2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. Everything has a place so do better and find it. There is a certain belief that everything within app should be organized into functionally-named directories and any files placed in app/lib actually belongs in app/services or app/interactors or app/models or someplace if the developers just tried harder. The implication is that developers are bad developers if they don’t yet know what kind of constant they have and where its forever home should be. I reject this. Over the lifespan of an application, there will be constants that have not yet found their functional kin, if those kin ever come to exist at all; sometimes you simply need some code and a place to put it. app/lib can be the convention for where those constants can live temporarily or as long as necessary. Autoloading is really nice, let’s treat them to it.
  2. Jun 2022
    1. you label boxes so you knowwhat’s in them; you arrange your clothes according to color. Eventually you reach apoint where you look around and you’re satisfied. There are no loose ends.Everything is in its place, put away or accounted for or easily accessed. The roomexudes order and harmony. When you look around, you’re happy.

      Interlinking your ideas can help to create a harmony within your collection. There are no loose ends or lost ideas. There is a place for everything and everything is in its proper place, ready to be used and reused.