2 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. They are the sacrifices you are not willing to make to achieve a goal.

      About anti-goals

    2. They check many boxes for flow – the main characteristic that makes us addicted to video games. Challenge – A goal that is within reach and tests your skill. Skill – If your skill is too low for the challenge, you get anxious. If it is too high, you get bored, indicating that you need to choose a greater or lesser challenge rather than give up. Clarity – A hierarchy of greater to lesser goals makes it easier to start moving toward your vision for the future. Feedback – You know exactly when you are making progress and that feels good. You don’t feel trapped in a cycle of repetitive tasks that lead to nowhere. Rules – Rules or boundaries frame how you perceive the world. Your mind has more space to notice information that aids in the achievement of your goals. When you turn your life into a game, you become obsessed with progress.

      Gamify one's life to get progress if necessary. Integrate into systems.