23 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- Sep 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Incidentally, I am also the author of the website you are referring to.
[author of the draft v4 validation spec here]
- Oct 2021
discuss.write.as discuss.write.as
Good user support case study.
- premium versus gratis support
- rude, abusive, or demanding users
- Discourse as a medium for handling support requests
- asking bad questions versus how to ask good questions
- Aug 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- Jul 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Wow, Aaron himself just answered it!
answered Oct 12 '09 at 18:28
- Mar 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
answered May 9 '13 at 15:29 alexander farkas
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Posting an issue on the discussion boards for a three year old game, yesterday, I wasn't holding my breath for a reply. Earlier, this morning, a dev. responded, stating they'd look at fixing it, and it was just a few hours before it were sorted!
- Feb 2021
2019.trailblazer.to 2019.trailblazer.to
This creates a win-win situation, you as the user have your peace of mind, and we can continue working with your funds.
github.com github.com
NO support whatsoever will be given for the moment unless I gave you the program personally. This is because all of this is work in progress and I can't code while constantly writing documentation and answering questions.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
DEV actively answers questions in the community.
- Jan 2021
linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io
Although it is open-source, Snap on the other hand, only works with the Ubuntu Store. Nobody knows how to make a Snap Store and nobody can. The Snap client is designed to work with only one source, following a protocol which isn’t open, and using only one authentication system. Snapd is nothing on its own, it can only work with the Ubuntu Store.
- proprietary software/service seeking broad support/integration/acceptance in/by other software/platforms/vendors
- use of proprietary hosted services
- monopoly
- importance of open-source
- proprietary protocol
- proprietary software
- Snap
- proprietary hosted services as a competitive advantage
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- Oct 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Library author here. I'm always fascinated by new ways people can invalidate my assumptions. I mean that in a sincerely positive way, as it results in learning.
- learning from others
- author of software answering questions in community (support)
- different way of thinking about something
- can't support everything / all cases
- sincere
- not considering all use cases
- testing/challenging one's assumptions (either validating or invalidating them)
- invalidating one's assumptions
- assumptions
- not:
- they've thought of everything
- surprising
- Sep 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- Jul 2020
amp.dev amp.dev
In addition to the schema.org structured data format, there are other formats supported by search engines and social media networks. See the supported documentation: Twitter Cards meta tags Facebook Open Graph meta tags
amp.dev amp.dev
A growing number of platforms, vendors, and partners support the AMP Project by providing custom components or offering integration with AMP pages within their platforms.
I guess AMP is actually open-source software, but it still feels like it's something non-standard. I guess it's just an alternative open standard to the "main" web open standards.
amp.dev amp.dev
A growing number of email platforms, clients and providers support AMP for Email within their platforms.
amp.dev amp.dev
If you have worked with emails before, the idea of placing a script into an email may set off alarm bells in your head! Rest assured, email providers who support AMP emails enforce fierce security checks that only allow vetted AMP scripts to run in their clients. This enables dynamic and interactive features to run directly in the recipients mailboxes with no security vulnerabilities! Read more about the required markup for AMP Emails here.
- Dec 2019
- Dec 2015
www.desk.com www.desk.com
Customer support sofware