9,126 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Previous work demonstrated a strong bias in the percept of an ambiguous Shepard tone as either ascending or descending in pitch, depending on the preceding contextual stimulus. The authors recorded human MEG and ferret A1 single-unit activity during presentation of stimuli identical to those used in the behavioral studies. They used multiple neural decoding methods to test if context-dependent neural responses to ambiguous stimulus replicated the behavioral results. Strikingly, a decoder trained to report stimulus pitch produced biases opposite to the perceptual reports. These biases could be explained robustly by a feed-forward adaptation model. Instead, a decoder that took into account direction selectivity of neurons in the population was able to replicate the change in perceptual bias.


      This study explores an interesting and important link between neural activity and sensory percepts, and it demonstrates convincingly that traditional neural decoding models cannot explain percepts. Experimental design and data collection appear to have been executed carefully. Subsequent analysis and modeling appear rigorous. The conclusion that traditional decoding models cannot explain the contextual effects on percepts is quite strong.


      Beyond the very convincing negative results, it is less clear exactly what the conclusion is or what readers should take away from this study. The presentation of the alternative, "direction aware" models is unclear, making it difficult to determine if they are presented as realistic possibilities or simply novel concepts. Does this study make predictions about how information from auditory cortex must be read out by downstream areas? There are several places where the thinking of the authors should be clarified, in particular, around how this idea of specialized readout of direction-selective neurons should be integrated with a broader understanding of auditory cortex.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In their manuscript the authors report that fecal transplantation from young mice into old mice alleviates susceptibility to gout. The gut microbiota in young mice is found to inhibit activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway and reduce uric acid levels in the blood in the gout model.


      They focused on the butanoate metabolism pathway based on the results of metabolomics analysis after fecal transplantation and identified butyrate as the key factor in mitigating gout susceptibility. In general, this is a well-performed study.


      The discussion on the current results and previous studies regarding the effect of butyrate on gout symptoms is insufficient. The authors need to provide a more thorough discussion of other possible mechanisms and relevant literature.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Tleiss et al. demonstrate that while commensal Lactiplantibacillus plantarum freely circulate within the intestinal lumen, pathogenic strains such as Erwinia carotovora or Bacillus thuringiensis are blocked in the anterior midgut where they are rapidly eliminated by antimicrobial peptides. This sequestration of pathogenic bacteria in the anterior midgut requires the Duox enzyme in enterocytes, and both TrpA1 and Dh31 in enteroendocrine cells. This effect induces muscular muscle contraction, which is marked by the formation of TARM structures (thoracic ary-related muscles). This muscle contraction-related blocking happens early after infection (15mins). On the other side, the clearance of bacteria is done by the IMD pathway possibly through antimicrobial peptide production while it is dispensable for the blockage. Genetic manipulations impairing bacterial compartmentalization result in abnormal colonization of posterior midgut regions by pathogenic bacteria. Despite a functional IMD pathway, this ectopic colonization leads to bacterial proliferation and larval death, demonstrating the critical role of bacteria anterior sequestration in larval defense.

      In general, this fundamentally important study reveals unique mechanisms in the gut immunity of Drosophila larvae. It also describes a previously understudied structure, TARM, which may play a crucial role in this process. This significant work substantially advances our understanding of pathogen clearance by identifying a new mode of pathogen eradication from the insect gut. The evidence supporting the authors' claims is compelling, and the study opens new avenues for future research in gut immunity.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea is widely used as a model system for regeneration because of its remarkable ability to regenerate its entire body plan from very small fragments of tissue, including the complete and rapid regeneration of the CNS. Prior to this study, analysis of CNS regeneration in planaria has mostly been performed on a gross anatomical level. Despite its simplicity compared to vertebrates, the CNS of many invertebrates, including planaria, is nonetheless complex, intricate, and densely packed. Some invertebrate models allow the visualization of individual cellular components of the CNS using transgenic techniques. Until transgenesis becomes commonplace in planaria, the visualization and analysis of detailed CNS anatomy must rely on alternate approaches in order to capitalize on the immense promise of this system as a model for CNS regeneration. Another challenge for the study of the CNS more broadly is how to perform imaging of a complete CNS on a reasonable timescale such that multiple individuals per experimental condition can be imaged.


      In this report, Lu et al. describe a careful and detailed analysis of the planarian neuroanatomy and musculature in both the homeostatic and regenerating contexts. To improve the effective resolution of their imaging, the authors optimized a tissue expansion protocol for planaria. Imaging was performed by light sheet microscopy, and the resulting optical sections were tiled to reconstruct whole worms. Labelled tissues and cells were then segmented to allow quantification of neurons and muscle fibers, as well as all cells in individual worms using a DNA dye. The resulting workflow can produce highly detailed and quantifiable 3D reconstructions at a rate that is fast enough to allow the analysis of large numbers of animals.


      Lu et al. use their workflow to visualize RNA expression of five enzymes that are each involved in the biosynthetic pathway of different neurotransmitters/modulators, namely chat (cholinergeric), gad (GABAergic), tbh (octopaminergic), th (dopaminergic), and tph (serotonergic). In this way, they generate an anatomical atlas of neurons that produce these molecules. Collectively these markers are referred to as the "neuronpool." They overstate when they write, "The combination of these five types of neurons constitutes a neuron pool that enables the labeling of all neurons throughout the entire body." This statement does not accurately represent the state of our knowledge about the diversity of neurons in S. mediterranea. There are several lines of evidence that support the presence of glutamatergic and glycinergic neurons, including the following. The glutamate receptor agonists NMDA and AMPA both produce seizure-like behaviors in S. mediterranea that are blocked by the application of glutamate receptor antagonists MK-801 and DNQX (which antagonize NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors, respectively; Rawls et al., 2009). scRNA-Seq data indicates that neurons in S. mediterranea express a vesicular glutamate transporter, a kainite-type glutamate receptor, a glycine receptor, and a glycine transporter (Brunet Avalos and Sprecher, 2021; Wyss et al., 2022). Two AMPA glutamate receptors, GluR1 and GluR2, are known to be expressed in the CNS of another planarian species, D. japonica (Cebria et al., 2002). Likewise, there is abundant evidence for the presence of peptidergic neurons in S. mediterranea (Collins et al., 2010; Fraguas et al., 2012; Ong et al., 2016; Wyss et al., 2022; among others) and in D. japonica (Shimoyama et al., 2016). For these reasons, the authors should not assume that all neurons can be assayed using the five markers that they selected. The situation is made more complex by the fact that many neurons in S. mediterranea appear to produce more than one neurotransmitter/modulator/peptide (Brunet Avalos and Sprecher, 2021; Wyss et al., 2022), which is common among animals (Vaaga et al., 2014; Brunet Avalos and Sprecher, 2021). However the published literature indicates that there are substantial populations of glutamatergic, glycinergic, and peptidergic neurons in S. mediterranea that do not produce other classes of neurotransmission molecule (Brunet Avalos and Sprecher, 2021; Wyss et al., 2022). Thus it seems likely that the neuronpool will miss many neurons that only produce glutamate, glycine or a neuropeptide.

      The authors use their technique to image the neural network of the CNS using antibodies raised vs. Arrestin, Synaptotagmin, and phospho-Ser/Thr. They document examples of both contralateral and ipsilateral projections from the eyes to the brain in the optic chiasma (Figure 1C-F). These data all seem to be drawn from a single animal in which there appears to be a greater than normal number of nerve fiber defasciculatations. It isn't clear how well their technique works for fibers that remain within a nerve tract or the brain. The markers used to image neural networks are broadly expressed, and it's possible that most nerve fibers are too densely packed (even after expansion) to allow for image segmentation. The authors also show a close association between estrella-positive glial cells and nerve fibers in the optic chiasma.

      The authors count all cell types, neuron pool neurons, and neurons of each class assayed. They find that the cell number to body volume ratio remains stable during homeostasis (Figure S3C), and that the brain volume steadily increases with increasing body volume (Figure S3E). They also observe that the proportion of neurons to total body cells is higher in worms 2-6 mm in length than in worms 7-9 mm in length (Figure 2D, S3F). They find that the rate at which four classes of neurons (GABAergic, octopaminergic, dopaminergic, serotonergic) increase relative to the total body cell number is constant (Figure S3G-J). They write: "Since the pattern of cholinergic neurons is the major cell population in the brain, these results suggest that the above observation of the non-linear dynamics between neurons and cell numbers is likely from the cholinergic neurons." This conclusion should not be reached without first directly counting the number of cholinergic neurons and total body cells. Given that glutamatergic, glycinergic, and peptidergic neurons were not counted, it also remains possible that the non-linear dynamics are due (in part or in whole) to one or more of these populations.

      The authors next assayed the production of different classes of neurons in regenerating post-pharyngeal tail fragments. At 14 dpa, they find significantly reduced proportions of octopaminergic, GABAergic, and dopaminergic neurons in these regenerated animals (Figure 3K). Given that these three neuron classes are primarily found in the brain region (Figure S2A), this suggests that the brains of these animals may not have finished regenerating by 14 dpa.

      The authors next applied their imaging and segmentation technique to the musculature using the 6G10 antibody. They find that the body wall muscle fibers from the dorsal and ventral body walls integrate differently at the anterior end (to form a cobweb-like arrangement) compared to the posterior end (Figure 4I). They knock down β-catenin in regenerating head anterior fragments and find that the resulting double-headed worms produce a cobweb-like arrangement at both ends (Figure 4J).

      RNAi knockdown of inr-1 is known to produce mobility defects and have elongated bodies relative to control animals (Lei et al., 2016; Figure S6A). To understand the nature of these defects, the authors image the muscle of inr-1 RNAi animals and find increased circular body wall muscle fibers on both dorsal and ventral sides, while β-catenin RNAi animals have increased longitudinal muscle fibers on the dorsal side (Figure 6C). The inr-1 RNAi animals also have reduced cholinergic neurons (Figure S6B), and ectopic expression of the GABAergic marker gad in the periphery (Figure S6B). Lastly the authors simultaneously image muscle and estrella-positive glia and find that these glia lack their typically elaborate stellate morphology in inr-1 RNAi animals (Figure 6E, S6E-K). The combination of this muscle, neuronal, and glial defects may account for the mobility defects observed in inr-1 RNAi worms.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Dipasree Hajra et al demonstrated that Salmonella was able to modulate the expression of Sirtuins (Sirt1 and Sirt3) and regulate the metabolic switch in both host and Salmonella, promoting its pathogenesis. The authors found Salmonella infection induced high levels of Sirt1 and Sirt3 in macrophages, which were skewed toward the M2 phenotype allowing Salmonella to hyper-proliferate. Mechanistically, Sirt1 and Sirt3 regulated the acetylation of HIF-1alpha and PDHA1, therefore mediating Salmonella-induced host metabolic shift in the infected macrophages. Interestingly, Sirt1 and Sirt3-driven host metabolic switch also had an effect on the metabolic profile of Salmonella. Counterintuitively, inhibition of Sirt1/3 led to increased pathogen burdens in an in vivo mouse model. Overall, this is a well-designed study.

      The revised manuscript has addressed all of the previous comments. The re-analysis of flow cytometry and WB data by authors makes the results and conclusion more complete and convincing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors addressed the influence of DKK2 on colorectal cancer (CRC) metastasis to the liver using an orthotopic model transferring AKP-mutant organoids into the spleens of wild-type animals. They found that DKK2 expression in tumor cells led to enhanced liver metastasis and poor survival in mice. Mechanistically, they associate Dkk2-deficiency in donor AKP tumor organoids with reduced Paneth-like cell properties, particularly Lz1 and Lyz2, and defects in glycolysis. Quantitative gene expression analysis showed no significant changes in Hnf4a1 expression upon Dkk2 deletion. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis of RNA-Seq data and ATAC-seq data point to a Hnf4a1 motif as a potential target. They also show that HNF4a binds to the promoter region of Sox9, which leads to LYZ expression and upregulation of Paneth-like properties. By analyzing available scRNA data from human CRC data, the authors found higher expression of LYZ in metastatic and primary tumor samples compared to normal colonic tissue; reinforcing their proposed link, HNF4a was highly expressed in LYZ+ cancer cells compared to LYZ- cancer cells.


      Overall, this study contributes a novel mechanistic pathway that may be related to metastatic progression in CRC.


      The main concerns are related to incremental gains, missing in vivo support for several of their conclusions in murine models, and missing human data analyses.

      Main comments

      Novelty:<br /> The authors previously described the role of DKK2 in primary CRC, correlating increased DKK2 levels to higher Src phosphorylation and HNF4a1 degradation, which in turn enhances LGR5 expression and "stemness" of cancer cells, resulting in tumor progression (PMID: 33997693). A role for DKK2 in metastasis has also been previously described (sarcoma, PMID: 23204234)

      Mouse data:<br /> (a) The authors analyzed liver mets, but the main differences between AKT and AKP/Dkk2 KO organoids could arise during the initial tumor cell egress from the intestinal tissue (which cannot be addressed in their splenic injection model), or during pre-liver stages, such as endothelial attachment. While the analysis of liver mets is interesting, given that Paneth cells play a role in the intestinal stem cell niche, it is questionable whether a study that does not involve the intestine can appropriately address this pathway in CRC metastasis.<br /> (b) The overall number of Paneth cells found in the scRNA-seq analysis of liver mets was low (17 cells, Fig.3), and assuming that these cells are driving the differences seems somewhat far-fetched.<br /> (c) Fig. 6 suggests a signaling cascade in which the absence of DKK2 leads to enhanced HNF4A expression, which in turn results in reduced Sox9 expression and hence reduced expression of Paneth cell properties. It is therefore crucial that the authors perform in vivo (splenic organoid injection) loss-of-function experiments, knockdown of Sox9 expression in AKP organoids, and Sox9 overexpression experiments in AKP/Dkk2 KO organoids to demonstrate Sox9 as the central downstream transcription factor regulating liver CRC metastasis.<br /> (d) Given the previous description of the role of DKK2 in primary CRC, it is important to define the step of liver metastasis affected by Dkk2 deficiency in the metastasis model. Does it affect extravasation, liver survival, etc.?

      Human data:<br /> Can the authors address whether the expression of Dkk2 changes in human CRC and whether mutations in Dkk2 as correlated with metastatic disease or CRC stage?

      Bioinformatic analysis<br /> GEO repositories remain not open (at the time of the re-review) and SRA links for raw data are still unavailable. Without access to raw data, it is not possible to verify the analyses or fully assess the results. A part of the article was made by re-analyzing public data so the authors should make even the raw available and not just the count tables

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this article the authors described mouse models presenting with backer muscular dystrophy, they created three transgenic models carrying three representative exon deletions: ex45-48 del., ex45-47 19 del., and ex45-49 del.. This article is well written but needs improvement in some points.


      This article is well written. The evidence supporting the authors' claims is robust, though further implementation is necessary. The experiments conducted align with the current state-of-the-art methodologies.


      This article does not analyze atrophy in the various mouse models. Implementing this point would improve the impact of the work

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors have assembled a cohort of 10 SiNET, 1 SiAdeno, and 1 lung MiNEN samples to explore the biology of neuroendocrine neoplasms. They employ single-cell RNA sequencing to profile 5 samples (siAdeno, SiNETs 1-3, MiNEN) and single-nuclei RNA sequencing to profile seven frozen samples (SiNET 4-10).

      They identify two subtypes of siNETs, characterized by either epithelial or neuronal NE cells, through a series of DE analyses. They also report findings of higher proliferation in non-malignant cell types across both subtypes. Additionally, they identify a potential progenitor cell population in a single-lung MiNEN sample.


      Overall, this study adds interesting insights into this set of rare cancers that could be very informative for the cancer research community. The team probes an understudied cancer type and provides thoughtful investigations and observations that may have translational relevance.


      The study could be improved by clarifying some of the technical approaches and aspects as currently presented, toward enhancing the support of the conclusions:

      (1) Methods: As currently presented, it is possible that the separation of samples by program may be impacted by tissue source (fresh vs. frozen) and/or the associated sequencing modality (single cell vs. single nuclei). For instance, two (SiNET1 and SiNET2) of the three fresh tissues are categorized into the same subtype, while the third (SiNET9) has very few neuroendocrine cells. Additionally, samples from patient 1 (SiNET1 and SiNET6) are separated into different subtypes based on fresh and frozen tissue. The current text alludes to investigations (i.e.: "Technical effects (e.g., fresh vs. frozen samples) could also impact the capture of distinct cell types, although we did not observe a clear pattern of such bias."), but the study would be strengthened with more detail.

      (2) Results:<br /> Heterogeneity in the SiNET tumor microenvironment: It is unclear if the current analysis of intratumor heterogeneity distinguishes the subtypes. It may be informative if patterns of tumor microenvironment (TME) heterogeneity were identified between samples of the same subtype. The team could also evaluate this in an extension cohort of published SiNET tumors (i.e. revisiting additional analyses using the SiNET bulk RNAseq from Alvarez et al 2018, a subset of single-cell data from Hoffman et al 2023, or additional bulk RNAseq validation cohorts for this cancer type if they exist [if they do not, then this could be mentioned as a need in Discussion])

      (3) Proliferation of NE and immune cells in SiNETs: The observed proliferation of NE and immune cells in SiNETs may also be influenced by technical factors (including those noted above). For instance, prior studies have shown that scRNA-seq tends to capture a higher proportion of immune cells compared to snRNA-seq, which should be considered in the interpretation of these results. Could the team clarify this element?

      (4) Putative progenitors in mixed tumors: As written, the identification of putative progenitors in a single lung MiNEN sample feels somewhat disconnected from the rest of the study. These findings are interesting - are similar progenitor cell populations identified in SiNET samples? Recognizing that ideally additional validation is needed to confidently label and characterize these cells beyond gene expression data in this rare tumor, this limitation could be addressed in a revised Discussion.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study evaluates whether species can shift geographically, temporally, or both ways in response to climate change. It also teases out the relative importance of geographic context, temperature variability, and functional traits in predicting the shifts. The study system is large occurrence datasets for dragonflies and damselflies split between two time periods and two continents. Results indicate that more species exhibited both shifts than one or the other or neither, and that geographic context and temp variability were more influential than traits. The results have implications for future analyses (e.g. incorporating habitat availability) and for choosing winner and loser species under climate change. The methodology would be useful for other taxa and study regions with strong community/citizen science and extensive occurrence data.


      This is an organized and well-written paper that builds on a popular topic and moves it forward. It has the right idea and approach, and the results are useful answers to the predictions and for conservation planning (i.e. identifying climate winners and losers). There is technical proficiency and analytical rigor driven by an understanding of the data and its limitations.


      (1) The habitat classifications (Table S3) are often wrong. "Both" is overused. In North America, for example, Anax junius, Cordulia shurtleffii, Epitheca cynosura, Erythemis simplicicollis, Libellula pulchella, Pachydiplax longipennis, Pantala flavescens, Perithemis tenera, Ischnura posita, the Lestes species, and several Enallagma species are not lotic breeding. These species rarely occur let alone successfully reproduce at lotic sites. Other species are arguably "both", like Rhionaeschna multicolor which is mostly lentic. Not saying this would have altered the conclusions, but it may have exacerbated the weak trait effects.

      (2) The conservative spatial resolution (100 x 100 km) limits the analysis to wide-ranging and generalist species. There's no rationale given, so not sure if this was by design or necessity, but it limits the number of analyzable species and potentially changes the inference.

      (3) The objective includes a prediction about generalists vs specialists (L99-103) yet there is no further mention of this dichotomy in the abstract, methods, results, or discussion.

      (4) Key references were overlooked or dismissed, like in the new edition of Dragonflies & Damselflies model organisms book, especially chapters 24 and 27.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Chen and Phillips describe the dynamic appearance of cytoplasmic granules during embryogenesis analogous to SIMR germ granules, and distinct from CSR-1-containing granules, in the C. elegans germline. They show that the nuclear Argonaute NRDE-3, when mutated to abrogate small RNA binding, or in specific genetic mutants, partially colocalizes to these granules along with other RNAi factors, such as SIMR-1, ENRI-2, RDE-3, and RRF-1. Furthermore, NRDE-3 RIP-seq analysis in early vs. late embryos is used to conclude that NRDE-3 binds CSR-1-dependent 22G RNAs in early embryos and ERGO-1-dependent 22G RNAs in late embryos. These data lead to their model that NRDE-3 undergoes small RNA substrate "switching" that occurs in these embryonic SIMR granules and functions to silence two distinct sets of target transcripts - maternal, CSR-1 targeted mRNAs in early embryos and duplicated genes and repeat elements in late embryos.


      The identification and function of small RNA-related granules during embryogenesis is a poorly understood area and this study will provide the impetus for future studies on the identification and potential functional compartmentalization of small RNA pathways and machinery during embryogenesis.


      (1) While the authors acknowledge the following issue, their finding that loss of SIMR granules has no apparent impact on NRDE-3 small RNA loading puts the functional relevance of these structures into question. As they note in their Discussion, it is entirely possible that these embryonic granules may be "incidental condensates." It would be very welcomed if the authors could include some evidence that these SIMR granules have some function; for example, does the loss of these SIMR granules have an effect on CSR-1 targets in early embryos and ERGO-1-dependent targets in late embryos?

      (2) The analysis of small RNA class "switching" requires some clarification. The authors re-define ERGO-1-dependent targets in this study to arrive at a very limited set of genes and their justification for doing this is not convincing. What happens if the published set of ERGO-1 targets is used? Further, the NRDE-3 RIP-seq data is used to conclude that NRDE-3 predominantly binds CSR-1 class 22G RNAs in early embryos, while ERGO-1-dependent 22G RNAs are enriched in late embryos. a) The relative ratios of each class of small RNAs are given in terms of unique targets. What is the total abundance of sequenced reads of each class in the NRDE-3 IPs? b) The "switching" model is problematic given that even in late embryos, the majority of 22G RNAs bound by NRDE-3 is in the CSR-1 class (Figure 5D). c) A major difference between NRDE-3 small RNA binding in eri-1 and simr-1 mutants appears to be that NRDE-3 robustly binds CSR-122G RNAs in eri-1 but not in simr-1 in late embryos. This result should be better discussed.

      (3) Ultimately, if the switching is functionally important, then its impact should be observed in the expression of their targets. RNA-seq or RT-qPCR of select CSR-1 and ERGO-1 targets should be assessed in nrde-3 mutants during early vs late embryogenesis.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Furman et al. reanalyze data from a previous study and investigate alterations of peak alpha frequency (PAF) and alpha power (AP) in the context of prolonged pain with electroencephalography (EEG). Using two experimental pain models (phasic and capsaicin heat pain), they set out to clarify if previously reported changes in alpha activity in chronic pain can already be observed during prolonged pain in healthy human participants. They conclude that PAF is reliably slowed, and AP reliably decreased in response to prolonged pain. From the patterns of their findings, they furthermore deduce that AP changes indicate the presence of ongoing pain while PAF changes reflect pain-associated states like sensitization which can outlast ongoing pain percepts and indicate a potential for experiencing pain. Lastly, they conclude that the reported changes in alpha activity are likely due to specific power decreases in the faster alpha range between 10 and 12 Hz and discuss potential clinical implications of their findings in terms of risk biomarkers and early pain interventions.


      The study focuses on a timely topic with potential implications for chronic pain diagnosis and treatment, an area that urgently needs new approaches. The addressed questions nicely build upon and extend the previous work of the authors. The analyzed data set is comprehensive including two different prolonged pain paradigms, two visits following the same experimental procedures, and a total sample size of n = 61 participants. Thereby, it enabled internal replications of findings across both paradigms and visits, which is important to confirm the consistency of findings.


      One overarching difficulty is the high number of analyses presented by the authors. They were in part developed "on the go", are not always easy to follow, and sidetrack the reader from the main findings. Only a minor part of the analyses is described in the methods section, while many analyses are outlined within the results, the supplementary material, and/or figure legends. In addition, a range of purely descriptive findings are displayed. Overall, the manuscript would clearly benefit from a more streamlined and consistent presentation of the applied methods and results.

      Concerning the main findings, the presented evidence for a slowing of PAF and a reduction of AP in the context of both phasic and capsaicin heat pain and across both visits is convincing. The location of the peak of the effect at left frontocentral areas, however, remains puzzling. The authors convincingly show that the effect cannot be explained by activity related to the pain rating procedure and provide evidence that an effect of the same direction can also observed at corresponding electrodes contralateral to pain stimulation. However, further reasons are not discussed.

      The conclusion that PAF slowing might be more related to pain-associated states like sensitization rather than the presence of ongoing pain is deduced from a continued slowing of PAF after capsaicin-induced pain has subsided, while AP goes back to baseline values. Although this speculation is interesting, the readers should be aware that this dissociation was unexpected and resulted in changes in the main a-priori-defined statistical contrasts presented in the methods section. Further replications in future studies are needed to strengthen this finding.

      The last conclusion made by the authors is that the observed changes in alpha activity are caused by specific changes in the faster alpha range and are the least convincing. If I understand correctly, the only presented statistical evidence corroborating this conclusion is based on the single selected electrode C3 shown in Figure 5 A, D, and E. With the remaining parts of Figure 5 and Figure 6, differences are discussed but Figures do not include statistical results. Unless the discussed findings are backed up more clearly, the degree of mechanistic conclusions concerning the 10-12 Hz power changes throughout the title, abstract, and main manuscript and in relation to the multiple oscillators model seems not justified.

      Lastly, it is important to note that the current manuscript was published as a preprint in 2021. Thus, the cited literature still needs to be updated, and the present findings need to be integrated with the work published since. For example, a recent systematic review on potential M/EEG-based biomarkers of chronic pain (Zebhauser et al., 2023, Pain) revealed that previous evidence concerning changes of alpha activity in chronic pain is much less consistent than currently outlined in the manuscript.


      All in all, the presented findings extend previous knowledge concerning the role of alpha activity in pain and thus represent a valuable contribution towards a better understanding of the mechanisms of pain and potential new treatment targets.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript uses large-scale existing datasets that span almost the full range of human life (5-100 years) to identify two distinct architectural cortical gradients within the visual cortex. These gradients are distinct: in one, cytoarchitecture and myeloarchitecture converge and in the other, they diverge. The authors tested whether these gradients mapped onto known functional properties of the visual cortex, as well as accounting for visual behaviours that are impacted throughout the lifespan. The manuscript also reports the identification of a hitherto unknown cluster of visual field maps in the anterior temporal lobe.


      A major strength of the current manuscript is the use of large-scale measurements of human brain structure throughout the lifespan, courtesy of the Human Connectome Project Initiative. The scope of this cross-sectional analysis would be rare, if not impossible to achieve through an individual project.

      The approach employed holds promise for assessing the link between large-scale anatomical gradients in the brain and functional/behavioural properties. The current manuscript focuses on the visual cortex but the approach could easily be implemented across the brain in general.


      While the evidence in favour of the two gradients largely supports the claims, the evidence for a new visual field map cluster in the anterior temporal lobe falls short of the level used historically when identifying visual field maps in the visual cortex and is, at present, not convincing.

      More specifically, the progressions of polar angle within the putative anterior lobe cluster are highly variable across subjects. Few subjects have convincing polar angle reversals at either the horizontal or vertical meridians. In other cases, a putative border is shown that spans different polar angles, which does not align with the accepted definitions for visual field maps in the cortex.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In the presented study, the authors aim to explore the role of nociceptors in the fine particulate matter (FPM) mediated Asthma phenotype, using rodent models of allergic airway inflammation. This manuscript builds on previous studies, and identify transciptomic reprogramming and an increased sensitivity of the jugular nodose complex (JNC) neurons, one of the major sensory ganglion for the airways, on exposure to FPM along with Ova during the challenge phase. The authors then use OX-314 a selectively permeable form of lidocaine, and TRPV1 knockouts to demonstrate that nociceptor blocking can reduce airway inflammation in their experimental setup.

      The authors further identify the presence of Gfra3 on the JNC neurons, a receptor for the protein Artemin, and demonstrate their sensitivity to Artmein as a ligand. They further show that alveolar macrophages release Artemin on exposure to FPM.


      The study builds on results available from multiple previous work, and presents important results which allow insights into the mixed phenotypes of Asthma seen clinically. In addition, by identifying the role of nociceptors, they identify potential therapeutic targets which bear high translational potential.


      While the results presented in the study are highly relevant, there is a need for further mechanistic dissection to allow better inferences. Currently certain results seem assocaitive. Also, certain visualisations and experimental protocols presented in the manuscript need careful assessment and interpretation.

      While Asthma is a chronic disease, the presented results are particularly important to explore Asthma exacerbations in response to acute expsoure to air pollutants. This is relevant in today's age of increasing air pollution and increasing global travel.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In their comprehensive analysis Diallo et al. deorphanise the first olfactory receptor of a non-hymenopteran eusocial insect - a termite and identified the well-established trail pheromone neocembrene as the receptor's best ligand. By using a large set of odorants the authors convincingly show that, as expected for a pheromone receptor, PsimOR14 is very narrowly tuned. While the authors first make use of an ectopic expression system, the empty neuron of Drosophila melanogaster, to characterise the receptor's responses, they next perform single sensillum recordings with different sensilla types on the termite antenna. By that, they are able to identify a sensillum that houses three neurons, of which the B neuron exhibits the narrow responses described for PsimOR14. Hence the authors do not only identify the first pheromone receptor in a termite but can even localize its expression on the antenna. The authors in addition perform a structural analysis to explain the binding properties of the receptor and its major and minor ligands (as this is beyond my expertise, I cannot judge this part of the manuscript). Finally, they compare expression patterns of ORs in different castes and find that PsimOR14 is more strongly expressed in workers than in soldier termites, which corresponds well with stronger antennal responses in the worker caste.


      The manuscript is well-written and a pleasure to read. The figures are beautiful and clear. I actually had a hard time coming up with suggestions.


      Whenever it comes to the deorphanization of a receptor and its potential role in behaviour (in the case of the manuscript it would be trail-following of the termite) one thinks immediately of knocking out the receptor to check whether it is necessary for the behaviour. However, I definitely do not want to ask for this (especially as the establishment of CRISPR Cas-9 in eusocial insects usually turns out to be a nightmare). I also do not know either, whether knockdowns via RNAi have been established in termites, but maybe the authors could consider some speculation on this in the discussion.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Sattin, Nardin, and colleagues designed and evaluated corrective microlenses that increase the useable field of view of two long (>6mm) thin (500 um diameter) GRIN lenses used in deep-tissue two-photon imaging. This paper closely follows the thread of earlier work from the same group (e.g. Antonini et al, 2020; eLife), filling out the quiver of available extended-field-of-view 2P endoscopes with these longer lenses. The lenses are made by a molding process that appears practical and easy to adopt with conventional two-photon microscopes.

      Simulations are used to motivate the benefits of extended field of view, demonstrating that more cells can be recorded, with less mixing of signals in extracted traces, when recorded with higher optical resolution. In vivo tests were performed in the piriform cortex, which is difficult to access, especially in chronic preparations.

      The design, characterization, and simulations are clear and thorough, but not exhaustive (see below), and do not break new ground in optical design or biological application. However, the approach shows much promise, including for applications not mentioned in the present text such as miniaturized GRIN-based microscopes. Readers will largely be interested in this work for practical reasons: to apply the authors' corrected endoscopes.


      The text is clearly written, the ex vivo analysis is thorough and well-supported, and the figures are clear. The authors achieved their aims, as evidenced by the images presented, and were able to make measurements from large numbers of cells simultaneously in vivo in a difficult preparation.


      (1) The novelty of the present work over previous efforts from the same group is not well explained. What needed to be done differently to correct these longer GRIN lenses?

      (2) Some strong motivations for the method are not presented. For example, the introduction (page 3) focuses on identifying neurons with different coding properties, but this can be done with electrophysiology (albeit with different strengths and weaknesses). Compared to electrophysiology, optical methods more clearly excel at genetic targeting, subcellular measurements, and molecular specificity; these could be mentioned. Another example, in comparing microfabricated lenses to other approaches, an unmentioned advantage is miniaturization and potential application to mini-2P microscopes, which use GRIN lenses.

      (3) Some potentially useful information is lacking, leaving critical questions for potential adopters:

      How sensitive is the assembly to decenter between the corrective optic and the GRIN lens? What is the yield of fabrication and of assembly?

      Supplementary Figure 1: Is this really a good agreement between the design and measured profile? Does the figure error (~10 um in some cases on average) noticeably degrade the image? How do individual radial profiles compare to the presented means?<br /> What is the practical effect of the strong field curvature? Are the edges of the field, which come very close to the lens surface, a practical limitation?

      The lenses appear to be corrected for monochromatic light; high-performance microscopes are generally achromatic. Is the bandwidth of two-photon excitation sufficient to warrant optimization over multiple wavelengths?

      GRIN lenses are often used to access a 3D volume by scanning in z (including in this study). How does the corrective lens affect imaging performance over the 3D field of view?

      (4) The in vivo images (Figure 7D) have a less impressive resolution and field than the ex vivo images (Figure 4B), and the reason for this is not clear. Given the difference in performance, how does this compare to an uncorrected endoscope in the same preparation? Is the reduced performance related to uncorrected motion, field curvature, working distance, etc? Regarding Figure 7, there is no analysis of the biological significance of the calcium signals or even a description of where olfactory stimuli were presented. The timescale of jGCaMP8f signals in Figure 7E is uncharacteristically slow for this indicator (compared to Zhang et al 2023 (Nature)), though perhaps this is related to the physiology of these cells or the stimuli.

      (5) The claim of unprecedented spatial resolution across the FOV (page 18) is hard to evaluate and is not supported by references to quantitative comparisons. The promises of the method for future studies (pages 18-19) could also be better supported by analysis or experiment, but these are minor and to me, do not detract from the appeal of the work.

      (6) The text is lengthy and the material is repeated, especially between the introduction and conclusion. Consolidating introductory material to the introduction would avoid diluting interesting points in the discussion.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Frelih et al. investigated both periodic and aperiodic activity in EEG during working memory tasks. In terms of periodic activity, they found post-stimulus decreases in alpha and beta activity, while in terms of aperiodic activity, they found a bi-phasic post-stimulus steepening of the power spectrum, which was weakly predictive of performance. They conclude that it is crucial to properly distinguish between aperiodic and periodic activity in event-related designs as the former could confound the latter. They also add to the growing body of research highlighting the functional relevance of aperiodic activity in the brain.


      This is a well-written, timely paper that could be of interest to the field of cognitive neuroscience, especially to researchers investigating the functional role of aperiodic activity. The authors describe a well-designed study that looked at both the oscillatory and non-oscillatory aspects of brain activity during a working memory task. The analytic approach is appropriate, as a state-of-the-art toolbox is used to separate these two types of activity. The results support the basic claim of the paper that it is crucial to properly distinguish between aperiodic and periodic activity in event-related designs as the former could confound the latter. They also add to the growing body of research highlighting the functional relevance of aperiodic activity in the brain. Commendably, the authors include replications of their key findings on multiple independent data sets.


      The authors also claim that their results speak to the interplay between oscillatory and non-oscillatory activity, and crucially, that task-related changes in the theta frequency band - often attributed to neural oscillations in the field - are in fact only a by-product of non-oscillatory changes. I believe these claims are too bold and are not supported by compelling evidence in the paper. Some control analyses - e.g., contrasting the scalp topographies of purported theta and non-oscillatory effects - could help strengthen the latter argument, but it may be safest to simply soften these two claims.

      In terms of the methodology used, I suggest the authors make it clearer to readers that the primary results were obtained on a sample of middle-aged-to-older-adults, some with subjective cognitive complaints, and note that while stimulus-locked event-related potentials (ERPs) were removed from the data prior to analyses, response-locked ERPs were not. This could potentially confound aperiodic findings. Contrasting the scalp topographies of response-related ERPs and the identified aperiodic components, especially the latter one, could bring some clarity here too.

      I also found certain parts of the introduction to be somewhat confusing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Park et al. conducted various analyses attempting to elucidate the biological significance of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. However, the study lacks a clear objective. The specific goals of the analyses in each subsection are unclear, as is how the results from these subsections are interconnected. Compiling results from unrelated analyses into a single paper can be confusing for readers. Clarifying the objective and narrowing down the topics would make the paper's purpose clearer.

      The logic of the study is also unclear. For instance, the authors developed an evaluation score, APESS, for analyzing viral sequences. Although they state that the APESS score correlates with viral infectivity, there is no explanation in the results section about why this is the case.

      The structure of the paper should be reconsidered.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This is a contribution to the field of developmental bioelectricity. How do changes of resting potential at the cell membrane affect downstream processes? Zhou et al. reported in 2015 that phosphatidylserine and K-Ras cluster upon plasma membrane depolarization and that voltage-dependent ERK activation occurs when constitutive active K-RasG12V mutants are overexpressed. In this paper, the authors advance the knowledge of this phenomenon by showing that membrane depolarization up-regulates mitosis and that this process is dependent on voltage-dependent activation of ERK. ERK activity's voltage-dependence is derived from changes in the dynamics of phosphatidylserine in the plasma membrane and not by extracellular calcium dynamics.


      Bioelectricity is an important field for areas of cell, developmental, and evolutionary biology, as well as for biomedicine. Confirmation of ERK as a transduction mechanism, and a characterization of the molecular details involved in control of cell proliferation, is interesting and impactful.


      The functional cell division data need to be stronger. They show that increasing K+ increases proliferation and argue that since a MEK inhibitor (U0126) reduces proliferation in K+ treated cells, K+ induces cell division via ERK. But I don't see statistics to show that the rescue is significant, and I don't see a key U0126-only control. If the U0126 alone reduces proliferation, the combined effect wouldn't prove much.

      Also, unless I'm missing something, it looks like every sample in their control has exactly the same number of mitotic cells. I understand that they are normalizing to this column, but shouldn't they be normalizing to the mean, with the independent values scattering around 1? It doesn't seem like it can be paired replicates since there are 6 replicates in the control and 4 replicates in one of the conditions?

    1. Ryan Holiday says that our society struggles with accepting that we owe things to other people...

      This reminds me of Simone Weil's notion of "no rights, only responsibilities"... A right by itself has no power, only obligation has. A right is an obligation toward us fulfilled. Only other people have rights, and we have obligations.

      Getting into this frame of mind allows one to live a far more righteous and fulfilled as well as calm life. Once you acknowledge that you have no rights, you can not cling to them, and thus you don't view things as unfair to you.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors asked if parabrachial CGRP neurons were only necessary for a threat alarm to promote freezing or were necessary for a threat alarm to promote a wider range of defensive behaviors, most prominently flight.

      Major Strengths of Methods and Results

      The authors performed careful single-unit recording and applied rigorous methodologies to optogenetically tag CGRP neurons within the PBN. Careful analyses show that single-units and the wider CGRP neuron population increases firing to a range of unconditioned stimuli. The optogenetic stimulation of experiment 2 was comparatively simpler but achieved its aim of determining the consequence of activating CGRP neurons in the absence of other stimuli. Experiment 3 used a very clever behavioral approach to reveal a setting in which both cue-evoked freezing and flight could be observed. This was done by having the unconditioned stimulus be a "robot" traveling along a circular path at a given speed. Subsequent cue presentation elicited mild flight in controls and optogenetic activation of CGRP neurons significantly boosted this flight response. This demonstrated for the first time that CGRP neuron activation does more than promote freezing. The authors conclude by demonstrating that bidirectional modulation of CGRP neuron activity bidirectionally affects freezing in a traditional fear conditioning setting and affects both freezing and flight in a setting in which the robot served as the unconditioned stimulus. Altogether, this is a very strong set of experiments that greatly expand the role of parabrachial CGRP neurons in threat alarm.


      In all of their conditioning studies the authors did not include a control cue. For example, a sound presented the same number of times but unrelated to US (shock or robot) presentation. This does not detract from their behavioral findings. However, it means the authors do not know if the observed behavior is a consequence of pairing. Or is a behavior that would be observed to any cue played in the setting? This is particularly important for the experiments using the robot US.

      The authors make claims about the contribution of CGRP neurons to freezing and fleeing behavior, however, all of the optogenetic manipulations are centered on the US presentation period. Presently, the experiments show a role for these neurons in processing aversive outcomes but show little role for these neurons in cue responding or behavior organizing. Claims of contributions to behavior should be substantiated by manipulations targeting the cue period.


      The authors achieved their aims and have revealed a much greater role for parabrachial CGRP neurons in threat alarm.


      Understanding neural circuits for threat requires us (as a field) to examine diverse threat settings and behavioral outcomes. A commendable and rigorous aspect of this manuscript was the authors decision to use a new behavioral paradigm and measure multiple behavioral outcomes. Indeed, this manuscript would not have been nearly as impactful had they not done that. This novel behavior was combined with excellent recording and optogenetic manipulations - a standard the field should aspire to. Studies like this are the only way that we as a field will map complete neural circuits for threat.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Capitani et al. extends previous studies of ion channel expression in triple-negative breast cancer cell lines. Probing four phenotypically different breast cancer cell lines, they used co-IP and confocal immunofluorescence (IF) colocalization to reveal that beta1 integrin forms a complex with the neonatal form of the Na+ channel NaV1.5 (nNaV1.5) and the Na+/H+ antiporter NHE1 in addition to previously reported hERG1. They used siRNA to show that silencing beta1 results in a co-depletion of hERG and Nav1.5, further supporting the conclusion that they form a complex; a complementary enhancement of Na current with increased hERG expression was also demonstrated. These data compellingly describe a complex of membrane proteins unregulated in breast cancer and thus present novel potential targets for treatment.

      There are several concerns with experimental approaches. How fluorescence measurements were compared and controlled among experiments was not described, and masks drawn to define membrane expression seemed arbitrary, and included in some cases large sections of cytoplasm. There are issues associated with the use of channel blocking agents and a bifunctional small-chain antibody that are not well rationalized. Why are they being used, to test what hypotheses or disrupt what processes? The extremely high concentrations of E-4031 (4000x IC50 for block), e.g., are not expected to have selective actions. The effects of E-4031 at high concentrations altering cytoskeleton properties associated with invasiveness (and thus cancer progression) are questionable. There are numerous problems with co-IPs together carried out together with knock-down, which in one case depleted the protein targeted by the primary IP antibody. Western blots (WB) were quantified by comparing treatment to control, which does not control for loading errors. The control and treated signals should be divided by the respective tubulin signals to control for loading errors. Then the treated value can be compared with the control.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors examined the hypothesis that plasma ApoM, which carries sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and activates vascular S1P receptors to inhibit vascular leakage, is modulated by SGLT2 inhibitors (SGLTi) during endotoxemia. They also propose that this mechanism is mediated by SGLTi regulation of LRP2/ megalin in the kidney and that this mechanism is critical for endotoxin-induced vascular leak and myocardial dysfunction. The hypothesis is novel and potentially exciting. However, the author's experiments lack critical controls, lack rigor in multiple aspects, and overall does not support the conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper proposes a novel framework for explaining patterns of generalization of force field learning to novel limb configurations. The paper considers three potential coordinate systems: cartesian, joint-based, and object-based. The authors propose a model in which the forces predicted under these different coordinate frames are combined according to the expected variability of produced forces. The authors show, across a range of changes in arm configurations, that the generalization of a specific force field is quite well accounted for by the model.

      The paper is well-written and the experimental data are very clear. The patterns of generalization exhibited by participants - the key aspect of the behavior that the model seeks to explain - are clear and consistent across participants. The paper clearly illustrates the importance of considering multiple coordinate frames for generalization, building on previous work by Berniker and colleagues (JNeurophys, 2014). The specific model proposed in this paper is parsimonious, but there remain a number of questions about its conceptual premises and the extent to which its predictions improve upon alternative models.

      A major concern is with the model's premise. It is loosely inspired by cue integration theory but is really proposed in a fairly ad hoc manner, and not really concretely founded on firm underlying principles. It's by no means clear that the logic from cue integration can be extrapolated to the case of combining different possible patterns of generalization. I think there may in fact be a fundamental problem in treating this control problem as a cue-integration problem. In classic cue integration theory, the various cues are assumed to be independent observations of a single underlying variable. In this generalization setting, however, the different generalization patterns are NOT independent; if one is true, then the others must inevitably not be. For this reason, I don't believe that the proposed model can really be thought of as a normative or rational model (hence why I describe it as 'ad hoc'). That's not to say it may not ultimately be correct, but I think the conceptual justification for the model needs to be laid out much more clearly, rather than simply by alluding to cue-integration theory and using terms like 'reliability' throughout.

      A more rational model might be based on Bayesian decision theory. Under such a model, the motor system would select motor commands that minimize some expected loss, averaging over the various possible underlying 'true' coordinate systems in which to generalize. It's not entirely clear without developing the theory a bit exactly how the proposed noise-based theory might deviate from such a Bayesian model. But the paper should more clearly explain the principles/assumptions of the proposed noise-based model and should emphasize how the model parallels (or deviates from) Bayesian-decision-theory-type models.

