18 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. Note though, that this only works when you're already using git for your dependency

      I was trying to figure out why it wasn't working for me. This was probably the reason.

      So if you just have gem 'rack', it just silently has no effect.

      It seems like it should just work either way. Or at least give a warning/error if you try to use this config and it's not going to use that config!

  2. Nov 2022
    1. I just spent a day dismantling a model, trying to find the cause of the silent rollback - taking out every association, every validation, every callback, whittling down all the code in the transaction, only to finally discover that it was return true that was the cause of it all. Or yes, an exception!
  3. Apr 2022
  4. Feb 2022
  5. Aug 2021
  6. developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
    1. If you forget to define x in the object you pass as the second argument, or if there's some similar bug or confusion, you won't get an error -- just unexpected results.
  7. Jun 2021
  8. May 2021
  9. Dec 2020
  10. Oct 2020
  11. Sep 2020
    1. The node-resolve plugin doesn't like failing to resolve module IDs (because it usually indicates a bug, like you forgot to install the package in question), so it will throw an error rather than letting Rollup print a warning.
    1. using modulesOnly behaves exactly as expected when it warns you that the listed npm libraries do not use the ES6 format and are in fact ignored. This option is meant as a way to determine if you still have commonjs libraries in your dependencies that require special treatment via rollup-plugin-commonjs. Your code will probably not work since the listed dependencies will be missing. You should remove modulesOnly and instead add rollup-plugin-commonjs.
    1. You oftentimes see packages list react as a peer dependency. Since this prevents react from being installed into that package's node_modules, this is another way of preventing Rollup from bundling the module. This is also nice _if_ you want the application to install react from npm, because if an application forgets to install a peer dependency, npm will issue a warning.