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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors performed experimental evolution of MreB mutants that have a slow growing round phenotype and studied the subsequent evolutionary trajectory using analysis tool from molecular biology. It was remarkable and interesting that they found that the original phenotype was not restored (most common in these studies) but that the round phenotype was maintained.
The finding that the round phenotype was maintained during evolution rather than that the original phenotype, rod shape cells, was recovered is interesting. The paper extensively investigates what happens during adaptation with various different techniques. Also the extensive discussion of the findings at the end of the paper is well thought through and insightful.
I find there are three general weaknesses<br /> (1) Although the paper states in the abstract that it emphasizes "new knowledge to be gained" it remains unclear what this concretely is. At page 4 they state 3 three research questions, these could be more extensively discussed in the abstract. Also these questions read more like genetics questions while the paper is a lot about cell biological findings.<br /> (2) It is not clear to me from the text what we already know about restoration of MreB loss from suppressors studies (in the literature). Are there supressor screens in the literature and which part of the findings is consistent with suppressor screens and which parts are new knowledge?<br /> (3) The clarity of the figures, captions and data quantification need to be improved.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, Avila et al. tested the hypothesis that chronic pain states are associated with changes in excitability of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). The authors used the slope of the aperiodic component of the EEG power spectrum (= the aperiodic exponent) as a novel, non-invasive proxy for the cortical excitation-inhibition ratio. They performed source localization to estimate the EEG signals generated specifically by the mPFC. By pooling resting-state EEG recordings from three existing datasets, the authors were able to compare the aperiodic exponent in the mPFC and across the whole brain (at all modeled cortical sources) between 149 chronic pain patients and 115 healthy controls. Additionally, they assessed the relationship between the aperiodic exponent and pain intensity reported by the patients. To account for heterogeneity in pain etiology, the analysis was also performed separately for two patient subgroups with different chronic pain conditions (chronic back pain and chronic widespread pain). The study found robust evidence against differences in the aperiodic exponent in the mPFC between people with chronic pain and healthy participants, and no correlation was observed between the aperiodic exponent and pain intensity. These findings were consistent across different patient subgroups and were corroborated by the whole-brain analysis.
The study is based on sound scientific reasoning and rigorously employs suitable methods to test the hypothesis. It follows a pre-registered protocol, which greatly increases the transparency and, consequently, the credibility of the reported results. In addition to the planned steps, the authors used a multiverse analysis to ensure the robustness of the results across different methodological choices. I find this particularly interesting, as the EEG aperiodic exponent has only recently been linked to network excitability, and the most appropriate methods for its extraction and analysis are still being determined. The methods are clearly and comprehensively described, making this paper very useful for researchers planning similar studies. The results are convincing, supported by informative figures, and the lack of the expected difference in mPFC excitability between the tested groups is thoroughly and constructively discussed.
Firstly, to augment the sample size, the authors pooled data recorded by different researchers using different experimental protocols. This inevitably increases sample variability and may limit the availability of certain measures, as was the case here with the reports of pain intensity in the patient group. Secondly, the analysis heavily relies on the estimation of cortical sources, an approach that may yield imprecise results, especially when default conduction models, source models, and electrode coordinates are used (as was the case here).
Comments on revisions:
The authors satisfactorily revised the manuscript and responded to previous questions and suggestions. I have no further comments.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study tests whether Little Swifts exhibit optimal foraging, which the data seem to indicate is the case. This is unsurprising as most animals would be expected to optimize the energy income : expenditure ratio, however it hasn't been explicitly quantified before the way it was in this manuscript.
The major strength of this work is the sheer volume of tracking data and the accuracy of those data. The ATLAS tracking system really enhanced this study and allowed for pinpoint monitoring of the tracked birds. These data could be used to ask and answer many questions beyond just the one tested here.
The major weakness of this work lies in the sampling of insect prey abundance at a single point on the landscape, 6.5 km from the colony. This sampling then requires the authors to work under the assumption that prey abundance is simultaneously even across the study region. It may be fair to say that prey populations might be correlated over space but are not equal. It is uncertain whether other aspects of the prey data are problematic. For example, the radar only samples insects at 50m or higher from the ground - how often do Little Swifts forage under 50m high?
The finding that Little Swifts forage optimally is indeed supported by the data, notwithstanding some of the shortcomings in the prey abundance data. The authors achieved their aims and the results support their conclusions.
At its centre, this work adds to our understanding of Little Swift foraging and extends to a greater understanding of aerial insectivores in general. While unsurprising that Little Swifts act as optimal foragers, it is good to have quantified this and show that the population declines observed in so many aerial insectivores are not necessarily a function of inflexible foraging habits. Further, the methods used in this research have great potential for other work. For example, the ATLAS system poses some real advantages and an exciting challenge to existing systems, like MOTUS. The radar that was used to quantify prey abundance also presents exciting possibilities if multiple units could be deployed to get a more spatially-explicit view.
To improve the context of this work, it is worth noting that this research goes into much further depth than any previous studies on a similar topic in several flycatcher and swallow species. A further justification is posited that this research is needed due to dramatic insect population declines, however, the magnitude and extent of such declines are fiercely debated in the literature.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In the first half of this study, Pham et al. investigate the regulation of TEAD via ubiquitination and PARylation, identifying an E3 ubiquitin ligase, RNF146, as a negative regulator of TEAD activity through an siRNA screen of ubiquitin-related genes in MCF7 cells. The study also finds that depletion of PARP1 reduced TEAD4 ubiquitination levels, suggesting a certain relationship between TEAD4 PARylation and ubiquitination which was also explored through an interesting D70A mutation. Pham et al. subsequently tested this regulation in D. melanogaster by introducing Hpo loss-of-function mutations and rescuing the overgrowth phenotype through RNF146 overexpression.
In the second half of this study, Pham et al. designed and assayed several potential TEAD degraders with a heterobifunctional design, which they term TEAD-CIDE. Compounds D and E were found to effectively degrade pan-TEAD, an effect which could be disrupted by treatment with TEAD lipid pocket binders, proteasome inhibitors, or E1 inhibitors, demonstrating that the TEAD-CIDEs operate in a proteasome-dependent manner. These TEAD-CIDEs could reduce cell proliferation in OVCAR-8, a YAP deficient cell line, but not SK-N-FI, a Hippo pathway independent cell line. Finally, this study also utilizes ATAC-seq on Compound D to identify reductions in chromatin accessibility at the regions enriched for TEAD DNA binding motifs.
The study provides compelling evidence that the E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF146 is a novel negative regulator of TEAD activity. The authors convincingly delineate the mechanism through multiple techniques and approaches. The authors also describe the development of heterobifunctional pan-degraders of TEAD, that could serve as valuable reagents to more deeply study TEAD biology.
The scope of this study is extremely broad. The first half of the paper highlights the mechanisms underlying TEAD degradation; however, the connection to the second half of the paper on small molecule degraders of TEAD is jarring, and it seems as though two separate stories were combined into this single massive study. In my opinion, the study would be stronger if it chose to focus on only one of these topics and instead went deeper.
Additionally, the figure clarity needs to be substantially improved, as readability and interpretation was difficult in many panels. Lastly, there are numerous typos and poor grammar throughout the text that need to be addressed.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have addressed most of our critiques. The manuscript has improved significantly, particularly in the clarity of the figures and the flow of the text. The findings of this study contribute valuable insights into TEAD biology in cancer and provide useful resources for further research into TEAD.
However, as noted by other reviewers, the manuscript still feels somewhat disjointed, despite the attempt to connect the two parts on RNF146-mediated TEAD degradation and the development of TEAD degraders. Certain data inconsistencies and technical limitations may have made some aspects of the data hard to interpret accurately and could benefit from further clarification.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The revision by Ruan et al clarifies several aspects of the original manuscript that were difficult to understand, and I think it presents some useful and interesting ideas. I understand that the authors are distinguishing their model from the standard Wright-Fisher model in that the population size is not imposed externally, but is instead a consequence of the stochastic reproduction scheme. Here, the authors chose a branching process but in principle any Markov chain can probably be used. Within this framework, the authors are particularly interested in cases where the variance in reproductive success changes through time, as explored by the DDH model, for example. They argue with some experimental results that there is a reason to believe that the variance in reproductive success does change over time.
One of the key aspects of the original manuscript that I want to engage with is the DDH model. As the authors point out, their equations 5 and 6 are assumptions, and not derived from any principles. In essence, the authors are positing that that the variance in reproductive success, given by 6, changes as a function of the current population size. There is nothing "inherent" to a negative binomial branching mechanism that results in this: in fact, the the variance in offspring number could in principle be the same for all time. As relates to models that exist in the literature, I believe that this is the key difference: unlike Cannings models, the authors allow for a changing variance in reproduction through time.
This is, of course, an interesting thing to consider, and I think that the situation the authors point out, in which drift is lower at small population sizes and larger at large population sizes, is not appreciated in the literature. However, I am not so sure that there is anything that needs to be resolved in Paradox 1. A very strong prediction of that model is that Ne and N could be inversely related, as shown by the blue line in Fig 3b. This suggests that you could see something very strange if you, for example, infer a population size history using a Wright-Fisher framework, because you would infer a population *decline* when there is in fact a population *expansion*. However, as far as I know there are very few "surprising population declines" found in empirical data. An obvious case where we know there is very rapid population growth is human populations; I don't think I've ever seen an inference of recent human demographic history from genetic data that suggests anything other than a massive population expansion. While I appreciate the authors empirical data supporting their claim of Paradox 1 (more on the empirical data later), it's not clear to me that there's a "paradox" in the literature that needs explaining so much as this is a "words of caution about interpreting inferred effective population sizes". To be clear, I think those words of caution are important, and I had never considered that you might be so fundamentally misled as to infer decline when there is growth, but calling it a "paradox" seems to suggest that this is an outstanding problem in the literature, when in fact I think the authors are raising a *new* and important problem. Perhaps an interesting thing for the authors to do to raise the salience of this point would be to perform simulations under this model and then infer effective population sizes using e.g. dadi or psmc and show that you could identify a situation in which the true history is one of growth, but the best fit would be one of decline
The authors also highlight that their approach reflects a case where the population size is determined by the population dynamics themselves, as opposed to being imposed externally as is typical in Cannings models. I agree with the authors that this aspect of population regulation is understudied. Nonetheless, several manuscripts have dealt with the case of population genetic dynamics in populations of stochastically fluctuating size. For example, Kaj and Krone (2003) show that under pretty general conditions you get something very much like a standard coalescent; for example, combining their theorem 1 with their arguments on page 36 and 37, they find that exchangeable populations with stochastic population dynamics where the variance does not change with time still converge to exactly the coalescent you would expect from Cannings models. This is strongly suggestive that the authors key result isn't about stochastic population dynamics per se, but instead related to arguing that variance in reproductive success could change through time. In fact, I believe that the result of Kaj and Krone (2003) is substantially more general than the models considered in this manuscript. That being said, I believe that the authors of this manuscript do a much better job of making the implications for evolutionary processes clear than Kaj and Krone, which is important---it's very difficult to understand from Kaj and Krone the conditions under which effective population sizes will be substantially impacted by stochastic population dynamics.
I also find the authors exposition on Paradox 3 to be somewhat strange. First of all, I'm not sure there's a paradox there at all? The authors claim that the lack of dependence of the fixation probability on Ne is a paradox, but this is ultimately not surprising---fixation of a positively selected allele depends mostly on escaping the boundary layer, which doesn't really depend on the population size (see Gillespie's book "The Causes of Molecular Evolution" for great exposition on boundary layer effects). Moreover, the authors *use a Cannings-style argument* to get gain a good approximation of how the fixation probability changes when there is non-Poisson reproduction. So it's not clear that the WFH model is really doing a lot of work here. I suppose they raise the interesting point that the particularly simple form of p(fix) = 2s is due to the assumption that variance in offspring is equal to 1.
In addition, I raised some concerns about the analysis of empirical results on reproductive variance in my original review, and I don't believe that the authors responded to it at all. I'm not super worried about that analysis, but I think that the authors should probably respond to me.
Overall, I feel like I now have a better understanding of this manuscript. However, I think it still presents its results too strongly: Paradox 1 contains important words of caution that reflect what I am confident is an under appreciated possibility, and Paradox 3 is, as far as I'm concerned, not a paradox at all. I have not addressed Paradox 2 very much because I think that another reviewer had solid and interesting comments on that front and I am leaving it to them. That being said, I do think Paradox 2 actually presents a deep problem in the literature and that the authors' argument may actually represent a path toward a solution.
This manuscript can be a useful contribution to the literature, but as it's presented at the moment, I think most of it is worded too strongly and it continues to not engage appropriately with the literature. Theoretical advances are undoubtedly important, and I think the manuscript presents some interesting things to think about but ultimately needs to be better situated and several of the claims strongly toned down.
References:<br /> Kaj, I., & Krone, S. M. (2003). The coalescent process in a population with stochastically varying size. Journal of Applied Probability, 40(1), 33-48.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors used multiple approaches to study salt effects in liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). Results on both wild-type Caprin1 and mutants and on different types of salts contribute to a comprehensive understanding.
The main strength of this work is the thoroughness of investigation. This aspect is highlighted by the multiple approaches used in the study, and reinforced by the multiple protein variants and different salts studied.
(1) The multiple computational approaches are a strength, but they're cruder than explicit-solvent all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and may miss subtle effects of salts. In particular, all-atom MD simulations demonstrate that high salt strengthens pi-types of interactions (ref. 42 and MacAinsh et al, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.26.596000v3).<br /> (2) The paper can be improved by distilling the various results into a simple set of conclusions. By example, based on salt effects revealed by all-atom MD simulations, MacAinsh et al. presented a sequence-based predictor for classes of salt dependence. Wild-type Caprin1 fits right into the "high net charge" class, with a high net charge and a high aromatic content, showing no LLPS at 0 NaCl and an increasing tendency of LLPS with increasing NaCl. In contrast, pY-Caprin1 belongs to the "screening" class, with a high level of charged residues and showing a decreasing tendency of LLLPS.<br /> (3) Mechanistic interpretations can be further simplified or clarified. (i) Reentrant salt effects (e.g., Fig. 4a) are reported but no simple explanation seems to have been provided. Fig. 4a,b look very similar to what has been reported as strong-attraction promotor and weak-attraction suppressor, respectively (ref. 50; see also PMC5928213 Fig. 2d,b). According to the latter two studies, the "reentrant" behavior of a strong-attraction promotor, CL- in the present case, is due to Cl-mediated attraction at low to medium [NaCl] and repulsion between Cl- ions at high salt. Do the authors agree with this explanation? If not, could they provide another simple physical explanation? (ii) The authors attributed the promotional effect of Cl- to counterion-bridged interchain contacts, based on a single instance. There is another simple explanation, i.e., neutralization of the net charge on Caprin1. The authors should analyze their simulation results to distinguish net charge neutralization and interchain bridging; see MacAinsh et al.<br /> (4) The authors presented ATP-Mg both as a single ion and as two separate ions; there is no explanation of which of the two versions reflects reality. When presenting ATP-Mg as a single ion, it's as though it forms a salt with Na+. I assume NaCl, ATP, and MgCl2 were used in the experiment. Why is Cl- not considered? Related to this point, it looks ATP is just another salt ion studied and much of the Results section is on NaCl, so the emphasis of ATP ("Diverse Roles of ATP" in the title is somewhat misleading.
Comments on revisions:
This revision addressed all my previous comments.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript explores the multiple cell types present in the wall of murine collecting lymphatic vessels with the goal of identifying cells that initiate the autonomous action potentials and contractions needed to drive lymphatic pumping. Through the use of genetic models to delete individual genes or detect cytosolic calcium in specific cell types, the authors convincingly determine that lymphatic muscle cells are the origin of the action potential that triggers lymphatic contraction.
The experiments are rigorously performed, the data justify the conclusions and the limitations of the study are appropriately discussed.
There is a need to identify therapeutic targets to improve lymphatic contraction and this work helps identify lymphatic muscle cells as potential cellular targets for intervention.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This study presents valuable observations of white matter organisation from diffusion MRI and two types of synchrotron imaging in both monkeys and mice. Cross-modality comparisons are interesting as the different methods are able to probe anatomical structures at different length scales, from single axons in high-resolution synchrotron (ESRF) imaging, to clusters of axons in lower-resolution synchrotron (DEXY) data, to axon populations at the mm-scale in diffusion MRI. By acquiring all modalities in monkey and mouse ex vivo samples, the authors can observe principles of fibre organisation, and characterise how fibre characteristics, such as tortuosity and micro-dispersion, vary across select brain regions and in healthy tissue versus a demyelination model.
One very interesting result is the observation of apparent laminar organisation of fibres in ex vivo monkey white matter samples. DESY data from the corpus callosum shows fibres with two dominant orientations (one L-R, one slightly inclined), clustered in laminar structures within this major fibre bundle. Thanks to the authors providing open data, I was able to look through the raw DESY volume and observe regions with different "textures" (different orientations) in the described laminar arrangement. That this organisation can be observed by eye, as well as by structure tensor, is fairly convincing.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study extends the previous interesting work of this group to address the potentially differential control of movement and posture. Their earlier work explored a broad range of data to make the case for a downstream neural integrator hypothesized to convert descending velocity movement commands into postural holding commands. Included in that data were observations from people with hemiparesis due to stroke. The current study uses similar data, but pushes into a different, but closely related direction, suggesting that these data may address the independence of these two fundamental components of motor control. I find the logic laid out in the second sentence of the abstract ("The paretic arm after stroke is notable for abnormalities both at rest and during movement, thus it provides an opportunity to address the relationships between control of reaching, stopping, and stabilizing") less then compelling, but the study does make some interesting observations. Foremost among them, is the relation between the resting force postural bias and the effect of force perturbations during the target hold periods, but not during movement. While this interesting observation is consistent with the central mechanism the authors suggest, it seems hard to me to rule out other mechanisms, including peripheral ones. These limitations should should be discussed.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Govindan and Conrad use a genome-wide CRISPR screen to identify genes regulating retention of intron 4 in OGT, leveraging an intron retention reporter system previously described (PMID: 35895270). Their OGT intron 4 reporter reliably responds to O-GlcNAc levels, mirroring the endogenous splicing event. Through a genome-wide CRISPR knockout library, they uncover a range of splicing-related genes, including multiple core spliceosome components, acting as negative regulators of OGT intron 4 retention. They choose to follow up on SFSWAP, a largely understudied splicing regulator shown to undergo rapid phosphorylation in response to O-GlcNAc level changes (PMID: 32329777). RNA-sequencing reveals that SFSWAP depletion not only promotes OGT intron 4 splicing but also broadly induces exon inclusion and intron splicing, affecting decoy exon usage. While this study offers interesting insights into intron retention and O-GlcNAc signaling regulation, the RNA sequencing experiments lack the essential controls needed to provide full confidence to the authors' conclusions.
(1) This study presents an elegant genetic screening approach to identify regulators of intron retention, uncovering core spliceosome genes as unexpected positive regulators of intron retention.
(2) The work proposes a novel functional role for SFSWAP in splicing regulation, suggesting that it acts as a negative regulator of splicing and cassette exon inclusion, which contrasts with expected SR-related protein functions.
(3) The authors suggest an intriguing model where SFSWAP, along with other spliceosome proteins, promotes intron retention by associating with decoy exons.
(1) The conclusions on SFSWAP impact on alternative splicing are based on cells treated with two pooled siRNAs for five days. This extended incubation time without independent siRNA treatments raises concerns about off-target effects and indirect effects from secondary gene expression changes, potentially limiting confidence in direct SFSWAP-dependent splicing regulation. Rescue experiments and shorter siRNA-treatment incubation times could address these issues.
(2) The mechanistic role of SFSWAP in splicing would benefit from further exploration. Key questions remain, such as whether SFSWAP directly binds RNA, specifically the introns and exons (including the decoy exons) it appears to regulate. Furthermore, given that SFSWAP phosphorylation is influenced by changes in O-GlcNAc signaling, it would be interesting to investigate this relationship further. While generating specific phosphomutants may not yield definitive insights due to redundancy and also beyond the scope of the study, the authors could examine whether distinct SFSWAP domains, such as the SR and SURP domains, which likely overlap with phosphorylation sites, are necessary for regulating OGT intron 4 splicing.
(3) Data presentation could be improved (specific suggestions are included in the recommendations section). Furthermore, Excel tables with gene expression and splicing analysis results should be provided as supplementary datasheets. Finally, a more detailed explanation of statistical analyses is necessary in certain sections.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study explores how heterozygosity for specific neurodevelopmental disorder-associated Trio variants affects mouse behavior, brain structure, and synaptic function, revealing distinct impacts on motor, social, and cognitive behaviors linked to clinical phenotypes. Findings demonstrate that Trio variants yield unique changes in synaptic plasticity and glutamate release, highlighting Trio's critical role in presynaptic function and the importance of examining variant heterozygosity in vivo.
This study generated multiple mouse lines to model each Trio variant, reflecting point mutations observed in human patients with developmental disorders. The authors employed various approaches to evaluate the resulting behavioral, neuronal morphology, synaptic function, and proteomic phenotypes.
While the authors present extensive results, the flow of experiments is challenging to follow, raising concerns about the strength of the experimental conclusions. Additionally, the connection between sex, age, behavioral data, brain regions, synaptic transmission, and plasticity lacks clarity, making it difficult to understand the rationale behind each experiment. Clearer explanations of the purpose and connections between experiments are recommended. Furthermore, the methodology requires more detail, particularly regarding mouse breeding strategies, timelines for behavioral tests, electrophysiology conditions, and data analysis procedures.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Summary:<br /> This study addresses the roles of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in animal physiology and membrane function. A C. elegans strain carrying the fat-2(wa17) mutation possess a very limited ability to synthesize PUFAs and there is no dietary input because the E. coli diet consumed by lab grown C. elegans does not contain any PUFAs. The fat-2 mutant strain was characterized to confirm that the worms grow slowly, have rigid membranes, and have a constitutive mitochondrial stress response. The authors showed that chemical treatments or mutations known to increase membrane fluidity did not rescue growth defects. A thorough genetic screen was performed to identify genetic changes to compensate for the lack of PUFAs. The newly isolated suppressor mutations that compensated for FAT-2 growth defects included intergenic suppressors in the fat-2 gene, as well as constitutive mutations in the hypoxia sensing pathway components EGL-9 and HIF-1, and loss of function mutations in ftn-2, a gene encoding the iron storage protein ferritin. Taken together, these mutations lead to the model that increased intracellular iron, an essential cofactor for fatty acid desaturases, allows the minimally functional FAT-2(wa17) enzyme to be more active, resulting in increased desaturation and increased PUFA synthesis.
Strengths:<br /> (1) This study provides new information further characterizing fat-2 mutants. The authors measured increased rigidity of membranes compared to wild type worms, however this rigidity is not able to be rescued with other fluidity treatments such as detergent or mutants. Rescue was only achieved with polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation.<br /> (2) A very thorough genetic suppressor screen was performed. In addition to some internal fat-2 compensatory mutations, the only changes in pathways identified that are capable of compensating for deficient PUFA synthesis was the hypoxia pathway and the iron storage protein ferritin. Suppressor mutations included an egl-9 mutation that constitutively activates HIF-1, and Gain of function mutations in hif-1 that are dominant. This increased activity of HIF conferred by specific egl-9 and hif-1 mutations lead to decreased expression of ftn-2. Indeed, loss of ftn-2 leads to higher intracellular iron. The increased iron apparently makes the FAT-2 fatty acid desaturase enzyme more active, allowing for the production of more PUFAs.<br /> (3) The mutations isolated in the suppressor screen show that the only mutations able to compensate for lack of PUFAs were ones that increased PUFA synthesis by the defective FAT-2 desaturase, thus demonstrating the essential need for PUFAs that cannot be overcome by changes in other pathways. This is a very novel study, taking advantage of genetic analysis of C. elegans, and it confirms the observations in humans that certain essential PUFAs are required for growth and development.<br /> (4) Overall, the paper is well written, and the experiments were carried out carefully and thoroughly. The conclusions are well supported by the results.
Weaknesses:<br /> Overall, there are not many weaknesses. The main one I noticed is that the lipidomic analysis shown in Figs 3C, 7C, S1 and S3. Whie these data are an essential part of the analysis and provide strong evidence for the conclusions of the study, it is unfortunate that the methods used did not enable the distinction between two 18:1 isomers. These two isomers of 18:1 are important in C. elegans biology, because one is a substrate for FAT-2 (18:1n-9, oleic acid) and the other is not (18:1n-7, cis vaccenic acid). Although rarer in mammals, cis-vaccenic acid is the most abundant fatty acid in C. elegans and is likely the most important structural MUFA. The measurement of these two isomers is not essential for the conclusions of the study, but the manuscript should include a comment about the abundance of oleic vs vaccenic acid in C. elegans (authors can find this information, even in the fat-2 mutant, in other publications of C. elegans fatty acid composition). Otherwise, readers who are not familiar with C. elegans might assume the 18:1 that is reported is likely to be mainly oleic acid, as is common in mammals.
Other suggestions to authors to improve the paper:<br /> (1) The title could be less specific; it might be confusing to readers to include the allele name in the title.<br /> (2) There are two errors in the pathway depicted in Figure 1A. The16:0-16:1 desaturation can be performed by FAT-5, FAT-6, and FAT-7. The 18:0-18:1 desaturation can only be performed by FAT-6 and FAT-7
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this article, Nedbalova et al. investigate the biochemical pathway that acts in circulating immune cells to generate adenosine, a systemic signal that directs nutrients toward the immune response, and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), a methyl donor for lipid, DNA, RNA, and protein synthetic reactions. They find that SAM is largely generated through the uptake of extracellular methionine, but that recycling of adenosine to form ATP contributes a small but important quantity of SAM in immune cells during the immune response. The authors propose that adenosine serves as a sensor of cell activity and nutrient supply, with adenosine secretion dominating in response to increased cellular activity. Their findings of impaired immune action but rescued larval developmental delay when the enzyme Ahcy is knocked down in hemocytes are interpreted as due to effects on methylation processes in hemocytes and reduced production of adenosine to regulate systemic metabolism and development, respectively. Overall this is a strong paper that uses sophisticated metabolic techniques to map the biochemical regulation of an important systemic mediator, highlighting the importance of maintaining appropriate metabolite levels in driving immune cell biology.
The authors deploy metabolic tracing - no easy feat in Drosophila hemocytes - to assess flux into pools of the SAM cycle. This is complemented by mass spectrometry analysis of total levels of SAM cycle metabolites to provide a clear picture of this metabolic pathway in resting and activated immune cells.
The experiments show that the recycling of adenosine to ATP, and ultimately SAM, contributes meaningfully to the ability of immune cells to control infection with wasp eggs.
This is a well-written paper, with very nice figures showing metabolic pathways under investigation. In particular, the italicized annotations, for example, "must be kept low", in Figure 1 illustrate a key point in metabolism - that cells must control levels of various intermediates to keep metabolic pathways moving in a beneficial direction.
Experiments are conducted and controlled well, reagents are tested, and findings are robust and support most of the authors' claims.
The authors posit that adenosine acts as a sensor of cellular activity, with increased release indicating active cellular metabolism and insufficient nutrient supply. It is unclear how generalizable they think this may be across different cell types or organs.
The authors extrapolate the findings in Figure 3 of decreased extracellular adenosine in ex vivo cultures of hemocytes with knockdown of Ahcy (panel B) to the in vivo findings of a rescue of larval developmental delay in wasp egg-infected larvae with hemocyte-specific Ahcy RNAi (panel C). This conclusion (discussed in lines 545-547) should be somewhat tempered, as a number of additional metabolic abnormalities characterize Ahcy-knockdown hemocytes, and the in vivo situation may not mimic the ex vivo situation. If adenosine (or inosine) measurements were possible in hemolymph, this would help bolster this idea. However, adenosine at least has a very short half-life.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, the authors aim to understand the neural basis of implicit causal inference, specifically how people infer causes of illness. They use fMRI to explore whether these inferences rely on content-specific semantic networks or broader, domain-general neurocognitive mechanisms. The study explores two key hypotheses: first, that causal inferences about illness rely on semantic networks specific to living things, such as the 'animacy network,' given that illnesses affect only animate beings; and second, that there might be a common brain network supporting causal inferences across various domains, including illness, mental states, and mechanical failures. By examining these hypotheses, the authors aim to determine whether causal inferences are supported by specialized or generalized neural systems.
The authors observed that inferring illness causes selectively engaged a portion of the precuneus (PC) associated with the semantic representation of animate entities, such as people and animals. They found no cortical areas that responded to causal inferences across different domains, including illness and mechanical failures. Based on these findings, the authors concluded that implicit causal inferences are supported by content-specific semantic networks, rather than a domain-general neural system, indicating that the neural basis of causal inference is closely tied to the semantic representation of the specific content involved.
(1) The inclusion of the four conditions in the design is well thought out, allowing for the examination of the unique contribution of causal inference of illness compared to either a different type of causal inference (mechanical) or non-causal conditions. This design also has the potential to identify regions involved in a shared representation of inference across general domains.
(2) The presence of the three localizers for language, logic, and mentalizing, along with the selection of specific regions of interest (ROIs), such as the precuneus and anterior ventral occipitotemporal cortex (antVOTC), is a strong feature that supports a hypothesis-driven approach (although see below for a critical point related to the ROI selection).
(3) The univariate analysis pipeline is solid and well-developed.
(4) The statistical analyses are a particularly strong aspect of the paper.
Based on the current analyses, it is not yet possible to rule out the hypothesis that inferring illness causes relies on neurocognitive mechanisms that support causal inferences irrespective of their content, neither in the precuneus nor in other parts of the brain.
(1) The authors, particularly in the multivariate analyses, do not thoroughly examine the similarity between the two conditions (illness-causal and mechanical-causal), as they are more focused on highlighting the differences between them. For instance, in the searchlight MVPA analysis, an interesting decoding analysis is conducted to identify brain regions that represent illness-causal and mechanical-causal conditions differently, yielding results consistent with the univariate analyses. However, to test for the presence of a shared network, the authors only perform the Causal vs. Non-causal analysis. This analysis is not very informative because it includes all conditions mixed together and does not clarify whether both the illness-causal and mechanical-causal conditions contribute to these results.
(2) To address this limitation, a useful additional step would be to use as ROIs the different regions that emerged in the Causal vs. Non-causal decoding analysis and to conduct four separate decoding analyses within these specific clusters:<br /> (a) Illness-Causal vs. Non-causal - Illness First;<br /> (b) Illness-Causal vs. Non-causal - Mechanical First;<br /> (c) Mechanical-Causal vs. Non-causal - Illness First;<br /> (d) Mechanical-Causal vs. Non-causal - Mechanical First.<br /> This approach would allow the authors to determine whether any of these ROIs can decode both the illness-causal and mechanical-causal conditions against at least one non-causal condition.
(3) Another possible analysis to investigate the existence of a shared network would be to run the searchlight analysis for the mechanical-causal condition versus the two non-causal conditions, as was done for the illness-causal versus non-causal conditions, and then examine the conjunction between the two. Specifically, the goal would be to identify ROIs that show significant decoding accuracy in both analyses.
(4) Along the same lines, for the ROI MVPA analysis, it would be useful not only to include the illness-causal vs. mechanical-causal decoding but also to examine the illness-causal vs. non-causal conditions and the mechanical-causal vs. non-causal conditions. Additionally, it would be beneficial to report these data not just in a table (where only the mean accuracy is shown) but also using dot plots, allowing the readers to see not only the mean values but also the accuracy for each individual subject.
(5) The selection of Regions of Interest (ROIs) is not entirely straightforward:<br /> In the introduction, the authors mention that recent literature identifies the precuneus (PC) as a region that responds preferentially to images and words related to living things across various tasks. While this may be accurate, we can all agree that other regions within the ventral occipital-temporal cortex also exhibit such preferences, particularly areas like the fusiform face area, the occipital face area, and the extrastriate body area. I believe that at least some parts of this network (e.g., the fusiform gyrus) should be included as ROIs in this study. This inclusion would make sense, especially because a complementary portion of the ventral stream known to prefer non-living items (i.e., anterior medial VOTC) has been selected as a control ROI to process information about the mechanical-causal condition. Given the main hypothesis of the study - that causal inferences about illness might depend on content-specific semantic representations in the 'animacy network' - it would be worthwhile to investigate these ROIs alongside the precuneus, as they may also yield interesting results.
(6) Visual representation of results:<br /> In all the figures related to ROI analyses, only mean group values are reported (e.g., Figure 1A, Figure 3, Figure 4A, Supplementary Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8). To better capture the complexity of fMRI data and provide readers with a more comprehensive view of the results, it would be beneficial to include a dot plot for a specific time point in each graph. This could be a fixed time point (e.g., a certain number of seconds after stimulus presentation) or the time point showing the maximum difference between the conditions of interest. Adding this would allow for a clearer understanding of how the effect is distributed across the full sample, such as whether it is consistently present in every subject or if there is greater variability across individuals.
(7) Task selection:<br /> (a) To improve the clarity of the paper, it would be helpful to explain the rationale behind the choice of the selected task, specifically addressing: (i) why an implicit inference task was chosen instead of an explicit inference task, and (ii) why the "magic detection" task was used, as it might shift participants' attention more towards coherence, surprise, or unexpected elements rather than the inference process itself.<br /> (b) Additionally, the choice to include a large number of catch trials is unusual, especially since they are modeled as regressors of non-interest in the GLM. It would be beneficial to provide an explanation for this decision.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Horizontal gene transfer is the transmission of genetic material between organisms through ways other than reproduction. Frequent in prokaryotes, this mode of genetic exchange is scarcer in eukaryotes, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Furthermore, the mechanisms involved in eukaryotic HGT are unknown. This article by Banerjee et al. claims that HGT occurs massively between cells of multicellular organisms. According to this study, the cell free chromatin particles (cfChPs) that are massively released by dying cells are incorporated in the nucleus of neighboring cells. These cfChPs are frequently rearranged and amplified to form concatemers, they are made of open chromatin, expressed, and capable of producing proteins. Furthermore, the study also suggests that cfChPs transmit transposable elements (TEs) between cells on a regular basis, and that these TEs can transpose, multiply, and invade receiving cells. These conclusions are based on a series of experiments consisting in releasing cfChPs isolated from various human sera into the culture medium of mouse cells, and using FISH and immunofluorescence to monitor the state and fate of cfChPs after several passages of the mouse cell line.
The results presented in this study are interesting because they may reveal unsuspected properties of some cell types that may be able to internalize free-circulating chromatin, leading to its chromosomal incorporation, expression, and unleashing of TEs. The authors propose that this phenomenon may have profound impacts in terms of diseases and genome evolution. They even suggest that this could occur in germ cells, leading to within-organism HGT with long-term consequences.
The claims of massive HGT between cells through internalization of cfChPs are not well supported because they are only based on evidence from one type of methodological approach: immunofluorescence and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using protein antibodies and DNA probes. Yet, such strong claims require validation by at least one, but preferably multiple, additional orthogonal approaches. This includes, for example, whole genome sequencing (to validate concatemerization, integration in receiving cells, transposition in receiving cells), RNA-seq (to validate expression), ChiP-seq (to validate chromatin state).
Another weakness of this study is that it is performed only in one receiving cell type (NIH3T3 mouse cells). Thus, rather than a general phenomenon occurring on a massive scale in every multicellular organism, it could merely reflect aberrant properties of a cell line that for some reason became permeable to exogenous cfChPs. This begs the question of the relevance of this study for living organisms.
Should HGT through internalization of circulating chromatin occur on a massive scale, as claimed in this study, and as illustrated by the many FISH foci observed in Fig 3 for example, one would expect that the level of somatic mosaicism may be so high that it would prevent assembling a contiguous genome for a given organism. Yet, telomere-to-telomere genomes have been produced for many eukaryote species, calling into question the conclusions of this study.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Formins are complex proteins with multiple effects on actin filament assembly, including nucleation, capping with processive elongation, and bundling. Determining which of these activities is important for a given biological process and normal cellular function is a major challenge.
Here, the authors study the formin FHOD3L, which is essential for normal sarcomere assembly in muscle cells. They identify point mutants of FHOD3L in which formin nucleation and elongation/bundling activities are functionally separated. Expression of these mutants in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes shows that the control of actin filament elongation by formin is the major activity required for the normal assembly of functional sarcomeres.
The strength of this work is to combine sensitive biochemical assays with excellent work in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. This combination of approaches is highly effective for analyzing the function of proteins with multiple activities in vitro.
FHOD3L does not seem to be the easiest formin to study because of its relatively weak nucleation activity and the short duration of capping events. This difficulty imposes rigorous biochemical analysis and careful interpretation of the data, which should be improved in this work.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors seek to establish whether triadic interaction can promote affiliative relationships in the context of strict dominance hierarchies, and whether the vasopressinergic system is involved in such affiliations. To address this, they experimentally examine how male same-sex affiliations form by testing triadic cohabitation in large-billed crows, a species where males are known to develop and maintain same-sex affiliative relationships within a strict linear social hierarchy. They show a reduction in aggressive behavior over time with cohabitation and the formation of affiliative relationships, as measured by reciprocal allopreening, between two members (dyad) of the triad. The authors then administer a V1aR antagonist to each member of the triad, finding that allopreening decreases and dominance/submissive behaviors reemerge only in the dyad that developed an affiliated relationship ("affiliated dyad") with blockade of V1aR, demonstrating that V1aR mediates maintenance of affiliative peer relationships. The questions of how peer affiliations form, particularly in the context of dominance hierarchies, and the role of V1aR in regulating these behaviors are impactful for the field of social behavior. While the experimental paradigm provides a new way of approaching these questions, we have outlined below our concerns regarding the collection and interpretation of the data that limit the impact of this particular study.
(1) The authors develop a behavioral paradigm and experimental sequence using large-billed crows that allows them to identify the formation of stable, affiliated dyads within triadic groups that are robust to subsequent testing and are sensitive to pharmacological manipulation.
(2) The effects of V1aR antagonism on allopreening and respective dominance or submissive behaviors appear significant and specific to the affiliated dyad, which supports the view that V1aR plays a role in context-dependent, flexible regulation of aggressive behaviors across species. However, these results are difficult to interpret with respect to the authors' main claims given the weaknesses outlined below.
(1) The authors claim that the data demonstrates that a triadic social group facilitates the formation of affiliative dyads and go further to claim that these relationships have relevance to understanding coalition formation. It is difficult to say whether the triadic structure actually facilitates or promotes the formation of these affiliative interactions as stated without direct comparisons to alternately sized groupings. Further, the relevance to coalitions is weak without expanded behavioral testing.
(2) Aspects of the experimental design introduce confounding factors that make it difficult to interpret the resulting data. In experiment 1, 6 of the 18 animals that are used for testing are part of multiple triads. This is not accounted for in either the experimental design (wash-out period prior to reuse of animals) or statistical analysis (including repeated testing as a factor in the model) or is not described. Further, while the authors do randomize and counterbalance the two dose trials for the antagonist, vehicle vs drug exposure is not randomized.
(3) The re-emergence of dominance-related agonistic behaviors with V1aR antagonism specifically in the affiliated dyads is interesting, but difficult to interpret without further description and analysis of the dyadic behavior, particularly given the absence of dominance-related behaviors in either affiliated or unaffiliated dyads during the cohabitation period. In addition, the current data does not support the hypothesis that V1aR is also required to form affiliative relationships, as stated in the discussion (Lines 464-5, 472, 494), since the authors did not administer V1aR antagonist during the initial period of triadic cohabitation.
(4) Sentences are often repetitive or duplicated (lines 424-426), and paragraphs should be condensed for easier reading, especially in the discussion. Further, some of the discussion might be better presented in an "Ideas and Speculation" subsection, which would help readers appropriately assess the validity of the conclusions based on the data vs the larger implications suggested by the authors.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, the authors investigate the role of microtubule dynamics and its effects on neuronal aging. Using C. elegans as a model, the authors investigate the role of evolutionarily conserved Hippo pathway in microtubule dynamics of touch receptor neurons (TRNs) in an age-dependent manner. Using genetic, molecular, behavioral, and pharmacological approaches, the authors show that age-dependent loss of microtubule dynamics might underlie structural and functional aging of TRNs. Further, the authors show that the Hippo pathway specifically functions in these neurons to regulate microtubule dynamics. Specifically, authors show that hyperactivation of YAP-1, a downstream component of the Hippo pathway that is usually inhibited by the kinase activity of the upstream components of the pathway, results in microtubule stabilization and that might underlie the structural and functional decline of TRNs with age. However, how the Hippo pathway regulates microtubule dynamics and neuronal aging was not investigated by the authors.
This is a well-conducted and well-controlled study, and the authors have used multiple approaches to address different questions.
There are no major weaknesses identified, except that the effect of the Hippo pathway seems to be specific to only a subset of neurons. I would like the authors to address the specificity of the effect of the Hippo pathway in TRNs, in their resubmission.
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
mutualizing forms of governance and ownership, can also have extraordinary effects on the amount of needed energy and materials. For example, in the context of shared transport, one shared car can replace 9 to 13 private cars, without any loss of mobility.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors asked if parabrachial CGRP neurons were only necessary for a threat alarm to promote freezing or were necessary for a threat alarm to promote a wider range of defensive behaviors, most prominently flight.
Major Strengths of Methods and Results
The authors performed careful single-unit recording and applied rigorous methodologies to optogenetically tag CGRP neurons within the PBN. Careful analyses show that single-units and the wider CGRP neuron population increases firing to a range of unconditioned stimuli. The optogenetic stimulation of experiment 2 was comparatively simpler but achieved its aim of determining the consequence of activating CGRP neurons in the absence of other stimuli. Experiment 3 used a very clever behavioral approach to reveal a setting in which both cue-evoked freezing and flight could be observed. This was done by having the unconditioned stimulus be a "robot" traveling along a circular path at a given speed. Subsequent cue presentation elicited mild flight in controls and optogenetic activation of CGRP neurons significantly boosted this flight response. This demonstrated for the first time that CGRP neuron activation does more than promote freezing. The authors conclude by demonstrating that bidirectional modulation of CGRP neuron activity bidirectionally affects freezing in a traditional fear conditioning setting and affects both freezing and flight in a setting in which the robot served as the unconditioned stimulus. Altogether, this is a very strong set of experiments that greatly expand the role of parabrachial CGRP neurons in threat alarm.
In all of their conditioning studies the authors did not include a control cue. For example, a sound presented the same number of times but unrelated to US (shock or robot) presentation. This does not detract from their behavioral findings. However, it means the authors do not know if the observed behavior is a consequence of pairing. Or is a behavior that would be observed to any cue played in the setting? This is particularly important for the experiments using the robot US.
The authors make claims about the contribution of CGRP neurons to freezing and fleeing behavior, however, all of the optogenetic manipulations are centered on the US presentation period. Presently, the experiments show a role for these neurons in processing aversive outcomes but show little role for these neurons in cue responding or behavior organizing. Claims of contributions to behavior should be substantiated by manipulations targeting the cue period.
The authors achieved their aims and have revealed a much greater role for parabrachial CGRP neurons in threat alarm.
Understanding neural circuits for threat requires us (as a field) to examine diverse threat settings and behavioral outcomes. A commendable and rigorous aspect of this manuscript was the authors decision to use a new behavioral paradigm and measure multiple behavioral outcomes. Indeed, this manuscript would not have been nearly as impactful had they not done that. This novel behavior was combined with excellent recording and optogenetic manipulations - a standard the field should aspire to. Studies like this are the only way that we as a field will map complete neural circuits for threat.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study investigates the potential of targeting specific regions within the RNA genome of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) for antiviral drug development. The authors used SHAPE-MaP to analyze the structure of the PEDV RNA genome in infected cells. They categorized different regions of the genome based on their structural characteristics, focusing on those that might be good targets for drugs or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs).
They found that dynamic single-stranded regions can be stabilized by compounds (e.g., to form G-quadruplexes), which inhibit viral proliferation. They demonstrated this by targeting a specific G4-forming sequence with a compound called Braco-19. The authors also describe stable (structured) single-stranded regions that they used to design siRNAs showing that they effectively inhibited viral replication.
There are a number of strengths to highlight in this manuscript.
(1) The study uses a sophisticated technique (SHAPE-MaP) to analyze the PEDV RNA genome in situ, providing valuable insights into its structural features.
(2) The authors provide a strong rationale for targeting specific RNA structures for antiviral development.
(3) The study includes a range of experiments, including structural analysis, compound screening, siRNA design, and viral proliferation assays, to support their conclusions.
(4) Finally, the findings have potential implications for the development of new antiviral therapies against PEDV and other RNA viruses.
Overall, this interesting study highlights the importance of considering RNA structure when designing antiviral therapies and provides a compelling strategy for identifying promising RNA targets in viral genomes.
I have some concerns about the utility of the 3D analyses, the effects of their synonymous mutants on expression/proliferation, a potentially missed control for studies of mutants, and the therapeutic utility of the compound they tested vs. G-quadruplexes.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Summary:<br /> In the manuscript "Intergenerational transport of double-stranded RNA limits heritable epigenetic changes," Shugarts and colleagues investigate intergenerational dsRNA transport in the nematode C. elegans. By inducing oxidative damage, they block dsRNA import into cells, which affects heritable gene regulation in the adult germline (Fig. 2). They identify a novel gene, sid-1-dependent gene-1 (sdg-1), upregulated upon SID-1 inhibition (Fig. 3). Both transient and genetic depletion of SID-1 lead to the upregulation of sdg-1 and a second gene, sdg-2 (Fig. 5). Interestingly, while sdg-1 expression suggests a potential role in dsRNA transport, neither its overexpression nor loss-of-function impacts dsRNA-mediated silencing in the germline (Fig. 7).
