3 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. virtually every sentence of the critique 00:04:20 presents difficulties attempts have been made to provide commentaries comprehensively illuminating uh comprehensively illuminating each individual section of the work 00:04:33 and some of these run to several volumes without getting near its end and then one commentator com noting what it's like to read the critique of pure reason says it is quote 00:04:46 a disagreeable task because the work is dry obscure opposed to all ordinary notions and long-winded as well who said that 00:04:59 kant
      • for: Kant, quote, quote- Kant, Kant - critique of pure reason - difficult to understand

      • quote: on reading the Critique of Pure Reason

        • a disagreeable task because the work is dry obscure opposed to all ordinary notions and long-winded as well
      • author: Immanuel Kant

      • comment

        • Now I don't feel so bad! :D
    2. the human mind will ever 00:00:59 give up metaphysical research is as little to be expected as that we should prefer to give up breathing all together to avoid inhaling impure air there will therefore always be 00:01:13 metaphysics in the world nay everyone especially every man of reflection will have it and for want of a recognized standard will shape it for himself after his own 00:01:24 pattern
      • for: Kant, quote, quote - metaphysics, quote - Kant, critique of pure reason, Dan Robinson, philosophy, quote - metaphysics - ubiquity

      • quote

        • the human mind will ever give up metaphysical research is as little to be expected
        • as that we should prefer to give up breathing all together to avoid inhaling impure air
        • there will therefore always be metaphysics in the world
        • nay everyone especially every man of reflection will have it and for want of a recognized standard will shape it for himself after his own pattern
      • author: Immanuel Kant
    3. even as you set out to ignore metaphysics you're probably engaged in some form of manifest physical speculation
      • for: quote, quote - metaphysics

      • quote

        • even as you set out to ignore metaphysics, you're probably engaged in some form of metaphysical speculation.
      • author: Dan Robinson
      • date: 2011