4 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. let's just pick an example of convergent evolution so you see here this is a classic example you have 00:11:24 um the arm or the leg in certain animals the four leg or the arm in the human or the wing of a bird and they're com they consist of all of the same bones more or 00:11:37 less
      • for: example, example - evolutionary convergence, evolutionary convergence - arms of different species
    2. the great Oliver Sacks once said a neuron is a neuron more or less regardless of species neurons do largely similar sorts 00:10:34 of things regardless of what animal you may find them in f
      • for: example, example - evolutionary convergence, evolutionary convergence - neuron. Oliver Sachs
    3. Cambrian is kind of a sensory 00:13:18 it's kind of a a a Renaissance of uh sensory richness and it presents the sensory World in three dimensions which introduces certain challenges to animals and in the case of invertebrates you can 00:13:34 see there was a verb veritable explosion of of invertebrates and in in particular invertebrates with different kinds of eyes
      • example: evolutionary convergence
        • during Cambrian explosion, over a period of 40 million years, a diverse range of species developed with the ability to see
    4. the idea of evolutionary convergence is relatively simple it's the idea that similar environmental conditions can give rise 00:09:05 to similar biological adaptations
      • for: definition, definition - evolutionary convergence, evolutionary convergence

      • definition: evolutionary convergence

        • similar environmental conditions can give rise to similar biological adaptations
      • example: evolutionary convergence
        • during Cambrian explosion, over a period of 40 million years, a diverse range of species developed with the ability to see
        • a number of species have the same arm appendages:
          • human
          • bird
          • bat