      Another significant weakness is that it's not clear how closely the weighting of the different coordinate frames needs to match the model predictions in order to recover the observed generalization patterns. Given that the weighting for a given movement direction is over-parametrized (i.e. there are 3 variable weights (allowing for decay) predicting a single observed force level, it seems that a broad range of models could generate a reasonable prediction. It would be helpful to compare the predictions using the weighting suggested by the model with the predictions using alternative weightings, e.g. a uniform weighting, or the weighting for a different posture. In fact, Fig. 7 shows that uniform weighting accounts for the data just as well as the noise-based model in which the weighting varies substantially across directions. A more comprehensive analysis comparing the proposed noise-based weightings to alternative weightings would be helpful to more convincingly argue for the specificity of the noise-based predictions being necessary. The analysis in the appendix was not that clearly described, but seemed to compare various potential fitted mixtures of coordinate frames, but did not compare these to the noise-based model predictions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Padilha et al. aimed to find prospective metabolite biomarkers in serum of children aged 6-59 months that were indicative of neurodevelopmental outcomes. The authors leveraged data and samples from the cross-sectional Brazilian National Survey on Child Nutrition (ENANI-2019), and an untargeted multisegment injection-capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (MSI-CE-MS) approach was used to measure metabolites in serum samples (n=5004) which were identified via a large library of standards. After correlating the metabolite levels against the developmental quotient (DQ), or the degree of which age-appropriate developmental milestones were achieved as evaluated by the Survey of Well-being of Young Children, serum concentrations of phenylacetylglutamine (PAG), cresol sulfate (CS), hippuric acid (HA) and trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) were significantly negatively associated with DQ. Examination of the covariates revealed that the negative associations of PAG, HA, TMAO and valine (Val) with DQ were specific to younger children (-1 SD or 19 months old), whereas creatinine (Crtn) and methylhistidine (MeHis) had significant associations with DQ that changed direction with age (negative at -1 SD or 19 months old, and positive at +1 SD or 49 months old). Further, mediation analysis demonstrated that PAG was a significant mediator for the relationship of delivery mode, child's diet quality and child fiber intake with DQ. HA and TMAO were additional significant mediators of the relationship of child fiber intake with DQ.

      Strengths of this study include the large cohort size and study design allowing for sampling at multiple time points along with neurodevelopmental assessment and a relatively detailed collection of potential confounding factors including diet. The untargeted metabolomics approach was also robust and comprehensive allowing for level 1 identification of a wide breadth of potential biomarkers. Given their methodology, the authors should be able to achieve their aim of identifying candidate serum biomarkers of neurodevelopment for early childhood. The results of this work would be of broad interest to researchers who are interested in understanding the biological underpinnings of development and also for tracking development in pediatric populations, as it provides insight for putative mechanisms and targets from a relevant human cohort that can be probed in future studies. Such putative mechanisms and targets are currently lacking in the field due to challenges in conducting these kind of studies, so this work is important.

      However, in the manuscript's current state, the presentation and analysis of data impede the reader from fully understanding and interpreting the study's findings. Particularly, the handling of confounding variables is incomplete. There is a different set of confounders listed in Table 1 versus Supplementary Table 1 versus Methods section Covariates versus Figure 4. For example, Region is listed in Supplementary Table 1 but not in Table 1, and Mode of Delivery is listed in Table 1 but not in Supplementary Table 1. Many factors are listed in Figure 4 that aren't mentioned anywhere else in the paper, such as gestational age at birth or maternal pre-pregnancy obesity.

      The authors utilize the directed acrylic graph (DAG) in Figure 4 to justify the further investigation of certain covariates over others. However, the lack of inclusion of the microbiome in the DAG, especially considering that most of the study findings were microbial-derived metabolite biomarkers, appears to be a fundamental flaw. Sanitation and micronutrients are proposed by the authors to have no effect on the host metabolome, yet sanitation and micronutrients have both been demonstrated in the literature to affect microbiome composition which can in turn affect the host metabolome.

      Additionally, the authors emphasized as part of the study selection criteria the following,<br /> "Due to the costs involved in the metabolome analysis, it was necessary to further reduce the sample size. Then, samples were stratified by age groups (6 to 11, 12 to 23, and 24 to 59 months) and health conditions related to iron metabolism, such as anemia and nutrient deficiencies. The selection process aimed to represent diverse health statuses, including those with no conditions, with specific deficiencies, or with combinations of conditions. Ultimately, through a randomized process that ensured a balanced representation across these groups, a total of 5,004 children were selected for the final sample (Figure 1)."

      Therefore, anemia and nutrient deficiencies are assumed by the reader to be important covariates, yet, the data on the final distribution of these covariates in the study cohort is not presented, nor are these covariates examined further.

      The inclusion of specific covariates in Table 1, Supplementary Table 1, the statistical models, and the mediation analysis is thus currently biased as it is not well justified.

      Finally, it is unclear what the partial-least squares regression adds to the paper, other than to discard potentially interesting metabolites found by the initial correlation analysis.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, El Amri et al. are exploring the role of Marcks and Marcksl1 proteins during spinal cord development and regeneration in Xenopus. Using two different techniques to knockdown their expressions, they argue that these proteins are important for neural progenitors proliferation and neurites outgrowth in both contexts. Finally, using a pharmalogical approach, they suggest that Marcks and Marcksl1 work by modulating the activity of PLD and the levels of PIP2 whilst PKC could modulate Marcks activity.<br /> The strength of this manuscript resides in the ability of the authors to knockdown the expression of 4 different genes using 2 different methods to assess the role of this protein family during early development and regeneration at the late tadpole stage. This has always been a limiting factor in the field as the tools to perform conditional knockouts in Xenopus are very limited. However, this will not really be applicable to essential genes as it relies on the general knockdown of protein expression. The generation of antibodies able to detect endogenous Marcks/Marcksl1 is also a powerful tool to assess the extent to which the expression of these proteins is down-regulated.<br /> Whilst there is a great amount of data provided in this manuscript and there is strong evidence to show that Marcks are important for spinal cord development and regeneration, their roles in both contexts is not explored fully. The description of the effect of knocking down Marcks/Marcksl1 on neurons and progenitors is rather superficial and the evidence for the underlying mechanism underpinning their roles is not very convincing.

    1. Eine Studie weist erstmals systematisch den Einfluss von Dürren und zunehmender Trockenheit auf die Binnenmigration in vielen verschiedenen Ländern nach. Es migrieren vor allem Mitglieder mittlerer Einkommensgruppen, die die dazu nötigen Ressourcen haben. Die klimabedingte Migration trägt deutlich zur Urbanisierung bei https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000240733/mehr-binnenmigration-durch-klimawandel

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02165-1.epdf?sharing_token=zQaNIIlE0D5VSVhiEeWSRdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0N5BsSsWDa3LuiqvifrZZqQ9PHrGw0G8JwyXN4l5XLwHLyMEPxhNDlwsm_I7HyLLBL-PIsL8iWYBirASOxKiB3OvY5CyEDs2OqdYzcj0HqqPZGigOJmwF7H97HsKHpUv2tEjBvnMf7i4DKmBH78sfFsx7iymr6A4PFpKfrKe6IDSxkyQgZFpa8kBrt8lM6HkbU%3D&tracking_referrer=www.derstandard.at

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This is a short self-contained study with a straightforward and interesting message. The paper focuses on settling whether PKA activation requires dissociation of the catalytic and regulatory subunits. This debate has been ongoing for ~ 30 years, with renewed interest in the question following a publication in Science, 2017 (Smith et al.). Here, Xiong et al demonstrate that fusing the R and C subunits together (in the same way as Smith et al) prevents the proper function of PKA in neurons. This provides further support for the dissociative activation model - it is imperative that researchers have clarity on this topic since it is so fundamental to building accurate models of localised cAMP signalling in all cell types. Furthermore, their experiments highlight that C subunit dissociation into spines is essential for structural LTP, which is an interesting finding in itself. They also show that preventing C subunit dissociation reduces basal AMPA receptor currents to the same extent as knocking down the C subunit. Overall, the paper will interest both cAMP researchers and scientists interested in fundamental mechanisms of synaptic regulation.


      The experiments are technically challenging and well executed. Good use of control conditions e.g untransfected controls in Figure 4.


      The novelty is lessened given the same team has shown dissociation of the C subunit into dendritic spines from RIIbeta subunits localised to dendritic shafts before (Tillo et al., 2017). Nevertheless, the experiments with RII-C fusion proteins are novel and an important addition.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors examined the salt-dependent phase separation of the low-complexity domain of hnRN-PA1 (A1-LCD). Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, they identified four distinct classes of salt dependence in the phase separation of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which can be predicted based on their amino acid composition. However, the simulations and analysis, in their current form, are inadequate and incomplete.


      The authors attempt to unravel the mechanistic insights into the interplay between salt and protein phase separation, which is important given the complex behavior of salt effects on this process. Their effort to correlate the influence of salt on the low-complexity domain of hnRNPA1 (A1-LCD) with a range of other proteins known to undergo salt-dependent phase separation is an interesting and valuable topic.


      Based on the reviewer's assessment of the manuscript, the following points were raised:

      (1) The simulation duration is too short to draw comprehensive conclusions about phase separation.<br /> (2) There are concerns regarding the convergence of the simulations, particularly as highlighted in Figure 2A.<br /> (3) The simulation begins with a protein concentration of 3.5 mM ("we built an 8-copy model for the dense phase (with an initial concentration of 3.5 mM)"), which is high for phase separation studies. The reviewer questions the use of the term "dense phase" and suggests that the authors conduct a clearer analysis depicting the coexistence of both the dilute and dense phases to represent a steady state. Without this, the realism of the described phenomena is doubtful. Commenting on phase separation under conditions that don't align with typical phase separation parameters is not acceptable.<br /> (4) The inference that "Each Arg sidechain often coordinates two Cl- ions simultaneously, but each Lys sidechain coordinates only one Cl- ion" is questioned. According to Supplementary Figure 2A, Lys seems to coordinate with Cl- ions more frequently than Arg.<br /> (5) The authors are requested to update the figure captions for Supplementary Figures 2 and 3, specifying which system the analyses were performed on.<br /> (6) It is difficult to observe a clear trend due to irregularities in the data. Although the authors have included a red dotted line in the figures, the trend is not monotonic. The reviewer expresses concerns about significant conclusions drawn from these figures (e.g., Figure 2C, Figure 5A, Supplementary Figure 1).<br /> (7) Given the error in the radius of gyration (Rg) calculations, the reviewer questions the validity of drawing conclusions from this data.<br /> (8) The pair correlation function values in Figure 5E and supplementary figure 4 show only minor differences, and the reviewer questions whether these differences are significant.<br /> (9) Previous reports suggest that, upon self-assembly, protein chains extend within the condensate, leading to a decrease in intramolecular contacts. However, the authors show an increase in intramolecular contacts with increasing salt concentration (Figure 2C), which contradicts prior studies. The reviewer advises the authors to carefully review this and provide justification.<br /> (10) A systematic comparison of estimated parameters with varying salt concentrations is required. Additionally, the authors should provide potential differences in salt concentrations between the dilute and condensed phases.<br /> (11) The reviewer finds that the majority of the data presented shows no significant alteration with changes in salt concentration, yet the authors have made strong conclusions regarding salt activity.

      The manuscript lacks sufficient scientific details of the calculations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Crosslinking mass spectrometry has become an important tool in structural biology, providing information about protein complex architecture, binding sites and interfaces, and conformational changes. One key challenge of this approach represents the quantitation of crosslinking data to interrogate differential binding states and distributions of conformational states.

      Here, Luo and Ranish present a novel class of isobaric crosslinkers ("Qlinkers"), conduct proof-of-concept benchmarking experiments on known protein complexes, and show example applications on selected target proteins. The data are solid and this could well be an exciting, convincing new approach in the field if the quantitation strategy is made more comprehensive and the quantitative power of isobaric labeling is fully leveraged as outlined below. It's a promising proof-of-concept, and potentially of broad interest for structural biologists.


      The authors demonstrate the synthesis, application, and quantitation of their "Q2linkers", enabling relative quantitation of two conditions against each other. In benchmarking experiments, the Q2linkers provide accurate quantitation in mixing experiments. Then the authors show applications of Q2linkers on MBP, Calmodulin, selected transcription factors, and polymerase II, investigating protein binding, complex assembly, and conformational dynamics of the respective target proteins. For known interactions, their findings are in line with previous studies, and they show some interesting data for TFIIA/TBP/TFIIB complex formation and conformational changes in pol II upon Rbp4/7 binding.


      This is an elegant approach but the power of isobaric mass tags is not fully leveraged in the current manuscript.

      First, "only" Q2linkers are used. This means only two conditions can be compared. Theoretically, higher-plexed Qlinkers should be accessible and would also be needed to make this a competitive method against other crosslinking quantitation strategies. As it is, two conditions can still be compared relatively easily using LFQ - or stable-isotope-labeling based approaches. A "Q5linker" would be a really useful crosslinker, which would open up comprehensive quantitative XLMS studies.

      Second, the true power of isobaric labeling, accurate quantitation across multiple samples in a single run, is not fully exploited here. The authors only show differential trends for their interaction partners or different conformational states and do not make full quantitative use of their data or conduct statistical analyses. This should be investigated in more detail, e.g. examine Qlinker quantitation of MBP incubated with different concentrations of maltose or Calmodulin incubated with different concentrations of CBPs. Does Qlinker quantitation match ratios predicted using known binding constants or conformational state populations? Is it possible to extract ratios of protein populations in different conformations, assembly, or ligand-bound states?

      With these two points addressed this approach could be an important and convincing tool for structural biologists.

      Comments on latest version:

      I raised only two points which they have not addressed: Higher multiplexing of Qlinkers (1) and experiments to assess the statistical power of their quantitation strategy (2).

      I can see that point (1) requires substantial experimental efforts and synthesis of novel Qlinkers would be months of work. This is an editorial decision if the limited quantitative power of the "2-plex" approach they have right now is sufficient to support publication in eLife. While I like the approach, I feel it falls short of its potential in its current form.

      For point (2), the authors did not do any supporting experiments. They claim "higher plex Qlinkers" would need to be available, but I suggested experiments that can be done even with Q2linkers: Using one of the two channels as a reference channel (similar the Super-SILAC strategy published in 2010 by Geiger et al; using an isotope-labeled channel as a stable reference channel between different experiments and LC-MS runs), they could do time-courses or ligand-concentration-series with the other channel and then show that Qlinkers allow quantitative monitoring of the different populations (e.g. conformations or ligand-bound proteins).

      As an additional point, I was a bit surprised to read that the quantitation evaluation in Figure 1 is based on a single experiment (reviewer response document page 6, line 2 in the authors' reply). I strongly suggest this to be repeated a few times so a proper statistical test on experimental reproducibiltiy of Qlinkers can be conducted.

      In summary, the authors declined to do any experimental work to address my concerns.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this study, Nandy and colleagues examine neural, physiological and behavioral correlates of perceptual variability in monkeys performing a visual change detection task. They used a laminar probe to record from area V4 while two macaque monkeys detected a small change in stimulus orientation that occurred at a random time in one of two locations, focusing their analysis on stimulus conditions where the animal was equally likely to detect (hit) or not-detect (miss) a briefly presented orientation change (target). They discovered two behavioral and physiological measures that are significantly different between hit and miss trials - pupil size tends to be slightly larger on hits vs. misses, and monkeys are more likely to miss the target on trials in which they made a microsaccade shortly before target onset. They also examined multiple measures of neural activity across the cortical layers and found some measures that are significantly different between hits and misses.


      Overall the study is well executed and the analyses are appropriate (with some possible caveats discussed below).


      I have two remaining concerns. First, with the exception of the pre-target microsaccades, the correlates of perceptual variability (differences between hits and misses) appear to be weak and disconnected. The GLM analysis of the predictive power of trial outcome based on the behavioral and neural measures is only discussed at the end of the paper. This analysis shows that some of the measures have no significant predictive power, while others cannot be examined using the GLM analysis because these measures cannot be estimated in single trials. Given these weak and disconnected effects, my overall sense is that the current results provide a limited advance to our understanding of the neural basis of perceptual variability.

      In addition, because the authors combine data across stimulus contrasts, I am somewhat uneasy about the possible confounding effect of contrast. As expected, stimulus contrast affected the probability of hits vs. misses. Independently, contrast may have affected some of the physiological measurements. Therefore, showing that contrast is not the source of the covariations between the physiological/behavioral measurements and perception can be challenging, and I am not convinced that the authors have ruled this out as a possible confound. It is unclear why the authors had to vary contrast in the first place, and why the analyses had to be done by combining the data across contrasts or by ignoring contrast as a variable (e.g., in the GLM analysis).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In this manuscript, Saeb et al reported the mechanistic roles of the flexible stalk domain in sTREM2 function using molecular dynamics simulations. They have reported some interesting molecular bases explaining why sTREM2 shows protective effects during AD, such as partial extracellular stalk domain promoting binding preference and stabilities of sTREM2 with its ligand even in the presence of known AD-risk mutation, R47H. Furthermore, they found that the stalk domain itself acts as the site for ligand binding by providing an "expanded surface", known as 'Expanded Surface 2' together with the Ig-like domain. Also, they observed no difference in the binding free energy of phosphatidyl-serine with wild TREM2-Ig and mutant TREM2-Ig, which is a bit inconsistent with the previous report with experiment studies by Journal of Biological Chemistry 293, (2018), Alzheimer's and Dementia 17, 475-488 (2021), Cell 160, 1061-1071 (2015).

      Perhaps the authors made significant efforts to run a number of simulations for multiple models, which is nearly 17 microseconds in total; none of the simulations has been repeated independently at least a couple of times, which makes me uncomfortable to consider this finding technically true. Most of the important conclusions that authors claimed, including the opposite results from previous research, have been made on the single run, which raises the question of whether this observation can be reproduced if the simulation has been repeated independently. Although the authors stated the sampling number and length of MD simulations in the current manuscript as a limitation of this study, it must be carefully considered before concluding rather than based on a single run.

      sTREM2 shows a neuroprotective effect in AD, even with the mutations with R47H, as evidenced by authors based on their simulation. sTREM2 is known to bind Aβ within the AD and reduce Aβ aggregation, whereas R47H mutant increases Aβ aggregation. I wonder why the authors did not consider Aβ as a ligand for their simulation studies. As a reader in this field, I would prefer to know the protective mechanism of sTREM2 in Aβ aggregation influenced by the stalk domain.

      In a similar manner, why only one mutation is considered "R47H" for the study? There are more server mutations reported to disrupt tethering between these CDRs, such as T66M. Although this "T66M" is not associated with AD, I guess the stalk domain protective mechanism would not be biased among different diseases. Therefore, it would be interesting to see whether the findings are true for this T66M.

      In most previous studies, the mechanism for CDR destabilization by mutant was explored, like the change of secondary structures and residue-wise interloop interaction pattern. While this is not considered in this manuscript, neither detailed residue-wise interaction that changed by mutant or important for 'ligand binding" or "stalk domain".

      The comparison between the wild and mutant and other different complex structures must be determined by particular statistical calculations to state the observed difference between different structures is significant. Since autocorrelation is one of the major concerns for MD simulation data for predicting statistical differences, authors can consider bootstrap calculations for predicting statistical significance.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      PPARgamma is a nuclear receptor that binds to orthosteric ligands to coordinate transcriptional programs that are critical for adipocyte biogenesis and insulin sensitivity. Consequently, it is a critical therapeutic target for many diseases but especially diabetes. The malleable nature and promiscuity of the PPARgamma orthosteric ligand binding pocket has confounded the development of improved therapeutic modulators. Covalent inhibitors have been developed but they show unanticipated mechanisms of action depending on which orthosteric ligands are present. In this work, Shang and Kojetin present a compelling and comprehensive structural, biochemical, and biophysical analysis that shows how covalent and noncovalent ligands can co-occupy the PPARgamma ligand binding pocket to elicit distinctive preferences of coactivator and corepressor proteins. Importantly, this work shows how the covalent inhibitors GW9662 and T0070907 may be unreliable tools as pan-PPARgamma inhibitors despite their wide-spread use.


      - Highly detailed structure and functional analyses provide a comprehensive structure-based hypothesis for the relationship between PPARgamma ligand binding domain co-occupancy and allosteric mechanisms of action.<br /> - Multiple orthogonal approaches are used to provide high resolution information on ligand binding poses and protein dynamics.<br /> - The large number of x-ray crystal structures solved for this manuscript should be applauded along with their rigorous validation and interpretation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript focuses on the role of the deubiquitinating enzyme UPS-50/USP8 in endosome maturation. The authors aimed to clarify how this enzyme drives the conversion of early endosomes into late endosomes. Overall, they did achieve their aims in shedding light on the precise mechanisms by which UPS-50/USP8 regulates endosome maturation. The results support their conclusions that UPS-50 acts by disassociating RABX-5 from early endosomes to deactivate RAB-5 and by recruiting SAND-1/Mon1 to activate RAB-7. This work is commendable and will have a significant impact on the field. The methods and data presented here will be useful to the community in advancing our understanding of endosome maturation and identifying potential therapeutic targets for diseases related to endosomal dysfunction. It is worth noting that further investigation is required to fully understand the complexities of endosome maturation. However, the findings presented in this manuscript provide a solid foundation for future studies.


      The major strengths of this work lie in the well-designed experiments used to examine the effects of UPS-50 loss. The authors employed confocal imaging to obtain a picture of the aftermath of USP-50 loss. Their findings indicated enlarged early endosomes and MVB-like structures in cells deficient in USP-50/USP8.


      Specifically, there is a need for further investigation to accurately characterize the anomalous structures detected in the ups-50 mutant. Also, the correlation between the presence of these abnormal structures and ESCRT-0 is yet to be addressed, and the current working model needs to be revised to prevent any confusion between enlarged early endosomes and MVBs.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, Herrmannova et al explore changes in translation upon individual depletion of three subunits of the eIF3 complex (d, e and h) in mammalian cells. The authors provide a detailed analysis of regulated transcripts, followed by validation by RT-qPCR and/or Western blot of targets of interest, as well as GO and KKEG pathway analysis. The authors confirm prior observations that eIF3, despite being a general translation initiation factor, functions in mRNA-specific regulation, and that eIF3 is important for translation re-initiation. They show that global effects of eIF3e and eIF3d depletion on translation and cell growth are concordant. Their results support and extend previous reports suggesting that both factors control translation of 5'TOP mRNAs. Interestingly, they identify MAPK pathway components as a group of targets coordinately regulated by eIF3 d/e. The authors also discuss discrepancies with other reports analyzing eIF3e function.

      Strengths:<br /> Altogether, a solid analysis of eIF3 d/e/h-mediated translation regulation of specific transcripts. The data will be useful for scientists working in the Translation field.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors could have explored in more detail some of their novel observations, as well as their impact on cell behavior.

      The manuscript has improved with the new corrections. I appreciate the authors' attention to the minor comments, which have been fully solved. The authors have not, however, provided additional experimental evidence that uORF-mediated translation of Raf-1 mRNA depends on an intact eIF3 complex, nor have they addressed the consequences of such regulation for cell physiology. While I understand that this is a subject of follow-up research, the authors could have at least included their explanations/ speculations regarding major comments 2-4, which in my opinion could have been useful for the reader.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In their paper, Kang et al. investigate rigidity sensing in amoeboid cells, showing that, despite their lack of proper focal adhesions, amoeboid migration of single cells is impacted by substrate rigidity. In fact, many different amoeboid cell types can durotax, meaning that they preferentially move towards the stiffer side of a rigidity gradient.

      The authors observed that NMIIA is required for durotaxis and, buiding on this observation, they generated a model to explain how durotaxis could be achieved in the absence of strong adhesions. According to the model, substrate stiffness alters the diffusion rate of NMAII, with softer substrates allowing for faster diffusion. This allows for NMAII accumulation at the back, which, in turn, results in durotaxis.

      The evidence provided for durotaxis of non adherent (or low-adhering) cells is strong. I am particularly impressed by the fact that amoeboid cells can durotax even when not confined. I wish to congratulate the authors for the excellent work, which will fuel discussion in the field of cell adhesion and migration.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      How plants perceive their environment and signal during growth and development is of fundamental importance for plant biology. Over the last few decades, nano domain organisation of proteins localised within the plasma-membrane has emerged as a way of organising proteins involved in signal pathways. Here, the authors addressed how a non-surface localised signal (viral infection) was resisted by PM localised signalling proteins and the effect of nano domain organisation during this process. This is valuable work as it describes how an intracellular process affects signalling at the PM where most previous work has focused on the other way round, PM signalling effecting downstream responses in the plant. They identify CPK3 as a specific calcium dependent protein kinase which is important for inhibiting viral spread. The authors then go on to show that CPK3 diffusion in the membrane is reduced after viral infection and study the interaction between CPK3 and the remorins, which are a group of scaffold proteins important in nano domain organisation. The authors conclude that there is an interdependence between CPK3 and remorins to control their dynamics during viral infection in plants.


      The dissection of which CPK was involved in the viral propagation was masterful and very conclusive. Identifying CPK3 through knockout time course monitoring of viral movement was very convincing. The inclusion of overexpression, constitutively active and point mutation non-functioning lines further added to that.


      I would like to thank the researchers for including some additional work suggested in the previous round of peer review. However, I still have concerns over this work which are two fold.

      (1) Firstly, the imaging described and shown is not sufficient to support the claims made. The PM localisation and its non-PM localised form look similar and with no PM stain or marker construct used to support this. In addition, the quality of lots of the confocal based imaging (including new figure on colocalisation) is simply not sufficient. The images are too noisy and no clear conclusions can be made. The point made previously, the system this data was collected on has an Airyscan detector capable of 120nm resolution and as such NDs can be resolved. The sptPALM data conclusions are nice and fit the narrative. The inclusion of sptPALM movies is useful for the reader and tracks numbers is highly beneficial. But they do not show a high signal to noise ratio compared to other work in the field (see work from Alex Martineire) and the mEOS prticles are only just observable over the detector noise in some videos. As such, I worry about the data quality on which the analysis is based on. In addition, in some of the videos the conversion laser seems too high as it is difficult to separate some of the single particles as they emerge which would again, hinder the analysis.

      (2) Secondly, remorins are involved in a lot of nano domain controlled processes at the PM. The authors have not conclusively demonstrated that during viral infection the remorin effects seen are solely due to its interaction with CPK3. The sptPALM imaging of REM1.2 in a cpk3 knockout line goes part way to solve this and the inclusion of CPK3-CA also strengthens the authors claims. But to propose a kiss and go model bearing in mind the differences in diffusion between CPK3 and REM3 and differential changes to diffusion between the two proteins after PIAMV infection without two colour imaging of both proteins at the same time, the claims are much stronger than the evidence. Negative control experiments are required here utilising other PM localised proteins which have no role during viral infection (such as Lti6B).

      Overall, I think this work has the potential to be a very strong manuscript but additional evidence supporting interaction claims would significantly strengthen the work and make it exceptional.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper provides a computational model of a synthetic task in which an agent needs to find a trajectory to a rewarding goal in a 2D-grid world, in which certain grid blocks incur a punishment. In a completely unrelated setup without explicit rewards, they then provide a model that explains data from an approach-avoidance experiment in which an agent needs to decide whether to approach or withdraw from, a jellyfish, in order to avoid a pain stimulus, with no explicit rewards. Both models include components that are labelled as Pavlovian; hence the authors argue that their data show that the brain uses a Pavlovian fear system in complex navigational and approach-avoid decisions.

      In the first setup, they simulate a model in which a component they label as Pavlovian learns about punishment in each grid block, whereas a Q-learner learns about the optimal path to the goal, using a scalar loss function for rewards and punishments. Pavlovian and Q-learning components are then weighed at each step to produce an action. Unsurprisingly, the authors find that including the Pavlovian component in the model reduces the cumulative punishment incurred, and this increases as the weight of the Pavlovian system increases. The paper does not explore to what extent increasing the punishment loss (while keeping reward loss constant) would lead to the same outcomes with a simpler model architecture, so any claim that the Pavlovian component is required for such a result is not justified by the modelling.

      In the second setup, an agent learns about punishments alone. "Pavlovian biases" have previously been demonstrated in this task (i.e. an overavoidance when the correct decision is to approach). The authors explore several models (all of which are dissimilar to the ones used in the first setup) to account for the Pavlovian biases.


      Overall, the modelling exercises are interesting and relevant and incrementally expand the space of existing models.


      I find the conclusions misleading, as they are not supported by the data.

      First, the similarity between the models used in the two setups appears to be more semantic than computational or biological. So it is unclear to me how the results can be integrated.

      Secondly, the authors do not show "a computational advantage to maintaining a specific fear memory during exploratory decision-making" (as they claim in the abstract). Making such a claim would require showing an advantage in the first place. For the first setup, the simulation results will likely be replicated by a simple Q-learning model when scaling up the loss incurred for punishments, in which case the more complex model architecture would not confer an advantage. The second setup, in contrast, is so excessively artificial that even if a particular model conferred an advantage here, this is highly unlikely to translate into any real-world advantage for a biological agent. The experimental setup was developed to demonstrate the existence of Pavlovian biases, but it is not designed to conclusively investigate how they come about. In a nutshell, who in their right mind would touch a stinging jellyfish 88 times in a short period of time, as the subjects do on average in this task? Furthermore, in which real-life environment does withdrawal from a jellyfish lead to a sting, as in this task?

      Crucially, simplistic models such as the present ones can easily solve specifically designed lab tasks with low dimensionality but they will fail in higher-dimensional settings. Biological behaviour in the face of threat is utterly complex and goes far beyond simplistic fight-flight-freeze distinctions (Evans et al., 2019). It would take a leap of faith to assume that human decision-making can be broken down into oversimplified sub-tasks of this sort (and if that were the case, this would require a meta-controller arbitrating the systems for all the sub-tasks, and this meta-controller would then struggle with the dimensionality j).

      On the face of it, the VR task provides higher "ecological validity" than previous screen-based tasks. However, in fact, it is only the visual stimulation that differs from a standard screen-based task, whereas the action space is exactly the same. As such, the benefit of VR does not become apparent, and its full potential is foregone.

      If the authors are convinced that their model can - then data from naturalistic approach-avoidance VR tasks is publicly available, e.g. (Sporrer et al., 2023), so this should be rather easy to prove or disprove. In summary, I am doubtful that the models have any relevance for real-life human decision-making.

      Finally, the authors seem to make much broader claims that their models can solve safety-efficiency dilemmas. However, a combination of a Pavlovian bias and an instrumental learner (study 1) via a fixed linear weighting does not seem to be "safe" in any strict sense. This will lead to the agent making decisions leading to death when the promised reward is large enough (outside perhaps a very specific region of the parameter space). Would it not be more helpful to prune the decision tree according to a fixed threshold (Huys et al., 2012)? So, in a way, the model is useful for avoiding cumulatively excessive pain but not instantaneous destruction. As such, it is not clear what real-life situation is modelled here.

      A final caveat regarding Study 1 is the use of a PH associability term as a surrogate for uncertainty. The authors argue that this term provides a good fit to fear-conditioned SCR but that is only true in comparison to simpler RW-type models. Literature using a broader model space suggests that a formal account of uncertainty could fit this conditioned response even better (Tzovara et al., 2018).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The study significantly advances our understanding of how exosomes regulate filopodia formation. Filopodia play crucial roles in cell movement, polarization, directional sensing, and neuronal synapse formation. McAtee et al. demonstrated that exosomes, particularly those enriched with the protein THSD7A, play a pivotal role in promoting filopodia formation through Cdc42 in cancer cells and neurons. This discovery unveils a new extracellular mechanism through which cells can control their cytoskeletal dynamics and interaction with their surroundings. The study employs a combination of rescue experiments, live-cell imaging, cell culture, and proteomic analyses to thoroughly investigate the role of exosomes and THSD7A in filopodia formation in cancer cells and neurons. These findings offer valuable insights into fundamental biological processes of cell movement and communication and have potential implications for understanding cancer metastasis and neuronal development.


      The conclusions of this study are in most cases supported by data, but some aspects of data analysis need to be better clarified and elaborated. Some conclusions need to be better stated and according to the data observed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors perform an analysis of the relationship between the size of an LMM and the predictive performance of an ECoG encoding model made using the representations from that LMM. They find a logarithmic relationship between model size and prediction performance, consistent with previous findings in fMRI. They additionally observe that as the model size increases, the location of the "peak" encoding performance typically moves further back into the model in terms of percent layer depth, an interesting result worthy of further analysis into these representations.


      The evidence is quite convincing, consistent across model families, and complementary to other work in this field. This sort of analysis for ECoG is needed and supports the decade-long enduring trend of the "virtuous cycle" between neuroscience and AI research, where more powerful AI models have consistently yielded more effective predictions of responses in the brain. The lag analysis showing that optimal lags do not change with model size is a nice result using the higher temporal resolution of ECoG compared to other methods like fMRI.


      I would have liked to have seen the data scaling trends explored a bit too, as this is somewhat analogous to the main scaling results. While better performance with more data might be unsurprising, showing good data scaling would be a strong and useful justification for additional data collection in the field, especially given the extremely limited amount of existing language ECoG data. I realize that the data here is somewhat limited (only 30 minutes per subject), but authors could still in principle train models on subsets of this data.

      Separately, it would be nice to have better justification of some of these trends, in particular the peak layerwise encoding performance trend and the overall upside-down U-trend of encoding performance across layers more generally. There is clearly something very fundamental going on here, about the nature of abstraction patterns in LLMs and in the brain, and this result points to that. I don't see the lack of justification here as a critical issue, but the paper would certainly be better with some theoretical explanation for why this might be the case.

      Lastly, I would have wanted to see a similar analysis here done for audio encoding models using Whisper or WavLM as this is the modality where you might see real differences between ECoG and other slower scanning approaches. Again, I do not see this omission as a fundamental issue, but it does seem like the sort of analysis for which the higher temporal resolution of ECoG might grant some deeper insight.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The Notch signaling pathway plays important roles in many developmental and disease processes. Although well-studied there remain many puzzling aspects. One is the fact that as well as activating the receptor through a trans-activation, the transmembrane ligands can interact with receptors present in the same cell. These cis-interactions are usually inhibitory, but in some cases, as in the assays used here, they may also be activating. With a total of 6 ligands and 4 receptor there are potentially a wide array of possible outcomes when different combinations are co-expressed in vivo. Here the authors set out to make a systematic analysis of the qualitative and quantitative differences in the signaling output from different receptor ligand combinations, generating sets of "signaling" (ligand expressing) and "receiving" (receptor +/- ligand expressing cells).

      The readout of pathway activity is transcriptional, relying on the fusion of GAL4 in the intracellular part of the receptor. Positive ligand interactions result in proteolytic release of Gal4 that turns on expression of H2B-citrine. As an indicator of ligand and receptor expression levels, they are linked via TA to H2B mCherry and H2B mTurq expression respectively. The authors also manipulate expression of the glycosyltransferase Lunatic-Fringe (LFng) that modifies the EGF repeats in the extracellular domains impacting on their interactions. The testing of multiple ligand receptor combinations at varying expression levels is a tour de force, with over 50 stable cell lines generated, and yields valuable insights although as a whole, the results are quite complex.


      Taking a reductionist approach to test systematically differences in the signaling strength, binding strength and cis-interactions from the different ligands in the context of the Notch1 and Notch 2 receptors (they justify well they choice of players to test via this approach) produces a baseline understanding of the different properties and leads to some unexpected and interesting findings. Notably:<br /> - Jag1 ligand expressing cells failed to activate Notch1 receptor although were capable of activating Notch2. Conversely, Jag2 cells elicited the strongest activation of both receptors. The results with Jag1 are surprising also because it exhibits some of the strongest binding to plate bound ligands. The failure to activate Notch1 has major functional significance and it will be important in future to understanding the mechanistic basis.<br /> - Jagged ligands have the strongest ciis-inhibitory effects and the receptors differ in their sensitivity to cis-inhibition by Dll ligands. These observations are in keeping with earlier in vivo and cell culture studies. More referencing of those would better place the work in context but it nicely supports and extends previous studies that were conducted in different ways.<br /> - Responses to most trans-activating ligands showed a degree of ultrasensitivity but this was not the case for cis-interactions where effects were more linear. This has implications for the way the two mechanisms operate and for how the signaling levels will be impacted by ligand expression levels.<br /> - Qualitatively similar results are obtained in a second cell line, suggesting they reflect fundamental properties of the ligands/receptors.


      One weakness is that the methods used to quantify the expression of ligands and receptors rely on co-translation of tagged nuclear H2B proteins. These may not accurately capture surface levels/correctly modified transmembrane proteins. In general, the multiple conditions tested partly compensate for the concerns - for example as Jag1 cells do activate Notch2 even if they do not activate Notch1 some Jag1 must be getting to the surface. But even with Notch2, Jag1 activities are on the lower side, making it important to clarify, especially given the different outcomes with the plated ligands. Similarly, is the fact that all ligands "signalled strongest to Notch2" an inherent property or due to differences in surface levels Notch 2 compared to Notch1?.. The results would be considerably strengthened by calibration of the ligand/receptor levels (and ideally their sub-cellular localizations). Assessing the membrane protein levels would be relatively straightforward to perform on som eof the basic conditions because their ligand constructs contain Flag tags, making it plausible to relate surface protein to H2B, and there are antibodies available for Notch1 and Notch2

      In the revised version this has been addressed to some extent. A figure showing the relationship between co-translated mTurquiose and surface receptor expression for some clones (Figure 1-figure supplement 1B) goes some way to address the concerns that differences in Notch1 and Notch 2 could be due to the receptor levels. The data analyzing surface ligand levels is more equivocal, (a Western blot for biotinylated surface proteins), as the levels detected vary substantially between Dll1 and Dll4 (the latter barely detectable). But as a signal for surface expression of Jag1 was obtained this rules-out one concern that this ligand was failing to reach the surface. A discussion of the caveats of the approach is warranted, to make clear the limitations.

      Cis-activation as a mode of signaling has only emerged from these synthetic cell culture assays raising questions about its physiological relevance. Cis-activation is only seen at the higher ligand (Dll1, Dll4) levels, how physiological are the expression levels of the ligands/receptors in these assays? Is it likely that this would make a major contribution in vivo? Is it possible that the cells convert themselves into "signaling" and "receiving" sub-populations within the culture by post-translational mechanism. Again some analysis of the ligand/receptors in the cultures would be a valuable addition to show whether or not there are major heterogeneities.

      It is hard to appreciate how much cell to cell variability in the "output" there is. For example, low "outputs" could arise from fewer cells becoming activated or from all cells being activated less. As presented, only the latter is considered. That maybe already evident in their data, but not easy for the reader to distinguish from the way they are presented. For example, in many of the graphs, data have been processed through multiple steps of normalization. Some discussion/consideration this point is needed.

      Impact:<br /> Overall, cataloguing of the outcomes from the different ligand-receptor combinations, both in cis and trans, yields a valuable baseline for those investigating their functional roles in different contexts. There is still a long way to go before it will be possible to make a predictive model for outcomes based on expression levels, but this work gives an idea about the landscape and the complexities. This is especially important now that signaling relationships are frequently hypothesised based on single cell transcriptomic data. The results presented here demonstrate that the relationships are not straightforward when multiple players are involved.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Colomb et al have further explored the mechanisms of action of a family of three immunodulatory proteins produced by the murine gastrointestinal nematode parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri. The family of HpARI proteins binds to the alarmin interleukin 33 and depending on family members, exhibits differential activities, either suppressive or enhancing. The present work extends previous studies by this group showing the binding of DNA by members of this family through a complement control protein (CCP1) domain. Moreover, they identify two members of the family that bind via this domain in a non-specific manner to the extracellular matrix molecule heparan sulphate through a basic charged patch in CCP1. The authors thus propose that binding to DNA or heparan sulphate extends the suppressive action of these two parasite molecules, whereas the third family member does not bind and consequently has a shorter half-life and may function via diffusion.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In their manuscript, Zhou et al. analyze the factors controlling the activation and maintenance of a sustained cell cycle block in response to persistent DNA DSBs. By conditionally depleting components of the DDC using auxin-inducible degrons, the authors verified that some of them are only required for the activation (e.g., Dun1) or the maintenance (e.g., Chk1) of the DSB-dependent cell cycle arrest, while others such as Ddc2, Rad24, Rad9 or Rad53 are required for both processes. Notably, they further show that after a prolonged arrest (>24 h) in a strain carrying two DSBs, the DDC becomes dispensable and the mitotic block is then maintained by SAC proteins such as Mad1, Mad2 or the mitotic exit network (MEN) component Bub2.


      The manuscript dissects the specific role of different components of the DDC and the SAC during the induction of a cell cycle arrest induced by DNA damage, as well as their contribution for the short-term and long-term maintenance of a DNA DSB-induced mitotic block. Overall, the experiments are well described and properly executed, and the data in the manuscript are clearly presented. The conclusions drawn are generally well supported by the experimental data. Their observations contribute to drawing a clearer picture of the relative contribution of these factors to the maintenance of genome stability in cells exposed to permanent DNA damage.


      The main weakness of the study is that it is fundamentally based on the use of the auxin-inducible degron (AID) strategy to deplete proteins. This widely used method allows an efficient depletion of proteins in the cell. However, the drawback is that a tag is added to the protein, which can affect the functionality of the targeted protein or modify its capacity to interact with others. In fact, three of the proteins that are depleted using the AID systems are shown to be clearly hypomorphic, and hence their capacity to induce a strong checkpoint response might be compromised. A corroboration of at least some of the results using an alternative manner to eliminate the proteins would help to strengthen the conclusions of the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors investigated the function of Microrchidia (MORC) proteins in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Recognizing MORC's implication in DNA compaction and gene silencing across diverse species, the study aimed to explore the influence of PfMORC on transcriptional regulation, life cycle progression and survival of the malaria parasite. Depletion of PfMORC leads to the collapse of heterochromatin and thus to the killing of the parasite. The potential regulatory role of PfMORC in the survival of the parasite suggests that it may be central to the development of new antimalarial strategies.


      The application of the cutting-edge CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool, combined with other molecular and genomic approaches, provides a robust methodology. Comprehensive ChIP-seq experiments indicate PfMORC's interaction with sub-telomeric areas and genes tied to antigenic variation, suggesting its pivotal role in stage transition. The incorporation of Hi-C studies is noteworthy, enabling the visualization of changes in chromatin conformation in response to PfMORC knockdown.


      Although disruption of PfMORC affects chromatin architecture and stage-specific gene expression, determining a direct cause-effect relationship requires further investigation. Furthermore, while numerous interacting partners have been identified, their validation is critical and understanding their role in directing MORC to its targets or in influencing the chromatin compaction activities of MORC is essential for further clarification. In addition, the authors should adjust their conclusions in the manuscript to more accurately represent the multifaceted functions of MORC in the parasite.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The authors previously showed in cell culture that Su(H), the transcription factor mediating Notch pathway activity in Drosophila, was phosphorylated on S269 and they found that a phospho-deficient Su(H) allele behaves as a moderate gain of Notch activity in flies, notably during blood cell development. Since downregulation of Notch signaling is important for the production of specialized blood cell types (lamellocytes) in response to wasp parasitism, the authors hypothesized that Su(H) phosphorylation might be involved in this cellular immune response.<br /> Consistent with their hypothesis, the authors now show that Su(H)S269A knock-in flies display a reduced response to wasp parasitism and that Su(H) is phosphorylated upon infestation. Using in vitro kinase assays and a genetic screen, they identify the PKCa family member Pkc53E as the putative kinase involved in Su(H) phosphorylation and they show that Pkc53E can bind Su(H). They further show that Pkc53E deficit or its knock-down in larval blood cells results in similar blood cell phenotypes as Su(H)S269A and their epistatic analyses indicate that Pkc53E acts upstream of Su(H). Finally, they show that Pkc53E mutants aslo display a compromised immune response to wasp parasitism.


      The manuscript is well presented and the experiments are sound, with a good combination of genetic and biochemical approaches and several clear phenotypes backing the main conclusions. Notably Su(H)S269A mutation strongly reduces lamellocyte production. Moreover, the epistatic data are convincing, notably concerning the relationship between Notch/Su(H) and Pkc53E for crystal cell production.<br /> Even though it is not fully established, the overall model is credible and interesting. In addition, it opens further avenues of research to study the activation of Pkc in response to an immune challenge.


      Apparently, the hypothesis that Pkc53E is required for Su(H) phosphorylation in vivo could not be directly tested due to the lack of an appropriate tool (the specificity and sensitivity of the current anti-pS269 antibody was insufficient).<br /> Also, the poor immune response of Pkc53E mutant might rather be linked to their constitutively reduced circulating blood cell number than to a deficit in Notch/Su(H) down-regulation following wasp infestation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In this work, the authors study the dynamics of fast-adapting pathogens under immune pressure in a host population with prior immunity. In an immunologically diverse population, an antigenically escaping variant can perform a partial sweep, as opposed to a sweep in a homogeneous population. In a certain parameter regime, the frequency dynamics can be mapped onto a random walk with zero mean, which is reminiscent of neutral dynamics, albeit with differences in higher order moments. Next, they develop a simplified effective model of time dependent selection with expiring fitness advantage, and posit that the resulting partial sweep dynamics could explain the behaviour of influenza trajectories empirically found in earlier work (Barrat-Charlaix et al. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2021). Finally, the authors put forward an interesting hypothesis: the mode of evolution is connected to the age of a lineage since ingression into the human population. A mode of meandering frequency trajectories and delayed fixation has indeed been observed in one of the long-established subtypes of human influenza, albeit so far only over a limited period from 2013 to 2020. The paper is overall interesting and well-written.

      In the revised version, the authors have addressed questions on the role of clonal interference by new simulations in the SI, clarified the connection between the SIR model and vanishing-fitness models, and placed their analysis into the broader context of consumer resource dynamics.

