- Jan 2025
Fundamentally, I think Web3 is mainly an exit strategy for privileged layers of society. First of all, people within capital will see the system is not doing well and they want to do arbitrage between nation-states.
for - quote - Web3 is mainly an exit (escape) strategy for privileged layers of society - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- Dec 2024
beiner.substack.com beiner.substack.com
psychological energy obeys the first law of thermodynamics just like everything else; it can’t be destroyed, only transformed. What goes around, comes around, and accountability will always return to the human body. There is nowhere else it can go, because that is where it originates. It is contained in flesh and sinew, muscles and neurons and guts
for - to - synchronicity - same quote mentioned in - YouTube I watched yesterday - prenatal and perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White - Third is related to the subject of prenatal and perinatal psychology - trauma suffered by the fetus while still in the womb it the newly born can be remembered somatically by the body and carried on into later life - As adults, we can carry on these old patterns of behaviours that were adaptive responses rooted in the initial trauma but which no longer exists - It's a form of post traumatic stress disorder where the body stop carries the memories - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUcgWsFqPe7Q&group=world
psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk puts it, ‘the body keeps the score’.
for - quote - the body keeps the score - psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk - from Substack article - Alexander Beiner - to - synchronicity - same quote mentioned in - YouTube I watched yesterday - prenatal and perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUcgWsFqPe7Q&group=world
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - pre and perinatal therapy - birth psychology - youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
summary - This could be an important therapy to integrate into Deep Humanity to rekindle a living presence of the sacred - If early prenatal and perinatal trauma happened to us when we were still in the womb, or shortly after birth, we have no regular memory of it, but there could be a body memory (somatic memory) - Prenatal and Perinatal therapy is designed to help people identify early trauma when we were still inside the womb or shortly after birth - The theory claims that these early traumas may remain with us as lingering adaptive responses in our adult stage of life
in tracking too responses you begin to become fluent with States
for - pre and peri natal healing - to track trauma responses - begin to be fluent in different states - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White
this feels like it came from your family line often we know that a baby is an egg inside their mother inside their grandmother so you can begin to feel through the ancestors that will show up in the present
for - body memory - ancestors are alive and living through us - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
trauma creates patterns of adaptive responses
for - key insight - trauma creates patterns of adaptive responses - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
here can be life threat early life threat there can be fear and Terror in the 's body from things that they experience um so they arise as a collage of Sensations emotions and behaviors so they rise quickly and they're layered on top of each other
for - pre and perinatal trauma - fear and terror can happen to the baby inside the womb - later they arise as a collage of sensations, emotions and behaviors layered one on top of the other - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
as practitioner we need to come become fluent in in working with sensation working with the way the our our body feels and moves and senses so the body
for - prenatal and perinatal somatic therapy - must become fluent with sensations of how our body feels, moves and senses - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
when I've worked with pre and perinal psychology people think oh well this is psychology this is mental health but really it's not it's more than that it's a holistic Body Mind practice where implicit somatic memory is alive and active and actually informing how we behave and choices that we make in the present
for - prenatal and perinatal psychology - is not just mental health - it's holistic mind body practice - somatic memories are alive in our body right now - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
what we're finding in the fetal brain research is that mental illness especially heavy mental illness can start in utero that's why this is such a vital neurodevelopmental time
for - fetal brain research - very serious mental illnesses in adults can be traced to mental illness that begins in utero in the womb - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
I have a great passion for the fetal brain research is that if we can really help now um how a parent is feeling it can really influence the neurod development of a child
for - fetal brain research - help with how a parent is feeling influences neural development of a child later on - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
we work with more senses than TW than five there are 12
for - prenatal and perinatal psychology - there are 12 senses, not just 5 - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Heaing Happens in Layers - Kate White
my passion is to catch these stories very early to prevent and treat them right away um working with birth trauma working with the baby's experience um that will prevent a lot of the stories from repeating and the stories can repeat in such a way that then they become another layer and by the time somebody comes to you as the adult the story has repeated then there's other there's other like inherent places in the body and in the life of the person that are organizing them
for - awakening the sacred - healing birth trauma - that gives rise to many layers of repeating stories - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White
integration is what people are seeking that's why they're coming to you um they want they often people will seek me out because nothing else seems to have helped all the talk therapy all the Psychotherapy all the things that they've tried not that they are still in being influenced by the patterns that are affecting them uh so we we call this notion the integration imperative
for - definition - integration imperative - people seek integration - talk therapy - psychotherapy has not helped - patterns still there and affecting them - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White
- body memory - ancestors are alive and living through us - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- prenatal and perinatal psychology - is not just mental health - it's holistic mind body practice - somatic memories are alive in our body right now - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- key insight - trauma creates patterns of adaptive responses - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- fetal brain research - help with how a parent is feeling influences neural development of a child later on - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- pre and perinatal trauma - fear and terror can happen to the baby inside the womb - later they arise as a collage of sensations, emotions and behaviors layered one on top of the other - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- definition - integration imperative - people seek integration - talk therapy - psychotherapy has not helped - patterns still there and affecting them - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White
- prenatal and perinatal somatic therapy - must become fluent with sensations of how our body feels, moves and senses - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- fetal brain research - very serious mental illnesses in adults can be traced to mental illness that begins in utero in the womb - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- awakening the sacred - healing birth trauma - that gives rise to many layers of repeating stories - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White
- pre and peri natal healing - to track trauma responses - begin to be fluent in different states - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White
- pre and perinatal therapy - birth psychology - youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- prenatal and perinatal psychology - there are 12 senses, not just 5 - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Heaing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- Nov 2024
www.columbia.edu www.columbia.edu
GCM-dominated approach allows censorship of alternative perspectives,when the models have a common, or at least widespread, problem: lack of realistic sensitivityto injection of freshwater into the upper layers of the ocean.
