29 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. our love of freedom is is one of the ways that we as apparently limited beings return naturally to our original condition

      for - comparison - Rupert Spira - limited human being striving for return to natural condition - Dasietz Suzuki - The elbow does not bend backwards - insight - freedom is our natural state - because in our contracted human form - we desire to return to our original expansive form - Rupert Spira comment - As Dasietz Suzuki observed, within the limitations of our form, there is a freedom - After listening for a 2nd or 3rd time, I noted something I missed on the 1st listening. A metaphor helps - My nickname reflects this desire to return to the original expansiveness. "Bottled up" and existing in a "contracted" human form, - we possess a natural desire to expand out of the contracted human form back into its original, primordial expansive state - This is indicated by our innate desire for freedom

    2. not to act in such a case would be the egoic response would be there it would be a response that came from the fear of an individual that it would be cowardice it would be it would be refusing to act washing a veneer of of non-violence over one's egoic fea

      for - nonduality - not acting against violence in such a case (as Ukraine war) is an egoic response - acting out of cowardice - Rupert Spira

      comment - One can act egoically both to take action AND to not take action.

    3. at least some of my audience sometimes misunderstand this position um they say well you know to express evil is also part of nature it's also part of the universal mind which is correct um but it is also part of you of the universal mind also part of nature to strive against evil to stop evil and sometimes forcefully if need be because you're not just going to wait for evil to come and barbarize your loved ones and violate truth left and right i think what this understand understanding calls for is not the complete cessation of the use of force when force is the last resort that we have at our at our hands what it calls for is the the end of the notion that the use of force is a form of vengeance

      for - question - nilhism - nondualism - is fighting evil a contradiction? - Rupert Spira - Bernado Kastrup - question - nilhism - how do we prevent falling into?

      question - nondualism - is fighting evil a contradiction? - Pondering this idea raises the question: - Is fighting evil a contradiction? - Do we fall into duality if we fight evil? - Does nonduality imply not creating categories of morality of good and evil? - This question has no answer because - If you understand the question, you are already - a language user - applying some morality - We are already post category and post linguistic - we can never undo this and get back to pre-category and pre-linguistic - Fighting evil cannot conquer it because - in fighting evil, this implies using (deadly) force - deadly force results in death, the most extreme form of suffering - It is tantamount to abuse and justifying death is the greatest act of separation, causing great suffering to the other - In effect, we have the same result as the abuser and this can create a new generation of abused

      question - nilhism - how do we prevent falling into? - Rather, what is needed is to PENETRATE moral relativism / dualism altogether to re-discover the common sacred ground both moral categories are based upon - The use of force as a form of vengeance - is the perpetuation of the abused-abuser cycle

    4. we're not called to like everybody but we are called to love everybody i i have a a practice um and it involves taking the image of two people one whom i love deeply and who i like deeply and i take my son for instance that i love him that i feel one with him goes without saying but i also like him very much i then take a second image of someone who i dislike intensely vladimir putin

      for - BEing journey - meditate on two polar images - apply nondual love - can you recognize the sacred? - the shared being of both? - Rupert Spira

      BEing journey - meditate on two polar images - apply nondual love - can you recognize the sacred? - the shared being of both? - Rupert Spira

      adjacency - between - Rupert Spira's exercise to identify the Common Human Denominator (CHD) of the sacred in both - abused-abuser relationship - adjacency relationship - Rupert's exercise can lead to compassion if we study the abused-abuser relationship deeply and bring it to bear - The coexistence of - the feeling of anger arising from the suffering the abuser causes - the feeling of sadness arising from the suffering the abuser has suffered earlier in life - creates a mixture of feelings in the same person - Also can help to think of the mechanism by which the abused-abuser cycle continually becomes reconstructed and perpetuated in the world

      reference - untreated childhood abuse of children - they can grow up to become dictators - such as Putin, Trump and Kim Jong Un - https://hyp.is/LOhh4mqvEe-mU3_0EcDYiQ/acestoohigh.com/2022/03/02/how-vladimir-putins-childhood-is-affecting-us-all/

    5. love is something completely different it has nothing to do with whether we like someone or not i would suggest love is the recognition of our shared being or our shared reality

      for - definition - love - as the recognition of our shared being - Rupert Spira - question - reconciling Rupert Spira's interpretation of the Eastern definition of "love" with the inherent suffering designed into nature

      question - reconciling Rupert Spira's interpretation of the Eastern definition of "love" with the inherent suffering designed into nature - Consider that every individual of every species must eat in order to survive and maintain life, - In other words, suffering is unavoidable in life itself, and exists at every scale of multi-scale competency architecture (Levin) - How do we reconcile this definition of "love" with the suffering inherent in all of life itself? - If we accept that the universal consciousness manifests in ALL living beings, then it is indeed a strange situation because: - reality itself evolved biotic out of abiotic reality and - it did so by creating intrinsic suffering as predators must kill, eat and cause suffering to its prey and - mortality is built into all living organism, bringing about constant innate anxiety to defend against death through innate alertness to and defense against predators

    6. if our core self or being is um not limited to contained within or defined by the content of our experience thoughts images feelings and so on if it is a a single infinite and indivisible whole or reality from which everyone and everything derives its apparently independent existence then our essential self must be must be whole complete lacking nothing

      for - quote - poverty mentality - Rupert Spira

  2. Aug 2024
    1. this suffering that we feel as a result of empathy with another who is suffering doesn't come from ignorance of our true nature on the contrary it is an expression of our understanding that we share our essential nature with the other and as a result of that we feel both their joy as our own joy and their suffering as our own suffering

      for - empathy - deep meaning - universal consciousness perspective - Rupert Spira

    2. to give you a sense of my um trajectory

      for - personal awakening journey - description - Rupert Spira

      personal awakening journey - description - Rupert Spira - Interesting description of his awakening journey - He would gradually learn to abide more and more often in the background awareness and less in the content of experience

    3. in the ultimate analysis i think it is the impulse in us to revert to our natural state it is the impulse of a finite mind to divest itself of its limitations and revert to its natural condition of infinite consciousness

      for - quote - claim - natural impulse of finite minds - to revert from finite mind back to infinite consciousness - Rupert Spira

    4. when infinite consciousness localizes itself in the form of each of our finite minds and becomes entangled with the content of experience it overlooks the knowing of itself in favor of its knowledge of objective experience and therefore the finite mind has to perform this activity of reflecting back on itself in order to arrive at the recognition i am pure consciousness

      for - duality - infinite consciousness - mistaking itself for finite counsciousness - entangled with the content of experience - Rupert Spira

      duality - infinite consciousness - mistaking itself for finite counsciousness - entangled with the content of experience - Rupert Spira - What does this really mean? - What does it mean to be entangled? - What does it take to get dis-entangled? - It would seem that falling into suffering through unbalanced - self-identify and - self cherishing - is what he is getting at

    5. john smith and king lear analogy

      for - metaphor - John Smith (actor) - King Lear - Rupert Spira

      metaphor - John Smith (actor) - King Lear - Rupert Spira - This is an interesting thought experiment - In the metaphor, the infinite consciousness is like John Smith and the finite human consciousness is like King Lear - The universal consciousness is playing the role of the finite consciousness but loses itself in the role - Spira says: - just as the only consciousness in each of our finite minds is universal consciousness nevertheless - King Lear doesn't know that - King Lear believes i am King Lear, a temporary finite separate person - just like our finite minds don't on the whole know that their reality is infinite consciousness<br /> - So although - the only person present in King Lear is John Smith and - John Smith knows himself just by being himself in the form of King Lear<br /> - he overlooks that knowledge and therefore as King Lear - he has to self-reflect on himself in order to arrive at the experience i am John Smith - What is the relationship between the infinite vs the finite consciousness within the same human? - This reminds me of Dasietz Suzuki's koan that surfaced at the time of his Satori experience - that the elbow does not bend backwards. - Within the bounds of the finite is the infinite

    6. ultimately dissociation doesn't really happen it's um it's a model i think it's a an accurate a very useful model but the best way i can i can describe this is using the analogy of going to a 3d imax cinema

      for - metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - localize Rupert Spira - terminology - dissociate - Bernado Kastrup - terminology - localize and contract - Rupert Spira - universal consciousness contracts to finite human consciousness - question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup

      metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - Rupert Spira - At 3d Imax cinema, we wear a pair of special glasses - that make the otherwise fuzzy image to acquire a 3rd dimension - In the same way, our raw universal consciousness is like the fuzzy pattern we see on the 3d Imax screen when we DON'T have any special glasses on - When we perceive and think, it is like putting on the 3D glasses in the Imax theatre and suddenly we see objects with great clarity - Spira talks about universal consciousness "localizing" within its own activity - in the form of a finite mind of a human being

      question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup - Does Kastrup mean that we infinite / universal consciousness dissociates from itself into the finite human consciousness? - answer - It appears so, as at time 45:50, Spira summarizes Kastrup's views on dissociation

