4 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
  2. Feb 2022
    1. Having expanded his influence as far as Bengal, commanding the ports of India’s east coast, Harsha now wanted to control its west coast as well, linking his territories to flourishing coastal trade routes in both directions. This threat may have been the trigger for the Latas to send tribute to Pulakeshin in place. If so, it was a dangerous gambit: as one scholar puts it, ‘the sovereign of the Deccan must have considered to be his natural birthright… unlimited access to ports of the Gulf of Cambay [Khambat]’.

      Gulf of Khambat

      • importance of port trade in harsha and chalukya period
  3. Feb 2021
    1. Was it not too much, to combine the vaccines for three different illnesses at once? Was there a chance Tobie could get these diseases from the vaccines themselves? Given that he was premature, given that he was so tiny, wouldn’t the vaccines be even harder for him to take than they’d be for a full-term baby? Why immunize him against diseases that we no longer see? If vaccines were as good as doctors seemed to think they were, why were there so many websites warning against them?

      Questions worth to test the doctors to answer.

    2. “Often the first question that I address with parents is: What’s your opinion about vaccines for your baby?” he said. “What do you think?”

      First question to ask.