TAG constructs, which were not used for further experiments. However, some degree of read-through is evident from western blots for V10TAG, Q14TAG, L41TAG, and A44TAG as well.
Since the epitope used for western blots is on the C-terminus of the protein, the blots do not show the fraction of truncated protein. As discussed by the authors, N-terminally truncated constructs would be too small to assemble into channels. In constructs with the TAG codon towards the C-terminus, there is the potential for co-assembly of full-length and truncated subunits into trimers. Truncated subunits would not contribute directly to the fluorescence signal, but could potentially have allosteric effects on the position of the C-termini of full-length ANAP-tagged constructs in the context of a mixed channel.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors use previously characterised FRET methods to measure distances between intracellular segments of ASIC and with the membrane. The distances are measured across different conditions and at multiple positions in a very complete study. The picture that emerges is that the N- and C-termini do not associate.
Strengths:<br /> Good controls, good range of measurements, advanced, well-chosen and carefully performed FRET measurements. The paper is a technical triumph. Particularly, given the weak fluorescence of ANAP, the extent of measurements and the combination with TETAC is noteworthy.
The distance measurements are largely coherent and favour the interpretation that the N and C terminus are not close together as previously claimed.
Weaknesses:<br /> One difficulty, which admittedly is hard to address, is that we do not have a positive control for what binding of something to either N- or C-terminus would look like (either in FRET or otherwise).
One limitation is unroofing. The concept of interaction with intracellular domains is being examined. But the authors use unroofing to measure the positions, fully disrupting the cytoplasm. Thus it is not excluded that the unroofing disrupts that interaction. But this limitation is discussed adequately in the text.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary: The manuscript by Cullinan et al., uses ANAP-tmFRET to test the hypothesis that the NTD and CTD form a complex at rest and to probe these domains for acid-induced conformational changes. They find convincing evidence that the NTD and CTD do not have a propensity to form a complex. They also report these domains are parallel to the membrane and that the NTD moves towards, and the CTD away, from the membrane upon acidification.
Strengths:<br /> The major strength of the paper is the use of tmFRET, which excels at measuring short distances and is insensitive to orientation effects. The donor-acceptor pairs here are also great choices as they are minimally disruptive to the structure being studies.
Furthermore, they conduct these measurements over several positions with the N and C tails, both between the tails and to the membrane. Finally, to support their main point, MST is conducted to measure the association of recombinant N and C peptides, finding no evidence of association or complex formation.
Weaknesses:<br /> While tmFRET is a strength, using ANAP as a donor requires the cells to be unroofed to eliminate background signal. This causes two problems. First, it removes any possible low affinity interacting proteins such as actinin (PMID 19028690). Second, the pH changes now occur to both 'extracellular' and 'intracellular' lipid planes. Thus, it is unclear if any conformational changes in the N and CTDs arise from desensitization of the receptor or protonation of specific amino acids in the N or CTDs or even protonation of certain phospholipid groups such as in phosphatidylserine. The authors do mention this caveat. But until a new approach is developed, the concerns over disruption by unroofing/washing and relevance of the changes remain.
Upon acidification, NTD position Q14 moves towards the plasma membrane (Figure 8B). Q14 also gets closer to C515 or doesn't change relative to 505 (Figures 7C and B) upon acidification. Yet position 505 moves away from the membrane (Figure 8D). It's unclear how the NTD moves closer to the membrane, and to the CTD but yet the CTD moves further from the membrane. Future experiments or approaches may refine this model.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This nice study by Miyano combines slice electrophysiology and superresolution microscopy to address the role of RBP2 in Ca2+ channel clustering and neurotransmitter release at hippocampal mossy fiber terminals. While a number of studies demonstrated a critical role for RBPs in clustering Ca2+ channels at other synapses and some provided evidence for a role of the protein in molecular coupling of Ca2+ channels and release sites, the present study targets another key synapse that is an important model for presynaptic studies and offers access to a microdomain controlled synaptic vesicle (SV) release mechanism with low initial release probability.
Summarizing a large body of high-quality work, the authors demonstrate reduced Ca2+ currents and a reduced release probability. They attribute the latter to the reduced Ca2+ influx and can restore release by increasing Ca2+ influx. Moreover, they propose an altered fusion competence of the SVs, which is not so strongly supported by the data in my view.
The effects are relatively small, but I think the careful analysis of the RBP role at the mossy fiber synapse is an important contribution.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The proper expression and organization of CaV channels at the presynaptic release sites are subject to coordinative and redundant control of many active zone-specific molecules including RIM-BPs. Previous studies have demonstrated that ablation of RIM-BPs in various mammalian synapses causes significant impairment of synaptic transmission, either by reducing CaV expression or decoupling CaV from synaptic vesicles. The mechanisms remain unknown.
In the manuscript, Sakaba and colleagues aimed to examine the specific role of RIM-BP2 at the hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal cell synapse, which is well-characterized by low initial release probability and strong facilitation during repetitive stimulation. By directly recording Ca2+ currents and capacitance jumps from the MF boutons, which is very challenging but feasible, they showed that depolarization-evoked Ca2+ influx was reduced significantly (~39%) by KO of RIM-BP2, but no impacts on Ca-induced exocytosis and RRP (measured by capacitance change). They used STED microscopy to image the spatial distribution of the CaV2.1 cluster but found no change in the cluster number with a slight decrease in cluster intensity (~20%). They concluded that RIM-BP2 functions in tonic synapses by reducing CaV expression and thus differentially from phasic synapses by decoupling CaV-SV.
In general, they provide solid data showing that RIM-BP2 KO reduces Ca influx at MF-CA3 synapse, but the phenotype is not new as Moser and colleagues have also used presynaptic recording and capacitance measurement and shown that RIM-BP2 KO reduces Ca2+ influx at hair cell active zone (Krinner et al., 2017), although at different synapse model expressing CaV1.3 instead of CaV2.1. Further, the concept that RIM-BP2 plays diverse functions in transmitter release at different central synapses has also been proposed with solid evidence (Brockmann et al., 2019).
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The current study provided a follow-up analysis using published datasets focused on the individual variability of both the distraction effect (size and direction) and the attribute integration style, as well as the association between the two. The authors tried to answer the question of whether the multiplicative attribute integration style concurs with a more pronounced and positively oriented distraction effect.
Strengths:<br /> The analysis extensively examined the impacts of various factors on decision accuracy, with a particular focus on using two-option trials as control trials, following the approach established by Cao & Tsetsos (2022). The statistical significance results were clearly reported.
The authors meticulously conducted supplementary examinations, incorporating the additional term HV+LV into GLM3. Furthermore, they replaced the utility function from the expected value model with values from the composite model.
Weaknesses:<br /> There are several weaknesses in terms of theoretical arguments and statistical analyses.
First, the manuscript suggests in the abstract and at the beginning of the introduction that the study reconciled the "different claims" about "whether distraction effect operates at the level of options' component attributes rather than at the level of their overall value" (see line 13-14), but the analysis conducted was not for that purpose. Integrating choice attributes in either an additive or multiplicative way only reflects individual differences in combining attributes into the overall value. The authors seemed to assume that the multiplicative way generated the overall value ("Individuals who tended to use a multiplicative approach, and hence focused on overall value", line 20-21), but such implicit assumption is at odds with the statement in line 77-79 that people may use a simpler additive rule to combine attributes, which means overall value can come from the additive rule.
The second weakness is sort of related but is more about the lack of coherent conceptual understanding of the "additive rule", or "distractor effect operates at the attribute level". In an assertive tone (lines 77-80), the manuscript suggests that a weighted sum integration procedure of implementing an "additive rule" is equal to assuming that people compare pairs of attributes separately, without integration. But they are mechanistically distinct. The additive rule (implemented using the weighted sum rule to combine probability and magnitude within each option and then applying the softmax function) assumes value exists before comparing options. In contrast, if people compare pairs of attributes separately, preference forms based on the within-attribute comparisons. Mathematically these two might be equivalent only if no extra mechanisms (such as inhibition, fluctuating attention, evidence accumulation, etc) are included in the within-attribute comparison process, which is hardly true in the three-option decision.
Could the authors comment on the generalizability of the current result? The reward magnitude and probability information are displayed using rectangular bars of different colors and orientations. Would that bias subjects to choose an additive rule instead of the multiplicative rule? Also, could the conclusion be extended to other decision contexts such as quality and price, whether a multiplicative rule is hard to formulate?
The authors did careful analyses on quantifying the "distractor effect". While I fully agree that it is important to use the matched two-option trials and examine the interaction terms (DV-HV)T as a control, the interpretation of the results becomes tricky when looking at the effects in each trial type. Figure 2c shows a positive DV-HV effect in two-option trials whereas the DV-HV effect was not significantly stronger in three-option trials. Further in Figure 5b,c, in the Multiplicative group, the effect of DV-HV was absent in the two-option trials and present in the three-option trials. In the Additive group, however, the effect of DV-HV was significantly positive in the two-option trials but was significantly lowered in the three-option trials. Hence, it seems the different distractor effects were driven by the different effects of DV-HV in the two-option trials, rather than the three-option trials?
Note that the pattern described above was different in Supplementary Figure 2, where the effect of DV-HV on the two-option trials was negative for both Multiplicative and Additive groups. I would suggest considering using Supplementary Figure 2 as the main result instead of Figure 5, as it does not rely on multiplicative EV to measure the distraction effect, and it shows the same direction of DV-HV effect on two-option trials, providing a better basis to interpret the (DV-HV)T effect.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This paper addresses the empirical demonstration of "distractor effects" in multi-attribute decision-making. It continues a debate in the literature on the presence (or not) of these effects, which domains they arise in, and their heterogeneity across subjects. The domain of the study is a particular type of multi-attribute decision-making: choices over risky lotteries. The paper reports a re-analysis of lottery data from multiple experiments run previously by the authors and other laboratories involved in the debate.
Methodologically, the analysis assumes a number of simple forms for how attributes are aggregated (adaptively, multiplicatively, or both) and then applies a "reduced form" logistic regression to the choices with a number of interaction terms intended to control for various features of the choice set. One of these interactions, modulated by ternary/binary treatment, is interpreted as a "distractor effect."
