2 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2022
github.com github.com
The core benefit of Marginalia is being able to decorate SQL queries with details of the context of the source of the query.
- Dec 2016
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
- KD (Key Desire/Hot Button)
- RR (Risk Reversal)
- ET (Emotional Trigger)
- H (The Hook)
- PP (Problem or Pain)
- B (Benefit)
- OL (Open Loop)
- ITO (If > Then Opener)
- MBG (Money Back Guarantee)
- F (Feature)
- WTC (What’s the Catch Addressed)
- S (Scarcity)
- AO (Addressing Objections)
- IG (Instant Gratification)
- PAP (Painting a Picture)
- CG (Curiosity Gap)
- P (Promise)
- CTA (Call to Action)
- CE (The Common Enemy)
- SP (Social Proof)