11 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Ivan papov

      for - key insight - geopolitics - arrest of General Ivan Papov - suppress uprising

      key insight - geopolitics - Russia - arrest of general Papov - The arrest sends a signal to all the generals - do not try to overthrow Putin

  2. Jan 2022
    1. McDowell was arrested on Monday in Deerfield Beach, Fla., after he allegedly exposed himself in public. According to court records obtained by WPLG Local 10, police received a call that a man was walking around naked near a children’s school. Surveillance footage showed McDowell walk onto the property naked while school was in session.
  3. Nov 2021
    1. SynopsisBackground: Defendant was charged with murder and tampering with evidence. The 243rd District Court, El Paso County, Luis Aguilar, J., suppressed two of three custodial statements. State appealed. The El Paso Court of Appeals, 2018 WL 4659578 and 2018 WL 4660185, affirmed in part and reversed in part. State petitioned for discretionary review, which was granted.Holding: The Court of Criminal Appeals, Keel, J., held that officers misled defendant into believing that her recorded statement during car ride with officers looking for body would not be used against her.

      TDCAA: If you had read the lower court’s opinion and all the briefs in this case, you would never have expected the majority opinion that came from the court this week. Everyone assumed that Bible applied to this case—it was just a question of whether, under the Bible factors, the second statement was part of a second interview or merely a continuation of the first. But the court holds that Bible is inapplicable when the second statement is not itself “warned and waived.” This turns the Bible analysis on its head: If the interview was a continuation under Bible, then it was warned and waived.

      You can view the majority’s opinion one of two ways, neither of which is explicit in the opinion. First, the majority may be saying that if a statement is involuntary under Art. 38.21, then the Art. 38.22, §3 recording requirements are irrelevant. But the majority never actually holds that the statement was involuntary in light of the trial court’s findings.

      Second, the majority may be implicitly adopting Judge Yeary’s view that the recording requirements in Art. 38.22, §3 apply to each discrete recording—regardless of how many separate statements or interrogations there are. But again, the majority doesn’t actually hold this. Instead, the majority hedges and simply claims to distinguish Bible based on “the unique facts of this case.” In the meantime, prosecutors should probably advise detectives to re-Mirandize whenever they start a new recording. Just in case.

  4. Jun 2021
    1. Mike: I had it in my ear when I was coming out of the—there was a hotel and the casino and in the middle they joined and in that middle part there is security. So I was walking out going to the casino and they seen it in my ear and they're like, "What is that?" And I was like, "Aw damn, I'm done." I knew it so I was like, "Dude, I'm done."

      Time in the US, Arrests, Felonies, Drug Offenses

    2. Mike: She took us to Los Angeles to live with my uncle, and I remember we moved back to Arizona, because we thought my dad wasn't there anymore. Well, we were staying in this little spot called Conway, Arizona—like two, three months. And at that time my dad found us—because one of my family members told him where we were—and he tied my mom up, went in there with another guy, masks on and kidnapped us.Mike: He took us to Texas for two years. We were actually on the news as missing children. If you look me up, I have all our photos. We were gone for two years, and the reason that they found us was because my dad was actually trying to rob a wheel store—rim store. He broke in and the police got him, and they took him to jail, but they had no idea who he was or he was being looked for.

      Time in the US, Homelife, Parents/ Step Parents, Violence

    1. Anita: So, what happened to you in the States? So that you ended up back here?Ivan: I was in the wrong car. So, I was in a car that, they pulled us over and I was just with the people, but they'd said that—well they found drugs in the car. So, they blamed me. But I was on the passenger side. So, I know that the rules is whoever's driving or the car owner has to be responsible. But they did not take it like that. They just said... I didn't want to give them my name because I was scared. So, they took me for that too, giving a false name. But on top of that they put all the charges on me. So, they charged me for all the drugs because they didn't want to take the charge.Anita: So, they charged you instead of the person who had the drugs?Ivan: Yes. Yes, that's true.Anita: Why'd they do that?Ivan: I don't know, but they did. They didn't want to take the charge. But I mean, I was just with them because I was going to Walmart to do a return and they stopped us in a traffic stop and they blamed it all on me. I was trying to fight my case, but it was taking too long. I was getting too stressed out being inside in jail so I just signed the papers. I just wanted to get out, so I just took the charge.

      explanation of how he ended up back in Mexico.

  5. Aug 2020
  6. May 2020
  7. Apr 2020
  8. onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
    1. In the epicenter of the current Italian epidemic, sudden cardiac death (SCD) likely occurred in many non-hospitalized patients with mild symptoms who were found dead home while in quarantine.
    1. The most common cause of death in 81 of the 85 patients was respiratory failure (38, 46.91%), followed by septic shock (16, 19.75%), multiple organ failure (13, 16.05%) and cardiac arrest (7, 8.64%).
    1. By Jan 26, 2020, 710 patients had been admitted to Wuhan Jin Yin-tan hospital with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, of whom 658 (93%) were considered ineligible, including three patients who had cardiac arrest immediately after admission.