5 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Bericht über die Zerstörung der Mangrovenwälder in El Salvador und über Projekte zur Renaturierung. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/sep/05/mangroves-el-salvador-forests
- Deforestation
- Verlust von.Feuchtgebieten
- Tropenstürme
- Local Sustainable Use Plan (Plas) group
- Urbanisierung
- Nayib Bukele Regierung
- Renaturierung
- Temperaturanstieg
- Association of Women of the Barra de Santiago
- Tourismus
- El Salvador
- Salvadoran Ecological Unit
- Marcela Díaz
- Barra de Santiago
- Zuckerrohr-Industrie
- Apr 2024
static.pbslearningmedia.org static.pbslearningmedia.org
n Part 3, students explore the concept ofenvironmental justice and explore data and currentevents that illustrate instances where environmental injustices have occurred. Furthermore, this partof the lesson will guide them into finding resources that will help them become more involved intheir communities
can be used for discrimination unit as environmental justice
- Jul 2018
I can demonstrate a relationship between music and another subject in my schoo
music standard to integrate into digestive system lesson (the class creates a song plus sings it for the digestive system)
I can collaborate with others to composeor arrange a musical work for a specific purpose.
Music standard " I can collaborate with others to compose or arrange a musical work for a specific purpose"
Identify the major parts of the digestive system(e.g., esophagus, intestine, mouth, stomach
SC State Standard G-3.1.4 One of main lesson topics (digestive system)