- Dec 2024
cleantechnica.com cleantechnica.com
Among other projects, ESS is providing its iron-based flow battery to the Nigerian firm Sapele Power, for use at a power plant. The goal is to cut the widespread use of diesel backup generators in Nigeria, by improving efficiency at the power plant.
Flow batteries are being used in Nigeria to cut the use of backup diesel generators. Diesel is expensive enough to justify the use of an alternative.
medium.com medium.com
The phenomena do not disappear, but simply get reflected. Sounds, mental images, sensations, smells are all present without any isolation and there is a flavour of synesthesia to it. This state gives rise to the feeling of spaciousness.
for - definition - spaciousness - of meditation experience - flow state - like synesthesia - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
these winds, right— these energies—are already flowing, of course, and they flow in very deep patterns that basically constitute one's own ordinary identity. And so quite literally one's own ordinary identity is, is the patterning of these winds.
for - key insight - one's ordinary identity IS the pattern of the flow of the winds - this makes practice of Tukdam very difficult - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne - a tendency towards lust, aversion, etc is accompanied by a flow of wind. - to practice this during life, we have to get out of the deep patterns we identify with in life
There are different forms of energy, five primary forms and five secondary forms of energy, and they flow in channels in the body. And at the time of death, there, there's a certain kind of configuration of those energies that occur and you can actually, you can, in a sense, force those energies— maybe that's not the right term, but some people would agree with that metaphor— you can force those energies to enter into that configuration through various forms of yogic practices.
for - Buddhism - Tibetan - clear light meditation practice - 5 primary and 5 secondary flows of energy in channels in the body - meditators practice a desired flow configuration at time of death - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
- Buddhism - Tibetan - clear light meditation practice - 5 primary and 5 secondary flows of energy in channels in the body - meditators practice a desired flow configuration at time of death - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
- key insight - one's ordinary identity IS the pattern of the flow of the winds - this makes practice of Tukdam very difficult - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
We also simultaneously started to notice that there was efforts going on in the way that we even talk about and perceive well itself. So how do we broaden our understanding of wealth? And we had a wonderful sets of conversations. But Todd James, who said that if we imagine that capital is like energy and it wants to flow like water, water will move to the lowest places that the capital wants to flow. And anything that is not flowing is a continuation of the colonial project.
for - quote - Flow of wealth to the lowest place - Colonial project stops flow to the lowest place - Todd James - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the best way to make a company erodic is by putting it into an ecosystem of other companies that all work together to have robust circulatory flows throughout the entire ecosystem by doing that we counteract these losses we make the ecosystem orotic and then each company can contribute at its maximum its maximum regenerative potential
for - regenerative company - principle 7 of 8 - robust circulatory flow - ergodic flow - adjacency - Fairschare Company - FSC - regenerative organization - ergodic flow - robust circulatory flow - ecosystem of companies - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
adjacency - between - ergodic flows - ecosystem of companies - robust circulatory flows - Fairshare Commons (FSC) - regenerative company - regenerative organization - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - adjacency relationship - To implement principle 7 and work with an ecosystem of other companies: - For a company to relate well with other companies, - this is like an individual relating well to other individuals - The Indyweb is a people-centered, interpersonal information system architecture that supports both: - people-centered and interpersonal conversations as well as - organization-centered and inter-organizational conversations - Backcasting and cross-scale translating earth system boundaries from 2030 the present is critical to fulfill any FSC's modus operandi in the present. - In other words, knowing what a world that has successfully and dramatically reduced - carbon emissions and - threats to the biosphere - looks like at all scales (including community and company) in 2030 (5 years from now), we need to project backwards to the present and see what actions make sense and are aligned to take us to that envisioned scenario - If we don't have targets that are aligned to regenerating nature that we have globally harmed in measurable ways, what point is there in the word "regenerative" in the title of "regenerative company"?
- regenerative company - principle 7 of 8 - robust circulatory flow - ergodic flow
- adjacency - Fairschare Company - FSC - regenerative organization - ergodic flow - robust circulatory flow - ecosystem of companies - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu
when we replace the monetarymetrics of mainstream economics with biophysical metrics
shs.cairn.info shs.cairn.info
Argumentation aufgrund von Arbeiten zur Material Flow Analysis (MFA): Das Anthropozän ist ein Akkumulozän, weil sich die Extraktion und der internationale Handel mit Rohstoffen immer mehr beschleunigt haben. Die Ungleichheit hat dabei immer mehr zugenommen: Die reichen Länder importieren mehr Materialien denn je aus den ärmeren. Es gibt kaum Substitutionseffekte. Wenn ein Material wie Holz für einen bestimmten Zweck (z.B. Energieerzeugung) nicht mehr gebraucht wird, entstehen fast immer schnell neue Nutzungsformen, für die mehr von dem Material verwendet wird als vorher. Auch Kohle wurde kaum durch Öl substituiert: Durch das Internet nahm die Verbrennung von Kohle weiter zu.
Der Verbrauch und die Ansammlug an Rohstoffen steigern sich seit 2000 noch schneller als in der großen Beschleunigung nach 1950.
