- May 2022
gitlab.com gitlab.com
We should ask the PM to chime in and post it in #naming on Slack.
- Feb 2022
github.com github.com
Is the name "delegated type" up for review? I don't see any delegation happening in the code. It looks more like a "subtype", or "secondary type", or something like that.
- Sep 2021
github.com github.com
I feel like app/packs (or something like it) is a good name because it communicates to developers that it's not just JavaScript that can be bundled, it's also CSS, images, SVGs — you name it. I realize what can be bundled is wholly dependent on the bundler you use, but even esbuild supports bundling CSS. So couldn't this possibly be confusing?
- Feb 2021
hilton.org.uk hilton.org.uk
Naming matters for both idealogical and practical reasons.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Also agree that <svelte:slot> is perhaps a little confusing since it replaces the slot attribute rather than the slot element, so <svelte:fragment> would make more sense
github.com github.com
Just to reiterate the discussion on the RFC, there was a suggestion that we change <svelte:slot slot="foo"> to <svelte:fragment slot="foo">, since it's the counterpart to a <slot> rather than an equivalent to it
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
remaining: 0, callbacks: [] r: 0, // remaining outros c: [], // callbacks p: outros // parent group
Ugh. Why did he change this?
Similar question here: https://hyp.is/kayb_AN1EeuCb5OkL5-Yqg/github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
Answer here: https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
github.com github.com
Why the obfuscation of remaining to r and callbacks to c? This is fine for function-local variables but in this instance makes the code significantly harder to reason about? There is no notion of what c and r mean.
While there is some precedence in other frameworks for using as, the word doesn't fit well. Since you are adding functionality to elements I like the word add better (and it only has 1 more character).
github.com github.com
one problem with 'behavior' is that's the terminology we use to describe all of a component's encapsulated logic — methods, transitions, etc.
- May 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"linked data" can and should be a very general term referring to any structured data that is interlinked/interconnected.
It looks like most of this article describes it in that general sense, but sometimes it talks about URIs and such as if they are a necessary attribute of linked data, when that would only apply to Web-connected linked data. What about, for example, linked data that links to each other through some other convention such as just a "type" and "ID"? Maybe that shouldn't be considered linked data if it is too locally scoped? But that topic and distinction should be explored/discussed further...
I love its application to web technologies, but I wish there were a distinct term for that application ("linked web data"?) so it could be clearer from reading the word whether you meant general case or not. May not be a problem in practice. We shall see.
Granted/hopefully most use of linked data is in the context of the Web, so that the links are universal / globally scoped, etc.
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
This change was made because GitLab License Management is now renamed to GitLab License Compliance. After review with users and analysts, we determined that this new name better indicates what the feature is for, aligns with existing market terminology, and reduces confusion with GitLab subscription licensing features.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
generic-sounding term may be interpreted as something more specific than intended: I want to be able to use "data interchange" in the most general sense. But if people interpret it to mean this specific standard/protocol/whatever, I may be misunderstood.
The definition given here
is the concept of businesses electronically communicating information that was traditionally communicated on paper, such as purchase orders and invoices.
limits it to things that were previously communicated on paper. But what about things for which paper was never used, like the interchange of consent and consent receipts for GDPR/privacy law compliance, etc.?
The term should be allowed to be used just as well for newer technologies/processes that had no previous roots in paper technologies.
extensionworkshop.com extensionworkshop.com
If the add-on is a fork of another add-on, the name must clearly distinguish it from the original and provide a significant difference in functionality and/or code.
- Apr 2020
cdb.reacttraining.com cdb.reacttraining.com
It’s true that there are two hard problems in computer science and one of them is naming things. Why? Because good names are important. A good name teaches about purpose and responsibility, so you have to spend some time thinking about it.
security.stackexchange.com security.stackexchange.com
You don't "sanitize your output" you encode it for proper context within the application it is being presented. You encode the output for HTML, HTML Attribute, URL, JavaScript
I would call this output encoding instead of sanitization
- Mar 2020
github.com github.com
Don't be discouraged when you get feedback about a method that isn't all sunshine and roses. Facets has been around long enough now that it needs to maintain a certain degree of quality control, and that means serious discernment about what goes into the library. That includes having in depth discussions the merits of methods, even about the best name for a method --even if the functionality has been accepted the name may not.
about: merits
- Dec 2019
babeljs.io babeljs.io
Therefore, it's easy to search around for tweets/blog posts/talks that say "ES7 Decorators" and find that it's become the accustomed name for it.