for - climate crisis - Global Climate Models (GCM) limitation - do not allow alternative perspectives - unrealistic sensitivity to injection of fresh water into upper layers of the ocean - Jim Hansen
- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
( ~ 10:45)
This is basically layered learning and making use of the creation of prior knowledge.
- Jun 2024
www.subtext-lang.org www.subtext-lang.org
This erodes modularity
models constraints modularity
inherent conflict
that's why things will never work
models errode modularity
models are trully intertwingled modules encapsulate
separating models with cross cutting concerns and providing modules and layers that constrain limit cross cuting
aspects orientation won't help either
we need models and capabnlities needed to effect intents need to coevolve coevolve the three together intent model component
That's why MVC is just a broken idea Period
Model View Controller
That's why Dijkstra's goto Considered Harmfull was the most harmful idea that ever influence thinking. tha nature of everything is interwinglularity spagetty code. Named Jumps. Yes imposing structure can seemingly create order but it bound to be a self limitting one. Need the ability to organic growth
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
(~3:00) Syntopical Reading requires building a map of the topic across sources (coming up with one's own terms) in order to find out what each author is saying.
How does one do this if the process of syntopical reading is the process by which one comes up with the knowledge? I believe the answer lies in a high skill level of Inspectional Reading
Obviously, one cannot make a perfect map from the get go, and this should not be the intention (defeat perfectionism)... However, a rough sketch or map is far more valuable than none at all.
I believe this is also the point of Dr. Justin Sung's prestudy... Building the barebone structure of the mindmap, finding the logic behind it all; the first layer.
- Jan 2024
rubenverborgh.github.io rubenverborgh.github.io
The Paradox of Freedom: you can only be free if you follow rules. Decentralization means making our own choices. Unless we agree on some basic things, no one will see the result of our choices. Agreement can be layered: 100% agrees on a small set (labeling, authorship, …) 80% agrees on a larger set (places, dimensions) 5% agrees on many smaller sets (sizes, colors, …)
- Sep 2023
redecentralize.org redecentralize.org
“Perhaps there is a rule of thumb here? If you decentralize, the system will recentralize, but one layer up. Something new will be enabled by decentralization. That sounds like evolution through layering, like upward-spiraling complexity. That sounds like progress to me.”
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Business logic in theory occupies the middle tier of a 3-tier architecture.
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Music theorists have long been aware that different levels of beat are often simultaneously available to the listener. Harald Krebs (1999) uses the term “metrical layers” to describe this phenomenon. In the normal case, metrical layers nest neatly insideone another; they are metrically consonant with each other. This occurs, for example, in Pachelbel’s Canonas the prevailing note-values are repeatedly halved. Figure 3.1 shows this nesting relationship between layers. There is no need for a separate micropulse layer because the layers are metrically consonant: both eighth notes and quarter notes can be expressed as groupings of sixteenth notes.