The claimed contribution of the re-analysis is to demonstrate a correlation in the strength/sign of this treatment effect with another estimated parameter: the relative mixture of additive/multiplicative preferences.
Major Issues
1) How to Interpret GLM 1 and 2
This paper, and others before it, have used a binary logistic regression with a number of interaction terms to attempt to control for various features of the choice set and how they influence choice. It is important to recognize that this modelling approach is not derived from a theoretical claim about the form of the computational model that guides decision-making in this task, nor an explicit test for a distractor effect. This can be seen most clearly in the equations after line 321 and its corresponding log-likelihood after 354, which contain no parameter or test for "distractor effects". Rather the computational model assumes a binary choice probability and then shoehorns the test for distractor effects via a binary/ternary treatment interaction in a separate regression (GLM 1 and 2). This approach has already led to multiple misinterpretations in the literature (see Cao & Tsetsos, 2022; Webb et al., 2020). One of these misinterpretations occurred in the datasets the authors studied, in which the lottery stimuli contained a confound with the interaction that Chau et al., (2014) were interpreting as a distractor effect (GLM 1). Cao & Tsetsos (2022) demonstrated that the interaction was significant in binary choice data from the study, therefore it can not be caused by a third alternative. This paper attempts to address this issue with a further interaction with the binary/ternary treatment (GLM 2). Therefore the difference in the interaction across the two conditions is claimed to now be the distractor effect. The validity of this claim brings us to what exactly is meant by a "distractor effect."
The paper begins by noting that "Rationally, choices ought to be unaffected by distractors" (line 33). This is not true. There are many normative models that allow for the value of alternatives (even low-valued "distractors") to influence choices, including a simple random utility model. Since Luce (1959), it has been known that the axiom of "Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives" (that the probability ratio between any two alternatives does not depend on a third) is an extremely strong axiom, and only a sufficiency axiom for a random utility representation (Block and Marschak, 1959). It is not a necessary condition of a utility representation, and if this is our definition of rational (which is highly debatable), not necessary for it either. Countless empirical studies have demonstrated that IIA is falsified, and a large number of models can address it, including a simple random utility model with independent normal errors (i.e. a multivariate Probit model). In fact, it is only the multinomial Logit model that imposes IIA. It is also why so much attention is paid to the asymmetric dominance effect, which is a violation of a necessary condition for random utility (the Regularity axiom).
So what do the authors even mean by a "distractor effect." It is true that the form of IIA violations (i.e. their path through the probability simplex as the low-option varies) tells us something about the computational model underlying choice (after all, different models will predict different patterns). However we do not know how the interaction terms in the binary logit regression relate to the pattern of the violations because there is no formal theory that relates them. Any test for relative value coding is a joint test of the computational model and the form of the stochastic component (Webb et al, 2020). These interaction terms may simply be picking up substitution patterns that can be easily reconciled with some form of random utility. While we can not check all forms of random utility in these datasets (because the class of such models is large), this paper doesn't even rule any of these models out.
2) How to Interpret the Composite (Mixture) model?
On the other side of the correlation are the results from the mixture model for how decision-makers aggregate attributes. The authors report that most subjects are best represented by a mixture of additive and multiplicative aggregation models. The authors justify this with the proposal that these values are computed in different brain regions and then aggregated (which is reasonable, though raises the question of "where" if not the mPFC). However, an equally reasonable interpretation is that the improved fit of the mixture model simply reflects a misspecification of two extreme aggregation processes (additive and EV), so the log-likelihood is maximized at some point in between them.
One possibility is a model with utility curvature. How much of this result is just due to curvature in valuation? There are many reasonable theories for why we should expect curvature in utility for human subjects (for example, limited perception: Robson, 2001, Khaw, Li Woodford, 2019; Netzer et al., 2022) and of course many empirical demonstrations of risk aversion for small stakes lotteries. The mixture model, on the other hand, has parametric flexibility.
There is also a large literature on testing expected utility jointly with stochastic choice, and the impact of these assumptions on parameter interpretation (Loomes & Sugden, 1998; Apesteguia & Ballester, 2018; Webb, 2019). This relates back to the point above: the mixture may reflect the joint assumption of how choice departs from deterministic EV.
3) So then how should we interpret the correlation that the authors report?
On one side we have the impact of the binary/ternary treatment which demonstrates some impact of the low value alternative on a binary choice probability. This may reflect some deep flaws in existing theories of choice, or it may simply reflect some departure from purely deterministic expected value maximization that existing theories can address. We have no theory to connect it to, so we cannot tell. On the other side of the correlation, we have a mixture between additive and multiplicative preferences over risk. This result may reflect two distinct neural processes at work, or it may simply reflect a misspecification of the manner in which humans perceive and aggregate attributes of a lottery (or even just the stimuli in this experiment) by these two extreme candidates (additive vs. EV). Again, this would entail some departure from purely deterministic expected value maximization that existing theories can address.
It is entirely possible that the authors are reporting a result that points to the more exciting of these two possibilities. But it is also possible (and perhaps more likely) that the correlation is more mundane. The paper does not guide us to theories that predict such a correlation, nor reject any existing ones. In my opinion, we should be striving for theoretically-driven analyses of datasets, where the interpretation of results is clearer.
4) Finally, the results from these experiments might not have external validity for two reasons. First, the normative criterion for multi-attribute decision-making differs depending on whether the attributes are lotteries or not (i.e. multiplicative vs additive). Whether it does so for humans is a matter of debate. Therefore if the result is unique to lotteries, it might not be robust for multi-attribute choice more generally. The paper largely glosses over this difference and mixes literature from both domains. Second, the lottery information was presented visually and there is literature suggesting this form of presentation might differ from numerical attributes. Which is more ecologically valid is also a matter of debate.
Minor Issues:<br /> The definition of EV as a normative choice baseline is problematic. The analysis requires that EV is the normative choice model (this is why the HV-LV gap is analyzed and the distractor effect defined in relation to it). But if the binary/ternary interaction effect can be accounted for by curvature of a value function, this should also change the definition of which lottery is HV or LV for that subject!
References<br /> Apesteguia, J. & Ballester, M. Monotone stochastic choice models: The case of risk and time preferences. Journal of Political Economy (2018).
Block, H. D. & Marschak, J. Random Orderings and Stochastic Theories of Responses. Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers (1959).
Khaw, M. W., Li, Z. & Woodford, M. Cognitive Imprecision and Small-Stakes Risk Aversion. Rev. Econ. Stud. 88, 1979-2013 (2020).
Loomes, G. & Sugden, R. Testing Different Stochastic Specificationsof Risky Choice. Economica 65, 581-598 (1998).
Luce, R. D. Indvidual Choice Behaviour. (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1959).
Netzer, N., Robson, A. J., Steiner, J. & Kocourek, P. Endogenous Risk Attitudes. SSRN Electron. J. (2022) doi:10.2139/ssrn.4024773.
Robson, A. J. Why would nature give individuals utility functions? Journal of Political Economy 109, 900-914 (2001).
Webb, R. The (Neural) Dynamics of Stochastic Choice. Manage Sci 65, 230-255 (2019).
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The way an unavailable (distractor) alternative impacts decision quality is of great theoretical importance. Previous work, led by some of the authors of this study, had converged on a nuanced conclusion wherein the distractor can both improve (positive distractor effect) and reduce (negative distractor effect) decision quality, contingent upon the difficulty of the decision problem. In very recent work, Cao and Tsetsos (2022) reanalyzed all relevant previous datasets and showed that once distractor trials are referenced to binary trials (in which the distractor alternative is not shown to participants), distractor effects are absent. Cao and Tsetsos further showed that human participants heavily relied on additive (and not multiplicative) integration of rewards and probabilities.
The present study by Wong et al. puts forward a novel thesis according to which interindividual differences in the way of combining reward attributes underlie the absence of detectable distractor effect at the group level. They re-analysed the 144 human participants and classified participants into a "multiplicative integration" group and an "additive integration" group based on a model parameter, the "integration coefficient", that interpolates between the multiplicative utility and the additive utility in a mixture model. They report that participants in the "multiplicative" group show a negative distractor effect while participants in the "additive" group show a positive distractor effect. These findings are extensively discussed in relation to the potential underlying neural mechanisms.
Strengths:<br /> The study is forward-looking, integrating previous findings well, and offering a novel proposal on how different integration strategies can lead to different choice biases.<br /> The authors did an excellent job of connecting their thesis with previous neural findings. This is a very encompassing perspective that is likely to motivate new studies towards a better understanding of how humans and other animals integrate information in decisions under risk and uncertainty.<br /> Despite that some aspects of the paper are very technical, methodological details are well explained and the paper is very well written.
Weaknesses:<br /> The authors quantify the distractor variable as "DV - HV", i.e., the relative distractor variable. Do the conclusions hold when the distractor is quantified in absolute terms (as "DV", see also Cao & Tsetsos, 2023)? Similarly, the authors show in Suppl. Figure 1 that the inclusion of a HV + LV regressor does not alter their conclusions. However, the (HV + LV)*T regressor was not included in this analysis. Does including this interaction term alter the conclusions considering there is a high correlation between (HV + LV)*T and (DV - HV)*T? More generally, it will be valuable if the authors assess and discuss the robustness of their findings across different ways of quantifying the distractor effect.<br /> The central finding of this study is that participants who integrate reward attributes multiplicatively show a positive distractor effect while participants who integrate additively show a negative distractor effect. This is a very interesting and intriguing observation. However, there is no explanation as to why the integration strategy covaries with the direction of the distractor effect. It is unlikely that the mixture model generates any distractor effect as it combines two "context-independent" models (additive utility and expected value) and is fit to the binary-choice trials. The authors can verify this point by quantifying the distractor effect in the mixture model. If that is the case, it will be important to highlight that the composite model is not explanatory; and defer a mechanistic explanation of this covariation pattern to future studies.<br /> Correction for multiple comparisons (e.g., Bonferroni-Holm) was not applied to the regression results. Is the "negative distractor effect in the Additive Group" (Fig. 5c) still significant after such correction? Although this does not affect the stark difference between the distractor effects in the two groups (Fig. 5a), the classification of the distractor effect in each group is important (i.e., should future modelling work try to capture both a negative and a positive effect in the two integration groups? Or just a null and a positive effect?).
