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    1. During this period of reggae’s development, a connection grew between the music and the Rastafarian movement, which encourages the relocation of the African diaspora to Africa, deifies the Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie I (whose precoronation name was Ras [Prince] Tafari), and endorses the sacramental use of ganja (marijuana). Rastafari (Rastafarianism) advocates equal rights and justice and draws on the mystical consciousness of kumina, an earlier Jamaican religious tradition that ritualized communication with ancestors.

      Diaspora: the jews living outside Israel (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/diaspora)

      Interesting musical roots for Reggae... Wonder if this is still present?

      Mystical roots.

      (Note, I give this the fiction tag because I might want to look into this mystical religion for fiction writing as inspiration)

      Logical that marijuana (a drug) is correlated with the mystical concept of communicating with diseased spirits for marijuana makes you hallucinate (or perhaps it's demonic in nature?)