      However, the general conclusion, as stated in the abstract, that variant trajectories become unpredictable as a consequence of the SIR dynamics remains somewhat misleading. Two aspects contribute to this problem. (1) The empirical observation of ``quasi-neutrality', i.e. the absence of a net frequency increase inferred as an average of many trajectories at intermediate frequencies, does not imply that individual trajectories are neutral (i.e., fully stochastic and unpredictable) over the time span of observation. Rather, it just says that some have a positive and some have a negative selection coefficient over that time span. (2) As stated by the authors, the observation of average quasi-neutrality is indeed incompatible with the travelling wave model, where initially successful new variants are assumed to retain a fixed, positive selection coefficient from origination to fixation. This observation also limits predictions by extrapolation, where a positive selection coefficient inferred at small frequency is assumed to remain the same at later times and higher frequencies. However, predictions derived from Gog and Grenfell's multi-strain SIR model, as used by several authors, do not make the assumption of fixed selection coefficients and incorporate trajectory-specific, time-dependent expiration effects into their model predictions. This distinction remains blurred throughout the text of the paper.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors used a novel multi-dimensional experience sampling (mDES) approach to identify data-driven patterns of experience samples that they use to interrogate fMRI data collected during naturalistic movie-watching data. They identify a set of multi-sensory features of a set of movies that delineate low-dimensional gradients of BOLD fMRI signal patterns that have previously been linked to fundamental axes of cortical organization.


      * The novel solution to challenges associated with experience sampling offer potential access to aspects of experience that have been challenging to assess.


      * The lack of direct interrogation of individual differences/reliability of the mDES scores warrants some pause.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors study the effects of synaptic activity on the process of eye-specific segregation, focusing on the role of caspase 3, classically associated with apoptosis. The method for synaptic silencing is elegant and requires intrauterine injection of a tetanus toxin light chain into the eye. The authors report that this silencing leads to increased caspase 3 in the contralateral eye (Figure 1) and demonstrate evidence of punctate caspase 3 that does not overlap neuronal markers like map2. However, the quantifications showing increased caspase 3 in the silenced eye (done at P5) are complicated by overlap with the signal from entire dying cells in the thalamus. The authors also show that global caspase 3 deficiency impairs the process of eye-specific segregation and circuit refinement (Figures 3-4).

      The authors also report that "synapse weakening-induced caspase-3 activation determines the specificity of synapse elimination mediated by microglia but not astrocytes" (abstract). They report that microglia engulf fewer RGC axon terminals in caspase 3 deficient animals (Figure 5), and that this preferentially occurs in silenced terminals, but this preferential effect is lost in caspase 3 knockouts. Based on this, the authors conclude that caspase 3 directs microglia to eliminate weaker synapses. However, a much simpler and critical experiment that the authors did not perform is to eliminate microglia and show that the caspase 3 dependent effects go away. Without this experiment, there is no reason to assume that microglia are directing synaptic elimination.

      Finally, the authors also report that caspase 3 deficiency alters synapse loss in 6-month-old female APP/PS1 mice, but this is not really related to the rest of the paper.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper is an incremental follow-up to the authors' recent paper which showed that Purkinje cells make inhibitory synapses onto brainstem neurons in the parabrachial nucleus which project directly to the forebrain. In that precedent paper, the authors used a mouse line that expresses the presynaptic marker synaptophysin in Purkinje cells to identify Purkinje cell terminals in the brainstem and they observed labeled puncta not only in the vestibular and parabrachial nuclei, as expected, but also in neighboring dorsal brainstem nuclei, prominently the central pontine grey. The present study, motivated by the lack of thorough characterization of PC projections to the brainstem, uses the same mouse line to anatomically map the density and a PC-specific channelrhodopsin mouse line to electrophysiologically assess the strength of Purkinje cell synapses in dorsal brainstem nuclei. The main findings are (1) the density of Purkinje cell synapses is highest in vestibular and parabrachial nuclei and correlates with the magnitude of evoked inhibitory synaptic currents, and (2) Purkinje cells also synapse in the central pontine grey nucleus but not in the locus coeruleus or mesencephalic nucleus.


      The complementary use of anatomical and electrophysiological methods to survey the distribution and efficacy of Purkinje cell synapses on brainstem neurons in mouse lines that express markers and light-sensitive opsins specifically in Purkinje cells is the major strength of this study. By systematically mapping presynaptic terminals and light-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents in the dorsal brainstem, the authors provide convincing evidence that Purkinje cells do synapse directly onto pontine central grey and nearby neurons but do not synapse onto trigeminal motor or locus coeruleus neurons. Their results also confirm previously documented heterogeneity of Purkinje cell inputs to the vestibular nucleus and parabrachial neurons.


      Although the study provides strong evidence that Purkinje cells do not make extensive synapses onto LC neurons, which is a helpful caveat given previous reports to the contrary, it falls short of providing the comprehensive characterization of Purkinje cell brainstem synapses which seemed to be the primary motivation of the study. The main information provided is a regional assessment of PC density and efficacy, which seems of limited utility given that we are not informed about the different sources of PC inputs, variations in the sizes of PC terminals, the subcellular location of synaptic terminals, or the anatomical and physiological heterogeneity of postsynaptic cell types. The title of this paper would be more accurate if "characterization" were replaced by "survey".

      Several of the study's conclusions are quite general and have already been made for vestibular nuclei, including the suggestions in the Abstract, Results, and Discussion that PCs selectively influence brainstem subregions and that PCs target cell types with specific behavioral roles.

    1. when putting thoughts into words. Words that remain in our head are freeto exist independent of how they’re used by other people.

      On one level, the reason is obvious: accountability. There’s a lot at stake...

      except somehow for Donald J. Trump and some in identity politics...

      How do they get around it? system 1 vs system 2

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Bursicon is a key hormone regulating cuticle tanning in insects. While the molecular mechanisms of its function are rather well studied--especially in the model insect Drosophila melanogaster, its effects and functions in different tissues are less well understood. Here, the authors show that bursicon and its receptor play a role in regulating aspects of the seasonal polyphenism of Cacopsylla chinensis. They found that low temperature treatment activated the bursicon signaling pathway during the transition from summer form to winter form and affect cuticle pigment and chitin content, and cuticle thickness. In addition, the authors show that miR-6012 targets the bursicon receptor, CcBurs-R, thereby modulating the function of bursicon signaling pathway in the seasonal polyphenism of C. chinensis. This discovery expands our knowledge of the roles of neuropeptide bursicon action in arthropod biology.

      Reviewer comments on revised version

      (a) Major concerns<br /> (1) The revision did not respond to the major concern regarding the threshold response that defines polyphenism. Therefore, it still falls short of the claims made, since the claims were not revised either. Specifically, the authors now include a time series of tanning at two different temperatures, demonstrating the time points at which the induced tanning proceeds (Fig. S1). However, the appropriate response to that comment would have temperatures on the x-axis, not time. Intermediate temperatures are needed to test whether the induction is a threshold response or simply a continuous norm of reaction.<br /> (2) The authors also did not respond to the major comment regarding environmental induction of miR-6012 expression. Rather, Fig. 5E shows a time series under two temperatures, similar to the tanning time series. To test whether its induction is a threshold response (again, what defines polyphenism), a series of induction conditions is needed. Fig. 5E simply shows changes in expression over time under one induction temperature (25 ºC).<br /> (3) Although the manuscript title has been changed, little to nothing else in the revised text addresses the concern that this study is about tanning in psyllids, not seasonal polyphenism. The other traits making up the polyphenism, as well as their threshold response, were not measured.

      In summary, this revision failed to address most of the chief concerns of the review summary. This manuscript should be reframed as a study of tanning in a species other than Drosophila, and any claims about polyphenism (that is, an environmentally induced threshold trait) still need to be tested.

      Regarding the other concerns raised by the reviewers:

      (4) Issues related to the assignment of the receptor used as a bursicon receptor were satisfactorily addressed.<br /> (5) Experiments regarding the timing of cuticle production presented in Supplementary Figure 1 are valuable, albeit, there are still some inaccuracies: i) the layering of the cuticle is not given accurately as there are more than the 3 layers indicated in the manuscript; ii), the reduced endocuticle in all relevant dsRNA cases suggests a massive molting defect that may underline the involvement of bursicon in molting in general, potentially masking its effect on morph transition. In other words, the phenotype is too strong to allow for the interpretation of its function with respect to morph transition. It would have been necessary to apply different concentrations of dsRNA in order to address this point. iii) The developmental timing at 10oC vs. 25oC seem to be similar, although duration would be expected to be longer at 10oC; iv) It would have been nice to see the days of development also for dsRNA injected animals.<br /> (6) Another unresolved point regards the source and target tissue of bursicon signaling. Admittedly, this problem is difficult to solve in a small insect species.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Over the last decade, numerous studies have identified adaptation signals in modern humans driven by genomic variants introgressed from archaic hominins such as Neanderthals and Denisovans. One of the most classic signals comes from a beneficial haplotype in the EPAS1 gene in Tibetans that is evidently of Denisovan origin and facilitated high altitude adaptation (HAA). Given that HAA is a complex trait with numerous underlying genetic contributions, in this paper Ferraretti et al. asked whether Denisovan introgression facilitated HAA in other ways by contributing to additional HAA-related genetic variants. Specifically, the authors considered that if such signature exists, they most likely are only mild signals from polygenic selection, or soft sweeps on standing archaic variation, in contrast to a strong and nearly complete selection signal like the EPAS1. They leveraged a few recently developed methods, including a composite likelihood method for detecting adaptive introgression and a biological network-based method for detecting polygenic selection, and identified compelling evidence of additional genes that exhibit Denisovan-like adaptive introgression signature and contributed to the polygenic adaptation at high altitude in Tibetans.


      The study is well motivated by an important question, which is, whether archaic introgression can drive polygenic adaptation via multiple small effect contributions in genes underlying different biological pathways regulating a complex trait (such as HAA). This is a valid question and the influence of archaic introgression on polygenic adaptation has not been thoroughly explored by previous studies

      The authors reexamined previously published high-altitude Tibetan whole genome data and detected new evidence of adaptive introgression and polygenic selection. Specifically, by applying VolcanoFinder, they confirmed previously identified adaptive introgression alleles such as EPAS1 and PPARA. By applying signet, they identified subsets of biological pathways enriched for archaic variants that contributed to HAA polygenic selection. They also leveraged additional methods such as LASSI and haplotype plotting to help confirm the signature of natural selection on their newly discovered adaptive introgression candidate genes.


      The manuscript also improved substantially since the initial review, and the new candidate genes presented here now harbor compelling and convincing evidence of both adaptive introgression and HAA polygenic selection. There are no notable weaknesses in the revised manuscript and updated results.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      After revisions:

      My concerns have been addressed.

      Prior to revisions:

      Summary:<br /> The authors introduce a denoising-style model that incorporates both structure and primary-sequence embeddings to generate richer embeddings of peptides. My understanding is that the authors use ESM for the primary sequence embeddings, take resolved structures (or use structural predictions from AlphaFold when they're not available), then develop an architecture to combine these two with a loss that seems reminiscent of diffusion models or masked language model approaches. The embeddings can be viewed as ensemble-style embedding of the two levels of sequence information, or with AlphaFold, an ensemble of two methods (ESM+AlphaFold). The authors also gather external datasets to evaluate their approach and compare it to previous approaches. The approach seems promising, and appears to out-compete previous methods at several tasks. Nonetheless, I have strong concerns about a lack of verbosity as well as exclusion of relevant methods and references.

      Advances:<br /> I appreciate the breadth of the analysis and comparisons to other methods. The authors separate tasks, models, and sizes of models in an intuitive, easy-to-read fashion that I find valuable for selecting a method for embedding peptides. Moreover, the authors gather two datasets for evaluating embeddings' utility for predicting thermostability. Overall, the work should be helpful for the field as more groups choose methods/pretraining strategies amenable to their goals, and can do so in an evidence-guided manner.

      Considerations:<br /> Primarily, a majority of the results and conclusions (e.g., Table 3) are reached using data and methods from ProteinGym, yet the best-performing methods on ProteinGym are excluded from the paper (e.g., EVE-based models and GEMME). In the ProteinGym database, these methods outperform ProtSSN models. Moreover, these models were published over a year---or even 4 years in the case of GEMME---before ProtSSN, and I do not see justification for their exclusion in the text.

      Secondly, related to comparison of other models, there is no section in the methods about how other models were used, or how their scores were computed. When comparing these models, I think it's crucial that there are explicit derivations or explanations for the exact task used for scoring each method. In other words, if the pre-training is indeed the important advance of the paper, the paper needs to show this more explicitly by explaining exactly which components of the model (and previous models) are used for evaluation. Are the authors extracting the final hidden layer representations of the model, treating these as features, then using these features in a regression task to predict fitness/thermostability/DDG etc.? How are the model embeddings of other methods being used, since, for example, many of these methods output a k-dimensional embedding of a given sequence, rather than one single score that can be correlated with some fitness/functional metric. Summarily, I think the text is lacking an explicit mention of how these embeddings are being summarized or used, as well as how this compares to the model presented.

      I think the above issues can mainly be addressed by considering and incorporating points from Li et al. 2024[1] and potentially Tang & Koo 2024[2]. Li et al.[1] make extremely explicit the use of pretraining for downstream prediction tasks. Moreover, they benchmark pretraining strategies explicitly on thermostability (one of the main considerations in the submitted manuscript), yet there is no mention of this work nor the dataset used (FLIP (Dallago et al., 2021)) in this current work. I think a reference and discussion of [1] is critical, and I would also like to see comparisons in line with [1], as [1] is very clear about what features from pretraining are used, and how. If the comparisons with previous methods were done in this fashion, this level of detail needs to be included in the text.

      To conclude, I think the manuscript would benefit substantially from a more thorough comparison of previous methods. Maybe one way of doing this is following [1] or [2], and using the final embeddings of each method for a variety of regression tasks---to really make clear where these methods are performing relative to one another. I think a more thorough methods section detailing how previous methods did their scoring is also important. Lastly, TranceptEVE (or a model comparable to it) and GEMME should also be mentioned in these results, or at the bare minimum, be given justification for their absence.

      [1] Feature Reuse and Scaling: Understanding Transfer Learning with Protein Language Models Francesca-Zhoufan Li, Ava P. Amini, Yisong Yue, Kevin K. Yang, Alex X. Lu bioRxiv 2024.02.05.578959; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.02.05.578959<br /> [2] Evaluating the representational power of pre-trained DNA language models for regulatory genomics Ziqi Tang, Peter K Koo bioRxiv 2024.02.29.582810; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.02.29.582810

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Yao S. and colleagues aims to monitor the potential autosomal regulatory role of the master regulator of X chromosome inactivation, the Xist long non-coding RNA. It has recently become apparent that in the human system, Xist RNA can not only spread in cis on the future inactive X chromosome but also reach some autosomal regions where it recruits transcriptional repression and Polycomb marking. Previous work has also reported that Xist RNA can show a diffused signal in some biological contexts in FISH experiments.

      In this study, the authors investigate whether Xist represses autosomal loci in differentiating female mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and somatic mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). They perform a time course of ESC differentiation followed by Capture Hybridization of Associated RNA Targets (CHART) on both female and male ESCs, as well as pulldowns with sense oligos for Xist. The authors also examine transcriptional activity through RNA-seq and integrate this data with prior ChIP-seq experiments. Additional experiments were conducted in MEFs and Xist-ΔB repeat mutants, the latter fails to recruit Polycomb repressors.

      Based on this experimental design, the authors make several bold claims:

      (1) Xist binds to about a hundred specific autosomal regions.<br /> (2) This binding is specific to promoter regions rather than broad spreading.<br /> (3) Xist autosomal signal is inversely correlated with PRC1/2 marks but positively correlated with transcription.<br /> (4) Xist targeting results in the attenuation of transcription at autosomal regions.<br /> (5) The B-repeat region is important for autosomal Xist binding and gene repression.<br /> (6) Xist binding to autosomal regions also occurs in somatic cells but does not lead to gene repression.

      Together, these claims suggest that Xist might play a role in modulating the expression of autosomal genes in specific developmental and cellular contexts in mice.


      This paper deals with an interesting hypothesis that Xist ncRNA can also function at autosomal loci.


      The claims reported in this paper are largely unsubstantiated by the data, with multiple misinterpretations, lacking controls, and inadequate statistics. Fundamental flaws in the experimental design/analysis preclude the validity of the findings. Major concerns are listed below:

      (1) The entire paper is based on the CHART observation that Xist is specifically targeted to autosomal promoters. Overall, the data analysis is flawed and does not support such conclusions. Importantly the sense WT and the 0h controls are not used, nor are the biological replicates. Data is typically visualized without quantification, and when quantified, control loci/gene sets are erroneously selected. Firstly, CHART validation on the X in FigS1 is misleading and not based on any quantifications (e.g., see the scale on Kdm6a (0-190) compared to Cdkl5 (0-40)). If scaled appropriately, there is Xist signal on the escapee. All X-linked loci should have been quantified and classified based on escape status; sense control should also be quantified, and biological replicates should be shown separately. Secondly, and most importantly, Figure 1 does not convincingly show specific Xist autosomal binding. Panel A quantification is on extremely variable y-scales and actually shows that Xist is recruited globally to nearly all autosomal genes, likely indicating an unspecific signal. Again, the sense and 0h controls should have been quantified along with biological replicates. Upon inspecting genome browser tracks of all regions reported in the manuscript (Rbm14, Srp9, Brf1, Cand2, Thra, Kmt2c, Kmt2e, Stau2, and Bcl7b), the signal is unspecific on all sites with the possible exception of Kmt2e. On all other loci, there is either a strong signal in the 0h ESC controls or more signal in some of the sense controls. This implies that peak calling is picking up false positive regions. How many peaks would have been picked up if the sense or the 0h controls were used for peak calling? It is likely that there would be a lot since there are also possible "peaks" (e.g., Fzd9) in control tracks. Further inspection of the data was not possible as the authors did not provide access to the raw fastq files. When inspecting results from past published experiments {Engreitz, 2013 #1839} reported regions were not bound by Xist. Thirdly, contrary to the authors' claim, deleting the B repeat does not lead to a loss of autosomal signal. Indeed, comparing Fig1A and Fig2B side by side clearly shows no difference in the autosomal signal, likely because the autosomal signal is CHART background. Properly quantifying the signal with separate replicates as well as the sense and 0h controls is vital. Overall current data together with published results indicate that CHART peak calling on autosomes is due to technical noise or artefacts.

      (2) The RNA-seq analysis is also flawed and precludes strong statements. Firstly, the analysis frequently lacks statistical analysis (Fig3B, FigS2B-C) and is often based on visualizations (Fig 3D-G) without quantifications. Day 4 B-repeat deletion does not lead to a significant change in the expression of genes close to Xist signal (Fig3H, d14 does not fully show). Secondly, for all transcriptional analysis, it is important to show autosomal non-target genes, which is not always done. Indeed, both males and B repeat deletion will lead to transcriptional changes on autosomes as a secondary effect from different X inactivation status. The control set, if used, is inappropriate as it compares one randomly selected set of ~100 genes. This introduces sampling error and compares different classes of genes. Since Xist signal targets more active genes, it is important to always compare autosomal target genes to all other autosomal genes with similar basal expression patterns.

      (3) The ChIP-seq analysis also has some problems. The authors claim that there is no positive correlation between genes close to Xist autosomal binding (10kb) compared to those 50kb away (Fig 3C, S2D); however, this analysis is based entirely on metagene visualization. Signal within the Xist binding sites should be quantified (not genes close by) and compared to other types of genomic loci and promoters. Focusing on the 50kb group only as controls is misleading. Secondly, the authors only look at PRC mark signal upon differentiation; what about the 0h timepoint, i.e., is there pre-marking? Most worryingly, the data analysis is not consistent between figures (see Fig3C vs 5H-I). In Fig5, the group of Xist targets was chosen as those within 100kb of Xist binding, which would encompass all the control regions from Fig3C. In this analysis, the authors report that there is Xist-dependent H3K27me3 deposition, and in fact, here the Xist autosomal targets have more of it than the controls. Overall, all of this analysis is misleading, and clear conclusions cannot be made.

      All in all, because the fundamental observation is not robust (see point 1), all subsequent analyses are also affected. There are also multiple other inconsistencies within the analysis; however, they have not been included here for brevity.

    1. Joint Public Review:


      The authors present an intriguing investigation into the pathogenesis of Pol III variants associated with neurodegeneration. They established an inducible mouse model to overcome developmental lethality, administering 5 doses of tamoxifen to initiate the knock-in of the mutant allele. Subsequent behavioral assessments and histological analyses revealed potential neurological deficits. Robust analyses of the tRNA transcriptome, conducted via northern blotting and RNA sequencing, suggested a selective deleterious effect of the variant on the cerebrum, in contrast to the cerebellum and non-cerebral tissues. Through this work, the authors identified molecular changes caused by Pol III mutations, particularly in the tRNA transcriptome, and demonstrated its relative progression and selectivity in brain tissue. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the neurological manifestations of certain genetic disorders and sheds light on transcripts/products that are constitutively expressed in various tissues.


      The authors utilize an innovative mouse model to constitutively knock in the gene, enhancing the study's robustness. Behavioral data collection using a spectrometer reduces experimenter bias and effectively complements the neurological disorder manifestations. Transcriptome analyses are extensive and informative, covering various tissue types and identifying stress response elements and mitochondrial transcriptome patterns. Additionally, metabolic studies involving pancreatic activity and glucose consumption were conducted to eliminate potential glucose dysfunction, strengthening the histological analyses.

      Comments on revised version from expert Editor #1:

      The authors in the revised manuscript have effectively responded to all of the comments and suggestions raised by both reviewers. Overall, I find the revised version to be an important contribution to the field and the strength of evidence supporting the work's claims to be compelling.

      Comments on revised version from expert Editor #2:

      The authors have responded constructively to all the comments in the first round of reviews and clarified many issues in the manuscript. The current report represents a significant advance.

      Comments on revised version from Reviewer #2:

      The authors should include their clarifications of all concern raised by reviewer #2 (mentioned in the previous weaknesses) in the main text. They should consider including point #2 to point #10 in the main text (discussion section). The should highlight limitations of this study in discussion.

      Also, they should clearly state that deciphering brain area specific behavioural deficits is beyond the scope of the manuscript with appropriate justification mentioned in the rebuttal letter.

      I still do not agree with the author to state that "brain region-specific sensitivities to a defect in Pol III transcription". The changes are global and also not restricted to brain. Authors may consider restating this sentence. It is obvious that transcription defects related to tRNA production will lead to alteration in whole body physiology.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      TMEM16, OSCA/TMEM63, and TMC belong to a large superfamily of ion channels where TMEM16 members are calcium activated lipid scramblases and chloride channels, whereas OSCA/TMEM63 and TMCs are mechanically activated ion channels. In the TMEM16 family, TMEM16F is a well characterized calcium activated lipid scramblase that play an important role in processes like blood coagulation, cell death signaling, and phagocytosis. In a previous study the group has demonstrated that lysine mutation in TM4 of TMEM16A can enable the calcium activated chloride channel to permeate phospholipids too. Based on this they hypothesize that the energy barrier for lipid scramblase in these ion channels is low, and that modification in the hydrophobic gate region by introducing a charged side chain between TM4/6 interface in TMEM16 and OSCA/TMEM63 family can allow lipid scramblase. In this manuscript, using scramblase activity via Annexin V binding to phosphatidylserine, and electrophysiology, the authors demonstrate that lysine mutation in TM4 of TMEM16F and TMEM16A can cause constitutive lipid scramblase activity. The authors then go on to show that analogous mutations in OSCA1.2 and TMEM63A can lead to scramblase activity. The revised version does a thorough characterization of residues that form the hydrophobic gate region in TM4/6 of this superfamily of channels. Their results indicated that disrupting the TM4/6 interaction can reduce energy barrier for this channels to scramblase lipids.


      Overall, the authors introduce an interesting concept that this large superfamily can permeate ions and lipids.


      none noted in the revised version.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors explored how the presence of interspecific introgressions in the genome affects the recombination landscape. This research aims to shed light on the genetic phenomena influencing the evolution of introgressed regions. However, it is important to note that the study is based on examining only one generation, which limits the scope for making broad evolutionary conclusions. In this study, yeast hybrids with large introgressions (ranging from several to several dozen percent of the chromosome length) from another yeast species were crossed. The products of meiosis were then isolated and sequenced to examine the genome-wide distribution of both crossovers (COs) and noncrossovers (NCOs). The authors found a significant reduction in the frequency of COs within the introgressed regions, which is a phenomenon well-documented in various systems. They also report that introgressed regions exhibit an increased frequency of NCOs. Unfortunately, this conclusion seems flawed, as there is no accurate method for correcting the detection level of NCOs when the compared regions (introgressed and non-introgressed) differ drastically in SNP density. The authors further confirmed that introgressions significantly limit the local shuffling of genetic information, and while NCOs contribute slightly to this shuffling, they do not compensate for the loss of CO recombination. This is widely known fact.

      In summary, the study makes a limited contribution to the understanding of how polymorphism impacts meiotic recombination. The conclusion regarding the increase in NCO frequency in polymorphic regions is likely incorrect.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This fundamental work advances our understanding of navigation and path integration in mammals by using a clever behavioral paradigm. The paper provides compelling evidence that mice are able to create and use a cognitive map to find "short cuts" in an environment, using only the location of rewards relative to the point of entry to the environment and path integration, and need not rely on visual landmarks.


      The authors have designed a novel experimental apparatus called the 'Hidden Food Maze (HFM)' and a beautiful suite of behavioral experiments using this apparatus to investigate the interplay between allothetic and idiothetic cues in navigation. The results presented provide a clear demonstration of the central claim of the paper, namely that mice only need a fixed start location and path integration to develop a cognitive map. The experiments and analyses conducted to test the main claim of the paper -- that the animals have formed a cognitive map -- are conclusive and include many thoughtfully designed control experiments to eliminate alternatives.


      The 90 degree rotationally symmetric design and use of 4 distal landmarks and 4 quadrants with their corresponding rotationally equivalent locations (REL) lends itself to teasing apart the influence of path integration and landmark-based navigation in a clever way. The authors use a complete set of experiments and associated controls to show that mice can use a start location and path integration to develop a cognitive map and generate shortcut routes to new locations.


      There were no major weaknesses identified that were not addressed during revisions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study investigated the role of plectin, a cytoskeletal crosslinker protein, in liver cancer formation and progression. Using the liver-specific Plectin knockout mouse model, the authors convincingly showed that PLECTIN is critical for hepatocarcinogenesis, as functional inhibition of plectin suppressed tumor formation in several models. They also provided evidence to show that inhibition of plectin inhibited HCC cell invasion and reduced metastatic outgrowth in the lung. Mechanistically, they suggested that plectin inhibition attenuated FAK, MAPK/ERK, and PI3K/AKT signaling.


      The authors generated a liver-specific plectin knockout mouse model. By using DEN and sgP53/MYC models, the authors convincingly demonstrated an oncogenic role of PLECTIN in HCC development. plecstatin-1 (PST), as a plectin inhibitor, showed promising efficacy in inhibiting HCC growth, which provides a basis for potentially treating HCC using PST.

      The MIR images for tracking tumor growth in animal models were compelling. The high-quality confocal images and related qualifications convincingly showed the impact of plectin functional inhibition on contractility and adhesions in HCC cells.


      The conclusions of this paper are primarily well supported by data. However, some claims were not fully supported by the data presented.

      The authors suggest that plectin controls oncogenic FAK, MAPK/Erk, and PI3K/Akt signaling in HCC cells, representing the mechanisms by which plectin promotes HCC formation and progression. However, the effect of plectin inactivation on these signaling was inconsistent in Huh7 and SNU-475 cells (Figure 3D), despite similar cell growth inhibition in both cell lines (Figure 2G). For example, pAKT and pERK were only reduced by plectin inhibition in SNU-475 cells but not in Huh7 cells. In addition, pFAK was not changed by plectin inhibition in both cells, and the ratio of pFAK/FAK was increased in both cells. Thus, it is hard to convince me that plectin promotes HCC formation and progression by regulating these signalings. Overall, the mechanistic studies in this manuscript lack sufficient depth.

      The authors claimed that plectin inactivation inhibits HCC invasion and metastasis using in vitro and in vivo models. However, the results from in vivo models were not as compelling as the in vitro data. The lung colonization assay is not an ideal in vivo model for studying HCC metastasis and invasion, especially when plectin inhibition suppresses HCC cell growth and survival. Using an orthotopic model that can metastasize into the lung or spleen could be much more convincing for an essential claim. Also, in Figure 6H, histology images of lungs from this experiment need to be shown to understand plectin's effect on metastasis better. Figure 6G, it is unclear how many mice were used for this experiment. Did these mice die due to the tumor burdens in the lungs?

      The whole paper used inhibition strategies to understand the function of plectin. However, the expression of plectin in Huh7 cells is low (Figure 1D). It might be more appropriate to overexpress plectin in this cell line or others with low plectin expression to examine the effect on HCC cell growth and migration.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In this revised manuscript, the authors aim to elucidate the cytological mechanisms by which conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) influence intramuscular fat deposition and muscle fiber transformation in pig models. They have utilized single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) to explore the effects of CLA supplementation on cell populations, muscle fiber types, and adipocyte differentiation pathways in pig skeletal muscles. Notably, the authors have made significant efforts in addressing the previous concerns raised by the reviewers, clarifying key aspects of their methodology and data analysis.


      (1) Thorough validation of key findings: The authors have addressed the need for further validation by including qPCR, immunofluorescence staining, and western blotting to verify changes in muscle fiber types and adipocyte populations, which strengthens their conclusions.

      (2) Improved figure presentation: The authors have enhanced figure quality, particularly for the Oil Red O and Nile Red staining images, which now better depict the organization of lipid droplets (Figure 7A). Statistical significance markers have also been clarified (Figure 7I and 7K).


      (1) Cross-species analysis and generalizability of the results: Although the authors could not perform a comparative analysis across species due to data limitations, they acknowledged this gap and focused on analyzing regulatory mechanisms specific to pigs. Their explanation is reasonable given the current availability of snRNA-seq datasets on muscle fat deposition in other human and mouse.

      (2) Mechanistic depth in JNK signaling pathway: While the inclusion of additional experiments is a positive step, the exploration of the JNK signaling pathway could still benefit from deeper analysis of downstream transcriptional regulators. The current discussion acknowledges this limitation, but future studies should aim to address this gap fully.

      (3) Limited exploration of other muscle groups: The authors did not expand their analysis to additional muscle groups, leaving some uncertainty regarding whether other muscle groups might respond differently to CLA supplementation. Further studies in this direction could enhance the understanding of muscle fiber dynamics across the organism.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this work, the authors continue their investigations on the key role of glycosylation to modulate the function of a therapeutic antibody. As follow up of their previous demonstration on how ADCC was heavily affected by the glycans at the Fc gamma receptor (FcγR)IIIa, they now dissect the contributions of the different glycans that decorate the diverse glycosylation sites. Using a well designed mutation strategy, accompanied by exhaustive biophysical measurements, with extensive use of NMR, using both standard and newly developed methodologies, they demonstrate that there is one specific locus, N162, which is heavily involved in the stabilization of (FcγR)IIIa and that the concomitant NK function is regulated by the glycan at this site.


      The methodological aspects are carried out at the maximum level.


      The exact (or the best possible assessment) of the glycan composition at the N162 site.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The manuscript by Wang et al. investigates the role of Rnf220 in hindbrain development and Hox expression. The authors suggest that Rnf220 controls Hox expression in the hindbrain through regulating WDR5 levels. The authors combine in vivo experiments with experiments in P19 cells to demonstrate this mechanism. However, the in vivo data does not provide strong support for the claims the authors make and the role of Rnf in Hox maintenance and pons development is unclear.

      While the authors partially addressed some of the issues raised in the first round of reviews, and the in vitro data showing a relationship between Rnf220 and WDR5 is convincing, some issues still remain about the experimental evidence supporting their claims and the relationship of this work with previous studies demonstrating the role of Hox proteins in pontine nuclei in vivo.

      The authors say they were unable to detect Hox levels via in situ hybridization at late embryonic stages, stating that the levels are likely too low to be detected-yet they are presumably high enough to cause ectopic targeting of pontine neurons. Work from the Rijli group, which the authors cite, shows that Hox3-5 paralogs can be clearly detected both by in situ and by staining with commercially available antibodies. Since a major claim of this paper is the upregulation of Hox genes in Rnf220+/- mice through WDR5 regulation, the authors need to show this more convincingly. The inability to detect Hox upregulation, and subsequent rescue, by means other than qPCR in vivo remains a major weakness of the paper. The authors also do not discuss how broad upregulation of all Hox paralogs leads to the changes in PN targeting in the context of previous work.

      The links between Wdr5 expression, epigenetic modifications, Hox expression and axon mistargeting in vivo remains somewhat tenuous. For example, the authors show epigenetic modification changes in some Hox genes, but not Hox5 paralogs, and only show the rescue by Wdr5 KO in vitro. Similarly, they do not attempt to show rescue of axon targeting in vivo after presumably restoring Hox levels by Wdr5 inhibition or knockdown.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors investigate the compaction of HIV DNA by the viral enzyme integrase (IN) in vitro.


      The authors employ robust techniques, including single-molecule force microscopy and spectroscopy, to investigate the impact of IN-DNA interactions on DNA conformation. Additionally, they interpret their experimental findings using coarse-grained Monte Carlo simulations.


      The authors could provide a more in-depth discussion of the biophysical reasons behind their experimental observations. Currently, there is insufficient analysis to explain why certain behaviors are observed experimentally.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      DiPeso et al. develop two tools to (i) classify micronucleated (MN) cells, which they call VCS MN, and (ii) segment micronuclei and nuclei with MMFinder. They then use these tools to identify transcriptional changes in MN cells.

      The strengths of this study are:

      (1) Developing highly specialized tools to speed up the analysis of specific cellular phenomena such as MN formation and rupture is likely valuable to the community and neglected by developers of more generalist methods.

      (2) A lot of work and ideas have gone into this manuscript. It is clearly a valuable contribution.

      (3) Combining automated analysis, single-cell labeling, and cell sorting is an exciting approach to enrich phenotypes of interest, which the authors demonstrate here.


      (1) Images and ground truth labels are not shared for others to develop potentially better analysis methods.

      (2) Evaluations of the methods are often not fully explained in the text.

      (3) To my mind, the various metrics used to evaluate VCS MN reveal it not to be terribly reliable. Recall and PPV hover in the 70-80% range except for the PPV for MN+. It is what it is - but do the authors think one has to spend time manually correcting the output or do they suggest one uses it as is?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript entitled "Phosphodiesterase 1A Physically Interacts with YTHDF2 and Reinforces the Progression of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer" explores the role of PDE1A in promoting NSCLC progression by binding to the m6A reader YTHDF2 and regulating the mRNA stability of several novel target genes, consequently activating the STAT3 pathway and leading to metastasis and drug resistance.


      The study addresses a novel mechanism involving PDE1A and YTHDF2 interaction in NSCLC, contributing to our understanding of cancer progression.


      The following issues should be addressed:

      (1) The body weight changes and/or survival times of each group in the in vivo metastasis studies should be provided.

      (2) In Figure 7, the direct binding between YTHDF2 and the potential target genes should be further validated by silencing YTHDF2 to observe the half-life of the mRNA levels of target genes, in addition to silencing PDE1A.

      (3) In Figure 7, the potential methylation sites of "A" on the target genes such as SOCS2 should be verified by mutation analysis, followed by m6A IP or reporter assays.

      (4) In Figure 6G, the correlation between the mRNA levels of STAT3 and YTHDF2 needs clarification. According to the authors' mechanism, the STAT3 pathway is activated, rather than upregulation of mRNA levels (or protein levels, as shown in Figure 6F). Figure 7 does not provide evidence that STAT3 is a bona fide target gene regulated by YTHDF2.

      (5) The final figure, which discusses sensitization to cisplatin by PDE1A suppression, does not appear to be closely related to the interaction or regulation of PDE1A/YTHDF2. If the authors claim this is an m6A-associated event, additional evidence is needed. Otherwise, this part could be removed from the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study aims to uncover molecular and structural details underlying the broad substrate specificity of glycosaminoglycan lyases belonging to a specific family (PL35). They determined the crystal structures of two such enzymes, conducted in vitro enzyme activity assays, and a thorough structure-guided mutagenesis campaign to interrogate the role of specific residues. They made progress towards achieving their aims but I see significant holes in data that need to be determined and in the authors' analyses.

      Impact on the field:

      I expect this work will have a limited impact on the field, although, with additional experimental work and better analysis, this paper will be able to stand on its own as a solid piece of structure-function analysis.


      The major strengths of the study were the combination of structure and enzyme activity assays, comprehensive structural analysis, as well as a thorough structure-guided mutagenesis campaign.


      There were several weaknesses, particularly:

      (1) The authors claim to have done an ICP-MS experiment to show Mn2+ binds to their enzyme but did not present the data. The authors could have used the anomalous scattering properties of Mn2+ at the synchrotron to determine the presence and location of this cation (i.e. fluorescence spectra, and/or anomalous data collection at the Mn2+ absorption peak).

      (2) The authors have an over-reliance on molecular docking for understanding the position of substrates bound to the enzyme. The docking analysis performed was cursory at best; Autodock Vina is a fine program but more rigorous software could have been chosen, as well we molecular dynamics simulations. As well the authors do not use any substrate/product-bound structures from the broader PL enzyme family to guide the placement of the substrates in the GAGases, and interpret the molecular docking models.

      (3) The conclusion that the structures of GAGase II and VII are most similar to the structures of alginate lyases (Table 2 data), and the authors' reliance on DALI, are both questioned. DALI uses a global alignment algorithm, which when used for multi-domain enzymes such as these tends to result in sub-optimal alignment of active site residues, particularly if the active site is formed between the two domains as is the case here. The authors should evaluate local alignment methods focused on the optimization of the superposition of a single domain; these methods may result in a more appropriate alignment of the active site residues and different alignment statistics. This may influence the overall conclusion of the evolutionary history of these PL35 enzymes.

      (4) The data on the GAGase III residue His188 is not well interpreted; substitution of this residue clearly impacts HA and HS hydrolysis as well. The data on the impact on alginate hydrolysis is weak, which could be due to the fact that the WT enzyme has poor activity against alginate to start with.

      (5) The authors did not use the words "homology", "homologous", or "homolog" correctly (these terms mean the subjects have a known evolutionary relationship, which may or may not be known in the contexts the authors used these targets); the words "similarity" and "similar" are recommended to be used instead.

      (6) The authors discuss a "shorter" cavity in GAGases, which does not make sense and is not supported by any figure or analysis. I recommend a figure with a surface representation of the various enzymes of interest, with dimensions of the cavity labeled (as a supplemental figure). The authors also do not specifically define what subsites are in the context of this family of enzymes, nor do they specifically label or indicate the location of the subsites on the figures of the GAGase II and IV enzyme structures.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      This paper by Poverlein et al reports the substantial membrane deformation around the oxidative phosphorylation super complex, proposing that this deformation is a key part of super complex formation. I found the paper interesting and well-written but identified a number of technical issues that I suggest should be addressed:

      (1) Neither the acyl chain chemical makeup nor the protonation state of CDL are specified. The acyl chain is likely 18:2/18:2/18:2/18:2, but the choice of the protonation state is not straightforward.

      (2) The analysis of the bilayer deformation lacks membrane mechanical expertise. Here I am not ridiculing the authors - the presentation is very conservative: they find a deformed bilayer, do not say what the energy is, but rather try a range of energies in their Monte Carlo model - a good strategy for a group that focuses on protein simulations. The bending modulus and area compressibility modulus are part of the standard model for quantifying the energy of a deformed membrane. I suppose in theory these might be computed by looking at the per-lipid distribution in thickness fluctuations, but this route is extremely perilous on a per-molecule basis. Instead, the fluctuation in the projected area of a lipid patch is used to imply the modulus [see Venable et al "Mechanical properties of lipid bilayers from molecular dynamics simulation" 2015 and citations within]. Variations in the local thickness of the membrane imply local variations of the leaflet normal vector (the vector perpendicular to the leaflet surface), which is curvature. With curvature and thickness, the deformation energy is analyzed.

      See:<br /> Two papers: "Gramicidin A Channel Formation Induces Local Lipid Redistribution" by Olaf Andersen and colleagues. Here the formation of a short peptide dimer is experimentally linked to hydrophobic mismatch. The presence of a short lipid reduces the influence of the mismatch. See below regarding their model cardiolipin, which they claim is shorter than the surrounding lipid matrix.

      Also, see:<br /> Faraldo-Gomez lab "Membrane transporter dimerization driven by differential lipid solvation energetics of dissociated and associated states", 2021. Mondal et al "Membrane Driven Spatial Organization of GPCRs" 2013 and many citations within these papers.

      While I strongly recommend putting the membrane deformation into standard model terms, I believe the authors should retain the basic conservative approach that the membrane is strongly deformed around the proteins and that making the SC reduces the deformation, then exploring the consequences with their discrete model.

      (1) If CDL matches the hydrophobic thickness of the protein it would disrupt SC formation, not favor it. The authors' hypothesis is that the SC stabilizes the deformed membrane around the separated elements. Lipids that are compatible with the monomer deformed region stabilize the monomer, similarly to a surfactant. That is, if CDL prefers the interface because the interface is thin and their CDL is thin, CDL should prevent SC formation. A simpler hypothesis is that CDL's unique electrostatics are part of the glue.

      (2) Error bars for lipid and Q* enrichments should be computed averaging over multi-lipid regions of the protein interface, e.g., dividing the protein-lipid interface into six to ten domains, in particular functionally relevant regions. Anionic lipids may have long, >500 ns residence times, which makes lipid enrichment large and characterization of error bars challenging in short simulations. Smaller regions will be noisy. The plots depicted in, for example, Figure S2 are noisy.

      (3) The membrane deformation is repeatedly referred to as "entropic" without justification. The bilayer has significant entropic and enthalpic terms just like any biomolecule, why are the authors singling out entropy? The standard "Helfrich" energetic Hamiltonian is a free energy model in that it implicitly integrates over many lipid degrees of freedom.

      (4) Figure S7 shows the surface area per lipid and leaflet height. This appears to show a result that is central to the interpretation of SC formation but which makes very little sense. One simply does not increase both the height and area of a lipid. This is a change in the lipid volume! The bulk compressibility of most anything is much higher than its Young's modulus [similar to area compressibility]. Instead, something else has happened. My guess is that there is *bilayer* curvature around these proteins and that it has been misinterpreted as area/thickness changes with opposite signs of the two leaflets. If a leaflet gets thin, its area expands. If the manuscript had more details regarding how they computed thickness I could help more. Perhaps they measured the height of a specific atom of the lipid above the average mid-plane normal? The mid-plane of a highly curved membrane would deflect from zero locally and could be misinterpreted as a thickness change.

      (5) The authors write expertly about how conformational changes are interpreted in terms of function but the language is repeatedly suggestive. Can they put their findings into a more quantitative form with statistical analysis? "The EDA thus suggests that the dynamics of CI and CIII2 are allosterically coupled."

      (6) The authors write "We find that an increase in the lipid tail length decreases the relative stability of the SC (Figure S5C)" This is a critical point but I could not interpret Figure S5C consistently with this sentence. Can the authors explain this?

      (7) The authors use a 6x6 and 15x15 lattice to analyze SC formation. The SC assembly has 6 units of E_strain favoring its assembly, which they take up to 4 kT. At 3 kT, the SC should be favored by 18 kT, or a Boltzmann factor of 10^8. With only 225 sites, specific and non-specific complex formation should be robust. Can the authors please check their numbers or provide a qualitative guide to the data that would make clear what I'm missing?

      In summary, the qualitative data presented are interesting (especially the combination of molecular modeling with simpler Monte Carlo modeling aiding broader interpretation of the results) ... but confusing in terms of the non-standard presentation of membrane mechanics and the difficulty of this reviewer to interpret some of the underlying figures: especially, the thickness of the leaflets around the protein and the relative thickness of cardiolipin. Resolving the quantitative interpretation of the bilayer deformation would greatly enhance the significance of their Monte Carlo model of SC formation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Tamoxifen resistance is a common problem in partially ER-positive patients undergoing endocrine therapy, and this manuscript has important research significance as it is based on clinical practical issues. The manuscript discovered that the absence of FRMD8 in breast epithelial cells can promote the progression of breast cancer, thus proposing the hypothesis that FRMD8 affects tamoxifen resistance and validating this hypothesis through a series of experiments. The manuscript has a certain theoretical reference value.


      At present, research on the role of FRMD8 in breast cancer is very limited. This manuscript leverages the MMTV-Cre+;Frmd8fl/fl;PyMT mouse model to study the role of FRMD8 in tamoxifen resistance, and single-cell sequencing technology discovered the interaction between FRMD8 and ESR1. At the mechanistic level, this manuscript has demonstrated two ways in which FRMD8 affects ERα, providing some new insights into the development of ER-positive breast cancer in patients who are resistant to tamoxifen.


      This manuscript repeatedly emphasizes the role of FRMD8/FOXO3A in tamoxifen resistance in ER-positive breast cancer, but the specific mechanisms have not yet been fully elucidated. Whether FRMD8 can become a biomarker should be verified in large clinical samples or clinical data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors propose that LAPTM4B plays a role in suppressing the TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway and suggest that enhancing LAPTM4B function could be a potential therapeutic strategy for alleviating BLM-induced lung fibrosis. Their data show that LAPTM4B knockdown exacerbates fibrosis phenotypes, both in vivo and in vitro, while LAPTM4B overexpression mitigates these effects by recruiting NEDD4L to destabilize SMAD proteins.


      The findings are significant for the lung disease field, and the data presented support the authors' conclusions. This work would be of even higher interest after sufficiently addressing the weaknesses listed below.


