- Jul 2024
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the question is why are the mitochondria not doing their job why is the self not responding to insulin 00:05:34 that's the issue different tissues different reasons but the main one is the liver
for - question - health - insulin resistance - why aren't mitochondria within cells not responding to insulin?
question - health - insulin resistance - why aren't mitochondria within cells not responding to insulin? - The fat cells are being stored in the liver, resulting in - fatty liver disease - The liver stores the fat cells floating in blood (triglycerides) then recirculates it back to the cells. - The cells and liver are caught up in a vicious cycle of "hot potatos" with the fat cells.<br /> - (See Stanford explainer video above)
insulin takes glucose from the blood and also fats from the blood in the form of triglyceride 00:03:11 and stuffs it in cells for a rainy day
for - health - insulin and insulin resistance - simple explanation - to - insulin resistance - clear and simple explainer video - Stanford University health - insulin - simple explanation - insulin stores sugars and tryglycerides floating around in the blood into cells. - more detailed explanation - when blood glucose rises, then beta cell of pancreas start to secrete insulin to bind to glucose and put into cells for storage - Watch this clear, short video explaining insulin resistance from Stanford University - https://hyp.is/4Ymu4D1ZEe-jFfeB23zicA/docdrop.org/video/U1cr14xffrk/
metabolic syndrome
for - health - insulin resistance - metabolic syndrome
health - insulin resistance - metabolic syndrome - When your mitochondria doesn't work, it results in insulin resistance - Metabolic syndrome includes an enormous variety of the major diseases afflicting modernity - up to 75% of the diseases that affect modern humans and - up to 75% of today's health care costs - and includes - type 2 diabetes - hypertension - dyslipidemia - cardiovascular disease - cancer - dementia - fatty liver disease - pollycystic ovarian disease - (he didn't include strokes here but he mentions throughout his talk)
for - personal health - metabolic disease - insulin resistance caused by mitochondria dysfunction - interview - Dr. Robert Lustig - health - dangers of sugar in our diet
summary - Robert Lustig is a researcher and major proponent for educating the dangers of sugar as the root cause of the majority of preventable western disease - He explains how sugar and carbs are a major variable and root cause of a majority of these diseases - It is useful to look at these bodily dysfunctions from the perspective of Michael Levin, in which all these diseases of the body are problems with lower levels of the multi-scale competency architecture - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=michael+levin%2C+multi-scale+competency+architecture
insulin resistance is actually 00:01:14 Downstream of something even more important that we will talk about called mitochondrial dysfunction
for - health - insulin resistance - a symptom of mitochondria dysfunction
- question - health - insulin resistance - why aren't mitochondria within cells not responding to insulin?
- Robert Lustig
- personal health - metabolic disease - insulin resistance caused by mitochondria dysfunction - interview - Dr. Robert Lustig
- heart health
- metabolic syndrome - insulin resistance - 75% of modern diseases afflicting modernity
- to - health - insulin resistance - clear and short explainer video - Stanford University
- health - insulin and insulin resistance
- health - insulin resistance - a symptom of mitochondria dysfunction
- disease from the perspective of dysfunction of lower levels of multi-scale competency architecture
- health - heart - dangers of sugar in our diet
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but as the situation continues it may require more and more and more insulin to get the same amount 00:02:40 of glucose into the cells
for - key insight - health - insulin resistance
key insight - health - insulin resistance - This is the key to the mechanism by which insulin levels increase in the blood. - As our diet places higher levels of glucose in the blood, the pancreas responds by releasing more and more insulin to process this elevated level of insulin and the cells respond, - but the cells, especially surrounding the organs no longer store fat when a certain threshold of high insulin is reached - high amounts of visceral fat around the organs is then accompanied by fat being released by the cells into the blood stream, elevating triglyceride levels - The liver then starts to take this up and if there are now elevated trigycerides in the bloodstream, the liver and cells get locked into a vicious cycle of fat release
for - explanation - insulin resistance - Stanford University
explanation - insulin resistance - Standard University - great explanation from Standford University
from - Prof. Emeritus Robert Lustig on root cause of insulin resistance - https://hyp.is/RFJQrj1aEe-nIQu5Sj1fyw/docdrop.org/video/WVFMyzQE-4w/
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the vast majority of hypertension high blood pressure the root cause is insulin resistance metabolic disease
for - health - heart - majority of hypertension and high blood pressure is caused by insulin resistance metabolic disease
many of these patients had high lipids and high blood pressure and they were given beta 00:28:25 blockers and thide diuretics which as you know also have the same consequence as the statins do in in exacerbating insulin resistance
for - health - heart - Beta-blocker/thiazide diuretic combos
health - heart - Beta-blocker/thiazide diuretic combos - This combo lowers the blood pressure by - removing excess water and salt from the body and - slowing the heart rate. - These only mask the symptoms CAUSED BY INSULIN RESISTANCE
you can take these medications you can expose yourself to the risk of the medications 00:26:57 or or you can change the way you eat you can deal with the true underlying problem insulin resistance
for - health - heart - root cause of heart disease - lifestyle choices - dietary choice
health - heart - root causes of heart disease - lifestyle choices - dietary choice - root cause of insulin resistance is poor diet with too much sugar and carbs and other variables such as excessive alcohol - dietary changes can shift lipid particles to large, fluffy LD particles - high sugar and carbs is a main factor leading to insulin resistance
to - Root cause of insulin resistance - interview with Robert Lustig - https://hyp.is/l14UvjzwEe-cUVPwiO6lIg/docdrop.org/video/WVFMyzQE-4w/
- health - heart - majority of hypertension and high blood pressure is caused by insulin resistance metabolic disease
- health - heart - low impact statin medication vs high impact dietary change
- health - heart - Beta-blocker/thiazide diuretic combos only MASK SYMPTOMS OF INSULIN RESISTANCE
- to - Root cause of insulin resistance - interview with Robert Lustig
- Jan 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Adipose tissue is no longer considered to be an inert tissue that stores fat. This tissue is capable of expanding to accommodate increased lipids through hypertrophy of existing adipocytes and by initiating differentiation of pre-adipocytes. Adipose tissue metabolism exerts an impact on whole-body metabolism. As an endocrine organ, adipose tissue is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of several hormones. These are active in a range of processes, such as control of nutritional intake (leptin, angiotensin), control of sensitivity to insulin and inflammatory process mediators (tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), resistin, visfatin, adiponectin, among others) and pathways (plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and acylation stimulating protein (ASP) for example). This paper reviews some of the biochemical and metabolic aspects of adipose tissue and its relationship to inflammatory disease and insulin resistance.
- Dec 2017
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
A beneficial impact of the fat quality on insulin sensitivity is not seen in individuals with a high fat intake (> 37E%).
This is likely do to the reduced carbohydrate intake rather than increased fat intake. Since carbohydrates generally insulin sensitivity, it's likely that this additional insulin resistance is acting as a confounder (as well as, presumably, a standard deviation widener). Thus, I would expect similar results during hypocaloric carbohydrate restriction.
- research note
- fatty acid / fat / LCSFA(s) /
- diabetes / insulin sensitivity/resistance / blood sugar
- saturated fatty acid fat LCSFAs unsaturated ceramide intramuscular triglycerides intramyocellular lipid
- diet health lifestyle disease prevention and reversal food nutrients nutrition eat
- diabetes insulin sensitivity resistance blood sugar