    7. this localization process enables consciousness to perceive itself as the universe because infinite consciousness cannot perceive its own activity directly because it would have to do so from if infinite consciousness were to perceive the universe directly it would have to do so from every single point of view in the universe it would be the deepest darkest black image you could imagine so in order to perceive an object consciousness must localize itself as an apparently separate subject so this localization of the apparent localization of our self or the dissociation of ourselves as finite minds out of infinite consciousness enables um perception

      for - adjacency - key insight - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - discerning single voice at a busy party metaphor - existential isolation - umwelt

      adjacency - between - key insight - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - discerning single voice at a busy party metaphor - existential isolation - adjacency relationship - quote - localization enables (infinite or universal consciousness) to perceive itself - Rupert Spira - This localization process enables (infinite) consciousness to perceive itself as the universe because - infinite consciousness cannot perceive its own activity directly - because if infinite consciousness were to perceive the universe directly - it would have to do so from every single point of view in the universe - It would be the deepest, darkest black image you could imagine - So in order to perceive an object - (infinite) consciousness must localize itself as an apparently separate subject so - the apparent localization of our self or - the dissociation of ourselves - as finite minds out of infinite consciousness enables - perception and - thought

      • There is a metaphor that applies here:
        • At a busy dinner party, many people are talking at the same time
        • As the number of people approach infinite, the signal becomes more difficult to detect
        • In the same manner, as the activities of the universe are seemingly unbounded, how could infinite consciousness possibly observe its own infinite entirety?
        • Existential isolation is deemed depressing because it makes us feel intrinsically separated and disconnected from others, yet
          • it may be very necessary
        • Can you imagine hearing and understanding the voices of every human being, much less every living being?
        • An individual human does not have the capacity to process all that information
        • In the same manner, the body of every living organism is fine tuned for only one specific set of unwelts
        • How would we process the unbound amounts of information if we had an infinite number of different detectors?
    8. when consciousness puts on the glasses of a finite mind a human mind it puts on the glasses that consist of thinking and perceiving it is that activity which seems to localize consciousness within itself as a separate subject of experience from whose perspective it views its own activity as the outside universe

      for - key insight - universal consciousness contracts to localized human consciousness - experiences its own activity as the outside universe - Rupert Spira

    9. even those people who are deeply involved in introspection and find that they that their minds raise objections which prevent them going deeper into their experiential investigation and i feel that the work you're doing is making a very um significant contribution to those people as well

      for - recognizing true nature - validation of conceptual method - Rupert Spira

    10. don't do this experiment philosophically do it experientially it's like undressing at night we take off everything that can be taken off

      for BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira

      BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira - metaphor - Like taking all our clothes off when we are preparing for bedtime

      comment - self knowledge exercise - Rupert Spira - This exercise makes me think of my own thoughts around discovering or rather, rediscovering one's true nature - If we are to discuss the "greater self" from whence we came, then it's tantamount to discovering - the nature nature within - human nature - So anything that is recognized as human nature, cannot be the ground state - The ground state must go beyond anything that depends on the human body - Thoughts and perceptions are mediated by brains and sense organs, both depend on the human body and so - are dependent on human nature - Self knowledge is unmediated and directly experienced - It has the quality of the ground state within us, the nature part of our human nature

    11. the words know thyself were carved above the entrance of the temple temple of apollo in delphi and stand as such at the dawn of western civilization and i would suggest that at this hour of our civilization this recognition of the essential nature of our self and therefore the recognition of the essential nature of all people all animals and all things has perhaps never been more important than it is now

      for - quote - know thyself - recognizing our true nature - has never been more important than at this hour of our civilization - Rupert Spira - Deep Humanity - know thyself - rekindling wonder - awakening to our true nature - Rupert Spira

      quote - know thyself - recognizing our true nature - has never been more important than at this hour of our civilization - Rupert Spira - (see below) - The words "know thyself" were carved above the entrance of the temple temple of apollo in delphi and stand as such at the dawn of western civilization and - I would suggest that at this hour of our civilization, - this recognition of the essential nature of our self and therefore - the recognition of the essential nature of - all people - all animals and - all things - has perhaps never been more important than it is now