Strengths:<br /> • The authors employ a robust neuronal stress model to systematically explore SID-1 dependent intergenerational dsRNA transport in C. elegans.<br /> • They discover two novel SID-1-dependent genes, sdg-1 and sdg-2.<br /> • The manuscript is well-written and addresses the compelling topic of dsRNA signaling in C. elegans.
Weaknesses:<br /> • The molecular mechanism downstream of SDG-1 remains unclear. Testing whether sdg-2 functions redundantly with sdg-1could provide further insights.<br /> • SDG-1 dependent genes in other nematodes remain unknown.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Recommendations for the authors In this study, Liu, Jiang, Diao et.al. investigated the role of GSDMD in psoriasis-like skin inflammation in mice. The authors have used full-body GSDMD knock-out mice and Gsdm floxed mice crossed with the S100A8- Cre. In both mice, the deficiency of GSDMD ameliorated the skin phenotype induced by the imiquimod. The authors also analyzed RNA sequencing data from the psoriatic patients to show an elevated expression of GSDMD in the psoriatic skin.
It has the potential to unravel the new role of neutrophils.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have addressed the majority of comments and concerns and highlighted the potential limitations wherever not possible.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Fuchs describes a novel method of enzymatic protein-protein conjugation using the enzyme Connectase. The author is able to make this process irreversible by screening different Connectase recognition sites to find an alternative sequence that is also accepted by the enzyme. They are then able to selectively render the byproduct of the reaction inactive, preventing the reverse reaction, and add the desired conjugate with the alternative recognition sequence to achieve near-complete conversion. I agree with the authors that this novel enzymatic protein fusion method has several applications in the field of bioconjugation, ranging from biophysical assay conduction to therapeutic development. Previously the author has published on the discovery of the Connectase enzymes and has shown its utility in tagging proteins and detecting them by in-gel fluorescence. They now extend their work to include the application of Connectase in creating protein-protein fusions, antibody-protein conjugates, and cyclic/polymerized proteins. As mentioned by the author, enzymatic protein conjugation methods can provide several benefits over other non-specific and click chemistry labeling methods. Connectase specifically can provide some benefits over the more widely used Sortase, depending on the nature of the species that is desired to be conjugated. However, due to a similar lengthy sequence between conjugation partners, the method described in this paper does not provide clear benefits over the existing SpyTag-SpyCatcher conjugation system. Additionally, specific disadvantages of the method described are not thoroughly investigated, such as difficulty in purifying and separating the desired product from the multiple proteins used. Overall, this method provides a novel, reproducible way to enzymatically create protein-protein conjugates.
The manuscript is well-written and will be of interest to those who are specifically working on chemical protein modifications and bioconjugation.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study by Lo et al. seeks to explain the cellular defects underlying the brain phenotypes of Lowe syndrome (LS). There have been limited studies on this topic and hence this is a timely study.
Studies such as these can contribute to an understanding of the cellular and developmental mechanisms of brain disorders.
This study by Lo et al. seeks to explain the cellular defects underlying the brain phenotypes of Lowe syndrome (LS). There have been limited studies on this topic and hence this is a timely study.
The study uses two models: (1) an LS IOB knockout mouse and (2) neurons derived from iPSC lines from LS patients. These two models are used to present three separate findings: (1) altered mitochondria function, (2) altered numbers of neurons and glia in both models, and (3) some evidence of altered Sonic Hedgehog signaling projected as a defect in cilia.
Conceptually, there are some problems of serious concern which must be carefully considered:<br /> (1) The IOB mouse was very extensively phenotyped when it was generated by Festa et.al HMM, 2019. It does not have any obvious phenotypes of brain deficits although the studies in this paper were very detailed indeed.<br /> (2) Reduced brain size is reported as a phenotype of the IOB mouse in this study. Yet over the many clinical studies of LS published over the years, altered brain size has not been noted, either in clinical examination or in the many MRI reports of LS patients.
While reading through these results it is striking that the link between the three reported phenotypes is at least tenuous, and in fact may not exist at all. The link between mitochondria and neurogenesis is based on a single paper that has been cited incorrectly and out of context. There is no evidence presented for a link between the Shh signaling defect reported and the mitochondrial phenotype.
General comments
(1) The preparation of the manuscript requires improvement. There are many errors in the presentation of data.<br /> (2) The use of references needs to be re-considered. Sometimes a reference is used when in fact the results included in that paper are the opposite of what the authors intend.<br /> (3) The authors conclude the paper by claiming that mitochondrial dysfunction and impairments of the ciliary SHH contribute to abnormal neuronal differentiation in LS, but the mechanism by which this sequence of events might happen hasn't been shown.
Final comments:
(1) Phenotype of increased astrocytes:<br /> The phenotype of increased astrocytes in both the IOB mouse brain or iPSC-derived cultures iN cells requires clarification as one of the markers used as an astrocyte marker, BRN2, is commonly used as a neuronal marker. As LS is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and the phenotype in question is related to differentiation, it is crucial to shed light on the developmental timeline in which this phenotype is seen in the mouse brain.
(2) Ciliary homeostasis:<br /> Mitochondrial dysfunction in astrocytes has been shown to induce a ciliogenic program. However, almost the opposite is shown in this paper, with regards to ciliation. Morphology of the cilia was not assessed either, which is an important feature of ciliary homeostasis. The improper ciliary homeostasis here appears to be the improper Shh signalling, which has not been shown to be related to mitochondrial dysfunction. This leaves one wondering how exactly the different phenotypes shown in this paper are connected.
(3) This paper lacks a clear mechanistic approach. While the data validates the 3 broad phenotypes mentioned, there is a lack of connection between these phenotypes or an answer to why these phenotypes appear. While the discussion attempts to shed light on this by referencing previous studies, some of the referenced studies show contradicting results. Hence, it would be beneficial to clarify these gaps with further experiments and address the larger question of the connection between the mitochondria, Shh signalling, and astrocyte formation.
(4) Most importantly, there is no mention of how the loss of OCRL, a 5-phosphatase enzyme, results in the appearance of the mentioned phenotypes. Since there are multiple studies in the field of Lowe Syndrome that shed light on the various functions of OCRL, both catalytic and non-catalytic, it is important to address the role of OCRL in resulting in these phenotypes.
(5) There are numerous errors in the qPCR experiments performed with regard to the genes that were assayed. The genes mentioned in the text section do not match those indicated in the graphs or legends. This takes away the confidence of the reader in this data.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors develop a set of biophysical models to investigate whether a constant area hypothesis or a constant curvature hypothesis explains the mechanics of membrane vesiculation during clathrin-mediated endocytosis.
The models that the authors choose are fairly well-described in the field and the manuscript is well-written.
One thing that is unclear is what is new with this work. If the main finding is that the differences are in the early stages of endocytosis, then one wonders if that should be tested experimentally. Also, the role of clathrin assembly and adhesion are treated as mechanical equilibrium but perhaps the process should not be described as equilibria but rather a time-dependent process. Ultimately, there are so many models that address this question that without direct experimental comparison, it's hard to place value on the model prediction.<br /> While an attempt is made to do so with prior published EM images, there is excessive uncertainty in both the data itself as is usually the case but also in the methods that are used to symmetrize the data. This reviewer wonders about any goodness of fit when such uncertainty is taken into account.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Al Asafen and colleagues apply a set of scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopic approaches (Raster Image Correlation Spectroscopy (RICS), cross-correlation RICS, and pair-correlation function spectroscopy) to address the nuclear-cytoplasmic kinetics of the Dorsal (Dl) transcription factor in early Drosophila embryos. The Toll/Dl system has long been appreciated to establish dorsal-ventral polarity of the embryo through Toll-dependent control of Dl nuclear localization, and provides an example of a morphogen gradient produced with high enough precision to yield robust biophysical measurements of general transcription factor activity and function. By measuring GFP-tagged Dl protein, either in wild-type embryos or in mutant embryos with low/medium/high levels of Toll signaling, the authors report diffusivity of Dl in nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of the embryo, as well as the fraction of mobile and immobile Dl, which can be correlated with DNA binding through cross-correlation RICS. A model is presented where Cactus/IkB is implicated in preventing Dl from binding to DNA.
The experiments on wild-type GFP-tagged Dorsal are performed well, are mostly reported well, and are interpreted fairly.
The discrepancy between experiment and theory as pertains to Michaelis-Menten kinetics is not fully motivated in the text, and could benefit from a more clear presentation. The experiments performed to distinguish between the contribution of Toll-dependent phosphorylation and Cactus interaction models for limiting Dorsal DNA binding are possibly confounded by the presence of wild-type, GFP-tagged Dorsal protein.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study presents useful insights into the in vivo dynamics of insulin-producing cells (IPCs), key cells regulating energy homeostasis across the animal kingdom. The authors further provide compelling evidence using adult Drosophila melanogaster that IPCs, unlike neighboring DH44 cells, do not respond to glucose directly, but that glucose can indirectly regulate IPC activity after ingestion supporting an incretin-like mechanism in flies similar to mammals. The authors link decreased activity of IPCs to hyperactivity observed in starved flies, a locomotive behavior aimed to increase food search. Furthermore, the authors provide evidence that IPCs receive inhibitory inputs from Dh44 neurons, which are linked to increased locomotor activity.
This paper is of outstanding interest to scientists aiming to understand metabolic control of circuit dynamics, in particular for internal state-linked behaviors competing with the feeding state.
(1) By using whole cell patch clamp recording, the authors convincingly showed the activity pattern and regulation of IPCs and neighboring DH44 neurons under different feeding states and in various refeeding paradigms.<br /> (2) The paper provides compelling evidence that IPCs are not directly and acutely activated by glucose, but rather through a post-ingestive incretin-like mechanism. In addition, the authors show that Dh44 neurons located adjacent to the IPCs respond to bath application of nutritive sugars contrary to the IPCs.<br /> (3) The paper also provides useful data on the regulation of IPC activity by Dh44 neurons, which is useful to understand their regulation in vivo.
No major weaknesses remain in the revised version of this work.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors test the "OHC-fluid-pump" hypothesis by assaying the rates of kainic acid dispersal both in quiet and in cochleae stimulated by sounds of different levels and spectral content. The main result is that sound (and thus, presumably, OHC contractions and expansions) result in faster transport along the duct. OHC involvement is corroborated using salicylate, which yielded results similar to silence. Especially interesting is the fact that some stimuli (e.g., tones) seem to provide better/faster pumping than others (e.g., noise), ostensibly due to the phase profile of the resulting cochlear traveling-wave response.
The experiments appear well controlled and the results are novel and interesting. Some elegant cochlear modeling that includes coupling between the organ of Corti and the surrounding fluid as well as advective flow supports the proposed mechanism.
The current limitations and future directions of the study, including possible experimental tests, extensions of the modeling work, and practical applications to drug delivery, are thoughtfully discussed.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
I have reviewed the manuscript "Psychological stress disturbs bone metabolism via miR-335-3p/Fos signaling in osteoclast" with interest. The described findings are relevant and useful for daily practice in periodontology. The paper is concise, professionally written, and easy to read. In this study, Jiayao et al. revealed the role of miR-335-3p in psychological stress-induced osteoporosis. CUMS mice were constructed to observe the femur phenotype, osteoclasts were identified as the main research object, and miRNA-seq was used to find the key miRNAs linking the brain and peripheral tissues. This study showed that miR-335-3p expression was simultaneously reduced in murine NAC, serum, and bone under psychological stress. The miR-335-3p/Fos/NFATC1 signaling pathway was validated in osteoclasts to reveal the potential mechanism of enhanced osteoclast activity under psychological stress. This study, from a new perspective of miRNAs, indicates a possible cause of disturbed bone metabolism due to psychological stress and may suggest a new approach to treating osteoporosis.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Batra, Cabrera and Spence et al. present a model which integrates histone posttranslational modification (PTM) data across cell models to predict gene expression with the goal of using this model to better understand epigenetic editing. This gene expression prediction model approach is useful if a) it predicts gene expression in specific cell lines b) it predicts expression values rather than a rank or bin, c) if it helps us to better understand the biology of gene expression or d) it helps us to understand epigenome editing activity. Problematically for point a) and b) it is easier to directly measure gene expression than to measure multiple PTMs and so the real usefulness of this approach mostly relates to c) and d).
Other approaches have been published that use histone PTM to predict expression (e.g. PMID 27587684, 36588793). Is this model better in some way? No comparisons are made although a claim is made that direct comparisons are difficult. I appreciate that the authors have not used the histone PTM data to predict gene expression levels of an "average cell" but rather that they are predicting expression within specific cell types or for unseen cell types. Approaches that predict expression levels are much more useful whereas some previous approaches have only predicted expressed or not expressed or a rank order or bin-based ranking. The paper does not seem to have substantial novel insights into understanding the biology of gene expression.
The approach of using this model to predict epigenetic editor activity on transcription is interesting and to my knowledge novel although only examined in the context of a p300 editor. As the author point out the interpretation of the epigenetic editing data is convoluted by things like sgRNA activity scoring and to fully understand the results likely would require histone PTM profiling and maybe dCas9 ChIP-seq for each sgRNA which would be a substantial amount of work.
Furthermore from the model evaluation of H3K9me3 is seems the model is performing modestly for other forms of epigenetic or transcriptional editing- e.g. we know for the best studied transcriptional editor which is CRISPRi (dCas9-KRAB) that recruitment to a locus is associated with robust gene repression across the genome and is associated with H3K9me3 deposition by recruitment of KAP1/HP1/SETDB1 (PMID: 35688146, 31980609, 27980086, 26501517).
One concern overall with this approach is that dCas9-p300 has been observed to induce sgRNA independent off target H3K27Ac (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8349887/ see Figure S5D) which could convolute interpretation of this type of experiment for the model.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this article, the authors set out to understand how people's food decisions change when they are hungry vs. sated. To do so, they used an eye-tracking experiment where participants chose between two food options, each presented as a picture of the food plus its "Nutri-Score". In both conditions, participants fasted overnight, but in the sated condition, participants received a protein shake before making their decisions. The authors find that participants in the hungry condition were more likely to choose the tastier option. Using variants of the attentional drift-diffusion model, they further find that the best-fitting model has different attentional discounts on the taste and health attributes and that the attentional discount on the health information was larger for the hungry participants.
The article has many strengths. It uses a food-choice paradigm that is established in neuroeconomics. The experiment uses real foods, with accurate nutrition information, and incentivized choices. The experimental manipulation is elegant in its simplicity - administering a high-calorie protein shake. It is also commendable that the study was within-participant. The experiment also includes hunger and mood ratings to confirm the effectiveness of the manipulation. The modeling work is impressive in its rigor - the authors test 9 different variants of the DDM, including recent models like the mtDDM and maaDDM, as well as some completely new variants (maaDDM2phi and 2phisp). The model fits decisively favor the maaDDM2phi.
First, in examining some of the model fits in the supplements, e.g. Figures S9, S10, S12, S13, it looks like the "taste weight" parameter is being constrained below 1. Theoretically, I understand why the authors imposed this constraint, but it might be unfairly penalizing these models. In theory, the taste weight could go above 1 if participants had a negative weight on health. This might occur if there is a negative correlation between attractiveness and health and the taste ratings do not completely account for attractiveness. I would recommend eliminating this constraint on the taste weight.
Second, I'm not sure about the mediation model. Why should hunger change the dwell time on the chosen item? Shouldn't this model instead focus on the dwell time on the tasty option?
Third, while I do appreciate the within-participant design, it does raise a small concern about potential demand effects. I think the authors' results would be more compelling if they replicated when only analyzing the first session from each participant. Along similar lines, it would be useful to know whether there was any effect of order.
Fourth, the authors report that tasty choices are faster. Is this a systematic effect, or simply due to the fact that tasty options were generally more attractive? To put this in the context of the DDM, was there a constant in the drift rate, and did this constant favor the tasty option?
Fifth, I wonder about the mtDDM. What are the units on the "starting time" parameters? Seconds? These seem like minuscule effects. Do they align with the eye-tracking data? In other words, which attributes did participants look at first? Was there a correlation between the first fixations and the relative starting times? If not, does that cast doubt on the mtDDM fits? Did the authors do any parameter recovery exercises on the mtDDM?
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this meta-analysis, Ng and colleagues review the association between slow-oscillation spindle coupling during sleep and overnight memory consolidation. The coupling of these oscillations (and also hippocampal sharp-wave ripples) have been central to theories and mechanistic models of active systems consolidation, that posit that the coupling between ripples, spindles, and slow oscillations (SOs) coordinate and drive the coordinated reactivation of memories in hippocampus and cortex, facilitating cross-regional information and ultimately memory strengthening and stabilisation.
Given the importance that these coupling mechanisms have been given in theory, this is a timely and important contribution to the literature in terms of determining whether these theoretical assumptions hold true in human data. The results show that the timing of sleep spindles relative to the SO phase, and the consistency of that timing, predicted overnight memory consolidation in meta-analytic models. The overall amount of coupling events did not show as strong a relationship. The coupling phase in particular was moderated by a number of variables including spindle type (fast, slow), channel location (frontal, central, posterior), age, and memory type. The main takeaway is that fast spindles that consistently couple close to the peak of the SO in frontal channel locations are optimal for memory consolidation, in line with theoretical predictions.
I did not follow the logic behind including spindle amplitude in the meta-analysis. This is not a measure of SO-spindle coupling (which is the focus of the review), unless the authors were restricting their analysis of the amplitude of coupled spindles only. It doesn't sound like this is the case though. The effect of spindle amplitude on memory consolidation has been reviewed in another recent meta-analysis (Kumral et al, 2023, Neuropsychologia). As this isn't a measure of coupling, it wasn't clear why this measure was included in the present meta-analysis. You could easily make the argument that other spindle measures (e.g., density, oscillatory frequency) could also have been included, but that seems to take away from the overall goal of the paper which was to assess coupling.
At the end of the first paragraph of section 3.1 (page 13), the authors suggest their results "... further emphasise the role of coupling compared to isolated oscillation events in memory consolidation". This had me wondering how many studies actually test this. For example, in a hierarchical regression model, would coupled spindles explain significantly more variance than uncoupled spindles? We already know that spindle activity, independent of whether they are coupled or not, predicts memory consolidation (e.g., Kumral meta-analysis). Is the variance in overnight memory consolidation fully explained by just the coupled events? If both overall spindle density and coupling measures show an equal association with consolidation, then we couldn't conclude that coupling compared to isolated events is more important.
It was very interesting to see that the relationship between the fast spindle coupling phase and overnight consolidation was strongest in the frontal electrodes. Given this, I wonder why memory promoting fast spindles shows a centro-parietal topography? Surely it would be more adaptive for fast spindles to be maximally expressed in frontal sites. Would a participant who shows a more frontal topography of fast spindles have better overnight consolidation than someone with a more canonical centro-parietal topography? Similarly, slow spindles would then be perfectly suited for memory consolidation given their frontal distribution, yet they seem less important for memory.
The authors rightly note the issues with multiple comparisons in sleep physiology and memory studies. Multiple comparison issues arise in two ways in this literature. First are comparisons across multiple electrodes (many studies now use high-density systems with 64+ channels). Second are multiple comparisons across different outcome variables (at least 3 ways to quantify coupling (phase, consistency, occurrence) x 2 spindle types (fast, slow). Can the authors make some recommendations here in terms of how to move the field forward, as this issue has been raised numerous times before (e.g., Mantua 2018, Sleep; Cox & Fell 2020, Sleep Medicine Reviews for just a couple of examples). Should researchers just be focusing on the coupling phase? Or should researchers always report all three metrics of coupling, and correct for multiple comparisons? I think the use of pre-registration would be beneficial here, and perhaps could be noted by the authors in the final paragraph of section 3.5, where they discuss open research practices.
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Joint Public Review:
Hossain and coworkers investigate the mechanisms of recognition of xCas9, a variant of Cas9 with expanded targeting capability for DNA. They do so by using molecular simulations and combining different flavors of simulation techniques, ranging from long classical MD simulations, to enhanced sampling, to free energy calculations of affinity differences. Through this, the authors are able to develop a consistent model of expanded recognition based on the enhanced flexibility of the protein receptor.
The paper is solidly based on the ability of the authors to master molecular simulations of highly complex systems. In my opinion, this paper shows no major weaknesses. The simulations are carried out in a technically sound way. Comparative analyses of different systems provide valuable insights, even within the well-known limitations of MD. Plus, the authors further investigate why xCas9 exhibits improved recognition of the TGG PAM sequence compared to SpCas9 via well-tempered metadynamics simulations focusing on the binding of R1335 to the G3 nucleobase and the DNA backbone in both SpCas9 and xCas9. In this context, the authors provide a free-energy profiling that helps support their final model.
The implementation of FEP calculations to mimic directed evolution improvement of DNA binding is also interesting, original and well-conducted.
Overall, my assessment of this paper is that it represents a strong manuscript, competently designed and conducted, and highly valuable from a technical point of view.
To make their impact even more general, the authors may consider expanding their discussion on entropic binding to other recent cases that have been presented in the literature recently (such as e.g. the identification of small molecules for Abeta peptides, or the identification of "fuzzy" mechanisms of binding to protein HMGB1). The point on flexibility helping adaptability and expansion of functional properties is important, and should probably be given more evidence and more direct links with a wider picture.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The work provides more evidence of the importance of data quality and representation for ligand-based virtual screening approaches. The authors have applied different machine learning (ML) algorithms and data representation using a new dataset of BRAF ligands. First, the authors evaluate the ML algorithms, and demonstrate that independently of the ML algorithm, predictive and robust models can be obtained in this BRAF dataset. Second, the authors investigate how the molecular representations can modify the prediction of the ML algorithm. They found that in this highly curated dataset the different molecule representations are adequate for the ML algorithms since almost all of them obtain high accuracy values, with Estate fingerprints obtaining the worst performing predictive models and ECFP6 fingerprints producing the best classificatory models. Third, the authors evaluate the performance of the models on subsets of different composition and size of the BRAF dataset. They found that given a finite number of active compounds, increasing the number of inactive compounds worsens the recall and accuracy. Finally, the authors analyze if the use of "less active" molecules affect the model's predictive performance using "less active" molecules taken from ChEMBl Database or using decoys from DUD-E. As results, they found that the accuracy of the model falls as the number of "less active" examples in the training dataset increases while the implementation of decoys in the training set generates results as good as the original models or even better in some cases. However, the use of decoys in the training set worsens the predictive power in the test sets that contain active and inactive molecules.
This is a highly relevant topic in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. The manuscript is well-written, with a clear structure that facilitates easy reading, and it includes up-to-date references. The hypotheses are clearly presented and appropriately explored. The study provides valuable insights into the importance of deriving models from high-quality data, demonstrating that, when this condition is met, complex computational methods are not always necessary to achieve predictive models. Furthermore, the generated BRAF dataset offers a valuable resource for medicinal chemists working in ligand-based virtual screening.
While the work highlights the importance of using high-quality datasets to achieve better and more generalizable results, it does not present significant novelty, as the analysis of training data has been extensively studied in chemoinformatics and medicinal chemistry. Additionally, the inclusion of "AI" in the context of data-centric AI is somewhat unclear, given that the dataset curation is conducted manually, selecting active compounds based on IC50 values from ChEMBL and inactive compounds according to the authors' criteria.
Moreover, the conclusions are based on the analysis of only two high-quality datasets. To generalize these findings, it would be beneficial to extend the analysis to additional high-quality datasets (at least 10 datasets for a robust benchmarking exercise).
A key aspect that could be improved is the definition of an "inactive" compound, which remains unclear. In the manuscript, it is stated:
• "The inactives were carefully selected based on the fact that they have no known pharmacological activity against BRAF."<br /> Does the lack of BRAF activity data necessarily imply that these compounds are inactive?<br /> • "We define a compound as 'inactive' if there are no known pharmacological assays for the said compound on our target, BRAF."<br /> However, in the authors' response, they mention:<br /> • "We selected certain compounds that we felt could not possibly be active against BRAF, such as ligands for neurotransmitter receptors, as inactives."
Given that the definition of "inactive" is one of the most critical concepts in the study, I believe it should be clearly and consistently explained.
Lastly, while statistical comparison is not always common in machine learning, it would greatly enhance the value of this work, especially when comparing models with small differences in accuracy.
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Joint Public Review:
Riva et al uncovered the neural substrate underlying the oviposition rhythm in Drosophila melanogaster using a novel device that automates egg collection from individual mated females over the course of multiple days. By systematically knocking down the clock gene period in specific clock neurons the authors show that three cryptochrome (cry) positive dorso-lateral neurons (LNds) present in each hemisphere of the fly brain are critical to generating a female, sex-specific rhythm in oviposition. Interestingly, these neurons are not essential for freerunning locomotor activity. By contrast, the LNvs (lateral ventral neurons), which are essential for freerunning locomotor activity rhythmicity, were not involved in controlling the circadian rhythmicity of oviposition. Thus, this work has identified the first truly sex-specific circadian circuit in Drosophila. Using available Drosophila hemibrain connectome data they identify bidirectional connections between cry-expressing LNd and oviposition-related neurons.
This paper established a new semi-automatic device to register egg-laying activity, in Drosophila and found a specific role for a subset of clock neurons in the control of a female-specific circadian behavior. They also lay the groundwork for understanding how these neurons are connected to the neurons that control egg laying.
(1) Controls for the genetic background are incomplete, leaving open the possibility that the observed oviposition timing defects may be due to targeted knockdown of the period (per) gene but from the GAL4, Gal80, and UAS transgenes themselves. To resolve this issue the authors should determine the egg-laying rhythms of the relevant controls (GAL4/+, UAS-RNAi/+, etc); this only needs to be done for those genotypes that produced an arrhythmic egg-laying rhythm.
(2) Reliance on a single genetic tool to generate targeted disruption of clock function leaves the study vulnerable to associated false positive and false negative effects: a) The per RNAi transgene used may only cause partial knockdown of gene function, as suggested by the persistent rhythmicity observed when per RNAi was targeted to all clock neurons. This could indicate that the results in Fig 2C-H underestimate the phenotypes of targeted disruption of clock function. b) Use of a single per RNAi transgene makes it difficult to rule out that off-target effects contributed significantly to the observed phenotypes. We suggest that the authors repeat the critical experiments using a separate UAS-RNAi line (for period or for a different clock gene), or, better yet, use the dominant negative UAS-cycle transgene produced by the Hardin lab (https://doi.org/10.1038/22566).
(3) The egg-laying profiles obtained show clear damping/decaying trends which necessitates careful trend removal from the data to make any sense of the rhythm. Further, the detrending approach used by the authors is not tested for artefacts introduced by the 24h moving average used.
(4) According to the authors the oviposition device cannot sample at a resolution finer than 4 hours, which will compel any experimenter to record egg laying for longer durations to have a suitably long time series which could be useful for circadian analyses.
(5) Despite reducing the interference caused by manually measuring egg-laying, the rhythm does not improve the signal quality such that enough individual rhythmic flies could be included in the analysis methods used. The authors devise a workaround by combining both strongly and weakly rhythmic (LSpower > 0.2 but less than LSpower at p < 0.05) data series into an averaged time series, which is then tested for the presence of a 16-32h "circadian" rhythm. This approach loses valuable information about the phase and period present in the individual mated females, and instead assumes that all flies have a similar period and phase in their "signal" component while the distribution of the "noise" component varies amongst them. This assumption has not yet been tested rigorously and the evidence suggests a lot more variability in the inter-fly period for the egg-laying rhythm.
(6) This variability could also depend on the genotype being tested, as the authors themselves observe between their Canton-S and YW wild-type controls for which their egg-laying profiles show clearly different dynamics. Interestingly, the averaged records for these genotypes are not distinguishable but are reflected in the different proportions of rhythmic flies observed. Unfortunately, the authors also do not provide further data on these averaged profiles, as they did for the wild-type controls in Figure 1, when they discuss their clock circuit manipulations using perRNAi. These profiles could have been included in Supplementary figures, where they would have helped the reader decide for themselves what might have been the reason for the loss of power in the LS periodogram for some of these experimental lines.
(7) By selecting 'the best egg layers' for inclusion in the oviposition analyses an inadvertent bias may be introduced and the results of the assays may not be representative of the whole population.
(8) An approach that measures rhythmicity for groups of individual records rather than separate individual records is vulnerable to outliers in the data, such as the inclusion of a single anomalous individual record. Additionally, the number of individual records that are included in a group may become a somewhat arbitrary determinant for the observed level of rhythmicity. Therefore, the experimental data used to map the clock neurons responsible for oviposition rhythms would be more convincing if presented alongside individual fly statistics, in the same format as used for Figure 1.
(9) The features in the experimental periodogram data in Figures 3B and D are consistent with weakened complex rhythmicity rather than arrhythmicity. The inclusion of more individual records in the groups might have provided the added statistical power to demonstrate this. Graphs similar to those in 1G and 1I, might have better illustrated qualitative and quantitative aspects of the oviposition rhythms upon per knockdown via MB122B and Mai179; Pdf-Gal80.
Wider context:
The study of the neural basis of oviposition rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster can serve as a model for the analogous mechanisms in other animals. In particular, research in this area can have wider implications for the management of insects with societal impact such as pests, disease vectors, and pollinators. One key aspect of D. melanogaster oviposition that is not addressed here is its strong social modulation (see Bailly et al.. Curr Biol 33:2865-2877.e4. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2023.05.074). It is plausible that most natural oviposition events do not involve isolated individuals, but rather groups of flies. As oviposition is encouraged by aggregation pheromones (e.g., Dumenil et al., J Chem Ecol 2016 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10886-016-0681-3) its propensity changes upon the pre-conditioning of the oviposition substrates, which is a complication in assays of oviposition rhythms that periodically move the flies to fresh substrate.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors demonstrate a fully unsupervised, high throughput (meaning very low human interaction required) approach to quantifying marmoset behavior in unconstrained environments.
The authors provide an approach that is scalable, easy to implement at face value, and highly robust. Currently, most behavioral quantification approaches do not work well on marmosets, or the published examples that do look promising do not scale towards high throughput as demonstrated by the authors.
While marmosets can certainly be a useful translational research model devoid of free behavior quantification, the authors make a compelling point about how this approach can be useful in the study of treatments of emerging marmoset disease models.
Overall this is a very exhaustive manuscript that overcomes significant shortcomings in previous work and speaks highly to the use of marmosets for unconstrained behavioral and neural assessment.
Recording marmoset behavior with a 60Hz frame rate is a significant limitation to the approach which is hopefully easily alleviated in the future through better cameras/reconstruction pipelines. Marmosets (in the reviewers' experience) have a lot of motion energy above the 30Hz nyquist limit imposed by this system and are agile to a degree requiring higher frame rates.
The manuscript neglects recent approaches to non-human primate behavioral quantification from other groups that should be included. Simians are simians after all.
As a minor weakness, this reviewer would have liked to see code shared for the reviewers to evaluate, especially pertaining to the high throughput and robustness of the approach.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Ren et al developed a novel computational method to investigate cell evolutionary trajectory for scRNA-seq samples. This method, MGPfact, estimates pseudotime and potential branches in the evolutionary path through explicitly modeling the bifurcations in a Gaussian process. They benchmarked this method using synthetic as well as real world samples and showed superior performance for some of the tasks in cell trajectory analysis. They further demonstrated the utilities of MGPfact using single cell RNA-seq samples derived from microglia or T cells and showed that it can accurately identify the differentiation timepoint and uncover biologically relevant gene signatures.
Overall I think this is a useful new tool that could deliver novel insights for the large body of scRNA-seq data generated in the public domain. The manuscript is written is a logical way and most parts of the method are well described.
Comments on revisions:
In this revision, the authors have sufficiently addressed all of my concerns. I don't have any follow-up comments.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study is focused on a population of neurons in the mouse parasubthalamic nucleus (pSTN) that express Tackhykinin1 (Tac1). This gene has been used before to target pSTN for functional circuit studies because it is fairly selective for pSTN in this region, though it targets only a subset of pSTN neurons. Prior work has shown that activity in these neurons can impact motivated behaviors, including feeding and drinking behaviors, and that their activity is associated with aversion or avoidance behaviors. While not breaking much new ground, this study adds to that work by making use of a 2-way active avoidance assay, where a CS predicts a US (footshock), that the mice can escape. Using fiber photometry the authors show convincing evidence that Tac1 neurons in pSTN increase their activity in response to a US footshock, and that after some pairings the neurons will start responding to the CS too, though to a lesser extent than the US. Their most important data shows that either ablation or optogenetic inhibition of these cells can hugely block the active avoidance (escape) behavior, suggesting these neurons are key for the performance of this task, which they interpret as key for learning the task (but see more below). They show that optogenetic stimulation is aversive in a real-time place assay, and when paired with footshock can enhance active avoidance behavior. Finally, they show that Tac1 pSTN axons in PVT recapitulate these effects while showing that axons in CEA or PBN may only recapitulate some of these effects (more below). Overall I think the data is solid and shows that the activity of Tac1 pSTN neurons in the 2 way active avoidance task is causally related to avoidance behavior in the direction that would be predicted by recent literature. However, I think the authors overstate the conclusions in the title, abstract, and text. I do not think the data make a strong case for a role for these cells in learning, at least in any classical sense, as used in the title and abstract and elsewhere. Also the statement in the abstract that the pSTN mediates its effects 'differentially' through its downstream targets is not convincingly supported by data.
Major concerns:
(1) The authors infer that the activity in the Tac1 pSTN neurons is necessary for aversive or avoidance 'learning'. But this is not well defined, what exactly does that mean and what types of evidence would support or falsify such a hypothesis? Moreover, the authors show convincingly, and in line with prior reports, that these cells are activated by aversive stimuli (here footshock), and that activation of these cells is sufficient to induce avoidance behavior. Because manipulation of these cells can serve as a primary negative reinforcer, it becomes even more challenging and important to explain how experiments that manipulate these cells while measuring behavior/performance can discriminate between changes in: (1) primary aversion, (2) motivation to avoid, (3) associative learning, or (4) memory/retrieval. The authors seem to favor #3, but they don't make a clear case for this point of view or else what they mean by 'avoidance learning'. In my opinion, the data do not well discriminate between possibilities 1 through 3. The authors should clarify their logic and temper their conclusions throughout.
(2) Abstract line 37 is not well supported. The authors focus mostly on pSTN projections to PVT and show that the measurements or manipulation of these axons recapitulates the effects seen with pSTN cell bodies. The authors do fewer studies of axons in CeA and PBN, but do find that they can recapitulate the effects with opsin inhibition, but detect no effects with opsin stimulation. However, the lack of effect with opsin stimulation in Figure S7a-e proves very little on its own. It could be technical, due to inadequate expression or functional efficacy. It is not supported by histological and functional evidence that the manipulation was effective. Overall I can only conclude that the projections to these regions might be very similar (based on the inhibition data), or might be a little different. The data are thus inadequate to support the authors' claim that the pSTN mediates learning differentially through its downstream targets.
Other concerns:
(3) Line 93 is not adequately supported by data in Figure 1b. Additional data is needed that shows expression across cases, including any spread that may be visible when zooming out from pSTN. Additional methods are needed to indicate what exclusion criteria were applied and how many mice were excluded. These data could help support the statement on line 93 that expression was largely restricted within pSTN.
(4) From the results and methods it is not clear where the GFP signal would come from in the mice expressing Casp3 for the ablation studies. It is therefore not clear if the absence of GFP should be taken as evidence of cell loss. For example, it is not clear if multiple vectors were used, if volumes and titers were carefully matched between control groups, or if competition/occlusion between AAVs could be ruled out. It is also not clear how this was quantified, that is how many sections/subjects and how counting was done. It is not clear how long was waited between the AAV infusion, behavior, and euthanasia, perhaps especially important for the ablation done after avoidance learning occurred.
(5) The authors should consider showing individual measurements and not just mean/sem wherever feasible, for example, to support the statement on line 141 that 'all ablated mice showed...'.
(6) S3 is an important control for interpreting data in Figure 2d-i. Something similar is needed to support the inferences made in 2j-u. The very strong effect showing a lack of active avoidance in response to CS or the US when pSTN Tac1 neurons are inhibited during CS or during US suggests that something gross may be going on, such as a gross motor or sensory response that supersedes the effect of footshock. The authors do not comment on whether there are any gross behavioral responses to the inhibition, but an experiment as in S3 is needed, for example, to show that behavior is intact during pSTN inhibition if delivered after the mice already learned to associate CS with US.
(7) The authors use 100 shocks of 0.8 mA for 7 days. I think this is quite strong and in the pSTN inhibition experiments it seems to be functionally 'inescapable' and could thus produce behaviors similar to 'learned helplessness'. Can the authors consider whether this might contribute to the striking findings they observed in their opsin inhibition assays?
(8) The description of the experiment in S5 is inadequate. What are the adjacent areas? Where do the authors see spread? The use of the word 'case' in figure S5 implies an individual case, but the legend says 5 mice were used for 'case 1' and 3 mice were used for 'case 2'. The use of the word 'off-target in the figure implies that the expression was of the intended target. But the text of results and methods implies it was intentional targeting of unnamed and unshown adjacent regions. This should be clarified.
(9) The authors suggest the CPA study is divergent from Serra et al 2023. Though I think this could be due to how the conditioning was done, it would be helpful for the authors to include less processed data. This would aid in possible interpretations for any divergences across studies. Can the authors include raw data (in seconds of time spent) in each compartment for each group across baseline and test days?
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The investigators in this study analyzed the dataset assembly from 540 Salmonella isolates, and those from 45 recent isolates from Zhejiang University of China. The analysis and comparison of the resistome and mobilome of these isolates identified a significantly higher rate of cross-region dissemination compared to localized propagation. This study highlights the key role of the resistome in driving the transition and evolutionary history of S. Gallinarum.
The isolates included in this study were from 16 countries in the past century (1920 to 2023). While the study uses S. Gallinarun as the prototype, the conclusion from this work will likely apply to other Salmonella serotypes and other pathogens.
While the isolates came from 16 countries, most strains in this study were originally from China.
Comments on revisions:
This reviewer is happy with the detailed responses from the authors regarding revising this manuscript. I do not have further comments.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Cell metabolism exhibits a well-known behavior in fast-growing cells, which employ seemingly wasteful fermentation to generate energy even in the presence of sufficient environmental oxygen. This phenomenon is known as Overflow Metabolism or the Warburg effect in cancer. It is present in a wide range of organisms, from bacteria and fungi to mammalian cells.
In this work, starting with a metabolic network for Escherichia coli based on sets of carbon sources, and using a corresponding coarse-grained model, the author applies some well-based approximations from the literature and algebraic manipulations. These are used to successfully explain the origins of Overflow Metabolism, both qualitatively and quantitatively, by comparing the results with E. coli experimental data.
By modeling the proteome energy efficiencies for respiration and fermentation, the study shows that these parameters are dependent on the carbon source quality constants K_i (p.115 and 116). It is demonstrated that as the environment becomes richer, the optimal solution for proteome energy efficiency shifts from respiration to fermentation. This shift occurs at a critical parameter value K_A(C).<br /> This counter intuitive results qualitativelly explains Overflow Metabolism.
Quantitative agreement is achieved through the analysis of the heterogeneity of the metabolic status within a cell population. By introducing heterogeneity, the critical growth rate is assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution over the cell population, resulting in accordance with experimental data for E. coli. Overflow metabolism is explained by considering optimal protein allocation and cell heterogeneity.
The obtained model is extensively tested through perturbations: 1) Introduction of overexpression of useless proteins; 2) Studying energy dissipation; 3) Analysis of the impact of translation inhibition with different sub-lethal doses of chloramphenicol on Escherichia coli; 4) Alteration of nutrient categories of carbon sources using pyruvate. All model perturbations results are corroborated by E. coli experimental results.
In this work, the author effectively uses modeling techniques typical of Physics to address complex problems in Biology, demonstrating the potential of interdisciplinary approaches to yield novel insights. The use of Escherichia coli as a model organism ensures that the assumptions and approximations are well-supported in existing literature. The model is convincingly constructed and aligns well with experimental data, lending credibility to the findings. In this version, the extension of results from bacteria to yeast and cancer is substantiated by a literature base, suggesting that these findings may have broad implications for understanding diverse biological systems.
The author explores the generalization of their results from bacteria to cancer cells and yeast, adapting the metabolic network and coarse-grained model accordingly. In previous version this generalization was not completedly supported by references and data from the literature. This drawback, however, has been treated in this current version, where the authors discuss in much more detail and give references supporting this generalization.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors sought to examine the associations between child age, reports of parent-child relationship quality, and neural activity patterns while children (and also their parents) watched a movie clip. Major methodological strengths include the sample of 3-8 year-old children in China (rare in fMRI research for both age range and non-Western samples), use of a movie clip previously demonstrated to capture theory of mind constructs at the neural level, measurement of caregiver-child neural synchrony, and assessment of neural maturity. Results provide important new information about parent-child neural synchronization during this movie and associations with reports of parent-child relationship quality. The work is a notable advance in understanding the link between the caregiving context and the neural construction of theory of mind networks in the developing brain.
There are several theoretical and methodological limitations of the manuscript in its current form:
(1) We appreciate that the authors wanted to show support for a mediational mechanism. However, we suggest that the authors drop the structural equation modeling because the data are cross-sectional so mediation is not appropriate. Other issues include the weak justification of including the parent-child neural synchronization as part of parenting.... it could just as easily be a mechanism of change or driven by the child rather than a component of parenting behavior. The paper would be strengthened by looking at associations between selected variables of interest that are MOST relevant to the imaging task in a regression type of model. Furthermore, the authors need to be more explicit about corrections for multiple comparisons throughout the manuscript; some of the associations are fairly weak so claims may need to be tempered if they don't survive correction.
(2) Reverse correlation analysis is sensible given what prior developmental fMRI studies have done. But reverse correlation analysis may be more prone to overfitting and noise, and lacks sensitivity to multivariate patterns. Might inter-subject correlation be useful for *within* the child group? This would minimize noise and allow for non-linear patterns to emerge.
(3) No learning effects or temporal lagged effects are tested in the current study, so the results do not support the authors' conclusions that the data speak to Bandura's social learning theory. The authors do mention theories of biobehavioral synchrony in the introduction but do not discuss this framework in the discussion (which is most directly relevant to the data). The data can also speak to other neurodevelopmental theories of development (e.g.,neuroconstructivist approaches), but the authors do not discuss them. The manuscript would benefit from significantly revising the framework to focus more on biobehavioral synchrony data and other neurodevelopmental approaches given the prior work done in this area rather than a social psychology framework that is not directly evaluated.
(4) The significance and impact of the findings would be clearer if the authors more clearly situated the findings in the context of (a) other movie and theory of mind fMRI task data during development; and (b) existing data on parent-child neural synchrony (often uses fNIRS or EEG). What principles of brain and social cognition development do these data speak to? What is new?
(5) There is little discussion about the study limitations, considerations about the generalizability of the findings, and important next steps and future directions. What can the data tell us, and what can it NOT tell us?
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors present NeuroSCAN, an accessible and interactive tool for visualizing and summarizing data from multiple previously annotated C. elegans connectomes. NeuroSCAN provides a useful entry point for streamlined observation of neuronal morphology, and the membrane contacts and synaptic connectivity between neurons across developmental stages and individual connectomes readily extracted from existing data.
Koonce et al. have generated a web-based visualization tool for exploring C. elegans neuronal morphology, contact area between neurons, and synaptic connectivity data. Here, the authors integrate volumetric segmentation of neurons and visualization of contact area patterns of individual neurons generated from Diffusion Condensation and C-PHATE embedding based on previous work from adult volumetric electron microscopy (vEM) data, extended to available vEM data for earlier developmental stages, which effectively summarizes modularity within the collated C. elegans contactomes to date. Overall, NeuroSCAN's relative ease of use for generating visualizations, its ability to quickly toggle between developmental stages, and its integration of a concise visualization of individual neurons' contact patterns strengthen its utility.
NeuroSCAN provides an accessible and convenient platform. However, many of the characteristics of NeuroSCAN overlap with that of an existing tool for visualizing connectomics data, Neuroglancer, which is a widely-used and shared platform with data from other organisms. The authors do not make clear their motivation for generating this new tool rather than building on a system that has already collated previous connectomics data. Although the field will benefit from any tool that collates connectomics data and makes it more accessible and user-friendly, such a tool is only useful if it is kept up-to-date, and if data formatting for submitting electron microscopy data to be added to the tool is made clear. It is unclear from this manuscript whether NeuroSCAN will be updated with recently published and future C. elegans connectomes, or how additional datasets can be submitted to be added in the future.
The interface for visualizing contacts and synapses would be improved with better user access to the quantitative underlying data. When contact areas or synapses are added to the viewer, adding statistics on the magnitude of the contact area, the number of synapses, and the rank of these values among the neuron's top connections, would make the viewer more useful for hypothesis generation. Furthermore, synapses are currently listed individually, with names that are not very legible to the web user. Grouping them by pre- and postsynaptic neurons and linking these groups across developmental stages would also be an improvement.
