7 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. we found that the clouds can become more compact and produce substantially less rain upon: (i) reducing the ramp rate to 1 °C/sec in every PCR step (Fig. 10a), (ii) increasing the annealing/extension time to 2 minutes (up from 1 minute; Fig. 10b), and (iii) increasing the number of cycles to 50 (Fig. 10c)28
  2. May 2024
    1. DNA fragmentation by restriction digestion prior to dropletgeneration enables optimal accuracy by separating tandemgene copies, reducing sample viscosity, and improving templateaccessibility for input samples >66 ng per well

      NEB says

      Digestion is recommended whenever DNA input is greater than 75 ng Source

      NEB says that biorad recommends these enzymes: AluI, CviQI, HaeIII, HindIII-HF, MseI

      More guidelines

      • Assemble ddPCR reactions at room temperature, this allows the restriction enzyme to digest the gDNA during the reaction set-up period
      • Prepare reaction mixes as you would for a standard ddPCR reaction. Add 0.5–1 μL of each restriction enzyme (5–20 units, depending on enzyme concentration) to the reaction mixture
      • After set-up, simply continue droplet generation as normal
      • Restriction enzyme will be inactivated during first PCR denaturation step
  3. Feb 2023
  4. Nov 2022
    1. For those shorter than 25 bases, a standard (dual labeled) BHQ™ Probe may be perfectly satisfactory.

      Nova might be better to have for 1-step ddPCR applications where the BHQ quenchers are unstable due to reduction of the N=N azo bond by the DTT additive