12 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
  2. May 2022
  3. Nov 2020
    1. Third, you can create value in any span of time. If we see our work as creating these intermediate packets, we can find ways to create value in any span of time, no matter how short. Productivity becomes a game of matching each available block of time (or state of mind, or mood, or energy level) with a corresponding packet that is perfectly suited to it.

      The Intermediate Packet approach ensures you are delivering value after every iteration, regardless of size

      You no longer need to rely on large blocks on uninterrupted time if you focus on delivering something of value at the end of each block of time.

    2. Second, you have more frequent opportunities to get feedback. Instead of spending weeks hammering away in isolation, only to discover that you made some mistaken assumptions, you can get feedback at each intermediate stage. You become more adaptable and more accountable, because you are performing your work in public.

      Intermediate Packets give you more opportunities to get feedback

  4. May 2020
  5. Feb 2020
    1. We check in our code at the entry point of a pipeline, version control (Git and Github in our case), and then it’s taken through a series of steps aimed at assuring quality and lowering risk of releases. Automation helps us keep these steps out of our way while maintaining control through fast feedback loops (context-switching is our enemy). If any step of the pipeline breaks (or fails) we want to be alerted in our communication channel of choice (in our case Slack), and it needs to happen as quickly as possible while we’re in the right context.
    1. Never compile the same project twice Nix allows to easily share build results across machines. If the CI has built the project, developers or servers can download the build results instead of re-building the same thing.
  6. May 2019
    1. Valdomiro Bilharvas - Squads mais eficientes com Devops

      Mais um caso prático que vai te mostrar a importância da preparação de um ambiente de desenvolvimento que facilita a vida de todos e garante entregas contínuas e de qualidade. O assunto é transversal a vários tópicos de nossa certificação DevOps Tools.

    2. João Brito - CI/CD - Pense um pouco além das ferramentas

      Continuous Integration e Delivery são também tópicos importantes da certificação LPI DevOps Tools, mas como o João Brito vai falar nessa palestra, é importante entender o porque do uso dessas ferramentas.

      701.4 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (weight: 5)

  7. Mar 2019
    1. Implementando CI com GitLab

      Ainda que os tópicos da prova LPI DevOps não cubram apenas o Git para a integração contínua (ele é usado especialmente em Source Code Management), é muito importante conhecer bem os conceitos de integração e entrega contínua cobertos nessa palestra. Eles estão nesse tópico:

      701.4 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery