10 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Because rbspy is a sampling profiler (not a tracing profiler), it actually can't tell you how times a function was called -- it just reports "hey, I observed your program 100,000 times, and 98,000 of those times it was in the calculate_thing function". ruby-prof is a tracing profiler for Ruby, which can tell you exactly how many times each function was called at the cost of being higher overhead.
  2. Jul 2022
  3. Nov 2021
  4. Nov 2020
    1. Those frameworks are used in a similar fashion, but conceptually use quite different approaches (Vue is a more traditional one, a library, and Svelte is a "dissapearing framework").

      interesting wording: Svelte is a "disappearing framework".

  5. Oct 2020
  6. Sep 2020
    1. While Webpack is focused on using CommonJS as its primary module system and converting everything to that, Rollup decided to take the opposite approach — focusing on ES Modules instead.