In der Einleitung sagt Fressoz sehr deutlich, dass sich der Audruck „Anthropozän“ auf eine geologische Bifurkation bezieht, ohne Möglichkeit der Rückkehr zum Holozän.
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Yoga of opposites like Master the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system inhale exhale holding the breath you know releasing the breath all of that kind of training is based on mastering polarities right
sympathetic and parasympathetic are not opposites Inhale Exhale are not opposites - they are all flow
experiments.myhub.ai experiments.myhub.ai
People do not actually spend a lot of time browsing junk content,
The vast majority of people browsing social media streams via the web are doing just this: spending a lot of time browsing junk content.
While much of this "junk content" is for entertainment or some means of mental and/or emotional health, at root it becomes the opiate of the masses.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Somewhere, Steven Kotler compares a flow state to satori. From skimming this wiki page, I don't see it. He did some research into mystical traditions and came to this conclusion. He describes flow as a glimmer of awakening which he distinguishes from (stages of) enlightenment. Satori is obviously awakening and is clearly linked to some stage of enlightenment.
Source? Link it here.
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Put tracks between each pair of songs to highlight the journey with a natural flow.
About four landmarks for an hour long playlist.
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
constructal law
for - definition - constructal law - Adrian Bejan - to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature
to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature - https://hyp.is/ZRIXfo76Ee-5yZdY2quRaQ/pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2871904/ - youtube explainer video - constructal theory - flow - Adrian Bejan - https://hyp.is/R7V4Yo79Ee-52gO6UYAaYQ/www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgEBTPee9ZM
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Books are about large blocks of uninterrupted time...
( ~13:00)
Perhaps. I don't think so. With a Zettelkasten I believe you can write without 4-hour deep work blocks... However, maybe he is right... I haven't really written yet so I can't be certain.
"You can see I have quite a lot notes I have to make."
This is a difference in mentality between Ryan Holiday and me (as well as Muhammed Ali Kilic)
Our mentality (inspired by GTD and other standard productivity stuff, mostly Flow) is to avoid creating homework.
You don't HAVE to make notes on something. You select what you deem valuable and are interested in working with at the moment.
Because of the marginal gains effect I wrote about earlier, it doesn't matter if you don't make a lot of notes. Besides, you can always return later--especially with a proper bib card and potentially a custom index/ToC for a book.
A Zettelkasten is the lazy man's path to excellence.
(this is an ironic statement of mine because a Zettelkasten asks a lot of work over time. However, it doesn't have to be on a day to day basis. Plus you work only on what you want, hence it doesn't require that much discipline.)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Who were the Physiocrats?
for - definition - physiocrats - Steve Keen - economy - history - economic flow as biomimicry of body's circulation system
definition - physiocrat - During the 18th and 19th century, a group of mostly French "economists" led by Francois Quesnay, physician to the King of France at the time, performed some of the first autopsies of the time. - Autopsies were banned for the longest time for religious reasons - When Quesnay performed autopsies, he discovered networks of tubes in the circulation system and this led him to surmise a network of circulation in another field, economics - Quesnay advised the king, hence the name physiocrat - So modern economics has its roots in biology - it was a case of biomimicry!
Local file Local file
Engagingwith the slip box should feel exciting, not anxiety-producing.
I often find that people who discuss "workflows" and the idea of "processing" their notes are the ones who are falling trap to the anxiety-producing side of the work.
BD should have found more exciting words for "processing" which he uses two more times in the next paragraph.
This relates to Luhmann's quote about only doing what is easy/fun/flow:<br /> - https://hypothes.is/a/TQyC1q1HEe2J9fOtlKPXmA<br /> - https://hypothes.is/a/EyKrfK1WEe2RpEuwUuFA7A
Compare: - being trapped in the box: https://hypothes.is/a/AY7ABO0qEeympasqOZHoMQ - idea of drudgery in the phrase "word processing"
- Sep 2024
socketry.github.io socketry.github.io
A task can be in one of the following states
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
43:00 deliberate practice vs flow
Also see Cal Newport make comparisons (critically so for flow)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
27:00 Flow is a meta-skill (also mentioned are creativity, critical thinking, learning)
20:55 "Decode flow, recode humans" (tagline of Flow Research Collective)
- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
05:00 Connor Murphy is a data strategist and works at the Flow Research Collective. He is also into tracking data, on himself (quantified self).
www.gurwinder.blog www.gurwinder.blog
So how do you decide which games to play? The story of gamification offers five broad rules.
1) choose long-term goals - if you did the same thing today for the next 10 years, where would you be? 2) choose hard games - hone skills and build characters through long-term games 3) choose positive-sum games - games where every player is benefitted by playing 4) choose atelic games - games that you enjoy the process of, not the reward 5) - choose immeasurable rewards - freedom, meaning love
Kaczynski’s theories eerily prophesize the capture of society by gamification. While he overlooked the benefits of technology, he diligently noted its dangers, recognizing its role in depriving us of purpose and meaning. Today the evidence is everywhere: religion is dying out, Western nations are culturally confused, people are getting married less and having fewer children, and many jobs are threatened by automation, so the traditional pillars of life — God, nation, family, and work — are weakening, and people are losing their value systems. Amid such uncertainty, games, with their well-defined rules and goals, provide a semblance of order and purpose that may otherwise be lacking in people’s lives. Gamification is thus no accident, but an attempt to plug a widening hole in society.
