- Feb 2020
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
Annotation is coming to scholarly content, but there are key choices to be made that will dramatically affect the collective outcome we achieve.
Be sure to click to open all annotations on this page! I continue to marvel at the ways that scholarly communication experiments with open annotation! For example Transparent Review in Preprints and the American Society of Plant Biologists' continuing experiments. And I continue to use annotation every day--how else would I reach 100K annotations? Click here to return to 100K post and try another adventure!
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
ASPB editors are adding some of the first annotations on The Plant Cell to provide links to related scholarly materials, including peer review reports, “in brief” companion articles, and — as in the example pictured below — author biographies. View a dynamic list of all annotations in ASBP’s open group.
It's fantastic to see ASPB continue to expand the use of annotation to promote engagement and transparency in their journals! And there are even more ways to use annotation in peer review!
- Feb 2019
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
peer review reports are published, either anonymously or with attribution;
American Society for Plant Biologists is using Hypothesis annotation to draw the reader's attention to Peer Review Reports, publications that were previously hidden in supplementary materials. An example can be found here. And a list of all articles where such annotations have been added can be found here.