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors re-analysed the data of a previous study in order to investigate the relation between asymmetries of subcortical brain structures and the hemispheric lateralization of alpha oscillations during visual spatial attention. The visual spatial attention task crossed the factors of target load and distractor salience, which made it possible to also test the specificity of the relation of subcortical asymmetries to lateralized alpha oscillations for specific attentional load conditions. Asymmetry of globus pallidus, caudate nucleus, and thalamus explained inter-individual differences in attentional alpha modulation in the left versus right hemisphere. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that the explanatory potential of these regions' asymmetries varies as a function of target load and distractor salience.
Strengths:<br /> The analysis pipeline is straightforward and follows in large parts what the authors have previously used in Mazzetti et al (2019). The authors use an interesting study design, which allows for testing of effects specific to different dimensions of attentional load (target load/distractor salience). The results are largely convincing and in part replicate what has previously been shown. The article is well-written and easy to follow.
Weaknesses:<br /> While the article is interesting to read for researchers studying alpha oscillations in spatial attention, I am somewhat sceptical about whether this article is of high interest to a broader readership. Although I read the article with interest, the conceptual advance made here can be considered mostly incremental. As the authors describe, the present study's main advance is that it does not include reward associations (as in previous work) and includes different levels of attentional load. While these design features and the obtained results indeed improve our general understanding of how asymmetries of subcortical structures relate to lateralized alpha oscillations, the conceptual advance is somewhat limited.
While the analysis of the relation of individual subcortical structures to alpha lateralization in different attentional load conditions is interesting, I am not convinced that the present analysis is suited to draw strong conclusions about the subcortical regions' specificity. For example, the Thalamus (Fig. 5) shows a significant negative beta estimate only in one condition (low-load target, non-salient distractor) but not in the other conditions. However, the actual specificity of the relation of thalamus asymmetry to lateralized alpha oscillations would require that the beta estimate for this one condition is significantly higher than the beta estimates for the other three conditions, which has not been tested as far as I understand.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this study, Ghafari et al. explored the correlation between hemispheric asymmetry in the volume of various subcortical regions and lateralization of posterior alpha-band oscillations in a spatial attention task with varying cognitive demands. To this end, they combined structural MRI and task MEG to investigate the relationship between hemispheric differences in the volume of basal ganglia, thalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala and hemisphere-specific modulation of alpha-band power. The authors report that differences in the thalamus, caudate nucleus, and globus pallidus volume are linked to the attention-related changes in alpha band oscillations with differential correlations for different regions in different conditions of the design (depending on the salience of the distractor and/or the target).
Strengths:<br /> The manuscript contributes to filling an important gap in current research on attention allocation which commonly focuses exclusively on cortical structures. Because it is not possible to reliably measure subcortical activity with non-invasive electrophysiological methods, they correlate volumetric measurements of the relevant subcortical regions with cortical measurements of alpha band power. Specifically, they build on their own previous finding showing a correlation between hemispheric asymmetry of basal ganglia volumes and alpha lateralization by assessing a task without an explicit reward component. Furthermore, the authors use differences in saliency and perceptual load to disentangle the individual contributions of the subcortical regions.
Weaknesses:<br /> The theoretical bases of several aspects of the design and analyses remain unclear. Specifically, we missed statements in the introduction about why it is reasonable, from a theoretical perspective, to expect:<br /> (i) a link between volumetric measurements and task activity;<br /> (ii) a specific link with hemispheric asymmetry in subcortical structures (While focusing on hemispheric lateralization might circumvent the problem of differences in head size, it would be better to justify this focus theoretically, which requires for example a short review of evidence showing ipsilateral vs contralateral connections between the relevant subcortical and cortical structures);<br /> (iii) effects not only in basal ganglia and thalamus, but also hippocampus and amygdala (a justification of selection of all ROIs);<br /> (iv) effects that depend on distractor versus target salience (a rationale for the specific two-factor design is missing);<br /> (v) effects in the absence of reward (why it is important to show that the effect seen previously in a task with reward is seen also in a task without reward);<br /> (vi) effects on rapid frequency tagging.
Second, the results are not fully reported. The model space and the results from the model comparison are omitted. Behavioral data and rapid frequency tagging results are not shown. Without having access to the data or the results of the analyses, the reader cannot evaluate whether the null effect corresponds to the absence of evidence or (as claimed in the discussion) evidence of absence.
Third, it remains unclear whether the MMS is the best approach to analyzing effects as a function of target and distractor salience. To address the question of whether the effects of subcortical volumes on alpha lateralization vary with task demands (which we assume is the primary research question of interest, given the factorial design), we would like to evaluate some sort of omnibus interaction effect, e.g., by having target and distractor saliency interact with the subcortical volume factors to predict alpha lateralization. Without such analyses, the results are very hard to interpret. What are the implications of finding the differential effects of the different volumes for the different task conditions without directly assessing the effect of the task manipulation? Moreover, the report would benefit from a further breakdown of the effects into simple effects on unattended and attended alpha, to evaluate whether effects as a function of distractor (vs target) salience are indeed accompanied by effects on unattended (vs attended) alpha.
The fourth concern is that the discussion section is not quite ready to help the reader appreciate the implications of key aspects of the findings. What are the implications for our understanding of the roles of different subcortical structures in the various psychological component processes of spatial attention? Why does the volumetric asymmetry of different subcortical structures have diametrically opposite effects on alpha lateralization? Instead, the discussion section highlights that the different subcortical structures are connected in circuits: "Globus pallidus also has wide projections to the thalamus and can thereby impact the dorsal attentional networks by modulating prefrontal activities." If this is true, then why does the effect of the GP dissociate from that of the thalamus? Also, what is it about the current behavioural paradigm that makes the behavioral readout insensitive to variation in subcortical volume (or alpha lateralization?)?
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> These types of analyses use many underlying assumptions about the data, which are not easy to verify. Hence, one way to test how the algorithm is performing in a task is to study its performance on synthetic data in which the properties of the variable of interest can be apriori fixed. For example, for burst detection, synthetic data can be generated by injected bursts of known durations, and checking if the algorithm is able to pick it up. Burst detection is difficult in the spectral domain since direct spectral estimators have high variance (see Subhash Chandran et al., 2018, J Neurophysiol). Therefore, detected burst lengths are typically much lower than injected burst lengths (see Figure 3). This problem can be solved by doing burst estimation in the time domain itself, for example, using Matching Pursuit (MP). I think the approach presented in this paper would also work since this model is also trained on data in the time domain. Indeed, the synthetic data can be made more "challenging" by injecting multiple oscillatory bursts that are overlapping in time, for which a greedy approach like MP may fail. It would be very interesting to test whether this method can "keep up" as the data is made more challenging. While showing results from brain signals directly (e.g., Figure 7) is nice, it will be even more impactful if it is backed up with results obtained from synthetic data with known properties.
I was wondering about what kind of "synthetic data" could be used for the results shown in Figure 8-12 but could not come up with a good answer. Perhaps data in which different sensory systems are activated (visual versus auditory) or sensory versus movement epochs are compared to see if the activation maps change as expected. We see similarities between states across multiple runs (reproducibility analysis) and across tasks (e.g. Figure 8 vs 9) and even methods (Figure 8 vs 10), which is great. However, we should also expect the emergence of new modes specific to sensory activation (say auditory cortex for an auditory task). This will allow us to independently check the performance of this method.
The authors should explain the reproducibility results (variational free energy and best run analysis) in the Results section itself, to better orient the reader on what to look for.
Page 15: the comparison across subjects is interesting, but it is not clear why sensory-motor areas show a difference and the mean lifetime of the visual network decreases. Can you please explain this better? The promised discussion in section 3.5 can be expanded as well.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The authors have developed a comprehensive set of tools to describe dynamics within a single time-series or across multiple time-series. The motivation is to better understand interacting networks within the human brain. The time-series used here are from direct estimates of the brain's electrical activity; however, the tools have been used with other metrics of brain function and would be applicable to many other fields.
Strengths:<br /> The methods described are principled, and based on generative probabilistic models.<br /> This makes them compact descriptors of the complex time-frequency data.<br /> Few initial assumptions are necessary in order to reveal this compact description.<br /> The methods are well described and demonstrated within multiple peer-reviewed articles.<br /> This toolbox will be a great asset to the brain imaging community.
Weaknesses:<br /> The only question I had was how to objectively/quantitatively compare different network models. This is possibly easily addressed by the authors.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, Ketaren, Mast, Fridy et al. assessed the ability of a previously generated llama nanobody library (Mast, Fridy et al. 2021) to bind and neutralize SARS-CoV-2 delta and omicron variants. The authors identified multiple nanobodies that retain neutralizing and/or binding capacity against delta, BA.1 and BA.4/5. Nanobody epitope mapping on spike proteins using structural modeling revealed possible mechanisms of immune evasion by viral variants as well as mechanisms of cross-variant neutralization by nanobodies. The authors additionally identified two nanobody pairs involving non-neutralizing nanobodies that exhibited synergy in neutralization against the delta variant. These results enabled the refinement of target epitopes of the nanobody repertoire and the discovery of several pan-variant nanobodies for further preclinical development.
Strengths:<br /> Overall, this study is well executed and provides a valuable framework for assessing the impact of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants on nanobodies using a combination of in vitro biochemical and cellular assays as well as computational approaches. There are interesting insights generated from the epitope mapping analyses, which offer possible explanations for how delta and omicron variants escape nanobody responses, as well as how some nanobodies exhibit cross-variant neutralization capacity. These analyses laid out a clear path forward for optimizing these promising next-gen therapeutics, particularly in the face of rapidly emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. This work will be of interest to researchers in the fields of antibody/nanobody engineering, SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics, and host-virus interaction.
