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  1. Oct 2024
    1. Überblick über die französische Rezeption des Bioregionalismus. Ich bin gestern durch den Circular Metabolism Podcast darauf gestoßen. Der Artikel ist von 2022, danach ist wohl vor allem bei der bioregionalen Architektur sehr viel passiert. Von den amerikanischen Begründern des Bioregionalismus führt eine Linie zur deep ecology und eine zur sozialen Ökologie. Eine entscheidende Figur für die französische Rezeption ist Alberto Magnaghi.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. In previous columns I’ve mentioned Murray Bookchin’s popular assembly model, implemented in Rojava in north-eastern Syria, in which decisions are handed up from local communities, rather than down from a distant centre; and the highly successful participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, wh
  3. Apr 2024
    1. Heute ist die Frage, ob dieser politische Ansatz sich in eine Zeit der ökologischenKatastrophen oder Degradation übertragen lässt. Kann man den libertären Munizipalismus auch als Strategie gegen die Dominanz fossiler Machtrguppen formulieren? Oder sind unsere Bedingungen heute so anders, dass man mit diesem Versuch in lange vergangenen Debatten verharren würde.

    2. t outcome convinced him that the working class, as such, was not going to be the primary revolutionary agent. Contrary to Marxist predictions, capitalism was not going to so “immiserate” the working class that it rose up in rebellion against it. Rather, workers were going to try to make improvements in their working conditions within capitalism

      Hier ist davon die Rede, dass Bookchin die Arbeiterklasse nicht länger für ein revolutionäres Subjekt hielt. Damit verbunden ist aber die Frage, ob es überhaupt ein vorweg existierendes einheitliches revoluionäres Subjekt geben kann.

  4. Jan 2023
    1. one of the earliest thinkers to warn us of its dangers was Murray Bookchin, who in 1962 summarized cogently what an ecological understanding of the world means and what it does to our understanding of our place within it:The critical edge of ecology, a unique feature of the science in a period of general scientific docility, derives from its subject matter—from its very domain. The issues with which ecology deals are imperishable in the sense that they cannot be ignored without bringing into question the survival of man and the survival of the planet itself. The critical edge of ecology is due not so much to the power of human reason—a power which science hallowed during its most revolutionary periods—but to a still higher power, the sovereignty of nature . . . ecology clearly shows the totality of the natural world—nature viewed in all its aspects, cycles and interrelationships—cancels out human pretensions to mastery over the planet.[7]

      !- Murray Bookchin : quotation - humanity not as conqueror of nature, but as a part of nature

  5. Aug 2018
    1. social ecology formally emerged with the work of Murray Bookchin

      We should clarify that the term "social ecology" is not Bookchin's, but, at least according to Janet Biehl's Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin, originated with E.A. Gutkind. In 1953, Gutkind authored Community and Environment: A Discourse on Social Ecology. Use of the term may go back even further.