- Jan 2025
What's missing, and that's what I try to work on is, because at the same time we have this exponential growth of millions of people doing regenerative local work, but they're underfunded, they're undercapitalized. Usually, it's like two people getting half a wage from an NGO, and they work 16 hours a day. After five years, they totally burn out. How can we fund that? I think that Web3 can be the vehicle for capital to be invested in regeneration.
for - work to find way to use web 3 / crypto to fund currently underfunded regenerative work done by millions of people - the missing link - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- Dec 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
To put it bluntly, Web3 and the crypto economy is still largely an ‘exit’ play for financial and coding elites, practicing the arbitrage of nation-states, but without much connections to local communities and resilient production; Similarly, local communities engaged in relocalized and regenerative production are not in sync with the mutual coordination capacities developed in the crypto/web3 context.
for - quote - silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - adjacency - desilo web 3 / Blockchain and localisation - educate cud events such as - Tipping Point Festival - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
quote - silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - (see quote below) - To put it bluntly, Web3 and the crypto economy is still largely an ‘exit’ play for financial and coding elites, - practicing the arbitrage of nation-states, - but without much connections to local communities and resilient production; - Similarly, local communities engaged in relocalized and regenerative production - are not in sync with the mutual coordination capacities developed in the crypto/web3 context.
// - We need to create opportunities such as events and workshops to bring these two spheres into dialogue - Tipping Point Festival, as a cosmolocal event can do this by - holding locally organized events hosted by - local community activists at their community level, and - in larger urban centers, at ward and district level - thec internet can be used to facilitate the emergence of trans-national alliances
- silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens
- adjacency - desilo web 3 / Blockchain and localisation - educate cud events such as - Tipping Point Festival - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- Sep 2024
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
human-modified ecosystems, we systematically analysed six critical NCP at local scales
for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales
stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales - pollination pest and disease control - water-quality regulation - soil protection - natural hazards mitigation - recreation
- Jul 2023
davidkorten.org davidkorten.org
Civil society is the sector where the power of We thePeople ultimately and properly resides.
- for: collective action, bottom-up, bottom-up movement, M2W, individual/collective
- Civil society is the sector where the power of We the People ultimately and properly resides.
- Consequently, in the fully functioning Ecological Civilization,
- government and business sectors must be
- creations of and
- accountable to
- a civil society of people who embrace
- the rights and
- responsibilities
- of their citizenship at all system levels from - the local to - the global.
- We can be citizens of only one locality.
- But we are all citizens of Earth—and the many levels in between.
- This must be acknowledged by any truly democratic system of self-governance.
- Sep 2016
lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com
In order to discover the hidden principles of another way of life, the researcher must become a student
To discover hidden views one must become a student while local people from the area you are studying becomes the teacher, the ethnographer tries to learn about how certain things identified the people