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- Sep 2023
www.bollier.org www.bollier.org
I draw inspiration and guidance from Václav Havel, the Czech playwright. When he and other cultural dissidents in the 1970s faced a totalizing, repressive system impervious to change – in his case, the totalitarian Czech government – Havel had a counter-intuitive response. He called for the development of a "parallel polis." A parallel polis is a community-created safe space in which people can mutually support each other, directly produce what they need, and build a kind of shadow society – outside of the machinery of the dominant political system.
-for: parallel polis, parallel alternative society, Vaclev Havel, definition, definition - parallel polis
- definition: parallel polis
- a community-created safe space in which people can mutually support each other, directly produce what they need, and build a kind of shadow society – outside of the machinery of the dominant political system.
- definition: parallel polis