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  1. Jun 2024
    1. This erodes modularity

      models constraints modularity

      inherent conflict

      that's why things will never work

      models errode modularity

      models are trully intertwingled modules encapsulate

      separating models with cross cutting concerns and providing modules and layers that constrain limit cross cuting

      aspects orientation won't help either

      we need models and capabnlities needed to effect intents need to coevolve coevolve the three together intent model component

      That's why MVC is just a broken idea Period

      Model View Controller

      That's why Dijkstra's goto Considered Harmfull was the most harmful idea that ever influence thinking. tha nature of everything is interwinglularity spagetty code. Named Jumps. Yes imposing structure can seemingly create order but it bound to be a self limitting one. Need the ability to organic growth