While the DC/C-PHATE visualizations are a useful tool for the user, it is difficult to understand when grouping or splitting of cell contact patterns is biologically significant. DC is a deterministic algorithm applied to a contactome from a single organism, and the authors do not provide quantitative metrics of distances between individual neurons or a number of DC iterations on the C-PHATE plot, nor is the selection process for the threshold for DC described in this manuscript. In the application of DC/C-PHATE to larval stage nerve ring strata organization shown by the authors, qualitative observations of C-PHATE plots colored based on adult data seem to be the only evidence shown for persistent strata during development (Figure 3) or changing architectural motifs across stages (Figure 4). Quantitation of differences in neuron position within the DC hierarchy, or differences in modularity across stages, is needed to support these conclusions. Furthermore, illustrating the quantitative differences in C-PHATE plots used to make these conclusions will provide a more instructive guide for users of NeuroSCAN in generating future hypotheses.
While the case studies presented by the authors help to highlight the utility of the different visualizations offered by the NeuroSCAN platform, the authors need to be more careful with the claims they make from these correlative observations. For example, in Figure 4, the authors use C-PHATE clustering patterns to make conclusions about changes in clustering patterns of individual neurons across development based on single animal datasets. In this and many other cases presented in this study with the limited existing datasets, it is difficult to differentiate between developmental changes and individual variability between the neurite positions, contacts, and synapse differences within these data. This caveat needs to be clearly addressed.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this lovely paper, McDermott and colleagues tackle an enduring puzzle in the cognitive neuroscience of perceptual prediction. Though many scientists agree that top-down predictions shape perception, previous studies have yielded incompatible results - with studies showing 'sharpened' representations of expected signals, and others showing a 'dampening' of predictable signals to relatively enhance surprising prediction errors. To deepen the paradox further, it seems like there are good reasons that we would want to see both influences on perception in different contexts.
Here, the authors aim to test one possible resolution to this 'paradox' - the opposing process theory (OPT). This theory makes distinct predictions about how the time course of 'sharpening' and 'dampening' effects should unfold. The researchers present a clever twist on a leading-trailing perceptual prediction paradigm, using AI to generate a large dataset of test and training stimuli so that it is possible to form expectations about certain categories without repeating any particular stimuli. This provides a powerful way of distinguishing expectation effects from repetition effects - a perennial problem in this line of work.
Using EEG decoding, the researchers find evidence to support the OPT. Namely, they find that neural encoding of expected events is superior in earlier time ranges (sharpening-like) followed by a relative advantage for unexpected events in later time ranges (dampening-like). On top of this, the authors also show that these two separate influences may emerge differently in different phases of learning - with superior decoding of surprising prediction errors being found more in early phases of the task, and enhanced decoding of predicted events being found in the later phases of the experiment.
As noted above, a major strength of this work lies in important experimental design choices. Alongside removing any possible influence of repetition suppression mechanisms in this task, the experiment also allows us to see how effects emerge in 'real-time' as agents learn to make predictions. This contrasts with many other studies in this area - where researchers 'over-train' expectations into observers to create the strongest possible effects or rely on prior knowledge that was likely to be crystallised outside the lab.
This study reveals a great deal about how certain neural representations are altered by expectation and learning on shorter and longer timescales, so I am loath to describe certain limitations as 'weaknesses'. But one limitation inherent in this experimental design is that, by focusing on implicit, task-irrelevant predictions, there is not much opportunity to connect the predictive influences seen at the neural level to the perceptual performance itself (e.g., how participants make perceptual decisions about expected or unexpected events, or how these events are detected or appear).
The behavioural data that is displayed (from a post-recording behavioural session) shows that these predictions do influence perceptual choice - leading to faster reaction times when expectations are valid. In broad strokes, we may think that such a result is broadly consistent with a 'sharpening' view of perceptual prediction, and the fact that sharpening effects are found in the study to be larger at the end of the task than at the beginning. But it strikes me that the strongest test of the relevance of these (very interesting) EEG findings would be some evidence that the neural effects relate to behavioural influences (e.g., are participants actually more behaviourally sensitive to invalid signals in earlier phases of the experiment, given that this is where the neural effects show the most 'dampening' a.k.a., prediction error advantage?)
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors test the hypotheses, using an effort-exertion and an effort-based decision-making task, while recording brain dynamics with EEG, that the brain processes reward outcomes for effort differentially when they earned for themselves versus others.
The strengths of this experiment include what appears to be a novel finding of opposite signed effects of effort on the processing of reward outcomes when the recipient is self versus others. Also, the experiment is well-designed, the study seems sufficiently powered, and the data and code are publicly available.
Inferences rely heavily on the results of mixed effects models which may or may not be properly specified and are not supported by complementary analyses. Also, not all results hang together in a sensible way. For example, participants report feeling less subjective effort, but also more disliking of tasks when they were earning rewards for others versus self. Given that participants took longer to complete tasks when earning effort for others, it is conceivable that participants might have been working less hard for others versus themselves, and this may complicate the interpretation of results.
www.researchsquare.com www.researchsquare.com
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The manuscript by Coquel et al. investigates the effects of BKC and IBC, two compounds found in Psoralea corylifolia in DNA replication and the response to DNA damage, and explores their potential use in cancer treatment. These compounds have been previously shown to affect different cellular pathways and the authors use transformed cancer cells of different origins and a non-transformed cell line to question if their combination is toxic in cancer versus non-cancer cells. They propose that BKC inhibits DNA polymerases while IBC targets CHK2. Their results show that both compounds do affect DNA replication, inducing replication stress and affecting double strand break repair. They also show that their combined use increases their toxicity in a synergistic manner.
Comments on current version:
The authors have addressed the main questions raised in the original manuscript. The new data provide stronger evidence supporting the inhibition of DNA polymerases by BKC and the effect of IBC on CHK2. In addition, the new data provides information about the potential mechanism of action of IBC in cells and xenograft models. Together, the revised manuscript has notably increased the relevance and impact of the results with stronger conclusions and better controlled experiments.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Ngo et. al use several computational methods to determine and characterize structures defining the three major states sampled by the human voltage-gated potassium channel hERG: the open, closed, and inactivated state. Specifically, they use AlphaFold and Rosetta to generate conformations that likely represent key features of the open, closed, and inactivated states of this channel. Molecular dynamics simulations confirm that ion conduction for structure models of the open but not the inactivated state. Moreover, drug docking in silico experiments show differential binding of drugs to the conformation of the three states; the inactivated one being preferentially bound by many of them. Docking results are then combined with a Markov model to get state-weighted binding free energies that are compared with experimentally measured ones.
The study uses state-of-the art modeling methods to provide detailed insights into the structure-function relationship of an important human potassium channel. AlphaFold modeling, MD simulations, and Markov modeling are nicely combined to investigate the impact of structural changes in the hERG channel on potassium conduction and drug binding.
(1) The selection of inactivated conformations based on AlphaFold modeling seems a bit biased. The authors base their selection of the "most likely" inactivated conformation on the expected flipping of V625 and the constriction at G626 carbonyls. This follows a bit of the "Streetlight effect". It would be better to have selection criteria that are independent of what they expect to find for the inactivated state conformations. Using cues that favour sampling/modeling of the inactivated conformation, such as the deactivated conformation of the VSD used in the modeling of the closed state, would be more convincing. There may be other conformations that are more accurately representing the inactivated state. I see no objective criteria that justify the non-consideration of conformations from cluster 3 of the inactivated state modeling. I am not sure whether pLDDT is a good selection criterion. It reports on structural confidence, but that may not relate to functional relevance.
(2) The comparison of predicted and experimentally measured binding affinities lacks an appropriate control. Using binding data from open-state conformations only is not the best control. A much better control is the use of alternative structures predicted by AlphaFold for each state (e.g. from the outlier clusters or not considered clusters) in the docking and energy calculations. Using these docking results in the calculations would reveal whether the initially selected conformations (e.g. from cluster 2 for the inactivated state) are truly doing a better job in predicting binding affinities. Such a control would strengthen the overall findings significantly.
(3) Figures where multiple datapoints are compared across states generally lack assessment of the statistical significance of observed trends (e,g. Figure 3d).
(4) Figure 3 and Figures S1-S4 compare structural differences between states. However, these differences are inferred from the initial models. The collection of conformations generated via the MD runs allow for much more robust comparisons of structural differences.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The study by Fang et al. reports a 3D MERFISH method that enable spatial transcriptomics for tissues up to 200um in thickness. MERFISH as well other spatial transcriptomics technologies have been mainly used for thin (e.g, 10um) tissue slices, which limits the dimension of spaital transcriptomics technique. Therefore, expanding the capacity of MERFISH to thick tissues represents a major technical advance to enable 3D spatial transcriptomics. Here the authors provide detailed technical descriptions of the new method, troubleshooting, optimization, and application examples to demonstrate its technical capacity, accuracy, sensitivity, and utility. The method will likely have major impact on future spatial transcriptomics studies to benefit diverse biomedical fields.
The study was well-designed, executed, and presented. Extensive protocol optimization and quality assessments were carried out and conclusions are well supported by the data. The methods were sufficiently detailed and the results are solid and compelling.
Thorough performance comparison with other existing technologies can be done in the future.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have sufficiently addressed the previous comments.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, Kume et al examined the role of the protein Semaphorin 4a in steady state skin homeostasis and how this relates to skin changes seen in human psoriasis and imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like disease in mice. The authors found that human psoriatic skin has reduced expression of Sema4a in the epidermis. While Sema4a has been shown to drive inflammatory activation in different immune populations, this finding suggested Sema4a might be important for negatively regulating Th17 inflammation in the skin. The authors go on to show that Sema4a knockout mice have skin changes in key keratinocyte genes, increased gdT cells, and increased IL-17 similar to differences seen in non-lesional psoriatic skin, and that bone marrow chimera mice with WT immune cells and Sema4a KO stromal cells develop worse IMQ-induced psoriasis-like disease, further linking expression of Sema4a in the skin to maintaining skin homeostasis. The authors next studied downstream pathways that might mediate the homeostatic effects of Sema4a, focusing on mTOR given its known role in keratinocyte function. Like for the immune phenotypes, Sema4a KO mice had increased mTOR activation in the epidermis in a similar pattern to mTOR activation noted in non-lesional psoriatic skin. The authors next targeted the mTOR pathway and showed rapamycin could reverse some of the psoriasis-like skin changes in Sema4a KO mice, confirming the role of increased mTOR in contributing to the observed skin phenotype.
In the revised manuscript, the authors expand on the potential relevance to psoriasis by demonstrating similar findings in an IL-23-diriven model of skin inflammation, which is an orthogonal model of psoriasis to their original IMQ model. They also show that in addition to reversing steady state differences in skin thickness between Sema4a KO mice and WT mice, rapamycin improves metrics of disease in the IMQ model of psoriasis. These additional studies further bolster their conclusions that Sema4a may play a protective role in by preventing over-activation of mTOR in the skin in psoriasis.
The most interesting finding is the tissue-specific role for Sema4a, where it has previously been considered to play a mostly pro-inflammatory role in immune cells, this study shows that when expressed by keratinocytes, Sema4a plays a homeostatic role that when missing leads to development of psoriasis-like skin changes. This has important implications in terms of targeting Sema4a pharmacologically. It also may yield a novel mouse model to study mechanisms of psoriasis development in mice separate from the commonly used IMQ model. The included experiments are well-controlled and executed rigorously.
The new experiments provide additional data to support the conclusions through an orthogonal model of psoriasis and demonstrating rapamycin-induced reversal of changes in the IMQ disease model.
While the main weakness of these studies, lack of tissue-specific Sema4a knockout mice (e.g. in keratinocytes only), remains, generating these mice and performing the necessary experiments is beyond the scope of completing these particular studies. Similarly, it is understandable that additional bone marrow chimeras would be costly and labor intensive without adding much more in the absence of tissue-specific knockouts.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors focus on the molecular mechanisms by which EMT cells confer resistance to cancer cells. The authors use a wide range of methods to reveal that overexpression of Snail in EMT cells induces cholesterol/sphingomyelin imbalance via transcriptional repression of biosynthetic enzymes involved in sphingomyelin synthesis. The study also revealed that ABCA1 is important for cholesterol efflux and thus for counterbalancing the excess of intracellular free cholesterol in these snail-EMT cells. Inhibition of ACAT, an enzyme catalyzing cholesterol esterification, also seems essential to inhibit the growth of snail-expressing cancer cells.
However, It seems important to analyze the localization of ABCA1, as it is possible that in the event of cholesterol/sphingomyelin imbalance, for example, the intracellular trafficking of the pump may be altered.<br /> The authors should also analyze ACAT levels and/or activity in snail-EMT cells that should be increased. Overall, the provided data are important to better understand cancer biology.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Howard et al. performed deep mutational scanning on the MC4R gene, using a reporter assay to investigate two distinct downstream pathways across multiple experimental conditions. They validated their findings with ClinVar data and previous studies. Additionally, they provided insights into the application of DMS results for personalized drug therapy and differential ligand responses across variant types.
They captured over 99% of variants with robust signals and investigated subtle functionalities, such as pathway-specific activities and interactions with different ligands, by refining both the experimental design and analytical methods.
While the study generated informative results, it lacks a detailed explanation regarding the input library, replicate correlation, and sequencing depth for a given number of cells. Additionally, there are several questions that it would be helpful for authors to clarify.
(1) It would be helpful to clarify the information regarding the quality of the input library and experimental replicates. Are variants evenly represented in the library? Additionally, have the authors considered using long-read sequencing to confirm the presence of a single intended variant per construct? Finally, could the authors provide details on the correlation between experimental replicates under each condition?
(2) Since the functional readout of variants is conducted through RNA sequencing, it seems crucial to sequence a sufficient number of cells with adequate sequencing saturation. Could the authors clarify the coverage depth used for each RNA-seq experiment and how this depth was determined? Additionally, how many cells were sequenced in each experiment?
(3) It appears that the frequencies of individual RNA-seq barcode variants were used as a proxy for MR4C activity. Would it be important to also normalize for heterogeneity in RNA-seq coverage across different cells in the experiment? Variability in cell representation (i.e., the distribution of variants across cells) could lead to misinterpretation of variant effects. For example, suppose barcode_a1 represents variant A and barcode_b1 represents variant B. If the RNA-seq results show 6 reads for barcode_a1 and 7 reads for barcode_b1, it might initially appear that both variants have similar effect sizes. However, if these reads correspond to 6 separate cells each containing 1 copy of barcode_a1, and only 1 cell containing 7 copies of barcode_b1, the interpretation changes significantly. Additionally, if certain variants occupy a larger proportion of the cell population, they are more likely to be overrepresented in RNA sequencing.
(4) Although the assay system appears to effectively represent MC4R functionality at the molecular level, we are curious about the potential disparity between the DMS score system and physiological relevance. How do variants reported in gnomAD distribute within the DMS scoring system?
(5) To measure Gq signaling, the authors used the GAL4-VPR relay system. Is there additional experimental data to support that this relay system accurately represents Gq signaling?
(6) Identifying the variants responsive to the corrector was impressive. However, we are curious about how the authors confirmed that the restoration of MC4R activity was due to the correction of the MC4R protein itself. Is there a possibility that the observed effect could be influenced by other factors affected by the corrector? When the corrector was applied to the cells, were any expected or unexpected differential gene expression changes observed?
(7) As mentioned in the introduction, gain-of-function (GoF) variants are known to be protective against obesity. It would be interesting to see further studies on the observed GoF variants. Do the authors have any plans for additional research on these variants?
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors, Zhang et al., demonstrate the beneficial effects of treating degenerate human primary intervertebral disc (IVD) cells with recombinant human PDGF-AB/BB on the senescence transcriptomic signatures. Utilizing a combination of degenerate cells from elderly humans and experimentally induced senescence in young, healthy IVD cells, the authors show the therapeutic effects on mRNA transcription as well as cellular processes through informatics approaches.
One notable strength of this study is the use of human primary cells and recombinant forms of human PDGF-AB/BB proteins, which increases the translational potential of these in vitro studies. The manuscript is well-written, and the informatics analyses are thorough and clearly presented.
However, in its current form, the study does not provide sufficient experimental details, and clarifications are needed. These are as follows:
(1) The source of PDGF-AB/BB proteins is not detailed.<br /> (2) The irradiation parameters are not adequately reported - the authors should consider (PMCID: PMC5495460) for the parameters that should be reported.<br /> (3) The criteria for young and old patient donors are not explicitly described - though from the table, one presumes the cut-off for young is 27 years old.<br /> (4) What is the rationale for using different concentrations of PDGF-AB/BB in the degenerate cell and irradiation experiments?
There are also a number of other issues the authors could consider. First, in the title and throughout the manuscript, the effects of PDGF-AB/BB are described as protective, yet in all the experiments, PDGF-AB/BB appears to be administered following either in vivo degeneration or in vitro irradiation, where protective effects (e.g., administration prior to insult) were not tested. Therefore, the effects of PDGF-AB/BB may be more accurately described as mitigating or therapeutic rather than protective.
The authors state that the focus on NP (nucleus pulposus) cell studies is due to NP being the first site impacted during degeneration. However, this reviewer believes that this is because changes in the NP are more clinically evident (by imaging methods), despite degeneration often initiating from the AF (annulus fibrosus), e,g. through tears/microtears.
A prior study has examined the effects of X-ray irradiation on NF-kB signaling in young and aged IVDs (PMCID: PMC5495460), and the authors may wish to consider this work.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, the authors discovered MYL3 of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) as a novel NNV entry receptor, elucidating its facilitation of RGNNV entry into host cells through macropinocytosis, mediated by the IGF1R-Rac1/Cdc42 pathway.
In this manuscript, the authors have performed in vitro and in vivo experiments to prove that MnMYL3 may serve as a receptor for NNV via macropinocytosis pathway. These experiments with different methods include Co-IP, RNAi, pulldown, SPR, flow cytometry, immunofluorescence assays, and so on. In general, the results are clearly presented in the manuscript.
For the writing in the introduction and discussion sections, the author Yao et al mainly focus on the viral pathogens and fish in Aquaculture, the meaning and novelty of results provided in this manuscript are limited, and not broad in biology. The authors should improve the likely impact of their work on the viral infection field, maybe also in the evolutionary field with the fish model.
(1) Myosin is a big family, why did authors choose MYL3 as a candidate receptor for NNV?
(2) What is the relationship between MmMYL3 and MmHSP90ab1 and other known NNV receptors? Why does NNV have so many receptors? Which one is supposed to serve as the key entry receptor?
(3) In vivo knockout of MYL3 using CRISPR-Cas9 should be conducted to verify whether the absence of MYL3 really inhibits NNV infection. Although it might be difficult to do it in marine medaka as stated by the authors, the introduction of zebrafish is highly recommended, since it has already been reported that zebrafish could serve as a vertebrate model to study NNV (doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.863096).
(4) The results shown in Figure 6 are not enough to support the conclusion that "RGNNV triggers macropinocytosis mediated by MmMYL3". Additional electron microscopy of macropinosomes (sizes, morphological characteristics, etc.) will be more direct evidence.
(5) MYL3 is "predominantly found in muscle tissues, particularly the heart and skeletal muscles". However, NNV is a virus that mainly causes necrosis of nervous tissues (brain and retina). If MYL3 really acts as a receptor for NNV, how does it balance this difference so that nervous tissues, rather than muscle tissues, have the highest viral titers?
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, Domingo et al. present a novel perturbation-based approach to experimentally modulate the dosage of genes in cell lines. Their approach is capable of gradually increasing and decreasing gene expression. The authors then use their approach to perturb three key transcription factors and measure the downstream effects on gene expression. Their analysis of the dosage response curve of downstream genes reveals marked non-linearity.
One of the strengths of this study is that many of the perturbations fall within the physiological range for each cis gene. This range is presumably between a single-copy state of heterozygous loss-of-function (log fold change of -1) and a three-copy state (log fold change of ~0.6). This is in contrast with CRISPRi or CRISPRa studies that attempt to maximize the effect of the perturbation, which may result in downstream effects that are not representative of physiological responses.
Another strength of the study is that various points along the dosage-response curve were assayed for each perturbed gene. This allowed the authors to effectively characterize the degree of linearity and monotonicity of each dosage-response relationship. Ultimately, the study revealed that many of these relationships are non-linear, and that the response to activation can be dramatically different than the response to inhibition.
To test their ability to gradually modulate dosage, the authors chose to measure three transcription factors and around 80 known downstream targets. As the authors themselves point out in their discussion about MYB, this biased sample of genes makes it unclear how this approach would generalize genome-wide. In addition, the data generated from this small sample of genes may not represent genome-wide patterns of dosage response. Nevertheless, this unique data set and approach represents a first step in understanding dosage-response relationships between genes.
Another point of general concern in such screens is the use of the immortalized K562 cell line. It is unclear how the biology of these cell lines translates to the in vivo biology of primary cells. However, the authors do follow up with cell-type-specific analyses (Figures 4B, 4C, and 5A) to draw a correspondence between their perturbation results and the relevant biology in primary cells and complex diseases.
The conclusions of the study are generally well supported with statistical analysis throughout the manuscript. As an example, the authors utilize well-known model selection methods to identify when there was evidence for non-linear dosage response relationships.
Gradual modulation of gene dosage is a useful approach to model physiological variation in dosage. Experimental perturbation screens that use CRISPR inhibition or activation often use guide RNAs targeting the transcription start site to maximize their effect on gene expression. Generating a physiological range of variation will allow others to better model physiological conditions.
There is broad interest in the field to identify gene regulatory networks using experimental perturbation approaches. The data from this study provides a good resource for such analytical approaches, especially since both inhibition and activation were tested. In addition, these data provide a nuanced, continuous representation of the relationship between effectors and downstream targets, which may play a role in the development of more rigorous regulatory networks.
Human geneticists often focus on loss-of-function variants, which represent natural knock-down experiments, to determine the role of a gene in the biology of a trait. This study demonstrates that dosage response relationships are often non-linear, meaning that the effect of a loss-of-function variant may not necessarily carry information about increases in gene dosage. For the field, this implies that others should continue to focus on both inhibition and activation to fully characterize the relationship between gene and trait.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this paper, Blancke Soares and Stäcker et al serendipitously identify a domain of the Plasmodium falciparum protein MSRP6 that mediates both export from the parasite into the infected red blood cell and association with the Maurer's cleft organelles found in the infected cell. The authors use this domain to identify a putative complex of proteins at the Maurer's cleft via proximity biotinylation. Six members of the complex are confirmed to interact with MSRP6 by co-immunoprecipitation.
The functions of select proteins of this complex are further investigated with regard to the formation of Maurer's clefts. Disruption of PeMP2, PIESP2, and Pf332 resulted in morphological changes to the Maurer's clefts and prevented the anchoring of the Maurer's clefts to the infected red blood cell plasma membrane that normally occurs in the trophozoite stage. Curiously, disruption of MSRP6, the central member of the complex, did not affect Maurer's cleft anchoring. Mechanistically, how this complex affects Maurer's cleft structure and anchoring remains unclear.
Finally, the authors show that the loss of Maurer's cleft anchoring observed upon disruption of PIESP2 or Pf332 does not affect cytoadherence of infected red blood cells via PfEMP1, arguing against a prior assumption that cleft tethering is required for the presentation of parasite-exported proteins on the infected red blood cell surface.
Maurer's clefts are enigmatic organelles found in red blood cells infected by Plasmodium falciparum that are presumed to play a role in trafficking exported parasite proteins to the surface of the red blood cells, though little is known about their biogenesis and function. The authors here convincingly identify a protein complex present at the Maurer's clefts using multiple orthogonal tools, and carry out assays that indicate this protein complex has a role in shaping and anchoring the Maurer's clefts at their final location at the red blood cell membrane. The data indicating that Maurer's cleft anchoring is dispensable for trafficking of P. falciparum exported proteins to the infected red blood cell membrane has implications for understanding the function of this organelle.
In many instances, the data lack appropriate controls that would be desirable for the highest level of rigor. Many, if not most, fluorescence microscopy assays lack untagged/parental controls (prepared in parallel and captured with the same settings) that are necessary to determine the validity of the data - that the observed signal is specific to the protein of interest and not due to autofluorescence or bleed-through from other channels. In other cases, wild-type controls are missing where data from disruption mutants are presented. Additionally, while some phenotypes are quantified, others are only qualitatively described where a more thorough quantitative investigation would be valuable. Finally, where phenotypes have been quantified, in many instances it is not clear that the analyses have included biological replicates as would be expected.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Joint Public Review:
Previously, this group showed that Tgfbr1 regulates the reorganization of the epiblast and primitive streak into the chordo-neural hinge and tailbud during the trunk-to-tail transition. Gdf11 signaling plays a crucial role in orchestrating the transition from trunk to tail tissues in vertebrate embryos, including the reallocation of axial progenitors into the tailbud and Tgfbr1 plays a key role in mediating its signaling activity. Progenitors that contribute to the extension of the neural tube and paraxial mesoderm into the tail are located in this region. In this work, the authors show that Tgfbr1 also regulates the reorganization of the posterior primitive streak/base of allantois and the endoderm as well.
By analyzing the morphological phenotypes and marker gene expression in Tgfbr1 mutant mouse embryos, they show that it regulates the merger of somatic and splanchnic layers of the lateral plate mesoderm, the posterior streak derivative. They also present evidence suggesting that Tgfbr1 acts upstream of Isl1 (key effector of Gdf11 signaling for controlling differentiation of lateral mesoderm progenitors) and regulates the remodelling of the major blood vessels, the lateral plate mesoderm and endoderm associated with the trunk-to-tail transition. Through a detailed phenotypic analysis, the authors observed that, similarly to Isl1 mutants, the lack of Tgfbr1 in mouse embryos hinders the activation of hindlimb and external genitalia maker genes and results in a failure of lateral plate mesoderm layers to converge during tail development. As a result, they interpret that ventral lateral mesoderm, which generates the peri cloacal mesenchyme and genital tuberculum, fails to specify.
They also show defects in the morphogenesis of the dorsal aorta at the trunk/tail juncture, resulting in an aberrant embryonic/extraembryonic vascular connection. Endoderm reorganization defects following abnormal morphogenesis of the gut tube in the Tgfbr1 mutants cause failure of tailgut formation and cloacal enlargement. Thus, Tgfbr1 activity regulates the morphogenesis of the trunk/tail junction and the morphogenetic switch in all germ layers required for continuing post-anal tail development. Taken together with the previous studies, this work places Gdf11/8 - Tgfbr1 signaling at the pivot of trunk-to-tail transition and the authors speculate that critical signaling through Tgfbr1 occurs in the posterior-most part of the caudal epiblast, close to the allantois.
The data shown is solid with excellent embryology/developmental biology. This work demonstrates meticulous execution and is presented in a comprehensive and coherent manner. Although not completely novel, the results/conclusions add to the known function of Gdf11 signaling during the trunk-to-tail transition.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors investigate ligand and protein-binding processes in GPCRs (including dimerization) by the multiple walker supervised molecular dynamics method. The paper is interesting and it is very well written.
The authors' method is a powerful tool to gain insight on the structural basis for the pharmacology of G protein-coupled receptors.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors describe that the endocytic pathway is crucial for ColI fibrillogenesis. ColI is endocytosed by fibroblasts, prior to exocytosis and formation of fibrils, which can include a mixture of endogenous/nascent ColI chains and exogenous ColI. ColI uptake and fibrillogenesis are regulated by circadian rhythm as described by the authors in 2020, thanks to the dependence of this pathway on circadian-clock-regulated protein VPS33B. Cells are capable of forming fibrils with recently endocytosed ColI along when nascent chains are not available. Previously identified VPS33B is demonstrated not to have a role in endocytosis of ColI, but to play a role in fibril formation, which the authors demonstrate by showing the loss of fibril formation in VPS33B KO, and an excess of insoluble fibrils - along-side a decrease in soluble ColI secretion - in VPS33B overexpression conditions. A VPS33B binding protein VIPAS39 is also shown to be required for fibrillogenesis and to colocalise with ColI. The authors thus conclude that ColI is internalised into endosomal structures within the cell, and that ColI, VPS33B and VIPA39 are co-trafficked to the site of fibrillogenesis, where along with ITGA11, which by mass spectrometric analysis is shown to be regulated by VPS33B levels, ColI fibrils are formed. Interestingly, in involved human skin sections from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients, ITGA11 and VPS33B expression is increased compared to healthy tissue, while in patient-derived fibroblasts, uptake of fluorescently-labelled ColI is also increased. This suggests that there may be a significant contribution of endocytosis-dependent fibrillogenesis in the formation of fibrotic and chronic wound-healing diseases in humans.
This is an interesting paper that contributes an exciting novel understanding of the formation of fibrotic disease, which despite its high occurrence, still has no robust therapeutic options. The precise mechanisms of fibrillogenesis are also not well understood, so a study devoted to this complex and key mechanism is well appreciated. The dependence of fibrillogenesis on VPS33B and VIPA39 is convincing and robust, while the distinction between soluble ColI secretion and insoluble fibrillar ColI is interesting and informative.
There are a number of limitations to this study in its current state. Inhibition of ColI uptake is performed using Dyngo4a, which although proposed as an inhibitor of Clathrin-dependent endocytosis is known to be quite un-specific. This may not be a problem however, as the endocytic mechanism for ColI also does not seem to be well defined in the literature, in fact, the principle mechanism described in the papers referred to by the authors is that of phagocytosis. It would be interesting to explore this important part of the mechanism further, especially in relation to the intracellular destination of ColI. The circadian regulation does not appear as robust as the authors last paper, however, there could be a larger lag between endocytosis of ColI and realisation of fibrils. The authors state that the endocytic pathway is the mechanism of trafficking and that they show ColI, VPS33B and VIPA39 are co-trafficked. However, the only link that is put forward to the endosomes is rather tenuously through VPS33B/VIPA39. There is no direct demonstration of ColI localisation to endosomes (ie. immunofluorescence), and this is overstated throughout the text. Demonstrating the intracellular trafficking and localisation of ColI, and its actual relationship to VPS33B and VIPA39, followed by ITGA11, would broaden the relevance of this paper significantly to incorporate the field of protein trafficking. Finally, the "self-formation" of ColI fibrils is discussed in relation to the literature and the concentration of fluorescently-tagged ColI, however as the key message of the paper is the fibrillogenesis from exocytosed colI, I do not feel like it is demonstrated to leave no doubt. Specific inhibition of intracellular trafficking steps, or following the progressive formation of ColI fibrils over time by immunofluorescence would demonstrate without any further doubt that ColI must be endocytosed first, to form fibrils as a secondary step, rather than externally-added ColI being incorporated directly to fibrils, independent of cellular uptake.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Joint Public Review:
This work provides a new general tool for predicting post-ERCP pancreatitis before the procedure depending on pancreatic calcification, female sex, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, a native papilla of Vater, or the use of pancreatic duct procedures. Even though it is difficult for the endoscopist to predict before the procedure which case might have post-ERCP pancreatitis, this new model score can help with the maneuver and when the patient is at high risk of pancreatitis, sometimes can be deadly), so experienced endoscopists can do the procedure from the start. This paper provides a model for stratifying patients before the ERCP procedure into low, moderate, and high risk for pancreatitis. To be validated, this score should be done in many countries and on large numbers of patients. Risk factors can also be identified and added to the score to increase rank.
(1) One of the severe complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure is pancreatitis, so investigators try all the time to find a score that can predict which patients will probably have pancreatitis after the procedure. Most scores depend on the intraprocedural maneuver. Some studies discuss the preprocedural score that can predict pancreatitis before the procure. This study discusses a new preprocedural score for post-ERCP pancreatitis.
(2) Depending on this score that identifies low, moderate, and high-risk patients for post-pancreatitis, so from the start, experienced and well-trained endoscopists can do the procedure or can refer patients to tertiary hospitals or use interventional radiology or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
(3) The number of patients in this study is sufficient to analyze data correctly.
(1) It is a single-country, retrospective study.
(2) Many cases were excluded, so the score cannot be applied to those patients.
Comments on revised version:
Depending on old references cannot help us know the current situation. What if there are better more recent predictive tools? It would be better to test the validity of that score against, if present, a proven score to check its validity.
inthesetimes.com inthesetimes.com
for - Great Separations, Three Great Separations, alienation, alienation - industrial revolution, John Ikerd, 3 separation - from - Post Capital Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - Title - The Three “Great Separations” that Unravelled Our Connection to Earth and Each Other - Author - John Kkerd
from - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - https://hyp.is/kSvpDre2Ee-CsF-EO4pwTg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk6F4IlEbAk
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors determine the phylogenetic relation of the roughly two dozen wtf elements of 21 S. pombe isolates and show that none of them in the original S. pombe are essential for robust mitotic growth. It would be interesting to test their meiotic function by simply crossing each deletion mutant with the parent and analyzing spores for non-Mendelian inheritance. If this has been reported already, that information should be added to the manuscript. If not, I suggest the authors do these simple experiments and add this information.
The most interesting data (Figure 4) show that one recombinant (wtfC4) between wtf18 and wtf23 produces in mitotic growth a poison counteracted by its own antidote but not by the parental antidotes. Again, it would be interesting to test this recombinant in a more natural setting - meiosis between it and each of the parents.
In the opinion of this reviewer, some minor rewriting is needed.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In the manuscript Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) activity is modulated by light and gates rapid phase shifts of the circadian clock Brenna et al., study the role of Cdk5 on circadian rhythms, the authors aim to elucidate the role of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 (Cdk5) in modulating circadian rhythms, particularly in response to light cues. They hypothesized that Cdk5 acts as a gatekeeper, regulating the sensitivity of the circadian clock to light-induced phase shifts.
• Novelty: The study presents a novel mechanism by which Cdk5 influences circadian rhythms, particularly its role in modulating the light-induced phase-shifting response.<br /> • Experiments: The authors have employed a combination of molecular, cellular, and behavioural techniques, including genetic manipulations, biochemical assays, and electrophysiology, to investigate the role of Cdk5. The set of experiments performed in this work is non-trivial, done to a high standard and the additional experiments, data and textual alterations presented following the 1st round of review needs to be lauded.<br /> • Data: The data is well-presented in clear figures and appropriately described in the text.
• Although I found the data on Cdk5 gating light responses highly convincing there could be additional mechanisms which the authors have duly acknowledged and discussed in their text.<br /> In my assessment, the authors have convincingly demonstrated that Cdk5 plays a critical role in gating the light-induced phase-shifting response of the circadian clock. Their results strongly support their conclusions, as evidenced by their findings:<br /> This study provides valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying circadian rhythm regulation and the impact of light on the circadian clock. The findings have the potential to influence future research in the field of chronobiology and may have implications for understanding and treating circadian rhythm disorders.<br /> The methods and data presented in this study are valuable to the field and can be used to further investigate the role of Cdk5 and other signalling pathways in circadian rhythm regulation.<br /> Broader context<br /> The circadian clock is a fundamental biological process that regulates various physiological functions, including sleep-wake cycles, hormone secretion, and metabolism. Disruptions to the circadian clock have been linked to a variety of health problems, such as sleep disorders, metabolic disorders, and cancer. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that underlie circadian rhythm regulation is essential for developing effective treatments for these disorders.
All in all, I have no reservations regarding the manuscript titled "Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) activity is modulated by light and gates rapid phase shifts of the circadian clock by Brenna et al. After consideration of the authors' revisions, I believe the manuscript has been significantly improved. I commend the authors for their diligence in addressing the reviewers' comments and for the quality of their research.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, the authors train mice on a two-armed bandit task, in which the reward value associated with the arms suddenly switches in a pseudorandom fashion. Their first finding is that the mice are able to anticipate the reward value switch points after long blocks, evident both prior to the switch point with higher rates of switching to the less-rewarded arm, and after the switch point with faster transition to the more-rewarded arm. They next find that unilateral ACAd/MO lesion / optogenetic silencing (surprisingly) causes greater anticipation of reward switch points, both prior to and after the switch point. They use behavioral modeling to argue that the unilateral ACAd/MO lesion effects are due to an increase in the contralateral hazard rate. Finally, they found that bilateral lesions did not have any effect on the hazard rate, suggesting that the unilateral lesion effect is due to balancing between hemispheres. This manuscript employed a clever behavioral design and analysis approach, though the effects were somewhat difficult to interpret and the author's interpretation relies heavily on the accuracy of their underlying behavioral model.
This paper employs a well-designed task that allows the researchers to detect whether mice have noticed a change in reward value both before and after the change takes place. The use of unilateral and bilateral inactivation experiments allowed the authors to test the role of the ACAd/MO region in the change point estimation. They found that unilateral inactivation, but not bilateral inactivation, had a significant effect on behavior. They performed sophisticated behavioral analysis to determine how ACAd/MO perturbations affect decision-making variables. This topic is of interest to the field, and the results are presented clearly and generally convincing.
The observed effects of the lesions are somewhat counterintuitive, with lesions appearing to affect persistence within a block more than change point detection itself-the mice actually adjusted more quickly to changes in reward values. Moreover, they had no issue detecting change points after bilateral inactivation. As a result, I'm not sure if the main framing of the article (including the title) is supported by their findings. Finally, I was unsure how the differences between unilateral and bilateral inactivation could be explained by their behavioral model.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Of course, there is always another layer of the onion, VAMP-seq measures contributions from isolated thermodynamic stability, stability conferred by binding partners (small molecule and protein), synthesis/degradation balance (especially important in "degron" motifs), etc. Here the authors' goal is to create simple models that can act as a baseline for two main reasons:<br /> (1) how to tell when adding more information would be helpful for a global model;<br /> (2) how to detect when a residue/mutation has an unusual profile indicative of an unbalanced contribution from one of the factors listed above.
As such, the authors state that this manuscript is not intended to be a state-of-the-art method in variant effect prediction, but rather a direction towards considering static structural information for the VAMP-seq effects. At its core, the method is a fairly traditional asymmetric substitution matrix (I was surprised not to see a comparison to BLOSUM in the manuscript) - and shows that a subdivision by burial makes the model much more predictive. Despite only having 6 datasets, they show predictive power even when the matrices are based on a smaller number. Another success is rationalizing the VAMPseq results on relevant oligomeric states.
Specific Feedback:
Major points:
The authors spend a good amount of space discussing how the six datasets have different distributions in abundance scores. After the development of their model is there more to say about why? Is there something that can be leveraged here to design maximally informative experiments?
They compare to one more "sophisticated model" - RosettaddG - which should be more correlated with thermodynamic stability than other factors measured by VAMP-seq. However, the direct head-to-head comparison between their matrices and ddG is underdeveloped. How can this be used to dissect cases where thermodynamics are not contributing to specific substitution patterns OR in specific residues/regions that are predicted by one method better than the other? This would naturally dovetail into whether there is orthogonal information between these two that could be leveraged to create better predictions.
Perhaps beyond the scope of this baseline method, there is also ThermoMPNN and the work from Gabe Rocklin to consider as other approaches that should be more correlated only with thermodynamics.
I find myself drawn to the hints of a larger idea that outliers to this model can be helpful in identifying specific aspects of proteostasis. The discussion of S109 is great in this respect, but I can't help but feel there is more to be mined from Figure S9 or other analyses of outlier higher than predicted abundance along linear or tertiary motifs.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, the authors investigate the cellular mechanism underlying suppression of adrenergic effects on excitatory transmission onto hypothalamic CRH neurons by stress. Experiments in ex-vivo slices show that this is a long-lasting effect that occurs through endocytosis of receptors. The authors then move into an immortalized hypothalamic cell line to enable investigation of the mechanism of changes in receptor trafficking. They use a series of immunohistochemistry, FRET, and biochemical experiments to show that application of corticosterone increases targeting of alpha1 adrenergic receptors to the late endosome and lysosome rather than the recycling endosome. Perhaps most interesting, they find that alpha1 receptors and glucocortioid receptors form a complex that is ultimately transferred to the nucleus.
Overall, the studies in this manuscript are rigorous and well-conducted. The data supports their conclusions, and they've shown convincingly that glucocorticoid signaling affects trafficking of alpha1 receptors in the culture system they are using. These findings are important for the field of stress research, both in understanding how two components of the stress system (norepinephrine and HPA axis) interact with each other and in neuromodulatory modulation of hypothalamic CRH neurons. Their finding that alpha1 receptors and glucocorticoid receptors form a complex is particularly interesting and maybe impactful outside of the immediate application in the hypothalamus.
The study has two primary weaknesses. First, the majority of the experiments were conducted in an immortalized hypothalamic cell line. This was necessary to conduct the type of experiments needed to test the author's hypothesis, but it remains unclear how closely these cells resemble CRH neurons, or how the same mechanism may be preserved or altered in an intact circuit. Further discussion of these points would strengthen the manuscript.<br /> Second, while experiments are generally well-designed, the authors do not show that the effects of corticosterone can be blocked with a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. This is fairly standard pharmacology and would strengthen confidence in the findings presented in the study.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The authors were curious about the formation of the electrosensory lateral line, which is found in non-traditional model organisms. This issue has traditionally hampered studies because those organisms are not amenable to controlled experimental work.
The authors skillfully use CRIPR-based technologies to overcome this limitation. Together with exceptionally good whole-mount in situ hybridisation, they produced a well-supported conclusion that Bmp signalling has different roles in the development of electrosensory ampullary organs.
I would not entirely agree that Bmp signalling has "opposing" roles because the authors do not show evidence of opposition via gain-of-function experiments at different developmental times. Instead, they are simply different at different periods of organogenesis.
The study is important for understanding the development of a still-mysterious sensory system, and for its implications in evolutionary biology more generally.
- Dec 2024
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
"Neural noise", here operationalized as an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory neural activity, has been posited as a core cause of developmental dyslexia, a prevalent learning disability that impacts reading accuracy and fluency. This is study is the first to systematically evaluate the neural noise hypothesis of dyslexia. Neural noise was measured using neurophysiological (electroencephalography [EEG]) and neurochemical (magnetic resonance spectroscopy [MRS]) in adolescents and young adults with and without dyslexia. The authors did not find evidence of elevated neural noise in the dyslexia group from EEG or MRS measures, and Bayes factors generally informed against including the grouping factor in the models. Although the comparisons between groups with and without dyslexia did not support the neural noise hypothesis, a mediation model that quantified phonological processing and reading abilities continuously revealed that EEG beta power in the left superior temporal sulcus was positively associated with reading ability via phonological awareness. This finding lends support for analysis of associations between neural excitatory/inhibitory factors and reading ability along a continuum, rather than as with a case/control approach, and indicates the relevance of phonological awareness as an intermediate trait that may provide a more proximal link between neurobiology and reading ability. Further research is needed across developmental stages and over a broader set of brain regions to more comprehensively assess the neural noise hypothesis of dyslexia, and alternative neurobiological mechanisms of this disorder should be explored.
The inclusion of multiple methods of assessing neural noise (neurophysiological and neurochemical) is a major advantage of this paper. MRS at 7T confers an advantage of more accurately distinguishing and quantifying glutamate, which is a primary target of this study. In addition, the subject-specific functional localization of the MRS acquisition is an innovative approach. MRS acquisition and processing details are noted in the supplementary materials using according to the experts' consensus recommended checklist (https://doi.org/10.1002/nbm.4484). Commenting on rigor the EEG methods is beyond my expertise as a reviewer.<br /> Participants recruited for this study included those with a clinical diagnosis of dyslexia, which strengthens confidence in the accuracy of the diagnosis. The assessment of reading and language abilities during the study further confirms the persistently poorer performance of the dyslexia group compared to the control group.<br /> The correlational analysis and mediation analysis provide complementary information to the main case-control analyses, and the examination of associations between EEG and MRS measures of neural noise is novel and interesting.<br /> The authors follow good practice for open science, including data and code sharing. They also apply statistical rigor, using Bayes Factors to support conclusions of null evidence rather than relying only on non-significant findings. In the discussion, they acknowledge the limitations and generalizability of the evidence and provide directions for future research on this topic.
Though the methods employed in the paper are generally strong, the MRS acquisition was not optimized to quantify GABA, so the findings (or lack thereof) should be interpreted with caution. Specifically, while 7T MRS affords the benefit of quantifying metabolites, such as GABA, without spectral editing, this quantification is best achieved with echo times (TE) of 68 or 80 ms in order to minimize the spectral overlap between glutamate and GABA and reduce contamination from the macromolecular signal (Finkelman et al., 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118810). The data in the present study were acquired at TE=28 ms, and are therefore likely affected by overlapping Glu and GABA peaks at 2.3 ppm that are much more difficult to resolve at this short TE, which could directly affect the measures that are meant to characterize the Glu/GABA+ ratio/imbalance. In future research, MRS acquisition schemes should be optimized for the acquisition of Glutamate, GABA, and their relative balance.
As the authors note in the discussion, additional factors such as MRS voxel location, participant age, and participant sex could influence associations between neural noise and reading abilities and should be considered in future studies.
The authors present a thorough evaluation of the neural noise hypothesis of developmental dyslexia in a sample of adolescents and young adults using multiple methods of measuring excitatory/inhibitory imbalances as an indicator of neural noise. The authors concluded that there was not support for the neural noise hypothesis of dyslexia in their study based on null significance and Bayes factors. This conclusion is justified, and further research is called for to more broadly evaluate the neural noise hypothesis in developmental dyslexia.