Weaknesses:<br /> A main weakness of the study is that the efficacy statement is not thoroughly supported. While the authors comprehensively characterized the neutralizing ability of nanobodies in vitro, there is no animal data involving mice or hamsters to demonstrate the real protective efficacy in vivo. Yet, in the title and throughout the manuscript, the authors repeatedly used phrases like "retains efficacy" or "remains efficacious" to describe the nanobodies' neutralization or binding capacities. This claim is not well supported by the data and underestimates the impact of variants on the nanobodies, especially the omicron sublineages. For example, the authors showed that S1-RBD-15 had a ~100-fold reduction in neutralization titer against Omicron, with an IC50 at around 1 uM. This is much higher than the IC50 value of a typical anti-ancestral RBD nanobody reported in the previous study (Mast, Fridy et al. 2021). In fact, the authors themselves ascribe nanobodies with an IC50 above 1 uM as weak neutralizers. And there were many in the range of 0.1-1 uM. Furthermore, many nanobodies selected for affinity measurement against BA.4/5 had no detectable binding. Without providing in vivo protection data or including monoclonal antibodies that are known to be efficacious against variants in the in vitro assays as a benchmark, it is difficult to evaluate the efficacy just with the IC50 values.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Interest in using nanobodies for therapeutic interventions in infectious diseases is growing due to their ability to bind hidden or cryptic epitopes that are inaccessible to conventional immunoglobulins. In the present study, the authors were posed to characterize nanobodies derived from the library produced earlier with the Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2, map their epitopes on SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and demonstrate that some nanobodies retain binding and even neutralization against antigenically distant Variants of Concern (VOCs) that are currently circulating.
Strengths:<br /> The authors demonstrate that some nanobodies - despite being obtained against the ancestral virus strain - retain high affinity binding to antigenically distant SARS-CoV-2 strains. This is despite the majority of the repertoire losing binding. Although limited to only two nanobody combinations, the demonstration of synergy in virus neutralization between nanobodies targeting different epitopes is compelling.
Weaknesses:<br /> The authors imply that nanobodies that retain binding/neutralization of early Omicron sublineages will be active against currently circulating and future virus strains. Unfortunately, no reasoning for such a conclusion nor data supporting this prediction are provided.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Papalamprou et al. established a methodology to differentiate iPSCs to the syndetome stage and validated it by marker gene expression and scRNA-seq analysis. They further found that inhibition of WNT signaling enhanced the homogeneity of the cell population after identifying a group of braching-off cells that overexpressed WNT. Their results will be helpful in developing cell therapy systems for tendon injuries. However, there are several issues to improve the manuscript:
IPA analysis was performed after scRNA-seq. Although it is knowledge-based software with convenient graphic utilities, it is questionable whether an unbiased genome-level analysis was performed. Therefore, it is not convincing if WNT is the only and best signal for the branching-off marker. Perhaps independent approaches, such as GO, pathway, or module analyses, should be performed to validate the finding.
According to the method section, two iPSC lines were used for the study. However, throughout the manuscript, it is not clearly described which line was used for which experiment. Did they show similar efficiency in differentiation and in responses to WNTi? It is also worrisome if using only two lines is the norm in the stem cell field. Please provide a rationale for using only two lines, which will restrict the observation of individual-specific differential responses throughout the study.
How similar are syndetome cells with or without WNTi? It would be interesting to check if there are major DEGs that differentiate these two groups of cells.
Please discuss the improvement of the current study compared to previous ones (e.g., PMID 36203346, 35083031, 35372337).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Dr. Sheyn and colleagues report the step-wise induction of syndetome-like cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), following a previously published protocol which they adjusted. The progression of the cells through each stage, i.e. presomitic mesoderm (PSM), somitic mesoderm (SM), sclerotome (SCL), and syndetome (SYN)) is characterized using FACS, RT-qPCR and immunofluorescence staining (IF). The authors also performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) analysis of their step-wise induced cells and identified signaling pathways which are potentially involved in and possibly necessary for syndetome induction. They then optimized their protocol by simultaneous inhibition of BMP and Wnt signaling pathways, which led to an increase in syndetome induction while inhibiting off-target differentiation into neural lineages.
Strengths:<br /> The authors conducted scRNAseq analysis of each step of their protocol from iPSCs to syndetome-like cells and employed pathway analysis to uncover further insights into somitic mesoderm (SM) and syndetome (SYN) differentiation. They found that BMP inhibition, in conjunction with the inhibition of WNT signaling, plays a role in driving syndetome differentiation. Analyzing their scRNAseq results, they could improve the syndetome induction efficiency of their protocol from 47.6% to 67%-78% while off-target differentiation into neural lineages could be reduced.
Weaknesses:<br /> The authors demonstrated the efficiency of syndetome induction solely by scRNA-seq data analysis before and after pathway inhibition, without using e.g. FACS analysis or immunofluorescence (IF)-staining based assessment. A functional assessment and validation of the induced cells is also completely missing.
The following points are not clear and need to be addressed by the authors:<br /> 1. Notably, in Figure 1D, certain PSM markers (TBXT, MSGN1, WNT3A) show higher expression on day 3. If the authors initiate SM induction on day 3 instead of day 4, could this potentially enhance the efficiency of syndetome-like cell induction?
2. In the third paragraph of the result section the authors note, "Interestingly, SCX, a prominent tenogenic transcription factor, was significantly downregulated at the SCL stage compared to iPSC, but upregulated during the differentiation from SCL to SYN." Despite this increase, the expression level of SCX in SYN remains lower than that in iPSCs in Fig.1G and Fig.3C. Can the authors provide an explanation for this? Can the authors provide IF data using iPSCs and compare it with in vitro-induced SYN cells? Can the authors provide e.g. additional scRNAseq data which could support this statement?
3. In the fourth paragraph of the result section the authors state, "SM markers (MEOX1, PAX3) and SCL markers (PAX1, PAX9, NKX3.2, SOX9) were upregulated in a stepwise manner." However, the data for MEOX1 and NKX3.2 seems to be missing from Figure 3B-C. The authors should provide this data and/or additional support for their claim.
4. In Figures 2B and 2E, the background of the red channel seems extremely high. Are there better images available, particularly for MEOX1? Given the expected high expression of MEOX1 in SM cells, the authors should observe a strong signal in the nucleus of the stained somitic mesoderm-like cells, but that is not the case in the shown figure. The authors should provide separate channel images instead of merged ones for clarity. The antibody which the authors used might not be specific. Can the authors provide images using an antibody which has been shown to work previously e.g. antibody by ATLAS (Cat#: HPA045214)?
5. In Fig. 2C and Supplementary Fig. 1, the authors present data from immunofluorescence (IF) staining and FACS analysis using a DLL1 antibody. While FACS analysis indicates an efficiency of 96.2% for DLL1+ cells, this was not clearly observed in their IF data. How can the authors explain this discrepancy? Could the authors quantify their IF data and compare it with the corresponding FACS data?
6. In Fig. 2G, PAX9 is expected to be expressed in the nucleus, but the shown IF staining does not appear to be localized to the nucleus. Could the authors provide improved or alternative images to clarify this? The authors should use antibodies shown to work with high specificity as already reported by other groups.
7. Why did the authors choose to display day 10 data for SYN induction in Fig. 4A? Could they provide information about the endpoint of their culture at day 21?
8. In Supplementary Fig. 5, the authors depicted the expression level of SCX, a SYN marker, which peaked at day 14 and then decreased. By day 21, it reached a level comparable to that of iPSCs. Given this observation, could the authors provide a characterization of the cells at day 21 during SYN induction using IF? What was the rationale behind selecting 21 days for SYN induction? The authors also need to show 'n numbers'; how many times were the experiments repeated independently (independent experiments)?<br /> 9. Overall the shown immunofluorescence (IF) data does not appear convincing. Could the authors please provide clearer images, including separate channel images, a bright field image, and magnified views of each staining?
10. As stated by the authors in the manuscript, another research group performed FACS analysis to assess the efficiency of syndetome induction using SCX antibody, and/or quantification of immunofluorescence (IF) with SCX, MKX, COL1A1, or COL2A1 antibodies. Could the authors conduct a comparative analysis of syndetome induction efficiency both before and after protocol optimization, utilizing FACS analysis in conjunction with an SCX reporter line or antibody staining, e.g. quantifying induction efficiency via immunofluorescence (IF) staining with syndetome-specific marker genes?
11. To enhance the paper's significance, the authors should conduct functional validation experiments and proper assessment of their induced syndetome-like cells. They could perform e.g. xeno-transplantation experiments with syndetome cells into SCID-mice or injury models. They could also assess whether the in vitro induced cells could be applied for in vitro tendon/ligament formation.
12. The authors should also compare their scRNA-seq data with actual human embryo data sets, something which could be done given the recent increase in available human embryo scRNA-seq data sets.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Papalamprou et al sought to fine-tune existing tenogenic differentiation protocols to develop a robust multi-step differentiation protocol to induce tendon cells from human GMP-ready iPSCs. In so doing, they found that while existing protocols are capable of driving cells towards a syndetome-like fate, the resultant cultures contain highly heterogeneous cell populations with sub-optimal cell survival. Through single-cell transcriptomic analysis, they identify WNT signaling as a potential driver of an off-target neural population and show that inhibition of WNT signaling at the later 2 stages of differentiation can be used to promote higher efficiency of generation of syndetome-like cells.
This paper includes a useful paradigm for identifying transcriptional modulators of cell fate during differentiation and a clear example where transcriptional data can be used to guide the chemical modulation of a differentiation protocol to improve cell output. The paper's conclusions are mostly well supported by the data, but the image analysis and figure presentation need to be improved to strengthen the impact.
The data outlining the differences between the differentiation outcome of the two tested iPSCs is intriguing, but the authors fail to comment on potential differences between the two iPSC lines that could result in drastically different cell outputs from the same differentiation protocol. This is a critically important point, as the majority of the SCX+ cells generated from the 007i cells using their WNTi protocol were found in the FC subpopulation that failed to form from the 83i line under the same protocol. From the analysis of only these 2 cell lines in vitro, it is difficult to assess whether this WNTi protocol can be broadly used to generate tenogenic cells.
The authors make claims to changes in protein expression but fail to quantify either fluorescence intensity or percent cell expression from their immunofluorescence analyses to substantiate these claims. These claims are not fully supported by the data as presented as it is unclear whether there is increased expression of tendon markers at the protein level or more cells surviving the protocol. Additionally, in images where 3 channels are merged, it would be helpful to show individual channels where genes are shown in similar spectra (ie. Fig 2I SCX/MKX). Furthermore, the current layout and labelling scheme of Figure 4 makes it very difficult to compare conditions between SYN and SYNWNTi protocols.