- god, nation, family and work - traditional pillars of life
- it's exactly like cikszentmihalyi had said on flow state, that it's addicting and we'll go to far lengths just to experience it all over again
- Jun 2024
jaredhenderson.substack.com jaredhenderson.substack.com
The ubiquity of smartphones and social media have also affected literacy across the board. Children and adults alike are reading in fundamentally different ways. For one, phones have been shown — to no one’s surprise — to interfere with our ability to focus. And apps such as TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram have shifted our reading habits toward short and often fragmentary text.
The first thing I ask people who cannot focus for more than an hour straight (which I would argue is a necessity for proper deep learning; see also Flow) is how their dopamine regulation is.
Dopamine regulation is the biggest factor that I know of (I am not an expert, so there might be even more influential factors) that hampers with the ability to focus for prolonged times in a cyclic way.
One can enjoy learning, and thus focus, if the average dopamine the brain produces is close to the dopamine they get when performing the act of learning. This is hard if someone uses "dopamine factories" such as TikTok and other shortform content.
- May 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Skeptics may hold that religious experience is an evolved feature of the human brain amenable to normal scientific study.
Can religious experiences be made scientific? That which is beyond thought (and is wholly subjective)?
See Steven Kotler referencing flow science as making the supernatural ("A gift from gods") into science.
thedankoe.com thedankoe.com
They check many boxes for flow – the main characteristic that makes us addicted to video games. Challenge – A goal that is within reach and tests your skill. Skill – If your skill is too low for the challenge, you get anxious. If it is too high, you get bored, indicating that you need to choose a greater or lesser challenge rather than give up. Clarity – A hierarchy of greater to lesser goals makes it easier to start moving toward your vision for the future. Feedback – You know exactly when you are making progress and that feels good. You don’t feel trapped in a cycle of repetitive tasks that lead to nowhere. Rules – Rules or boundaries frame how you perceive the world. Your mind has more space to notice information that aids in the achievement of your goals. When you turn your life into a game, you become obsessed with progress.
Gamify one's life to get progress if necessary. Integrate into systems.
- Apr 2024
Local file Local file
to the change from books to articles and papers, whichleads to a large amount of duplication, and the ne-cessity of wading through a great deal of what doesnot interest us directly.
Since 1908 there's also been the move towards small digestible social media which increases the dial on repetition and duplication, but the sense of flow created by dopamine hits to be found in the attention economy make these difficult things to overcome.
- Mar 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
05:25 Clear goals are a prerequisite for the flow state. They free up cognitive load, which, in turn, makes entering flow easier
How To Finish One Month of Work Today
Hypomenorrhea, characterized by unusually light menstrual flow, can be a normal variation for some women but may also indicate underlying health issues. It’s important to consider various factors when addressing hypomenorrhea:
- Normal Variation: For some women, light periods are genetic and not a cause for concern. It’s worth investigating family history, as similar patterns may be found among female relatives.
- Lifestyle Factors: Stress, significant weight changes, and excessive exercise can impact menstrual flow. Ensuring a balanced lifestyle may help regulate the cycle.
- Contraceptive Use: Hormonal contraceptives can lead to lighter periods as they often thin the endometrial lining, reducing the amount of blood shed during menstruation1.
- Medical Conditions: Conditions like thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or Asherman’s syndrome can cause hypomenorrhea. Consulting with a healthcare provider is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment.
- Age-Related Changes: Menstrual flow can naturally become lighter as one approaches menopause or just after puberty due to hormonal fluctuations.
www.flowresearchcollective.com www.flowresearchcollective.com
Flow Research Collective website
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:47:00 Cal Newport has insomnia. He though out his productivity protocols in part as a response to this.
Also see Rian Doris who had problems that led him to dive into flow
36:00 Not everything is flow. Some stuff is hard and taxing. Like deliberate practice. (Cal Newport) This was a debate between flow advocates versus none.
Also see idea of work as hard or enjoyment
38:00 Huberman on flow being a romantic idea. He asks Cal Newport about flow. Newport states that flow doesn't really have a place in the deep work framework. Deep work is not flow because it is beyond your cognitive comfort zone.
40:00 Flow is more linked to a performance than training
56:00 Huberman likening flow to something as dropping into a deep groove. You can't just drop into this immediately.
Newport proposing an alternative term to flow neural semantic coherence
calnewport.com calnewport.com
The only time I’ve ever found “flow” doing hard work is when I have a break through, which seems to be exactly after that “curious zone found somewhere in between”. It’s when I’ve reached the top of the hill, having pushed/slogged through the hard part.
Comment: Might these people be stuck in the struggle phase of the flow cycle? I think there is something else to it.
Beyond Flow
calnewport.com calnewport.com
Flow is the Opiate of the Mediocre: Advice on Getting Better from an Accomplished Piano Player
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
53:00 Sleep is a state of consciousness. You can't apply techniques to sleep.
Similarly, flow is a state of consciousness. It is something that happens to you. Create an environment that is conducive for sleep or flow to emerge.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
56:00 The host presents an ultimate dilemma: between hard work and enjoyment in youth.
