3 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. sometimes people ask me uh is it possible that we're living in a simulation that all this is you know that reality isn't what we and and if you think about it it's not just 00:52:31 possible it's guaranteed

      for - adjacency - sensory bubble - umwelt - living in a simulation - Daisetz Suzuki - elbow doesn't bend backwards - quote - Michael Levin - illusion

      adjacency - between - sensory bubble - umwelt - living in a simulation - Daisetz Suzuki - the elbow does not bend backwards - adjacency statement - In the Tibetan Buddhist epistemology, the illusory body training is to experience both one's body and reality as an illusion in the sense that nothing is static and fixed - From this perspective, we are all temporary states of convergence of the recirculating elements of emptiness - Daisetz Suzuki, the enlightened Japanese Zen monk who is credited to be one of the ones who brought Zen to the West said that when he experienced Kensho, he could suddenly understand the puzzling koan "The elbow does not bend backwards" with great clarity. - Form is a concentration and temporary consolidation of emptiness, the limitations inherent in any form does not denigrate is absolute origins from unlimited emptiness - The Heart Sutra expresses the equivalence of form and emptiness, finite and infinite. - In Deep Humanity, we have a saying: - To be or not to be - that is the question - To be AND not to be - that is the answer

      • Quote: Michael Levin
        • Sometimes people ask me "is it possible that we're living in a simulation?
          • and and if you think about it it's not just possible it's guaranteed.
        • There's no other way it could possibly be
        • If you think about what is the opposite of that
          • the opposite of that is that you somehow have a physically embodied cognitive structure that
            • is able to,
            • is not limited in its sensory perceptions
            • is not limited in the amount of memory and computations
        • All of us are limited beings
        • All of us evolved under constraints of
          • time
          • energy and
          • everything else -We see a tiny, little, narrow slit in the electromagnetic spectrum
        • We have a few other things
          • like chemical senses of things that are right there on your tongue and
          • on your fingers and so on
          • we have a little bit of memory
          • we have this wet squishy substrate
            • that's very error prone and
            • needs to be constantly maintained
          • and all our memories have to be the actively rewritten
          • We were evolved under specific pressures under those conditions
        • Who could possibly think that that we are not living in some sort of very specific representation of reality
          • that is limited in many ways
        • That's not to say
          • it isn't adaptive and that
          • Donald Hoffman would say that in many ways it is completely wrong
        • I I think there's probably some truth to that
          • but in other ways I think the the big lesson from all this is that
          • we are all a brain and a vat
        • Of course we are a brain sitting inside this thing that gives us various stimuli
        • We try to make the best sense of it that we can and creatures will adapt to
        • This is why you can do
          • sensory substitution and
          • sensory augmentation and why
          • you can have neurons in the dish that play Pong
        • but these systems will try to make sense of whatever world they're given
          • in whatever configuration they have and we do the same
        • So yeah absolutely it's an illusion
          • but it's not an illusion in the sense that there is some other way to have perfect direct perception of some underlying reality
        • When we say it's an illusion or a simulation
          • It just acknowledges the fact that we are finite limited beings
          • whose job it is to make the best sense we can
          • using the hardware that we have
          • of what's been going on up until now and what we predict is going to be going on
        • I don't know of another story that could possibly make sense
  2. Sep 2023
    1. you mentioned the idea of like beginner mind and you have a quote from Suzuki about 01:03:40 the in The Beginner's mind there's many possibilities and experts mine there are a few
      • for: Buddhism, bio-Buddhism, Daisetz Suzuki, Suzuki, beginner's mind, foolbodied, wisdom signaling
      • comment
        • this was a surprising adjacency to discover Levin connecting Daisetz Suzuki's concept of Beginner's mind to his research. It demonstrates a broad perspective of research
        • adjacency between
          • Suzuki's Beginner's mind
          • foolbodied
          • wisdom signaling
        • adjacency statement
          • I just finished annotating Gyuri's referall to Wisdom commons article in which the author introduced the notion of foolhood and wisdom signaling
          • These are saying the same thing as Suzuki's concept of beginner's mind
  3. Jun 2022
    1. Now all I had learned on my travelsFell into a new kind of placeEven maths and hard sciencesNo longer at oddsWith Art or HumanityBut serving to showA side of the storyInsufficient to stand on its own

      The great Zen teacher Daisetz Suzuki said upon his Satori experience: "The elbow does not bend backwards".