      Several issues need to be addressed. First, it is unclear why the authors chose to focus on LAPTM4B specifically, rather than other members of the LAPTM family, such as LAPTM4A or LAPTM5. Additionally, the manuscript does not address whether lysosomes are involved in the degradation of ubiquitinated LAPTM4B.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript performs a comprehensive biochemical, structural, and bioinformatic analysis of TseP, a type 6 secretion system effector from Aeromonas dhakensis that includes the identification of a domain required for secretion and residues conferring target organism specificity. Through targeted mutations, they have expanded the target range of a T6SS effector to include a gram-positive species, which is not typically susceptible to T6SS attack.


      All of the experiments presented in the study are well-motivated and the conclusions are generally sound.


      There are some issues with the clarity of figures. For example, the microscopy figures could have been more clearly presented as cell counts/quantification rather than representative images. Similarly, loading controls for the secreted proteins for the westerns probably should be shown.

      Also, some of the minor/secondary conclusions reached regarding the "independence" of the N and C term domains of the TseP are a bit overreaching.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This manuscript seeks to estimate the causal effect of genes on disease. To do so, they introduce a novel algorithm, termed the Root Causal Strength using Perturbations (RCSP) algorithm. RCSP uses perturb-seq to first estimate the gene regulatory network structure among genes, and then uses bulk RNA-seq with phenotype data on the samples to estimate causal effects of genes on the phenotype conditional on the learned network structure. The authors assess the performance of RCSP in comparison to other methods via simulation. Next, they apply RCSP to two real human datasets: 513 individuals age-related macular degeneration and 137 individuals with multiple sclerosis.


      The authors tackle an important and ambitious problem - the identification of causal contributors to disease in the context of a causal inference framework. As the authors point out, observational RNA-seq data is insufficient for this kind of causal discovery, since it is very challenging to recover the true underlying graph from observational data; interventional data are needed. However, little perturb-seq data has been generated with annotated phenotype data, and much bulk RNA-seq data has already been generated, so it is useful to propose an algorithm to integrate the two as the authors have done.

      The authors also offer substantial theoretical exposition for their work, bringing to bear both the literature on causal discovery as well as literature on the genetic architecture of complex traits.


      The notion of a "root" causal gene - which the authors define based on a graph theoretic notion of topologically sorting graphs - requires a graph that is directed and acyclic. It is the latter that constitutes an important weakness here - it simply is a large simplification of human biology to draw out a DAG including hundreds of genes and a phenotype Y and to claim that the true graph contains no cycles. This is briefly touched upon the discussion, but given the fundamental nature of this choice - the manuscript should devote at least some of the main results to exploring the consequence of mischaracterizing true cyclic graphs as DAGs in this framework. For example - consider the authors' analysis of T cell infiltration in multiple sclerosis (MS). CD4+ effector T cells have the interesting property that they are stimulated by IL2 as a growth factor; yet IL2 also stimulates the activation of (suppressive) regulatory T cells. What does it mean to analyze CD4+ regulation in disease with a graph that does not consider IL2 (or other cytokine) mediated feedback loops/cycles?

      I also encourage the authors to consider more carefully when graph structure learned from perturb-seq can be ported over to bulk RNA-seq. Consider again the MS CD4+ example - the authors first start with a large perturb-seq experiment (Replogle et al., 2022) performed in K562 cells. To what extent are K562 cells, which are derived from a leukemia cell line, suitable for learning the regulatory structure of CD4+ cells from individuals with an MS diagnosis? Presumably this structure is not exactly correct - to what extent is the RCSP algorithm sensitive to false edges in this graph? This leap - from cell line to primary human cells - is also not modeled in the simulation. Although challenging - it would be ideal for the RCSP to model or reflect the challenges in correctly identifying the regulatory structure.

      It should also be noted that in most perturb-seq experiments, the entire genome is not perturbed, and frequently important TFs (that presumably are very far "upstream" and thus candidate "root" causal genes) are not expressed highly enough to be detected with scRNA-seq. In that context - perhaps slightly modifying the language regarding RCSP's capabilities might be helpful for the manuscript - perhaps it would be better to describe it has an algorithm for causal discovery among a set of genes that were perturbed and measured, rather than a truly complete search for causal factors. Perhaps more broadly - it would also benefit the manuscript to devote slightly more text to describing the kinds of scenarios where RCSP (and similar ideas) would be most appropriately applied - perhaps a well-powered, phenotype annotated perturb-seq dataset performed in a disease relevant primary cell.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Pham and colleagues provide an illuminating investigation of aquaporin-4 water flux in the brain utilizing ex vivo and in vivo techniques. The authors first show in acute brain slices, and in vivo with fiber photometry, SRB loaded astrocytes swell after inhibition of AQP4 with TGN-020, indicative of tonic water efflux from astrocytes in physiological conditions. Excitingly, they find that TGN-020 increased the ADC in DW-MRI in a region-specific manner, potentially due to AQP4 density. The resolution of the DW-MRI cannot distinguish between intracellular or extracellular compartments, but the data point to an overall accumulation of water in the brain with AQP4 inhibition. These results provide further clarity on water movement through AQP4 in health and disease.

      Overall, the data support the main conclusions of the article, with some room for more detailed treatment of the data to extend the findings.


      The authors have a thorough investigation of AQP4 inhibition in acute brain slices. The demonstration of tonic water efflux through AQP4 at baseline is novel and important in and of itself. Their further testing of TGN-020 in hyper- and hypo-osmotic solutions shows the expected reduction of swelling/shrinking with AQP4 blockade.

      Their experiment with cortical spreading depression further highlights the importance of water efflux from astrocytes via AQP4 and transient water fluxes as a result of osmotic gradients. Inhibition of AQP4 increases the speed of tissue swelling, pointing to a role in efflux of water from the brain.

      The use of DW-MRI provides a non-invasive measure of water flux after TGN-020 treatment.


      The authors specifically use GCaMP6 and light sheet microscopy to image their brain sections in order to identify astrocytic microdomains. However, their presentation of the data neglects a more detailed treatment of the calcium signaling. It would be quite interesting to see whether these calcium events are differentially affected by AQP4 inhibition based on their cellular localization (ie. processes vs. soma vs. vascular endfeet which all have different AQP4 expression).

      The authors show the inhibition of AQP4 with TGN-020 shortens the onset time of the swelling associated with cortical spreading depression in brain slices. However, they do not show quantification for much of the other features of the CSD swelling, (ie. the duration of swelling, speed of swelling, recovery from swelling)

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have addressed these suggestions as additional supplementary figures. Notably they find increased calcium signaling and stronger inhibition of calcium signaling by TGN-020 in astrocytic endfeet, where AQP4 is enriched.


      AQP4 is a bidirectional water channel that is constitutively open, thus water flux through it is always regulated by local osmotic gradients. Still, characterizing this water flux has been challenging, as the AQP4 channel is incredibly water selective. The authors here present important data showing that application of TGN-020 alone causes astrocytic swelling, indicating that there is constant efflux of water from astrocytes via AQP4 in basal conditions. This has been suggested before, as the authors rightfully highlight in their discussion, but the evidence had previously come from electron microscopy data from genetic knockout mice.

      AQP4 expression has been linked with glymphatic circulation of cerebrospinal fluid through perivascular spaces since its rediscovery in 2012 [1]. Further studies of aging[2], genetic models[3], and physiological circadian variation[4], have revealed it is not simply AQP4 expression but AQP4 polarization to astrocytic vascular endfeet that is imperative for facilitating glymphatic flow. Still a lingering question in the field is how AQP4 facilitates fluid circulation. This study represents an important step in our understanding of AQP4's function, as basal efflux of water via AQP4 might promote clearance of interstitial fluid to allow influx of cerebrospinal fluid into the brain. Beyond glymphatic fluid circulation, clearly AQP4 dependent volume changes will differentially alter astrocytic calcium signaling and, in turn, neuronal activity.

      (1) Iliff, J.J., et al., A Paravascular Pathway Facilitates CSF Flow Through the Brain Parenchyma and the Clearance of Interstitial Solutes, Including Amyloid β. Sci Transl Med, 2012. 4(147): p. 147ra111.<br /> (2) Kress, B.T., et al., Impairment of paravascular clearance pathways in the aging brain. Ann Neurol, 2014. 76(6): p. 845-61.<br /> (3) Mestre, H., et al., Aquaporin-4-dependent Glymphatic Solute Transport in the Rodent Brain. eLife, 2018. 7.<br /> (4) Hablitz, L., et al., Circadian control of brain glymphatic and lymphatic fluid flow. Nature communications, 2020. 11(1).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors study the variability of patient response of NSCLC patients on immune checkpoint inhibitors using single-cell RNA sequencing in a cohort of 26 patients and 33 samples (primary and metastatic sites), mainly focusing on 11 patients and 14 samples for association analyses, to understand the variability of patient response based on immune cell fractions and tumor cell expression patterns. The authors find immune cell fraction and clonal expansion differences, as well as tumor expression differences between responders and non-responders, partly validating previous hypotheses, and partly suggesting new markers for ICI response. Integrating immune and tumor sources of signal the authors claim to improve prediction of response markedly, albeit in a small cohort and using in-sample metrics.


      - The problem of studying the tumor microenvironment, as well as the interplay between tumor and immune features is important and interesting and needed to explain heterogeneity of patient response and be able to predict it.<br /> - Extensive analysis of the scRNAseq data with respect to immune and tumor features on different axes of hypothesis relating to immune response and tumor immune evasion using state of the art methods.<br /> - The authors provide an interesting scRNAseq data set with well-curated cell types linked to outcomes data, which is valuable<br /> - High-quality immune cell type annotation including annotations based on additional ADT data<br /> - Integration of TCRseq to confirm subtype of T-cell annotation and clonality analysis<br /> - Interesting analysis of cell programs/states of the (predicted) tumor cells and characterization thereof


      - Generally a very heterogeneous and small cohort where adjustments for confounding is hard. Additionally, there are many tests for association with outcome, where necessary multiple testing adjustments negate signal and confirmation bias likely, so biological take-aways have to be questioned.<br /> - The authors claim a very high "accuracy" performance, however given the small cohort and possible overfitting due to in-sample ROC the generalization of this to other cohorts is questionable.<br /> - Due to the small cohort with a lot of variability, more external validation is needed to be convincingly reproducible, especially when talking about AUC/accuracy of a predictor.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors have presented data showing that there is a greater amount of spontaneous differentiation in human pluripotent cells cultured in suspension vs static and have used PKCβ and Wnt signaling pathway inhibitors to decrease the amount of differentiation in suspension culture.


      This is a very comprehensive study that uses a number of different rector designs and scales in addition to a number of unbiased outcomes to determine how suspension impacts the behaviour of the cells and in turn how the addition of inhibitors counteracts this effect. Furthermore, the authors were also able to derive new hiPSC lines in suspension with this adapted protocol.


      The main weakness of this study is the lack of optimization with each bioreactor change. It has been shown multiple times in the literature that the expansion and behaviour of pluripotent cells can be dramatically impacted by impeller shape, RPM, reactor design and multiple other factors. It remains unclear to me how much of the results the authors observed (e.g. increased spontaneous differentiation) was due to not having an optimized bioreactor protocol in place (per bioreactor vessel type). For instance - was the starting seeding density, RPM, impeller shape, feeding schedule, and/or anything other aspect optimized for any of the reactors used in the study and if not, how were the values used in the study determined?


      The authors did a commendable job in responding and addressing my comments and concerns in addition to those of the other reviewers. I think this study will be of interest to the field and will add to our collective knowledge on how PSCs react to being cultured in suspension conditions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This is a large cohort of ischemic stroke patients from a single centre. The author successfully set up predictive models for PTS.


      The design and implementation of the trial are acceptable, with the credibility of the results. It may provide evidence of seizure prevention in the field of stroke treatment.


      My concerns are well responded to.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors have nicely demonstrated the efficiency of the HCR v.3.0 using hr38 mRNA expression as a marker of neuronal activity. This is very important in the Drosophila neuroscience field as in situ hybridization in adult Drosophila brains have been so far very challenging to do and replicate. The HCR v.3.0 has been described before [Choi et al., (2018)] and is now the property of the non-profit organization Molecular Technologies, who are the ones responsible for designing the probes. Here, taking advantage of this new FISH method, the authors have demonstrated the use of the FISH to identify neurons activated by a specific behavioral task using hr38 mRNA as a marker of neuronal activation. They named their method HI-FISH.<br /> In addition, based on the catFISH method [Guzowski et al., 1999], the authors were able to distinguish between newly activated neurons (nascent nuclear mRNA) and mature hr38 mRNA showing an earlier activation. They describe this method as HI-catFISH.<br /> Finally, to test what are the neurons activated downstream of their neuronal group of interest, the authors combined the HI-FISH method with optogenetic using chrimson. They named this method opto-HI-FISH.

      Using these three new methods, the authors have addressed the following biological question: are love and aggressiveness neuronally the same in Drosophila?<br /> Here, the authors focused on the male specific P1a neurons which are activated by both an aggressive context (male-male encounter) and sexual context (male female encounter).


      The demonstration of the efficiency of the method is very convincing and well-performed. It gives the will for the reader to apply the method to their own subject.


      The more neurons are present, the more difficult it is to identify neurons. This is something to take into account when applying these methods.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Li et al investigated how adjuvants such as MPLA and CpG influence antigen presentation at the level of the Antigen presenting cell and MHCII : peptide interaction. They found that use of MPLA or CpG influences the exogenous peptide repertoire presented by MHC II molecules. Additionally, their observations included the finding that peptides with low-stability peptide:MHC interactions yielded more robust CD4+ T cell responses in mice. These phenomena were illustrated specifically for 2 pattern recognition receptor activating adjuvants. This work represents a step forward for how adjuvants program CD4+ Th responses and provide further evidence regarding expected mechanisms of PRR adjuvants in enhancing CD4+ T cell responses in the setting of vaccination.


      The authors use a variety of systems to analyze this question. Initial observations were collected in an H pylori model of vaccination with a demonstration of immunodominance differences simply by adjuvant type, followed by analysis of MHC:peptide as well as proteomic analysis with comparison by adjuvant group. Their analysis returns to peptide immunization and analysis of strength of relative CD4+ T cell responses, through calculation of IC:50 values and strength of binding. This is a comprehensive work. The logical sequence of experiments makes sense and follows an unexpected observation through to trying to understand that process further with peptide immunization and its impact on Th responses. This work will premise further studies into the mechanisms of adjuvants on T cells


      While MDP has a different manner of interaction as an adjuvant compared to CpG and MPLA, it is unclear why MDP has a different impact on peptide presentation and it should be further investigated, or at minimum highlighted in the discussion as an area that requires further investigation.

      It is alluded by the authors that TLR activating adjuvants mediate selective, low affinity, exogenous peptide binding onto MHC class II molecules. However, this was not demonstrated to be related specifically to TLR binding. Wonder if some work with TLR deficient mice (TLR 4KO for example) could evaluate this phenomenon more specifically

      Lastly, it is unclear if the peptide immunization experiment reveals a clear pattern related to high and low stability peptides among the peptides analyzed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      This is a very important paper, using a large dataset to definitively understand a phenomenon so far addressed using a range of diverging definitions and methods, typically with insufficient statistical power.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The manuscript entitled "A septo-hypothalamic-medullary circuit directs stress-induced analgesia" by Shah et al., showed that the dLS-to-LHA circuit is sufficient and necessary for stress-induced analgesia (SIA), which is mediated by the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) in a opioid-dependent manner. This study is interesting and important and the conclusions are largely supported by the data. I have a few concerns as follows:

      (1) The present data show that activation of dLS neurons produces SIA, however, this manipulation is non-specific. It may be better to see the effect of specific manipulation of stress-activated c-Fos positive neurons in the dLS using combination of the Tet-Off system and chemogenetic/optogenetic tools.<br /> (2) Depending on its duration, and intensity, stress can exert potent and bidirectional modulatory effects on pain, either reducing pain (SIA) or exacerbating it (stress-induced hyperalgesia,SIH). Whether this circuit in the manuscript is involved in SIH.<br /> (3) It are well-accepted that opioid and cannabinoid receptors participate in the SIA, especially, a critical role of the RVM endocannabinoid system in the SIA, why author focus their study on opioid system?<br /> (4) Whether silencing of the dLS neurons affects stress-induced anxiety-like behaviors? Or, what is the relationship between of SIA and level of stress-induced anxiety?<br /> (5) Please provide the direct electrophysiological evidence for confirming the efficacy of the MP-CNO.<br /> (6) Whether LHA is a specific downstream target for SIA, whether LHA is involved in stress-induced anxiety-like behaviors?<br /> (7) Whether LHA neurons have direct projections to the RVM? If yes, what is its role in the SIA?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The manuscript by Engelfriet et.al. addresses an interesting question in animal physiology - how do animals adapt to cold. Using polysome profiling and puromycin labeling, the authors confirm that in C. elegans exposed to a cooling regimen, protein synthesis is decreased globally. They then use RNAseq and ribosome profiling to propose that this decrease is driven mainly by decreased transcription, while translation of most mRNAs continues in the cold at a slower rate. They also find many transcripts whose expression is increased in the cold, and suggest that transcription of some of the cold-induced genes reflects activation of the IRE-1/XBP-1 UPR pathway. The authors further suggest that activation of the UPR by cold is due to cold-induced protein misfolding and perturbations in lipids in the ER, and that UPR activation is beneficial for cold survival.

      The finding that a decrease in protein synthesis that is characteristic of cold exposure and hibernation is driven primarily by changes in transcription rather than translation is quite interesting and different from findings in other studies. It would be important to understand the reason for this difference. The findings that some of the cold-induced transcription in worms reflects XBP-1-dependent activity of IRE-1 is also new, while UPR activation by lipid perturbations both agrees with previous observations but also exposes differences. The differences highlight the need for better understanding of how different temperature exposures affect different lipids, as cold adaptation is widespread in nature, and cooling is often used in the clinical settings.

      However, some concerns with interpretations and technical issues make several major conclusions in this manuscript less rigorous, as explained in detail in comments below. In particular, the two major concerns I have: 1) the contradiction between the strong reduction of global translation, with puromycin incorporation gel showing no detectable protein synthesis in cold, and an apparently large fraction of transcripts whose abundance and translation in Fig. 2A are both strongly increased. 2) The fact that no transcripts were examined for dependance on IRE-1/XBP-1 for their induction by cold, except for one transcriptional reporter, and some weaknesses (see below) in data showing activation of IRE-1/XBP-1 pathway. The conclusion for induction of UPR by cold via specific activation of IRE-1/XBP-1 pathway, in my opinion, requires additional experiments.

      Major concerns:

      (1) Fig. 1B shows polysomes still present on day 1 of 4{degree sign}C exposure, but the gel in Fig. 1C suggests a complete lack of protein synthesis. Why? What is then the evidence that ribosomal footprints used in much of the paper as evidence of ongoing active translation are from actual translating rather than still bound to transcripts but stationary ribosomes, considering that cooling to 4{degree sign}C is often used to 'freeze' protein complexes and prevent separation of their subunits? The authors should explain whether ribosome profiling as a measure of active translation has been evaluated specifically at 4{degree sign}C, or test this experimentally. They should also provide some evidence (like Western blots) of increases in protein levels for at least some of the strongly cold-upregulated transcripts, like lips-11.

      As puromycin incorporation seems to be the one direct measure of global protein synthesis here, it conflicts with much of the translation data, especially considering that quite a large fraction of transcripts have increased both mRNA levels and ribosome footprints, and thus presumably increased translation at 4{degree sign}C, in Fig. 2A.

      Also, it is not clear how quantitation in Fig. 1C relates to the gel shown, the quantitation seems to indicate about 50-60% reduction of the signal, while the gel shows no discernable signal.

      (2) It is striking that plips-11::GFP reporter is induced in day 1 of 4{degree sign}C exposure, apparently to the extent that is similar to its induction by a large dose of tunicamycin (Fig. 3 supplement), but the three IRE-1 dependent UPR transcripts from Shen 2005 list were not induced at all on day 1(Fig. 4 supplement). Moreover, the accumulation of the misfolded CPL-1 reporter, that was interpreted as evidence that misfolding may be triggering UPR at 4{degree sign}C, was only observed on day 1, when the induction of the three IRE-1 targets is absent, but not on day 3, when it is stronger. How does this agree with the conclusion of UPR activation by cold via IRE-1/XBP-1 pathway? It is true that the authors do note very little overlap between IRE-1/XBP-1-dependent genes induced by different stress conditions, but for most of this paper, they draw parallels between tunicamycin-induced and cold-induced IRE-1/XBP-1 activation.

      The conclusion that "the transcription of some cold-induced genes reflects the activation of unfolded protein response (UPR)..." is based on analysis of only one gene, lips-11. No other genes were examined for IRE-1 dependence of their induction by cold, neither the other 8 genes that are common between the cold-induced genes here and the ER stress/IRE-1-induced in Shen 2005 (Venn diagram in Figure 7 supplement), nor the hsp-4 reporter. What is the evidence that lips-11 is not the only gene whose induction by cold in this paper's dataset depends on IRE-1? This is a major weakness and needs to be addressed.

      Furthermore, whether induction by cold of lips-11 itself is due to IRE1 activation was not tested, only a partial decrease of reporter fluorescence by ire-1 RNAi is shown. A quantitative measure of the change of lips-11 transcript in ire-1 and xbp-1 mutants is needed to establish if it depends on IRE-1/XBP-1 pathway.

      The authors could provide more information and the additional data for the transcripts upregulated by both ER stress and cold, including the endogenous lips-11 and hsp-4 transcripts: their identity, fold induction by both cold and ER stress, how their induction is ranked in the corresponding datasets (all of these are from existing data), and do they depend on IRE-1/XBP-1 for induction by cold? Without these additional data, and considering that the authors did not directly measure the splicing of xbp-1 transcript (see comment for Fig. 3 below), the conclusion that cold induces UPR by specific activation of IRE-1/XBP-1 pathway is premature.

      There are also technical issues that are making it difficult to interpret some of the results, and missing controls that decrease the rigor of conclusions:

      (1) For RNAseq and ribosome occupancy, were the 20{degree sign}C day 1 adult animals collected at the same time as the other set was moved to 4{degree sign}C, or were they additionally grown at 20{degree sign}C for the same length of time as the 4{degree sign}C incubations, which would make them day 2 adults or older at the time of analysis? This information is only given for SUnSET: "animals were cultivated for 1 or 3 additional days at 4{degree sign}C or 20{degree sign}C". This could be a major concern in interpreting translation data: First, the inducibility of both UPR and HSR in worms is lost at exactly this transition, from day 1 to day 2 or 3 adults, depending on the reporting lab (for example Taylor and Dillin 2013, Labbadia and Morimoto, 2015, De-Souza et al 2022). How do authors account for this? Would results with reporter induction, or induction of IRE-1 target genes in Fig. 4, change if day 1 adults were used for 20{degree sign}C?

      Second, if animals at the time of shift to 4{degree sign}C were only beginning their reproduction, they will presumably not develop further during hibernation, while an additional day at 20{degree sign}C will bring them to the full reproductive capacity. Did 4{degree sign}C and 20{degree sign}C animals used for RNAseq and ribosome occupancy have similar numbers of embryos, and were the embryos at similar stages? If embryos were retained in one condition vs the other, how much would they contribute in terms of transcripts, and do the authors expect the same adaptive programs operating in embryos and in the adults?

      (2) Second, no population density is given for most of the experiments, despite the known strong effects of crowding (high pheromone) on C. elegans growth. From the only two specifics that are given, it seems that very different population sizes were used: for example, 150 L1s were used in survival assay, while 12,000 L1s in SUnSET. Have the authors compared results they got at high population densities with what would happen when animals are grown in uncrowded plates? At least a baseline comparison in the beginning should have been done.

      (3) Fig. 3: it is unclear why the accepted and well characterized quantitative measure of IRE1 activation, the splicing of xbp-1transcript, is not determined directly by RT-PCR. The fluorescent XBP-1spliced reporter, to my knowledge, has not been tested for its quantitative nature and thus its use here is insufficient.

      Furthermore, the image of this fluorescent reporter in Fig. 3b shows only one anterior-most row of cells of intestine, and quantitation was done with 2 to 5 nuclei per animal, while lips-11 is induced in entire intestine. Was there spliced XBP-1 in the rest of the intestinal nuclei? Could the authors show/quantify the entire animal (20 intestinal cells) rather than one or two rows of cells?

      (4) The differences in the outcomes from this study and the previous one (Dudkevich 2022) that used 15{degree sign}C to 2{degree sign}C cooling approach are puzzling, as they would suggest two quite different IRE-1 dependent programs of cold tolerance. It would be good if authors commented on overlapping/non-overlapping genes, and provided their thoughts on the origin of these differences considering the small difference in temperatures. Second, have the authors performed a control where they reproduced the rescue by FA supplementation of poor survival of ire-1 mutants after the 15{degree sign}C to 2{degree sign}C shift?

      Without this or another positive control, and without measuring change in lipid composition in their own experiments, it is unclear whether the different outcomes with respect to FAs are due to a real difference in adaptive programs at these temperatures, or to failure in supplementation?

      (5) Have the authors tested whether and by how much ire-1(ok799) mutation shortens the lifespan at 20{degree sign}C? This needs to be done before the defect in survival of ire-1 mutants in Fig. 7a can be interpreted.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, Day et al. present a high-throughput version of expansion microscopy to increase the throughput of this well-established super-resolution imaging technique. Through technical innovations in liquid handling with custom-fabricated tools and modifications to how the expandable hydrogels are polymerized, the authors show robust ~4-fold expansion of cultured cells in 96-well plates. They go on to show that HiExM can be used for applications such as drug screens by testing the effect of doxorubicin on human cardiomyocytes. Interestingly, the effects of this drug on changing DNA organization were only detectable by ExM, demonstrating the utility of HiExM for such studies.

      Overall, this is a very well-written manuscript presenting an important technical advance that overcomes a major limitation of ExM - throughput. As a method, HiExM appears extremely useful and the data generally support the conclusions.


      Hi-ExM overcomes a major limitation of ExM by increasing the throughput and reducing the need for manual handling of gels. The authors do an excellent job of explaining each variation introduced to HiExM to make this work and thoroughly characterize the impressive expansion isotropy. The dox experiments are generally well-controlled and the comparison to an alternative stressor (H2O2) significantly strengthens the conclusions.


      (1) It is still unclear to me whether or not cells that do not expand remain in the well given the response to point 1. The authors say the cells are digested and washed away but then say that there is a remaining signal from the unexpanded DNA in some cases. I believe this is still a concern that potential users of the protocol should be aware of.

      Editor note: this comment has been addressed in the latest version.

      (2) Regarding the response to point 9, I think this information should be included in the manuscript, possibly in the methods. It is important for others to have a sense of how long imaging may take if they were to adopt this method.

      Editor note: this comment has been addressed in the latest version.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      By examining the prevalence of interactions with ancient amino acids of coenzymes in ancient versus recent folds, the authors noticed an increased interaction propensity for ancient interactions. They infer from this that coenzymes might have played an important role in prebiotic proteins. By only focusing on coenzymes, the authors may have overestimated their importance. What about other small molecules that existed in the prebiotic soup? Do they also prefer such ancient amino acids? if so, this might reflect the interaction propensity of specific amino acids rather than some possible role in very ancient proteins. Or it might diminish the conjectured importance of coenzymes. The analysis, which is very straightforward, is technically correct. However, the conclusions might not be as strong as presented. This paper presents an excellent summary of contemporary thought on what might have constituted prebiotic proteins and their properties.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The manuscript points out that TMB cut-offs are not strong predictors of response to immunotherapy or overall survival. By randomly shuffling TMB values within cohorts to simulate a null distribution of log-rank test p-values, they show that under correction, the statistical significance of previously reported TMB cut-offs for predicting outcomes is questionable. There is a clinical need for a better prediction of treatment response than TMB alone can provide. However, the analysis does not convincingly refute the validity of the well-known pan-cancer correlation between TMB and immunotherapy response. (In a supplemental analysis, the authors attempt to demonstrate a lack of correlation by specifically removing the most supportive cancer types from a pan-cancer correlation test.) The failure to detect significant TMB cut-offs may be due to insufficient power, as the examined cohorts have relatively low sample sizes. A power analysis would be informative of what cohort sizes are needed to detect small to modest effects of TMB on immune response.

      The manuscript provides a simple model of immunogenicity that is tailored to be consistent with a claimed lack of relationship between TMB and response to immunotherapy. Under the model, if each mutation that a tumor has acquired has a relatively high probability of being immunogenic (~10%, they suggest), and if 1-2 immunogenic mutations is enough to induce an immune response, then most tumors produce an immune response, and TMB and response should be uncorrelated except in very low-TMB tumors. The question then becomes whether the response is sufficient to wipe out tumor cells in conjunction with immunotherapy, which is essentially the same question of predicting response that motivated the original analysis. While TMB alone is not an excellent predictor of treatment response, the pan-cancer correlation between TMB and response/survival is highly significant, so the model's only independent prediction is wrong. Additionally, experiments to predict and validate neoepitopes suggest that a much smaller fraction of nonsynonymous mutations produce immune responses (1,2).

      A key idea that is overlooked in this manuscript is that of survivorship bias: self-evidently, none of the mutations found at the time of sequencing have been immunogenic enough to provoke a response capable of eliminating the tumor. While the authors suggest that immunoediting "is inefficient, allowing tumors to accumulate a high TMB," the alternative explanation fits the neoepitope literature better: most mutations that reach high allele frequency in tumor cells are not immunogenic in typical (or patient-specific) tumor environments. Of course, immunotherapies sometimes succeed in overcoming the evolved immune evasion of tumors. Higher-TMB tumors are likely to continue to have higher mutation rates after sequencing; increased generation of new immunogenic mutations may partially explain their modestly improved responses to therapy.

      References:<br /> (1) Wells, D. K. et al. Key Parameters of Tumor Epitope Immunogenicity Revealed Through a Consortium Approach Improve Neoantigen Prediction. Cell 183, 818-834.e13 (2020).<br /> (2) Yadav, M. et al. Predicting immunogenic tumour mutations by combining mass spectrometry and exome sequencing. Nature 515, 572-576 (2014).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work makes several contributions: (1) a method for the self-supervised segmentation of cells in 3D microscopy images, (2) an cell-segmented dataset comprising six volumes from a mesoSPIM sample of a mouse brain, and (3) a napari plugin to apply and train the proposed method.

      (1) Method

      This work presents itself as a generalizable method contribution with a wide scope: self-supervised 3D cell segmentation in microscopy images. My main critique is that there is almost no evidence for the proposed method to have that wide of a scope. Instead, the paper is more akin to a case report that shows that a particular self-supervised method is good enough to segment cells in two datasets with specific properties.

      To support the claim that their method "address[es] the inherent complexity of quantifying cells in 3D volumes", the method should be evaluated in a comprehensive study including different kinds of light and electron microscopy images, different markers, and resolutions to cover the diversity of microscopy images that both title and abstract are alluding to.

      The main dataset used here (a mesoSPIM dataset of a whole mouse brain) features well-isolated cells that are easily distinguishable from the background. Otsu thresholding followed by a connected component analysis already segments most of those cells correctly. The proposed method relies on an intensity-based segmentation method (a soft version of a normalized cut) and has at least five free parameters (radius, intensity, and spatial sigma for SoftNCut, as well as a morphological closing radius, and a merge threshold for touching cells in the post-processing). Given the benefit of tweaking parameters (like thresholds, morphological operation radii, and expected object sizes), it would be illuminating to know how other non-learning-based methods will compare on this dataset, especially if given the same treatment of segmentation post-processing that the proposed method receives. After inspecting the WNet3D predictions (using the napari plugin) on the used datasets I find them almost identical to the raw intensity values, casting doubt as to whether the high segmentation accuracy is really due to the self-supervised learning or instead a function of the post-processing pipeline after thresholding.

      I suggest the following baselines be included to better understand how much of the segmentation accuracy is due to parameter tweaking on the considered datasets versus a novel method contribution:<br /> * comparison to thresholding (with the same post-processing as the proposed method)<br /> * comparison to a normalized cut segmentation (with the same post-processing as the proposed method)<br /> * comparison to references 8 and 9.

      I further strongly encourage the authors to discuss the limitations of their method. From what I understand, the proposed method works only on well-separated objects (due to the semantic segmentation bottleneck), is based on contrastive FG/BG intensity values (due to the SoftNCut loss), and requires tuning of a few parameters (which might be challenging if no ground-truth is available).

      (2) Dataset

      I commend the authors for providing ground-truth labels for more than 2500 cells. I would appreciate it if the Methods section could mention how exactly the cells were labelled. I found a good overlap between the ground truth and Otsu thresholding of the intensity images. Was the ground truth generated by proofreading an initial automatic segmentation, or entirely done by hand? If the former, which method was used to generate the initial segmentation, and are there any concerns that the ground truth might be biased towards a given segmentation method?

      (3) Napari plugin

      The plugin is well-documented and works by following the installation instructions. However, I was not able to recreate the segmentations reported in the paper with the default settings for the pre-trained WNet3D: segments are generally too large and there are a lot of false positives. Both the prediction and the final instance segmentation also show substantial border artifacts, possibly due to a block-wise processing scheme.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study uses a cell-based computational model to simulate and study T cell development in the thymus. They initially applied this model to assess the effect of the thymic epithelial cells (TECs) network on thymocyte proliferation and demonstrated that increasing TEC size, density, or protrusions increased the number of thymocytes. They postulated and confirmed that this was due to changes in IL7 signalling and then expanded this work to encompass various environmental and cell-based parameters, including Notch signalling, cell cycle duration, and cell motility. Critical outcomes from the computational model were tested in vivo using medaka fish, such as the role of IL-7 signalling and minimal effect of Notch signalling.


      The strength of the paper is the use of computational modelling to obtain unique insights into the niche parameters that control T cell development, such as the role of TEC architecture, while anchoring those findings with in vivo experiments. I can't comment on the model itself, as I am not an expert in modelling, however, the conclusions of the paper seem to be well-supported by the model.


      One potential issue is that many of the conclusions are drawn from the number of thymocytes, or related parameters such as the thymic size or proliferation of the thymocytes. The study only touches briefly on the influence of the thymic niche on other aspects of thymocyte behaviour, such as their differentiation and death.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, authors intended to prove that gut GLP-1 expression and secretion can be regulated by Piezo1, and hence by mechanistic/stretching regulation. For this purpose, they have assessed Piezo1 expression in STC-1 cell line (a mouse GLP-1 producing cell line) and mouse gut, showing the correlation between Piezo1 level and Gcg levels (Fig. S1). They then aimed to generate gut L cell-specific Piezo1 KO mice and claimed the mice show impaired glucose tolerance and GLP-1 production, which can be mitigated by Ex-4 treatment (Fig. 1-2). Pharmacological agents (Yoda1 and GsMTx4) and mechanic activation (intestinal bead implantation) were then utilized to prove the existence of ileal Piezo1-regulated GLP-1 synthesis (Fig. 3). This was followed by testing such mechanism in a limited amount of primary L cells and mainly in the STC-1 cell line (Fig. 4-7).

      While the novelty of the study is somehow appreciable, the bio-medical significance is not well demonstrated in the manuscript. The authors stated (in lines between lines 78-83) a number of potential side effects of GLP-1 analogs, how can the mechanistic study of GLP-1 production on its own be essential for the development of new drug targets for the treatment of diabetes. Furthermore, the study does not provide a clear mechanistic insight how the claimed CaMKKbeta/CaMKIV-mTORC1 signaling pathway upregulated both GLP-1 production and secretion. This reviewer also has concerns about the experimental design and data presented in the current manuscript, including the issue of how can proglucagon expression can be assessed by Western blotting.


      Novelty of the concept.


      Experimental design and key experiment information.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study investigates the role of Hox genes in determining the position of the forelimb bud through experimental loss- and gain-of-function approaches in chicken embryos. The loss-of-function experiments involved expressing dominant-negative versions of specific Hox genes in the limb bud to assess their necessity for limb formation. Gain-of-function experiments entailed expressing full-length Hox genes anterior to the limb field in the lateral mesoderm. The results were evaluated by analyzing the expression of genes involved in limb development, such as Fgf8, Fgf10, Shh, and Tbx5, the latter specifically marking the forelimb.

      The findings indicate that introducing dominant-negative forms of Hoxa4, Hoxa5, Hoxa6, and Hoxa7 into the forelimb field reduces bud size and downregulates certain limb markers. Conversely, introducing active versions of these genes rostral to the normal forelimb position shows that Hox4 and Hox5 have no effect, whereas Hox6 and Hox7 extend the forelimb anteriorly or create a small bulge rostral to the forelimb. The authors conclude that Hox4 and Hox5 provide permissive cues for forelimb formation throughout the neck region, with the final forelimb position determined by the instructive cues of Hox6/7 in the lateral plate mesoderm.


      The authors endeavor to address the longstanding question of what determines limb position, particularly that of the forelimb, in the vertebrate embryo.


      In my opinion, the study is preliminary and requires additional controls and explanations for conflicting results observed in mice:

      (1) The activity of the dominant negatives lacks appropriate controls. This is crucial given that mouse mutants for PG5, PG6, PG7, and three of the four PG4 genes show no major effects on limb induction or growth. Understanding these discrepancies is essential.

      (2) The authors mention redundancies in Hox activity, consistent with numerous previous reports. However, they only use single dominant-negative versions of each Hox paralog gene individually. If Hox4 and Hox5 functions are redundant, experiments should include simultaneous dominant negatives for both groups.

      (3) The main conclusion that Hox4 and Hox5 provide permissive cues on which Hox6/7 induce the forelimb is not sufficiently supported by the data. An experiment expressing simultaneous dnHox4/5 and Hox6/7 is needed. If the hypothesis is correct, this should block Hox6/7's capacity to expand the limb bud or generate an extra bulge.

      (4) The identity of the extra bulge or extended limb bud is unclear. The only marker supporting its identity as a forelimb is Tbx5, while other typical limb development markers are absent. Tbx5 is also expressed in other regions besides the forelimb, and its presence does not guarantee forelimb identity. For instance, snakes express Tbx5 in the lateral mesoderm along much of their body axis.

      (5) It is important to analyze the skeletons of all embryos to assess the effect of reduced limb buds upon dnHox expression and determine whether extra skeletal elements develop from the extended bud or ectopic bulge.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Fernandez et al. investigate the influence of maternal behavior on bat pup vocal development in Saccopteryx bilineata, a species known to exhibit vocal production learning. The authors performed detailed longitudinal observations of wild mother-pup interactions to ask whether non-vocal maternal displays during juvenile vocal practice or 'babbling', affect vocal production. Specifically, the study examines the durations of pup babbling events and the developmental babbling phase, in relation to the amount of female display behavior, as well as pup age and the number of nearby singing adult males. Furthermore, the authors examine pup vocal repertoire size and maturation in relation to the number of maternal displays encountered during babbling. Statistical models identify female display behavior as a predictor of i) babbling bout duration, ii) the length of the babbling phase, iii) song composition, and iv) syllable maturation. Notably, these outcomes were not influenced by the number of nearby adult males (the pups' source of song models) and were largely independent of general maturation (pup age). These findings highlight the impact of non-vocal aspects of social interactions in guiding mammalian vocal development.


      Historically, work on developmental vocal learning has focused on how juvenile vocalizations are influenced by the sounds produced by nearby adults (often males). In contrast, this study takes the novel approach of examining juvenile vocal ontogeny in relation to non-vocal maternal behavior, in one of the few mammals known to exhibit vocal production learning. The authors collected an impressive dataset from multiple wild bat colonies in two Central American countries. This includes longitudinal acoustic recordings and behavioral monitoring of individual mother-pup pairs, across development.

      The identified relationships between maternal behavior and bat pup vocalizations have intriguing implications for understanding the mechanisms that enable vocal production learning in mammals, including human speech acquisition. As such, these findings are likely to be relevant to a broad audience interested in the evolution and development of social behavior as well as sensory-motor learning.


      The authors qualitatively describe specific patterns of female displays during pup babbling, however, subsequent quantitative analyses are based on two aggregate measures of female behavior that pool across display types. Consequently, it remains unclear how certain maternal behaviors might differentially influence pup vocalizations (e.g. through specific feedback contingencies or more general modulation of pup behavioral states).

      In analyzing the effects of maternal behavior on song maturation, the authors focus on the most common syllable type produced across pups. This approach is justified based on the syllable variability within and across individuals, however, additional quantification and visual presentation of categorized syllable data would improve clarity and potentially strengthen resulting claims.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study aimed at replicating two previous findings that showed (1) a link between prediction tendencies and neural speech tracking, and (2) that eye movements track speech. The main findings were replicated which supports the robustness of these results. The authors also investigated interactions between prediction tendencies and ocular speech tracking, but the data did not reveal clear relationships. The authors propose a framework that integrates the findings of the study and proposes how eye movements and prediction tendencies shape perception.


      This is a well-written paper that addresses interesting research questions, bringing together two subfields that are usually studied in separation: auditory speech and eye movements. The authors aimed at replicating findings from two of their previous studies, which was overall successful and speaks for the robustness of the findings. The overall approach is convincing, methods and analyses appear to be thorough, and results are compelling.


      Linking the new to the previous studies could have been done in more detail, and the extent to which results were replicated could have been discussed more thoroughly.

      Eye movement behavior could have been presented in more detail and the authors could have attempted to understand whether there is a particular component in eye movement behavior (e.g., microsaccades) that drives the observed effects.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This is an interesting follow-up to a paper published in Human Molecular Genetics reporting novel roles in corticogenesis of the Kif7 motor protein that can regulate the activator as well as the repressor functions of the Gli transcription factors in Shh signalling. This new work investigates how a null mutation in the Kif7 gene affects the formation of corticofugal and thalamocortical axon tracts and the migration of cortical interneurons. It demonstrates that the Kif7 null mutant embryos present with ventriculomegaly and heterotopias as observed in patients carrying KIF7 mutations. The Kif7 mutation also disrupts the connectivity between the cortex and thalamus and leads to an abnormal projection of thalamocortical axons. Moreover, cortical interneurons show migratory defects that are mirrored in cortical slices treated with the Shh inhibitor cyclopamine suggesting that the Kif7 mutation results in a down-regulation of Shh signalling. Interestingly, these defects are much less severe at later stages of corticogenesis.


      The findings of this manuscript are clearly presented and are based on detailed analyses. Using a compelling set of experiments, especially the live imaging to monitor interneuron migration, the authors convincingly investigate Kif7's roles and their results support their major claims. The migratory defects in interneurons and the potential role of Shh signalling present novel findings and provide some mechanistic insights but rescue experiments would further support Kif7's role in interneuron migration. Similarly, the mechanism underlying the misprojection which has previously been reported in other cilia mutants remains unexplored. Taken together, this manuscript makes novel contributions to our understanding of the role of primary cilia in forebrain development and to the aetiology of neural symptoms in ciliopathy patients.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      This study offers a valuable investigation into the role of cholecystokinin (CCK) in thalamocortical plasticity during early development and adulthood, employing a range of experimental techniques. The authors demonstrate that tetanic stimulation of the auditory thalamus induces cortical long-term potentiation (LTP), which can be evoked through either electrical or optical stimulation of the thalamus or by noise bursts. They further show that thalamocortical LTP is abolished when thalamic CCK is knocked down or when cortical CCK receptors are blocked. Interestingly, in 18-month-old mice, thalamocortical LTP was largely absent but could be restored through the cortical application of CCK. The authors conclude that CCK contributes to thalamocortical plasticity and may enhance thalamocortical plasticity in aged subjects.

      While the study presents compelling evidence, I would like to offer several suggestions for the authors' consideration:

      (1) Thalamocortical LTP and NMDA-Dependence:<br /> It is well established that thalamocortical LTP is NMDA receptor-dependent, and blocking cortical NMDA receptors can abolish LTP. This raises the question of why thalamocortical LTP is eliminated when thalamic CCK is knocked down or when cortical CCK receptors are blocked. If I correctly understand the authors' hypothesis - that CCK promotes LTP through CCKR-intracellular Ca2+-AMPAR. This pathway should not directly interfere with the NMDA-dependent mechanism. A clearer explanation of this interaction would be beneficial.

      (2) Complexity of the Thalamocortical System:<br /> The thalamocortical system is intricate, with different cortical and thalamic subdivisions serving distinct functions. In this study, it is not fully clear which subdivisions were targeted for stimulation and recording, which could significantly influence the interpretation of the findings. Clarifying this aspect would enhance the study's robustness.

      (3) Statistical Variability:<br /> Biological data, including field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) and LTP, often exhibit significant variability between samples, sometimes resulting in a standard deviation that exceeds 50% of the mean value. The reported standard deviation of LTP in this study, however, appears unusually small, particularly given the relatively limited sample size. Further discussion of this observation might be warranted.

      (4) EYFP Expression and Virus Targeting:<br /> The authors indicate that AAV9-EFIa-ChETA-EYFP was injected into the medial geniculate body (MGB) and subsequently expressed in both the MGB and cortex. If I understand correctly, the authors assume that cortical expression represents thalamocortical terminals rather than cortical neurons. However, co-expression of CCK receptors does not necessarily imply that the virus selectively infected thalamocortical terminals. The physiological data regarding cortical activation of thalamocortical terminals could be questioned if the cortical expression represents cortical neurons or both cortical neurons and thalamocortical terminals.

      (5) Consideration of Previous Literature:<br /> A number of studies have thoroughly characterized auditory thalamocortical LTP during early development and adulthood. It may be beneficial for the authors to integrate insights from this body of work, as reliance on data from the somatosensory thalamocortical system might not fully capture the nuances of the auditory pathway. A more comprehensive discussion of the relevant literature could enhance the study's context and impact.

      (6) Therapeutic Implications:<br /> While the authors suggest potential therapeutic applications of their findings, it may be somewhat premature to draw such conclusions based on the current evidence. Although speculative discussion is not harmful, it may not significantly add to the study's conclusions at this stage.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Lu et. al. proposed here a direct role of LPS in inducing hepatic fat accumulation and that the metabolism of LPS therefore can mitigate fatty liver injury. With an Acyloxyacyl hydrolase whole-body KO mice, they demonstrated that Acyloxyacyl hydrolase deletion resulted in higher hepatic fat accumulation over 8 months of high glucose/high fructose diet. Previous literature has found that hepatocyte TLR4 (which is a main receptor for binding LPS) KO reduced fatty liver in the MAFLD model, and this paper complements this by showing that degradation/metabolism of LPS can also reduce fatty liver. This result proposed a very interesting mechanism and the translational implications of utilizing Acyloxyacyl hydrolase to decrease LPS exposure are intriguing.

      The strengths of the present study include that they raised a very simplistic mechanism with LPS that is of interest in many diseases. The phenotype shown in the study is strong. The mechanism proposed by the findings is generally well supported.

      There are also several shortcomings in the findings of this study. As AOAH is a whole-body KO, the source production of AOAH in MAFLD is unclear. Although the authors used published single-cell RNA-seq data and flow-isolated liver cells, physiologically LPS degradation could occur in the blood or the liver. The authors linked LPS to hepatocyte fatty acid oxidation via SREBP1. The mechanism is not explored in great depth. Is this signaling TLR4? In this model, LPS could activate macrophages and mediate the worsening of hepatocyte fatty liver injury via the paracrine effect instead of directly signaling to hepatocytes, thus it is not clear that this is a strictly hepatocyte LPS effect. It would also be very interesting to see if the administration of the AOAH enzyme orally could mitigate MAFLD injury. Overall, this work adds to the current understanding of the gut-liver axis and development of MAFLD and will be of interest to many readers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This is by far the phylogenetic analysis with the most comprehensive coverage for the Nemacheilidae family in Cobitoidea. It is a much-lauded effort. The conclusions derived using phylogenetic tools coincide with geological events, though not without difficulties (Africa pathway).


      Comprehensive use of genetic tools


      Lack of more fossil records.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The article provides valuable information on the role of CCR4 in an inflammatory condition, namely, the arteriosclerosis plaque. The data demonstrated that in the absence of CCR4, the Th1 cells infiltrated the plaque and Tregs lost its functions. The data are clear and well-presented. Mostly importantly, the data on CCR4-specific deficiency in Regulatory T cells is more impressive.


      The data are clear, well performed, and interesting in focusing on the plaque and compared to peripheral organs. The disease is relevant and the data could be used to understand the risk of patients under immunomodulator use.


      Still, we don't know the mechanism, besides migration.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The study by Gupta et al. investigates the role of mast cells (MCs) in tuberculosis (TB) by examining their accumulation in the lungs of M. tuberculosis-infected individuals, non-human primates, and mice. The authors suggest that MCs expressing chymase and tryptase contribute to the pathology of TB and influence bacterial burden, with MC-deficient mice showing reduced lung bacterial load and pathology.


      (1) The study addresses an important and novel topic, exploring the potential role of mast cells in TB pathology.

      (2) It incorporates data from multiple models, including human, non-human primates, and mice, providing a broad perspective on MC involvement in TB.

      (3) The finding that MC-deficient mice exhibit reduced lung bacterial burden is an interesting and potentially significant observation.


      (1) The evidence is inconsistent across models, leading to divergent conclusions that weaken the overall impact of the study.

      (2) Key claims, such as MC-mediated cytokine responses and conversion of MC subtypes in granulomas, are not well-supported by the data presented.

      (3) Several figures are either contradictory or lack clarity, and important discrepancies, such as the differences between mouse and human data, are not adequately discussed.

      (4) Certain data and conclusions require further clarification or supporting evidence to be fully convincing.

    1. 1:33:38 When there is new EVIDENCE, we CHANGE OUR MIND

    2. 1:30:05 We can create an ERGODIC Neighbourhood

    3. 1:28:29 Government spends by creating money and when it taxes, the government destroys money

    4. 1:27:32 A Community Bill of Rights

    5. 1:26:14 Marlborough can become a Commons

    6. 1:25:22 First comes an AGREEMENT by members of the neighbourhood to co-operate and then they agree to use a mechanism called money to mobilise resources

    7. 1:24:34 Money is not the scare resource. Money is the organising tool that mobilises people and tangible resources to manifest a vision

    8. 1:24:14 We can organise our resources such that it can attract the money that regenerates across all types of capital and all types of nature

    9. 1:23:52 What does Donut Economics look like in Marlborough Neighbourhood?

    10. 1:23:30 How can a neighbourhood become a local food PRODUCER evolving into a PROSUMER

    11. 1:23:06 How can we get a neighbourhood to operate at full capacity (strengths) while minimising to its collective shadows

    12. 1:22:36 Could A community Association get a Community Banking Licence? 1:22:38 Could a local Credit Union be a consortium partner and issue more money into the system to develop the entire wealth of the Neighbourhood

    13. 1:22:23 How much UNUSED RESOURCES are there in Marlborough Neighbourhood? How more efficaciously can they be used?

    14. 1:21:54 If a community moved to a WELLNESS model rather than an ILLNESS model, it would generate millions of dollars in saved resources 1:21:54 If a community moved to a PREVENTION model rather than a CURE Model, it would generate millions of dollars in resources

    15. 1:21:44 By identifying WASTE - we can identify capacity to create VALUE for ALL




    1. Disease: Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) type 1

      Patient(s): 13 yo, female and 14 yo, female, both Italian

      Variant: VWF NM_000552.5: c.820A>C p. (Thr274Pro)

      Dominant negative effect

      Heterozygous carrier

      Variant located in the D1 domain on VWF


      heterozygous carriers have no bleeding history

      reduced VWF levels compatible with diagnosis of VWD type 1

      increased FVIII:C/VWF:Ag ratio, suggests reduced VWF synthesis/secretion as possible phathophysiological mechanism

      Normal VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio

      Modest alteration of multimeric pattern in plasma and platelet multimers

      plasma VWF showed slight increase of LMWM and decrease of IMWM and HMWM

      Platelet VWF showed quantitative decrease of IMWM, HMWM, and UL multimers

      In silico analysis:

      SIFT, ALIGN, GVD Polyphen 2.0, SNP&GO, Mutation Taster, Pmut all suggest damaging consequences.

      PROVEAN and Effect suggest neutral effect

      according to ACMG guidelines this variant was classified as pathogenic

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this important paper the authors investigate the temporal dynamics of expectation of pain using a combined fMRI-EEG approach. More specifically, by modifying the expectations of higher or lower pain on a trial-to- trial basis they report that expectations largely share the same set of activations before the administration of the painful stimulus and that the coding of the valence of the stimulus is observed only after the nociceptive input has been presented. fMRI informed EEG analysis suggested that the temporal sequence of information processing involved the Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex. The strength of evidence is convincing, the methods are solid, but a few alternative interpretations about the findings related to the control group, as well as a more in depth discussion on the correlations between the BOLD and EEG signals would strengthen the manuscript.


      In line with open science principles, the article presents the data and the results in a complete and transparent fashion.<br /> On the theoretical standpoint, the authors make a step forward in our understanding of how expectations modulate pain by introducing a combination of spatial and temporal investigation. It is becoming increasingly clear that our appraisal of the world is dynamic, guided by previous experiences and mapped on a combination of what we expect and what we get. New research methods, questions and analyses are needed to capture this evolving process.


      The authors have addressed my concerns about the control condition and made some adjustments, namely acknowledging that participants cannot be "expectations" free and investigating whether scores in the control condition are simply due to a "regression to the mean".

      General considerations and reflections

      Inducing expectations in the desired direction is not a straightforward task, and results might depend on the exact experimental conditions and the comparison group. In this sense, the authors choice of having 3 groups of positive, negative and "neutral" expectations is to be praised. On the other hand, also control groups form their expectations, and this can constitute a confounder in every experiment using expectation manipulation, if not appropriately investigated. The authors have addressed this element in their revised submission.

      In addition, although fMRI is still (probably) the best available tool we have to understand the spatial representation of cortical processing, limitations about not only the temporal but even the spatial resolution should be acknowledged. This has been done. Given the anatomical and physiological complexity of the cortical connections, as we know from the animal world, it is still well possible that sub circuits are activated also for positive and negative expectations, but cannot be observed due to the limitation of our techniques. Indeed, on an empirical/evolutionary bases, it would remain unclear why we should have a system that waits for the valence of a stimulus to show differential responses.<br /> Also, moving in a dimension of network and graph theory, one would not expect single areas to be responsible for distinct processes, but rather that they would more integrate information in a shared way, potentially with different feedback and feedforward communications. As such, it becomes more difficult to assume the insula as a center for coding potential pain, perhaps more of a node in a system that signals potential dangers for the integrity of the body.<br /> The rationale for the choice of their EEG band has been outlined.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this paper, Misic et al showed that white matter properties can be used to classify subacute back pain patients that will develop persisting pain.


      Compared to most previous papers studying associations between white matter properties and chronic pain, the strength of the method is to perform a prediction in unseen data. Another strength of the paper is the use of three different cohorts. This is an interesting paper that provides a valuable contribution to the field.


      The main weakness of this study is the sample size. It remains small despite having 3 cohorts. This is problematic because results are often overfitted in such a small sample size brain imaging study, especially when all the data are available to the authors at the time of training the model (Poldrack et al., Scanning the horizon: towards transparent and reproducible neuroimaging research, Nature Reviews in Neuroscience 2017). Thus, having access to all the data, the authors have a high degree of flexibility in data analysis, as they can retrain their model any number of time until it generalizes across all three cohorts. In this case, the testing set could easily become part of the training making it difficult to assess the real performance, especially for small sample size studies.

      Even if the performance was properly assessed their models show AUCs between 0.65-0.70, which is usually considered as poor, and most likely without potential clinical use. Despite this, their conclusion was: "This biomarker is easy to obtain (~10 min 18 of scanning time) and opens the door for translation into clinical practice." One may ask who is really willing to use an MRI signature with a relatively poor performance that can be outperformed by self-report questionnaires?

      Overall, these criticisms are more about the wording sometimes use and the inference they made. I still think this is a very relevant contribution to the field. Showing predictive performance through cross validation and testing in multiple cohorts is not an easy task and this is a strong effort by the team. I strongly believe this approach is the right one and I believe the authors did a good job.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors intended to investigate the earliest mechanisms enabling self-prioritization, especially in the attention. Combining a temporal order judgement task with computational modelling based on the Theory of Visual Attention (TVA), the authors suggested that the shapes associated with the self can fundamentally alter the attentional selection of sensory information into awareness. This self-prioritization in attentional selection occurs automatically at early perceptual stages. Furthermore, the processing benefits obtained from attentional selection via self-relatedness and physical salience were separated from each other.


      The manuscript is written in a way that is easy to follow. The methods of the paper are very clear and appropriate.


      There are two main concerns:

      (1) The authors had a too strong pre-hypothesis that self-prioritization was associated with attention. They used the prior entry to consciousness (awareness) as an index of attention, which is not appropriate. There may be other processing that makes the stimulus prior to entry to consciousness (e.g. high arousal, high sensitivity), but not attention. The self-related/associated stimulus may be involved in such processing but not attention to make the stimulus easily caught. Perhaps the authors could include other methods such as EEG or MEG to answer this question.

      (2) The authors suggested that there are two independent attention processes. I suspect that the brain needs two attention systems. Is there a probability that the social and perceptual (physical properties of the stimulus) salience fired the same attention processing through different processing?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authiors show that SVZ derived astrocytes respond to a middle carotid artery occlusion (MCAO) hypoxia lesion by secreting and modulating hyaluronan at the edge of the lesion (penumbra) and that hyaluronin is a chemoattractant to SVZ astrocytes. They use lineage tracing of SVZ cells to determine their origin. They also find that SVZ derived astrocytes express Thbs-4 but astrocytes at the MCAO-induced scar do not. Also, they demonstrate that decreased HA in the SVZ is correlated with gliogenesis. While much of the paper is descriptive/correlative they do overexpress Hyaluronan synthase 2 via viral vectors and show this is sufficient to recruit astrocytes to the injury. Interestingly, astrocytes preferred to migrate to the MCAO than to the region of overexpressed HAS2.


      The field has largely ignored the gliogenic response of the SVZ, especially with regards to astrocytic function. These cells and especially newborn cells may provide support for regeneration. Emigrated cells from the SVZ have been shown to be neuroprotective via creating pro-survival environments, but their expression and deposition of beneficial extracellular matrix molecules is poorly understood. Therefore, this study is timely and important. The paper is very well written and the flow of results logical.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have addressed my points and the paper is much improved. Here are the salient remaining issues that I suggest be addressed.

      The authors have still not shown, using loss of function studies, that Hyaluronan is necessary for SVZ astrogenesis and or migration to MCAO lesions.

      (1) The co-expression of EGFr with Thbs4 and the literature examination is useful.

      (2) Too bad they cannot explain the lack of effect of the MCAO on type C cells. The comparison with kainate-induced epilepsy in the hippocampus may or may not be relevant.

      (3) Thanks for including the orthogonal confocal views in Fig S6D.

      (4) The statement that "BrdU+/Thbs4+ cells mostly in the dorsal area" and therefore they mostly focused on that region is strange. Figure 8 clearly shows Thbs4 staining all along the striatal SVZ. Do they mean the dorsal segment of the striatal SVZ or the subcallosal SVZ? Fig. 4b and Fig 4f clearly show the "subcallosal" area as the one analysed but other figures show the dorsal striatal region (Fig. 2a). This is important because of the well-known embryological and neurogenic differences between the regions.

      (5) It is good to know that the harsh MCAO's had already been excluded.

      (6) Sorry for the lack of clarity - in addition to Thbs4, I was referring to mouse versus rat Hyaluronan degradation genes (Hyal1, Hyal2 and Hyal3) and hyaluronan synthase genes (HAS1 and HAS2) in order to address the overall species differences in hyaluronan biology thus justifying the "shift" from mouse to rat. You examine these in the (weirdly positioned) Fig. 8h,i. Please add a few sentences on mouse vs rat Thbs4 and Hyaluronan relevant genes.

      (7) Thank you for the better justification of using the naked mole rat HA synthase.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Liu et al., present an immersion objective adapter design called RIM-Deep, which can be utilized for enhancing axial resolution and reducing spherical aberrations during inverted confocal microscopy of thick cleared tissue.


      RI mismatches present a significant challenge to deep tissue imaging, and developing a robust immersion method is valuable in preventing losses in resolution. Liu et al., present data showing that RIM-Deep is suitable for tissue cleared with two different clearing techniques, demonstrating the adaptability and versatility of the approach.


      Liu et al., claim to have developed a useful technique for deep tissue imaging, but in its current form, the paper does not provide sufficient evidence that their technique performs better than existing ones.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The authors have successfully addressed most of the issues raised in the first review. Nevertheless, some of the mentioned problems require further attention, mostly regarding the formal derivation of the learning rules, as well as connections to previous research.

      Regarding the derivations of learning rules: The authors have provided Goal functions for each of the plastic neural connections to give some insight into what these connections do. However, as I understand, this does not address the main concern raised in the previous review: Why do these rules lead to overall network dynamics that sample from the input distribution? Virtually all other work on neural sampling that I am aware of (e.g., from Maass Lab, Lengyel Lab, etc.) start from a single goal function for all connections that somehow quantifies the difference of network dynamics from the target distribution. In the presented work the authors specify different goal functions for the different weights, which does not make clear how the desired network dynamics are ultimately achieved.

      This becomes especially evident looking at the two different recurrent connections (M and G). M minimizes the difference between network activity f and recurrent prediction DKL[f|phi(My)], but why is this alone not enough to ensure a good sampling? G minimizes the squared error [f-phi(Gy)]^2, but what does that mean? The problem is that the goal functions are self-consistent in the sense that both f and phi(Gy) depend on G, which makes an interpretation very difficult. Ultimately it's easier to interpret this by looking at the plasticity rule and see that it leads to a balance. For G the authors furthermore actually ignore the derived plasticity rule and switch to a rule similar to the one for M, meaning that the actual goal function for G is also something like DKL[f|phi(Gy)]. Overall, an overarching optimization goal for the entire network is missing, which makes the interpretation very difficult. I understand that this might be very difficult to provide at this stage, but the authors should at least point out this shortcoming as an open question for the proposed framework.

      Regarding the relation to previous work the authors have provided a lot more detailed discussion, which very much clears up the contributions and novel ideas in their work. Still, there are some claims that are not consistent with the literature. Especially, in lines 767 ff. the authors state that Kappel et al "assumed plasticity only at recurrent synapses projecting onto the excitatory neurons. In addition, unlike our model, the cell assembly memberships need to be preconfigured in the [...] model." This is not correct, as Kappel et al learn both the feed-forward and recurrent connections, hence the main difference is that in Kappel et al sampling is sequential and not random. This is why I mentioned this work in the first review, as it speaks against the authors claims of novelty (719 ff.), which should be adjusted accordingly.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors of this article have presented a timely and well-written study exploring the impact of group identification on collective behaviors and performance. The breadth of analyses is impressive and contributes significantly to our understanding of the collective performance. However, there are several areas where further clarification and revision would strengthen the study.


      (1) Timeliness and Relevance:<br /> The topic is highly relevant, particularly in today's interconnected and team-oriented work environments. Triadic hyperscanning is important to understand group dynamics, but most previous work has been limited to dyadic work.

      (2) Comprehensive Analysis:<br /> The authors have conducted extensive analyses, offering valuable insights into how group identification affects collective behaviors.

      (3) Clear Writing:<br /> The manuscript is well-written and easy to follow, making complex concepts accessible.

      Weaknesses (clarifications needed):

      (1) Experimental Design:<br /> The study does not mention whether the authors examined sex differences or any measures of attractiveness or hierarchy among participants (e.g., students vs. teachers). Including these variables could provide a more nuanced understanding of group dynamics.

      (2) fNIRS Data Acquisition:<br /> The authors' approach to addressing individual differences in anatomy is lacking in detail. Understanding how they identified the optimal channels for synchrony between participants would be beneficial. Was this done by averaging to find the location with the highest coherence?

      (3) Behavioral Analysis:<br /> For group identification, the analysis currently uses a dichotomous approach. Introducing a regression model to capture the degree of identification could offer more granular insights into how varying levels of group identification affect collective behavior and performance.

      (4) Single Brain Activation Analysis:<br /> The application of the General Linear Model (GLM) is unclear, particularly given the long block durations and absence of multiple trials. Further explanation is needed on how the GLM was implemented under these conditions.

      (5) Within-group neural Synchrony (GNS) Calculation:<br /> The method for calculating GNS could be improved by using mutual information instead of pairwise summation, as suggested by Xie et al. (2020) in their study on fMRI triadic hyperscanning. Additionally, the explanation of GNS calculation is inconsistent. At one point, it is mentioned that GNS was averaged across time and channels, while elsewhere, it is stated that channels with the highest GNS were selected. Clarification on this point is essential.

      (6) Placement of fNIRS Probes:<br /> The probes were only placed in the frontal regions, despite literature suggesting that the superior temporal sulcus (STS) and temporoparietal junction (TPJ) regions are crucial for triadic team performance. A justification for this choice or inclusion of these regions in future studies would be beneficial.

      (7) Interpretation of fNIRS Data:<br /> Given that fNIRS signals are slow, similar to BOLD signals in fMRI, the interpretation of Figure 6 raises concerns. It suggests that it takes several minutes (on the order of 4-5 minutes) for people to collaborate, which seems implausible. More context or re-evaluation of this interpretation is needed.

    1. Reviewer #4 (Public review):


      This is an important study that underscores that reproduction-survival trade-offs are not manifested (contrary to what generally accepted theory predicts) across a range of studies on birds. This has been studied by a meta-analytical approach, gathering data from a set of 46 papers (30 bird species). The overall conclusion is that there are no trade-offs apparent unless experimental manipulations push the natural variability to extreme values. In the wild, the general pattern for within-species variation is that birds with (naturally) larger clutches survive better.


      I agree this study highlights important issues and provides good evidence of what it claims, using appropriate methods.


      I also think, however, that it would benefit from broadening its horizon beyond bird studies. The conclusions can be reinforced through insights from other taxa. General reasoning is that there is positive pleiotropy (i.e. individuals vary in quality and therefore some are more fit (perform better) than others. Of course, this is within their current environment (biotic, abiotic, social. ...), with consequences of maintaining genetic variation across generations - outlined in Maklakov et al. 2015 (https://doi.org/10.1002/bies.201500025). This explains the outcomes of this study very well and would come to less controversy and surprise for a more general audience.

      I have two fish examples in my mind where this trade-off is also discounted. Of course, given that it is beyond brood-caring birds, the wording in those studies is slightly different, but the evolutionary insight is the same. First, within species but across populations, Reznick et al. (2004, DOI: 10.1038/nature02936) demonstrated a positive correlation between reproduction and parental survival in guppies. Second, an annual killifish study (2021, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13382) showed, within a population, a positive association between reproduction and (reproductive) aging.

      In fruit flies, there is also a strong experimental study demonstrating the absence of reproduction-lifespan trade-offs (DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.09.049).

      I suggest that incorporating insights from those studies would broaden the scope and reach of the current manuscript.

      Likely impact:

      I think this is an important contribution to a slow shift in how we perceive the importance of trade-offs in ecology and evolution in general. While the current view still is that one individual excelling in one measure of its life history (i.e. receiving benefits) must struggle (i.e. pay costs) in another part. However, a positive correlation between all aspects of life history traits is possible within an individual (such as due to developmental conditions or fitting to a particular environment). Simply, some individuals can perform generally better (be of good quality than others).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this study, Nishi et al. claim that the ratio of long-term hematopoietic stem cell (LT-HSC) versus short-term HSC (ST-HSC) determines the lineage output of HSCs and reduced ratio of ST-HSC in aged mice causes myeloid-biased hematopoiesis. Authors used Hoxb5 reporter mice to isolated LT-HSC and ST-HSC and performed molecular analyses and transplantation assays to support their arguments. How hematopoietic system becomes myeloid-biased upon aging is an important question with many implications in disease context as well. However, this study needs more definitive data.

      (1) Authors' experimental designs have some caveats to definitely support their claims. Authors claimed that aged LT-HSCs have no myeloid-biased clone expansion using transplantation assays. In these experiments, authors used 10 HSCs and young mice as recipients. Given the huge expansion of old HSC by number and known heterogeneity in immunophenotypically defined HSC populations, it is questionable how 10 out of so many old HSCs (an average of 300,000 up to 500,000 cells per mouse; Mitchell et al., Nature Cell Biology, 2023) can faithfully represent old HSC population. The Hoxb5+ old HSC primary and secondary recipient mice data (Fig. 2C and D) support this concern. In addition, they only used young recipients. Considering the importance of inflammatory aged niche in the myeloid-biased lineage output, transplanting young vs old LT-HSCs into aged mice will complete the whole picture.

      (2) Authors' molecular data analyses need more rigor with unbiased approaches. They claimed that neither aged LT-HSCs nor aged ST-HSCs exhibited myeloid or lymphoid gene set enrichment but aged bulk HSCs, which are just a sum of LT-HSCs and ST-HSCs by their gating scheme (Fig. 4A), showed the "tendency" of enrichment of myeloid-related genes based on the selected gene set (Fig. 4D). Although the proportion of ST-HSCs is reduced in bulk HSCs upon aging, since ST-HSCs do not exhibit lymphoid gene set enrichment based on their data, it is hard to understand how aged bulk HSCs have more myeloid gene set enrichment compared to young bulk HSCs. This bulk HSC data rather suggest that there could be a trend toward certain lineage bias (although not significant) in aged LT-HSCs or ST-HSCs. Authors need to verify the molecular lineage priming of LT-HSCs and ST-HSCs using another comprehensive dataset.

      (3) Although authors could not find any molecular evidence for myeloid-biased hematopoiesis from old HSCs (either LT or ST), they argued that the ratio between LT-HSC and ST-HSC causes myeloid-biased hematopoiesis upon aging based on young HSC experiments (Fig. 6). However, old ST-HSC functional data showed that they barely contribute to blood production unlike young Hoxb5- HSCs (ST-HSC) in the transplantation setting (Fig. 2). Is there any evidence that in unperturbed native old hematopoiesis, old Hoxb5- HSCs (ST-HSC) still contribute to blood production? If so, what are their lineage potential/output? Without this information, it is hard to argue that the different ratio causes myeloid-biased hematopoiesis in aging context.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The study identifies two types of activation: one that is cue-triggered and non-specific to motion directions, and another that is specific to the exposed motion directions but occurs in a reversed manner. The finding that activity in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) preceded that in the visual cortex suggests that the visual cortex may serve as a platform for the manifestation of replay events, which potentially enhance visual sequence learning.


      Identifying the two types of activation after exposure to a sequence of motion directions is very interesting. The experimental design, procedures, and analyses are solid. The findings are interesting and novel.


      It was not immediately clear to me why the second type of activation was suggested to occur spontaneously. The procedural differences in the analyses that distinguished between the two types of activation need to be a little better clarified.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      These experiments are some of the first to assess the role of dopamine release and the activity of D1 and D2 MSNs in pair bond formation in Mandarin voles. This is a novel and comprehensive study that presents exciting data about how the dopamine system is involved in pair bonding. The authors provide very detailed methods and clearly presented results. Here they show dopamine release in the NAc shell is enhanced when male voles encounter their pair bonded partner 7 days after co-habitation. In addition, D2 MSN activity decreases whereas D1 MSN activity increases when sniffing the pair-bonded partner.

      The authors do not provide justification for why they only use males in the current study, without discussing sex as a biological variable these data can only inform readers about one sex (which in pair-bonded animals by definition have 2 sexes). In addition, the authors do not use an isosbestic control wavelength in photometry experiments, although they do use EGFP control mice which show no effects of these interventions, a within-subject control such as an isosbestic excitation wavelength could give more confidence in these data and rule out motion artefacts within subjects.

      There is an existing literature (cited in this manuscript) from Aragona et al., (particularly Aragona et al., 2006) which has highlighted key differences in the roles of rostral versus caudal NAc shell dopamine in pair bond formation and maintenance. Specifically, they report that dopamine transmission promoting pair bonding only occurs in the rostral shell and not the caudal shell or core regions. Given that the authors have targeted more caudally a discussion of how these results fit with previous work and why there may be differences in these areas is warranted.

      The authors could discuss the differences between pair bond formation and pair bond maintenance more deeply.

      The authors have successfully characterised the involvement of dopamine release, changes in D1 and D2 MSNs, and projections to the VP in pair bonding voles. Their conclusions are supported by their data and they make a number of very reasonable discussion points acknowledging various limitations.

    1. internal colonization across a great plain;

      How do these compare? How big (square miles) was the Russian Empire in the 18th Century? What about the United States?

      Cite your sources.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The present manuscript by Zhou and colleagues investigates the impact of a new combination of compounds termed CHIR99021 and A-485 on stimulating cardiac cell regeneration. This manuscript fits the journal and addresses an important contribution to scientific knowledge.

      Comments on latest version:

      The authors have addressed all of our comments.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The study investigates the impact of Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP) on Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) therapy outcomes in NSCLC patients, analyzing blood samples from 100 patients pre- and post-ICI therapy for CHIP, and conducting single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of PBMCs in 63 samples, with validation in 180 more patients through whole exome sequencing. Findings show no significant CHIP influence on ICI response, but a higher CHIP prevalence in NSCLC compared to controls and a notable CHIP burden in squamous cell carcinoma. Severely affected CHIP groups showed NF-kB pathway gene enrichment in myeloid clusters.


      The study is commendable for analyzing a significant cohort of 100 patients for CHIP and utilizing scRNA-seq on 63 samples, showcasing the use of cutting-edge technology.

      The study tackles the vital clinical question of predicting ICI therapy outcomes in NSCLC.


      The study groups, comprising NSCLC patients and healthy controls, exhibit notable differences in sex distribution and smoking status. Given that smoking is a well-established factor influencing CHIP status, this introduces potential confounding variables that may impact the study's conclusions. The authors have appropriately acknowledged these disparities and provided a transparent discussion of their implications.

      Comments on revised submission:

      The authors thoroughly addressed all my concerns. Thank you very much for your additional work.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The present work from Velloso and collaborators investigated the transcription profiles of resident and recruited hypothalamic microglia. They found sex-dependent differences between males and females and identified the protective role of chemokine receptor CXCR3 against diet-induced obesity.


      (1) Novelty<br /> (2) Relevance, since this work provides evidence about a subset of recruited microglia that has a protective effect against DIO. This provides a new concept in hypothalamic inflammation and obesity.

      Comments on revised version:

      All my comments have been addressed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Zhou et al offers new high resolution Cryo-EM structures of two human biotin-dependent enzymes: propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC) and methycrotonyl-CoA carboxylase (MCC). While X-ray crystal structures and Cryo-EM structures have previously been reported for bacterial and trypanosomal versions of MCC and for bacterial versions of PCC, this marks one of the first high resolution Cryo-EM structures of the human version of these enzymes. Using the biotin cofactor as an affinity tag, this team purified a group of four different human biotin-dependent carboxylases from cultured human Expi 293F (kidney) cells (PCC, MCC, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), and pyruvate carboxylase). Following further enrichment by size-exclusion chromatography, they were able to vitrify the sample and pick enough particles of MCC and PCC to separately refine the structures of both enzymes to relatively high average resolutions (the Cryo-EM structure of ACC also appears to have been determined from these same micrographs, though this is the subject of a separate publication). To determine the impact of substrate binding on the structure of these enzymes and to gain insights into substrate selectivity, they also separately incubated with propionyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA and vitrified the samples under active turnover conditions, yielding a set of cryo-EM structures for both MCC and PCC in the presence and absence of substrates and substrate analogues.


      The manuscript has several strengths. It is clearly written, the figures are clear and the sample preparation methods appear to be well described. This study demonstrates that Cryo-EM is an ideal structural method to investigate the structure of these heterogeneous samples of large biotin-dependent enzymes. As a consequence, many new Cryo-EM structures of biotin-dependent enzymes are emerging, thanks to the natural inclusion of a built-in biotin affinity tag. While the authors report no major differences between the human and bacterial forms of these enzymes, it remains an important finding that they demonstrate how/if the structure of the human enzymes are or are not distinct from the bacterial enzymes. The MCC structures also provide evidence for a transition for BCCP-biotin from an exo-binding site to an endo-binding site in response to acetyl-CoA binding. This contributes to a growing number of biotin-dependent carboxylase structures that reveal BCCP-biotin binding at locations both inside (endo-) and outside (exo-) of the active site.


      There are some minor weaknesses. Notably, there are not a lot of new insights coming from this paper. The structural comparisons between MCC and PCC have already been described in the literature and there were not a lot of significant changes (outside of the exo- to endo- transition) in the presence vs. absence of substrate analogues. There are sections of this manuscript that do not sufficiently clarify what represents a new insight from the current set of structures (there are few of them), vs. what is largely recapitulating what has been seen in previous structures.

      There is not a great deal of depth of analysis in the discussion. For example, no new insights were gained with respect to the factors contributing to substrate selectivity (the factors contributing to selectivity for propionyl-CoA vs. acetyl-CoA in PCC). The authors acknowledge that they are limited in their interpretations as a consequence of the acyl groups being unresolved in all of the structures. They offer a simple, overarching and not particularly insightful explanation that the longer acyl group in propionyl-CoA may mediate stronger hydrophobic interactions that stabilize the alpha carbon of the acyl group at the proper position. The authors did not take the opportunity to describe the specific interactions that may be responsible for the stronger hydrophobic interaction nor do they offer any plausible explanation for how these might account for an astounding difference in the selectivity for propionyl-CoA vs. acetyl-CoA. Essentially, the authors concede that these cryo-EM structures offer no new insights into the structural basis for substrate selectivity in PCC, confirming that these structures do not yet fully capture the proper conformational states.

      Some of these minor deficiencies aside, the overall aim of contributing new cryo-EM structures of the human MCC and PCC has been achieved. While I am not a cryo-EM expert, I see no flaws in the methodology or approach. While the contributions from these structures are somewhat incremental, it is nevertheless important to have these representative examples of the human enzymes and it is noteworthy to see a new example of the exo-binding site in a biotin-dependent enzyme.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      DMS-MaP is a sequencing-based method for assessing RNA folding by detecting methyl adducts on unpaired A and C residues created by treatment with dimethylsulfate (DMS). DMS also creates methyl adducts on the N7 position of G, which could be sensitive to tertiary interactions with that atom, but N7-methyl adducts cannot be detected directly by sequencing. In this work, the authors adopt a previously developed method for converting N7-methyl-G to an abasic site to make it detectable by sequencing and then show that the ability of DMS to form an N7-methyl-G adduct is sensitive to RNA structural context. In particular, they look at the G-quadruplex structure motif, which is dense with N7-G interactions, is biologically important, and lacks conclusive methods for in-cell structural analysis.


      - The authors clearly show that established methods for detecting N7-methyl-G adducts can be used to detect those adducts from DMS and that the formation of those adducts is sensitive to structural context, particularly G-quadruplexes.

      - The authors assess the N7-methyl-G signal through a wide range of useful probing analyses, including standard folding, adduct correlations, mutate-and-map, and single-read clustering.

      - The authors show encouraging preliminary results toward the detection of G-quadruplexes in cells using their method. Reliable detection of RNA G-quadruplexes in cells is a major limitation for the field and this result could lead to a significant advance.

      - Overall, the work shows convincingly that N7-methyl-G adducts from DMS provide valuable structural information and that established data analyses can be adapted to incorporate the information.


      - Most of the validation work is done on the spinach aptamer and it and polyUG RNA are the only RNAs tested that have a known 3D structure. Although it is a useful model for validating this method, it does not provide a comprehensive view of what results to expect across varied RNA structures.

      - It's not clear from this work what the predictive power of BASH-MaP would be when trying to identify G-quadruplexes in RNA sequences of unknown structure. Although clusters of G's with low reactivity and correlated mutations seem to be a strong signal for G-quadruplexes, no effort was made to test a range of G-rich sequences that are known to form G-quadruplexes or not. Having this information would be critical for assessing the ability of BASH-MaP to identify G-quadruplexes in cells.

      - Although the authors present interesting results from various types of analysis, the code currently available on Github lacks the documentation and examples necessary to be useful to the broader community.

      - There are aspects of the DAGGER analysis that could limit its robustness or utility for different RNAs:

      (1) Folding of the RNA based on individual reads does not represent single-molecule folding since each read contains only a small fraction of the possible adducts that could have formed on that molecule. As a result, each fold will largely be driven by the naive folding algorithm. The DANCE-MaP algorithm that was also used by the authors addresses this concern.<br /> (2) G residues in a loop will have a different impact on RNA folding than those in a G-quadruplex. This difference could reduce the accuracy of CONTRAfold predictions when forcing G-quadruplex residues to be unpaired. That said, predicting secondary structure around G-quadruplexes is a challenge for folding algorithms.<br /> (3) Incorporation of the G mutations requires prior knowledge of the RNA 3D structure, limiting the utility of the method to predicting alternative conformations in structures that are already well characterized.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Using a knock-out mutant strain, the authors tried to decipher the role of the last gene in the mycofactocin operon, mftG. They found that MftG was essential for growth in the presence of ethanol as the sole carbon source, but not for the metabolism of ethanol, evidenced by the equal production of acetaldehyde in the mutant and wild type strains when grown with ethanol (Fig 3). The phenotypic characterization of ΔmftG cells revealed a growth-arrest phenotype in ethanol, reminiscent of starvation conditions (Fig 4). Investigation of cofactor metabolism revealed that MftG was not required to maintain redox balance via NADH/NAD+, but was important for energy production (ATP) in ethanol. Since mycobacteria cannot grow via substrate-level phosphorylation alone, this pointed to a role of MftG in respiration during ethanol metabolism. The accumulation of reduced mycofactocin points to impaired cofactor cycling in the absence of MftG, which would impact the availability of reducing equivalents to feed into the electron transport chain for respiration (Fig 5). This was confirmed when looking at oxygen consumption in membrane preparations from the mutant and would type strains with reduced mycofactocin electron donors (Fig 7). The transcriptional analysis supported the starvation phenotype, as well as perturbations in energy metabolism, and may be beneficial if described prior to respiratory activity data.<br /> The data and conclusions support the role of MftG in ethanol metabolism.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The authors sought to determine the impact of early antiretroviral treatment on the size, composition, and decay of the HIV latent reservoir. This reservoir represents the source of viral rebound upon treatment interruption and therefore constitutes the greatest challenge to achieving an HIV cure. A particular strength of this study is that it reports on reservoir characteristics in African women, a significantly understudied population, of whom some have initiated treatment within days of acute HIV diagnosis. With the use of highly sensitive and current technologies, including digital droplet PCR and near full-length genome next-generation sequencing, the authors generated a valuable dataset for investigation of proviral dynamics in women initiating early treatment compared to those initiating treatment in chronic infection. The authors confirm previous reports that early antiretroviral treatment restricts reservoir size, but further show that this restriction extends to defective viral genomes, where late treatment initiation was associated with a greater frequency of defective genomes. Furthermore, an additional strength of this study is the longitudinal comparison of viral dynamics post-treatment, wherein early treatment was shown to be associated with a more rapid rate of decay in proviral genomes, regardless of intactness, over a period of one year post-treatment. While it is indicated that intact genomes were not detected after one year following early treatment initiation, sampling depth is noted as a limitation of the study by the authors, and caution should thus be taken with interpretation where sequence numbers are low. Defective genomes are more abundant than intact genomes and are therefore more likely to be sampled. Early treatment was also associated with reduced proviral diversity and fewer instances of polymorphisms associated with cytotoxic T-lymphocyte immune selection. This is expected given that rapid evolution and extensive immune selection are synonymous with HIV infection in the absence of treatment, yet points to an additional benefit of early treatment in the context of immune therapies to restrict the reservoir.

      This is one of the first studies to report the mapping of longitudinal intactness of proviral genomes in the globally dominant subtype C. The data and findings from this study therefore represent a much-needed resource in furthering our understanding of HIV persistence and informing broadly impactful cure strategies. The analysis on clonal expansion of proviral genomes may be limited by higher sequence homogeneity in hyperacute infection i.e., cells with different proviral integration sites may have a higher likelihood of containing identical genomes compared to chronic infection.

      Overall, these data demonstrate the distinct benefits of early treatment initiation at reducing the barrier to a functional cure for HIV, not only by restricting viral abundance and diversity but also potentially through the preservation of immune function and limiting immune escape. It therefore provides clues to curative strategies even in settings where early diagnosis and treatment may be unlikely.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The present study's main aim is to investigate the mechanism of how VirR controls the magnitude of MEV release in Mtb. The authors used various techniques, including genetics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and ultrastructural and biochemical methods. Several observations were made to link VirR-mediated vesiculogenesis with PG metabolism, lipid metabolism, and cell wall permeability. Finally, the authors presented evidence of a direct physical interaction of VirR with the LCP proteins involved in linking PG with AG, providing clues that VirR might act as a scaffold for LCP proteins and remodel the cell wall of Mtb. Since the Mtb cell wall provides a formidable anatomical barrier for the entry of antibiotics, targeting VirR might weaken the permeability of the pathogen along with the stimulation of the immune system due to enhanced vesiculogenesis. Therefore, VirR could be an excellent drug target. Overall, the study is an essential area of TB biology.


      The authors have done a commendable job of comprehensively examining the phenotypes associated with the VirR mutant using various techniques. Application of Cryo-EM technology confirmed increased thickness and altered arrangement of CM-L1 layer. The authors also confirmed that increased vesicle release in the mutant was not due to cell lysis, which contrasts with studies in other bacterial species.

      Another strength of the manuscript is that biochemical experiments show altered permeability and PG turnover in the mutant, which fits with later experiments where authors provide evidence of a direct physical interaction of VirR with LCP proteins.

      Transcriptomics and proteomics data were helpful in making connections with lipid metabolism, which the authors confirmed by analyzing the lipids and metabolites of the mutant.

      Lastly, using three approaches, the authors confirm that VirR interacts with LCP proteins in Mtb via the LytR_C terminal domain.

      Altogether, the work is comprehensive, experiments are designed well, and conclusions were made based on the data generated after verification using multiple complementary approaches.


      The major weakness is that the mechanism of VirR-mediated EV release remains enigmatic. Most of the findings are observational and only associate enhanced vesiculogenesis observed in the VirR mutant with cell wall permeability and PG metabolism. Authors suggest that EV release occurs during cell division when PG is most fragile. However, this has yet to be tested in the manuscript - the AFM of the VirR mutant, which produces thicker PG with more pore density, displays enhanced vesiculogenesis. No evidence was presented to show that the PG of the mutant is fragile, and there are differences in cell division to explain increased vesiculogenesis. These observations, counterintuitive to the authors' hypothesis, need detailed experimental verification.

      Transcriptomic data only adds a little substantial. Transcriptomic data do not correlate with the proteomics data. It remains unclear how VirR deregulates transcription. TLCs of lipids are not quantitative. For example, the TLC image of PDIM is poor; quantitative estimation needs metabolic labeling of lipids with radioactive precursors. Further, change in PDIMs is likely to affect other lipids (SL-1, PAT/DAT) that share a common precursor (propionyl- CoA).

      The connection of cholesterol with cell wall permeability is tenuous. Cholesterol will serve as a carbon source and contribute to the biosynthesis of methyl-branched lipids such as PDIM, SL-1, and PAD/DAT. Carbon sources also affect other aspects of physiology (redox, respiration, ATP), which can directly affect permeability and import/export of drugs. Authors should investigate whether restoration of the normal level of permeability and EV release is not due to the maintenance of cell wall lipid balance upon cholesterol exposure of the VirR mutant.

      Finally, protein interaction data is based on experiments done once without statistical analysis. If the interaction between VirR and LCP protein is expected on the mycobacterial membrane, how SPLIT_GFP system expressed in the cytoplasm is physiologically relevant. No explanation was provided as to why VirR interacts with the truncated version of LCP proteins and not with the full-length proteins.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this paper, Hackwell and colleagues performed technically impressive, long-term, GCaMP fiber photometry recordings from Kiss1 neurons in the arcuate nucleus of mice during multiple reproductive states. The data show an immediate suppression of activity of arc Kiss1 neuronal activity during pregnancy that is maintained during lactation. In the absence of any apparent change in suckling stimulus or milk production, mice lacking prolactin receptors in arcuate Kiss1 neurons regained Kiss1 episodic activity and estrous cyclicity faster than control mice, demonstrating that direct prolactin action on Kiss1 neurons is at least partially responsible for suppressing fertility in this species. The effect of loss of prolactin receptors from CamK2a expressing neurons was even greater, indicating either that prolactin sensitivity in Kiss1 neurons of the RP3V contributes to lactational infertility or that other prolactin-sensitive neurons are involved. These data demonstrate the important role of prolactin in suppressing Kiss1 neuron activity and thereby fertility during the lactational period in the mouse.


      This is the first study to monitor activity of the GnRH pulse-generating system across different reproductive states in the same animal. Another strength in the study design is that it isolated the effects of prolactin by maintaining normal lactation and suckling (assessed indirectly using pup growth curves). The study also offers insight into the phenomenon of postpartum ovulation in mice. The results showed a brief reactivation of arcuate Kiss1 activity immediately prior to parturition, attributed to falling progesterone levels at the end of pregnancy. This hypothesis will be of interest to the field and is likely to inspire testing in future studies. With the exceptions mentioned below, the conclusions of the paper are well supported by the data and the aims of the study were achieved. This paper is likely to raise the standard for technical expectations in the field and spark new interest in the direct impact of prolactin on Kiss1 neurons during lactation in other species.


      A weakness in the approach is the use of genetic models that do not offer complete deletion of the prolactin receptor from targeted neuronal populations. A substantial proportion of Kiss1 neurons in both models retains the receptor. As a result, it is not clear whether the partial maintenance of cyclicity during lactation in the genetic models is due to incomplete deletion or to the involvement of other factors. In addition, results showing no impact of progesterone on LH secretion during lactation are surprising, given the effectiveness of progesterone-containing birth control in lactating women. While the authors assert their findings may reflect an important role for prolactin in lactational infertility in other mammalian species, that remains to be seen. Hyperprolactinemia is known to suppress GnRH release, but its importance in the suppression of cyclicity during the lactation is controversial. Indeed, in several species, the stimulus of suckling is considered to be the main driver of lactational fertility suppression. Data from rats shows that exogenous prolactin was unable to suppress LH release in dams deprived of their pups shortly after birth; both suckling and prolactin were necessary to suppress a post-ovariectomy rise in LH levels. The duration of amenorrhea does not correlate with average prolactin levels in humans, and suckling but not prolactin was required to suppress the postpartum rise in LH in the rhesus monkey. The protocol of this or other studies might result in discordant results; alternatively, mice may be an outlier in their mechanism of cycle suppression.

      Comments on revised version:

      I remain enthusiastic about this article, which has been substantially improved in this revision. However, I didn't feel the authors responded to any of the points I raised previously in my public review (see Weaknesses), for example by adding to the manuscript's discussion section. These are the larger, conceptual issues that speak to the value of the paper in the context of the existing literature. The authors could also state they feel they have addressed the issues raised sufficiently in the text.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Wang and colleagues presented an investigation of pig-origin bacteria Bacillus velezensis HBXN2020, for its released genome sequence, in vivo safety issue, probiotic effects in vitro, and protection against Salmonella infection in a murine model. Various techniques and assays are performed; the main results are all descriptive, without new insight advancing the field or a mechanistic understanding of the observed protection.