This study provides an exemplar foundation for the evaluation of the neural noise hypothesis of dyslexia. Other researcher may adopt the model applied in this paper to examine neural noise in various populations with/without dyslexia, or across a continuum of reading abilities, to more thoroughly examine evidence (or lack thereof) for this hypothesis. Notably, the lack of evidence here does not rule out the possibility for a role of neural noise in dyslexia, and the authors point out that presentation with co-occurring conditions, such as ADHD, may contribute to neural noise in dyslexia. Dyslexia remains a multi-faceted and heterogenous neurodevelopmental condition, and many genetic, neurobiological and environmental factors play a role. This study demonstrates one step toward evaluating neurobiological mechanisms that may contribute to reading difficulties.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study focuses on metabolic changes in the paraventricular hypothalamic (PVH) region of the brain during acute periods of cold exposure. The authors point out that in comparison to the extensive literature on the effects of cold exposure in peripheral tissues, we know relatively little about its effects on the brain. They specifically focus on the hypothalamus, and identify the PVH as having changes in Atgl and Hsl gene expression changes during cold exposure. They then go on to show accumulation of lipid droplets, increased Fos expression, and increased lipid peroxidation during cold exposure. Further, they show that neuronal activation is required for the formation of lipid droplets and lipid peroxidation.
A strength of the study is trying to better understand how metabolism in the brain is a dynamic process, much like how it has been viewed in other organs. The authors also use a creative approach to measuring in vivo lipid peroxidation via delivery of BD-C11 sensor through a cannula to the region in conjunction with fiber photometry to measure fluorescence changes deep in the brain.
Comments on revised version:
The authors have attempted to address concerns brought to their attention in the initial review. They have performed one or two additional experiments to address concerns (e.g. adding fiber photometry of PVH neurons and trying to manipulate lipid peroxidation) though many of the concerns from the original review stand. The authors have also revised the text to limit the extent of their claims and to improve clarity, which is appreciated.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript addresses the question of whether spontaneous activity contributes to the clustering of retinogeniculate synapses before eye opening. The authors re-analyze a previously published dataset to answer the question. The authors conclude that synaptic clustering is eye-specific and activity dependent during the first postnatal week. While there is useful information in this manuscript, I don't see how the data meaningfully supports the claims made about clustering.<br /> In adult retinogeniculate connections, functionally specificity is supported by select pairings of retinal ganglion cells and thalamocortical cells forming dozens of synaptic connections in subcellular microcircuits called glomeruli. In this manuscript, the authors measure whether the frequency of nearby synapses is higher in the observed data than in a model where synapses are randomly distributed throughout the volume. Any real anatomical data will deviate from such a model. The interesting biological question is not whether a developmental state deviates from random. The interesting question is how much of the adult clustering occurs before eye opening. In trying to decode the analysis in this manuscript, I can't tell if the answer is 99% or 0.001%.
The source dataset is high resolution data showing the colocalization of multiple synaptic proteins across development. Added to this data is labeling that distinguishes axons from the right eye from axons from the left eye. The first order analysis of this data showing changes in synapse density and in the occurrence of multi-active zone synapses is useful information about the development of an important model system.
I don't think the analysis of clustering within this dataset improves our understanding of how the system works. It is possible that the result is clear to the authors based on looking at the images. As a reader trying to interpret the analysis, I ran into the following problems:
• It is not possible to estimate biologically meaningful effect sizes from the data provided. Spontaneous activity in the post natal week could be responsible for 99% or 0.001% of RGC synapse clustering.<br /> • There is no clear biological interpretation of the core measure of the publication, the normalized clustering index. The normalized clustering index starts with counting the fraction of single active zone synapses within various distances to the edge of synapses. This frequency is compared to a randomization model in which the positions of synapses are randomized throughout a volume. The authors found that the biggest deviation between the observed and randomized proximity frequency using a distance threshold of 1.5 um. They consider the deviation from the random model to be a sign of clustering. However, two RGC synapses 1.5 um apart have a good chance of coming from the same RGC axon. At this scale, real observations will, therefore, always look more clustered than a model where synapses are randomly placed in a volume. If you randomly place synapses on an axon, they will be much closer together than if you randomly place synapses within a volume. The authors normalize their clustering measure by dividing by the frequency of clustering in the normalized model. That makes the measure of clustering an ambiguous mix of synapse clustering, axon morphology, and synaptic density.<br /> • Other measures are also very derived. For instance, one argument is based on determining that the cumulative distribution of the distance of dominant-eye multi-active zone synapses with nearby single-active zone synapses from dominant-eye multi-active zone synapses is statistically different from the cumulative distribution of the distance of dominant-eye multi-active zones without nearby single-active zone synapses from dominant-eye multi-active zones. Multiple permutations of this measure are compared.<br /> • The sample size is too small for the kinds of comparisons being made. The authors point out that many STORM studies use an n of 1 while the authors have n = 3 for each of their six experimental groups. However, the critical bit is what kinds of questions you are trying to answer with a given sample size. This study depends on determining whether the differences between groups are due to age, genotype, or individual variation. This study also makes multiple comparisons of many different noisy parameters that test the same or similar hypothesis. In this context, it is unlikely that n = 3 sufficiently controls for individual variation.<br /> • There are major biological differences between groups that are difficult to control for. Between P2, P4, and P8, there are changes in cell morphology and synaptic density. There are also large differences in synapse density between wild type and KO mice. It is difficult to be confident that these differences are not responsible for the relatively subtle changes in clustering indices.<br /> • Many claims are based on complicated comparisons between groups rather than the predominating effects within the data. It is noted that: "In KO mice, dominant eye projections showed increased clustering around mAZ synapses compared to sAC synapses suggesting partial maintenance of synaptic clustering despite retinal wave defects". In contrast, I did not notice any discussion of the fact that the most striking trend in those measures is that the clustering index decreases from P2 to P8.<br /> • Statistics are improperly applied. In my first review I tried to push the authors to calculate confidence intervals for two reasons. First, I believed the reader should be able to answer questions such as whether 99% or 0.01% of RGC synaptic clustering occurred in the first postnatal week. Second, I wanted the authors to deal with the fact that n=3 is underpowered for many of the questions they were asking. While many confidence intervals can now be found leading up to a claim, it is difficult to find claims that are directly supported by the correct confidence interval. Many claims are still incorrectly based on which combinations of comparisons produced statistically significant differences and which combinations did not.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Joint Public Review:
Though the Norrin protein is structurally unrelated to the Wnt ligands, it can activate the Wnt/β-catenin pathway by binding to the canonical Wnt receptors Fzd4 and Lrp5/6, as well as the tetraspanin Tspan12 co-receptor. Understanding the biochemical mechanisms by which Norrin engages Tspan12 to initiate signaling is important, as this pathway plays an important role in regulating retinal angiogenesis and maintaining the blood-retina-barrier. Numerous mutations in this signaling pathway have also been found in human patients with ocular diseases. The overarching goal of the study is to define the biochemical mechanisms by which Tspan12 mediates Norrin signaling. Using purified Tspan12 reconstituted in lipid nanodiscs, the authors conducted detailed binding experiments to document the direct, high-affinity interactions between purified Tspan12 and Norrin. To further model this binding event, they used AlphaFold to dock Norrin and Tspan12 and identified four putative binding sites. They went on to validate these sites through mutagenesis experiments. Using the information obtained from the AlphaFold modeling and through additional binding competition experiments, it was further demonstrated that Tspan12 and Fzd4 can bind Norrin simultaneously, but Tspan12 binding to Norrin is competitive with other known co-receptors, such as HSPGs and Lrp5/6. Collectively, the authors proposed that the main function of Tspan12 is to capture low concentrations of Norrin at the early stage of signaling, and then "hand over" Norrin to Fzd4 and Lrp5/6 for further signal propagation. Overall, the study is comprehensive and compelling, and the conclusions are well supported by the experimental and modeling data.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, Zhang et al., presented an electrophysiology method to identify the layers of macaque visual cortex with high density Neuropixels 1.0 electrode. They found several electrophysiology signal profiles for high-resolution laminar discrimination and described a set of signal metrics for fine cortical layer identification.
There are two major strengths. One is the use of high density electrodes. The Neuropixels 1.0 probe has 20 um spacing electrodes, which can provide high resolution for cortical laminar identification. The second strength is the analysis. They found multiple electrophysiology signal profiles which can be used for laminar discrimination. Using this new method, they could identify the most thin layer in macaque V1. The data support their conclusion.
While this electrophysiology strategy is much easier to perform even in awake animals compared to histological staining methods, it provides an indirect estimation of cortical layers. A parallel histological study can provide a direct matching between the electrode signal features and cortical laminar locations. However, there are technical challenges, for example the distortions in both electrode penetration and tissue preparation may prevent a precise matching between electrode locations and cortical layers. In this case, additional micro wires electrodes binding with Neuropixels probe can be used to inject current and mark the locations of different depths in cortical tissue after recording.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Numerous pathways have been proposed to elucidate the nongenomic actions of progesterone within both male and female reproductive tissues. The authors employed the Xenopus oocyte system to investigate the PLA2 activity of ABHD2 and the downstream lipid mediators in conjunction with mPRb and P4, on their significance in meiosis. The research has been conducted extensively and is presented clearly.
While the interaction between membranous PR and ABHD2 is not a novel concept, this present study exhibits several strengths:
(1) mPRbeta, a member of the PAQR family, has been elusive in terms of detailed signal transduction. Through mutation studies involving the Zn binding domain, the authors discovered that the hydrolase activity of mPRbeta is not essential for meiosis and oocyte maturation. Instead, they suggest that ABHD2, acting as a coreceptor of mPRbeta, demonstrates phospholipase activity, indicating that downstream lipid mediators may play a dominant role when stimulated by progesterone.<br /> (2) Extensive exploration of downstream signaling pathways and the identification of several potential meiotic activity-related lipid mediators make this aspect of the study novel and potentially significant.
However, there are some weaknesses and areas that need further clarification:
(1) The mechanism governing the molecular assembly of mPRbeta and ABHD2 remains unclear. Are they constitutively associated or is their association ligand-dependent? Does P4 bind not only to mPRbeta but also to ABHD2, as indicated in Figure 6J? In the latter case, the reviewer suggests that the authors conduct a binding experiment using labeled P4 with ABHD2 to confirm this interaction and assess any potential positive or negative cooperativity with a partner receptor.
(2) The authors have diligently determined the metabolite profile using numerous egg cells. However, the interpretation of the results appears incomplete, and inconsistencies were noted between Figure 2F and Supplementary Figure 2C. Furthermore, PGE2 and D2 serve distinct roles and have different elution patterns by LC-MS/MS, thus requiring separate measurements. In addition, the extremely short half-life of PGI2 necessitates the measurement of its stable metabolite, 6-keto-PGF1a, instead. The authors also need to clarify why they measured PGF1a but not PGF2a. Unfortunately, even in the revision, authors did not adequately address the last issue (differential measurements of PGD2 and E2, 6-keto-PG!alpha be determined instead of PGI2).
(3) Although they propose PGs, LPA and S1P are important downstream mediators, the exact roles of the identified lipid mediators have not been clearly demonstrated, as receptor expression and activation were not demonstrated. While the authors showed S1PR3 expression and its importance by genetic manipulation, there was no observed change in S1P levels following P4 treatment (Supplementary Figure 2D). It is essential to identify which receptors (subtypes) are expressed and how downstream signaling pathways (PKA, Ca, MAPK, etc.) relate to oocyte phenotypes.
These clarifications and further experiments would enhance the overall impact and comprehensiveness of the study.
Comments on revisions:
Need correction and addition for differential analyses of PGD2 and PGE2, and measurement of 6-keto-PGF1alpha instead of PGI2 (Figure 2F). PGI2 is extremely unstable (T1/2, 1 min in neutral buffer) and rapidly converted nonenzymically to 6-keto-PGF1a.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study is focused an important aspect of axon guidance at the central nervous system (CNS) midline: how neurons extend axons that either do or do not cross the CNS midline. The authors here address contradictory work in the field relating to how cell surface expression of the slit receptor Robo1 is regulated so as to generate crossed and non-crossed axon trajectories during Drosophila neural development. They use fly genetics, cell lines, and biochemical assessments to define a complex consisting of the commissureless, Nedd4 and Robo1 proteins necessary for regulating Robo1 protein expression. This work resolves certain remaining questions in the field regarding midline axon guidance, with strengths out weighing weaknesses; however, addressing some of these weaknesses would strengthen this study.
Strengths include:<br /> - The use of well controlled genetic gain-of-function (over expression) approaches in vivo in Drosophila to show that phosphorylation sites (there are 2, and this study allows for assessment of the contributions made by each) in the commissureless (Comm) protein are indeed required for Comm function with respect to regulating axon midline guidance via their role in directing Comm-mediated Robo1 ubiquitination and degradation in the lysosome.<br /> - The demonstration that in vitro, and in a sensitized genetic background in vivo, the Nedd4 ubiquitin ligase regulates Robo1 protein cell surface distribution and also midline axon crossing in vivo.<br /> - Important evidence here that serves to resolve many questions raised by previous studies (not from these authors) regarding how Robo1 is regulated by Comm and Nedd4 family ubiquitin ligases. Further, these results are likely to have implications for thinking about the regulation of midline guidance in more complex nervous systems.
- A weakness beyond the purview of revision but important to mention is that the authors chose not to complement their GOF experiments with gene editing approaches to generate endogenous PY mutant alleles of Comm that might have been useful in genetic interaction experiments directed toward revealing roles for endogenous Comm in the regulation of Robo1.
Comments on revised version:
In this revised manuscript the authors provide new experiments and also reasonable explanations to address concerns raised in the initial review. I am satisfied that these efforts address satisfactorily the points raised in the initial review and that this study has been strengthened. This is an interesting body of work that adds to our understanding of CNS midline guidance molecular mechanisms.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This work addresses an important question in the field of Drosophila aggression and mating- prior social isolation is known to increase aggression in males by increased lunging, which is suppressed by group housing (GH). However, it is also known that single-housed (SH) males, despite their higher attempts to court females, are less successful. Here, Gao et al., developed a modified aggression assay, to address this issue by recording aggression in Drosophila males for 2 hours, over a virgin female which is immobilized by burying its head in the food. They found that while SH males frequently lunge in this assay, GH males switch to higher intensity but very low-frequency tussling. Constitutive neuronal silencing and activation experiments implicate cVA sensing Or67d neurons promoting high-frequency lunging, similar to earlier studies, whereas Or47b neurons promote low-frequency but higher intensity tussling. Using optogenetic activation they found that three pairs of pC1 neurons- pC1SS2 increase tussling. While P1a neurons, previously implicated in promoting aggression and courtship, did not increase tussling in optogenetic activation (in the dark), they could promote aggressive tussling in thermogenetic activation carried out in the presence of visible light. It was further suggested, using a further modified aggression assay that GH males use increased tussling and are able to maintain territorial control, providing them mating advantage over SI males and this may partially overcome the effect of aging in GH males.
Using a series of clever neurogenetic and behavioral approaches, subsets of ORNs and pC1 neurons were implicated in promoting tussling behaviors. The authors devised a new paradigm to assay for territory control which appears better than earlier paradigms that used a food cup (Chen et al, 2002), as this new assay is relatively clutter-free, and can be eventually automated using computer vision approaches. The manuscript is generally well-written, and the claims made are largely supported by the data.
I have a few concerns regarding some of the evidence presented and claims made as well as a description of the methodology, which needs to be clarified and extended further.
(1) Typical paradigms for assaying aggression in Drosophila males last for 20-30 minutes in the presence of nutritious food/yeast paste/females or all of these (Chen et al. 2002, Nilsen et al., 2004, Dierick et al. 2007, Dankert et al., 2009, Certel & Kravitz 2012). The paradigm described in Figure 1 A, while important and more amenable for video recording and computational analysis, seems a modification of the assay from Kravitz lab (Chen et al., 2002), which involved using a female over which males fight on a food cup. The modifications include a flat surface with a central food patch and a female with its head buried in the food, (fixed female) and much longer adaptation and recording times respectively (30 minutes, 2 hours), so in that sense, this is not a 'new' paradigm but a modification of an existing paradigm and its description as new should be appropriately toned down. It would also be important to cite these earlier studies appropriately while describing the assay.
(2) Lunging is described as a 'low intensity' aggression (line 111 and associated text), however, it is considered a mid to high-intensity aggressive behavior, as compared to other lower-intensity behaviors such as wing flicks, chase, and fencing. Lunging therefore is lower in intensity 'relative' to higher intensity tussling but not in absolute terms and it should be mentioned clearly.
(3) It is often difficult to distinguish faithfully between boxing and tussling and therefore, these behaviors are often clubbed together as box, tussle by Nielsen et al., 2004 in their Markov chain analysis as well as a more detailed recent study of male aggression (Simon & Heberlein, 2020). Therefore, authors can either reconsider the description of behavior as 'box, tussle' or consider providing a video representation/computational classifier to distinguish between box and tussle behaviors.
(4) Simon & Heberlein, 2020 showed that increased boxing & tussling precede the formation of a dominance hierarchy in males, and lunges are used subsequently to maintain this dominant status. This study should be cited and discussed appropriately while introducing the paradigm.
(5) It would be helpful to provide more methodological details about the assay, for instance, a video can be helpful showing how the males are introduced in the assay chamber, are they simply dropped to the floor when the film is removed after 30 minutes (Figures 1-2)?
(6) The strain of Canton-S (CS) flies used should be mentioned as different strains of CS can have varying levels of aggression, for instance, CS from Martin Heisenberg lab shows very high levels of aggressive lunges. Are the CS lines used in this study isogenized? Are various genetic lines outcrossed into this CS background? In the methods, it is not clear how the white gene levels were controlled for various aggression experiments as it is known to affect aggression (Hoyer et al. 2008).
(7) How important it is to use a fixed female for the assay to induce tussling? Do these females remain active throughout the assay period of 2.5 hours? Is it possible to use decapitated virgin females for the assay? How will that affect male behaviors?
(8) Raster plots in Figure 2 suggest a complete lack of tussling in SH males in the first 60 minutes of the encounter, which is surprising given the longer duration of the assay as compared to earlier studies (Nielsen et al. 2004, Simon & Heberlein, 2020 and others), which are able to pick up tussling in a shorter duration of recording time. Also, the duration for tussling is much longer in this study as compared to shorter tussles shown by earlier studies. Is this due to differences in the paradigm used, strain of flies, or some other factor? While the bar plots in Figure 2D show some tussling in SH males, maybe an analysis of raster plots of various videos can be provided in the main text and included as a supplementary figure to address this.
(9) Neuronal activation experiments suggesting the involvement of pC1SS2 neurons are quite interesting. Further, the role of P1a neurons was demonstrated to be involved in increasing tussling in thermogenetic activation in the presence of light (Figure 4, Supplement 1), which is quite important as the role of vision in optogenetic activation experiments, which required to be carried out in dark, is often not mentioned. However, in the discussion (lines 309-310) it is mentioned that PC1SS2 neurons are 'necessary and sufficient' for inducing tussling. Given that P1a neurons were shown to be involved in promoting tussling, this statement should be toned down.
(10) Are Or47b neurons connected to pC1SS2 or P1a neurons?
(11) The paradigm for territory control is quite interesting and subsequent mating advantage experiments are an important addition to the eventual outcome of the aggressive strategy deployed by the males as per their prior housing conditions. It would be important to comment on the 'fitness outcome' of these encounters. For instance, is there any fitness advantage of using tussling by GH males as compared to lunging by SH males? The authors may consider analyzing the number of eggs laid and eclosed progenies from these encounters to address this.
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Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The paper proposes a new source reconstruction method for electroencephalography (EEG) data and claims that it can provide far superior spatial resolution than existing approaches and also superior spatial resolution to fMRI. This primarily stems from abandoning the established quasi-static approximation to Maxwell's equations.
The proposed method brings together some very interesting ideas, and the potential impact is high. However, the work does not provide the evaluations expected when validating a new source reconstruction approach. I cannot judge the success or impact of the approach based on the current set of results. This is very important to rectify, especially given that the work is challenging some long-standing and fundamental assumptions made in the field.
I also find that the clarity of the description of the methods, and how they link to what is shown in the main results hard to follow.
I am insufficiently familiar with the intricacies of Maxwell's equations to assess the validity of the assumptions and the equations being used by WETCOW. The work therefore needs assessing by someone more versed in that area. That said, how do we know that the new terms in Maxwell's equations, i.e. the time-dependent terms that are normally missing from established quasi-static-based approaches, are large enough to need to be considered? Where is the evidence for this?
I have not come across EFD, and I am not sure many in the EEG field will have. To require the reader to appreciate the contributions of WETCOW only through the lens of the unfamiliar (and far from trivial) approach of EFD is frustrating. In particular, what impact do the assumptions of WETCOW make compared to the assumptions of EFD on the overall performance of SPECTRE?
The paper needs to provide results showing the improvements obtained when WETCOW or EFD are combined with more established and familiar approaches. For example, EFD can be replaced by a first-order vector autoregressive (VAR) model, i.e. y_t = A y_{t-1} + e_t (where y_t is [num_gridpoints x 1] and A is [num_gridpoints x num_gridpoints] of autoregressive parameters).
The authors' decision not to include any comparisons with established source reconstruction approaches does not make sense to me. They attempt to justify this by saying that the spatial resolution of LORETA would need to be very low compared to the resolution being used in SPECTRE, to avoid compute problems. But how does this stop them from using a spatial resolution typically used by the field that has no compute problems, and comparing with that? This would be very informative. There are also more computationally efficient methods than LORETA that are very popular, such as beamforming or minimum norm.
In short, something like the following methods needs to be compared:
(1) Full SPECTRE (EFD plus WETCOW)<br /> (2) WETCOW + VAR or standard ("simple regression") techniques<br /> (3) Beamformer/min norm plus EFD<br /> (4) Beamformer/min norm plus VAR or standard ("simple regression") techniques
This would also allow for more illuminating and quantitative comparisons of the real data. For example, a metric of similarity between EEG maps and fMRI can be computed to compare the performance of these methods. At the moment, the fMRI-EEG analysis amounts to just showing fairly similar maps.
There are no results provided on simulated data. Simulations are needed to provide quantitative comparisons of the different methods, to show face validity, and to demonstrate unequivocally the new information that SPECTRE can _potentially_ provide on real data compared to established methods. The paper ideally needs at least 3 types of simulations, where one thing is changed at a time, e.g.:
(1) Data simulated using WETCOW plus EFD assumptions<br /> (2) Data simulated using WETCOW plus e.g. VAR assumptions<br /> (3) Data simulated using standard lead fields (based on the quasi-static Maxwell solutions) plus e.g. VAR assumptions
These should be assessed with the multiple methods specified earlier. Crucially the assessment should be quantitative showing the ability to recover the ground truth over multiple realisations of realistic noise. This type of assessment of a new source reconstruction method is the expected standard.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study investigates the role of macrophage lipid metabolism in the intracellular growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. By using a CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing approach, the authors knocked out key genes involved in fatty acid import, lipid droplet formation, and fatty acid oxidation in macrophages. Their results show that disrupting various stages of fatty acid metabolism significantly impairs the ability of Mtb to replicate inside macrophages. The mechanisms of growth restriction included increased glycolysis, oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory cytokine production, enhanced autophagy, and nutrient limitation. The study demonstrates that targeting fatty acid homeostasis at different stages of the lipid metabolic process could offer new strategies for host-directed therapies against tuberculosis.
The work is convincing and methodologically strong, combining genetic, metabolic, and transcriptomic analyses to provide deep insights into how host lipid metabolism affects bacterial survival.
The study uses a multifaceted approach, including CRISPR-Cas9 gene knockouts, metabolic assays, and dual RNA sequencing, to assess how various stages of macrophage lipid metabolism affect Mtb growth. The use of CRISPR-Cas9 to selectively knock out key genes involved in fatty acid metabolism enables precise investigation of how each step-lipid import, lipid droplet formation, and fatty acid oxidation affect Mtb survival. The study offers mechanistic insights into how different impairments in lipid metabolism lead to diverse antimicrobial responses, including glycolysis, oxidative stress, and autophagy. This deepens the understanding of macrophage function in immune defense.
The use of functional assays to validate findings (e.g., metabolic flux analyses, lipid droplet formation assays, and rescue experiments with fatty acid supplementation) strengthens the reliability and applicability of the results.
By highlighting potential targets for HDT that exploit macrophage lipid metabolism to restrict Mtb growth, the work has significant implications for developing new tuberculosis treatments.
The experiments were primarily conducted in vitro using CRISPR-modified macrophages. While these provide valuable insights, they may not fully replicate the complexity of the in vivo environment where multiple cell types and factors influence Mtb infection and immune responses.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study investigates what happens to the stimulus-driven responses of V4 neurons when an item is held in working memory. Monkeys are trained to perform memory-guided saccades: they must remember the location of a visual cue and then, after a delay, make an eye movement to the remembered location. In addition, a background stimulus (a grating) is presented that varies in contrast and orientation across trials. This stimulus serves to probe the V4 responses, is present throughout the trial, and is task-irrelevant. Using this design, the authors report memory-driven changes in the LFP power spectrum, changes in synchronization between the V4 spikes and the ongoing LFP, and no significant changes in firing rate.
(1) The logic of the experiment is nicely laid out.
(2) The presentation is clear and concise.
(3) The analyses are thorough, careful, and yield unambiguous results.
(4) Together, the recording and inactivation data demonstrate quite convincingly that the signal stored in FEF is communicated to V4 and that, under the current experimental conditions, the impact from FEF manifests as variations in the timing of the stimulus-evoked V4 spikes and not in the intensity of the evoked activity (i.e., firing rate).
I think there are two limitations of the study that are important for evaluating the potential functional implications of the data. If these were acknowledged and discussed, it would be easier to situate these results in the broader context of the topic, and their importance would be conveyed more fairly and transparently.
(1) While it may be true that no firing rate modulations were observed in this case, this may have been because the probe stimuli in the task were behaviorally irrelevant; if anything, they might have served as distracters to the monkey's actual task (the MGS). From this perspective, the lack of rate modulation could simply mean that the monkeys were successful in attending the relevant cue and shielding their performance from the potentially distracting effect of the background gratings. Had the visual probes been in some way behaviorally relevant and/or spatially localized (instead of full field), the data might have looked very different. With this in mind, it would be prudent to dial down the tone of the conclusions, which stretch well beyond the current experimental conditions (see recommendations).
(2) Another point worth discussing is that although the FEF delay-period activity corresponds to a remembered location, it can also be interpreted as an attended location, or as a motor plan for the upcoming eye movement. These are overlapping constructs that are difficult to disentangle, but it would be important to mention them given prior studies of attentional or saccade-related modulation in V4. The firing rate modulations reported in some of those cases provide a stark contrast with the findings here, and I again suspect that the differences may be due at least in part to the differing experimental conditions, rather than a drastically different encoding mode or functional linkage between FEF and V4.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, Masroor Ahmad Paddar and his/her colleagues explore the noncanonical roles of ATG5 and membrane atg8ylation in regulating retromer assembly and function. They begin by examining the interactomes of ATG5 and expand the scope of these effects to include homeostatic responses to membrane stress and damage.
This study provides novel insights into the noncanonical function of ATG8ylation in endosomal cargo sorting process.
The direct mechanism by which ATG8ylation regulates the retromer remains unsolved.
Comments on revisions:
After revision, though the major weakness remains unsolved, other questions have been addressed experimentally or further interpreted.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Overall I found the approach taken by the authors to be clear and convincing. It is striking that the conclusions are similar to those obtained in a recent study using a different computational approach (finite state controllers), and lend confidence to the conclusions about the existence of an optimal memory duration. There are a few points or questions that could be addressed in greater detail in a revision:
(1) Discussion of spatial encoding
The manuscript contrasts the approach taken here (reinforcement learning in a grid world) with strategies that involve a "spatial map" such as infotaxis. The authors note that their algorithm contains "no spatial information." However, I wonder if further degrees of spatial encoding might be delineated to better facilitate comparisons with biological navigation algorithms. For example, the gridworld navigation algorithm seems to have an implicit allocentric representation, since movement can be in one of four allocentric directions (up, down, left, right). I assume this is how the agent learns to move upwind in the absence of an explicit wind direction signal. However, not all biological organisms likely have this allocentric representation. Can the agent learn the strategy without wind direction if it can only go left/right/forward/back/turn (in egocentric coordinates)? In discussing possible algorithms, and the features of this one, it might be helpful to distinguish<br /> (1) those that rely only on egocentric computations (run and tumble),<br /> (2) those that rely on a single direction cue such as wind direction,<br /> (3) those that rely on allocentric representations of direction, and<br /> (4) those that rely on a full spatial map of the environment.
(2) Recovery strategy on losing the plume
While the approach to encoding odor dynamics seems highly principled and reaches appealingly intuitive conclusions, the approach to modeling the recovery strategy seems to be more ad hoc. Early in the paper, the recovery strategy is defined to be path integration back to the point at which odor was lost, while later in the paper, the authors explore Brownian motion and a learned recovery based on multiple "void" states. Since the learned strategy works best, why not first consider learned strategies, and explore how lack of odor must be encoded or whether there is an optimal division of void states that leads to the best recovery strategies? Also, although the authors state that the learned recovery strategies resemble casting, only minimal data are shown to support this. A deeper statistical analysis of the learned recovery strategies would facilitate comparison to those observed in biology.
(3) Is there a minimal representation of odor for efficient navigation?
The authors suggest (line 280) that the number of olfactory states could potentially be reduced to reduce computational cost. This raises the question of whether there is a maximally efficient representation of odors and blanks sufficient for effective navigation. The authors choose to represent odor by 15 states that allow the agent to discriminate different spatial regimes of the stimulus, and later introduce additional void states that allow the agent to learn a recovery strategy. Can the number of states be reduced or does this lead to loss of performance? Does the optimal number of odor and void states depend on the spatial structure of the turbulence as explored in Figure 5?
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The study by Nelson et al. is focused on formation of the Drosophila Posterior Signaling Center (PSC) which ultimately acts as a niche to support hematopoietic stem cells of the lymph gland (LG). Using a combination of genetics and live imaging, the authors show that PSC cells migrate as a tight collective and associate with multiple tissues during a trajectory that positions them at the posterior of the LG.
This is an important study that identifies Slit-Robo signaling as a regulator of PSC morphogenesis, and highlights the complex relationship of interacting cell types - PSC, visceral mesoderm (VM) and cardioblasts (CBs) - in coordinated development of these three tissues during organ development. However, one point requiring clarification is the idea that PSC cells exhibit a collective cell migration; it is not clear that the cells are migrating rather than being pushed to a more dorsal position through dorsal closure and/or other similar large scale embryo movement. This does not detract from the very interesting analysis of PSC morphogenesis as presented.
• Using expression of Hid or Grim to ablate associated tissues, they find evidence that the VM and CB of the dorsal vessel affect PSC migration/morphology whereas the alary muscles do not. Slit is expressed by both VM and CBs, and therefore Slit-Robo signaling was investigated as PSCs express Robo.
• Using a combination of approaches, the authors convincingly demonstrate that Slit expression in the CBs and VM acts to support PSC positioning. A strength is the ability to knockdown slit levels in particular tissue types using the Gal4 system and RNAi.
• Although in the analysis of robo mutants, the PSC positioning phenotype is weaker in the individual mutants (robo1 and robo2) with only the double mutant (robo1,robo2) exhibiting a phenotype comparable to the slit RNAi. The authors make a reasonable argument that Slit-Robo signaling has an intrinsic effect, likely acting within PSCs, because PSCs show a phenotype even when CBs do not (Fig 4G).
• New insight into dorsal vessel formation by VM is presented in Fig 4A,B, as loss of the VM can affect dorsal vessel morphogenesis. This result additionally points to the VM as important.
• The authors are cautioned to temper the result that Slit-Robo signaling is intrinsic to PSC since loss of robo may affect other cell types (besides CBs and PSCs) to indirectly affect PSC migration/morphogenesis. In fact, in the robo2, robo1 mutant, the VM appears to be incorrectly positioned (Fig. 4G).
• If possible, the authors should use RNAi to knockdown Robo1 and Robo2 levels specifically in the PSCs if a Gal4 is available; might Antp.Gal4 (Fig 1K) be useful? Even if knockdown is achieved in PSCs+CBs, this would be a better/complementary experiment to support the approach outlined in Fig 4D.
• Movies are hard to interpret, as it seems unclear that the PSCs actively migrate rather than being pushed/moved indirectly due to association with VM and CBs/dorsal vessel.
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Joint Public Review:
This manuscript explores the transcriptomic identities of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs), glial cells that support life-long axonal growth in olfactory neurons, as they relate to spinal cord injury repair. The authors show that transplantation of cultured, immunopurified rodent OECs at a spinal cord injury site can promote injury-bridging axonal regrowth. They then characterize these OECs using single-cell RNA sequencing, identifying five subtypes and proposing functional roles that include regeneration, wound healing, and cell-cell communication. They identify one progenitor OEC subpopulation and also report several other functionally relevant findings, notably, that OEC marker genes contain mixtures of other glial cell type markers (such as for Schwann cells and astrocytes), and that these cultured OECs produce and secrete Reelin, a regrowth-promoting protein that has been disputed as a gene product of OECs.
This manuscript offers an extensive, cell-level characterization of OECs, supporting their potential therapeutic value for spinal cord injury and suggesting potential underlying repair mechanisms. The authors use various approaches to validate their findings, providing interesting images that show the overlap between sprouting axons and transplanted OECs, and showing that OEC marker genes identified using single-cell RNA sequencing are present in vivo, in both olfactory bulb tissue and spinal cord after OEC transplantation.
Despite the breadth of information presented, and although many of the suggestions in the initial review were addressed well, some points related to quantification and discussion of sex differences are not fully addressed in this revision.
(1) The request for quantification of OEC bridges is not fully addressed. We note that this revision includes the following statement (page 6): "We note, however, that such bridge formation is rare following a severe spinal cord injury in adult mammals." However, the title of the paper states that olfactory ensheathing cells promote neural repair and the abstract states that "OECs transplanted near the injury site modify the inhibitory glial scar and facilitate axon regeneration past the scar border and into the lesion." Statements such as these make it more crucial to include quantification of OEC bridges, because if single images are shown of remarkable, unusual bridges, but only one sentence acknowledges the low frequency of this occurrence, then this information taken together might present the wrong takeaway to readers.
Including some sort of quantification of bridging, whether it be the number of rats exhibiting bridges, the percentage area of OECs near a lesion site, or some other meaningful analysis, would add rigor and clarity to the manuscript.
(2) The additional discussion of sex differences in OEC bridging elaborates on the choice to study female rats, citing bladder challenges in male rats, but does not note salient clinical implications of this choice. Men account for ~80% of spinal cord injuries and likely also have worsened urinary tract issues, so it would be important to acknowledge this clinical fact and consider including males in future studies.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Huber proposes a theory where the role of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) is memory, where properties of spatial cells in the MTL can be explained through memory function rather than spatial processing or navigation. Instantiating the theory through a computational model, the author shows that many empirical phenomena of spatial cells can be captured, and may be better accounted through a memory theory. It is an impressive computational account of MTL cells with a lot of theoretical reasoning and aims to tightly relate to various spatial cell data.
In general, the paper is well written, and has been greatly improved after revision for clarity and situating the model in the context of the literature. Below are a few responses to the author's rebuttal.
(2 & 3) In response to my previous review point 2 and 3, the author has now added "According to this model, hexagonally arranged grid cells should be the exception rather than the rule when considering more naturalistic environments." It is good to know that it captures data that show non-grid like responses in more complex and realistic environments. However, the model still focuses on explaining the spatial firing aspect of grid cells even though they are not supposed to be spatial. I noted in my previous review, "If it's not encoding a spatial attribute, it doesn't have to have a spatial field. For example, it could fire in the whole arena". The author notes inhibitory drive and habituation. Habituation happens, but then spatial cell responses are supposed (or assumed) to be still strong after many visits to that environment. More generally, I am more convinced that grid-like and spatial coding are a special case - both in navigation and memory. In a way I believe the author agrees, though the work here focuses on capturing spatial properties (which is understandable given the literature). In conclusion, though there may be theoretical disagreements, I find the points the author raises fair.
(4) The difference between mEC and lEC or PRC for encoding non-spatial vs spatial attributes is still not clear to me - though not crucial for the point of this paper.
(5) Thank you for providing a video - this makes it extremely clear how learning occurs.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The manuscript of He et al. compares the roles of Hox/Gbx genes between the well-established anthozoan model, the burrowing sea anemone Nematostella, and the new scleractinian model Montipora. The authors show staggered expression of Anthox6a.1, Anthox8 and Gbx of the Montipora larva and argue that their BMP-dependent expression is responsible for the segmentation of the endomesoderm, just like they have previously demonstrated in Nematostella (despite some differences in the timing, formation of extra mesenteries, etc). The authors posit that Hox/Gbx-dependent segmentation of the endomesoderm represents an ancestral anthozoan trait. The study addresses a remarkably interesting question, but it has several important shortcomings, which the authors should try to rectify.
The authors introduce a new scleractinian model Montipora and present interesting data on the composition of its compact Hox cluster, its embryonic and larval development, metamorphosis, and segmentation. They also show staggered expression of Gbx, Anthox6a.1, and Anthox8, which is suggestive of their involvement in the partitioning of the gastrodermis of the polyp.
He et al. claim that Gbx and Hox genes are responsible for the segmentation of the directive axis in Montipora based on expression patterns of these genes before the onset of segmentation. In the absence of functional analyses, this claim (although likely correct) is not supported. Moreover, the authors do not show that staggered Gbx and Hox gene expression correlates with the position of the segment boundaries.
The authors use two inhibitors of BMP signaling and show that segmentation is lost in the treated animals. However, they do not provide controls, which would show that the effect of the treatment is specific to the loss of BMP function. Moreover, their transcriptomic analyses suggest that the whole BMP signaling system in Montipora is wired completely differently than in Nematostella, but they do not acknowledge and discuss this striking difference. If true, this is a very interesting result, but it requires thorough validation.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
A theoretical model for microbial osmoresponse was proposed. The model assumes simple phenomenological rules: (i) the change of free water volume in the cell due to osmotic imbalance based on pressure balance, (ii) Osmoregulation that assumes change of the proteome partitioning depending on the osmotic pressure that affects the osmolyte-producing protein production, (iii) The cell-wall synthesis regulation where the change of the turgor pressure to the cell-wall synthesis efficiency to go back to the target turgor pressure, (iv) Effect of Intracellular crowding assuming that the biochemical reactions slow down for more crowding and stops when the protein density (protein mass divided by free water volume) reaches a critical value. The parameter values were found in the literature or obtained by fitting to the experimental data. The authors compare the model behavior with various microorganismcs (E. coli, B. subtils, S. Cerevisiae, S. pombe), and successfully reproduced the overall trend (steady state behavior for many of them, dynamics for S. pombe). In addition, the model predicts non-trivial behavior such as the fast cell growth just after the hypoosmotic shock, which is consistent with experimental observation. The authors further make experimentally testable predictions regarding mutant behavior and transient dynamics.
The theory assumes simple mechanistic dependence between core variables without going into specific molecular mechanisms of regulations. The simplicity allows the theory to apply to different organisms by adjusting the time scales with parameters, and the model successfully explains broad classes of observed behaviours. Mathematically, the model provides analytical expressions of the parameter dependences and an understanding of the dynamics through the phase space without being buried in the detail. This theory can serve as a base to discuss the universality and diversity of microbial osmoresponse.
The core part of this model is that everything is coupled with growth physiology, and, as far as I understand, the assumption (iv) (eq. 8) that imposes the global reaction rate dependence on crowding plays a crucial role. I would think this is a strong and interesting assumption. However, the abstract or discussion does not discuss the importance of this assumption. In addition, the paper does not discuss gene regulation explicitly, and some comparison with a molecular mechanism-oriented model may be beneficial to highlight the pros and cons of the current approach.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this important study, the authors characterized the transformation of neural representations of olfactory stimuli from the primary sensory cortex to multisensory regions in the medial temporal lobe and investigated how they were affected by non-associative learning. The authors used high-density silicon probe recordings from five different cortical regions while familiar vs. novel odors were presented to a head-restrained mouse. This is a timely study because unlike other sensory systems (e.g., vision), the progressive transformation of olfactory information is still poorly understood. The authors report that both odor identity and experience are encoded by all of these five cortical areas but nonetheless some themes emerge. Single neuron tuning of odor identity is broad in the sensory cortices but becomes narrowly tuned in hippocampal regions. Furthermore, while experience affects neuronal response magnitudes in early sensory cortices, it changes the proportion of active neurons in hippocampal regions. Thus, this study is an important step forward in the ongoing quest to understand how olfactory information is progressively transformed along the olfactory pathway.
The study is well-executed. The direct comparison of neuronal representations from five different brain regions is impressive. Conclusions are based on single neuronal level as well as population level decoding analyses. Among all the reported results, one stands out for being remarkably robust. The authors show that the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON), which receives direct input from the olfactory bulb output neurons, was far superior at decoding odor identity as well as novelty compared to all the other brain regions. This is perhaps surprising because the other primary sensory region - the piriform cortex - has been thought to be the canonical site for representing odor identity. A vast majority of studies have focused on aPCx, but direct comparisons between odor coding in the AON and aPCx are rare. The experimental design of this current study allowed the authors to do so and the AON was found to convincingly outperform aPCx. Although this result goes against the canonical model, it is consistent with a few recent studies including one that predicted this outcome based on anatomical and functional comparisons between the AON-projecting tufted cells vs. the aPCx-projecting mitral cells in the olfactory bulb (Chae, Banerjee et. al. 2022). Future experiments are needed to probe the circuit mechanisms that generate this important difference between the two primary olfactory cortices as well as their potential causal roles in odor identification.
The authors were also interested in how familiarity vs. novelty affects neuronal representation across all these brain regions. One weakness of this study is that neuronal responses were not measured during the process of habituation. Neuronal responses were measured after four days of daily exposure to a few odors (familiar) and then some other novel odors were introduced. This creates a confound because the novel vs. familiar stimuli are different odorants and that itself can lead to drastic differences in evoked neural responses. Although the authors try to rule out this confound by doing a clever decoding and Euclidian distance analysis, an alternate more straightforward strategy would have been to measure neuronal activity for each odorant during the process of habituation.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The study by Gupta et al. investigates the role of mast cells (MCs) in tuberculosis (TB) by examining their accumulation in the lungs of M. tuberculosis-infected individuals, non-human primates, and mice. The authors suggest that MCs expressing chymase and tryptase contribute to the pathology of TB and influence bacterial burden, with MC-deficient mice showing reduced lung bacterial load and pathology.
(1) The study addresses an important and novel topic, exploring the potential role of mast cells in TB pathology.
(2) It incorporates data from multiple models, including human, non-human primates, and mice, providing a broad perspective on MC involvement in TB.
(3) The finding that MC-deficient mice exhibit reduced lung bacterial burden is an interesting and potentially significant observation.
(1) The evidence is inconsistent across models, leading to divergent conclusions that weaken the overall impact of the study.
(2) Key claims, such as MC-mediated cytokine responses and conversion of MC subtypes in granulomas, are not well-supported by the data presented.
(3) Several figures are either contradictory or lack clarity, and important discrepancies, such as the differences between mouse and human data, are not adequately discussed.
(4) Certain data and conclusions require further clarification or supporting evidence to be fully convincing.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, BOUTRY et al examined a cnidarian Hydra model system where spontaneous tumors manifest in laboratory settings, and lineages featuring vertically transmitted neoplastic cells (via host budding) have been sustained for over 15 years. They observed that hydras harboring long-term transmissible tumors exhibit an unexpected augmentation in tentacle count. In addition, the presence of extra tentacles, enhancing the host's foraging efficiency, correlated with an elevated budding rate, thereby promoting tumor transmission vertically. This study provided the evidence that tumors, akin to parasitic entities, can also exert control over their hosts.
The manuscript is well-written, and the phenotype is intriguing.
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Reviewer #3 (Public review):
In this study, O'Brien et al. address the need for scalable and cost-effective approaches to finding lead compounds for the treatment of the growing number of Mendelian diseases. They used state-of-the-art phenotypic screening based on an established high-dimensional phenotypic analysis pipeline in the nematode C. elegans.
First, a panel of 25 C. elegans models was created by generating CRISPR/Cas9 knock-out lines for conserved human disease genes. These mutant strains underwent behavioral analysis using the group's published methodology. Clustering analysis revealed common features for genes likely operating in similar genetic pathways or biological functions. The study also presents results from a more focused examination of ciliopathy disease models.
Subsequently, the study focuses on the NALCN channel gene family, comparing the phenotypes of mutants of nca-1, unc-77, and unc-80. This initial characterization identifies three behavioral parameters that exhibit significant differences from the wild type and could serve as indicators for pharmacological modulation.
As a proof-of-concept, O'Brien et al. present a drug repurposing screen using an FDA-approved compound library, identifying two compounds capable of rescuing the behavioral phenotype in a model with UNC80 deficiency. The relatively short time and low cost associated with creating and phenotyping these strains suggest that high-throughput worm tracking could serve as a scalable approach for drug repurposing, addressing the multitude of Mendelian diseases. Interestingly, by measuring a wide range of behavioural parameters, this strategy also simultaneously reveals deleterious side effects of tested drugs that may confound the analysis.
