5 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
developers.google.com developers.google.com
Benefits for developers include:
Benefits for users include:
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
(Yes, I realize from a technical, end-user perspective this really doesn't matter.)
The word "technical" in this sentence doesn't seem to belong or to clarify anything. I think it would be clearer without it.
But I think I understand what he's saying, which is that technical details don't matter to the end user. They only know/see/care if it works or not.
- Sep 2020
You must: reference each element you are extending using refs or an id add code in your oncreate and ondestroy for each element you are extending, which could become quite a lot if you have a lot of elements needing extension (anchors, form inputs, etc.)
- why this feature is needed
- could be easier / more difficult than it needs to be
- difficult/hard
- framework taking care of responsibility so users can leverage it and not have to worry about that responsibility themselves
- too hard/difficult/much work to expect end-developers to write from scratch (need library to do it for them)
- scalability
- Sep 2016
If efficiency incentives and tools have been effective for utilities, manufacturers, and designers, what about for end users? One concern I’ve always had is that most people have no idea where their energy goes, so any attempt to conserve is like optimizing a program without a profiler.