12 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Jul 2024
    1. Adjustment screw for the Olympia SM3 on feet shift set up is just to the side of the ribbon spool/cup. Gerren indicates that he's never been able to do this adjustment properly with the typewriter body on, so it's much easier to do with it off.

      The bottom adjustment point (through the side of the frame) allows one to set the base line for the on foot for the lower case letters while the top one sets the upper case.

      Gerren credits Phoenix Typewriter for most of the material he's learned in terms of fixing typewriters.

      Bill at Philly Typewriter has an apprentice program, but there aren't many shops that do this. (Gerren makes a joke that it's free (child) labor.)

      Trip point adjustments

      The trip point is the point at which the typebar trips the movement of the escapement.

      The adjustment point for it is reachable by removing the small protecting plate on the bottom at the back of the machine. The escapement trigger is just underneath it.

      The lower one (top if the machine is upside down) is for the lower case; the top one is for the upper case.

      Screwing the screw in will cause the trip to occur sooner.

      Spacebar adjustment mechanisms [13:00]

      There are two, one set in the front of the bottom of the typewriter and two screws in the back, right near the escapement.

      If the spacebar is hit too many times while cleaning and repairing, the spacebar won't work properly and will need some minor adjustment when the body is put back on.

      He shows at the end how to remove the keytops of the individual keys.

      The final check is the shift lock mechanism to make sure its aligned properly.

  3. May 2024
    1. According to U.S. Census Bureau data released in 2022, more than 27.6 million people worked primarily from home in 2021. That’s triple the number of people working from home in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. Feb 2022
    1. This article is for those who want to keep traveling despite restrictions due to covid. Basically giving tips on how to navigate the multiple governmental restrictions and policies including links to airline or country websites for choosing destinations. Because of this trend in travel advice in covid times, we may see attitudes towards travel shift to travel knowing the risks involved (quarantine, masks requirements, etc.) and hence see tourism rise again. Last minute covid holiday packages. What if the trend for remaining home also stayed the same for next five years and the adventure seekers become the avatars for the folks who want to stay at home.

      The crisis is changing the way how people will enjoy their international holiday, with an extra concern on testing and quarantine expenses and risk taking. That may have an impact on the tourism market, asking the airline companies to provide flexible policies /products and may witness the booming of travel insurance market.

  5. Feb 2020
    1. Annotation is coming to scholarly content, but there are key choices to be made that will dramatically affect the collective outcome we achieve.

      Be sure to click to open all annotations on this page! I continue to marvel at the ways that scholarly communication experiments with open annotation! For example Transparent Review in Preprints and the American Society of Plant Biologists' continuing experiments. And I continue to use annotation every day--how else would I reach 100K annotations? Click here to return to 100K post and try another adventure!

  6. Jan 2020
  7. www.bigsurcamp.com www.bigsurcamp.com
    1. 4 people 54, 58, 60, 64, 66, 70, 101, A, B 

      4 person cabins

  8. Mar 2019
    1. Nine alternatives to lecturing This page briefly describes nine ways to teach other than lecture. Some of these are common, such as case study; others, such as a pro and con grid, are explained less often. This page, like the others I have bookmarked, is oriented toward teaching college students and adults.

  9. Jan 2018
    1. Irwin Consulting Services Review - Hur man ser till en säkrare vinter Road Trip

      Vintersäsongen ger skönheten i kallt och vitt natur. Många människor ser fram emot denna typ av väder eftersom de kan stanna insvept i sina filtar eller jackor hela dagen medan du dricker varm choklad och titta på bra filmer. Denna månad kan vara den mest spännande månaden för många familjer på grund av semesterperioden, och en massa människor gör sista minuten shopping och få alla sina förberedelser gjort. Med detta, många individer blir upptagen med sina bilar för att gå till olika ställen att köpa saker eller produkter som de behövde för sin jul-och nyårsfester. Andra har gjort utomhusaktiviteter med sina familjemedlemmar, vänner eller kollegor.

      Men oavsett vad orsaken är, att använda bilen under denna säsong kräver noggrann förberedelse för att undvika olyckor på vägen. Irwin konsulttjänster skulle vilja ge lite hjälp i detta avseende genom några användbara riktlinjer som klarlagts i nästa styckena.

      Överväg att byta till vinterdäck. Detta är ofta rekommenderas av många experter, särskilt under denna säsong, och det är även obligatoriskt på vissa platser i USA. Snö eller vinterdäck ger dragkraft som är bättre än alla andra däck när temperaturen är på eller under 7 grader Celsius. Sådan möjliggör större kontroll och kortare stoppsträckor på väg ytor under det kalla och snöiga vädret. Om du märker att några av dina familjemedlemmar, släktingar eller vänner inte äger denna typ av däck, då måste du råda dem att köpa några för sin egen säkerhet och för alla människor som kommer att rida med dem i sina bilar. Priset på denna typ av däck kan vara högre än andra, men du kan vara säker på att det är allt värt det i det långa loppet.

      Sätta drifter i beaktande när du är på väg. Du vill inte vara inblandad i några riskfyllda bil snurrar scenarier rätt? Det vore bäst att vara försiktig med snödrivor eftersom även om du kör på en tydlig väg, men med lite fart, kan starka vindar av vintern driva dessa drivor på den klara vägen, vilket kan leda till oönskade olyckor om du inte är uppmärksamma.

      Se till att locken är ordentligt täckta. För att förhindra fukt från frysning, måste du täcka däck ventiler. Gör detta, kan du undvika luft från att fly med locken ordentligt täckt och även förhindra att ha ett platt däck.