    12. i'll start by way of um an analogy everything that all the objects and characters that appear in a movie derive their reality relatively speaking of course from the single screen

      for - Rupert Spira - meditation - metaphor - movie and screen - BEing journey - identifying our true nature - movie and screen metaphor - Rupert Spira

    13. one way to make this experiential investigation into the essential nature of our self would be to remove in fact we don't need to remove it would be sufficient to imagine removing everything from us that is not essential to us so i suggest we let's just embark do this investigation for a few minutes

      for - BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira

      BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira - Remove phenomenological experiences that are transient - that is, have a beginning or end - The fact that they do not last implies that they cannot be part of our essential, unchanging nature

    14. there is one aspect one element of the universe that we have direct unmediated access to when i say unmediated i mean we have access to it through a channel that is does not go through perception or thought and that is our knowledge of our self our knowledge of our self is the only knowledge there is that is not mediated through thought or perception and therefore it is the only channel through which we have direct unmediated access to the reality of the universe and it is for this reason that self-knowledge stands at the heart of all the great religious and spiritual traditions

      for - key insight - quote - self knowledge - Rupert Spira

      key insight - quote - self knowledge - Rupert Spira - There is one aspect of the universe that we have direct unmediated access to w

      • When i say unmediated i mean we have access to it through a channel that is does not go through

        • perception or
        • thought and that is our knowledge of our self
      • Our knowledge of our self is the only knowledge there is that is not mediated through

        • thought or
        • perception
      • and therefore it is the only channel through which we have direct unmediated access to the reality of the universe

      • It is for this reason that self-knowledge stands at the heart of all the great religious and spiritual traditions.

    15. reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them

      for - quotation - Rupert Spira - reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them

      quotation - Rupert Spira - reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them - A subset of this claim is that the same universal consciousness is in the multiplicity and diversity of appearances of human INTERbeCOMings

    16. the ultimate reality of the universe never appears as an object

      for - nonduality - ultimate reality - cannot be objectified - Rupert Spira

      nonduality - ultimate reality - cannot be objectified - Rupert Spira - This is echoed in many spiritual practices. - For example, the cliche "those who know do not (cannot) speak about it" - To explore this further, - An object is inherently a part of something bigger - It is known that ordinary people have great difficulty appreciating hyperobjects such as climate change because - they are already far beyond our evolutionary sensing equipment - Ultimate reality, being the mother of all objects and hyperobjects is going to be even more subtle

    17. for - podcast - Adventures in Awareness - episode - Bernardo Kastrup - Rupert Spira

      Summary - A very rich interview with Rupert Spira and Bernardo Kastrup to explore where there perspectives on idealism, materialism and consciousness align and differ. - It appears they mostly align with a few minor differences - Rupert approaches the true nature of mind from an introspective, experiential and meditative angle whilst - Bernardo approaches it from a philosophical and conceptual angle - Rupert opens with a metaphor of the movie vs the movie screen and an accompanying meditation on phenomenological experience and the awareness that experiences all of it - This introduces the audience to experiencing - what Spira alternately calls the true nature of mind and universal consciousness and - what Kastrup refers to as the "ground zero" of consciousness




  3. Jul 2023
      • Title
        • consciousness is not in the brain
      • Author
        • Rupert Spira
      • Description
        • Rupert Spira takes the interviewer on a BEing journey to experience awareness directly and answer the question
          • how does consciousness emerge from brains?
  4. Jul 2019
    1. The realization of this truth dissolves the beliefs in distance, separation and otherness. The common name we give to this absence of distance, separation and otherness is love and beauty. It is that for which everyone longs – not just those of us that are interested in non-duality but all seven billion of us. In this realization true knowledge and love are revealed to be one and the same – the experiential realization that the true nature of the apparently inside self and the apparently outside world are one single reality made out of the transparent light of Awareness, that is, made out of the intimacy of our own being.
    2. In Christianity it is expressed as, “I and my Father are one.” That is, I, Awareness, and the ultimate reality of the universe are one and the same reality.
    1. Analogously to how one can play and win video games without any understanding of the underlying hardware or software, these technologies can be made to work even without insight into what nature is in itself.
  5. Mar 2019
    1. Non-duality is rather the opposite of this. It is the experiential understanding that there is no centre to the universe. Love is another name for this understanding in which all seeming things are known to be one seamless garment, made out of Consciousness alone,  each apparent part intimately connected to all other apparent parts.