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  1. Apr 2022
    1. In her 2002 dissertation, and then in a series of articles published in medicaljournals, Pape made a case for imitating this practice. “The key to preventingmedication errors lies with adopting protocols from other safety-focusedindustries,” Pape wrote in the journal MEDSURG Nursing in 2003. “The airlineindustry, for example, has methods in place that improve pilots’ focus andprovide a milieu of safety when human life is at stake.”

      In a 2002 dissertation and subsequent articles, Tess Pape proposed imitating solutions proposed by the FAA in airline accidents as a means of limiting distractions during medicine dispensing by nurses and medical staff to limit preventable medical errors.

    2. aviation experts haddevised a solution to the problem of pilot interruption: the “sterile cockpit rule.”Instituted by the Federal Aviation Administration in 1981, the rule forbids pilotsfrom engaging in conversation unrelated to the immediate business of flyingwhen the plane is below ten thousand feet.

      The "sterile cockpit rule" was instituted by the FAA in 1981 as a solution to cut down on the high proportion of airborne accidents during take-off and landing. The rule forbids pilots from engaging in any conversations unrelated to the flight of the plane, which has the effect of removing any distracting stimuli which may otherwise cascade into an accident.