Considering the wealth of data generated in this study regarding important human disease genes, it is regrettable that the data is not made accessible to researchers less versed in data analysis methods. This diminishes the study's utility. It would have a far greater impact if an accessible and user-friendly online interface were established to facilitate data querying and feature extraction for specific mutants. This would empower researchers to compare their findings with the extensive dataset created here.
Another technical limitation of the study is the use of single alleles. Large deletion alleles were generated by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. At first glance, this seems like a good idea because it limits the risk that background mutations, present in chemically-generated alleles, will affect behavioral parameters. However, these large deletions can also remove non-coding RNAs or other regulatory genetic elements, as found, for example, in introns. Therefore, it would be prudent to validate the behavioral effects by testing additional loss-of-function alleles produced through early stop codons or targeted deletion of key functional domains.
Comments on revisions:
In this final round of revisions, the authors have improved their manuscript and provide useful information about analysis procedures and code and updated figures.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper examines the role of MLCK (myosin light chain kinase) and MLCP (myosin light chain phosphatase) in axon regeneration. Using loss-of-function approaches based on small molecule inhibitors and siRNA knockdown, the authors explore axon regeneration in cell culture and in animal models from central and peripheral nervous systems. Their evidence shows that MLCK activity facilitates axon extension/regeneration, while MLCP prevents it.
Major concerns:
(1) In the title, authors indicate that the observed effects from loss-of-function of MLCK/MLCP take place via F-actin redistribution in the growth cone. However, there are no experiments showing a causal effect between changes in axon growth mediated by MLCK/MLCP and F-actin redistribution.
(2) The author combines MLCK inhibitors with Bleb (Figure 6), trying to verify if both pairs of inhibitors act on the same target/pathway. MLCK may regulate axon growth independent of NMII activity. However, this has very important implications for the understanding not only on how NMII works and affects axon extension, but also in trying to understand what MLCP is doing. One wonders if MLCP actions, which are opposite of MLCK, also independent of NMII activity? The authors, in the discussion section, try to find an explanation for this finding, but I consider it fails since the whole rationale of the manuscript is still around how MLCK and MLCP affect NMII phosphorylation.
What follows is a discussion of the merits and limitations of different claims of the manuscript in light of the evidence presented.
(1) Using western blot and immunohistochemical analyses, authors first show that MLCK expression is increased in DRG sensory neurons following peripheral axotomy, concomitant to an increase in MLC phosphorylation, suggesting a causal effect (Figure 1). The authors claim that it is common that axon growth-promoting genes are upregulated. It would have been interesting at this point to study in this scenario the regulation of MLCP.
(2) Using DRG cultures and sciatic nerve crush in the context of MLCK inhibition (ML-7) and down-regulation, authors conclude that MLCK activity is required for mammalian peripheral axon regeneration both in vitro and in vivo (Figure 2). In parallel, the authors show that these treatments affect as expected the phosphorylation levels of MLC.
The in vitro evidence is of standard methods and convincing. However, here, as well as in all other experiments using siRNAs, no Control siRNAs were used. Authors do show that the target protein is downregulated, and they can follow transfected cells with GFP. Still, it should be noted that the standard control for these experiments has not been done.
(3) The authors then examined the role of the phosphatase MLCP in axon growth during regeneration. The authors first use a known MLCP blocker, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu), to show that is able to increase the levels of p-MLC, with a concomitant increase in the extent of axon regrowth of DRG neurons, both in permissive as well as non-permissive substrates. The authors repeat the experiments using the knockdown of MYPT1, a key component of the MLC-phosphatase, and again can observe a growth-promoting effect (Figure 3).
The authors further show evidence for the growth-enhancing effect in vivo, in nerve crush experiments. The evidence in vivo deserves more evidence and experimental details (see comment 2). A key weakness of the data was mentioned previously: no control siARN was used.
(4) In the next set of experiments (presented in Figure 4) authors extend the previous observations in primary cultures from the CNS. For that, they use cortical and hippocampal cultures, and pharmacological and genetic loss-of-function using the above-mentioned strategies. The expected results were obtained in both CNS neurons: inhibition or knockdown of the kinase decreases axon growth, whereas inhibition or knockdown of the phosphatase increases growth. A main weakness in this set is that drugs were used from the beginning of the experiment, and hence, they would also affect axon specification. As pointed in Materials and Method (lines 143-145) authors counted as "axons" neurites longer than twice the diameter of the cell soma, and hence would not affect the variable measured. In any case, to be sure one is only affecting axon extension in these cells, the drugs should have been used after axon specification and maturation, which occurs at least after 5 DIV.
(5) In Figure 7, the authors a local cytoskeletal action of the drug, but the evidence provided does not differentiate between a localized action of the drugs and a localized cell activity.
(1) Eun-Mi Hur 1, In Hong Yang, Deok-Ho Kim, Justin Byun, Saijilafu, Wen-Lin Xu, Philip R Nicovich, Raymond Cheong, Andre Levchenko, Nitish Thakor, Feng-Quan Zhou. 2011. Engineering neuronal growth cones to promote axon regeneration over inhibitory molecules. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Mar 22;108(12):5057-62. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1011258108.
(2) Garrido-Casado M, Asensio-Juárez G, Talayero VC, Vicente-Manzanares M. 2024. Engines of change: Nonmuscle myosin II in mechanobiology. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2024 Apr;87:102344. doi: 10.1016/j.ceb.2024.102344.
(3) Karen A Newell-Litwa 1, Rick Horwitz 2, Marcelo L Lamers. 2015. Non-muscle myosin II in disease: mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities. Dis Model Mech. 2015 Dec;8(12):1495-515. doi: 10.1242/dmm.022103.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The work by Chuong et al. provides important new insights into the contribution of different molecular mechanisms in the dynamics of CNV formation. It will be of interest to anyone curious about genome architecture and evolution from yeast biologists to cancer researchers studying genome rearrangements.
Their results are especially striking in that the "simplest" mechanism of GAP1 amplification (non-allelic homologous recombination between the flanking Ty-LTR elements) is not the most common route taken by the cells, emphasizing the importance of experimentally testing what might seem on the surface to be obvious outcome. One of the important developments of their work is the use of their neural network simulation-based inference (nnSBI) model to derive rates of amplicon formation and their fitness effects.
The nnSBI model that derives rates of amplicon formation and fitness is still opaque to this reviewer. All of the other criticisms made in the first review have been clarified/corrected in this much-improved version of the manuscript.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Motivated by the existence of different behavioral strategies (e.g. model-based vs. model-free), and potentially different neural circuits that underlie them, Venditto et al. introduce a new approach for inferring which strategies animals are using from data. In particular, they extend the mixture of agents (MoA) framework to accommodate the possibility that the weighting among different strategies might change over time. These temporal dynamics are introduced via a hidden Markov model (HMM), i.e. with discrete state transitions. These state transition probabilities and initial state probabilities are fit simultaneously along with the MoA parameters, which include decay/learning rate and mixture weightings, using the EM algorithm. The authors test their model on data from Miller et al., 2017, 2022, arguing that this formulation leads to (1) better fits and (2) improved interpretability over their original model, which did not include the HMM portion. Lastly, they claim that certain aspects of OFC firing are modulated by internal state as identified by the MoA-HMM.
The paper is very well written and easy to follow, especially for one with a significant modeling component. Furthermore, the authors do an excellent job explaining and then disentangling many threads that are often knotted together in discussions of animal behavior and RL: model-free vs. model-based choice, outcome vs. choice-focused, exploration vs. exploitation, bias, perserveration. Each of these concepts is quantified by particular parameters of their models. Model recovery (Fig. 3) is convincing post-revision and licenses their fits to animal behavior later. While the specific claims made about behavior and neural activity are not especially surprising (e.g. the animals begin a session, in which rare vs. common transitions are not yet known, in a more exploratory mode), the MoA-HMM framework seems broadly applicable to other tasks in the field and useful for the purpose of quantification here. Overall, I believe this paper is certainly worthy of publication in a journal like eLife.
I am pleased with the authors' responses to my initial comments, and I thank them for their efforts. My main note of caution to readers is just that when it comes to applying this method to neural data, the benefits may be subtle. On one extreme, it may be possible to capture many of these effects simply by explicitly modeling time, although the authors do a good job showing that they can beat this benchmark in their case. On the other extreme, there may be multiple switches that cannot simply be a monotonic time effect, but these might be at a faster timescale than can be easily captured in this model (in Fig. 7Aii, for example, there is still lots of variance unexplained by the latent state). Quantitative justification will be required for using this model over simpler alternatives, but again, I commend the authors for providing that justification in this paper.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Wang et al. identify Hamlet, a PR-containing transcription factor, as a master regulator of reproductive development in Drosophila. Specifically, the fusion between the gonad and genital disc is necessary for the development of continuous testes and seminal vesicle tissue essential for fertility. To do this, the authors generate novel Hamlet null mutants by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and characterize the morphological, physiological, and gene expression changes of the mutants using immunofluorescence, RNA-seq, cut-tag, and in-situ analysis. Thus, Hamlet is discovered to regulate a unique expression program, which includes Wnt2 and Tl, that is necessary for testis development and fertility.
This is a rigorous and comprehensive study that identifies the Hamlet-dependent gene expression program mediating reproductive development in Drosophila. The Hamlet transcription targets are further characterized by Gal4/UAS-RNAi confirming their role in reproductive development. Finally, the study points to a role for Wnt2 and Tl as well as other Hamlet transcriptionally regulated genes in epithelial tissue fusion.
The image resolution and presentation of figures is a major issue in this study. As a non-expert, it is nearly impossible to see the morphological changes as described in the results. Quantification of all cell biological phenotypes is also lacking therefore reducing the impact of this study to those familiar with tissue fusion events in Drosophila development.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors quantified information in gesture and speech, and investigated the neural processing of speech and gestures in pMTG and LIFG, depending on their informational content, in 8 different time-windows, and using three different methods (EEG, HD-tDCS and TMS). They found that there is a time-sensitive and staged progression of neural engagement that is correlated with the informational content of the signal (speech/gesture).
A strength of the paper is that the authors attempted to combine three different methods to investigate speech-gesture processing.
(1) One major issue is that there is a tight anatomical coupling between pMTG and LIFG. Stimulating one area could therefore also result in stimulation of the other area (see Silvanto and Pascual-Leone, 2008). I therefore think it is very difficult to tease apart the contribution of these areas to the speech-gesture integration process, especially considering that the authors stimulate these regions in time windows that are very close to each other in both time and space (and the disruption might last longer over time).
(2) Related to this point, it is unclear to me why the HD-TDCS/TMS is delivered in set time windows for each region. How did the authors determine this, and how do the results for TMS compare to their previous work from 2018 and 2023 (which describes a similar dataset+design)? How can they ensure they are only targeting their intended region since they are so anatomically close to each other?
(3) As the EEG signal is often not normally distributed, I was wondering whether the authors checked the assumptions for their Pearson correlations. The authors could perhaps better choose to model the different variables to see whether MI/entropy could predict the neural responses. How did they correct the many correlational analyses that they have performed?
(4) The authors use ROIs for their different analyses, but it is unclear why and on the basis of what these regions are defined. Why not consider all channels without making them part of an ROI, by using a method like the one described in my previous comment?
(5) The authors describe that they have divided their EEG data into a "lower half" and a "higher half" (lines 234-236), based on entropy scores. It is unclear why this is necessary, and I would suggest just using the entropy scores as a continuous measure.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The drug Ivermectin is used to effectively treat a variety of worm parasites in the world, however resistance to Ivermectin poses a rising challenge for this treatment strategy. In this study, the authors found that loss of the E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR-1 in the worm C. elegans results in resistance to Ivermectin. In particular, the authors found that ubr-1 mutants are resistant to the effects of Ivermectin on worm viability, body size, pharyngeal pumping, and locomotion. The authors previously showed that loss of UBR-1 disrupts homeostasis of the amino acid and neurotransmitter glutamate resulting in increased levels of glutamate in C. elegans. Here, the authors found that the sensitivity of ubr-1 mutants to Ivermectin can be restored if glutamate levels are reduced using a variety of different methods. Conversely, treating worms with exogenous glutamate to increase glutamate levels also results in resistance to Ivermectin supporting the idea that increased glutamate promotes resistance to Ivermectin. The authors found that the primary known targets of Ivermectin, glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls), are downregulated in ubr-1 mutants providing a plausible mechanism for why ubr-1 mutants are resistant to Ivermectin. Although it is clear that loss of GluCls can lead to resistance to Ivermectin, this study suggests that one potential mechanism to decrease GluCl expression is via disruption of glutamate homeostasis that leads to increased glutamate. This study suggests that if parasitic worms become resistant to Ivermectin due to increased glutamate, their sensitivity to Ivermectin could be restored by reducing glutamate levels using drugs such as Ceftriaxone in a combination drug treatment strategy.
(1) The use of multiple independent assays (i.e., viability, body size, pharyngeal pumping, locomotion, and serotonin-stimulated pharyngeal muscle activity) to monitor the effects of Ivermectin
(2) The use of multiple independent approaches (got-1, eat-4, ceftriaxone drug, exogenous glutamate treatment) to alter glutamate levels to support the conclusion that increased glutamate in ubr-1 mutants contributes to Ivermectin resistance.
(1) The primary target of Ivermectin is GluCls so it is not surprising that alteration of GluCl expression or function would lead to Ivermectin resistance.
(2) It remains to be seen what percent of Ivermectin-resistant parasites in the wild have disrupted glutamate homeostasis as opposed to mutations that more directly decrease GluCl expression or function.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
IPF is a disease lacking regressive therapies which has a poor prognosis, and so new therapies are needed. This ambitious phase 1 study builds on the authors' 2024 experience in Sci Tran Med with positive results with autologous transplantation of P63 progenitor cells in patients with COPD. The current study suggests that P63+ progenitor cell therapy is safe in patients with ILD. The authors attribute this to the acquisition of cells from a healthy upper lobe site, removed from the lung fibrosis. There are currently no cell-based therapies for ILD and in this regard the study is novel with important potential for clinical impact if validated in Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials.
This study addresses the need for an effective therapy for interstitial lung disease. It offers good evidence that the cells used for therapy are safe. In so doing it addresses a concern that some P63+ progenitor cells may be proinflammatory and harmful, as has been raised in the literature (articles which suggested some P63+ cells can promote honeycombing fibrosis; references 26 &35). The authors attribute the safety they observed (without proof) to the high HOPX expression of administered cells (a marker found in normal Type 1 AECs. The totality of the RNASeq suggests the cloned cells are not fibrogenic. They also offer exploratory data suggesting a relationship between clone roundness and PFT parameters (and a negative association between patient age and clone roundness).
The authors can conclude they can isolate, clone, expand, and administer P63+ progenitor cells safely; but with the small sample size and lack of a placebo group, no efficacy should be implied.
Specific points:
(1) The authors acknowledge most study weaknesses including the lack of a placebo group and the concurrent COVID-19 in half the subjects (the high-dose subjects). They indicate a phase 2 trial is underway to address these issues.
(2) The authors suggest an efficacy signal on pages 18 (improvement in 2 subjects' CT scans) and 21 (improvement in DLCO) but with such a small phase 1 study and such small increases in DLCO (+5.4%) the authors should refrain from this temptation (understandable as it is).
(3) Likewise most CT scans were unchanged and those that improved were in the mid-dose group (albeit DLCO improved in the 2 patients whose CT scans improved).
(4) The authors note an impressive 58m increase in 6MWTD in the high-dose group but again there is no placebo group, and the low-dose group has no net change in 6MWTD at 24 weeks.
(5) I also raise the question of the enrollment criteria in which 5 patients had essentially normal DLCO/VA values. In addition there is no discussion as to whether the transplanted stem cells are retained or exert benefit by a paracrine mechanism (which is the norm for cell-based therapies).
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Joint Public Review:
In this work, the authors develop a new computational tool, DeepTX, for studying transcriptional bursting through the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data using deep learning techniques. This tool aims to describe and predict the transcriptional bursting mechanism, including key model parameters and the steady-state distribution associated with the predicted parameters. By leveraging scRNA-seq data, DeepTX provides high-resolution transcriptional information at the single-cell level, despite the presence of noise that can cause gene expression variation. The authors apply DeepTX to DNA damage experiments, revealing distinct cellular responses based on transcriptional burst kinetics. Specifically, IdU treatment in mouse stem cells increases burst size, promoting differentiation, while 5FU affects burst frequency in human cancer cells, leading to apoptosis or, depending on the dose, to survival and potential drug resistance. These findings underscore the fundamental role of transcriptional burst regulation in cellular responses to DNA damage, including cell differentiation, apoptosis, and survival. Although the insights provided by this tool are mostly well supported by the authors' methods, certain aspects would benefit from further clarification.
The strengths of this paper lie in its methodological advancements and potential broad applicability. By employing the DeepTXSolver neural network, the authors efficiently approximate stationary distributions of mRNA counts through a mixture of negative binomial distributions, establishing a simple yet accurate mapping between the kinetic parameters of the mechanistic model and the resulting steady-state distributions. This innovative use of neural networks allows for efficient inference of kinetic parameters with DeepTXInferrer, reducing computational costs significantly for complex, multi-gene models. The approach advances parameter estimation for high-dimensional datasets, leveraging the power of deep learning to overcome the computational expense typically associated with stochastic mechanistic models. Beyond its current application to DNA damage responses, the tool can be adapted to explore transcriptional changes due to various biological factors, making it valuable to the systems biology, bioinformatics, and mechanistic modelling communities. Additionally, this work contributes to the integration of mechanistic modelling and -omics data, a vital area in achieving deeper insights into biological systems at the cellular and molecular levels.
This work also presents some weaknesses, particularly concerning specific technical aspects. The tool was validated using synthetic data, and while it can predict parameters and steady-state distributions that explain gene expression behaviour across many genes, it requires substantial data for training. The authors account for measurement noise in the parameter inference process, which is commendable, yet they do not specify the exact number of samples required to achieve reliable predictions. Moreover, the tool has limitations arising from assumptions made in its design, such as assuming that gene expression counts for the same cell type follow a consistent distribution. This assumption may not hold in cases where RNA measurement timing introduces variability in expression profiles.
The authors present a deep learning pipeline to predict the steady-state distribution, model parameters, and statistical measures solely from scRNA-seq data. Results across three datasets appear robust, indicating that the tool successfully identifies genes associated with expression variability and generates consistent distributions based on its parameters. However, it remains unclear whether these results are sufficient to fully characterise the transcriptional bursting parameter space. The parameters identified by the tool pertain only to the steady-state distribution of the observed data, without ensuring that this distribution specifically originates from transcriptional bursting dynamics.
A primary concern with the TXmodel is its reliance on four independent parameters to describe gene state-switching dynamics. Although this general model can capture specific cases, such as the refractory and telegraph models, accurately estimating the parameters of the refractory model using only steady-state distributions and typical cell counts proves challenging in the absence of time-dependent data.
The claim that the GO analysis pertains specifically to DNA damage response signal transduction and cell cycle G2/M phase transition is not fully accurate. In reality, the GO analysis yielded stronger p-values for pathways related to the mitotic cell cycle checkpoint signalling. As presented, the GO analysis serves more as a preliminary starting point for further bioinformatics investigation that could substantiate these conclusions. Additionally, while GSEA analysis was performed following the GO analysis, the involvement of the cardiac muscle cell differentiation pathway remains unclear, as it was not among the GO terms identified in the initial GO analysis.
As the advancement is primarily methodological, it lacks a comprehensive comparison with traditional methods that serve similar functions. Consequently, the overall evaluation of the method, including aspects such as inference accuracy, computational efficiency, and memory cost, remains unclear. The paper would benefit from being contextualised alongside other computational tools aimed at integrating mechanistic modelling with single-cell RNA sequencing data. Additional context regarding the advantages of deep learning methods, the challenges of analysing large, high-dimensional datasets, and the complexities of parameter estimation for intricate models would strengthen the work.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, Hilda Tateossian et al. sought to identify the specific gene linked to hearing loss caused by otitis media effusion (OME) in individuals with Down syndrome (DS). They approached this by analyzing a series of mouse models of DS (referred to as the DpTyb lines), which include various duplications that encompass the regions of the mouse genome analogous to the human chromosome 21 (Hsa21). This allowed them to pinpoint genetic loci that may be associated with OME in DS. To control for external variables, such as genetic background and environmental influences, which could affect the development of chronic OME, all DpTyb mouse lines were maintained on a uniform C57BL/6J genetic background. The authors could show that chronic OME phenotypes were consistently reproducible across two research centers, the Francis Crick Institute and MRC Harwell Institute, supporting their conclusion while also reducing the likelihood that environmental factors could affect results.
The authors then focused on a significant locus on chromosome 16 in the Dp5Tyb mouse model that was strongly associated with OME. This locus contains only 12 genes, and it overlapped with the duplicated genomic regions in three additional mouse models (Dp1Tyb, Dp3Tyb, and Ts1Rhr), strengthening the link between this locus and OME. To identify the gene responsible within this critical interval, they conducted targeted crosses of Dp mouse lines (Dp1Tyb, Dp3Tyb, and Dp5Tyb) with gene knockout models. This strategy enabled them to normalize the copy number of specific genes within the progeny and assess the effect on OME. They found that reducing the gene dosage of Dyrk1a specifically restored a wild-type phenotype, implicating Dyrk1a as a key player in the development of OME in DS.
Given the broad biological roles of DYRK1A in various cellular pathways, the researchers also explored its effects on downstream proteins and pathways within the middle ear epithelium using immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR. They uncovered several pathological mechanisms by which DYRK1A triplication could promote middle ear inflammation and increased vascular permeability. These mechanisms included the interaction between DYRK1A and TGFβ signaling, which affects proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-17, as well as elevated levels of VEGF in the middle ear that were accompanied by increased Hif1a expression.
At the morphological level, analyses by scanning electron microscopy further revealed a loss of cilia on the epithelial cells in the middle ears of 2-month-old Dp3Tyb and Dp5Tyb mutant mice, which likely contributes to the development of OME in DS.
Finally, to validate the relevance of their findings in humans, the researchers examined the expression of the 12 genes within the Dp5Tyb locus in samples from children with DS compared to unaffected parental controls, using qPCR. They found that among the 12 genes, DYRK1A showed the most significant fold increase in expression, further supporting its potential role in OME associated with DS.
(1) The manuscript is well-written and clearly presents both experimental design and results, together supporting the main conclusions.
(2) The experiments are carefully designed and executed, with data that convincingly support the identification of DYRK1A as a key gene involved in OME in DS. The use of gene knockouts to normalize Dyrk1a gene dosage within the Dp mouse lines was a thorough and successful strategy to strengthen and validate DYRK1A's causal inference in OME.
(3) The study goes beyond simple gene identification by exploring the downstream pathways and cellular effects of DYRK1A triplication. This mechanistic focus provides actionable insights into the potential molecular underpinnings of OME in DS.
(4) The study addresses a clinically important issue - OME in children with DS - and proposes DYRK1A as a practical therapeutic target. Based on data in mice and the high dose of DYRK1A in human clinical samples, the authors suggest that suppressing the activity of this gene by localized delivery of inhibitors to the middle ear cavity in DS patients can be a potential strategy for future treatment of OME.
No major weakness is identified.
The authors could discuss further the potential involvement of the other genes within the Dp5Tyb interval, and whether interactions among these genes could impact the disease or whether additional contributions to OME might be overlooked. Beyond DYRK1A expression, discussion of a more extensive analysis of the other genes within the locus in larger cohorts of individuals with DS and OME could add strength to the translational relevance of the findings.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Ita Mehta and colleagues have investigated the role of putrescine in the pili-dependent surface motility of a laboratory strain of Escherichia coli. Enterobacteria, and particularly E. coli and Salmonella Typhimurium contain an enormous amount of putrescine and cadaverine compared to other bacteria. It has been estimated by Igarashi and colleagues that putrescine is present in E. coli at levels of at least 30 mM. Therefore, an investigation of the role of putrescine in E. coli is a welcome and important contribution to understanding polyamine function. The authors have used a comprehensive suite of E. coli gene deletion strains of putrescine biosynthetic, transport, and catabolic genes to understand the role of putrescine in pili-dependent surface motility.
Single gene deletions of arginine decarboxylase (speA) and agmatine ureohydrolase (speB), and a double gene deletion of the constitutive ornithine decarboxylase (speC) and the acid-inducible ornithine decarboxylase (speF), all of which are involved in putrescine biosynthesis, were found by the authors to be less efficient at pili-dependent surface motility. In addition, the putrescine transport genes plaP and potF are also required for efficient pili-dependent surface motility. Furthermore, the putrescine catabolic genes patA and puuA, when co-deleted, reduce pili-dependent surface motility. Transcriptomic analysis of the agmatine ureohydrolase (speB) gene deletion strain compared to the parental strain indicates a coordinated response to the speB gene deletion, including upregulation of ornithine biosynthetic genes and a downregulation of energy metabolic genes.
Because the cellular content of putrescine and other polyamines in the E. coli strains was not measured at any point in this study, and the gene deletions were not genetically complemented, it is not possible to definitively attribute physiological changes to the gene deletion strains specifically to changes in putrescine levels. Furthermore, the GT medium used for the mobility experiments contains trypsinated casein (tryptone), which may contain polyamines and most certainly contain arginine. There are two modes of putrescine biosynthesis in E. coli: one mode is the direct formation of putrescine from L-ornithine mediated by ornithine decarboxylase, and the other is the indirect pathway involving decarboxylation of arginine to form agmatine, followed by hydrolysis of agmatine to form putrescine and urea. In the absence of external arginine, putrescine is made by ornithine decarboxylase, however, in the presence of external arginine, ornithine biosynthesis is repressed and arginine decarboxylase becomes the primary biosynthetic route for putrescine biosynthesis. The GT medium used by the authors will tend to favor putrescine production from arginine. The speB gene deletion, which is used for the transcriptomic analyses, will even in the absence of external arginine, accumulate a very large amount of agmatine, greater than the level of putrescine. This will confound the interpretation of the effect of the speB gene deletion, because agmatine accumulation may be responsible for some of the effects, and the addition of external putrescine may repress agmatine accumulation. In the absence of polyamine level measurements, the relative levels of agmatine, the putrescine structural analog cadaverine, and the accumulation of decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine, are not known. Changes to these metabolites could affect pili-dependent surface motility. Furthermore, it is not possible to conclude that the effects of gene deletions to biosynthetic, transport or catabolic genes on pili-dependent surface motility are due to changes in putrescine levels unless one takes it on faith that there must be changes to putrescine levels. Since E. coli contains such an enormous amount of putrescine, it is important to know how much putrescine must be depleted in order to exert a physiological effect.
The authors have tackled an important biomedical problem relevant to infections of the urogenital tract and also important for understanding the very unusual high level of putrescine in E. coli and related species. However, without confirmation of putrescine levels in their various strains, it would be difficult to unequivocally conclude that putrescine, or changes to its concentrations, are responsible for the physiological changes seen with the gene deletion strains.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript investigates homeostatic structural plasticity and its interplay with synaptic scaling. It uses an integrated approach with models and experiments.<br /> First, electrophysiology and chronic imaging are used to investigate the influence of different levels of AMPA-receptor antagonist NBQX, which allows for gradual activity reduction. Low levels of NBQX lead to a decrease of activity and a homeostatic increase of synapse density, whereas high levels block neural activity and lead to a reduced number of synapses after 3 days. The authors conclude that there must be a non-linear dependency between neuronal activities and rewiring. As a mathematical model for this, a biphasic structural plasticity rule is used, which, for increasing neural activities, switches from net synapse removal to growth and back, yielding two stable states at zero activity and the homeostatic target.<br /> This rule is tested in various situations in silico, yet without attempting to reproduce the experiment. First, in network development, the biphasic rule generates a lot of unconnected silent neurons and a reasonable network structure only emerges when the neurons are additionally supported by a facilitating input current. For comparison, a linear and a simpler nonlinear homeostatic plasticity model, which had been ruled out by the experimental data, need no external drive. Second, the consequences of lasting, altered stimulation in a subgroup of neurons is explored. As expected by the design of the rule, a small increase and decrease in stimulation leads to a decrease and increase of synaptic connectivity, respectively, and stimulation silencing led to a complete disconnection of the sub-population with restoration of activity. Unlike in previous studies, an asymmetry of pre- and postsynaptic plasticity mechanisms cannot rescue this. Third, silencing only for a short time period and then overstimulating the network led to overly strong activity, which may, however, also hold without silencing. For a transiently silenced stimulation, recovery is possible, but only when there is enough recurrent excitation from the rest of the network.<br /> Following this, the second part of the manuscript explores whether synaptic scaling may adapt and up-regulate the recurrent excitation, such that activity in a normally silenced subpopulation can be restored. Indeed, fast enough synaptic scaling leads to a recovery of neuronal activity in simulations, but leads to highly synchronous activity. A systematic model analysis shows at which scaling and rewiring speeds the activity and connectivity for a silenced sub-population can be restored. In between, however, the authors analyze spine sizes and changes in their whole population AMPAR-blocking experiments that demonstrate synaptic scaling and that structural plasticity and scaling effects may be jointly regulated. This experimental "break" between a simulation and its systematic analysis makes the paper harder to read and seems unnecessary as the analyses from the experiments are not repeated for the model.
Overall, the combination of experiments and simulations is a promising approach to investigate network self-organization. Especially the gradual blocking of activity is very valuable to inform mathematical models and distinguish them from alternatives. However, it remains unclear whether the model would actually reproduce the experiment. When switching from one to the other, this entails a detour to the conceptual level which makes the narrative sometimes hard to follow.
In summary, this manuscript makes a valuable contribution to discern the mathematical shape of a homeostatic structural plasticity model and understanding the necessity of synaptic scaling in the same network. Both experimental and computational methods are solid and well described. Yet, both parts could be linked better in order to obtain conclusions with more impact and generality.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this work, the authors investigate the functional difference between the most commonly expressed form of PTH, and a novel point mutation in PTH identified in a patient with chronic hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. The value of this mutant form of PTH as a potential anabolic agent for bone is investigated alongside PTH(1-84), which is a current anabolic therapy. The authors have achieved the aims of the study. Their conclusion that this suggests a "new path of therapeutic PTH analog development" seems unfounded; the benefit of this PTH variant is not clear, but the work is still interesting.
The work does not identify why the patient with this mutation has hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia; this was not the goal of the study, but the data is useful for helping to understand it.
The work is novel, as it describes the function of a novel, naturally occurring, variant of PTH in terms of its ability to dimerise, to lead to cAMP activation, to increase serum calcium, and its pharmacological action compared to normal PTH.
(1) The use of very young, 10 week old, mice as a model of postmenopausal osteoporosis remains a limitation of this study, but this is now quite clearly described as a limitation,, including justifying the use of the primary spongiosa as a measurement site.
(2) Methods have been clarified. It is still necessary to properly define the micro-CT threshold in mm HA/cc^3. I think it might be at about 200mg HA/cc^3 in this study.
(3) The apparent contradiction between the cortical thickness data (where there is no difference between the two PTH formulations) and the mechanical testing data (where there is a difference) remains unresolved. It is still not clear whether there is a material defect in the bone, which can be partially assessed by reporting the 3 point bending test, corrected for the diameters of the bone (i.e. as stress / strain curves).
(4) It is also puzzling that both dimeric and monomeric PTH lead to a reduction in total bone area (cross sectional area?). This would suggest a reduction in bone growth. This should be discussed in the work.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Aging reduces tissue regeneration capacity, posing challenges for an aging population. In this study, the authors investigate impaired bone healing in aging, focusing on calvarial bones, and introduce a two-part rejuvenation strategy. Aging depletes osteoprogenitor cells and reduces their function, which hinders bone repair. Simply increasing the number of these cells does not restore their regenerative capacity in aged mice, highlighting intrinsic cellular deficits. The authors' strategy combines Wnt-mediated osteoprogenitor expansion with intermittent fasting, which remarkably restores bone healing. Intermittent fasting enhances osteoprogenitor function by targeting NAD+ pathways and gut microbiota, addressing mitochondrial dysfunction - an essential factor in aging. This approach shows promise for rejuvenating tissue repair, not only in bones but potentially across other tissues.
This study is exciting, impressive, and novel. The data presented is robust and supports the findings well.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated as a neuromodulator in the retina. Specific types of amacrine cells (ACs) produce and release NO in a light-dependent manner. NO diffuses freely through the retina and can modulate intracellular levels of cGMP, or directly modify and modulate proteins via S-nitrosylation, leading to changes in gap-junction coupling, synaptic gain, and adaptation. Although these system-wide effects have been documented, it is not well understood how the physiological function of specific neuronal types is affected by NO. This study aims to address this gap in our knowledge.
There are two major findings. 1) About a third of the retinal ganglion cells display cell-type specific adaptation to prolonged stimulus protocols. 2) Application of NO specifically affected Off-suppressed ganglion cells designated as G32 cells. The G32 cluster likely contains 3 ganglion cell types that are differentially affected.
This is the first comprehensive analysis of the functional effects of NO on ganglion cells in the retina. The cell-type specificity of the effects is surprising and provides the field with valuable new information.
NO was expected to produce small effects, and considerable effort was expended in validating the system to ensure that changes in the state of the preparation would not confound any effects of NO. The authors used a sequential stimulus protocol to control for changes in the sensitivity of the retina during the extended recording periods. The approach potentially increases the sensitivity of the measurements and allows more subtle effects to be observed.
Neural activity was measured by Ca-imaging. Responsive ganglion cells were grouped into 32 types using a clustering analysis. Initial control experiments demonstrated that the cell-types revealed by the analysis largely recapitulate those from their earlier landmark study using a similar approach.
Application of NO to the retina modulated responses of a single cluster of cells, labeled G32, while having little effect on the remaining 31 clusters. In separate experiments, ganglion cell spiking activity was recorded on a multi-electrode array (MEA). Together the Ca-imaging and MEA recordings provide complementary approaches and demonstrate that NO modulates the temporal but not spatial properties of affected cell-types.
The concentration of NO used in these experiments was ~0.25µM, which is 5- to 10-fold lower than the endogenous concentration previously measured in rodent retina. It is perhaps surprising that this relatively low NO concentration produced significant effects. However, the endogenous measurements were done in an eye-cup preparation, while the current experiments were performed in a bare (no choroid) preparation. Perhaps the resting NO level is lower in this preparation. It is also possible that the low concentration of NO promoted more selective effects.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I want to get into the Five Elements Mandala
for - definition - spiral of the - 5 Elements Mandala - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - need to move - from linear pyramid, neoliberal logic - to trends logic - multi-dimensional - reflexive - feedbacks - intertwingled - need to know what you stand for and - what you stand against ( the dominant neoliberal culture)
a historical amnesi
for - definition - ahistorical amnesia - plagues philanthropy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
I'm sitting here perceiving whether I'm a separate self from Al-Nour from this table, from this computer screen. Am I actually seeing this as a relational fabric or am I thing a find to assert my domination over in any given moment?
for - application - Deep Humanity BEing Journey - onto shift - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
And for for someone like me who was born in this in the country of the US, who came into life as a white presenting woman, it is the work of my life to entirely and utterly work to dismantle oppressive systems simultaneously while I'm actually working to shift my consciousness about how I respond
for - key insight - challenging ourselves for authentic, transformative change - inner and outer work to dismantle oppressive, entrenched systems - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
this what Alnoor just put out was a graphical representation of what is it for us to go from these pyramid logics, this dominant system, and start to shift our gaze into what we will talk about as as spiral logic, as trans logic is other ways where we set first and foremost, not just saying that it's the work of philosophers and mystics and others to sit with these first principle questions, questions of ontology. But indeed, it's the responsibility of all of us who are taking full responsibility for what it means to be alive in these times, for how do we see how do we know what we know? How do we think about what we know that we know? How do we behave in accordance to what we see and what we know? And what is our set of ethics that goes along with that.
for - ontological shift - from totalizing neoliberalism - to spiral logic - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - ontological shift - Deep Humanity - asking these fundamental questions - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
it was so hard to get outside of the project of neoliberalism that we couldn't actually see what was possible in that Horizon three construct. So for us, we started to look at we need a just transition, plus an entire shift of ontology, ethical, epistemological, what we shorthand call auto shifts or ontological shifts
for - definition - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - Deep Humanity - can provide new vocabulary and ideas to support - the horizon 3 - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
adjacency - between - ontological shift to reach horizon 3 - Deep Humanity - adjacency relationship - Deep Humanity may offer a new language and vocabulary for this Horizon 3 shift ontology
We also simultaneously started to notice that there was efforts going on in the way that we even talk about and perceive well itself. So how do we broaden our understanding of wealth? And we had a wonderful sets of conversations. But Todd James, who said that if we imagine that capital is like energy and it wants to flow like water, water will move to the lowest places that the capital wants to flow. And anything that is not flowing is a continuation of the colonial project.
for - quote - Flow of wealth to the lowest place - Colonial project stops flow to the lowest place - Todd James - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
we kept looking at the a couple of assumptions and it was assuming almost a linear journey of we're going to take the power and the money from the elites and we're going to put it in the hands of the community and the peoples and what we know throughout history is many different social movements over the past hundreds of years have endeavored to make that shift. But unless we actually get down into the deeper thought forms that underlie power and domination themselves, we're not actually in a cold, liberatory kind of framework
for - quote / key insight - must interrogate the deeper thought patterns else - we risk repeating simplistic linear transition social movements that have failed over the past centuries - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
Bill Sharp, and it's called the Three Horizon Framework
for - definition - Three Horizon Framework - developed by Bill Sharp - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - example - Three Horizon Framework
example - Three Horizon Framework - horizon 1 - carbon credits - carbon capture - green new deal - green growth - reforming democracy - more humane capitalism - horizon 2 - equity and justice - decolonization - transition pathways to disrupt ideologies - formative stage - ontological - still operating in frame of modernity - still operating in material realm - horizon 3 - new ways of being, living seeing, worldviews - dearth of imagination
there is a growing set of people, groups, endeavors that are really recognizing this neoliberal operating system that we're working within. And they have many different ways that they're going about this. It's a growing movement, and for our purposes here, we kind of refer to this as the just transition movement
for - definition - just transition movement - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
we just included some of the artwork from the book. This is by Patrick Cruz was a mexican artist, activist, organizer and he's just riffing on this term that we use in the book, which is re characterizing, you know, the Anthropocene or the color Yuga. This period we're in as the age of consequence.
for - Mexican artist Patrick Cruz - redefining - anthropocene - to age of consequence - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy
There's not necessarily a process by which that communities decide who comes in or countries decide who comes in to work on these problems that have been decided outside.
for - key insight - Philanthropies have decided on the outside, which communities and which problems need to be solved - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
comment - So true! Who hasn't experienced the NGO coming into the community with a know-it-all attitude and already decided who will receive what funds for what project. It's all decided ahead of time then offered! - We don't want to fall into the same trap!
as individuals, we're replicators of neoliberalism. Not just intellectually, cognitively, medically, but semantically our physical bodies. We have given somatic real estate to aspects of neoliberalism.
for - key insight - as individuals, we promote neoliberalism - via entrenched and unconscious colonialism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - deep entrenchment and entrainment of neolieralism in our bodies - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
comment - The depth of entrainment of neoliberalism in our bodies is very pronounced - This is why it is so difficult to make adhoc change because it faces so much opposition emerging from the unconscious
Lynne and I interviewed a couple of people who had come into huge amounts of wealth, and we're just setting up their their philanthropy. And they would they would be very optimistic at first. They would have these huge sort of ranges of potential of what they believe they could achieve. And then we would talk to them six months later or a year later,
for - key insight - severe limits of philanthropy - abiding by neoliberal logic severely constrains them - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
these things are not externalities that the existing system can figure out, but they are the logical outcomes of the existing system. And so any lens we use to say, well, technology will save the day. Well, technology is an extension and an externality of neoliberal capitalism
for - progress traps - science - technology - neoliberalism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
progress traps - science - technology - neoliberalism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - It is with progress that the modernity shaped by centuries of scaled-out industrial,scientific and technological innovation has created all our crisis. - It is absurd to say that science, technology and industrialization did not play a major role in the creation of all the crisis of modernity - If science, technology and industry inherently embed separation, how do we use it in a meaningful way that doesn't lead to another progress trap? - What are the motives of those who fund technology?
neoliberalism and its predecessors of industrial capitalism and even proto capitalism were based on separation from the natural world. And and we can we call it sort of separation or dualism
for - key insight - neoliberalism and industrial capitalism were based on Descarte and our separation from the natural world - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - materialism, science and neoliberalism - will technology save us? - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - to - The Three Great Separations
key insight / summary - neoliberalism and industrial capitalism were based on Descarte and our separation from the natural world - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - FIrst, Descarte separated the mind from the body. We have the paradox of: - godlike mind housed in - animalistic bodies - (incidentally, this sets us up for the exageration of the existential crisis of the denial of death in modernity - Ernest Becker) - Then we impose separation of external vs internal world - Then, we have separate categories of mind and nature, and we begin othering of: - women - other (indigenous) cultures - What Alnoor and Lynn forgot to mention was that there is another separation that preceded the industrial revolution, the separation of people into distinct classes of: - producer - consumer - Then with the advance of Newtonian physics and the wild success of materialist theory applied to create a plethora of industrial technologies, a wedding occurred between: - dualism and - materialism - Materialism decomposes everything into subatomic particles that a rational mind can understand - To those who think science and technology can save us from the crisis it helped create - the deeper understanding reveals that science and technology are themselves agents of separation.
to - See the three great separations - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Finthesetimes.com%2Farticle%2Findustrial-agricultural-revolution-planet-earth-david-korten&group=world
when we analyzed the the dominant cultural operating system, because there's more than a political economy, it's a it's a, as we've said, a totalizing operating system. And we're going to call it neoliberalism
for - definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - summary - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - Neoliberalism is a totalizing, cultural operating system for modernity - It is all of these things: - a political philosophy - an economic practice - a cosmology - a wordview - an ontology - a theocracy - a religious worldview based on faith - Most of the dogmas of neoliberalism have been proven to be false, and yet it is still taught in most institutions of higher education summary - Some of the premises of neoliberalism are: - 1. humans are homo economicus - our chief concern is our selves and NOT others - Enlightenment theories - Scientism - Evolutionary theory - All our systems are designed on this false premise - 2. Hierarchy is inevitable and necessary for order. Without it, we would revert to beasts - The system embeds - Patriarchism - White Supremacy - Gender inequality - 3. The individual is the primary unit of power - together with 1) and 2), it creates inherent competition - 4. Material wealth and power is the measure of wellbeing - If you have money, you are considered a success, otherwise, you are considered a moral failure
this webinar series is a is a space where we really want to be in this collective sense, making together at this critical crossroads.
for - objective - of webinar - collective sensemaking - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
we can't talk about social change unless we have a conversation about philanthropy, which is the upstream driver of who's doing what. Who's getting paid for social change work? How are they funded? Who's working for that organization, the efficacy of that organization, etc., etc..
for - adjacency - philanthropy is the upstream driver of - social change - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
philanthropy, if we take it as a sector or an industry or as a biome, as we say in the book, it's a massive, massive sector. It's about $2.2 trillion. So it's equivalent to the GDP of Canada, a G7 country. It would be one of the top ten, maybe top eight industries in the world. And it's completely excluded, very little transparency, labyrinth rules and systems, opaque and almost no public discourse about it.
for - stats - philanthropy - possibly the world's 8th largest industry - with little transparency - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
philanthropy is in some ways the the most symbolic externalization of neoliberal capitalism. Some people have amassed huge amounts of wealth through a rigged game of extraction and destruction of life. And then it's also presented back to us as an alternative to capitalism that somehow philanthropy can solve the problems that capital created in the first place. And in many ways, that is the fundamental paradox and the absurdity of modern philanthropy.
for - paradox - of philanthropy - People who amass huge fortunes through a lifetime of extracting from nature, people and destroying the fabric of life - present philanthropy as a way to atone for their own sins - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
we're really invoking a call for philanthropy to be in the liberation of capital in a way that can support transition pathways. What we refer to as transition pathways is other ways of being and knowing that are in co-creative relationship with life itself.
for - key objective - of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - call for philanthropy to be in the liberation of capital in a way that supports transition pathways - to explore other ways of being and knowing that are in co-creative relationship with life itself - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
there's a line in this in the book that says, if you do not have a critique of capitalist modernity, you are contextually irrelevant. But if all you have is a critique, you are spiritually incredibly impoverished.
for - quote - from book - If you do not have a critique of capitalist modernity, you are contextually irrelevant - but if all you have is a critique, you are spiritually incredibly impoverished - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
the onus is for many of us in the occidental mind and the Western tradition to find what it is to excavate what it is about capitalism that lives in our very minds and our bodies and our our ways of working. And to find another way that is possible.
for - key points - excavate and replace engrained capitalist worldviews and behaviors and replace with healthier alternatives - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
key points - excavate and replace engrained capitalist worldviews and behaviors and replace with healthier alternatives - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - For those of western tradition, - find out what deeply engrained capitalist habits must we excavate in our - minds, - bodies, - worldviews, - behaviors, - hearts (feelings) and - ways of being - and replace them with healthier alternatives
let's start with host capitalism and recognize that the way that we're using this is not as simple linearity of a transition out of an old system into a new system. We're using it in a way as a conceptual container to hold multiple values and ways of being and knowing that are rooted in reciprocity, solidarity, compassion, empathy, reverence for life.
for - summary - explaining the paradox of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - a conceptual container - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
summary - explaining the paradox of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - a conceptual container - Using this idea of Post Capitalist Philanthropy not as a simple linear vehicle for transition from old to new system - It is a conceptual container that holds multiple values and ways of being, including: - reciprocity - solidarity - compassion - reverence for life - Recognition of transitioning out of a system that is about: - extractionism - commodification of - humans - nature - our relationships - domination - exploitation - What does an alternative way of being look like?
perhaps the ultimate paradox that this entire inquiry is the ground is the paradox of host capitalism and post-capitalist philanthropy itself
for - second and ultimate paradox - Post Capitalist Philanthropy itself - paradoxes - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladna - Lynn Murphy - 2023
the first one is the paradox of pronouncement. And here we recognize that language is both incredibly useful for us and is evocative and helps us create and and see and be in this reciprocal exchange. And we also are trying to open to a non dual embodied cognition that is beyond the written word and beyond the hegemony of the written word, and indeed the hegemony of the English written word
for - paradoxes - first one - pronouncement - the written word - evocative - but also hegemonic - especially the English language - there are other oral traditions - try to open nondual embodied cognition using English - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladna - Lynn Murphy - 2023
we are all still performers of the dominant culture
for - quote - power of language - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - 2023
quote - power of language - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - 2023 - (see below) - We are still performers of the dominant culture
for - youtube - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Culture Hack Labs - Lynn Murphy - 2023
summary - to visit the annotated transcription of this video, please goto: - https://via.hypothes.is/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk6F4IlEbAk - funding bottom-up, transition work in the polycrisis - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy
- polycrisis - funding bottom-up, transition work in the polycrisis - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy
- adjacency - Deep Humanity - can provide new vocabulary and ideas to support - the horizon 3 - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- stats - philanthropy - possibly the world's 8th largest industry - with little transparency - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- definition - just transition movement - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- adjacency - philanthropy is the upstream driver of - social change - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- second and ultimate paradox - Post Capitalist Philanthropy itself - paradoxes - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladna - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- quote - from book - If you do not have a critique of capitalist modernity, you are contextually irrelevant - but if all you have is a critique, you are spiritually incredibly impoverished - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- definition - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- adjacency - materialism, science and neoliberalism - will technology save us? - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- key insight - as individuals, we promote neoliberalism - via entrenched and unconscious colonialism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- key insight - challenging ourselves for authentic, transformative change - inner and outer work to dismantle oppressive, entrenched systems - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- definition - spiral of the - 5 Elements Mandala - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- key points - excavate and replace engrained capitalist worldviews and behaviors and replace with healthier alternatives - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- objective - of webinar - collective sensemaking - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- youtube - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Culture Hack Labs - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- key insight - Philanthropies have decided on the outside, which communities and which problems need to be solved - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- definition - Three Horizon Framework - developed by Bill Sharp - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- application - Deep Humanity BEing Journey - onto shift - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- quote - Flow of wealth to the lowest place - Colonial project stops flow to the lowest place - Todd James - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- definition - ahistorical amnesia - plagues philanthropy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- Mexican artist Patrick Cruz - redefining - anthropocene - to age of consequence - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy
- progress traps - science - technology - neoliberalism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- key insight - severe limits of philanthropy - abiding by neoliberal logic severely constrains them - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- to - the 3 great separations
- summary - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- paradox - of philanthropy - People who amass huge fortunes through a lifetime of extracting from nature, people and destroying the fabric of life - present philanthropy as a way to atone for their own sins - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- key objective - of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - call for philanthropy to be in the liberation of capital in a way that supports transition pathways - to explore other ways of being and knowing that are in co-creative relationship with life itself - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- quote / key insight - must interrogate the deeper thought patterns else - we risk repeating simplistic linear transition social movements that have failed over the past centuries - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- paradoxes - first one - pronouncement - the written word - evocative - but also hegemonic - especially the English language - there are other oral traditions - try to open nondual embodied cognition using English - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladna - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- deep entrenchment and entrainment of neolieralism in our bodies - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- ontological shift - from totalizing neoliberalism - to spiral logic - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- key insight / summary - neoliberalism and industrial capitalism were based on Descarte and our separation from the natural world - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- explaining the paradox of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - a conceptual container - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- quote - power of language - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - 2023
- adjacency - ontological shift - Deep Humanity - asking these fundamental questions - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper describes molecular dynamics simulations (MDS) of the dynamics of two T-cell receptors (TCRs) bound to the same major histocompatibility complex molecule loaded with the same peptide (pMHC). The two TCRs (A6 and B7) bind to the pMHC with similar affinity and kinetics, but employ different residue contacts. The main purpose of the study is to quantify via MDS the differences in the inter- and intra-molecular motions of these complexes, with a specific focus on what the authors describe as catch-bond behavior between the TCRs and pMHC, which could explain how T-cells can discriminate between different peptides in the presence of weak separating force.