- Sep 2022
rubystyle.guide rubystyle.guide
Prefer alias when aliasing methods in lexical class scope as the resolution of self in this context is also lexical, and it communicates clearly to the user that the indirection of your alias will not be altered at runtime or by any subclass unless made explicit.
reassurance of lack of possibility for run-time shenanigans
- Mar 2022
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
- Jul 2021
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.orgrfc64551
The WebSocket Protocol is designed on the principle that there should be minimal framing (the only framing that exists is to make the protocol frame-based instead of stream-based and to support a distinction between Unicode text and binary frames). It is expected that metadata would be layered on top of WebSocket by the application Fette & Melnikov Standards Track [Page 9] RFC 6455 The WebSocket Protocol December 2011 layer, in the same way that metadata is layered on top of TCP by the application layer (e.g., HTTP). Conceptually, WebSocket is really just a layer on top of TCP that does the following: o adds a web origin-based security model for browsers o adds an addressing and protocol naming mechanism to support multiple services on one port and multiple host names on one IP address o layers a framing mechanism on top of TCP to get back to the IP packet mechanism that TCP is built on, but without length limits o includes an additional closing handshake in-band that is designed to work in the presence of proxies and other intermediaries Other than that, WebSocket adds nothing. Basically it is intended to be as close to just exposing raw TCP to script as possible given the constraints of the Web. It's also designed in such a way that its servers can share a port with HTTP servers, by having its handshake be a valid HTTP Upgrade request. One could conceptually use other protocols to establish client-server messaging, but the intent of WebSockets is to provide a relatively simple protocol that can coexist with HTTP and deployed HTTP infrastructure (such as proxies) and that is as close to TCP as is safe for use with such infrastructure given security considerations, with targeted additions to simplify usage and keep simple things simple (such as the addition of message semantics).
- Jun 2021
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
A class adds a layer of abstraction, which makes the component API and its inner workings less clear.
- Apr 2021
www.plixer.com www.plixer.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Screen and Tmux are used to add a session context to a pseudoterminal, making for a much more robust and versatile solution. For example, each provides terminal persistence, allowing a user to disconnect from one computer and then connect later from another computer.
- Feb 2021
publicstack.net publicstack.net
github.com github.com
Trailblazer is no "complex web of objects and indirection". It solves many problems that have been around for years with a cleanly layered architecture.
- Nov 2020
marcin-piela.github.io marcin-piela.github.io
Do we need such a big abstraction for this? Many would just use
directly. Why not just usefetch
directly? In Svelte, for example, you would probably never see something like this ... right?
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
but the design pattern is so simple that it takes hardly any effort to implement it on any existing reducer, so I rejected abstraction for abstraction's sake.
github.com github.com
Transparent debugging: a <div> is just a div.
- Jun 2020
notes.peter-baumgartner.net notes.peter-baumgartner.net
The vision is to provide ‘a conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site’.
- May 2020
docs.gimp.org docs.gimp.org
Layers If a simple image can be compared to a single sheet of paper, an image with layers is likened to a sheaf of transparent papers stacked one on top of the other. You can draw on each paper, but still see the content of the other sheets through the transparent areas. You can also move one sheet in relation to the others. Sophisticated GIMP users often deal with images containing many layers, even dozens of them. Layers need not be opaque, and they need not cover the entire extent of an image, so when you look at an image's display, you may see more than just the top layer: you may see elements of many layers.
- Jul 2019
- May 2019
geoservice.dlr.de geoservice.dlr.de
geoservice.dlr.de geoservice.dlr.de
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
there the advocate cannot prejudge the case lest he threaten both jus-tice and his own livelihood.
There is danger afoot.
I remember when I used to think that achieving equality under the law was like playing Jenga. Legal precedents were things that were stacked--one on top of another--like a tower of Jenga blocks, intricately connected. To fight for equality was to strategically go after specific precedents (blocks) that would eventually cause the tower to fall and allow for new, pro-equality precedents to be made (stacked), creating a new tower. But then I realized that Jenga can't be played if the initial blocks aren't placed on top of something else -- a particular surface/foundation -- and the same goes for legal precedents. There's always something lurking below (or beyond). We are still prejudging when it comes to the law -- but not in a way that works with or for everyone.
- Aug 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Bearing in mind the conceptual difficulties and limitations of the level approach, we can see that an understanding through levels achieves a number of things. It emphasises the complexity of time and imposes order on the multiple expressions. It prevents us from focusing on one or two aspects of time at the expense of others. In addition to the more obviously social components, it establishes the centrality of the physical, living, technological, and artefactual aspects of social time. It stresses and affirms connections and relationships. It brings to the surface both the continuities and the irreducible aspects of social time. It helps us to avoid confusing the time aspects of our social life with those of nature
Despite the limitations, Adam largely supports Mead's approach since it "emphasizes the complexity of time and imposes order on the multiple expressions" over other frameworks centered on time as a series of stages or experienced as dualities.