Individual data points should also be presented for all qPCR experiments (ie. Fig 4A). Biological replicate information is missing from several experiments, particularly the immunofluorescence data, and it is unclear whether the qPCR data was generated from technical or biological replicates.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Genetic, physiological, and environmental manipulations that increase roaming increase leaving rates. The connection between increased roaming and increased leaving is lost when tax4-expressing sensory neurons are inactivated. This study is conceptually important in its characterization of worm behaviors as time-series of discrete states, a promising framework for understanding behavioral decisions as algorithms that govern state transitions. This framework is well-established in other animals, but relatively new to worms.
A key discovery is that lawn leaving behavior is probabilistically favored in states of behavioral arousal. I like the use of response-triggered averages (triggered on leaving events) that illustrate a "state-dependent receptive field" of the behavioral response. Response-triggered averages are common in sensory neuroscience, used, for example, to characterize the diverse "stimulus-dependent receptive fields" of different retinal ganglion cell types. It's nice to adapt the idea to illustrate the state-dependence of behavioral state transitions.
The simplest metric of arousal state is crawling speed. When animals crawl faster, they are more likely to leave lawns. A more sophisticated metric of behavioral context is whether the animal is in a "roaming" or "dwelling" state, two-state HMM modeling from previous work (Flavell et al., 2013). Roaming animals are more likely to leave lawns than dwelling animals. Different autoregressive HMM tools can segment worm behavior into 4-states. Also with ARHMMs, the most aroused state is again the state that promotes lawn-leaving. HMM analysis disentangles effects that were lumped by the simpler metric of overall speed.
The authors use diverse environmental, genetic, and optogenetic perturbations to regulate the roaming state, thereby regulating the statistics of leaving in the expected manner. One surprise is that feeding inhibition evokes roaming and lawn-leaving in both pdfr-1 and tph-1 mutants, even though the tph-1-expressing NSM neurons have been shown to sense bacterial ingestion and food availability.
Another surprise is that evoking roaming does not evoke leaving in tax-4 mutants. Without sensory neuron activity, worms are only more likely to roam for a minute before leaving rather than roaming for several minutes before leaving like wild-type (Figure 6C). ASJ seems to be the most important sensory neuron in this coupling between roaming and leaving (which is uncoupled when sensory neurons are inactivated).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Here, the authors use quantitative behavioral analyses to describe in unprecedented detail the various behavioral choices animals make when encountering the lawn edge. They report that leaving the lawn is a rare outcome compared to other choices such as pausing or reversing back into the lawn. It occurs predominantly out of the roaming state and has a characteristic preceding fast crawling profile. They developed a refined analysis method, the result of which suggests that the arousal state of animals on food can be described by a 4-state behavior (as opposed to the 2-state roaming - dwelling classification); leaving the lawn occurs predominantly from "state 3", which corresponds to the highest level of arousal during roaming. They further show that various manipulations, such as optogenetic inhibition of feeding, stimulation of RIB neurons, or mutations of neuromodulator pathways, all of which have previously been reported to affect crawling speed and/or roaming/dwelling, maintain the coupling between roaming states and leaving, suggesting a dedicated mechanism for coupling leaving to the roaming state. Finally, they use genetics to implicate chemosensory neurons as neuronal circuit elements mediating this coupling.
How arousal states affect decision making is an active area of neuroscience research; therefore, the current manuscript will impact the field beyond the small community of C. elegans researchers. Also, in the past, roaming/dwelling and leaving have been treated as independent behaviors; the current manuscript is very intriguing, demonstrating both the interconnectedness of different behavioral programs and the importance of the animal's behavioral context for specific decisions.
In this current revision and, the authors have made a good effort at addressing most of my previous comments, especially to clarify the sample sizes and how independent assays were performed.
My major concern, however, remains: when leaving animals apparently accelerate their locomotion speed starting about 30s prior to the leaving events (Fig. 2A, D, G). By the authors' analysis, these episodes are assigned to roaming or 'state 3'. Note, that even within these states the behavior seems to be distinctively faster than baseline roaming- or 'state 3'- speed (Fig. 2A, D, G). If leaving is indeed preceded by a stereotypic acceleration phase, this phase should be assigned to the leaving event, not to roaming or 'state 3'. If this is done, the distribution of roaming dwelling states prior to acceleration-leaving could get closer to 50/50 (draw a vertical line at 30s onto Figure 2C, and then count the fraction of prior roaming-dwelling states). I would conclude that the probability of leaving is also high out of the dwelling-state. This interpretation challenges the major conclusion of the study, which is that the roaming behavioral state is a major determinant of the leaving decision. The analysis in Figure 2 S1E shows interesting results hinting that leaving is indeed not fully independent of the roaming history, but does not directly address the issue described above.
I think that the work is otherwise overall very well done and the results are extremely interesting. But I would interpret the results differently unless the authors provide a more tailored analysis that rules out my concern.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Scheer and Bargmann use a combination of computational and experimental approaches in C.elegans to investigate the neuronal mechanisms underlying the regulation of foraging decisions by the state of arousal. They showed that, in C.elegans, the decision to leave food substrates is linked to a high arousal state, roaming, and that an increase in speed at different timescales preceded the food leaving decisions. They found that mutants that exhibit increased roaming also leave food substrates more frequently and that both behaviors can be triggered if food intake is inhibited. They further identify a set of chemosensory neurons that express the transduction channel tax-4 that couple the roaming state and the food-leaving decisions. The authors postulate that these neurons integrate foraging decisions with behavioral states and internal feeding cues.
The strength of the paper relies on using quantitative and detailed behavioral analysis over multiple time scales in combination with manipulation of genes and neuron to tackle the state-dependent control of behavioral decisions in C. elegans. The evidence is convincing, the analysis rigorous, and the writing is clear and to the point.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This manuscript by Kelly et al. reports results from single-cell transcriptomic analysis of spinal neurons in zebrafish. The work builds on a strong foundation of literature and the objective, to discern gene expression patterns specializing functionally distinct motor circuits, is well rationalized. Specifically, they compared the transcriptomes in the escape and swimming circuits.
The authors discovered, in the motor neurons of the escape circuit, two functional groups or "cassettes" of genes related to excitability and vesicle release, respectively. Expression of these genes make sense for a "fast" circuit. This finding will be important to the field and form the basis for subsequent studies differentiating the escape circuit from others.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary: Kelly et al. strategically leverage the unique strengths of the zebrafish larval model and scRNA-seq to uncover genes that determine the stereotypic output of different neuronal circuits. The results lead to the identification of ion channel and synapse associated genes that distinguish a fast reliable neuronal circuit.
Strengths:<br /> - Well-established neuronal markers allow the transcriptomic analyses to match a majority of the transcriptomic clusters to specific spinal neuron subtypes.<br /> - One transcriptomic cluster reveals the presence in zebrafish of a spinal neuron subtype previously identified in mammals.<br /> - The primary motor neuron and specific interneurons of the circuit mediating strong and fast swimming share expression of cassettes of ion channel and synapse-related gene cassette that sculpt fast and strong synaptic transmission.<br /> - Results are optimally placed in the context of the rich background and literature regarding zebrafish spinal neuron physiology.
Weaknesses:<br /> -The revised version has addressed previous concerns.
Likely Impact:<br /> - The ion channel and synapse-related gene cassettes that distinguish the primary motor neuron circuit are shared with some mammalian circuits that also generate fast, reliable synaptic transmission.<br /> - The transcriptomic data have been deposited in the publicly accessible Gene Expression Omnibus allowing others to mine the rich data set that also included glial cells that were not the focus of this study.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Functional and anatomical studies of spinal circuitry in vertebrates have formed the basis of our understanding of neuronal control of movements. Larval zebrafish provide a simplified system for deciphering spinal circuitry. In this manuscript, the authors performed scRNAseq on spinal cord neurons in larval zebrafish, identifying major classes of neuronal and glial types. Through transcriptome analysis, they validated several key interneuron types previously implicated in zebrafish locomotion circuitry. The authors went beyond identifying transcriptional markers and explored synaptic molecules associated with the strength of motor output. They discovered molecular distinctions causally related to the unique physiology of primary motoneuron (PMn) function, which involves providing strong synaptic outputs for escapes and fast swimming. They defined functional 'cassettes' comprising specific combinations of voltage-dependent ion channel types and synaptic proteins, likely responsible for generating maximal motor outputs.
Comments on revised version:
"However, the reviewer interprets Figure 2c to show that Type I, not Type II, V2a is more highly recruited over the range of higher swimming speeds whereas we conclude just the opposite."
BRE: The preceding is the authors' response to the Reviewer's critique of Version 1 of the manuscript and refers to Figure 2C of Menelaou and McLean, Nat Commun. 10:4197, 2019; PMID: 31519892; PMCID: PMC6744451. Below the Reviewer's second critique elaborates on this point. The authors chose not to modify the manuscript further.
This is not what I would like to maintain in my previous report. Both Type I and Type II V2a neurons are recruited during very fast swimming (70 Hz). The degree of the de-recruitment of Type I V2a neurons during slower swimming (40-60 Hz) is larger than Type II. Thus, what I would like to say is that Type I V2a neurons are more analogous to PMns than Type II V2a neurons (Both PMns and SMns are recruited during very fast swimming, and PMns tend to be de-recruited during slower swimming).
