- Dec 2024
medium.com medium.com
which leads to another framing insight, which is that the framing of climate change is a problem with a solution instead of framing it as a systemic interdependent web or what’s called a predicament.
for - climate crisis - climate communications - 3rd framing element - oversimplification of complexity to reductionist linear thinking - " the polluters are the problem, let's find a solution" - Joe Brewer
why is it that we’re not focusing on those movements as the source of our strength and our organizing? It’s because we have a discourse framed around elite policy institutions that make them the primary actors and the coordination of mostly market mechanisms
for - climate crisis - climate communications - large social movements fizzle out - first framing element - elite policy institutions and businesses are seen as the primary actors - Joe Brewer
Almost all of the climate discourse is framed in terms of economic transactions with carbon markets and carbon credits and carbon offsets and the market dynamics associated with them or with technology solutions that corporations can implement.
for - climate crisis - climate communications - 2nd framing element - majority of discourse framed around economics of carbon markets - or green growth technological solutions from corporation's - Joe Brewer
- climate crisis - climate communications - large social movements fizzle out - first framing element - elite policy institutions and businesses are seen as the primary actors - Joe Brewer
- climate crisis - climate communications - 3rd framing element - oversimplification of complexity to reductionist linear thinking - " the polluters are the problem, let's find a solution" - Joe Brewer
- climate crisis - climate communications - 2nd framing element - majority of discourse framed around economics of carbon markets - or green growth technological solutions from corporation's - Joe Brewer
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I'll stick my head out here and say that we are 80% certain of being able to create a mass movement 10 times the size of Extinction Rebellion using this method organizations that can compete with fascism with power by dissolving that power through the same mechanisms Rogers discovered through listening
for - fascism, polarization and climate crisis - climate communications - social intervention - new movement that can be 10x the size of Extinction Rebellion - apply Carl Rogers discovery of listening - Roger Hallam
- Dec 2023
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
Fast international travel will, at least temporarily, have to be for urgent or emergency purposes only. A triage approach is needed to ensure that the reallocation of society’s small carbon budget, its labour and resources, are used wisely to provide for a thriving society.
for: climate crisis - air travel, climate crisis - triage approach, climate communications - SRG suggestion - energy diet
- Kevin's use of the term triage is aligned to a Stop Reset Go strategy of reframing the challenges in the next few years in terms of a potentially temporary energy diet
- That may be more palatable for transition for people accustomed to the existing high carbon lifestyle culture to accept
- The potential of developing alternative energy resources plus a shift to low energy / high efficiency lifestyle could get us to the target and provide incentive for a drastic energy consumption cut
for: climate crisis - voting for global political green candidates, podcast - Planet Critical, interview - Planet Critical - James Schneider - communications officer - Progressive International, green democratic revolution, climate crisis - elite control off mainstream media
podcast: Planet Critical
- host: Rachel Donald
title: Overthrowing the Ruling Class: The Green Democratic Revolution
- This is a very insightful interview with James Schneider, communications officer of Progressive International on the scales of political change required to advert our existential Poly / meta / meaning crisis.
- James sees 3 levels of crisis
- ordinary crisis emerging from a broken system
- larger wicked problems that cannot be solved in isolation
- the biggest umbrella crisis that covers all others - the last remaining decades of the fossil fuel system,
- due to peak oil but accelerated by
- climate crisis
- There has to be a paradigm shift on governance, as the ruling elites are driving humanity off the cliff edge
- This is not incremental change but a paradigm shift in governance
- To do that, we have to adopt an anti-regime perspective, that is not reinforcing the current infective administrative state, otherwise, as COVID taught us, we will end up driving the masses to adopt hard right politicians
- In order to establish the policies that are aligned to the science, the people and politicians have to be aligned.
- Voting in candidates who champion policies aligned to science is a leverage point.
- That can only be done if the citizenry is educated enough to vote for such politicians
- So there are two parallel tasks to be done:
- mass education program to educate citizens
- mass program to encourage candidates aligned to climate science to run for political office
- green democratic revolution
- climate crisis - voting for global political green candidates
- James Schneider - communications offers - Progressive International
- climate crisis - elite control of mainstream media
- podcast - Planet Critical - James Schneider - Progressive International - Green democratic revolution
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
one of the reasons 00:34:46 why we don't do it is that we think there needs to also be a sudden huge change inside but actually there doesn't need to be a sudden age change inside at all
- for: climate communications, crisis communications,
- one of the reasons why we don't do it is that
- we think there needs to also be a sudden huge change inside
- but actually there doesn't need to be a sudden age change inside at all
- that thing is funnily enough getting in the way
- An awful lot of people who write about ecological things in the newspaper are preventing you from being ecological
- I know that sounds a bit rude to my to my colleagues you know who write editorials for newspapers
- but it I'm afraid it's true because you know
- you look at page one of the newspaper and basically it says
- you're stupid right ?
- it gives you a whole bunch of facts that you didn't know
- in the form mostly of quite raw data
- it just sort of dumps the data on you which we don't do about
- anything else we don't do it about?
- we don't do it about racism
- we don't do it about economics
- we don't just dump data on on page one but we do do it regarding global warming and I think that's a bit of a problem
- then you go on to the middle of the newspaper and you get to the editorial section
- and the editorial section is saying
- you're evil
- you're a bad person
- you're not being ecological enough
- stupid and evil is not a good place from which to launch a successful politics or ethics or any kind of creativity
- what is creativity fundamentally?
- it's inviting the future
- creativity means you're allowing the future to be different from the past doesn't it?
- because you're creating something (new)
- that's what creating means
- and in order to do it successfully you actually have to be incredibly gentle
- one of the reasons why we don't do it is that
- for: climate communications, crisis communications,