      An extensive study on the probiotic properties of the Bacillus velezensis strain HBXN2020


      The main results are descriptive without mechanistic insight. Additionally, most of the results and analysis parts are separated without a link or a story-telling way to deliver a concise message.

      Now the manuscript has made appropriate and considerable improvements.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      When the left-right asymmetry of an animal body is established, a barrier that prevents the mixing of signals or cells across the midline is essential. Such midline barrier preventing the spreading of asymmetric Nodal signaling during early left-right patterning has been identified. However, midline barriers during later asymmetric organogenesis have remained largely unknown, except in the brain. In this study, the authors discovered an unexpected structure in the midline of the developing midgut in the chick. Using immunofluorescence, they convincingly show the chemical composition of this midline structure as a double basement membrane and its transient existence during the left-right patterning of the dorsal mesentery, that authors showed previously to be essential for forming the gut loop and guiding local vasculogenesis. Labelling experiments demonstrate a physical and chemical barrier function, to cell mixing and signal diffusion in the dorsal mesentery. Cell labelling and graft experiments rule out a cellular composition of the midline from dorsal mesenchyme or endoderm origin and rule out an inducing role by the notochord. Based on laminin expression pattern and Ntn4 resistance, the authors propose a model, whereby the midline basement membrane is progressively deposited by the descending endoderm. Observations of a transient midline basement membrane in the veiled chameleon suggest a conserved mechanism in birds and reptiles.

      Laterality defects encompass severe malformations of visceral organs, with a heterogenous spectrum that remains poorly understood, by lack of knowledge of the different players of left-right asymmetry. This fundamental work significantly advances our understanding of left-right asymmetric organogenesis, by identifying an organ-specific and stage-specific midline barrier. The complexities of basement membrane assembly, maintenance and function are of importance in several other contexts, as for example in the kidney and brain. Thus, this original work is of broad interest.

      Overall, reviewers refer to a strong and elegant paper discovering a novel midline structure, combining classic but challenging techniques, and well thought tools, to show the dynamics, chemical and physical properties of the midline. Reviewers also indicate that further work will be necessary to conclude on the origin and impact of the midline for asymmetric organogenesis. They acknowledge that this is currently technically challenging and that authors have made several attempts to answer these questions by different means. The article includes an interesting discussion about these points and the mechanism of midline breakdown.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The fledgling field of epitranscriptomics has encountered various technical roadblocks with implications as to the validity of early epitranscriptomics mapping data. As a prime example, the low specificity of (supposedly) modification-specific antibodies for the enrichment of modified RNAs, has been ignored for quite some time and is only now recognized for its dismal reproducibility (between different labs), which necessitates the development of alternative methods for modification detection.

      Furthermore, early attempts to map individual epitranscriptomes using sequencing-based techniques are largely characterized by the deliberate avoidance of orthogonal approaches aimed at confirming the existence of RNA modifications that have been originally identified.

      Improved methodology, the inclusion of various controls, and better mapping algorithms as well as the application of robust statistics for the identification of false-positive RNA modification calls have allowed revisiting original (seminal) publications whose early mapping data allowed making hyperbolic claims about the number, localization and importance of RNA modifications, especially in mRNA. Besides the existence of m6A in mRNA, the detectable incidence of RNA modifications in mRNAs has drastically dropped.

      As for m5C, the subject of the manuscript submitted by Zhou et al., its identification in mRNA goes back to Squires et al., 2012 reporting on >10.000 sites in mRNA of a human cancer cell line, followed by intermittent findings reporting on pretty much every number between 0 to > 100.000 m5C sites in different human cell-derived mRNA transcriptomes. The reason for such discrepancy is most likely of a technical nature. Importantly, all studies reporting on actual transcript numbers that were m5C-modified relied on RNA bisulfite sequencing, an NGS-based method, that can discriminate between methylated and non-methylated Cs after chemical deamination of C but not m5C. RNA bisulfite sequencing has a notoriously high background due to deamination artifacts, which occur largely due to incomplete denaturation of double-stranded regions (denaturing-resistant) of RNA molecules. Furthermore, m5C sites in mRNAs have now been mapped to regions that have not only sequence identity but also structural features of tRNAs. Various studies revealed that the highly conserved m5C RNA methyltransferases NSUN2 and NSUN6 do not only accept tRNAs but also other RNAs (including mRNAs) as methylation substrates, which in combination account for most of the RNA bisulfite-mapped m5C sites in human mRNA transcriptomes. Is m5C in mRNA only a result of the Star activity of tRNA or rRNA modification enzymes, or is their low stoichiometry biologically relevant?<br /> In light of the short-comings of existing tools to robustly determine m5C in transcriptomes, other methods, like DRAM-seq, allowing to map m5C independently of ex situ RNA treatment with chemicals, are needed to arrive at a more solid "ground state", from which it will be possible to state and test various hypotheses as to the biological function of m5C, especially in lowly abundant RNAs such as mRNA.

      Importantly, the identification of >10.000 sites containing m5C increases through DRAM-Seq, increases the number of potential m5C marks in human cancer cells from a couple of 100 (after rigorous post-hoc analysis of RNA bisulfite sequencing data) by orders of magnitude. This begs the question, whether or not the application of these editing tools results in editing artefacts overstating the number of actual m5C sites in the human cancer transcriptome.

      Remaining comments after resubmission:

      (1) The use of two m5C reader proteins is likely a reason for the high number of edits introduced by the DRAM-Seq method. Both ALYREF and YBX1 are ubiquitous proteins with multiple roles in RNA metabolism including splicing and mRNA export. It is reasonable to assume that both ALYREF and YBX1 bind to many mRNAs that do not contain m5C.<br /> To substantiate the author's claim that ALYREF or YBX1 binds m5C-modified RNAs to an extent that would allow distinguishing its binding to non-modified RNAs from binding to m5C-modified RNAs, it would be recommendable to provide data on the affinity of these, supposedly proven, m5C readers to non-modified versus m5C-modified RNAs. To do so, this reviewer suggests performing experiments as described in Slama et al., 2020 (doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2018.10.020). Mind you that using dot blots like in so many published studies to show modification-specific antibody or protein binding, is insufficient as an argument because no antibody, nor protein encounters nanograms to micrograms of a specific RNA identity in a cell. This issue remains a major caveat in all studies using so-called RNA modification reader proteins as bait for detecting RNA modifications in epitranscriptomics research and becomes a pertinent problem, if used as a platform for base-editing similar to the work presented in this manuscript.

      (2) Using sodium arsenite treatment of cells as a means to change the m5C status of transcripts through the downregulation of the two major m5C writer proteins NSUN2 and NSUN6 is problematic and the conclusions from these experiments are not warranted. Sodium arsenite is a chemical that poisons every protein containing thiol groups. Not only do NSUN proteins contain cysteines but also the base editor fusion proteins. Arsenite will inactivate these proteins, hence the editing frequency will drop, as observed in the experiments shown in Figure 5, which the authors explain with fewer m5C sites to be detected by the fusion proteins.

      (3) The authors should move high-confidence editing site data contained in Supplementary Tables 2 and 3 into one of the main Figures to substantiate what is discussed in Figure 4A. However, the data needs to be visualized in another way then excel format. Furthermore, Supplementary Table 2 does not contain a description of the columns, while Supplementary Table 3 contains a single row with letters and numbers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors use analysis of existing data, mathematical modelling, and new experiments, to explore the relationship between protein expression noise, translation efficiency, and transcriptional bursting.


      The analysis of the old data and the new data presented is interesting and mostly convincing.


      (1) My main concern is the analysis presented in Figure 4. This is the core of mechanistic analysis that suggests ribosomal demand can explain the observed phenomenon. I am both confused by the assumptions used here and the details of the mathematical modelling used in this section. Firstly, the authors' assumption that the fluctuations of a single gene mRNA levels will significantly affect ribosome demand is puzzling. On average the total level of mRNA across all genes would stay very constant and therefore there are no big fluctuations in the ribosome demand due to the burstiness of transcription of individual genes. Secondly, the analysis uses 19 mathematical functions that are in Table S1, but there are not really enough details for me to understand how this is used, are these included in a TASEP simulation? In what way are mRNA-prev and mRNA-curr used? What is the mechanistic meaning of different terms and exponents? As the authors use this analysis to argue ribosomal demand is at play, I would like this section to be very much clarified.

      (2) Overall, the paper is very long and as there are analytical expressions for protein noise (e.g. see Paulsson Nature 2004), some of these results do not need to rely on Gillespie simulations. Protein CV (noise) can be written as three terms representing protein noise contribution, mRNA expression contribution, and bursty transcription contribution. For example, the results in panel 1 are fully consistent with the parameter regime, protein noise is negligible compared to transcriptional noise.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Numerous mechanism and structural studies reported the cooperative role of Oct4 and Sox2 during the establishment of pluripotency during reprogramming. Due to the difficulty in sample collection and RNA-seq with low-number cells, the precise mechanisms remain in early embryos. This manuscript reported the role of OCT4 and SOX2 in mouse early embryos using knockout models with low-input ATAC-seq and RNA-seq. Compared to the control, chromatin accessibility and transcriptome were affected when Oct4 and Sox2 were deleted in early ICM. Specifically, decreased ATAC-seq peaks showed enrichment of Motifs of TF such as OCT, SOX, and OCT-SOX, indicating their importance during early development. Moreover, by deep analysis of ATAC-seq and RNA-seq data, they found Oct4 and Sox2 target enhancer to activate their downstream genes. In addition, they also uncovered the role of OS during development from the morula to ICM, which provided the scientific community with a more comprehensive understanding.


      On the whole, the manuscript is innovative, and the conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, however, there are some issues that need to be addressed.


      Major Points:

      (1) In Figure 1, a more detailed description of the knockout strategy should be provided to clarify itself. The knockout strategy in Fig1 is somewhat obscure, such as how is OCT4 inactivated in Oct4mKO2 heterozygotes. As shown in Figure 1, the exon of OCT4 is not deleted, and its promoter is not destroyed. Therefore, how does OCT4 inactivate to form heterozygotes?

      (2) Is ZP 3-Cre expressed in the zygotes? Is there any residual protein?

      (3) What motifs are enriched in the rising ATAC-seq peaks after knocking out of OCT4 and SOX2?

      (4) The ordinate of Fig4c is lost.

      (5) Signals of H3K4me1, H3K27ac, and so on are usually used to define enhancers, and the loci of enhancers vary greatly in different cells. In the manuscript, the authors defined ATAC-seq peaks far from the TSS as enhancers. The definition in this manuscript is not strictly an enhancer.

      (6) If Oct4 and Sox2 truly activate sap 30 and Uhrf 1, what effect does interfering with both genes have on gene expression and chromatin accessibility?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study makes use of the EM reconstruction of the fly brain to investigate the morphology and topography of the synapses between retinotopic, loom-sensitive visual projection neurons (VPNs) and downstream descending neurons (DNs). The authors analyzed the distribution of synapses on the dendritic trees of DNs and performed multi-compartmental modelling to study the implications of the synaptic arrangements for neuronal integration of input signals.

      Until recently, it has been unclear how spatial information is passed from retinotopic loom-sensitive neurons to descending neurons because the axons of the VPNs terminate in small optic glomeruli with no apparent topographic organization. It has recently been shown that synaptic weight gradients of VPNs connecting to DNs are the main mechanisms that allow for directed behavioral output (Dombrovski et al.). This study now goes one step further to determine if precise synapse location on the dendritic tree contributes further to the information processing. The study suggests that (1) none of the VPNs investigated show a retinotopic organization of synapses on DN dendrites. (2) Synapses of single VPNs are locally clustered. (3) Initial EPSPs at the synaptic location have, as expected, varying amplitudes but the amplitudes are passively normalized and only cover a small range when measured at the SIZ. (4) A near random distribution of synapses allows for linear integration of synaptic inputs when only a few VPNs are activated.


      This study provides a detailed picture of the synapse distribution for a set of VPN and DN pairs, in combination with multi-compartmental modelling fitted to electrophysiological data. The data and methods are clear. The findings are overall interesting. The computational pipeline, which should ideally be made publicly available, will allow the community to make similar analyses on different neuronal classes, which will facilitate the detection of more general mechanisms of dendritic computation.


      - In my opinion, we need more detail on the electrophysiological data and the fitting of the multi-compartmental model, which is the foundation of large parts of the study.<br /> - The study shows that the synapses of an individual VPN are locally clustered and suggests this as evidence for clustering of synapses of similar tuning (as has been shown previously in other systems). I am not fully convinced by the arguments here, since synapses of a single neuron are by necessity not randomly distributed in space.<br /> - As written, it was in parts unclear to me what the main hypotheses and conclusions were - e.g., how would a retinotopic distribution of synapses on dendritic trees contribute to information processing? Are the model predictions in line with the presumed behavioural role of these neurons?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In the manuscript entitled "A VgrG2b fragment cleaved by caspase-11/4 promotes Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection through suppressing the NLRP3 inflammasome", Qian et al. found an activation of the non-canonical inflammasome, but not the downstream NLRP3 inflammasome, during the infection of macrophage by P. aeruginosa, which is in sharp contrast to that by E. coli (Figure 1). In realizing that the suppression of the NLRP3 inflammasome is Caspase-11 dependent, the authors performed a screening among P. aeruginosa proteins and identified VgrG2b being a major substrate of Caspase-11 (Figure 2). Next, the authors mapped the cleavage site on VgrG2b to D883, and demonstrated that cleavage of VgrG2b by Caspase-11 is essential for the suppression of the NLRP3 inflammasome (Figure 3). Furthermore, they found that a binding between the C-terminal fragment of the cleaved VgrG2b and NLRP3 existed (Figure 4), which was then proved to block the association of NLRP3 with NEK7 (Figure 5). Finally, the authors demonstrated that blocking of VgrG2b cleavage, by either mutation of the D883 or administration of a designed peptide, effectively improved the survival rate of the P. aeruginosa-infected mice (Figure 6). This is a well-designed and executed study, with the results clearly presented and stated.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Wang, Po-Kai, et al., utilized the de novo polarization of MDCK cells cultured in Matrigel to assess the interdependence between polarity protein localization, centrosome positioning, and apical membrane formation. They show that the inhibition of Plk4 with Centrinone does not prevent apical membrane formation, but does result in its delay, a phenotype the authors attribute to the loss of centrosomes due to the inhibition of centriole duplication. However, the targeted mutagenesis of specific centrosome proteins implicated in the positioning of centrosomes in other cell types (CEP164, ODF2, PCNT, and CEP120) did not affect centrosome positioning in 3D cultured MDCK cells. A screen of proteins previously implicated in MDCK polarization revealed that the polarity protein Par-3 was upstream of centrosome positioning, similar to other cell types.


      The investigation into the temporal requirement and interdependence of previously proposed regulators of cell polarization and lumen formation is valuable to the community. Wang et al., have provided a detailed analysis of many of these components at defined stages of polarity establishment. Furthermore, the generation of PCNT, p53, ODF2, Cep120, and Cep164 knockout MDCK cell lines is likely valuable to the community.


      Additional quantifications would highly improve this manuscript, for example it is unclear whether the centrosome perturbation affects gamma tubulin levels and therefore microtubule nucleation, it is also not clear how they affect the localization of the trafficking machinery/polarity proteins. For example, in Figure 4, the authors measure the intensity of Gp134 at the apical membrane initiation site following cytokinesis, but there is no measure of Gp134 at the centrosome prior to this.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Previous studies have highlighted some of these paracrine activities of Toxoplasma - and Rasogi et al (mBio, 2020) used a single cell sequencing approach of cells infected in vitro with the WT or MYR KO parasites - and one of their conclusions was that MYR-1 dependent paracrine activities counteract ROP-dependent processes. Similarly, Chen et al (JEM 2020) highlighted that a particular rhoptry protein (ROP16) could be injected into uninfected macrophages and move them to an anti-inflammatory state that might benefit the parasite.

      There are caveats around immunity and as yet no insight into how this works. In Figure 2 there is a marked defect in the ability of the parasites to expand at day 2 and day 5. Together, these data sets suggest that this paracrine effect mediated by MYR-1 works early - well before the development of adaptive responses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Hotinger et al. explore the population dynamics of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in mice using genetically tagged bacteria. In addition to physiological observations, pathology assessments, and CFU measurements, the study emphasizes quantifying host bottleneck sizes that limit Salmonella colonization and dissemination. The authors also investigate the genetic distances between bacterial populations at various infection sites within the host.

      Initially, the study confirms that pretreatment with the antibiotic streptomycin before inoculation via orogastric gavage increases the bacterial burden in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, leading to more severe symptoms and heightened fecal shedding of bacteria. This pretreatment also significantly reduces between-animal variation in bacterial burden and fecal shedding. The authors then calculate founding population sizes across different organs, discovering a severe bottleneck in the intestine, with founding populations reduced by approximately 10^6-fold compared to the inoculum size. Streptomycin pretreatment increases the founding population size and bacterial replication in the GI tract. Moreover, by calculating genetic distances between populations, the authors demonstrate that, in untreated mice, Salmonella populations within the GI tract are genetically dissimilar, suggesting limited exchange between colonization sites. In contrast, streptomycin pretreatment reduces genetic distances, indicating increased exchange.

      In extraintestinal organs, the bacterial burden is generally not substantially increased by streptomycin pretreatment, with significant differences observed only in the mesenteric lymph nodes and bile. However, the founding population sizes in these organs are increased. By comparing genetic distances between organs, the authors provide evidence that subpopulations colonizing extraintestinal organs diverge early after infection from those in the GI tract. This hypothesis is further tested by measuring bacterial burden and founding population sizes in the liver and GI tract at 5 and 120 hours post-infection. Additionally, they compare orogastric gavage infection with the less injurious method of infection via drinking, finding similar results for CFUs, founding populations, and genetic distances. These results argue against injuries during gavage as a route of direct infection.

      To bypass bottlenecks associated with the GI tract, the authors compare intravenous (IV) and intraperitoneal (IP) routes of infection. They find approximately a 10-fold increase in bacterial burden and founding population size in immune-rich organs with IV/IP routes compared to orogastric gavage in streptomycin-pretreated animals. This difference is interpreted as a result of "extra steps required to reach systemic organs."

      While IP and IV routes yield similar results in immune-rich organs, IP infections lead to higher bacterial burdens in nearby sites, such as the pancreas, adipose tissue, and intraperitoneal wash, as well as somewhat increased founding population sizes. The authors correlate these findings with the presence of white lesions in adipose tissue. Genetic distance comparisons reveal that, apart from the spleen and liver, IP infections lead to genetically distinct populations in infected organs, whereas IV infections generally result in higher genetic similarity.

      Finally, the authors investigate GI tract reseeding, identifying two distinct routes. They observe that the GI tracts of IP/IV-infected mice are colonized either by a clonal or a diversely tagged bacterial population. In clonally reseeded animals, the genetic distance within the GI tract is very low (often zero) compared to the bile population, which is predominantly clonal or pauciclonal. These animals also display pathological signs, such as cloudy/hardened bile and increased bacterial burden, leading the authors to conclude that the GI tract was reseeded by bacteria from the gallbladder bile. In contrast, animals reseeded by more complex bacterial populations show that bile contributes only a minor fraction of the tags. Given the large founding population size in these animals' GI tracts, which is larger than in orogastrically infected animals, the authors suggest a highly permissive second reseeding route, largely independent of bile. They speculate that this route may involve a reversal of known mechanisms that the pathogen uses to escape from the intestine.

      The manuscript presents a substantial body of work that offers a meticulously detailed understanding of the population dynamics of S. Typhimurium in mice. It quantifies the processes shaping the within-host dynamics of this pathogen and provides new insights into its spread, including previously unrecognized dissemination routes. The methodology is appropriate and carefully executed, and the manuscript is well-written, clearly presented, and concise. The authors' conclusions are well-supported by experimental results and thoroughly discussed. This work underscores the power of using highly diverse barcoded pathogens to uncover the within-host population dynamics of infections and will likely inspire further investigations into the molecular mechanisms underlying the bottlenecks and dissemination routes described here.

      Major point:

      Substantial conclusions in the manuscript rely on genetic distance measurements using the Cavalli-Sforza chord distance. However, it is unclear whether these genetic distance measurements are independent of the founding population size. I would anticipate that in populations with larger founding population sizes, where the relative tag frequencies are closer to those in the inoculum, the genetic distances would appear smaller compared to populations with smaller founding sizes independent of their actual relatedness. This potential dependency could have implications for the interpretation of findings, such as those in Figures 2B and 2D, where antibiotic-pretreated animals consistently exhibit higher founding population sizes and smaller genetic distances compared to untreated animals.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The investigators in this study analyzed the dataset assembly from 540 Salmonella isolates, and those from 45 recent isolates from Zhejiang University of China. The analysis and comparison of the resistome and mobilome of these isolates identified a significantly higher rate of cross-region dissemination compared to localized propagation. This study highlights the key role of the resistome in driving the transition and evolutionary history of S. Gallinarum.


      The isolates included in this study were from 16 countries in the past century (1920 to 2023). While the study uses S. Gallinarun as the prototype, the conclusion from this work will likely apply to other Salmonella serotypes and other pathogens.


      While the isolates came from 16 countries, most strains in this study were originally from China.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In the manuscript "Heat Shock Factor Regulation of Antimicrobial Peptides Expression Suggests a Conserved Defense Mechanism Induced by Febrile Temperature in Arthropods," Xiao and colleagues examine the role of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei HSF1 ortholog (LvHSF1) in the response to viral infection. The authors provide compelling support for their conclusions that the activation of LvHSF1 limits viral load at high temperatures. Specifically, the authors convincingly show that (i) LvHSF1 mRNA and protein are induced in response to viral infection at high temperatures, (ii) increased LvHSF1 levels can directly induce the expression of the nSWD (and directly or indirectly other antibacterial peptides, AMPs), (ii) nSWD's antimicrobial activities can limit viral load, and, (iv) LvHSF1 protects survival at high temperatures following virus infection. These data thus provide a model by which an increase in HSF1 levels limits viral load through the transcription of antimicrobial peptides and provides a rationale for the febrile response as a conserved response to viral infection.


      The large body of careful time series experiments, tissue profiling, and validation of RNA-seq data is convincing. Several experimental methodologies are used to support the authors' conclusions that nSWD is an LvHSf1 target and increased LvHSF1 alone can explain increased levels of nSWD. Similar carefully conducted experiments also conclusively implicate nSWD protein in limiting WSSV viral loads.


      Despite this compelling data regarding the protective role of HSF1 in the febrile response, what remains unexplained and complicates the authors' model is the observation that losing LvHSF1 at 'normal' temperatures of 25C is not detrimental to survival, even though viral loads increase and nSWD is likely still subject to LvHSF1 regulation. These observations suggest that WSSV infection may have other detrimental effects on the cell not reflected by viral load and that LvHSF1 may play additional roles in protecting the organism from these effects of WSSV infection, such as perhaps, perturbations to protein homeostasis. This is worth discussing, especially in light of the rather complicated roles of hormesis in protection from infection, the role of HSF1 in hormesis responses, and the findings from other groups that the authors discuss.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Dr. Santamaria's group previously utilized antigen-specific nanomedicines to induce immune tolerance in treating autoimmune diseases. The success of this therapeutic strategy has been linked to expanded regulatory mechanisms, particularly the role of T-regulatory type-1 (TR1) cells. However, the differentiation program of TR1 cells remained largely unclear. Previous work from the authors suggested that TR1 cells originate from T follicular helper (TFH) cells. In the current study, the authors aimed to investigate the epigenetic mechanisms underlying the transdifferentiation of TFH cells into IL-10-producing TR1 cells. Specifically, they sought to determine whether this process involves extensive chromatin remodeling or is driven by pre-existing epigenetic modifications. Their goal was to understand the transcriptional and epigenetic changes facilitating this transition and to explore the potential therapeutic implications of manipulating this pathway.

      The authors successfully demonstrated that the TFH-to-TR1 transdifferentiation process is driven by pre-existing epigenetic modifications rather than extensive new chromatin remodeling. The comprehensive transcriptional and epigenetic analyses provide robust evidence supporting their conclusions.


      (1) The study employs a broad range of bulk and single-cell transcriptional and epigenetic tools, including RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, and DNA methylation analysis. This comprehensive approach provides a detailed examination of the epigenetic landscape during the TFH-to-TR1 transition.

      (2) The use of high-throughput sequencing technologies and sophisticated bioinformatics analyses strengthens the foundation for the conclusions drawn.

      (3) The data generated can serve as a valuable resource for the scientific community, offering insights into the epigenetic regulation of T cell plasticity.

      (4) The findings have significant implications for developing new therapeutic strategies for autoimmune diseases, making the research highly relevant and impactful.


      (1) While the study focuses on transcriptional and epigenetic analyses, the authors are currently undertaking efforts to validate these findings functionally. Ongoing research aims to further explore the roles of key transcription factors in the TFH-to-TR1 transition, reflecting the authors' commitment to building on the insights gained from this study.

      (2) The identification of key transcription factors and epigenetic marks is a strong foundation for future work. The authors are actively investigating how these factors drive chromatin remodeling, which will enhance the mechanistic understanding of the TFH-to-TR1 process in future studies.

      (3) Although the study provides a valuable snapshot of the epigenetic landscape, the authors are pursuing additional research to assess the dynamics of these changes over time. These ongoing efforts will contribute to a deeper understanding of the stability and progression of the observed epigenetic modifications.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have effectively discussed and addressed all previously raised questions. There are no further concerns.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors have developed a valuable method based on a fully cell-free system to express a channel protein and integrated it into a membrane vesicle in order to characterize it biophysically. The study presents a useful alternative to study channels that are not amenable to be studied by more traditional methods.


      The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid and convincing. The method will be of interest to researchers working on ionic channels, allowing to study a wide range of ion channel functions such as those involved in transport, interaction with lipids or pharmacology.


      The inclusion of a mechanistic interpretation how the channel protein folds into a protomer or a tetramer to become functional into the membrane, would strengthen the study.

      Comments on revised version:

      In the revised version, the authors did not experimentally addressed how tetrameric or protomeric proteins are actually produced. However, they performed new experiments to assess the amount of tetramers that are being actually formed. They used a size-exclusion chromatography to conclude that the protomers and tetramers species of complexes are formed and assembled.

      The authors have addressed most of my minor concerns and have modified or updated the manuscript following my recommendations, so I have no further comments.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In this paper, the authors show that disruption of calcineurin, which is encoded by tax-6 in C. elegans, results in increased susceptibility to P. aeruginosa but extends lifespan. In exploring the mechanisms involved, the authors show that disruption of tax-6 decreases the rate of defecation leading to intestinal accumulation of bacteria and distension of the intestinal lumen. The authors further show that the lifespan extension is dependent on hlh-30, which may be involved in breaking down lipids following deficits in defecation, and nhr-8, whose levels are increased by deficits in defecation. The authors propose a model in which disruption of the defecation motor program is responsible for the effect of calcineurin on pathogen susceptibility and lifespan, but do not exclude the possibility that calcineurin affects these phenotypes independently of defecation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The authors present the cryo-EM structure of PSI-fucoxanthin chlorophyll a/c-binding proteins (FCPs) supercomplex from the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 at a global resolution of 2.3 Å. This exceptional resolution allows the authors to construct a near-atomic model of the entire supercomplex and elucidate the molecular details of FCPs arrangement. The high-resolution structure reveals subunits not previously identified in earlier reconstructions and models, as well as sequence analysis of PSI-FCPIs from other diatoms and red algae. Additionally, the authors use their model in conjunction with a phylogenetic analysis to compare and contrast the structural features of the T. pseudonana supercomplex with those of Chaetoceros gracilis, uncovering key structural features that contribute to the efficiency of light energy conversion in diatoms.

      The study employs the advanced technique of single particle cryo-electron microscopy to visualize the complex architecture of the PSI supercomplex at near-atomic resolution and analyze the specific roles of FCPs in enhancing photosynthetic performance in diatoms.

      Overall, the approach and data are both compelling and of high quality. The paper is well written and will be of wide interest for comprehending the molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis in diatoms. This work provides valuable insights for applications in bioenergy, environmental conservation, plant physiology, and membrane protein structural biology.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors aim at dissecting the relationship between hair-cell directional mechanosensation and orientation-linked synaptic selectivity, using mice and the zebrafish. They find that Gpr156 mutant animals homogenize the orientation of hair cells without affecting the selectivity of afferent neurons, suggesting that hair-cell orientation is not the feature that determines synaptic selectivity. Therefore, the process of Emx2-dependent synaptic selectivity bifurcates downstream of Gpr156.


      This is an interesting and solid paper. It solves an interesting problem and establishes a framework for the following studies. That is, to ask what are the putative targets of Emx2 that affect synaptic selectivity.<br /> The quality of the data is generally excellent.


      The feeling is that the advance derived from the results is very limited.

      Comments on revised version:

      I am happy with the authors' reply and do not wish to modify my initial assessment.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This work proposes a new method, DyNetCP, for inferring dynamic functional connectivity between neurons from spike data. DyNetCP is based on a neural network model with a two-stage model architecture of static and dynamic functional connectivity.<br /> This work evaluates the accuracy of the synaptic connectivity inference and shows that DyNetCP can infer the excitatory synaptic connectivity more accurately than a state-of-the-art model (GLMCC) by analyzing the simulated spike trains. Furthermore, it is shown that the inference results obtained by DyNetCP from large-scale in-vivo recordings are similar to the results obtained by the existing methods (jitter-corrected CCG and JPSTH). Finally, this work investigates the dynamic connectivity in the primary visual area VISp and in the visual areas using DyNetCP.


      The strength of the paper is that it proposes a method to extract the dynamics of functional connectivity from spike trains of multiple neurons. The method is potentially useful for analyzing parallel spike trains in general, as there are only a few methods (e.g. Aertsen et al., J. Neurophysiol., 1989, Shimazaki et al., PLoS Comput Biol 2012) that infer the dynamic connectivity from spikes. Furthermore, the approach of DyNetCP is different from the existing methods: while the proposed method is based on the neural network, the previous methods are based on either the descriptive statistics (JSPH) or the Ising model.


      Although the paper proposes a new method, DyNetCP, for inferring the dynamic functional connectivity, its strengths are neither clear nor directly demonstrated in this paper. That is, insufficient analyses are performed to support the usefulness of DyNetCP.<br /> First, this paper attempts to show the superiority of DyNetCP by comparing the performance of synaptic connectivity inference with GLMCC (Fig. 2). However, the improvement in the synaptic connectivity inference does not seem to be convincing. While this paper compares the performance of DyNetCP with a state-of-the-art method (GLMCC), there are several problems with the comparison. For example,

      (1) It is unclear how accurately the proposed method can infer the dynamic connectivity.<br /> (2) This paper does not compare with existing approach (e.g., classical JPSTH: Aertsen et al., J. Neurophysiol., 1989, and other methods : Stevenson and Koerding, NIPS, 2011; Linderman et al., NIPS, 2014; Song et al., J. Neurosci. Methods, 2015), and<br /> (3) only a population of neurons generated from the Hodgkin-Huxley model was evaluated.

      Thus, the results in this paper are not sufficient to conclude the superiority of DyNetCP in the estimation of synaptic connections. In addition, this paper compares the proposed method with the standard statistical methods Jitter-corrected CCG (Fig. 3) and JPSTH (Fig. 4). Unfortunately, these results do not show the superiority of the proposed method. It only shows that the results obtained by the proposed method are consistent with those obtained by the existing methods (CCG or JPSTH). This paper also compares the proposed method with the standard statistical methods, such as jitter-corrected CCG (Fig. 3) and JPSTH (Fig. 4). It only shows that the results obtained by the proposed method are consistent with those obtained by the existing methods (CCG or JPSTH), which does not show the superiority of the proposed method.

      In summary, although DyNetCP has the potential to infer the dynamic (time-dependent) correlation more accurately than existing methods, the paper does not provide sufficient analysis to make this claim. It is also unclear whether the proposed method is superior to the existing methods for estimating functional connectivity, such as JPSTH and statistical approach (Stevenson and Koerding, NIPS, 2011; Linderman et al., NIPS, 2014). Thus, the strength of DyNetCP is unclear.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this work, authors utilize recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to explore the question of when and how neural dynamics and the network's output are related from a geometrical point of view. The authors found that RNNs operate between two extremes: an 'aligned' regime in which the weights and the largest PCs are strongly correlated and an 'oblique' regime where the output weights and the largest PCs are poorly correlated. Large output weights led to oblique dynamics, and small output weights to aligned dynamics. This feature impacts whether networks are robust to perturbation along output directions. Results were linked to experimental data by showing that these different regimes can be identified in neural recordings from several experiments.


      Diverse set of relevant tasks<br /> Similarity measure well chosen<br /> Explored various hyperparameter settings


      One of the major connections to found BCI data with neural variance aligned to the outputs. Maybe I was confused about something, but doesn't this have to be the case based on the design of the experiment? The outputs of the BCI are chosen to align with the largest principal components of the data.

      Proposed experiments maybe have already been done (New neural activity patterns emerge with long-term learning, Oby et al. 2019). My understanding of these results is that activity moved to be aligned as the manifold changed, but more analyses could be done to more fully understand the relationship between those experiments and this work.

      Analysis of networks was thorough, but connections to neural data were weak. I am thoroughly convinced of the reported effect of large or small output weights in networks. I also think this framing could aid in future studies of interactions between brain regions.

      This is an interesting framing to consider the relationship between upstream activity and downstream outputs. As more labs record from several brain regions simultaneously, this work will provide an important theoretical framework for thinking about the relative geometries of neural representations between brain regions.

      It will be interesting to compare the relationship between geometries of representations and neural dynamics across connected different brain areas that are closer to the periphery vs. more central.

      Exciting to think about the versatility of the oblique regime for shared representations and network dynamics across different computations.

      Versatility of oblique regime could lead to differences between subjects in neural data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Koesters and colleagues investigated the role of the small GTPase Rab3A in homeostatic scaling of miniature synaptic transmission in primary mouse cortical cultures using electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry. The major finding is that TTX incubation for 48 hours does not induce an increase in the amplitude of excitatory synaptic miniature events in neuronal cultures derived from Rab3A KO and Rab3A Earlybird mutant mice. NASPM application had comparable effects on mEPSC amplitude in control and after TTX, implying that Ca2+-permeable glutamate receptors are unlikely modulated during synaptic scaling. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed no significant changes in GluA2 puncta size, intensity, and integral in control and Rab3A KO cultures. Finally, they provide evidence that loss of Rab3A in neurons, but not astrocytes, blocks homeostatic scaling. Based on these data, the authors propose a model in which neuronal Rab3A is required for homeostatic scaling of synaptic transmission through GluA2-dependent and independent mechanisms.

      While the title of the manuscript is mostly supported by data of solid quality, many conclusions, as well as the final model, cannot be derived from the results presented. Importantly, the data do not support that GluA2 levels change upon TTX treatment in control cultures, rendering conclusions regarding Rab3A's role in TTX-dependent GluA2 modulation spurious. Other aspects of the model, such as a Rab3A-dependent release of a tropic factor, cannot be derived from the data.

      The following points should be addressed:

      (1) There is no (significant) increase in GluA2 levels (intensity, area, or integral) upon TTX treatment in controls (Fig. 5). Conclusions regarding Rab3As role in TTX-dependent GluA2 modulation should be revised accordingly. Hence, the data shown in Fig. 4 - 7 do not allow drawing conclusions in the context of Rab3A-dependent GluA2 modulation and scaling.

      (2) The effects of Rab3A on TTX-induced mini frequency modulation remains unclear, because TTX does not induce a change in mini frequency in the Rab3A+/Ebd control (Fig. 2). The respective conclusions should be revised accordingly (l. 427).

      (3) The model is still not supported by the data. In particular, data supporting a negative regulation of Rab3A by APs, Rab3A-dependent release of a tropic factor, or a Rab3A-dependent increase in GluA2 abundance are not presented.

      (4) Data points are not overlapping and appear "quantal" in most box plots. How were the data rounded?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors conducted a study on one of the fundamental research topics in neuroscience: neural mechanisms of credit assignment. Building on the original studies of Walton and his colleagues and subsequent studies on the same topic, the authors extended the research into the delayed credit assignment problem with clever task design, which compared the non-delayed (direct) and delayed (indirect) credit assignment processes. Their primary goal was to elucidate the neural basis of these processes in humans, advancing our understanding beyond previous studies.


      (1) Innovative task design distinguishing between direct and indirect credit assignment.

      (2) Use of sophisticated multivariate pattern analysis to identify neural correlates of pending representations.

      (3) Well-executed study with clear presentation of results.

      (4) Extension of previous research to human subjects, providing valuable comparative insights.

      Considerations for Future Research:

      (1) The task design, while clear and effective, might be further developed to capture more real-world complexity in credit assignment.

      (2) There's potential for deeper exploration of the role of task structure understanding in credit assignment processes.

      (3) The interpretation of lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC) involvement could be expanded to consider its role in both credit assignment and task structure representation.

      Achievement of Aims and Support of Conclusions:

      The authors successfully achieved their aim of investigating direct and indirect credit assignment processes in humans. Their results provide valuable insights into the neural representations involved in these processes. The study's conclusions are generally well-supported by the data, particularly in identifying neural correlates of pending representations crucial for delayed credit assignment.

      Impact on the Field and Utility of Methods:

      This study makes a significant contribution to the field of credit assignment research by bridging animal and human studies. The methods, particularly the multivariate pattern analysis approach, provide a robust template for future investigations in this area. The data generated offers valuable insights for researchers comparing human and animal models of credit assignment, as well as those studying the neural basis of decision-making and learning.

      The study's focus on the lOFC and its role in credit assignment adds to our understanding of this brain region's function.

      Additional Context and Future Directions:

      (1) Temporal ambiguity in credit assignment: While the current design provides clear task conditions, future studies could explore more ambiguous scenarios to further reflect real-world complexity.

      (2) Role of task structure understanding: The difference in task comprehension between human subjects in this study and animal subjects in previous studies offers an interesting point of comparison.

      (3) The authors used a sophisticated method of multivariate pattern analysis to find the neural correlate of the pending representation of the previous choice, which will be used for the credit assignment process in the later trials. The authors tend to use expressions that these representations are maintained throughout this intervening period. However, the analysis period is specifically at the feedback period, which is irrelevant to the credit assignment of the immediately preceding choice. This task period can interfere with the ongoing credit assignment process. Thus, rather than the passive process of maintaining the information of the previous choice, the activity of this specific period can mean the active process of protecting the information from interfering and irrelevant information. It would be great if the authors could comment on this important interpretational issue.

      (4) Broader neural involvement: While the focus on specific regions of interest (ROIs) provided clear results, future studies could benefit from a whole-brain analysis approach to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the neural networks involved in credit assignment.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In this study, Deshmukh et al. provide an elegant illustration of Haldane's sieve, the population genetics concept stating that novel advantageous alleles are more likely to fix if dominant because dominant alleles are more readily exposed to selection. To achieve this, the authors rely on a uniquely suited study system, the female-polymorphic butterfly Papilio polytes.

      Deshmukh et al. first reconstruct the chronology of allele evolution in the P. polytes species group, clearly establishing the non-mimetic cyrus allele as ancestral, followed by the origin of the mimetic allele polytes/theseus, via a previously characterized inversion of the dsx locus, and most recently, the origin of the romulus allele in the P. polytes lineage, after its split from P. javanus. The authors then examine the two crucial predictions of Haldane's sieve, using the three alleles of P. polytes (cyrus, polytes, and romulus). First, they report with compelling evidence that these alleles are sequentially dominant, or put in other words, novel adaptive alleles either are or quickly become dominant upon their origin. Second, the authors find a robust signature of positive selection at the dsx locus, across all five species that share the polytes allele.

      In addition to exquisitely exemplifying Haldane's sieve, this study characterizes the genetic differences (or lack thereof) between mimetic alleles at the dsx locus. Remarkably, the polytes and romulus alleles are profoundly differentiated, despite their short divergence time (< 0.5 my), whereas the polytes and theseus alleles are indistinguishable across both coding and intronic sequences of dsx. Finally, the study reports incidental evidence of exon swaps between the polytes and romulus alleles. These exon swaps caused intermediate colour patterns and suggest that (rare) recombination might be a mechanism by which novel morphs evolve.

      This study advances our understanding of the evolution of the mimicry polymorphism in Papilio butterflies. This is an important contribution to a system already at the forefront of research on the genetic and developmental basis of sex-specific phenotypic morphs, which are common in insects. More generally, the findings of this study have important implications for how we think about the molecular dynamics of adaptation. In particular, I found that finding extensive genetic divergence between the polytes and romulus alleles is striking, and it challenges the way I used to think about the evolution of this and other otherwise conserved developmental genes. I think that this study is also a great resource for teaching evolution. By linking classic population genetic theory to modern genomic methods, while using visually appealing traits (colour patterns), this study provides a simple yet compelling example to bring to a classroom.

      In general, I think that the conclusions of the study, in terms of the evolutionary history of the locus, the dominance relationships between P. polytes alleles, and the inference of a selective sweep in spite of contemporary balancing selection, are strongly supported; the data set is impressive and the analyses are all rigorous. I nonetheless think that there are a few ways in which the current presentation of these data could lead to confusion, and should be clarified and potentially also expanded.

      (1) The study is presented as addressing a paradox related to the evolution of phenotypic novelty in "highly constrained genetic architectures". If I understand correctly, these constraints are assumed to arise because the dsx inversion acts as a barrier to recombination. I agree that recombination in the mimicry locus is reduced and that recombination can be a source of phenotypic novelty. However, I'm not convinced that the presence of a structural variant necessarily constrains the potential evolution of novel discrete phenotypes. Instead, I'm having a hard time coming up with examples of discrete phenotypic polymorphisms that do not involve structural variants. If there is a paradox here, I think it should be more clearly justified, including an explanation of what a constrained genetic architecture means. I also think that the Discussion would be the place to return to this supposed paradox, and tell us exactly how the observations of exon swaps and the genetic characterization of the different mimicry alleles help resolve it.

      (2) While Haldane's sieve is clearly demonstrated in the P. polytes lineage (with cyrus, polytes, and romulus alleles), there is another allele trio (cyrus, polytes, and theseus) for which Haldane's sieve could also be expected. However, the chronological order in which polytes and theseus evolved remains unresolved, precluding a similar investigation of sequential dominance. Likewise, the locus that differentiates polytes from theseus is unknown, so it's not currently feasible to identify a signature of positive selection shared by P. javanus and P. alphenor at this locus. I, therefore, think that it is premature to conclude that the evolution of these mimicry polymorphisms generally follows Haldane's sieve; of two allele trios, only one currently shows the expected pattern.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors compared four types of hiPSCs and four types of hESCs at the proteome level to determine their differences. Semiquantitative calculations of protein copy number revealed increased protein content in iPSCs. In particular, the results suggest that mitochondria- and cytoplasm-associated proteins in iPSCs reflect to some extent the state of the original differentiated cells. Basically, it contains responses to almost all comments and adds text mainly to the discussion. No additional experiments were performed in the revision, but I believe that future validation using methods other than proteomics would provide more support for the results.


      Mitochondrial function was verified by high-resolution respirometry, indicating increased ATP-producing capacity of the phosphorylation system in iPSCs.


      The proteome data in this study may be the result of a simple examination of differences between the clones, and proteome data should be verified using various methods in the future.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The molecular interactions which determine infection (and disease) trajectory following human exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) are critical to understanding mycobacterial pathogenicity and tuberculosis (TB), a global public health threat which disproportionately impacts a number of high-burden countries and, owing to the emergence of multidrug-resistant Mtb strains, is a major contributor to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In this submission, Qin and colleagues extend their own previous work which identified a potential role for host galectin-9 in recognizing the major Mtb cell wall component, arabinogalactan (AG). First, the authors present data indicating that galectin-9 inhibits mycobacterial growth during in vitro culture in liquid and on solid media, and that the inhibition depends on carbohydrate recognition by galectin-9. Next, the authors identify anti-AG antibodies in sera of TB patients and use this observation to inform isolation of monoclonal anti-AG antibodies (mAbs) via an in vitro screen. Finally, they apply the identified anti-AG mAbs to inhibit Mtb growth in vitro via a mechanism which proteomic and microscopic analyses suggest is dependent on disruption of cell wall structure. In summary, the dual observation of (i) the apparent role of naturally arising host anti-AG antibodies to control infection and (ii) the potential utility of anti-AG monoclonal antibodies as novel anti-Mtb therapeutics is compelling; however, as noted in the comments below, the evidence presented to support these insights is not adequate and the authors should address the following:

      (1) The experiment which utilizes lactose or glucose supplementation to infer the importance of carbohydrate recognition by galectin-9 cannot be interpreted unequivocally owing to the growth-enhancing effect of lactose supplementation on Mtb during liquid culture in vitro.

      (2) Similar to the comment above, the apparent dose-independent effect of galectin-9 on Mtb growth in vitro is difficult to reconcile with the interpretation that galectin is functioning as claimed.

      (3) The claimed differences in galectin-9 concentration in sera from tuberculin skin test (TST)-negative or TST-positive non-TB cases versus active TB patients are not immediately apparent from the data presented.

      (4) Neither fluorescence microscopy nor electron microscopy analyses are supported by high-quality, interpretable images which, in the absence of supporting quantitative data, renders any claims of anti-AG mAb specificity (fluorescence microscopy) or putative mAb-mediated cell wall swelling (electron microscopy) highly speculative.