In this sense, I don't like the author's way of relating Type II V2a neurons to escapes and very fast swimming. However, if the authors insist on the current form of the manuscript, I do not strongly object.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Muller glia function as retinal stem cells in the adult zebrafish retina. Following retinal injury, Muller glia are reprogrammed (reactive Muller glia), and then divide to produce a progenitor that amplifies and differentiates into retinal neurons. Previous scRNAseq analysis used total retinal RNA from uninjured and injured retinas isolated at time points when Muller glia are quiescent, being reprogrammed, and proliferating to reveal genes and gene regulatory networks underlying these events (Hoang et al., 2020). The manuscript by Celotto et al., used double transgenic zebrafish that allow them to purify by FACS quiescent and reactive Muller glia, Muller glia-derived progenitors, and their differentiating progeny at different times post retinal damage. RNA from these cell populations was used in scRNAseq studies to identify the transcriptomes associated with these cell populations. Importantly, they report two quiescent and two reactive Muller glia populations. These results raise the interesting possibility that Muller glia are a heterogeneous population whose members may exhibit different regenerative responses to retinal injury. However, without further experimentation, the validity and significance of this result remain unclear. In addition to putative Muller cell heterogeneity, Celotto et al., identified multiple progenitor classes, some of which are specified to regenerate specific retinal neuron types. Because of its focus on Muller glia and Muller glia-derived progenitors at mid to late stages of retina regeneration, this new scRNAseq data will be a useful resource to the research community for further interrogation of gene expression changes underlying retina regeneration.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this publication, the authors provide a comprehensive trajectory of transcriptional changes in Müller glia cells (MG) in the regenerating retina of zebrafish. These resident glia cells of the retina can differentiate into all neural cell classes following injury, providing full regenerative capabilities of the zebrafish retina. The authors achieved this by using single-cell RNA sequencing of Müller glia, progenitors, and regenerated progeny, comparing uninjured and light-lesioned retinae.
The isolation strategy involves using two transgenic strains, one labelling dividing cells and their immediate progeny, and the other Müller glia cells. This allowed them to separate injury-induced proliferating and non-reactive Müller glia cells. Subsequent single-cell transcriptomics showed that MG could be non-reactive under both uninjured and lesioned conditions and reactive MG gives rise to a cell population that both replenishes the pool of MG and replenishes neurogenic retinal precursor cells. These precursor cells produce regenerated neurons in a developmental time series with ganglion cells being born first and bipolar cells being born last. Interestingly hybrid populations have been detected that co-share characteristics of photoreceptor precursors and reactive glia.
This is the first study of its kind following the dynamic changes of transcriptional changes during retinal regeneration, providing a rich data source of genes involved in regeneration. Their finding of transcriptionally separable MG populations is intriguing.
This study focuses on the light-lesioned retina and leaves open the question if the observed transcriptional trajectories of regenerating neurons are generalizable to other lesion models (e.g. chemical or mutational lesions) or are specific to the light-damaged retina.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The process of taste perception is significantly more intricate and complex in Lepidopteran insects. This investigation provides valuable insights into the role of Gustatory receptors and their dynamics in the sensation of sucrose, which serves as a crucial feeding cue for insects. The article highlights the differential sensitivity of Grs to sucrose and their involvement in feeding and insect behavior.
To support the notion of the differential specificity of Gr to sucrose, this study employed electrophysiology, ectopic expression of Grs in Xenopus, genome editing, and behavioral studies on insects. This investigation offers a fundamental understanding of the gustation process in lepidopteran insects and its regulation of feeding and other gustation-related physiological responses. This study holds significant importance in advancing our comprehension of lepidopteran insect biology, gustation, and feeding behavior.
While this manuscript demonstrates technical proficiency, there exists an opportunity for additional refinement to optimize comprehensibility for the intended audience. Several crucial sugars have been overlooked in the context of electrophysiology studies and should be incorporated. Furthermore, it is imperative to consider the potential off-target effects of Gr knock-out on other Gr expressions. This investigation focuses exclusively on Gr6 and Gr10, while neglecting a comprehensive narrative regarding other Grs involved in sucrose sensation.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
To identify sugar receptors and assess the capacity of these genes the authors first set out to identify behavioral responses in larvae and adults as well as physiological response. They used phylogenetics and gene expression (RNAseq) to identify candidates for sugar reception. Using first an in vitro oocyte system they assess the responses to distinct sugars. A subsequent genetic analysis shows that the Gr10 and Gr6 genes provide stage specific functions in sugar perception.
A clear strength of the manuscript is the breadth of techniques employed allowing a comprehensive study in a non-canonical model species.
There are no major weaknesses in the study for the current state of knowledge in this species. Since it is much basic work to establish a broader knowledge, context with other modalities remains unknown. It might have been possible to probe certain contexts known from the fruit fly, which would have strengthened the manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In this study, the authors combine electrophysiology, behavioural analyses, and genetic editing techniques on the cotton bollworm to identify the molecular basis of sugar sensing in this species.
The larval and adult forms of this species feed on different plant parts. Larvae primarily consume leaves, which have relatively lower sugar concentrations, while adults feed on nectar, rich in sugar. Through a series of experiments-spanning electrophysiological recordings from both larval and adult sensillae, qPCR expression analysis of identified GRs from these sensillae, response profiles of these GRs to various sugars via heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes, and evaluations of CRISPR mutants based on these parameters-the authors discovered that larvae and adults employ distinct GRs for sugar sensing. While the larva uses the highly sensitive GR10a, the adult uses the less sensitive and broadly tuned GR6. This differential use of GRs are in keeping with their behavioural ecology.
The data are cohesive and consistently align across the methodologies employed. They are also well presented and the manuscript is clearly written.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> DAVID syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by variable immune dysfunction and variable ACTH deficiency. Nine different families have been reported, and all have heterozygous mutations in NFKB2. The mechanism of NFKB2 action in the immune systems has been well-studied, but nothing is known about its role in the pituitary gland.
The DAVID mutations cluster in the C-terminus of the NFKB2 and interfere with cleavage and nuclear translocation. The mutations are likely dominant negative, by affecting dimer function. ACTH deficiency can be life-threatening in neonates and adults, thus, understanding the mechanism of NFKB2 action in pituitary development and/or function is important.
The authors use CRISPR/Cas gene editing of human iPSC-derived pituitary-hypothalamic organoids to assess the function of NFKB2 and TBX19 in pituitary development. Mutations in TBX19 are the most common, known cause of pituitary ACTH deficiency, and the mechanism of action has been studied in mice, which phenocopy the human condition. Thus, the TBX19 organoids can serve as a positive control. The Nfkb2 mouse model has a p.Y868* mutation that impairs cleavage of NFKB2 p100, and the immune phenotype mimics the patients with DAVID mutations, but no pituitary phenotype was evident. Thus, a human organoid model might be the only approach suitable to discover the etiology of the pituitary phenotype.
Overall, the authors have selected an important problem, and the results suggest that the pituitary insufficiency in DAVID syndrome is caused by a developmental defect rather than an autoimmune hypophysitis condition. The use of gene editing in human iPSC-derived hypothalamic-pituitary organoids is significant, as there is only one example of this previously, namely studies on OTX2. Only a few laboratories have demonstrated the ability to differentiate iPSC or ES cells to these organoids, and the authors have improved the efficiency of differentiation, which is also significant.
The strength of the evidence is excellent. However, the two ACTH-deficient organoid models use a single genetically engineered clone, and the potential for variability amongst clones makes the conclusions less compelling. Since the authors obtained two independent clones for NFKB2 it is not clear why only one clone was studied. Finally, the effect of TBX19 on early pituitary fate markers is somewhat surprising given the phenotype of the knockout mice and patients with mutations. Thus, the use of a single clone for that study is also worrisome.
Strengths:<br /> The authors make mutations in TBX19 and NFKB2 that exist in affected patients. The TBX19 p.K146R mutation is recessive and causes isolated ACTH deficiency. Mutations in this gene account for 2/3 of isolated ACTH deficiency cases. The NFKB2 p.D865G mutation is heterozygous in a patient with recurrent infections and isolated ACTH deficiency. NFKB2 mutations are a rare cause of ACTH deficiency, and they can be associated with the loss of other pituitary hormones in some cases. However, all reported cases are heterozygous.
The developmental studies of organoid differentiation seem rigorous in that 200 organoids were generated for each hiPSC line, and 3-10 organoids were analyzed for each time point and genotype. Differentiation analysis relied on both RNA transcript measurements and immunohistochemistry of cleared organoids using light sheet microscopy. Multiple time points were examined, including seven times for gene expression at the RNA level and two times in the later stages of differentiation for IHC.<br /> TBX19 deficient organoids exhibit reduced levels of PITX1, LHX3, and POMC (ACTH precursor) expression at the RNA and IHC level, and there are fewer corticotropes in the organoids, as ascertained by POMC IHC.
The NFKB2 deficient organoids have a normal expression of the early pituitary transcription factor HESX1, but reduced expression of PITX2, LHX3, and POMC. Because there is no immune component in the organoid, this shows that NFKB2 mutations can affect corticotrope differentiation to produce POMC. RNA sequencing analysis of the organoids reveals potential downstream targets of NFKB2 action, including a potential effect on epithelial-to-mesenchymal-like transition and selected pituitary and hypothalamic transcription factors and signaling pathways.
Weaknesses:<br /> There could be variation between individual iPSC lines that is unrelated to the genetically engineered change. While the authors check for off-target effects of the guide RNA at predicted sites using WGS, a better control would be to have independently engineered clones or to correct the engineered clone to wild type and show that the phenotypic effects are reversed.
All NFKB2 patients are heterozygous for what appear to be dominant negative mutations that affect protein cleavage and nuclear localization of processed protein as homo or heterdimers. The organoids are homozygous for this mutation. Supplemental Figure 4 indicates that one heterozygous clone and two homozygous mutant clones were obtained. Analysis of these additional clones would give more strength to the conclusions, showing reproducibility and the effect of mutant gene dosage.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> This manuscript by Mac et al addresses the causes of pituitary dysfunction in patients with DAVID syndrome which is caused by mutations in the NFKB2 gene and leads to ACTH deficiency. The authors seek to determine whether the mutation directly leads to altered pituitary development, as opposed to an autoimmune defect, by using mutating human iPSCs and then establishing organoids that differentiate into pituitary tissue. They first seek to validate the system using a well-characterised mutation of the transcription factor TBX19, which also results in ACTH deficiency in patients. Then they characterise altered pituitary cell differentiation in mutant NFKB2 organoids and show that these lack corticotrophs, which would lead to ACTH deficiency.
Strengths:<br /> The conclusion of the paper that ACTH deficiency in DAVID syndrome is independent of an autoimmune input is strong.
Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The authors correctly emphasise the importance of establishing the validity of an iPSC-based model in being able to recapitulate in vivo dysfunctional pituitary development through characterisation of a TBX19 knock-in mutation. Whilst this leads to the expected failure of functional corticotroph differentiation, other aspects of the normal pituitary differentiation pathway upstream of corticotroph commitment seem to have been affected in surprising ways. In particular, the loss of LHX3 and PITX1 in TBX19 mutant organoids compared with wild type requires explanation, especially as the mutant protein would only be expected to be expressed in a small proportion of anterior pituitary lineage cells. If the developmental expression profile of key transcription factors in mutant organoids does not recapitulate that which occurs in vivo, any interpretation of the relevance of expression differences in the NFKB2 organoids to the mechanism(s) leading to corticotroph function in vivo has to be questionable. It is notable that the manipulation of iPSC cells used to generate mutants through CRISPR/Cas9 editing is not applied to the control iPSC line. It is possible that these manipulations lead to changes to the iPSC cells that are independent of the mutations introduced and this may change the phenotype of the cells. A better control would have been an iPSC line with a benign knock-in (such as GFP into the ROSA26 locus).
2. In the results section of the manuscript the authors acknowledge that hypothalamic tissue in the NFKB2 mutant organoid may be having an effect on the development of pituitary tissue. However, in the discussion the emphasis is entirely on pituitary autonomous mechanisms such as pituitary HESX1 expression or POMC gene regulation; in the conclusion of the abstract, a direct role for NFKB2 in pituitary differentiation is described. Whilst the data here may suggest a non-immune mediated alteration in pituitary function in DAVID syndrome, if this is due to alteration of the developing hypothalamus then this is not direct. A fuller discussion of the potential hypothalamic contribution and/or further characterisation of this aspect is warranted.
3. qRT-PCR data presented in Figure 6A shows negligible alteration of HESX1 expression at all time points in NFKB2 mutant organoids. This is not consistent with the 2-fold increase in HESX1 expression described in day 48 organoids found by bulk RNA sequencing. How do the authors reconcile these results and why is one result focused on in the discussion where a potential mechanism for a blockade of normal pituitary cell differentiation is suggested? Further confirmation of HESX1 expression is required.
4. Throughout the authors focus on POMC gene expression and ACTH antibody immunopositive as being indicative of corticotroph cell identity. In the human fetal pituitary melanotrophs are present and most ACTH antibodies are unable to distinguish these cells from corticotrophs. Is the antibody used specifically for ACTH rather than other products of the POMC gene? It is unlikely that all the ACTH-positive cells are melanotrophs, nevertheless, it is important to know what the proportions of the 2 POMC-positive cell types are. This could be distinguished by looking for the expression of NeuroD1, which would also define whether corticotrophs are committed but not fully differentiated in the NFKB2 mutant organoids. In support of an effect on corticotrophs, it is notable that CRHR1 expression (which would be expected to be restricted to this cell type) is reduced by 84% in bulk RNAseq data (Table 1) and this may be an indicator of the loss of corticotrophs in the model.
5. Notwithstanding the caveats about whether the organoid model recapitulates in vivo pituitary differentiation (see 1 above) and whether the bulk RNAseq accurately reflects expression levels (see 3 above), there are potentially some extremely interesting changes in gene expression shown in Table 1 which warrant further discussion. For example, there is a 25-fold reduction in POU1F1 expression which may be expected to reflect a loss of somatotrophs in the organoid (and possibly lactotrophs) and highlights the importance of characterising the effect of NFKB2 on other anterior pituitary cell types within the organoid. If somatotrophs are affected, this may be relevant to the organoids as a model of DAVID syndrome as GH deficiency has been described in some individuals with NFKB2 mutations. The huge increase in CGA expression may reflect a switch in cell fate to gonadotrophs, as has been described with a loss of TPIT in the mouse. These are examples of the changes that warrant further characterisation and discussion.
6. How do the authors explain the lack of effect of NFKB2 mutation on global NFKB signalling?
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this work authors are trying to satisfy a real need in MR safety, when concerns can rise about the thermal increase due to metallic materials in patients carrying orthopedic implants. The "MR conditional" labeling of the implant obtained by ASTM in-vitro tests may help to plan the MR scan, but it is normally limited to a single specific MR sequence and a B0 value, and it is not always available. The adoption of an in-silico simulation testbed overcomes this limitation, providing a fast and reliable prediction of temperature increase from RF, in real-life scan conditions on human-like digital models. The FDA is pushing this approach.
The presented in-silico testbed looks valuable and validated. It is based on the widely available Visible Human Project (VHP) datasets, and the testbed is available on-line. The approval of the testbed by the FDA as a medical device development tool (MDDT) is a good premise for the large-scale adoption of this kind of solution.
A couple of limitations of the study are now clearly highlighted to the readers in this revised version of the paper. The following aspects:<br /> - the lack of the equivalent modeling for the gradients-related heating;<br /> - the way the implant is embedded in the VHP model that should take in consideration how to manage the removed and stretched tissues;<br /> are now correctly taken in consideration in the discussion, providing additional literature.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this article, the authors provide a method of evaluating safety of orthopedic implants in relation to Radiofrequency induced heating issues. The authors provide an open source computational heterogeneous human model and explain computational techniques in a finite element method solver to predict the RF induced temperature increase due to an orthopedic implant while being exposed to MRI RF fields at 1.5 T.
The open access computational human model along with their semiautomatic algorithm to position the implant can help realistically model the implant RF exposure in patient avoiding over- or under-estimation of RF heating measured using rectangular box phantoms such as ASTM phantom. Additionally, using numerical simulation to predict radiofrequency induced heating will be much easier compared to the experimental measurements in MRI scanner, especially when the scanner availability is limited.
The proposed method only used radiofrequency (RF) field exposure to evaluate the heating around the implant. However, in the case of bulky implants the rapidly changing gradient field can also produce significant heating due to large eddy currents. So the gradient induced heating still remains an issue to be evaluated to decide on the safety of the patient. Moreover, the method is limited to a single human model and might not be representative of patients with different age, sex and body weights.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> The manuscript by Hann et. al examines the role of survival motor neuron protein (SMN) in lateral plate mesoderm-derived cells using the Prrx1Cre to elucidate how changing cell-specific SMN levels coordinate aspects of the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) pathology. SMN has generally been studied in neuronal cells, and this is one of the first insights into non-neuronal cells that may contribute to SMA disease. The authors generated 3 mouse lines: a Prrx1;Smnf/f conditional null mouse, as well as, single and double copy Prrx1;Smnf/f;SMN2 mice carrying either one or two copies of a human SMN2 transgene. First, the bone development and growth of all three were assessed; the conditional null Smn mutation was lethal shortly after birth, while the SMN2 2-copy mutant did not exhibit bone growth phenotypes. Meanwhile, single-copy SMN2 mutant mice showed reduced size and shorter limbs with shorter proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocyte zones. The authors suggested that this was cell autonomous by assessing the expression of extrinsic factors known to modulate proliferation/differentiation of growth plate chondrocytes. After assessing bone phenotypes, the authors transitioned to the assessments of neuromuscular junction (NMJ) phenotypes, since there are documented neuromuscular impairments in SMA and the Prrx1Cre transgene is expressed in muscle-associated fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs). Neonatal NMJ development was unchanged in mutant mice with two copies of SMN2 , but adult single-copy SMN2 mutant mice had abnormal NMJ morphology, altered presynaptic neurotransmission, and problematic nerve terminal structure. Finally, the authors sought to assess the ability to rescue NMJ phenotypes via FAP cell transplantation and showed wild-type FAPs were able to reduce pre/postsynaptic fragmentation and neurofilament varicosities.
Strengths:<br /> The conditional genetic approaches are novel and interestingly demonstrate the potential for chondrocyte and fibro-adipogenic progenitor-specific contributions to the SMA pathology.
The characterizations of the neuromuscular and NMJ phenotypes are relatively strong.
The data strongly suggest a non-neuronal contribution to SMA, which indicates a need for further mechanistic (cellular and molecular) studies to better understand SMA.
Weaknesses:<br /> The skeletal analyses are not rigorous and likely do not get to the core of how SMN regulates bone development.
The overall work is descriptive and lacks convincing mechanisms.
Additional experimentation is likely needed to fully justify the conclusions.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> Sang-Hyeon et al. laid out a compelling rationale to explore the role of the SMN protein in mesenchymal cells, to determine whether SMN deficiency there could be a pathologic mechanism of SMA. They crossed Smnf7/f7 mice with Prrx1Cre mice to produce SmnΔMPC mice where exon 7 was specifically deleted and thus SMN protein was eliminated in limb mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs). To demonstrate gene dosage-dependence of phenotypes, SmnΔMPC mice were crossed with transgenic mice expressing human SMN2 to produce SmnΔMPC mice with different copies of SMN2 (0, 1, or 2). The paper provides genetic evidence that SMN in mesenchymal cells regulates the development of bones and neuromuscular junctions. Genetic data were convincing and revealed novel functions of SMN.
Strengths:<br /> Overall, the paper provided genetic evidence that SMN deficiency in mesenchymal cells caused abnormalities in bones and NMJs, revealing novel functions of SMN and leading to future experiments. As far as genetics is concerned, the data were convincing (except for the rescue experiment, see below); the conclusions are important.
Weaknesses:<br /> The paper seemed to be descriptive in nature and could be improved with more experiments to investigate underlying mechanisms. In addition, some data appeared to be contradicting or difficult to explain. The rescue data were not convincing.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> SMN expression in non-neuronal cells, particularly in limb mesenchymal progenitors is essential for the proper growth of chondrocytes and the formation of adult NMJ junctions.
Strengths:<br /> The authors show copy numbers of smndelta7 in MPC influence NMJ structure.
Weaknesses:<br /> Functional recovery by FAP transplantation is not complete. Mesenchymal progenitors are heterogeneous, and how heterogeneity influences this study is not clear. Part of the main findings to show the importance of SMN expression in non-neuronal cells is partly published by the same group (Kim et al., JCI Insight 2022). In the study, the authors used Dpp4(+) cells. The difference between the current study and the previous study is not so clear.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In 2019, Wilkinson and colleagues (PMID: 31142833) managed to break the veil in a 20-year open question on how to properly culture and expand Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs). Although this study is revolutionizing the HSC biology field, several questions regarding the mechanisms of expansion remain open. Leveraging on this gap, Zhang et al.; embarked on a much-needed investigation regarding HSC self-renewal in this particular culturing setting.
