- Jan 2024
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Software and applications for creating visualizations of zettelkasten contents: - Tinderbox (Mac) - Apple's Freeform (app) - Obsidian Canvas - Excalidraw (plugin for Obsidian) - Scrintal - Heptabase - Card Buddy (Mac) - AFFiNE (https://github.com/toeverything/AFFiNE)
- Dec 2022
www.sanduskycabinets.com www.sanduskycabinets.comFlipbook2
According to Sandusky customer service, most of the Buddy Products line was discontinued in 2019 and remaining portions were sold to https://www.metalcabinetstore.com/ which may or may not have them.
Page 2 of the Sandusky Lee / Sandusky Buddy catalog indicates that page 52 has File Card Storage Boxes, but the page doesn't exist in this version of the 2020 catalog.
www.metalcabinetstore.com www.metalcabinetstore.com
MetalCabinetStore.com carries Tennsco card files, but doesn't seem to have any of the Buddy Products. Apparently they're just a distributor and likely just bought out remaining product from Sandusky rather than taking over manufacturing operations.
directlyyours.com directlyyours.com
Buddy apparently manufactured a relatively wide range of card index files in 3 x 5", 4 x 6", 5 x 8", 6 x 9" formats, they now seem to be discontinued.
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Buddy Single Drawer Index Card File Holds 1600 Cards #1335 Catalog 16" New