      Ge tillräcklig luft. Att gå ut ur huset och delta i långa resor med din bil kan vara en utmaning i vintersäsongen på grund av förändringen i temperaturer och andra relaterade aspekter. Om du vill möta de snöiga vägar beredda, då ofta kontrollera ditt däcktryck. Se till att inkludera detta villkor på ditt däck underhåll för att få däcken i sin bästa form även med låga temperaturer och högt lufttryck.

      Förberedelse är alltid nyckeln. Du kan inte vinna mot vinterväglag om du inte är beredd att möta dess konsekvenser. Ta med dig några hattar, vantar, och även en spade organiserade inuti din bil trunk. Inkludera i din vinter Driving kit en Kitty kull också eftersom det kan ge dragkraft till din bil på isiga eller snöiga vägar. Ta med en extra kanna av vinter vindrutespolarvätska samt särskilt under långa resor för att säkerställa synlighet.

      Förmedla kunskapen. Vissa tonåringar har oftast en mindre ordentlig förståelse av vinterväglag. Det är din plikt som vuxen att påminna dem om de centrala frågor att tänka på inför en snöig väg att upprätthålla sin säkerhet och sina unga liv. Irwin Consulting Services ville att du skulle vara deras väktare på vägen, och om du är en tonåring läser detta då alltid komma ihåg att vara förberedd och vara försiktig, och alltid lyssna på råd från dina äldre familjemedlemmar eller vänner.

      Dina däck har också sina gränser. Du bör ha tillräcklig kunskap för att identifiera när du ska ersätta dem för gott. Du kan ändra vinterdäck varannan till tre säsonger per designad av bil experter. Om du ville ge nytt syfte till din gamla däck, en däck samlare vet de bästa sätten, så bättre komma i kontakt med en i ditt grannskap.

      Irwin Consulting Services hade tidigare gett några tips och riktlinjer för hur man kan säkerställa inomhus och utomhus säkerhet under denna semester säsong, och denna artikel är en del av deras mål att ge användbar information till allmänheten att se till deras säkerhet under alla väderförhållanden.

    1. Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to make sure of a safer winter road trip

      Winter season brings in the beauty of cold and white nature. Many people look forward to this kind of weather because they can stay wrapped in their blankets or jackets the whole day while drinking hot chocolate and watching good movies. This month can be the most exciting month for many families because of the holiday season, and a lot of people are making last minute shopping and getting all their preparations done. With this, many individuals are getting busy using their cars to go to different places to buy things or products they needed for their Christmas and New Year celebrations. Others have been doing outdoor activities with their family members, friends or colleagues.

      But no matter what the reason is, using your car during this season requires careful preparation to avoid accidents on the road. Irwin Consulting Services would like to provide some help in this regard through some helpful guidelines elucidated in the next paragraphs.

      Consider changing into winter tires. This is often advised by many experts especially during this season, and it is even mandatory on particular places in the United States. Snow or winter tires provide traction that is better than all other tires when temperatures are at or below 7 degrees Celsius. Such allows greater control and shorter stopping distances on road surfaces during the cold and snowy weather. If you notice that some of your family members, relatives or friends don’t own this kind of tire, then you must advise them to buy some for their own safety and for all the people who will be riding with them in their cars. The price of this kind of tire can be higher than others but you can be certain that it is all worth it in the long run.

      Put drifts into consideration while you’re on the road. You don’t want to be involved in any risky car spins scenarios right? It would be best to be careful with snow drifts because even if you’re driving on a clear road but with some speed, strong winds of winter can push those drifts on the clear road, which can lead to unwanted accidents if you’re not paying attention.

      Make sure to properly cover the lids. In order to prevent moisture from freezing, you must cover the tire valves. Doing this, you can avoid air from escaping with the caps properly covered and also prevent having a flat tire.

      Provide sufficient air. Going out of the house and engaging in long trips with your car can be a challenge this winter season because of the change in temperatures and other related aspects. If you wish to face the snowy roads prepared, then often check your tire pressure. Make sure to include this condition on your tire maintenance to have the tires in its best shape even with low temperatures and high air pressure.

      Preparation is always the key. You can’t win against wintery roads if you’re not prepared to face its consequences. Bring with you some hats, mitts, and even a shovel organized inside your car trunk. Include in your winter driving kit a kitty litter too because it can provide traction to your car on icy or snowy roads. Bring an extra jug of winter windshield washer fluid as well especially during long trips to ensure visibility.

      Pass on the knowledge. Some teenagers usually have a less proper understanding of wintery roads. It is your duty as an adult to remind them about the pivotal matters to consider in facing a snowy road to maintain their safety and their young lives. Irwin Consulting Services wanted you to be their guardian on the road, and if you’re a teen reading this then always remember to be prepared and be careful, and always listen to the advice of your older family members or friends.

      Your tires also have its limits. You should have ample knowledge to identify when to replace them for good. You can change winter tires every two to three seasons as per advised by car experts. If you wanted to give new purpose to your old tires, a tire collector knows the best ways, so better get in touch with one within your neighborhood.

      Irwin Consulting Services had previously provided some tips and guidelines on how to ensure indoor and outdoor safety during this holiday season, and this article is part of their objective to give helpful information to the public in making sure of their safety during any weather conditions.

  10. May 2017
    1. It inspired his work at Google, where he led the creation of the historical map platform Field Trip, and then, the Pokémon Go precursor, Ingress.

      I loved field trip for Glass!

  11. Jul 2016
    1. Now onto the second half of this concept, Self-Assurance, this one involves more belief challenging, and trips a lot of people up as it uses the past, which we fought so hard to accept.