For me, there is no dilemma. If one can tap into states of flow, work itself becomes enjoyable. And, it is reduced to like 3/4 hours. Hustle and grind is even counter productive to being productive.
- Feb 2024
Local file Local file
Mining authorities and traders78 told the Group that from September 2021 to atleast March 2022, illicit cross-border trading in untagged coltan 79 from mines inMasisi territory into Rwanda had increased. This was confirmed by the InternationalTin Association (ITA) (see annex 44). Four private sector sources described how theincreased smuggling was due to, inter alia, the creation of a new joint venture, CongoFair Mining, in December 2020 and changes in buying practices on the part of coltantrading houses in Goma (see annex 45).79. A criminal network of traders, including some COOPERAMMA members, withthe support of Robert Habinshuti Seninga (see S/2021/560, para. 64),80 transportedhundreds of kilograms of coltan from mines in Masisi territory to Go ma, together withvarying quantities of tourmaline from the Rukaza mine (see S/2021/560, para. 62).From Goma, the minerals were being smuggled into Rwanda for onward sale (seeannex 46). This compromised the integrity of some coltan supply chains in Rwandacovered by the International Tin Supply Chain initiative (ITSCI) for responsiblesupply chains of ITA. Rwandan authorities told the Group that no smuggled mineralshad been intercepted in Rwanda in 2020 or 2021.80. Congolese authorities took steps to intercept the illicit trading. In February2022, they apprehended several hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of untaggedcoltan intended for transport to Goma. One load was accompanied by an FARDCmember (see annex 47)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
07:27 Lower cognitive load makes it easier to enter flow
16:00 Flow channel — where challenge meets ability
Flow, the secret to happiness7,449,106 views | Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi | TED2004 • February 2004
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Top 1% Workspace Setup For Maximum Productivity
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to beat procrastination?
07.00 Clear goals — goals that focus on the action, not the outcome. (Very specific)
See GTD on next-actions that make a distinction between outcomes (projects) and clear goals (Next-Actions)
"This keeps your brain from wondering, what is the first step?"
10.00 Challenge-skill balance. Find sweet spot where challenge is slightly more than your skill level. Too much challenge is anxiety, too little is boredom. How to tune it? (1) Lower the hurdle. (2) Compress time for a given task. (3) Define scope (What needs to be done? Why? How long?)
14.00 Bypassing/response inhibition. Engaging in a task as soon as you are committed. Don't waver. Sleep to flow is an example.
17.30 Flow payoff — have long blocks of focus, where the struggle to get into flow is actually worth it.
Display product requirements, user flows, and design behaviors on each screen.
- Dec 2023
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
Almost by definition this would significantly alleviate poverty, as society’s resources will need to move from furnishing the relative luxuries of people like me (along with Elon Musk and Bill Gates) and be mobilised to decarbonise every facet of society. And all this in two decades tops
for: climate crisis - resource flow, carbon budget - resource flow, carbon budget - resource redistribution
- This is really a major change in the way resource flows
- The high consuming countries and individuals need to drop their consumption drastically and give those to the decarbonization effort and to the disenfranchised who need to be uplifted to a state of wellbeing
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
31:00 Technological advancement makes flow more important than ever. We need flow to solve complex problems. However, flow is harder to attain with tech advancing — more distractions, less focus, more information.
04:18 All flow triggers are either (a) reducing cognitive load, or (b) increasing dopamine or norepinephrine, that drive focus.
Rian Doris people to first start reducing cognitive load. People are overwhelmed and feel like they can't take on new habits and tactics. He recommends to remove clutter from one's life. The more clutter we remove, the more time is left for flow.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
08:30 High action sports like F1 have a higher innate rate of pregression due to their being flow, naturally, in these sports
jamesclear.com jamesclear.com
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on the value of daily surprises: “Try to be surprised by something every day. It could be something you see, hear, or read about. Stop to look at the unusual car parked at the curb, taste the new item on the cafeteria menu, actually listen to your colleague at the office. How is this different from other similar cars, dishes or conversations? What is its essence? Don’t assume that you already know what these things are all about, or that even if you knew them, they wouldn’t matter anyway. Experience this one thing for what it is, not what you think it is. Be open to what the world is telling you. Life is nothing more than a stream of experiences — the more widely and deeply you swim in it, the richer your life will be.” Source: Creativity
Reminds me of the quote of Einstein - you can act as if everything is a wonder, or nothing is a wonder. It is important because curiosity is really an energy that moves you beyond ego. It is interesting because the idea of life being a stream of experiences is a very nourishing idea.
Those concepts of education, media, parenting, political economy etc are all human constructs — classifications or categories we created to help us think about things in bite-sized chunks. They are the products and tools of analysis, reductions of reality. They’re all orange-side techniques and artefacts!
for: question - kariotic flow - examples of purple side
question: kariotic flow - purple side examples
- Could Kylie provide corresponding purple side examples fo these specific orange side processes?
By consistently avoiding and devaluing the activities of the purple-side Archetypes, we have effectively disconnected the brakes, and disconnected our civilisation from reality.The orange-side
for: salience mismatch, question - provide examples - kariotic flow
question: Can Kylie provide an example of some damaging right side activities and how it could be corrected by including the corresponding left side activities?