The authors present extensive simulation data that indicates that, in both complexes, the number of high-occupancy inter-domain contacts initially increases with applied load, which is generally consistent with the authors' conclusion that both complexes exhibit catch-bond behavior, although to different extents. In this way, the paper somewhat expands our understanding of peptide discrimination by T-cells.
While generally well supported by data, the conclusions would nevertheless benefit from a more concise presentation of information in the figures, as well as from suggesting experimentally testable predictions.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In the manuscript entitled 'The Role of ATP Synthase Subunit e (ATP5I) in 1 Mediating the Metabolic and Antiproliferative 2 Effects of Biguanides', Lefrancois G et al. identifies ATP5I, a subunit of F1Fo-ATP synthase, as a key target of medicinal biguanides. ATP5I stabilizes F1Fo-ATP synthase dimers, essential for cristae morphology, but its role in cancer metabolism is understudied. The research shows ATP5I interacts with a biguanide analogue, and its knockout in pancreatic cancer cells mimics biguanide treatment effects, including altered mitochondria, reduced OXPHOS, and increased glycolysis. ATP5I knockout cells resist biguanide-induced antiproliferative effects, but reintroducing ATP5I restores the effects of metformin and phenformin. These findings highlight ATP5I as a promising mitochondrial target for cancer therapies. The manuscript is well written.
Demonstrated the experiments in systematic and well-accepted methods.
The significance of the target molecule and mechanisms may help in understanding the molecular mechanisms of metformin.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors' goal was to advance the understanding of metabolic flux in the bradyzoite cyst form of the parasite T. gondii, since this is a major form of transmission of this ubiquitous parasite, but very little is understood about cyst metabolism and growth.
Nonetheless, this is an important advance in understanding and targeting bradyzoite growth.
The study used a newly developed technique for growing T. gondii cystic parasites in a human muscle-cell myotube format, which enables culturing and analysis of cysts. This enabled the screening of a set of anti-parasitic compounds to identify those that inhibit growth in both vegetative (tachyzoite) forms and bradyzoites (cysts). Three of these compounds were used for comparative Metabolomic profiling to demonstrate differences in metabolism between the two cellular forms.
One of the compounds yielded a pattern consistent with targeting the mitochondrial bc1 complex and suggests a role for this complex in metabolism in the bradyzoite form, an important advance in understanding this life stage.
Studies such as these provide important insights into the overall metabolic differences between different life stages, and they also underscore the challenge of interpreting individual patterns caused by metabolic inhibitors due to the systemic level of some of the targets, so that some observed effects are indirect consequences of the inhibitor action. While the authors make a compelling argument for focusing on the role of the bc1 complex, there are some inconsistencies in the patterns that underscore the complexity of metabolic systems.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Neuronal activity spatiotemporal fine-tuning of cerebral blood flow balances metabolic demands of changing neuronal activity with blood supply. Several 'feed-forward' mechanisms have been described that contribute to activity-dependent vasodilation as well as vasoconstriction leading to a reduction in perfusion. Involved messengers are ionic (K+), gaseous (NO), peptides (e.g., NPY, VIP), and other messengers (PGE2, GABA, glutamate, norepinephrine) that target endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, or pericytes. Contributions of the respective signaling pathways likely vary across brain regions or even within specific brain regions (e.g., across the cortex) and are likely influenced by the brain's physiological state (resting, active, sleeping) or pathological departures from normal physiology.
The manuscript "Elevated pyramidal cell firing orchestrates arteriolar vasoconstriction through COX-2-derived prostaglandin E2 signaling" by B. Le Gac, et al. investigates mechanisms leading to activity-dependent arteriole constriction. Here, mainly working in brain slices from mice expressing channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR2) in all excitatory neurons (Emx1-Cre; Ai32 mice), the authors show that strong optogenetic stimulation of cortical pyramidal neurons leads to constriction that is mediated through the cyclooxygenase-2 / prostaglandin E2 / EP1 and EP3 receptor pathway with contribution of NPY-releasing interneurons and astrocytes releasing 20-HETE. Specifically, using a patch clamp, the authors show that 10-s optogenetic stimulation at 10 and 20 Hz leads to vasoconstriction (Figure 1), in line with a stimulation frequency-dependent increase in somatic calcium (Figure 2). The vascular effects were abolished in the presence of TTX and significantly reduced in the presence of glutamate receptor antagonists (Figure 3). The authors further show with RT-PCR on RNA isolated from patched cells that ~50% of analyzed cells express COX-1 or -2 and other enzymes required to produce PGE2 or PGF2a (Figure 4). Further, blockade of COX-1 and -2 (indomethacin), or COX-2 (NS-398) abolishes constriction. In animals with chronic cranial windows that were anesthetized with ketamine and medetomidine, 10-s long optogenetic stimulation at 10 Hz leads to considerable constriction, which is reduced in the presence of indomethacin. Blockade of EP1 and EP3 receptors leads to a significant reduction of the constriction in slices (Figure 5). Finally, the authors show that blockade of 20-HETE synthesis caused moderate and NPY Y1 receptor blockade a complete reduction of constriction.
The mechanistic analysis of neurovascular coupling mechanisms as exemplified here will guide further in-vivo studies and has important implications for human neuroimaging in health and disease. Most of the data in this manuscript uses brain slices as an experimental model which contrasts with neurovascular imaging studies performed in awake (headfixed) animals. However, the slice preparation allows for patch clamp as well as easy drug application and removal. Further, the authors discuss their results in view of differences between brain slices and in vivo observations experiments, including the absence of vascular tone as well as blood perfusion required for metabolite (e.g., PGE2) removal, and the presence of network effects in the intact brain. The manuscript and figures present the data clearly; regarding the presented mechanism, the data supports the authors' conclusions. Some of the data was generated in vivo in head-fixed animals under anesthesia; in this regard, the authors should revise the introduction and discussion to include the important distinction between studies performed in slices, or in acute or chronic in-vivo preparations under anesthesia (reduced network activity and reduced or blockade of neuromodulation, or in awake animals (virtually undisturbed network and neuromodulatory activity). Further, while discussed to some extent, the authors could improve their manuscript by more clearly stating if they expect the described mechanism to contribute to CBF regulation under 'resting state conditions' (i.e., in the absence of any stimulus), during short or sustained (e.g., visual, tactile) stimulation, or if this mechanism is mainly relevant under pathological conditions; especially in the context of the optogenetic stimulation paradigm being used (10-s long stimulation of many pyramidal neurons at moderate-high frequencies) and the fact that constriction leading to undersupply in response to strongly increased neuronal activity seems counterintuitive?
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Dwulet et al. combined experimental and modeling approaches to investigate how correlated spontaneous activity in the mouse's primary visual (V1) and primary somatosensory (S1) areas drives the development of multisensory integration in area RL. Notably, they focused on early developmental stages, before sensory experience occurs. Consistent with previous experimental findings, the authors first demonstrated that spontaneous activity becomes more sparse across development in all three areas, as measured by event amplitude, event duration, and participation ratio. Using a linear mixed model analysis to compare the maturation of this spontaneous activity, they found evidence that S1 matured the fastest. The authors then presented experimental evidence suggesting that these spontaneous events were moderately correlated both spatially and temporally.
They hypothesized that activity-dependent mechanisms use these correlations to establish connectivity across these regions. To test this hypothesis, the authors modeled a feedforward network with connections from S1 to RL and from V1 to RL, where the strength of connections depended on a Hebbian term for potentiation and a heterosynaptic term for depression. By investigating different levels of V1-S1 correlations, they found that moderate levels of correlation led to the significant development of topographically organized connectivity while maintaining a mix of bimodal and unimodal cells in RL. Additionally, when simulating a network with a more mature S1, they observed that topographical maps improved not only between S1 and RL but also between V1 and RL. Finally, the authors use linear regression to suggest that the mixture of bimodal and unimodal cells in RL is optimal for encoding the maximum amount of information from both V1 and S1.
However, there are significant gaps between the experimental data and the modeling setup, which weaken the paper's conclusions. Additionally, some key details are omitted, making it difficult to fully assess their analysis and interpret some of their figures.
(1) Some of the statistical measures and techniques in Figure 1 could benefit from clearer definitions. While the thresholds for activation (peak with at least 5% dF/F0) and events (20% of recorded cells activated simultaneously) are provided, event duration and participation rate are not clearly defined. Based on this definition of event alone, it is unclear why the minimum participation rate in Figure 1F is not 20%. Additionally, the conclusion that S1 matures earlier than RL and V1 could be strengthened by including a direct comparison between S1 and RL, as the current analysis only compares these areas to V1.
(2) The wide-field experiments in Figure 2 could be expanded to support the feedforward modeling assumptions. Currently, the spatial and temporal correlations presented leave open the possibility that these spontaneous events are traveling waves propagating from V1 to RL to S1 (or vice versa). This scenario would suggest a different connectivity scheme for the model. Clarifying this point with additional data analysis, specifically including temporal correlations involving RL, could provide stronger support for the model's assumptions.
(3) The functional correlation map in Figure 2D appears contradictory to the authors' modeling assumption that inputs are correlated spatially in V1 and S1. While V1 seed points align topographically with RL, this organization breaks down when extended into S1. In contrast, and in support of the modeling assumption, Figure 2E shows clearer topography across all three regions. A discussion of this discrepancy would be helpful, as it's a key conclusion of the figure. Additionally, it is unclear when this data was collected during development. Clarifying the developmental stage and analyzing how this map changes over time could strengthen the results.
(4) The modeling of spontaneous events with fixed amplitude and duration seems inconsistent with the experimental data in Figure 1, which shows variability in these parameters. This is particularly confusing in Figure 4, where S1 maturation is modeled as a stronger topographical alignment with RL, but the experimental data defines maturation based on amplitude, duration, and event rates. Justifying these modeling choices or adapting the model to reflect experimental variability would create a better connection between the theory and data.
(5) Several important details of the mathematical model are missing or unclear, partly due to typos. The Results section mentions the general framework of the input correlation matrix (e.g., "S1 and V1 neurons were driven by a combination of events, independent and shared in each V1 and S1" and "each independent event activated a randomly chosen, contiguous set of neurons"), but the specifics are not fully explained. Additionally, the caption of Figure 5 refers to a non-linear transfer function (a sigmoid), but these details are not provided in the Methods section, which instead suggests a linear model was used. A careful review of the main text and Methods section would help ensure that all the necessary details are included and that the story is both complete and accurate.
(6) While Figure 5 supports the paper's conclusion that a mixture of unimodal and bimodal neurons in RL optimizes information encoding, the authors missed an opportunity to strengthen the connection between the model and experimental data. Specifically, they could apply this reconstruction method to the experimental data and examine how RL's ability to reconstruct V1/S1 activity changes across development. Their model predicts that this performance would improve over time, and if this trend is observed in the experimental data, it would provide strong validation that these feedforward connections are developing in line with the model's predictions.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors report the structure of the human CTF18-RFC complex bound to PCNA. Similar structures (and more) have been reported by the O'Donnell and Li labs. This study should add to our understanding of CTF18-RFC in DNA replication and clamp loaders in general. However, there are numerous major issues that I recommend the authors fix.
The structures reported are strong and useful for comparison with other clamp loader structures that have been reported lately.
The structures don't show how CTF18-RFC opens or loads PCNA. There are recent structures from other groups that do examine these steps in more detail, although this does not really dampen this reviewer's enthusiasm. It does mean that the authors should spend their time investigating aspects of CTF18-RFC function that were overlooked or not explored in detail in the competing papers. The paper poorly describes the interactions of CTF18-RFC with PCNA and the ATPase active sites, which are the main interest points. The nomenclature choices made by the authors make the manuscript very difficult to read.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study presents Jyvaskylavirus, a new member of the Marseilleviridae family, infecting Acanthamoeba castellanii. The study provides a detailed and comprehensive genomic and structural analysis of Jyvaskylavirus. The authors identified ORF142 as the capsid penton protein and additional structural proteins that comprise the virion. Using a combination of imaging techniques the authors provide new insights into the giant virus architecture and lifecycle. The study could be improved by providing atomic coordinates and refinement statistics, comparisons with available giant virus structures could be expanded, and the novelty in terms of the first isolated example of a giant virus from Finland could be expounded upon.
The study contributes new structural and genomic diversity to the Marseilleviridae family, hinting at a broader distribution and ecological significance of giant viruses than previously thought.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors report the role of a novel gene Aff3ir-ORF2 in flow-induced atherosclerosis. They show that the gene is anti-inflammatory in nature. It inhibits the IRF5-mediated athero-progression by inhibiting the causal factor (IRF5). Furthermore, the authors show a significant connection between shear stress and Aff3ir-ORF2 and its connection to IRF5 mediated athero-progression in different established mice models which further validates the ex vivo findings.
(1) An adequate number of replicates were used for this study.<br /> (2) Both in vitro and in vivo validation was done.<br /> (3) The figures are well presented.<br /> (4) In vivo causality is checked with cleverly designed experiments.
(1) Inflammatory proteins must be measured with standard methods e.g ELISA as mRNA level and protein level does not always correlate.
(2) RNA seq analysis has to be done very carefully. How does the euclidean distance correlate with the differential expression of genes. Do they represent the neighborhood? If they do how does this correlation affect the conclusion of the paper?
(3) The volcano plot does not indicate the q value of the shown genes. It is advisable to calculate the q value for each of the genes which represents the FDR probability of the identified genes.
(4) GO enrichment was done against the Global gene set or a local geneset? The authors should provide more detailed information about the analysis.
(5) If the analysis was performed against a global gene set. How does that connect with this specific atherosclerotic microenvironment?
(6) What was the basal expression of genes and how did the DGE (differential gene expression) values differ?
(7) How was IRF5 picked from GO analysis? was it within the 20 most significant genes?
(8) Microscopic studies should be done more carefully? There seems to be a global expression present on the vascular wall for Aff3ir-ORF2 and the expression seems to be similar to AFF3 in Figure 1.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Multiple compounds that inhibit ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels also chaperone channels to the surface membrane. The authors used an artificial intelligence (AI)-based virtual screening (AtomNet) to identify novel compounds that exhibit chaperoning effects on trafficking-deficient disease-causing mutant channels. One compound, which they named Aekatperone, acts as a low affinity, reversible inhibitor and effective chaperone. A cryoEM structure of KATP bound to Aekatperone showed that the molecule binds at the canonical inhibitory site.
Strengths and weaknesses:
The details of the AI screening itself are inevitably opaque but appear to differ from classical virtual screening in not involving any physical docking of test compounds into the target site. The authors mention criteria that were used to limit the number of compounds so that those with high similarity to known binders and 'sequence identity' (does this mean structural identity) were excluded. The identified molecules contain sulfonylurea-like moieties. How different are they from other sulfonylure4as?
The experimental work confirming that Aekatperone acts to traffic mutant KATP channels to the surface and acts as a low affinity, reversible, inhibitor is comprehensive and clear, with very convincing cell biological and patch-clamp data, as is the cryoEM structural analysis, for which the group are leading experts. In addition to the three positive chaperone-effective molecules, the authors identified a large number of compounds that are predicted binders but apparently have no chaperoning effect. Did any of them have an inhibitory action on channels? If so, does this give clues to separating chaperoning from inhibitory effects?
The authors suggest that the novel compound may be a promising therapeutic for the treatment of congenital hyperinsulinism due to trafficking defective KATP mutations. Because they are low-affinity, reversible, inhibitors. This is a very interesting concept, and perhaps a pulsed dosing regimen would allow trafficking without constant channel inhibition (which otherwise defeats the therapeutic purpose), although it is unclear whether the new compound will offer advantages over earlier low-affinity sulfonylurea inhibitor chaperones. These include tolbutamide which has very similar affinity and effect to Aekatperone. As the authors point out this (as well as other sulfonylureas) is currently out of favor because of potential adverse cardiovascular effects, but again, it is unclear why Aekatperone should not have the same concerns.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript is a focused investigation of the phosphor-regulation of a C. elegans kinesin-2 motor protein, OSM-3. In C-elegans sensory ciliary, kinesin-2 motor proteins Kinesin-II complex and OSM-3 homodimer transport IFT trains anterogradely to the ciliary tip. Kinesin-II carries OSM-3 as an inactive passenger from the ciliary base to the middle segment, where kinesin-II dissociates from IFT trains and OSM-3 gets activated and transports IFT trains to the distal segment. Therefore, activation/inactivation of OSM-3 plays an essential role in its ciliary function.
In this study, using mass spectrometry, the authors have shown that the NEKL-3 kinase phosphorylates a serine/threonine patch at the hinge region between coiled coils 1 and 2 of an OSM-3 dimer, referred to as the elbow region in ubiquitous kinesin-1. Phosphomimic mutants of these sites inhibit OSM-3 motility both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that this phosphorylation is critical for the autoinhibition of the motor. Conversely, phospho-dead mutants of these sites hyperactivate OSM-3 motility in vitro and affect the localization of OSM3 in C. elegans. The authors also showed that Alanine to Tyrosine mutation of one of the phosphorylation rescues OS-3 function in live worms.
Collectively, this study presents evidence for the physiological role of OSM-3 elbow phosphorylation in its autoregulation, which affects ciliary localization and function of this motor. Overall, the work is well performed, and the results mostly support the conclusions of this manuscript. However, the work will benefit from additional experiments to further support conclusions and rule out alternative explanations, filling some logical gaps with new experimental evidence and in-text clarifications, and improving writing.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, Dillard and colleagues integrate cross-species genomic data with a systems approach to identify potential driver genes underlying human GWAS loci and establish the cell type(s) within which these genes act and potentially drive disease. Specifically, they utilize a large single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) dataset from an osteogenic cell culture model - bone marrow-derived stromal cells cultured under osteogenic conditions (BMSC-OBs) - from a genetically diverse outbred mouse population called the Diversity Outbred (DO) stock to discover network driver genes that likely underlie human bone mineral density (BMD) GWAS loci. The DO mice segregate over 40M single nucleotide variants, many of which affect gene expression levels, therefore making this an ideal population for systems genetic and co-expression analyses. The current study builds on previously published work from the same group that used co-expression analysis to identify co-expressed "modules" of genes that were enriched for BMD GWAS associations. In this study, the authors utilize a much larger scRNA-seq dataset from 80 DO BMSC-OBs, infer co-expression-based and Bayesian networks for each identified mesenchymal cell type, focused on networks with dynamic expression trajectories that are most likely driving differentiation of BMSC-OBs, and then prioritized genes ("differentiation driver genes" or DDGs) in these osteogenic differentiation networks that had known expression or splicing QTLs (eQTL/sQTLs) in any GTEx tissue that colocalized with human BMD GWAS loci. The systems analysis is impressive, the experimental methods are described in detail, and the experiments appear to be carefully done. The computational analysis of the single-cell data is comprehensive and thorough, and the evidence presented in support of the identified DDGs, including Tpx2 and Fgfrl1, is for the most part convincing. Some limitations in the data resources and methods hamper enthusiasm somewhat and are discussed below. Overall, while this study will no doubt be valuable to the BMD community, the cross-species data integration and analytical framework may be more valuable and generally applicable to the study of other diseases, especially for diseases with robust human GWAS data but for which robust human genomic data in relevant cell types is lacking.
Specific strengths of the study include the large scRNA-seq dataset on BMSC-OBs from 80 DO mice, the clustering analysis to identify specific cell types and sub-types, the comparison of cell type frequencies across the DO mice, and the CELLECT analysis to prioritize cell clusters that are enriched for BMD heritability (Figure 1). The network analysis pipeline outlined in Figure 2 is also a strength, as is the pseudotime trajectory analysis (results in Figure 3). One weakness involves the focus on genes that were previously identified as having an eQTL or sQTL in any GTEx tissue. The authors rightly point out that the GTEx database does not contain data for bone tissue, but the reason that eQTLs can be shared across many tissues - this assumption is valid for many cis-eQTLs, but it could also exclude many genes as potential DDGs with effects that are specific to bone/osteoblasts. Indeed, the authors show that important BMD driver genes have cell-type-specific eQTLs. Furthermore, the mesenchymal cell type-specific co-expression analysis by iterative WGCNA identified an average of 76 co-expression modules per cell cluster (range 26-153). Based on the limited number of genes that are detected as expressed in a given cell due to sparse per-cell read depth (400-6200 reads/cell) and dropouts, it's hard to believe that as many as 153 co-expression modules could be distinguished within any cell cluster. I would suspect some degree of model overfitting here and would expect that many/most of these identified modules have very few gene members, but the methods list a minimum module size of 20 genes. How do the numbers of modules identified in this study compare to other published scRNA-seq studies that use iterative WGCNA?
In the section "Identification of differentiation driver genes (DDGs)", the authors identified 408 significant DDGs and found that 49 (12%) were reported by the International Mouse Knockout [sic] Consortium (IMPC) as having a significant effect on whole-body BMD when knocked out in mice. Is this enrichment significant? E.g., what is the background percentage of IMPC gene knockouts that show an effect on whole-body BMD? Similarly, they found that 21 of the 408 DDGs were genes that have BMD GWAS associations that colocalize with GTEx eQTLs/sQTLs. Given that there are > 1,000 BMD GWAS associations, is this enrichment (21/408) significant? Recommend performing a hypergeometric test to provide statistical context to the reported overlaps here.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The manuscript by Bindu et al. created an AAV-based tool (GEARAOCS) to perform in vivo genome editing of mouse astrocytes. The authors engineered a versatile AAV vector that allows for gene deletion through NHNJ, site-specific knock-in by HDR, and gene trap. By utilizing this tool, the authors deleted Sparcl1 virally in subsets of astrocytes and showed that thalamocortical synapses in cortical layer IV are indeed reduced during a critical period of ocular dominance plasticity and in adulthood, whereas there is no change in excitatory synapse number in cortical layer II/III. Furthermore, the authors made a VAMP2 gene-trap AAV vector and showed that astrocyte-derived VAMP2 is required for the maintenance of both excitatory and inhibitory synapses.
This AAV-based tool is versatile for astrocytic gene manipulation in vivo. The work is innovative and exciting, given the paucity of tools available to probe astrocytes in vivo.
Several important considerations need to be made for the validation and usage of this tool, including:
Major points:
(1) Efficiency and specificity of spCas9-sgRNA mediated gene knockout in astrocytes. In Figure 3, the authors utilized Sparcl1 gene deletion as the proof-of-principle experiment. The readout for Sparcl1 KO efficiency is solely the immunoreactivity using an antibody raised against Sparcl1. As the method is based on NHEJ, the indels can be diverse and can occur in one allele or two. For the tool and proof-of-principle experiment, it will be important to know the percentage of editing near the PAM site, as well as the actual sequences of indels. This can be done by single-cell PCR of edited astrocytes, similar to the published work (Ye... Chen, Nature Biotechnology 2019).
(2) Along the same line, the authors showed that GEARBOCS TagIn of Sparcl1 resulted in 12.49% efficiency based on the immunohistochemistry of mCherry tag. It is understandable that the knock-in efficiency is much reduced as compared to gene knockout. However, it remains unclear if those 12.49% knock-in cells represent sequence-correct ones, as spCas9-mediated HDR is also an error-prone process, and it may accidentally alter nucleotides near the PAM site without causing the frameshift. The author will need to consider the related evidence or make comments in the discussion.
(3) What are the efficiencies of Sparcl1 GEARBOCS GeneTrap (Figure 3V) and Vamp2 GeneTrap and HA TagIn (Figure 5)?
Minor points:
(1) Figure 3H-J. The authors only showed the representative images of Sparcl1 KO. Please consider including the control (without gRNA), given that there are still many Sparcl1+ signals in Figure 3I (likely because of its expression in other cell types?).
(2) In figure 3Q-T, it appears that some Cas9-EGFP+ astrocytes (Q) do not express Sparcl1 (R). Is Sparcl1 expressed in subsets of astrocytes? Does Cas9-EGFP or Sparcl1-TagIn alter Sparcl1 endogenous expression?
(3) On Page 8, for the explanation of the design of the GEARBOCS construct, the authors have made a self-citation (#43). That was a BioRxiv paper that is being reviewed currently.
(4) For Figures 4 and 6, the graphs seem to be made in R with the x-axis labeled as "Condition". The y-axis labels are too small to read properly, especially in print. It would be better to make the graphs clearer like Figure 2 and Figure 3.
(5) On Page 13, "Figures 3V-Y" were referred to. However, there are no Figures 3W, X, and Y.
(6) There are a few typos in the manuscript, including line 900 "immunofluorescence microscopy images of a Cas9-EGFP-positive astrocytes (green)".
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Wang et al. created a series of specific FLIM-FRET sensors to measure the activity of different Rab proteins in small cellular compartments. They apply the new sensors to monitor Rab activity in dendritic spines during induction of LTP. They find sustained (30 min) inactivation of Rab10 and transient (5 min) activation of Rab4 after glutamate uncaging in zero Mg. NMDAR function and CaMKII activation are required for these effects. Knockdown of Rab4 reduced spine volume change while knockdown of Rab10 boosted it and enhanced functional LTP (in KO mice). To test Rab effects on AMPA receptor exocytosis, the authors performed FRAP of fluorescently labeled GluA1 subunits in the plasma membrane. Within 2-3 min, new AMPARs appear on the surface via exocytosis. This process is accelerated by Rab10 knock-down and slowed by Rab4 knock-down. The authors conclude that CaMKII promotes AMPAR exocytosis by i) activating Rab4, the exocytosis driver and ii) inhibiting Rab10, possibly involved in AMPAR degradation.
The work is a technical tour de force, adding fundamental insights to our understanding of the crucial functions of different Rab proteins in promoting/preventing synaptic plasticity. The complexity of compartmentalized Ras signaling is poorly understood and this study makes substantial inroads. The new sensors are thoroughly characterized, seem to work very well, and will be quite useful for the neuroscience community and beyond (e.g. cancer research). The use of FLIM for read-out is compelling for precise activity measurements in rapidly expanding compartments (i.e., spines during LTP).
The interpretation of the FRAP experiments (Figure 5, Ext. Data Figure 13) is not straightforward as spine volume and surface area greatly expand during uncaging. I appreciate the correction for the added spine membrane shown in Extended Data Figure 14i, but shouldn't this be a correction factor (multiplication) derived from the volume increase instead of a subtraction?
Also, experiments were not conducted or analyzed blind, risking bias in the selection/exclusion of experiments for analysis. This reduces my confidence in the results.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper investigates how recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can perform context-dependent decision-making (CDM). The authors use low-rank RNN modeling and focus on a CDM task where subjects are presented with sequences of auditory pulses that vary in location and frequency, and they must determine either the prevalent location or frequency based on an external context signal. In particular, the authors focus on the problem of differentiating between two distinct selection mechanisms: input modulation, which involves altering the stimulus input representation, and selection vector modulation, which involves altering the "selection vector" of the dynamical system.
First, the authors show that rank-one networks can only implement input modulation and that higher-rank networks are required for selection vector modulation. Then, the authors use pathway-based information flow analysis to understand how information is routed to the accumulator based on context. This analysis allows the authors to introduce a novel definition of selection vector modulation that explicitly links it to changes in the effective coupling along specific pathways within the network.
The study further generates testable predictions for differentiating selection vector modulation from input modulation based on neural dynamics. In particular, the authors find that:<br /> (1) A larger proportion of selection vector modulation is expected in networks with high-dimensional connectivity.<br /> (2) Single-neuron response kernels exhibiting specific profiles (peaking between stimulus onset and choice onset) are indicative of neural dynamics in extra dimensions, supporting the presence of selection vector modulation.<br /> (3) The percentage of explained variance (PEV) of extra dynamical modes extracted from response kernels at the population level can serve as an index to quantify the amount of selection vector modulation.
The paper is clear and well-written, and it draws bridges between two recent important approaches in the study of CDM: circuit-level descriptions of low-rank RNNs, and differentiation across alternative mechanisms in terms of neural dynamics. The most interesting aspect of the study involves establishing a link between selection vector modulation, network dimensionality, and dimensionality of neural dynamics. The high correlation between the networks' mechanisms and their dimensionality (Figure 7d) is surprising since differentiating between selection mechanisms is generally a difficult task, and the strength of this result is further corroborated by its consistency across multiple RNN hyperparameters (Figure 7-Figure Supplement 1 and Figure 7-figure supplement 2). Interestingly, the correlation between the selection mechanism and the dimensionality of neural dynamics is also high (Figure 7g), potentially providing a promising future avenue for the study of neural recordings in this task.
The first part of the manuscript is not particularly novel, and it would be beneficial to clearly state which aspects of the analyses and derivations are different from previous literature. For example, the derivation that rank-1 RNNs cannot implement selection vector modulation is already present in the Extended Discussion of Pagan et al., 2022 (Equations 42-43). Similarly, it would be helpful to more clearly explain how the proposed pathway-based information flow analysis differs from the circuit diagram of latent dynamics in Dubreuil et al., 2022.
With regard to the results linking selection vector modulation and dimensionality, more work is required to understand the generality of these results, and how practical it would be to apply this type of analysis to neural recordings. For example, it is possible to build a network that uses input modulation and to greatly increase the dimensionality of the network simply by adding additional dimensions that do not directly contribute to the computation. Similarly, neural responses might have additional high-dimensional activity unrelated to the task. My understanding is that the currently proposed method would classify such networks incorrectly, and it is reasonable to imagine that the dimensionality of activity in high-order brain regions will be strongly dependent on activity that does not relate to this task.
Finally, a number of aspects of the analysis are not clear. The most important element to clarify is how the authors quantify the "proportion of selection vector modulation" in vanilla RNNs (Figures 7d and 7g). I could not find information about this in the Methods, yet this is a critical element of the study results. In Mante et al., 2013 and in Pagan et al., 2022 this was done by analyzing the RNN linearized dynamics around fixed points: is this the approach used also in this study? Also, how are the authors producing the trial-averaged analyses shown in Figures 2f and 3f? The methods used to produce this type of plot differ in Mante et al., 2013 and Pagan et al., 2022, and it is necessary for the authors to explain how this was computed in this case.
I am also confused by a number of analyses done to verify mathematical derivations, which seem to suggest that the results are close to identical, but not exactly identical. For example, in the histogram in Figure 6b, or the histogram in Figure 7-figure supplement 3d: what is the source of the small variability leading to some of the indices being less than 1?
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper advances a new understanding of plasticity in artificial neural networks. It shows that weight changes can be decomposed into two components: the first governs the magnitude (or gain) of responses in a particular layer; the second governs the relationship of those responses to the input to that layer. Then, it shows that separate control of these two factors via a surprise-based metaplasticity can avoid catastrophic forgetting as well as induce successful generalization in different conditions, through a series of simulation experiments in linear networks. The authors argue that separate control of the two factors may be at work in the brain and may underlie the ability of humans and other animals to perform successful sequential learning. The paper is hampered by confusing terminology and the precise setup of some of the simulations is unclear. The paper also focuses exclusively on the linear case, which limits confidence in the generality of the results. The paper would also benefit from the inclusion of specific predictions for neural data that would confirm the idea that the separate control of these two factors underlies successful continual learning in the brain.
(1) The theoretical framework developed by the paper is interesting, and could have wide applicability for both training networks and for understanding plasticity.
(2) The simulations convincingly show benefits to the coordinated eligibility model of plasticity advanced by the authors.
(1) The simulation results are limited to simple tasks in linear networks, it would be interesting to see how the intuitions developed in the linear case extend to nonlinear networks.
(2) The terminology is somewhat confusing and this can make the paper difficult to follow in some places.
(3) The details of some of the simulations are lacking.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper presents a comprehensive study of how neural tracking of speech is affected by background noise. Using five EEG experiments and Temporal response function (TRF), it investigates how minimal background noise can enhance speech tracking even when speech intelligibility remains very high. The results suggest that this enhancement is not attention-driven but could be explained by stochastic resonance. These findings generalize across different background noise types and listening conditions, offering insights into speech processing in real-world environments.
I find this paper well-written, the experiments and results are clearly described. However, I have a few comments that may be useful to address.
(1) The behavioral accuracy and EEG results for clear speech in Experiment 4 differ from those of Experiments 1-3. Could the author provide insights into the potential reasons for this discrepancy? Might it be due to linguistic/ acoustic differences between the passages used in experiments? If so, what was the rationale behind using different passages across different experiments?
(2) Regarding peak amplitude extraction, why were the exact peak amplitudes and latencies of the TRFs for each subject not extracted, and instead, an amplitude average within a 20 ms time window based on the group-averaged TRFs used? Did the latencies significantly differ across different SNR conditions?
(3) How is neural tracking quantified in the current study? Does improved neural tracking correlate with EEG prediction accuracy or individual peak amplitudes? Given the differing trends between N1 and P2 peaks in babble and speech-matched noise in experiment 3, how is it that babble results in greater envelope tracking compared to speech-matched noise?
(4) The paper discusses how speech envelope-onset tracking varies with different background noises. Does the author expect similar trends for speech envelope tracking as well? Additionally, could you explain why envelope onsets were prioritized over envelope tracking in this analysis?
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Sun et al. are interested in how experience can shape the brain and specifically investigate the plasticity of the Toll-6 receptor-expressing dopaminergic neurons (DANs). To learn more about the role of Toll-6 in the DANs, the authors examine the expression of the Toll-6 receptor ligand, DNT-2. They show that DNT-2 expressing cells connect with DANs and that loss of function of DNT-2 in these cells reduces the number of PAM DANs, while overexpression causes alterations in dendrite complexity. Finally, the authors show that alterations in the levels of DNT-2 and Toll-6 can impact DAN-driven behaviors such as climbing, arena locomotion, and learning and long-term memory.
The authors methodically test which neurotransmitters are expressed by the 4 prominent DNT-2 expressing neurons and show that they are glutamatergic. They also use Trans-Tango and Bac-TRACE to examine the connectivity of the DNT-2 neurons to the dopaminergic circuit and show that DNT-2 neurons receive dopaminergic inputs and output to a variety of neurons including MB Kenyon cells, DAL neurons, and possibly DANS.
(1) To identify the DNT-2 neurons, the authors use CRISPR to generate a new DN2-GAL4. They note that they identified at least 12 DNT-2 plus neurons. In Supplementary Figure 1A, the DNT-2-GAL4 driver was used to express a UAS-histoneYFP nuclear marker. From these figures, it looks like DNT-2-GAL4 is labeling more than 12 neurons. Is there glial expression? This question is relevant as it is not clear how many other cell types are being manipulated with the DNT-2-GAL4 driver is used in subsequent experiments. For example, is DNT-2-GAL4--> DNT-2-RNAi is reducing DNT2 in many neurons or glia effects could be indirect.
(2) In Figure 2C the authors show that DNT-2 upregulation leads to an increase in TH levels using q-RT-PCR from whole heads. However, in Figure 3G they also show that DNT-2 overexpression also causes an increase in the number of TH neurons. It is unclear whether TH RNA increases due to expression/cell or number of TH neurons in the head.
(3)DNT-2 is also known as Spz5 and has been shown to activate Toll-6 receptors in glia (McLaughlin et al., 2019), resulting in the phagocytosis of apoptotic neurons. In addition, the knockdown of DNT-2/Spz5 throughout development causes an increase in apoptotic debris in the brain, which can lead to neurodegeneration. Indeed Figure 3H shows that an adult-specific knockdown of DNT-2 using DNT2-GAL4 causes an increase in Dcp1 signal in many neurons and not just TH neurons.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have made some changes in the text to tone down their claims. They have also provided additional images to support their work. However, requested controls are not provided, and new experiments are not added to address reviewer concerns.
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Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The authors investigated the roles of IncRNA Malat1 in bone homeostasis which was initially believed to be non-functional for physiology. They found that both Malat1 KO and conditional KO in osteoblast lineage exhibit significant osteoporosis due to decreased osteoblast bone formation and increased osteoclast resorption. More interestingly, they found that deletion of Matat1 in osteoclast lineage cell does not affect osteoclast differentiation and function. Mechanistically, they found that Malat1 acts as an co-activator of b-Catenin directly regulating osteoblast activity and indirectly regulating osteoclast activity via mediating OPG, but not RANKL expression in osteoblast and chondrocyte. Their discoveries establish a previous unrecognized paradigm model of Malat1 function in the skeletal system, providing novel mechanistic insights into how a lncRNA integrates cellular crosstalk and molecular networks to fine tune tissue homeostasis, remodeling.
The authors generated global and conditional KO mice in osteoblast and osteoclast lineage cells and carefully analyzed the role of Matat1 with both in vivo and in vitro system. The conclusion of this paper is mostly well supported by data.
Comments on revised version:
The authors have addressed all my concerns.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Dipasree Hajra et al demonstrated that Salmonella was able to modulate the expression of Sirtuins (Sirt1 and Sirt3) and regulate the metabolic switch in both host and Salmonella, promoting its pathogenesis. The authors found Salmonella infection induced high levels of Sirt1 and Sirt3 in macrophages, which were skewed toward the M2 phenotype allowing Salmonella to hyper-proliferate. Mechanistically, Sirt1 and Sirt3 regulated the acetylation of HIF-1alpha and PDHA1, therefore mediating Salmonella-induced host metabolic shift in the infected macrophages. Interestingly, Sirt1 and Sirt3-driven host metabolic switch also had an effect on the metabolic profile of Salmonella. Counterintuitively, inhibition of Sirt1/3 led to increased pathogen burdens in an in vivo mouse model. Overall, this is a well-designed study.
The revised manuscript has addressed all of the previous comments. The re-analysis of flow cytometry and WB data by authors makes the results and conclusion more complete and convincing.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
SUFU modulates Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling and is frequently mutated in the B-subtype of SHH driven medulloblastoma. The B-subtype occurs mostly in infants, is often metastatic, and lacks specific treatment. Yabut et al. found Fgf5 was highly expressed in the B-subtype of SHH driven medulloblastoma by examining a published microarray expression dataset. They then investigated how Fgf5 functions in the cerebellum of mice that have embryonic Sufu loss of function. This loss was induced using the hGFAP-cre transgene, which is expressed multiple cell types in the developing cerebellum, including granule neuron precursors (GNPs) derived from the rhombic lip. By measuring the area of Pax6+ cells in the external granule cell layer (EGL) of Sufu-cKO mice at postnatal day 0, they find Pax6+ cells occupy a larger area in the posterior lobe adjacent to the secondary fissure, which is poorly defined. They show that Fgf5 RNA and phosphoErk1/2 immunostaining are also higher in the same disrupted region. Some of the phosphoErk1/2+ cells are proliferative in the Sufu-cKO. Western blot analysis of Gli proteins that modulate SHH signaling found reduced expression and absence of Gli1 activity in the region of cerebellar dysgenesis in Sufu-cKO mice. This suggests the GNP expansion in this region is independent of SHH signaling. Amazingly, intraventricular injection of the FGFR1-2 antagonist AZD4547 from P0-4 and examined histologoically at P7 found the treatment restored cytoarchitecture in the cerebella of Sufu-cKO mice. This is further supported by NeuN immunostaining in the internal granule cell layer, which labels mature, non-diving neurons, and KI67 immunostaining, indicating dividing cells, and primarily found in the EGL. The mice were treated beginning at a timepoint when cerebellar cytoarchitecture was shown to be disrupted and it is indistinguishable from control following treatment. Fig.3 presents the most convincing and exciting data in this manuscript.
Sufu-cKO do not readily develop cerebellar tumors. The authors detected phosphorylated H2AX immunostaining, which labels double strand breaks, was in some cells in the EGL in regions of cerebellar dysgenesis in the Sufu-cKO, as was cleaved Caspase 3, a marker of apoptosis. P53, downstream of the double strand break pathway, protein was reduced in Sufu-cKO cerebellum. Genetically removing p53 from the Sufu-cKO cerebellum resulted in cerebellar tumors in 2 mo mice. The Sufu;p53-dKO cerebella at P0 lacked clear foliation, and the secondary fissure, even more so than the Sufu-cKO. Fgf5 RNA and signaling (pERK1/2) were also expressed ectopically.
In the revised manuscript, additional details have been added to clarify statistical analyses and to state limitations of the reported results in the absence of further experimental analyses.
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Joint Public Review:
If synaptic input is functionally clustered on dendrites, nonlinear integration could increase the computational power of neural networks. But this requires the right synapses to be located in the right places. This paper aims to address the question of whether such synaptic arrangements could arise by chance (i.e. without special rules for axon guidance or structural plasticity), and could therefore be exploited even in randomly connected networks. This is important, particularly for the dendrites and biological computation communities, where there is a pressing need to integrate decades of work at the single-neuron level with contemporary ideas about network function.
