- Nov 2023
Vielle Aufforstungsprojkete, vor allem in den Tropen, schaden der Artenvielfalt und führen zu empfindlichen Monokulturen. Eine Studie untersucht die Funktioen tropischer Walt-Ökosysteme über die CO<sub>2</sub>-Speicherung hinaus. https://taz.de/Studie-ueber-Aufforstung/!5966549/
- Oct 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Durch die Überschreitung von 6 der 9 planetaren Grenzen wurde der „safe operating space for humanity“ verlassen. Die neue Studie analysiert auf Basis von 2000 Studien erstmals die Situation bei allen planetaren Grenzen. Als besonders bedrohlich schätzen die Forschenden ein, dass 4 direkt auf das Leben bezogene Grenzen überschritten wurden. Die dadurch mangelnde Resilienz könnte es auch unabhängig von Emissions-Senkungen unmöglich machen, das 1,5°-Ziel zu erreichen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/13/earth-well-outside-safe-operating-space-for-humanity-scientists-find
- Jul 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Non-uniform tropical forest responses to the ‘Columbian Exchange’ in the Neotropics and Asia-Pacific
Title: Non-uniform tropical forest responses to the ‘Columbian Exchange’ in the Neotropics and Asia-Pacific
Lewis and Maslin argue that humanity has gone through four major transitions since we left 200,000 years of hunting and gathering. Each transition has been marked by a dramatic access to energy and an equally dramatic increase in information.
Four major transitions beginning from 200,000 years ago.
The debate might seem too trivial to care about, but as authors Simon Lewis and Mark A. Maslin demonstrate, the stakes are very high indeed. They show that scientists since the 18th century have recognized human influence on the face of the earth. What we have learned since then, and especially in the past 50 years, shows our influence has grown only greater; we just don’t want to admit it, because then we’d have to try to clean up the mess we’ve made.
Ever since Limits to Growth was released, incumbent power has been in a continuous state of denial.
Can Humanity Get Out of Its Latest ‘Progress Trap’? A review of ‘The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene.’
Title: Can Humanity Get Out of Its Latest ‘Progress Trap’? A review of ‘The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene.’