So Kairotic Flow doesn’t analyse and it doesn’t bring together the results of analysis. Instead, it focuses on relevant scope as a whole, in context, allowing patterns to emerge into our awareness, without taking things apart in the first place.
for: critique - without analysis, kariotic flow - emptiness, kariotic flow - entanglement
critique: without analysis
- really? Or has the analysis just gone to a deeper, subconscious level?
- everything a person has learned in life creates a complex network of ideas that is like a giant, invisible toolbox ready to be drawn upon when the environmental context cues trigger a response from the toolbox
- this would be impossible if years of past analysis and abstraction was not already done
- any intelligent response to an event that emerge in our environment is not arbitrary, but draws upon this complex, learned past
To restate another way, every single time we try to navigate real life (including the metacrisis) by focusing our attention on human-created constructs like economy and education, we automatically double down on dissociating from reality. As Daniel says, it is reductionistic to do this. That’s the nice way of putting it. Losing touch with reality is also the literal definition of psychotic.
for: critique - language
question: navigating without language
- critique: language
- adjacency between
- kariotic flow
- word intent
- epoche
- is the author sayng that we can and must navigator without language and ideas? If so, I don't see how that is possible, since language shapes the way we experience reality. Decades of languages training has become a part of the way we experience reality now and I don't see how it can become undone.
- I've explored my entire life, in fact to determine it's itt is possible to undo this deep linguistic conditioning
- my latest explorations of epoche are towards this direction
Culturally, and throughout our global civilisation’s systems and structures, we systemically and continuously overemphasise the innovating-constructing-standardising Archetypal activities on the orange side of the Kairotic Flow cycle, while devaluing and avoiding the nurturing-decomposing-reorienting activities of the Archetypes on the purple side of the cycle.This might not sound like much, but the consequences are profound.
for: kariotic flow - metacrisis explanation, question - salience
question: salience
- critique,: inadequate explanation
- I don't understand the salience of why the right half needs that left half.
- I think the ideas are too abstract and while years of experience may make the author familiar with our salience, to a new mind looking at the ideas for the first time, there is a salience mismatch because they semantic fingerprints are different
- a few concrete examples of , how this works to explain the metacrisis would be very helpful
- there isn't enough time spent illuminating and explaining what each of these 6b abstract ideas are our why they are assigned such strategic importance. Hence, I do not appreciate their salience and the salience mishmash occurs
- critique - without analysis
- adjacency - kariotic flow - epoche
- critique - inadequate explanation
- salience mismatch
- kariotic flow - metacrisis explanation
- kariotic flow - entanglement
- question - provide examples - kariotic flow
- question -; salience
- critique - language constructs
- question - kariotic flow - examples - purple side
- kariotic flow - emptiness
- Nov 2023
www.okta.com www.okta.com
Improved blank slate experiences: After a user signs in using a social media account, site owners have the ability to auto-suggest or auto-populate their settings with information held in their social account. This lets organizations create a first impression of convenience and encourage further use of their apps and site.
www.semilattice.xyz www.semilattice.xyz
joinnow.live joinnow.live
04:00 passion creates focused attention which, in turn, creates a flow state, which creates more passion (virtuous cycle)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
13:00 the right flow of information is sweetspot between overwhelm and being bored (too little information)
16:00 balancing consumption and creation is sweetspot
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
07:00 flow increases dopamine/pattern recognition
- Oct 2023
36:00 flow ritual James Clear (music playlist)
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Morgan, Robert R. “Opinion | Hard-Pressed Teachers Don’t Have a Choice on Multiple Choice.” The New York Times, October 22, 1988, sec. Opinion. https://www.nytimes.com/1988/10/22/opinion/l-hard-pressed-teachers-don-t-have-a-choice-on-multiple-choice-563988.html.
https://web.archive.org/web/20150525091818/https://www.nytimes.com/1988/10/22/opinion/l-hard-pressed-teachers-don-t-have-a-choice-on-multiple-choice-563988.html. Internet Archive.
Example of a teacher pressed into multiple-choice tests for evaluation for time constraints on grading.
He falls prey to the teacher's guilt of feeling they need to grade every single essay written. This may be possible at the higher paid levels of university teaching with incredibly low student to teacher ratios, but not at the mass production level of public education.
While we'd like to have education match the mass production assembly lines of the industrial revolution, this is sadly nowhere near the case with current technology. Why fall prey to the logical trap?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
37:00 solving problems/goals (projects) as creating flow (see this as challenge, seeking improvement)
And also have a vision, which you then break down into goals, projects, etc. (Horizons)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
09:00 increases performance increasing neurochemicals & lowering cognitive load - these drive you into flow state, which releases a bunch of other neurochemicals - intrinsic motivation leads into flow, the flow state highers intrinsic motivation, (virtuous cycle)
- Sep 2023
www.flowresearchcollective.com www.flowresearchcollective.com
Flow triggers are different for everyone, so understanding your individual flow triggers can help you learn how to perform your best.