The authors firstly tacked the known caveat that some HSC membrane markers are altered during in vitro cultures by functionally establishing EPCR (CD201) as a reliable and stable HSC marker (Figure 1), demonstrating that this compartment is also responsible for long-term hematopoietic reconstitution (Figure 3). Next in Figure 2, the authors performed single-cell omics to shed light on the potential mechanisms involved in HSC maintenance, and interestingly it was shown that several hematopoietic populations like monocytes and neutrophils are also present in this culture conditions, which has not been reported. The study goes on to functionally characterize these cultured HSCs (cHSC). The authors elegantly demonstrate using state-of-the-art barcoding strategies that these culturing conditions provoke heterogeneity in the expanding HSC pool (Figure 4). In the last experiment (Figure 5), it was demonstrated that cHSC not only retain their high EPCR expression levels but upon transplantation, these cells remain more quiescent than freshly-isolated controls.
Taken together, this study independently validates that the proposed culturing system works and provides new insights into the mechanisms whereby HSC expansion takes place.
Most of the conclusions of this study are well supported by the present manuscript, some aspects regarding experimental design and especially the data analysis should be clarified and possibly extended.
1. The first major point regards the single-cell (sc) omics performed on whole cultured cells (Figure 2):<br /> a. The authors claim that both RNA and ATAC were performed and indeed some ATAC-seq data is shown in Figure 2B, but this collected data seems to be highly underused.<br /> b. It's not entirely clear to this reviewer the nature of the so-called "HSC signatures"(SF2C) and why exactly these genes were selected. There are genes such as Mpl and Angpt1 which are used for Mk-biased HSCs. Maybe relying on other HSC molecular signatures (PMID: 12228721, for example) would not only bring this study more into the current field context but would also have a more favorable analysis outcome. Moreover reclustering based on a different signature can also clarify the emergence of relevant HSC clusters.<br /> c. The authors took the hard road to perform experiments with the elegant HSC-specific Fgd5-reporter, and they claim in lines 170-171 that it "failed to clearly demarcate in our single-cell multimodal data". This seems like a rather vague statement and leads to the idea that the scRNA-seq experiment is not reliable. It would be interesting to show a UMAP with this gene expression regardless and also potentially some other HSC markers.
2. During the discussion and in Figure 4, the authors ponder and demonstrate that this culturing system can provoke divert HSC close expansion, having also functional consequences. This a known caveat from the original system, but in more recent publications from the original group (PMID: 36809781 and PMID: 37385251) small alterations into the protocol seem to alleviate clone selection. It's intriguing why the authors have not included these parameters at least in some experiments to show reproducibility or why these studies are not mentioned during the discussion section.
3. In this reviewer's opinion, the finding that transplanted cHSC are more quiescent than freshly isolated controls is the most remarkable aspect of this manuscript. There is a point of concern and an intriguing thought that sprouts from this experiment. It is empirical that for this experiment the same HSC dose is transplanted between both groups. This however is technically difficult since the membrane markers from both groups are different. Although after 8 weeks chimerism levels seem to be the same (SF5D) for both groups, it would strengthen the evidence if the author could demonstrate that the same number of HSCs were transplanted in both groups, likely by limiting dose experiments. Finally, it's interesting that even though EE100 cells underwent multiple replication rounds (adding to their replicative aging), these cells remained more quiescent once they were in an in vivo setting. Since the last author of this manuscript has also expertise in HSC aging, it would be interesting to explore whether these cells have "aged" during the expansion process by assessing whether they display an aged phenotype (myeloid-skewed output in serial transplantations and/or assisting their transcriptional age).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Summary:<br /> In this study, Zhang and colleagues characterise the behaviour of mouse hematopoietic stem cells when cultured in PVA conditions, a recently published method for HSC expansion (Wilkinson et al., Nature, 2019), using multiome analysis (scRNA-seq and scATACseq in the same single cell) and extensive transplantation experiments. The latter are performed in several settings including barcoding and avoiding recipient conditioning. Collectively the authors identify several interesting properties of these cultures namely: 1) only very few cells within these cultures have long-term repopulation capacity, many others, however, have progenitor properties that can rescue mice from lethal myeloablation; 2) single-cell characterisation by combined scRNAseq and scATACseq is not sufficient to identify cells with repopulation capacity; 3) expanded HSCs can be engrafted in unconditioned host and return to quiescence.<br /> The authors also confirm previous studies that EPCRhigh HSCs have better reconstitution capability than EPCRlow HSCs when transplanted.
Strengths:<br /> The major strength of this manuscript is that it describes how functional HSCs are expanded in PVA cultures to a deeper extent than what has been done in the original publication. The authors are also mindful of considering the complexities of interpreting transplantation data. As these PVA cultures become more widely used by the HSC community, this manuscript is valuable as it provides a better understanding of the model and its limitations.
Novelty aspects include:<br /> • The authors determined that small numbers of expanded HSCs enable transplantation into non-conditioned syngeneic recipients.<br /> • This is to my knowledge the first report characterising the output of PVA cultures by multiome. This could be a very useful resource for the field.<br /> • They are also the first to my knowledge to use barcoding to quantify HSC repopulation capacity at the clonal level after PVA culture.<br /> • It is also useful to report that HSCs isolated from fetal livers do expand less than their adult counterparts in these PVA cultures.
Weaknesses:<br /> • The analysis of the multiome experiment is limited. The authors do not discuss what cell types, other than functional or phenotypic HSCs are present in these cultures (are they mostly progenitors or bona fide mature cells?) and no quantifications are provided.<br /> • Barcoding experiments are technically elegant but do not bring particularly novel insights.<br /> • The number of mice analysed in certain experiments is fairly low (Figures 1 and 5).<br /> • The manuscript remains largely descriptive. While the data can be used to make useful recommendations to future users working with PVA cultures and in general with HSCs, those recommendations could be more clearly spelled out in the discussion.<br /> • The authors should also provide a discussion of the other publications that have used these methods to date.
Overall, the authors succeeded in providing a useful set of experiments to better interpret what type of HSCs are expanded in PVA cultures. More in-depth mining of their bioinformatic data (by the authors or other groups) is likely to highlight other interesting/relevant aspects of HSC biology in relation to this expansion methodology.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) is a rapidly progressing form of kidney disease that manifests secondary to untreated HIV infection, and is predominantly seen in individuals of African descent. Tg26 mice carrying an HIV transgene lacking gag and pol exhibit high levels of albuminuria and rapid decline in renal function that recapitulates many features of HIVAN in humans. HIVAN is seen predominantly in individuals carrying two copies of missense variants in the APOL1 gene, and the authors have previously shown that APOL1 risk variant mRNA induces activity of the double-strand RNA sensor kinase PKR. Because of the tight association between the APOL1 risk genotype and HIVAN, the authors hypothesized that PKR activation may mediate renal injury in Tg26 mice, and tested this hypothesis by treating mice with a commonly used PKR inhibitory compound called C16. Treatment with C16 substantially attenuated renal damage in the Tg26 model as measured by urinary albumin/creatinine ratio, urinary NGAL/creatinine ratio, and improvement in histology. The authors then performed bulk and single-nucleus RNAseq on kidneys from mice from different treatment groups to identify pathways and patterns of cell injury associated with HIV transgene expression as well as to determine the mechanistic basis for the effect of C16 treatment. They show that proximal tubule nuclei from Tg26 mice appear to have more mitochondrial transcripts which was reversed by C16 treatment and suggest that this may provide evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in this model. They explore this hypothesis by showing there is a decrease in the expression of nuclear-encoded genes and proteins involved in oxidative phosphorylation as well as a decrease in respiratory capacity via functional assessment of respiration in tubule and glomerular preparations from these mouse kidneys. All of these changes were reversed by C16 treatment. The authors propose the existence of a novel injured proximal tubule cell-type characterized by the leak of mitochondrial transcripts into the nucleus (PT-Mito). Analysis of HIV transgene expression showed high level expression in podocytes, consistent with the pronounced albuminuria that characterizes this model and HIVAN, but transcripts were also detected in tubular and endothelial cells. Because of the absence of mitochondrial transcripts in the podocytes, the authors speculate that glomerular mitochondrial dysfunction in this model is driven by damage to glomerular endothelial cells.
The strengths of this study include the comprehensive transcriptional analysis of the Tg26 model, including an evaluation of HIV transgene expression, which has not been previously reported. This data highlights that HIV transcripts are expressed in a subset of podocytes, consistent with the highly proteinuric disease seen in mice and humans. However, transcripts were also seen in other tubular cells, notably intercalated cells, principal cells and injured proximal tubule cells. Though the podocyte expression makes sense, the relevance of the tubular expression to human disease is still an open question.
The data in support of mitochondrial dysfunction are also robust and rely on combined evidence from downregulation of transcripts involved in oxidative phosphorylation, decreases in complex I and II as determined by immunoblot, and assessments of respiratory capacity in tubular and glomerular preparations. These data are largely consistent with other preclinical renal injury models reported in the literature as well as previous, less thorough assessments in the Tg26 model.
The key weakness of the study lies in the use of a PKR inhibitor with questionable specificity. C16 has been reported to inhibit numerous other kinases including cyclin CDKs and GSK3α and -β, and this means that the conclusions of this study with respect to the role of PKR are highly questionable. The rationale for the dose used was not provided (and is lower than used in other publications with C16), and in the absence of drug exposure data and assessment of target engagement, it is difficult to ascertain whether substantial inhibition of PKR was achieved.
A second key weakness lies in the identification of the PT-Mito cell cluster. Though the authors provide some rationale for the identification of this specific cell type, it seems equally plausible the cells merely reflect a high background capture of mitochondria in a subset of droplets. The IHC analysis that was provided is not convincing enough to support the claim and more careful high resolution imaging and in situ hybridization (with appropriate quantitation) will be needed to provide substantive support for the presence of a proximal tubule cell type with mitochondrial transcript that are trafficked to the nucleus.