Using an abstract model where ensembles of neurons project randomly to a postsynaptic population, back-of-envelope calculations are presented that predict the probability of finding clustered synapses and spatiotemporal sequences. Using data-constrained parameters, the authors conclude that clustering and sequences are indeed likely to occur by chance (for large enough ensembles), but require strong dendritic nonlinearities and low background noise to be useful.
- The back-of-envelope reasoning presented can provide fast and valuable intuition. The authors have also made the effort to connect the model parameters with measured values. Even an approximate understanding of cluster probability can direct theory and experiments towards promising directions, or away from lost causes.
- I found the general approach to be refreshingly transparent and objective. Assumptions are stated clearly about the model and statistics of different circuits. Along with some positive results, many of the computed cluster probabilities are vanishingly small, and noise is found to be quite detrimental in several cases. This is important to know, and I was happy to see the authors take a balanced look at conditions that help/hinder clustering, rather than just focus on a particular regime that works.
- This paper is also a timely reminder that synaptic clusters and sequences can exist on multiple spatial and temporal scales. The authors present results pertaining to the standard `electrical' regime (~50-100 µm, <50 ms), as well as two modes of chemical signaling (~10 µm, 100-1000 ms). The senior author is indeed an authority on the latter, and the simulations in Figure 5, extending those from Bhalla (2017), are unique in this area. In my view, the role of chemical signaling in neural computation is understudied theoretically, but research will be increasingly important as experimental technologies continue to develop.
(Editors' note: the paper has been through two rounds of revisions and the authors are encouraged to finalise this as the Version of Record. The earlier reviews are here: https://elifesciences.org/reviewed-preprints/100664v2/reviews)
Joint Public Review:
If synaptic input is functionally clustered on dendrites, nonlinear integration could increase the computational power of neural networks. But this requires the right synapses to be located in the right places. This paper aims to address the question of whether such synaptic arrangements could arise by chance (i.e. without special rules for axon guidance or structural plasticity), and could therefore be exploited even in randomly connected networks. This is important, particularly for the dendrites and biological computation communities, where there is a pressing need to integrate decades of work at the single-neuron level with contemporary ideas about network function.
Using an abstract model where ensembles of neurons project randomly to a postsynaptic population, back-of-envelope calculations are presented that predict the probability of finding clustered synapses and spatiotemporal sequences. Using data-constrained parameters, the authors conclude that clustering and sequences are indeed likely to occur by chance (for large enough ensembles), but require strong dendritic nonlinearities and low background noise to be useful.
- The back-of-envelope reasoning presented can provide fast and valuable intuition. The authors have also made the effort to connect the model parameters with measured values. Even an approximate understanding of cluster probability can direct theory and experiments towards promising directions, or away from lost causes.
- I found the general approach to be refreshingly transparent and objective. Assumptions are stated clearly about the model and statistics of different circuits. Along with some positive results, many of the computed cluster probabilities are vanishingly small, and noise is found to be quite detrimental in several cases. This is important to know, and I was happy to see the authors take a balanced look at conditions that help/hinder clustering, rather than just focus on a particular regime that works.
- This paper is also a timely reminder that synaptic clusters and sequences can exist on multiple spatial and temporal scales. The authors present results pertaining to the standard `electrical' regime (~50-100 µm, <50 ms), as well as two modes of chemical signaling (~10 µm, 100-1000 ms). The senior author is indeed an authority on the latter, and the simulations in Figure 5, extending those from Bhalla (2017), are unique in this area. In my view, the role of chemical signaling in neural computation is understudied theoretically, but research will be increasingly important as experimental technologies continue to develop.
(Editors' note: the paper has been through two rounds of revisions and the authors are encouraged to finalise this as the Version of Record. The earlier reviews are here: https://elifesciences.org/reviewed-preprints/100664v2/reviews#tab-content)
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In the current manuscript, the authors use theoretical and analytical tools to examine the possibility of neural projections to engage ensembles of synaptic clusters in active dendrites. The analysis is divided into multiple models that differ in the connectivity parameters, speed of interactions and identity of the signal (electric vs. second messenger). They first show that random connectivity almost ensures the representation of presynaptic ensembles. As expected, this convergence is much more likely for small group sizes and slow processes, such as calcium dynamics. Conversely, fast signals (spikes and postsynaptic potentials) and large groups are much less likely to recruit spatially clustered inputs. Dendritic nonlinearity in the postsynaptic cells was found to play a highly important role in distinguishing these clustered activation patterns, both when activated simultaneously and in sequence. The authors tackled the difficult issue of noise, showing a beneficiary effect when noise 'happen' to fill in gaps in a sequential pattern but degraded performance at higher background activity levels. Last, the authors simulated selectivity to chemical and electrical signals. While they find that longer sequences are less perturbed by noise, in more realistic activation conditions, the signals are not well resolved in the soma.
While I think the premise of the manuscript is worth exploring, I have a number of reservations regarding the results.
(1) In the analysis, the authors made a simplifying assumption that the chemical and electrical processes are independent. However, this is not the case; excitatory inputs to spines often trigger depolarization combined with pronounced calcium influx; this mixed signaling could have dramatic implications on the analysis, particularly if the dendrites are nonlinear (see below)<br /> (2) Sequence detection in active dendrites is often simplified to investigating activation in a part of or the entirety of individual branches. However, the authors did not do that for most of their analysis. Instead, they treat the entire dendritic tree as one long branch and count how many inputs form clusters. I fail to see why the simplification is required and suspect it can lead to wrong results. For example, two inputs that are mapped to different dendrites in the 'original' morphology but then happen to fall next to each other when the branches are staggered to form the long dendrites would be counted as neighbors.<br /> (3) The simulations were poorly executed. Figures 5 and 6 show examples but no summary statistics. The authors emphasize the importance of nonlinear dendritic interactions, but they do not include them in their analysis of the ectopic signals! I find it to be wholly expected that the effects of dendritic ensembles are not pronounced when the dendrites are linear.
To provide a comprehensive analysis of dendritic integration, the authors could simulate more realistic synaptic conductances and voltage-gated channels. They would find much more complicated interactions between inputs on a single site, a sliding temporal and spatial window of nonlinear integration that depends on dendritic morphology, active and passive parameters and synaptic properties. At different activation levels, the rules of synaptic integration shift to cooperativity between different dendrites and cellular compartments, further complicated by nonlinear interactions between somatic spikes and dendritic events.
While it is tempting to extend back-of-the-napkin calculations of how many inputs can recruit nonlinear integration in active dendrites, the biological implementation is very different from this hypothetical. It is important to consider these questions, but I am not convinced that this manuscript adequately addressed the questions it set out to probe, nor does it provide information that was unknown beforehand.
Update after the first revision:
In this revision, the authors significantly improved the manuscript. They now address some of my concerns. Specifically, they show the contribution of end-effects on spreading the inputs between dendrites. This analysis reveals greater applicability of their findings to cortical cells, with long, unbranching dendrites than other neuronal types, such as Purkinje cells in the cerebellum.
They now explain better the interactions between calcium and voltage signals, which I believe improve the take-away message of their manuscript. They modified and added new figures that helped to provide more information about their simulations.<br /> However, some of my points remain valid. Figure 6 shows depolarization of ~5mV from -75. This weak depolarization would not effectively recruit nonlinear activation of NMDARs. In their paper, Branco and Hausser (2010) showed depolarizations of ~10-15mV. More importantly, the signature of NMDAR activation is the prolonged plateau potential and activation at more depolarized resting membrane potentials (their Figure 4). Thus, despite including NMDARs in the simulation, the authors do not model functional recruitment of these channels. Their simulation is thus equivalent to AMPA only drive, which can indeed summate somewhat nonlinearly.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
De Seze et al. investigated the role of guanine exchange factors (GEFs) in controlling cell protrusion and retraction. In order to causally link protein activities to the switch between the opposing cell phenotypes, they employed optogenetic versions of GEFs which can be recruited to the plasma membrane upon light exposure and activate their downstream effectors. Particularly the RhoGEF PRG could elicit both protruding and retracting phenotypes. Interestingly, the phenotype depended on the basal expression level of the optoPRG. By assessing the activity of RhoA and Cdc42, the downstream effectors of PRG, the mechanism of this switch was elucidated: at low PRG levels, RhoA is predominantly activated and leads to cell retraction, whereas at high PRG levels, both RhoA and Cdc42 are activated but PRG also sequesters the active RhoA, therefore Cdc42 dominates and triggers cell protrusion. Finally, they create a minimal model that captures the key dynamics of this protein interaction network and the switch in cell behavior.
The conclusions of this study are strongly supported by data, harnessing the power of modelling and optogenetic activation. The minimal model captures well the dynamics of RhoA and Cdc42 activation and predicts that by changing the frequency of optogenetic activation one can switch between protruding and retracting behaviour in the same cell of intermediate optoPRG level. The authors are indeed able to demonstrate this experimentally albeit with a very low number of cells. A major caveat of this study is that global changes due to PRG overexpression cannot be ruled out. Also, a quantification of absolute protein concentration, which is notoriously difficult, would be useful to put the level of overexpression here in perspective with endogenous levels. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether in cases of protein overexpression in vivo such as cancer, PRG or other GEFs can activate alternative migratory behaviours.
Previous work has implicated RhoA in both protrusion and retraction depending on the context. The mechanism uncovered here provides a convincing explanation for this conundrum. In addition to PRG, optogenetic versions of two other GEFs, LARG and GEF-H1, were used which produced either only one phenotype or less response than optoPRG, underscoring the functional diversity of RhoGEFs. The authors chose transient transfection to achieve a large range of concentration levels and, to find transfected cells at low cell density, developed a small software solution (Cell finder), which could be of interest for other researchers.
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Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This study investigated the effects of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on cardiovascular dynamics in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients. The researchers conducted a randomized clinical trial with 24 SAH patients, comparing taVNS treatment to a Sham treatment group (20 minutes per day twice a day during the ICU stay). They monitored electrocardiogram (ECG) readings and vital signs to assess acute as well as middle -term changes in heart rate, heart rate variability, QT interval, and blood pressure between the two groups. The results showed that repetitive taVNS did not significantly alter heart rate, corrected QT interval, blood pressure, or intracranial pressure. However, it increased overall heart rate variability and parasympathetic activity after 5-10 days of treatment compared to the sham treatment. Acute taVNS led to an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and peripheral perfusion index without affecting corrected QT interval, intracranial pressure, or heart rate variability. The acute post-treatment elevation in heart rate was more pronounced in patients who showed clinical improvement. In conclusion, the study found that taVNS treatment did not cause adverse cardiovascular effects, suggesting it as a safe immunomodulatory treatment for SAH patients. The mild acute increase in heart rate post-treatment could potentially serve as a biomarker for identifying SAH patients who may benefit more from taVNS therapy.
The paper is overall well written, and the topic is of great interest. The methods are solid and the presented data are convincing.
Comments on revisions:
The main previous weaknesses of the paper have now been fixed.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors introduced neutron crystallography coupled with room temperature X-ray crystallography to exam the redox properties of the BtFt [4Fe-4S] cluster expressed in E. coli. Neutron structure allowed the authors to exam the influence of Asp64 on the redox properties of the [4Fe-4S] cluster. The neutron structure also allowed for the identification of the hydrogen network around the [4Fe-4S] structure. This work was followed by density functional theory calculation to examine different redox states which also pointed to the role of Asp64 in affecting or dictating redox function of the [4Fe-4S] cluster. Based on the DFT work the authors examine the redox properties under oxic and anoxic conditions in wild type enzymes and in a D64N mutant again showing the role of Asp64 on the redox kinetics and redox potential of the [4Fe-4S] cluster. Lastly, the authors examined similar [4Fe-4S] ferredoxins from several organisms and with a Asp64 or Glu64 observed a similar role of Asp64 on the low potential state of the [4Fe-4S] cluster. The major conclusion of the study was to identify the role of specific amino acids, in this case Asp64, in controlling the redox state and kinetics of [4Fe-4S] clusters. The authors also demonstrate the strength of neutron crystallography when combined with classical X-ray crystallography and classical spectral/redox studies.
In general, the experimental design is logical and the results are convincing demonstrating the role of Asp64 on the redox properties of [4Fe-4S] clusters in ferredoxins.
The role(s) of coordinating amino acids on the redox properties of a functional group is not surprising, this reviewer believes this is a novel result in ferredoxins and does make a nice contribution to the field.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript by Bai et al concerns the expression of Scleraxis (Scx) by muscle satellite cells (SCs) and the role of that gene in regenerative myogenesis. The authors report the expression of this gene associated with tendon development in satellite cells. Genetic deletion of Scx in SCs impairs muscle regeneration, and the authors provide evidence that SCs deficient in Scx are impaired in terms of population growth and cellular differentiation. Overall, this report provides evidence of the role of this gene, unexpectedly, in SC function and adult regenerative myogenesis.
There are a few points of concern.
(1) From the data in Figure 1, it appears that all of the SCs, assessed both in vitro and in vivo, express Scx. The authors refer to a scRNA-seq dataset from their lab and one report from mdx mouse muscle that also reveal this unexpected gene expression pattern. Has this been observed in many other scRNA-seq datasets? If not, it would be important to discuss potential explanations as to why this has not been reported previously.
(2) A major point of the paper, as illustrated in Fig. 3, is that Scx-neg SCs fail to produce normal myofibers and renewed SCs following injury/regeneration. They mention in the text that there was no increased PCD by Caspase staining at 5 DPI. A failure of cell survival during the process of SC activation, proliferation, and cell fate determination (differentiation versus self-renewal) would explain most of the in vivo data. As such, this conclusion that would seem to warrant a more detailed analysis in terms of at least one or two other time points and an independent method for detecting dead/dying cells (the in vitro data in Fig. 4F is also based on assessment of activated Caspase to assess cell death). The in vitro data presented later in Fig. S4G,H do suggest an increase in cell loss during proliferative expansion of Scx-neg SCs. To what extent does cell loss (by whatever mechanism of cell death) explain both the in vivo findings of impaired regeneration and even the in vitro studies showing slower population expansion in the absence of Scx?
(3) I'm not sure I understand the description of the data or the conclusions in the section titled "Basement membrane-myofiber interaction in control and Scx cKO mice". Is there something specific to the regeneration from Scx-neg myogenic progenitors, or would these findings be expected in any experimental condition in which myogenesis was significantly delayed, with much smaller fibers in the experimental group at 5 DPI?
(4) The data presented in Fig. 4B showing differences in the purity of SC populations isolated by FACS depending on the reporter used are interesting and important for the field. The authors offer the explanation of exosomal transfer of Tdt from SCs to non-SCs. The data are consistent with this explanation, but no data are presented to support this. Are there any other explanations that the authors have considered and that could be readily tested?
(5) The Cut&Run data of Fig. 6 certainly provide evidence of direct Scx targets, especially since the authors used a novel knock-in strain for analyses. The enrichment of E-box motifs provides support for the 207 intersecting genes (scRNA-seq and Cut&Run) being direct targets. However, the rationale elaborated in the final paragraph of the Results section proposing how 4 of these genes account for the phenotypes on the Scx-neg cells and tissues is just speculation, however reasonable. These are not data, and these considerations would be more appropriate in the Discussion in the absence of any validation studies.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have adequately addressed all of the concerns I raised regarding the original submission. I have no further issues to be addressed.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors present experimental and numerical results on the motility Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1, a magnetotactic bacterium living in sedimentary environments. The authors manufactured microfluidic chips containing three-dimensional obstacles of irregular shape, that match the statistical features of the grains observed in the sediment via micro-computer tomography. The bacteria are furthermore subject to an external magnetic field, whose intensity can be varied. The key quantity measured in the experiments is the throughput ratio, defined as the ratio between the number of bacteria that reach the end of the microfluidic channel and the number of bacteria entering it. The main result is that the throughput ratio is non-monotonic and exhibits a maximum at magnetic field strength comparable with Earth's magnetic field. The authors rationalize the throughput suppression at large magnetic fields by quantifying the number of bacteria trapped in corners between grains.
While magnetotactic bacteria general motility in bulk has been characterized, we know much less about their dynamics in a realistic setting, such as a disordered porous material. The micro-computer tomography of sediments and their artificial reconstruction in a microfluidic channel is a powerful method that establishes the rigorous methodology of this work. This technique can give access to further characterization of the microbial motility. The coupling of experiments and computer simulations lends considerable strength to the claims of the authors, because the model parameters (with one exception) are directly measured in the experiments.
The main weakness of the manuscript pertains to the comparison between simulations and experiments due to limitations in the tracking of bacteria in the experiments.
Building on the present work, and refining the experimental setup may shed light on the microbial interactions in an environment such as soil which deserves further studies.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this excellent manuscript by Egan et al., the authors very carefully dissect the roles of inflammasome components in restricting Salmonella Typhimurium (STm) replication in human macrophages. They show that caspase-1 is essential to mediating inflammasome responses and that caspase-4 contributes to bacterial restriction at later time points. The authors show very clear roles for the host proteins that mediate terminal lysis, gasdermin D and ninjurin-1. The unique finding in this study is that in the absence of inflammasome responses, Salmonella hypereplicates within the cytosol of macrophages. These findings suggest that caspase-1 and possibly caspase-4 play roles in restricting the replication of Salmonella in the cytosol as well as in the Salmonella containing vacuole.
(1) The genetic and biochemical approaches have shown for the first time in human macrophages that the caspase-1-GSDMD-NINJ1 axis is very important for restricting intracellular STm replication. In addition, they demonstrate a later role for Casp4 in control of intracellular bacterial replication.
(2) In addition, they show that in macrophages deficient in the caspase-1-GSDMD-NINJ1 axis that STm are found replicating in the cytosol, which is a novel finding. The electron microscopy is convincing that STm are in the cytosol.
(3) The authors go on to use a chloroquine resistance assay to show that inflammasome signaling also restricts STm within SCVs in human macrophages.
(4) Finally, they show that the Type 3 Secretion System encoded on Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 contributes to STm's cytosolic access in human macrophages.
(1) Their results with human macrophages suggest that there are differences between murine and human macrophages in inflammasome-mediated restriction of STm growth. For example, Thurston et al. showed that in murine macrophages that inflammasome activation controls the replication of mutant STm that aberrantly invades the cytosol, but only slightly limits replication of WT STm. In contrast, here the authors found that primed human macrophages rely on caspase-1, gasdermin D and ninjurin-1 to restrict WT STm. I wonder if the priming of the human macrophages in this study could account for the differences in these studies. Along those lines, do the authors see the same results presented in this study in the absence of priming the macrophages with Pam3CSK4. I think that determining whether the control of intracellular STm replication is dependent on priming is very important. Another difference with the Thurston et al. paper is the way that the STm inoculum was prepared - stationary phase bacteria that were opsonized. Could this also account for differences between the two studies rather than differences between murine and human macrophages in inflammasome-dependent control of STm?
(2) The authors show that the pore-forming proteins GSDMD and Ninj1 contribute to control of STm replication in human macrophages. Is it possible that leakage of gentamicin from the media contributes to this control?
(3) One major question that remains to be answered is whether casp-1 plays a direct role in the intracellular localization of STm. If the authors quantify the percentage of vacuolar vs. cytosolic bacteria at early time points in WT and casp-1 KO macrophages, would that be the same in the presence and absence of casp-1? If so, then this would suggest that there is a basal level of bacterial-dependent lysis of the SCV and in WT macrophages the presence of cytosolic PAMPS trigger cell death and bacteria can't replicate in the cytosol. However, in the inflammasome KO macrophages, the host cell remains alive and bacteria can replicate in the cytosol.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have addressed my previous concerns. The addition of the statements indicating the limitations of the study are an important addition.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors point out that the fitness estimates obtained from different experimental assays (monoculture, pairwise competition, or bulk competition) are not generally equivalent, not even with regard to the fitness ranking of different genotypes. Using a computational model based on experimentally measured growth phenotypes for knockout strains in yeast, as well as data from Lenski's Long Term Evolution Experiment (LTEE), they derive a set of best practice rules aimed at extracting the optimal amount of information from such experiments.
The study is very complete on a technical level and I have no suggestions for further analyses. However, I feel the readability and the conceptual focus of the manuscript could be significantly improved by rearranging the material with regard to the contents of the main text vs. the Methods and the Supplement. Detailed recommendations:
(1) Regarding readability, the large number of references to material in the Methods and Supplement fragment the main text and make it difficult to follow.
(2) Conceptually, it seems to me that the current presentation obscures the reasons why we should care about fitness in the first place. In the first paragraph of Results, the authors define fitness "as any number that is sufficient to predict the genotype's relative abundance x(t) over a short-time horizon". To me, this seems like an extremely narrow and not very interesting definition. Instead, I view fitness as an intrinsic property of a genotype that allows us to predict its performance<br /> under a range of conditions, including in particular conditions that are different from the experimental setup that was used to obtain the fitness estimates. The latter viewpoint is well expressed in Supplementary Section S1, where the authors discuss the notion of fitness potential. I would recommend to move at least part of this discussion to the main text. By comparison, the arguments in favor of the logit encoding that currently opens the Results session are rather straightforward and could be shortened significantly.
(3) Similarly, the modeling strategy used in this work is quite subtle and needs to be explained more fully in the main text. The authors use growth traits (lag time, growth rate, and yield) extracted from monoculture experiments on a yeast knockout collection and feed them into a specific mathematical model to simulate pairwise and bulk competition scenarios. Since a key claim of the work is that monoculture experiments are generally poor predictors of competitive fitness, the basis for this conclusion and the assumptions on which it is based need to be described clearly in the main text. In the current version of the manuscript, this information has<br /> been largely relegated to the Methods section.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study introduces a novel therapeutic strategy for patients with high-risk HER2-positive breast cancer and demonstrates that the incorporation of pyrotinib into adjuvant trastuzumab therapy can improve invasive disease-free survival.
The study features robust logic and high-quality data. Data from 141 patients across 23 centers were analyzed, thereby effectively mitigating regional biases and endowing the research findings with high applicability.
(1) Introduction and Discussion: Update the literature regarding the efficacy of pyrotinib combined with trastuzumab in treating HER2-positive advanced breast cancer.
(2) Did all the data have a normal distribution? Expand the description of statistical analysis.
(3) The novelty and innovative potential of your manuscript compared to the published literature should be described in more detail in the abstract and discussion section.
(4) Figure legend should provide a bit more detail about what readers should focus on.
(5) P-values should be clarified for the analysis.
(6) The order (A, B, and C) in Figure 3 should be labeled in the upper left corner of the Figure.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study adapts a previously published model of the cat spinal locomotor network to make predictions of how phase durations of swing and stance at different treadmill speeds in tied-belt and split-belt conditions would be altered following a lateral hemisection. The simulations make several predictions that are replicated in experimental settings.
(1) Despite only altering the connections in the model, the model is able to replicate very well several experimental findings. This provides strong validation for the model and highlights its utility as a tool to investigate the operations of mammalian spinal locomotor networks.
(2) The study provides insights about interactions between the left and right sides of the spinal locomotor networks, and how these interactions depend on the mode of operation, as determined by speed and state of the nervous system.
(3) The writing is logical, clear, and easy to follow.
(1) Could the authors provide a statement in the methods or results to clarify whether there were any changes in synaptic weight or other model parameters of the intact model to ensure locomotor activity in the hemisected model?
(2) The authors should remind the reader what the main differences are between state-machine, flexor-driven, and classical half-center regimes (lines 77-79).
(3) There may be changes in the wiring of spinal locomotor networks after the hemisection. Yet, without applying any sort of plasticity, the model is able to replicate many of the experimental data. Based on what was experimentally replicated or not, what does the model tell us about possible sites of plasticity after hemisection?
(4) Why are the durations on the right hemisected (fast) side similar to results in the full spinal transected model (Rybak et al. 2024)? Is it because the left is in slow mode and so there is not much drive from the left side to the right side even though the latter is still receiving supraspinal drive, as opposed to in the full transection model? (lines 202-203).
(5) There is an error with probability (line 280).
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript uses the eye lens as a model to investigate basic mechanisms in the Fgf signaling pathway. Understanding Fgf signaling is of broad importance to biologists as it is involved in the regulation of various developmental processes in different tissues/organs and is often misregulated in disease states. The Fgf pathway has been studied in embryonic lens development, namely with regards to its involvement in controlling events such as tissue invagination, vesicle formation, epithelium proliferation, and cellular differentiation, thus making the lens a good system to uncover the mechanistic basis of how the modulation of this pathway drives specific outcomes. Previous work has suggested that proteins, other than the ones currently known (e.g., the adaptor protein Frs2), are likely involved in Fgfr signaling. The present study focuses on the role of Shp2 and Shc1 proteins in the recruitment of Grb2 in the events downstream of Fgfr activation.
The findings reveal that the juxtamembrane region of the Fgf receptor is necessary for proper control of downstream events such as facilitating key changes in transcription and cytoskeleton during tissue morphogenesis. The authors conditionally deleted all four Fgfrs in the mouse lens that resulted in molecular and morphological lens defects, most importantly, preventing the upregulation of the lens induction markers Sox2 and Foxe3 and the apical localization of F-actin, thus demonstrating the importance of Fgfrs in early lens development, i.e. during lens induction. They also examined the impact of deleting Fgfr1 and 2, on the following stage, i.e. lens vesicle development, which could be rescued by expressing constitutively active KrasG12D. By using specific mutations (e.g. Fgfr1ΔFrs lacking the Frs2 binding domain and Fgfr2LR harboring mutations that prevent binding of Frs2), it is demonstrated that the Frs2 binding site on Fgfr is necessary for specific events such as morphogenesis of lens vesicle. Further, by studying Shp2 mutations and deletions, the authors present a case for Shp2 protein to function in a context-specific manner in the role of an adaptor protein and a phosphatase enzyme. Finally, the key surprising finding from this study is that downstream of Fgfr signaling, Shc1 is an important alternative pathway - in addition to Shp2 - involved in the recruitment of Grb2 and in the subsequent activation of Ras. The methodologies, namely, mouse genetics and state-of-the-art cell/molecular/biochemical assays are appropriately used to collect the data, which are soundly interpreted to reach these important conclusions. Overall, these findings reveal the flexibility of the Fgf signaling pathway and its downstream mediators in regulating cellular events. This work is expected to be of broad interest to molecular and developmental biologists.
A weakness that needs to be discussed is that Le-Cre depends on Pax6 activation, and hence its use in specific gene deletion will not allow evaluation of the requirement of Fgfrs in the expression of Pax6 itself. But since this is the earliest Cre available for deletion in the lens, mentioning this in the discussion would make the readers aware of this issue. Referring to Jag1 among "lens-specific markers" (page 5) is debatable, suggesting changing to the lines of "the expected upregulation of Jag1 in lens vesicle". The Abstract could be modified to clearly convey the existing knowledge gap and the key findings of the present study. As it stands now, it is a bit all over the place. Some typos in the manuscript need to be fixed, e.g. "...yet its molecular mechanism remains largely resolved" - unresolved? "...in the development lens" - in the developing lens? In Figure 4 legend, "(B) Grb2 mutants Grb2 mutants displayed...", etc.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
mRNA decapping and decay factors play critical roles in post-transcriptionally regulating gene expression. Here, Kumar and colleagues investigate how deleting two yeast decapping enhancer proteins (Edc3 and Scd6), either alone or in tandem, influences the transcriptome. Using RNA-Seq and ribosome profiling, they come to the conclusion that these factors generally act in a redundant fashion, with a mutant lacking both proteins showing an increased abundance of select mRNAs. As these upregulated transcripts are also upregulated in mutants lacking the decapping enzyme, Dcp2, and show no increases in transcription of their cognate genes, they come to the conclusion that this is at the level of mRNA decapping and decay. Their ribosome profiling data also led them to conclude that Scd6 and Edc3 display functional redundancy and cooperativity with Dhh1/Pat1 in repressing the translation of specific transcripts. Finally, as their data suggest that Scd6 and Edc3 repress mRNAs coding for proteins involved in cellular respiration, as well as proteins involved in the catabolism of alternative carbon sources, they go on to show that these decapping activators play a role in repressing oxidative phosphorylation.
Overall, this manuscript is well-written and contains a large amount of high-quality data and analyses. At its core, it helps to shed light on the overlapping roles of Edc3 and Scd6 in sculpting the yeast transcriptome.
(1) While the data presented makes conclusions about mRNA stability based on corresponding ChIP-Seq analyses and analyzing other mutants (e.g. Dcp2 knockout), at no point is mRNA stability actually ever directly assessed. This direct assessment, even for select transcripts, would further strengthen their conclusions.
(2) Scd6 and Edc3 show a high level of functional redundancy, as demonstrated by the double mutant. As these proteins form complexes with other decapping factors/activators, I'm curious if depleting both proteins in the double mutant destabilizes any of these other factors. Have the authors ever assessed the levels of other key decapping factors in the double mutants (i.e. Dhh1, Pat1, Dcp2...etc)? I wonder if depleting both proteins leads to a general destabilization of key complexes. It would also be interesting to see if depleting Edc3 or Scd6 leads to a concomitant increase in the other protein as a compensatory mechanism.
(3) While not essential, it would be interesting if the authors carried out add-back experiments to determine which domain within Scd6/Edce3 plays a critical role in enforcing the regulation that they see. Their double mutant now puts them in a perfect position to carry out such experiments.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The manuscript titled "Evolutionary and Functional Analyses Reveal a Role for the RHIM in Tuning RIPK3 Activity Across Vertebrates" by Fay et al. explores the function of RIPK gene family members across a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate species through a combination of phylogenomics and functional studies. By overexpressing these genes in human cell lines, the authors examine their capacity to activate NF-κB and induce cell death. The methods employed are appropriate, with a thorough analysis of gene loss, positive selection, and functionality. While the study is well-executed and comprehensive, its broader relevance remains limited, appealing mainly to specialists in this specific field of research. It misses the opportunity to extract broader insights that could extend the understanding of these genes beyond evolutionary conservation, particularly by employing evolutionary approaches to explore more generalizable functions.
Major comments:
The main issue I encounter is distinguishing between what is novel in this study and what has been previously demonstrated. What new insights have been gained here that are of broader relevance? The discussion, which would be a good place to do so, is very speculative and has little to do with the actual results. Throughout the manuscript, there is little explanation of the study's importance beyond the fact that it was possible to conduct it. Is the evolutionary analysis being used to advance our understanding of gene function, or is the focus merely on how these genes behave across different species? The former would be exciting, while the latter feels less impactful.
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fortunately this is perfectly possible within existing company law by taking the concept the properties in law of legal personhood to their fullest extent
for - regenerative company - principle 1 of 8 - agency-based instead of ownership-based - implementation - via leveraging full extent of legal personhood
Comment - Graham points out an interesting insight, that organisations are given legal personhood status -namely, we test a group of people as a person itself - This reminds me of Michael Levin's Multi Scale Competency Architecture
gpai.ai gpai.ai
Inclusive Design and Democratic Innovation
Involucrar a los grupos marginados en funciones técnicas y no técnicas en todo el ecosistema de IA
Invertir en el desarrollo de capacidades para la inclusión institucional
Permiso para el tratamiento de categorías especiales de datos
Financiar la investigación y el diseño de tecnologías transformadoras en la innovación de la IA
Establish a multi-stakeholder intersectoral committee to ensure diverse perspectives before identifying, planningand initiating decision-making processes related to AI.Map the stakeholdersand identify marginalisedand under-represented groupsPerform a participatory mapping of stakeholders with care to identify key marginalised and under-representedgroups that may be affected by the process. This will enable a better understanding of existing power imbalances,opportunities and needs for action.STEP 1. R1
Comité intersectorial de stakeholders múltiples.
Puntos de acción
Mapear a los stakeholders clave e invitar representantes, especialmente de grupos marginados, para compartir sus perspectivas.
Incluir académicos, ONG y comunidades técnicas, evaluando su interés en la igualdad sustantiva y la capacidad de los grupos marginados para influir en las decisiones.
Considerar sus necesidades, compensarlos por su tiempo, garantizar accesibilidad y fomentar condiciones que fortalezcan su agencia.
Establecer un comité multiactorial intersectorial que asegure diversidad en la planificación y decisiones, comprendiendo desequilibrios de poder y necesidades de acción.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors report an inability to reproduce a transgenerational memory of avoidance of the pathogen PA14 in C. elegans. Instead, the authors demonstrate intergenerational inheritance for a single F1 generation, in embryos of mothers exposed to OP50 and PA14, where embryos isolated from these mothers by bleaching are capable of remembering to avoid PA14 in a manner that is dependent on systemic RNAi proteins sid-1 and sid-2. This could reflect systemic sRNAs generated by neuronal daf-7 signaling that are transmitted to F1 embryos. The authors note that transgenerational memory of PA14 was reported by the Murphy group at Princeton, but that environmental or strain variation (worms or bacteria) might explain the single generation of inheritance observed at Harvard. The Hunter group tried different bacterial growth conditions and different worm growth temperatures for independent PA14 strains, which they show to be strongly pathogenic. However, the authors could not reproduce a transgenerational effect at Harvard. This paper honestly alters expectations and indicates that the model that avoidance of PA14 is remembered for multiple generations is not robust enough to be replicated in all laboratories.<br /> Overall, this paper that demonstrates that one model for transgenerational inheritance in C. elegans not robust. The author do demonstrate an avoidance memory for F1 embryos that could be a maternal effect, and the authors confirm that this is mediated by a systemic small RNA response. There are several points in the manuscript where a more positive tone might be helpful.
The authors note that the high copy number daf-7::GFP transgene used by the Murphy group displayed variable expression and evidence for somatic silencing or transgene breakdown in the Hunter lab, as confirmed by the Murphy group. The authors nicely use single copy daf-7::GFP to show that neuronal daf-7::GFP is elevated in F1 but not F2 progeny with regards to memory of PA14 avoidance, speaking to an intergenerational phenotype.
The authors nicely confirm that sid-1 and sid-2 are generally required for intergenerational avoidance of F1 embryos of moms exposed to PA14. However, these small RNA proteins did not affect daf-7::GFP elevation in the F1 progeny. This result is unexpected given previous reports that daf-7::GFP is not elevated in F1 progeny of sid mutants.
The authors studied antisense small RNAs that change in Murphy data sets, identifying 116 mRNAs that might be regulated by sRNAs in response to PA14. The authors show that the maco-1 gene, putatively targeted by piRNAs according to the Kaletsky 2020 paper, displays few siRNAs that change in response to PA14. The authors conclude that the P11 ncRNA of PA14, which was proposed to promote interkingdom RNA communication by the Murphy group, may not affect maco-1 expression in C. elegans, although they did not formally demonstrate this. The authors define 8 genes based on their analysis of sRNAs and mRNAs that might promote resistance to PA14, but they do not further characterize these genes' role in pathogen avoidance. Others might wish to consider following up on these genes and their possible relationship with P11.
This very thorough and interesting manuscript is at times pugnacious.
Please explain more clearly what is High Growth media for E. coli in the text and methods, conveying why it was used by the Murphy lab, and if Normal Growth or High Growth is better for intergenerational heritability assays.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have done a reasonable job cordially revising this manuscript, and the authors have addressed most reviewer concerns. It is likely that the P11 gene was in some of the PA14 Pseudomonas strains tested, as one was kindly provided by the Murphy group
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Casas-Tinto et al. present convincing data that injury of the adult Drosophila CNS triggers transdifferentiation of glial cell and even the generation of neurons from glial cells. This observation opens up the possibility to get an handle on the molecular basis of neuronal and glial generation in the vertebrate CNS after traumatic injury caused by Stroke or Crush injury. The authors use an array of sophisticated tools to follow the development of glial cells at the injury site in very young and mature adults. The results in mature adults reveal a remarkable plasticity in the fly CNS and dispels the notion that repair after injury may be only possible in nerve cords which are still developing. The observation of so called VC cells which do not express the glial marker repo could point to the generation of neurons by former glial cells.
The authors present an interesting story which is technically sound and could form the basis for an in depth analysis of the molecular mechanism driving repair after brain injury in Drosophila and vertebrates.
The evidence for transdifferentiation of glial cells is convincing. In addition, the injury to the adult CNS shows an inherent plasticity of the mature ventral nerve cord which is unexpected.
Traumatic brain injury in Drosophila has been previously reported to trigger mitosis of glial cells and generation of neural stem cells in the larval CNS and the adult brain hemispheres. Therefore this report adds to but does not significantly change our current understanding. The origin and identity of VC cells is still unclear. The authors show that VC cells are not GABA- or glutamergic. Yet, there are many other neurotransmitter or neuropetides. It would have been nice to see a staining with another general neuronal marker such as anti-Syt1 to confirm the neuronal identity of Syt1.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Li et al. investigate Ca2+ signaling in T. gondii and argue that Ca2+ tunnels through the ER to other organelles to fuel multiple aspects of T. gondii biology. They focus in particular on TgSERCA as the presumed primary mechanism for ER Ca2+ filling. Although, when TgSERCA was knocked out there was still a Ca2+ release in response to TG present. Overall the Ca2+ signaling data do not support the conclusion of Ca2+ tunneling through the ER to other organelles in fact they argue for direct Ca2+ uptake from the cytosol into the organelles as outlined in the specific points below. The authors show EM membrane contact sites between the ER and other organelles, so Ca2+ released by the ER could presumably be taken up by other organelles but that is not ER Ca2+ tunneling. They clearly show that SERCA is required for T. gondii function. Overall, the data presented to not fully support the conclusions reached.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Recordings were made from the dentate nucleus of two monkeys during a decision-making task. Correlates of stimulus position and stimulus information were found to varying degrees in the neuronal activities.
A difficult decision-making task was examined in two monkeys.
One of the monkeys had difficulty learning the task. The initial version of the manuscript lacked a coherent hypothesis to be tested, although the revision has improved things. In its current form, the manuscript does not provide data regarding the possibility that this part of the brain may have little to do with the task that was being studied. As noted in the response to the reviewer's comments, future studies could address this issue by providing results of additional inactivation experiments.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This study presents valuable insight on how neurons within the central amygdala may broadly encode the valence of emotional stimuli. The evidence supporting most of the authors' conclusion is solid, although some of the claims should be treated with caution due to potential alternative interpretation of the data.
In this revised manuscript the authors have addressed the reviewers' critiques in a way that acknowledges the feedback but does not fully embrace or rigorously address the reviewers' core concerns. Here are the main observations that support this impression:
(1) The authors repeatedly acknowledge the ambiguity in defining "valence" and "salience" in the literature, but their responses don't clarify how they address these terms more rigorously. They seem to justify their operational definitions by citing previous studies but do not address how their definitions impact the clarity and robustness of their findings.
(2) The reviewers highlighted that using stimuli from different sensory modalities without scaling them or including neutral cues limits the ability to distinguish between valence and salience. The authors acknowledge this but argue that using same-modality stimuli would not produce distinct responses. This response doesn't address the reviewers' point about how these design limitations could weaken the conclusions. They seem to rely on citations of similar experimental designs instead of addressing the core critique or proposing additional experiments.
(3) In response to the low number of cue-responsive units and the call for more rigorous behavioral measures (like licking or orienting), the authors provide some data but emphasize statistical rigor over behavioral insights, which was questioned during the initial review. They don't propose any methodological adjustments or consider alternative explanations.
(4) The reviewers suggested clustering or other population-level analyses to understand functional diversity within the central amygdala. The authors argue that their statistical approach was sufficient and don't believe additional clustering analyses would add value. This response seems dismissive, as they don't consider whether population-level insights might reveal patterns that single-cell responses overlook.
Overall, while the authors have responded to each concern, their rebuttals often reference other studies to justify their choices rather than addressing the specific limitations highlighted by the reviewers.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors bring together implanted radiofrequency coils, high-field MRI imaging, awake animal imaging, and sensory stimulation methods in a technological demonstration. The results are very detailed descriptions of the sensory systems under investigation.
The maps are qualitatively excellent for rodent whole-brain imaging.<br /> The design of the holder and the coil is pretty clever.
Some unexpected regions appear on the whole brain maps, and the discussion of these regions is succinct.<br /> The authors do not make the work and effort to train the animals and average the data from several hundred trials apparent enough. This is important for any reader who would like to consider implementing this technology.<br /> The data is not available. This does not let the readers make their own assessment of the results.
Comments on revisions:
All good, I can but only congratulate the authors on a study well done.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This manuscript builds on previous work suggesting that the CCK peptide is the releasing hormone for FSH in fishes, which is different than that observed in mammals where both LH and FSH release are under the control of GnRH. Based on data using calcium imaging as a readout for stimulation of the gonadotrophs, the researchers present data supporting the hypothesis that CCK stimulates FSH-containing cells in the pituitary. In contrast LH containing cells show a weak and variable response to CCK, but are highly responsive to GnRH. Data are presented that support the role of CCK in release of FSH. Researchers also state the functional overlap exists in the potency of GnRH to activate FSH cells, thus the two signalling pathways are not separate.<br /> The results are of interest to the field because for many years the assumption has been that fishes use the same signalling mechanism. These data present an intriguing variation where a hormone involved in satiation acts in the control of reproduction.
The strengths of the manuscript are that researchers have shed light on different pathways controlling reproduction in fishes.
Weaknesses are that it is not clear if multiple ligand/receptors are involved (more than one CCK and more than one receptor?). The imaging of the CCK terminals and CCK receptors needs to be reinforced.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have responded to the comments with clarity and have made the important requested changes such as clarifying the CCK receptors (their expression and exactly which receptor was targeted), and emphasizing the interactions of CCK, namely that CCK induces LH secretion, but not to the same extent as FSH. All minor comments directed to the layout of the figures and text have been addressed. In summary, comments have been addressed satisfactorily.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This work combines a model of two-dimensional dendritic growth with attraction and stabilisation by synaptic activity. The authors find that constraining growth models with competition for synaptic inputs produces artificial dendrites that match some key features of real neurons both over development and in terms of final structure. In particular, incorporating distance-dependent competition between synapses of the same dendrite naturally produces distinct phases of dendritic growth (overshoot, pruning, and stabilisation) that are observed biologically and leads to local synaptic organisation with functional relevance. The approach is elegant and well-explained but makes some significant modelling assumptions that might impact the biological relevance of the results.
The main strength of the work is the general concept of combining morphological models of growth with synaptic plasticity and stabilisation. This is an interesting way to bridge two distinct areas of neuroscience in a manner that leads to findings that could be significant for both. The modelling of both dendritic growth and distance-dependent synaptic competition is carefully done, constrained by reasonable biological mechanisms, and well-described in the text. The paper also links its findings, for example in terms of phases of dendritic growth or final morphological structure, to known data well.
The authors have managed to address my previous comments on the paper well by considering axonal dynamics, spatial correlations, and the effects of changing ratios of BDNF-proBDNF. The modelling has now been validated over a wider range of confounding factors and looks to be a solid basis for future work in this direction.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This work uses a novel, ethologically relevant behavioral task to explore decision-making paradigms in C. elegans foraging behavior. By rigorously quantifying multiple features of animal behavior as they navigate in a patch food environment, the authors provide strong evidence that worms exhibit one of three qualitatively distinct behavioral responses upon encountering a patch:<br /> (1) "search", in which the encountered patch is below the detection threshold;<br /> (2) "sample", in which animals detect a patch encounter and reduce their motor speed, but do not stay to exploit the resource and are therefore considered to have "rejected" it; and<br /> (3) "exploit", in which animals "accept" the patch and exploit the resource for tens of minutes.<br /> Interestingly, the probability of these outcomes varies with the density of the patch as well as the prior experience of the animal. Together, these experiments provide an interesting new framework for understanding the ability of the C. elegans nervous system to use sensory information and internal state to implement behavioral state decisions.
(1) The work uses a novel, neuroethologically-inspired approach to studying foraging behavior.
(2) The studies are carried out with an exceptional level of quantitative rigor and attention to detail.
(3) Powerful quantitative modeling approaches including GLMs are used to study the behavioral states that worms enter upon encountering food, and the parameters that govern the decision about which state to enter.
(4) The work provides strong evidence that C. elegans can make 'accept-reject' decisions upon encountering a food resource.
(5) Accept-reject decisions depend on the quality of the food resource encountered as well as on internally represented features that provide measurements of multiple dimensions of internal state, including feeding status and time.
(1) The authors repeatedly assert that an individual's behavior in the foraging assay depends on its prior history (particularly cultivation conditions). While this seems like a reasonable expectation, it is not fully fleshed out. The work would benefit from studies in which animals are raised on more or less abundant food before the behavioral task.
(2) The authors convincingly show that the probability of particular behavioral outcomes occurring upon patch encounter depends on time-associated parameters (time since last patch encounter, time since last patch exploitation). There are two concerns here. First, it is not clear how these values are initialized - i.e., what values are used for the first occurrence of each behavioral state? More importantly, the authors don't seem to consider the simplest time parameter, the time since the start of the assay (or time since worm transfer). Transferring animals to a new environment can be associated with significant mechanical stimulus, and it seems quite possible that transferring animals causes them to enter a state of arousal. This arousal, which certainly could alter sensory function or decision-making, would likely decay with time. It would be interesting to know how well the model performs using time since assay starts as the only time-dependent parameter.
(3) Similarly, Figures 2L and M clearly show that the probability of a search event occurring upon a patch encounter decreases markedly with time. Because search events are interpreted as a failure to detect a patch, this implies that the detection of (dilute) patches becomes more efficient with time. It would be useful for the authors to consider this possibility as well as potential explanations, which might be related to the point above.