flow triggers are diff for everyone, ie. identify the right one for the right person
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
08:00 True mastery lies in flow, where action is not forced (Musashi on flow)
09:00 harmonising mind, body, and universe, as way to reach flow & detachment
- see zk on following natural interest, our following the quickening of the spirit, as a process of understanding and harmony
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In Protestant countries, such as in Britain, coffee was thought to have antierotic as well as mentally stimulating properties.[6] The idea that coffee would spur people into work and improve the quality of such work was highly compatible with the Protestant work ethic ideology. Free of sexual distractions and instilling asceticism, people could presumably live free from sin. It was seen as a positive alternative to alcohol, and Protestant visitors to the Ottoman Empire saw it as consistent was the Christian (Protestant) values of temperance and the Protestant work ethic.[6]
Coffee as consistent with protestant work ethic
- see coffee as source for flow (in combination with distributed cognition)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
30:00 confronting chaos, generating order
- see zk on flow as ordering consciousness
56:00 inspiration and motivation in hard environment is different
- see zk on using inspiration as getaway to flow
43:00 starting war
- see zk on Wu Wei (and try to rhyme these)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
07:00 nagasu/ do not resist (same as flow)
- see “let it rain” as example of nagasu
01:46 samurai ryu (ryu = flow)
theinformed.life theinformed.life
17:11 declarative statements as allowing easier entrance into deep work
- Also see how it could aid in flow?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
thinking process when writing had to be inspired (by something deeper)
- see only writing what comes natural, following natural movements, wu wei
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
03:00 Ali changes locations, work as play (also see flow, Rian Doris)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- 20:47 Only creating out of flow a problem for people; “how often, or can we even, get there” (good market research)
- 24:17 you can’t force the process of creativity (exactly, Wu Wei)
- Aug 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- 1:23:20 Vision Pro as infinite Canvas
- Mac from personal computing, mobile computing, to spatial computing
- omg, it changes environment (contribution to flow, inducing novelty?)
- new os (VisionOS)
- Jul 2023
www.themarginalian.org www.themarginalian.org
Much of Buddhist philosophy centers around this same idea, this balance between what’s being phrased as “intention” and “attention” – our intentional curiosity about knowledge and growth, and our choice of where to focus our awareness, what to pay attention to. So that, I think, is the role of information curators: They are our curiosity sherpas, who lead us to things we didn’t know we were interested in until we, well, until we are. Until we pay attention to them — because someone whose taste and opinion we trust points us to them, and we integrate them with our existing pool of resources, and they become a part of our networked knowledge and another LEGO piece in our combinatorial creativity.
My view: intention as what to gather/learn, attention as what to do in the moment, looking at a note, which makes us aware of that thing, which results into curiosity (also good entry to flow)
www.history.msstate.edu www.history.msstate.edu
histories of three attempts to generate a comprehensive lexicon of Latinity.
Christian Flow has studied three attempts to create a comprehensive lexicon of Latinity.
The TLL would be one, what did the other two look like? When were they?
bobdoto.computer bobdoto.computer
If spirit and productivity seem like an unlikely pairing, consider how we describe work we're fully invested in. We "flow" with it, we “move” with it, we “get in the zone,” we “space out.”
Flow as a spirit of productivity
www.notion.so www.notion.so
You can tell people just like I have you to focus their attention, choose a target. Imagine there's a spotlight shining just on it. Don't pay much attention to what's in your periphery almost as if you have like blinders on, right? So don't pay attention to those distractors. People can do that. We have them talk to us about like, well, what is it that you're focused on? What's catching your attention right now? Those are easy instructions to understand and it's easy to make your eyes do it. What's important though is that that's not what their eyes do naturally. When they're walking or when they're running, people do take a sort of wider perspective. They broaden their scope of attention relative to what these instructions are having them do. And when we taught people that narrowed style of attention, what we found is that they moved 23% faster in this course that we had set up. From the start line to the finish line, it was always exactly the same distance. And we were using our stop watches to see how fast did they move. They moved 23% faster and they said it hurt 17% less. Right? So exactly the same actual experience, but subjectively it was easier and they performed better. They increase the efficiency of this particular exercise.
(24:58) In order to perform significantly better, you need to FOCUS your attention on a single thing only. Multitasking won't work, and thinking about different things at once also doesn't work. Set up your environment to foster this insane level of focus.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Caffeine as backbone of civilization
- caffeine archetype ( I am the mindful master)
- high correlation between flow & caffeine
- associate caffeine with flow (I also do this with flow music)
- shortcut struggle phase with caffeine
- caffeine timing (1 to 1.5 hours until waking & 10 hours before sleep no caffeine)
- proper dosage (test what works) 4.1 higher dosage when lack of sleep
- what caffeine synergizes most (for me, probably coffee, in particular espresso) 5.1 double water intake when drinking caffeine (I always try to do this) 6 keep caffeine sensitivity high (1 day per week off, 1 week per quarter off)
- Jun 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- reduce perceived exertion (change positions) & reduce perceived effort (change places)
- main environment for (1) sitting (2) standing (3) walking
- standing set-up: motion board (& budget standing desk with books etc.)
