23 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
  2. Mar 2021
    1. One part of React that I've always championed is how it's just JavaScript. I like that in React you don't use a distinct template syntax and instead embed JavaScript, compared to Svelte's templating language
    2. I will always find React's approach easier - at least in my head - and I think more friendly to people familiar with JavaScript who are learning a library.
    1. Another important MicroJS attribute is independence. Ember, Backbone—even Bootstrap to a degree–have hard dependencies on other libraries. For example, all three rely on jQuery. A good MicroJS library stands by itself with no dependencies. There are exceptions to the rule, but in general, any dependency is another small MicrojJS library.
    1. function isObject(o) { return o instanceof Object && o.constructor === Object; }
    2. An array is from a logical point of view not an object - although JavaScript handles and reports them as such. In practice however, it is not helpful to see them equal, because they are not.
    3. Arrays are definitely objects. Not sure why you think objects can't have a length property nor methods like push, Object.create(Array.prototype) is a trivial counterexample of a non-array object which has these. What makes arrays special is that they are exotic objects with a custom [[DefineOwnProperty]] essential internal method, but they are still objects.
    4. arrays are not objects from a logical point of view. I'm speaking about program logic. It is sometimes necessary to check if an array is a "real" array and definitely not an "real" object. That's what Array.isArray() is for. Imagine you have a function which accepts an object or an array of objects.
    5. function isObject (item) { return (typeof item === "object" && !Array.isArray(item) && item !== null); }
  3. Dec 2020
    1. My frustration is mainly from Svelte's choices that are very un-JavaScript-like. It doesn't have to be "like React/Vue". React is React because it doesn't restrict what you can do with JavaScript for the most part. It's just common FP practice to fold/map.
  4. Nov 2020
    1. Remember that "JavaScript" does not mean that the DOM API, AJAX, HTML5 <canvas> (and so on) are available - it just means the JavaScript scripting language is being used - that's it.
  5. Oct 2020
    1. You can set options.params to a POJO as shown above, or to an instance of the JavaScript's built-in URLSearchParams class. const params = new URLSearchParams([['answer', 42]]); const res = await axios.get('https://httpbin.org/get', { params });
    1. Checking if an object is a POJO can be somewhat tricky and depends on whether you consider objects created using Object.create(null) to be POJOs. The safest way is using the Object.getPrototypeOf() function and comparing the object's prototype.
  6. Sep 2020
    1. I love how they have this example with plain JS to show how slim and simple it can be even when not using react and react-final-form. It demystifies things so you can see how it works and how it would be if not using React (which in turn helps you appreciate what react/react-final-form do for you).

  7. Jun 2020
    1. What would be nice is if JavaScript had a built-in way to do what I can do in Ruby with:

      > I18n.interpolate('Hi, %{name}', name: 'Fred')
      => "Hi, Fred"

      But to be fair, I18n comes from i18n library, so JS could just as easily (and I'm sure does) have a library that does the same thing.

      Update: Actually, you can do this in plain Ruby (so why do we even need I18n.interpolate?):

      main > "Hi, %{name}" % {name: 'Fred'}
      => "Hi, Fred"
      main > ? String#%
      From: string.c (C Method):
      Owner: String
      Visibility: public
      Signature: %(arg1)
      Number of lines: 9
      Format---Uses str as a format specification, and returns the result
      of applying it to arg. If the format specification contains more than
      one substitution, then arg must be an Array or Hash
      containing the values to be substituted. See Kernel::sprintf for
      details of the format string.
         "%05d" % 123                              #=> "00123"
         "%-5s: %016x" % [ "ID", self.object_id ]  #=> "ID   : 00002b054ec93168"
         "foo = %{foo}" % { :foo => 'bar' }        #=> "foo = bar"

      I guess that built-in version is fine for simple cases. You only need to use I18n.translate if you need its more advanced features like I18n.config.missing_interpolation_argument_handler.

  8. May 2020
    1. This starter takes advantage of Typescript and Emotion. This is a personal choice, and I'd encourage you to give it a shot. If you're interested in using plain ES6 and regular scss styling, see release v1 of this library.