(4) Based on their results with mec-4 and osm-6 mutants, the authors assert that chemosensation, rather than mechanosensation, likely accounts for animals' ability to measure patch density. This argument is not well-supported: mec-4 is required only for the function of the six non-ciliated light-touch neurons (AVM, PVM, ALML/R, PLML/R). In contrast, osm-6 is expected to disrupt the function of the ciliated dopaminergic mechanosensory neurons CEP, ADE, and PDE, which have previously been shown to detect the presence of bacteria (Sawin et al 2000). Thus, the paper's results are entirely consistent with an important role of mechanosensation in detecting bacterial abundance. Along these lines, it would be useful for the authors to speculate on why osm-6 mutants are more, rather than less, likely to "accept" when encountering a patch.
(5) While the evidence for the accept-reject framework is strong, it would be useful for the authors to provide a bit more discussion about the null hypothesis and associated expectations. In other words, what would worm behavior in this assay look like if animals were not able to make accept-reject decisions, relying only on exploit-explore decisions that depend on modulation of food-leaving probability?
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors demonstrated that a mouse model of Opitz syndrome induced by Mid1 gene knockout exhibited a significant decrease in α rhythm in HPC and abnormal synchronization of γ rhythm in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, showing decreased synaptic plasticity and learning and memory dysfunction. All these effects were attributed to the inhibition of p Creb by PP2Ac.
The authors used Mid1 gene knockout mice as a mouse model of Opitz syndrome. They carried out RNA seq analysis and found cAMP signaling pathway, calcium signaling pathway, and 100 other pathways have changed significantly.
(1) A Mid1 supplementation experiment in Mid1 knockout mice was lacking in this study.
(2) Enzymes that regulate Creb phosphorylation include not only phosphatases such as PP2A, but also kinases such as CaMKII, PKA, and ERK1/2. These protein kinases should be detected, especially CaMKII, their bioinformatics data show calcium signaling pathways have significantly changed.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Cesar, Santos & Cogni use a meta-analysis to report on the direction and magnitude of three fundamental fitness components in defensive symbioses. Specifically, the work focuses on interactions between three arthropod host families (Aphididae, Culicidae, Drosophilidae, and others) and common bacterial endosymbionts (Wolbachia, Serratia, Hamiltonella, Spiroplasma, Rickettsia, Regiella X-type and Arsenophonus). The results of the overall analysis confirm common assumptions and previous work on such fitness components, showing that defensive symbionts provide strong protection to hosts and cause detectable costs to both hosts and the enemy. The analysis provides insight into the extent of the cost/benefit tradeoff for hosts, reporting that the cost is six times lower than the protective effect. The confirmation that natural enemies attacking hosts infected with symbionts have a reduction in their fitness is also an interesting one, as this shows that the majority of defensive symbionts provide protection by resisting enemy infection, as opposed to tolerating it. This finding has important consequences for evolutionary counter-responses in the enemy species. Of course, this result has less relevance for certain types of enemies (such as parasitoids) where successful infection is dependent upon host killing.
Interesting results also emerge from the subgroup analysis. For the full dataset, both natural and introduced symbionts were similarly effective in positively influencing the fitness of hosts. However, in the Wolbachia-specific analysis, the artificially introduced symbionts caused costs to the hosts where the natural strain did not. These findings have potentially important ramifications for schemes that use endosymbionts for biocontrol or vector competence, suggesting that (in some cases) natural strains may be the more stable choice for deploying (as they are associated with lower costs).
The analysis draws from an impressively large dataset, but the interpretation of the full impact of the results would be helped by greater detail on the species/strain level systems included, the data extraction approach, and inclusion criteria. Accounting for phylogenetic nonindependence and alternative coding of one of the moderator variables could also strengthen the biological relevance of the models. Suggestions and thoughts are outlined below.
Strengths & Potential Improvements:
An impressively large number of effect sizes (3000) from only 226 studies is collected, robustly confirming common assumptions on the magnitude of fundamental fitness components. However the paper would benefit from a clear breakdown in the main text of the specificities of each system included (e.g. a table at the host species/symbiont strain level, where it is possible). Currently, there is not enough detail for those who want a deep dive to understand what data was extracted for the analysis from these 226 studies, or those who want to understand the underlying diversity in the dataset.
Currently, when the 'natural enemy group' is tested as a moderator it is coded broadly by type of organism (e.g. virus, bacterium, fungi, parasitoid). But this doesn't adequately capture the mode of killing/fitness reduction by the enemy, which would be the much more biologically relevant categorisation for your questions. For example, parasitoid infection is dependent upon host death (thus host fecundity is not relevant, because the host either survived or did not). Among bacterial and viral pathogens antagonists there is scope for both fecundity and survival to be affected. This in turn may be a very influential factor for the outcome. You could consider recoding this enemy moderator.
The analysis is restricted to arthropod hosts and defensive symbionts that are also classed as endosymbionts. This focus should be made clear early on in the paper, as there are many systems (that are classed by many as defensive symbioses) that are not part of the analysis.
There is fairly minimalistic testing of moderators/sub-groups (which probably has its statistical strengths) but perhaps there are also some missed opportunities for testing other ecological contributors to variance, including coinfection (although perhaps limited by power) and other approaches to coding enemy group (as detail above).
Looking at the overview of systems included, there's likely a high degree of phylogenetic non-independence in the dataset. Where it is possible, using phylogenetically controlled models could strengthen this analysis.
Looking at your included systems (Table S5), you might be able to test the effect of coinfection on the 3 variables of interest. For example, it would be particularly important to see if the effects of two symbionts are additive or not.
No code for the analysis is provided for review at this stage and full details of the dataset are also not available. This slightly limits the ability to assess the full scope and robustness of the study. It would be helpful to have an extensive table in the supplementary detailing (minimum) the reference, study, experiment, host species, symbiont strain, and a description of the exact data extraction source (e.g.table/figure/in text), and method of extraction.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this study, Seidenthal et al. investigated the role of the C. elegans Flower protein, FLWR-1, in synaptic transmission, vesicle recycling, and neuronal excitability. They confirmed that FLWR-1 localizes to synaptic vesicles and the plasma membrane and facilitates synaptic vesicle recycling at neuromuscular junctions, albeit in an unexpected manner. The authors observed that hyperstimulation results in endosome accumulation in flwr-1 mutant synapses, suggesting that FLWR-1 facilitates the breakdown of endocytic endosomes, which differs from earlier studies in flies that suggested the Flower protein promotes the formation of bulk endosomes. This is a valuable finding. Using tissue-specific rescue experiments, the authors showed that expressing FLWR-1 in GABAergic neurons restored the aldicarb-resistant phenotype seen in flwr-1 mutants to wild-type levels. In contrast, FLWR-1 expression in cholinergic neurons in flwr-1 mutants did not restore aldicarb sensitivity, yet muscle expression of FLWR-1 partially but significantly recovered the aldicarb-resistant defects. The study also revealed that removing FLWR-1 leads to increased Ca2+ signaling in motor neurons upon photo-stimulation. Further, the authors conclude that FLWR-1 contributes to the maintenance of the excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance by preferentially regulating the excitability of GABAergic neurons. Finally, SNG-1::pHluorin data imply that FLWR-1 removal enhances synaptic transmission, however, the electrophysiological recordings do not corroborate this finding.
This study by Seidenthal et al. offers valuable insights into the role of the Flower protein, FLWR-1, in C. elegans. Their findings suggest that FLWR-1 facilitates the breakdown of endocytic endosomes, which marks a departure from its previously suggested role in forming endosomes through bulk endocytosis. This observation could be important for understanding how Flower proteins function across species. In addition, the study proposes that FLWR-1 plays a role in maintaining the excitation/inhibition balance, which has potential impacts on neuronal activity.
One issue is the lack of follow-up tests regarding the relative contributions of muscle and GABAergic FLWR-1 to aldicarb sensitivity. The findings that muscle expression of FLWR-1 can significantly rescue aldicarb sensitivity are intriguing and may influence both experimental design and data interpretation. Have the authors examined aldicarb sensitivity when FLWR-1 is expressed in both muscles and GABAergic neurons, or possibly in muscles and cholinergic neurons? Given that muscles could influence neuronal activity through retrograde signaling, a thorough examination of FLWR-1's role in muscle is necessary, in my opinion.
Would the results from electrophysiological recordings and GCaMP measurements be altered with muscle expression of FLWR-1? Most experiments presented in the manuscript compare wild-type and flwr-1 mutant animals. However, without tissue-specific knockout, knockdown, or rescue experiments, it is difficult to separate cell-autonomous roles from non-cell-autonomous effects, in particular in the context of aldicarb assay results. Also, relying solely on levamisole paralysis experiments is not sufficient to rule out changes in muscle AChRs, particularly due to the presence of levamisole-resistant receptors.
This issue regarding the muscle role of FLWR-1 also complicates the interpretation of results from coelomocyte uptake experiments, where GFP secreted from muscles and coelomocyte fluorescence were used to estimate endocytosis levels. A decrease in coelomocyte GFP could result from either reduced endocytosis in coelomocytes or decreased secretion from muscles. Therefore, coelomocyte-specific rescue experiments seem necessary to distinguish between these possibilities.
The manuscript states that GCaMP was used to estimate Ca2+ levels at presynaptic sites. However, due to the rapid diffusion of both Ca2+ and GCaMP, it is unclear how this assay distinguishes Ca2+ levels specifically at presynaptic sites versus those in axons. What are the relative contributions of VGCCs and ER calcium stores here? This raises a question about whether the authors are measuring the local impact of FLWR-1 specifically at presynaptic sites or more general changes in cytoplasmic calcium levels.
The experiments showing FLWR-1's presynaptic localization need clarification/improvement. For example, data shown in Fig. 3B represent GFP::FLWR-1 is expressed under its own promoter, and TagRFP::ELKS-1 is expressed exclusively in GABAergic neurons. Given that the pflwr-1 drives expression in both cholinergic and GABAergic neurons, and there are more cholinergic synapses outnumbering GABAergic ones in the nerve cord, it would be expected that many green FLWR-1 puncta do not associate with TagRFP::ELKS-1. However, several images in Figure 3B suggest an almost perfect correlation between FLWR-1 and ELKS-1 puncta. It would be helpful for the readers to understand the exact location in the nerve cord where these images were collected to avoid confusion.
The SNG-1::pHluorin data in Figure 5C is significant, as they suggest increased synaptic transmission at flwr-1 mutant synapses. However, to draw conclusions, it is necessary to verify whether the total amount of SNG-1::pHluorin present on synaptic vesicles remains the same between flwr-1 mutant and wild-type synapses. Without this comparison, a conclusion on levels of synaptic vesicle release based on changes in fluorescence might be premature, in particular given the results of electrophysiological recordings.
Finally, the interpretation of the E74Q mutation results needs reconsideration. Figure 8B indicates that the E74Q variant of FLWR-1 partially loses its rescuing ability, which suggests that the E74Q mutation adversely affects the function of FLWR-1. Why did the authors expect that the role of FLWR-1 should have been completely abolished by E74Q? Given that FLWR-1 appears to work in multiple tissues, might FLWR-1's function in neurons requires its calcium channel activity, whereas its role in muscles might be independent of this feature? While I understand there is ongoing debate about whether FLWR-1 is a calcium channel, the experiments in this study do not definitively resolve local Ca2+ dynamics at synapses. Thus, in my opinion, it may be premature to draw firm conclusions about calcium influx through FLWR-1.
Also, the aldicarb data presented in Figures 8B and 8D show notable inconsistencies that require clarification. While Figure 8B indicates that the 50% paralysis time for flwr-1 mutant worms occurs at 3.5-4 hours, Figure 8D shows that 50% paralysis takes approximately 2.5 hours for the same flwr-1 mutants. This discrepancy should be addressed. In addition, the manuscript mentions that the E74Q mutation impairs FLWR-1 folding, which could significantly affect its function. Can the authors show empirical data supporting this claim?
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This work is a continuation of a previous paper from the Arnold group, where they engineered GFE3, which allows to specifically ablate inhibitory synapses. Here, the authors generate 3 different actuators:
(1) An excitatory synapse ablator.
(2) A photoactivatable inhibitory synapse ablator.
(3) A chemically inhibitory synapse ablator.
Following initial engineering, the authors present characterization and optimization data to showcase that these new tools allow one to specifically ablate synapses, without toxicity and with specificity. Furthermore, they showcase that these manipulations are reversible.
Altogether, these new tools would be important for the neuroscience community.
The authors convincingly demonstrate the engineering, optimization, and characterization of these new probes. The main novelty here is the new excitatory synapse ablator, which has not been shown yet and thus could be a valuable tool for neuroscientists.
There are a few specific issues with regard to these probes that are unclear to me, which require some explanation or potentially new analysis and experiments.
The biggest concern in this regard is: that almost all the characterization is performed in cultured dissociated neurons. I wonder if, for the typical neuroscience user, it would be trivial to characterize how well these tools express and operate in vivo. This could be substantially different and present some limitations as to the utility of these tools.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper is a relevant overview of the currently published literature on low-intensity focussed ultrasound stimulation (TUS) in humans, with a meta-analysis of this literature that explores which stimulation parameters might predict the directionality of the physiological stimulation effects.
The pool of papers to draw from is small, which is not surprising given the nascent technology. It seems nevertheless relevant to summarize the current field in the way done here, not least to mitigate and prevent some of the mistakes that other non-invasive brain stimulation techniques have suffered from, most notably the theory- and data-free permutation of the parameter space.<br /> The meta-analysis concludes that there are, at best, weak trends toward specific parameters predicting the direction of the stimulation effects. The data have been incorporated into an open database, that will ideally continue to be populated by the community and thereby become a helpful resource as the field moves forward.
The current state of human TUS is concisely and well summarized. The methods of the meta-analysis are appropriate. The database is a valuable resource.
These are not so much weaknesses but rather comments and suggestions that the authors may want to consider.
(1) I may have missed this, but how will the database be curated going forward? The resource will only be as useful as the quality of data entry, which, given the complexity of TUS can easily be done incorrectly.
(2) It would be helpful to report the full statistics and effect sizes for all analyses. At times, only p-values are given. The meta-analysis only provides weak evidence (judged by the p-values) for two parameters having a predictive effect on the direction of neuromodulation. This reviewer thinks a stronger statement is warranted that there is currently no good evidence for duty cycle or sonication direction predicting outcome (though I caveat this given the full stats aren't reported). The concern here is that some readers may gallop away with the impression that the evidence is compelling because the p-value is on the correct side of 0.05.
(3) This reviewer thinks the issue of (independent) replication should be more forcefully discussed and highlighted. The overall motivation for the present paper is clearly and thoughtfully articulated, but perhaps the authors agree that the role that replication has to play in a nascent field such as TUS is worth considering.
(4) A related point is that many of the results come from the same groups (the so-called theta-TUS protocol being a clear example). The analysis could factor this in, but it may be helpful to either signpost independent replications, which studies come from the same groups, or both.
(5) The recent study by Bao et al 2024 J Phys might be worth including, not least because it fails to replicate the results on theta TUS that had been limited to the same group so far (by reporting, in essence, the opposite result).
(6) The summary of TUS effects is useful and concise. Two aspects may warrant highlighting, if anything to safeguard against overly simplistic heuristics for the application of TUS from less experienced users. First, could the effects of sonication (enhancing vs suppressing) depend on the targeted structure? Across the cortex, this may be similar, but for subcortical structures such as the basal ganglia, thalamus, etc, the idiosyncratic anatomy, connectivity, and composition of neurons may well lead to different net outcomes. Do the models mentioned in this paper account for that or allow for exploring this? And is it worth highlighting that simple heuristics that assume the effects of a given TUS protocol are uniform across the entire brain risk oversimplification or could be plain wrong? Second, and related, there seems to be the implicit assumption (not necessarily made by the authors) that the effects of a given protocol in a healthy population transfer like for like to a patient population (if TUS protocol X is enhancing in healthy subjects, I can use it for enhancement in patient group Y). This reviewer does not know to which degree this is valid or not, but it seems simplistic or risky. Many neurological and psychiatric disorders alter neurotransmission, and/or lead to morphological and structural changes that would seem capable of influencing the impact of TUS. If the authors agree, this issue might be worth highlighting.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors examine the role of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in cognitive control, i.e. the ability to use task-relevant information and ignore irrelevant information, in the rat. According to the central-computation hypothesis, cognitive control in the brain is centralized in the mPFC and according to the local hypothesis, cognitive control is performed in task-related local neural circuits. Using the place avoidance task which involves cognitive control, it is predicted that if mPFC lesions affect learning, this would support the central computation hypothesis whereas no effect of lesions would rather support the local hypothesis. The authors thus examine the effect of mPFC lesions in learning and retention of the place avoidance task. They also look at functional interconnectivity within a large network of areas that could be activated during the task by using cytochrome oxydase, a metabolic marker. In addition, electrophysiological unit recordings of CA1 hippocampal cells are made in a subset of (lesioned or intact) animals to evaluate overdispersion, a firing property that reflects cognitive control in the hippocampus. The results indicate that mPFC lesions do not impair place avoidance learning and retention (though flexibility is altered during conflict training), do not affect cognitive control seen in hippocampal place cell activity (alternation of frame-specific firing), a measure of location-specific firing variability, in pretraining. It nevertheless has some effect on functional interconnections. The results overall support the local hypothesis.
(1) Straightforward hypothesis: clarification of the involvement of the mPFC in the brain is expected and achieved. Appropriate use of fully mastered methods (behavioral task, electrophysiological recordings, measure of metabolic marker cytochrome oxidase) and rigorous analysis of the data. The conclusion is strongly supported by the data.
(2) Weaknesses: No notable weaknesses in the conception, making of the study, and data analysis. The introduction does not mention important aspects of the work, i.e. cytochrome oxidase measure and electrophysiological recordings. The study is actually richer than expected from the introduction.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper shows that the synthetic opioid fentanyl induces respiratory depression in rodents. This effect is revised by the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone, as expected. Unexpectedly, the peripherally restricted opioid receptor antagonist naloxone methiodide also blocks fentanyl-induced respiratory depression.
The paper reports compelling physiology data supporting the induction of respiratory distress in fentanyl-treated animals. Evidence suggesting that naloxone methiodide reverses this respiratory depression is compelling. This is further supported by pharmacokinetic data suggesting that naloxone methiodide does not penetrate into the brain, nor is it metabolized into brain-penetrant naloxone.
A weakness of the study is the fact that the functional significance of opioid-induced changes in neural activity in the nTS (as measured by cFos and GcAMP/photometry) is not established. Does the nTS regulate fentanyl-induced respiratory depression, and are changes in nTS activity induced by naloxone and naloxone methiodide relevant to their ability to reverse respiratory depression?
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Aging reduces tissue regeneration capacity, posing challenges for an aging population. In this study, the authors investigate impaired bone healing in aging, focusing on calvarial bones, and introduce a two-part rejuvenation strategy. Aging depletes osteoprogenitor cells and reduces their function, which hinders bone repair. Simply increasing the number of these cells does not restore their regenerative capacity in aged mice, highlighting intrinsic cellular deficits. The authors' strategy combines Wnt-mediated osteoprogenitor expansion with intermittent fasting, which remarkably restores bone healing. Intermittent fasting enhances osteoprogenitor function by targeting NAD+ pathways and gut microbiota, addressing mitochondrial dysfunction - an essential factor in aging. This approach shows promise for rejuvenating tissue repair, not only in bones but potentially across other tissues.
This study is exciting, impressive, and novel. The data presented is robust and supports the findings well.
As mentioned above the data is robust and supports the findings well. I have minor comments only.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors aimed to investigate how the probability of a reversal in a decision-making task is represented in cortical neurons. They analyzed neural activity in the prefrontal cortex of monkeys and units in recurrent neural networks (RNNs) trained on a similar task. Their goal was to understand how the dynamical systems that implement computation perform a probabilistic reversal learning task in RNNs and nonhuman primates.
Major strengths and weaknesses:
(1) Integrative Approach: The study exemplifies a modern approach by combining empirical data from monkey experiments with computational modeling using RNNs. This integration allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamical systems that implement computation in both biological and artificial neural networks.
(2) The focus on using perturbations to identify causal relationships in dynamical systems is a good goal. This approach aims to go beyond correlational observations.
(1) The description of the RNN training procedure and task structure lacks detail, making it difficult to fully evaluate the methodology.
(2) The conclusion that the representation is better described by separable dynamic trajectories rather than fixed points on a line attractor may be premature.
(3) The use of targeted dimensionality reduction (TDR) to identify the axis determining reversal probability may not necessarily isolate the dimension along which the RNN computes reversal probability.
Appraisal of aims and conclusions:
The authors claim that substantial dynamics associated with intervening behaviors provide evidence against a line attractor. The conclusion that this representation is better described by separable dynamic trajectories rather than fixed points on a line attractor may be premature. The authors found that the state was translated systematically in response to whether outcomes were rewarded, and this translation accumulated across trials. This is consistent with a line attractor, where reward input bumps the state along a line. The observed dynamics could still be consistent with a curved line attractor, with faster timescale dynamics superimposed on this structure.
Likely impact and utility:
This work contributes to our understanding of how probabilistic information is represented in neural circuits and how it influences decision-making. The methods used, particularly the combination of empirical data and RNN modeling, provide a valuable approach for investigating neural computations. However, the impact may be limited by some of the methodological concerns raised.
The data and methods could be useful to the community, especially if the authors provide more detailed descriptions of their RNN training procedures and task structure. However, reverse engineering of the network dynamics was minimal. Most analyses didn't take advantage of the full access to the RNN's update equations.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The study investigates how uncertainty and heuristic strategies influence reward-based decision-making, using a novel two-armed bandit task combined with computational modeling. It aims to disentangle uncertainty-driven behavior from heuristic strategies such as repetition bias and win-stay-lose-shift tendencies, while also exploring individual differences in these processes.
The paper is methodologically sound, and the inclusion of subjective reports enhances the validity of the model testing. The findings on the use of heuristics under specific uncertainty conditions are particularly intriguing.
(1) Unclear how the findings significantly diverge from previous work:
At the start of the introduction, the authors propose a working hypothesis of "heterogeneity in the uncertainty effects." However, this concept is already well-established in the field. Foundational work by Yu and Dayan (2005) and more recent studies by Gershman and colleagues on total and relative uncertainty have provided substantial evidence supporting this idea. Additionally, the notion that such heterogeneity could explain mixed findings has been discussed in studies like Wilson (2014). What specific problem are the authors addressing here, and how does their work significantly differ from previous research?
Later on, however, it seems that the authors' hypothesis is to test the role of multiple factors in driving participants' decisions in the context considered by the authors. First, why is it important to solve such a puzzle? Second, this too has been investigated previously, see for example Dubois (2022), eLife. Therefore, what novel things is this paper bringing to the table? I do see that the task is novel - mostly combining different experimental strategies previously adopted - and that the model includes both heuristics and uncertainty-based strategies, which can account for their shared variance ... but are the authors really answering a novel question? Also, it is not very clear which question the authors are answering see point C below.
(2) The sample size appears to be quite small, and the results would be more convincing if supported by a replication study.
(3) The results section can be somewhat unclear at times, as it introduces novel aspects (e.g., the fMRI session) or questions that were not previously explained within the framework outlined in the introduction. While the findings related to psychopathology are interesting, their relevance to the research question posed in the introduction is not immediately clear. If these findings have significant added value, it would be helpful for the authors to highlight this earlier in the manuscript. Similarly, the results on individual differences in uncertainty (Section 3.6), though intriguing, appear tangential to the primary research question regarding the role of multiple factors in driving participants' decisions. Overall, it would strengthen the manuscript to clarify the main research question and ensure the results are more directly aligned with it.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In this manuscript, Chen et al. investigate the role of the membrane estrogen receptor GPR30 in spinal mechanisms of neuropathic pain. Using a wide variety of techniques, they first provide convincing evidence that GPR30 expression is restricted to neurons within the spinal cord, and that GPR30 neurons are well-positioned to receive descending input from the primary sensory cortex (S1). In addition, the authors put their findings in the context of the previous knowledge in the field, presenting evidence demonstrating that GRP30 is expressed in the majority of CCK-expressing spinal neurons. Overall, this manuscript furthers our understanding of neural circuity that underlies neuropathic pain and will be of broad interest to neuroscientists, especially those interested in somatosensation. Nevertheless, the manuscript would be strengthened by additional analyses and clarification of data that is currently presented.
The authors present convincing evidence for the expression of GPR30 in the spinal cord that is specific to spinal neurons. Similarly, complementary approaches including pharmacological inhibition and knockdown of GPR30 are used to demonstrate the role of the receptor in driving nerve injury-induced pain in rodent models.
Although steps were taken to put their data into the broader context of what is already known about the spinal circuitry of pain, more considerations and analyses would help the authors better achieve their goal. For instance, to determine whether GPR30 is expressed in excitatory or inhibitory neurons, more selective markers for these subtypes should be used over CamK2. Moreover, quantitative analysis of the extent of overlap between GRP30+ and CCK+ spinal neurons is needed to understand the potential heterogeneity of the GRP30 spinal neuron population, and to interpret experiments characterizing descending SI inputs onto GRP30 and CCK spinal neurons. Filling these gaps in knowledge would make their findings more solid.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The study by Xu and colleagues provides a useful study of brainstem circuits involved in evoked respiratory reflexes that they define to be cough or cough-like in nature. The study is conducted in mice which has the benefit of allowing for the use of modern transgenic tools, although many of the experiments end up using viral vector-based approaches that could be deployed in any species. The disadvantage of the mouse model is understanding the true identity of the respiratory event that is defined as cough. This limitation requires careful interrogation in order to understand the biology of the circuit under investigation. In this respect, the authors provide an incomplete description of a putative cough pathway linking the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus with the ventral respiratory group. Neurons assigned as CaMKII+ with putative inputs from the paratrigeminal nucleus are central to this circuit, although the evidence for each of these claims is relatively weak or non-existent. Overall, the study employs interesting methods but limitations in methods and details of methods reduce interpretation of the study outcomes.
The use of modern methods to investigate brainstem circuits involved in an essential respiratory reflex.
(1) The most significant issue that needs careful consideration is the exact respiratory response, which is called a cough. The authors show a trace from their plethysmography recordings and superimpose the 3 phases of cough (inspiration, compression, expiration) with confidence, yet the parameters used to delineate these phases are unclear. Of more concern, an identical respiratory trace was reported recently as a sneeze in Jiang et al Cell 2024 (PMID 39243765). Comparing Figure 1 in the Xu study with Figure 5 in the Jiang study, it is impossible to see any difference in the respiratory trace that would allow the assignment of one as cough and the other as sneeze. The audio signals also look remarkably similar and the purported cough signal in the Jiang study is quite different. Gannot et al Nat Neurosci 2024 (PMID 38977887) seems to agree with Xu in the identity of a cough signal, but Li et al Cell 2021 (PMID 34133943) again labels these as sneezes. One of the older studies that tried to classify respiratory signals in mice (Chen et al PlosONE 2013) labeled the Jiang cough trace as a deep inspiration, while sneeze looks different again. To add further confusion, Zhang et al AJP 2017 (PMID 28228416 ) provide yet another respiratory plethysmography trace that they define as a cough, and label responses discussed above as expiration reflexes. This begs the question - who, if anyone, is correct? Interpreting the circuits underlying these peculiar mouse responses depends on accuracy in defining the response in the first instance.
(2) The involvement of the causal nSp5 in cough is an unexpected finding. Some understanding of if and how vagal afferent inputs reach this location would help strengthen the manuscript. The authors claim in the discussion that the nucleus of the solitary tract is not the source of inputs, but rather they may arise from the paratrigeminal nucleus (although no data is presented to support this claim). This could fit with the known jugular vagal afferent pathway, which is embryologically distinct and terminates in trigeminal regions, rather than the NTS. But if this is correct, what does this finding then say about the purported involvement of NTS neurons in cough in mice, for example, the recent study by Gannot et al Nat Neurosci where Tac1-expressing NTS neurons were integral for what they call cough in mice? Xu and colleagues are encouraged to resolve their input circuitry so that we can better understand the pathway under investigation and how it relates to the NTS pathway. Related to this, and the issues differentiating cough-like responses from sneeze, the authors will need to consider how to differentiate their cough-like circuitry from the sneeze pathway from the caudal nSp5 to the cVRG as reported by Li et al Cell 2021. It seems highly possible that the two groups are studying the same circuitry, yet the interpretation is confounded by an inability to agree on the identity of the evoked response.
(3) Injection volumes and titres for AAV transductions are not stated anywhere. The methods (line 484) indicate that different volumes were used for different purposes, but nowhere is this information stated properly. Looking at representative images suggests that volumes were very large, with most of the brainstem often transduced. As single slices are only ever shown it becomes a concern as to how extensive transductions truly are. The authors need to provide complete maps of viral transduction so that readers can understand exactly what regions could contribute to responses, thereby confounding interpretation.
(4) The authors do not provide any data to explore the impacts of manipulations on basal breathing. This is important as impacts on the respiratory patterning will likely have profound effects on evoked responses that are not related to the specific pathway under investigation. For example, in Figure 2b. breathing looks to be severely compromised in the TKO animals and disrupted in the M4 DREADD animals. Figure 3 also shows the effects of optical stimulation on breathing patterns, which appear like apnea with several breakthrough augmented breaths (some labeled as cough?), although hard to see properly in the traces provided. Figure 5, one would expect VRG inhibition to have impacts on breathing, and the traces supplied appear to suggest this is the case. Please include data showing breathing effects and consider how these may confound your study interpretation.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors propose a new model of biologically realistic reinforcement learning in the direct and indirect pathway spiny projection neurons in the striatum. These pathways are widely considered to provide a neural substrate for reinforcement learning in the brain. However, we do not yet have a full understanding of mechanistic learning rules that would allow successful reinforcement learning like computations in these circuits. The authors outline some key limitations of current models and propose an interesting solution by leveraging learning with efferent inputs of selected actions. They show that the model simulations are able to recapitulate experimental findings about the activity profile in these populations of mice during spontaneous behavior. They also show how their model is able to implement off-policy reinforcement learning.
The manuscript has been very clearly written and the results have been presented in a readily digestible manner. The limitations of existing models, that motivate the presented work, have been clearly presented and the proposed solution seems very interesting. The novel contribution of the proposed model is the idea that different patterns of activity drive current action selection and learning. Not only does this allow the model is able to implement reinforcement learning computations well, but this suggestion may have interesting implications regarding why some processes selectively affect ongoing behavior and others affect learning. The model is able to recapitulate some interesting experimental findings about various activity characteristics of dSPN and iSPN pathway neuronal populations in spontaneously behaving mice. The authors also show that their proposed model can implement off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms with biologically realistic learning rules. This is interesting since off-policy learning provides some unique computational benefits and it is very likely that learning in neural circuits may, at least to some extent, implement such computations.
A weakness in this work is that it isn't clear how a key component in the model - an efferent copy of selected actions - would be accessible to these striatal populations. The authors propose several plausible candidates, but future work may clarify the feasibility of this proposal.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This manuscript describes the analysis of fetal MRI and diffusion-weighted images of the fetal brain in utero, which reveals correlations between spatial and temporal patterns in diffusion behavior (associated with tissue microstructure) with local geometry of the brain surface (describing cortical folding). The authors use advanced imaging and image analysis pipelines, notably high angular resolution multi-shell diffusion imaging (HARDI) and multi-shell, multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution (MSMT-CSD) analysis of the resulting data to analyze. The key metric of tissue microstructure is "tissue fraction" which describes the relative contribution of organized anisotropic diffusion to overall diffusion, and the key geometry parameter is sulcal depth.
The major observation is that tissue fraction, which generally increases with gestational age, is lower in sulcal fundi, and importantly that the relative difference in tissue fraction emerges *before* folding occurs. The relatively low values of tissue fraction in regions of incipient sulci may be important to the physical mechanism of cortical folding.
Strengths of the manuscript include the application of advanced, highly technical imaging and image analysis methods to extract high-resolution data on both surface geometry and diffusion from a unique fetal cohort. The comparison of local features of surface and microstructure in both age-matched and age-mismatched analyses reveals a clear negative correlation between tissue fraction and sulcal depth.
The authors could improve the manuscript by (i) expanding their effort to place their current findings in the context of mechanistic models of folding and (ii) explaining more clearly how the diffusion measurements reflect tissue fraction. The relationship between the tissue fraction metric, the diffusion measurements, and the tissue microstructure is quite opaque.
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Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The study by Sun et al. introduces a useful system utilizing the proteasomal accessory factor A (PafA) and HaloTag for investigating drug-protein interactions in both in vitro (cell culture) and in vivo (zebrafish) settings. The authors presented the development and optimization of the system, as well as examples of its application and the identification of potential novel drug targets. However, the manuscript requires considerable improvements, particularly in writing and justification of experimental design. There are several inaccuracies in data description and a lack of statistics in some figures, undermining the conclusions drawn in the manuscript. Additionally, the authors introduced variants of the ligands and its cognate substrates, yet their use in different experiments appears random and lacks justification. It is challenging for readers to remember and track the specific properties of each variant, further complicating the interpretation of the results.
The conclusions of this paper are mostly backed by data, but certain aspects of data analysis and description require further clarification and expansion.
Comments on revisions:
We would like thank authors for submitting this revised version. We appreciate their inclusion of additional experiments, which convincingly demonstrate the absence of significant toxicity for in vivo applications. All our concerns and questions have been fully addressed. The clarity and quality of the writing have been substantially improved. We believe this innovative proximity labeling tool would be inspiring and valuable for the field.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This work presents a replicable difference in predictive processing between subjects with and without tinnitus. In two independent MEG studies and using a passive listening paradigm, the authors identify an enhanced prediction score in tinnitus subjects compared to control subjects. In the second study, individuals with and without tinnitus were carefully matched for hearing levels (next to age and sex), increasing the probability that the identified differences could truly be attributed to the presence of tinnitus. Results from the first study could successfully be replicated in the second, although the effect size was notably smaller.
Throughout the manuscript, the authors provide a thoughtful interpretation of their key findings and offer several interesting directions for future studies. Their conclusions are fully supported by their findings. Moreover, the authors are sufficiently aware of the inherent limitations of cross-sectional studies.
The robustness of the identified differences in prediction scores between individuals with and without tinnitus is remarkable, especially as successful replication studies are rare in the tinnitus field. Moreover, the authors provide several plausible explanations for the decline of the effect size observed in the second study.
The rigorous matching for hearing loss, in addition to age and sex, in the second study is an important strength. This ensures that the identified differences cannot be attributed to differences in hearing levels between the groups.
The used methodology is explained clearly and in detail, ensuring that the used paradigms may be employed by other researchers in future studies. Moreover, the registering of the data collection and analysis methods for Study 2 as a Registered Report should be commended, as the authors have clearly adhered to the methods as registered.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
Summary of the work:
In this work Fruchard et. al. study the enzyme Tgt and how it modifies guanine in tRNAs to queuosine (Q), essential for Vibrio cholerae's growth under aminoglycoside stress. Q's role in codon decoding efficiency and its proteomic effects during antibiotic exposure is examined, revealing Q modification impacts tyrosine codon decoding and influences RsxA translation, affecting the SoxR oxidative stress response. The research proposes Q modification's regulation under environmental cues reprograms the translation of genes with tyrosine codon bias, including DNA repair factors, crucial for bacterial antibiotic response.
The experiments are well-designed and conducted and the conclusions, for the most part, are well-supported by the data.
Comments on revisions:
The authors have answered my queries
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Joint Public Review:
Based on bioinformatics and expression analysis using mouse and human samples, the authors claim that the adhesion G-protein coupled receptor ADGRA3 may be a valuable target for increasing thermogenic activity and metabolic health. Genetic approaches to deplete ADGRA3 expression in vitro resulted in reduced expression of thermogenic genes including Ucp1, reduced basal respiration and metabolic activity as reflected by reduced glucose uptake and triglyceride accumulation. In line, nanoparticle delivery of shAdgra3 constructs is associated with increased body weight, reduced thermogenic gene expression in white and brown adipose tissue (WAT, BAT), and impaired glucose and insulin tolerance. On the other hand, ADGRA3 overexpression is associated with an improved metabolic profile in vitro and in vivo, which can be explained by increasing the activity of the well-established Gs-PKA-CREB axis. Notably, a computational screen suggested that ADGRA3 is activated by hesperetin. This metabolite is a derivative of the major citrus flavonoid hesperidin and has been described to promote metabolic health. Using appropriate in vitro and in vivo studies, the authors show that hesperitin supplementation is associated with increased thermogenesis, UCP1 levels in WAT and BAT, and improved glucose tolerance, an effect that was attenuated in the absence of ADGRA3 expression.
The revised manuscript fails to address several reviewer concerns, such as the measurement of whole-body energy expenditure through indirect calorimetry and the assessment of food intake.
The previous reviews are here: https://elifesciences.org/reviewed-preprints/100205v2/reviews#tab-content
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This paper presents a data processing pipeline to discover causal interactions from time-lapse imaging data and convincingly illustrates it on a challenging application for the analysis of tumor-on-chip ecosystem data.
The core of the discovery module is the original tMIIC method of the authors, which is shown in supplementary material to compare favourably to two state-of-the-art methods on synthetic temporal data on a 15 nodes network.
This paper tackles the problem of learning causal interactions from temporal data which is an open problem in presence of latent variables.
The core of the method tMIIC of the authors is nicely presented in connection to Granger-Schreiber causality and to the novel graphical conditions used to infer latent variables and based on a theorem about transfer entropy.
tMIIC compares favourably to PC and PCMCI+ methods using different kernels on synthetic datasets generated from a network of 15 nodes.
A full application to tumor-on-chip cellular ecosystems data including cancer cells, immune cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts, endothelial cells and anti cancer drugs, with convincing inference results with respect to both known and novel effects between those components and their contact.
The code and dataset are available online for the reproducibility of the results.
The references to "state-of-the-art methods" concerning the inference of causal networks should be more precise by giving citations in the main text, and better discussed in general terms, both in the first section and in the section of presentation of CausalXtract. It is only in the legend of the figures of the supplementary material that we get information.
Of course, comparison on our own synthetic datasets can always be criticized but this is rather due to the absence of a common benchmark in this domain compared to other domains. I recommend the authors to explicitly propose their datasets made accessible in supplementary material as benchmark for the community.
Comments on revisions:
This is a very nice paper.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study presents a novel application of inverted encoding (i.e., decoding) to detect non-linear correlates of crossmodal integration in human neural activity, using EEG (electroencephalography). The method is successfully applied to data from a group of 41 participants, performing a spatial localization task on auditory, visual, and audio-visual events. The analyses clearly show a behavioural superiority for audio-visual localization. Like previous studies, the results when using traditional univariate ERP analyses were inconclusive, showing once more the need for alternative, more sophisticated approaches. The inverted encoding approach of this study, harnessing on the multivariate nature of the signal, captured clear signs of super-additive responses, considered by many as the hallmark of multisensory integration. Despite the removal of eye-movement artefacts from the signal eliminated the significant decoding effect, the author's control analyses showed that decoding is more effective from parietal, compared to frontal electrodes, thereby ruling out ocular contamination as the sole origin of the relevant signal.
This significant finding can bear important advances in the many fields where multisensory integration has been shown to play an important role, by providing a way to bring much needed coherence across levels of analysis, from behaviour to single-cell electrophysiology. To achieve this, it would be ideal to contrast whether the pattern of super-additive effects in other scenarios where clear behavioural signs of multisensory integration are also observed. One could also try to further support the posterior origin of the super-additive effects by source localization.
Comments on revised version:
All my previous concerns have been addressed. I congratulate the authors on a very nice paper.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The authors aim to elucidate the diversity and gene expression patterns of marine plankton using innovative collection and sequencing methodologies. Their work investigates the taxonomic and functional profiles of planktonic communities, providing insights into their ecological roles and responses to environmental changes.
The methodology utilized in this study, particularly the combination of single-cell sequencing and advanced bioinformatics techniques, represents a significant advancement in the field of plankton research. The application of the Smart-seq2 protocol for cDNA synthesis, followed by rigorous quality control measures, ensures high-quality data generation. This comprehensive approach not only enhances the resolution of the obtained genetic information but also allows for a more detailed exploration of the diversity and functional potential of the phytoplankton community.
One of the major strengths of this study is the rigorous methodological approach, including precise sampling techniques and robust data analysis protocols, which enhance the reliability of the results. The use of advanced sequencing technologies allows for a comprehensive assessment of gene expression, significantly contributing to our understanding of plankton diversity and its implications for marine ecosystems.
While the evidence presented is solid, there are areas where the analysis could be expanded. The authors could further explore the ecological interactions within plankton communities, which would provide a more holistic view of their functional roles. Additionally, a broader discussion of the implications of their findings for marine conservation efforts could enhance the manuscript's impact.
The choice of both the plankton net and filter pore size during the plankton collection process is critical, as these factors directly impact the types of phytoplankton collected. The use of a 25 μm filter paper, in particular, may result in the omission of many eukaryotic phytoplankton species. This limitation, combined with the characteristics of the plankton net, could affect the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the results, potentially influencing the study's conclusions regarding phytoplankton diversity.
The timing of fixation is crucial, as it directly affects whether the measured transcriptome accurately represents the organisms' actual transcriptional state in their native water environment. If fixation occurred a significant time after sample collection, the transcriptomic data may not reflect their true in situ transcriptional activity, which greatly reduces the relevance of this method.
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Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study by Fuqua et al. studies the emergence of sigma70 promoters in bacterial genomes. While there have been several studies to explore how mutations lead to promoter activity, this is the first to explore this phenomena in a wide variety of backgrounds, which notably contain a diverse assortment of local sigma70 motifs in variable configurations. By exploring how mutations affect promoter activity in such diverse backgrounds, they are able to identify a variety of anecdotal examples of gain/loss of promoter activity and propose several mechanisms for how these mutations are interacting within the local motif landscape. Ultimately, they show how different sequences have different probabilities of gaining/losing promoter activity and may do so through a variety of mechanisms.
Major strengths and weaknesses of the methods and results:
This study uses Sort-Seq to characterize promoter activity, which has been adopted by multiple groups and shown to be robust. Furthermore, they use a slightly altered protocol which allows measurements of bi-directional promoter activity. This combined with their pooling strategy allows them to characterize expression of many different backgrounds in both directions in extremely high-throughput which is impressive! A second key approach this study relies on is the identification of promoter motifs using position weight matrices (PWMs). While these methods are prone to false positives, the authors implement a systematic approach which is standard in the field. However, drawing these types of binary definitions (is this a motif? yes/no) should always come with the caveat that gene expression is quantitative traits that we oversimplify when drawing boundaries.
Their approach to randomly mutagenize promoters allowed them to find many examples of different types of evolutions that may occur to increase or decrease promoter activity. They have supported these with validations in more controlled backgrounds which convincingly support their proposed mechanisms for promoter evolution.
An appraisal of whether the authors achieved their aims, and whether the results support their conclusions:
The authors express a key finding that the specific landscape of promoter motifs in a sequence affect the likelihood that local mutations create or destroy regulatory elements. The authors have described many examples, including several that are non-obvious, and show convincingly that different sequence backgrounds have different probabilities for gaining or losing promoter activity. This overarching conclusion is supported by trend and mechanistic data which show differences in probabilities of evolving promoters, as well as the mechanisms underlying these evolutions. Furthermore, these mutations are well described and presented, showing the strength of emergent promoter motifs and their specific spacings from existing motifs within the sequence.
Impact of the work on the field, and the utility of the methods and data to the community:
This study enhances our understanding of the diverse mechanisms by which promoters can evolve or devolve, potentially improving models that predict mutational outcomes. While this study reveals complex mutational patterns, modeling them could significantly advance our ability to predict bacterial evolutionary trajectories and interpret genomes, bringing us closer to that goal.
Recent work in the field of bacterial gene regulation has raised interest in bidirectional promoter regions. While the authors do not discuss how mutations that raise expression in one direction may affect another, they have created an expansive dataset which may enable other groups to study this interesting phenomenon. Also, their variation of the Sort-Seq protocol will be a valuable example for other groups who may be interested in studying bidirectional expression. Lastly, this study may be of interests to groups studying eukaryotic regulation as it can inform how the evolution of transcription factor binding sites influences short-range interactions with local regulator elements.
Any additional context to understand the significance of the work:
Predicting whether a sequence drives promoter activity is a challenging task. By learning the types of mutations that create or destroy promoters, this study provides valuable insights for computational models aimed at predicting promoter activity.
Comments on revised version:
I am satisfied with the extensive changes made by the author. This manuscript is excellent.
I very much like the change in figures to incorporate the sequence information. It is great to see clear representations of the emergent sigma70 motifs and their spacing relative to existing motifs. This addition significantly improves the clarity of the findings.
The validation of mutations on a clean background is well-executed, and the results are convincing. I appreciate the effort put into validating their results. The additional analyses that include TGn and UP-element motifs are also well done and highly relevant, as these elements are known to compensate for weaker or absent -35 sequences.
Most or all perceived inconsistencies from the previous version have been resolved. While I don't think the fluorescence threshold of 1.5 a.u. for promoter activity is justified, the authors do acknowledge this shortcoming, and even empirically-derived thresholds are still technically arbitrary.
I particularly enjoyed Figure 1E, thank you for entertaining my analysis request! Also, the H-NS story is a nice addition showing how transcription factors influence this evolution
Overall, this revised manuscript is an excellent contribution to the field, and I have no further recommendations for improvement.