6 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I remember being in discussions with various Occupy people at various sites, in which I would say, "Well, what's the next political move?" Or, "How do we, or how are you thinking about structuring this?" Or, "What's the strategy?" and there would be silence, there's no strategy.
for - quote - occupy movement - occupy wallstreet - no strategy - Robert Reich
If it had merged in some possible manner with the Occupy movement, and if the Tea Party movement hadn't been co-opted by big money, by the Koch Brothers, by others in the Republican right, maybe we could have seen the beginnings of almost a third party movement in America
for - quote - Robert Reich - tea party - occupy
One of the biggest lessons of the Occupy movement was that you can't only have a demonstration. Demonstrations are great. Demonstrations are important to bring attention to certain critical issues. But if you lack mobilization and organization and a political strategy, then you're just basically engaging in a performative act. You're indulging in a performance. You aren't really changing the course of history.
for - key insight - occupy movement - occupy wallstreet - key insight - Robert Reich - 10 year anniversary
- key insight - occupy - demonstration without a plan has small impact
- occupy wallstreet
- key insight - occupy movement - occupy wallstreet - key insight - Robert Reich - 10 year anniversary
- occupy movement
- quote - occupy movement - occupy wallstreet - no strategy - Robert Reich
- Robert Reich - occupy
- quote - Robert Reich - tea party - occupy
- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
On the path we were on, the sludge had been thickening even under Democratic administrations. There were fundamental systemic flaws that remained unaddressed. Inequalities have continued to widen. Corruption and bribery have worsened. We were on the way to losing our democracy without even knowing it. But, as a friend put it, authoritarian forces have been building for years, “like the pus in an ugly boil,” she said. The only way we work up enough outrage to lance it is for the boil to get so big and ugly that it disgusts all of us.
for - metaphor - Trump second term - blatant oligarchy - lancing the boil - SOURCE - Youtube - Hope in Spite of Trump - Robert Reich - 2025, Jan 20
- Aug 2023
robertreich.substack.com robertreich.substack.com
Robert Reich course “Wealth and Poverty” 2023
- Dec 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Not a hard silo quit of Twitter, but shows heavy preparation.
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Just surpassed 130 thousand followers on Mastodon (link in bio). Would be thrilled for you to join us there.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) December 5, 2022