6 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2025
www.paolomainardi.com www.paolomainardi.com
Today I realized that the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey. It’s important to question what we know to avoid biases.
- Sep 2022
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
- Aug 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It's a great way to test various limits. When you think about this even more, it's a little mind-bending, as we're trying to impose a global clock ("who is the most up to date") on a system that inherently doesn't have a global clock. When we scale time down to nanoseconds, this affects us in the real world of today: a light-nanosecond is not very far.
When we have our git rev-parse examine our Git repository to view our origin/HEAD, what we see is whatever we have stored in this origin/HEAD. That need not match what is in their HEAD at this time. It might match! It might not.
There are many questions we can ask and answer about branch names. Each one is specific to one particular repository because all branch names are local to that particular repository. Any changes anyone makes in that repository affect only that one repository, at least at the time they make them.
which assumption? well, people make the assumption that our local repo should know some fact about the remote repo, like its default branch, without actually asking the remote about itself
- Oct 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Library author here. I'm always fascinated by new ways people can invalidate my assumptions. I mean that in a sincerely positive way, as it results in learning.
- different way of thinking about something
- surprising
- assumptions
- not:
- invalidating one's assumptions
- not considering all use cases
- testing/challenging one's assumptions (either validating or invalidating them)
- they've thought of everything
- can't support everything / all cases
- learning from others
- sincere
- author of software answering questions in community (support)