4 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2024
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Even though virtually every definition of sustainability includes the requirement that human activities should not exceed nature's carrying capacity (Brundtland et al., 1987; Fiksel, 2006), popular metrics for assessing environmental sustainability ignore the role of nature in supporting human activities and well-being (Bakshi et al., 2018).
for - nature positive - ECOnomy is part of ECOlogy - David Suzuki - Xue & Bakshi, 2022
- Nov 2023
www.sethklein.ca www.sethklein.ca
The Climate Emergency Unit
for: The Climate Emergency Unit, David Suzuki Institute
- Jul 2022
www.judithragir.org www.judithragir.org
This is the paradoxical practice of Zen. How can we take care of the ordinary things and people in our daily life with care and attentiveness and still understand and know their impermanence? In practicing these two views simultaneously, we can come to understand freedom and to completely inhabit our one precious and unique human life. They mutually support each other and yet retain their distinctive qualities. We don’t call something that is white, black and yet we understand that white and black share the same essence. This understanding defines a good Zen practice. We take care of cause and effect from the basis of operation of boundless, timeless, open awareness.
We straddle the absolute and relative with each step, each action in the simultaneous relative and absolute world. As Dasietz Suzuki said, "The elbow does not bend backwards". The world limits us, but freedom is all around.
- Jun 2022
admrayner.medium.com admrayner.medium.com
Now all I had learned on my travelsFell into a new kind of placeEven maths and hard sciencesNo longer at oddsWith Art or HumanityBut serving to showA side of the storyInsufficient to stand on its own
The great Zen teacher Daisetz Suzuki said upon his Satori experience: "The elbow does not bend backwards".