To Mead the past is irrevocable to the extent that events cannot be undone, thoughts not unthought, and knowledge not unknown. In this irrever-sible form, he contends, the past is unknowable since the intervening knowledge continuously changes the meaning of that past and relentlessly recreates and reformulates it into a new and different past. He argues this on the basis of the proposition that only emergence in the present has reality status. He does not accord the past and future such a status because they are real only with respect to their relation to the present. In Mead's thought the past changes with respect to our experiencing it in the present and the meaning we give to it. In contradistinction to the past, he conceptualises the reality of the present as changing with each emergence.
Adam describes Mead's conceptualization of past/present/future as fluid levels. Present experience constantly changes our understanding, meaning, and knowledge about the past and future.
Adam notes, however, that there are limits to Mead's concept of levels, as they tend to be organized as nested hierarchies. The emergence of a new reality (present) changes not only past and future, but pushes the present into a constant state of flux and change, which further alters the past and future.
It's a fun house mirror of theoretical madness.
Not the number of levels or their content are at issue here since these might be varied according to the degree of the analysis' generality but their static developmental stages where the level 'below' is denied aspects that characterise the level 'above'. In other words, whilst theories of time levels are theoretically of interest and echoed in many subsequent social science conceptualisations -including those of Sorokin ( 1964) and Elias (1982a, b, 1984), for example -they deny to non-human nature what we have found to be central: the importance of past, present, and future extension; of history, creativity, temporality, time experience, and time norms. If time differ-ences are conceptualised with reference to stable, integrative levels then this prevents any understanding in terms of resonance and feedback loops. With discrete, unidirectional levels, consciousness cannot be shown to resonate throughout all of nature; and what we think of as 'human time' stays falsely imprisoned at that level.
Adam contends that if time layers are viewed as bounded levels then "this prevents any understanding in terms of resonance and feedback loops."
She also talks about "discrete, unidirectional levels." This congers up thoughts about Bluedorn's writing about "time's directional arrow." Is this the same thing?
Despite these important advantages, however, there are difficulties associated with the conceptualisation of social time in terms of levels. These relate to our tendency to reify the levels, to conceptualise them hierarchically, and to postulate clear cut-off points between them. The three, as we shall see, are closely interconnected.
The idea of layers of time is problematic because people tend to want to transform abstract ideas into concrete examples (reify), assign rank order (hierarchy), and contain the layers (cut-off points).
A conceptualisation in terms of levels seems therefore well suited to explain and theorise the multitude of times entailed in contemporary life. To think of these times as expressions of different levels of our being avoids the need to discuss one aspect at the expense of all others. It means that we do not need to chose on an either/ or basis. It encourages us to see connections and not to lose sight of the multiplicity while we concentrate on any one of those multiple expressions.
Time is expressed in a variety of ways and conceptualizing them as levels allows people to imagine them holistically and as interconnected even while focusing on one aspect/layer.
However, this idea is contested further in the passage.
Does Adam's sense of time follow/counter Lindley's view of entangled time?
- Nov 2017
english121.commons.gc.cuny.edu english121.commons.gc.cuny.edu
This semester I am also interested in public writing. Of course, all writing in some way is public. If there’s an audience of one (your instructor), you’re writing for an audience. What happens though when your audience is larger and perhaps more anonymous? I will ask that much of your written responses be made public. This can mean tweeting your response to an article, posting a book review on a website like Amazon.com, but it will more generally mean posting on our course blog. We will talk about the layers of self-consciousness and critical engagement that come from writing in a public digital space like an online forum throughout the semester.
Public writing is also starting to mean using applications like rap genius and hypothesis. There's an interesting "layering" that happens to public writing. I write something, you'll comment, I comment on your comments, and all of a sudden we have a six-layer document.
- Apr 2017
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
University of Oklahoma
Sarah and David Wrobel's project here is so cool: they leveraged the Hypothes.is tag feature to have students explore the "layers" of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. While the idea of such layers could perhaps be said about any literary text, for Steinbeck there was something explicit about the layers of that particular novel. As he wrote to his editor at the time:
"The Grapes of Wrath" was published, Steinbeck wrote: "There are five layers in this book, a reader will find as many as he can and he won't find more than he has in himself."
- Oct 2016
neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com
In this way a perceptron in the second layer can make a decision at a more complex and more abstract level than perceptrons in the first layer
University Professor claims that there are published academic papers which disprove that this is always true. Not always the layers are more abstract. Sometimes it might be vice versa. Sorry no link is provided.
- Dec 2015
on top of the Web
Funny how this layering stacks up. What’s “under” the Web is probably the backend. But there’s depth in annotation and the structure created is more complex than a simple superposition.