- changing walking set-ups
- change working environments that are different from each other (for novelty)
- (1) three main environments to change positions (dip in energy/work is getting hard) (2) three additional environments to change places (when fatigue kicks in)
- take breaks that are "boring" (do nothing, stare at wall, break activities: stretching, breathing, meditating)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
(4 pillars of flow) 1. flow blockers 2. flow proneness 3. flow triggers 4. flow cycle
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- release from flow, go into recovery, don't snap
- less hours forces the person the be more effective, you also get obligations done within 3/4 hour block, and afterward, you can process and think about deeper things, be spontaneous, still do work, but it is not a obligation (work as leisure, as well?)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- waking up in 90 sec doing most important work bec mornings your "flow proneness" is high
- recovery is important, as well (morning routines should help with flow proneness and recovery, but bec you are flow prone in the morning, do the work, and do recovery in other parts)
- plan most important task (thing you will do after waking) the night before
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
12:00 Allen talks about the science of flow, but doesn't coin the term explicitly, he only refers to it as being in the zone. This makes sense: gtd makes you know your commitments, and helps you to focus on one thing at a time, undistracted, which gets you into flow.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Set a domino habit (the central point of your day): a habit that makes everything else better for the rest of the day.
Then, make temporal landmarks (and set alarms as reminders, hinges) which function as beacon to transition throughout the day, to make sure you can hit your domino habit.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Anything that isn't explicitly enforced by contract is vulnerable to misunderstandings. It's doing your teammates a great service, and reducing everyone's effort, by eliminating ambiguity and enforcing information flow by design.
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Actually, as Davidson argues, multitasking helps us see more and do more, and experience texts and tasks in different ways. There’s no evidence that anyone ever was deeply reading for hours on end with no interruptions. All we have are claims from Plato saying that writing is going to kill our ability to memorize. Our minds have always been wandering; we’ve always been distractible. We’ve always been doodling on the sides of pages, or thinking about our lunch, or stopping to converse with someone. Now we just have distraction that’s more readily available and purposefully attuned to distracting us — like popup ads, notifications; things that quite literally fly across your screen to distract you. But the fact that we have students who have grown up with those and have trained themselves to deal with those in such interesting ways is something that I think we should bring into the classroom and be talking about and critically thinking about
1) the point that multitasking can offer different experiences with texts and tasks is interesting to me. initially, the comparison between multitasking and single-tasking seems like a clear distinction between what is beneficial (focus) and what is detrimental (distraction)
2) taking a bold stance, i would venture to say that there exists a significant number of individuals who engage in deep work, which is perhaps one of the most profound pursuits throughout human history. after all, most of us have experienced a state of flow at least once, to some extent, and our brains subconsciously crave this state of heightened focus and productivity
3) this observation all the more underscores the rarity of deep work in a world that is perpetually plagued by distractions
here is one of my notes from deep work by cal newport:
the connection between depth and meaning in human experience is undeniable. whether approached from the perspectives of neuroscience, psychology, or philosophy, there appears to be a profound correlation between engaging in deep, meaningful activities and a sense of fulfillment. this suggests that our species may have evolved to thrive in the realm of deep work and purposeful engagement
- May 2023
www.notentirelyboring.com www.notentirelyboring.com
seriously considering moving my research into a different app, or vault to keep it segregated from the slip box
? the notes are the research/learning, no? Not only a residue of it. Is this a mix-up between the old stock and flow disc in (P)KM and the sense it needs to be one or the other? Both! That allows dancing with it.
- Apr 2023
census.dev census.dev
As I see it, there are two hard things about getting into flow: loading the state of the system / problem / abstractions into your head (i.e. filling your L1 and L2 cache with everything you need to know to work on the problem) and building momentum and confidence for yourself.
Hard things for entering the flow
- Mar 2023
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
You may want to find out what accounts for the difference in behaviour between the two countries.
Why is this here? This statement or call to action seems hidden or out of place. Is the answer to the call to action something you want to expand on for this section?
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
from Fig 2.2,
This Figure 2.2 should also be on this page and in this section. Students should not have to go back and find it again to understand this concept. This Fig 2.2 is also needed here since it is used to compare with Fig 2.5
Fig 2.3
Again, if making reference to Fig 2.3, it should be shown here so students don't need to go back and search for it since it will be used as comparison for this learning box.
www.arengu.com www.arengu.com
like the one in the picture.
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Bacterial cells are typically one thousandth the volume of mammalian cells, which places them near the edge of instrument detection. At this size it can be challenging to differentiate viable cells from debris of similar size
flowjo.typepad.com flowjo.typepad.com
here's a trivial example of why the "standard" geometric mean is not a good estimate of central tendency when you have values near zero.
www.sonybiotechnology.com www.sonybiotechnology.com
o improve accuracy, Sony hasintroduced the Weighted Least Square Method (WLSM) al-gorithm. In WLSM, the square value of residuals are individu-ally weighted
The weight is imposed so that theresiduals in bright channels are relatively under weightedcompared to dim channels
www.semanticscholar.org www.semanticscholar.org
they involve the flow state. For this it is necessary to make use of adaptability that in the educational scope allows the personalization of the experience to extend the immersion and fun.