      (5) Finally, the absence of any discussion of how anti-AG antibodies (similarly, galectin-9) gain access to the AG layer in the outer membrane of intact Mtb bacilli (which may additionally possess an extracellular capsule/coat) is a critical omission - situating these results in the context of current knowledge about Mtb cellular structure (especially the mycobacterial outer membrane) is essential for plausibility of the inferred galectin-9 and anti-AG mAb activities.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper investigates the relationship between ocular drift - eye movements long thought to be random - and visual acuity. This is a fundamental issue for how vision works. The work uses adaptive optics retinal imaging to monitor eye movements and where a target object is in the cone photoreceptor array. The surprising result is that ocular drift is systematic - causing the object to move to the center of the cone mosaic over the course of each perceptual trial. The tools used to reach this conclusion are state-of-the-art and the evidence presented is convincing.


      The central question of the paper is interesting, as far as I know, it has not been answered in past work, and the approaches employed in this work are appropriate and provide clear answers.

      The central finding - that ocular drift is not a completely random process - is important and has a broad impact on how we think about the relationship between eye movements and visual perception.

      The presentation is quite nice: the figures clearly illustrate key points and have a nice mix of primary and analyzed data, and the writing (with one important exception) is generally clear.


      The primary concern I had about the previous version of the manuscript was how the Nyquist limit was described. The changes the authors made have improved this substantially in the current version.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      In this study, Rosenblum et al introduce a novel and automatic way of calculating sleep cycles from human EEG. Previous results have shown that the slope of the non-oscillatory component of the power spectrum (called the aperiodic or fractal component) changes with sleep stage. Building on this, the authors present an algorithm that extracts the continuous-time fluctuations in the fractal slope and propose that peaks in this variable can be used to identify sleep cycle limits. Cycles defined in this way are termed "fractal cycles". The main focus of the article is a comparison of "fractal" and "classical" (ie defined manually based on the hypnogram) sleep cycles in numerous datasets.

      The manuscript amply illustrates through examples the strong overlap between fractal and classical cycle identification. Accordingly, a high percentage (81%) can be matched one-to-one between methods and sleep cycle duration is well correlated (around R = 0.5). Moreover, the methods track certain global changes in sleep structure in different populations: shorter cycles in children and longer cycles in patients medicated with REM-suppressing anti-depressants. Finally, a major strength of the results is that they show similar agreement between fractal and classical sleep cycle length in 5 different data sets, showing that it is robust to changes in recording settings and methods.

      The match between fractal and classical cycles is not one-to-one. For example, the fractal method identifies a correlation between age and cycle duration in adults that is not apparent with the classical method.<br /> The difference between the fractal and classical methods appear to be linked to the uncertain definition of sleep cycles since they are tied to when exactly the cycle begins/ends and whether or not to count cycles during fractured sleep architecture at sleep onset. Moreover, the discrepancies between the two are on the order of that found between classical cycles defined manually or via an automatic algorithm.

      Overall the fractal cycle is an attractive method to study sleep architecture since it dispenses with time-consuming and potentially subjective manual identification of sleep cycles. However, given its difference from the classical method, it is unlikely that fractal scoring will be able to replace classical scoring directly. By providing a complementary quantification, it will likely contribute to refining the definition of sleep cycles that is currently ambiguous in certain cases. Moreover, it has the potential to be applied to animal studies which rarely deal with sleep cycle structure.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Liu and colleagues applied the hidden Markov model on fMRI to show three brain states underlying speech comprehension. Many interesting findings were presented: brain state dynamics were related to various speech and semantic properties, timely expression of brain states (rather than their occurrence probabilities) was correlated with better comprehension, and the estimated brain states were specific to speech comprehension but not at rest or when listening to non-comprehensible speech.


      Recently, the HMM has been applied to many fMRI studies, including movie watching and rest. The authors cleverly used the HMM to test the external/linguistic/internal processing theory that was suggested in comprehension literature. I appreciated the way the authors theoretically grounded their hypotheses and reviewed relevant papers that used the HMM on other naturalistic datasets. The manuscript was well written, the analyses were sound, and the results had clear implications.


      Further details are needed for the experimental procedure, adjustments needed for statistics/analyses, and the interpretation/rationale is needed for the results.

    1. Joint Public Review:


      The study by Akita B. Jaykumar et al. explores an interesting and relevant hypothesis whether serine/threonine With-No-lysine (K) kinases (WNK)-1, -2, -3, and -4 engage in insulin-dependent glucose transporter-4 (GLUT4) signaling in the murine central nervous system. The authors especially focused on the hippocampus as this brain region exhibits high expression of insulin and GLUT4. Additionally, disrupted glucose metabolism in the hippocampus has been associated with anxiety disorders, while impaired WNK signaling has been linked to hypertension, learning disabilities, psychiatric disorders, or Alzheimer's disease. The study took advantage of selective pan-WNK inhibitor WNK 643 as the main tool to manipulate WNK 1-4 activity both in vivo by daily, per-oral drug administration to wild-type mice, and in vitro by treating either adult murine brain synaptosomes, hippocampal slices, primary cortical cultures, and human cell lines (HEK293, SH-SY5Y). Using a battery of standard behavior paradigms such as open field test, elevated plus maze test, and fear conditioning, the authors convincingly demonstrate that the inhibition of WNK1-4 results in behavior changes, especially in enhanced learning and memory of WNK643-treated mice. To shed light on the underlying molecular mechanism, the authors implemented multiple biochemical approaches including immunoprecipitation, glucose-uptake assay, surface biotylination assay, immunoblotting, and immunofluorescence. The data suggest that simultaneous insulin stimulation and WNK1-4 inhibition results in increased glucose uptake and the activity of insulin's downstream effectors, phosphorylated Akt and phosphorylated AS160. Moreover, the authors demonstrate that insulin treatment enhances the physical interaction of the WNK effector OSR1/SPAK with Akt substrate AS160. As a result, combined treatment with insulin and the WNK643 inhibitor synergistically increases the targeting of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. Collectively, these data strongly support the initial hypothesis that neuronal insulin- and WNK-dependent pathways do interact and engage in cognitive functions.


      The insulin-dependent signaling in the central nervous system is relatively understudied. This explorative study delves into several interesting and clinically relevant possibilities, examining how insulin-dependent signaling and its crosstalk with WNK kinases might affect brain circuits involved in memory formation and/or anxiety. Therefore, these findings might inspire follow-up studies performed in disease models for disorders that exhibit impaired glucose metabolism, deficient memory, or anxiety, such as Diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease, or most psychiatric disorders.

      The graphical presentation of the figures is of high quality, which helps the reader to obtain a good overview and easily understand the experimental design, results, and conclusions.

      The behavioral studies are well conducted and provide valuable insights into the role of WNK kinases in glucose metabolism and their effect on learning and memory. Additionally, the authors evaluate the levels of basal and induced anxiety in Figures 1 and 2, enhancing our understanding of how WNK signaling might engage in cognitive function and anxiety-like behavior, particularly in the context of altered glucose metabolism.


      The study used a WNK643 inhibitor as the only tool to manipulate WNK1-4 activity. This inhibitor seems selective; however, it has been reported that it exhibits different efficiency in inhibiting the individual WNK kinases among each other (e.g. PMID: 31017050, PMID: 36712947). Additionally, the authors do not analyze nor report the expression profiles or activity levels of WNK1, WNK2, WNK3, and WNK4 within the relevant brain regions (i.e. hippocampus, cortex, amygdala). Combined, these weaknesses raise concerns about the direct involvement of WNK kinases within the selected brain regions and behavior circuits. It would be beneficial if the authors provided gene profiling for WNK1, 2, 3, and -4 (e.g. using Allen brain atlas). To confirm the observations, the authors should either add results from using other WNK inhibitors or, preferentially, analyze knock-down or knock-out animals/tissue targeting the single kinases.

      The authors do not report any data on whether the global inhibition of WNKs affects insulin levels. Since the authors wish to demonstrate the synergistic effect of simultaneous insulin treatment and WNK1-4 inhibition, such data are missing.

      The study discovered that the Sortilin receptor binds to OSR1, leading the authors to speculate that Sortilin may be involved in the insulin-dependent GLUT4 surface trafficking. However, the authors do not provide any evidence supporting Sortilin's involvement in insulin- or WNK-dependent GLUT4 trafficking. Thus, this conclusion should be qualified, rephrased, or additional data included.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper examines plasticity in early cortical (V1-V3) areas in an impressively large number of rod monochromats (individuals with achromatopia). The paper examines three things:

      (1) Cortical thickness. It is now well established that early complete blindness leads to increases in cortical thickness. This paper shows increased thickness confined to the foveal projection zone within achromats. This paper replicates the work by Molz (2022) and Lowndes (2021), but the detailed mapping of cortical thickness as a function of eccentricity and the inclusion of higher visual areas is particularly elegant.

      (2) Failure to show largescale reorganization of early visual areas using retinotopic mapping. This is a replication of a very recent study by Molz et al. but I believe, given anatomical variability (and the very large n in this study) and how susceptible pRF findings are to small changes in procedure, this replication is also of interest.

      (3) Connective field modelling, examining the connections between V3-V1. The paper finds changes in the pattern of connections, and smaller connective fields in individuals with achromatopsia than normally sighted controls, and suggests that these reflect compensatory plasticity, with V3 compensating for the lower resolution V1 signal in individuals with achromatopsia.


      This is a carefully done study (both in terms of data collection and analysis) that is an impressive amount of work. I have a number of methodological comments but I hope they will be considered as constructive engagement - this work is highly technical with a large number of factors to consider.


      (1) Effects of eye-movements

      I have some concerns with how the effects of eye-movements are being examined. There are two main reasons the authors give for excluding eye-movements as a factor in their results. Both explanations have limitations.

      a) The first is that R2 values are similar across groups in the foveal confluence. This is fine as far as it goes, but R2 values are going to be low in that region. So this shows that eye-movements don't affect coverage (the number of voxels that generate a reliable pRF), but doesn't show that eye-movements aren't impacting their other measures.

      b) The authors don't see a clear relationship between coverage and fixation stability. This seems to rest on a few ad hoc examples. (What happens if one plots mean fixation deviation vs. coverage (and sets the individuals who could not be calibrated as the highest value of calibrated fixation deviation. Does a relationship then emerge?).

      In any case, I wouldn't expect coverage to be particularly susceptible to eye-movements. If a voxel in the cortex entirely projects to the scotoma then it should be robustly silent. The effects of eye-movements will be to distort the size and eccentricity estimates of voxels that are not entirely silent.

      There are many places in the paper where eye-movements might be playing an important role.

      Examples include the larger pRF sizes observed in achromats. Are those related to fixation instability? Given that fixation instability is expected to increase pRF size by a fixed amount, that would explain why ratios are close to 1 in V3 (Figure 4).

      (2) Topography

      The claim of no change in topography is a little confusing given that you do see a change in eccentricity mapping in achromats.

      Either this result is real, in which case there *is* a change in topography, albeit subtle, or it's an artifact.

      Perhaps these results need a little bit of additional scrutiny.

      One reason for concern is that you see different functions relating eccentricity to V1 segments depending on the stimulus. That almost certainly reflects biases in the modelling, not reorganization - the curves of Figure 2D are exactly what Binda et al. predict.

      Another reason for concern is that I'm very surprised that you see so little effect of including/not including the scotoma - the differences seem more like what I'd expect from simply repeating the same code twice. (The quickest sanity check is just to increase the size of the estimated scotoma to be even bigger?).

      I'd also look at voxels that pass an R2>0.2 threshold for both the non-selective and selective stimulus. Are the pRF sizes the same for both stimuli? Are the eccentricity estimates? If not, that's another clear warning sign.

      (3) Connective field modelling

      Let's imagine a voxel on the edge of the scotoma. It will tend to have a connective field that borders the scotoma, and will be reduced in size (since it will likely exclude the cortical region of V1 that is solely driven by resting state activity). This predicts your rod monochromat data. The interesting question is why this doesn't happen for controls. One possibility is that there is top-down 'predictive' activity that smooths out the border of the scotoma (there's some hint of that in the data), e.g., Masuda and Wandell.

      One thing that concerns me is that the smaller connective fields don't make sense intuitively. When there is a visual stimulus, connective fields are predominantly driven by the visual signal. In achromats, there is a large swath of cortex (between 1-2.5 degrees) which shows relatively flat tuning as regards eccentricity. The curves for controls are much steeper, See Figure 2b. This predicts that visually driven connective fields should be larger for achromats. So, what's going on? The beta parameter is not described (and I believe it can alter connective field sizes). Similarly, it's possible to get very small connective fields, but there wasn't a minimum size described in the thresholding. I might be missing something obvious, but I'm just deeply confused as to how the visual maps and the connectome maps can provide contradictory results given that the connectome maps are predominantly determined by the visual signal. Some intuition would be helpful.

      Some analyses might also help provide the reader with insight. For example, doing analyses separately on V3 voxels that project entirely to scotoma regions, project entirely to stimulus-driven regions, and V3 voxels that project to 'mixed' regions.

      The finding that pRF sizes are larger in achromats by a constant factor as a function of eccentricity is what differences in eye-movements would predict. It would be worth examining the relationship between pRF sizes and fixation stability.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The findings of Ziolkowska and colleagues show that a specific projection from the nucleus reuniens of the thalamus (RE) to dorsal hippocampal CA1 neurons plays an important role in fear extinction learning in male and female mice. In and of itself, this is not a particularly new finding, although the authors' identification of structural alterations from within dorsal CA1 stratum lacunosum moleculare (SLM) as a candidate mechanism for the learning-related plasticity is potentially novel and exciting. The authors use a range of anatomical and functional approaches to demonstrate structural synaptic changes in dorsal CA1 that parallel the necessary role of RE inputs in modulating extinction learning. Yet, the significance of these findings is substantially limited by several technical shortcomings in the experimental design, and the authors' central interpretation. Otherwise, there remain several strengths in the design and interpretation that offset some of these concerns.

      Given that much is already known about the role of RE and hippocampus in modulating fear learning and extinction, it remains unclear whether addressing these concerns would substantially increase the impact of this study beyond the specific area of speciality. Below, several major weaknesses will be highlighted, followed by several miscellaneous comments.


      One major methodological weakness in the experimental design involves the widespread misapplication of Ns used for the statistical analyses. Much of the anatomical analyses of structural synaptic changes in the RE-CA1 pathway use N = number of axons (Figs. 1, 2), N = number of dendrites (Figs. 3, 4), and N = number of sections (Fig. 7; note that there are 7 figures in total). In every instance, N = animal number should be used. It is unclear which of these results would remain significant if N = animal number were used in each or how many more animals would be required. This is problematic since these data comprise the main evidence for the authors' central conclusion that specific structural synaptic changes are associated with fear extinction learning.

      There is a lack of specific information regarding what constitutes learning with respect to behavioral freezing. It is never clearly stated what specific intervals are used over which freezing is measured during acquisition, extinction, and in extinction retrieval tests. Additionally, assessment of freezing during retrieval at 5- and 30-min time points doesn't lay to rest the possibility that there were differences in the decay rate over the 30-min period (also see below).

      A minor-to-moderate methodological weakness concerns the authors' decision to utilize saline injected groups as controls for the chemogenetics experiments (Figs. 5, 6). The correct design is to have a CNO-only group with the same viral procedure sans hM4Di. This concern is partly mitigated by the inclusion of a CNO vs. saline injection control experiment (Fig. 6).

      In the electron microscopic analyses of dendritic spines (Fig. 5), comparison of only the fear acquisition versus extinction training, and the lack of inclusion of a naïve control group, makes it difficult to understand how these structural synaptic changes are occurring relative to baseline. It is noteworthy that the authors utilize the tripartite design in other anatomical analyses (Fig. 2-4).


      The main interpretive weakness in the study is the authors' claim that their data shows a role for the RE-CA1 pathway in memory consolidation (i.e., see Abstract). This claim is based on the premise that, although RE-CA1 pathway inactivation with CNO treatment 30 min prior to contextual fear extinction did not affect freezing at 5- and 30-min time points relative to saline controls, these rats showed greater freezing when tested on extinction retrieval 24 h thereafter. First, the data do not rule out possible differences in the decay rate of freezing during extinction training due to CNO administration. Next, the fact that CNO is given prior to training still leaves open the possibility that acquisition was affected, even if there were not any frank differences in freezing. Support for this latter possibility derives from the fact that mice tested for extinction retrieval as early as 5 min after extinction training (Fig. 6C) showed the same impairments as mice tested 24 h later (Figs. 6A). Further, all the structural synaptic changes argued to underlie consolidation were based on analysis at a time point immediately following extinction training, which is too early to allow for any long-term changes that would underlie memory consolidation, but instead would confer changes associated with the extinction training event.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study investigates an intriguing question in cognitive control from a temporal dynamics perspective: why does concurrent verbal working memory load eliminate the color-word Stroop effect? Through a series of thorough data analyses, the authors propose that verbal working memory load occupies the stimulus-response mapping resources represented by theta-band activity, thereby disrupting the mapping process for task-irrelevant distractors. This reduces the response tendency to the distractors, ultimately leading to the elimination of the Stroop effect.


      The behavioral and neural evidence presented in the manuscript is solid, and the findings have valuable theoretical implications for research on Stroop conflict processing.


      There are several areas where the manuscript could be improved.

      Major Comments:

      (1) In the Results section, the rationale behind selecting the beta band for the central (C3, CP3, Cz, CP4, C4) regions and the theta band for the fronto-central (Fz, FCz, Cz) regions is not clearly explained in the main text. This information is only mentioned in the figure captions. Additionally, why was the beta band chosen for the S-ROI fronto-central region and the theta band for the S-ROI central region? Was this choice influenced by the MVPA results?

      (2) In the Data Analysis section, line 424 states: "Only trials that were correct in both the memory task and the Stroop task were included in all subsequent analyses. In addition, trials in which response times (RTs) deviated by more than three standard deviations from the condition mean were excluded from behavioral analyses." The percentage of excluded trials should be reported. Also, for the EEG-related analyses, were the same trials excluded, or were different criteria applied?

      (3) In the Methods section, line 493 mentions: "A 400-200 ms pre-stimulus time window was selected as the baseline time window." What is the justification in the literature for choosing the 400-200 ms pre-stimulus window as the baseline? Why was the 200-0 ms pre-stimulus period not considered?

      (4) Is the primary innovation of this study limited to the methodology, such as employing MVPA and RSA to establish the relationship between late theta activity and behavior?

      (5) On page 14, lines 280-287, the authors discuss a specific pattern observed in the alpha band. However, the manuscript does not provide the corresponding results to substantiate this discussion. It is recommended to include these results as supplementary material.

      (6) On page 16, lines 323-328, the authors provide a generalized explanation of the findings. According to load theory, stimuli compete for resources only when represented in the same form. Since the pre-memorized Chinese characters are represented semantically in working memory, this explanation lacks a critical premise: that semantic-response mapping is also represented semantically during processing.

      (7) The classic Stroop task includes both a manual and a vocal version. Since stimulus-response mapping in the vocal version is more automatic than in the manual version, it is unclear whether the findings of this study would generalize to the impact of working memory load on the Stroop effect in the vocal version.

      (8) While the discussion section provides a comprehensive analysis of the study's results, the authors could further elaborate on the theoretical and practical contributions of this work.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      McDougal et al. aimed to characterize the antiviral activity of mammalian IFIT1 orthologs. They first performed three different evolutionary selection analyses within each major mammalian clade and identified some overlapping positive selection sites in IFIT1. They found that one site that is positively selected in primates is in the RNA-binding exit tunnel of IFIT1 and is tolerant of mutations to amino acids with similar biochemical properties. They then tested 9 diverse mammalian IFIT1 proteins against VEEV, VSV, PIV3, and SINV and found that each ortholog has distinct antiviral activities. Lastly, they compared human and chimpanzee IFIT1 and found that the determinant of their differential anti-VEEV activity may be partly attributed to their ability to bind Cap0 RNA.


      The study is one of the first to test the antiviral activity of IFIT1 from diverse mammalian clades against VEEV, VSV, PIV3, and SINV. Cloning and expressing these 39 IFIT1 orthologs in addition to single and combinatorial mutants is not a trivial task. The positive connection between anti-VEEV activity and Cap0 RNA binding is interesting, suggesting that differences in RNA binding may explain differences in antiviral activity.


      The evolutionary selection analyses yielded interesting results, but were not used to inform follow-up studies except for a positively selected site identified in primates. Since positive selection is one of the two major angles the authors proposed to investigate mammalian IFIT1 orthologs with, they should integrate the positive selection results with the rest of the paper more seamlessly, such as discussing the positive selection results and their implications, rather than just pointing out that positively selected sites were identified. The paper should elaborate on how the positive selection analyses PAML, FUBAR, and MEME complement one another to explain why the tests gave them different results. Interestingly, MEME which usually provides more sites did not identify site 193 in primates that was identified by both PAML and FUBAR. The authors should also provide the rationale for choosing to focus on the 3 sites identified in primates only. One of those sites, 193, was also found to be positively selected in bats, although the authors did not discuss or integrate that finding into the study. In Figure 1A, they also showed a dN/dS < 1 from PAML, which is confusing and would suggest negative selection instead of positive selection. Importantly, since the authors focused on the rapidly evolving site 193 in primates, they should test the IFIT1 orthologs against viruses that are known to infect primates to directly investigate the impact of the evolutionary arms race at this site on IFIT1 function.

      Some of the data interpretation is not accurate. For example:

      (1) Lines 232-234: "...western blot analysis revealed that the expression of IFIT1 orthologs was relatively uniform, except for the higher expression of orca IFIT1 and notably lower expression of pangolin IFIT1 (Figure 4B)." In fact, most of the orthologs are not expressed in a "relatively uniform" manner e.g. big brown bat vs. shrew are quite different.

      (2) Line 245: "...mammalian IFIT1 species-specific differences in viral suppression are largely independent of expression differences." While it is true that there is no correlation between protein expression and antiviral activity in each species, the authors cannot definitively conclude that the species-specific differences are independent of expression differences. Since the orthologs are clearly not expressed in the same amounts, it is impossible to fully assess their true antiviral activity. At the very least, the authors should acknowledge that the protein expression can affect antiviral activity. They should also consider quantifying the IFIT1 protein bands and normalizing each to GAPDH for readers to better compare protein expression and antiviral activity. The same issue is in Line 267.

      (3) Line 263: "SINV... was modestly suppressed by pangolin, sheep, and chinchilla IFIT1 (Figure 4E)..." The term "modestly suppressed" does not seem fitting if there is 60-70% infection in cells expressing pangolin and chinchilla IFIT1.

      (4) The study can be significantly improved if the authors can find a thread to connect each piece of data together, so the readers can form a cohesive story about mammalian IFIT1.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors analyze the roles of PD-1 in the early stages (pre-activation) of T cell differentiation and show that naïve CD4+ T cell differentiation is altered, especially Th2 differentiation is strongly impaired, upon early PD-1 stimulation. The results have important implications for the immunotherapy area, but I think the manuscript requires some revisions.


      (1) Novel Insights into PD-1 in Early T Cell Differentiation:<br /> The study provides new insights into the role of PD-1 during the pre-activation phase of T cell differentiation, particularly its impact on naïve CD4+ T cells and Th2 differentiation. This is a significant contribution to immunotherapy research.

      (2) Relevance to Immunotherapy:<br /> The findings have potential implications for the development of immunotherapies by demonstrating how PD-1 signaling affects specific T cell subsets early in differentiation.


      (1) Inconsistent and Confusing Data:<br /> There are contradictions between the figures and the conclusions, particularly regarding IL-4 and IFNgamma production in PD-1-expressing cells. This raises concerns about data interpretation and experimental accuracy.

      (2) Unclear Experimental Rationale:<br /> The reviewer questions the rationale behind key methodological choices, such as the high concentration of PDL-1 antibody and varying OVA peptide concentrations. These decisions need more justification.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper reports fossil soft-tissue structures (tail vanes) of pterosaurs, and attempts to relate this to flight performance and other proposed functions for the tail


      The paper presents new evidence for soft-tissue strengthening of vanes using exciting new methods.


      There seems to be no discussion of bias in the sample selection method - even a simple consideration of whether discarded specimens were likely not to have had the cross-linking lattice, or if it was not visible.

      There seems to be no supporting evidence or theory to show how the lattice could have functioned, other than a narrative description. Moreover, there is no comparison to extant organisms where a comparison of function might be drawn.

    1. Joint Public Review

      This work investigates numerically the propagation of subthreshold waves in a model neural network that is derived from the C. elegans connectome. Using a scattering formalism and tight-binding description of the network -- approximations which are commonplace in condensed matter physics -- this work attempts to show the relevance of interference phenomena, such as wavenumber-dependent propagation, for the dynamics of subthreshold waves propagating in a network of electrical synapses.

      The primary strength of the work is in trying to use theoretical tools from a far-away corner of fundamental physics to shed light on the properties of a real neural system.<br /> While a system composed of neurons and synapses is classical in nature, there are occasions in which interference or localization effects are useful for understanding wave propagation in complex media [review, van Rossum & Nieuwenhuizen, 1999]. However, it is expected that localization effects only have an impact in some parameter regimes and with low phase dissipation. The authors should have addressed the existence of this validity regime in detail prior to assuming that interference effects are important.

      An additional approximation that was made without adequate justification is the use of a tight-binding Hamiltonian. This can be a reasonable approximation, even for classical waves, in particular in the presence of high-quality-factor resonators, where most of the wave amplitude is concentrated on the nodes of the network, and nodes are coupled evanescently with each other. Neither of these conditions were verified for this study.

      The motivation for this work is to understand the basic mechanisms underlying subthreshold intrinsic oscillations in the inferior olive, but detailed connectivity patterns in this brain area are not available. The connectome is known for C elegans, but sub-threshold oscillations have not been observed there, and the implications of this work for C elegans neuroscience remain unclear. The authors should also give more evidence for the claim that their study may give a mechanism for synchronized rhythmic activity in the mammalian inferior olive nucleus, or refrain from making this conclusion.

      In the same vein, since the work emphasizes the dependence on the wavenumber for the propagation of subthreshold oscillations, they should make an attempt at estimating the wavenumber of subthreshold oscillations in C elegans if they were to exist and be observed. Next, the presence of two "mobility edges" in the transmission coefficient calculated in this work is unmistakably due to the discrete nature of the system, coming from the tight-binding approximation, and it is unclear if this approximation is justified in the current system.

      Similarly, it is possible that the wavenumber-dependent transmission observed depends strongly on the addition of a large number of virtual nodes (VNs) in the network, which the authors give little to no motivation for. As these nodes are not present in the C elegans connectome, the authors should explain the motivation for their inclusion in the model and should discuss their consequences on the transmission properties of the network.

      As it stands, the work would only have a very limited impact on the understanding of subthreshold oscillations in the rat or in C elegans. Indeed, the preprint falls short of relating its numerical results to any phenomena which could be observed in the lab.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this study, Avila et al. tested the hypothesis that chronic pain states are associated with changes in the excitability of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). The authors used the slope of the aperiodic component of the EEG power spectrum (= the aperiodic exponent) as a novel, non-invasive proxy for the cortical excitation-inhibition ratio. They performed source localization to estimate the EEG signals generated specifically by the mPFC. By pooling resting-state EEG recordings from three existing datasets, the authors were able to compare the aperiodic exponent in the mPFC and across the whole brain (at all modeled cortical sources) between 149 chronic pain patients and 115 healthy controls. Additionally, they assessed the relationship between the aperiodic exponent and pain intensity reported by the patients. To account for heterogeneity in pain etiology, the analysis was also performed separately for two patient subgroups with different chronic pain conditions (chronic back pain and chronic widespread pain). The study found robust evidence against differences in the aperiodic exponent in the mPFC between people with chronic pain and healthy participants, and no correlation was observed between the aperiodic exponent and pain intensity. These findings were consistent across different patient subgroups and were corroborated by the whole-brain analysis.


      The study is based on sound scientific reasoning and rigorously employs suitable methods to test the hypothesis. It follows a pre-registered protocol, which greatly increases the transparency and, consequently, the credibility of the reported results. In addition to the planned steps, the authors used a multiverse analysis to ensure the robustness of the results across different methodological choices. I find this particularly interesting, as the EEG aperiodic exponent has only recently been linked to network excitability, and the most appropriate methods for its extraction and analysis are still being determined. The methods are clearly and comprehensively described, making this paper very useful for researchers planning similar studies. The results are convincing, and supported by informative figures, and the lack of the expected difference in mPFC excitability between the tested groups is thoroughly and constructively discussed.


      Firstly, although I appreciate the relatively large sample size, pooling data recorded by different researchers using different experimental protocols inevitably increases sample variability and may limit the availability of certain measures, as was the case here with the reports of pain intensity in the patient group. Secondly, the analysis heavily relies on the estimation of cortical sources, an approach that offers many advantages but may yield imprecise results, especially when default conduction models, source models, and electrode coordinates are used. In my opinion, this point should be discussed as well.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This work represents a new development in the theory of odor coding and recognition, based on mapping odor mixtures in low-dimensional hyperbolic spaces. The authors describe the dynamics of odor mapping, across stages of ripening and fermentation (trajectories in odor space), which, surprisingly, generalize across fruit types.


      The approach provides a remarkably concise and clear description of the odor dynamics. As a model, the approach is mathematically exhaustive and generalizable. The analyses are technically correct and statistically robust.



    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Goldstein et al. provide a thorough characterization of the interaction of attention and eye movement planning. These processes have been thought to be intertwined since at least the development of the Premotor Theory of Attention in 1987, and their relationship has been a continual source of debate and research for decades. Here, Goldstein et al. capitalize on their novel urgent saccade task to dissociate the effects of endogenous and exogenous attention on saccades towards and away from the cue. They find that attention and eye movements are, to some extent, linked to one another but that this link is transient and depends on the nature of the task. A primary strength of the work is that the researchers are able to carefully measure the time course of the interaction between attention and eye movements in various well-controlled experimental conditions. As a result, the behavioral interplay of two forms of attention (endogenous and exogenous) are illustrated at the level of tens of milliseconds as they interact with the planning and execution of saccades towards and away from the cued location. Overall, the results allow the authors to make meaningful claims about the time course of visual behavior, attention, and the potential neural mechanisms at a timescale relevant to everyday human behavior.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this technical paper, the authors introduce an important variation on the fully automated multi-electrode patch-clamp recording technique for probing synaptic connections that they term "patch-walking". The patch-walking approach involves coordinated pipette route-planning and automated pipette cleaning procedures for pipette reuse to improve recording throughput efficiency, which the authors argue can theoretically yield almost twice the number of connections to be probed by paired recordings on a multi-patch electrophysiology setup for a given number of cells compared to conventional manual patch-clamping approaches used in brain slices in vitro. The authors show convincing results from recordings in mouse in vitro cortical slices, demonstrating the efficient recording of dozens of paired neurons with a dual patch pipette configuration for paired recordings and detection of synaptic connections. This approach will be of interest and valuable to neuroscientists conducting automated multi-patch in vitro electrophysiology experiments and seeking to increase efficiency of neuron connectivity detection while avoiding the more complex recording configurations (e.g., 8 pipette multi-patch recording configurations) used by several laboratories that are not readily implementable by most of the neuroscience community.


      (1) The authors introduce the theory and methods and show experimental results for a fully automated electrophysiology dual patch-clamp recording approach with a coordinated patch-clamp pipette route-planning and automated pipette cleaning procedures to "patch-walk" across an in vitro brain slice.

      (2) The patch-walking approach offers throughput efficiency improvements over manual patch clamp recording approaches, especially for investigators looking to utilize paired patch electrode recordings in electrophysiology experiments in vitro.

      (3) Experimental results are presented from in vitro mouse cortical slices demonstrating the efficiency of recording dozens of paired neurons with a two-patch pipette configuration for paired recordings and detection of synaptic connections, demonstrating the feasibility and efficiency of the patch-walking approach.

      (4) The authors suggest extensions of their technique while keeping the number of recording pipettes employed and recording rig complexity low, which are important practical technical considerations for investigators wanting to avoid the more complex recording configurations (e.g., 8-10 pipette multi-patch recording configurations) used by several laboratories that are not readily implementable by most of the neuroscience community.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      As the scientific community identifies increasing numbers of genes and genetic variants that cause rare human diseases, a challenge in the field quickly identify pharmacological interventions to address known deficits. The authors point out that defining phenotypic outcomes required for drug screen assays is often a bottleneck, and emphasize how invertebrate models can be used for quick ID of compounds that may address genetic deficits. A major contribution of this work is to establish a framework for potential intervention drug screening based on quantitative imaging of morphology and mobility behavior, using methods that the authors show can define subtle phenotypes in a high proportion of disease gene knockout mutants. Overall, the work constitutes an elegant combination of previously developed high-volume imaging with highly detailed quantitative phenotyping (and some paring down to specific phenotypes) to establish proof of principle on how the combined applications can contribute to screens for compounds that may address specific genetic deficits, which can, in turn, suggest both mechanism and therapy.

      In brief, the authors selected 25 genes for which loss of function is implicated in human neuro-muscular disease and engineered deletions in the corresponding C. elegans homologs. The authors then imaged morphological features and behaviors prior to, during, and after blue light stimuli, quantitating features, and clustering outcomes as they elegantly developed previously (PMID 35322206; 30171234; 30201839). In doing so, phenotypes in 23/25 tested mutants could be separated enough to distinguish WT from mutant and half of those with adequate robustness to permit high-throughput screens, an outcome that supports the utility of related general efforts to ID phenotypes in C. elegans disease orthologs. A detailed discussion of 4 ciliopathy gene defects, and NACLN-related channelopathy mutants reveals both expected and novel phenotypes, validating the basic approach to modeling vetted targets and underscoring that quantitative imaging approaches reiterate known biology.

      The authors then screened a library of nearly 750 FDA-approved drugs for the capacity to shift the unc-80 NACLN channel-disrupted phenotype closer to the wild type. Top "mover" compounds shift outcome in the experimental outcome space; and also reveal how "side effects" can be evaluated to prioritize compounds that confer the fewest changes of other parameters away from the center.


      Although the imaging and data analysis approaches have been reported and the screen is restricted in scope and intervention exposure, it is impressive, encouraging and important that the authors strongly combine tools to demonstrate how quantitative imaging phenotypes can be integrated with C. elegans genetics to accelerate the identification of potential modulators of disease (easily extendable to other goals). Generation of deletion alleles and documentation of their associated phenotypes (available in supplemental data) provide potentially useful reagents/data to the field. The capacity to identify "over-shooting" of compound applications with suggestions for scale back and to sort efficacious interventions to minimize other changes to behavioral and physical profiles is a strong contribution.


      The work does not have major weaknesses, and in revision, the authors have expanded the discussion to potential utility and application in the field.

      The authors have also taken into account minor modifications in writing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study explores the sequence characteristics and features of high-occupancy target (HOT) loci across the human genome. The computational analyses presented in this paper provide information into the correlation of TF binding and regulatory networks at HOT loci that were regarded as lacking sequence specificity.

      By leveraging hundreds of ChIP-seq datasets from the ENCODE Project to delineate HOT loci in HepG2, K562, and H1-hESC cells, the investigators identified the regulatory significance and participation in 3D chromatin interactions of HOT loci. Subsequent exploration focused on the interaction of DNA-associated proteins (DAPs) with HOT loci using computational models. The models established that the potential formation of HOT loci is likely embedded in their DNA sequences and is significantly influenced by GC contents. Further inquiry exposed contrasting roles of HOT loci in housekeeping and tissue-specific functions spanning various cell types, with distinctions between embryonic and differentiated states, including instances of polymorphic variability. The authors conclude with a speculative model that HOT loci serve as anchors where phase-separated transcriptional condensates form. The findings presented here open avenues for future research, encouraging more exploration of the functional implications of HOT loci.


      The concept of using computational models to define characteristics of HOT loci is refreshing and allows researchers to take a different approach in identifying potential targets. The major strengths of the study lie in the very large number of datasets analyzed, with hundreds of ChIP-seq data sets for both HepG2 and K562 cells as part of the ENCODE project. Such quantitative power allowed the authors to delve deeply into HOT loci, which were previously thought to be artifacts.


      While this study contributes to our knowledge of HOT loci, there are critical weaknesses that need to be addressed. There are questions on the validity of the assumptions made for certain analyses. The speculative nature of the proposed model involving transcriptional condensates needs either further validation or be toned down. Furthermore, some apparent contradictions exist among the main conclusions, and these either need to be better explained or corrected. Lastly, several figure panels could be better explained or described in the figure legends.

      Update After Revisions:

      The authors have addressed the above comments and concerns appropriately. The addition of the new Figure 9 is particularly compelling and strengthens the authors' conclusions. This reviewer has no further concerns.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Wang and colleagues identify biallelic variants of DNAH3 in four unrelated Han Chinese infertile men through whole-exome sequencing, which contributes to abnormal sperm flagellar morphology and ultrastructure. To investigate the importance of DNAH3 in male infertility, the authors generated crispant Dnah3 knockout (KO) male mice. They observed that KO mice are also infertile, showing a severe reduction in sperm movement with abnormal IDA (inner dynein arms) and mitochondrion structure. Moreover, nonfunctional DNAH3 expression decreased the expression of IDA-associated proteins in the spermatozoa of patients and KO mice, which are involved in the disruption of sperm motility. Interestingly, the infertility of patients and KO mice is rescued by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Taken together, the authors propose that DNAH3 is a novel pathogenic gene for asthenoterozoospermia and male infertility.


      This work investigates the role of DNAH3 in sperm mobility and male infertility. By using gold-standard molecular biology techniques, the authors demonstrate with exquisite resolution the importance of DNAH3 in sperm morphology, showing strong evidence of its role in male infertility. Overall, this is a very interesting, well-written, and appealing article. All aspects of the study design and methods are well described and appropriate to address the main question of the manuscript. The conclusions drawn are consistent with the analyses conducted and supported by the data.


      The paper is solid, and in its current form, I have not detected relevant weaknesses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors showed that autophagy-related genes are involved in plant immunity by regulating the protein level of the salicylic acid receptor, NPR1.

      The experiments are carefully designed and the data is convincing. The authors did a good job of understanding the relationship between ATG6 and NRP1.

      Comments on latest version:

      The authors have already addressed all my comments. I have no further issues with the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Freas et al. investigated if the exceedingly dim polarization pattern produced by the moon can be used by animal to guide a genuine navigational task. The sun and moon are celestial beacons for directional information, but they can be obscured by clouds, canopy, or the horizon. However, even when hidden from view, these celestial bodies provide directional information through the polarized light patterns in the sky. While the sun's polarization pattern is famously used by many animals for compass orientation, until now it has never been shown that the extremely dim polarization pattern of the moon can be used for navigation. To test this, Freas et al. studied nocturnal bull ants, by placing a linear polarizer in the homing path on a freely navigating ant 45 degrees shifted to the moon's natural polarization pattern. They recorded the homing direction of an ant before entering the polarizer, under the polarizer, and again after leaving the area covered by the polarizer. The results very clearly show, that ants walking under the linear polarizer change their homing direction by about 45 degrees in comparison to the homing direction under the natural polarization pattern and change it back after leaving the area covered by the polarizer again. These results can be repeated throughout the lunar month, showing that bull ants can use the moon's polarization pattern even under crescent moon conditions. Finally, the authors show, that the degree in which the ants change their homing direction is dependent on the length of their home vector, just as it is for the solar polarization pattern.

      The behavioral experiments are very well designed, and the statistical analyses are appropriate for the data presented. The authors' conclusions are nicely supported by the data and clearly show nocturnal bull ants use the dim polarization pattern of the moon for homing, in the same way many animals use the sun's polarization pattern during the day. This is the first proof of the use of the lunar polarization pattern in any animal.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The authors aim to investigate the role of ORMDL3 in regulating Type 1 interferon (IFN) responses and its effect on tumor growth inhibition. The study focuses on the mechanisms involving the RIG-I pathway and USP10-mediated degradation and attempts to establish a link between ORMDL3 expression and the effectiveness of cancer therapy. The authors also explore the broader implications of ORMDL3 in immune signaling, particularly within the context of Type 1 IFN signaling and its therapeutic potential.


      • The manuscript explores a novel aspect of cancer immunology by examining the relationship between ORMDL3 and Type 1 IFN signaling, potentially offering new therapeutic avenues.<br /> • A variety of experimental approaches are employed, including knockdown models, overexpression assays, and protein interaction analyses, to elucidate the role of ORMDL3 in modulating immune responses.<br /> • The findings suggest a potential mechanism by which ORMDL3 affects the tumor microenvironment and immune responses, which could have significant implications for understanding cancer progression and therapy.


      • The study does not clearly establish the relationship between Type 1 IFN and cancer therapy, and more robust data are needed to support the claim that tumor growth inhibition occurs via Type 1 IFN upregulation following ORMDL3 knockdown.<br /> • There is ambiguity regarding whether ORMDL3 has a positive or negative role in the Type 1 IFN pathway, especially given conflicting findings in the literature that link higher ORMDL3 levels to increased Type 1 IFN expression.<br /> • The use of certain experimental models, such as HEK293T cells (which are not typical Type 1 IFN producers), raises concerns about the validity and generalizability of the results. Further clarity is needed regarding the rationale for using the same tag in overexpression experiments.<br /> • The manuscript contains several inconsistencies and lacks detailed explanations of critical areas, such as the mechanism by which ORMDL3 facilitates USP10 transfer to RIG-I despite no direct interaction between ORMDL3 and RIG-I.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Aging is associated with a number of physiologic changes including perturbed circadian rhythms. However, mechanisms by which rhythms are altered remain unknown. Here authors tested the hypothesis that age-dependent factors in the sera affect the core clock or outputs of the core clock in cultured fibroblasts. They find that both sera from young and old donors are equally potent at driving robust ~24h oscillations in gene expression, and report the surprising finding that the cyclic transcriptome after stimulation by young or old sera differs markedly. In particular, genes involved in the cell cycle and transcription/translation remain rhythmic in both conditions, while genes associated with oxidative phosphorylation and Alzheimer's Disease lose rhythmicity in the aged condition. Also, the expression of cycling genes associated with cholesterol biosynthesis increases in the cells entrained with old serum. Together, the findings suggest that age-dependent blood-borne factors, yet to be identified, affect circadian rhythms in the periphery. The most interesting aspect of the paper is that the data suggest that the same system (BJ-5TA), may significantly change its rhythmic transcriptome depending on how the cells are synchronized. While there is a succinct discussion point on this, it should be expanded and described whether there are parallels with previous works, as well as what would be possible mechanisms for such an effect.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have done a thorough revision of their manuscripts and provided convincing answers to all of my points. In particular, I applaud the authors for having added raw luminescence traces, and for providing Figure S5 on the amplitudes. Perhaps the authors could add a comment in the final text that the amplitudes are fairly low, 10^0.1 = 1.25 which means that the bulk of those genes has rhythms of at most 25%, which could reflect that the synchronization of the cells is partial.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors study intraflagellar transport (IFT) in cilia of diverse organs in zebrafish. They elucidate that IFT88-GFP (an IFT-B core complex protein) can substitute for endogenous IFT88 in promoting ciliogenesis and use it as a reporter to visualize IFT dynamics in living zebrafish embryo. They observe striking differences in cilia lengths and velocity of IFT trains in different cilia types, with smaller cilia length correlating with lower IFT speed. They generate several mutants and show that disrupting function of different kinesin-2 motors and BBSome or altering post translational modifications of tubulin does not have a significant impact on IFT velocity. They however observe that when the amount of IFT88 is reduced it impacts the cilia length, IFT velocity as well as the number and size of IFT trains. They also show that IFT train size is slightly smaller in one of the organs with shorter cilia (spinal cord). Based on their observations they propose that IFT velocity determines cilia length and go one step further to propose that IFT velocity is regulated by the size of IFT trains.


      The main highlight of this study is the direct visualization of IFT dynamics in multiple organs of a living complex multi-cellular organism, zebrafish. The quality of the imaging is really good. Further, the authors have developed phenomenal resources to study IFT in zebrafish which would allow us to explore several mechanisms involved in IFT regulation in future studies. They make some interesting findings in mutants with disrupted function of kinesin-2, BBSome and tubulin modifying enzymes which are interesting to compare with cilia studies in other model organisms. Also, there observation of a possible link between cilia length and IFT speed is potentially fascinating.


      The central hypothesis of the manuscript, which is cilia length regulation occurs via controlling IFT speed through the modulation of the size of the IFT complex, is supported only with preliminary data and needs stronger evidence.<br /> The authors have robustly shown that the cilia length and IFT train speeds are highly variable between organs and have a strong correlation. With this they hypothesize that IFT train speeds could play a role in determining ciliary length, which is an interesting hypothesis that merits discussion. However, the claim that the cilia length (and IFT velocity) in different organs is different due to difference in the sizes of IFT trains is based on weak evidence. This is based on a marginal difference of IFT train sizes they observe between cilia of crista and spinal cord in immunofluorescence experiments (Fig. 5C). Inferring that this minor difference is key to the striking difference in cilia length and IFT velocity is too bold in my opinion.<br /> To back this hypothesis, they look at ift88 morphants where there is a reduced pool of IFT88 (part of the IFTB1 complex which forms the core of IFT trains, based on multiple cryo-EM studies of IFT trains). Disruption (or reduced number) of IFTB1 complex could indeed lead to IFT trains not being formed properly, which can have an impact on IFT (train size, speed, frequency, etc.) and ciliary structure, as shown by the authors. However, this does not directly imply that under wild-type conditions, cilia in spinal cord have poorly formed slightly shorter IFT trains (cilia length ˜0.9 µm in spinal cord vs ˜1.2 µm in cristae; Fig. 3G) which results in strikingly lower speeds (˜0.4 µm/s in spinal cord vs ˜1.6 µm/s in cristae; Fig. 3G) and shorter cilia (˜3µm in spinal cord vs ˜26µm in cristae; Fig. 3H). Such a claim would require much stronger evidence.

