9 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Aug 2023
    1. Views 0 CrossRef citations to date 32 Altmetric Research Article The spatial and social logic of the Minibus Taxi network: how access may support social inclusion in Cape Town, South Africa
      • for: cape town transportation, minibus industry South Africa , Cape Town, sustainable transportation, informal transport
      • title
        • Views 0 CrossRef citations to date 32 Altmetric Research Article The spatial and social logic of the Minibus Taxi network: how access may support social inclusion in Cape Town, South Africa
      • date
        • May 24, 2021
      • author
        • Ruth Joan Nelson
      • source
  3. Mar 2023
  4. Sep 2022
    1. Earlier this week, during a seminar at Schumacher College that included an exploration into what a Citizens Action Network might entail, a student wondered if we’d ever heard of South Africa’s CANs movement. No, we answered, we had not…

      !- definition : citizen action network (CAN) !- question : rapid whole system change at community scale - Can CAN's scale globally for rapid whole system change? If so, how?

  5. Dec 2020
  6. Aug 2018