10 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Seit dem Pariser Abkommen haben europäische Banken fossile Energieunternehmen durch die Ausgabe vom Anleihen in Wert von ca. einer Billion (1000 Milliarden) Euro unterstützt, wie eine Recherche des Guardian ergibt. Anleihen (Bonds) sind inzwischen die wichtigste Form der Finanzierung der Fossilindustrie. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/26/europes-banks-helped-fossil-fuel-firms-raise-more-than-1tn-from-global-bond-markets

  2. Jan 2021
    1. this paper identifies / lists 5 reasons to follow the money in health care. These reasons are applicable to social services or other areas of philanthropy as well.

  3. Nov 2019
    1. Learning about this factor will help you best understand whether the extension's developer's interests are aligned or at odd with yours.
  4. Oct 2016
    1. SMART boards changed the way teachers and students interacted in the classroom by moving lessons away from the dusty chalkboards that dominated education for decades.
    2. Capterra notes that an average school spends an average of $30,000 to $50,000 per year just on paper, but reusable tech would completely eliminate that cost.
  5. Sep 2016
    1. One way to study for-profit colleges as organizations is to study for whom the organization is most efficiently organized.
  6. Jun 2016
    1. Is there anyone here? I still have not received the product

      From Uncharted Play:

      Jessica became a co-Founder and Executive Director for KDDC, a 30 megawatt hydropower dam in Nigeria—one of the first to be privatized in the country.

  7. unchartedplay.com unchartedplay.com
    1. co-Founder and Executive Director for KDDC, a 30 megawatt hydropower dam in Nigeria—one of the first to be privatized in the country