- Aug 2023
link.springer.com link.springer.com
for: gene culture coevolution, carrying capacity, unsustainability, overshoot, cultural evolution, progress trap
Title: The genetic and cultural evolution of unsustainability
Author: Brian F. Snyder
- Summary
- Paraphrase
- Anthropogenic changes are accelerating and threaten the future of life on earth.
- While the proximate mechanisms of these anthropogenic changes are well studied
- climate change,
- biodiversity loss,
- population growth
- the evolutionary causality of these anthropogenic changes have been largely ignored.
- Anthroecological theory (AET) proposes that the ultimate cause of anthropogenic environmental change is
- multi-level selection for niche construction and ecosystem engineering.
- Here, we integrate this theory with
- Lotka’s Maximum Power Principle
- and propose a model linking
- energy extraction from the environment with
- genetic, technological and cultural evolution
- to increase human ecosystem carrying capacity.
- Carrying capacity is partially determined by energetic factors such as
- the net energy a population can acquire from its environment and
- the efficiency of conversion from energy input to offspring output.
- These factors are under Darwinian genetic selection
- in all species,
- but in humans, they are also determined by
- technology and
- culture.
- If there is genetic or non-genetic heritable variation in
- the ability of an individual or social group
- to increase its carrying capacity,
- then we hypothesize that - selection or cultural evolution will act - to increase carrying capacity.
- Furthermore, if this evolution of carrying capacity occurs
- faster than the biotic components of the ecological system can respond via their own evolution,
- then we hypothesize that unsustainable ecological changes will result.
- conscious cumulative cultural evolution
- evolution of our polycrisis
- cumulative cultural evolution
- evolution of polycrisis
- evolution of the anthropocene
- Brian F Snyder
- The genetic and cultural evolution of unsustainability
- human niche construction
- niche construction
- progress trap - cultural evolution
- progress trap
- Anthroecological theory
- gene-culture coevolution
- unsustainability
- Mar 2023
extendedevolutionarysynthesis.com extendedevolutionarysynthesis.com
As a consequence of sociocultural niche construction, humans have become a global force of nature – for better and for worse. It is only by embracing these sociocultural realities that we might shape better futures for both humans and non-human species alike.
// In Other Words
- we must undo the myopic cultural evolution that has already taken place with a more collectively conscious form of cultural evolution //
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Gene–culture coevolution and the nature of human sociality
- Title: Gene–culture coevolution and the nature of human sociality
- Author: Herbert Gintis
//Abstract - Summary - Human characteristics are the product of gene–culture coevolution, - which is an evolutionary dynamic involving the interaction of genes and culture - over long time periods. - Gene–culture coevolution is a special case of niche construction. - Gene–culture coevolution is responsible for: - human other-regarding preferences, - a taste for fairness, - the capacity to empathize and - salience of morality and character virtues.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Title: Human niche construction in interdisciplinary focus
- Author:
- Jeremy Kendal
- Jamshid J. Tehrani
- John Oding-Smee
- Abstract
- summary
- Niche construction is an endogenous causal process in evolution,
- reciprocal to the causal process of natural selection.
- It works by adding ecological inheritance,
- comprising the inheritance of natural selection pressures previously modified by niche construction,
- to genetic inheritance in evolution.
- Human niche construction modifies selection pressures in environments in ways that affect both human evolution, and the evolution of other species.
- Human ecological inheritance is exceptionally potent
- because it includes the social transmission and inheritance
- of cultural knowledge, and material culture.
- Human genetic inheritance
- in combination with human cultural inheritance
- thus provides a basis for gene–culture coevolution,
- and multivariate dynamics in cultural evolution.
- Niche construction theory potentially integrates the biological and social aspects of the human sciences.
- We elaborate on these processes,
- and provide brief introductions to each of the papers published in this theme issue.
- Feb 2023
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
For years inventions have extended man's physical powers rather than the powers of his mind.
- Comment
- the power of the mind can indeed be extended,
- but without the simultaneous extension of the power of the heart,
- We will only create destructive technologies with ever greater efficiency
- that is is why the next major evolutionary transition
- must involve compassion and the rediscovery of the sacred
- which this journey of life has blinded us to
- The next great evolutionary shift must be conscious cultural evolution
- that is the direction civilization must collectively move
- if civilization itself is to have a chance of surviving
- emotional intelligence needs to balance intellectual intelligence
- Comment
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
So to the people listening or watching this, what kind of closing thoughts do you have to summarize what we just talked about and to leave them to think about or apply to their own lives? 01:17:49 Simon Michaux: So I would say to them that they're in better shape than anyone before, even as scary as it is and the unknown we're walking into. And there is no one plan. So like diversity of species in a jungle environment is a strength for the long-term survival of that jungle, diversity of ideas have the same strengths. 01:18:13 So we need them all for our long-term survival. We can't face one consensus, it's just like a broad brush direction. So we've got to put these ideas out there and discuss amongst ourselves. And understand that this is very, very challenging, and none of us actually know what we need to do. 01:18:37 Even though our skills are not necessarily what we need. We're almost like a blank canvas in terms of skills. But in terms of our self knowledge and our ability to think, our opinions mean something. We believe in human rights. We have education. Men and women are educated now. So we are in better shape now than we've ever been. 01:19:04 Instead of banging on about the problems and our past failings, we should probably try to face the future with open hearts, and actually think positive with the understanding that this is going to be rough.
!- Futures Thinking : summary - our generation has the most wisdom to deal with the problem, even though it is an unprecedented problem - We need diversity of opinions and perspectives. Like in evolution, that diversity will emerge an optimal solution - To consciously culturally evolve, we need to put all ideas on the table and discuss openly - An open, interpersonal, people-centered knowledge ecosystem such as Indyweb is suitable for such a process
what our work is showing is very soon it can't. And so it's going to go through a death throws and any organism it will fight to survive. And so yes, there will be pushback and resistance. And so what I'm proposing is a plan, whether that plan gets carried out or whether it's 00:37:22 allowed to be carried out, that's a different matter.
!- Social Superorganism : Biological Survival metaphor - the current social superorganism is fighting to survive as it's life is threatened by the transformation - the metamorphosis will transform it to group 4, if successful