Use of games involve the flow state. flow state is perhaps the most valuable state a student or anyone trying to learn something could be in. Flow combined with the acquisition of knowledge is a rare occassion that cannot be compared when taking education and insight as valuable with any other state (the normal state). (One could argue Thomas Campbell's trancedental medititative state, but he was a natural 'Talent', and it involves a practice of TM (Transcedental Meditation) that is beyond the scope of the ability of many educational settings to provide or consider).
- Feb 2023
Local file Local file
“I only dowhat is easy. I only write when I immediately know how to do it. If Ifalter for a moment, I put the matter aside and do something else.”(Luhmann et al., 1987, 154f.)[4]
https://youtu.be/qRSCKSPMuDc?t=37m30s (all links are on takesmartnotes.com)<br /> Luhmann, Niklas, Dirk Baecker, and Georg Stanitzek. 1987. Archimedes und wir: Interviews. Berlin: Merve.
“I only dowhat is easy. I only write when I immediately know how to do it. If Ifalter for a moment, I put the matter aside and do something else.”(Luhmann et al., 1987, 154f.)[4]
By "easy" here, I think he also includes the ideas of fun, interesting, pleasurable, and (Csikszentmihalyi's) flow.
groktiddlywiki.com groktiddlywiki.com
Most notes systems fail at the seemingly elementary requirement of matching the way you think.
This makes me want to create RoundPegRoundHole. But then I'm not sure whether this should be in h. or tw. I would lean towards a public tw which has the feeling of TV Tropes in that it's a database of patterns. Perhaps that's the use case of publishing a subset of a tw/Zettelkasten.
The other (meta) thought this generated was how the decision of whether to be public or private interrupts the pleasant flow that comes from knowing exactly where to put a note and how to divide a thought. This is what experience tiddlywiki fluency is trying to capture.
- Jan 2023
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Therefore, we propose that flow and hyperfocus are the same phenomenon. Although we are mindful that just because two phenomena are descriptively similar, they are not necessarily mechanistically identical, there is no evidence to suggest that either flow or hyperfocus are distinct.
Ashinoff and Abu-Akel propose an equivalence between "flow" and "hyperfocus". They mention later in this paper that "flow" is more often used in positive psychology literature whereas "hyperfocus" is more often used in psychiatric literature. Even so, they also qualify that they may just appear to be the same (ie, descriptively similar) while having a different cause (ie, mechanism of action).
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.orgrfc67491
Figure 2: Refreshing an Expired Access Token
- Nov 2022
www.jvt.me www.jvt.me
Proof of Key Code Exchange is an OAuth2 extension that recently been adopted as the standard for both OAuth 2.1 and IndieAuth, and provides additional security for attacks on the Authorization Code flow.
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
Here’s what this flow looks like:
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
As you note, Activity diagrams inherently can include concurrency and timing. If you look at this example cribbed from Wikipedia, shown below, you can observe the section with two heavy horizontal bars, and two parallel activities of "present idea" and "record idea". That is read as "start these activities in parallel, and continue only when both are complete." Flowcharts can't express this within the notation. Practically, using activity diagrams lets you think clearly about concurrent processes. I think you'll find that anyone who can read a flowchart will quickly adapt.
the OAuth 2.0 grant type, Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE).
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
specific types of diagrams are also called a type of flow diagrams
The uses of flow diagrams are vast and honestly endless.
- Oct 2022
expert.cheekyscientist.com expert.cheekyscientist.com
Additionally, make sure to use both forward and side scatter on log scale when measuring microparticles or microbiological samples like bacteria. These types of particles generate dim scatter signals that are close to the cytometer’s noise, so it’s often necessary to visualize signal on a log scale in order to separate the signal from scatter noise.
- Sep 2022
Joey Cofone: Are there laws to creativity?
Joey Cofone, author of the upcoming book The Laws of Creativity, is selling the idea of "float" (in comparison to Mihaly Csikzentmihaly's "flow"), which is ostensibly similar to Barbara Oakley's diffuse thinking framework, Nassim Nicholas Taleb's flâneur framing, and a dose of the Zeigarnik effect.
I'm concerned that this book will be broadly prescriptive without any founding on any of the extant research, literature, or science of the past. I'll think more highly of it if it were to quote/reference something like Merton and Barber's The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity: A Study in Sociological Semantics and the Sociology of Science.
Following on the above:
David Allen (of GTD fame) indicates that one should close all open loops to free up working memory, but leaving some open for active thought, follow up, and potential future insight creation can be a useful pattern too. (2022-09-09 9:05 AM)
- Aug 2022
www.star-telegram.com www.star-telegram.com
Mccarthy, C. (2022, February 22). This Fort Worth inventor created a DIY air filter that traps coronavirus particles. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crossroads-lab/article258052148.html
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Henry, J., & Tapper, J. (2022, January 29). Schools in England reinstate mask wearing rules as Covid cases soar. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/29/schools-in-england-reinstate-mask-wearing-rules-as-covid-and-absenteeism-soar
www.independent.co.uk www.independent.co.uk
Chao-Fong, L. (2021, July 20). Lateral flow Covid tests run out on day lockdown is fully lifted | The Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/lateral-flow-test-run-out-b1886589.html
ljvmiranda921.github.io ljvmiranda921.github.io