      Finally, if IFT train speeds directly correlate with size of IFT train, the authors should be able to see this within the same cilia, i.e., the velocity of a brighter IFT train (larger train) would be higher than the velocity of a dimmer IFT train (smaller train) within the same cilia. This is not apparent from the movies and such a correlation should be verified to make their claim stronger.


      Overall, I think this work develops an exciting new multicellular model organism to study IFT mechanisms. Zebrafish is a vertebrate where we can perform genetic modifications with relative ease. This could be an ideal model to study not just the role of IFT in connection with ciliary function but also ciliopathies. Further, from an evolutionary perspective, it is fascinating to compare IFT mechanisms in zebrafish with unicellular protists like Chlamydomonas, simple multicellular organisms like C elegans and primary mammalian cell cultures. Having said that, the central hypothesis of the manuscript in not backed with strong evidence and I would recommend the authors to not give too much weight on the hypothesis that IFT train velocity is determined by the size of IFT trains. Given the technological advancements made in this study, I think it is fine if it is a descriptive manuscript and doesn't necessarily need a breakthrough hypothesis based on the marginal correlation they observe.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In the manuscript titled "Benchmarking tRNA-Seq quantification approaches by realistic tRNA-Seq data simulation identifies two novel approaches with higher accuracy," Tom Smith and colleagues conducted a comparative evaluation of various sequencing-based tRNA quantification methods. The inherent challenges in accurately quantifying tRNA transcriptional levels, stemming from their short sequences (70-100nt), extensive redundancy (~600 copies in human genomes with numerous isoacceptors and isodecoders), and potential for over 100 post-transcriptional chemical modifications, necessitate sophisticated approaches. Several wet-experimental methods (QuantM-tRNA, mim-tRNA, YAMAT, DM-tRNA, and ALL-tRNA) combined with bioinformatics tools (bowtie2-based, SHRiMP, and mimseq) have been proposed for this purpose. However, their practical strengths and weaknesses have not been comprehensively explored to date. In this study, the authors systematically assessed and compared these methods, considering factors such as incorrect alignments, multiple alignments, misincorporated bases (experimental errors), truncated reads, and correct assignments. Additionally, the authors introduced their own bioinformatic approaches (referred to as Decision and Salmon), which, while not without flaws (as perfection is unattainable), exhibit significant improvements over existing methods.


      The manuscript meticulously compares tRNA quantification methods, offering a comprehensive exploration of each method's relative performance using standardized evaluation criteria. Recognizing the absence of "ground-truth" data, the authors generated in silico datasets mirroring common error profiles observed in real tRNA-seq data. Through the utilization of these datasets, the authors gained insights into prevalent sources of tRNA read misalignment and their implications for accurate quantification. Lastly, the authors proposed their own downstream analysis pipelines (Salmon and Decision), enhancing the manuscript's utility.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      This paper describes proteome solubility analysis (PISA) of 96 compounds in living cells and 70 compounds in cell lysates. A wealth of information related to on- and off-target engagement is uncovered. This work fits well the eLife profile, will be of interest to a large community of proteomics researchers, and thus is likely to be reasonably highly cited.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript of Odermatt et al. investigates the volatiles released by two species of Desmodium plants and the response of herbivores to maize plants alone or in combination with these species. The results show that Desmodium releases volatiles in both the laboratory and the field. Maize grown in the laboratory also released volatiles, in a similar range. While female moths preferred to oviposit on maize, the authors found no evidence that Desmodium volatiles played a role in lowering attraction to or oviposition on maize.


      The manuscript is a response to recently published papers that presented conflicting results with respect to whether Desmodium releases volatiles constitutively or in response to biotic stress, the level at which such volatiles are released, and the behavioral effect it has on the fall armyworm. These questions are relevant as Desmodium is used in a textbook example of pest-suppressive sustainable intercropping technology called push-pull, which has supported tens of thousands of smallholder farmers in suppressing moth pests in maize. A large number of research papers over more than two decades have implied that Desmodium suppresses herbivores in push-pull intercropping through the release of large amounts of volatiles that repel herbivores. This premise has been questioned in recent papers. Odermatt et al. thus contribute to this discussion by testing the role of odors in oviposition choice. The paper confirms that ovipositing FAW preferred maize, and also confirmed that odors released from Desmodium appeared not important in their bioassays.

      The paper is a welcome addition to the literature and adds quality headspace analyses of Desmodium from the laboratory and the field. Furthermore, the authors, some of whom have since long contributed to developing push-pull, also find that Desmodium odors are not significant in their choice between maize plants. This advances our knowledge of the mechanisms through which push-pull suppresses herbivores, which is critically important to evolving the technique to fit different farming systems and translating this mechanism to fit with other crops and in other geographical areas.


      Below I outline the major concerns:

      (1) Clear induction of the experimental plants, and lack of reflective discussion around this: from literature data and previous studies of maize and Desmodium, it is clear that the plants used in this study, particularly the Desmodium, were induced. Maize appeared to be primarily manually damaged, possibly due to sampling (release of GLV, but little to no terpenoids, which is indicative of mostly physical stress and damage, for example, one of the coauthor's own paper Tamiru et al. 2011), whereas Desmodium releases a blend of many compounds (many terpenoids indicative of herbivore induction). Erdei et al. also clearly show that under controlled conditions maize, silver leaf and green leaf Desmodium release volatiles in very low amounts. While the condition of the plants in Odermatt et al. may be reflective of situations in push-pull fields, the authors should elaborate on the above in the discussion (see comments) such that the readers understand that the plant's condition during the experiments. This is particularly important because it has been assumed that Desmodium releases typical herbivore-induced volatiles constitutively, which is not the case (see Erdei et al. 2024). This reflection is currently lacking in the manuscript.

      (2) Lack of controls that would have provided context to the data: The experiments lack important controls that would have helped in the interpretation:

      (2a) The authors did not control the conditions of the plants. To understand the release of volatiles and their importance in the field, the authors should have included controlled herbivory in both maize and Desmodium. This would have placed the current volatile profiles in a herbivory context. Now the volatile measurements hang in midair, leading to discussions that are not well anchored (and should be rephrased thoroughly, see eg lines 183-188). It is well known that maize releases only very low levels of volatiles without abiotic and biotic stressors. However, this changes upon stress (GLVs by direct, physical damage and eg terpenoids upon herbivory, see above). Erdei et al. confirm this pattern in Desmodium. Not having these controls, means that the authors need to put the data in the context of what has been published (see above).

      (2b) It would also have been better if the authors had sampled maize from the field while sampling Desmodium. Together with the above point (inclusion of herbivore-induced maize and Desmodium), the levels of volatile release by Desmodium would have been placed into context.

      (2c) To put the volatiles release in the context of push-pull, it would have been important to sample other plants which are frequently used as intercrop by smallholder farmers, but which are not considered effective as push crops, particularly edible legumes. Sampling the headspace of these plants, both 'clean' and herbivore-induced, would have provided a context to the volatiles that Desmodium (induced) releases in the field - one would expect unsuccessful push crops to not release any of these 'bioactive' volatiles (although 'bioactive' should be avoided) if these odors are responsible for the pest suppressive effect of Desmodium. Many edible intercrops have been tested to increase the adoption of push-pull technology but with little success.

      Because of the lack of the above, the conclusions the authors can draw from their data are weakened. The data are still valuable in the current discussion around push-pull, provided that a proper context is given in the discussion along the points above.

      (3) 'Tendency' of the authors to accept the odor hypothesis (i.e. that Desmodium odors are responsible for repelling FAW and thereby reduce infestation in maize under push-pull management) in spite of their own data: The authors tested the effects of odor in oviposition choice, both in a cage assay and in a 'wind tunnel'. From the cage experiments, it is clear that FAW preferred maize over Desmodium, confirming other reports (including Erdei et al. 2024). However, when choosing between two maize plants, one of which was placed next to Desmodium to which FAW has no tactile (taste, structure, etc), FAW chose equally. Similarly in their wind tunnel setup (this term should not be used to describe the assay, see below), no preference was found either between maize odor in the presence or absence of Desmodium. This too confirms results obtained by Erdei et al. (but add an important element to it by using Desmodium plants that had been induced and released volatiles, contrary to Erdei et al. 2024). Even though no support was found for repellency by Desmodium odors, the authors in many instances in the manuscript (lines 30-33, 164-169, 202, 279, 284, 304-307, 311-312, 320) appear to elevate non-significant tendencies as being important. This is misleading readers into thinking that these interactions were significant and in fact confirming this in the discussion. The authors should stay true to their own data obtained when testing the hypothesis of whether odors play a role in the pest-suppressive effect of push-pull.

      (4) Oviposition bioassay: with so many assays in close proximity, it is hard to certify that the experiments are independent. Please discuss this in the appropriate place in the discussion.

      (5) The wind tunnel has a number of issues (besides being poorly detailed):

      (5a) The setup which the authors refer to as a 'wind tunnel' does not qualify as a wind tunnel. First, there is no directional flow: there are two flows entering the setup at opposite sides. Second, the flow is way too low for moths to orient in (in a wind tunnel wind should be presented as a directional cue. Only around 1.5 l/min enters the wind tunnel in a volume of 90 l approximately, which does not create any directional flow. Solution: change 'wind tunnel' throughout the text to a dual choice setup /assay.

      (5b) There is no control over the flows in the flight section of the setup. It is very well possible that moths at the release point may only sense one of the 'options'. Please discuss this.

      (5c) Too low a flow (1,5 l per minute) implies a largely stagnant air, which means cross-contamination between experiments. An experiment takes 5 minutes, but it takes minimally 1.5 hours at these flows to replace the flight chamber air (but in reality much longer as the fresh air does not replace the old air, but mixes with it). The setup does not seem to be equipped with e.g. fans to quickly vent the air out of the setup. See comments in the text. Please discuss the limitations of the experimental setup at the appropriate place in the discussion.

      (5d) The stimulus air enters through a tube (what type of tube, diameter, length, etc) containing pressurized air (how was the air obtained into bags (type of bag, how is it sealed?), and the efflux directly into the flight chamber (how, nozzle?). However, it seems that there is no control of the efflux. How was leakage prevented, particularly how the bags were airtight sealed around the plants?

      (5e) The plants were bagged in very narrowly fitting bags. The maize plants look bent and damaged, which probably explains the GLVs found in the samples. The Desmodium in the picture (Figure 5 supplement), which we should assume is at least a representative picture?) appears to be rather crammed into the bag with maize and looks in rather poor condition to start with (perhaps also indicating why they release these volatiles?). It would be good to describe the sampling of the plants in detail and explain that the way they were handled may have caused the release of GLVs.

      (6) Figure 1 seems redundant as a main figure in the text. Much of the information is not pertinent to the paper. It can be used in a review on the topic. Or perhaps if the authors strongly wish to keep it, it could be placed in the supplemental material.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Summary & Assessment:

      The catalytic core of the eukaryotic decapping complex consists of the decapping enzyme DCP2 and its key activator DCP1. In humans, there are two paralogs of DCP1, DCP1a and DCP1b, that are known to interact with DCP2 and recruit additional cofactors or coactivators to the decapping complex; however, the mechanisms by which DCP1 activates decapping and the specific roles of DCP1a versus DCP1b, remain poorly defined. In this manuscript, the authors used CRISPR/Cas9-generated DCP1a/b knockout cells to begin to unravel some of the differential roles for human DCP1a and DCP1b in mRNA decapping, gene regulation, and cellular metabolism. While this manuscript presents some new and interesting observations on human DCP1 (e.g. human DCP1a/b KO cells are viable and can be used to investigate DCP1 function; only the EVH1 domain, and not its disordered C-terminal region which recruits many decapping cofactors, is apparently required for efficient decapping in cells; DCP1a and b target different subsets of mRNAs for decay and may regulate different aspects of metabolism), there is one key claim about the role of DCP1 in regulating DCP2-mediated decapping that is still incompletely or inconsistently supported by the presented data in this revised version of the manuscript.

      Strengths & well-supported claims:

      • Through in vivo tethering assays in CRISPR/Cas9-generated DCP1a/b knockout cells, the authors show that DCP1 depletion leads to significant defects in decapping and the accumulation of capped, deadenylated mRNA decay intermediates.<br /> • DCP1 truncation experiments reveal that only the EVH1 domain of DCP1 is necessary to rescue decapping defects in DCP1a/b KO cells.<br /> • RNA and protein immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that DCP1 acts as a scaffold to help recruit multiple decapping cofactors to the decapping complex (e.g. EDC3, DDX6, PATL1 PNRC1, and PNRC2), but that none of these cofactors are essential for DCP2-mediated decapping in cells.<br /> • The authors investigated the differential roles of DCP1a and DCP1b in gene regulation through transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis and found that these DCP1 paralogs target different mRNA transcripts for decapping and have different roles in cellular metabolism and their apparent links to human cancers. (Although I will note that I can't comment on the experimental details and/or rigor of the transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses, as these are outside my expertise.)

      Weaknesses & incompletely supported claims:

      (1) One of the key mechanistic claims of the paper is that "DCP1a can regulate DCP2's cellular decapping activity by enhancing DCP2's affinity to RNA, in addition to bridging the interactions of DCP2 with other decapping factors. This represents a pivotal molecular mechanism by which DCP1a exerts its regulatory control over the mRNA decapping process." Similar versions of this claim are repeated in the abstract and discussion sections. However, this claim appears to be at odds with the observations that: (a) in vitro decapping assays with immunoprecipitated DCP2 show that DCP1 knockout does not significantly affect the enzymatic activity of DCP2 (Fig 2C&D; I note that there may be a very small change in DCP2 activity shown in panel D, but this may be due to slightly different amounts of immunoprecipitated DCP2 used in the assay); and (b) the authors show only weak changes in relative RNA levels immunoprecipitated by DCP2 with versus without DCP1 (~2-3 fold change in Fig 3H, where expression of the EVH1 domain, previously shown in this manuscript to fully rescue the DCP1 KO decapping defects in cells, looks to be almost within error of the control in terms of increasing RNA binding). If DCP1 pivotally regulates decapping activity by enhancing RNA binding to DCP2, why is no difference in in vitro decapping activity observed in the absence of DCP1, and very little change observed in the amounts of RNA immunoprecipitated by DCP2 with the addition of the DCP1 EVH1 domain?

      In the revised manuscript and in their response to initial reviews, the authors rightly point out that in vivo effects may not always be fully reflected by or recapitulated in in vitro experiments due to the lack of cellular cofactors and simpler environment for the in vitro experiment, as compared to the complex environment in the cell. I fully agree with this of course! And further completely agree with the authors that this highlights the critical importance of in cell experiments to investigate biological functions and mechanisms! However, because the in vitro kinetic and IP/binding data both suggest that the DCP1 EVH1 domain has minimal to no effects on RNA decapping or binding affinity, while the in cell data suggest the EVH1 domain alone is sufficient to rescue large decapping defects in DCP1a/b KO cells (and that all the decapping cofactors tested were dispensable for this), I would argue there is insufficient evidence here to make a claim that (maybe weakly) enhanced RNA binding induced by DCP1 is what is regulating the cellular decapping activity. Maybe there are as-yet-untested cellular cofactors that bind to the EVH1 domain of DCP1 that change either RNA recruitment or the kinetics of RNA decapping in cells; we can't really tell from the presented data so far. Furthermore, even if it is the case that the EVH1 domain modestly enhances RNA binding to DCP2, the authors haven't shown that this effect is what actually regulates the large change in DCP2 activity upon DCP1 KO observed in the cell.

      Overall, while I absolutely appreciate that there are many possible reasons for the differences observed in the in vitro versus in cell RNA decapping and binding assays, because this discrepancy between those data exists, it seems difficult to draw any clear conclusions about the actual mechanisms by which DCP1 helps regulate RNA decapping by DCP2. For example, in the cell it could be that DCP1 enhances RNA binding, or recruits unidentified cofactors that themselves enhance RNA binding, or that DCP1 allosterically enhances DCP2-mediated decapping kinetics, or a combination of these, etc; my point is that without in vitro data that clearly support one of those mechanisms and links this mechanism back to cellular DCP2 decapping activity (for example, in cell data that show EVH1 mutants that impair RNA binding fail to rescue DCP1 KO decapping defects), it's difficult to attribute the observed in cell effects of DCP1a/b KO and rescue by the EVH1 domain directly to enhancement of RNA binding (precisely because, as the authors describe, the decapping process and regulation may be very complex in the cell!).

      This contradiction between the in vitro and in-cell decapping data undercuts one of the main mechanistic takeaways from the first half of the paper; I still think this conclusion is overstated in the revised manuscript.

      Additional minor comment:

      • Related to point (1) above, the kinetic analysis presented in Fig 2C shows that the large majority of transcript is mostly decapped at the first 5 minute timepoint; it may be that DCP2-mediated decapping activity is actually different in vitro with or without DCP1, but that this is being missed because the reaction is basically done in less than 5 minutes under the conditions being assayed (i.e. these are basically endpoint assays under these conditions). It may be that if kinetics were done under conditions to slow down the reaction somewhat (e.g. lower Dcp2 concentration, lower temperatures), so that more of the kinetic behavior is captured, the apparent discrepancy between in vitro and in-cell data would be much less. Indeed, previous studies have shown that in yeast, Dcp1 strongly activates the catalytic step (kcat) of decapping by ~10-fold, and reduces the KM by only ~2 fold (Floor et al, NSMB 2010). It might be beneficial to use purified proteins here, if possible, to better control reaction conditions.

      In their response to initial reviews, the authors comment that they tried to purify human DCP2 from E coli, but were unable to obtain active enzyme in this way. Fair enough! I will only comment that just varying the relative concentration of immunoprecipitated DCP2 would likely be enough to slow down the reaction and see if activity differences are seen in different kinetic regimes, without the need to obtain fully purified / recombinant Dcp2.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Das and Menon describe an analysis of a large open-source iEEG dataset (UPENN-RAM). From encoding and recall phases of memory tasks, they analyzed power and phase-transfer entropy as a measure of directed information flow in regions across a hypothesized tripartite network system. The anterior insula (AI) was found to have heightened high gamma power during encoding and retrieval, which corresponded to suppression of high gamma power in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) during encoding but not recall. In contrast, directed information flow from (but not to) AI to mPFC and PCC is high during both time periods when PTE is analyzed with broadband but not narrowband activity. They claim that these findings significantly advance an understanding of how network communication facilitates cognitive operations during memory tasks, and that the AI of the salience network (SN) is responsible for influencing both the frontoparietal network (FPN) and default-mode network (DMN) during memory encoding and retrieval.

      I find this question interesting and important and agree with the authors that iEEG presents a unique opportunity to investigate the temporal dynamics within network nodes. Their findings convey intriguing information about the structure and order of communication between network regions during on-task cognition in general (though, perhaps not specific to memory - see Weaknesses), with the AI of the SN ostensibly playing an important role in possibly influencing the DMN and FPN.


      - The authors present results from an impressively-sized iEEG sample. For reader context, this type of invasive human data is difficult and time-consuming to collect and many similar studies in high-level journals include 5-20 participants, typically not all of whom have electrodes in all regions of interest. It is excellent that they have been able to leverage open-source data in this way.<br /> - Preprocessing of iEEG data also seems sensible and appropriate based on field standards.<br /> - The authors tackle the replication issues inherent in much of the literature by replicating findings across task contexts, demonstrating that the principles of network communication evidenced by their results generalize in multiple task memory contexts. Again, the number of iEEG patients who have multiple tasks' worth of data is impressive.<br /> - Though the revised manuscript presents a broader and more novel investigation of the tripartite network's role in memory encoding and retrieval (as opposed to cognitive control of memory) the authors now thoroughly review the literature motivating this investigation of open-source data.


      - As the authors discuss, it is currently unclear if the directed information flow from AI to DMN and FPN nodes truly arises from memory-associated processes as opposed to more general attentional and cognitive demands, especially given that information flow does not relate meaningfully to task performance (whether memory retrieval is successful or not). I also note this is a concern because - though the authors have now demonstrated that information flow is increased compared to an off-task baseline - influences of AI on DMN or FPN were not increased relative to baseline epochs during the task in the original preprint version, again suggesting these effects may not be specific to the memory component of the analyzed tasks. The authors have thoughtfully noted in the Discussion several ways that experimental design can be improved in future studies to address this limitation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      The authors survey the ultrastructural organization of glutamatergic synapses by cryo-ET and image processing tools using two complementary experimental approaches. The first approach employs so-called "ultra-fresh" preparations of brain homogenates from a knock-in mouse expressing a GFP-tagged version of PSD-95, allowing Peukes and colleagues to specifically target excitatory glutamatergic synapses. In the second approach, direct in-tissue (using cortical and hippocampal regions) targeting of the glutamatergic synapses employing the same mouse model is presented. In order to ascertain whether the isolation procedure causes any significant changes in the ultrastructural organization (and possibly synaptic macromolecular organization) the authors compare their findings using both of these approaches. The quantitation of the synaptic cleft height reveals an unexpected variability, while the STA analysis of the ionotropic receptors provides insights into their distribution with respect to the synaptic cleft.

      The main novelty of this study lies in the continuous claims by the authors that the sample preservation methods developed here are superior to any others previously used. This leads them as well to systematically downplay or directly ignore a substantial body of previous cryo-ET studies of synaptic structure. Without comparisons with the cryo-ET literature, it is very hard to judge the impact of this work in the field. Furthermore, the data does not show any better preservation in the so-called "ultra-fresh" preparation than in the literature, perhaps to the contrary as synapses with strangely elongated vesicles are often seen. Such synapses have been regularly discarded for further analysis in previous synaptosome studies (e.g. Martinez-Sanchez 2021). Whilst the targeting approach using a fluorescent PSD95 marker is novel and seems sufficiently precise, the authors use a somewhat outdated approach (cryo-sectioning) to generate in-tissue tomograms of poor quality. To what extent such tomograms can be interpreted in molecular terms is highly questionable. The authors also don't discuss the physiological influence of 20% dextran used for high-pressure freezing of these "very native" specimens.

      Lastly, a large part of the paper is devoted to image analysis of the PSD which is not convincing (including a somewhat forced comparison with the fixed and heavy-metal staining room temperature approach). Despite being a technically challenging study, the results fall short of expectations.

    1. Joint Public Review:


      Based on i) the documented role of FMNL1 proteins in IS formation; ii) their ability to regulate F-actin dynamics; iii) the implication of PKCdelta in MVB polarization to the IS and FMNL1beta phosphorylation; and iv) the homology of the C-terminal DAD domain of FMNL1beta with FMNL2, where a phosphorylatable serine residue regulating its auto-inhibitory function had been previously identified, the authors have addressed the role of S1086 in the FMNL1beta DAD domain in F-actin dynamics, MVB polarization and exosome secretion, and investigated the potential implication of PKCdelta, which they had previously shown to regulate these processes, in FMNL1beta S1086 phosphorylation. They demonstrate that FMNL1beta is indeed phosphorylated on S1086 in a PKCdelta-dependent manner and that S1086-phosphorylated FMNL1beta acts downstream of PKCdelta to regulate centrosome and MVB polarization to the IS and exosome release. They provide evidence that FMNL1beta accumulates at the IS where it promotes F-actin clearance from the IS center, thus allowing for MVB secretion.


      The work is based on a solid rationale, which includes previous findings by the authors establishing a link between PKCdelta, FMNL1beta phosphorylation, synaptic F-actin clearance and MVB polarization to the IS. The authors have thoroughly addressed the working hypotheses using robust tools. Among these, of particular value is an expression vector that allows for simultaneous RNAi-based knockdown of the endogenous protein of interest (here all FMNL1 isoforms) and expression of wild-type or mutated versions of the protein as YFP-tagged proteins to facilitate imaging studies. The imaging analyses, which are the core of the manuscript, have been complemented by immunoblot and immunoprecipitation studies, as well as by the measurement of exosome release (using a transfected MVB/exosome reporter to discriminate exosomes secreted by T cells).


      As stated in the title of the article, the main findings have been obtained in clones of Jurkat cells and have not been confirmed in primary T cells.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This is an important contribution to the field of molecular embryology of the lung. The authors introduce a novel mesenchymally expressed molecule Svep1. Knocking it out in mice produces a profoundly hypoplastic phenotype which can be rescued in vitro. Svep1 interacts with the FGF signaling complex to control differentiation and expression of smooth muscle in lung mesenchyme, thereby affecting proximal-distal patterning of the airway branches by acting as a putative branch suppressor.


      The study shows strong evidence in mouse knockouts, in vitro embryonic lung culture as well as gene expression and in vitro rescue studies that confirm a key role for Svep1. It is a beautiful piece of work and an important contribution to our understanding of early lung branching morphogenesis.


      Claiming a possible therapeutic role for this gene is a bit far-fetched at the present state of the art.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Zhang et al. analyzed 17 specimens of Cindarella eucalla with 3D technology and discussed the anatomical findings, the relationship to other artiopods, and the ecology of the animal. The results are excellent and the findings are very interesting. However, the discussion needs to be extended, as the point the authors are trying to make is not always clear. I also recommend some restructuring of the discussion. Overall this is an important manuscript, and I'm looking forward to reading the edited version.


      The analyses, the 3D data is excellent and provides new information.


      The discussion - the authors provide information for the findings, but do not discuss them in detail. More information is needed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In this work, a screening platform is presented for rapid and cost-effective screening of candidate genes involved in Fragile Bone Disorders. The authors validate the approach of using crispants, generating FO mosaic mutants, to evaluate the function of specific target genes in this particular condition. The design of the guide RNAs is convincingly described, while the effectiveness of the method is evaluated to 60% to 92% of the respective target genes being presumably inactivated. Thus, injected F0 larvae can be directly used to investigate the consequences of this inactivation.

      Skeletal formation is then evaluated at 7dpf and 14dpf, first using a transgenic reporter line revealing fluorescent osteoblasts, and second using alizarin-red staining of mineralized structures. In general, it appears that the osteoblast-positive areas are more often affected in the crispants compared to the mineralized areas, an observation that appears to correlate with the observed reduced expression of bglap, a marker for mature osteoblasts, and the increased expression of col1a1a in more immature osteoblasts.

      Finally, the injected fish (except two lines that revealed high mortality) are also analyzed at 90dpf, using alizarin red staining and micro-CT analysis, revealing an increased incidence of skeletal deformities in the vertebral arches, fractures, as well as vertebral fusions and compressions for all crispants except those for daam2. Finally, the Tissue Mineral Density (TMD) as determined by micro-CT is proposed as an important marker for investigating genes involved in osteoporosis.

      Taken together, this manuscript is well presented, the data are clear and well analyzed, and the methods are well described. It makes a compelling case for using the crispant technology to screen the function of candidate genes in a specific condition, as shown here for bone disorders.


      Strengths are the clever combination of existing technologies from different fields to build a screening platform. All the required methods are comprehensively described.


      One may have wished to bring one or two of the crispants to the stage of bona fide mutants, to confirm the results of the screening, however, this is done for some of the tested genes as laid out in the discussion.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      In the submitted manuscript, Solomon et al carefully detail shifts in tissue-specific myeloid populations associated with trained immunity using intraperitoneal BCG injection as a model for induction. They define the kinetics of shifts in myeloid populations within the spleen and the transcriptional response associated with IP BCG exposure. In lineage tracing experiments, they demonstrate that tissue-resident macrophages, red-pulp macrophages (RPM) that are rapidly depleted after BCG exposure, are replenished from recruited monocytes and expansion of tissue-resident cells; they use transcriptional profiling to characterize those cells. In contrast to previous descriptions of BCG-driven immune training, they do not find BCG in the bone marrow in their model, suggesting that there is not direct training of myeloid precursor populations in the bone marrow. They then link the observed trained immunity phenotype (restriction of heterologous infection with ST) with early activation of STAT1 through IFN-γ.


      The work includes careful detaining of shifts and origins of myeloid populations within tissue associated with trained immunity and is a meaningful advance for the field. Given that the temporality of exposure relative to trained immunity phenotypes is a major focus of the work, there are some additional experiments that would make the work stronger.


      (1) The contribution of persistent BCG in spleen to the observed trained immunity phenotypes is not clear: The trained immunity phenotypes are interpreted as being driven by the early (within days) response to BCG exposure. While the fedratinib data generally support this interpretation, the authors show that BCG remains present in spleen albeit at low levels all the way out to 60 days post exposure. Given that the focus in the paper is on tissue-specific immune training, it would be helpful to know whether the ongoing presence of BCG at low levels in the profiled tissue contributes to the trained immunity phenotypes observed.

      (2) Unclear temporality of STAT1/IFN-γ requirement for the trained immunity phenotype: The data demonstrate that STAT1/IFN-γ are required at the earliest time points post-BCG exposure for trained immunity to be initiated. Related to the point about BCG above, it would be helpful to understand whether this is a specifically time-limited requirement when trained immunity is first induced, or whether ongoing signaling through this axis is required for maintenance of the observed trained immunity phenotypes.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Here, the authors are proposing a role for miR-196, a microRNA that has been shown to bind and enhance the degradation of mRNA targets in the regulation of cell processes, and has a novel role in allowing the emergence of CD19+ cells in cells in which Ebf1, a critical B-cell transcription factor, has been genetically removed.


      That over-expression of mR-195 can allow the emergence of CD19+ cells missing Ebf1 is somewhat novel.

      Their data does perhaps support to a degree the emergence of a transcriptional network that may bypass the absence of Ebf1, including the FOXO1 transcription factor, but this data is not strong or definitive.


      It is unclear whether this observation is in fact physiological. When the authors analyse a knockout model of miR-195, there is not much of a change in the B-cell phenotype. Their findings may therefore be an artefact of an overexpression system.

      The authors have provided insufficient data to allow a thorough appraisal of the step-wise molecular changes that could account for their observed phenotype.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Perlee et al. sought to generate a zebrafish line where CRISPR-based gene editing is exclusively limited to the melanocyte lineage, allowing assessment of cell-type restricted gene knockouts. To achieve this, they knocked in Cas9 to the endogenous mitfa locus, as mitfa is a master regulator of melanocyte development. The authors use multiple candidate genes - albino, sox10, tuba1a, ptena/ptenb, tp53 - to demonstrate their system induces lineage-restricted gene editing. This method allows researchers to bypass embryonic lethal and non-cell autonomous phenotypes emerging from whole body knockout (sox10, tuba1a), drive directed phenotypes, such as depigmentation (albino), and induce lineage-specific tumors, such as melanomas (ptena/ptenb, tp53, when accompanied with expression of BRAFV600E). While the genetic approaches are solid, the argued increase in efficiency of this model compared to current tools was untested, and therefore unable to be assessed. Furthermore, the mechanistic explanations proposed to underlie their phenotypes are mostly unfounded, as discussed further in the Weaknesses section. Despite these concerns, there is still a clear use for this genetic methodology and its implementation will be of value to many in vivo researchers.


      The strongest component of this manuscript is the genetic control offered by the mitfa:Cas9 system and the ability to make stable, lineage-specific knockouts in zebrafish. This is exemplified by the studies of tuba1a, where the authors nicely show non-cell autonomous mechanisms have obfuscated the role of this gene in melanocyte development. In addition, the mitfa:Cas9 system is elegantly straightforward and can be easily implemented in many labs. Mostly, the figures are clean, controls are appropriate, and phenotypes are reproducible. The invented method is a welcomed addition to the arsenal of genetic tools used in zebrafish.


      The major weaknesses of the manuscript include the overly bold descriptions of the value of the model and the superficial mechanistic explanations for each biological vignette.

      The authors argue that a major advantage of this system is its high efficiency. However, no direct comparison is made with other tools that achieve the same genetic control, such as MAZERATI. This is a missed opportunity to provide researchers the ability to evaluate these two similar genetic approaches. In addition, Fig.1 shows that not all melanocytes express Cas9. This is a major caveat that goes unaddressed. It is of paramount importance to understand the percentage of mitfa+ cells that express Cas9. The histology shown is unclear and too zoomed out of a scale to make any insightful conclusions, especially in Fig.S1. It would also be beneficial to see data regarding Cas9 expression in adult melanocytes, which are distinct from embryonic melanocytes in zebrafish. Moreover, this system still requires the injection of a plasmid encoding gRNAs of interest, which will yield mosaicism. A prime example of this discrepancy is in Fig.6, where sox10 is clearly still present in "sox10 KO" tumors.

      The authors argue that their model allows rapid manipulation of melanocyte gene expression. Enthusiasm for the speed of this model is diminished by minimal phenotypes in the F0, as exemplified in Fig.2. Although the authors say >90% of fish have loss of pigmentation, this is misleading as the phenotype is a very weak, partial loss. Only in the F1 generation do robust phenotypes emerge, which takes >6 months to generate. How this is more efficient than other tools that currently exist is unclear and should be discussed in more detail.

      In Figure 3, the authors find that melanocyte-specific knockout of sox10 leads to only a 25% reduction in melanocytes in the F1 generation. This is in contradiction to prior literature cited describing sox10 as indispensable for melanocyte development. In addition, the authors argue that sox10 is required for melanocyte regeneration. This claim is not accurate, as >50% of melanocytes killed upon neocuproine treatment can regenerate. This data would indicate that sox10 is required for only a subset of melanocytes to develop (Fig.3C) and for only a subset to regenerate (Fig.3G). This is an interesting finding that is not discussed or interrogated further.

      Tumor induction by this model is weak, as indicated by the tumor curves in Figs.5,6. This might be because these fish are mitfa heterozygous. Whereas the avoidance of mitfa overexpression driven by other models including MAZERATI is a benefit of this system, the effect of mitfa heterozygosity on tumor incidence was untested. This is an essential question unaddressed in the manuscript.

      In Fig.6, the authors recapitulate previous findings with their model, showing sox10 KO inhibits tumor onset. The tumors that do develop are argued to be highly invasive, have mesenchymal morphology, and undergo phenotypic switching from sox10 to sox9 expression. The data presented do not sufficiently support these claims. The histology is not readily suggestive of invasive, mesenchymal melanomas. Sox10 is still present in many cells and sox9 expression is only found in a small subset (<20%). Whether sox10-null cells are the ones expressing sox9 is untested. If sox9-mediated phenotypic switching is the major driver of these tumors, the authors would need to knockout sox9 and sox10 simultaneously and test whether these "rare" types of tumors still emerge. Additional histological and genetic evaluation is required to make the conclusions presented in Fig.6. It feels like a missed opportunity that the authors did not attempt to study genes of unknown contribution to melanoma with their system.

      Overall, this manuscript introduces a solid method to the arsenal of zebrafish genetic tools but falls short of justifying itself as a more efficient and robust approach than what currently exists. The mechanisms provided to explain observed phenotypes are tenuous. Nonetheless, the mitfa:Cas9 approach will certainly be of value to many in vivo biologists and lays the foundation to generate similar methods using other tissue-specific regulators and other Cas proteins.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study takes a detailed approach to understanding the effect of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) in the brain aging of females. Neuroimaging data from the UK Biobank is used to explore brain aging and shows an unexpected effect of current MHT use and poorer brain health outcomes relative to never users. There is considerable debate about the benefits of MHT and estrogens in particular for brain health, and this analysis illustrates that the effects are certainly not straightforward and require greater consideration.


      (1) The detailed approach to obtaining important information about MHT use from primary care records. Prior studies have suggested that factors such as estrogen/progestin type, route of administration, duration, and timing of use relative to menopause onset can contribute to whether MHT benefits brain health.

      (2) Consideration of type of menopause (spontaneous, or surgical) in the analysis, as well as sensitivity diagnoses to rule out the effect being driven by those with clinical conditions.

      (3) The incorporation of the brain age estimate along with hippocampal volume to address brain health.

      (4) The complex data are also well explained and interpretations are reasonable.

      (5) Limitations of the UK Biobank data are acknowledged


      (1) Lifestyle factors are listed and the authors acknowledge group differences (at least between current users and never users of MHT). I was not able to find these analyses showing these differences.

      (2) The distribution of women who were not menopausal was unequal across groups, and while the authors acknowledge this, one wonders to what extent this explains the observed findings.

      (3) While the interpretations are reasonable, and relevant theories (healthy cell & critical window) are mentioned, the discussion is missing a more zoomed-out perspective of the findings. While I appreciate wanting to limit speculation, the reader is left having to synthesize a lot of complex details on their own. A particularly difficult finding to reconcile is under what conditions these women benefit from MHT and when do they not (and why that may be).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper seeks to understand the upstream regulation and downstream effectors of glycolysis in retinal progenitor cells, using mouse retinal explants as the main model system. The paper presents evidence that high glycolysis in retinal progenitor cells is required for their proliferation and timely differentiation into photoreceptors. Retinal glycolysis increases after the deletion of Pten. The authors suggest that high glycolysis controls cell proliferation and differentiation by promoting intracellular alkalinization, beta-catenin acetylation and stabilization, and consequent activation of the canonical Wnt pathway.


      (1) The experiments showing that PFKFB3 overexpression is sufficient to increase the proliferation of retinal progenitors (which are already highly dividing cells) and photoreceptor differentiation are striking and the result is unanticipated. It suggests that glycolytic flux is normally limiting for proliferation in embryos.

      (2) Likewise the result that an increase in pH from 7.4 to 8.0 is sufficient to increase proliferation implies that pH regulation may have instructive roles in setting the tempo of retinal development and embryonic cell proliferation. Similarly, the results show that acetate supplementation increases proliferation (I think this result should be moved to the main figures).


      (1) Epistatic experiments to test if changes in pH mediate the effects of glycolysis on photoreceptor differentiation, or if Wnt activation is the main downstream effector of glycolysis in controlling differentiation are not presented.

      (2) It is likely that metabolism changes ex vivo vs in vivo, and therefore stable isotope tracing experiments in the explants may not reflect in vivo metabolism.

      (3) The retina at P0 is composed of both progenitors and differentiated cells. It is not clear if the results of the RNA-seq and metabolic analysis reflect changes in the metabolism of progenitors, or of mature cells, or changes in cell type composition rather than direct metabolic changes in a specific cell type.

      (4) The biochemical links between elevated glycolysis and pH and beta-catenin stability are unclear. White et al found that higher pH decreased beta-catenin stability (JCB 217: 3965) in contrast to the results here. Oginuma et al found that inhibition of glycolysis or beta-catenin acetylation does not affect beta-catenin stability (Nature 584:98), again in contrast to these results. Another paper showed that acidification inhibits Wnt signaling by promoting the expression of a transcriptional repressor and not via beta-catenin stability (Cell Discovery 4:37). There are also additional papers showing increased pH can promote cell proliferation via other mechanisms (e.g. Nat Metab 2:1212). It is possible that there is organ-specificity in these signaling pathways however some clarification of these divergent results is warranted.

      (5) The gene expression analysis is not completely convincing. E.g. the expression of additional glycolytic genes should be shown in Figure 1. It is not clear why Hk1 and Pgk1 are specifically shown, and conclusions about changes in glycolysis are difficult to draw from the expression of these two genes. The increase in glycolytic gene expression in the Pten-deficient retina is generally small.

      (6) Is it possible that glycolytic inhibition with 2DG slows down the development and production of most newly differentiated cells rather than specifically affecting photoreceptor differentiation?

      (7) Are the prematurely-born cells caused by PFKFB3 overexpression photoreceptors as assessed by morphology or markers (in addition to position)?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      Siddiqui et al., investigate the question of how bacterial metabolism contributes to the attraction of C. elegans to specific bacteria. They show that C. elegans prefers three bacterial species when cultured in a leucine-enriched environment. These bacterial species release more isoamyl alcohol, a known C. elegans attractant, when cultured with leucine supplement than without leucine supplement. The study shows correlative evidence that isoamyl alcohol is produced from leucine by the Ehrlich pathway. In addition, they show that SRD-12 is likely a receptor for isoamyl alcohol because a null mutant of this receptor exhibits lower chemotaxis to isoamyl alcohol and lower preference for leucine-enriched bacteria.


      (1) This study takes a creative approach to examine the question of what specific volatile chemicals released by bacteria may signify to C. elegans by examining both bacterial metabolism and C. elegans preference behavior. Although C. elegans has long been known to be attracted to bacterial metabolites, this study may be one of the first to examine the role of a specific bacterial metabolic pathway in mediating attraction.

      (2) A strength of the paper is the identification of SRD-12 as a likely receptor for isoamyl alcohol. The ligands for very few olfactory receptors have been identified in C. elegans and so this is a significant addition to the field. The srd-12 null mutant strain will likely be a useful reagent for many labs examining olfactory and foraging behaviors.


      (1) The authors write that the leucine metabolism via the Ehrlich pathway is required for the production of isoamyl alcohol by three bacteria (CEent1, JUb66, BIGb0170), but their evidence for this is correlation and not causation. They write that the gene ilvE is a bacterial homolog of the first gene in the yeast Ehrlich pathway (it would be good to include a citation for this) and that the gene is present in these three bacterial strains. In addition, they show that this gene, ilvE, is upregulated in CEent1 bacteria upon exposure to leucine. To show causation, they need to knockout ilvE from one of these strains, show that the bacteria does not have increased isoamyl alcohol production when cultured on leucine, and that the bacteria is no longer attractive to C. elegans.

      (2) The authors examine three bacterial strains that C. elegans showed increased preference when grown with leucine supplementation vs. without leucine supplementation. However, there also appears to be a strong preference for another strain, JUb0393, when grown on plus leucine (Figure 1B). It would be good to include statistics and criteria for selecting the three strains.

      3. Although the behavioral evidence that srd-12 gene encodes a receptor for isoamyl alcohol is compelling, it does not meet the standard for showing that it is an olfactory receptor in C. elegans. To show it is indeed a likely receptor one or more of the following should be done:<br /> (a) Calcium imaging of AWC neurons in response to isoamyl alcohol in the receptor mutant with the expectation that the response would be reduced or abolished in the mutant compared to wildtype.<br /> (b)"A receptor swap" experiment where the SRD-12 receptor is expressed in AWB repulsive neuron in SRD-12 receptor mutant background with the expectation that with receptor swap C. elegans will now be repulsed from isoamyl alcohol in chemotaxis assays (experiment from Sengupta et al., 1996 odr-10 paper).

      (4) The authors conclude that C. elegans cannot detect leucine in chemotaxis assays. It is important to add the method for how leucine chemotaxis assay was done in order to interpret these results. Because leucine is not volatile if leucine is put on the plates immediately before the worms are added (as in a traditional odor chemotaxis assay), there is no leucine gradient for the worm to detect. It would be good to put leucine on the plate several hours before worms are introduced so worms have the possibility to be able to detect the gradient of leucine (for example, see Wakabayashi et al., 2009).

      (5) The bacterial preference assay entitled "odor-only assay" is a misleading name. In the assay, C. elegans is exposed to both volatile chemicals (odors) and non-volatile chemicals because the bacteria are grown on the assay plate for 12 hours before the worms are introduced to the assay plate. In that time, the bacteria is likely releasing non-volatile metabolites into the plate which may affect the worm's preference. A true odor-only assay would have the bacteria on the lid and the worms on the plate.

      (6) The findings of the study should be discussed more in the context of prior literature. For example, AWC neurons have been previously shown to be involved in bacterial preference (Harris et al., 2014; Worthy et al., 2018). In addition, CeMbio bacterial strains (the strains examined in this study) have been previously shown to release isoamyl alcohol (Chai et al. 2024).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This study has as its goal to determine how the structure and function of the circuit that stabilizes gaze in the larval zebrafish depends on the presence of the output cells, the motor neurons. A major model of neural circuit development posits that the wiring of neurons is instructed by their postsynaptic cells, transmitting signals retrogradely on which cells to contact and, by extension, where to project their axons. Goldblatt et al. remove the motor neurons from the circuit by generating null mutants for the phox2a gene. The study then shows that, in this mutant that lacks the isl1-labelled extraocular motor neurons, the central projection neurons have 1) largely normal responses to vestibular input; 2) normal gross morphology; 3) minimally changed transcriptional profiles. From this, the authors conclude that the wiring of the circuit is not instructed by the output neurons, refuting the major model.


      I found the manuscript to be exceptionally well-written and presented, with clear and concise writing and effective figures that highlight key concepts. The topic of neural circuit wiring is central to neuroscience, and the paper's findings will interest researchers across the field, and especially those focused on motor systems.

      The experiments conducted are clever and of a very high standard, and I liked the systematic progression of methods to assess the different potential effects of removing phox2a on circuit structure and function. Analyses (including statistics) are comprehensive and appropriate and show the authors are meticulous and balanced in most of the conclusions that they draw. Overall, the findings are interesting and should leave little doubt about the paper's main conclusions.


      All conclusions are supported by the data, and the characterisation of the effects of the main manipulation in the study, removing phox2a to take out the extra-ocular motor neurons, is extensive. I cannot see weaknesses that affect the conclusions in this manuscript.

      The study raises interesting questions that could be addressed in future work, which would further explain how the projection neurons develop. While the cells that would have been extraocular motor neurons are still there in phox2a mutants, they can no longer be called motor neurons as they lack expression of vachta and isl1. It would therefore be interesting to see what an alternative manipulation, e.g., the physical removal of the motor neurons using laser ablation, would have. Furthermore, the motor neurons are dispensable for the projection neurons' wiring, but the projection neurons innervate several other cell types that could affect their development. A future project could determine the precise contribution of each postsynaptic population on the projection neurons' development.