1 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. geomorphology. That's   my favorite word. I always tell my students this,  I'm like, "If there's just one thing I want you   00:29:44 to learn in this class, if you do never come back,  and you're just here the first two days of class,   geomorphic, conforming to the shape of the land."  This is, in my opinion, the fundamental flaw of   our civilization is that our political boundaries  and our land management units, property boundaries   are not conforming to the shape of the land. Because if they did, then decisions we made would   00:30:15 have an integrated holistic landscape scale impact  instead of a fragmented or fractured impact
      • for: key insight, key insight - Andrew Millison, key insight - geomorphology, quote, quote - Andrew Millison, quote - geomorphology

      • definition: geomorphology, geomorphic

        • geomorphology.is the study of the shape of the land and geomorphic means conforming to the shape of the land.
      • quote: Andrew Millison

        • The fundamental flaw of our civilization is that our political boundaries and our land management units, property boundaries are not conforming to the shape of the land. Because if they did, then decisions we made would have an integrated holistic landscape scale impact instead of a fragmented or fractured impact.
      • date: 2023