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  1. Nov 2023
    1. All major breakthroughs in science stem from a form of epoche.
      • for: epoche - examples - science, quote - epoche - paradigm shift

      • quote

        • All major breakthroughs in science stem from a form of epoche.
      • example: epoche scientific paradigm shift

        • Galileo, when looking at how the Sun seems to revolve around the Earth, bracketed the common belief that the Earth itself is immovable.
        • Newton, when interpreting gravity as action at a distance, bracketed the belief that any form of action should occur through material contact.
        • Einstein explored the consequences of Maxwell's equations, while bracketing all the presuppositions that had been used to derive those equations in the first place, including the absolute character of space and time. From purely phenomenological thought experiments, he thus derived the relativity of space and time, together with the precise rules according to which they can be transformed into each other.
        • Bohr bracketed the notion that a particle must have a definite state before one makes a measurement, when he developed his Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.